You’d think the BBC and Lineker might go for this?
Qatar’s immense wealth comes from natural gas. We have 50 year reserves of natural gas under the north of England. If we get fracking, Yorkshire could host the next World Cup!
Surely everything that lives and breathes must collectively produce enough natural gas to roast a Christmas dinner AND it is not dependent on whether the sun shines or the wind blows.
So all together now!!! F———t. Oh come on. Surely we can do better than that??? Life on earth depends on it ! Now once more please F———— t Nah. You couldn’t power a f ….. g light bulb with that effort.
Lefty – considering the UN was celebrating 8 billion humans on the planet this week – you’d think the green fascists would celebrate every disaster killing off all those human polluters ….
Rory Stewart does not come across as a real person and is probably not a real person, he is a glove puppet! And probably manipulated by someone in the BBC politics department.
Seems like the footy ‘fans ‘ who have been bribed to go to Qatar have been told their daily bribes ( expenses ) are to be cut – and they won’t even be able to commiserate with a beer –
Got the makings of a dismal 2 or 3 weeks …..
But life goes on – as do our threads and our aim . So here a new one
( and on a personal note – I’ve been out of the UK for 3 weeks – got back to London city airport tonight and it’s very cold )
The drought is proving very good for wild mushrooms.
And I had to go around wood work today scrubbing cos the drought has caused litchen and moss to sprout up.
pugnaziousFeb 6, 18:51 Midweek 5th February 2025 ‘Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned over women and tasked with supporting them financially. And…
Fedup2Feb 6, 18:38 Midweek 5th February 2025 I’ve never been a fan of social media . I’ve never commented anywhere but here ( 77 brigade to verify…
Fedup2Feb 6, 18:30 Midweek 5th February 2025 Moggie – technically I think it is just foreign capital using the last of British workers …. The Green target…
Lucy PevenseyFeb 6, 18:27 Midweek 5th February 2025
moggiemooFeb 6, 18:20 Midweek 5th February 2025 I’m surprised to learn that we still have any industry to shut down.
ScrobleneFeb 6, 18:18 Midweek 5th February 2025 It’s all another scam to get all the boat illegals online with their brand new SamdroidIphone 34000s to find out…
Fedup2Feb 6, 17:56 Midweek 5th February 2025 Excellent news – another 1100 jobs lost as Vauxhall vans Luton announces closure because of the Green crap Marxists -…
moggiemooFeb 6, 17:22 Midweek 5th February 2025 Wtf would the BBC know about delivering trusted information?
MarkyMarkFeb 6, 17:21 Midweek 5th February 2025 The gangs have been given pointless knives to deflate the boats – each boat gets them £1000 and a hotel…
Piccadilly Circus: New screen to make landmark bolder and brighter
BBC celebrating how piccadilly circus has become one giant bland TV screen..
Surely retro flashing neon would be rarer these days and more interesting
It’s London which has been surrendered to the crazies, not the real World so don’t worry!
A bit like a bad dream or something out of the film bladerunner!
BBCnews does story of interest to the London PR industry … shocker
You’d think the BBC and Lineker might go for this?
Surely everything that lives and breathes must collectively produce enough natural gas to roast a Christmas dinner AND it is not dependent on whether the sun shines or the wind blows.
So all together now!!! F———t. Oh come on. Surely we can do better than that??? Life on earth depends on it ! Now once more please F———— t Nah. You couldn’t power a f ….. g light bulb with that effort.
Lefty – considering the UN was celebrating 8 billion humans on the planet this week – you’d think the green fascists would celebrate every disaster killing off all those human polluters ….
Gary Lineker tweeted double clapped hands
“Amazing” a live podcast with Remainiac team Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart has sold out.
Rory Stewart does not come across as a real person and is probably not a real person, he is a glove puppet! And probably manipulated by someone in the BBC politics department.
Seems like the footy ‘fans ‘ who have been bribed to go to Qatar have been told their daily bribes ( expenses ) are to be cut – and they won’t even be able to commiserate with a beer –
Got the makings of a dismal 2 or 3 weeks …..
But life goes on – as do our threads and our aim . So here a new one
( and on a personal note – I’ve been out of the UK for 3 weeks – got back to London city airport tonight and it’s very cold )
Bloody freezing cold here in Hampshire… coincidentally no nutter climate activist activity I see!
Guess they are all snuggled up in their centrally heated flats in SW1.
Or if juvenile gone to mummies nice warm house in the Shires.
Bring on an Arctic winter yay!
The drought is proving very good for wild mushrooms.
And I had to go around wood work today scrubbing cos the drought has caused litchen and moss to sprout up.