Can’t believe what I just heard on the BBC’s Ten O’clock News. On the report about the incident in Dover, the reporter couldn’t resist saying “the migrants, many of whom are fleeing from war”. As far as I’m aware, all of the European countries they just travelled through to get to Dover are not “at war”.
Personally, I find the bleat that throughout the country, hoteliers are feeling the pinches on the way to bankruptcy, distasteful. They are now all on Government grants, compliments of the migrants, “……..many of whom are……….”.
In reply to James above. Actually there could well be a war in France. For over two years there were weekly riots with French police shooting Gilet Jaune supporters and on the BBC – zilch!
As far as I’m aware where I live in France the only gunshots we’ve heard are the local hunters every Wednesday and Saturday, unlike many large cities in the U.K. London and Manchester to name but 2 where it seems to be a daily occurrence. Paris is going the way of London with stabbings increasing though. Not reported on the Beeb as they want people to believe it only occurs in racist Britain Luckily we’re in the south near Spain.
Looks like the King will be holding his own climate conference. Clearly an attempt to defy the Government and continue with his political aspirations.
Time to tell him to stick to his new job – waiving at people and opening places. If he wants a political life he can always abdicate and stand for Parliament as Wedgie Benn did with his inherited position.
We are going to see more of this King meddling in politics.
Press talk about the Truss PM honours list – even the idea of such a thing triggers disgust – that list of cronies will be on top of that of Alex Boris Johnson –
Makes you be proud to be British to see such overt corruption and reward in public …..
I’m writing a letter of complaint to the BBC right now about their lack of concern for us refuseniks. If they can’t can’t be bothered to harass their most dedicated non compliant licence fee non payers then I refuse to have anything more to do with them .
Yesterday, I received my first one for over six months. It had a pretty coloured picture on it and instead of threatening me with dire repercusions it was of the “We’re Here to Help You” variety. Unfortunately it got mixed in with my fire kindling and was incinerated. What a shame, I look forward to my next one, maybe it will contain a free gift.
I see the BBC want rid of Suella Braverman now. They are running headlines against her day after day just have they have been doing for months now at the conservatives for one reason after another.
What is the horrendeous sin she has done which warrants todays very lengthy article ?.
‘Ms Braverman had sent the document to her own Gmail address, before sending it on. Ministers are not permitted to send government documents to personal accounts, or to share further.’
‘She has said she reported the mistake “rapidly” to officials.’
‘But the BBC understands it took hours for her to respond.’.
It was 4 hours actually – but ‘hours’ is deliberate BBC speak to make it seem worse.
And that’s it.
What kind of complete nonsense is this ?. Is that a good enough reason to be hounded out of office ?. It’s just ridiculous – it’s even more trivial than ‘partygate’.
The BBC are absolutely determined to destroy this country so it can ‘rise again’ under a liberal-left government. And if the people choose someone else, they will destroy it again.
The BBC are absolutely out of control – and nobody is stopping them. This is the world of the Left : everything is acceptable because they think the ends justify the means. Just as Hitler, Pol-Pot, Stalin etc etc did before them.
The BBC aka The Tavistock Institute need the Online Harms Bill passed asap so they can start locking up people who question their lies. It’s as simple as that. The Politburo are effectively declaring themselves the source of truth and if you disagree with them you will be sent down. This is the stark reality facing the British. They either lie down and accept it, or they start doing something about it. If you work for the Government quit tomorrow. If you serve anyone in Government in your business refuse them service. The only solution to this mess is not to comply.
“Family-of-eight forced to move out their home are living in TWO houses separated by a dual carriageway after council failed to find property big enough to squeeze them all in
Ms Fenner has said her cramped and noisy accommodation has been called a prison by one of her boys.
The family were kicked out of their old home when the arrived back from Egypt.
She told BirminghamLive the city council is taking no notice and that she is being ‘ignored’.”
The article says they are being housed in 2 separate “1 bedroom homes”
Wrongly implying they have been given 2 houses.
Seems to me they are in a council hostel and cos they wouldn’t accept 2 attic rooms, they have 1 in the main hostel
and another room in the hostel annex across the road.
The top comment has been deactivated.
Racist troll who abused England and Chelsea star Reece James is ‘tracked down to the Middle East’ just three weeks before 2022 World Cup in Qatar, with tormentor ‘to be arrested imminently’ after 19-month investigation
A racist troll who abused Reece James , 22, has been located in the middle East
The police have tracked the troll down just three weeks before the World Cup
The Met Police have been working with the police out in the Middle East
According to reports, it is likely that an arrested will take place shortly
Just been reading about the trolling of twitter using offensive slurs such as the N word etc and noticed just how coy all of the Leftist media are being about who is behind it – particularly The Guardian. It’s one of those ‘basic facts only’ type stories we see on the BBC when they don’t want us to know the truth. Some are actually blaming the right for doing it without any evidence.
But it only takes a moment to realise who is the most likely to be doing it. Those who violently oppose Musk’s takeover and wish to shock everybody with disgusting tweets they claim Musk will allow. Which of course is the Lefties themselves.
Pretty much exactly the same as maxi does here : he’s the only person I’ve seen post foul racist language – and he’s done it more than once.
What low-life, ethically-barren, stupendous hypocrites these scumbags really are.
A fresh attack at the Home Secretary – coordinated between leaky lefty Home Office civil servants and the BBC – scheme – undermine the Home Sec – to get to the PM to get to a general election – to get a Far Left regime to get UK destroyed and made a ReichEU mini state .
And then it is the WEF summons to Rishard to go to the COP jolly in Mexico – it seems there is no need for him to help sort out the UK economy after all …..
It’s a good day for the Far Left in Brazil and the Far Left BBC – their corrupt favourite won an election there – that use the word “Far’ with gay abandon so I will too ….
The pelosi story seems not to be as important as it was …. Maybe some of the truth doesn’t fit what the BBC wants …
My firm served a lawsuit against Paul Pelosi one time in SF after attempting to serve at other residences—Napa, Georgetown. They weren’t home, but staff were, & multiple law enforcement officers were on the perimeter. Break-in is odd given this level of security.
Like many people, I’ve been glibly using the term, “a Third World Country” to refer to the UK and where it is finally arriving. Seems I am wrong to use that expression as its definition measures is no longer used. Shame though because it accurately reflects most peoples mental picture what constitutes a “Third World” country: lack of energy/money/health service/legal system/law and order and proper Governance. Snotty nosed hungry pot-bellied crying kids with random murder/violence on the streets. You get the picture.
So, if “Third World” is not longer in vogue to describe most of the features of the UK in 2022, how can we describe the immigrants homeland now?
Why is it wrong to refer to a third world country like the UK as a ‘third world country ‘ ? If it culturally enriched by diverse new arrivals of a third world heritage – then it becomes a third world country .
As I write the pixie Evette Cooper has been given a nice unchallenged interview by our Justin on Today . Justin didn’t ask what the red Labour Party would do with invaders differently to the current regime – but didn’t expect it ….
As for the channel – nothing will be done – no one has the courage to stop them . Me ? I’d use the Australian method – and if that didn’t work I’d start taking them straight back to France … mid channel …
Primarily a, ‘Cold War’ era thing. Maybe it can be accurately used again soon when the West has finally conceded Ukraine to that nice Mr Putin? Almost certain when the West’s Vanity Project finally ends because we are bust.
Doesn’t seem very ‘Cold War ‘ to me – I shall continue to refer to the various killed / killers who are derived from the third world – as third world …. I see there was another double shooting killing in third world londonistan last night – following on from the same in ilfordistan 5 days ago – 4 in a week – impressive …
I’m not critical of you using the term. Nothing to do with me. I couldn’t give a toss. I was just pointing out the background.
Seems that if any point raised is disagreed with here, stand by to receive opprobrium. I thought we were all virtually on the, ‘same page’ here. Wrong.
I didn’t mean to write as ‘offended ‘ by you as I’m not …. Because someone ( the author ) writes something which goes on the internet – I don’t necessarily accept it …
I will retain my own view about what is and what isn’t ‘third world ‘. I know it when I see it – and I see it – very much in Londonistan – which is rapidly going down the toilet .
The coming recession will accelerate this … huge increases in population are going to have huge negatives …
Common usage always trumps original definition.
So people use it to mean a country that is backward and poor.
However dictionaries attribute the term to a French anthropogist in 1952
He made the term from the pre-Revolutionary France terms
where the Third Estate referred to the peasants who had too little property or political power to be included in the First Estate (the nobility) or the Second Estate (the clergy).”
And said some countries are like the peasant class.
He said he didn’t write that one could assimilate the capitalist world to the nobility and the communist world to the clergy .. but later did say that jokingly sometimes.
One has to suspect that reactions to BBC reporters like this are becoming a lot more commonplace.
An outbreak of Kari Lake style BBC interviews in the UK would be fun.
While there are crazies out there – the BBC will suborn the natural flow + maliciously edit stuff to suit their own agenda – they’re part of the problem.
Trust is slowly but surely evaporating.
The @BBCPanorama@BBCtrending are not the media organisations to take this on. Its important that fake and dangerous content like this is exposed but the BBC covering it will make it worse. Crazy I know – but I know what the “truthers” are like…
Tomo – yes there is a very very slow realisation that if someone like her says she is from the BBC they turn away … they are lucky the reaction isn’t more ‘robust ‘…
That girl will probably get counselling / promotion as a result of her ‘ordeal ‘….
She is an overpromoted, out of her depth ingenue cynically deployed to propagate propaganda, who was amongst the first to use the excuse of robust resistance anyone in real life gets to either block counter views or attempt to edit selective generalities to suit the bbc messaging.
Guest who – in a way – I think she is Ally to our cause – busily devaluing the BBC further … her journey to be the new newsnight dame continues … then the book … her own show .. the dancing and singing on Saturday night … the red carpet …
Mum and dad and cat must be proud – and the bank account of course ..
Brees first replied to comments beneath her tweet, then decided to delete it.
Was there a video in it ? What did she say ?
She deletes far to many tweets.
Her point seems sound to me
– The media are “2+2=5 thinkers” who give a false picture of the world
– The Sceptics pushback
but Truthers are “2+2=8 thinkers” who give a false picture of the world
Media often try to lump sceptics and Truthers together.
– Brees says when the BBC does progs about Truthers that actually fuels the Truthers
.. cos they can say the establishment are bullying them.
Meanwhile the BBC smears sceptics as it lumps them in with Truthers.
Richard Hall makes some excellent points. It is highly likely the Manchester Arena bombing was a false flag. No one died. They need to get the Online Harms Bill through so they can start locking up people who question their lies. They killed people in the 7/7 bombings and they realised too many people were being to understand just who the real enemy is. So they softened their approach. This is 5 dimensional warfare and you need to adjust your thinking accordingly if you want to survive what is coming.
The other station has brought on an environmental scientist to discuss possible power cuts.
Why ? that’s not her expertise.
She blames it all on Putin.
emm if crazy greens didn’t rush to close fossil fuels we wouldn’t be effected by Putin on gas.
Now of course she is banging about extreme weather and climate.
She’s nothing to do with our area.
She’s on cos BBC has chosen her to be on all their stations today.
But her twitter says shes a campaigner
“Helping UK households adapt to a low cost, low carbon lifestyle and extreme weather events”
Just given first of many radio interviews @BBC on the potential for power cuts in Britian and what to do if this does happen: Firstly prepare a #blackout box 🔦🔋♠️ Secondly find out what "block letter" your home is in by adding your postcode here:
back to RadioHumberside
Now there is a seg on new National Parks
“there is nothing wrong with putting solar panels on houses in them..their great cos ..”
Now they bring a guy to review the papers
“Our biz is about providing GREEN transport solutions”
“Now in the Guardian there is an article about Halloween spending”
Who voted for mass invasion? Who voted for ‘Net zero’? The Tory Government are destroying Great Britain by not defending our borders and jumping on ‘Green Bandwagon’.
Seems like different councils have taken injunctions about hotels becoming immigrant only..
First Ipswich, then maybe Stoke
then East Yorkshire
On the logical grounds that a hotel needs new planning permission to become a hostel.
I think that’s worn off… (but dunno detail) – there’s a joining bonus but ongoing funding attenuates and the municipals start noticing steady and unexpected leaks of dosh that they thought they had – and Whitehall won’t top them up.
Oh dear, after the very heart warming news that Rishi wasn’t attending the annual hand wringing poseurs event known as Cop 27, comes the all too predictable backsliding that we have come to expect from our gutless politicians…
It now appears that the PM (probably) will attend the summit after Conservative?? colleagues have contacted…bullied…harrassed…him.
Are there any actual conservatives left in the Conservative Party?
We may as well have elected Caroline bloody Lucas and had done with it…
We have UKIP, The Reform Party, Reclaim and The Heritage Party. I like all of them and (as far as I can see) there’s barely a fag paper between the lot of them. They’re all sensible, sane and reflect, pretty much, of what most people in this country want a political party to achieve. But there’s so bleedin’ many of them.
I know, for certain, come the next general election, that I won’t be voting for any of the “big three”. I believe Reform will be standing in my constituency, so they’ll almost certainly get my vote. But we have so many tiddly parties, all sitting on a pinhead, it just splits the alternative vote.
They should amalgamate and form The Reform/Reclaim/UKIP/Heritage Alliance.
The BBC now figures a ‘quote’ from a #prasnews source constitute a headline.
“We continue to stifle people’s – predominantly women’s – ability to engage to their fullest extent in the labour market.”
Picture of BBC blonde and infant at the lappy.
Given the current value of bbc blondes at lappys anywhere, an extent not obviously worth exploiting unless moaning about £200 coats, plus overseas tax.
I’m desperately worried about the health of Mr Pelosi after he was viciously attacked by someone called ‘David ‘ – who is a ‘friend ‘ but whom he doesn’t know – and dressed in underpants in his home at 2am …. And the 3rd person who opened the door for the police …..
… the BBC was giving comprehensive coverage to this tragedy but seem to have stopped reporting it . Was president trump responsible ? Did it happen because of ‘polarisation ‘? As president Obama ( who can never be wrong ) Says ?
Surely we need answers – ? After all – it happened right here – in the USA – er – sorry – er – the UK – or maybe 5352 miles away ….. and 8 hour times zones away … Er …
Remembering the story of the male escort who complained of being chained to a radiator and beaten by Boy George… one recalls a comment by a lawyer pal of mine at the time “Sounds like an argument over the tip”
It must be Halloween… or the dross as plod edition
The kids over there at the Daily Mirror go in for a big shroud-waving party with pre-emptive scary doom and gloom decorations displayed all around their frontpage: Docs reveal their fears. NHS is facing worst winter on record. Mirror reports from inside a hospital battling the flu and Covid ‘twindemic’
It was former student favourites Morrissey and The Smiths who once sang: Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before
And it was Irish comic Frank Carson who cultivated those familiar catchphrases: “You’ve heard it before, but it’s the way I tell ’em” and “It’s a cracker”
Horror petrol bomb attack on migrant centre. ‘Laughing’ attacker hurls three incendiary devices at busy Dover facility before killing himself – screams the fretful Daily Mail – so many questions arise from that somewhat suspiciously loaded concoction of a headline.
One minor point being the odd inclusion of the word ‘busy’ – if you’ve taken any interest whatsoever in the now couple of years long illegal migrant Channel crossings saga, you’ll recognise that such facilities our authorities have put in place to further facilitate the conveyor belt arrivals of so-called migrants are constantly ‘busy’
As for horror petrol bomb and three incendiary devices – we’ll assume horror is just a bit of a seasonal flourish, it being almost Halloween and all. One doubts Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Molotov would have been over-impressed with the more detailed description: plastic container attached to burning fireworks – one assumes that recipe makes hardly even an addendum in the legendary Anarchist Cook Book. One refers back to the latter of Frank Carson’s catchlines.
If you ignite the journalistic blue touchpaper with such hyperbole, what do you do when some proper terrorist with a proper bomb attacks kids in that northern city from which Morrissey and The Smiths are famous sons?
Speaking of conspicuous fuel consumption…
Lady celebs can do no wrong: New wheels please! Emma trades up to 192mph Porshe. Sporty. Emma Raducanu’s previous car was a Dacia (Daily Mail) – Oh, but think of the environment… Rishi Sunak criticised for skipping COP27 climate summit (BBC)
How about the now all too familiar screach of brakes and quick U-turn?
Sunak keeps option open to attend climate summit (Telegraph)
Taylor Swift: Our last great pop superstar (‘i’) – in contrast with Mr Morrissey’s enquiry as to the likely audience prior familiarity with his tunes, if pressed one really couldn’t hum a single note of Ms Swift’s oeuvre.
The Guardian today feigns a sudden previously unremarked concern for our national security: Ministers accused of ‘wild west’ attitude to UK’s national securty
If a wild west attitude involved forming a posse and actually rounding up all the spies, traitors and common criminals – and hauling them in to face justice – then one is all for it… Ye-Ha!
Fears UK will lose police to ‘dream’ jobs in Australia (Daily Express) – and so we’ll be left with the dross as plod.
‘Left with the dross as plod ‘? Asiseeit – where have you been ?…. But our brave boys and 30% girls have tracked down the nasty troll who used the N word on the twitter to a multi millionaire football kid and an arrest is imminent – with extradition back to Blighty and the service of a racially enhanced fixed penalty ticket .
I wonder if the ‘perp’ turns out to be coloured ?innit?
Worth assessing all on her person that was under the ground in liquid form until relatively recently.
🦺 Hazel from Hampshire explains why she spent her Sunday afternoon sat on a road in the East End
🚧 This is the moment to come together and resist. We are not prepared to watch while the Government plans for countless millions to die and destroys everything we
I was initially heartened to see on the BBC webshite that ‘Ministers are under pressure as migrant crisis worsens’. Good grief I thought, are the BBC actually acknowledging that there are too many of the bastards coming in? Silly me, of course not, it’s the usual hand wringers worried about the conditions that the poor dears are being kept in. Typical BBC emphasis on what’s best for the invaders rather than the hated British.
The hand wringers should be forced, at gunpoint, to take in at least one of the illegals each and pay their way, let’s see what they’re worried about then.
Nationalise all the hotels – start with those in Westminster – or let the illegals share with MPs …….
Today had that ‘Tory ‘ MP Roger Gale on yet again who thinks his constituency is on the south coast …
….. he is a total traitor remainer and will do and say anything to undermine the UK , his party and us … BBC love him …
He has had his snout ££££ in the trough since 1983 …. Ugh …
Surely the time has come to resurrect the prison hulks of Dickens Oliver Twist. No , not for the treasured ‘migrants’ but for those of us who refuse to take them in and feed them in our homes.
Trailer for 1:45pm new 5 episode daily R4 show
“OrangeManBad has created a problem for American democracy by creating doubt about it
.. anyway we reckon the Russians are hacking it”
.. emm who are the wacky conpiracy theorists ? ..surely the BBC there .
“Owen Bennett-Jones explores the threats facing America’s electoral system – from Russian interference to voter suppression and from cyber-attacks to conspiracy theories.
How vulnerable is American democracy?
And can US citizens still trust the system to deliver a fair result”
…Now on her 9:45am daily show Marianna Spring is talking about Conspiracy Theorists “exploiting” the Ariana Grande bombing.
Nutters sent people grisly birthday cards
Nutters sent people posts saying they were crisis actors
.. Yeh that happens, the world is full of strange people.
Now prog is focusing on CT spreader Richard D Hall ..some YouTuber
Some bloke doing soccer training and all-round Contributor-to-Society® tells some gritty stories about how the military were burning down houses in the Sudan where he came from. Charity woman Sonia (Freedom from Torture) thinks ‘we need to ask what sort of country we are’ and that Braverman should seriously consider her position or at least tone down the hateful, far-far-right rhetoric. Nothing on her life story, though her accent revealed a distinct Ozzie twang. Another bloke — a man of Indian descent (adopted by white people) — critical of Priti’s ‘pull up the drawbridge’ policy for those who came after her.
The one dissenting voice is Devon, a gentleman a bit fed up. It turns out one of Devon’s mates was kicked out of the UK after his visa ran out, so there’s a bit of a personal grudge. Devon, of course, has a strong accent and comes from Jamaica.
So there it is, the migrant debate framed by the globalist BBC without reference to those born in this country. Bubble? What bubble?
“Ministers face questions as migrant crisis worsens”
“We need a new agreement in place with France around the Channel crossings, and we need a significant increase in the activities of the National Crime Agency because we’ve got a proliferation of criminal activities in the Channel that has increased in the couple of years.”
IMHO, the politicians haven’t woken up yet to the fact that the French Don’t Want them and are quite happy to dump them on us . In the meantime we are paying for the Tory Government’s mess.
If the BBC doesn’t want to be called biased
It should stop choosing the Guardian as the newspaper it gives its inside information to
Excl: BBC local radio facing deep cuts this week. Lots more regional and even national shows predicted. Trying to keep spending down while shifting to digital.
Caught some interview with Angela Rayner on R4 at the weekend — apparently her mum was buying dog food for dinner because she couldn’t read or write, and an anecdote about Ange giving her friend her car during lockdown because she had six kids and was struggling to manage. (Since then she’s had another).
It was Pythonesque… I was fully expecting to hear about her about her living in a shoebox on road eating hot gravel.
Implication of course was how out of touch a tory toff PM is when it comes to real people with real problems. Which is a fair point but I’ve never been so despairing when looking at the binary choice facing voters these days.
John don’t know who the smug interviewer was but he sounded in his comfort zone giving ample airtime to tales of northern poverty from the safe distance of Islington.
Hats off to all of you who listen to R4. It’s enough for me to persevere with R5 and their increasing ladyball coverage.
There isn’t a binary choice as both parties are the same. There is no real choice at all and you are forced to choose between two Socialist parties with little difference between them.
Angela Rayner in Scotts of Mayfair. She had the reasonably priced Malbec (£75) and the lobster (£54). Not the ideal wine / fish pairing.
Meanwhile in Bristol, landlords get sweetners to discriminate towards Ukrainians.
“You’ll also receive:
a £1,000 thank you payment
6 month’s rent paid in advance when the tenancy begins
payments to cover the rent level as soon as you’ve joined the scheme
up to £2,000 for repairs and maintenance
up to £2,000 for your tenants, for furniture and items to help make the house a home
support for your tenants”
The hateful Mark Easton, on Radio 4’s 6 p.m. news, had to situate the cross-Channel illegal immigration invasion within a wider context, as lefty “caring” types often do. His summary stressed people fleeing war, famine and persecution … no mention of criminal gangs, Albanian and other economic migrants for whom the UK is a soft touch. Typical of the ceaseless BBC misdirection on this issue, always making it about the “vulnerable” to whom our obligations are of course endless, rather than the open law-breaking and subsequent moral blackmail of us in the UK to keep paying for it all.
If any of the illegals at Manston or anywhere else have health or other problems, it is in spite of what we’ve done for them, not because of it. They are responsible for their own condition as they chose to come here illegally and spent lots of money doing so, giving the lie to any rubbish about poverty.
The treacherous lying BBC makes me sick: how can it have sunk so low?
They are going to just ignore lots more crime, stop arresting and tagging perpetrators and thus it will lead to far less reported crime and the list of dangerous young men will rapidly shrink away.
So Rasheed Sarnak could attend the Cop summit, says BBC.
If he goes he could report on the magnificent work police and government supported activists are doing, blocking roads and spraying MI5 with paint in order to save the world from global warming.
Others keep saying it and it bears repeating – if the fools in Whitehall keep kowtowing to BBC + Guardian we are in even deeper sh1t than most people realise.
The trick, I think is, to say things in such an assured way that nobody will say “Hang on a mo….”. On the bbc at the moment, an article from Dover discussing interviews with local indigenous folk. The writer says that its 50/50, some saying “we should help these people”, others “Some say words I wouldn’t put out on the media”.
Firstly pal, it’s your job to report the news, not just the bits that I’m entitled to hear. Whether its 50/50 or 90/10, report the events, truthfully and in full. If you had to clean up the language (For example, if you interviewed me) fair enough, but your role is not one of censor.
It’s the first time I’d noticed this ploy of taking a stance and speaking as if its the only position a sane person would take. Once you see a little bias, it gets easier and easier to spot. Or maybe it’s more plentiful now.
He clearly wasn’t too bright or he would have picked a better location to chuck his bombs over the fence. He needed to be about 10 yards to the right, then he would have hit bullseye – the marquee . Instead all he did was cause minor damage to the metal fence. Will anyone else take up the cudgel one wonders ?
Seeing reports that a bystander intervened and took a JSO paint canister away from a loon and emptied the entire contents over the perp.
I so hope it’s true – and that there’s moving pictures with sound.
On a side note – it would seem that JSO have picked orange as their colour – could it be that there’s some near decadal synergy with other colour revolutions? I mean … why do they have to pick a colour at all?
This courageous bystander – who turned the Just Stop Oil paint back on the vandal – has earned more public respect in 30 seconds than the Metropolitan Police have achieved all year
To now their personal broadcast only, inaccurate, free censorship any counter view playground.
There has to be a system to handle abuse, but supposed journalists picking and chasing what suits propaganda and blocking any comments back is farcical.
Any blocking or restricting is using twitter as a private rare platform for mates and pigtail misinformation tool to large numbers of public.
Blocking without reason should seem them kicked off in any professional guise.
I suppose all know that PayPal has introduced a policy that they will fine any person who violates their policy on what they think is “hate crime” with a $2500 fine, to be extracted without any fair trial.
This policy is so insane, and against everything that the USA stands for and stipulated vigorously in the constitution, that I thought that it might be a mischief meme to harm PayPal.
Not so. In this era it is , “One cant make this stuff up”.
Paypal’s fees are way in excess of normal bank charges,which is why Ebay etc., mention that the preferred method of paying for anything online is by your bank.
I used to go via Paypal, but hardly ever do now, as it’s my belief that any trader deserves to get the best deal after I’ve discussed the offer and bought the item.
Mark White (the droning security editor on GBN) made mention – when reporting live from Dover – that it was against the law to keep refugees detained for a certain length of time. Well, who passed this law ? I’ve glanced through several detention sites but there are pages and pages of convoluted jargon, but I couldn’t see where it was against the law.
Indulge me on a number of counts – I’ve just watched a you tube of ‘the hoover institution ‘ with Douglas Murray talking about the ‘strange death of Europe .
Now I know plenty here have read his works – I haven’t ( yet ) – mainly because I thought it might depress me more – but in a YouTube which is 3 years old – it tells me nothing has improved and things have only got worse in terms of our current madness – whether it is greens queers Muslims trans coloured – whatever …..
It was about 45 minutes long – and mr Murray seems to accept our self inflicted collective decline – and that we have allowed the governing class to eff things up so much …
And his message – make the best of what we have while we have it – ( and on my interpretation – future generations may curse us with a collective WTF ? – although that may be banned or expressed in non English …) gulp …
‘Lance Sergeant Farai Mabasa is fined 14 days’ pay – around £1,365 – after failing to turn up on duty and passing out at Wellington Barracks”ENDS
It adds that the lance sergeant had been drinking rum . Interestingly comments tend toward ‘why is such a trivial story on the front page of a national newspaper ? ‘ a sentiment with which I strongly agree ..
And more personally have got seriously seriously ratted on the real rum – just once as a kid when I knew chaps who bought it back from ‘the islands ‘ – I can sympathise with said lance corporal – who apparently is to keep his rank post punishment …
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MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 wwfc – Your claim has upset me so that means I can get you arrested and then I can be…
Thank you to all of you who keep me sane (ish). I love you all.
That’s lovely. By the way, I don’t suppose you could lend me a fiver til pay day?
So Paul Pelosi was having gay sex with a male prostitute that got out of hand.
Who can blame him, married to her?
Is he really that thick?
Can’t believe what I just heard on the BBC’s Ten O’clock News. On the report about the incident in Dover, the reporter couldn’t resist saying “the migrants, many of whom are fleeing from war”. As far as I’m aware, all of the European countries they just travelled through to get to Dover are not “at war”.
Why are you surprised? MI5 write their scripts.
Personally, I find the bleat that throughout the country, hoteliers are feeling the pinches on the way to bankruptcy, distasteful. They are now all on Government grants, compliments of the migrants, “……..many of whom are……….”.
In reply to James above. Actually there could well be a war in France. For over two years there were weekly riots with French police shooting Gilet Jaune supporters and on the BBC – zilch!
As far as I’m aware where I live in France the only gunshots we’ve heard are the local hunters every Wednesday and Saturday, unlike many large cities in the U.K. London and Manchester to name but 2 where it seems to be a daily occurrence. Paris is going the way of London with stabbings increasing though. Not reported on the Beeb as they want people to believe it only occurs in racist Britain Luckily we’re in the south near Spain.
The reporter got that narrative cos Labour NP Nadia W was shouting that outside the HoC
Is this the same “poor migrants” who stump up thousands before they get on their preferred means of transportation to get over here. Poor? Hmmmmm.
LOL who remembers this BBC gem?
Looks like the King will be holding his own climate conference. Clearly an attempt to defy the Government and continue with his political aspirations.
Time to tell him to stick to his new job – waiving at people and opening places. If he wants a political life he can always abdicate and stand for Parliament as Wedgie Benn did with his inherited position.
We are going to see more of this King meddling in politics.
Press talk about the Truss PM honours list – even the idea of such a thing triggers disgust – that list of cronies will be on top of that of Alex Boris Johnson –
Makes you be proud to be British to see such overt corruption and reward in public …..
I haven’t had a threatogram from the BBC this month .
Maybe the defunding of them is beginning to see cutbacks .
Same here.
Taffman ,
I’m writing a letter of complaint to the BBC right now about their lack of concern for us refuseniks. If they can’t can’t be bothered to harass their most dedicated non compliant licence fee non payers then I refuse to have anything more to do with them .
Yesterday, I received my first one for over six months. It had a pretty coloured picture on it and instead of threatening me with dire repercusions it was of the “We’re Here to Help You” variety. Unfortunately it got mixed in with my fire kindling and was incinerated. What a shame, I look forward to my next one, maybe it will contain a free gift.
Way to go! ………….
That’s a Reform Party page that says when Rishi was anointed Reform membership applications shot up.
Suella Braverman email could throw fresh doubt over security breach claims
I see the BBC want rid of Suella Braverman now. They are running headlines against her day after day just have they have been doing for months now at the conservatives for one reason after another.
What is the horrendeous sin she has done which warrants todays very lengthy article ?.
‘Ms Braverman had sent the document to her own Gmail address, before sending it on. Ministers are not permitted to send government documents to personal accounts, or to share further.’
‘She has said she reported the mistake “rapidly” to officials.’
‘But the BBC understands it took hours for her to respond.’.
It was 4 hours actually – but ‘hours’ is deliberate BBC speak to make it seem worse.
And that’s it.
What kind of complete nonsense is this ?. Is that a good enough reason to be hounded out of office ?. It’s just ridiculous – it’s even more trivial than ‘partygate’.
The BBC are absolutely determined to destroy this country so it can ‘rise again’ under a liberal-left government. And if the people choose someone else, they will destroy it again.
The BBC are absolutely out of control – and nobody is stopping them. This is the world of the Left : everything is acceptable because they think the ends justify the means. Just as Hitler, Pol-Pot, Stalin etc etc did before them.
The BBC aka The Tavistock Institute need the Online Harms Bill passed asap so they can start locking up people who question their lies. It’s as simple as that. The Politburo are effectively declaring themselves the source of truth and if you disagree with them you will be sent down. This is the stark reality facing the British. They either lie down and accept it, or they start doing something about it. If you work for the Government quit tomorrow. If you serve anyone in Government in your business refuse them service. The only solution to this mess is not to comply.
latest muzzie whinge:
“Family-of-eight forced to move out their home are living in TWO houses separated by a dual carriageway after council failed to find property big enough to squeeze them all in
Ms Fenner has said her cramped and noisy accommodation has been called a prison by one of her boys.
The family were kicked out of their old home when the arrived back from Egypt.
She told BirminghamLive the city council is taking no notice and that she is being ‘ignored’.”
error there
The story actually says
The family were kicked out of their old home when their LANDLORD arrived back from Egypt
Thank you fact checker, the error is irrelevent to the point of the story
Council say “We have offered this family alternative accommodation, including rooms within the same building in their current accommodation as well as rooms in a purpose built homeless centre, however they have refused both offers”
The article says they are being housed in 2 separate “1 bedroom homes”
Wrongly implying they have been given 2 houses.
Seems to me they are in a council hostel and cos they wouldn’t accept 2 attic rooms, they have 1 in the main hostel
and another room in the hostel annex across the road.
The top comment has been deactivated.
An international investigation…ffs
Racist troll who abused England and Chelsea star Reece James is ‘tracked down to the Middle East’ just three weeks before 2022 World Cup in Qatar, with tormentor ‘to be arrested imminently’ after 19-month investigation
A racist troll who abused Reece James , 22, has been located in the middle East
The police have tracked the troll down just three weeks before the World Cup
The Met Police have been working with the police out in the Middle East
According to reports, it is likely that an arrested will take place shortly
Just been reading about the trolling of twitter using offensive slurs such as the N word etc and noticed just how coy all of the Leftist media are being about who is behind it – particularly The Guardian. It’s one of those ‘basic facts only’ type stories we see on the BBC when they don’t want us to know the truth. Some are actually blaming the right for doing it without any evidence.
But it only takes a moment to realise who is the most likely to be doing it. Those who violently oppose Musk’s takeover and wish to shock everybody with disgusting tweets they claim Musk will allow. Which of course is the Lefties themselves.
Pretty much exactly the same as maxi does here : he’s the only person I’ve seen post foul racist language – and he’s done it more than once.
What low-life, ethically-barren, stupendous hypocrites these scumbags really are.
Today watch
A fresh attack at the Home Secretary – coordinated between leaky lefty Home Office civil servants and the BBC – scheme – undermine the Home Sec – to get to the PM to get to a general election – to get a Far Left regime to get UK destroyed and made a ReichEU mini state .
And then it is the WEF summons to Rishard to go to the COP jolly in Mexico – it seems there is no need for him to help sort out the UK economy after all …..
It’s a good day for the Far Left in Brazil and the Far Left BBC – their corrupt favourite won an election there – that use the word “Far’ with gay abandon so I will too ….
The pelosi story seems not to be as important as it was …. Maybe some of the truth doesn’t fit what the BBC wants …
What is she measuring? BBC hyperbole?
Or subbing laziness?
Some Pelosi residence context from an authoritative source.
Not a question the bbc would pose.
Like many people, I’ve been glibly using the term, “a Third World Country” to refer to the UK and where it is finally arriving. Seems I am wrong to use that expression as its definition measures is no longer used. Shame though because it accurately reflects most peoples mental picture what constitutes a “Third World” country: lack of energy/money/health service/legal system/law and order and proper Governance. Snotty nosed hungry pot-bellied crying kids with random murder/violence on the streets. You get the picture.
So, if “Third World” is not longer in vogue to describe most of the features of the UK in 2022, how can we describe the immigrants homeland now?
Why is it wrong to refer to a third world country like the UK as a ‘third world country ‘ ? If it culturally enriched by diverse new arrivals of a third world heritage – then it becomes a third world country .
As I write the pixie Evette Cooper has been given a nice unchallenged interview by our Justin on Today . Justin didn’t ask what the red Labour Party would do with invaders differently to the current regime – but didn’t expect it ….
As for the channel – nothing will be done – no one has the courage to stop them . Me ? I’d use the Australian method – and if that didn’t work I’d start taking them straight back to France … mid channel …
This seems to be the common thinking:
Primarily a, ‘Cold War’ era thing. Maybe it can be accurately used again soon when the West has finally conceded Ukraine to that nice Mr Putin? Almost certain when the West’s Vanity Project finally ends because we are bust.
Doesn’t seem very ‘Cold War ‘ to me – I shall continue to refer to the various killed / killers who are derived from the third world – as third world …. I see there was another double shooting killing in third world londonistan last night – following on from the same in ilfordistan 5 days ago – 4 in a week – impressive …
I’m not critical of you using the term. Nothing to do with me. I couldn’t give a toss. I was just pointing out the background.
Seems that if any point raised is disagreed with here, stand by to receive opprobrium. I thought we were all virtually on the, ‘same page’ here. Wrong.
I didn’t mean to write as ‘offended ‘ by you as I’m not …. Because someone ( the author ) writes something which goes on the internet – I don’t necessarily accept it …
I will retain my own view about what is and what isn’t ‘third world ‘. I know it when I see it – and I see it – very much in Londonistan – which is rapidly going down the toilet .
The coming recession will accelerate this … huge increases in population are going to have huge negatives …
Common usage always trumps original definition.
So people use it to mean a country that is backward and poor.
However dictionaries attribute the term to a French anthropogist in 1952
He made the term from the pre-Revolutionary France terms
where the Third Estate referred to the peasants who had too little property or political power to be included in the First Estate (the nobility) or the Second Estate (the clergy).”
And said some countries are like the peasant class.
He said he didn’t write that one could assimilate the capitalist world to the nobility and the communist world to the clergy .. but later did say that jokingly sometimes.
One has to suspect that reactions to BBC reporters like this are becoming a lot more commonplace.
An outbreak of Kari Lake style BBC interviews in the UK would be fun.
While there are crazies out there – the BBC will suborn the natural flow + maliciously edit stuff to suit their own agenda – they’re part of the problem.
Trust is slowly but surely evaporating.
Tomo – yes there is a very very slow realisation that if someone like her says she is from the BBC they turn away … they are lucky the reaction isn’t more ‘robust ‘…
That girl will probably get counselling / promotion as a result of her ‘ordeal ‘….
Springster is not a reporter.
She is an overpromoted, out of her depth ingenue cynically deployed to propagate propaganda, who was amongst the first to use the excuse of robust resistance anyone in real life gets to either block counter views or attempt to edit selective generalities to suit the bbc messaging.
Guest who – in a way – I think she is Ally to our cause – busily devaluing the BBC further … her journey to be the new newsnight dame continues … then the book … her own show .. the dancing and singing on Saturday night … the red carpet …
Mum and dad and cat must be proud – and the bank account of course ..
I think you’ll find the cat is disgusted by her non job.
A pale imitation of Taylor Lorenz even?
– the BBC being past masters at pale imitations and IP larceny.
@ tomo – Savour the words: “I don’t wish to speak to the BBC because I don’t trust the BBC.”
As a Disinformation Reporter I cannot think of a better place for her to work.
Brees first replied to comments beneath her tweet, then decided to delete it.
Was there a video in it ? What did she say ?
She deletes far to many tweets.
Her point seems sound to me
– The media are “2+2=5 thinkers” who give a false picture of the world
– The Sceptics pushback
but Truthers are “2+2=8 thinkers” who give a false picture of the world
Media often try to lump sceptics and Truthers together.
– Brees says when the BBC does progs about Truthers that actually fuels the Truthers
.. cos they can say the establishment are bullying them.
Meanwhile the BBC smears sceptics as it lumps them in with Truthers.
Rich Hall does have a page about the Panorama expose on him
and he does appear to show “2+2=8″ thinking”
AFAIK the concert was still going on, but some people were leaving early and tgat is when the bomber in the foyer blew up his bomb.
Richard Hall makes some excellent points. It is highly likely the Manchester Arena bombing was a false flag. No one died. They need to get the Online Harms Bill through so they can start locking up people who question their lies. They killed people in the 7/7 bombings and they realised too many people were being to understand just who the real enemy is. So they softened their approach. This is 5 dimensional warfare and you need to adjust your thinking accordingly if you want to survive what is coming.
Was Sleepy going for the sniffs?
Nooo …. Get that sharma bloke who bulbs for Britain – first rishard – now greta … nooo .. the planet weeps …
Burn that diesel ….
be morelike Jet A or Jet A1
Local Radio news
“The PM is coming under increasing pressure to attend COP”
.. That’s not news, that’s campaigning.
The other station has brought on an environmental scientist to discuss possible power cuts.
Why ? that’s not her expertise.
She blames it all on Putin.
emm if crazy greens didn’t rush to close fossil fuels we wouldn’t be effected by Putin on gas.
Now of course she is banging about extreme weather and climate.
She’s nothing to do with our area.
She’s on cos BBC has chosen her to be on all their stations today.
But her twitter says shes a campaigner
“Helping UK households adapt to a low cost, low carbon lifestyle and extreme weather events”
back to RadioHumberside
Now there is a seg on new National Parks
“there is nothing wrong with putting solar panels on houses in them..their great cos ..”
Now they bring a guy to review the papers
“Our biz is about providing GREEN transport solutions”
“Now in the Guardian there is an article about Halloween spending”
Rooshi’s caved and taking the Union Jack tailed jet to Sharm el Sheik?
Too many caves these days.
For those who live here once evicted for the BBC/Westminster voting bloc arriving daily?
Who voted for mass invasion? Who voted for ‘Net zero’? The Tory Government are destroying Great Britain by not defending our borders and jumping on ‘Green Bandwagon’.
I got called a domestic terrorist (by a Labour lefty 🤡) for suggesting that Albanians weren’t actually refugees.
In other news, the Indy, noted news purveyor of excellence with a massive audience of six, has also given us Amol.
Seems like different councils have taken injunctions about hotels becoming immigrant only..
First Ipswich, then maybe Stoke
then East Yorkshire
On the logical grounds that a hotel needs new planning permission to become a hostel.
There is more to the hostel thing I suspect – the LAs will be responsible for some aspects of funding the guests?
Peeps on benefits get council tax reduction – but I don’t know if LAs still administer housing costs etcetera.
Central government shoving costs onto LAs and then not compensating them via the funding mechanisms…
If the extra burden is real – then the LAs are doing themselves no favours by not coupling this to their administrative resistance.
I thought it was the other way that local authorities are BRIBED into accepting illegals by government grant handouts.
I think that’s worn off… (but dunno detail) – there’s a joining bonus but ongoing funding attenuates and the municipals start noticing steady and unexpected leaks of dosh that they thought they had – and Whitehall won’t top them up.
– bitten by The Barnett Formula
Oh dear, after the very heart warming news that Rishi wasn’t attending the annual hand wringing poseurs event known as Cop 27, comes the all too predictable backsliding that we have come to expect from our gutless politicians…
It now appears that the PM (probably) will attend the summit after Conservative?? colleagues have contacted…bullied…harrassed…him.
Are there any actual conservatives left in the Conservative Party?
We may as well have elected Caroline bloody Lucas and had done with it…
CEN are poison – and one really has to wonder who is giving them instruction?
Do not despair !
Vote for UKIP or The Reform Party because the Tories left wing ‘Wets.
I will be taff, but…
We have UKIP, The Reform Party, Reclaim and The Heritage Party. I like all of them and (as far as I can see) there’s barely a fag paper between the lot of them. They’re all sensible, sane and reflect, pretty much, of what most people in this country want a political party to achieve. But there’s so bleedin’ many of them.
I know, for certain, come the next general election, that I won’t be voting for any of the “big three”. I believe Reform will be standing in my constituency, so they’ll almost certainly get my vote. But we have so many tiddly parties, all sitting on a pinhead, it just splits the alternative vote.
They should amalgamate and form The Reform/Reclaim/UKIP/Heritage Alliance.
Just rolls off the tongue…
A coalition ?
As did The Tory & Lib Dems form the ‘Cameron and Cleg Pact’ .
As did Churchill in 1945.
The survival of our nation is at stake .
The BBC now figures a ‘quote’ from a #prasnews source constitute a headline.
“We continue to stifle people’s – predominantly women’s – ability to engage to their fullest extent in the labour market.”
Picture of BBC blonde and infant at the lappy.
Given the current value of bbc blondes at lappys anywhere, an extent not obviously worth exploiting unless moaning about £200 coats, plus overseas tax.
I’m desperately worried about the health of Mr Pelosi after he was viciously attacked by someone called ‘David ‘ – who is a ‘friend ‘ but whom he doesn’t know – and dressed in underpants in his home at 2am …. And the 3rd person who opened the door for the police …..
… the BBC was giving comprehensive coverage to this tragedy but seem to have stopped reporting it . Was president trump responsible ? Did it happen because of ‘polarisation ‘? As president Obama ( who can never be wrong ) Says ?
Surely we need answers – ? After all – it happened right here – in the USA – er – sorry – er – the UK – or maybe 5352 miles away ….. and 8 hour times zones away … Er …
Sopes, meanwhile, is ‘reporting’, still, on anything but what is topical over there.
He is about as sad a specimen of journalistic lack of integrity as it is possible to imagine.
Remembering the story of the male escort who complained of being chained to a radiator and beaten by Boy George… one recalls a comment by a lawyer pal of mine at the time “Sounds like an argument over the tip”
S’pose Nancy Pelosi, Biden and Obama will blame it on Putin and the war in Ukraine or Trump
David Depape’s interwebs footprint is evaporating rapidly.
Looks a *lot* like damage control
It must be Halloween… or the dross as plod edition
The kids over there at the Daily Mirror go in for a big shroud-waving party with pre-emptive scary doom and gloom decorations displayed all around their frontpage: Docs reveal their fears. NHS is facing worst winter on record. Mirror reports from inside a hospital battling the flu and Covid ‘twindemic’
It was former student favourites Morrissey and The Smiths who once sang: Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before
And it was Irish comic Frank Carson who cultivated those familiar catchphrases: “You’ve heard it before, but it’s the way I tell ’em” and “It’s a cracker”
Horror petrol bomb attack on migrant centre. ‘Laughing’ attacker hurls three incendiary devices at busy Dover facility before killing himself – screams the fretful Daily Mail – so many questions arise from that somewhat suspiciously loaded concoction of a headline.
One minor point being the odd inclusion of the word ‘busy’ – if you’ve taken any interest whatsoever in the now couple of years long illegal migrant Channel crossings saga, you’ll recognise that such facilities our authorities have put in place to further facilitate the conveyor belt arrivals of so-called migrants are constantly ‘busy’
As for horror petrol bomb and three incendiary devices – we’ll assume horror is just a bit of a seasonal flourish, it being almost Halloween and all. One doubts Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Molotov would have been over-impressed with the more detailed description: plastic container attached to burning fireworks – one assumes that recipe makes hardly even an addendum in the legendary Anarchist Cook Book. One refers back to the latter of Frank Carson’s catchlines.
If you ignite the journalistic blue touchpaper with such hyperbole, what do you do when some proper terrorist with a proper bomb attacks kids in that northern city from which Morrissey and The Smiths are famous sons?
Speaking of conspicuous fuel consumption…
Lady celebs can do no wrong: New wheels please! Emma trades up to 192mph Porshe. Sporty. Emma Raducanu’s previous car was a Dacia (Daily Mail) – Oh, but think of the environment… Rishi Sunak criticised for skipping COP27 climate summit (BBC)
How about the now all too familiar screach of brakes and quick U-turn?
Sunak keeps option open to attend climate summit (Telegraph)
Taylor Swift: Our last great pop superstar (‘i’) – in contrast with Mr Morrissey’s enquiry as to the likely audience prior familiarity with his tunes, if pressed one really couldn’t hum a single note of Ms Swift’s oeuvre.
The Guardian today feigns a sudden previously unremarked concern for our national security: Ministers accused of ‘wild west’ attitude to UK’s national securty
If a wild west attitude involved forming a posse and actually rounding up all the spies, traitors and common criminals – and hauling them in to face justice – then one is all for it… Ye-Ha!
Fears UK will lose police to ‘dream’ jobs in Australia (Daily Express) – and so we’ll be left with the dross as plod.
‘Left with the dross as plod ‘? Asiseeit – where have you been ?…. But our brave boys and 30% girls have tracked down the nasty troll who used the N word on the twitter to a multi millionaire football kid and an arrest is imminent – with extradition back to Blighty and the service of a racially enhanced fixed penalty ticket .
I wonder if the ‘perp’ turns out to be coloured ?innit?
Worth assessing all on her person that was under the ground in liquid form until relatively recently.
I was initially heartened to see on the BBC webshite that ‘Ministers are under pressure as migrant crisis worsens’. Good grief I thought, are the BBC actually acknowledging that there are too many of the bastards coming in? Silly me, of course not, it’s the usual hand wringers worried about the conditions that the poor dears are being kept in. Typical BBC emphasis on what’s best for the invaders rather than the hated British.
The hand wringers should be forced, at gunpoint, to take in at least one of the illegals each and pay their way, let’s see what they’re worried about then.
Nationalise all the hotels – start with those in Westminster – or let the illegals share with MPs …….
Today had that ‘Tory ‘ MP Roger Gale on yet again who thinks his constituency is on the south coast …
….. he is a total traitor remainer and will do and say anything to undermine the UK , his party and us … BBC love him …
He has had his snout ££££ in the trough since 1983 …. Ugh …
Surely the time has come to resurrect the prison hulks of Dickens Oliver Twist. No , not for the treasured ‘migrants’ but for those of us who refuse to take them in and feed them in our homes.
Trailer for 1:45pm new 5 episode daily R4 show
“OrangeManBad has created a problem for American democracy by creating doubt about it
.. anyway we reckon the Russians are hacking it”
.. emm who are the wacky conpiracy theorists ? ..surely the BBC there .
“Owen Bennett-Jones explores the threats facing America’s electoral system – from Russian interference to voter suppression and from cyber-attacks to conspiracy theories.
How vulnerable is American democracy?
And can US citizens still trust the system to deliver a fair result”
…Now on her 9:45am daily show Marianna Spring is talking about Conspiracy Theorists “exploiting” the Ariana Grande bombing.
Nutters sent people grisly birthday cards
Nutters sent people posts saying they were crisis actors
.. Yeh that happens, the world is full of strange people.
Now prog is focusing on CT spreader Richard D Hall ..some YouTuber
Migrant phone-in on R5 just now —
Some bloke doing soccer training and all-round Contributor-to-Society® tells some gritty stories about how the military were burning down houses in the Sudan where he came from. Charity woman Sonia (Freedom from Torture) thinks ‘we need to ask what sort of country we are’ and that Braverman should seriously consider her position or at least tone down the hateful, far-far-right rhetoric. Nothing on her life story, though her accent revealed a distinct Ozzie twang. Another bloke — a man of Indian descent (adopted by white people) — critical of Priti’s ‘pull up the drawbridge’ policy for those who came after her.
The one dissenting voice is Devon, a gentleman a bit fed up. It turns out one of Devon’s mates was kicked out of the UK after his visa ran out, so there’s a bit of a personal grudge. Devon, of course, has a strong accent and comes from Jamaica.
So there it is, the migrant debate framed by the globalist BBC without reference to those born in this country. Bubble? What bubble?
“Ministers face questions as migrant crisis worsens”
“We need a new agreement in place with France around the Channel crossings, and we need a significant increase in the activities of the National Crime Agency because we’ve got a proliferation of criminal activities in the Channel that has increased in the couple of years.”
IMHO, the politicians haven’t woken up yet to the fact that the French Don’t Want them and are quite happy to dump them on us . In the meantime we are paying for the Tory Government’s mess.
Should be the top photo in a “Brasil – what you need to know” piece on the BBC web site?
Presenter “we are due to go into a meeting at 2pm to talk about BBC cuts. there was an article in the Guardian”
If the BBC doesn’t want to be called biased
It should stop choosing the Guardian as the newspaper it gives its inside information to
Wasn’t Mehdi the one THE BBC called first to stir up the faith sector?
That little weasel turns up like a bad stink everywhere.
Exclusive indeed … in the true sense of the word….
Caught some interview with Angela Rayner on R4 at the weekend — apparently her mum was buying dog food for dinner because she couldn’t read or write, and an anecdote about Ange giving her friend her car during lockdown because she had six kids and was struggling to manage. (Since then she’s had another).
It was Pythonesque… I was fully expecting to hear about her about her living in a shoebox on road eating hot gravel.
Implication of course was how out of touch a tory toff PM is when it comes to real people with real problems. Which is a fair point but I’ve never been so despairing when looking at the binary choice facing voters these days.
The BBC are grooming her to be the first female Labour PM.
They’ve realised what the USA realised years ago. Treat everyone like they are truly stupid and you will gain more people than you lose.
Might not have been the case in the UK in years past – but the scales have tipped.
John don’t know who the smug interviewer was but he sounded in his comfort zone giving ample airtime to tales of northern poverty from the safe distance of Islington.
Hats off to all of you who listen to R4. It’s enough for me to persevere with R5 and their increasing ladyball coverage.
Nick Robinson had a 30min show on Saturday with Angela Rayner
I heard the start it sounded like best mates stuff
.. no harsh questioning.
There isn’t a binary choice as both parties are the same. There is no real choice at all and you are forced to choose between two Socialist parties with little difference between them.
Lol –
We were really poor – we couldnt afford dogfood . We was robbin the food bank – life were ‘ ard
As happens an expert said the other week that all dog/cat food in the UK is safe for human consumption
cos that is what the laws say.
That Ms Rayner?
Malbec with lobster ? Really – no no –
Its like… hennesey with cod and chips
Whisky with a big mac .. the horror ..
Does she not know that vodka and redbull is the lobster drink?
Senior, some more. And thick on par with most BBC ‘babes’.
Black pudding and tripe washed down with a bottle of cream stout eh?
Didn’t Pete and Dud have a material interest in lobsters?
“What’s the worst job you’ve ever had”?
“Picking lobsters out of Crayons’ – er…”
(Growls off stage).
INdeed…’Lobsterisimus -um- Bummakisimus’!
It seems the true president of the US is being allowed back onto the twitter – if true the hateful MSM will scream and scream …
Well he’s not back now
Expect some fake accounts
Some people say Trump has contracts with Truth Social to give it priority.
Stew – i did write with a degree of caution .. im just slumming it on a warm beach …
These coaches… powered how?
And this ‘assembly’ another of these rigged efforts instead of ballots?
Hotel rooms near Bristol Airport have sky rocketed.
Holiday Inn Bristol Airport has been taken over to house the illegals.
SERCO contract?
Buy hotel futures
How about a SERCO contract to remove all illegals ?
Surely they should use Capita! They’re great at harrassment, especially against the elderly!
Really brave little b******s.
Still, at £16mill a year, paid for by the TV tax, any jumped-up little squirt can go and ‘work’ for them…
Meanwhile in Bristol, landlords get sweetners to discriminate towards Ukrainians.
“You’ll also receive:
a £1,000 thank you payment
6 month’s rent paid in advance when the tenancy begins
payments to cover the rent level as soon as you’ve joined the scheme
up to £2,000 for repairs and maintenance
up to £2,000 for your tenants, for furniture and items to help make the house a home
support for your tenants”
Try and get that sort of help if you are a homeless native of this Country….
The hateful Mark Easton, on Radio 4’s 6 p.m. news, had to situate the cross-Channel illegal immigration invasion within a wider context, as lefty “caring” types often do. His summary stressed people fleeing war, famine and persecution … no mention of criminal gangs, Albanian and other economic migrants for whom the UK is a soft touch. Typical of the ceaseless BBC misdirection on this issue, always making it about the “vulnerable” to whom our obligations are of course endless, rather than the open law-breaking and subsequent moral blackmail of us in the UK to keep paying for it all.
If any of the illegals at Manston or anywhere else have health or other problems, it is in spite of what we’ve done for them, not because of it. They are responsible for their own condition as they chose to come here illegally and spent lots of money doing so, giving the lie to any rubbish about poverty.
The treacherous lying BBC makes me sick: how can it have sunk so low?
Brazil elections. Lulu of the left beats far far right Bolsanaro.
America can stand by for migrants from Brazil.
Boom banga bang ? Pop pickers ?
imho – this sentiment is not repeated loudly – or often enough.
The vaccine-injured are by definition not antivaxers; after all they took the vaccine in good faith. Their stories must be heard.
The media seeking to belittle, label and vilify is simply putrid
In a sane world the extents of risk would be properly and transparently detailed – that they aren’t tells you something about whats going on.
We aren’t in a sane world.
I read in the Guardian that the Met Police have a cunning new plan to reduce violent gang crime.
The plan is breathtaking in it’s simplicity….
They are going to just ignore lots more crime, stop arresting and tagging perpetrators and thus it will lead to far less reported crime and the list of dangerous young men will rapidly shrink away.
Excellent news for undertakers
Is there a pattern between the ability of The State to control illegal entry to blighty
Illegal obstruction of the highway. ?
What will be the response when one of the eco types is killed by an irate member of the public ?
gawd… I wrongly assumed we might be shot of him
God help us – why is that picture so sinister ?
So Rasheed Sarnak could attend the Cop summit, says BBC.
If he goes he could report on the magnificent work police and government supported activists are doing, blocking roads and spraying MI5 with paint in order to save the world from global warming.
“says BBC” tail, wag, dog
Others keep saying it and it bears repeating – if the fools in Whitehall keep kowtowing to BBC + Guardian we are in even deeper sh1t than most people realise.
Its the Tory MPs, that are, as you say, are “in deeper sh1t” .
The trick, I think is, to say things in such an assured way that nobody will say “Hang on a mo….”. On the bbc at the moment, an article from Dover discussing interviews with local indigenous folk. The writer says that its 50/50, some saying “we should help these people”, others “Some say words I wouldn’t put out on the media”.
Firstly pal, it’s your job to report the news, not just the bits that I’m entitled to hear. Whether its 50/50 or 90/10, report the events, truthfully and in full. If you had to clean up the language (For example, if you interviewed me) fair enough, but your role is not one of censor.
It’s the first time I’d noticed this ploy of taking a stance and speaking as if its the only position a sane person would take. Once you see a little bias, it gets easier and easier to spot. Or maybe it’s more plentiful now.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC and the rest of the equally spineless MSM report on the petrol bomb attacker in Dover.
Will they quickly ascertain that he had “drug issues”?
Will it be confirmed that he was a “lone wolf”?
Are they going to investigate his “psychiatric problems”?
Will we find that the story gets buried under an avalanche of other news items?
Or…will they very quickly be pointing the finger at “the far right” and anyone else that dares query our non existent border force?
I think we know the answer…
He clearly wasn’t too bright or he would have picked a better location to chuck his bombs over the fence. He needed to be about 10 yards to the right, then he would have hit bullseye – the marquee . Instead all he did was cause minor damage to the metal fence. Will anyone else take up the cudgel one wonders ?
Google maps ?
Watch for spurious links with Trump, Tommy Robinson or Farage
Seeing reports that a bystander intervened and took a JSO paint canister away from a loon and emptied the entire contents over the perp.
I so hope it’s true – and that there’s moving pictures with sound.
On a side note – it would seem that JSO have picked orange as their colour – could it be that there’s some near decadal synergy with other colour revolutions? I mean … why do they have to pick a colour at all?
They’re obviously Orangemen
Stop …. 😎…been Fanta d ?( power of advertising )
Certainly THE BBC.
To now their personal broadcast only, inaccurate, free censorship any counter view playground.
There has to be a system to handle abuse, but supposed journalists picking and chasing what suits propaganda and blocking any comments back is farcical.
Any blocking or restricting is using twitter as a private rare platform for mates and pigtail misinformation tool to large numbers of public.
Blocking without reason should seem them kicked off in any professional guise.
Stick that in your blue ticks, BBC.
I suppose all know that PayPal has introduced a policy that they will fine any person who violates their policy on what they think is “hate crime” with a $2500 fine, to be extracted without any fair trial.
This policy is so insane, and against everything that the USA stands for and stipulated vigorously in the constitution, that I thought that it might be a mischief meme to harm PayPal.
Not so. In this era it is , “One cant make this stuff up”.
I’m cancelling PayPal.
Paypal’s fees are way in excess of normal bank charges,which is why Ebay etc., mention that the preferred method of paying for anything online is by your bank.
I used to go via Paypal, but hardly ever do now, as it’s my belief that any trader deserves to get the best deal after I’ve discussed the offer and bought the item.
But then, I’m old fashioned…
Mark White (the droning security editor on GBN) made mention – when reporting live from Dover – that it was against the law to keep refugees detained for a certain length of time. Well, who passed this law ? I’ve glanced through several detention sites but there are pages and pages of convoluted jargon, but I couldn’t see where it was against the law.
There’s the utility of Twitter directness …. you can ask directly – and of course they can ignore you – but the question just sits there…
– or that is how most thought it worked …
Many BBC staff do more than ignore.
Hence questions and answers are carefully curated.
Not the BBC
Indulge me on a number of counts – I’ve just watched a you tube of ‘the hoover institution ‘ with Douglas Murray talking about the ‘strange death of Europe .
Now I know plenty here have read his works – I haven’t ( yet ) – mainly because I thought it might depress me more – but in a YouTube which is 3 years old – it tells me nothing has improved and things have only got worse in terms of our current madness – whether it is greens queers Muslims trans coloured – whatever …..
It was about 45 minutes long – and mr Murray seems to accept our self inflicted collective decline – and that we have allowed the governing class to eff things up so much …
And his message – make the best of what we have while we have it – ( and on my interpretation – future generations may curse us with a collective WTF ? – although that may be banned or expressed in non English …) gulp …
The headline below is from the Daily Telegraph .
‘Lance Sergeant Farai Mabasa is fined 14 days’ pay – around £1,365 – after failing to turn up on duty and passing out at Wellington Barracks”ENDS
It adds that the lance sergeant had been drinking rum . Interestingly comments tend toward ‘why is such a trivial story on the front page of a national newspaper ? ‘ a sentiment with which I strongly agree ..
And more personally have got seriously seriously ratted on the real rum – just once as a kid when I knew chaps who bought it back from ‘the islands ‘ – I can sympathise with said lance corporal – who apparently is to keep his rank post punishment …