Zelensky seems to be getting a bit if a bloody nose right now. His constant goading of the West to fight his war (and save his arse) is getting a bit thin as more info comes to light.
Meanwhile the EU court has now tried to help the shyster one more time by inventing Russian villains for the Air disaster way back!
Far, far to convenient!
I am more and more inclined to go with Putin the more these puppets try to meddle with the facts and keep getting caught out.
I have been attempting to learn the real story of MH17 from the trial verdict and report from the media – and to my amazement, it’s almost impossible.
This is the BBC statement:
‘A Dutch court has found three men guilty of murder for shooting down a passenger jet over eastern Ukraine in 2014, killing 298 people.’
And we get:
The court found that a Russian-made missile supplied from Russia and fired by an armed group under Russian control brought down flight MH17.
But in there we also have:
‘The judges ruled that it was a deliberate action to bring down a plane, even though the three found guilty had intended to shoot down a military not a civilian aircraft.’
Then the lengthy article degenerates into the usual BBC empathy piece which has no bearing on the verdict whatsoever.
None of that tells me exactly what they have been found guilty of so I went looking elsewhere.
I t seems the people convicted have been done so through social media posts of the soldiers involved. None of them were involved in firing it : they are the ones who logistically got the launcher where it was.
I found: “The finding of guilt today is just one part of that fight for justice and truth. Those who actually fired the missile remain unknown.’
Not mentioned on the BBC of course.
And no comment on the real issue in my mind : why was it even flying over a zone where aircraft had already been shot down ?. I read that it was because Ukraine didn’t close down the airspace because they wanted the money for the overflights. No mention of that either.
I remember at the time that my very first thought was to wonder why an airliner was flying over somewhere like that in the first place.
My own summary is therefore that the missile was sent by Russia as part of the ongoing conflict. Ukraine had them too. Some grunts on the ground picked up an aircraft which was not one of theirs and shot it down. It was bad luck that it was an airliner. Whoever authorised it to fire is to blame. And I’m sure there are a lot of factors in there as to why.
And then I find this:
‘It also encouraged the European Court of Human Rights to consider granting priority to applications from crash victims’ next of kin, “in view of [their] intense and continuing suffering”.’
The topic yesterday about who invented the light bulb got me interested because I discovered Snopes had actually fact checked Bidens statement that the black man Lewis Latimer did.
He absolutely didn’t – but to my surprise, Snopes only said it was ‘Mostly false’ meaning it has some truth in it – which doesn;t portray Biden as the straight-up liar he is. So I went digging:
Sure enough, everything Snopes points to as evidence is post-2000 left-wing activism. They say Hamilton set the process for designing filaments for the rest of time – but that’s entirely false. His ‘invention’ doesn’t even figure in this comprehensive history of the bulb:
I noticed yesterday that Liam Halligan, commenting on the Budget, said that HS2 didn’t make economic sense. As I don’t watch or listen to the BBC any more, do they have a position on HS2?
Many MP’s are frequent rail travellers so it comes as no surprise they supported HS2. It’s no wonder, they don’t pay for their travel, we do! The most awkward and expensive part of rail journeys is often getting to and from stations. MP’s are ferried at our expense by Taxis. The truth is that rail travel in Britain is incredibly expensive and not an option for a large proportion of the population.
I’m slightly surprised that the SNP aren’t objecting to HS2 as far as I know. Huge expense and so far will only eventually connect London to Birmingham, not even half way to Scotland.
This is Bradford, which has the highest percentage of uninsured drivers in the UK. It also has the largest percentage of people who have not actually passed a test. I would say why this is, but Jeremy wouldn't like the answer.
Bradford has been revealed as the winner of the hotly contested UK City of Culture 2025 competition.
The year is set to deliver more than 1000 new performances and events including 365 artist commissions, a series of major arts festivals as well as exciting national and international collaborations.
I’m sure the driver had a valid Pakistani driving licence. Or maybe his cousin does. Same thing. Anyway, if he runs down a cyclist, it’s the will of allah, so it’s all fine.
“I want to be clear: this is an investigation of Joe Biden, and that’s where our focus will be next Congress.”
The Ohio Republican later tweeted: “The Biden Family’s business deals are a national security threat.”
The select committee investigating the 6 January 2021 riot by Trump supporters on Capitol Hill will be dissolved when the new Congress takes over.
Music to my ears : I can’t wait to read the BBC reports on these topics.
It’s funny because it seems like the Republicans winning the house is a MUCH bigger deal than the BBC have been telling us. In fact they have hardly reported it at all. All the news has been about the Democrats keeping the Senate. Now I see why : they don’t like it one bit.
Sadly justice is not likely to be served in this case , no matter how corrupt Biden et al have been. The US legal system is by and large in the hands of the left and they will pull out all the stops to protect Biden . The leftist media will also play their usual part of suppressing truth if it does not fit the narrative. Additionally of the 200 plus Republican representatives some will be vulnerable to coercion and we can be certain that Democrats will use any weapon at hand to get them to slow things down.
Remember Trump was ill served by many of the Republicans he appointed to legal posts . I’m sure some of them were ‘got at’ by the Democrats and their fellow travellers in the DoJ and FBI. It will be easier this time round for the Democrats as the Republicans majority is small and they hold the Senate and the White House.
I reckon to get justice for the awful way the Democrats have behaved in recent years the Republicans would need the White House plus substantial majorities in both Senate and House , to appoint real hard nosed Republicans to the FBI and DoJ and be prepared to play very very dirty.
“Hunt defends plans after warning families face ‘real challenges’”
Tory .MPs must know that their term in office is at an end……
Failure to stop the invasion .
The obsession with Net Zero.
Excessive fuel tax.
Failure to ensure energy security.
Failure to get Brexit done,
Failure to get rid of the Woke Culture sneaking in to our systems..
Their support for the obnoxious Telly Tax .
Paying out money to foreign countries .
I suspect Tory MPs know they are finished and will shortly ‘cut and run’.
The Reform Party have a hell of a job in front of them.
Our media headline writers take on themselves the fraught daily task of summing up the news in some concise, hopefully eye-catching, way.
Often times there is a also an element of editorial commentary – dare one term it bias of one form or another.
One would this morning venture a line of commentary one finds glaringly absent from the mainstream – and by the way, the Labour Party are welcome to nab it – if they dare.
So, Jeremy Hunt, where was the windfall tax on Big Pharma?
The globalist-minded Financial Times seems most pleased with the tax squeeze out of all the national press titles. Their headline: Hunt paves way for years of pain – tends to be read as good thing from their point of view.
Sanity has been restored after the insanity of Kwarteng’s mini-Budget – says columnist Martin Wolf. The double employment of the word sanity seems to over-man the teaser there – if it were not risking a supermarket panic-buying spree one might say over-egg – just me or does Wolf seem to be salivating over our ever-expanding State?
The FT likes this quote from Hunt: “We need to give the world confidence in our ability to pay our debts” – and who was it who took on all those debts, Jeremy? Was it all down to the five-minute Chancellor Kwarteng?
Feed The World was the mantra of 1984 when we applied a Band Aid to our western guilty consciousness and as a result to the flagging careers of some played out pop stars.
This morning our attention is grabbed by the massive frontpage pic chosen by the formerly patriotic Times newspaper. It depicts thin man Chancellor Hunt wearing his peculiar startled expression – half meerkat, half geek – sitting next to a rather plump well-fed and jolly pleased with himself black school boy: Jeremy Hunt visited St Judd’s Church of England Primary School, south London… – ah, south London – or as our local estate agents now refer to it – Wakanda
The sub-text of this startling image care of the frontpage of the Times seems to be this poodgy young black chap needs to be fed at all costs – free school breakfast club and free school dinners all round. That’s the optic that comes across.
Having located us in time and space – the photo might have been Hunt on a previous trade visit to Nigeria afterall, the Times caption continues: …He promised extra funding for education and health in the run up to the next election. The Rashford project. Hey-ho, Lenny Henry-oh.
The Telegraph notices: ‘The rhetoric of Osborne… with the policies of Brown’ Wefare bill rises by £90bn… – quoting ‘economists’
Former Brexit hero David Frost in the Telegraph seems only mildly miffed: The ship has been steadied – but we’re all left with less of our own money – the State of course has no money of its own. Every pound is borrowed, inflationarally printed or grabbed in tax. Not exactly taking back control, is it? Oh well, he was a career diplomat, coached in a lifetime of keeping the foreigners happy.
The Express focuses on Hunt keeping the pensioners happy: Victory! – it shouts. This in reference to its campaign to keep the triple lock. The Ukrainian flag replacing the poppy at the patriotic masthead with the slogan United with the people of Ukraine – draw your own conclusions there.
The leftwing papers get the big tax hikes and increased welfare spending they like – but they still ain’t happy.
Carnage – is the one word headline alternative to the Express as expressed by the Mirror. The pic of the Tory front bench in the Commons accuses them of a: grin yesterday as they plunge millions into ecomomic hell – of course the Labour supporting organ would still hate the Tories even if Rishi whistled the red flag while Hunt crossed the House, took the knee and went down on Angela Rayner – metaphorically speaking.
Corporate retailers pay for the adverts but lefty millennials write the editorials over there at the giveaway Metro: You’ve never had it so bad. Workers hammered with highest tax burden since since WW2
Commercialism trumps politics back at the Mirror: Come on England… England World Cup poster flag for your window – is the generous giveaway in an offer of calculated opportunist faux patriotism that would make even the brash Emily Thornberry blush.
‘The Sun says‘ is an expression that smacks nostalgically of the Thatcher years. This morning the Sun says: Hunt’s Autumn Budget Tax Hell… Thank God for footie! Relagating the budget to the small top right hand corner of their frontpage.
Are you cringing yet over the soccer and Crimble allusions? You will be…
Football’s coming Ho-Ho-Home. Baddiel and Skinner hit’s Christmas revamp unveiled…
All together now..
Three lions on a sleigh
With She-lions inspiration
Santa says let’s play
With Christmas tree formation
I do apologise – someone should have stopped me at She-lions
Coincidentally David Baddiel also crops up in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: People think Jews are powerful. We’re not – he says.
Just for balance one hears from across the pond that controversial black comic Dave Chappelle showed one script to the producers of Saturday Night Live then went with a different monologue on live TV that was critical of jewish people.
Just a taster – I paraphase so as not to unduly mimmick his patios: “When a group of blacks get together… they call it a gang. A group of Italians… they call it a mob. Jews… it’s a coincidence”
The long and the short of things is that the leftist intersectional alliance over there in the States seems to be undergoing what one might term growing strains: Dave Chappelle delivers controversial SNL monologue with jokes about Jewish community and Kanye West… Chappelle said you ‘can’t blame Black Americans’ for travesties against Jewish people (Independent)
Remember folks, diversity is our strength.
We do prefer to depart from the news on a cheerful note. Compliments of the upcoming season to Matt the wonderfully lugubrious house cartoonist at the Telegraph who depicts a couple watching TV. The missus comforts hubby: “Look on the bright side. All the bad news will prepare you for the bitter disappointment of the World Cup”
Asiseeit – you don’t think you get thanked enough – your coverage of the trash media is vocational – I have trouble these days getting past the first half of anything in the Telegraph – bit like watching a spurs game ….
So your summarising is very helpful in encouraging me to have another peek behind the pay wall . Thanks again…
Maybe Chappelle showed NBC TV producers a punch line that read “When jews get together… it’s a football crowd in north London” – but they didn’t get the reference.
Anyway. One man has done this. He’s destroying friend networks, support systems for lonely people, the only access to market for many creatives and much more. And for what? His ego. My disdain for him is eternal.
Since last night Jeremy Hunt did have time to react to criticism from the right. Speaking to Sky News this morning Hunt said:
“There is nothing conservative about spending money you haven’t got. There is nothing conservative about not tackling inflation. There is nothing conservative about ducking difficult decisions… and that’s why this is a very conservative package”
If he says so…
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
JohnC – the concept of trusting any politician is a novel one . But the current iteration has really pushed the enveloped .My litmus test is whether the aid budget is cut – but it seems the aid budget really goes into the nationalisation of the country’s hotels to billet the new Albanio-British army .
The Tirana division has arrived and if refitting for the next stage ….
On trust and politicians – it’s informative that the outgoing MP for himself – mr Johnson – is clearing £250 k for the after dinner circuit in the US – which he has to declare in the members ‘interests …
I’m sure much of that will be donated to worthy causes in his constituency …
Search Charities Commission, then either 802052 or BBC Children In Need.
The emoluments paid to the Chief Executive in the year (2021) were £138,198.
Other staff 7@ £60k plus
2 @£70k plus
1 @£80k plus
1@£90k plus
1@£100k plus
1@£110k plus.
Notes in the accounts.
Cash at bank and in hand, £122k.
Deposits held at financial institutions £6.5million
Fixed asset investments £28.9million
Current Investments £59.2million.
UPDATE: Far Left Brazilian Supreme Court Orders Banks to Seize Assets from Millions of Protesters Participating in Mass Democracy Rallies – PROTESTERS STAND STRONG! https://t.co/Btrxe3x9vy via @gatewaypundit I'd like to personally thank the msm for covering this story in depth!
Robinson really is a talentless oaf who for some reason fronts up a number of pathetic programs on channel 4, 5 etc for which viewing figures must be in the toilet. He is also a miserable little remainer. How he gets a knighthood is beyond belief. His character in Blackadder was the worst of a great cast.
He’s a typical leftie beeboid ‘presenter’, who has a slot to belittle real archeologists, specialists, and experts, (not the harrabin sort paid by the bbc ), and make up some sort of drivel to get viewings up.
He really is a stupid little jerk, and sadly portrays baldrick to the lower end of mediocrity of his diminished normality.
Who do news media air ?
..Often it’s people who PR people are pushing on them
A games corp is promoting its new game
it’s hired Sir Tony Robinson.
So today he’s doing a day of media appearances
BTW he spoke against XR doing stunts against paintings.
The original bbcNews item aired at 10:30am
that prog hasn’t been put up on catchup
They repeated the item at 13:40pm
so I just watched it by winding back the livefeed
2 mins of climate chat then 2 mins if him promoting the game.
Strange isn’t ? When we are all well gone – some future generation is going to look back on us and thank us for living in an impoverished country – collectively brainwashed to believe green crap – whilst they are fracking as much out of the ground as possible – probably to prevent the next ice age …
Humber illegals hotel , first consequence: hotel workers sacked
cos wedding events no longer take place and the corps running the programme bring in different contractors to provide food etc.
‘etc’ means including private security to keep the public out so they can’t see what is going on.
Of course the hotels don’t mind because they get a guaranteed full-house booking at £200/person/night. Like wind-farms, it’s a ridiculous amount to ensure they all play the game and keep quiet.
I would never have believed we could have ended up in this ridiculous situation.
And they are not asylum seekers at all. Asylum from where ? – France ?. They are illegal economic immigrants coming here to get money. Asylum seekers would have been grateful to be in the first safe country they got to.
Numbers are being mentioned by hoteliers who refused to switch
Skegness £7,000 pw for 52 people
That’s £20 per person per day just for the bed
Kent £1.05m/yr for 27 rooms
that’s £20.2K per week
£3K/day ie £100 per room
He said that is way below his normal rate, but he averages 60% occupancy normally
Tweets to the local radio show are dominated by 4 angry account putting out multiple tweets
saying the topic shouldn’t be discussed cos it provokes RACISM and HATE
but the reveal themselves, by their own words
eg “wondering if Burnsy is trying to get listener numbers up from the gammon side”
I’ve no time for science fiction (Apart from the wonderful Red Dwarf) but the big “children in need, but we don’t give a toss” story is that the new doctor who will have his assistant named during the program (Wow! man on the moon! hold the front page).
Let me guess, some dippy young blonde with a child-like voice who thinks that the one thing she needs is a big black to look after her.
Could be a shoo-in for Springster though?
Britain has to be a poorer country than 5 years ago, so we all have accept virtual pay cuts
You can’t impose a load of extra costs on ab economy and still keep the same spending power.
We have to pay for
Covid/Furlough/GreenPolicies reduced energy independence
the Ukraine war / depreciating pound/ illegals / crime / raising the minimum wage etc.
be interesting to see how the bBc deal with the Conservatives now that taxes are at an all time high? They surely must be delighted…
oh wait their grossly overpaid middle and senior management will be doing their sums?
BBC IMAGE WATCH- ” Welcome to the BBC” UK house
prices to fall for the next two years” Day after day after
day after day after day after day. The 85% indigenous
Caucasion population of the UK is CANCELLED by
the BBC . When it comes to imaging on public social
features. It is if that the BBC were a Carribean media
outlet. And I reiterate that this goes on day after day on their
main news internet page. This is an inverted
form of racism.
All the usual lefty rags are beginning to push the same lie re the financial crunch going on…..
You guessed…. It’s all down to Brexit!
So forget a Euro-Russo war, forget most other nations are going through the same including the US, forget 2 years of covid malarkey where some folk are still hiding at home, forget that that the stability created by Boris was dumped and a total clown given the keys to the economy for two weeks….Yep it’s because we left the nasty EU club is all!
I, for one, voted for Brexit because, rightly or wrongly, I see the EU as an attempt to bring the peoples of the planet EARTH together under one great big Socialist Government controlled umbrella as probably inspired by the John Lennon song “Imagine” which invites us to imagine no countries. Sorry but I am English and proud of the fact and I applaud all who love their country of origin.Does that make me a racist? Tough.
How many lives have been needlessly lost by people fighting for the cause of both International Socialism and National Socialism? Is Socialism worth dying for?
Capitalism is far from perfect but Socialism is a proven busted flush.
I am working class and an ex Socialist.
I am still waiting to be free from the E.U. Socialist chains.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Qatar Enacts Sex Bans for Unmarried Fans Ahead of World Cup
Qatari officials have repeatedly reiterated their wish for football fans to respect the country’s culture and abide by its laws.
Wayne Rooney’s scandalous life – granny romp, prostitute threesome, 10-hour booze marathon
The Premier League legend’s wife, Coleen, has weathered a number of marital storms over the years, with the ex-striker playing away and partying through the night
Coleen Rooney has stood by husband Wayne through a series of scandals
Coleen Rooney has stood by husband Wayne through a series of scandals (Image: coleen_rooney/Instagram)
ByAlex BellottiNews Features Writer
17:48, 26 Jul 2021
Romps with prostitutes aged 16 – including rubber-suited granny
Wayne first broke through as an Everton star back in 2002, but even then he was attracting the wrong kind of attention.
The young forward had known Coleen since their days at secondary school, when they were just 12, but by the age of 16 he had begun visiting prostitutes.
In 2002, he paid Charlotte Glover, then 21, £140 to sleep with her – leaving her an autograph as a souvenir.
The next month, he had sex with Gina McCarrick, then 37, and a 48-year-old grandmother known as ‘Auld Slapper’ who wore a rubber catsuit.
They both worked at a £45-a-time brothel in Liverpool, which he visited 10 times and was caught frequenting on CCTV.
After the story broke in 2004, Wayne later issued an apology, saying: “Foolish as it now seems I did on occasions visit massage parlours and prostitutes.
For the first time in seven years, a Lords’ Private Members Bill has a very good chance of passing into legislation thanks to support from the government and opposition. Its aim? To close down so-called ‘family voting’.
Family voting is the practice whereby – not always but in the vast majority of cases – the patriarch of the family stands over his wife or teenage children in the ballot box, telling them how to vote.
In 1996, Choudary married Rubana Akhtar (or Akhgar), who had recently joined al-Muhajiroun, which he led at the time. She later became the group’s head of women. The couple have four children. He enrolled as a medical student at Barts Medical School.
Karen Bass
Chief Operating Officer
Karen then spent 17 years with FTSE 100 AstraZeneca
Tommy Nagra
Director of Content
He has gained several industry accolades including Mentor of The Year at The Cultural Diversity Network Awards and Outstanding Contribution to Media at the Asian Media Awards in 2018, alongside numerous national and international awards he has gained as a programme maker.
BBC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search:
Islington x 38;
Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532;
Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8;
Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
The Mayor’s Fund for London
The project will deliver healthy food and activities to children
in 132 local projects across 33 London Boroughs during
Easter, Summer and half term school holidays.
Not the BBC
– but in the margins of the blue Labour suicide note (budget) was the kicking into the long grass of the dilnott recommendations on the funding of Adult Social Care – as in the care of those poor souls and carers with Dementia.
This was one of those achievements boris Johnson crowed about. But it’s testament to the blue Labour Party that they don’t care about their own population / voters …
.. just another reason for them to cease to exist in 2 years …
… and personal disclosure – I have not personal interest in this area any more- I experienced the failure of their state to help years ago – and it has only got worse …
Excellent news – the Qataris are banning all booze at the World Cup . If Islamic law says no booze then thats the way it is .
Any one found with booze or drunk should suffer full sharia law .. no ifs – no buts . That is what FIFA signed up to – and that should be the consequences. Goes without saying that gays should suffer the appropriate remedy . . FIFA signed up to it ….
Now take the knee boys …
Taxpayer funded illegal migrant hotels. Doesn’t it make you weep. What the hell are we doing?????🤷😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡@RishiSunak We’re being overrun you clown. pic.twitter.com/Hyq9TbsxLR
Brexit: Brussels will have role in setting migration system, says Theresa May {thetimes 05mar2018} ….
oct2015 ….UK Government
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
jan2018 … EU Comission
Dimitris Avramopoulos, the European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, recently published a startling opinion, advocating for more immigration as an inescapable reality to which European citizens should just adapt without any further discussion.
Miss-sold a ticket to an fun event? Contact BBC to tell them you are not happy with Islam and visit Bradford city of culture.
“Alcohol will not be sold to fans at the World Cup’s eight stadiums in Qatar after Fifa changed its policy two days before the start of the tournament.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63674631
“Host country authorities and Fifa will continue to ensure that the stadiums and surrounding areas provide an enjoyable, respectful and pleasant experience for all fans.
Qatar arrests and deports unpaid migrant workers who protested against their mistreatment
World’s largest trade union federation calls for an end to this latest abuse of workers as World Cup draws close
Qatar arrests and deports unpaid migrant workers who protested against their mistreatment
– they’re the lucky ones …. In other Gulf States the employer /”sponsor” controls the work permit / visa – some unfortunates are marooned literally for years in some cases ….
The city of Buffalo is about to buried under record snowfall, early for the time of year, and the central USA is in the deep freeze. There was a new record low temperature recorded in the antarctic, but you wouldn’t know any of this because it goes against the narrative the planet is warming, and only record highs are reported.
If you want to get into a business that is on the up get into the hotel business.
Even if you only get one with about ten rooms you can take the governments (tax payers) money for a long fixed everything paid for fully booked deal.
Otherwise, there are fewer hotels for normal usage now so you can charge what you like as the customers have little or no choice.
There’s also the advantage of having a hotel full of Doctors should any medical emergency happen.
ItV local newsPR
#1 Hull migrant hotel item “as we started the interview with Mohammed on the public street, security staff moved him away back into the hotel”
#2 Police will have a big anti-terrorist presence at the Sheffield Christmas market
#3 Huge Cannabis farm in Hull
#4 Spalding donation centre for Ukraine supplies
#5 “Travelling abroad for cosmetic dental surgery can end in trouble”
Syndicated national item with Muslim reporter
Now she is speaking with Dr Abdul Aziz in Sheffield.
well, gosh – who might’ve thought that might happen?
Update: New – 48% of Maricopa election centers had printer or tabulator malfunctions on election day, not the previously estimated 20%. And no such widespread issues were reported during the early voting period that preceded election day and used the very same equipment. Wow. https://t.co/EEzH2LbcZs
World Cup on the BBC News, talking about the beer ban and the gay ban.
Lineker is interviewed – looking very concerned – in front of a rainbow-coloured fence, and then some other bloke talks about how LGBTQ+ fans need to feel safe there.
Are ostentatious displays of gay love by the inverted fraternity common in the stands?
I’ve never seen it on the telly, then again football is a game played by women on the BBC.
Mr Lineker really should consult a Trickcyclist. Perhaps you yourself could be of assistance? Remember – always be kind to the afflicted for they are very delicate creatures and are easily hurt.
Not a medical professional I’m afraid, just someone who’s bad at cycling and choosing nicknames.
Whatever Lineker’s psychiatric problems are, he doesn’t half do my nut in when he’s on the telly.
Just for the moment, the robotic and sinister, Jeremy Hunt, is striding the political world like a colossus. He’s authoritarian and unforgiving. His word is law and when he shouts jump, we ask “How high?”
Somehow, he reminds me of someone…
I’ll give it six months, then he’ll be eating kangaroo bollocks in an Australian jungle…
– I wonder if ex Gurdian peeps who jumped when they started the gender trans awareness coaching (with Ayahuasca) etcetera – as written up in Private Eye had to sign an NDA / gagging agreement?
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Zelensky seems to be getting a bit if a bloody nose right now. His constant goading of the West to fight his war (and save his arse) is getting a bit thin as more info comes to light.
Meanwhile the EU court has now tried to help the shyster one more time by inventing Russian villains for the Air disaster way back!
Far, far to convenient!
I am more and more inclined to go with Putin the more these puppets try to meddle with the facts and keep getting caught out.
The truth will out!
Makes a change from impeaching Trump for the umpteenth time.
Any mention of this yet from the world’s greatest broadcasting organisation?
I have been attempting to learn the real story of MH17 from the trial verdict and report from the media – and to my amazement, it’s almost impossible.
This is the BBC statement:
‘A Dutch court has found three men guilty of murder for shooting down a passenger jet over eastern Ukraine in 2014, killing 298 people.’
And we get:
The court found that a Russian-made missile supplied from Russia and fired by an armed group under Russian control brought down flight MH17.
But in there we also have:
‘The judges ruled that it was a deliberate action to bring down a plane, even though the three found guilty had intended to shoot down a military not a civilian aircraft.’
Then the lengthy article degenerates into the usual BBC empathy piece which has no bearing on the verdict whatsoever.
None of that tells me exactly what they have been found guilty of so I went looking elsewhere.
I t seems the people convicted have been done so through social media posts of the soldiers involved. None of them were involved in firing it : they are the ones who logistically got the launcher where it was.
I found: “The finding of guilt today is just one part of that fight for justice and truth. Those who actually fired the missile remain unknown.’
Not mentioned on the BBC of course.
And no comment on the real issue in my mind : why was it even flying over a zone where aircraft had already been shot down ?. I read that it was because Ukraine didn’t close down the airspace because they wanted the money for the overflights. No mention of that either.
I remember at the time that my very first thought was to wonder why an airliner was flying over somewhere like that in the first place.
My own summary is therefore that the missile was sent by Russia as part of the ongoing conflict. Ukraine had them too. Some grunts on the ground picked up an aircraft which was not one of theirs and shot it down. It was bad luck that it was an airliner. Whoever authorised it to fire is to blame. And I’m sure there are a lot of factors in there as to why.
And then I find this:
‘It also encouraged the European Court of Human Rights to consider granting priority to applications from crash victims’ next of kin, “in view of [their] intense and continuing suffering”.’
Why ?.
lol – just as I keep saying. The Left are the most stupendous hypocrites.
Maybe Elon can buy the nhs as well as the bbc?
The topic yesterday about who invented the light bulb got me interested because I discovered Snopes had actually fact checked Bidens statement that the black man Lewis Latimer did.
He absolutely didn’t – but to my surprise, Snopes only said it was ‘Mostly false’ meaning it has some truth in it – which doesn;t portray Biden as the straight-up liar he is. So I went digging:
Sure enough, everything Snopes points to as evidence is post-2000 left-wing activism. They say Hamilton set the process for designing filaments for the rest of time – but that’s entirely false. His ‘invention’ doesn’t even figure in this comprehensive history of the bulb:
So the ‘fact check’ of Biden by Snopes should have been ‘False’ and Snopes remains biased and untrustworthy in my opinion.
Borris hung, drawn and quareted via the bbc and Trump
and lwets see what the bbc approved future reveals
I noticed yesterday that Liam Halligan, commenting on the Budget, said that HS2 didn’t make economic sense. As I don’t watch or listen to the BBC any more, do they have a position on HS2?
Many MP’s are frequent rail travellers so it comes as no surprise they supported HS2. It’s no wonder, they don’t pay for their travel, we do! The most awkward and expensive part of rail journeys is often getting to and from stations. MP’s are ferried at our expense by Taxis. The truth is that rail travel in Britain is incredibly expensive and not an option for a large proportion of the population.
I’m slightly surprised that the SNP aren’t objecting to HS2 as far as I know. Huge expense and so far will only eventually connect London to Birmingham, not even half way to Scotland.
Certainly would not investigate it.
Bradford is UK City of Culture 2025.
Bradford has been revealed as the winner of the hotly contested UK City of Culture 2025 competition.
The year is set to deliver more than 1000 new performances and events including 365 artist commissions, a series of major arts festivals as well as exciting national and international collaborations.
I’m sure the driver had a valid Pakistani driving licence. Or maybe his cousin does. Same thing. Anyway, if he runs down a cyclist, it’s the will of allah, so it’s all fine.
House Republicans say ‘top priority’ is to probe Biden family
“I want to be clear: this is an investigation of Joe Biden, and that’s where our focus will be next Congress.”
The Ohio Republican later tweeted: “The Biden Family’s business deals are a national security threat.”
The select committee investigating the 6 January 2021 riot by Trump supporters on Capitol Hill will be dissolved when the new Congress takes over.
Music to my ears : I can’t wait to read the BBC reports on these topics.
It’s funny because it seems like the Republicans winning the house is a MUCH bigger deal than the BBC have been telling us. In fact they have hardly reported it at all. All the news has been about the Democrats keeping the Senate. Now I see why : they don’t like it one bit.
Roll on impeachment proceedings.
Sadly justice is not likely to be served in this case , no matter how corrupt Biden et al have been. The US legal system is by and large in the hands of the left and they will pull out all the stops to protect Biden . The leftist media will also play their usual part of suppressing truth if it does not fit the narrative. Additionally of the 200 plus Republican representatives some will be vulnerable to coercion and we can be certain that Democrats will use any weapon at hand to get them to slow things down.
Remember Trump was ill served by many of the Republicans he appointed to legal posts . I’m sure some of them were ‘got at’ by the Democrats and their fellow travellers in the DoJ and FBI. It will be easier this time round for the Democrats as the Republicans majority is small and they hold the Senate and the White House.
I reckon to get justice for the awful way the Democrats have behaved in recent years the Republicans would need the White House plus substantial majorities in both Senate and House , to appoint real hard nosed Republicans to the FBI and DoJ and be prepared to play very very dirty.
This thread, and then… W1A.
Political leadership.
“Hunt defends plans after warning families face ‘real challenges’”
Tory .MPs must know that their term in office is at an end……
Failure to stop the invasion .
The obsession with Net Zero.
Excessive fuel tax.
Failure to ensure energy security.
Failure to get Brexit done,
Failure to get rid of the Woke Culture sneaking in to our systems..
Their support for the obnoxious Telly Tax .
Paying out money to foreign countries .
I suspect Tory MPs know they are finished and will shortly ‘cut and run’.
The Reform Party have a hell of a job in front of them.
Sometimes, the Americans get it rright
How it went.
How it is still going.
Tonic got his mask off yet?
The first tweet got deleted
probably cos of the lewd comments it got
due to the amount of flesh on show
probably this image .. https://www.twitter.com/otoWojciech/status/1593487972241915904
Feed the world edition
Our media headline writers take on themselves the fraught daily task of summing up the news in some concise, hopefully eye-catching, way.
Often times there is a also an element of editorial commentary – dare one term it bias of one form or another.
One would this morning venture a line of commentary one finds glaringly absent from the mainstream – and by the way, the Labour Party are welcome to nab it – if they dare.
So, Jeremy Hunt, where was the windfall tax on Big Pharma?
The globalist-minded Financial Times seems most pleased with the tax squeeze out of all the national press titles. Their headline: Hunt paves way for years of pain – tends to be read as good thing from their point of view.
Sanity has been restored after the insanity of Kwarteng’s mini-Budget – says columnist Martin Wolf. The double employment of the word sanity seems to over-man the teaser there – if it were not risking a supermarket panic-buying spree one might say over-egg – just me or does Wolf seem to be salivating over our ever-expanding State?
The FT likes this quote from Hunt: “We need to give the world confidence in our ability to pay our debts” – and who was it who took on all those debts, Jeremy? Was it all down to the five-minute Chancellor Kwarteng?
Feed The World was the mantra of 1984 when we applied a Band Aid to our western guilty consciousness and as a result to the flagging careers of some played out pop stars.
This morning our attention is grabbed by the massive frontpage pic chosen by the formerly patriotic Times newspaper. It depicts thin man Chancellor Hunt wearing his peculiar startled expression – half meerkat, half geek – sitting next to a rather plump well-fed and jolly pleased with himself black school boy: Jeremy Hunt visited St Judd’s Church of England Primary School, south London… – ah, south London – or as our local estate agents now refer to it – Wakanda
The sub-text of this startling image care of the frontpage of the Times seems to be this poodgy young black chap needs to be fed at all costs – free school breakfast club and free school dinners all round. That’s the optic that comes across.
Having located us in time and space – the photo might have been Hunt on a previous trade visit to Nigeria afterall, the Times caption continues: …He promised extra funding for education and health in the run up to the next election. The Rashford project. Hey-ho, Lenny Henry-oh.
The Telegraph notices: ‘The rhetoric of Osborne… with the policies of Brown’ Wefare bill rises by £90bn… – quoting ‘economists’
Former Brexit hero David Frost in the Telegraph seems only mildly miffed: The ship has been steadied – but we’re all left with less of our own money – the State of course has no money of its own. Every pound is borrowed, inflationarally printed or grabbed in tax. Not exactly taking back control, is it? Oh well, he was a career diplomat, coached in a lifetime of keeping the foreigners happy.
The Express focuses on Hunt keeping the pensioners happy: Victory! – it shouts. This in reference to its campaign to keep the triple lock. The Ukrainian flag replacing the poppy at the patriotic masthead with the slogan United with the people of Ukraine – draw your own conclusions there.
The leftwing papers get the big tax hikes and increased welfare spending they like – but they still ain’t happy.
Carnage – is the one word headline alternative to the Express as expressed by the Mirror. The pic of the Tory front bench in the Commons accuses them of a: grin yesterday as they plunge millions into ecomomic hell – of course the Labour supporting organ would still hate the Tories even if Rishi whistled the red flag while Hunt crossed the House, took the knee and went down on Angela Rayner – metaphorically speaking.
Corporate retailers pay for the adverts but lefty millennials write the editorials over there at the giveaway Metro: You’ve never had it so bad. Workers hammered with highest tax burden since since WW2
Commercialism trumps politics back at the Mirror: Come on England… England World Cup poster flag for your window – is the generous giveaway in an offer of calculated opportunist faux patriotism that would make even the brash Emily Thornberry blush.
‘The Sun says‘ is an expression that smacks nostalgically of the Thatcher years. This morning the Sun says: Hunt’s Autumn Budget Tax Hell… Thank God for footie! Relagating the budget to the small top right hand corner of their frontpage.
Are you cringing yet over the soccer and Crimble allusions? You will be…
Football’s coming Ho-Ho-Home. Baddiel and Skinner hit’s Christmas revamp unveiled…
All together now..
Three lions on a sleigh
With She-lions inspiration
Santa says let’s play
With Christmas tree formation
I do apologise – someone should have stopped me at She-lions
Coincidentally David Baddiel also crops up in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: People think Jews are powerful. We’re not – he says.
Just for balance one hears from across the pond that controversial black comic Dave Chappelle showed one script to the producers of Saturday Night Live then went with a different monologue on live TV that was critical of jewish people.
Just a taster – I paraphase so as not to unduly mimmick his patios: “When a group of blacks get together… they call it a gang. A group of Italians… they call it a mob. Jews… it’s a coincidence”
The long and the short of things is that the leftist intersectional alliance over there in the States seems to be undergoing what one might term growing strains: Dave Chappelle delivers controversial SNL monologue with jokes about Jewish community and Kanye West… Chappelle said you ‘can’t blame Black Americans’ for travesties against Jewish people (Independent)
Remember folks, diversity is our strength.
We do prefer to depart from the news on a cheerful note. Compliments of the upcoming season to Matt the wonderfully lugubrious house cartoonist at the Telegraph who depicts a couple watching TV. The missus comforts hubby: “Look on the bright side. All the bad news will prepare you for the bitter disappointment of the World Cup”
Asiseeit – you don’t think you get thanked enough – your coverage of the trash media is vocational – I have trouble these days getting past the first half of anything in the Telegraph – bit like watching a spurs game ….
So your summarising is very helpful in encouraging me to have another peek behind the pay wall . Thanks again…
My pleasure.
Maybe Chappelle showed NBC TV producers a punch line that read “When jews get together… it’s a football crowd in north London” – but they didn’t get the reference.
So far Jess Phllips, Chris Bryant and crazy blonde cat lady are still on an apparently operational Twitter saying they are still leaving.
And BBC staff still blocking any whose views don’t suit, because ‘trust’, ‘transparency’ and ‘impartiality’.
Hunt’s £55 Billion tax theft? Does this include the £11.3 Billion pledged by Sunak at COP 27?
1000 Billion HS2.
37 Billion Track and Trace.
As details emerge, concerns grow about Treasury’s efforts to recover almost £5bn wrongly claimed
Since last night Jeremy Hunt did have time to react to criticism from the right. Speaking to Sky News this morning Hunt said:
“There is nothing conservative about spending money you haven’t got. There is nothing conservative about not tackling inflation. There is nothing conservative about ducking difficult decisions… and that’s why this is a very conservative package”
If he says so…
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
PUBLISHED: 22:05, 25 December 2021 | UPDATED: 22:37, 25 December 2021
I have to say I do not trust Hunt one bit. He sets off every character-assement warning alarm-bell for me. And Sunak isn’t far behind.
JohnC – the concept of trusting any politician is a novel one . But the current iteration has really pushed the enveloped .My litmus test is whether the aid budget is cut – but it seems the aid budget really goes into the nationalisation of the country’s hotels to billet the new Albanio-British army .
The Tirana division has arrived and if refitting for the next stage ….
On trust and politicians – it’s informative that the outgoing MP for himself – mr Johnson – is clearing £250 k for the after dinner circuit in the US – which he has to declare in the members ‘interests …
I’m sure much of that will be donated to worthy causes in his constituency …
NHS hires diversity managers on £77,000 a year despite ‘war on wokery’
A government review had suggested the roles should be cut back
Lizzie Roberts,
27 August 2022 • 7:00pm
bBC Children in need
The racist bbc wants my money, I can think of much better causes than to support the likes of the bbc
Remember, every penny you donate goes to children in need.
Which is a BBC charity with an average salary of >40K and who cream off > 6 million a year for themselves.
What’s left goes to the actual children.
But the BBC don’t tell you that.
Hello JohnC
Remember reading sometime ago the CEO earns a small fortune
Also the children in Somalia will be pleased with the donations
Income and expenditure
Data for financial year ending 30 June 2021
Its Total income:
Total expenditure:
Good to have £6,000,000 in the bank?????
Search Charities Commission, then either 802052 or BBC Children In Need.
The emoluments paid to the Chief Executive in the year (2021) were £138,198.
Other staff 7@ £60k plus
2 @£70k plus
1 @£80k plus
1@£90k plus
1@£100k plus
1@£110k plus.
Notes in the accounts.
Cash at bank and in hand, £122k.
Deposits held at financial institutions £6.5million
Fixed asset investments £28.9million
Current Investments £59.2million.
BBC news discussing the climate conference.
Showing due diligence they roll on a well-known figure to pontificate.
And the expert they choose?
The actor Tony Robinson who cashed in playing the bumbling idiot Baldrick in the BBC series Blackadder!
Spot on!
I wonder how many BBC peeps are sunning themselves and necking Egyptian Stella beer in Sharm-el-Sheik ?
(+ the occasional spliff)
Robinson really is a talentless oaf who for some reason fronts up a number of pathetic programs on channel 4, 5 etc for which viewing figures must be in the toilet. He is also a miserable little remainer. How he gets a knighthood is beyond belief. His character in Blackadder was the worst of a great cast.
He’s a typical leftie beeboid ‘presenter’, who has a slot to belittle real archeologists, specialists, and experts, (not the harrabin sort paid by the bbc ), and make up some sort of drivel to get viewings up.
He really is a stupid little jerk, and sadly portrays baldrick to the lower end of mediocrity of his diminished normality.
Who do news media air ?
..Often it’s people who PR people are pushing on them
A games corp is promoting its new game
it’s hired Sir Tony Robinson.
So today he’s doing a day of media appearances
BTW he spoke against XR doing stunts against paintings.
The original bbcNews item aired at 10:30am
that prog hasn’t been put up on catchup
They repeated the item at 13:40pm
so I just watched it by winding back the livefeed
2 mins of climate chat then 2 mins if him promoting the game.
His best role was being thrown into the Thames by John Wayne. Shame he surfaced.
Strange isn’t ? When we are all well gone – some future generation is going to look back on us and thank us for living in an impoverished country – collectively brainwashed to believe green crap – whilst they are fracking as much out of the ground as possible – probably to prevent the next ice age …
Humber illegals hotel , first consequence: hotel workers sacked
cos wedding events no longer take place and the corps running the programme bring in different contractors to provide food etc.
‘to provide food etc.’
‘etc’ means including private security to keep the public out so they can’t see what is going on.
Of course the hotels don’t mind because they get a guaranteed full-house booking at £200/person/night. Like wind-farms, it’s a ridiculous amount to ensure they all play the game and keep quiet.
I would never have believed we could have ended up in this ridiculous situation.
And they are not asylum seekers at all. Asylum from where ? – France ?. They are illegal economic immigrants coming here to get money. Asylum seekers would have been grateful to be in the first safe country they got to.
Numbers are being mentioned by hoteliers who refused to switch
Skegness £7,000 pw for 52 people
That’s £20 per person per day just for the bed
Kent £1.05m/yr for 27 rooms
that’s £20.2K per week
£3K/day ie £100 per room
He said that is way below his normal rate, but he averages 60% occupancy normally
Did I mishear they now say she was offered £10,000 /week
That’s £200/migrant
Great Replacement.
Tweets to the local radio show are dominated by 4 angry account putting out multiple tweets
saying the topic shouldn’t be discussed cos it provokes RACISM and HATE
but the reveal themselves, by their own words
eg “wondering if Burnsy is trying to get listener numbers up from the gammon side”
The BBC presenter told them to get lost.
“topic shouldn’t be discussed cos it provokes RACISM and HATE”
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.
I’ve no time for science fiction (Apart from the wonderful Red Dwarf) but the big “children in need, but we don’t give a toss” story is that the new doctor who will have his assistant named during the program (Wow! man on the moon! hold the front page).
Let me guess, some dippy young blonde with a child-like voice who thinks that the one thing she needs is a big black to look after her.
Could be a shoo-in for Springster though?
Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship
As always. Time will tell.
bBC reports:- Higher taxes look to be here to stay, says IFS
Looking at the comments some of the people in the bbc bubble:-
Brexit means we are getting hit harder. Even if the Tory BBC don’t report it.
The party who gave us Brexit now give us higher taxes for life.
Another Brexit bonus
Taxes are at a 70 years high
Worldwide problems are Brexit related, apparently!
Britain has to be a poorer country than 5 years ago, so we all have accept virtual pay cuts
You can’t impose a load of extra costs on ab economy and still keep the same spending power.
We have to pay for
Covid/Furlough/GreenPolicies reduced energy independence
the Ukraine war / depreciating pound/ illegals / crime / raising the minimum wage etc.
be interesting to see how the bBc deal with the Conservatives now that taxes are at an all time high? They surely must be delighted…
oh wait their grossly overpaid middle and senior management will be doing their sums?
The truth is sinking in….for the 40% folks
Tax 40% +NI 11% +poll tax c. 5% + indirect Guessing 5% ( vat etc)
As Al Pacino said in the Tropicana BIG NUMBER.
And not a single target to reduce the cost of Public Services which lets face it…is a job creation scheme….and YES I have had a look at it close up!
BBC IMAGE WATCH- ” Welcome to the BBC” UK house
prices to fall for the next two years” Day after day after
day after day after day after day. The 85% indigenous
Caucasion population of the UK is CANCELLED by
the BBC . When it comes to imaging on public social
features. It is if that the BBC were a Carribean media
outlet. And I reiterate that this goes on day after day on their
main news internet page. This is an inverted
form of racism.
All the usual lefty rags are beginning to push the same lie re the financial crunch going on…..
You guessed…. It’s all down to Brexit!
So forget a Euro-Russo war, forget most other nations are going through the same including the US, forget 2 years of covid malarkey where some folk are still hiding at home, forget that that the stability created by Boris was dumped and a total clown given the keys to the economy for two weeks….Yep it’s because we left the nasty EU club is all!
I, for one, voted for Brexit because, rightly or wrongly, I see the EU as an attempt to bring the peoples of the planet EARTH together under one great big Socialist Government controlled umbrella as probably inspired by the John Lennon song “Imagine” which invites us to imagine no countries. Sorry but I am English and proud of the fact and I applaud all who love their country of origin.Does that make me a racist? Tough.
How many lives have been needlessly lost by people fighting for the cause of both International Socialism and National Socialism? Is Socialism worth dying for?
Capitalism is far from perfect but Socialism is a proven busted flush.
I am working class and an ex Socialist.
I am still waiting to be free from the E.U. Socialist chains.
Africa for Africans.
Israel for Jews.
Japan for Japanese.
UK for everyone else.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Qatar Enacts Sex Bans for Unmarried Fans Ahead of World Cup
Qatari officials have repeatedly reiterated their wish for football fans to respect the country’s culture and abide by its laws.
Oumaima LatrechJune 22, 2022 4:40 p.m.
Wayne Rooney’s scandalous life – granny romp, prostitute threesome, 10-hour booze marathon
The Premier League legend’s wife, Coleen, has weathered a number of marital storms over the years, with the ex-striker playing away and partying through the night
Coleen Rooney has stood by husband Wayne through a series of scandals
Coleen Rooney has stood by husband Wayne through a series of scandals (Image: coleen_rooney/Instagram)
ByAlex BellottiNews Features Writer
17:48, 26 Jul 2021
Romps with prostitutes aged 16 – including rubber-suited granny
Wayne first broke through as an Everton star back in 2002, but even then he was attracting the wrong kind of attention.
The young forward had known Coleen since their days at secondary school, when they were just 12, but by the age of 16 he had begun visiting prostitutes.
In 2002, he paid Charlotte Glover, then 21, £140 to sleep with her – leaving her an autograph as a souvenir.
The next month, he had sex with Gina McCarrick, then 37, and a 48-year-old grandmother known as ‘Auld Slapper’ who wore a rubber catsuit.
They both worked at a £45-a-time brothel in Liverpool, which he visited 10 times and was caught frequenting on CCTV.
After the story broke in 2004, Wayne later issued an apology, saying: “Foolish as it now seems I did on occasions visit massage parlours and prostitutes.
For the first time in seven years, a Lords’ Private Members Bill has a very good chance of passing into legislation thanks to support from the government and opposition. Its aim? To close down so-called ‘family voting’.
Family voting is the practice whereby – not always but in the vast majority of cases – the patriarch of the family stands over his wife or teenage children in the ballot box, telling them how to vote.
In 1996, Choudary married Rubana Akhtar (or Akhgar), who had recently joined al-Muhajiroun, which he led at the time. She later became the group’s head of women. The couple have four children. He enrolled as a medical student at Barts Medical School.
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Karen Bass
Chief Operating Officer
Karen then spent 17 years with FTSE 100 AstraZeneca
Tommy Nagra
Director of Content
He has gained several industry accolades including Mentor of The Year at The Cultural Diversity Network Awards and Outstanding Contribution to Media at the Asian Media Awards in 2018, alongside numerous national and international awards he has gained as a programme maker.
BBC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search:
Islington x 38;
Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532;
Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8;
Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
The Mayor’s Fund for London
The project will deliver healthy food and activities to children
in 132 local projects across 33 London Boroughs during
Easter, Summer and half term school holidays.
Me too, defo king of the jungle
Not the BBC
– but in the margins of the blue Labour suicide note (budget) was the kicking into the long grass of the dilnott recommendations on the funding of Adult Social Care – as in the care of those poor souls and carers with Dementia.
This was one of those achievements boris Johnson crowed about. But it’s testament to the blue Labour Party that they don’t care about their own population / voters …
.. just another reason for them to cease to exist in 2 years …
… and personal disclosure – I have not personal interest in this area any more- I experienced the failure of their state to help years ago – and it has only got worse …
Excellent news – the Qataris are banning all booze at the World Cup . If Islamic law says no booze then thats the way it is .
Any one found with booze or drunk should suffer full sharia law .. no ifs – no buts . That is what FIFA signed up to – and that should be the consequences. Goes without saying that gays should suffer the appropriate remedy . . FIFA signed up to it ….
Now take the knee boys …
Kneel to end racism.
Take brown envelopes to bend to Qatar.
Ordinarily such behaviour would get bbc guns trained.
He is entertaining in a perverse way, but these creeps might one day be in power. And that… is a horror story.
Open borders is a WEF / EU policy, he is doing what he wants not what the people want.
Brexit: Brussels will have role in setting migration system, says Theresa May {thetimes 05mar2018} ….
oct2015 ….UK Government
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
jan2018 … EU Comission
Dimitris Avramopoulos, the European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, recently published a startling opinion, advocating for more immigration as an inescapable reality to which European citizens should just adapt without any further discussion.
371 hotels verified by @LittleBoats2020 and counting see here.
LittleBoats are also making a separate map that will expose B&Bs, private landlords, student accommodation etc. that are housing illegals.
We will publish it in January & we can tell you already it is shocking to see.
Not really – thought the sheep were a metaphor for something… maybe The Conservative Environment Network?
– but they make the sheep seem too clever.
10 days – no water of food?
for the CEN ? – I’d pay to see that
After The communist newspaper The Morning Star, I find Chinese People’s Daily a super reliable source.
And they did tweet the video and EXTRAORDINARY claim
Yet chose not to mention it again
And didn’t put the story on their website
So it does look like trolling
Stiff viewing competition tonight on the bBBC bloody Children in Need or wheelchair rugby. That will produce solid viewing figures!
The premier BBC show of decades.
I just note the excitement it stirs.
Miss-sold a ticket to an fun event? Contact BBC to tell them you are not happy with Islam and visit Bradford city of culture.
“Alcohol will not be sold to fans at the World Cup’s eight stadiums in Qatar after Fifa changed its policy two days before the start of the tournament.”
“Host country authorities and Fifa will continue to ensure that the stadiums and surrounding areas provide an enjoyable, respectful and pleasant experience for all fans.
Qatar arrests and deports unpaid migrant workers who protested against their mistreatment
World’s largest trade union federation calls for an end to this latest abuse of workers as World Cup draws close
The Morning Star communist newspaper is the source I use to look for unbiased info about union matters.
– they’re the lucky ones …. In other Gulf States the employer /”sponsor” controls the work permit / visa – some unfortunates are marooned literally for years in some cases ….
The city of Buffalo is about to buried under record snowfall, early for the time of year, and the central USA is in the deep freeze. There was a new record low temperature recorded in the antarctic, but you wouldn’t know any of this because it goes against the narrative the planet is warming, and only record highs are reported.
Don’t look up.
If you want to get into a business that is on the up get into the hotel business.
Even if you only get one with about ten rooms you can take the governments (tax payers) money for a long fixed everything paid for fully booked deal.
Otherwise, there are fewer hotels for normal usage now so you can charge what you like as the customers have little or no choice.
There’s also the advantage of having a hotel full of Doctors should any medical emergency happen.
Brendan Fraser: Actor won’t attend Golden Globes
In 2018, he said Philip Berk, head of Golden Globes organising body the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, had groped his bottom in 2003.
Mr Berk was expelled from the troubled organisation in 2021 after sharing an article describing Black Lives Matter as a “racist hate group”.
Black Lives Matter. Does that imply that other lives don’t?? Yep?
Now that’s what I call racist.
ItV local newsPR
#1 Hull migrant hotel item “as we started the interview with Mohammed on the public street, security staff moved him away back into the hotel”
#2 Police will have a big anti-terrorist presence at the Sheffield Christmas market
#3 Huge Cannabis farm in Hull
#4 Spalding donation centre for Ukraine supplies
#5 “Travelling abroad for cosmetic dental surgery can end in trouble”
Syndicated national item with Muslim reporter
Now she is speaking with Dr Abdul Aziz in Sheffield.
– Albanian involvement?
– certainly the case hereabouts….
well, gosh – who might’ve thought that might happen?
All we ask is the truth. Or is that too big an ask?
I haven’t looked further than Rasmussen there – but it would seem that there’s an “estimate” and there’s an observation….
World Cup on the BBC News, talking about the beer ban and the gay ban.
Lineker is interviewed – looking very concerned – in front of a rainbow-coloured fence, and then some other bloke talks about how LGBTQ+ fans need to feel safe there.
Are ostentatious displays of gay love by the inverted fraternity common in the stands?
I’ve never seen it on the telly, then again football is a game played by women on the BBC.
Mr Lineker really should consult a Trickcyclist. Perhaps you yourself could be of assistance? Remember – always be kind to the afflicted for they are very delicate creatures and are easily hurt.
Not a medical professional I’m afraid, just someone who’s bad at cycling and choosing nicknames.
Whatever Lineker’s psychiatric problems are, he doesn’t half do my nut in when he’s on the telly.
I see that Elon isn’t taking an overtly partisan line there 😉
Just for the moment, the robotic and sinister, Jeremy Hunt, is striding the political world like a colossus. He’s authoritarian and unforgiving. His word is law and when he shouts jump, we ask “How high?”
Somehow, he reminds me of someone…
I’ll give it six months, then he’ll be eating kangaroo bollocks in an Australian jungle…
The Guardian asks
“The Elon Musk effect, have we reached our limit with awful bosses?”
Perhaps the question should have been…
“The Elon Musk effect, have we reached our limit with woke activist left-wing employees?”.
– I wonder if ex Gurdian peeps who jumped when they started the gender trans awareness coaching (with Ayahuasca) etcetera – as written up in Private Eye had to sign an NDA / gagging agreement?