Radio4 today
As ever disproportionately RED and non-white
3:30pm Drama : Dracula story set in India only 2 white characters and lots of Indians
5:30pm Labour’s Lisa Nandy had a cosy chat with Nick Robinson
6:15pm Loose Ends : Miquita Oliver sounded endlessly racebaity
Going on about her BBC 2 series that she did with her mother the TV chef Andi Oliver
“oh we went to the Carribbean but we didn’t really discover our African roots”
.. I’d never heard of her but seems she’s been doing pop programmes for 20 years and always looked white, well her father is white.
I was expecting she’d got into TV via her Mum but she’s been in TV since 16 and her career had crashed before her Mum got into TV
(She went to Holland Park School in Kensington, as did a whole heap of celebrities :Tony Robinson, Omid Djalili, Brinsley Forde and Nadhim Zahawi MP and more)
Next week’s racebaity guest is Dreda Say Mitchell MBE
Then they went into PROFILE at 7:15pm
with Ken Lefty Loach ..lots of pro Labour and anti-Tory comments.
8pm Then into a whole hour about Sociology presented by black sociologist Lynsey Hanley
Lots of “as a black person growing up in Birmingham”, “As a black person growing up in Manchester” etc.
Reverential tone for mentions of Labour
and the Boo cards help up if Tory governments were mentioned
R4s lefty sociologist Laurie Taylor was on at the beginning too
The reason why should keep swearing here to a minimum is that libmob use any excuse to ban forums like this that challenge them.
Are we still banned on Virgin Media ?
Yet Margoyles is allowed to swear on BBC R4 at breakfast
They could have policed her , but they actually desire such “TV gold” moments.
I note that the death of Robbie Coltrane is spanning multiple articles over several days at the BBC. Usually pale-and-stakes get less coverage than some Bollywood actor nobody except people from India have ever heard of.
So I checked with google and sure enough I found:
‘… and fostered his love of left-wing causes, earning the nickname Red Robbie.’
Same old BBC. Right to the end.
Still – I enjoyed many of the things he was in and he will be sadly missed. Another one of the old guard gone.
So we have gone from Boris being elected on the Brexit ticket by a landslide to a Remainer PM who is not up to the job and Remainer Hunt who was roundly defeated by Boris is Chancellor.
All without any consultation or input from the people. And in no small part due to the abuse of power by the BBC to hound people they don’t like out of office.
Is this is what the BBC and the other remainers call ‘democracy’ ?.
Just imagine the outrage these monumental hypocrites could be pretending if this coup (and it is a coup) happened against their agenda.
But the worst of all is how the MSM and OFCOM have remained silent because they are now infested with Lefties who agree with it.
Seeing that picture of slimeball Hunt on the BBC front page and the suddenly favourable tone in the article is a clear sign that we no longer live in democracy. They will keep pushing it a bit more and a bit more until something finally breaks. Like the Left always do.
It is indeed a Remainer coup. The elite have imposed their will and expect to be obeyed. I hope the Brexiteers can rally once more and that they have learned a huge political lesson. That it is the battle is never over when you think it is, only when the enemy think it is. Perhaps Farage will finally learn this important
lesson next time.
I always suspected we were descending back into medieval times with the regular left wing witch hunts and religious orthodoxy of left is good, Tories are heretics to be publicly shamed and abused.
Windmills are back, no cars allowed, plastic banned, and a return to everything made of wood and wool.
Heated homes and travel is fast approaching as only for the elite.
It was brought into painful perspective looking at something called “strictly” in the paper the other day.
They have brought back dancing dwarfs as public entertainment alongside big fat lesbians wobbling around a ballroom for amusement and a song contest recently had a bearded lady.
You don’t mention mass immigration, the most serious and irreversible item on our long list of woes.
Even if there was total victory over the blob , even if all our institutions were won back from the leftists/ globalists , even if young people ditched Wokism and all its works, we would still have 20% of our population whose values, beliefs, culture aren’t ours.
Worse they breed at about double or even treble the rate of the indigenous population. So within a couple of generations white Brits will be a dwindling minority. In short we are toast, to put it politely.
The BBC long march through the institutions takes another step, thus time into the arts with crowing about smashing up a picture by a Hitler live on screen.
A risky move considering the BBC Eric Gill connections.
Hitler breaks the ice and then it’s on to every artist with anything but left-wing leaning.
All making it more difficult to condemn the idiots throwing paint in the National Gallery etc,
My favourite has to be the French police dealing with them, no need for four plod they handcuff behind the back then loop their own arms through so their captive is face down and off they go over the street furniture. Glued hands on road no problem, grasp wrists and pull then follow the above instructions. It was a delight to watch the video.
Talking about our useless government.
Are the new constituency boundary revisions been completed yet?
It’s only taken them about 10 years.
Labour has had an inbuilt majority over the Tories of around 20 -30 seats for equal popular votes for decades.
And on the current mode of self-destruction, theTories will need all the help they can get.
I wonder if the BBC will field their own candidates?
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
If the bbc could arrange it, voting in person > postal voting > bbc editor restricted Twitter bubble voting > Miriam God Empress Dominion In Perpetuity.
They had to change their wording – but by then everyone had seen it so job done.
I commented on the same article when it came out. It also contained another whopping lie by omission:
‘Palestinians also expressed revulsion at the beheading.’
What they are hiding here is that they specifically did NOT express revulsion of the fact he was killed because he was gay.
This is the truth of it:
‘Palestinian social media was gripped by the grisly killing, but silent on the question of Abu Murkhiyeh’s sexuality. Homosexuality remains deeply taboo in the Palestinian territories’
Deliberately hiding the Muslim attitude to gays like this and trying to infere they were revolted by the murder in any way because he was gay is an absolute lie. As the mobs waiting with rocks to stone the gay people ISIS threw off the roofs of high buildings confirmed.
The point is that these ‘errors’ are ALWAYS in favour of their far-left agenda and so are most definitely deliberate.
The BBC are the worst kind of liars. Deceitful and dirty.
Hardly a climb down by the BBC
They didn’t remove the Israeli reference
but rather stealth edited
keeping “‘Homosexuality is rejected within the most socially and religiously conservative parts of both Palestinian and Israeli societies”
but adding “but gay people in Israel can freely lead their lives.'”
That is is false equivalence cos it equates the 98% tolerant Israeli governed areas with the way Palestinian governed areas which are say 20% tolerant.
However it is always possible that since he was living in Israel some Israeli nutter killed him and moved his body to Hebron
but that’s unlikely cos it would mean smuggling it past police checkpoints.
So you can see they are driven by ngo called “Stamp It Out”
The image is a bit clumsy cos it is not a hate crime when some man decides he’s a woman, to call him by his mail name.
However if that was say in his workplace and you did it multiple times, that would be harassment..and the court might consider you were doing in based on hate.
Court ? More like the “lady” would say , ‘call me a man again and I’ll effing you mate’
Interesting and constitutionally worrying situation where the Home Secretary has no control about the political outlook / beliefs of plod .
But the best thing ? Cut their pay – cut their resources – amalgamate the constabularies – they are only accountable to themselves .
But even with an 80 majority they will never touch them . What a waste and lie to the public who thought they’d elected a conservative – border controlling – fiscally responsible government – but instead got a labour rabble
After a few months of freedom to go to work, go on holiday occasionally and being gifted a little liberty to make some of our own choices in life… it seems the nation is secretly yearning for something akin to another Lockdown to solve all our problems for us.
Hunt delays 1p tax cut as Bank backs chancellor (Sunday Telegraph)
A million workers set to strike (Sunday People)
Oh for a society where you know who’s boss and you do as he says and don’t have to think about difficult stuff: China congress: Xi Jinping defends zero-Covid as party meeting opens… delegates are likely to hand Mr Xi a third term as party chief (BBC)
Our own socialists don’t seem to have the answers. On the one hand they acknowledge government finances are so streched that the cupboard is bare and we can’t have a single penny off tax, but on the other hand: Union boss backs huge joint walkout for better pay (Sunday People) – this is the Left’s so-called: Action woman: Unite leader Sharon Graham – and we know it will be those workers directly or indirectly on the government payroll who will be keenest to answer the call.
Union fury at threat of new austerity era… Health chiefs, public sector unions and teaching leaders expressed horror yesterday after the new chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, appeared to usher in a new era of austerity… (Observer) – The Horror!
“The horror, the horror.” so said Marlon Brando as Colonel Kurtz’s final words in the movie Apocalypse Now
He had also previously uttered the classic revelatory line: “And then I realised like I was shot, like I was shot with a diamond. A diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought of the genius of that, the genius of that, the genius.”
Put us all back on furlough… that way the public sector can have their full pay from their civil service, NHS or town hall employment and if they want to earn a bit more they can take a part time job. Afterall, all our politicians – left and right – agreed the nation could well afford furlough on the never-never seemingly for as long as it took – to do whatever it was supposed to be we were doing to defeat whatever that sickness was supposed to be. No cost-benefit analysis required – no need to ask the OBR – BofE completely compliant. Simpler times indeed.
Ebola in Uganda: Three-week lockdown announced for two districts (BBC) – coming to London within the week… you know it makes sense.
BioNTech: Could Covid vaccine technology crack cancer? (BBC) – just asking?
Whereas the Sunday Express is proud to be: “United with the people of Ukraine” on its masthead and the Daily Star has brandished the strapline “Proud to love animals” the Sunday People boasts: “Proud to be independent”
Interestingly, all the blokes pictured on the People’s frontpage are playing sports: Rugby World Cup: England off to a flyer; Jose’s a special no1 Keeper Sa has hairline fracture… this is Wolverhapton Wanderers goalie, the injured and properly inflected Portugese José Sá
The four women pictured however, are (or have been) – in one way or another – running the country. There’s the old Queen: Photographing the Queen was an incredible experience; our aforementioned action woman, perhaps dreaming of one day swapping that old notion of beer and sandwiches at Number 10 with Sir Keir for a glass of Prosecco and Frittatas…?
The present incumbent (watch this space): Below, PM Liz Truss… But worker we all want out STILL somehow in No10 – keep up that independence won’t you, Sunday People
And making up the fulsome female foursome: Mel C… I’d be glad to be gay.. but I’m not – proving their near universal appeal and moreover Mr AsISeeIt’s take on the Spice Girls – one moment back there in the 90s we’d never even heard of them, then next minute everyone had their favourite.
“Jeremy Hunt to join Liz Truss at Chequers for talks on economic plans”
Who or what Tories voted for “Chinese” Hunt ?
Truss is now Prime Minister in name only.
The ‘Tory’ Government has become a busted flush .
Next time, vote for The Reform Party. You know it makes sense.
I loaned Boris my vote at the last general election, mainly to “get Brexit done” and of course to “stop Corbyn”.
But things have changed drastically…They have been a monumental disappointment.
Apart from the absurd religious zeal with which they’re still adhering to suicidal green policies, there was the pandemic which led to the utter lunacy of the lockdown. Never in this nation’s history has this been done to our people.
I’ve lost count how many times I contacted my “Conservative” MP, Crispin Blunt, re this issue. Blimey, we almost became penfriends… Now, did I really expect him to suddenly say, “You’re right Jeff, small businesses are going to the wall” or “this is an unprecedented infringement on our liberties as freeborn Englishmen, I’ll rebel”? No, of course I didn’t…and he didn’t…
However, he was stirred into action when a fellow MP…a Muslim…was tried and convicted in a court of law of molesting an underage schoolboy. Suddenly our Crispin was up in arms. This was “an outrage”. “A miscarriage of justice.” And my personal favourite, “What would the Muslim population think of this?”
To be quite candid, Crispin, if I can slightly mis-quote from the great fictional character, Rhett Butler, “I don’t give a xxxxing damn”…what the Muslim population think about this. Tough sh1t!
But I think it is telling that the only time this bloke has broken cover is to jump to the defence of a convicted paedo.
The ‘Grand Plan’ goes much, much higher than this bunch of tory wasters. Think Davos &WEF. Most of the West are adhering to a Plan the ordinary people are unfamiliar with But it is noticeable how features of the Plan show up in most every Western country………
I’m guessing crispin has been an MP for a long time – with a big majority – so why give a damn about you ? Or any constituent . ?
Crispin was on with Brillo . He didn’t mention his constituency – and at the end – he ll keep his snout in the trough – get his peerage
Hey – and guess what – ‘Emily …’ is Crispin’s niece – which is nice
Wiki describes him as a godless queer drug taker – which sums up the current blue Labour Party …an MP since 1997…..
The US election is confusing to say the least. The consensus from the highly politicised MSM is that it’s all going to be very close and that the Democrats have staged a strong comeback over recent months. In the early summer it looked like an enormous red wave would be breaking in November but according to the polls this wave may be reduced to a mere ripple.
But I suspect that if the dems are going for a sophisticated fix then they need the polls to at least make such a fix plausible, ie at least a close race . So The upswing in the Democrats numbers is just part of the fix.
Viewing the mid terms and the 2024 Presidential election from the globalists / WEF perspective , losing control of the USA to a Trumpian Republican Party would be a disaster or their one world agenda. It’s no wonder that the globalist world rallied round the numerous attempts to remove or at least hobble Trump last time round. A wiser Trump ( or DeSantis) with many fewer RINOs in Congress this time would wreck the WEF agenda from end to end .
9am “Welcome to BBC newNarratives
There’s speculation that the chancellor might delay the 1p cut in income tax
(speculation is NOT news)
A man at the Telegraph says such a move would raise *serious doubts about Truss’s position*”
.. oh that is why you are running speculation so you can quote your cherry pick doom about the Tories.
“Coming up on Politics North” .. FFS that’s not news either that’s you promoting your own BBC tv show
“Now Mason Green news”
“New stats on road accidents”
10am Radio Lincolnshire stunts “There is speculation there could be *further U-turns* ”
“now female boxing” .. no local connection
just BBC staff ticking boxes.
I was under the impression that in all main parties there is a myth that leaders make the policies, when in fact astute backroom teams do that,
.. especially for the Tories
And that is why under Cameron the Tories became an election winning machine.
I thought that what happened with Boris, he as a person doesn’t care about greendreams and hard lockdown policies, yet speeches were stuck in front of him to read
As if the machine has decided that GreenDreams and hard lockdown and slow slow Brexit are the way. Boris was just a front PR man. He isn’t stupid. he seems very skillful on his feet in Prime minister’s questions.
Now we asked to believe that Liz Truss and Kwasi sat down with a piece of paper and came up with the budget. I don’t believe that.
She didn’t have much choice about subsidising energy bills..that must have been in the pipeline for ages.
All energy poor governments have done similar schemes. The French government got its own state own energy corp to limit prices, at the same time it’s forced to pay top prices for the energy it buys
.. so is building up massive debt.
If energy imports are expensive there is not much a governments can do to get money back off the sellers like Saudis, Russia and Norwegians who benefit from the high prices. universal windfall taxes are a pipedream.
The government should have never restricted energy production in the first place.
Then the “astute backroom teams” must be the same people to blame for the mess we are in, ie No security of energy supply , No control of our borders and the woke agenda that is driving through our police, education and armed forces. Could the MPs of both parties have been too familiar with the civil servants over the years?
A new party in charge would sort out the Civil Servants ( “astute backroom teams”). That’s the same people that are “nudging” us back into the EU that we voted for to leave in 2016.
The only way out is The Reform Party .
Taffman I didn’t say the backroom boys were working for the good of the UK or the good of the Tories
I thought all the parties backroom boys had been hijacked by the WEF lot
so push the mad policies of greendream and open borders and wokism etc.
ie the the WEF wokist jihadists have been running UK establishments for 10 years now
They are not working for the good of the UK.
Get rid of the backroom boys .
We need a new political party . One such is The Reform Party.
I’m looking to vote for a party that believes in
a smaller state
lower taxes on businesses
secure borders
less government intervention
that inspire aspiration and self reliance
it used to be the conservatives, who have I got left to vote for now?
Singapore is almost communist
One political party and the unions have run the country since independence.
A lot of private companies turn out to actually be the government.
They did used to have an opposition party
no metro stations were ever built in the constituencies.
The economy works on importing cheap foreign workers, who are exploited.
Singapore and Taiwan bought lots of businesses in China
I don’t know what the ultimate ownership is.
Internet forums were censored, people who spoke up against the government things would happen to them.
Generally people keep their heads down
You would not believe the price of a normal family car
probably $200,000 now
Taiwan is better but split between ethnic Chinese and ethnic Polynesian tribal people.
Last visit some 10 years ago – but in and out Malaysia+Indonesia for 30 years – I recall one (English expat) acquaintance had a spat with a business contact who dobbed her in as a subversive – she was hauled in for interview – it was quickly sorted.
Quite possible to live there unaware of the undertow I suspect – but locals, in my limited experience weren’t keen to talk local politics outside one on one.
Yes, it’s the only option now. Fear of letting labour in through the back door is irrelevant, because they walked in through the front door disguised as conservative MP’s.
“Manston migrant centre conditions appalling and inhumane, charity warns”
How long before the troops are called in to aid Border Farce and the police to quell riots in the hotels and migrant centres ?
As usual, the government will probably be acting too late.
Hundreds of people in African town confess to eating human flesh
Matilda Long
Matilda Long·Data and Politics News Editor, Yahoo News UK
August 22, 2017
The old cartoon gag with two bespectacled pith helmet wearing chaps in a cooking pot having a chat about what a rum business it all is – had a grain of truth in it…
The accounts of the Brit expedition to Benin in 1896 / 1897 make for some grim reading.
Unhappy migrants ? TOUGH. The S.E coastline has been plagued with migrants for decades. All the seaside resorts of yesteryear were turned into benefit claimant haunts along with the arrival of Eastern Europeans. The ‘posh’ end of Margate – Cliftonville where an abundance of Edwardian B & Bs made a good living during the boom years of family holidays, is almost a no go area, with Romanians Albanians, you name them, taking over the area.
Its actually sickening to see the decline of our towns and seaside resorts decaying rapidly.
How depressing – I though one of the ‘easy wins ‘ for the blue Labour Party would be to knock £10 000 000 000 off the overseas tax give away schemes …. Particularly since ‘overseas ‘ is washing up like sewage on the south coast every day.
But listening to world at one – they had that Andy ( plebgate Mitchell on . I didn’t realise he is a good pal of the traitor chancellor and was his campaign manager for the job Truss got – but which he now has in everything but title ….
Not BBC but ITV3, my wife watches it a lot, Poirot and all that, what I find appalling is the adverts are almost all charities begging for subscriptions, they know a lot of old people watch these progs and some are easily tricked into parting with their money.
Amazing they are getting away with it.
Can anyone remember at any time in the last, say, 10 years, of a major news feature on the BBC with interviews, experts, and vox pop, celebrating the all time lowest mortgage rates on record?
Nope, me neither. Good news about the Tories is always subject to ‘cancellation’ by the BBC.
Whereas if those rates go up…..well that’s a different matter. I heard a sob story the other day on the BBC about someone no longer being able to afford to get a mortgage to buy……..a 4 bedroomed house. Pass the charity bucket around.
So who the hell are buying all the houses on the new estates that are springing up in every town and village then ? There’s apparently no money, but no sooner has a house been completed than there’s a car outside and a potted plant in the window !!!
Brissles my dear old thing, the-cost-of-living-crisis is something of a media confection, created to help discredit Boris Johnson when PM. Boris was/is quite capable of discrediting himself. Now they want to hound Liz Truss out of No.10 which is quite laughable when you remember all the media grumblesin August 2022!
Up2 – gotta disagree – inject huge amounts of made up money into the economy – inflation – add a war and huge increases in the price of resources – more inflation – rates up – taxes up to pay the interest – spending on public services to be cut ( thank god ) add a couple of years – return to some form of control .
Cut taxes and maintain spending – and you have an ex PM like idiot truss.
Nut nut was partly responsible by too late / long lock downs and the great crap to prevent earlier extraction of hydrocarbons and storage –
( btw – re my previous comment – the day a government cuts overseas giveaways will be the day we have a conservative government )
… actually folks, why should she bother with the lefty media rabble. She owes them nothing. Correct decision; don’t give them air time. It was a polite f-off …
Roger Hallam
Co-founder of #ExtinctionRebellion A leader of #BurningPink Author of Common Sense for the 21st Century. Find the book here:
rogerhallam.comJoined August 2019
2,872 Following
I suddenly remembered that Andy Neil has a programme on C4 Sunday night . So I doubled the viewing figures and watched .
So dry . So swamp – George Osborne – Eddie testicles – some Tory called crispin – and that shagger health minister Who Has No Shame –
Relevant to a simple voter taxpayer like me ? No . – any indication what the market is going to do to the pound Monday ? No ….
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
This is awarded for having a major local role in any activity, including people whose work has made them known nationally in their chosen area.
I just watched a programme on SkySports. I think it
was called ” No room for Racism” It was a programme where
over 96 minutes we saw this message plastered over the screen
I reckon at least 100 times.
I think there was a football match being played at the same time.
But I must admit that before the programme and during the
half time interval. We didn’t see this message. We saw around 25 adverts in which at least 20 featured black advertising models .
Not bad for 3% of the population. BUT maybe these adverts
are a kind of inverted racism. I say NO to inverted racism!!!!
For those angry at the VanGogh @JustStop_Oil action, here’s real scientists and doctors protesting outside Shells offices. It will get no media coverage at all. This is how it’s almost always been for the last 35 years since NASA warned we were dangerously heating the planet
– Huge fire in Leeds ..actual news , but very few facts
– “You know black people are 20% more likely to get dementia”
Hang on I thought libmob told us there are no races.
Secondly it sounds like a PR phrase rather than truth.
Dementia is not an easy on/off thing, so a head count is meaningless
.You could get one group of 10 people where 5 have dementia, but all very mild
And another group where 3 people have it but severe
So the second group needs more attention.
Toolkit launched to support African Caribbean dementia sufferers – A multisensory dementia toolkit has been launched at SADACCA this week as part of Black History Month. –
“You know black people are 20% more likely to get dementia”
…. Abstract. In tandem with the ever-increasing aging population in low and middle-income countries, the burden of dementia is rising on the African continent. Dementia prevalence varies from 2.3% to 20.0% and incidence rates are 13.3 per 1000 person-years with increasing mortality in parts of rapidly transforming Africa.27 Sept 2021
Thought I’d watched BBC1 Countryfile to see if it has got any worse.
The EPG description said it was presented by Anita Rani – the one who keeps mentioning she is from Bradford.
I kid you not, in the first 15 seconds she mentioned she is from Bradford. I switched off after 20 seconds.
On the afternoon of January 14, 1988, 1,000 protesters gathered in Bradford, UK to burn a copy of Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses. The protest marked a dramatic escalation in the controversy surrounding the 1988 novel, which would eventually elicit a fatwa from Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentencing Rushdie to death.14 Jan 2014
That the BBC chose to put it on the front page of the web site and the very idea that Joe knows any more about economics than “10% for the big guy”
What a effin shitshow
– and the US mid-terms …. bad signs coming from Ukraine – according to The Duran – several unlikely governments are telling their citizens to get out of Ukraine ASAP
I have yet to come across a single site / channel that I trust wrt Ukraine and that they are refreshingly different from the idiotic slop that is dished out by the BBC / Sky and USA MSM.
All I know about The Duran is that YouTube haven’t booted them – if they were overt in pushing Kremlin agendas – they wouldn’t last long.
They seem at the moment to provide a regular irreverent synopsis of what seems to be going on.
“Piggate” refers to a claim that, during his university years, former British Prime Minister David Cameron inserted his penis and/or testicles into a dead pig’s mouth as part of an initiation ceremony for the Piers Gaveston Society at Oxford University.
Marianna Spring
Aug 9
📣 Delighted I’ve been promoted from reporter & I’m now the BBC’s first Disinformation and Social Media Correspondent!
I’ll keep investigating real-world consequences of online disinformation, trolling & all that’s bad on social media with new podcasts, TV & more coming soon.
📣 Delighted I’ve been promoted from reporter & I’m now the BBC’s first Disinformation and Social Media Correspondent!
I’ll keep investigating real-world consequences of online disinformation, trolling & all that’s bad on social media with new podcasts, TV & more coming soon.
And here we go again. Why the f*ck do the BBC think it is right for the UK license tax payers to fund an investigation by the BBC into Al Jazeera ?.
‘A BBC investigation – drawing on interviews with several current and former employees at Al Jazeera, and documentary evidence of inappropriate messages and staff complaints – has found several allegations of sexual harassment against Mr Santamaria in the broadcaster’s Doha newsroom. Some say he wasn’t the only one.’
Then we get his response:
‘Mr Santamaria did not respond directly to the BBC. But he issued a public statement where he acknowledged previously reported allegations, saying some are “true, some missing crucial context, some outright lies and a rewriting of history”.
He summed up BBC ‘investigations’ perfectly.
I wonder how the BBC justify this story to be the top headline news item in the world today. Who makes that decision ?.
What a shame nobody will fund an investigation into the clear left-wing bias and agenda-based activism at the BBC. Instead we have this ludicrous situation where they are allowed to investigate themselves.
If the new chancellor has learned his lesson and produces a budget the BBC approve of then he is safe. Otherwise they may run yet another campaign for days on end until the pressure makes him quit or get sacked.
Of course, being a C… , sorry Hunt and the kind of remainer the BBC want to fill senior government with, I suspect the whole thing will be quickly dropped whatever he does.
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Radio4 today
As ever disproportionately RED and non-white
3:30pm Drama : Dracula story set in India only 2 white characters and lots of Indians
5:30pm Labour’s Lisa Nandy had a cosy chat with Nick Robinson
6:15pm Loose Ends : Miquita Oliver sounded endlessly racebaity
Going on about her BBC 2 series that she did with her mother the TV chef Andi Oliver
“oh we went to the Carribbean but we didn’t really discover our African roots”
.. I’d never heard of her but seems she’s been doing pop programmes for 20 years and always looked white, well her father is white.
I was expecting she’d got into TV via her Mum but she’s been in TV since 16 and her career had crashed before her Mum got into TV
(She went to Holland Park School in Kensington, as did a whole heap of celebrities :Tony Robinson, Omid Djalili, Brinsley Forde and Nadhim Zahawi MP and more)
Next week’s racebaity guest is Dreda Say Mitchell MBE
Then they went into PROFILE at 7:15pm
with Ken Lefty Loach ..lots of pro Labour and anti-Tory comments.
8pm Then into a whole hour about Sociology presented by black sociologist Lynsey Hanley
Lots of “as a black person growing up in Birmingham”, “As a black person growing up in Manchester” etc.
Reverential tone for mentions of Labour
and the Boo cards help up if Tory governments were mentioned
R4s lefty sociologist Laurie Taylor was on at the beginning too
The reason why should keep swearing here to a minimum is that libmob use any excuse to ban forums like this that challenge them.
Are we still banned on Virgin Media ?
Yet Margoyles is allowed to swear on BBC R4 at breakfast
They could have policed her , but they actually desire such “TV gold” moments.
One rule for us, yet freedom for them
I note that the death of Robbie Coltrane is spanning multiple articles over several days at the BBC. Usually pale-and-stakes get less coverage than some Bollywood actor nobody except people from India have ever heard of.
So I checked with google and sure enough I found:
‘… and fostered his love of left-wing causes, earning the nickname Red Robbie.’
Same old BBC. Right to the end.
Still – I enjoyed many of the things he was in and he will be sadly missed. Another one of the old guard gone.
So we have gone from Boris being elected on the Brexit ticket by a landslide to a Remainer PM who is not up to the job and Remainer Hunt who was roundly defeated by Boris is Chancellor.
All without any consultation or input from the people. And in no small part due to the abuse of power by the BBC to hound people they don’t like out of office.
Is this is what the BBC and the other remainers call ‘democracy’ ?.
Just imagine the outrage these monumental hypocrites could be pretending if this coup (and it is a coup) happened against their agenda.
But the worst of all is how the MSM and OFCOM have remained silent because they are now infested with Lefties who agree with it.
Seeing that picture of slimeball Hunt on the BBC front page and the suddenly favourable tone in the article is a clear sign that we no longer live in democracy. They will keep pushing it a bit more and a bit more until something finally breaks. Like the Left always do.
Democracy! Schmockracy!
It is indeed a Remainer coup. The elite have imposed their will and expect to be obeyed. I hope the Brexiteers can rally once more and that they have learned a huge political lesson. That it is the battle is never over when you think it is, only when the enemy think it is. Perhaps Farage will finally learn this important
lesson next time.
I always suspected we were descending back into medieval times with the regular left wing witch hunts and religious orthodoxy of left is good, Tories are heretics to be publicly shamed and abused.
Windmills are back, no cars allowed, plastic banned, and a return to everything made of wood and wool.
Heated homes and travel is fast approaching as only for the elite.
It was brought into painful perspective looking at something called “strictly” in the paper the other day.
They have brought back dancing dwarfs as public entertainment alongside big fat lesbians wobbling around a ballroom for amusement and a song contest recently had a bearded lady.
Next some bear baiting ?
And we are all forced to pay through the nose for a religious war and crusade against a far eastern country.
Public shaming via social media and demands for public apologies as a modern equivalent of stocks and pillory.
We also have a return of the 19th century Luddites smashing technology and closing roads.
A return of the mob via social media and in real terms via our efnick muslims, black rioters and mob handed shop lifters.
The dagger and hooded clothing as must have accessories for peasants in London.
White powder instead of snuff for the middle class and elite.
You don’t mention mass immigration, the most serious and irreversible item on our long list of woes.
Even if there was total victory over the blob , even if all our institutions were won back from the leftists/ globalists , even if young people ditched Wokism and all its works, we would still have 20% of our population whose values, beliefs, culture aren’t ours.
Worse they breed at about double or even treble the rate of the indigenous population. So within a couple of generations white Brits will be a dwindling minority. In short we are toast, to put it politely.
The BBC long march through the institutions takes another step, thus time into the arts with crowing about smashing up a picture by a Hitler live on screen.
A risky move considering the BBC Eric Gill connections.
Hitler breaks the ice and then it’s on to every artist with anything but left-wing leaning.
All making it more difficult to condemn the idiots throwing paint in the National Gallery etc,
Hard to tell still, but Stew… you may be right.
My favourite ?
Seeing a van driver giving one of the smug twats a good seeing to, of course, if he were white he would have been pilloried.
My favourite has to be the French police dealing with them, no need for four plod they handcuff behind the back then loop their own arms through so their captive is face down and off they go over the street furniture. Glued hands on road no problem, grasp wrists and pull then follow the above instructions. It was a delight to watch the video.
Talking about our useless government.
Are the new constituency boundary revisions been completed yet?
It’s only taken them about 10 years.
Labour has had an inbuilt majority over the Tories of around 20 -30 seats for equal popular votes for decades.
And on the current mode of self-destruction, theTories will need all the help they can get.
I wonder if the BBC will field their own candidates?
Have to give Fick Ange credit for going there….
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
If the bbc could arrange it, voting in person > postal voting > bbc editor restricted Twitter bubble voting > Miriam God Empress Dominion In Perpetuity.
The BBC in all its full weasel glory.
ECU, OFCOM and dcms are jokes. As is one of the rotating culture ministerial seat warmers and PMs that appoint them.
They had to change their wording – but by then everyone had seen it so job done.
I commented on the same article when it came out. It also contained another whopping lie by omission:
‘Palestinians also expressed revulsion at the beheading.’
What they are hiding here is that they specifically did NOT express revulsion of the fact he was killed because he was gay.
This is the truth of it:
‘Palestinian social media was gripped by the grisly killing, but silent on the question of Abu Murkhiyeh’s sexuality. Homosexuality remains deeply taboo in the Palestinian territories’
Deliberately hiding the Muslim attitude to gays like this and trying to infere they were revolted by the murder in any way because he was gay is an absolute lie. As the mobs waiting with rocks to stone the gay people ISIS threw off the roofs of high buildings confirmed.
The point is that these ‘errors’ are ALWAYS in favour of their far-left agenda and so are most definitely deliberate.
The BBC are the worst kind of liars. Deceitful and dirty.
Hardly a climb down by the BBC
They didn’t remove the Israeli reference
but rather stealth edited
keeping “‘Homosexuality is rejected within the most socially and religiously conservative parts of both Palestinian and Israeli societies”
but adding “but gay people in Israel can freely lead their lives.'”
That is is false equivalence cos it equates the 98% tolerant Israeli governed areas with the way Palestinian governed areas which are say 20% tolerant.
However it is always possible that since he was living in Israel some Israeli nutter killed him and moved his body to Hebron
but that’s unlikely cos it would mean smuggling it past police checkpoints.
Though chopping his head off is a bit of a giveaway.
Getty does not just work BBC magic.
One might think, by now, the subs and photo eds and social media juveniles are given a small course on not looking idiotic.
Context : Leicestershire Police Stay Safe @LPStaySafe
tweeted Oct 10
You can report #HateCrime via Stamp It Out 📱 💻
So you can see they are driven by ngo called “Stamp It Out”
The image is a bit clumsy cos it is not a hate crime when some man decides he’s a woman, to call him by his mail name.
However if that was say in his workplace and you did it multiple times, that would be harassment..and the court might consider you were doing in based on hate.
Court ? More like the “lady” would say , ‘call me a man again and I’ll effing you mate’
at 1pm Suella quote tweeted that Leicestershire Police tweet
.. Leicestershire Police then deleted their tweet
Interesting and constitutionally worrying situation where the Home Secretary has no control about the political outlook / beliefs of plod .
But the best thing ? Cut their pay – cut their resources – amalgamate the constabularies – they are only accountable to themselves .
But even with an 80 majority they will never touch them . What a waste and lie to the public who thought they’d elected a conservative – border controlling – fiscally responsible government – but instead got a labour rabble
After a few months of freedom to go to work, go on holiday occasionally and being gifted a little liberty to make some of our own choices in life… it seems the nation is secretly yearning for something akin to another Lockdown to solve all our problems for us.
Hunt delays 1p tax cut as Bank backs chancellor (Sunday Telegraph)
A million workers set to strike (Sunday People)
Oh for a society where you know who’s boss and you do as he says and don’t have to think about difficult stuff: China congress: Xi Jinping defends zero-Covid as party meeting opens… delegates are likely to hand Mr Xi a third term as party chief (BBC)
Our own socialists don’t seem to have the answers. On the one hand they acknowledge government finances are so streched that the cupboard is bare and we can’t have a single penny off tax, but on the other hand: Union boss backs huge joint walkout for better pay (Sunday People) – this is the Left’s so-called: Action woman: Unite leader Sharon Graham – and we know it will be those workers directly or indirectly on the government payroll who will be keenest to answer the call.
Union fury at threat of new austerity era… Health chiefs, public sector unions and teaching leaders expressed horror yesterday after the new chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, appeared to usher in a new era of austerity… (Observer) – The Horror!
“The horror, the horror.” so said Marlon Brando as Colonel Kurtz’s final words in the movie Apocalypse Now
He had also previously uttered the classic revelatory line: “And then I realised like I was shot, like I was shot with a diamond. A diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought of the genius of that, the genius of that, the genius.”
Put us all back on furlough… that way the public sector can have their full pay from their civil service, NHS or town hall employment and if they want to earn a bit more they can take a part time job. Afterall, all our politicians – left and right – agreed the nation could well afford furlough on the never-never seemingly for as long as it took – to do whatever it was supposed to be we were doing to defeat whatever that sickness was supposed to be. No cost-benefit analysis required – no need to ask the OBR – BofE completely compliant. Simpler times indeed.
Ebola in Uganda: Three-week lockdown announced for two districts (BBC) – coming to London within the week… you know it makes sense.
BioNTech: Could Covid vaccine technology crack cancer? (BBC) – just asking?
Whereas the Sunday Express is proud to be: “United with the people of Ukraine” on its masthead and the Daily Star has brandished the strapline “Proud to love animals” the Sunday People boasts: “Proud to be independent”
Interestingly, all the blokes pictured on the People’s frontpage are playing sports: Rugby World Cup: England off to a flyer; Jose’s a special no1 Keeper Sa has hairline fracture… this is Wolverhapton Wanderers goalie, the injured and properly inflected Portugese José Sá
The four women pictured however, are (or have been) – in one way or another – running the country. There’s the old Queen: Photographing the Queen was an incredible experience; our aforementioned action woman, perhaps dreaming of one day swapping that old notion of beer and sandwiches at Number 10 with Sir Keir for a glass of Prosecco and Frittatas…?
The present incumbent (watch this space): Below, PM Liz Truss… But worker we all want out STILL somehow in No10 – keep up that independence won’t you, Sunday People
And making up the fulsome female foursome: Mel C… I’d be glad to be gay.. but I’m not – proving their near universal appeal and moreover Mr AsISeeIt’s take on the Spice Girls – one moment back there in the 90s we’d never even heard of them, then next minute everyone had their favourite.
“Jeremy Hunt to join Liz Truss at Chequers for talks on economic plans”
Who or what Tories voted for “Chinese” Hunt ?
Truss is now Prime Minister in name only.
The ‘Tory’ Government has become a busted flush .
Next time, vote for The Reform Party. You know it makes sense.
I loaned Boris my vote at the last general election, mainly to “get Brexit done” and of course to “stop Corbyn”.
But things have changed drastically…They have been a monumental disappointment.
Apart from the absurd religious zeal with which they’re still adhering to suicidal green policies, there was the pandemic which led to the utter lunacy of the lockdown. Never in this nation’s history has this been done to our people.
I’ve lost count how many times I contacted my “Conservative” MP, Crispin Blunt, re this issue. Blimey, we almost became penfriends… Now, did I really expect him to suddenly say, “You’re right Jeff, small businesses are going to the wall” or “this is an unprecedented infringement on our liberties as freeborn Englishmen, I’ll rebel”? No, of course I didn’t…and he didn’t…
However, he was stirred into action when a fellow MP…a Muslim…was tried and convicted in a court of law of molesting an underage schoolboy. Suddenly our Crispin was up in arms. This was “an outrage”. “A miscarriage of justice.” And my personal favourite, “What would the Muslim population think of this?”
To be quite candid, Crispin, if I can slightly mis-quote from the great fictional character, Rhett Butler, “I don’t give a xxxxing damn”…what the Muslim population think about this. Tough sh1t!
But I think it is telling that the only time this bloke has broken cover is to jump to the defence of a convicted paedo.
Not a good look…
The ‘Grand Plan’ goes much, much higher than this bunch of tory wasters. Think Davos &WEF. Most of the West are adhering to a Plan the ordinary people are unfamiliar with But it is noticeable how features of the Plan show up in most every Western country………
Crispin is a recent convert to gay sex, and is busy making up for lost time.
I’m guessing crispin has been an MP for a long time – with a big majority – so why give a damn about you ? Or any constituent . ?
Crispin was on with Brillo . He didn’t mention his constituency – and at the end – he ll keep his snout in the trough – get his peerage
Hey – and guess what – ‘Emily …’ is Crispin’s niece – which is nice
Wiki describes him as a godless queer drug taker – which sums up the current blue Labour Party …an MP since 1997…..
The US election is confusing to say the least. The consensus from the highly politicised MSM is that it’s all going to be very close and that the Democrats have staged a strong comeback over recent months. In the early summer it looked like an enormous red wave would be breaking in November but according to the polls this wave may be reduced to a mere ripple.
But I suspect that if the dems are going for a sophisticated fix then they need the polls to at least make such a fix plausible, ie at least a close race . So The upswing in the Democrats numbers is just part of the fix.
Viewing the mid terms and the 2024 Presidential election from the globalists / WEF perspective , losing control of the USA to a Trumpian Republican Party would be a disaster or their one world agenda. It’s no wonder that the globalist world rallied round the numerous attempts to remove or at least hobble Trump last time round. A wiser Trump ( or DeSantis) with many fewer RINOs in Congress this time would wreck the WEF agenda from end to end .
Double – battle of the election fixes …
9am “Welcome to BBC newNarratives
There’s speculation that the chancellor might delay the 1p cut in income tax
(speculation is NOT news)
A man at the Telegraph says such a move would raise *serious doubts about Truss’s position*”
.. oh that is why you are running speculation so you can quote your cherry pick doom about the Tories.
“Coming up on Politics North” .. FFS that’s not news either that’s you promoting your own BBC tv show
“Now Mason Green news”
“New stats on road accidents”
10am Radio Lincolnshire stunts
“There is speculation there could be *further U-turns* ”
“now female boxing” .. no local connection
just BBC staff ticking boxes.
11am opening item
A leading MP Robert Halfon has poured scorn of Liz Truss
“libertarian jihadists” speaking to Laura Kuenessberg
So BBC have found the wettest Tory they can find aired him on their LK news show
so CONSTRUCTED this news item
Oh Halfon has been sent out to all the main media outlets with his anti-Tory speech
Is he a Remainer directed by WEF ?
Funny isn’t it – the 2 ‘go 2 s ‘ for the BBC are Gavin Barwell ( t May grass ) and Halfon – both of whom should be sitting next to Jeremy Corbyn ….
Totally reliable to stick the knife in and one of the many reasons conservative – small state – are looking for a new party ….
I was under the impression that in all main parties there is a myth that leaders make the policies, when in fact astute backroom teams do that,
.. especially for the Tories
And that is why under Cameron the Tories became an election winning machine.
I thought that what happened with Boris, he as a person doesn’t care about greendreams and hard lockdown policies, yet speeches were stuck in front of him to read
As if the machine has decided that GreenDreams and hard lockdown and slow slow Brexit are the way. Boris was just a front PR man. He isn’t stupid. he seems very skillful on his feet in Prime minister’s questions.
Now we asked to believe that Liz Truss and Kwasi sat down with a piece of paper and came up with the budget. I don’t believe that.
She didn’t have much choice about subsidising energy bills..that must have been in the pipeline for ages.
All energy poor governments have done similar schemes. The French government got its own state own energy corp to limit prices, at the same time it’s forced to pay top prices for the energy it buys
.. so is building up massive debt.
If energy imports are expensive there is not much a governments can do to get money back off the sellers like Saudis, Russia and Norwegians who benefit from the high prices. universal windfall taxes are a pipedream.
The government should have never restricted energy production in the first place.
Then the “astute backroom teams” must be the same people to blame for the mess we are in, ie No security of energy supply , No control of our borders and the woke agenda that is driving through our police, education and armed forces. Could the MPs of both parties have been too familiar with the civil servants over the years?
A new party in charge would sort out the Civil Servants ( “astute backroom teams”). That’s the same people that are “nudging” us back into the EU that we voted for to leave in 2016.
The only way out is The Reform Party .
Taffman I didn’t say the backroom boys were working for the good of the UK or the good of the Tories
I thought all the parties backroom boys had been hijacked by the WEF lot
so push the mad policies of greendream and open borders and wokism etc.
ie the the WEF wokist jihadists have been running UK establishments for 10 years now
They are not working for the good of the UK.
Get rid of the backroom boys .
We need a new political party . One such is The Reform Party.
I’m looking to vote for a party that believes in
a smaller state
lower taxes on businesses
secure borders
less government intervention
that inspire aspiration and self reliance
it used to be the conservatives, who have I got left to vote for now?
Explore Singapore.
Singapore – The offshore Tax Haven. That was promised after we left the EU.
Singapore is almost communist
One political party and the unions have run the country since independence.
A lot of private companies turn out to actually be the government.
They did used to have an opposition party
no metro stations were ever built in the constituencies.
The economy works on importing cheap foreign workers, who are exploited.
Singapore and Taiwan bought lots of businesses in China
I don’t know what the ultimate ownership is.
Internet forums were censored, people who spoke up against the government things would happen to them.
Generally people keep their heads down
You would not believe the price of a normal family car
probably $200,000 now
Taiwan is better but split between ethnic Chinese and ethnic Polynesian tribal people.
As I heard it – 1 in 40 of the population is a paid informant. The secret police are very active.
I have no doubt it has changed since I lived there but I bow to your superior knowledge. When did you live there?
Last visit some 10 years ago – but in and out Malaysia+Indonesia for 30 years – I recall one (English expat) acquaintance had a spat with a business contact who dobbed her in as a subversive – she was hauled in for interview – it was quickly sorted.
Quite possible to live there unaware of the undertow I suspect – but locals, in my limited experience weren’t keen to talk local politics outside one on one.
Northern Dreamer
The Reform Party , the former Brexit Party
Yes, it’s the only option now. Fear of letting labour in through the back door is irrelevant, because they walked in through the front door disguised as conservative MP’s.
Dreamer – dream on …
“Manston migrant centre conditions appalling and inhumane, charity warns”
How long before the troops are called in to aid Border Farce and the police to quell riots in the hotels and migrant centres ?
As usual, the government will probably be acting too late.
Black History Month?
Hundreds of people in African town confess to eating human flesh
Matilda Long
Matilda Long·Data and Politics News Editor, Yahoo News UK
August 22, 2017
The old cartoon gag with two bespectacled pith helmet wearing chaps in a cooking pot having a chat about what a rum business it all is – had a grain of truth in it…
The accounts of the Brit expedition to Benin in 1896 / 1897 make for some grim reading.
Take the roof off
Unhappy migrants ? TOUGH. The S.E coastline has been plagued with migrants for decades. All the seaside resorts of yesteryear were turned into benefit claimant haunts along with the arrival of Eastern Europeans. The ‘posh’ end of Margate – Cliftonville where an abundance of Edwardian B & Bs made a good living during the boom years of family holidays, is almost a no go area, with Romanians Albanians, you name them, taking over the area.
Its actually sickening to see the decline of our towns and seaside resorts decaying rapidly.
Barbie to relelase BURNING A HIJAB DOLL ?
How depressing – I though one of the ‘easy wins ‘ for the blue Labour Party would be to knock £10 000 000 000 off the overseas tax give away schemes …. Particularly since ‘overseas ‘ is washing up like sewage on the south coast every day.
But listening to world at one – they had that Andy ( plebgate Mitchell on . I didn’t realise he is a good pal of the traitor chancellor and was his campaign manager for the job Truss got – but which he now has in everything but title ….
10 billion would have been an ideal start
BBC I thought “cancer vaccines” already existed
eg HPV etc.
Not BBC but ITV3, my wife watches it a lot, Poirot and all that, what I find appalling is the adverts are almost all charities begging for subscriptions, they know a lot of old people watch these progs and some are easily tricked into parting with their money.
Amazing they are getting away with it.
Can anyone remember at any time in the last, say, 10 years, of a major news feature on the BBC with interviews, experts, and vox pop, celebrating the all time lowest mortgage rates on record?
Nope, me neither. Good news about the Tories is always subject to ‘cancellation’ by the BBC.
Whereas if those rates go up…..well that’s a different matter. I heard a sob story the other day on the BBC about someone no longer being able to afford to get a mortgage to buy……..a 4 bedroomed house. Pass the charity bucket around.
So who the hell are buying all the houses on the new estates that are springing up in every town and village then ? There’s apparently no money, but no sooner has a house been completed than there’s a car outside and a potted plant in the window !!!
Brissles my dear old thing, the-cost-of-living-crisis is something of a media confection, created to help discredit Boris Johnson when PM. Boris was/is quite capable of discrediting himself. Now they want to hound Liz Truss out of No.10 which is quite laughable when you remember all the media grumblesin August 2022!
Up2 – gotta disagree – inject huge amounts of made up money into the economy – inflation – add a war and huge increases in the price of resources – more inflation – rates up – taxes up to pay the interest – spending on public services to be cut ( thank god ) add a couple of years – return to some form of control .
Cut taxes and maintain spending – and you have an ex PM like idiot truss.
Nut nut was partly responsible by too late / long lock downs and the great crap to prevent earlier extraction of hydrocarbons and storage –
( btw – re my previous comment – the day a government cuts overseas giveaways will be the day we have a conservative government )
Hong Kongers? Cash buyers.
… actually folks, why should she bother with the lefty media rabble. She owes them nothing. Correct decision; don’t give them air time. It was a polite f-off …
The BBC will literally copy paste anything from approved sources.
Justin Rowlatt got him in yet as a bbc expert?
Roger Hallam
Co-founder of #ExtinctionRebellion A leader of #BurningPink Author of Common Sense for the 21st Century. Find the book here:
rogerhallam.comJoined August 2019
2,872 Following
US philanthropists vow to raise millions for climate activists
This article is more than 3 years old
Fund donates £500,000 to grassroots Extinction Rebellion and other groups, with promise of more to come
I suddenly remembered that Andy Neil has a programme on C4 Sunday night . So I doubled the viewing figures and watched .
So dry . So swamp – George Osborne – Eddie testicles – some Tory called crispin – and that shagger health minister Who Has No Shame –
Relevant to a simple voter taxpayer like me ? No . – any indication what the market is going to do to the pound Monday ? No ….
New laws to deal with XR etc.
Can’t plod just enforce the ones already there?
Pathetic hardly covers it
There are laws to arrest for highway obstruction / criminal damage – but plod are too woke to enforce them .
I think the civil law might be better at punishing these lefty greens as they have assets which can be seized ….
And if plod can’t protect their own londonistan HQ from those vermin what hope for innocent tax payers …?
Only shared as ‘liked’ by Paul Mason and Jeremy Vine, who are around the bbc bar aimed at.
How did they all get so rich?
Who is the troll ??
Margoyles was deliberately brought on to R4Today to TROLL the Tories
so both she and BBC are the trolls
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
This is awarded for having a major local role in any activity, including people whose work has made them known nationally in their chosen area.
Too much to hope that one of those sinkholes does not exist under W1A?
Down, Lammy, she’s marked to fill the Sarpong slot.
NHS doctor in the making – £locum £
‘Voodoo’ nurse Josephine Iyamu has jail term increased
20 September 2018
I just watched a programme on SkySports. I think it
was called ” No room for Racism” It was a programme where
over 96 minutes we saw this message plastered over the screen
I reckon at least 100 times.
I think there was a football match being played at the same time.
But I must admit that before the programme and during the
half time interval. We didn’t see this message. We saw around 25 adverts in which at least 20 featured black advertising models .
Not bad for 3% of the population. BUT maybe these adverts
are a kind of inverted racism. I say NO to inverted racism!!!!
Minority …
What is the NHS critical waiting list time now?
ITV local newsPR
– Huge fire in Leeds ..actual news , but very few facts
– “You know black people are 20% more likely to get dementia”
Hang on I thought libmob told us there are no races.
Secondly it sounds like a PR phrase rather than truth.
Dementia is not an easy on/off thing, so a head count is meaningless
.You could get one group of 10 people where 5 have dementia, but all very mild
And another group where 3 people have it but severe
So the second group needs more attention.
“You know black people are 20% more likely to get dementia”
…. Abstract. In tandem with the ever-increasing aging population in low and middle-income countries, the burden of dementia is rising on the African continent. Dementia prevalence varies from 2.3% to 20.0% and incidence rates are 13.3 per 1000 person-years with increasing mortality in parts of rapidly transforming Africa.27 Sept 2021
Thought I’d watched BBC1 Countryfile to see if it has got any worse.
The EPG description said it was presented by Anita Rani – the one who keeps mentioning she is from Bradford.
I kid you not, in the first 15 seconds she mentioned she is from Bradford. I switched off after 20 seconds.
On the afternoon of January 14, 1988, 1,000 protesters gathered in Bradford, UK to burn a copy of Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses. The protest marked a dramatic escalation in the controversy surrounding the 1988 novel, which would eventually elicit a fatwa from Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentencing Rushdie to death.14 Jan 2014
That the BBC chose to put it on the front page of the web site and the very idea that Joe knows any more about economics than “10% for the big guy”
What a effin shitshow
– and the US mid-terms …. bad signs coming from Ukraine – according to The Duran – several unlikely governments are telling their citizens to get out of Ukraine ASAP
The Duran is a Kremlin propaganda site
I have yet to come across a single site / channel that I trust wrt Ukraine and that they are refreshingly different from the idiotic slop that is dished out by the BBC / Sky and USA MSM.
All I know about The Duran is that YouTube haven’t booted them – if they were overt in pushing Kremlin agendas – they wouldn’t last long.
They seem at the moment to provide a regular irreverent synopsis of what seems to be going on.
Evacuation update …
Just a song and dance …
“Piggate” refers to a claim that, during his university years, former British Prime Minister David Cameron inserted his penis and/or testicles into a dead pig’s mouth as part of an initiation ceremony for the Piers Gaveston Society at Oxford University.
Neil Oliver on the Importance of Freedom to Prosperity | 2021 Legatum Prosperity Index
85,311 views23 Nov 2021
Marianna Spring
Aug 9
📣 Delighted I’ve been promoted from reporter & I’m now the BBC’s first Disinformation and Social Media Correspondent!
I’ll keep investigating real-world consequences of online disinformation, trolling & all that’s bad on social media with new podcasts, TV & more coming soon.
Al Jazeera staff allege harassment and bullying went unchecked
And here we go again. Why the f*ck do the BBC think it is right for the UK license tax payers to fund an investigation by the BBC into Al Jazeera ?.
‘A BBC investigation – drawing on interviews with several current and former employees at Al Jazeera, and documentary evidence of inappropriate messages and staff complaints – has found several allegations of sexual harassment against Mr Santamaria in the broadcaster’s Doha newsroom. Some say he wasn’t the only one.’
Then we get his response:
‘Mr Santamaria did not respond directly to the BBC. But he issued a public statement where he acknowledged previously reported allegations, saying some are “true, some missing crucial context, some outright lies and a rewriting of history”.
He summed up BBC ‘investigations’ perfectly.
I wonder how the BBC justify this story to be the top headline news item in the world today. Who makes that decision ?.
What a shame nobody will fund an investigation into the clear left-wing bias and agenda-based activism at the BBC. Instead we have this ludicrous situation where they are allowed to investigate themselves.
Monday 17th
There are 3 big events today
1 the new outgoing chancellor doing another mini budget formerly reversing the one from 10 days ago
2 the SNP issueing its’ economic plan post independence ( yeah right _ make England pay for it )
3 the woke met police commissioner issuing a report about how it has spent years recruiting dross – tick that box
So the BBC is going to have a busy day – and so is this site .
If the new chancellor has learned his lesson and produces a budget the BBC approve of then he is safe. Otherwise they may run yet another campaign for days on end until the pressure makes him quit or get sacked.
Of course, being a C… , sorry Hunt and the kind of remainer the BBC want to fill senior government with, I suspect the whole thing will be quickly dropped whatever he does.