Dan vs. a set of ovaries in a blonde wig that was boosted by the bbc.
That’s my point. You don’t know the effect. You’re assuming the effect because you have a partial perspective on the issue. But we won’t have a definitive verdict for years.
Doh political greens think their policies must be pushed through without a *pause for thought*
Here they organised a huge trip
but failed to do proper planning
No one realised it’s illegal to drive into Saudi in a left hand drive car.
So they were refused at the border
“Instead of driving into Doha ahead of Wales’ first game against the USA on Monday, they flew in”
BTW that wasn’t their only flight either
They flew from Athens to Israel as well
“18 days across 17 countries and 3,800 miles”
That’s 1,200 miles short.
Do Greens really care about CO2 ?
BBC made an obvious typo too
“when the group set off from their Vale of Glamorgan training base on 28 *November* “
Ha my typo .. it’s Right hand drive cars that are banned
Countries like Japan used to dump loads of cheap used ones on countries, so some ban them to protect local dealers.
It is at this point that people begin to shoot people and I don’t blame them the World does not need these twisted twats anywhere near positions of power.
She is a rude nutter on steroids and hope she does time, he deserves everything he gets for his lies over so many years which helped create this bizarre shite!
The British government now spends more taxpayer money on housing, heating and feeding illegal migrants than it does on the Border Force. Let that sink in.
Of more than simple passing interest – I was in the local Tesco “big store” yesterday and the egg area was empty apart from designer/boutique/organic eggs at loony prices …. and having had a letter from the chief vet last week asking me to register my non existent chickens for avain flu monitoring….
eggs are the new bogroll?
then I see this:
There's no such thing as an egg shortage, look through @ThatWelshFarmer timeline, he's got videos of himself telling how the supermarkets are hyping this as avian flu, it's them that's ripping off the farmers off.
I don’t think those growing up in londonistan now would believe what it was like not that long ago ….. and god help any of them trying to bring up children in London now ….
No, don’t for a second rebuke this wonderful , freedom loving country, on their attitude to women that have been raped. Or how they treat homosexuals. Or the number of migrant labourers who have died building these poxy stadiums. No, don’t you dare criticise Qatar…
Particularly when they’re giving this dodgy looking geezer millions in his back pocket.
Next thing you know you’ll be questioning the BBC, Gary Lineker, Gareth Southgate and the saintly David Beckham. FFS!
… and of course the BBC are fully behind him. Look what they chose to quote:
“Of course I am not Qatari, Arab, African, gay, disabled or a migrant worker. But I feel like them because I know what it means to be discriminated and bullied as a foreigner in a foreign country.
“As a child I was bullied because I had red hair and freckles. I was bullied for that.”
Off-the-scale hypocrisy. Him for money, the BBC for their anti-white agenda.
Personally, I think it is morally wrong to discriminate against anyone on the basis of their race, religion, nationality, background or physical abilities. After all, we are all God’s children.
Probably old news and apologies if covered by others but must mention a touching story on the BBC a couple of days back.
A woman was finally leaving hospital after some 200 plus days having had really bad covid. She nearly died. A child she was carrying was successfully delivered by Caesarean section. She had two other children.
Here’s the thing. The woman was in hospital for so long that some Romanian speaking staff had enough time to teach her to speak English!
Isn’t that nice that the NHS is quite literally for the whole world, and the BBC clearly want us to celebrate the fact.
Though only UK taxpayers pay for it.
Well said Jeff. At the price of the Internet- using sparingly I am getting news from Sky news, when the TV deigns to get a ‘signal’. Technology, huh!
Brissles reporting in from the Straits on the way to Malaga, after a bumpy start. Remember the film Poseidon Adv ? Not THAT bad clearly but it was pretty hairy crossing Biscay in a Force 12 when I was staring 6 metre waves in the face ! The medical centre was a tad busy for 18 hours.
Covid still being used as an excuse for everything that isn’t up to scratch on board ship. Although I wasn’t prepared for the ghost towns that La Coruna and Cadiz have become. Once thriving towns just 3 years ago with an abundance of fabulous shops, restaurants and bars. All gone. The pandemic has done its worst. Shops stand empty or boarded up, so its not just the UK with a crap economy. It was unbelievably depressing. I’ll see what Gibraltar brings and the state of play in Malagar and Lisbon. Won’t hold my breath.
It’s a particular type of boiler suit known as a “siren suit,” designed to be practical when worn over clothes in air raid shelters.
Also maxincony, whatever your personal views of Churchill, he did active service in India, Sudan, South Africa and also in the First World War.
Perhaps you would like to furnish us with details of Zelensky’s military career?
My first thought is that there are some parts of Africa where a form of eugenics is practiced.
eg the killing of babies who are twins
or killing of albinos etc.
Coming next week to @BBCRadio4 – Adam Rutherford's exploration of the history of Eugenics, from its origins as an eccentric Victorian theory to the genocidal horrors of the Nazis and beyond. Produced by @ilangoodman with music / sound design by me. https://t.co/LEt5JJXUSD
BBC comedy shows are usually aimed at pleasing hard lefties
but today some Corbinistas are triggered cos Alfie Brown while promoting Starmer
had a dig at Starmer
Had to turn off @BBCNowShow show when Alfie Brown @abccomedian abused his slot to make a political party broadcast on behalf of Keir Starmer and to insinuate disgusting allegations against Corbyn. Said Alexei S was his comedy hero. He can be sure sentiment not reciprocated.
No idea what you are blabbing on about maxi as yet again you have posted something without any context at all.
This is who you are defending:
‘Your whole filthy scam has been busted, pal, and you do not, and will not ever, get away with it on here. You can get away with it on BBC because they’re dirty and corrupt, but here you will be robustly challenge on the facts, and you will lose.
Every fucking time.’
‘Come on here and try that ‘Hamas’ shit.
Come on here and try it on with ‘the destruction of the Jews’.
Come on here, big man, and try *any* of that BBC garbage, and you will see what happens to you, and you will not like it.
Come on here, big brave BBC Comedian.
Try it on here.’
Don’t really compete on the ‘hate’ front do they troll-boy ?.
The BBC have the story now and look what they wrote:
‘Hundreds of rioters entered the complex as the US Congress attempted to certify Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. The ensuing violence led to the deaths of four civilians and a police officer.’
The TRUTH of the matter is that only one person was killed by the ensuing violence and that was an unarmed woman shot by a black policemen whose identity was kept secret.
Lying BBC scum. The words are carefully chosen to deliberately misrepresent the truth and is no different from outright lies.
The land of fruits and nuts has really outdone itself – I expect the BBC to send out a team ….
Oh my. You may have heard that San Francisco is giving a guaranteed monthly income to transgender residents. Applicants can check one or more of 97 different genders and 17 sexual orientations.
What they don’t tell you is that
a. The suicide rate for people goes up as they go through gender re-assignment surgery
b. People who have transitioned are less confident and relaxed in their own skin.
Thus the idea that transitioning somehow makes you feel better in yourself is shown to be false.
Which makes you wonder what the motives of those who advocate it actually are.
Maybe instead we should think more about those with Klinefelter syndrome, who have absolutely no choice in the matter, no publicity or advocates, and yet are numerically equivalent to those above.
I like to watch Tucker Carlson for a different view . He has a recent segment on FTX – the chrypto currency fraud operation used to finance the democrats in the run up to the midterms .
Now I don’t know what crptyo currency is – in fact I can’t spell it . But I do like to see a fraud exposed – and the character who ran the fraud – linked at the hip to the democrat regulators and media – is a classic of our time .
And I use that much abused word ‘classic ‘ by choice . He has admitted using the ‘woke agenda ‘ as a cloak for his activities …he is yet to face justice – being outside US jurisdiction .
I suspect he may get ‘epsteined ‘ ….
But the reason I raise it here is the lack of coverage for this huge fraud – apparently the biggest loss of money in one day ever – and if that is fact then the hyperbole fits .
Am I wrong ? Have I missed the news ?
Is this fraud the pre cursor to the big melt down of money so many are talking about and predicting – or is it just the fear v greed emotion …?
( btw – I note a troll has been active overnight – I’ll leave the comments up as I know it provides fun for sum )
I’d be interested to hear from anyone who understands what happened at FTX .
What exactly was the fraud? And the cause of bankruptcy.
I gather the business was a crypto currency exchange, matching buyers and sellers and taking a commission, right?
What was the sting?
Something like this:
1. Biden administration gives hundreds of billions to Ukraine (fact).
2. Zelensky regime ‘invests’ some of this money in FTX (fact).
3. Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of FTX, is second largest donor to Democrat Party, giving $5.2 million to Biden campaign in 2020 and $40 million to Democrats in 2022 Mid-term elections (fact).
Some might describe that as a money-laundering scheme…
One likely outcome is that the US authorities will use the episode to clamp down, regulate and then ban crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, prior to introducing a single, official Federal Bank-based digital currency in accordance with WEF proposals.
How did Zelensky invest in ftx?, did he buy stock in it, or use the exchange to buy crypto.
The country is under martial law, he’s the law.
Unsavoury but I guess not illegal, the money wasn’t dirty so hardly laundering.
Sam Bankman-Fried showers political parties with money, similar donations happens every day not illegal either.
Crypto looks very unregulated in USA, , so what if anything was illegal / fraudulent?
I’m not trying to be augmentative, but it’s as clear as mud to me how they went bankrupt, or conned anyone.
“ Migrant staying at Manston processing centre dies – Home Office”
The start of when the NHS becomes an international health service ?
We do not have a Tory government . What Conservatives voted for this lot?
Time for Reform !
The unelected Tory government that we have now are Remainers. They are secretly trying to nudge us back into the European Union. Hence the mass invasion.
If one didn’t know better, one might think that was the plan all along: pretend to have Brexit, ensure that it doesn’t work, then ‘reluctantly’ rejoin the EU. And look out for items on the BBC and other controlled media along the lines of “Although there may once have been a case for Brexit, the need for co-ordinated action in the fight against Climate Change means that only larger entities such as the US and EU have the necessary resources to tackle it, plus ensure an equitable outcome for the developing world”.
This coincides with the drive to a ‘defence union’ (and the rest) with the EU.
In 2021 Veterans for Britain said:
“Since Lord Frost’s blunt refusal to allow defence to become entangled in the withdrawal agreement, a principal tactic of the ambitious snails has been to entice the UK into the European Defence Fund which, VfB’s analysis has concluded, would open the way for EU hooks to be inserted elsewhere into UK defence.”
Drip, drip, drip …
Is this EU-funded RUSI looking for EU-funded staff to do more EU-funded projects?
When does the investigation start into (I assume) the hospital in Kent which treated him. No doubt the paperwork for suing is already under way by the lefties migrant lawyers.
You are at work to do just that – work! If you want to watch the virtue signalling shit show take time off as holiday. Pathetic – they have had enough time off work with the pandemic nonsense.
BBC just wanted to use and normalise “are we allowed..” some more.
Which pre covid lockdowns was reserved for little children asking their parents permission.
🔴Research also found that 38 per cent of 18-24 year-olds favoured removing Churchill’s statue from Parliament Square over his racial views https://t.co/VB9nJ2Ii7C
There’s no problem here.
Let those who say Britain was founded on racism pay a voluntary windfall tax, in fact why don’t we call it a ‘Windrush’ tax. Let’s say an extra £5000 per year on University tuition fees which can be sent overseas.
That should concentrate their tiny minds.
There’s a lot of merit in giving taxpayers in an element of discretion in how their tax is spent. For instance, basic tax is 20p in the pound, but the tax return could include an option whereby the taxpayer could choose to pay an extra penny and specify from a short list of options where that additional tax would go on a hypothecated basis e.g. education, NHS, defence, social services, transport, environment etc.
…..not to mention the massive CO2 footprint of getting there in the first place.
How much does scientifically illiterate Laura get for her ‘world class’ journalism?
“Going very well until she had to crowbar in a ‘I guess living away from Earth protects humans from the worst ravages of climate change’.”
“Yes, in that one statement LK clearly demonstrates what a fuckwit she really is!”
What LK actually said (see how ‘Tabs’ changed a question into a statement):
“There is some discussion that by putting people out in space you could create environments where people are safely away from some of the worst ravages of climate change. Do you think space could ultimately provide a safe habitat for humans?”
This morning the inevitable cat was let out of the bag as the far left Blue Labour Tory loons announced their intention to rejoin the EU without any consultation with the electorate and completely ignoring their express instructions at the referendum.
They are doing this by claiming it’s not the full rejoining by a ‘Swiss’ style rejoining
I think most of us are now aware that the Tory party is a far Left version of the Labour party for those with money but if they do attempt to go down this route it might well be the end of a party which has become so rotten it has nowhere left to go save the graveyard.
I’ll wager not a single, similar worded letter will be going off to the Governments of Third World countries when the ‘Repatriation’ payments to despots for The West’s ‘creation’ of Climate Change will be made.
If you don’t want to know about it – look away now – the World Cup is all over our newspaper frontpages. Plus, oddly enough, lots of news of stuff that didn’t ought to be done in front of the horses.
It’s not exactly news from, or of the World Cup – in reality it’s like more chat about the World Cup – but that’s how most of our media tends to work these days.
Whatever the weather
Of course the BBC prefers to headline the World COP: Historic deal struck to help countries worst-hit by climate change
The leftist Observer makes no bones about what’s going on here: Poor nations on brink of victory at climate talks
But moving quickly on from one corrupt globalist elite virtue-signalling supranational festival of guff that comes around way too soon after the last…
Ah, the headlines – or where the internet is concerned – the clickbait… so what’s in a headline, eh?
Our BBC demands of the masses that populate the web, almost as though it were enticement to revolt: Will you be allowed to watch the World Cup at work?
Land on the BBC news web page and you’ll see the less bolshi enquiry: Will you watch the World Cup at work? – forwards on to a Business report and you’ll see the restored man-the-barricades (so long as it stands ten yards back from where the free kick is being taken): Will you be allowed to watch the World Cup at work?
Hint, hint, you could always get your union to time one of your one day strikes to coincide with an England match.
By the way, how come Fifa hasn’t gotten around yet to re-writing the 9.15 meter rule? Watch this space…
What a gay day – was a catchphrase from popular 70s TV entertainer Larry Grayson. You remember the 1970s – when gays weren’t properly represented on TV
And what a gay day indeed it is in the popular press. The Sun on Sunday goes with: Boy George quit threat
Boy George – we did enjoy his 1980s pop. You remember the 1980s – when gays weren’t…
Gulf buggers ban?
I’m oddly reminded here of Hylda Baker in the part of Nellie Pledge from archaic TV sitcom Nearest and Dearest and her habitual exclamation on meeting Gilbert the evidently gay character: “And what have you come as today?”
Boy George threatened to quit I’m a celebrity in an explosive rant at crew after they refused him a ride in a golf buggy. The singer, 61, stormed off, stole an apple, then hid behind trees so he could not be filmed (Sun)
Some of those bush tucker trials can be punishing and humiliating for the celebs. Still, at least they don’t handcuff them to a wall and bash them with a metal chain
Seems Fifa’s smiling baldy goblin-like boss Gianni Infantino has misspoke: FIFA boss defends Qatar over human rights record and brands West ‘racist’ (Sunday Express)
Do you get the impression the epithet ‘racist’ has now degenerated into no more than a reflexive meaningless catch-all term of disapproval?
Welcome to Qatar’s grand festival of bonkers – says the Sunday Times – I feel as though this loss of a sense of reality these days is not confined to the wealthy gulf micro state. By the way, the formerly patriotic Sunday Times is cock-a-hoop about the next step in reversing Brexit: Britain mulls Swiss-style ties with Brussels
MPs blast ‘idiotic’ rant and say he’s lost the plot on the eve of the big kick-off (Express) – not manlet Rishi flashing our cash in his kinky boots on the ground in Ukraine – this again refers to the Fifa gnome spouting tosh
Speaking of miss speaking – a couple more classics from Nellie Pledge: “I can say that without fear of contraception” and “You haven’t had the pleasure of me yet, have you?”
Our press are gushing over gay icon: Adele’s triumphant return to Vegas. Five star review page 3 (Express); Diva Las Vegas Adele on stage in US (Sunday Mirror); A ‘scared and happy’ Adele battles nerves for first night of her long-awaited residency at Caesars Palace (Observer); Hail Adele, queen of Las Vegas (Telegraph);
There’s been a sharp decline in record sales across the board, but Adele has managed to circumvent the crisis, astonishingly, two of her albums have sold over 20 million copies (Far Out Magazine) – 20 million copies, and I’d venture very few of them sold to straight men.
Of course football fans have from seemingly time immemorial required their: Free World Cup wallchart – even in the Observer of all places.
Jumpers for goalposts, boys… and we can paper on crayon our rainbow armbands to be just like Harry Kane.
Now it appears rainbow armbands are de rigueur for the football enthusiast: Gareth’s rainbow bust-up… Harry Kane has defied a bid by World Cup chiefs to stop him wearing a rainbow armband. See pages 8 & 9 (Sun)
This outrage isn’t confined to the tabloids: Outrage at Fifa boss after he slams West and says he feels African, gay and disabled (Sunday Telegraph) – he’s picked up a touch of the Gary Linekers there: Gary Lineker says he has suffered racist abuse during his childhood and football career as a result of his “darkish skin” (Talk TV)
the bbc have waited twenty-odd years for a new stephen lawrence. Well they have him now, so expect wall-to-wall forever. He was only two but at least they haven’t had to crop the black power salute out of his photograph. I’ve heard nothing about the parents facing charges for child neglect at the very least. It’ll be a nice and long-lasting little earner for them, and maybe even a peerage in a few years. Meanwhile, in any p4ki community with a supply of pretty white girls in any small town….
There is always Pret, lovey, if you can get served.
Bare shelves at the best Greek deli in London – Isle of Olive in Hackney. The owners are closing the doors after 11 successful years due to customs duties, reams of paperwork and the simple fact that many of their small suppliers won’t export to the UK. The realities of Brexit… pic.twitter.com/aowvQiQpAe
Holy shiat, I never realized how ludicrous the justification to ban @realdonaldtrump was. This does not read like a justification. It reads like an deranged fabrication. @elonmusk was right to fire anyone and everyone who had a hand in this idiocy. https://t.co/rAq8L9C1CPpic.twitter.com/HCU3qlaW6d
Undermining our democracy. We never got our full independence.
Time to unite UKIP, The Reform and The Reclaim parties .
Get Farage !
He said he would “hold their feet to the fire”.
Showing my age – but don’t you think it’s a weird world when BBC news is reporting that a former ( and proper ) US President being ‘allowed back onto twitter ‘ is number 3 in the running order .
Nice to know my vote counted …..
And a twisted world when freedom to comment is denied – even if ordinary punters can’t do much about what is happening in the world …
Speaking of which – isn’t reassuring that the loon so called Tory climate fanatic at the COp crap is upset that there wasn’t the agreement the green fascists wanted …?
Burn that carbon – make that CO2…
PPS – how much will Qatar bribe the officials / opposition team to get a ‘win’?
INHO It’s the EU and the present government’s way of punishing us for having the audacity to vote for BREXIT become independent once more.
Next, this “Tory” government will go for re-joining The European and catch the UK voting population unawares and call a snap election – The plan all along?
“Intel Slava Z Telegram
🇺🇦🇷🇺⚡The Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at the special building No. 2 at the Zaporizhzhya NPP, where fresh nuclear fuel is stored, hits were also recorded in the area of the dry storage site for spent nuclear fuel (DSNF), Renat Karchaa, adviser to the general director of the Rosenergoatom concern, told TASS”
BBC don’t care anymore, not even trotting out their usual
-each side blames the other.
Oh I dunno…. just out for Sunday errands and R4 giving it the full “each side blames the other BS” on shelling the Zaporizhzhya reactor site.
-followed by the The Coming Storm with Gabriel Gatehouse (should be shitehouse) – I listened out of curiosity and was rewarded with quite the most mendacious parade of utter BS I’ve sat through in quite a while.
As somebody who’s followed the trajectory of Hunter’s laptop in more that casual detail (and even downloaded some) – the wilfully skewed and predictably selective tale was a classic of the putrid Democrat shill genre. Orange man bad nothing to see here, believe the FBI, QAnon nutters and the entire DNC / swamp playbook slavishly paraded by an overwrought posturing dimwit.
They’ve even got a special with the dungfly Louis Theroux later in the week.
BBC’s World Cup coverage has just started. Opening monologue, Lineker is already in danger of falling off his high horse.
For people who complain about the technical problems on GB News, the Beeb presenters need some soft furnishings in their little mini studio, the sound is barkingly harsh.
BTW, if our objections are human rights, women’s rights, LGBT rights, is the “I” word – the root of all these things – ever going to be mentioned?
What happened to the days when the footy would just have heated discussions about what goalie to choose ? The BBC programme has been on for half an hour and footy hasn’t been mentioned yet – I bet there’s a load switching off by now …
Apparently Kenny’s portrayal of Bader didn’t resemble the real man? I remember seeing them together in the Wings Appeal advert whenever I went to the pictures as a kid. ATC cadets took all my spare change. . .
Imagine facing the Bismarck in the North Atlantic in a Swordfish biplane. . . Brrrr.
I don't know why people think Rishi Sunak is unpopular? The Ukrainians only named a street after Boris Johnson where as they have named a whole island after Rishi Sunak pic.twitter.com/0mqPebWiki
TWoTWeeee Watch #1 – the BBC campaign goes up a gear ….
… to get us back into the EU. Framing Today were at it early this morning and Jonny Dymond didn’t mince his words or mangle his phrasing on TWoTWeeee. Mind you he had help from helpful Dharshini David and before she gave an opinion there was a helpful Leave voter from 2016 who would go back into the EU given a chance.
pug, to get back into membership of the EU – unless the EU changes the rules which would not surprise me – it will be necessary for the British people to give up £sterling and adopt the Euro. I could see a bit of a fuss coming over that.
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
Being the bbc and this idiot political landscape, one has to assume more at play here.
I wish it was just as easy as getting out of Linkedin!
I’ve been retired for nearly seven years, and still get wannabes trying to sell me info I care feck-all about!
It is good, however, for finding out how old the new dish down the road is – (Uni dates etc.)!
(You old perv, Scrobs – Ed).
Awful. If very bbc.
Dan vs. a set of ovaries in a blonde wig that was boosted by the bbc.
BBC pushed middleclass feminist Climate Anxiety
Got Ratioed : almost all replies are skeptics ridiculing the BBC
BBC Front Page
Oh Dear, how sad, never mind
World Cup 2022: Wales-Qatar electric car bid falls short
I see that BMW are advertising the new mini, with the chance of a 24 hour test drive, that’s 2 hours driving and 22 charging.
Doh political greens think their policies must be pushed through without a *pause for thought*
Here they organised a huge trip
but failed to do proper planning
No one realised it’s illegal to drive into Saudi in a left hand drive car.
So they were refused at the border
“Instead of driving into Doha ahead of Wales’ first game against the USA on Monday, they flew in”
BTW that wasn’t their only flight either
They flew from Athens to Israel as well
“18 days across 17 countries and 3,800 miles”
That’s 1,200 miles short.
Do Greens really care about CO2 ?
BBC made an obvious typo too
“when the group set off from their Vale of Glamorgan training base on 28 *November* “
Ha my typo .. it’s Right hand drive cars that are banned
Countries like Japan used to dump loads of cheap used ones on countries, so some ban them to protect local dealers.
Mostly peacefully, one hopes.
And we’re interested why exactly, Home Office and BBC? Oh sorry I forgot, must obey the agenda. A thousand penances.
Trudeau’s crew really are trying hard to foment a rebellion in Canada?
It is at this point that people begin to shoot people and I don’t blame them the World does not need these twisted twats anywhere near positions of power.
Has the BBC reported it?
– do you get it now?
She is a rude nutter on steroids and hope she does time, he deserves everything he gets for his lies over so many years which helped create this bizarre shite!
Nice to see greens doing their own… I wonder when the terrorism will start ..?
She did not realise that Attenborough is in the protected nomenklatura class.
Contrast what happened when leftist thugs forced Nigel Farage out of a pub where he was eating with his family.
It’s getting close to the time we might need a strike of paying all tax including income tax until the government agrees to treat it with respect.
Of more than simple passing interest – I was in the local Tesco “big store” yesterday and the egg area was empty apart from designer/boutique/organic eggs at loony prices …. and having had a letter from the chief vet last week asking me to register my non existent chickens for avain flu monitoring….
eggs are the new bogroll?
then I see this:
Another five youngsters stabbed in London.
When I was young the deadliest weapon I knew was a water bomb.
When you were young London was probably a white European city rather than a majority ethnic third world hellhole.
I don’t think those growing up in londonistan now would believe what it was like not that long ago ….. and god help any of them trying to bring up children in London now ….
The bbc at the weekend.
Why in gods name are we putting total lunatics like this into positions of influence? What the hell is this guy on?
What a really odd, creepy bloke…
Don’t criticise Qatar!
No, don’t for a second rebuke this wonderful , freedom loving country, on their attitude to women that have been raped. Or how they treat homosexuals. Or the number of migrant labourers who have died building these poxy stadiums. No, don’t you dare criticise Qatar…
Particularly when they’re giving this dodgy looking geezer millions in his back pocket.
Next thing you know you’ll be questioning the BBC, Gary Lineker, Gareth Southgate and the saintly David Beckham. FFS!
How very dare you…
“Or how they treat homosexuals”
Qatarians have some good points then!
Dinosaurs managed 160 million years with next to no brain, they should come with a health warning.
World Cup 2022: Fifa president Gianni Infantino accuses West of ‘hypocrisy’
… and of course the BBC are fully behind him. Look what they chose to quote:
“Of course I am not Qatari, Arab, African, gay, disabled or a migrant worker. But I feel like them because I know what it means to be discriminated and bullied as a foreigner in a foreign country.
“As a child I was bullied because I had red hair and freckles. I was bullied for that.”
Off-the-scale hypocrisy. Him for money, the BBC for their anti-white agenda.
Personally, I think it is morally wrong to discriminate against anyone on the basis of their race, religion, nationality, background or physical abilities. After all, we are all God’s children.
Gingers, however, are not included.
Probably old news and apologies if covered by others but must mention a touching story on the BBC a couple of days back.
A woman was finally leaving hospital after some 200 plus days having had really bad covid. She nearly died. A child she was carrying was successfully delivered by Caesarean section. She had two other children.
Here’s the thing. The woman was in hospital for so long that some Romanian speaking staff had enough time to teach her to speak English!
Isn’t that nice that the NHS is quite literally for the whole world, and the BBC clearly want us to celebrate the fact.
Though only UK taxpayers pay for it.
Well said Jeff. At the price of the Internet- using sparingly I am getting news from Sky news, when the TV deigns to get a ‘signal’. Technology, huh!
Brissles reporting in from the Straits on the way to Malaga, after a bumpy start. Remember the film Poseidon Adv ? Not THAT bad clearly but it was pretty hairy crossing Biscay in a Force 12 when I was staring 6 metre waves in the face ! The medical centre was a tad busy for 18 hours.
Covid still being used as an excuse for everything that isn’t up to scratch on board ship. Although I wasn’t prepared for the ghost towns that La Coruna and Cadiz have become. Once thriving towns just 3 years ago with an abundance of fabulous shops, restaurants and bars. All gone. The pandemic has done its worst. Shops stand empty or boarded up, so its not just the UK with a crap economy. It was unbelievably depressing. I’ll see what Gibraltar brings and the state of play in Malagar and Lisbon. Won’t hold my breath.
Ukraine war: Rishi Sunak visits President Zelensky in Kyiv as he pledges £50m in aid
Zelensky finally tripped the switch in my brain a while back and I now consider him to be a complete liar and a fraud. Like all actors.
And from what I’ve seen of Sunak over the last few days, we have a complete wet-lettuce for a PM. He’s got ‘banker’ written all over him.
There is no way I will be voting Tory next time if things stay like this.
Here is Zelensky in costume to pretend to the idiots of this world that he just came back from the front line.
“Here is Zelensky in costume to pretend to the idiots of this world that he just came back from the front line.”

That’s a boiler suit you dunce and he didn’t wear it to welcome visiting world leaders.
You, maxi, are one of those idiots I was referring to.
(maxi is now frantically searching to find a picture where he did in the usual Leftist trick of trying to use an exception to prove a rule)
It’s a particular type of boiler suit known as a “siren suit,” designed to be practical when worn over clothes in air raid shelters.
Also maxincony, whatever your personal views of Churchill, he did active service in India, Sudan, South Africa and also in the First World War.
Perhaps you would like to furnish us with details of Zelensky’s military career?
There was an R4 trailer Adam Rutherford’s new series on eugenics
It made it sound like it was all about White Supremacists.
They git PR in the Mail
My first thought is that there are some parts of Africa where a form of eugenics is practiced.
eg the killing of babies who are twins
or killing of albinos etc.
“My first thought is that there are some parts of Africa…”
How unusual. Meanwhile, on BiasedBBC:
And your point is what maxi ?.
Do you actually have any arguments to make ?.
You should stop posting after you have been drinking (or snorting) and go into your ‘down cycle’. You just make a fool of yourself.
Become Islamic or die.
BBC comedy shows are usually aimed at pleasing hard lefties
but today some Corbinistas are triggered cos Alfie Brown while promoting Starmer
had a dig at Starmer
Entire thread https://www.twitter.com/simonmaginn/status/1593963527382994945
What an excellent example of Leftists that thread is.
Pure hate.
“Pure hate.”
Meanwhile, on BiasedBBC:

No idea what you are blabbing on about maxi as yet again you have posted something without any context at all.
This is who you are defending:
‘Your whole filthy scam has been busted, pal, and you do not, and will not ever, get away with it on here. You can get away with it on BBC because they’re dirty and corrupt, but here you will be robustly challenge on the facts, and you will lose.
Every fucking time.’
‘Come on here and try that ‘Hamas’ shit.
Come on here and try it on with ‘the destruction of the Jews’.
Come on here, big man, and try *any* of that BBC garbage, and you will see what happens to you, and you will not like it.
Come on here, big brave BBC Comedian.
Try it on here.’
Don’t really compete on the ‘hate’ front do they troll-boy ?.
I’ll stick with Brissles travelogue for the time being
– there’s going to be some over the next few weeks as DJT gets back onto Twitter.
– yes folks –
Musk has reinstated Beelzebub’s account
let the celebrations commence
I know a few folk who’ll be near apoplectic 🙂
WIll the BBC report it ?.
You can be sure that if they do, it will be just the first couple of lines.
The next 4 paragraphs will be re-running all their propaganda about Jan 06.
Lurch and Saz in a dilemma now. Is Don on Master Bates?
Musk lifts Donald Trump’s Twitter ban
The BBC have the story now and look what they wrote:
‘Hundreds of rioters entered the complex as the US Congress attempted to certify Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. The ensuing violence led to the deaths of four civilians and a police officer.’
The TRUTH of the matter is that only one person was killed by the ensuing violence and that was an unarmed woman shot by a black policemen whose identity was kept secret.
Lying BBC scum. The words are carefully chosen to deliberately misrepresent the truth and is no different from outright lies.
I wonder if the BBC will run any open comment threads on the Twitter – DJT thing. They’d have to draft in extra moderators 🙂
The land of fruits and nuts has really outdone itself – I expect the BBC to send out a team ….
What they don’t tell you is that
a. The suicide rate for people goes up as they go through gender re-assignment surgery
b. People who have transitioned are less confident and relaxed in their own skin.
Thus the idea that transitioning somehow makes you feel better in yourself is shown to be false.
Which makes you wonder what the motives of those who advocate it actually are.
Maybe instead we should think more about those with Klinefelter syndrome, who have absolutely no choice in the matter, no publicity or advocates, and yet are numerically equivalent to those above.
I like to watch Tucker Carlson for a different view . He has a recent segment on FTX – the chrypto currency fraud operation used to finance the democrats in the run up to the midterms .
Now I don’t know what crptyo currency is – in fact I can’t spell it . But I do like to see a fraud exposed – and the character who ran the fraud – linked at the hip to the democrat regulators and media – is a classic of our time .
And I use that much abused word ‘classic ‘ by choice . He has admitted using the ‘woke agenda ‘ as a cloak for his activities …he is yet to face justice – being outside US jurisdiction .
I suspect he may get ‘epsteined ‘ ….
But the reason I raise it here is the lack of coverage for this huge fraud – apparently the biggest loss of money in one day ever – and if that is fact then the hyperbole fits .
Am I wrong ? Have I missed the news ?
Is this fraud the pre cursor to the big melt down of money so many are talking about and predicting – or is it just the fear v greed emotion …?
( btw – I note a troll has been active overnight – I’ll leave the comments up as I know it provides fun for sum )
I’d be interested to hear from anyone who understands what happened at FTX .
What exactly was the fraud? And the cause of bankruptcy.
I gather the business was a crypto currency exchange, matching buyers and sellers and taking a commission, right?
What was the sting?
Something like this:
1. Biden administration gives hundreds of billions to Ukraine (fact).
2. Zelensky regime ‘invests’ some of this money in FTX (fact).
3. Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of FTX, is second largest donor to Democrat Party, giving $5.2 million to Biden campaign in 2020 and $40 million to Democrats in 2022 Mid-term elections (fact).
Some might describe that as a money-laundering scheme…
One likely outcome is that the US authorities will use the episode to clamp down, regulate and then ban crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, prior to introducing a single, official Federal Bank-based digital currency in accordance with WEF proposals.
How did Zelensky invest in ftx?, did he buy stock in it, or use the exchange to buy crypto.
The country is under martial law, he’s the law.
Unsavoury but I guess not illegal, the money wasn’t dirty so hardly laundering.
Sam Bankman-Fried showers political parties with money, similar donations happens every day not illegal either.
Crypto looks very unregulated in USA, , so what if anything was illegal / fraudulent?
I’m not trying to be augmentative, but it’s as clear as mud to me how they went bankrupt, or conned anyone.
maxi gave me cause to use the word ‘dunce’ which I haven’t seen or heard for a long time.
I quite like it. I think I’ll use it more often in future.
“ Migrant staying at Manston processing centre dies – Home Office”
The start of when the NHS becomes an international health service ?
We do not have a Tory government . What Conservatives voted for this lot?
Time for Reform !
The Far left will be happy – they can have another go at the blue labour home secretary…..
The unelected Tory government that we have now are Remainers. They are secretly trying to nudge us back into the European Union. Hence the mass invasion.
If one didn’t know better, one might think that was the plan all along: pretend to have Brexit, ensure that it doesn’t work, then ‘reluctantly’ rejoin the EU. And look out for items on the BBC and other controlled media along the lines of “Although there may once have been a case for Brexit, the need for co-ordinated action in the fight against Climate Change means that only larger entities such as the US and EU have the necessary resources to tackle it, plus ensure an equitable outcome for the developing world”.
It is all linked.
Senior government figures are planning to put Britain on the path towards a Swiss-style relationship with the European Union.
This coincides with the drive to a ‘defence union’ (and the rest) with the EU.
In 2021 Veterans for Britain said:
“Since Lord Frost’s blunt refusal to allow defence to become entangled in the withdrawal agreement, a principal tactic of the ambitious snails has been to entice the UK into the European Defence Fund which, VfB’s analysis has concluded, would open the way for EU hooks to be inserted elsewhere into UK defence.”
Drip, drip, drip …
When does the investigation start into (I assume) the hospital in Kent which treated him. No doubt the paperwork for suing is already under way by the lefties migrant lawyers.
Just from that specifically worded headline you can deduce that his death had nothing to do with Manston – but the BBC want you to think it did.
Maybe a Petition requiring/demanding the LabCon resign?
Desperation in bbc form.
You are at work to do just that – work! If you want to watch the virtue signalling shit show take time off as holiday. Pathetic – they have had enough time off work with the pandemic nonsense.
BBC just wanted to use and normalise “are we allowed..” some more.
Which pre covid lockdowns was reserved for little children asking their parents permission.
Saw this via Steve Bray on Masterbatch, ironically.
BBC still on Twitter. Remainers still using it via proxies.
No wonder BBC ‘misinformation’ unit is in a tizz.
The media, and polls, is fascinating.
Take this.
A selected group of a selected group.
And 38% being darned near 50%, give to take.
And like Socks or Sir Boaty, all can be sorted in post.
Next, Twitter.
Oh, and please, lay off Maxine, xe likely has jet lag and an even more bruised self esteem.
There’s no problem here.
Let those who say Britain was founded on racism pay a voluntary windfall tax, in fact why don’t we call it a ‘Windrush’ tax. Let’s say an extra £5000 per year on University tuition fees which can be sent overseas.
That should concentrate their tiny minds.
There’s a lot of merit in giving taxpayers in an element of discretion in how their tax is spent. For instance, basic tax is 20p in the pound, but the tax return could include an option whereby the taxpayer could choose to pay an extra penny and specify from a short list of options where that additional tax would go on a hypothecated basis e.g. education, NHS, defence, social services, transport, environment etc.
The best response ever … You think Churchill was racist? Holy shit, wait until you hear about the guy he beat..
Laura Kuenessberg interviewing a NASA spokesman about living on the moon this decade and then onto Mars.
Going very well until she had to crowbar in a “I guess living away from Earth protects humans from the worst ravages of climate change”.
Yes Laura, living in a vacuum being bombarded by cosmic rays is much safer than the climate change ravages ffs.
…..not to mention the massive CO2 footprint of getting there in the first place.
How much does scientifically illiterate Laura get for her ‘world class’ journalism?
I don’t think a little model of a rocket in a studio assisted with computer art is likely to cause a sizeable CO2 footprint.
You’re not a Kubrick conspiracy theorist are you?
“Danny wears an Apollo 11 jumper in The Shining!”
Well, if the Rwanda option fails….
Send them to Wakanda, I hear it is very nice this time of year.
Yes, in that one statement LK clearly demonstrates what a fuckwit she really is!
Also shines a light on the general level of intelligence of her compatriots in the newsroom!
“Going very well until she had to crowbar in a ‘I guess living away from Earth protects humans from the worst ravages of climate change’.”
“Yes, in that one statement LK clearly demonstrates what a fuckwit she really is!”
What LK actually said (see how ‘Tabs’ changed a question into a statement):
“There is some discussion that by putting people out in space you could create environments where people are safely away from some of the worst ravages of climate change. Do you think space could ultimately provide a safe habitat for humans?”
This morning the inevitable cat was let out of the bag as the far left Blue Labour Tory loons announced their intention to rejoin the EU without any consultation with the electorate and completely ignoring their express instructions at the referendum.
They are doing this by claiming it’s not the full rejoining by a ‘Swiss’ style rejoining
I think most of us are now aware that the Tory party is a far Left version of the Labour party for those with money but if they do attempt to go down this route it might well be the end of a party which has become so rotten it has nowhere left to go save the graveyard.
Councils eh …
Ashfield District Council leader and five other councillors arrested
Jason Zadrozny said: “We have 100% done nothing wrong.”
I’ll wager not a single, similar worded letter will be going off to the Governments of Third World countries when the ‘Repatriation’ payments to despots for The West’s ‘creation’ of Climate Change will be made.
I keep wondering when somebody’s going to snap on some rubber gauntlets and have a rummage at Thurrock council.
I Nellie Pledge to thee, my country edition
If you don’t want to know about it – look away now – the World Cup is all over our newspaper frontpages. Plus, oddly enough, lots of news of stuff that didn’t ought to be done in front of the horses.
It’s not exactly news from, or of the World Cup – in reality it’s like more chat about the World Cup – but that’s how most of our media tends to work these days.
Whatever the weather
Of course the BBC prefers to headline the World COP: Historic deal struck to help countries worst-hit by climate change
The leftist Observer makes no bones about what’s going on here: Poor nations on brink of victory at climate talks
But moving quickly on from one corrupt globalist elite virtue-signalling supranational festival of guff that comes around way too soon after the last…
Ah, the headlines – or where the internet is concerned – the clickbait… so what’s in a headline, eh?
Our BBC demands of the masses that populate the web, almost as though it were enticement to revolt: Will you be allowed to watch the World Cup at work?
Land on the BBC news web page and you’ll see the less bolshi enquiry: Will you watch the World Cup at work? – forwards on to a Business report and you’ll see the restored man-the-barricades (so long as it stands ten yards back from where the free kick is being taken): Will you be allowed to watch the World Cup at work?
Hint, hint, you could always get your union to time one of your one day strikes to coincide with an England match.
By the way, how come Fifa hasn’t gotten around yet to re-writing the 9.15 meter rule? Watch this space…
What a gay day – was a catchphrase from popular 70s TV entertainer Larry Grayson. You remember the 1970s – when gays weren’t properly represented on TV
And what a gay day indeed it is in the popular press. The Sun on Sunday goes with: Boy George quit threat
Boy George – we did enjoy his 1980s pop. You remember the 1980s – when gays weren’t…
Gulf buggers ban?
I’m oddly reminded here of Hylda Baker in the part of Nellie Pledge from archaic TV sitcom Nearest and Dearest and her habitual exclamation on meeting Gilbert the evidently gay character: “And what have you come as today?”
Boy George threatened to quit I’m a celebrity in an explosive rant at crew after they refused him a ride in a golf buggy. The singer, 61, stormed off, stole an apple, then hid behind trees so he could not be filmed (Sun)
Some of those bush tucker trials can be punishing and humiliating for the celebs. Still, at least they don’t handcuff them to a wall and bash them with a metal chain
Seems Fifa’s smiling baldy goblin-like boss Gianni Infantino has misspoke: FIFA boss defends Qatar over human rights record and brands West ‘racist’ (Sunday Express)
Do you get the impression the epithet ‘racist’ has now degenerated into no more than a reflexive meaningless catch-all term of disapproval?
Welcome to Qatar’s grand festival of bonkers – says the Sunday Times – I feel as though this loss of a sense of reality these days is not confined to the wealthy gulf micro state. By the way, the formerly patriotic Sunday Times is cock-a-hoop about the next step in reversing Brexit: Britain mulls Swiss-style ties with Brussels
MPs blast ‘idiotic’ rant and say he’s lost the plot on the eve of the big kick-off (Express) – not manlet Rishi flashing our cash in his kinky boots on the ground in Ukraine – this again refers to the Fifa gnome spouting tosh
Speaking of miss speaking – a couple more classics from Nellie Pledge: “I can say that without fear of contraception” and “You haven’t had the pleasure of me yet, have you?”
Our press are gushing over gay icon: Adele’s triumphant return to Vegas. Five star review page 3 (Express); Diva Las Vegas Adele on stage in US (Sunday Mirror); A ‘scared and happy’ Adele battles nerves for first night of her long-awaited residency at Caesars Palace (Observer); Hail Adele, queen of Las Vegas (Telegraph);
There’s been a sharp decline in record sales across the board, but Adele has managed to circumvent the crisis, astonishingly, two of her albums have sold over 20 million copies (Far Out Magazine) – 20 million copies, and I’d venture very few of them sold to straight men.
Of course football fans have from seemingly time immemorial required their: Free World Cup wallchart – even in the Observer of all places.
Jumpers for goalposts, boys… and we can paper on crayon our rainbow armbands to be just like Harry Kane.
Now it appears rainbow armbands are de rigueur for the football enthusiast: Gareth’s rainbow bust-up… Harry Kane has defied a bid by World Cup chiefs to stop him wearing a rainbow armband. See pages 8 & 9 (Sun)
This outrage isn’t confined to the tabloids: Outrage at Fifa boss after he slams West and says he feels African, gay and disabled (Sunday Telegraph) – he’s picked up a touch of the Gary Linekers there: Gary Lineker says he has suffered racist abuse during his childhood and football career as a result of his “darkish skin” (Talk TV)
the bbc have waited twenty-odd years for a new stephen lawrence. Well they have him now, so expect wall-to-wall forever. He was only two but at least they haven’t had to crop the black power salute out of his photograph. I’ve heard nothing about the parents facing charges for child neglect at the very least. It’ll be a nice and long-lasting little earner for them, and maybe even a peerage in a few years. Meanwhile, in any p4ki community with a supply of pretty white girls in any small town….
There is always Pret, lovey, if you can get served.
Tough! Next?
Drag queen story time needs armed AntiFa to protect it?
Am I alone in thinking that the armed guards should’ve blinged up rather than those plainjane balaclavas and dark camo combat kit?
Not a good experience?
When Gary Lineker comes around to each flap opening in his free time to explain why he will be leaving Twitter. Allegedly.
Any minute now .
Project get Britain into the EU .
World at One about how bad things are “due to Brexit “ with that old has been reborn a BBC favourite Lord Deben .
Undermining our democracy. We never got our full independence.
Time to unite UKIP, The Reform and The Reclaim parties .
Get Farage !
He said he would “hold their feet to the fire”.
Looks like the #prasnews cretins on the weekend shift did not check enough.
Showing my age – but don’t you think it’s a weird world when BBC news is reporting that a former ( and proper ) US President being ‘allowed back onto twitter ‘ is number 3 in the running order .
Nice to know my vote counted …..
And a twisted world when freedom to comment is denied – even if ordinary punters can’t do much about what is happening in the world …
Speaking of which – isn’t reassuring that the loon so called Tory climate fanatic at the COp crap is upset that there wasn’t the agreement the green fascists wanted …?
Burn that carbon – make that CO2…
PPS – how much will Qatar bribe the officials / opposition team to get a ‘win’?
I don’t think you will see this on the BBC……………….
INHO It’s the EU and the present government’s way of punishing us for having the audacity to vote for BREXIT become independent once more.
Next, this “Tory” government will go for re-joining The European and catch the UK voting population unawares and call a snap election – The plan all along?
“Intel Slava Z Telegram
🇺🇦🇷🇺⚡The Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at the special building No. 2 at the Zaporizhzhya NPP, where fresh nuclear fuel is stored, hits were also recorded in the area of the dry storage site for spent nuclear fuel (DSNF), Renat Karchaa, adviser to the general director of the Rosenergoatom concern, told TASS”
BBC don’t care anymore, not even trotting out their usual
-each side blames the other.
Oh I dunno…. just out for Sunday errands and R4 giving it the full “each side blames the other BS” on shelling the Zaporizhzhya reactor site.
-followed by the The Coming Storm with Gabriel Gatehouse (should be shitehouse) – I listened out of curiosity and was rewarded with quite the most mendacious parade of utter BS I’ve sat through in quite a while.
As somebody who’s followed the trajectory of Hunter’s laptop in more that casual detail (and even downloaded some) – the wilfully skewed and predictably selective tale was a classic of the putrid Democrat shill genre. Orange man bad nothing to see here, believe the FBI, QAnon nutters and the entire DNC / swamp playbook slavishly paraded by an overwrought posturing dimwit.
They’ve even got a special with the dungfly Louis Theroux later in the week.
Oh, oh
The story has been doing the rounds for quite a long time. Here is an alternative version.
Oh no, a fact check. Wonder who fact checks the fact checkers
BBC’s World Cup coverage has just started. Opening monologue, Lineker is already in danger of falling off his high horse.
For people who complain about the technical problems on GB News, the Beeb presenters need some soft furnishings in their little mini studio, the sound is barkingly harsh.
BTW, if our objections are human rights, women’s rights, LGBT rights, is the “I” word – the root of all these things – ever going to be mentioned?
What happened to the days when the footy would just have heated discussions about what goalie to choose ? The BBC programme has been on for half an hour and footy hasn’t been mentioned yet – I bet there’s a load switching off by now …
You’re absolutely right – I switched over to watch the end of Flight of the Phoenix.
For anyone watching the footy – ‘sink the bismark ‘ is on one of the free stations – spoiler alert – it doesn’t turn out well for one of the sides ….
..was kenny more better in this one of the one where he played a disabled spitfire pilot ?
Apparently Kenny’s portrayal of Bader didn’t resemble the real man? I remember seeing them together in the Wings Appeal advert whenever I went to the pictures as a kid. ATC cadets took all my spare change. . .
Imagine facing the Bismarck in the North Atlantic in a Swordfish biplane. . . Brrrr.
Is this what they call banter on Twitter?
ahhh…. that might explain a bit….
TWoTWeeee Watch #1 – the BBC campaign goes up a gear ….
… to get us back into the EU. Framing Today were at it early this morning and Jonny Dymond didn’t mince his words or mangle his phrasing on TWoTWeeee. Mind you he had help from helpful Dharshini David and before she gave an opinion there was a helpful Leave voter from 2016 who would go back into the EU given a chance.
May it never happen.
pug, to get back into membership of the EU – unless the EU changes the rules which would not surprise me – it will be necessary for the British people to give up £sterling and adopt the Euro. I could see a bit of a fuss coming over that.
I think the chap on the right is the Qatari goalkeeper …. It looks like the bribes will be going to the ‘VAR 7’ ….