Watching Strike, the first thing I have watched on BBC tv for ages apart from the odd news bulletin.
I used to be very against J K Rowling because of her support for the Labour Party. However as the woke mob are against her, I am prepared to watch things she had written.
Early nomination for “Lefty Hypocrite Of The Week”
That Jeremy Clarkson can write things like that, and publish them unashamed, tells us all we need to know about the way Rupert Murdoch has poisoned and rotted our public life.
Second entrant for Hatey Lefty of the week
Dom Joly
See how he calls Clarkson a man who is HATEY towards women
Literally gobsmacked at the utterly vile and disgusting comments written about Meghan Markle by Jeremy Clarkson in the Sun. What an utter piece of trash he is…what is it with these type of men that triggers them so?
Princess Nikki Campbell led a left wing circle jerk “discussion” about this joke this morning. They cannot believe Clarkson has not been cancelled. The left don’t do jokes.
… it’s called ‘freedom of speech’. Wonderful feed for the wokerati who may wish to apologise for their vitriol once they read that it was a Game of Thrones – based joke. Fat chance that, but hey, we can still laugh at the sad Harry …
“Twitter Files bombshell as emails show even chief censor feared the FBI was breaking the law helping US intelligence engage in domestic operations: Yoel Roth was ‘uncomfortable’ being grilled over ‘state propaganda’ on the app
The most recent edition of the ‘Twitter Files’ reveals that FBI officials demanded execs for the social media giant to give them information
Journalist Matt Taibbi posted emails showing the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force wanted info about state-run media’s use of the site
The agency was unsatisfied with the idea that it ‘had not observed much recent activity from official propaganda actors’
Even Yoel Roth, the former ‘Twitter censor’ who was forced to flee, was uncomfortable with the FBI agent Elvis Chan’s requests”
“The latest EU scandal shows it’s sentimental hogwash to say only Right-wing MPs are corrupted by greed
The busting open of a cash-for-votes scam at the highest levels of the European Parliament is a triumph for the Belgian intelligence services: Hercule Poirot might have twirled his moustache in patriotic admiration.
Unsurprisingly, many in this country have said that the extent of the corruption, involving suitcases containing about 1.5 million euros in banknotes, illustrates what a venal institution is the assembly that gravitates, at astonishing public expense, between Brussels and Strasbourg.
But within that institution, another point is being made — at least by members of the Centre-Right faction in the parliament. They have pointed out that all of those arrested for allegedly taking bribes from Qatar — as that Gulf state sought to win votes allowing its people and businesses greater access to the EU — are members or former members of the Socialists and Democrats group in the assembly.
The most senior of them is Eva Kaili, who has now been ousted as a vice-president of the EU parliament. But the kingpin, according to the investigators, is an Italian trade union boss turned Socialist MEP, Pier Antonio Panzeri.”
“Hotel owner nicknamed ‘Goldfinger’ rakes in £60,000 a month putting up migrants.
Abid Gulzar, 78, can house up to 100 migrants in his Eastbourne country house. He is set to make over £700,000 of taxpayers’ money a year housing migrants. The huge cost to the public purse has sparked some controversy”
I’ve read that lots of ‘developers’ who are not exactly called John Smith, but are more Mo and Ali, are buying up delapidated B & Bs for the sole purpose of making money to house migrants. Wherever there is a fast buck to be made or scamming the public purse (Moneybags Mone aside) then its always alien nationals who may speak in broken English but know every trick in the sodding book.
I thought it was the World Economic Forum hotline that tells them what to publish and what to hide, and a dedicated intern to rummage through the skip at the back of the socialist worker party HQ and not forgetting traitorous libtard civil serveants.
Rising anti semitism in British schools …. Cause? ‘Neo nazis ‘ and ‘events in the Middle East ‘….. another new code – on the ‘mostly peaceful ‘riot ….
The BBC is – of course in no way anti semitic . I wonder what the balance of Muslim talking heads to Jewish talking heads on BBC programmes –
As the Muslims breed and set up their own ( unregulated ) education systems the anti Jewish – anti Israel attitude it only going to grow …..
Not one for the BBC though ….
— Sally-Anna King – Misinformation reporter (@sallyanna25) December 18, 2022
Compelled funding for an entity mostly obsessed with a PR addicted couple and social media owner in America, one positively, the other negative, seems demmed strange.
Twitter has made the headlines ever since Elon Musk took over the social media platform. He has faced criticism after taking up the position of chief executive officer, and now the technology tycoon is putting his future to a public vote. He’s tweeted: “Should I step down as head… I will abide by the results…” The poll has been put to his 122 million followers, and comes as Twitter says it will shut down accounts solely designed to promote other social media platforms. Take a look at what’s going on here.
Timmeh! is of course, exempted from such a question.
I presume he planned to do this anyway and let someone else who the BBC do not hate so much be the frontman while he directs things from the background. The Left have been in an absolute frenzy of hate and hypocrisy ever since he took over.
Doing it like this gives him the moral high-ground.
But the main point for me is how the fascist Left have got rid of someone else.
The poll is 57% for step down
with 3 hours to go
15 million voted.
It’s one way of getting the bot accounts to show themselves
So he could void the vote, or just put his lacky in charge and claim he’s stepped down himself.
And the bbc is helping. They do polls too, only keep them ‘in house’, FOI exempted, usually a lot fewer responses, for a global media entity. Like a 1,000. Easier to ‘manage’.
They are thicker than a bat guano vegan burger on a sustainably sourced 2 short plank platter with a side order of rocks in a box.
Sorry about the audio I can't get it any clearer, But this interview is great, The interviewer won't let Drakeford spread the Labour lies that it's Westminster and that Wales have their own devolved taxation! 👏👏👏
‘The new rules, dubbed Martyn’s Law, will cover all of the UK and require venues and local authorities to have preventative action plans against terror attacks, the government said.’
Quite amazing that such an article can talk about terrorist attacks and the terrorist threat without once going anywhere near naming those who have done it.
The REAL issue here is why we need this law in the first place. But they don’t go anywhere near it.
You can be 100% sure the far-Right would have been named if the threat was from them.
It’s this kind of double-standard and hypocrisy from the BBC which renders any article they write which involves their woke agenda to be so deliberately misleading about the truth, they are basically lies.
Doesn’t provide for security guards too afraid to challenge dodgy pakis because they are too afraid of a racism accusation does it ? ( see Manchester )
Gallant emergency services getting kebabs or hiding because it’s too dangerous ( see Manchester ) …
Not only picking on White but also female this time
We know employing people by the colour of the skin isn’t the answer to the right person for the job
The guy is from Ghana, didn’t really see black teachers when growing up. I’m wondering what the statistics are for White teachers in Ghana – surely this needs to be looked at and reported by the racist bBC
“I have friends who are from ethnic minority backgrounds who’d like to be teachers – but the lack of representation is putting them off” ?? Just apply for jobs then!
Given Dave is now BBC, and the bbc likely moving from Twitter to Tik Tok for news, surprised he did not find most have pink hair, nose rings and are certifiable. Plus possibly female at some stage.
” Young Reporter” Black student ” why don’t more
teachers look like me” The answer son is that only 3%
of the folk in the UK are black. I know you wouldn’t believe
it from BBC internet imaging and advertising on TV.
And quite a few of your contemporaries would sooner
become drug dealers , than teachers.
Certainly the photo above suggests the boost has been 100% effective in ignoring the majority of the young population. Maybe they could all try and push in the door of W1A at once?
As David (isn’t that a culturally appropriated name? Do have a word with the race grifter from Willesden in a funny outfit…) says: “I’m 14, and have moved around a bit”. Thing is, David, not many teachers are 14 year old boys so, bottom line, you won’t find many teachers who look like you, regardless of colour.
But this piece of racist shit stirring important BBC journalism is doubly misleading. It starts off by stating ‘Statistics show that teaching as a profession is overwhelmingly white and female’. This is correct, but then talks exclusively about the former. Why not the latter? I have worked in primary schools and around 85% of primary teachers are female. Many schools have only one male teacher, and in some the only male person that a pupil might encounter is the janitor (or a pervert brought in for ‘Drag Queen Story time). In one school I was familiar with, all the staff were female. The local education authority advised the headmistress that she needed to recruit some male teachers. “Over my dead body!” was her response. Given that many children grow up without a positive male role in their lives, and that this is a problem which has severe consequences in, but not exclusive to, so-called vibrant diverse communities, this would seem a far more important area to address.
Brissles- I think there is one already “Gettys” They do most of
the photo imaging for the BBC website on public interest issues.
Such as cost of living. Mortgages, Utilities,Supermarket prices etc
They only use black models,at least for the BBC.
It wouldn’t be surprised if Barclays Bank use them as well
for their advertising. Unless Barclays have been taken over by
the Bank of Jamaica.
Just been checking out what’s going on with the huge EU corruption story.
Putting ‘EU corruption’ into google brings up many recent articles of important topics such as Qatar threatening to cut off EU gas.
However the search ‘EU corruption BBC’ shows they covered it in 2 articles when it happened a week ago and have now dropped it completely.
Absolutely standard for the BBC. They refuse to report on anything negative about the EU because of their ongoing campaign to get us to rejoin. I am aware that we are not informed about any of the issues over there such as strikes, their economies or their immigrant problems.
It’s outrageous bias – but the same outrageous bias we have seen for years now and it’s clear everyone who is supposed to be the check-and-balance (ie MP’s and OFCOM) are happy with it.
If you want to reply to this tweet with criticism, go ahead, but please be sure to include the tweet where you criticized censorship during Covid. Yeah, didn’t think so.
Stella should Definately concentrate on her favourite cause of getting more unborn babies killed whilst she flaps about breast feeding in the commons …
On my PC that tweet is blank with a “sensitive content” warning
When I open it all it says is
Stella Creasy: ‘JK Rowling is wrong – a woman can have a penis’
‘Sometimes you have to break cover and be controversial,’
says the MP for Walthamstow and passionate campaigner for women and mothers
Honest to God if my Mum and Dad, and grandparents could come back to this planet, they must wonder what the hell is going on ! My Dad was a tough miner in his youth, and I can only imagine his juicy language at the very idea of this trans-gender idealogy. The whole debate is just insane ! His views on same-sex marriage would have been a bit choice too. In his world he didn’t come across too many gays, so he was a bit “Alf Garnet” – who is vilified now, but realistically had the opinions of most people at the time.
TOADY Watch #1 – well, that is quite an admission on air
JustRemainIn Webb was interviewing Christina McAnea about the forthcoming ambulance strike. Justin asked the very reasonable question about the huge amounts of extra money the Conservative Government had put into the NHS and the success of the Conservative Government in recruiting more Doctors and Nurses to the NHS to which Christina McAnea replied: “The last three strikes have been while a Conservative Government is in power.” or words to that effect.
Which confirms us what some have suspected all along, these strikes are political, they are not about the so-called ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ largely stoked by the media, especially the BBC, on the convenience of the back of the Pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine War. The strikes are out to remove a democratically elected Government before it is time for a General Election.
Up2 – I’m sure I heard her saying ‘the Tory government has done nothing for the NHS ‘ – which even our Justin mentioned ‘billions of pounds ‘….
… I know it’s blue labour – but the tories are in a lose lose with the NHS – whatever they do it’s ‘loser’… so why they don’t just take it on – once and for all is beyond me … but it’s too late for them now …
….. and in 5 years time diversity managers will outnumber the medical mafia ….
Prof Ashok Kumar can’t answer the question
so he shouts back another question
(American accent)
As nurses and ambulance drivers are set to strike, Dr David Bull asks political economy professor Ashok Kumar if he "is happy with letting elderly people die".
The radio item said the Dutch activists don’t want the apology to be today they want it to be in June (July ?)
for the 160th anniversary of emancipation
Fact Check
“The British government formally abolished slavery in its colonies with passage of the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833. The legislation went into effect in August 1834 ”
“The Netherlands abolished slavery in stages, first in the directly governed parts of the Dutch East Indies with effect from 1 January 1860
then in Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles on July 1, 1863 (Emancipation Act). On that day, about 35,000 slaves in Suriname and 12,000 slaves on the Dutch islands in the Caribbean were given their freedom.”
The new left-wing Union tactic of refusing to allow working members a view on strike action e.g. Mr Lynch and Ms Cullen needs challenging in the courts.
There is absolutely no doubt that what is happening is a cross-union left-wing plot to try to unseat the Government even if this means deaths, loss and casualties for the public.
Scrutiny of the law on striking needs to be made and any flagrant mis-use of their position by union bigwigs should be subject to legal action and punishment.
Now on R4
Presenter Helen Lewis “Russel Brand broadcasts views that you certainly don’t hear on the BBC !”
She says that are if she is sure that is the correct BBC policy
Now they are just starting against Jordan Peterson
“Who holds these gurus to account ?”
The prog is using the BBC plinky plonk brainwashing background music
It’s a dead giveaway that she starts with Brand’s flawed past
Lefties could do the same with almost anyone
but they don’t do that to fellow lefties.
On Sunday I switched on the radio and it was like Lefty Student Radio
It was the newspaper panel : Helen Lewis, Bettany Hughes, Paul Nurse on “Broadcasting House”
“Every weekday, the former independent girls school pupil, English graduate and wife of a Guardian journalist broadcasts live from her studio in W1A, pumping out audio asking if Covid restrictions were harsh enough, wondering whether the cracks in her geopolitical knowledge will ever be noticed, and interviewing a host of pseudoscientific guests with fudged data on everything from climate to medicine…”
Helen Lewis-Hasteley is a real name
she hides the fact that she worked in the Daily Mail from 2004 to 2010
And only re-invented herself as a lefty feminist journo in 2010
“Elon Musk was pictured with Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner watching the World Cup final in Qatar on Sunday
Dan Ives, senior equity analyst at Wedbush Securities, told the BBC before the” – definitely a reason the likes of the bBC wouldn’t like Elon Musk
I don’t watch it myself, but apparently Coronation St has been running a plotline about a far-right campaign against refugees.
**Spoiler alert** Now it seems to have jumped up a notch — someone wants to rebrand the Christmas market a “Peace Market” to make it more inclusive… it’s not gone down too well with the far-far right and there’s a plot to bomb it.
Because if there’s one thing the last 15 years of European crime stats has shown, when a Christmas market is attacked it’s always those far-far-far-right extremists behind it.
I’m guessing Labour front group Hatey Not Hopey are involved in consreucting such storylines.
Far-right extremists Neil and Aaron plan to bomb the Mosque in EastEnders. Let's work together to reduce hate. Support Exit UK. via @MetroUK
So, Can Christians Bring Their Bibles Into Saudi Arabia?
Today, Christians are permitted to bring bibles into Saudi Arabia without fearing confiscation as long as they are for personal use and not for distribution. However, public worship, preaching Christianity, and evangelistic activities promoting any other religion other than Islam are strictly prohibited.
Western Isles’ first mosque proves hit with tourists as hundreds flock to Stornoway temple
People have travelled from ‘all over the world’ to visit the place of worship since it opened its doors back in May.
My research reveals that “Griff Reynolds” is the name of this extremist character. An echo of Nick Griffin’s surname, perhaps? Maybe just a coincidence … unless they introduce another Far-Right colleague called something like Neil Farridge or Robbie Tomminson.
Wokes, race baiting shit stirrers and libtards on a roll today, the far left AOL News revelling in the fact that the IPSO have received 6000 complaints about Clarksons article about Nutmeg
All babging on about unacceptable comments about wimmin
So what when you think what some vicious bitches have said about various Tory politicians, Trump and of course fat Brand and her battery acid comments allowed
By the alls fair ?
Nope it seems not, Brande was “only joking” claims the bbc so thats OK then but never ever for Clarkson is that defence allowed by the far left
First story. Judges rule the Rwanda asylum policy is legal.
The photo shows a group demonstrating against the judgement.
They have placards. They come from the Public and Commercial Services Union.
Hang on. Aren’t their members the very ones who give rulings on asylum cases? More generally , what other conflicts of interest may occur between civil servants, the policy of their union, and the policy of government?
No wonder our immigration system is in total chaos with so few failed economic migrants sent back if those that manage it are viscerally opposed to it,
A major factor the impartial BBC seems not to have noticed.
🔊CONFIRMED: Episode 1 of the @bbc5live podcast investigating Shamima Begum’s story will be available on @BBCSounds and @BBCRadio4 on Wednesday 11th January.
Prayer For the Day speaker @RevRachelMann tweets My latest @BBCRadio4 #PrayerForTheDay,
a reflection on learning and change,
bringing in memorising Paradise Lost,
as well as cherishing non-binary people. @BBCSounds
Stew- even at 0543 the message has to be pushed . I heard it – but the off switch came in useful .., even that little event has a mentally screwed up pervert on it .. god help us
Sunday A Point Of View ..gaslighting us
by saying “Snow will only be seen on Christmas cards”
claiming snow used to come EVERY year
and now doesn’t
That’s false there always years where there was hardly ever any snow ..and then years when it was on the ground for a month
As meteorologists tell us that the chance of snow is decreasing year on year, Sara Wheeler reflects on a future where younger generations may never get to experience snow – and what that means for a season so ingrained in our lives and culture.
‘Winter is deeply embedded in the English language – the white stuff of metaphor’, she writes.
‘But if climate change blanches the seasons, one wonders what the as yet unborn writers will reach for when they try to put the unsayable into words.’
This old chestnut has been doing the rounds for more than 20 years now. On March 20th 2000, the discredited ‘Independent’ newspaper carried an article titled “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past”. This quoted a so-called expert (sic) at the Climate Research Fantasy Unit at the bogus University of East Anglia.
Note: if you follow this link it will take a good minute for the original article to appear as it is an archive site.
“. . . how much longer we’ll experience snowy winters.”
They will never stop banging on about this stuff, in defiance of reality.
I just checked the dates and it seems yesterday was the 13th anniversary of the last broadcast of Wake Up To Wogan. The man himself left us in 2016.
Mentioning this as I remember on one of his programmes, long before he went into semi-retirement, Wogan was laughing at the climate catastrophists, “They said we’d only be able to grow cactus in our gardens by now!”
“If climate change blanches the seasons” – blanches? The season may not have been blanched, but our landscape here certainly has been lately, but hard frost, then snow, and well before Christmas.
Lots of press coverage of the Strictly Come Dancing result and the suggested careful manipulation by BBC executives to get a defined ‘up and coming BBC D-list ‘celebrity’’ into the winners enclosure.
This time round, with echoes of Bob Dylan, the fat BAME who the judges scored last came first. How about that? Apparently he’s been top on social media for several weeks.
They could save themselves a pile of time and money if they cancel the dancing altogether and just focus solely on the PR.
Old joke time, A baby polar bear is shivering and asks his mother” AM I really a polar bear” his mother says yes you are, you’re white and you live in the Arctic, baby bear says are you sure? Again his mother says yes, he asks, why am I so fekking cold then?
Seemed… ‘daring’ to assume a GoT quote would be grasped by the offenderati, but dissing Nags on top is deffo a good call.
Doubtless the DE weasels calling her PR for a counter. And the ratings spiral up as common sense spirals hellwards from the gold plated sewers these clowns inhabit.
“Gabrielle Hutchinson, 23, died in hospital early on Monday, the Met said.
She was working as one of the contracted security providers for the event that evening.”
So basically they all turned up en-mass without tickets and decided to just push forward and force their way into the gig. Not just a few – all of them. The only thing they cared about was taking what they wanted.
If that’s not a clear sign of just how broken a certain section of our society is, I don’t know what is. But as they say, before you can ever start to solve your problems, you have to admit to yourself what they are. And the BBC think their multicultural agenda is more important so they will never do that. It doesn’t matter to them how many people get killed – whether here or anywhere else in Londonistan. Their ideological ends justify the means (and the deaths).
I remember only last year when ticketless England fans (mostly young white males) tried to force their way into Wembley stadium. The MSM went berserk at this lawlessness. The response to black people doing the same thing is more questioning of security and policing than of the behaviour of the mob.
I thought that now that ( maybe ) the last european has cleared Qatar airspace ( not on one of their planes ) a little bit of ‘anti qatar ‘truth might might come out ….
… apparently it was the most trouble and crime free World Cup ever – perhaps the thought of dying without proper trial or being whipped had an effect …. Lesson for Liverpool maybe …
Seems like Jeremy Clarkson s agent / the times editor – has instructed him to row back on comments about the half caste American actress married to a former prince ….
That royal soap opera really seems to have ‘legs ‘ …. But it can’t be doing too much for ‘the firm ‘ … avoid Mercedes and underpasses methinks …
The Biased Broadcasting Corporation have been fairly quiet about recent seismic events at Twitter and what has been revealed about the extraordinary bias and corruption there and in Big Tech in general, exposing the collusion and election interference of Big Tech, the msm, the Democrat Party, and various politicised government agencies such as the FBI, the Justice Department, even the IRS. (Thank you Obama and Biden.)
But suddenly the BBC are interested enough to post on their Home Page the fact that “Twitter users vote in favour of boss resigning”. NOW they’re interested – nay, positively salivating.
Musk has replaced Trump as the number one hate figure for the left (BBC). The Left have been squealing like pigs and howling like banshees ever since he took over. His crime? Bringing back a bit of free speech, and holding the liberals to the same standards as everyone else, after they’ve been given preferential treatment for years.
PS. The ‘liberals’ are not liberal, just as the progressives are not progressive and the Democrats are not democratic. See Orwell and the corruption of language.
In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it.
Before encouraging trans freaks to Whitehall, the government might like to learn a lesson from Washington, where Imbecilic Biden put this creature in charge of nuclear waste. Looks serious and reliable, right? A safe pair of hands for nuclear stuff.
After just a few months, the pervert was accused of stealing women’s luggage at airports (twice!?) and had to be sacked.
A sentiment that does extra duty if used to criticise the BBC – “they” want all the traffic one way – apart from the money…
We should be the ones knowing everything about the government, not the other way around. We are private citizens, they are public servants. We pay them in the form of (insanely high) taxes, yet they treat us like potential criminals who need to be monitored 24/7. Why accept that?
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
Watching Strike, the first thing I have watched on BBC tv for ages apart from the odd news bulletin.
I used to be very against J K Rowling because of her support for the Labour Party. However as the woke mob are against her, I am prepared to watch things she had written.
Good morning Deborah
I’m the same, if the bBC is anti (previously Auntie), its usually a good advertisement to watch 🙂
I agree. Strike is quite a good watch. Weirdly, although set in London, no Bames are shoehorned into the plot!
Early nomination for “Lefty Hypocrite Of The Week”
old tweet

The fact that Clarkson was using satire based on a scene from Game Of Throne went over the lefties heads
Second entrant for Hatey Lefty of the week
Dom Joly
See how he calls Clarkson a man who is HATEY towards women
Yet just last week Joly was HATE-ily photoshopping women’s faces
Absolutely love his description of ‘Harold Markle’.
And most else he has written on this topic, actually.
Princess Nikki Campbell led a left wing circle jerk “discussion” about this joke this morning. They cannot believe Clarkson has not been cancelled. The left don’t do jokes.
… it’s called ‘freedom of speech’. Wonderful feed for the wokerati who may wish to apologise for their vitriol once they read that it was a Game of Thrones – based joke. Fat chance that, but hey, we can still laugh at the sad Harry …
How come ?
On Wikipedia it says Boris Becker was IMMEDIATELY deported on his release from jail .
Because we are no longer in the EU
I hope Musk just deletes Twitter!
Teach the wokes a lesson
As he’s appears to losing the poll vote if he should stand down as it’s head or not.
Decisions decisions….
This should be front page news everywhere:
US Democrats on a par with China and North Korea:
“Twitter Files bombshell as emails show even chief censor feared the FBI was breaking the law helping US intelligence engage in domestic operations: Yoel Roth was ‘uncomfortable’ being grilled over ‘state propaganda’ on the app
The most recent edition of the ‘Twitter Files’ reveals that FBI officials demanded execs for the social media giant to give them information
Journalist Matt Taibbi posted emails showing the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force wanted info about state-run media’s use of the site
The agency was unsatisfied with the idea that it ‘had not observed much recent activity from official propaganda actors’
Even Yoel Roth, the former ‘Twitter censor’ who was forced to flee, was uncomfortable with the FBI agent Elvis Chan’s requests”
“The latest EU scandal shows it’s sentimental hogwash to say only Right-wing MPs are corrupted by greed
The busting open of a cash-for-votes scam at the highest levels of the European Parliament is a triumph for the Belgian intelligence services: Hercule Poirot might have twirled his moustache in patriotic admiration.
Unsurprisingly, many in this country have said that the extent of the corruption, involving suitcases containing about 1.5 million euros in banknotes, illustrates what a venal institution is the assembly that gravitates, at astonishing public expense, between Brussels and Strasbourg.
But within that institution, another point is being made — at least by members of the Centre-Right faction in the parliament. They have pointed out that all of those arrested for allegedly taking bribes from Qatar — as that Gulf state sought to win votes allowing its people and businesses greater access to the EU — are members or former members of the Socialists and Democrats group in the assembly.
The most senior of them is Eva Kaili, who has now been ousted as a vice-president of the EU parliament. But the kingpin, according to the investigators, is an Italian trade union boss turned Socialist MEP, Pier Antonio Panzeri.”
“Hotel owner nicknamed ‘Goldfinger’ rakes in £60,000 a month putting up migrants.
Abid Gulzar, 78, can house up to 100 migrants in his Eastbourne country house. He is set to make over £700,000 of taxpayers’ money a year housing migrants. The huge cost to the public purse has sparked some controversy”
I’ve read that lots of ‘developers’ who are not exactly called John Smith, but are more Mo and Ali, are buying up delapidated B & Bs for the sole purpose of making money to house migrants. Wherever there is a fast buck to be made or scamming the public purse (Moneybags Mone aside) then its always alien nationals who may speak in broken English but know every trick in the sodding book.
£20 a day per immigrant?
Daily twitter “news” brought to you by the bBC
Why does the bBC need to inform us every day of the progress of twitter
Maybe the bBC would be worried if something happens to twitter; as to where it would gets its news from
I thought it was the World Economic Forum hotline that tells them what to publish and what to hide, and a dedicated intern to rummage through the skip at the back of the socialist worker party HQ and not forgetting traitorous libtard civil serveants.
BBC News – anti semitism .
Rising anti semitism in British schools …. Cause? ‘Neo nazis ‘ and ‘events in the Middle East ‘….. another new code – on the ‘mostly peaceful ‘riot ….
The BBC is – of course in no way anti semitic . I wonder what the balance of Muslim talking heads to Jewish talking heads on BBC programmes –
As the Muslims breed and set up their own ( unregulated ) education systems the anti Jewish – anti Israel attitude it only going to grow …..
Not one for the BBC though ….
“Mostly bent”
Compelled funding for an entity mostly obsessed with a PR addicted couple and social media owner in America, one positively, the other negative, seems demmed strange.
Today’s BBC Musk Emole
Should Musk step down from Twitter?
Twitter has made the headlines ever since Elon Musk took over the social media platform. He has faced criticism after taking up the position of chief executive officer, and now the technology tycoon is putting his future to a public vote. He’s tweeted: “Should I step down as head… I will abide by the results…” The poll has been put to his 122 million followers, and comes as Twitter says it will shut down accounts solely designed to promote other social media platforms. Take a look at what’s going on here.
Timmeh! is of course, exempted from such a question.
Max busy still?
As Sleepy says… ‘never set a vote you can’t rig’.
Maybe Musk is bored now.
I presume he planned to do this anyway and let someone else who the BBC do not hate so much be the frontman while he directs things from the background. The Left have been in an absolute frenzy of hate and hypocrisy ever since he took over.
Doing it like this gives him the moral high-ground.
But the main point for me is how the fascist Left have got rid of someone else.
The poll is 57% for step down
with 3 hours to go
15 million voted.
It’s one way of getting the bot accounts to show themselves
So he could void the vote, or just put his lacky in charge and claim he’s stepped down himself.
Looks like heads he wins, tails he wins.
And the bbc is helping. They do polls too, only keep them ‘in house’, FOI exempted, usually a lot fewer responses, for a global media entity. Like a 1,000. Easier to ‘manage’.
They are thicker than a bat guano vegan burger on a sustainably sourced 2 short plank platter with a side order of rocks in a box.
I wonder if Musk is brave enough to appoint a 1st Amendment absolutist like Robert Barnes or similar …
I say Barnes because he (and David Freiheit) drafted the rules at Rumble …
The postal votes have just come in………and it turns out Musk won!
Once again the Victor Hely Hutchison carol symphony for Christmas.
Labour in a nutshell.
Labour’s pr agency in a complementary nutshell.
Now imagine how much else they get away with based on ECU attrition techniques.
#1 The BBC pushes Drakeford’s lie
#2 Once again almost all Twitter users just accept the premise that the statement is true
BTW Drakeford gas CHOSEN not to award a £200 Winter Fuel Payment in Wales..AFAiK
#3 The BBC has another Drakeford quote that contradicts the first
Manchester Arena attack: Martyn’s Law for venue security to cover all of UK
‘The new rules, dubbed Martyn’s Law, will cover all of the UK and require venues and local authorities to have preventative action plans against terror attacks, the government said.’
Quite amazing that such an article can talk about terrorist attacks and the terrorist threat without once going anywhere near naming those who have done it.
The REAL issue here is why we need this law in the first place. But they don’t go anywhere near it.
You can be 100% sure the far-Right would have been named if the threat was from them.
It’s this kind of double-standard and hypocrisy from the BBC which renders any article they write which involves their woke agenda to be so deliberately misleading about the truth, they are basically lies.
Doesn’t provide for security guards too afraid to challenge dodgy pakis because they are too afraid of a racism accusation does it ? ( see Manchester )
Gallant emergency services getting kebabs or hiding because it’s too dangerous ( see Manchester ) …
BBC Young Reporter: ‘Why don’t more teachers look like me?’
Not only picking on White but also female this time
We know employing people by the colour of the skin isn’t the answer to the right person for the job
The guy is from Ghana, didn’t really see black teachers when growing up. I’m wondering what the statistics are for White teachers in Ghana – surely this needs to be looked at and reported by the racist bBC
“I have friends who are from ethnic minority backgrounds who’d like to be teachers – but the lack of representation is putting them off” ?? Just apply for jobs then!
Given Dave is now BBC, and the bbc likely moving from Twitter to Tik Tok for news, surprised he did not find most have pink hair, nose rings and are certifiable. Plus possibly female at some stage.
Oh, and… so far… zero engagement.
Maybe fly Greta back?
Also zero.
Plus Reg… is not young. Barely still standing.
And this ‘news’…. almost as old.
Dave is so spoiled for choice with the colleagues.
BBC got some kind of holicy?
” Young Reporter” Black student ” why don’t more
teachers look like me” The answer son is that only 3%
of the folk in the UK are black. I know you wouldn’t believe
it from BBC internet imaging and advertising on TV.
And quite a few of your contemporaries would sooner
become drug dealers , than teachers.
‘Why don’t more BBC employees look like me?’
BBC’s ‘racist approach’ to diversity ignores white working class – Tory MP
This article is more than 8 years old
Director general defends plan to boost representation of black, Asian and minority ethnic people after attack from Philip Davies
Certainly the photo above suggests the boost has been 100% effective in ignoring the majority of the young population. Maybe they could all try and push in the door of W1A at once?
As David (isn’t that a culturally appropriated name? Do have a word with the race grifter from Willesden in a funny outfit…) says: “I’m 14, and have moved around a bit”. Thing is, David, not many teachers are 14 year old boys so, bottom line, you won’t find many teachers who look like you, regardless of colour.
But this piece of
racist shit stirringimportant BBC journalism is doubly misleading. It starts off by stating ‘Statistics show that teaching as a profession is overwhelmingly white and female’. This is correct, but then talks exclusively about the former. Why not the latter? I have worked in primary schools and around 85% of primary teachers are female. Many schools have only one male teacher, and in some the only male person that a pupil might encounter is the janitor (or a pervert brought in for ‘Drag Queen Story time). In one school I was familiar with, all the staff were female. The local education authority advised the headmistress that she needed to recruit some male teachers. “Over my dead body!” was her response. Given that many children grow up without a positive male role in their lives, and that this is a problem which has severe consequences in, but not exclusive to, so-called vibrant diverse communities, this would seem a far more important area to address.‘Why don’t more teachers look like me?’ There must be a word for when PR people use a child as a shield to front a political agenda they want to push.
‘Shameless scumbags’ is as concise as I can get it.
In looking around at that topic I also happened to find:
‘three-quarters of teachers were women, and there were more female than male teachers in every ethnic group’
But they don’t care about that. It’s against the agenda.
They might have more luck at a model agency specialising in tv advertising – I should think more money too !
Brissles- I think there is one already “Gettys” They do most of
the photo imaging for the BBC website on public interest issues.
Such as cost of living. Mortgages, Utilities,Supermarket prices etc
They only use black models,at least for the BBC.
It wouldn’t be surprised if Barclays Bank use them as well
for their advertising. Unless Barclays have been taken over by
the Bank of Jamaica.
… let me think … what is the proportion of white people in the UK?
Just been checking out what’s going on with the huge EU corruption story.
Putting ‘EU corruption’ into google brings up many recent articles of important topics such as Qatar threatening to cut off EU gas.
However the search ‘EU corruption BBC’ shows they covered it in 2 articles when it happened a week ago and have now dropped it completely.
Absolutely standard for the BBC. They refuse to report on anything negative about the EU because of their ongoing campaign to get us to rejoin. I am aware that we are not informed about any of the issues over there such as strikes, their economies or their immigrant problems.
It’s outrageous bias – but the same outrageous bias we have seen for years now and it’s clear everyone who is supposed to be the check-and-balance (ie MP’s and OFCOM) are happy with it.
Looking at you, Springster.
What is actually known about Dick Burgon?
Surkeer must be sweating on the bbc staying on board no matter what the benches trot out. Though here they must be dying to share too.
Of course a woman can have a penis. If she’s a married lady, her husband should supply it whenever she wants.
Stella should Definately concentrate on her favourite cause of getting more unborn babies killed whilst she flaps about breast feeding in the commons …
Or: “while she flaps her breast about”.
On my PC that tweet is blank with a “sensitive content” warning
When I open it all it says is
Stella Creasy: ‘JK Rowling is wrong – a woman can have a penis’
‘Sometimes you have to break cover and be controversial,’
says the MP for Walthamstow and passionate campaigner for women and mothers
Honest to God if my Mum and Dad, and grandparents could come back to this planet, they must wonder what the hell is going on ! My Dad was a tough miner in his youth, and I can only imagine his juicy language at the very idea of this trans-gender idealogy. The whole debate is just insane ! His views on same-sex marriage would have been a bit choice too. In his world he didn’t come across too many gays, so he was a bit “Alf Garnet” – who is vilified now, but realistically had the opinions of most people at the time.
I suspect they still are the opinions of most people.
… is correct
Censored !
Megan Markle has a penis and a pair of testicles. She keeps them in her handbag and lets Harry have them back when he’s been a good boy.
TOADY Watch #1 – well, that is quite an admission on air
JustRemainIn Webb was interviewing Christina McAnea about the forthcoming ambulance strike. Justin asked the very reasonable question about the huge amounts of extra money the Conservative Government had put into the NHS and the success of the Conservative Government in recruiting more Doctors and Nurses to the NHS to which Christina McAnea replied: “The last three strikes have been while a Conservative Government is in power.” or words to that effect.
Which confirms us what some have suspected all along, these strikes are political, they are not about the so-called ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ largely stoked by the media, especially the BBC, on the convenience of the back of the Pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine War. The strikes are out to remove a democratically elected Government before it is time for a General Election.
Up2 – I’m sure I heard her saying ‘the Tory government has done nothing for the NHS ‘ – which even our Justin mentioned ‘billions of pounds ‘….
… I know it’s blue labour – but the tories are in a lose lose with the NHS – whatever they do it’s ‘loser’… so why they don’t just take it on – once and for all is beyond me … but it’s too late for them now …
….. and in 5 years time diversity managers will outnumber the medical mafia ….
Climate crisis?
UK weather: Temperatures soar as yellow warnings for rain issued
Prof Ashok Kumar can’t answer the question
so he shouts back another question
(American accent)
His Twitter name is @Broseph_Stalin
with a Palestinian flag
Caring profession.
Netherlands slavery: Saying sorry leaves Dutch divided
Typical bBC
Who alive is responsible!
The radio item said the Dutch activists don’t want the apology to be today they want it to be in June (July ?)
for the 160th anniversary of emancipation
Fact Check
“The British government formally abolished slavery in its colonies with passage of the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833. The legislation went into effect in August 1834 ”
“The Netherlands abolished slavery in stages, first in the directly governed parts of the Dutch East Indies with effect from 1 January 1860
then in Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles on July 1, 1863 (Emancipation Act). On that day, about 35,000 slaves in Suriname and 12,000 slaves on the Dutch islands in the Caribbean were given their freedom.”
“lawful” but they can’t put the 8 on a plane straight away
Proper Tories would get the paperwork sorted and the plane taking off BEFORE the appeal.
but ..
Rwanda deportations lawful says High Court.
Australia had the balls to stick to its guns and it worked for them but slim chance our mob are made of the same metal though!
Should get the globalists up in arms, get the popcorn ready for the swarm of nasties coming over the horizon!
Tories breathe a sigh of relief as the inevitable appeal against deporting to Rwanda will put the issue on the back burner for another year.
And yet, strangely, it won’t change our opinions on their absolute lack of any action.
The decision will be appealed, then appealed again ad infinitum. This is going to cost Mr Soros a lot of money………….
The new left-wing Union tactic of refusing to allow working members a view on strike action e.g. Mr Lynch and Ms Cullen needs challenging in the courts.
There is absolutely no doubt that what is happening is a cross-union left-wing plot to try to unseat the Government even if this means deaths, loss and casualties for the public.
Scrutiny of the law on striking needs to be made and any flagrant mis-use of their position by union bigwigs should be subject to legal action and punishment.
Congratulations to the West Falklands on winning the football World Cup in Qatar.
Now on R4
Presenter Helen Lewis “Russel Brand broadcasts views that you certainly don’t hear on the BBC !”
She says that are if she is sure that is the correct BBC policy
Now they are just starting against Jordan Peterson
“Who holds these gurus to account ?”
The prog is using the BBC plinky plonk brainwashing background music
Here Helen plugs her prog in The Times
It’s a dead giveaway that she starts with Brand’s flawed past
Lefties could do the same with almost anyone
but they don’t do that to fellow lefties.
On Sunday I switched on the radio and it was like Lefty Student Radio
It was the newspaper panel : Helen Lewis, Bettany Hughes, Paul Nurse on “Broadcasting House”
She went easy on him; could have mentioned he went gay dogging in a public toilet.
“Every weekday, the former independent girls school pupil, English graduate and wife of a Guardian journalist broadcasts live from her studio in W1A, pumping out audio asking if Covid restrictions were harsh enough, wondering whether the cracks in her geopolitical knowledge will ever be noticed, and interviewing a host of pseudoscientific guests with fudged data on everything from climate to medicine…”
Helen Lewis-Hasteley is a real name
she hides the fact that she worked in the Daily Mail from 2004 to 2010
And only re-invented herself as a lefty feminist journo in 2010
Jordanian police die in shootout with commander’s suspected killer
Its the religion of peace, again
Elon Musk: Twitter users vote in favour of boss resigning
More “news” of twitter
“Elon Musk was pictured with Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner watching the World Cup final in Qatar on Sunday
Dan Ives, senior equity analyst at Wedbush Securities, told the BBC before the” – definitely a reason the likes of the bBC wouldn’t like Elon Musk
I don’t watch it myself, but apparently Coronation St has been running a plotline about a far-right campaign against refugees.
**Spoiler alert** Now it seems to have jumped up a notch — someone wants to rebrand the Christmas market a “Peace Market” to make it more inclusive… it’s not gone down too well with the far-far right and there’s a plot to bomb it.
Because if there’s one thing the last 15 years of European crime stats has shown, when a Christmas market is attacked it’s always those far-far-far-right extremists behind it.
Previously in the Far-right storyline
There’s a video of another scene too
12 months ago Eastenders ran a similar storyline
I’m guessing Labour front group Hatey Not Hopey are involved in consreucting such storylines.
So, Can Christians Bring Their Bibles Into Saudi Arabia?
Today, Christians are permitted to bring bibles into Saudi Arabia without fearing confiscation as long as they are for personal use and not for distribution. However, public worship, preaching Christianity, and evangelistic activities promoting any other religion other than Islam are strictly prohibited.
Western Isles’ first mosque proves hit with tourists as hundreds flock to Stornoway temple
People have travelled from ‘all over the world’ to visit the place of worship since it opened its doors back in May.
My research reveals that “Griff Reynolds” is the name of this extremist character. An echo of Nick Griffin’s surname, perhaps? Maybe just a coincidence … unless they introduce another Far-Right colleague called something like Neil Farridge or Robbie Tomminson.
Wokes, race baiting shit stirrers and libtards on a roll today, the far left AOL News revelling in the fact that the IPSO have received 6000 complaints about Clarksons article about Nutmeg
All babging on about unacceptable comments about wimmin
So what when you think what some vicious bitches have said about various Tory politicians, Trump and of course fat Brand and her battery acid comments allowed
By the alls fair ?
Nope it seems not, Brande was “only joking” claims the bbc so thats OK then but never ever for Clarkson is that defence allowed by the far left
Great Britain: Multiculturalism and Islam Turn It Upside-Down / Giulio Meotti / Gatestone Institute
13:45pm R4 prog saying Newsworld people didn’t want to cover Trump
.. God R4 is still pushing #OrangeManBad
Coming up at 2:15pm The drama celebrates the 1967 movie Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner cos it was one of the first films about mixed raced lovers.
The drama is a repeat from 2020
Channel4’s Hollyoaks too
The problem is white INCEL blokes grooming young boys
BTW it’s a bit strange, cos it’s “black-pill” not Incel-black pill … like the way the clip does it.
And note how the “Bimbo …glad she’s dead”
is a common lefty way of talking about Margaret Thatcher.
BBC defends Jo Brand over ‘battery acid’ joke
BBC webshite demonstrates its selective eyesight.
First story. Judges rule the Rwanda asylum policy is legal.
The photo shows a group demonstrating against the judgement.
They have placards. They come from the Public and Commercial Services Union.
Hang on. Aren’t their members the very ones who give rulings on asylum cases? More generally , what other conflicts of interest may occur between civil servants, the policy of their union, and the policy of government?
No wonder our immigration system is in total chaos with so few failed economic migrants sent back if those that manage it are viscerally opposed to it,
A major factor the impartial BBC seems not to have noticed.
The army is drafted in to do everything these days. I would really like to see the military be given the job of deciding on asylum claims.
Ratioed a bit
Ratioed, you say?
I think this reply might be the best.
Bet Toenails doesn’t read about this in The Critic.
“What could it be….?”
Yes, tough one, that.
‘Seeks to separate fact from Fiction’.
Bashir styly?
Maybe they have testimony from a kindly old tribal elder Phil Shiner passed on.
Seems some are raising FOI requests the BBC has blown off.
The BBC is about as corrupt as it gets on these.
Prayer For the Day speaker @RevRachelMann tweets
My latest @BBCRadio4 #PrayerForTheDay,
a reflection on learning and change,
bringing in memorising Paradise Lost,
as well as cherishing non-binary people. @BBCSounds
Stew- even at 0543 the message has to be pushed . I heard it – but the off switch came in useful .., even that little event has a mentally screwed up pervert on it .. god help us
BBC Flavio of thew Month. Dishy. Thick. Unqualified.
So, perfect BBc ‘expert’.
Sunday A Point Of View ..gaslighting us
by saying “Snow will only be seen on Christmas cards”
claiming snow used to come EVERY year
and now doesn’t
That’s false there always years where there was hardly ever any snow ..and then years when it was on the ground for a month
As meteorologists tell us that the chance of snow is decreasing year on year, Sara Wheeler reflects on a future where younger generations may never get to experience snow – and what that means for a season so ingrained in our lives and culture.
‘Winter is deeply embedded in the English language – the white stuff of metaphor’, she writes.
‘But if climate change blanches the seasons, one wonders what the as yet unborn writers will reach for when they try to put the unsayable into words.’
This old chestnut has been doing the rounds for more than 20 years now. On March 20th 2000, the discredited ‘Independent’ newspaper carried an article titled “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past”. This quoted a so-called expert (sic) at the Climate Research Fantasy Unit at the bogus University of East Anglia.
Note: if you follow this link it will take a good minute for the original article to appear as it is an archive site.
“. . . how much longer we’ll experience snowy winters.”
They will never stop banging on about this stuff, in defiance of reality.
I just checked the dates and it seems yesterday was the 13th anniversary of the last broadcast of Wake Up To Wogan. The man himself left us in 2016.
Mentioning this as I remember on one of his programmes, long before he went into semi-retirement, Wogan was laughing at the climate catastrophists, “They said we’d only be able to grow cactus in our gardens by now!”
“If climate change blanches the seasons” – blanches? The season may not have been blanched, but our landscape here certainly has been lately, but hard frost, then snow, and well before Christmas.
Lots of press coverage of the Strictly Come Dancing result and the suggested careful manipulation by BBC executives to get a defined ‘up and coming BBC D-list ‘celebrity’’ into the winners enclosure.
This time round, with echoes of Bob Dylan, the fat BAME who the judges scored last came first. How about that? Apparently he’s been top on social media for several weeks.
They could save themselves a pile of time and money if they cancel the dancing altogether and just focus solely on the PR.
”Canada’s polar-bear capital Churchill warms too fast for bears” Says BBC
But there is no evidence for this. See link
Run it by the BBC misinformation unit. Try not get blocked.
”Canada’s polar-bear capital Churchill warms too fast for bears” says BBC.
Well, that serves Churchill right for having a racist and imperialist name … and the bears are only white anyway, so who cares?
Old joke time, A baby polar bear is shivering and asks his mother” AM I really a polar bear” his mother says yes you are, you’re white and you live in the Arctic, baby bear says are you sure? Again his mother says yes, he asks, why am I so fekking cold then?
Temperature in Churchill running between minus 23 and minus 27 C this week.
‘Bring on the warming’ says. Mr. P Bear.
As others cave, some double up.
Seemed… ‘daring’ to assume a GoT quote would be grasped by the offenderati, but dissing Nags on top is deffo a good call.
Doubtless the DE weasels calling her PR for a counter. And the ratings spiral up as common sense spirals hellwards from the gold plated sewers these clowns inhabit.
And out the blocks…
Jenny Priestley
Dec 19, 2022
What has this country become? The sooner we get the #ToriesOut the better.
Marky know if her earlier years were perhaps places lacking in surprise?
Your starter for ‘there’s a thing’…
showbiz chatterer @bbcberkshire, #LFC fan. My views, probably not anyone else’s.
Brixton Academy: Security contractor dies after Asake concert crush
“Gabrielle Hutchinson, 23, died in hospital early on Monday, the Met said.
She was working as one of the contracted security providers for the event that evening.”
….er… am I old and confused …or …er … what ? ….er .. is that the right …er ..picture ? ( yes I know it’s on the BBc website )…
Whatever her gender, it’s bloody tragic that he/she/it should die at the hands of a mob of savages.
Incidentally, doesn’t that make it racist and misogynistic and possibly transphobic? It sure as hell would if the colours were reversed.
(Perhaps the killers should be invited round to the Palace and offered an apology?)
I don’t recall a single time the BBC accused any BAME of being racist or any Woman of misandry.
It’s the most extreme of double standards. They are absolutely shameless.
So basically they all turned up en-mass without tickets and decided to just push forward and force their way into the gig. Not just a few – all of them. The only thing they cared about was taking what they wanted.
If that’s not a clear sign of just how broken a certain section of our society is, I don’t know what is. But as they say, before you can ever start to solve your problems, you have to admit to yourself what they are. And the BBC think their multicultural agenda is more important so they will never do that. It doesn’t matter to them how many people get killed – whether here or anywhere else in Londonistan. Their ideological ends justify the means (and the deaths).
They could all have been shouting Liverpool, Liverpool.
I remember only last year when ticketless England fans (mostly young white males) tried to force their way into Wembley stadium. The MSM went berserk at this lawlessness. The response to black people doing the same thing is more questioning of security and policing than of the behaviour of the mob.
I thought that now that ( maybe ) the last european has cleared Qatar airspace ( not on one of their planes ) a little bit of ‘anti qatar ‘truth might might come out ….
… apparently it was the most trouble and crime free World Cup ever – perhaps the thought of dying without proper trial or being whipped had an effect …. Lesson for Liverpool maybe …
Seems like Jeremy Clarkson s agent / the times editor – has instructed him to row back on comments about the half caste American actress married to a former prince ….
That royal soap opera really seems to have ‘legs ‘ …. But it can’t be doing too much for ‘the firm ‘ … avoid Mercedes and underpasses methinks …
The Biased Broadcasting Corporation have been fairly quiet about recent seismic events at Twitter and what has been revealed about the extraordinary bias and corruption there and in Big Tech in general, exposing the collusion and election interference of Big Tech, the msm, the Democrat Party, and various politicised government agencies such as the FBI, the Justice Department, even the IRS. (Thank you Obama and Biden.)
But suddenly the BBC are interested enough to post on their Home Page the fact that “Twitter users vote in favour of boss resigning”. NOW they’re interested – nay, positively salivating.
Musk has replaced Trump as the number one hate figure for the left (BBC). The Left have been squealing like pigs and howling like banshees ever since he took over. His crime? Bringing back a bit of free speech, and holding the liberals to the same standards as everyone else, after they’ve been given preferential treatment for years.
PS. The ‘liberals’ are not liberal, just as the progressives are not progressive and the Democrats are not democratic. See Orwell and the corruption of language.
Simple answer – wear a burqa?
– and do the Saudia airlines wheeze of changing in the bathroom ASAP.
Passport size photographers will make a mint. Does anyone want to buy a second hand machine?
In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it.
Before encouraging trans freaks to Whitehall, the government might like to learn a lesson from Washington, where Imbecilic Biden put this creature in charge of nuclear waste. Looks serious and reliable, right? A safe pair of hands for nuclear stuff.
After just a few months, the pervert was accused of stealing women’s luggage at airports (twice!?) and had to be sacked.
More disgusting photos here:
A sentiment that does extra duty if used to criticise the BBC – “they” want all the traffic one way – apart from the money…
If anybody from Springster’s office is monitoring the disinformation here – yes, we have seen this…
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.