Given that the S300 is an anti aircraft missile albeit one with some low altitude capability (self evidently) – it isn’t unusual (in the West aiui) for the warhead fusing to “time out” to minimise unwanted damage to non targets.
Yep – I can see why people might not benefit unless they speak Ukranian …
– that said – overnight the baying for retaliation that I saw via western MSM and yes … on Twitter – was epic.
The only thing that undermined the gits proffered narrative was seemingly a random somebody with a mobile phone who photographed the missile debris _ put it online – where other online peeps seemingly ID’d the debris as likely Ukranian and a NATO gift from the Czech Republic.
I genuinely shudder to think was might have happened had Zelensky’s narrative been uncontested. The video can be translated later – I’ve not seen / heard any corrections to the already proffered accompanying translations.
Cue a tsunami of BBC specially selected voxpop of obese people who cannot afford their sky subscription, vapes, and lottery tickets……..err I mean vulnerable people who have to choose between eating and heating. Today the whingeathon is from the good people of Gloucester.
PS whisper it quietly but inflation is higher in Germany and Italy.
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
Just a thought as the bBC often now goes into overdrive with its “reporting” of the cost of living, and how much EVERYTHING is SO expensive
bbc keeps reminding us, so we are expecting to pay for higher electric/gas and the money the exchequer will get from us, and the plebs keep paying. Lets face it every little helps to pay off the national debt from covid related expenses
Sheffield constituents hoping to meet Izzard and voice their community’s concerns can do so after the show. Tickets start at just $60 (plus $8.79 in fees)…
The UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons. MPs consider and can propose new laws as well as raising issues that matter to you in the House. This includes asking government ministers questions about current issues including those which affect local constituents.
Can we relocate these loons to a cold, damp mid-Wales teepee village with no running water or sewage system and feed themselves from the surrounding land?
A team of academics has called for the closure of every UK airport to ensure that greenhouse gas emissions are brought down to zero in 2050. International shipping will also have to cease, they say, with all UK imports and exports transported by train.
Every day, around three million litres of sewage is emptied into the Ganges – and only about half of that has undergone any kind of treatment. The river’s waters are so dirty that it’s considered one of the most polluted waterways in the world.20 Jan 2022
In one of the most incredible reports about UK climate policy to date, the network of academics also call for eating beef and lamb to be banned, and for people to turn their heating down at home and wear more clothes to keep warm instead.
They want a new Government body – the Absolute Zero Executive – set up to ensure the net zero target of the Climate Change Act is delivered.
A statement in the report says: “The authors of this report are funded by the UK Government to support businesses and governments (national and regional) to develop a future industrial strategy that’s compatible with zero emissions.”
“There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”1 Jun 2012
UKHSA Chief Jenny Harries Attempts to Blame Excess Deaths on Climate Change – it was climate change wot done it. You have to be a total imbecile to believe such rubbish.
Finally, Esther Mcvey, one of the angels of the Tories’ better nature made a finely-tuned point in her feminine bass: “If the Government have got enough money to proceed with HS2 at any cost, then it has sufficient money not to increase taxes. If, however, it has so little money it has to increase taxes, then it doesn’t have sufficient money for HS2.”
HS2 is an EU requirement as a means to preventing air travel which works on an continental level but not a relatively small island.
HS2 is an example of why the UK left the EU because of laws and rules unsuited to us but imposed anyway.
Now we have a government desperately mirroring EU legislation at any cost so they can rejoin as seamlessly as possible.
EU Directive 2011/92/EU lays down requirements concerning the way in which Member States must make certain decisions, including the decision concerning the construction of the proposed “HS2” high-speed rail network.23 Jan 2014
2023 (Editor) Crime and Social Control in Pandemic Times. Emerald.
2022 (Co-author with Anna S. Rogers) Doing Gender in Heavy Metal: Perceptions on Women in a Hypermasculine Subculture. Anthem Press.
2022 (Co-Editor with Derek Silva) Diversity in Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies. Emerald.
Articles and Chapters:
2023 “The Cancer of the Law in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Reflections on the Iranian Anti-Israel Law of 2020.” In Combining the Legal and the Social in Sociology of Law, eds. H. Hydén, et al. Hart Publishing.
2022 “The Continuity of the Social Sciences during COVID-19: Sociology and Interdisciplinarity in Pandemic Times.” Society (published online, August 2022).
2022 “The Criminal Justice Activism of Naomi Osaka: A Case Study in the Criminology of Celebrity Culture.” American Journal of Criminal Justice (published online, April 2022).
2022 “Celebrity Activism on Racial Justice during COVID-19: The Death of George Floyd, the Rise of Naomi Osaka, and the Celebritization of Race in Pandemic Times.” International Review of Sociology 32(1):63-87.
2021 “The Right to Teach in a Hyper-Digital Age: Legal Protections for (Post-)Pandemic Concerns.” Society 58(3):204-212.
Since the BBC have managed to ignore the dramatic rise in the value of the £ against the $ so far this week, breaking the £1.20 mark this afternoon might just qualify as newsworthy.
If I start to hold my breath now, could someone phone for an ambulance in about 10 minutes? Or an hour?
4pm Media Show Radio4 still sounding like Labour Student common room
No skeptics are on
– Opens with Guardian journo live from COP
– Then Richard Feldgate the XR journo pretending to be a journo
.. prog doesn’t mention his XR affiliation
He just mentioned being charged for being at the blockade newspaper factory a few years ago
..but Razzal took him at face value, when she should have said “You are XR , aren’t you ?”
– Now Cameron Ford the XR Insulate Britain protester
they played the one fail by Mike Graham when he tried to say tree growing is same as concrete growing ..
Katie Razzal is softballing Cameron as if he is her mate.
Wolfgang Blau @wblau tweeted Today’s media show on @BBCRadio4
will be about the future (and challenging present) of climate journalism.
4.30 p.m. UK time. With yours truly
(Managing Partner, Climate Hub, The Brunswick Group. Co-Founder, Oxford Climate Journalism Network. Mastodon )
The whole prog is taking the XR line
There are no contesting/skeptic voices.4pm Media Show Radio4 still sounding like Labour Student common room
No skeptics are on
– Opens with Guardian journo
– Then Richard Feldgate the XR journo pretending to be a journo
.. prog doesn’t mention his XR affiliation
He just mentioned being charged for being at the blockade newspaper factory a few years ago
..but Razzal took him at face value, when she should have said “You are XR , aren’t you ?”
– Now Cameron Ford the XR Insulate Britain protester
they played the one fail by Mike Graham when he tried to say tree growing is same as concrete growing ..
Katie Razzal is softballing Cameron as if he is her mate.
Wolfgang Blau @wblau tweeted Today’s media show on @BBCRadio4
will be about the future (and challenging present) of climate journalism.
4.30 p.m. UK time. With yours truly
(Managing Partner, Climate Hub, The Brunswick Group. Co-Founder, Oxford Climate Journalism Network. Mastodon )
The whole prog is taking the XR line
There are no contesting/skeptic voices.
Guardian Journo “Here we are at COP and there are no protests. they are being repressed”
#1 Not true
#2 Inside COP is one GreenSupremacist protest
he Piltdown Man was a paleoanthropological fraud in which bone fragments were presented as the fossilised remains of a previously unknown early human. Although there were doubts about its authenticity virtually from the beginning, the remains were still broadly accepted for many years, and the falsity of the hoax was only definitively demonstrated in 1953. An extensive scientific review in 2016 established that amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson was responsible for the fraudulent evidence.[1]
I bet Katie told her activists mates the topic of the show well in advance
Yet punters were kept in the dark, cos the programme title and blurb were left blank
… she only tweeted this line up 6 mins before the show started
Is the media fanning the flames of direct action protest? How should journalists cover climate activism? We're talking all things environment, when it comes to reporting, on the Media Show @BBCRadio4 1630 today and later on @BBCSounds
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Before I begin, the death of any child is always a tragedy. And there is no excuse whatsoever for what occurred in Rochdale with this poor young lad. It’s beyond being appalling. People are rightly traumatised and angered by this dreadful event. However…
I’ve noticed this ghastly case is receiving the coverage it rightly deserves on both the BBC and Sky. Good! This is a tragic outrage, the public need to know about it and heads need to roll.
But the point I’m making is that Rochdale is one of the centres of industrialised child abuse. Pakistani gangs have been preying on working class white girls for generations and there hasn’t been a squeak of protest by the media. Tens of thousands of kids raped, but barely a prosecution and virtually bugger all on the BBC or Sky. Most of the rest of the useless MSM have been just as spineless and have covered their eyes and stuck their fingers in their ears.
One of the only people to stick his head above the parapet is the heroic and vehemently hated Tommy Robinson. The media, the police, parliament; in fact the whole of the rotten establishment have tried to destroy this brave young man…and they very nearly succeeded.
Thankfully, we now have the brilliant Mark Steyn on GB News, but he’s pretty much a lone voice, the rest of them are still absolutely gutless.
Yes, it’s a tragedy this young boy died in Rochdale.
There have been a number of other tragedies in Rochdale down the years.
BREAKING: Chairman Xi dresses down Justin Trudeau like a junior employee for leaking their private conversation to the media. Trudeau can barely walk after
taffman, I think they are rubbing their hands with glee at the BBC. They will not be able to decide between Former President Trump and Ron DeSantis who is Far-Righter than the other, so they will describe both as Far Right candidates. The former President will also be tagged as ‘Misogynist’ and a ‘White Supremacist’. The BBC will see it all as an excuse to send James Naughtie at great CO2 emissions around the USA to follow the Primary Campaign and maybe the Election trail as well.
TDS. It never went away, the symptoms just died down but now it has had a relapse.
Other common derrangements of the far-Left extremists are:
None of these can be cured as they are just variations of hatred and spite – which come along in excessive amounts with the same brain disorder which makes these people Leftists.
TOADY Watch #3 – the BBC have an obsession not just with America but also former MPC Members
DeAnne Julius, an economist, fortunately as an American does not have a squeaky, high, voice. But she is American, she is over here (currently Chair of University College) and she is a former member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England. I’m not sure I trust anything created by Gordon Brown. DeAnne was interviewed as part of TOADY.
Needless to say, DeAnne was unwilling to accept any part in maintaining a Base Rate that has been far too low for nearly ten years and she seemed out of touch with the unemployment numbers (about 1.3 million!) hinting that it is all the fault of Brexit and that the UK really needed to import a lot more people into our crowded island with sub-standard and insufficient housing and a health service that cannot cope with the existing population numbers.
No doubt DeAnne Julius has private health insurance and a swanky apartment with the pensions to match.
BBC IMAGE WATCH!!- Is the BBC playing a game today
with the 85% indigenous Brits? In Michael Buchanan’s
” Autumn statement, who do spending cuts hit the most?”
We see two of the “usual suspects” we see day after day after
day after day , on the Getty’s Imaging which BIG BROTHER from
the diversity department demands from Getty’ss. on social
BUT who is in the main image on the page? I dont think
the lady is black ,because I believe you can see a white ankle.
Are they a mother and daughter, both wearing a black hijab ?
Has the BBC seen mine and others ” Image Watch” and are looking for ways for us NEVER to see a Caucasian face in this
daily imaging?
I’m on the fence as to whether the Ukrainians fired the missile at Poland on purpose, knowing Russia would certainly get the blame.
If so the plan was dashed only by the Polish releasing photos of the fragments of the missile showing the motor, if they hadn’t done that…
I mean Ukrainians have been shelling the area near the zapa nuclear power plant, with collaboraters like the BBC endlessly parroting that both sides are accussing the other of doing it.
Blaming Russia for it is the most absurd thing I’ve heard in ages.
It effectively means Ukraines can shell/bomb/kill anyone they like and it’s all Russia’s fault according to NATO.
They really have shown their true colours with this one. The root cause of this war goes back long before Russia invaded. I wouldn’t trust NATO one inch either. By their own logic, if Russia really did invade to keep NATO out then every death is NATO’s fault.
The big question still remains in my mind : why is nobody trying to stop it ?.
The situation where the chap running Ukraine becomes more desperate for help – trying to get NATO even more involved – must be worrying for the US and others .
If there is more evidence of this ( for them ) the remedy might be to remove him and replace him with someone more amenable to dealing with Russia … but not good news for the Arms industry …
I find the fact he is still claiming 100% that Russia did it and it’s still being reported as serious news alongside the evidence which quite clearly makes him a liar to be particularly disconcerting.
As you say, when they decide it’s time to stop it, he will be replaced. Something I also find extremely disconcerting.
TWatO Watch #1 – ahem! who is doing the bullying at PMQs, then Ange?
The BBC News lets slip that the complaints about Dominic Raab have come from two Civil Servants. Now there’s a surprise! Here’s a test: what is the common denominator?
Priti Patel as Home Secretary
Dominic Cummings
Boris Johnson and ‘Partygate’
Boris Johnson and Conor Burns-gate
Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng and their ‘fiscal event’.
Suella Braverman
and now, Dominic Raab.
If you answered Whitehall or the Civil Service, award yourself top marks and a certificate. Labour’s Red-FootedHaired Booby, Ange, was facing Dominic Raab, deputising for Rishi Sunak, at PMQs. She asked him in a very loud voice that some would claim is bullying, about the complaints made against Dominic Raab by two Civil Servants. Now why would Whitehall be keen to help Lacklustre Labour? Brexit, perchance?
Never forget how these disgraceful hypocrites (including the BBC) kept quiet about Bercow’s bullying because leaving such a person in his position helped their Brexit agenda.
I detest the Left and their complete lack of ethics.
The reliable and despicable John Grace in the Guardian has dragged out and brushed off his script for the vile attack he directed at Johnson to re-use against Raab.
He has simply replaced the repetitive use of the word “Criminal” he used throughout the previous article to refer to Boris with “Psycho” to refer to Raab.
This partisan left-wing 5th form sneering with absolutely no evidence or proof seems to be his trademark and indeed the stock-in-trade of the average raving lefty.
I can only repeat that as I understand it, the ex “convicted drug abuser” Grace, would obviously be unphased to be referred to throughout as “Druggie”.
Incredibly cold for Berlin for this early in the year minus 6 as a minimum will put a real strain on the gas storage, and there’s 4 days of it.
We might depending on where you are see some light snow at the weekend and this will begin the real test of resiliance of the European energy reserves and systems.
It DOES NOT MATTER if the Republicans win the House by 1 seat or 20 seats.
Either way, they take POWER. Pelosi is out. McCarthy is in. They get subpoena power. They do 20 Benghazi like hearings. They impeach Biden. They wreck HAVOC
Remember the case of 31-year-old Brexit campaigner John Murphy, jailed for 28 days in 2019 for throwing an egg at then Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn while shouting at him to ‘respect the vote’?
“Duncan Smith was smacked on the head with a heavy traffic cone; an assault which must have been disturbing as well as painful.
He turned round to see three protesters hurling insults inches from his face and felt, as anyone would, to be under attack.
Despite the judge accepting that Duncan Smith had been assaulted and despite a police officer indentifying Bovill, the CCTV evidence was deemed too ‘weak’ to be absolutely sure. So Chief Magistrate Paul Goldspring acquitted him along with two of the other thuggish trio on Tuesday.
He let go Haslam and Wood — both accused of threatening behaviour — because he found their actions ‘reasonable’ under their rights to protest. Sir Iain’s right not to be threatened or harassed didn’t seem to come into it.”
The video Zephir put up is indeed false
The cop sprayed her in the face with something.
When people put up “extraordinary things” without bothering to put any context, then their intention is clearly to deceive.
It’s no use saying oh it was debunked by Snopes but Snopes are BS.
The Snopes claim that the video is over 6 years old and comes from France on 14 June 2016 seems true.
(update actually Snopes has the date wrong, cos I see tweets from June 5th 2016)
Their claim that the screech was added later seems credible, its not on the original video
However when you watch the video the police do appear to be being tricky
The Snopes explanation misses the truth too
The policeman has a spraygun down in his right-hand
as she swats him, he transfers it to his left hand
then quickly brings it up touching the balloon out of the way and sprays her
At the end of the original video the police man appears to be wiping his spray gun down
So John’s explanation below seems wrong too
Seems I am the only one that went and watched the original video at slow speed.
And they even have the brazen cheek to “fact check” and find what you can plainly see in front of your eyes is false……
“Liberalism Summed Up in 10 Seconds
A video showing an inconsolable protester wailing because a policeman popped her balloon is not what it seems.
the clip has been edited and altered to present a misleading depiction of what took place.
It appears that earlier in the demonstration, the young woman’s balloon was coated with a form of caustic agent (such as tear gas), the residue of which was flung into her eyes when the policeman in front of her batted her balloon back towards her face and ruptured it. The end of the full-length video clearly shows other demonstrators coming to the woman’s aid and attempting to irrigate her eyes, and the piercing eagle shriek-like wail heard in the shorter clip is absent, clearly indicating that it was misleadingly added afterwards to make the young woman’s reaction seem petty and foolish.”
Watching that video, her reaction to the balloon was far too quick. It was immediate and her hands went to her nose, not her eyes.
As a recipient of tear gas during military basic training, I can tell you that it doesn’t affect you until you breathe it right in. You can stand in a cloud of it without ill effect but the moment you breathe the gas in, you cough uncontrollably. It doesn’t affect your eyes until after a few seconds.
It looks to me like she was going to do such a reaction no matter what. I call the Snopes verdict BS.
Always check the checker with Snopes:
‘David Mikkelson, co-founder and CEO of the Snopes fact-checking site, has acknowledged plagiarizing from dozens of articles produced by mainstream news outlets. He’s been suspended from editorial production pending the conclusion of an internal review.’
Not the best character reference.
Spot the difference:
‘US midterms: Democrats retain control of Senate after key Nevada victory’
‘US midterms: Republicans narrowly win back the House’
And the tone of the two BBC articles could not be more different. The ‘senate’ story is all happiness and celebrating victory whereas the ‘house’ story is all negative points and crticism of the Republicans.
Honestly, the BBC ‘journalists’ are like spiteful, spoilt children. It would by funny if it wasn’t so serious. Lurch’s bottom lip is stuck so far out, he might trip over it.
At last the nasty old hag is out. Even as she goes, she’s being as spiteful and nasty as ever.
I’ll be watching how quickly this story slips off the BBC front page.
I’m surprised that the Democrat voting system allowed thar to happen . But maybe the seats were primarily Republican ones stolen last time …..
As for the phrasing – classic BBC far left spinning ….
Elswhere – a lefty judge finds things who attacked IDS not guilty . Now I’m no fan of any politician – even IDS – my MP . But they deserve some support and protection by the Law . And if a biased corrupt lefty judge doesn’t see that then we are in dangerous times .
Not long ago an MP was murdered by an Islamic killer ….how quickly it is forgotten …. I wonder if the judgement can be appealed ?
Elsewhere – Thursday morning – pop corn time – watch as a blue Labour chancellor reduces the 45% income tax threshold from £150000to £125000. I think the comrades will faint having dreamt of doing that for ever.
The faces of the MPs might show out as this measure is announced because unlike most of the punters ( inc me ) they are affected by this huge tax hike – and we are not ….
My faith in the Justice system evaporated when the Supreme Court overruled the government in favour of the anti-Brexit agenda. They pronounced it ‘unlawful’ simply because it didn’t have a law explicitly allowing it. I bet it took a while for one of them to come up with that.
When a gasp goes around a courtroom as the verdict is read out, you know something is very, very wrong.
It’s a common misconception that the BBC’s nickname is ‘Auntie’. It is actually ‘Anti’, as in Anti-British, Anti-White, Anti-Men, Anti-Heterosexual, Anti-Normality’, Anti-Free Speech etc.
Less like a favoured Auntie any more and more like a shrivelled old hag.
It reminds me of the flame scene in the film ‘She’. The beautiful woman who has been waiting for her man for thousands of years drags him into the flame of eternal life. The only problem is that second time around it reverses the process and she turns into an old hag in front of his eyes. Much to his horror. A bit like watching BBC TV really.
Thought i’d look at her twit account… She’s left the following comment:-
The BBC is an important part of British life and it should be cherished, not rubbished by poundshop pundits.
I’m often guilty of forming an instant and permanent opinion of a person on the flimsiest of evidence. As soon as I saw I had all the evidence I needed.
Also comment to AJS :-
Re twitter comment – Who said the bbc don’t do comedy?
The hypocrisy and double standards of those people is simply staggering. Rayner was full of hate when she made her comments and so were those applauding her.
That ‘Ash Sarkar’ is off the scale. She thinks we call Diane Abbot ignorant, unattractive and stupid because she is a dark skinned black woman.
None of the above Ash. And you missed off that we also call Diane a racist. Because she is. Just like you.
Why are people who are clearly so absolutely wrong taken so seriously these days ?. It’s hypocrisy (or stupidity) on an epic scale. I wonder if she ever saw the picture of Diane wearing two left shoes. A remarkable feat that only the most stupid people could manage.
Thank you – I’m guessing Justin won’t be going on his holidays to china any time soon . Nice public put down …and if government seniors can’t speak candidly to each other without leaks they might not even bother to meet ( and I know it’s all a power game ) ….
Maybe Justin was just playing to the Chinese folks back home …
Reading the text, he’s not quite being honest about the poll:
‘The poll told those questioned that the UK’s total emissions over time are among the highest in the world, while poorer countries have produced very few emissions. The results showed 49% of people said the UK did have a responsibility to provide climate funding, with 31% saying the UK did not and 20% saying they did not know.’
So the majority did NOT say UK should pay then. And what kind of poll puts out a leading statement before asking the question ?.
His other articles show the author is an obsessive crackpot. He even wrote one called:
‘Cop27: ending war in Ukraine necessary to tackle climate crisis, Zelenskiy says’. ‘Ending’ of course means NATO and the USA go to war against Russia. Not sure how that makes things better.
He’s even a little too far gone for the BBC – but fits in perfectly at The Guardian who are OFCOM-free. And beg me for money if I ever go there.
How’s that work then ?
A glacier is like a super slow river.
Ice comes in upstream and slowly flows downstream reaches the end and melts
releasing stuff that has been trapped over the 500 year journey
Will that ice have living bacteria in it?
I doubt today’s new growth will have at the top cos the air is too cold for life.
A growing glacier might grow downhill over an area of grass say, and trap bacteria.
Then if it retreats uphill years later that same bacteria will get released.
How would that be bad ?
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
Given that the S300 is an anti aircraft missile albeit one with some low altitude capability (self evidently) – it isn’t unusual (in the West aiui) for the warhead fusing to “time out” to minimise unwanted damage to non targets.
Unless you are fluent in Ukrainian don’t bother with the video – there are not even English subtitles – why put it up ?
Yep – I can see why people might not benefit unless they speak Ukranian …
– that said – overnight the baying for retaliation that I saw via western MSM and yes … on Twitter – was epic.
The only thing that undermined the gits proffered narrative was seemingly a random somebody with a mobile phone who photographed the missile debris _ put it online – where other online peeps seemingly ID’d the debris as likely Ukranian and a NATO gift from the Czech Republic.
I genuinely shudder to think was might have happened had Zelensky’s narrative been uncontested. The video can be translated later – I’ve not seen / heard any corrections to the already proffered accompanying translations.
The Mirror?
Of Morgan fame?
And Pippster until recently.
And, of course. Kev.
Mirror = The Morgan Organ
Asda and Lidl limit egg sales after supply issues
One of the comments.. Wait til the tabloids get hold of this and there will be panic buying. But we already have the bbc for that I thought
Inflation now at 11.1%.
Cue a tsunami of BBC specially selected voxpop of obese people who cannot afford their sky subscription, vapes, and lottery tickets……..err I mean vulnerable people who have to choose between eating and heating. Today the whingeathon is from the good people of Gloucester.
PS whisper it quietly but inflation is higher in Germany and Italy.
Sounds like Iranian snatch and grab terrorists are keeping the MI5 busy ?
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
Just a thought as the bBC often now goes into overdrive with its “reporting” of the cost of living, and how much EVERYTHING is SO expensive
bbc keeps reminding us, so we are expecting to pay for higher electric/gas and the money the exchequer will get from us, and the plebs keep paying. Lets face it every little helps to pay off the national debt from covid related expenses
Save £159 – cancel BBC TV Tax.
Saz and Lurch chimed in yet?
Talking of BBC platformed propagandists.
I take it by the blue tick he is for real?
If so the twitter handle suggests VD/Crox territory.
Interesting how supporters are ignoring the fact he was flat out wrong.
It seems stirring up stuff wit inaccuracy is another BBc selective concession.
Stormzy speaks out on Jeremy Corbyn: “I just thought so highly of him”
2020 Jeremy Corbyn will no longer be a Labour MP
The former leader was suspended following his reaction to a report into how the party handled anti-Semitism.
Why do the BBC continue to give time to this talentless racist thug?
Sheffield constituents hoping to meet Izzard and voice their community’s concerns can do so after the show. Tickets start at just $60 (plus $8.79 in fees)…
The UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons. MPs consider and can propose new laws as well as raising issues that matter to you in the House. This includes asking government ministers questions about current issues including those which affect local constituents.
Can we relocate these loons to a cold, damp mid-Wales teepee village with no running water or sewage system and feed themselves from the surrounding land?
Every day, around three million litres of sewage is emptied into the Ganges – and only about half of that has undergone any kind of treatment. The river’s waters are so dirty that it’s considered one of the most polluted waterways in the world.20 Jan 2022
In one of the most incredible reports about UK climate policy to date, the network of academics also call for eating beef and lamb to be banned, and for people to turn their heating down at home and wear more clothes to keep warm instead.
They want a new Government body – the Absolute Zero Executive – set up to ensure the net zero target of the Climate Change Act is delivered.–academics/
A statement in the report says: “The authors of this report are funded by the UK Government to support businesses and governments (national and regional) to develop a future industrial strategy that’s compatible with zero emissions.”
“There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”1 Jun 2012
This might not be news -rumour .
Bernard Mathews will stop taking in turkeys for killing and processing on the 18th of this month until January due to avian flu .
I wonder if the photo is a recent one?
Finally, Esther Mcvey, one of the angels of the Tories’ better nature made a finely-tuned point in her feminine bass: “If the Government have got enough money to proceed with HS2 at any cost, then it has sufficient money not to increase taxes. If, however, it has so little money it has to increase taxes, then it doesn’t have sufficient money for HS2.”
HS2 is an EU requirement as a means to preventing air travel which works on an continental level but not a relatively small island.
HS2 is an example of why the UK left the EU because of laws and rules unsuited to us but imposed anyway.
Now we have a government desperately mirroring EU legislation at any cost so they can rejoin as seamlessly as possible.
EU Directive 2011/92/EU lays down requirements concerning the way in which Member States must make certain decisions, including the decision concerning the construction of the proposed “HS2” high-speed rail network.23 Jan 2014
World Socialism via EU in action.
Where can the dissenters run to? The Gulag.
Lady Gaga and the Sociology of the Fame is to be taught by Professor Mathieu Deflem, a fan of the singer.
University offers Lady Gaga sociology course
I thought … nah … it can’t be…
The course was last taught in Spring 2018
Current projects: Celebrity culture since COVID-19; Law and popular culture in Japan and the USA; The politics and history of international police cooperation
i don’t what’s worse
The Perfesser
The stoodints
– or taxes paying for this garbage on pain of imprisonment and fines – no wonder they’re giving guns to US IRS tax collectors.
2023 (Editor) Crime and Social Control in Pandemic Times. Emerald.
2022 (Co-author with Anna S. Rogers) Doing Gender in Heavy Metal: Perceptions on Women in a Hypermasculine Subculture. Anthem Press.
2022 (Co-Editor with Derek Silva) Diversity in Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies. Emerald.
Articles and Chapters:
2023 “The Cancer of the Law in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Reflections on the Iranian Anti-Israel Law of 2020.” In Combining the Legal and the Social in Sociology of Law, eds. H. Hydén, et al. Hart Publishing.
2022 “The Continuity of the Social Sciences during COVID-19: Sociology and Interdisciplinarity in Pandemic Times.” Society (published online, August 2022).
2022 “The Criminal Justice Activism of Naomi Osaka: A Case Study in the Criminology of Celebrity Culture.” American Journal of Criminal Justice (published online, April 2022).
2022 “Celebrity Activism on Racial Justice during COVID-19: The Death of George Floyd, the Rise of Naomi Osaka, and the Celebritization of Race in Pandemic Times.” International Review of Sociology 32(1):63-87.
2021 “The Right to Teach in a Hyper-Digital Age: Legal Protections for (Post-)Pandemic Concerns.” Society 58(3):204-212.
Germany sends condolences to Poland
Makes a change from sending their army I suppose
Since the BBC have managed to ignore the dramatic rise in the value of the £ against the $ so far this week, breaking the £1.20 mark this afternoon might just qualify as newsworthy.
If I start to hold my breath now, could someone phone for an ambulance in about 10 minutes? Or an hour?
4pm Media Show Radio4 still sounding like Labour Student common room
No skeptics are on
– Opens with Guardian journo live from COP
– Then Richard Feldgate the XR journo pretending to be a journo
.. prog doesn’t mention his XR affiliation
He just mentioned being charged for being at the blockade newspaper factory a few years ago
..but Razzal took him at face value, when she should have said “You are XR , aren’t you ?”
– Now Cameron Ford the XR Insulate Britain protester
they played the one fail by Mike Graham when he tried to say tree growing is same as concrete growing ..
Katie Razzal is softballing Cameron as if he is her mate.
Wolfgang Blau @wblau tweeted
Today’s media show on @BBCRadio4
will be about the future (and challenging present) of climate journalism.
4.30 p.m. UK time. With yours truly
(Managing Partner, Climate Hub, The Brunswick Group. Co-Founder, Oxford Climate Journalism Network. Mastodon )
The whole prog is taking the XR line
There are no contesting/skeptic voices.4pm Media Show Radio4 still sounding like Labour Student common room
No skeptics are on
– Opens with Guardian journo
– Then Richard Feldgate the XR journo pretending to be a journo
.. prog doesn’t mention his XR affiliation
He just mentioned being charged for being at the blockade newspaper factory a few years ago
..but Razzal took him at face value, when she should have said “You are XR , aren’t you ?”
– Now Cameron Ford the XR Insulate Britain protester
they played the one fail by Mike Graham when he tried to say tree growing is same as concrete growing ..
Katie Razzal is softballing Cameron as if he is her mate.
Wolfgang Blau @wblau tweeted
Today’s media show on @BBCRadio4
will be about the future (and challenging present) of climate journalism.
4.30 p.m. UK time. With yours truly
(Managing Partner, Climate Hub, The Brunswick Group. Co-Founder, Oxford Climate Journalism Network. Mastodon )
The whole prog is taking the XR line
There are no contesting/skeptic voices.
Guardian Journo “Here we are at COP and there are no protests. they are being repressed”
#1 Not true
#2 Inside COP is one GreenSupremacist protest
Guardian journo just ran off of a load of hyperbolic alarmist lines
and falsely said “I’m reporting the FACTS
… scientists say”
That’s cheating science doesn’t say, nor all scientists
just a few scientists she would cherrypick.
he Piltdown Man was a paleoanthropological fraud in which bone fragments were presented as the fossilised remains of a previously unknown early human. Although there were doubts about its authenticity virtually from the beginning, the remains were still broadly accepted for many years, and the falsity of the hoax was only definitively demonstrated in 1953. An extensive scientific review in 2016 established that amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson was responsible for the fraudulent evidence.[1]
Not forgetting the elephant tusk carved in the shape of a cricket bat with the artifacts, which the eminent scientists overlooked
I bet Katie told her activists mates the topic of the show well in advance
Yet punters were kept in the dark, cos the programme title and blurb were left blank
… she only tweeted this line up 6 mins before the show started
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Before I begin, the death of any child is always a tragedy. And there is no excuse whatsoever for what occurred in Rochdale with this poor young lad. It’s beyond being appalling. People are rightly traumatised and angered by this dreadful event. However…
I’ve noticed this ghastly case is receiving the coverage it rightly deserves on both the BBC and Sky. Good! This is a tragic outrage, the public need to know about it and heads need to roll.
But the point I’m making is that Rochdale is one of the centres of industrialised child abuse. Pakistani gangs have been preying on working class white girls for generations and there hasn’t been a squeak of protest by the media. Tens of thousands of kids raped, but barely a prosecution and virtually bugger all on the BBC or Sky. Most of the rest of the useless MSM have been just as spineless and have covered their eyes and stuck their fingers in their ears.
One of the only people to stick his head above the parapet is the heroic and vehemently hated Tommy Robinson. The media, the police, parliament; in fact the whole of the rotten establishment have tried to destroy this brave young man…and they very nearly succeeded.
Thankfully, we now have the brilliant Mark Steyn on GB News, but he’s pretty much a lone voice, the rest of them are still absolutely gutless.
Yes, it’s a tragedy this young boy died in Rochdale.
There have been a number of other tragedies in Rochdale down the years.
We just don’t get to hear about them…
Has the ginger growler told off Xi for ‘bullying’ yet.
The gentle lady should be calling him “scum” in her usual polite way.
I think this missile in Poland must be somehow the fault of Brexit.
I would love to see two things happen which are unlikely (but possible)
The smaller Parties should unite with Reform.
Trump should have DeSantis as his VP and then he could take over as President after Trump for the next two terms.
Exit stage left!
Pursued by a bear (Panda?)
I am getting the vibes that the BBC and the rest of the M S ‘Meeja’ are having the ‘terrors’ that Trump is on the way back!
What say you ?
taffman, I think they are rubbing their hands with glee at the BBC. They will not be able to decide between Former President Trump and Ron DeSantis who is Far-Righter than the other, so they will describe both as Far Right candidates. The former President will also be tagged as ‘Misogynist’ and a ‘White Supremacist’. The BBC will see it all as an excuse to send James Naughtie at great CO2 emissions around the USA to follow the Primary Campaign and maybe the Election trail as well.
TDS. It never went away, the symptoms just died down but now it has had a relapse.
Other common derrangements of the far-Left extremists are:
None of these can be cured as they are just variations of hatred and spite – which come along in excessive amounts with the same brain disorder which makes these people Leftists.
TOADY Watch #3 – the BBC have an obsession not just with America but also former MPC Members
DeAnne Julius, an economist, fortunately as an American does not have a squeaky, high, voice. But she is American, she is over here (currently Chair of University College) and she is a former member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England. I’m not sure I trust anything created by Gordon Brown. DeAnne was interviewed as part of TOADY.
Needless to say, DeAnne was unwilling to accept any part in maintaining a Base Rate that has been far too low for nearly ten years and she seemed out of touch with the unemployment numbers (about 1.3 million!) hinting that it is all the fault of Brexit and that the UK really needed to import a lot more people into our crowded island with sub-standard and insufficient housing and a health service that cannot cope with the existing population numbers.
No doubt DeAnne Julius has private health insurance and a swanky apartment with the pensions to match.
The FTX FinTech boy wonder eh?
The BBC are nowhere on this ….
BBC IMAGE WATCH!!- Is the BBC playing a game today
with the 85% indigenous Brits? In Michael Buchanan’s
” Autumn statement, who do spending cuts hit the most?”
We see two of the “usual suspects” we see day after day after
day after day , on the Getty’s Imaging which BIG BROTHER from
the diversity department demands from Getty’ss. on social
BUT who is in the main image on the page? I dont think
the lady is black ,because I believe you can see a white ankle.
Are they a mother and daughter, both wearing a black hijab ?
Has the BBC seen mine and others ” Image Watch” and are looking for ways for us NEVER to see a Caucasian face in this
daily imaging?
I’m on the fence as to whether the Ukrainians fired the missile at Poland on purpose, knowing Russia would certainly get the blame.
If so the plan was dashed only by the Polish releasing photos of the fragments of the missile showing the motor, if they hadn’t done that…
I mean Ukrainians have been shelling the area near the zapa nuclear power plant, with collaboraters like the BBC endlessly parroting that both sides are accussing the other of doing it.
Blaming Russia for it is the most absurd thing I’ve heard in ages.
It effectively means Ukraines can shell/bomb/kill anyone they like and it’s all Russia’s fault according to NATO.
They really have shown their true colours with this one. The root cause of this war goes back long before Russia invaded. I wouldn’t trust NATO one inch either. By their own logic, if Russia really did invade to keep NATO out then every death is NATO’s fault.
The big question still remains in my mind : why is nobody trying to stop it ?.
The situation where the chap running Ukraine becomes more desperate for help – trying to get NATO even more involved – must be worrying for the US and others .
If there is more evidence of this ( for them ) the remedy might be to remove him and replace him with someone more amenable to dealing with Russia … but not good news for the Arms industry …
I find the fact he is still claiming 100% that Russia did it and it’s still being reported as serious news alongside the evidence which quite clearly makes him a liar to be particularly disconcerting.
As you say, when they decide it’s time to stop it, he will be replaced. Something I also find extremely disconcerting.
TWatO Watch #1 – ahem! who is doing the bullying at PMQs, then Ange?
The BBC News lets slip that the complaints about Dominic Raab have come from two Civil Servants. Now there’s a surprise! Here’s a test: what is the common denominator?
Priti Patel as Home Secretary
Dominic Cummings
Boris Johnson and ‘Partygate’
Boris Johnson and Conor Burns-gate
Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng and their ‘fiscal event’.
Suella Braverman
and now, Dominic Raab.
If you answered Whitehall or the Civil Service, award yourself top marks and a certificate. Labour’s Red-
FootedHaired Booby, Ange, was facing Dominic Raab, deputising for Rishi Sunak, at PMQs. She asked him in a very loud voice that some would claim is bullying, about the complaints made against Dominic Raab by two Civil Servants. Now why would Whitehall be keen to help Lacklustre Labour? Brexit, perchance?Never forget how these disgraceful hypocrites (including the BBC) kept quiet about Bercow’s bullying because leaving such a person in his position helped their Brexit agenda.
I detest the Left and their complete lack of ethics.
The reliable and despicable John Grace in the Guardian has dragged out and brushed off his script for the vile attack he directed at Johnson to re-use against Raab.
He has simply replaced the repetitive use of the word “Criminal” he used throughout the previous article to refer to Boris with “Psycho” to refer to Raab.
This partisan left-wing 5th form sneering with absolutely no evidence or proof seems to be his trademark and indeed the stock-in-trade of the average raving lefty.
I can only repeat that as I understand it, the ex “convicted drug abuser” Grace, would obviously be unphased to be referred to throughout as “Druggie”.
His name is Crace with a C
and the whole point of his celebrity, is that he spent 1976-86 as a HEROIN ADDICT then his wife and a friend got him into rehab and it actually worked.
.. That’s 36 years ago now
And I see no evidence no evidence that he was ever convicted, just his own admission that he became a cheat and a liar.
He’s a long term Guardian writer and so of course he is nasty and spiteful against Tories, that’s how the Guardian bubbleworld is.
Incredibly cold for Berlin for this early in the year minus 6 as a minimum will put a real strain on the gas storage, and there’s 4 days of it.
We might depending on where you are see some light snow at the weekend and this will begin the real test of resiliance of the European energy reserves and systems.
As yet unanswered. Given the ‘story’, seems worth knowing.
BBC getting its frillies fussed based on anything to do with OFCOM is still sweet.
I find it reassuring when the Left confirm my opinion of how spiteful, intolerant and truly nasty they are.
Here’s what you’re not hearing on MSM tonight.
It DOES NOT MATTER if the Republicans win the House by 1 seat or 20 seats.
Either way, they take POWER. Pelosi is out. McCarthy is in. They get subpoena power. They do 20 Benghazi like hearings. They impeach Biden. They wreck HAVOC
Trio who terrorised Iain Duncan Smith have walked free. Do our courts now have one rule for the Left-wing mob – and another for conservatives?
Remember the case of 31-year-old Brexit campaigner John Murphy, jailed for 28 days in 2019 for throwing an egg at then Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn while shouting at him to ‘respect the vote’?
“Duncan Smith was smacked on the head with a heavy traffic cone; an assault which must have been disturbing as well as painful.
He turned round to see three protesters hurling insults inches from his face and felt, as anyone would, to be under attack.
Despite the judge accepting that Duncan Smith had been assaulted and despite a police officer indentifying Bovill, the CCTV evidence was deemed too ‘weak’ to be absolutely sure. So Chief Magistrate Paul Goldspring acquitted him along with two of the other thuggish trio on Tuesday.
He let go Haslam and Wood — both accused of threatening behaviour — because he found their actions ‘reasonable’ under their rights to protest. Sir Iain’s right not to be threatened or harassed didn’t seem to come into it.”
The video Zephir put up is indeed false
The cop sprayed her in the face with something.
When people put up “extraordinary things” without bothering to put any context, then their intention is clearly to deceive.
It’s no use saying oh it was debunked by Snopes but Snopes are BS.
The Snopes claim that the video is over 6 years old and comes from France on 14 June 2016 seems true.
(update actually Snopes has the date wrong, cos I see tweets from June 5th 2016)
Their claim that the screech was added later seems credible, its not on the original video
However when you watch the video the police do appear to be being tricky
The Snopes explanation misses the truth too
The policeman has a spraygun down in his right-hand
as she swats him, he transfers it to his left hand
then quickly brings it up touching the balloon out of the way and sprays her
At the end of the original video the police man appears to be wiping his spray gun down
So John’s explanation below seems wrong too
Seems I am the only one that went and watched the original video at slow speed.
June 5th 2016 Tweet
Ha the object he has in his left hand and slyly wipes after is his gasmask
The spray bottle did remain in his right hand
It’s possible he’d put some spray in his mask and secretly flung it at her.
That explains the need to wipe it afterwards.
And they even have the brazen cheek to “fact check” and find what you can plainly see in front of your eyes is false……
“Liberalism Summed Up in 10 Seconds
A video showing an inconsolable protester wailing because a policeman popped her balloon is not what it seems.
the clip has been edited and altered to present a misleading depiction of what took place.
It appears that earlier in the demonstration, the young woman’s balloon was coated with a form of caustic agent (such as tear gas), the residue of which was flung into her eyes when the policeman in front of her batted her balloon back towards her face and ruptured it. The end of the full-length video clearly shows other demonstrators coming to the woman’s aid and attempting to irrigate her eyes, and the piercing eagle shriek-like wail heard in the shorter clip is absent, clearly indicating that it was misleadingly added afterwards to make the young woman’s reaction seem petty and foolish.”
“It appears that earlier in the demonstration” that is a not a fact then.
” the young woman’s balloon was coated with a form of caustic agent (such as tear gas)”
It would be more correct to state: the young woman was attacking the police with chemicals
“and ruptured it.” not a fact, ever tried to burst a balloon with swiping it with the back of your hand?
“and attempting to irrigate her eyes” eye wash suddenly available there
A French riot, the only liquids around are from the beaujolais family, that’s a fact
Watching that video, her reaction to the balloon was far too quick. It was immediate and her hands went to her nose, not her eyes.
As a recipient of tear gas during military basic training, I can tell you that it doesn’t affect you until you breathe it right in. You can stand in a cloud of it without ill effect but the moment you breathe the gas in, you cough uncontrollably. It doesn’t affect your eyes until after a few seconds.
It looks to me like she was going to do such a reaction no matter what. I call the Snopes verdict BS.
Always check the checker with Snopes:
‘David Mikkelson, co-founder and CEO of the Snopes fact-checking site, has acknowledged plagiarizing from dozens of articles produced by mainstream news outlets. He’s been suspended from editorial production pending the conclusion of an internal review.’
Not the best character reference.
Spot the difference:
‘US midterms: Democrats retain control of Senate after key Nevada victory’
‘US midterms: Republicans narrowly win back the House’
And the tone of the two BBC articles could not be more different. The ‘senate’ story is all happiness and celebrating victory whereas the ‘house’ story is all negative points and crticism of the Republicans.
Honestly, the BBC ‘journalists’ are like spiteful, spoilt children. It would by funny if it wasn’t so serious. Lurch’s bottom lip is stuck so far out, he might trip over it.
At last the nasty old hag is out. Even as she goes, she’s being as spiteful and nasty as ever.
I’ll be watching how quickly this story slips off the BBC front page.
I’m surprised that the Democrat voting system allowed thar to happen . But maybe the seats were primarily Republican ones stolen last time …..
As for the phrasing – classic BBC far left spinning ….
Elswhere – a lefty judge finds things who attacked IDS not guilty . Now I’m no fan of any politician – even IDS – my MP . But they deserve some support and protection by the Law . And if a biased corrupt lefty judge doesn’t see that then we are in dangerous times .
Not long ago an MP was murdered by an Islamic killer ….how quickly it is forgotten …. I wonder if the judgement can be appealed ?
Elsewhere – Thursday morning – pop corn time – watch as a blue Labour chancellor reduces the 45% income tax threshold from £150000to £125000. I think the comrades will faint having dreamt of doing that for ever.
The faces of the MPs might show out as this measure is announced because unlike most of the punters ( inc me ) they are affected by this huge tax hike – and we are not ….
… or will Hunt disappear this leak …?
My faith in the Justice system evaporated when the Supreme Court overruled the government in favour of the anti-Brexit agenda. They pronounced it ‘unlawful’ simply because it didn’t have a law explicitly allowing it. I bet it took a while for one of them to come up with that.
When a gasp goes around a courtroom as the verdict is read out, you know something is very, very wrong.
The Supreme Court has come up with many strange determinations. They have decided that they will make Laws rather than Parliament. Bliar’s creation.
Excellent news – the cop green crap thing seems to be ending as being nothing more than a talking shop – no agreements ….
But what the WEF thing is – unknown …
I wonder if anyone will tell us it’s cost – both in $$ and the carbon footprint.
One big jolly for anyone who could get on it.
Where did the BBC’s nickname – ‘Auntie’ – come from?
to name 2 things
I had an elderly aunt who had an annoying habit at weddings, of constantly jabbing me with her elbow and shouting “you’re next”
So I started doing it to her at funerals.
It’s a common misconception that the BBC’s nickname is ‘Auntie’. It is actually ‘Anti’, as in Anti-British, Anti-White, Anti-Men, Anti-Heterosexual, Anti-Normality’, Anti-Free Speech etc.
Ian – there is a series on 4extra about the role of the BBC in WW2- when it was British and The state Broadcaster.
Apparently listeners got fed up with being preached at about doing stuff like ‘growin yer own ‘and ‘ putting that light out ‘
The modern version would be ‘do as your imam says ‘ and ‘report anyone with unapproved thoughts’…
Less like a favoured Auntie any more and more like a shrivelled old hag.
It reminds me of the flame scene in the film ‘She’. The beautiful woman who has been waiting for her man for thousands of years drags him into the flame of eternal life. The only problem is that second time around it reverses the process and she turns into an old hag in front of his eyes. Much to his horror. A bit like watching BBC TV really.
“Hey you’re assaulting someone”
Conservatives not included
Astronomer in Twitter limbo over ‘intimate’ meteor
Very important in the bBC bubble, it must be a VERY slow news day
They really have Musk DS.
Interesting too who the bBC gets to comment.
Who is “Tech commentator Kate Bevan“?
Hello TheIsland
Thought i’d look at her twit account… She’s left the following comment:-
The BBC is an important part of British life and it should be cherished, not rubbished by poundshop pundits.
Good morning TI,
I’m often guilty of forming an instant and permanent opinion of a person on the flimsiest of evidence. As soon as I saw I had all the evidence I needed.
Also comment to AJS :-
Re twitter comment – Who said the bbc don’t do comedy?
In summary.
The smug smiles on each of them with their instant printed and ready placards, one of them has to have a job with GCSE grade 3 woodwork
love the “stop the massacre in Gaza” no Manchester Arena placards or Rotherham
I enjoy it when the Left show their true faces and the BBC ignore it.
Tells us everything we need to know about both of them.
Lets see what Krankie says about it. My bet is nothing. That too tells us a lot.
Hello Zephir, I found the video really good, but then I did have the sound off 🙂
The hypocrisy and double standards of those people is simply staggering. Rayner was full of hate when she made her comments and so were those applauding her.
That ‘Ash Sarkar’ is off the scale. She thinks we call Diane Abbot ignorant, unattractive and stupid because she is a dark skinned black woman.
None of the above Ash. And you missed off that we also call Diane a racist. Because she is. Just like you.
Why are people who are clearly so absolutely wrong taken so seriously these days ?. It’s hypocrisy (or stupidity) on an epic scale. I wonder if she ever saw the picture of Diane wearing two left shoes. A remarkable feat that only the most stupid people could manage.
The left will never apologise as seen above, but are quite practised at demanding apologies
and refusing to answer questions, a corrupt socialist
This, is our future:
And again his corruption revealed
Thank you – I’m guessing Justin won’t be going on his holidays to china any time soon . Nice public put down …and if government seniors can’t speak candidly to each other without leaks they might not even bother to meet ( and I know it’s all a power game ) ….
Maybe Justin was just playing to the Chinese folks back home …
Body language, when Trudeau starts talking Xi ping just turns his head away
He has been bollocked and rightly so
And this children, is why BBC green rooms are rammed with Graun ‘journalists’.
Yes – pay it out of the benefits /NHS budget then see what they say …
Reading the text, he’s not quite being honest about the poll:
‘The poll told those questioned that the UK’s total emissions over time are among the highest in the world, while poorer countries have produced very few emissions. The results showed 49% of people said the UK did have a responsibility to provide climate funding, with 31% saying the UK did not and 20% saying they did not know.’
So the majority did NOT say UK should pay then. And what kind of poll puts out a leading statement before asking the question ?.
His other articles show the author is an obsessive crackpot. He even wrote one called:
‘Cop27: ending war in Ukraine necessary to tackle climate crisis, Zelenskiy says’. ‘Ending’ of course means NATO and the USA go to war against Russia. Not sure how that makes things better.
He’s even a little too far gone for the BBC – but fits in perfectly at The Guardian who are OFCOM-free. And beg me for money if I ever go there.
News stories which use opinion polls are junk.
cos Opinion Polls are about DRIVING opinions
not MEASURING opinions.
Forgot to mention the continuity announcer the other day at 5.59 pm.
‘An now on da BBC, da news wiv Fiona Bruce’
Good to see the BBC aligning culturally with the London knife-wielding community.
And they’re off!
How’s that work then ?
A glacier is like a super slow river.
Ice comes in upstream and slowly flows downstream reaches the end and melts
releasing stuff that has been trapped over the 500 year journey
Will that ice have living bacteria in it?
I doubt today’s new growth will have at the top cos the air is too cold for life.
A growing glacier might grow downhill over an area of grass say, and trap bacteria.
Then if it retreats uphill years later that same bacteria will get released.
How would that be bad ?