The BBC news pumps out anti oil company propaganda . For instance – BP made something like £7 billion profit in the most recent quarter – sometimes the BBC mentions this is ‘global profit ‘ other time just ‘profit ‘ ….
… the simpletons at the BBC don’t realise global corporations like BP only get a bit of their profit from the UK – so a lot of money from elsewhere will be coming here at dividends in pensions ….
People deserve to be better informed . Note – I am not currently a BP shareholder – unfortunately but I am a fan of oil companies keeping the world going ….
Profits are good, why bother investing and working if there was no profit.
I don’t think the Government would be offering to bail out the oil and energy companies if there were adverse trading conditions and they made losses. They would call it market forces and allow companies to be put into receivership
'Of all the failings of this Government over the last two years, the failure to get a grip of the small boats crisis is the worst of all. It is a national embarrassment.'
“The BBC should cut Gary Lineker’s salary to fund local radio, an MP has said, as the Government criticised the corporation’s plans to reduce services.
Schedules at all 39 stations in England are to be stripped of local content during afternoons, evenings and weekends, to be replaced with regional or national programmes.
Sir Mike Penning, MP for Hemel Hempstead and a former Tory minister, told the Commons: “The public trust local radio like they don’t trust Newsnight or the Today programme.
“If it’s about money, then take half a million pounds out of Gary Lineker’s salary or one of the others who earn extortionate salaries.” Lineker is paid £1.35 million a year by the BBC.”
Quite. But we know the BBC won’t be doing that! They would rather re-arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. At one time they said they would close down TV channel 5. Nobody noticed. They opened it a year later. Plus they have far too may TV ‘freeview’ channels (more than anybody else) which are paid by ADVERTISING!! So the TV license fee is just abused – a ‘top-up’ for the likes of Gary Linekar and Co. Every ones’ a winner when you get the BBC National Lottery award(s). They are NOT short of money, never have been.
The BBC said changes to local radio is NOT about saving money
The proposed changes are also deep in the future.
It seems to me this is actually the consultation process
BBC management have thrown in a idea
to see what the reaction is
What actually happens in a years time is NOT sure yet.
“UK is compassionate, says PM after Suella Braverman invasion row”
How about showing some compassion to the people of Great Britain suffering in cold homes and poverty while ‘others’ are languishing in 4 Star Hotels all funded by the British Taxpayer .
Disgusting !
The BBC have been in full and excitable migrant support mode all night. Graphs, everything. There seems little doubt that they have had their orders from their masters in WHO and WEF to support the globalist cause…
We need unlimited volumes of migrants from every country in the World according to the BBC until our national makeup is obliterated.
Time to finish off dissent in one of the last Countries in the World not toeing the line with their putrid Globalist agenda is the undoubted message the BBC is putting out.
It is simply anti-British poisonous treason by our national Broadcaster in my eyes.
It is time they were outed.
The British public need to stop pretending that our two party government system is looking after their interests and use the ballot box throw out all the deluded globalist puppets who support this madness in either major party who look after their own interests before the interests of the British public, be they wet Conservative sleepers bleating “right-on” messages or Labour Trotsky overgrown students well pass their use-by date who have never matured and just want to wave red placards.
Just look how desperately the BBC are trying to paint the Dover white fire-bomb guy as a terrorist.
The word ‘terrorism’ appears 6 times and the word Muslim twice.
Contrast this reports of ANY attack by Muslim terrorists in the last 5+ years and they NEVER use either of those words except if it’s a direct police statement they can’t edit.
Yet in the article we get ‘though this may not necessarily meet the threshold of terrorism.’ and ‘he added that ‘at this point the attack had not been declared a terrorist incident”.
So it wasn’t then. So why even use the word ?. And I see they have left out the bit about him having no far-Right links – even though it is entirely relevant in the context of their attempts to subconciously paint him as a terrorist.
The real story here is how the continuing immigration invasion and the millions we are spending on putting them in hotel rooms whilst English people suffer is driving them to suicide.
And here is my biggest problem with the BBC. They are utter hypocrites who care more about illegal immigrants than the British people.
But I suppose their is no virtue signalling value at their dinner parties to talk about the plight of the British working class who fund them.
They are now the enemy of the public who fund them and traitors to their country. They absolutely must be forced to earn their audience via a subscription model. Of course we all know why they are so scared about that. Nobody wants their far-Left rubbish.
You need to understand what the BBC is. It is not a broadcasting company. It is the propaganda arm of the UK Government. This means everything they tell you is untrue. Everything. Now think about what has been going on over the last 3 years. I repeat everything is a lie.
I don’t think they would be trying to destroy the government if they were it’s propaganda arm.
They have evolved into a liberal-left activist group who want to change the UK into their own warped version of a liberal-left socialist state where they are ultimately in charge and get to empathise with ‘victims’ all day to show how morally virtuous they are.
They have been allowed to do this over the years because they get their money no matter how outrageously biased they are. It doesn’t make any difference to them if nobody watches their output. They would have gone broke years ago if they survived on merit.
They generally do not lie. They manipulate or omit the truth.
My goodness, what an complete empathy-laden bucket of tripe this article is.
You have to read it to believe it – it’s as far from ‘reporting’ as you can get. It’s more like a romantic novel for transexuals.
But here’s a tase of what the BBC gave us this time:
‘The audition had gone well.
Navya Singh was up for the role of the best friend of the leading lady. She had delivered her lines with a confidence that didn’t tip into arrogance. She had been friendly with just a flash of sexiness, but not enough to steal limelight. She had, most importantly, remembered her lines.’
How on Earth could ‘Megan Mohan, the BBC’s first indentity correspondent’ have known any of that if she wasn’t there ?. She can’t : it’s complete fabrication designed to make us think the only reason she didn’t get it was because she is trans. AKA more BBC agenda-based lies. And it’s so obvious, you wonder just how stupid the writer must be.
And you also wonder why the BBC are spending UK license fee payers money to report on who or what Bollywood choose to employ.
Here she is.
Another rubbish quota employee from the female clone factory who has to be given articles to write to justify their existence.
Shaima Dallali has been sacked as President of the National Union of Students.
She claimed that the NUS were Islamophobic + she had been mistreated because she was a black Muslim woman.
The reality? She was found guilty of gross misconduct and anti-Semitism
SACKED following an independent investigation into allegations of antisemitism, the JC understands.
1st time in the 100-year history of the NUS that a president has been fired.
@ShumBaloo Tweets
It’s what the BBC always does when it wants more taxpayer money
Takes a show, or area of programming which has a small cult slightly obessive following, which management thinks dull… No offence intended
And holds it to ransom
Give us more money or X gets it!
Coming to a hotel near you, the “wimmin and children fleeing war”, luckily our lot did not flee in 1914 or 1939. they fought for and died for this country that this cowardly rabble have arrived to steal benefits and council houses from :
While the plague was killing millions of Britons over the last three years millions of illegal male immigrants of fighting age landed in the UK. You need to think about that. A plague that is so dangerous you have to lockdown the economy and destroy it. Meanwhile, you import millions of people who cannot speak English and are of fighting age. You really are in for a shock. We warned you and you dismissed us as tinfoil hat nutters. Well who is laughing now?
Starmer…the man who took a knee for BLM and now erm… simply ignores that and heads back to tried and tested sloganeering where words mean whatever they want them to mean…
The increase in sexual and other assaults of between 20 and 30 % in recent years in France and Sweden, which entirely correlates with the increase in muslim immigrants, suggests that this is not a phobia, which is an irrational fear.
On the contrary, it seems a perfectly rational concern.
“A different Sweden’: Gang shootings loom large in vote
This is my son, Marley, when he was 19 years old”, Maritha Ogilvie tells AFP, holding a framed photo of a smiling young man, one of many that adorn the walls of her Stockholm apartment.
“He was shot in the head sitting in a car with a friend”, says the 51-year-old.
The killing, on March 24, 2015 in Varby gard, a disadvantaged concrete suburb southwest of Stockholm, has never been resolved and the case was closed 10 months later.
Murders like these are usually settlings of scores between rival gangs often controlled by immigrant clans, according to police, and increasingly taking place in public places in broad daylight.
The violence is primarily attributed to battles over the drug and weapons market and personal vendettas.
It has escalated to the point where Sweden — one of the richest and most egalitarian countries in the world — now tops the European rankings for fatal shootings.
According to a report published last year by the National Council for Crime Prevention, among 22 countries with comparable data only Croatia had more deadly shootings, and no other country posted a bigger increase than Sweden in the past decade.
Shopping mall execution
Despite various measures introduced by the Social Democratic government to crack down on the gangs — including tougher prison sentences and boosting police resources — the number of dead and injured continues to mount.
Since January 1, 48 people have been killed by firearms in Sweden, three more than in all of 2021.
There are also frequent bombings of homes and cars and grenade attacks.
Sweden suffers surge in bomb attacks as gang violence rises
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – A surge in drug-linked gang-violence in Sweden led to a 60% increase in bomb blasts in 2019, government statistics showed on Thursday, as police work to rid the streets of explosives and guns with more officers on patrol.
What we are seeing, in front of our eyes, is the degradation of our society through the immigration of mainly uneducated middle eastern and african people.
Once within our society they insist on ignoring our cultural values, and choose to live in their own separate societies.
Since many are uneducated or in the case of many black males, do not value education, they find themselves with fewer opportunities, envying those who have better incomes through education and working their way up in careers.
They then exercise that resentment through criminal activity and joining gangs.
They are not satisfied with simply seeking refuge, many are demanding the same socio economic status that many in our society have achieved through education, training and working their way up.
And they want it NOW.
Others use lawyers and protests to insert their cultural values against ours such as in educational issues (islamic schools, threatening OFSTED inspectors, sex education etc etc),and demanding mosques etc.
Many also have a very insidious attitude to women which is a definite safety issue, (ignored by the me too movement but numbers do not lie, see earlier posts about the massive increase in sexual assaults by non indigenous perps)
they are cowards who attack in numbers or when they are armed against unarmed and outnumbered,
This is the simple truth, if some say it is racist to seek to protect our women, children and cultural norms and peace on our streets and public safety then so be it.
And if we are ever at war and have to fight for our country again, they have form, and will run to the nearest coastline…
Day 1 of Haringey’s West Green LTN. Local residents perhaps a little miffed that there’s now a detour of nearly 2 miles to navigate a journey that yesterday was 100m.
Labour’s Cllr Hakata here explaining the scheme to a resident who now needs directions to leave his own home.
Tomo – having lived in a londonistan one party state council since birth some time ago – I can faithfully report that it is corrupt – disfunctional – detached – a failure to the people who fund .
There is no accountability – the local paper gave up – auditors gave up –
…. And to add to it – the steep rise in falling revenues by non payment of council tax is really gonna give it a nose bleed … added to coming cuts from central government courtesy of Mr Hunt in 2 weeks time ….
By the way – Waltham Forest – next door to harringsy ‘a’ is the leader on LTNs courtesy of a certain blue Tory transport minister who put £100 million at LA disposal to eff up traffic in the name of the bicycle …
Ps – these councils love their ‘consultations ‘ but always know best ….another example of national self destruction …
I saw Waltham Forest in action and commented at the ludicrous catering provision for council staff (restaurant in a field full of food concessions) at a public event where they’d spaffed hundreds of thousands for a “fwee!” party.
One lady explained that they’d still got a war chest of dosh from Olympic funding that they were dipping into years afterwards… I don’t know how true that was but she was seemingly in a position to know and the selfish profligacy was right there in front of me.
A couple of years back I looked at Camden and Hydrogen powered electricity generators – they’d bought two (£250k++) and used one once for half a day at a council event where it wasn’t required (mains was available at ca. 10% the notional fuel cost) and two years later they’d actually lost one and the second one was sitting corroded, dilapidated and surrounded by rubbish in the corner of a council yard.
I went to a ‘redevelopment ‘consultation with that council once I carried out a detailed critique of their plan having lived in the affected area all my life –
They looked at me like ‘scum ‘ – and did not discuss n]my contrary views at all – local engagement ended then ….
… fortunately their plan got ‘shelved ‘ since then – maybe 15 years ago …( I know better than engaging now )
I enjoyed reading this article. The BBC have turned into spiteful schoolboys again. It’s one long rant trying to put him down.
‘.. some companies have grown concerned about advertising on the site under his leadership.’
‘.. some other major brands have more quietly put a temporary halt to advertising on the platform’
‘Many on the platform echoed the statement of author Stephen King ..’
Who did they ask (or should I say give a soapbox to criticise) ?
‘But Nu Wexler, former Twitter Head of Global Policy Communications, warned that ..’
Not biased there at all.
And ‘despite’ there being so many ‘Some’s and ‘Many’s, they only manage to list one:
‘General Motors – a rival of Mr Musk’s electric car company Tesla – said last week it was suspending advertising on the site.’. And even that is another BBC lie : they have deliberately missed out the word ‘temporarily’ before ‘suspending’.
I might even join Twitter if it gets better. I wonder if the ‘impartial BBC’ will continue to link to it to push us into reading posts by Lefty activists or if they will ‘cancel’ it through spite.
No author given for this story : I wonder why sometimes give a name and other times they don’t – though thinking about it, all the ones with names are usually the more extreme agenda items written by poor quality quota staff.
Twitter has changed over the years in that the manipulation is now so clearly / often hamfisted that it’s a reliable indicator when there’s something to cover up / head off.
I’ll be surprised if that changes under Musk’s direction.
There’s underlying and quite extreme spat running mostly because Musk won’t do as he’s told by the Democrats – the tie cutting, nose twisting and shin kicking will be interspersed with the occasional custard pie.
Cute move on Musk’s part since the military industrial big beasts and the swamp are after his businesses I think. He’s made them look incompetent too – and they don’t like that.
It really isn’t in my opinion about Twitter per se.
Musk’s businesses are mostly ponzi schemes
He hypes and hypes them and just as they about to completely fall over, he gets involved in another one, he then hypes that one up.
And uses the inflow of new cash, to keep the old one alive. And he may merge the old one into the new one.
Tesla isn’t really worth much and neither is Twitter
and neither was his solar panel biz
Houston police chief: Sometimes hip hop gets a bad name? Apparently, wonder why
“Rapper Desiigner, who rose up at the same time as Migos, openly wept on an Instagram Live stream and said he was quitting rap” – Why would you quit? The likes of the bBC would have us think this is normal behaviour
Statistically we know its unusual that rappers get shot 🙁
I have been a critic of @RishiSunak but credit where credits is due. He said he was too busy to got to COP27, and rightly so, and he has stuck to his guns. A lesser man or woman would have buckled.
The 2021 survey counted 10 million foreign-born people, among a population of 59.5 million in England and Wales.
That means 1 in every 6 people in the UK were not born here. If immigration is needed to grow the economy we should be the world leader on GDP. Perhaps immigration doesn’t grow the economy at all…hmmm.
Did you see pixie Balls during Suella’s stint answering questions after her statement earlier this week.
I was expecting her head to explode.
Earlier posts are on about how bad it is in Sweden now.
Makes me think of the HG Wells book The Time Machine where there are the Eloi and the Morlocks.
One, violent beasts and the other a load of tolerant idiots being preyed on by the Morlocks.
Our population is behaving like the Eloi and all these mass invaders can’t believe how easy it is for them to take over as we’ve become a soft bunch of cissies, ripe to be exploited and walked all over.
On the earlier post about the bbbc supporting the government.
If the bbbc keep on calling the Tories for being against mass unwanted immigration it gives the impression that the Tories are actually doing something about it when we all know they are not. They can pretend to be against mass immigration but they make sure nothing happens about it.
If they wanted to stop it they could but the truth is, they want it to continue.
They are fooling the population with the help of the bbbc.
It’s symbiotic as the bbbc can virtue signal and the Tories can Carrie on pretending they want to do something about it.
If Suella looks like solving this she will be out faster than garages putting petrol prices up after an increase in the price of a barrel.
What an asset she would be if she joined Reform.
Guest WhoFeb 24, 07:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Just JonDon being JonDon. Jon is an @bbcnews correspondent. He sees Hamas abusing and torturing Israeli hostages on TV.…
Fedup2Feb 24, 06:54 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zephir I recall the hormone level is a recurring theme for causes of criminality – violence . Personally I was…
ZephirFeb 24, 06:20 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Researchers measured testosterone levels from saliva, and based criminal behavior on court and prison records and staff interviews regarding aggressive…
ZephirFeb 24, 06:11 Start the Week 24th February 2025 How’s that DEI going for you ? Video below I often think many of these, including the females, have an…
JohnCFeb 24, 05:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Three years on, Ukraine’s extinction nightmare has returned The BBC’s extreme-Left fanatic Bowen is at it again. This time…
JohnCFeb 24, 03:22 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Another video I spent longer watching than I intended.
ZephirFeb 24, 03:18 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Yes, I noticed this yesterday, all short sighted (in so many ways) and all wear the same stupid starmer glasses…..…
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
The BBC news pumps out anti oil company propaganda . For instance – BP made something like £7 billion profit in the most recent quarter – sometimes the BBC mentions this is ‘global profit ‘ other time just ‘profit ‘ ….
… the simpletons at the BBC don’t realise global corporations like BP only get a bit of their profit from the UK – so a lot of money from elsewhere will be coming here at dividends in pensions ….
People deserve to be better informed . Note – I am not currently a BP shareholder – unfortunately but I am a fan of oil companies keeping the world going ….
Profits are good, why bother investing and working if there was no profit.
I don’t think the Government would be offering to bail out the oil and energy companies if there were adverse trading conditions and they made losses. They would call it market forces and allow companies to be put into receivership
They laughed at him then but they are not laughing now .
The Conservatives have failed , miserably failed .
The Red wall ?
BBC short of money again!
“The BBC should cut Gary Lineker’s salary to fund local radio, an MP has said, as the Government criticised the corporation’s plans to reduce services.
Schedules at all 39 stations in England are to be stripped of local content during afternoons, evenings and weekends, to be replaced with regional or national programmes.
Sir Mike Penning, MP for Hemel Hempstead and a former Tory minister, told the Commons: “The public trust local radio like they don’t trust Newsnight or the Today programme.
“If it’s about money, then take half a million pounds out of Gary Lineker’s salary or one of the others who earn extortionate salaries.” Lineker is paid £1.35 million a year by the BBC.”
Quite. But we know the BBC won’t be doing that! They would rather re-arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. At one time they said they would close down TV channel 5. Nobody noticed. They opened it a year later. Plus they have far too may TV ‘freeview’ channels (more than anybody else) which are paid by ADVERTISING!! So the TV license fee is just abused – a ‘top-up’ for the likes of Gary Linekar and Co. Every ones’ a winner when you get the BBC National Lottery award(s). They are NOT short of money, never have been.
The BBC said changes to local radio is NOT about saving money
The proposed changes are also deep in the future.
It seems to me this is actually the consultation process
BBC management have thrown in a idea
to see what the reaction is
What actually happens in a years time is NOT sure yet.
“UK is compassionate, says PM after Suella Braverman invasion row”
How about showing some compassion to the people of Great Britain suffering in cold homes and poverty while ‘others’ are languishing in 4 Star Hotels all funded by the British Taxpayer .
Disgusting !
Suella Braverman for Prime Minister.
The BBC have been in full and excitable migrant support mode all night. Graphs, everything. There seems little doubt that they have had their orders from their masters in WHO and WEF to support the globalist cause…
We need unlimited volumes of migrants from every country in the World according to the BBC until our national makeup is obliterated.
Time to finish off dissent in one of the last Countries in the World not toeing the line with their putrid Globalist agenda is the undoubted message the BBC is putting out.
It is simply anti-British poisonous treason by our national Broadcaster in my eyes.
It is time they were outed.
The British public need to stop pretending that our two party government system is looking after their interests and use the ballot box throw out all the deluded globalist puppets who support this madness in either major party who look after their own interests before the interests of the British public, be they wet Conservative sleepers bleating “right-on” messages or Labour Trotsky overgrown students well pass their use-by date who have never matured and just want to wave red placards.
Dover attack on migrant centre driven by hate, say terror police
Just look how desperately the BBC are trying to paint the Dover white fire-bomb guy as a terrorist.
The word ‘terrorism’ appears 6 times and the word Muslim twice.
Contrast this reports of ANY attack by Muslim terrorists in the last 5+ years and they NEVER use either of those words except if it’s a direct police statement they can’t edit.
Yet in the article we get ‘though this may not necessarily meet the threshold of terrorism.’ and ‘he added that ‘at this point the attack had not been declared a terrorist incident”.
So it wasn’t then. So why even use the word ?. And I see they have left out the bit about him having no far-Right links – even though it is entirely relevant in the context of their attempts to subconciously paint him as a terrorist.
The real story here is how the continuing immigration invasion and the millions we are spending on putting them in hotel rooms whilst English people suffer is driving them to suicide.
And here is my biggest problem with the BBC. They are utter hypocrites who care more about illegal immigrants than the British people.
But I suppose their is no virtue signalling value at their dinner parties to talk about the plight of the British working class who fund them.
They are now the enemy of the public who fund them and traitors to their country. They absolutely must be forced to earn their audience via a subscription model. Of course we all know why they are so scared about that. Nobody wants their far-Left rubbish.
You need to understand what the BBC is. It is not a broadcasting company. It is the propaganda arm of the UK Government. This means everything they tell you is untrue. Everything. Now think about what has been going on over the last 3 years. I repeat everything is a lie.
I don’t think they would be trying to destroy the government if they were it’s propaganda arm.
They have evolved into a liberal-left activist group who want to change the UK into their own warped version of a liberal-left socialist state where they are ultimately in charge and get to empathise with ‘victims’ all day to show how morally virtuous they are.
They have been allowed to do this over the years because they get their money no matter how outrageously biased they are. It doesn’t make any difference to them if nobody watches their output. They would have gone broke years ago if they survived on merit.
They generally do not lie. They manipulate or omit the truth.
Bollywood: The trans icon played by a non-trans star
My goodness, what an complete empathy-laden bucket of tripe this article is.
You have to read it to believe it – it’s as far from ‘reporting’ as you can get. It’s more like a romantic novel for transexuals.
But here’s a tase of what the BBC gave us this time:
‘The audition had gone well.
Navya Singh was up for the role of the best friend of the leading lady. She had delivered her lines with a confidence that didn’t tip into arrogance. She had been friendly with just a flash of sexiness, but not enough to steal limelight. She had, most importantly, remembered her lines.’
How on Earth could ‘Megan Mohan, the BBC’s first indentity correspondent’ have known any of that if she wasn’t there ?. She can’t : it’s complete fabrication designed to make us think the only reason she didn’t get it was because she is trans. AKA more BBC agenda-based lies. And it’s so obvious, you wonder just how stupid the writer must be.
And you also wonder why the BBC are spending UK license fee payers money to report on who or what Bollywood choose to employ.
Here she is.

Another rubbish quota employee from the female clone factory who has to be given articles to write to justify their existence.
Deffo safe seat red labour MP in the making – although the girls already their May get worried about the competition .
Shaima Dallali has been sacked as President of the National Union of Students.
She claimed that the NUS were Islamophobic + she had been mistreated because she was a black Muslim woman.
The reality? She was found guilty of gross misconduct and anti-Semitism
SACKED following an independent investigation into allegations of antisemitism, the JC understands.
1st time in the 100-year history of the NUS that a president has been fired.
“The BBC has an annual income of £5billion.”
@ShumBaloo Tweets
It’s what the BBC always does when it wants more taxpayer money
Takes a show, or area of programming which has a small cult slightly obessive following, which management thinks dull… No offence intended
And holds it to ransom
Give us more money or X gets it!
Coming to a hotel near you, the “wimmin and children fleeing war”, luckily our lot did not flee in 1914 or 1939. they fought for and died for this country that this cowardly rabble have arrived to steal benefits and council houses from :
While the plague was killing millions of Britons over the last three years millions of illegal male immigrants of fighting age landed in the UK. You need to think about that. A plague that is so dangerous you have to lockdown the economy and destroy it. Meanwhile, you import millions of people who cannot speak English and are of fighting age. You really are in for a shock. We warned you and you dismissed us as tinfoil hat nutters. Well who is laughing now?
Keir’s Signalling that he doesn’t care about all people equally
but rather prioritises some special categories
Starmer…the man who took a knee for BLM and now erm… simply ignores that and heads back to tried and tested sloganeering where words mean whatever they want them to mean…
It’s a bit like “sustainability”
The increase in sexual and other assaults of between 20 and 30 % in recent years in France and Sweden, which entirely correlates with the increase in muslim immigrants, suggests that this is not a phobia, which is an irrational fear.
On the contrary, it seems a perfectly rational concern.
“A different Sweden’: Gang shootings loom large in vote
This is my son, Marley, when he was 19 years old”, Maritha Ogilvie tells AFP, holding a framed photo of a smiling young man, one of many that adorn the walls of her Stockholm apartment.
“He was shot in the head sitting in a car with a friend”, says the 51-year-old.
The killing, on March 24, 2015 in Varby gard, a disadvantaged concrete suburb southwest of Stockholm, has never been resolved and the case was closed 10 months later.
Murders like these are usually settlings of scores between rival gangs often controlled by immigrant clans, according to police, and increasingly taking place in public places in broad daylight.
The violence is primarily attributed to battles over the drug and weapons market and personal vendettas.
It has escalated to the point where Sweden — one of the richest and most egalitarian countries in the world — now tops the European rankings for fatal shootings.
According to a report published last year by the National Council for Crime Prevention, among 22 countries with comparable data only Croatia had more deadly shootings, and no other country posted a bigger increase than Sweden in the past decade.
Shopping mall execution
Despite various measures introduced by the Social Democratic government to crack down on the gangs — including tougher prison sentences and boosting police resources — the number of dead and injured continues to mount.
Since January 1, 48 people have been killed by firearms in Sweden, three more than in all of 2021.
There are also frequent bombings of homes and cars and grenade attacks.
2020 Reuters:
Sweden suffers surge in bomb attacks as gang violence rises
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – A surge in drug-linked gang-violence in Sweden led to a 60% increase in bomb blasts in 2019, government statistics showed on Thursday, as police work to rid the streets of explosives and guns with more officers on patrol.
“Failed integration of immigrants is fueling gang violence and crime, Swedish PM says
‘Segregation has been allowed to go so far that we have parallel societies’, says Magdalena Andersson ”
What we are seeing, in front of our eyes, is the degradation of our society through the immigration of mainly uneducated middle eastern and african people.
Once within our society they insist on ignoring our cultural values, and choose to live in their own separate societies.
Since many are uneducated or in the case of many black males, do not value education, they find themselves with fewer opportunities, envying those who have better incomes through education and working their way up in careers.
They then exercise that resentment through criminal activity and joining gangs.
They are not satisfied with simply seeking refuge, many are demanding the same socio economic status that many in our society have achieved through education, training and working their way up.
And they want it NOW.
Others use lawyers and protests to insert their cultural values against ours such as in educational issues (islamic schools, threatening OFSTED inspectors, sex education etc etc),and demanding mosques etc.
Many also have a very insidious attitude to women which is a definite safety issue, (ignored by the me too movement but numbers do not lie, see earlier posts about the massive increase in sexual assaults by non indigenous perps)
they are cowards who attack in numbers or when they are armed against unarmed and outnumbered,
This is the simple truth, if some say it is racist to seek to protect our women, children and cultural norms and peace on our streets and public safety then so be it.
And if we are ever at war and have to fight for our country again, they have form, and will run to the nearest coastline…
Coming to a street near you….?
“Werl, de realitee is, as I’m telling you… is going the extra mile to meet our #NetZero target gets me on a jolly to COP28”
It’s climate change, innit?
I’d like to believe that local councils aren’t full of power drunk ignorant dickheads – but on the evidence – I’m likely to be disappointed.
Tomo – having lived in a londonistan one party state council since birth some time ago – I can faithfully report that it is corrupt – disfunctional – detached – a failure to the people who fund .
There is no accountability – the local paper gave up – auditors gave up –
…. And to add to it – the steep rise in falling revenues by non payment of council tax is really gonna give it a nose bleed … added to coming cuts from central government courtesy of Mr Hunt in 2 weeks time ….
By the way – Waltham Forest – next door to harringsy ‘a’ is the leader on LTNs courtesy of a certain blue Tory transport minister who put £100 million at LA disposal to eff up traffic in the name of the bicycle …
Ps – these councils love their ‘consultations ‘ but always know best ….another example of national self destruction …
I saw Waltham Forest in action and commented at the ludicrous catering provision for council staff (restaurant in a field full of food concessions) at a public event where they’d spaffed hundreds of thousands for a “fwee!” party.
One lady explained that they’d still got a war chest of dosh from Olympic funding that they were dipping into years afterwards… I don’t know how true that was but she was seemingly in a position to know and the selfish profligacy was right there in front of me.
A couple of years back I looked at Camden and Hydrogen powered electricity generators – they’d bought two (£250k++) and used one once for half a day at a council event where it wasn’t required (mains was available at ca. 10% the notional fuel cost) and two years later they’d actually lost one and the second one was sitting corroded, dilapidated and surrounded by rubbish in the corner of a council yard.
I went to a ‘redevelopment ‘consultation with that council once I carried out a detailed critique of their plan having lived in the affected area all my life –
They looked at me like ‘scum ‘ – and did not discuss n]my contrary views at all – local engagement ended then ….
… fortunately their plan got ‘shelved ‘ since then – maybe 15 years ago …( I know better than engaging now )
Wiltshire Council make “The Brittas Empire” look like an instructional video series.
Elon Musk says $8 monthly fee for Twitter blue tick
I enjoyed reading this article. The BBC have turned into spiteful schoolboys again. It’s one long rant trying to put him down.
‘.. some companies have grown concerned about advertising on the site under his leadership.’
‘.. some other major brands have more quietly put a temporary halt to advertising on the platform’
‘Many on the platform echoed the statement of author Stephen King ..’
Who did they ask (or should I say give a soapbox to criticise) ?
‘But Nu Wexler, former Twitter Head of Global Policy Communications, warned that ..’
Not biased there at all.
And ‘despite’ there being so many ‘Some’s and ‘Many’s, they only manage to list one:
‘General Motors – a rival of Mr Musk’s electric car company Tesla – said last week it was suspending advertising on the site.’. And even that is another BBC lie : they have deliberately missed out the word ‘temporarily’ before ‘suspending’.
I might even join Twitter if it gets better. I wonder if the ‘impartial BBC’ will continue to link to it to push us into reading posts by Lefty activists or if they will ‘cancel’ it through spite.
No author given for this story : I wonder why sometimes give a name and other times they don’t – though thinking about it, all the ones with names are usually the more extreme agenda items written by poor quality quota staff.
Twitter has changed over the years in that the manipulation is now so clearly / often hamfisted that it’s a reliable indicator when there’s something to cover up / head off.
I’ll be surprised if that changes under Musk’s direction.
There’s underlying and quite extreme spat running mostly because Musk won’t do as he’s told by the Democrats – the tie cutting, nose twisting and shin kicking will be interspersed with the occasional custard pie.
Its hard to determine the provenance of many articles.
Is this Reuters with a little bbc added in.
“But Mr Musk is still facing a hefty challenge as he works to overhaul Twitter’s business, which has not posted a profit in years.”
You’ve got to wonder at the intelligence of Musk’s group paying 44 billion..
Cute move on Musk’s part since the military industrial big beasts and the swamp are after his businesses I think. He’s made them look incompetent too – and they don’t like that.
It really isn’t in my opinion about Twitter per se.
Musk’s businesses are mostly ponzi schemes
He hypes and hypes them and just as they about to completely fall over, he gets involved in another one, he then hypes that one up.
And uses the inflow of new cash, to keep the old one alive. And he may merge the old one into the new one.
Tesla isn’t really worth much and neither is Twitter
and neither was his solar panel biz
‘The migrant ‘ amnesty is coming …
could really do with revisiting?
Migos rapper Takeoff killed by ‘stray bullet’, record label claims
Houston police chief: Sometimes hip hop gets a bad name? Apparently, wonder why
“Rapper Desiigner, who rose up at the same time as Migos, openly wept on an Instagram Live stream and said he was quitting rap” – Why would you quit? The likes of the bBC would have us think this is normal behaviour
Statistically we know its unusual that rappers get shot 🙁
Jamaica bans music and TV glorifying crime
13 October
Census: Migration biggest part of England and Wales population rise
The 2021 survey counted 10 million foreign-born people, among a population of 59.5 million in England and Wales.
That means 1 in every 6 people in the UK were not born here. If immigration is needed to grow the economy we should be the world leader on GDP. Perhaps immigration doesn’t grow the economy at all…hmmm.
p is likely banned from NZ
Did you see pixie Balls during Suella’s stint answering questions after her statement earlier this week.
I was expecting her head to explode.
Earlier posts are on about how bad it is in Sweden now.
Makes me think of the HG Wells book The Time Machine where there are the Eloi and the Morlocks.
One, violent beasts and the other a load of tolerant idiots being preyed on by the Morlocks.
Our population is behaving like the Eloi and all these mass invaders can’t believe how easy it is for them to take over as we’ve become a soft bunch of cissies, ripe to be exploited and walked all over.
On the earlier post about the bbbc supporting the government.
If the bbbc keep on calling the Tories for being against mass unwanted immigration it gives the impression that the Tories are actually doing something about it when we all know they are not. They can pretend to be against mass immigration but they make sure nothing happens about it.
If they wanted to stop it they could but the truth is, they want it to continue.
They are fooling the population with the help of the bbbc.
It’s symbiotic as the bbbc can virtue signal and the Tories can Carrie on pretending they want to do something about it.
If Suella looks like solving this she will be out faster than garages putting petrol prices up after an increase in the price of a barrel.
What an asset she would be if she joined Reform.
Blimey, you can smell the rot from thousands of miles away
@Tomo the new thread started 9 hours ago
What ? New thread ? Who did that ? And what a time ?
You did just before 6am
according your name at the top of the midweek page
this page is the Start The Week one.
Damn… it’s Wednesday