Yes it is compulsory. If you are Romany, with a missing limb and undecided about your sexuality on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, with a propensity to hug trees or stick yourself to a road then the job is yours. Oh and you need not apply if you were born in the UK.
With almost tedious yet frightening power the American media is now describing Caroline Elison the naive woke vegan girlfriend of Sam Bankman-Fried as being “Alt Right” the US equivalent of the UKs ‘far or extreme Right’.
Of course this is a ridiculous claim which is a bridge too far even for Americas lying media and people are rightly begining to see through the blindingly obvious deception of their leftist stance, not that it would stop the BBC repeating the blatant lie.
Forbes article ends Correction: A previous version of this article misattributed a quote about “genetic differences between groups of humans” to Caroline Ellison.
The daughter of esteemed economists — her father, Glenn Ellison, is currently the head of economics at the MIT
She brought in by Fried to work at Alameda a corp founded to exploit different values of Cryptos across the world markets. FTX grew as a side venture but Alameda account holder funders were eventually diverted to rescue FTX, so they are gone.
Some of her defenders are followers of Curtis Yarvin, a neoreactionary political theorist and *far right darling*.
They gather on Urbit, a peer-to-peer platform created by Yarvin.
They think Ellison was set up to be the fall person, and claim that former co-CEO Sam Trabucco is behind Alameda’s implosion.
In a blog attributed to her, she wrote that “the sexual revolution was a mistake” and that she believed “women are better suited to being homemakers and rearing children than doing Careers.”
She also mused about race science, in one post saying the “genetic differences there are massive” when it comes to Indian people from different provinces and castes
Victor Davis Hansen puts the relatively poor performance of the Republicans in the mid terms down to two main factors , firstly, many credulous voters actually believing Biden’s pitch that the Republicans would destroy democracy in the USA if they did well, and secondly , that since many of the democrats controlled states illegally changed voting controls back in the Covid election of 2020, the rejection rate of dubious voting slips has fallen from a average of 5% to almost zero.
In Any close election in a Dem controlled state therefore theRepublicans start from well behind even when the Dem false counting is discounted. Perhaps in those states the Republicans start from as much as 10% behind.
As to the credulity of many voters , well the past few years ought to have stripped it away , the scales ought to have fallen from voters eyes but it doesn’t seem that many voters see any more clearly that they are being duped by the left.
Surely one day soon even the dumbest will see through the veil of lies that the MSM spread on behalf of the left.
Gary Lineker waves a happy ma salama as he is chauffeured off to his waiting flight to Qatar. Lineker says he is in Qatar to “report, not support” the World Cup and will discuss the issues surrounding the “tainted” tournament on air. The football will apparently be shown on Question Time later in the week.
Lineker is a shoo-in to win the Golden Boob award for the most virtue-signalling own goals scored during the competition. Gareth Southgate a worthy runner-up.
CNN producer says that Farage should be banned from air
even though he has not broken any law
So all animals are equal when it comes to free speech
just some are more equal than others ?
She got ratioed of course
Because GB news don’t ban free speech unlike the BBC. Everyone is entitled to an opinion even if you don’t like it. That’s how it should be unless you want to live in Iran or North Korea.
Ika ( is that a foreign name (or just an anagram of Kia ))- she’s absolutely right – unapproved people shouldn’t be allowed to broadcast – or think – or breath – right ika. ? Only those you approve should be allowed expression …. Why not burn a few books – or open a camp to concentrate the unapproved ? They might even be required to wear a badge ….
Ika Ferrer Gotić
N1 CNN Senior news producer and anchor | Foreign policies, Human Rights | Bosnian War, Genocide | Author of ‘Mars and us’ TV series with NASA JPL
JournalistWestern Balkansn1info.comBorn January 18Joined June 2011
3,527 Following
Twitter Chaos Endangers Public Safety, Emergency Managers Warn
Twitter is a crucial communication tool during disasters, but impersonators and other problems under Elon Musk’s leadership have emergency managers on edge
By Andrea Thompson
Gary Lineker has chipped in of course.
Emergency managers clearly feel comfy with BBC and partners such as CNN’s takes on things.
The SciAm article feels like speculative trash
There is no rush of fake government blue tick accounts.
People do mix up celeb accounts with parodies.
But government accounts have lots of means of verification
eg you spot it’s got 100K followers etc.
World Cup.
I have a quandary. I want to watch England play but I can’t stand the knee thing. What an cringe worthy embarrassment, England will be the winners when it comes to looking stupid. I suppose I’ll have to switch on a few minutes after kick off.
Not to worry England are apparently ‘set to hold talks about whether they will take the knee’ and so it is not definite (ah ha). However I feel wholly comforted in that they will be the best knee takers in the competition and sod talking tactics or anything silly like that. I guess there will be an award ( obviously not presented in Qatar) similar to the Golden Boot called the Golden Knee, for the best consistently held pose. I’m looking forward to one of our lads winning it.
‘Taking the knee’ was the result of receiving the final step of a ‘Single Leg Arkwright’ by Bill Tidy’s – The Cloggies! I believe it was Stan – or maybe Neville – who delivered the final devastating blow into the unsuspecting opponent’s nether regions…
Someone once told me that football was one of the UK’s biggest exports, which I find hard to believe as we seem to import every flipping player under the sun, but as long as the ‘fans’ keep paying huge sums of money just to watch, and the players get taxed enormous sums on their inflated wages, then I’m sure GB Inc. can use the money to help out in the cost of lockdown ‘crisis’!
Luckily, I haven’t the faintest interest in football, so am probably not the best bloke to discuss any issues about the ‘game’.
As a patriotic Englishman, it really saddens me to say this, but you couldn’t pay me enough to watch England play these days…
The knee bending, the constant political posturing by the football pundits has robbed me of any interest in the game.
The whole bloody circus is corrupt. FIFA are clearly as bent as nine bob notes, hence Qatar getting the tournament in the first place. It’s an obscenity.
I’m sure our young woke “heroes” will be kneeling and wearing the required rainbow bootlaces. Yes, that’ll surely show these barbarians. My word, what brave men!
Top stories on BBC are of crushing and predicted failures. Serial offenders left to continue, crimes they committed never seen in the round. Pleas for help left unanswered. Feel heartbroken and tired. No matter what ministers and institutions say our safety is never a priority
A few points about this story.
It seems that the daughter came here from Syria in 2014 and married the man who was to murder both her and her mother in 2017. The marriage broke down after the husband travelled to Afghanistan, where he had another wife and family.
So far, so familiar – another story of Muslims in the UK.
On the night the women were murdered in 2018, they repeatedly called 999 but the police response was delayed by a firearms incident.
“West Midlands Police failed these women badly and need to be held to account.
But it was an Afghan asylum seeker who killed them.
He had a wife and 3 children in Afghanistan.
More rigorous vetting needed”
Someone says even that was a pretence and that he was actually a Pakistani.
“Raneem Oudeh and her mother Khaola Saleem were killed in Solihull in 2018 by Raneem’s estranged husband Janbaz Tarin”
Another tweeter
“Janbaz Tarin was originally from Afghanistan but lived in Pakistan for a bit and he had a wife there as well before moving here,
would boast about having two wifes – one in the UK and one in Pakistan”
Shortly after the wedding, Janbaz Tarin said to Raneem, ‘in our culture, we don’t have divorce, now you’re my wife, the day you leave, I will kill you’.
He also murdered Raneem’s mother Khowla Saleem. Tarin was sentenced to life with a minimum term of 32 years in December 2018
He’d also been done previously for dealing in fake cigarettes
I’m beginning to think that those on the left in politics in the western world don’t actually want what’s best for the downtrodden, the powerless, the poor the proletariat, the workers or anyone but just to get power because, basically they think they are superior.
My reasoning is the example of Neather’s wanting to “ rub the rights nose in diversity “ and Anna Foghorn Soubry’s “ suck it up “ .
There seems to be more of a negativity than a positivity in what they do , scream , shout about , sneer against, tantrum about , whoop holler and whistle for and generally show menace to anyone who has opposing views .
Shame really. When they talk about the future and future generations they’ve destroyed any decency that should be part of it .
Nibor, this question of why leftists think as they do intrigues me. I don’t believe they are all powermaniacs. Many genuinely believe themselves to be decent people holding admirable ideals about justice and equality.
I see diametrically opposed constellations of beliefs held by leftists and rightists which suggests the difference between the two groups is more fundamental than just shades of political opinion.
For example – and generalising somewhat – on economics: Leftists want high public spending. Rightists want a small state.
On patriotism, leftists see themselves as citizens of the world. Rightists are chauvinistic.
On sexual matters, leftists are bohemian in outlook. Rightists are traditional and strict.
On religious matters, leftists are atheists. Rightists are believers.
On crime and punishment, leftists believe that poor social conditions cause crime. Rightists believe we are all responsible for our actions.
Etc., etc..
I think ultimately the difference boils down to personality. The leftist has a particular set of personality traits and the rightist has another. These make you think in a particular kind of way that is unamenable to logic. It is very rare to see one side convince the other by sheer force of argument.
If there is any movement from one side to the other, it is usually only as a result of time. The young liberal who turns into an old conservative is a common type. The opposite is not. Which suggests that logic, common sense and wisdom lie on the right of the political spectrum.
Perhaps societies in the future will be set up according to personality traits and we will all move to our preferred locations: Variations of Hungary and San Francisco.
Just read the caveats and obfuscation the BBC sow through this article.
‘We are unable to tell from the video whether the man is Russian or Ukrainian and exactly what he’s firing at.’
So Russian prisoners are forced to the ground, this man appears then they are all dead.
But he MIGHT have been Russian say the BBC.
And then they describe other things the Russians did which have absolutely no bearing on this story whatsoever – but make you associate ‘Russians bad’ with the story.
The other way round of course, the story would have been asserted as fact with ‘says Zelensky’ tagged on the end and at the bottom we would get ‘The BBC cannot independently verify it’.
I’m sure Ukraine did shoot them. And have done so many times before. As have the Russians to Ukranians. This is a brutal war between brutal people. The only use for this story is to highlight how the ‘impartial’ BBC present their bias while avoiding criticism from people who monitor them.
Bottom line for me is that I don’t trust a single group in this conflict – Russia, Ukraine, NATO, The USA and my own government. It’s 100% political because they all want Ukraine due to it’s strategic importance.
Just look at this article. After giving us a tutorial on how to switch to other, totally unsecure and unmoderated alternatives, the BBC are now trying to rumour-monger that twitter is finished.
The bottom line is that only the Lefty activists care that Musk has it. It won’t make much difference to anyone else.
That’s the Left for you. Intolerant, totalitarian fascists.
If it goes, I shall miss it. If it stays in a more free speaking form, I shall be pleased. If it prevails such that all the creeps need to come back to preen to their bubbles, I shall laugh myself silly. If he says you can’t block folk just because they point out you are hypocritical revisionists… the bbc will be again front and centre in the spotlight.
Currently it still seems to be working. And the only think the left seem to be doing is infesting it to say they are leaving, but staying.
Maybe to kill it off it needs more diversity directors and policy of only hiring young BAMES with zero talent but massive chips. And no unique funding.
I posted something on this Blog some months ago when garage forecourt fuel prices went through the roof. My comment was that £2 a gallon was an interesting test for the Government of elasticity of demand for fuel prices. People were still filling up despite being almost twice the price, roads were as busy as ever.
The Government has noticed, fuel prices have crept down a bit. The result…..fuel duties are going up a whopping 12p next year. At one time that would have been considered an outrageous increase, it still is, we’ve been softened up. It’s amazing what a bit of Green propaganda and market manipulation can do
A TalkTV expert said the rise is to keep greens quiet
but it’s likely the rise will be dropped before it happens.
The actual tax take very much depends on the world oil price.
If oil stays high the government is gaining loads from the extra VAT collected
If world oil price halved the gov would need tge 12% , but you wouldn’t feel it.
BTW it does get to a point when cooking oil is cheaper than taxed diesel
Some countries just use the cooking oil in the vehicle.
We live in mad times . I do wonder how much more mad it is going to become . Now it seems Western taxpayers are going to be required to give – give – non western (third world ) ‘counties ‘- a lot of money because we started using hydrocarbons before they did .
And hydrocarbons – as we know – are the root of all evil and we must stop using them and die – or get on a bicycle- which ever is worse ….
And on the green crap thing – with a bit of luck the Egyptians will end the COP thing with nothing – and even better John Kerry is ‘self isolating ‘ ( presumably he wants to be away from the failure as possible ) ……
This WEF UN reparations crap is not at all about helping poorer nations it’s all about crushing the West so that communism can take over, ruled from Brussels or maybe eventually even Berlin!
With ‘green’ issues sending fuel costs through the roof, and contributing disastrously to the cost of lockdown, I wonder if last year’s green fad of going ‘vegan’ has slowed the organic food scam, where one (not me) pays a lot more for food which is basically the same as normally produced food!
As the whingers and whiners who support ‘green’ stuff, always seem to be well off and comfortably housed, where as most normal people, mostly in the private sector get clobbered, it must be a socialist’s dream to see so much mayhem under a Tory (?) government. The greenery coupled with ‘climate change’ is a fantasy the lefties will never let go!
Seems like the Arab World Cup will ‘cost ‘ 20 billion tonnes of carbon stuff – compared to 2 billion for the Russian one . I could care less – but apparently one of the ways the Arabs falsified their numbers was to only factor in ‘one way ‘air travel ….I do enjoy farce / fraud.
I’m thinking that the media will be so controlled in the World Cup that we ll only hear about the bad stuff if people survive it and return ….
The bbc will operate bias by omission which I’d say it used to be quite good at
#1 HSE took 6 years to finish their inquiry that started in 2016
No that is not OK
“In a statement, the relatives of the men – four from Gambia and one from Senegal – said they welcomed the verdicts (against the directors)
Accidental death verdicts were returned at the men’s inquest in 2018”
#2:Why were Africans working in Birmingham ?
An agency had brought them from Spain.
Well I don’t think that’s legal
And if you bring in uneducated foreigners in, then of course that adds to the risk.
I bought a case of fifteen bottles of Budweiser for £11.00 yesterday, because it was on offer in Tesco.
Parts of it sometimes taste of beer, other parts just taste of froth, but on the whole, it’ll be an enjoyable alternative while I happily ignore everything football for the next two weeks!
I’m surprised that the cost of lockdown hasn’t deterred all those people flying over to Arabland; perhaps they’ve been paid to go by the hosts!
Oooops, the BBC mentions that as well, so all these channels – BBC TV, BBC iPlayer, BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC Radio Wales, BBC Radio Cymru, BBC Sounds and the BBC Sport website and app. may get a call from Mr Alibaba Sheikdom Doris Bonkers at some stage…
And they say pensioners are suffering.. the cries and gnassing of dentures echoing around the aisles of Waitrose
God help you if you are stuck in a queue with a 30 minute lunch hour behind a 70 year old with a choice of lottery tickets and a handbag full of £50 notes
The Asda in T. Wells is rather like going to some foreign street market these days, and anyway, the distance makes it uneconomical as we live in a pleasant, leafier part of the county…
I really do like Holsten Pils though, as my wife’s family were the first people in the South East to get it into their pub all those years ago, and old habits die hard!
So far, I’m making a profit of around £60.00 by taking up Tesco’s Club Card Plus fiddle.
Very short report that says a man “entered the water from a ferry” whilst it was in dock in Belfast
Earlier reports spoke of a missing ‘high risk’ Limerick man who was supposed to be on the Dublin to Holyhead route.
I guess all that means is that some guy was mentally disturbed and jumped off the ferry.
No report gives the name etc.
They were harping on about it this morning. The reason it’s down £4 million is apparently due to the cost of living crisis (repeated several times). Not surprising, but another beeboid pile of bull, particularly when a small mention at the end of the piece ‘the total is expected to be higher than last year’.
They don’t seem to have much lined up on today today – which led amol being able to give his mouth an exercise giving his learned view on twitter . Amol doesn’t like the change . He doesn’t like Elon musk – he doesn’t like the idea of more people being able to express themselves on the internet – that – in his view – is the job of people the BBC employ .
The arrogance displayed by these people once they get in front of a microphone is something . Maybe amol can save up and buy twitter .
The alarm is ringing because mr musk has sacked large numbers of woke kidults and twitter is still working – the likes of Morden Peterson have been allowed to be on it again he already has 400000 upticks …..
A joint investigation by BBC News Arabic & journalism website Source Material (@Source_Mat), reveals how pollution dumped in the Red Sea is threatening one of the world’s last thriving coral reefs.
TOADY Watch #1 – now, Amol, what did the BBC campaign on back in March this year?
The Social Care problem is raised by Amol this morning. “Who is going to fix it? It is all the Government’s fault.” Now help me out here Biased Beebsters with my memory. I seem to recall that the Government fixed a temporary need for funding for the NHS back in the Sunak Budget in March with an increase to National Insurance rates. There would be an immediate cash injection to the NHS to help the NHS catch up with delayed due to Covid, heart and cancer and other treatments, then the extra funding would be switched to Social Care.
I seem to recall the BBC leading or at least joining in the LeftyLibbyMob opposition to this NI increase. Is my memory correct on this, fellow posters?
Now the BBC via Amol Rajan and TOADY are complaining that the problem has not been fixed. Arguably, it was Boris Johnson’s only achievement getting that funding arrangement in place. Liz Truss was the one who spoiled it all with her campaign promise to overturn the NI increase and she did so in the ‘fiscal event’ not long after she assumed the Premiership. The BBC rejoiced at that, now they are complaining.
In fairness it’s not the only Johnson ‘achievement ‘… he also recruited 20000 plod which – according to the outgoing commissioner are 1 in 10 ‘ineffective ‘. Frankly I’m surprised it’s only 10% ..
I get the feeling most of them want to ‘work from home ‘ and are looking for ways to put in a claim for bullying or discrimination ….
Fed, Bojo’s aim was 40,000 recruits for the Police and 40 new hospitals for the NHS and millions of nurses and doctors for the NHS and build thousands of new homes and …. etc., etc., etc.
My parents had a saying for a child who put more on their plate at a buffet than they could eat “Their eyes are bigger than their stomach.” Think we could re-write that saying for dear old Boris. He is really going to be missed. Ah well, thems the rubs
SHOPLIFTERS’ CHARTER: Police say as long as you steal less than £100 we won’t trouble you
POLICE in Berkshire have sparked outrage by refusing to even bother turning out to collar shoplifters unless they’ve stolen more than £100 worth of goods
The manifest manifesto and how it might manifest itself edition
The BBC likes this line from a Tory prime ministerial briefing: Rishi Sunak speaks of safety fears for daughter (BBC)
The supposedly Tory-graph also admires the sound of old fashioned chivalry in terms of female protection and moreover responds well to the smack of firm law and order: Sunak: my fears for safety of women. PM says wife and daughters are ’emotional motivation’ for his tough stance on crime (Telegraph)
And there we were thinking his billionairess missus only represented his meal ticket and his dewy-eyed reference to his daughters some short cut to sympathetic coverage from the liberal media.
Throwing a wish bone in the direction of the hang ’em and flog ’em brigade does nicely distract from the big news of huge tax rises for a moment and today relegates a report that council tax will likely double on second homes to second place headline on the Telegraph cover page.
How might this tough stance on crime manifest itself we wonder?
Mr AsI recalls an amusing conversation related to him some years ago by the Mrs AsI. She had an old, somewhat tedious, friend of some years standing who had suddenly announced her engagement to her live-in boyfriend. Mrs AsI politely asked of her friend – Have you fixed a date for the wedding? The answer was no, not as yet. Will there be an engagement party? No. We’re not having a party. Has he given you an engagement ring? No. There’s no ring.
Mrs AsI had a logical mind, a desire to cut to the chase and what you might term a forthright turn of phrase – prompting her to enquire – So, if there’s no actual marriage planned, no celebration and no ring as a present… how exactly is this engagement manifesting itself?
I trust readers will notice the analogy with Rishi’s sudden out of the blue tough on crime announcement.
Tory MPs hit out at Hunt’s tax rises amid fears of election rout – observes the globalist FT which by the way editorially likes the big State high tax regime: IMF hails fiscal prudence
And in any case, should the present Blairite – now heaven forbid… Brownite Tories fail at the polls there’s always the frontpage of the formerly patriotic Times poster boy of the day: Yes, I’ve kissed a Tory… Sir Keir Starmer reveals why he’s not a tribal politician… (Times) – nothing to worry about there then.
The Times happily rehabilitating Labour ensuring whatever the slings and arrows of the democractic process we’ll still get the same Big Corporate State social liberal hyper-immigration management of decline: Treasury warns that No10 plan to cut migration to UK will mean higher taxes (‘i’ newspaper)
So there you have it – they’ve done the sums and our chronic housing shortage, low wages, overwhelmed NHS, transport congestion, rising crime… now high taxes… all manifestly (to coin a term) because we haven’t got enough immigration.
And don’t you worry, that plan to flood Britain with cheap migrant labour will definitely manifest itself.
If some news story seems simple and extraordinary
then it’s probably more complex.
People say that actually the guy had a built up a bad relationship with the police and instead of prosecuting him for gun breaches they opted to do him for Covid breaches.
He then dug his own hole by telling extraordinary lies to get out of it.
He did get punished by losing his alcohol licence
but jailing him for 6 months to teach him a lesson
does seem over the top.
This is an appalling clickbait headline, @BBCNews, akin to ‘Fred West imprisoned for building a patio without planning permission’. Imprisonment was for perverting the course of justice, not the underlying lockdown infraction.
When speaking with Toby Young on 16 November about UKHSA Chief Jenny Harries’ attempts to blame excess deaths on climate change, Mark Steyn asked whether we were making the mistake of treating such ridiculous claims seriously.
This applies to the majority of mumbo jumbo messaging we are subjected to nowadays – whatever the topic or whatever it’s source.
Of course the bBC is a prime culprit for disseminating this type of nonsense.
Given that the Conservatives/Labour/LibDems/Greens are all the same ‘New Labour’ globalists, I would like to see the alternative parties producing clear statements refuting the drivel churned out by the WEF, WHO, UN, EU, COP whatever number, C20/B20 etc. etc. and their ‘partners.’ How can any of these institutions and their ‘experts’ be taken seriously?
Re immigration, the dinghy ‘illegals’ are now being used as a tool to distract us from the kow-towing establishment’s desire to enable more ‘legal’ immigration. Our mission must be to encourage all those disgruntled conservatives to not just go out next time and vote for the same, or worse, thing with a different coloured rosette.
TOADY Watch #2 – I don’t know if the Editors had scheduled too many items …..
… for this morning’s TOADY but Amol Rajan was gabbling and garbling his words and it made for unpleasant listening. Amol has a not unpleasant Estuarine English/London voice normally. I can only assume it was down to what the Editors had scheduled. One can only imagine the Control Room in-ear traffic … “Simon, we are going to have to drop Adele, if you and Amol do not speed up.”
Meanwhile in the retail energy market … environmental levies are a taboo subject and the larceny of taxes that aren’t taxes that the retailers won’t talk about continues….
Just a reminder that they are taking an extra 10% (+++) from you on domestic energy bills that they will not acknowledge – few (nobody?) in the public space will challenge the banditry.
SURPRISE, SURPRISE DEPT: "Octopus will absorb Bulb’s 1.6m customers to become one of the largest firms in the retail #energy space [sic]… Eon CEO Michael Lewis said the £6.5bn Bulb rescue beat Hunt's £6bn for energy efficiency, eg home #insulation"
Gaslighting on FooC
“Oh that photo of French police standing by while dinghy left, is real, but a one off
French do stop half the dinghies”
BBC reporter “The FARFAR FAR RIGHT French politician” ..
“One French journalist told me ‘The way Suella talked about flights to Rwanda, Wow BRUTAL, even Marin Le Pen couldn’t say things like that !”
Really ? Really ?
Suella said ‘I would love to have a front page of the Telegraph with a plane taking off to Rwanda, that’s my dream, it’s my obsession’
Now a hitpiece against Musk
FooC is supposed to be reporting from local ground
but I don’t see local ground . (OK the report did have a tiny brief mention “I went to the Twitter building in San Francisco)
“Musk has already asked some workers he fired to come back”
Really ?
The tweet saying that I saw was a joke about workers who’d never actually worked at Twitter. but rather they were spoofers who fooled the media.
I just checked
There are no proper news stories saying that Musk is properly rehiring
– There are some Indian newspapers caught out by the spoof
– There us a Business Insider article which claims for definiylte 5 Twitter employees were rehired according to secreck Skack Channel chats.
However when I clicked their source link
the actual source tweet had been deleted.
Media people seemed to be so caught up in false narrative land
that they cannot tell the difference of what is reality and what is a fake news story.
they are the ones who’re supposed to call out gaslighting and in the last 18 to 24 months they’ve realised (en masse) that that means they can lie aggressively with little to no fear of having their feet held to any fire…
If the police + gendarmes were actually stopping boats you mihght reasonably assume that there’s a compound adjacent to a police facility near Calais / Dunkirke piled full of rubber boats and some film footage of the events?
So a bunch of commie groomers get fired from a job they never showed up for, after spending years suppressing the free speech of half the nation. They interfere with a presidential election, saddling the nation with a nincompoop clown show…
In previewing tonight’s Channel 5 trash TV program on the tryst between Major & Curry, the Radio Times reporter tells us Only in its final section does it add anything new, as it’s here the focus shifts to the reasons why Major has been somewhat rehabilitated in the eyes of the media, while Currie is still perceived as a scorned “scarlet woman”.
Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face.
Here we go, rite of passage ticked – he even managed a candle lit vig for something.
“Ukraine war: Rishi Sunak visits President Zelensky in Kyiv”
Thought WEF operatives were taught to pose a solemn little face, in serious situations, like Jacinda Ardern does.. guess he just can’t help gushing.
Giving our cash and expensive equipment away, like we haven’t problems at home for him to deal with.
I’ve guess Ukraine’s “the lastest thing” status will go the way of whole Covid / vaccine/ nhs deity/ lockdown scam, with more and more people sensing they’ve been had, and that Russia ain’t the baddie here after all.
Here’s a selection from the BBC’s “US & Canada” news page.
[From the first/front page, all articles with little caption pictures]
War crimes expert to oversee Trump investigations. {Is Trump a war criminal?}
Why a war crimes expert will decide Trump cases. {Why is this second article necessary?]
Lauren Boebert’s Democratic challenger conceded (The Republican firebrand faced an unexpectedly close race in her bid for re-election in Colorado). {Pity Boebert won but it was CLOSE!}
[“More US stories”]
Hakeem Jeffries launches bid to succeed Nancy Pelosi.
Twitter locks staff out of offices until next week. {Musk is evil!}
Trump not first politician ditched by Murdoch. {Trump bad}
What divided government means for Washington.
Six ways it’s harder for Trump to run this time. {We’re afraid of him}
[“Latest updates”]
Similar to the above, with plenty on Trump, Pelosi, Boebert, a divided Washington but only one article, on the first page anyway, about Biden: “Republicans say ‘top priority’ is to probe Bidens”.
I wonder what the BBC actually serves up to actual American web visitors – their web monkeys have obviously wised up to the old “check the” trick…
The BBC likely has this one down as ‘mostly not batsh*t’.
You just basically described the BLM & Antifa riots that also resulted in millions of dollars in private property damage that you encouraged
Whoaa stop you need to explain something about AOCs first tweet.
It is NOT a tweet that endorses Trump
It appears that way cos the quote tweet
doesn’t include the poll bit that shows it’s a question
about whether Twitter should reinstate the Trump account.
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
1st again, must get a life!
Question. Do you have to be black to be a diversity officer?
Yes it is compulsory. If you are Romany, with a missing limb and undecided about your sexuality on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, with a propensity to hug trees or stick yourself to a road then the job is yours. Oh and you need not apply if you were born in the UK.
With almost tedious yet frightening power the American media is now describing Caroline Elison the naive woke vegan girlfriend of Sam Bankman-Fried as being “Alt Right” the US equivalent of the UKs ‘far or extreme Right’.
Of course this is a ridiculous claim which is a bridge too far even for Americas lying media and people are rightly begining to see through the blindingly obvious deception of their leftist stance, not that it would stop the BBC repeating the blatant lie.
Forbes article ends
Correction: A previous version of this article misattributed a quote about “genetic differences between groups of humans” to Caroline Ellison.
The daughter of esteemed economists — her father, Glenn Ellison, is currently the head of economics at the MIT
She brought in by Fried to work at Alameda a corp founded to exploit different values of Cryptos across the world markets. FTX grew as a side venture but Alameda account holder funders were eventually diverted to rescue FTX, so they are gone.
Some of her defenders are followers of Curtis Yarvin, a neoreactionary political theorist and *far right darling*.
They gather on Urbit, a peer-to-peer platform created by Yarvin.
They think Ellison was set up to be the fall person, and claim that former co-CEO Sam Trabucco is behind Alameda’s implosion.
In a blog attributed to her, she wrote that “the sexual revolution was a mistake” and that she believed “women are better suited to being homemakers and rearing children than doing Careers.”
She also mused about race science, in one post saying the “genetic differences there are massive” when it comes to Indian people from different provinces and castes
Victor Davis Hansen puts the relatively poor performance of the Republicans in the mid terms down to two main factors , firstly, many credulous voters actually believing Biden’s pitch that the Republicans would destroy democracy in the USA if they did well, and secondly , that since many of the democrats controlled states illegally changed voting controls back in the Covid election of 2020, the rejection rate of dubious voting slips has fallen from a average of 5% to almost zero.
In Any close election in a Dem controlled state therefore theRepublicans start from well behind even when the Dem false counting is discounted. Perhaps in those states the Republicans start from as much as 10% behind.
As to the credulity of many voters , well the past few years ought to have stripped it away , the scales ought to have fallen from voters eyes but it doesn’t seem that many voters see any more clearly that they are being duped by the left.
Surely one day soon even the dumbest will see through the veil of lies that the MSM spread on behalf of the left.
Gary Lineker waves a happy ma salama as he is chauffeured off to his waiting flight to Qatar. Lineker says he is in Qatar to “report, not support” the World Cup and will discuss the issues surrounding the “tainted” tournament on air. The football will apparently be shown on Question Time later in the week.
Turns out, the oh-so principled millionaire crisps salesman is happy to look the other way when it suits him.
shocked I tell you, shocked
Lineker is a shoo-in to win the Golden Boob award for the most virtue-signalling own goals scored during the competition. Gareth Southgate a worthy runner-up.
But, but, but, he’s there to ‘report’ and not give his ‘opinions’ Mark, so that’s yet another reason to avoid the whole shebang!
CNN producer says that Farage should be banned from air
even though he has not broken any law
So all animals are equal when it comes to free speech
just some are more equal than others ?
She got ratioed of course
Ika ( is that a foreign name (or just an anagram of Kia ))- she’s absolutely right – unapproved people shouldn’t be allowed to broadcast – or think – or breath – right ika. ? Only those you approve should be allowed expression …. Why not burn a few books – or open a camp to concentrate the unapproved ? They might even be required to wear a badge ….
Ika Ferrer Gotić
N1 CNN Senior news producer and anchor | Foreign policies, Human Rights | Bosnian War, Genocide | Author of ‘Mars and us’ TV series with NASA JPL
JournalistWestern Balkansn1info.comBorn January 18Joined June 2011
3,527 Following
The Twitter derangement continues.
This is from Scientific American:
Natural Disasters
Twitter Chaos Endangers Public Safety, Emergency Managers Warn
Twitter is a crucial communication tool during disasters, but impersonators and other problems under Elon Musk’s leadership have emergency managers on edge
By Andrea Thompson
Gary Lineker has chipped in of course.
Emergency managers clearly feel comfy with BBC and partners such as CNN’s takes on things.
The ‘scientific community’ is now a bad joke.
Sci-American writer : Andrea Thompson Associate Editor, Sustainability
Formerly of @ClimateCentral
The SciAm article feels like speculative trash
There is no rush of fake government blue tick accounts.
People do mix up celeb accounts with parodies.
But government accounts have lots of means of verification
eg you spot it’s got 100K followers etc.
World Cup.
I have a quandary. I want to watch England play but I can’t stand the knee thing. What an cringe worthy embarrassment, England will be the winners when it comes to looking stupid. I suppose I’ll have to switch on a few minutes after kick off.
Not to worry England are apparently ‘set to hold talks about whether they will take the knee’ and so it is not definite (ah ha). However I feel wholly comforted in that they will be the best knee takers in the competition and sod talking tactics or anything silly like that. I guess there will be an award ( obviously not presented in Qatar) similar to the Golden Boot called the Golden Knee, for the best consistently held pose. I’m looking forward to one of our lads winning it.
‘Taking the knee’ was the result of receiving the final step of a ‘Single Leg Arkwright’ by Bill Tidy’s – The Cloggies! I believe it was Stan – or maybe Neville – who delivered the final devastating blow into the unsuspecting opponent’s nether regions…
Someone once told me that football was one of the UK’s biggest exports, which I find hard to believe as we seem to import every flipping player under the sun, but as long as the ‘fans’ keep paying huge sums of money just to watch, and the players get taxed enormous sums on their inflated wages, then I’m sure GB Inc. can use the money to help out in the cost of lockdown ‘crisis’!
Luckily, I haven’t the faintest interest in football, so am probably not the best bloke to discuss any issues about the ‘game’.
As a patriotic Englishman, it really saddens me to say this, but you couldn’t pay me enough to watch England play these days…
The knee bending, the constant political posturing by the football pundits has robbed me of any interest in the game.
The whole bloody circus is corrupt. FIFA are clearly as bent as nine bob notes, hence Qatar getting the tournament in the first place. It’s an obscenity.
I’m sure our young woke “heroes” will be kneeling and wearing the required rainbow bootlaces. Yes, that’ll surely show these barbarians. My word, what brave men!
Makes you proud to be English…
Do we now say that a bad player has two left knees?
Mind you that is now probably grossly offensive to left-handers.
Slapper #2 has mentioned the bbc.
Some lives matter more than others ….
A few points about this story.
It seems that the daughter came here from Syria in 2014 and married the man who was to murder both her and her mother in 2017. The marriage broke down after the husband travelled to Afghanistan, where he had another wife and family.
So far, so familiar – another story of Muslims in the UK.
On the night the women were murdered in 2018, they repeatedly called 999 but the police response was delayed by a firearms incident.
Conclusion: Domestic violence, police to blame.
Who harmed those 2 Black Country women pictured ?
“West Midlands Police failed these women badly and need to be held to account.
But it was an Afghan asylum seeker who killed them.
He had a wife and 3 children in Afghanistan.
More rigorous vetting needed”
Someone says even that was a pretence and that he was actually a Pakistani.
“Raneem Oudeh and her mother Khaola Saleem were killed in Solihull in 2018 by Raneem’s estranged husband Janbaz Tarin”
Another tweeter
“Janbaz Tarin was originally from Afghanistan but lived in Pakistan for a bit and he had a wife there as well before moving here,
would boast about having two wifes – one in the UK and one in Pakistan”
Shortly after the wedding, Janbaz Tarin said to Raneem, ‘in our culture, we don’t have divorce, now you’re my wife, the day you leave, I will kill you’.
He also murdered Raneem’s mother Khowla Saleem. Tarin was sentenced to life with a minimum term of 32 years in December 2018
He’d also been done previously for dealing in fake cigarettes
I’m beginning to think that those on the left in politics in the western world don’t actually want what’s best for the downtrodden, the powerless, the poor the proletariat, the workers or anyone but just to get power because, basically they think they are superior.
My reasoning is the example of Neather’s wanting to “ rub the rights nose in diversity “ and Anna Foghorn Soubry’s “ suck it up “ .
There seems to be more of a negativity than a positivity in what they do , scream , shout about , sneer against, tantrum about , whoop holler and whistle for and generally show menace to anyone who has opposing views .
Shame really. When they talk about the future and future generations they’ve destroyed any decency that should be part of it .
Nibor, this question of why leftists think as they do intrigues me. I don’t believe they are all powermaniacs. Many genuinely believe themselves to be decent people holding admirable ideals about justice and equality.
I see diametrically opposed constellations of beliefs held by leftists and rightists which suggests the difference between the two groups is more fundamental than just shades of political opinion.
For example – and generalising somewhat – on economics: Leftists want high public spending. Rightists want a small state.
On patriotism, leftists see themselves as citizens of the world. Rightists are chauvinistic.
On sexual matters, leftists are bohemian in outlook. Rightists are traditional and strict.
On religious matters, leftists are atheists. Rightists are believers.
On crime and punishment, leftists believe that poor social conditions cause crime. Rightists believe we are all responsible for our actions.
Etc., etc..
I think ultimately the difference boils down to personality. The leftist has a particular set of personality traits and the rightist has another. These make you think in a particular kind of way that is unamenable to logic. It is very rare to see one side convince the other by sheer force of argument.
If there is any movement from one side to the other, it is usually only as a result of time. The young liberal who turns into an old conservative is a common type. The opposite is not. Which suggests that logic, common sense and wisdom lie on the right of the political spectrum.
Perhaps societies in the future will be set up according to personality traits and we will all move to our preferred locations: Variations of Hungary and San Francisco.
Why are beeboid Lineker and beeboid Emma BrothelDad doing cosy interview shows for Bloomberg ?
The bbc tells it often enough. Once more.
Jeremy Corbyn was present but not taking part?
Ukraine war: Were Russian soldiers shot after surrendering?
Just read the caveats and obfuscation the BBC sow through this article.
‘We are unable to tell from the video whether the man is Russian or Ukrainian and exactly what he’s firing at.’
So Russian prisoners are forced to the ground, this man appears then they are all dead.
But he MIGHT have been Russian say the BBC.
And then they describe other things the Russians did which have absolutely no bearing on this story whatsoever – but make you associate ‘Russians bad’ with the story.
The other way round of course, the story would have been asserted as fact with ‘says Zelensky’ tagged on the end and at the bottom we would get ‘The BBC cannot independently verify it’.
I’m sure Ukraine did shoot them. And have done so many times before. As have the Russians to Ukranians. This is a brutal war between brutal people. The only use for this story is to highlight how the ‘impartial’ BBC present their bias while avoiding criticism from people who monitor them.
Bottom line for me is that I don’t trust a single group in this conflict – Russia, Ukraine, NATO, The USA and my own government. It’s 100% political because they all want Ukraine due to it’s strategic importance.
Doubtless BBC Panorama ‘investigated’, and found a kindly local community leader who has offered testimony that the bbc finds compelling.
Trust no one. Especially those who say they are trusted more than anyone else.
It’s the comments on such articles which concern me the most.
People who are too stupid to be able to realise just how stupid they are – and hence think they are actually intelligent.
They are the majority of the BBC audience now.
Is this really the end of Twitter?
Just look at this article. After giving us a tutorial on how to switch to other, totally unsecure and unmoderated alternatives, the BBC are now trying to rumour-monger that twitter is finished.
The bottom line is that only the Lefty activists care that Musk has it. It won’t make much difference to anyone else.
That’s the Left for you. Intolerant, totalitarian fascists.
It’s the new TDS.
Maybe Musk screwed up; maybe he hasn’t.
If it goes, I shall miss it. If it stays in a more free speaking form, I shall be pleased. If it prevails such that all the creeps need to come back to preen to their bubbles, I shall laugh myself silly. If he says you can’t block folk just because they point out you are hypocritical revisionists… the bbc will be again front and centre in the spotlight.
Currently it still seems to be working. And the only think the left seem to be doing is infesting it to say they are leaving, but staying.
Maybe to kill it off it needs more diversity directors and policy of only hiring young BAMES with zero talent but massive chips. And no unique funding.
I posted something on this Blog some months ago when garage forecourt fuel prices went through the roof. My comment was that £2 a gallon was an interesting test for the Government of elasticity of demand for fuel prices. People were still filling up despite being almost twice the price, roads were as busy as ever.
The Government has noticed, fuel prices have crept down a bit. The result…..fuel duties are going up a whopping 12p next year. At one time that would have been considered an outrageous increase, it still is, we’ve been softened up. It’s amazing what a bit of Green propaganda and market manipulation can do
A TalkTV expert said the rise is to keep greens quiet
but it’s likely the rise will be dropped before it happens.
The actual tax take very much depends on the world oil price.
If oil stays high the government is gaining loads from the extra VAT collected
If world oil price halved the gov would need tge 12% , but you wouldn’t feel it.
BTW it does get to a point when cooking oil is cheaper than taxed diesel
Some countries just use the cooking oil in the vehicle.
I think you mean £2 a litre. I can only wish it was £2 a gallon.
£2 a gallon. Those were the days, soon be £2 a litre.
Yes. I meant £2 a litre of course
We live in mad times . I do wonder how much more mad it is going to become . Now it seems Western taxpayers are going to be required to give – give – non western (third world ) ‘counties ‘- a lot of money because we started using hydrocarbons before they did .
And hydrocarbons – as we know – are the root of all evil and we must stop using them and die – or get on a bicycle- which ever is worse ….
And on the green crap thing – with a bit of luck the Egyptians will end the COP thing with nothing – and even better John Kerry is ‘self isolating ‘ ( presumably he wants to be away from the failure as possible ) ……
I look at their mad graphs and I wonder if the third world hordes have eaten nothing but raw food since the dawn of time.
Then I wonder how they used to make bronze and then iron
maybe the ancient Egyptians had solar panels they imported from wakanda
This WEF UN reparations crap is not at all about helping poorer nations it’s all about crushing the West so that communism can take over, ruled from Brussels or maybe eventually even Berlin!
With ‘green’ issues sending fuel costs through the roof, and contributing disastrously to the cost of lockdown, I wonder if last year’s green fad of going ‘vegan’ has slowed the organic food scam, where one (not me) pays a lot more for food which is basically the same as normally produced food!
As the whingers and whiners who support ‘green’ stuff, always seem to be well off and comfortably housed, where as most normal people, mostly in the private sector get clobbered, it must be a socialist’s dream to see so much mayhem under a Tory (?) government. The greenery coupled with ‘climate change’ is a fantasy the lefties will never let go!
Seems like the Arab World Cup will ‘cost ‘ 20 billion tonnes of carbon stuff – compared to 2 billion for the Russian one . I could care less – but apparently one of the ways the Arabs falsified their numbers was to only factor in ‘one way ‘air travel ….I do enjoy farce / fraud.
I’m thinking that the media will be so controlled in the World Cup that we ll only hear about the bad stuff if people survive it and return ….
The bbc will operate bias by omission which I’d say it used to be quite good at
A wall collapse director is a first. At least diverse.
#1 HSE took 6 years to finish their inquiry that started in 2016
No that is not OK
“In a statement, the relatives of the men – four from Gambia and one from Senegal – said they welcomed the verdicts (against the directors)
Accidental death verdicts were returned at the men’s inquest in 2018”
#2:Why were Africans working in Birmingham ?
An agency had brought them from Spain.
Well I don’t think that’s legal
And if you bring in uneducated foreigners in, then of course that adds to the risk.
Presumably approaching in Maccie D would be ok.
Think Sir Boaty gets behind the red velvet rope at Glasto too?
I hope he was eating something rare ….
Shark fin. Reportedly.
Whale meat again !….Don’t know where Don’t know when …just an old classic 👌
Mark Drakeford seeking an inquiry?
In fairness banning Budweiser is not the same as banning beer — was it really £11.50 a pint ? That’s almost lundunistan prices …
I bought a case of fifteen bottles of Budweiser for £11.00 yesterday, because it was on offer in Tesco.
Parts of it sometimes taste of beer, other parts just taste of froth, but on the whole, it’ll be an enjoyable alternative while I happily ignore everything football for the next two weeks!
I’m surprised that the cost of lockdown hasn’t deterred all those people flying over to Arabland; perhaps they’ve been paid to go by the hosts!
Oooops, the BBC mentions that as well, so all these channels – BBC TV, BBC iPlayer, BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC Radio Wales, BBC Radio Cymru, BBC Sounds and the BBC Sport website and app. may get a call from Mr Alibaba Sheikdom Doris Bonkers at some stage…
Asda : 36 bottles for 21 quid last time I was there.
You must be posh shopping at Tesco Scrobs.
And they say pensioners are suffering.. the cries and gnassing of dentures echoing around the aisles of Waitrose
God help you if you are stuck in a queue with a 30 minute lunch hour behind a 70 year old with a choice of lottery tickets and a handbag full of £50 notes
Ha ha ha, John!
The Asda in T. Wells is rather like going to some foreign street market these days, and anyway, the distance makes it uneconomical as we live in a pleasant, leafier part of the county…
I really do like Holsten Pils though, as my wife’s family were the first people in the South East to get it into their pub all those years ago, and old habits die hard!
So far, I’m making a profit of around £60.00 by taking up Tesco’s Club Card Plus fiddle.
Nerd? Me?
Needs a sign: ‘to the beach’.
Is the beach missing ? Is there a search ? Or are the RNLI busy doing something else ?
I was thinking about the name of the RNLI and thinking it needs a name change – it’s not ‘national ‘ it’s ‘international ‘
Maybe ‘international criminal Uber institution ‘ is nearer …
I like the sound of Rescue Non Legal Immigrants myself.
Very short report that says a man “entered the water from a ferry” whilst it was in dock in Belfast
Earlier reports spoke of a missing ‘high risk’ Limerick man who was supposed to be on the Dublin to Holyhead route.
I guess all that means is that some guy was mentally disturbed and jumped off the ferry.
No report gives the name etc.
The BBC charity industry gig claimed £35 million off of its gullible victims last night – that’s down £4 million on last year .
Naturally everyone employed by the charity will take a pro rata pay cut .
Maybe these BBC frauds have reached their high point – there maybe a limit to red noses and injured stuffed toys …..
They were harping on about it this morning. The reason it’s down £4 million is apparently due to the cost of living crisis (repeated several times). Not surprising, but another beeboid pile of bull, particularly when a small mention at the end of the piece ‘the total is expected to be higher than last year’.
Due to climate change and the Tories, shurely?
Typical house hunter.
Typical ex foi gras eaters.
Typical council tax payer wallet.
Buy foi gras futures
This all reminds me of an amusing French punning sentence:
“Par ma foi, c’est la derniere fois que je vends du foie dans la ville de Foix.”
“By my faith, this is the last time that I sell liver in the town of Foix.”
In modern French, foi (faith) fois (time/occasion) foie (liver) and Foix (a place) all sound the same, phonetically /fwa/.
That reminds me I must look for some when I’m in Andorra next week, duty free’s lovely.
They don’t seem to have much lined up on today today – which led amol being able to give his mouth an exercise giving his learned view on twitter . Amol doesn’t like the change . He doesn’t like Elon musk – he doesn’t like the idea of more people being able to express themselves on the internet – that – in his view – is the job of people the BBC employ .
The arrogance displayed by these people once they get in front of a microphone is something . Maybe amol can save up and buy twitter .
The alarm is ringing because mr musk has sacked large numbers of woke kidults and twitter is still working – the likes of Morden Peterson have been allowed to be on it again he already has 400000 upticks …..
Amol used to edit the Indy, propped up by an oligarch and potentate, and still managed only six readers.
No wonder he prefers the safety of a 5 billion propaganda machine with guaranteed funding no matter what.
Oily little weasel.
Will it have little bears with spears?
Training for the channel crossing.
Apparently the new doctor who show is going to be sponsored by DFS … lol
Typical Getty house hunters.
🎼nothings going up but the rent …
BBC and not for profits.
The best way not to make a profit is to pay Simpo mind bending amounts to waffle.
If the BBC could merge this with climate change, Sir Boaty and typical head hunters…. Award gold.
Oh, and Twitter. The sooner they can get back to properly censoring it, the better.
A new para appears. With a white man. Horror. Outside. In the sun.
No word on whether the weather has installed a brain.
BBC wishful thinking!
Cull the white, male oldies why not?
TOADY Watch #1 – now, Amol, what did the BBC campaign on back in March this year?
The Social Care problem is raised by Amol this morning. “Who is going to fix it? It is all the Government’s fault.” Now help me out here Biased Beebsters with my memory. I seem to recall that the Government fixed a temporary need for funding for the NHS back in the Sunak Budget in March with an increase to National Insurance rates. There would be an immediate cash injection to the NHS to help the NHS catch up with delayed due to Covid, heart and cancer and other treatments, then the extra funding would be switched to Social Care.
I seem to recall the BBC leading or at least joining in the LeftyLibbyMob opposition to this NI increase. Is my memory correct on this, fellow posters?
Now the BBC via Amol Rajan and TOADY are complaining that the problem has not been fixed. Arguably, it was Boris Johnson’s only achievement getting that funding arrangement in place. Liz Truss was the one who spoiled it all with her campaign promise to overturn the NI increase and she did so in the ‘fiscal event’ not long after she assumed the Premiership. The BBC rejoiced at that, now they are complaining.
There’s just no pleasing the BBC.
In fairness it’s not the only Johnson ‘achievement ‘… he also recruited 20000 plod which – according to the outgoing commissioner are 1 in 10 ‘ineffective ‘. Frankly I’m surprised it’s only 10% ..
I get the feeling most of them want to ‘work from home ‘ and are looking for ways to put in a claim for bullying or discrimination ….
Fed, Bojo’s aim was 40,000 recruits for the Police and 40 new hospitals for the NHS and millions of nurses and doctors for the NHS and build thousands of new homes and …. etc., etc., etc.
My parents had a saying for a child who put more on their plate at a buffet than they could eat “Their eyes are bigger than their stomach.” Think we could re-write that saying for dear old Boris. He is really going to be missed. Ah well, thems the rubs
The after dinner £25-k speeches – the books – more comparisons with Churchill – the honours lists …..
SHOPLIFTERS’ CHARTER: Police say as long as you steal less than £100 we won’t trouble you
POLICE in Berkshire have sparked outrage by refusing to even bother turning out to collar shoplifters unless they’ve stolen more than £100 worth of goods
I wonder where they got that stupid idea from
That’s the same Berkshire where authorities housed a dinghy diver charged with child rape
and then he absconded.
The manifest manifesto and how it might manifest itself edition
The BBC likes this line from a Tory prime ministerial briefing: Rishi Sunak speaks of safety fears for daughter (BBC)
The supposedly Tory-graph also admires the sound of old fashioned chivalry in terms of female protection and moreover responds well to the smack of firm law and order: Sunak: my fears for safety of women. PM says wife and daughters are ’emotional motivation’ for his tough stance on crime (Telegraph)
And there we were thinking his billionairess missus only represented his meal ticket and his dewy-eyed reference to his daughters some short cut to sympathetic coverage from the liberal media.
Throwing a wish bone in the direction of the hang ’em and flog ’em brigade does nicely distract from the big news of huge tax rises for a moment and today relegates a report that council tax will likely double on second homes to second place headline on the Telegraph cover page.
How might this tough stance on crime manifest itself we wonder?
Mr AsI recalls an amusing conversation related to him some years ago by the Mrs AsI. She had an old, somewhat tedious, friend of some years standing who had suddenly announced her engagement to her live-in boyfriend. Mrs AsI politely asked of her friend – Have you fixed a date for the wedding? The answer was no, not as yet. Will there be an engagement party? No. We’re not having a party. Has he given you an engagement ring? No. There’s no ring.
Mrs AsI had a logical mind, a desire to cut to the chase and what you might term a forthright turn of phrase – prompting her to enquire – So, if there’s no actual marriage planned, no celebration and no ring as a present… how exactly is this engagement manifesting itself?
I trust readers will notice the analogy with Rishi’s sudden out of the blue tough on crime announcement.
Tory MPs hit out at Hunt’s tax rises amid fears of election rout – observes the globalist FT which by the way editorially likes the big State high tax regime: IMF hails fiscal prudence
And in any case, should the present Blairite – now heaven forbid… Brownite Tories fail at the polls there’s always the frontpage of the formerly patriotic Times poster boy of the day: Yes, I’ve kissed a Tory… Sir Keir Starmer reveals why he’s not a tribal politician… (Times) – nothing to worry about there then.
The Times happily rehabilitating Labour ensuring whatever the slings and arrows of the democractic process we’ll still get the same Big Corporate State social liberal hyper-immigration management of decline: Treasury warns that No10 plan to cut migration to UK will mean higher taxes (‘i’ newspaper)
So there you have it – they’ve done the sums and our chronic housing shortage, low wages, overwhelmed NHS, transport congestion, rising crime… now high taxes… all manifestly (to coin a term) because we haven’t got enough immigration.
And don’t you worry, that plan to flood Britain with cheap migrant labour will definitely manifest itself.
If some news story seems simple and extraordinary
then it’s probably more complex.
People say that actually the guy had a built up a bad relationship with the police and instead of prosecuting him for gun breaches they opted to do him for Covid breaches.
He then dug his own hole by telling extraordinary lies to get out of it.
He did get punished by losing his alcohol licence
but jailing him for 6 months to teach him a lesson
does seem over the top.
local paper used a different headline
“Gravely-ill OAP who broke Covid lockdown rules jailed for cover-up”
When speaking with Toby Young on 16 November about UKHSA Chief Jenny Harries’ attempts to blame excess deaths on climate change, Mark Steyn asked whether we were making the mistake of treating such ridiculous claims seriously.
This applies to the majority of mumbo jumbo messaging we are subjected to nowadays – whatever the topic or whatever it’s source.
Of course the bBC is a prime culprit for disseminating this type of nonsense.
Given that the Conservatives/Labour/LibDems/Greens are all the same ‘New Labour’ globalists, I would like to see the alternative parties producing clear statements refuting the drivel churned out by the WEF, WHO, UN, EU, COP whatever number, C20/B20 etc. etc. and their ‘partners.’ How can any of these institutions and their ‘experts’ be taken seriously?
Re immigration, the dinghy ‘illegals’ are now being used as a tool to distract us from the kow-towing establishment’s desire to enable more ‘legal’ immigration. Our mission must be to encourage all those disgruntled conservatives to not just go out next time and vote for the same, or worse, thing with a different coloured rosette.
TOADY Watch #2 – I don’t know if the Editors had scheduled too many items …..
… for this morning’s TOADY but Amol Rajan was gabbling and garbling his words and it made for unpleasant listening. Amol has a not unpleasant Estuarine English/London voice normally. I can only assume it was down to what the Editors had scheduled. One can only imagine the Control Room in-ear traffic … “Simon, we are going to have to drop Adele, if you and Amol do not speed up.”
Meanwhile in the retail energy market … environmental levies are a taboo subject and the larceny of taxes that aren’t taxes that the retailers won’t talk about continues….
Just a reminder that they are taking an extra 10% (+++) from you on domestic energy bills that they will not acknowledge – few (nobody?) in the public space will challenge the banditry.
then they try to deny you a SAY.
I saw a report last week that the SNP / Scottish Gubbermint employ more PR-media types than the entire BBC north of the border.
Gaslighting on FooC
“Oh that photo of French police standing by while dinghy left, is real, but a one off
French do stop half the dinghies”
BBC reporter “The FARFAR FAR RIGHT French politician” ..
“One French journalist told me ‘The way Suella talked about flights to Rwanda, Wow BRUTAL, even Marin Le Pen couldn’t say things like that !”
Really ? Really ?
Suella said ‘I would love to have a front page of the Telegraph with a plane taking off to Rwanda, that’s my dream, it’s my obsession’
Now a hitpiece against Musk
FooC is supposed to be reporting from local ground
but I don’t see local ground . (OK the report did have a tiny brief mention “I went to the Twitter building in San Francisco)
“Musk has already asked some workers he fired to come back”
Really ?
The tweet saying that I saw was a joke about workers who’d never actually worked at Twitter. but rather they were spoofers who fooled the media.
I just checked
There are no proper news stories saying that Musk is properly rehiring
– There are some Indian newspapers caught out by the spoof
– There us a Business Insider article which claims for definiylte 5 Twitter employees were rehired according to secreck Skack Channel chats.
However when I clicked their source link
the actual source tweet had been deleted.
Media people seemed to be so caught up in false narrative land
that they cannot tell the difference of what is reality and what is a fake news story.
‘Media people’ are mostly all propagandist shills now.
How anyone who has not injected the Kool Aid intravenously can imagine more freedom of speech is a threat to democracy defies belief.
The BBC especially is getting caught more and more with ‘mistakes’. Odd given the creation of a misinformation team.
I reckon most are, as a result of hiring diverse juveniles who would not know journalism if it landed in their lap in the Watergate car park.
However the older ones, like Nick ‘I read it in the Critic’ Robinson, are pure scum.
Correct, Guest!
The BBC are naively accepting any old conspiracy theory which suits their leftie agenda these days!
Global are getting there too, so it takes sites like here to unravel what is right, and what isn’t!
Not sure if you recall that Iain Dale’s old blog (now defunct), was even better for real news than Guido, who really was anonymous back then!
And going even further back, ‘Throne Out’ was hilarious with revelations about all sorts of Royal Shenanigans!
If I go even further, I’ll be back in Windows 3.1, and on a spanking new PC with 350mb hard drive…
they are the ones who’re supposed to call out gaslighting and in the last 18 to 24 months they’ve realised (en masse) that that means they can lie aggressively with little to no fear of having their feet held to any fire…
If the police + gendarmes were actually stopping boats you mihght reasonably assume that there’s a compound adjacent to a police facility near Calais / Dunkirke piled full of rubber boats and some film footage of the events?
Best take on the FTX fraud
One of the Wapo Deputy Editors accounts tweeted that headline
He got ratioed
The headline has since been changed to
“Before FTX collapse, founder poured millions into pandemic prevention”
with a link title “FTX collapse dooms founder’s pandemic-prevention agenda”
In previewing tonight’s Channel 5 trash TV program on the tryst between Major & Curry, the Radio Times reporter tells us
Only in its final section does it add anything new, as it’s here the focus shifts to the reasons why Major has been somewhat rehabilitated in the eyes of the media, while Currie is still perceived as a scorned “scarlet woman”.
Wonder why that might be!
A wild guess: because Major is pro-Yerp?
Maybe Edwina put all her eggs in one basket-case!
Just a thought…
Can we borrow a bit of this?
Chuffing Nora, that girl is good!
Meanwhile in Scotland…..
Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face.
Don’t know if it’s true but although beer is banned in the football it will still be available in the corporate areas.
I bet there’s no half time bacon sarnies.
Players will not be booked for handball, they will just have their hand chopped off.
(The last two are made up)
I was thinking about the opening ceremony –
1 the handing over of the suitcase of cash to a FIFA rep- set to dance
2 a 1000m dive by an imported labourer to symbolise the thousands dead during construction
3 currency notes floating down onto the VIPs
4 the dance of the Islamic suicide vests
5 sharia law – whippings and choppings
6 gay executions
7 the ceremonial bribing of Qatar game referees
8 church burning
9 priest killing
10 the deportation of the boozers
BBC fave diver Tom Daley could help the Qataris with that dive and, knowing them, probably wouldn’t have to jump himself.
Hope the stadia buildings aren’t too high, as lobbing off a few homos now and then may make a big dent in the tarmac…
Here we go, rite of passage ticked – he even managed a candle lit vig for something.
“Ukraine war: Rishi Sunak visits President Zelensky in Kyiv”

Thought WEF operatives were taught to pose a solemn little face, in serious situations, like Jacinda Ardern does.. guess he just can’t help gushing.
Giving our cash and expensive equipment away, like we haven’t problems at home for him to deal with.
I’ve guess Ukraine’s “the lastest thing” status will go the way of whole Covid / vaccine/ nhs deity/ lockdown scam, with more and more people sensing they’ve been had, and that Russia ain’t the baddie here after all.
Performative empathy a la Jacinda?
Like Neil Oliver observed last week
The latest idiot BBC climate attempt has been noticed elsewhere.
Did I miss it…..?
Did the BBC report this?
Not sure if Springster has, as she blocks like a Labour MP, and likely is tracking down misinformation somewhere safe.
Schwaab always reminds me of Doctor Who’s Davros
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The BBC Media Action and Clive Myrie need to up their game when it comes to teaching their proteges😅
Here’s a selection from the BBC’s “US & Canada” news page.
[From the first/front page, all articles with little caption pictures]
War crimes expert to oversee Trump investigations. {Is Trump a war criminal?}
Why a war crimes expert will decide Trump cases. {Why is this second article necessary?]
Lauren Boebert’s Democratic challenger conceded (The Republican firebrand faced an unexpectedly close race in her bid for re-election in Colorado). {Pity Boebert won but it was CLOSE!}
[“More US stories”]
Hakeem Jeffries launches bid to succeed Nancy Pelosi.
Twitter locks staff out of offices until next week. {Musk is evil!}
Trump not first politician ditched by Murdoch. {Trump bad}
What divided government means for Washington.
Six ways it’s harder for Trump to run this time. {We’re afraid of him}
[“Latest updates”]
Similar to the above, with plenty on Trump, Pelosi, Boebert, a divided Washington but only one article, on the first page anyway, about Biden: “Republicans say ‘top priority’ is to probe Bidens”.
Good to see there’s no bias there then!
I wonder what the BBC actually serves up to actual American web visitors – their web monkeys have obviously wised up to the old “check the” trick…
The BBC likely has this one down as ‘mostly not batsh*t’.
Whoaa stop you need to explain something about AOCs first tweet.
It is NOT a tweet that endorses Trump
It appears that way cos the quote tweet
doesn’t include the poll bit that shows it’s a question
about whether Twitter should reinstate the Trump account.
He has already brought back Cathy Griffin the nasty lefty comedian