Crime is now so bad in Democrat controlled cities it is affecting the profits of major US companies.
The DIY chain Target this week reported results which were dreadful and claimed a loss as a result of criminal activity of and eye watering $400 million.
How much worse does it have to get before the brain dead Democrats and the sheeple who vote for them realise that what they are doing is making everyones lives much much worse.
Specifically, lobby tv studios with Labour front bench idiots.
Another perfect example of how narrative works in Westminster. Last month the narrative was "Tax cuts and spending hikes? That's insane. That's unsustainable". This morning the narrative is "Tax rises and spending cuts? That's insane. That's unsustainable".
Strange that Ascension Island is suddenly newsworthy. This is where all ‘asylum seekers’ and their lawyers should be sent while their applications are processed.
There the former can be given the option of working for their food and lodgings (tents) by clearing up the plastic, or being removed from British territory altogether.
The latter (lawyers) will obviously work for free because they are such virtuous humanitarians.
In fact, why not shift the entire Home Office there?
Anotehr example of the neo Nazism now infecting the UKs institutions with an Ubermenschen and an Untermenschen firmly established.
In this example a race hate attack by two Pakistani Muslim men unpon a White male neither of them were sent to prison and are probably laughing all the way to the mosque.
Neither of them were sent to prison as a White male perpetrating such an attack certainly would have been, and it didn’t make the media, in the way it would have if a White male had done it.
Why were these men charged with ‘violent disorder’ and not ‘grievous bodily harm’?
Recorder Usher presided over a case of the latter, see here, where he sentenced the perpetrator (white) to 15 months saying that there was no alternative to a prison sentence because “It would sent [sic] out the totally wrong message to the public as to how seriously the courts view a serious assault causing serious injury.”
Therefore is the problem with the charge itself, or some other factor?
Amjad’s defence: he was a ‘young man of considerable talent’ who had made ‘positive’ progress in the years since the incident.
Amjad was a ‘force for good in the community’, and had kept a clean record since the assault
He got 24 months suspended.
+ 240 hours of unpaid work (about 7 weeks)
Shukat’s defence : he was just 17 at the time of the incident.
“That doesn’t remove his responsibility, but significantly mitigates it.”
“He tries very hard to keep his nose clean. It is my submission that he is unlikely to offend in this way again”
FFS that was contradicted by the judge saying he was considerably concerned’ about a separate conviction of possession of cocaine and cannabis and possession of bladed article, following an incident in October 2021 – over a year after the assault in question
He got 14 month suspended
+ 180 hours of unpaid work (about 5 weeks)
“He was minding his own business and someone in your group decided that he wasn’t welcome where you were and made a racist remark to him.”
There was a time when gang members escaped punishment by saying I was in the gang that killed the guy, but I was the weak one just going along, someone else was the killer.
So then courts said , no if you are in a gang. that’s Joint Enterprise you bear big responsibility even without evidence you were the actual killer.
This judge seems to have gone back to the old days.
He seems to be saying he can’t pin the worst part on them
and that the offenders were young.
So Justin Trudeau is a ‘celebrity’ now is he? At least I’ve heard of him. Can we send him to the jungle and leave him in a cave or something? Wouldn’t do much for his make up though.
For the easily suggestible, and those with an under two-minute attention span, the Daily Mail shrieks: Supermarkets to ration eggs Asda and Lidl are first to limit number of boxes you can buy as bird flu and war in Ukraine hit suppiles
Our feminist-minded celebs have this covered: Celebrities who have frozen their eggs: Kourtney Kardashian, Chrissy Teigen and more. With Jennifer Aniston bravely opening up about her wish that she would have frozen her eggs when she was younger, our attention has turned to the A-listers that have made the decision to freeze their eggs. (Hello! Magazine) – I jest, of course.
For once one rather admires the terse BBC online press review commentary on the Mail’s throwaway headline alarming over the supposed lack of availabilty of a shopping staple: The Daily Mail’s lead focuses on a decision by some UK supermarkets to ration eggs and limit the number of boxes people can buy. It says bird flu and the war in Ukraine are to blame for shortages. (BBC)
I hadn’t noticed the little lion on my egg shells had been replaced with the blue and yellow of Ukraine as a major supplier – so quite how the proxy war affects eggy production must have some complex supply chain justification?
To be fair, I did notice a dead pigeon in the gutter the other day. Urban legend claims you never see dead pigeons. Pigeon crisis anyone? Some might blame Putin or perhaps a stray ‘defensive’ Ukrainian missile shot it down? Which, by the way, just goes to prove why we in the west should send Zelensky even more and better missiles.
Kyiv pleads for western air defences (Times)
Can we call the war off now? Here’s suggested peace terms. Russia gets to keep the Russian-speaking Don Bas, the rest of the country stays out of Nato & the EU and western elites can go back to all their money laudering activities in Ukraine.
Refreshingly, the Guardian may at last be shedding some of its pro-war gung ho stance with this headline: ‘We’re afraid’. Stray missile revives fear of the war next door
Where were we? Ah yes, the egg shortage… and it’s not even Christmas yet, with Easter still months off… and as a concluding thought – if only our BBC could bring itself to be equally as subtly dismissive of headlines and news sources of which its news staff actually approve.
I see the Guardian frontpage is keeping their readers’ chins up despite all the dire economic news: How to win at Eurovision? It may come down to your costume
Football provides a – slightly – more manly distraction from all the doom and gloom.
World Cup politics ban – offers the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – if only that were true! If only we could have our football back without all the politics, says Mr AsISeeIt
Clearly the ‘i’ regrets the politics being given a time out (to borrow a phrase from Yankee sports): Fifa erects signs at stadiums warning fans about their behaviour – one trusts the no doubt migrant labour engaged in these erections had safe and suitable working conditions?
Is this propagandistic signage campaign particularly unusual? Last time one was at a Premier League match in north London one was subjected to a half-time five minute audio visual barrage of LGBTQ propagada which left one wondering where do they go from here – graphic images of man-love on the big electronic screens? (Apologies there for the naff phrase man-love but it is a bit early in the day – we’ll get salacious later in the review so read on)
Gay Qatari warns of ‘retaliation’ against LGBT people after tournament (‘i’) – the simple solution would seem to be a general adherence to that old saying ‘when in Rome…‘
The Times proffers readers: The alternative guide to the World Cup plus play our drinking game – is strictly for the stay-at-home fans – if the implied alcohol drinking is involved.
The Daily Mirror meanwhile suggests we have a flutter: World Cup 2022 sweepstake kit go on have a bet is the prompt – as does stablemate Daily Star
Whereas The Sun tells us the players are gambling when they shouldn’t (alegedly): HOTSHOT striker Ivan Toney was sensationally charged with 232 breaches of FA betting rules – so this wasn’t a one-off, you can see the conflict of interest that might be involved.
If soccer or Eurovision isn’t your idea of entertainment there are other options. Theatre, perhaps?
First review of the hottest ticket in town: Wagatha Christie live on stage! (Daily Mail) – vaguely football-themed, admittedly.
This show sounds like a dud: ‘The Sex Party‘ is inept. Like your least favourite uncle woke up after 30 years asleep – a one star review from the ‘i’ – one is being picky here but isn’t the word ‘asleep’ somewhat redundant in that headline?
Anyway, now we’ve piqued your interest…
Terry Johnson’s play has the air of a formerly esteemed writer raging against changing times. It’s about as subtle as an atom bomb – get her! So what has so upset reviewer Fiona Mountford? Sounds to me as though the politics of the play fall short – from her point of view. One quotes at length here because one is concerned with cultural-political norms as promulgated in our media.
“Everyone is very careful now. I was full of resentment about it before I took this play on. But I’ve had to adjust to a whole new vocabulary and attitudes,” says playwright/director Terry Johnson in a programme interview… This whole inept and embarrassing project has the air of a formerly esteemed and award-winning writer alternately grappling with and raging against changing times, climes and mores… Unfortunately, there is no nuance in play here and the title doesn’t lie: we are indeed at a sex party, being hosted in Islington by Alex (Jason Merrells) and his much younger partner Hetty (Molly Osborne)…. Their seven guests are a hard-to-believe mixture of people… There’s an unwritten rule in theatre that if the set is the best thing about a show, the production is in big trouble. Let me tell you that the dark wood-panelled kitchen, with glimpses of a chic little courtyard garden, is glorious… The women – sigh and yawn – soon get down to their scanties while the men remain fully clothed… The naughty business happens in the unseen living room, while Alex stays in the kitchen and frets about wine stains on the rug, which seems a rather peculiar concern for a man hosting a sex party in his front room. For all the talk of men being liberally orally pleasured – the particulars of female desire don’t get a look-in… Just when we think that this frighteningly flat and fun-free scenario can’t get any worse, Lucy (Pooya Mohseni), a trans woman, turns up and these seemingly liberated Islingtonites are bamboozled. Kelly Price’s Camilla inexplicably turns herself into the language police and they all launch into the Great Pronoun Debate.
Gosh! For a moment the thought of 1970s classic Mike Leigh Abigail’s Party is conjured. It’s patently obvious that it is the sexual politics of The Sex Party not being up to snuff that has given our Fiona Mountford the hump. Why oh why can’t all artists and writers just conform to the present thing?
Not a million miles away from John Lewis furnished Islington sex parties – more like 10,000 miles away: Matt Hancock’s Covid shame lover flies in. Jungle fever Hancock’s girlfriend Gina in Oz lastnight (Daily Mirror)
But seeit- you cant leave us hanging?
Is the girlfriend going into the desert or whatever it is ? Will they couple / breakup ?
I have never seen the show but seem not to avoid it . Did dec die or was it his brother ? Who is dec and where does tony? Fit in ? Are they a couple ? In qatar or kuwait or where ever ?
It seems like 99.95% of births are fine
but in the 1 in 2000 they screw up at , lifelong compensation gets paid
That cost is so huge it amounts to £10,000 per day
ie each time they have a birth they need to put £700 into the compensation pot.
No, you really won’t. Your green energy fetish is unreliable, unrealistic, hugely expensive, not even remotely green and, is damaging to the country’s self sufficiency and security.
Nottingham City Council to spend up to £149,000 on consultants for six weeks of work
The Labour-run council says it needs expertise it does not have in-house
ByJoe Locker
19:27, 14 NOV 2022
Two points here.
1. Word on the street is that many senior local government officials refuse to accept permanent contracts as they can earn more money by being paid a daily rate. This public sector scam seems to be quite well established. You can’t blame the finance guy for taking £300k. I mean, would you really, really turn it down if it was offered to you? No, thought not.
2. Labour run Nottingham Council, as for many other Labour Councils, are totally useless. They are having to pay top money to hire people to get them out of the mess they themselves have created.
I could add
3. This stuff goes way over the heads of local voters who keep voting in to power (for reasons which often have nothing to do with policy or effectiveness) the very same useless councillors who cause the mess in the first place.
And that, dear readers, is how ‘local democracy’ is actually working.
Dear Winston Smith of the BBC Historical Corrections Department,
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
I don’t often do Nazi analogies.
Someone here explained that the advertising industry decided black people should not be shown in a negative light in advertisement, so made rules that they must be shown in a positive light. Thus every advert has a happy mixed race or black family and quite rarely features a white father.
That does seem like 1930s Germany where convention meant every poster showed happy Aryan families.
Occasionally there will be a white father. It’s when the advert script calls for a bit of a simpleton. For that role only a straight white man is acceptable.
In my experience, in certain sections of the World’s populations winning is far more important than truth. It’s people’s are admired for any wealth and status they can get hold of by any means rather than their moral fibre or righteousness.
It is even a tenet in certain religions in the Middle East.
Hence the semi-admiration for gang culture and ruthless violence as long as it brings ill-gotten gains to the perpetrator. Also the relentless tide of scammers from abroad trying to steal anything they can from any unsuspecting Joe they get on the hook.
Not the mention the career drug barons who are happy to live with wealth at the expense of the health of their gullible “clients”.
This is all very well as long as it’s understood by those in power who have control over the population.
In this Country, the Church used to lead the way in guiding it’s people to be honest, non-violent and upright and to look out for one another. However even the Church is bending the knee to the darker voices coming into the population and in fact has now virtually lost it’s true purpose.
Once a Country’s leaders, both politically and ethically begin to overlook, embrace and sometimes applaud this behaviour to garner support that Country is destined for the garbage heap.
It takes strong-minded, realistic, clear-headed leaders to guide a Nation along a safe and righteous path.
In the West, the new breed of leaders fail to understand this and simply chase after “likes” from anyone they can attract.
I’ve said this many times : the Left are treading the same road as the Nazis. They are taking over institutions and trying to silence those who do not agree with them by increasingly nasty methods.
The earlier video of Raynar and her hate-speech about Tory scum and the cheering crowd are very sinister modern-day reflections of what went on before the Nazis got power. That was pure hate.
Time changes but human nature doesn’t. Just imagine that same crowd with absolute power.
In response to StewGreen above. Not sure that it was the advertising industry that decreed this. Miscegenation is the declared policy of both UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF on the grounds that if we were all brown there could be no racism. Same as if there were no nations there could be no wars (hence immigration and EU). When one is a billionaire and own advertising agencies among other organs such as TV and the press you set the direction of everything.
A wedding singer by profession, Reshma injected joy, humour and vitality into the lives thousands of Kashmiris who live under the shadow of violence and conflict.
India and Pakistan both claim Kashmir in full, but control only parts of it. An armed revolt has been waged in the India-administered region for over three decades, claiming thousands of lives.
‘armed revolt’ means ‘Muslims who want everyone else out’ of course.
A quick skim of that Kashmiri trans icon article – given the disputed nature of Kashmir I wondered if Reshma was Pakistani or Indian – the article seems to swerve that – leaving the reader afaics to guess….
It’s of some passing curiosity to me as I recall troupes of trannies on the streets of central Karachi looking (and sounding!) as if they’d used Monty Python’s Terry Jones as a role model.
In all though – it makes me wonder at the sheer volume of vacuous twerp-ery that infests the cubicles at Broadcasting House.
BBC News – Last week, Reshma, an iconic trans woman and a singer in *Indian-administered Kashmir*, died
The writer seems unaware of Pakistani culture
It’s a case of Elvis and Elvis Costello
Reshma was a Pakistani folk singer who died 9 years ago
* Abdul Rashid* is a trans singer who used the name Reshma who just died
Abdul Rashid was a resident of Srinagar.. that’s Indian controlled.
Virgin Atlantic reverses its gender-neutral uniform policy allowing male staff to wear skirts on board…but only for the flight to Qatar carrying the England team.
The black women are always light-skinned and very attractive.
Not like the real African women it’s sometimes my misfortune to be near in an airport. They are generally very fat, wear very bright dresses which stink and they shout at each other and across the room making a hell of a fuss as if they are the only ones there.
Or the one sat next to me recently (very fat and stank) who was the most abrupt and rudest person to the flight attendent I have ever witnessed. Even worse than the German businessman who previously held the record.
That’s my real world experience. I don’t care what colour a persons skin is. It’s their behaviour which matters.
So Jeremy Hunt is saying that we will have to start paying more tax. Good, we need to. Cue the BBC with its analysis aimed at five year olds, and the predictable victimhood squealing from those who sat on their arses for two years being bailed out by the taxpayer. One disappointing note- the Health budget is not being reduced. Why not? The NHS is a drain on this country.
As I see it, problem now, is unless the WEF Twins blow it, e.g. partying at No 10/11 they’ve got a clear two year run up to the next election within which to safely implement WEF policies. Starting with the 11.3 BILLION ‘Reparations’ package. This, until they are totally wiped out at the next election. We can only sit back and watch the acceleration of our own demise.
I understand that on the day after the mid terms in the US the DoJ announced that none of the documents seized from President Trump were ‘secret ‘…..and there will be no proceedings – for the time being ….
… “How have the Markets responded?” Dharshini David says in reply “They seem to approve.” Don’t rely on the BBC for economics. Faisal Islam doesn’t appear to have turned up for work again today. That bloke is a waste of TellyTax money, especially when compared to Robert Peston or, more so, Steffie Flanders.
The markets have grimaced: shares down, the all important £:$ rate which had been improving this week is down by quite a large fall, 1.5 cents. Good news is that oil and gas are down as well. Bad news is that the UK’s oil (Brent crude) is a high quality oil much in demand. That produces overseas revenue for the UK. 🙁
As I was watching mr hunt I just wondered what did happen to the Conservative Party ? Did it get lost about 30 something years ago and replaced by Blue Labour ?
I think my next ballot paper will be spoilt with the words – they are all the same ….
Everything else – misbehaving ministers – MPs – PMs – is just swamp stuff – although the coloured chancellor one managed to inflict damage in a very short time …. Just another tick box …
Fed, the Conservatives usually looked after the welfare of the poorest (unlike Labour) but insisted on education as a route to work. Now the Conservatives just ‘cross-dress’ in their rivals’ clothes in a sort of obscene virtue signalling contest. Sunak only inflicted damage as Chancellor because he did what every other Government did while having the world, ie. media, SAGE, a sick boss, Civil Servants, regional Mayors, devolved Parliaments and a dodgy Cabinet on his back as well as Remoaners.
If you think it is bad here, try Canada or New Zealand or Australia, mate!
I was waiting for a sane Tory – John Redwood to give his view but after supporting the last idiots – Mary and kwazi – I think he’s keeping schum . ….
Must be very difficult for red labour not to stand up and applaud …
I remember years ago having to carry inoculation certificates, they were yellow in colour, and for such things as Yellow fever, etc. This was whilst serving in the RN in the 60’s and 70’s. I even had to leggit into London having lost one, and waiting for a flight to Singapore from Gatwick. 56 years ago.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
PUBLISHED: 22:05, 25 December 2021 | UPDATED: 22:37, 25 December 2021
Since having someone knock at my door, uninvited last week telling me this is your smart meter appiontment maker, just to get him to go away I said OK
Now, they just cannot leave me alone
Phone is ringing now, for the 6th time from them, and they lied and said it will be obligatory in 2023 and would then cost me £273
what is the advantage for me ? none it seems apart from not having a meter reader come round, and for them ? who knows
possibly knowing when you use electric may affect how they charge you
The last time they phoned me I was using my phone to negotiate my way via satnav through Exeter city centre in a rainstorm with their highly imaginative one way systems, with a wife sitting next to who has trashed her car three times but still feels the need to advise.
Negotiating with Scottish Power, whilst explaining to a passenger driver that one way signs are not voluntary in England whether or not they might be in bloody China has put me off smart meters
Door knockers could be just a scam
They try to get personal info off you to build a database
so fraudsters can impersonate you.
If granny hands over an electricity bill, that is a form of personal ID they can use to impersonate her.
That’s sound advice, Stew – I normally chuck any paperwork like that, but even an hour ago, was working out how to burn everything instead of recycling it!
After all, coal and wood is very expensive on a pension, so sod the recyclable stuff, burn it on an open fire and create some wamth, knowing that clots like Ed Millionband can act more like a total tool than he already does!
Just off out to the paper bin – and I may be some time…;0)
Might swerve Twitter, as every nut job Remainer, from Femi to the blonde old biddie to Mad Al, is currently issuing the same template.
And, somehow, Labour will solve it all.
Do you recognise these men? Police are hunting two males armed with a knife who forced their way into this mother's home in Wandsworth and demanded money while she was holding her child.
Fed, if true that then shows that Jeremy Hunt is an economic illiterate and is in the wrong job. I have stated it before, I’ll state it again: Hunt is in the wrong job he should be at Health, especially now that the nurses have voted to strike.
Hancock should never have been given the job of Health by Boris Johnson.
Up2 – I presume that once the thing about duty on juice going up will cause an ‘urgent question ‘ in the House ….
I can’t see that budget winning the blue Labour Party in 2 years time . I did ‘support ‘ them in the absence of anything better but I can’t see a reason to vote for anyone more – I’ll just spoil it ….
Fed, I wonder if it is a spoiler for an incoming Labour Government? The Conservatives have given up the thought of winning in 2024 without Boris as PM. I thought that when Truss & Kwarteng cut the Top Rate of Income Tax. ‘We’ve lost the next Election, let’s get some benefit while we can.’
I did see it suggested somewhere (cannot now remember where – may have been on TCW) that Sunak and Hunt would create some ‘elephant traps’ for an incoming Labour government after the style of Blair and Brown.
I can’t see any logical strategy – in 2 years time it’s gonna be grim . Even if the Russian war ends tomorrow the UK level of borrowing isn’t coming down – nor will inflation – nor will interest rates – nor population levels.
The biggest danger for red labour is the consequences of a 200 majority – the chance of a Labour Party civil war again .
Otherwise red labour can do its usual ‘blame the last lot ‘ when anything bad happens ….
Maybe a nuclear war or new more serious virus will change this story though ….
Fed, it keeps inflation high, because the BBC and the rest of the LeftMob media have created a largely artificial ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ they have set a hare running that Labour will have to catch. That said, I cannot see any sign of a Fuel Duty increase anywhere in the BBC’s analysis of the Autumn Statement so maybe it is FakeNews. However, the BBC are really missing Steffie Flanders. I looked through the ‘Autumn Statement at a glance’ which was anything but. Steffie would have had it, straightforward, listed in a word or several and she would have Blogged on it as well!
Faisal Islam? Nowhere to be seen. Is he hogging the TV cameras on Telly?
Add to this a con-gestion charge of £5/day to get into the nearest town.
Anything a shop orders in by truck / goods vehicle has to pay a £20/day con-gestion charge.
If you want a plumber to visit he has to pay a £20/day con-gestion charge.
Then the traffic lights have been doubled, and the timing made non-optimum.
And the car wrecking and fuel wasting sleeping policemen. To make sure even more fuel gets used and wasted.
And then there is Stinky Rebellion blocking the road to make a journey even worse, and the water board digging up the road, and jabba jabba drivers crashing here and there, and …
And the chinese ANPR spy cameras with their back doors to fine you for being 1mm in the wrong place for 1 msec.
pug, I think you have to accept that the Court of the BoE may not have the best interests of the UK at heart outside of the EU. It is interesting that the Office for National Statistics doesn’t give a specific number for the unemployed since 2021. They give a percentage figure. I will try to get around to finding out why that is the case but my time for citizen journalism is a bit restricted at present.
There is actually currently no shortage of workers in the UK, unlike the claim of Andrew Bailey and others, including the BBC. We currently have 1.3 million unemployed and as that is the figure carried by Blair and Brown throughout 1997-2010 (during a period, it was claimed by them, of exceptional growth) the economist in me wonders whether that is now a new floor – which has to be supported by working taxpayers – for unemployment in the UK.
That is worrying.
In addition, it was reckoned that people who were economically inactive, not necessarily through choice, during that time (1997-2010) grew to 5 million. I saw a recent updated figure for those economically inactive but I cannot remember what it was. I think it had grown to 8 million thanks to the Pandemic.
There are plenty of people who could work in the UK.
why is there a permenent 60 mph speed restriction on the M4, a 70 MPH motorway?
no queues, no accidents, no incidents, I was in a contract interview a while ago, he asked me can I ask you a question outside of the interview, as I have some career knowlege, OK why is the M4 always at 60 MPH ?
mm no have no idea, and travelling back from Devon the same
I do M4 – M5 several times a week – the speed restrictions are pretty random….
One thing that really grates is the 40 mph camera’d average speed on the M32 – a bogus measure driven by the cretinous virtue signalling twerps at Bristol City Council
Buried amid the Autumn Statement, today reams of MP expenses data were published, which Guido spent the afternoon flicking through. Here are some of the biggest eyebrow-raisers…
Five MPs spent nearly £1,000 on the spellchecker website Grammarly
Clive Lewis – £114.25
Drew Hendry – £110.01
Kate Osborne – £114.02
Stephen Farry – £110.01
Kate Griffith somehow managed to spend £475.41 on the subscription service
Mel Stride spent £53.98 on an iPhone case
Esther McVey spent £9.80 on “sweets as prizes for school visit in parliament”
Meg Hillier spent £384 on photography
Sir Robert Syms bought a thousand pound iPad
Alan Campbell spent £13.11 on “long life milk”
There appears to have been a vermin problem in three MPs’ offices:
Alison Thewlis spent £500 on a deep clean of her premises after a rat infestation
Bridget Phillipson spent £90 on vermin control
Lloyd Russel-Moyle spent £10.75 on fly papers to “deal with an office fly infestation”
Anna McLoughlin spent £39.99 on a “sneeze screen in case team meet constituent exempt from wearing a mask”. It was purchased in March 2022…
Anna McLoughlin also spent £89 to “provide drink water for staff without having a long walk to the nearest kitchen area”. How far away is her kitchen area?
Barry Gardiner spent £1,155 on video editing
Chris Pincher spent £960 at Westminster Digital videos
Claudia Webbe managed to spend £115.37 on a phone case
Pauline Latham topped the chart for taxi journies, spending £300 on a ride from London to Derbyshire on the day of a train strike
David Davis expensed a £11.99 YouTube Premium subscription
Douglas Chapman spent £5.25 on a “snack for a guest” in Portcullis House
Grant Shapps spent £79.99 on Microsoft Office. Expensing his famous spreadsheet…
Leo Docherty expensed £8.87 on a Ukrainian flag
Luke Pollard purchased a £2,195 air-conditioning unit Matt Hancock expensed a £43.33 Times subscription, despite the fact MPs and staffers are all entitled to free subscriptions
Tobias Ellwood used your tax money for a £7.99 Amazon Prime subscription
Perhaps doing penance for appalling behaviour in his private life, Imran Ahmed Khan actually repaid £1,438 for a Macbook he’d purchased. Recession? What recession…
Matt Hancock ‘to be paid £400k for I’m a Celeb stint’ as petition to axe him from show reaches 34,000
The Tory MP is set to become one of the highest paid contestants in the ITV show’s history
I still haven’t seen the 23% rise in fuel duty going across the bottom of the tv screen.
Did hunt think that by not mentioning it nobody would ever find out about this 12p per litre rise.
It affects EVERYTHING else, all food is transported, all deliveries, tech items, going to work, everything.
This means everything else will cost more.
The drop from 150k to 125k is still headlining along the bottom of the tv. This affects a tiny number of people, probably none of us on here.
It is probably the biggest news of the budget yet they are trying to keep it secret.
Usual bBBC utter bullshit. Gastroparesis is hardly rare and can be a complication of diabetes. But hey why get in the way of a piss poor story by equally shoddy so called journalists.
WOW just WOW
This document from the new CEO appointed to oversee the bankruptcy of FTX lays bare the situation allowed by the Democrat oversight bodies who clearly didn’t actually do anything to regulate and oversee.
4. I have over 40 years of legal and restructuring experience. I have been the Chief Restructuring Officer or Chief Executive Officer in several of the largest corporate failures in history. I have supervised situations involving allegations of criminal activity and malfeasance (Enron). I have supervised situations involving novel financial structures (Enron and Residential Capital) and cross-border asset recovery and maximization (Nortel and Overseas Shipholding). Nearly every situation in which I have been involved has been characterized by defects of some sort in internal controls, regulatory compliance, human resources and systems integrity.
5. Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as occurred here.
From compromised systems integrity and faulty regulatory oversight abroad, to the concentration of control in the hands of a very small group of inexperienced, unsophisticated and potentially compromised individuals, this situation is unprecedented
It’s the statement to the court requesting the company is placed into bankruptcy, it’s unusual for a paragraph such as number 5 to be included in such a document.
The phrase “potentially compromised individuals” could be dynamite depending on upon what or how they were compromised
The main driver must be the billions wasted on Covid but they can’t say that as fingers would be pointed at those responsible, including those taking advice from a failed epidemiologist and a senior member of the Communist party
popeye, Boris made several blunders apart from Hancock at Health. Boris bodged Brexit and then, when the virus got going, he hid behind a Committee. That is the worst thing to do with a virus. Committees. They are like viruses, themselves. I would like to know when exactly Boris got sick? I would like to know, too, if the source of the infection was traced.
BBC IMAGE WATCH -” What the Autumn Statement means
for uou,And the cost of living” Simon on History Debunked has
also spotted, that the BBC has decided to CANCEL the 85%
indigenous Caucasion population of the UK when it comes
to Getty’s supplying them with images of ethnic models on
every public interest feature ,you can think of. This is out and
out inverted racism!
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Crime is now so bad in Democrat controlled cities it is affecting the profits of major US companies.
The DIY chain Target this week reported results which were dreadful and claimed a loss as a result of criminal activity of and eye watering $400 million.
How much worse does it have to get before the brain dead Democrats and the sheeple who vote for them realise that what they are doing is making everyones lives much much worse.
Specifically, lobby tv studios with Labour front bench idiots.
Strange that Ascension Island is suddenly newsworthy. This is where all ‘asylum seekers’ and their lawyers should be sent while their applications are processed.
There the former can be given the option of working for their food and lodgings (tents) by clearing up the plastic, or being removed from British territory altogether.
The latter (lawyers) will obviously work for free because they are such virtuous humanitarians.
In fact, why not shift the entire Home Office there?
Anotehr example of the neo Nazism now infecting the UKs institutions with an Ubermenschen and an Untermenschen firmly established.
In this example a race hate attack by two Pakistani Muslim men unpon a White male neither of them were sent to prison and are probably laughing all the way to the mosque.
Neither of them were sent to prison as a White male perpetrating such an attack certainly would have been, and it didn’t make the media, in the way it would have if a White male had done it.
Why were these men charged with ‘violent disorder’ and not ‘grievous bodily harm’?
Recorder Usher presided over a case of the latter, see here, where he sentenced the perpetrator (white) to 15 months saying that there was no alternative to a prison sentence because “It would sent [sic] out the totally wrong message to the public as to how seriously the courts view a serious assault causing serious injury.”
Therefore is the problem with the charge itself, or some other factor?
Amjad’s defence: he was a ‘young man of considerable talent’ who had made ‘positive’ progress in the years since the incident.
Amjad was a ‘force for good in the community’, and had kept a clean record since the assault
He got 24 months suspended.
+ 240 hours of unpaid work (about 7 weeks)
Shukat’s defence : he was just 17 at the time of the incident.
“That doesn’t remove his responsibility, but significantly mitigates it.”
“He tries very hard to keep his nose clean. It is my submission that he is unlikely to offend in this way again”
FFS that was contradicted by the judge saying he was considerably concerned’ about a separate conviction of possession of cocaine and cannabis and possession of bladed article, following an incident in October 2021 – over a year after the assault in question
He got 14 month suspended
+ 180 hours of unpaid work (about 5 weeks)
“He was minding his own business and someone in your group decided that he wasn’t welcome where you were and made a racist remark to him.”
There was a time when gang members escaped punishment by saying I was in the gang that killed the guy, but I was the weak one just going along, someone else was the killer.
So then courts said , no if you are in a gang. that’s Joint Enterprise you bear big responsibility even without evidence you were the actual killer.
This judge seems to have gone back to the old days.
He seems to be saying he can’t pin the worst part on them
and that the offenders were young.
Clue might be in the name. Trust them.
The problem arises when it matters.
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
4 August 2019
Cricket team told it can’t call itself ‘the Crusaders’…in case it offends Muslims and Jews
UPDATED: 11:00, 2 February 2009
So Justin Trudeau is a ‘celebrity’ now is he? At least I’ve heard of him. Can we send him to the jungle and leave him in a cave or something? Wouldn’t do much for his make up though.
Egg and soldiers edition
For the easily suggestible, and those with an under two-minute attention span, the Daily Mail shrieks: Supermarkets to ration eggs Asda and Lidl are first to limit number of boxes you can buy as bird flu and war in Ukraine hit suppiles
Our feminist-minded celebs have this covered: Celebrities who have frozen their eggs: Kourtney Kardashian, Chrissy Teigen and more. With Jennifer Aniston bravely opening up about her wish that she would have frozen her eggs when she was younger, our attention has turned to the A-listers that have made the decision to freeze their eggs. (Hello! Magazine) – I jest, of course.
For once one rather admires the terse BBC online press review commentary on the Mail’s throwaway headline alarming over the supposed lack of availabilty of a shopping staple: The Daily Mail’s lead focuses on a decision by some UK supermarkets to ration eggs and limit the number of boxes people can buy. It says bird flu and the war in Ukraine are to blame for shortages. (BBC)
I hadn’t noticed the little lion on my egg shells had been replaced with the blue and yellow of Ukraine as a major supplier – so quite how the proxy war affects eggy production must have some complex supply chain justification?
To be fair, I did notice a dead pigeon in the gutter the other day. Urban legend claims you never see dead pigeons. Pigeon crisis anyone? Some might blame Putin or perhaps a stray ‘defensive’ Ukrainian missile shot it down? Which, by the way, just goes to prove why we in the west should send Zelensky even more and better missiles.
Kyiv pleads for western air defences (Times)
Can we call the war off now? Here’s suggested peace terms. Russia gets to keep the Russian-speaking Don Bas, the rest of the country stays out of Nato & the EU and western elites can go back to all their money laudering activities in Ukraine.
Refreshingly, the Guardian may at last be shedding some of its pro-war gung ho stance with this headline: ‘We’re afraid’. Stray missile revives fear of the war next door
Where were we? Ah yes, the egg shortage… and it’s not even Christmas yet, with Easter still months off… and as a concluding thought – if only our BBC could bring itself to be equally as subtly dismissive of headlines and news sources of which its news staff actually approve.
I see the Guardian frontpage is keeping their readers’ chins up despite all the dire economic news: How to win at Eurovision? It may come down to your costume
Football provides a – slightly – more manly distraction from all the doom and gloom.
World Cup politics ban – offers the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – if only that were true! If only we could have our football back without all the politics, says Mr AsISeeIt
Clearly the ‘i’ regrets the politics being given a time out (to borrow a phrase from Yankee sports): Fifa erects signs at stadiums warning fans about their behaviour – one trusts the no doubt migrant labour engaged in these erections had safe and suitable working conditions?
Is this propagandistic signage campaign particularly unusual? Last time one was at a Premier League match in north London one was subjected to a half-time five minute audio visual barrage of LGBTQ propagada which left one wondering where do they go from here – graphic images of man-love on the big electronic screens? (Apologies there for the naff phrase man-love but it is a bit early in the day – we’ll get salacious later in the review so read on)
Gay Qatari warns of ‘retaliation’ against LGBT people after tournament (‘i’) – the simple solution would seem to be a general adherence to that old saying ‘when in Rome…‘
The Times proffers readers: The alternative guide to the World Cup plus play our drinking game – is strictly for the stay-at-home fans – if the implied alcohol drinking is involved.
The Daily Mirror meanwhile suggests we have a flutter: World Cup 2022 sweepstake kit go on have a bet is the prompt – as does stablemate Daily Star
Whereas The Sun tells us the players are gambling when they shouldn’t (alegedly): HOTSHOT striker Ivan Toney was sensationally charged with 232 breaches of FA betting rules – so this wasn’t a one-off, you can see the conflict of interest that might be involved.
If soccer or Eurovision isn’t your idea of entertainment there are other options. Theatre, perhaps?
First review of the hottest ticket in town: Wagatha Christie live on stage! (Daily Mail) – vaguely football-themed, admittedly.
This show sounds like a dud: ‘The Sex Party‘ is inept. Like your least favourite uncle woke up after 30 years asleep – a one star review from the ‘i’ – one is being picky here but isn’t the word ‘asleep’ somewhat redundant in that headline?
Anyway, now we’ve piqued your interest…
Terry Johnson’s play has the air of a formerly esteemed writer raging against changing times. It’s about as subtle as an atom bomb – get her! So what has so upset reviewer Fiona Mountford? Sounds to me as though the politics of the play fall short – from her point of view. One quotes at length here because one is concerned with cultural-political norms as promulgated in our media.
“Everyone is very careful now. I was full of resentment about it before I took this play on. But I’ve had to adjust to a whole new vocabulary and attitudes,” says playwright/director Terry Johnson in a programme interview… This whole inept and embarrassing project has the air of a formerly esteemed and award-winning writer alternately grappling with and raging against changing times, climes and mores… Unfortunately, there is no nuance in play here and the title doesn’t lie: we are indeed at a sex party, being hosted in Islington by Alex (Jason Merrells) and his much younger partner Hetty (Molly Osborne)…. Their seven guests are a hard-to-believe mixture of people… There’s an unwritten rule in theatre that if the set is the best thing about a show, the production is in big trouble. Let me tell you that the dark wood-panelled kitchen, with glimpses of a chic little courtyard garden, is glorious… The women – sigh and yawn – soon get down to their scanties while the men remain fully clothed… The naughty business happens in the unseen living room, while Alex stays in the kitchen and frets about wine stains on the rug, which seems a rather peculiar concern for a man hosting a sex party in his front room. For all the talk of men being liberally orally pleasured – the particulars of female desire don’t get a look-in… Just when we think that this frighteningly flat and fun-free scenario can’t get any worse, Lucy (Pooya Mohseni), a trans woman, turns up and these seemingly liberated Islingtonites are bamboozled. Kelly Price’s Camilla inexplicably turns herself into the language police and they all launch into the Great Pronoun Debate.
Gosh! For a moment the thought of 1970s classic Mike Leigh Abigail’s Party is conjured. It’s patently obvious that it is the sexual politics of The Sex Party not being up to snuff that has given our Fiona Mountford the hump. Why oh why can’t all artists and writers just conform to the present thing?
Not a million miles away from John Lewis furnished Islington sex parties – more like 10,000 miles away: Matt Hancock’s Covid shame lover flies in. Jungle fever Hancock’s girlfriend Gina in Oz lastnight (Daily Mirror)
But seeit- you cant leave us hanging?
Is the girlfriend going into the desert or whatever it is ? Will they couple / breakup ?
I have never seen the show but seem not to avoid it . Did dec die or was it his brother ? Who is dec and where does tony? Fit in ? Are they a couple ? In qatar or kuwait or where ever ?
BBC local news “Hull maternity hospitals paid out £34m compensation for birthing errors over the last 10 years”
No context or explanation was given.
It seems the story was lifted from the local paper.
It seems like 99.95% of births are fine
but in the 1 in 2000 they screw up at , lifelong compensation gets paid
That cost is so huge it amounts to £10,000 per day
ie each time they have a birth they need to put £700 into the compensation pot.
Who else is there with him?
Ah… media. A lot… of media.
One RT. In a day.
Maybe they are all on that other platform?
Never seen so many ….
Nottingham City Council to spend up to £149,000 on consultants for six weeks of work
The Labour-run council says it needs expertise it does not have in-house
ByJoe Locker
19:27, 14 NOV 2022
Two points here.
1. Word on the street is that many senior local government officials refuse to accept permanent contracts as they can earn more money by being paid a daily rate. This public sector scam seems to be quite well established. You can’t blame the finance guy for taking £300k. I mean, would you really, really turn it down if it was offered to you? No, thought not.
2. Labour run Nottingham Council, as for many other Labour Councils, are totally useless. They are having to pay top money to hire people to get them out of the mess they themselves have created.
I could add
3. This stuff goes way over the heads of local voters who keep voting in to power (for reasons which often have nothing to do with policy or effectiveness) the very same useless councillors who cause the mess in the first place.
And that, dear readers, is how ‘local democracy’ is actually working.
Kent County Council are going bust, Sluffy, but that didn’t stop them paying this pathetic drip all that dosh!
‘Useless’ doesn’t describe the appalling waste we have to pay for via the poll tax.
In the middle of the night the BBC report “Republicans win House by small majority”… this morning, this quite important story has evaporated.
Same deal with the Guardian, Express, Daily Mail….so it seems to be a media pact!
Our National Media hey?
Like children closing their eyes when frightened!
Dear Winston Smith of the BBC Historical Corrections Department,
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
On BBC actual news is quietly reported or buried
whereas NewsPR is amplified, with banging on.
I don’t often do Nazi analogies.
Someone here explained that the advertising industry decided black people should not be shown in a negative light in advertisement, so made rules that they must be shown in a positive light. Thus every advert has a happy mixed race or black family and quite rarely features a white father.
That does seem like 1930s Germany where convention meant every poster showed happy Aryan families.
Occasionally there will be a white father. It’s when the advert script calls for a bit of a simpleton. For that role only a straight white man is acceptable.
History Debunked never fails to summarise an issue succinctly.
“The great ‘Famous Black Inventors’ scam and how it is worked on credulous dupes and simpletons”
All part and parcel of the ubiquitous lies that surround us.
In my experience, in certain sections of the World’s populations winning is far more important than truth. It’s people’s are admired for any wealth and status they can get hold of by any means rather than their moral fibre or righteousness.
It is even a tenet in certain religions in the Middle East.
Hence the semi-admiration for gang culture and ruthless violence as long as it brings ill-gotten gains to the perpetrator. Also the relentless tide of scammers from abroad trying to steal anything they can from any unsuspecting Joe they get on the hook.
Not the mention the career drug barons who are happy to live with wealth at the expense of the health of their gullible “clients”.
This is all very well as long as it’s understood by those in power who have control over the population.
In this Country, the Church used to lead the way in guiding it’s people to be honest, non-violent and upright and to look out for one another. However even the Church is bending the knee to the darker voices coming into the population and in fact has now virtually lost it’s true purpose.
Once a Country’s leaders, both politically and ethically begin to overlook, embrace and sometimes applaud this behaviour to garner support that Country is destined for the garbage heap.
It takes strong-minded, realistic, clear-headed leaders to guide a Nation along a safe and righteous path.
In the West, the new breed of leaders fail to understand this and simply chase after “likes” from anyone they can attract.
I’ve said this many times : the Left are treading the same road as the Nazis. They are taking over institutions and trying to silence those who do not agree with them by increasingly nasty methods.
The earlier video of Raynar and her hate-speech about Tory scum and the cheering crowd are very sinister modern-day reflections of what went on before the Nazis got power. That was pure hate.
Time changes but human nature doesn’t. Just imagine that same crowd with absolute power.
For me, it’s Ms. Rayner’s footwear that seals the deal….
I can’t wait for Labour’s sartorial policy initiatives – they’re going to be epic aren’t they?
I did wonder if the Star Wars clodhoppers found their way onto an expenses claim.
In response to StewGreen above. Not sure that it was the advertising industry that decreed this. Miscegenation is the declared policy of both UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF on the grounds that if we were all brown there could be no racism. Same as if there were no nations there could be no wars (hence immigration and EU). When one is a billionaire and own advertising agencies among other organs such as TV and the press you set the direction of everything.
I wonder who at the BBC considered this story to be worthy of the front-page considering all that is going on in the world today:
Reshma: The Kashmir trans icon who fought pain to bring joy to people
A wedding singer by profession, Reshma injected joy, humour and vitality into the lives thousands of Kashmiris who live under the shadow of violence and conflict.
India and Pakistan both claim Kashmir in full, but control only parts of it. An armed revolt has been waged in the India-administered region for over three decades, claiming thousands of lives.
‘armed revolt’ means ‘Muslims who want everyone else out’ of course.
A quick skim of that Kashmiri trans icon article – given the disputed nature of Kashmir I wondered if Reshma was Pakistani or Indian – the article seems to swerve that – leaving the reader afaics to guess….
It’s of some passing curiosity to me as I recall troupes of trannies on the streets of central Karachi looking (and sounding!) as if they’d used Monty Python’s Terry Jones as a role model.
In all though – it makes me wonder at the sheer volume of vacuous twerp-ery that infests the cubicles at Broadcasting House.
Get ready…
Or, not.
BBC News – Last week, Reshma, an iconic trans woman and a singer in *Indian-administered Kashmir*, died
The writer seems unaware of Pakistani culture
It’s a case of Elvis and Elvis Costello
Reshma was a Pakistani folk singer who died 9 years ago
* Abdul Rashid* is a trans singer who used the name Reshma who just died
Abdul Rashid was a resident of Srinagar.. that’s Indian controlled.
Astonishing news on the BBC.
It’s raining! In November !
People are having to wait at bus stops in the rain!!!!!!
And are using umbrellas !!!!!!
Shock. Horror. Hold the front page.
Think I’m joking ?
Surprised they didn’t put it down to Brexit.
The BBC. The home of world class incisive, investigative journalism.
You absolutely cannot make it up.
Autumn Statement: When is it and how will it affect me?
Judging by the photo, it could turn all of us black.
BBCnews used same photo on 24 Oct 2022
First-time buyers hit by drop in mortgage deals –
By Michael Race
Business reporter, BBC News
Race baiting?
Note they search for images of black people where the features are more ‘Western’. Same for colouring: lighter the better.
The black women are always light-skinned and very attractive.
Not like the real African women it’s sometimes my misfortune to be near in an airport. They are generally very fat, wear very bright dresses which stink and they shout at each other and across the room making a hell of a fuss as if they are the only ones there.
Or the one sat next to me recently (very fat and stank) who was the most abrupt and rudest person to the flight attendent I have ever witnessed. Even worse than the German businessman who previously held the record.
That’s my real world experience. I don’t care what colour a persons skin is. It’s their behaviour which matters.
Radio4 trailer comes on
It’s for today’s drama about an Indian worker building Qatar football stadiums.
I guess the character will get injured or die.
How will drama blame Britain ?
Lie? Hard to substantiate in light of the claim, for sure.
One for Spingster once she hets back from Pakistan in her Hunter wellies.
It should be called ‘Fraud is the future – and present ‘..
So Jeremy Hunt is saying that we will have to start paying more tax. Good, we need to. Cue the BBC with its analysis aimed at five year olds, and the predictable victimhood squealing from those who sat on their arses for two years being bailed out by the taxpayer. One disappointing note- the Health budget is not being reduced. Why not? The NHS is a drain on this country.
… and we need to stop spending so much of it on people who have never done anything to contribute to it.
Reeves said
Reeves said
Reeves said
Reeves said
Blessed are the cheesmakers
“Vegan ‘cheese’ market booms as demand grows” bbc
yeh, right, a little like vegan fudge
milk, sugar and butter, nope, Christ knows how they manage that, I can only suppose its, erm
brown sugar ? nope thats racist
I give up
why not enjoy some dolphin friendy, free range, nuclear free, fair trade broccolli instead, save some time and effort
Just talking about it gives me a hankering for a tofu burger, £6 at Euston Station
Those bloody tofus must take some serious hunting and processing to justify the price. a bit like those pesky avocados in Hampstead
As I see it, problem now, is unless the WEF Twins blow it, e.g. partying at No 10/11 they’ve got a clear two year run up to the next election within which to safely implement WEF policies. Starting with the 11.3 BILLION ‘Reparations’ package. This, until they are totally wiped out at the next election. We can only sit back and watch the acceleration of our own demise.
The WEF twins?
I feel that Neil wins The internet today with this gem – I like the idea that you get to choose which is which
Be interesting who runs this and when. And how.
I understand that on the day after the mid terms in the US the DoJ announced that none of the documents seized from President Trump were ‘secret ‘…..and there will be no proceedings – for the time being ….
I’ve sent a working title to the bbc
NHS nurses versus WPCs “Fat Arses on Ice with starving kids watching”
Winner gets into a doughnut eating play off against Jo Brand
Funny how sometimes a name can turn out to be a predictor of your future.
Bankman – Fried.
I remember when maxwell floated the Mirror a finance type wrote a piece where consec paragraphs began C R A P ….wish I’d noticed ….
Yes, it was “Can’t Recommend A Purchase”. The crook and swindler Maxwell got him fired. A bit too close to home.
Coldwave in Australia.
If somewhere has a heatwave, it’s like somewhere else has a cold wave.
It’s not fair if you report one and not the other.
Hotter than normal in Alaska and Greenland but a lot of other areas colder than normal
TWatO Watch #1 – the Montacutie asks ….
… “How have the Markets responded?” Dharshini David says in reply “They seem to approve.” Don’t rely on the BBC for economics. Faisal Islam doesn’t appear to have turned up for work again today. That bloke is a waste of TellyTax money, especially when compared to Robert Peston or, more so, Steffie Flanders.
The markets have grimaced: shares down, the all important £:$ rate which had been improving this week is down by quite a large fall, 1.5 cents. Good news is that oil and gas are down as well. Bad news is that the UK’s oil (Brent crude) is a high quality oil much in demand. That produces overseas revenue for the UK. 🙁
As I was watching mr hunt I just wondered what did happen to the Conservative Party ? Did it get lost about 30 something years ago and replaced by Blue Labour ?
I think my next ballot paper will be spoilt with the words – they are all the same ….
Everything else – misbehaving ministers – MPs – PMs – is just swamp stuff – although the coloured chancellor one managed to inflict damage in a very short time …. Just another tick box …
Economics Zimbabwe style
Fed, the Conservatives usually looked after the welfare of the poorest (unlike Labour) but insisted on education as a route to work. Now the Conservatives just ‘cross-dress’ in their rivals’ clothes in a sort of obscene virtue signalling contest. Sunak only inflicted damage as Chancellor because he did what every other Government did while having the world, ie. media, SAGE, a sick boss, Civil Servants, regional Mayors, devolved Parliaments and a dodgy Cabinet on his back as well as Remoaners.
If you think it is bad here, try Canada or New Zealand or Australia, mate!
I was waiting for a sane Tory – John Redwood to give his view but after supporting the last idiots – Mary and kwazi – I think he’s keeping schum . ….
Must be very difficult for red labour not to stand up and applaud …
Have they all been jabbed and eat bugs?
No, it only applies to the plebs.
I remember years ago having to carry inoculation certificates, they were yellow in colour, and for such things as Yellow fever, etc. This was whilst serving in the RN in the 60’s and 70’s. I even had to leggit into London having lost one, and waiting for a flight to Singapore from Gatwick. 56 years ago.
The Trap is closing.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
PUBLISHED: 22:05, 25 December 2021 | UPDATED: 22:37, 25 December 2021
I think the £125k 45% tax hike will hurt a lot of bBC types …
Is there anyone else out there as popular as me ?
Since having someone knock at my door, uninvited last week telling me this is your smart meter appiontment maker, just to get him to go away I said OK
Now, they just cannot leave me alone
Phone is ringing now, for the 6th time from them, and they lied and said it will be obligatory in 2023 and would then cost me £273
what is the advantage for me ? none it seems apart from not having a meter reader come round, and for them ? who knows
possibly knowing when you use electric may affect how they charge you
The last time they phoned me I was using my phone to negotiate my way via satnav through Exeter city centre in a rainstorm with their highly imaginative one way systems, with a wife sitting next to who has trashed her car three times but still feels the need to advise.
so they can get lost now
Negotiating with Scottish Power, whilst explaining to a passenger driver that one way signs are not voluntary in England whether or not they might be in bloody China has put me off smart meters
Door knockers could be just a scam
They try to get personal info off you to build a database
so fraudsters can impersonate you.
If granny hands over an electricity bill, that is a form of personal ID they can use to impersonate her.
That’s sound advice, Stew – I normally chuck any paperwork like that, but even an hour ago, was working out how to burn everything instead of recycling it!
After all, coal and wood is very expensive on a pension, so sod the recyclable stuff, burn it on an open fire and create some wamth, knowing that clots like Ed Millionband can act more like a total tool than he already does!
Just off out to the paper bin – and I may be some time…;0)
Might swerve Twitter, as every nut job Remainer, from Femi to the blonde old biddie to Mad Al, is currently issuing the same template.
And, somehow, Labour will solve it all.
iirc the Mayor is Sadiq Khan, and the new council is Labour, with Dr. Rosena helping.
But at least their council taxes are now lower… right?
By The BBC undoubtedly.
And this is who they think will improve matters.
“Nine in ten Remain voters say Britain was wrong to vote to leave the EU”
SO 1 in 10 Have switched!
Sample Size: 1708 adults in GB
Sample Size: 1708 adults in GB
Sample Size: 1708 adults in GB
Click to access TheTimes_VI_AdHoc_221110_FORW.pdf
Sample Size: 1708 adults in GB
Piss off and sell some crisps.
Absolutely, Rob! He’s always whingeing about something he doesn’t have to worry about paying for!
‘Doctor’ Lineker – ‘Just a little prick with a needle’!
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
3 October 2012
Nice quality CCTV ….
Well, well. It it the first random Home Invasion? Certainly the only one broadcast to my knowledge.
As the recession really bites, early next year probably, start to see more. It is the inevitable development of this violent crime.
Develop procedures. If you are expecting a package at a certain time, as normal open the door. View those on the other side before opening.
Harsh …
but fair
who will pay for the torys mess
sneaking in with the small print
Cyclists will be so pleased …
Fed, if true that then shows that Jeremy Hunt is an economic illiterate and is in the wrong job. I have stated it before, I’ll state it again: Hunt is in the wrong job he should be at Health, especially now that the nurses have voted to strike.
Hancock should never have been given the job of Health by Boris Johnson.
Up2 – I presume that once the thing about duty on juice going up will cause an ‘urgent question ‘ in the House ….
I can’t see that budget winning the blue Labour Party in 2 years time . I did ‘support ‘ them in the absence of anything better but I can’t see a reason to vote for anyone more – I’ll just spoil it ….
Fed, I wonder if it is a spoiler for an incoming Labour Government? The Conservatives have given up the thought of winning in 2024 without Boris as PM. I thought that when Truss & Kwarteng cut the Top Rate of Income Tax. ‘We’ve lost the next Election, let’s get some benefit while we can.’
I did see it suggested somewhere (cannot now remember where – may have been on TCW) that Sunak and Hunt would create some ‘elephant traps’ for an incoming Labour government after the style of Blair and Brown.
I can’t see any logical strategy – in 2 years time it’s gonna be grim . Even if the Russian war ends tomorrow the UK level of borrowing isn’t coming down – nor will inflation – nor will interest rates – nor population levels.
The biggest danger for red labour is the consequences of a 200 majority – the chance of a Labour Party civil war again .
Otherwise red labour can do its usual ‘blame the last lot ‘ when anything bad happens ….
Maybe a nuclear war or new more serious virus will change this story though ….
Fed, it keeps inflation high, because the BBC and the rest of the LeftMob media have created a largely artificial ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ they have set a hare running that Labour will have to catch. That said, I cannot see any sign of a Fuel Duty increase anywhere in the BBC’s analysis of the Autumn Statement so maybe it is FakeNews. However, the BBC are really missing Steffie Flanders. I looked through the ‘Autumn Statement at a glance’ which was anything but. Steffie would have had it, straightforward, listed in a word or several and she would have Blogged on it as well!
Faisal Islam? Nowhere to be seen. Is he hogging the TV cameras on Telly?
Up2- kaiser – above – has the GBNews segment where the duty rise is referred to in the OBR papers ….
…. I’ve just realised that Hunt has bought Patricia Hewitt back to ‘help’ sort out the NHS .
That’s the comrade Patricia Hewitt – good pal of Hattie Harmon – real plot loss …
So a 23% increase in petrol / diesel tax in 2023.
Add to this a con-gestion charge of £5/day to get into the nearest town.
Anything a shop orders in by truck / goods vehicle has to pay a £20/day con-gestion charge.
If you want a plumber to visit he has to pay a £20/day con-gestion charge.
Then the traffic lights have been doubled, and the timing made non-optimum.
And the car wrecking and fuel wasting sleeping policemen. To make sure even more fuel gets used and wasted.
And then there is Stinky Rebellion blocking the road to make a journey even worse, and the water board digging up the road, and jabba jabba drivers crashing here and there, and …
And the chinese ANPR spy cameras with their back doors to fine you for being 1mm in the wrong place for 1 msec.
This cyclist has a word for all of this …
pug, I think you have to accept that the Court of the BoE may not have the best interests of the UK at heart outside of the EU. It is interesting that the Office for National Statistics doesn’t give a specific number for the unemployed since 2021. They give a percentage figure. I will try to get around to finding out why that is the case but my time for citizen journalism is a bit restricted at present.
There is actually currently no shortage of workers in the UK, unlike the claim of Andrew Bailey and others, including the BBC. We currently have 1.3 million unemployed and as that is the figure carried by Blair and Brown throughout 1997-2010 (during a period, it was claimed by them, of exceptional growth) the economist in me wonders whether that is now a new floor – which has to be supported by working taxpayers – for unemployment in the UK.
That is worrying.
In addition, it was reckoned that people who were economically inactive, not necessarily through choice, during that time (1997-2010) grew to 5 million. I saw a recent updated figure for those economically inactive but I cannot remember what it was. I think it had grown to 8 million thanks to the Pandemic.
There are plenty of people who could work in the UK.
Apropos of nothing to do with the bbc
why is there a permenent 60 mph speed restriction on the M4, a 70 MPH motorway?
no queues, no accidents, no incidents, I was in a contract interview a while ago, he asked me can I ask you a question outside of the interview, as I have some career knowlege, OK why is the M4 always at 60 MPH ?
mm no have no idea, and travelling back from Devon the same
usually a revenue opportunity.
The speed cameras on the M4/M5 X-over are turned on when the carriageways are nearly deserted.
The speed restirctions are now on all day, that was my point, no disrespect to you this is every day
I am well aware of Highways England, National Highways, and all the other names they keep calling themselves
Their latest mission statement or vision or whatever crap is “putting the customer first”
Great I can do 60mph on the m4 whislt my wife informs me theres a lorry driver looking at my tits, ovetrtake him
I do M4 – M5 several times a week – the speed restrictions are pretty random….
One thing that really grates is the 40 mph camera’d average speed on the M32 – a bogus measure driven by the cretinous virtue signalling twerps at Bristol City Council
I’m sure it’s going to be fine…..
sounds like brazil is turning into canada
Buried amid the Autumn Statement, today reams of MP expenses data were published, which Guido spent the afternoon flicking through. Here are some of the biggest eyebrow-raisers…
Five MPs spent nearly £1,000 on the spellchecker website Grammarly
Clive Lewis – £114.25
Drew Hendry – £110.01
Kate Osborne – £114.02
Stephen Farry – £110.01
Kate Griffith somehow managed to spend £475.41 on the subscription service
Mel Stride spent £53.98 on an iPhone case
Esther McVey spent £9.80 on “sweets as prizes for school visit in parliament”
Meg Hillier spent £384 on photography
Sir Robert Syms bought a thousand pound iPad
Alan Campbell spent £13.11 on “long life milk”
There appears to have been a vermin problem in three MPs’ offices:
Alison Thewlis spent £500 on a deep clean of her premises after a rat infestation
Bridget Phillipson spent £90 on vermin control
Lloyd Russel-Moyle spent £10.75 on fly papers to “deal with an office fly infestation”
Anna McLoughlin spent £39.99 on a “sneeze screen in case team meet constituent exempt from wearing a mask”. It was purchased in March 2022…
Anna McLoughlin also spent £89 to “provide drink water for staff without having a long walk to the nearest kitchen area”. How far away is her kitchen area?
Barry Gardiner spent £1,155 on video editing
Chris Pincher spent £960 at Westminster Digital videos
Claudia Webbe managed to spend £115.37 on a phone case
Pauline Latham topped the chart for taxi journies, spending £300 on a ride from London to Derbyshire on the day of a train strike
David Davis expensed a £11.99 YouTube Premium subscription
Douglas Chapman spent £5.25 on a “snack for a guest” in Portcullis House
Grant Shapps spent £79.99 on Microsoft Office. Expensing his famous spreadsheet…
Leo Docherty expensed £8.87 on a Ukrainian flag
Luke Pollard purchased a £2,195 air-conditioning unit
Matt Hancock expensed a £43.33 Times subscription, despite the fact MPs and staffers are all entitled to free subscriptions
Tobias Ellwood used your tax money for a £7.99 Amazon Prime subscription
Perhaps doing penance for appalling behaviour in his private life, Imran Ahmed Khan actually repaid £1,438 for a Macbook he’d purchased. Recession? What recession…
Matt Hancock ‘to be paid £400k for I’m a Celeb stint’ as petition to axe him from show reaches 34,000
The Tory MP is set to become one of the highest paid contestants in the ITV show’s history
“£8.87 on a Ukrainian flag”
so committed to the cause he cant even pay for his own virtue signal
I think these expenses claims show the true nature of these politicians – of any type – are they still charging taxpayers for the poppies they wear ?
I still haven’t seen the 23% rise in fuel duty going across the bottom of the tv screen.
Did hunt think that by not mentioning it nobody would ever find out about this 12p per litre rise.
It affects EVERYTHING else, all food is transported, all deliveries, tech items, going to work, everything.
This means everything else will cost more.
The drop from 150k to 125k is still headlining along the bottom of the tv. This affects a tiny number of people, probably none of us on here.
It is probably the biggest news of the budget yet they are trying to keep it secret.
“a corrupt eastern european man in a track suit getting as rich as he can from American handouts”
and more
Via the bbc.
True though.
Very bbc.
Foetsak, my apologies for any misspellings
They have art critics?
Haven’t got a great fondness for Unionist terrorists but that’s a fine work – did they provide any other pictures ?
HobNobism is a scourge.
Usual bBBC utter bullshit. Gastroparesis is hardly rare and can be a complication of diabetes. But hey why get in the way of a piss poor story by equally shoddy so called journalists.
WOW just WOW
This document from the new CEO appointed to oversee the bankruptcy of FTX lays bare the situation allowed by the Democrat oversight bodies who clearly didn’t actually do anything to regulate and oversee.
Click to access 042020648197.pdf
4. I have over 40 years of legal and restructuring experience. I have been the Chief Restructuring Officer or Chief Executive Officer in several of the largest corporate failures in history. I have supervised situations involving allegations of criminal activity and malfeasance (Enron). I have supervised situations involving novel financial structures (Enron and Residential Capital) and cross-border asset recovery and maximization (Nortel and Overseas Shipholding). Nearly every situation in which I have been involved has been characterized by defects of some sort in internal controls, regulatory compliance, human resources and systems integrity.
5. Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as occurred here.
From compromised systems integrity and faulty regulatory oversight abroad, to the concentration of control in the hands of a very small group of inexperienced, unsophisticated and potentially compromised individuals, this situation is unprecedented
Strangely quiet about the shaking dweeb “FinTech Wunderkind” and no reporters dispatched to Argentina to get his side of the tale.
The whole thing reeks….
It’s the statement to the court requesting the company is placed into bankruptcy, it’s unusual for a paragraph such as number 5 to be included in such a document.
The phrase “potentially compromised individuals” could be dynamite depending on upon what or how they were compromised
Ok how did they go bankrupt? Basically taking a commission on crypto currency bought and sold?
The main driver must be the billions wasted on Covid but they can’t say that as fingers would be pointed at those responsible, including those taking advice from a failed epidemiologist and a senior member of the Communist party
popeye, Boris made several blunders apart from Hancock at Health. Boris bodged Brexit and then, when the virus got going, he hid behind a Committee. That is the worst thing to do with a virus. Committees. They are like viruses, themselves. I would like to know when exactly Boris got sick? I would like to know, too, if the source of the infection was traced.
BBC IMAGE WATCH -” What the Autumn Statement means
for uou,And the cost of living” Simon on History Debunked has
also spotted, that the BBC has decided to CANCEL the 85%
indigenous Caucasion population of the UK when it comes
to Getty’s supplying them with images of ethnic models on
every public interest feature ,you can think of. This is out and
out inverted racism!
Don’t know if this’ll show …
an experiment
It’s just recycling innit!