Found out something interesting (to me at least) today: The failure to set up offshore processing on Ascension Island is not due to any US objection (they share the military base there), but to the Treasury blocking on cost grounds. How much do they think the hotels are costing??
Bob Geldof says he’ll take in four migrant families as he lambasts politicians’ response to crisis as a ‘sickening disgrace’
Musician, 63, has offered to immediately take in four migrant families
Said he would open doors to his family home in Kent and London flat
Aid campaigner described the migrant crisis as a ‘sickening disgrace’
PUBLISHED: 11:12, 4 September 2015 | UPDATED: 16:44, 4 September 2015
Eddy – that crossed my mind too – being Canadian – and travelling a lot – I reckon he had no choice …. On the upside for him – he is in France so will not be a victim of the NHS …and would need to do research on the ‘quality ‘ of some quacks who masquerade as ‘private ‘…
BBC local newsPR
‘Cruel nasty whities force asylum seekers to cook in the park
Sure they also put up in hotels and give free meals
but this food is not good enough’
‘When one woman did cooking in the bathroom the evil hotel confiscated her cooking equipment ‘
Look North leading with asylum seekers housed in a hotel dissatisfied with the free food they are given. How dare they? And Look North critical of the hotel taking away cooking equipment used in a bathroom.
My father was a real asylum seeker 80 years ago. He was always grateful he was given a place of safety and would never criticise this country.
This is nothing to do with our beloved BBC, but an observation on our equally revered NHS…
I bought a puppy at the weekend. A lovely young chap of rather “mixed heritage”. What my old gran would have called, ” A bitsa. A bit of this and a bit of that…”
We believe there’s some labrador and a fair smidgen of cocker spaniel. He’s got a lovely temperament.
Anyway, on the way home I called in at a local pet mega-store to pick up necessary sundries for the young fellow.
At the rear of the shop is a vet’s. I thought I’d ask them to give him the once over. I was banking on having to wait a couple of weeks for an appointment, but no…”Is Tuesday fine for you?” the lady asked. Blimey!
You see, I’m now officially an OAP, but if want to see my local GP I have to go through a ridiculously long rigmarole of phone calls, lengthy delays and video links, before being told, “We’ll book you in for the second Thursday in March.” FFS, I might be dead by then!
You know, I think I’ll see I can kill two birds with the one stone.
There still seem to be screens separating the contestants which seems a bit odd as they must mix closely together before the show is recorded. Must make it difficult to communicate too
“A US congressional inquiry into last year’s Capitol riot says ex-President Donald Trump should face criminal charges, including insurrection.
The Democratic-led committee voted unanimously for the justice department to prosecute Mr Trump.
Inciting, assisting, aiding or comforting an insurrection
Obstruction of an official proceeding
Conspiracy to defraud the United States
Conspiracy to make a false statement”
“Racism row over all-white Aladdin: West End stars, Equity and the Pantomime Association all slam ‘shameful’ production over cast
A pantomime featuring ‘come down to our oriental town’ has been condemned
The actor’s union Equity was ‘shocked by a very white-looking’ Liverpool cast ”
Beneath the headline, the BBC post a video image similar to the one below, clearly implying police brutality.
The ensuing article is highly tendentious. It refers to “a large but apparently peaceful crowd” (reminiscent of “the mostly peaceful riots” by the BLM); It quotes a tweet: “The police have locked off Asake and have left a bunch of people in an alley in the freezing cold”; and describes police throwing a woman down steps, and men in high-vis jackets kicking and punching a man on the ground.
The whole tone of the report insinuates the blame is with the brutal (and racist?) police and bad management. The concert goers, of course, were totally blameless.
It has gone far enough now, this bbc racism, I will be firing in some complaints today and will NOT accept any bbc responses that fail to acknowledge the bbc are anti semitic, racist and sexist and will demand my complaints are escalated .
You will get the stock answer I am afraid Zephir, saying all reports are balanced. They have an army of truth deniers and those who sympathise with islam, not a religion, but a medieval, retarded death cult that has no place in a civilised country.
I have worked at music events, no-one wants to work at hip hop or dj events, because knives, drugs and violence are the norm, rather than the exception. You have to employ twice as many security personnel and bring in knife arches and the atmosphere is one of foreboding tension.
The French are not happy . So it’s a good day . Apparently some of their footy players have been getting ‘racist abuse’ online ….
This follows on ‘observations ‘ I’ve seen on the twitter that only one ? Player in their World Cup team was actually really French – the rest being really Africans .
The argie team are seen as ‘non global ‘ being all Argentine and mostly Roman Catholic …. Lucky the final wasn’t between Islam and RC …..
It’s a shame that footy is now mired in division but I suppose it’s a side effect of wokeness – right Gary ?
The Washington Post, a so-called newspaper, ran an article on December 8th with the provocative title “Why doesn’t Argentina have more black players in the World Cup?”. The ‘journalist’ ranted that: the “idea of Argentina as a white nation” was “inaccurate” and that attempts to portray it as such were part of a “longer history of black erasure at the heart of the country’s self-definition.” The article was corrected a few days later, with the Washington Post acknowledging that the black population of Argentina is well under 1% (it’s actually 0.5%, mainly mulattoes and more recently immigrants from Cape Verde). Or as tweet I saw put it more accurately: “Why doesn’t Argentina have more black players in the World Cup? Because it is nation, not a Disney movie”
If it is not Musk, it has to be TDS.
Two Moaning Emole posts.
Charge Trump with insurrection, Capitol panel says
Former US President Donald Trump should face four criminal charges, including insurrection, over the Capitol riot. That’s the verdict of a congressional inquiry into the events of 6 January last year, when Trump supporters stormed Congress to interrupt Joe Biden’s certification as president. Mr Trump, who denies wrongdoing, has dismissed the panel as a “kangaroo court”. It was made up of seven Democrats and two of Mr Trump’s fellow Republicans who have been critical of the former president. While its recommendations carry little legal weight, US Justice Department prosecutors are already considering whether to bring a case against Mr Trump. Read the full story – and see Mr Trump’s response.
The criminal charges recommended for Trump explained
What’s next for Trump – legally and politically?
If Mr Trump were convicted of the crimes the committee has accused him of committing, he could face hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, up to 20 years in prison and be prohibited from running for future political office. The committee’s vote, however, is largely symbolic. Congress does not have the ability to charge Mr Trump with any of the listed federal crimes. That power lies solely in the hands of the US Justice Department.
With its vote, the congressional committee members have, in effect, recommended the Justice Department act. They have laid out the case – the means, the motive and the opportunity – as they see it. And, perhaps most importantly, they have provided a trove of the supporting evidence gathered over nearly two years of interviews, subpoenas, document reviews and legal battles.
Read full analysis >
Anthony Zurcher
North America correspondent
Methinks Mr. Lurch is a tad obsessed and reliant on ‘if’.
Luckily any BBC ‘analysis’ now carries little if any credible journalistic weight.
NHS strikes . Nurses today – Ambulance tomorrow . I wonder if the nurse strikes includes ‘agency ‘? Will striking nurses actually be doing a shift at triple pay in the same hospitals ?
I’d be interested to know the answer to this one because I don’t know the answer …. But if it were the case it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
Plenty of clapping by the unquestioning public …..
I sat through a few begging adverts the other day and got me thinking about others constantly creating this mess worldwide, but expecting the UK public to continue to fund these
From sponsor a donkey for example, because someone has loaded the poor thing with 100 house bricks – so we rescue the donkey and the owner gets a new donkey, the problem doesn’t go away – and expect us to continue to fund it
They have a fool called Simon Jenkins as a columnist- one of those wealthy Islington types loved by the likes of the BBC . Today he gleefully reports that plod is to effectively decriminalise drugs such as cocaine and treat them as a ‘health issue ‘.
Jenkins’ view of plod is interesting . He seems to respect them far more than the public do . Maybe he sees them as ‘like him ‘ and therefore will approve of such dumb policies .
Meanwhile drugs cause serious mental issues with all that goes with that – yet alone the addiction . Far Left soften headed crap ….
BBC News – lefty popster dies – so what ? As some say ….
But have you seen the images of the new Charles Windsor bank notes? To me he looks ‘worried ‘ – maybe it’s a reflection of his descending country … ElizaBeth II looked ‘reassured and regal ‘ methinks ….
I wonder if we’ll be able to do what could be done with Her Mag’s face on the notes, i.e. fold it in half, and add the other half of the picture of the Duke of Wellington, and you got John McEnroe!
You might have thought, after the longest apprenticeship in regal history, that Charles will have grasped that he must now rule. Not arbitrate, not conciliate, not offer invitations and olive branches, just rule.
His authority and that of his son and heir has been criticised, traduced, vilified and challenged in public. No proper King can afford to ignore this or put family ties before duty to the nation – not if he wants the monarchy to retain respect, because that above all else is what its authority and acceptance depends on.
Robinson ‘interviews’ an American describing how the FBI were involved in inciting the Capitol demo – the theft of the election – the refusal to publish all the details of the demo .
Robinson said he hadn’t heard the allegation about the FBI pushing the demo …. Well that came as a ‘revelation ‘ but I suppose he just follows BBC policy of never allowing any doubt about the Obama / Biden theft …..
The BBC make a big thing about ‘even a Republican ‘ supports the inquiry finding — not saying that Mrs Cheney has been voted out and is a RINO …. But that’s the BBC ….
Lest Maxi pad stirs, Jez is of course BBC to the soulless tread of his cycling shoes, but this is via his side show on 5.
When Jo Brand made a ‘joke’ about the ‘milk shaking’ of Nigel Farage by saying: “Why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid?”. I don’t recall MPs writing letters calling for her to be punished by her employer. How come it’s different for Jeremy Clarkson?
Asylum seekers found returning home to war zones on HOLIDAY
REFUGEES seeking asylum from war and persecution are returning to danger zones on HOLIDAY, German employment agencies has confirmed.
13:46, Tue, Sep 13, 2016 | UPDATED: 13:51, Tue, Sep 13, 2016
How many times have I heard comrade Robinson ‘playing ‘ a blue labour politician – minister – sent by the Party to become a victim of the BBC ?
When will the day come when a politician is as aggressive as him ? When will one of these wimp politicians put this bully in his place ?
Is it that it’s all really a swamp game where the players just play their part …. Today it was will ‘willy’ quince ?( no idea ) … soon to be one of many ex MPs looking for a £ job £ ….. maybe Michelle £ moan can dosh a few out …?
I am reaching the conclusion that the BBC love a good war because their ‘new generation’ of employees – who were recruited for quotas, not ability – have plenty of victims to use in their extensive empathy pieces which are 10% actual news, 90% cheap journalism using emotion and every cheap trick they can come up with to pull your heartstrings and bring the reader onside. They live in a shallow world of ‘romcoms’ and all the other Hollywood tripe we get these days where everyone should be nice to each other and the good guys always win.
Which is ironic because life has shown me that these types of people are the first to get nasty when the situation suits them.
This is the first article I can remember about the Ethiopean war on the front page. What about the REAL news ? – the war itself. Where men are fighting, being blown to pieces and savagely killing as many on the other side as they can. The new-gen BBC seem to be unable to compute what that actually means and avoid it completely – both here and in Ukraine. It’s impossible to have any clue what is actually going on in the world these days if you just get your ‘news’ from the BBC.
Perhaps a picture will paint a thousand words and demonstrate to us once again why the BBC is no longer fit for purpose. Here is the author:
One can’t help but note the uniform serious alarm raised in our media over the nurses’ and ambulance strikes.
Taken as a set…
As strikes hit, sick told… A&E ? Call a taxi (The Sun) No guarantee of ambulance for stroke or heart attack (‘i’) Plea to end strikes as NHS faces meltdown (Telegraph) Ambulance strike threatens lives of 999 patients, warn NHS bosses (Guardian) Heart attack patients to be denied ambulances (Times) Condition critical (freebie Metro)
Tabloid to broadsheet, hard left to soft right in leaning, there’s an across the board rush to panic stations over a day or two’s worth of potentially worse than normal NHS poor healthcare service – oddly in contrast to the rather recent, now appranently all but forgotten, so-called Pandemic months and years after Lockdown months and years of virtual NHS all but complete closed door shut down – for all but jabs – when they came available.
We note the BBC’s online news page headline photo of picket line nurses and we attempt to read the runes – so to speak. In fact the picture chosen by our BBC clearly invites us to read the placards.
Homemade brown box cardboard efforts in kids’ coloured crayons – remarkably reminiscent of those endless suburban front windows where pot banging became routine before that all died away to be replaced in the news and the windows with the Ukrainian yellow and blue – these new placards read (among the rainbows):“NHS we care so pay us fair”
In stark contrast in bold standard type, pre-printed and handed out by the organisers and happily reproduced care of our BBC photo journo and editorial suite: “NHS fell apart under the Tories”
Clearly there is more politically going on here than the nurses simply looking for their little pot of payrise gold at the end of their naively drawn NHS rainbows.
The Mirror would have us believe: You are working nurses to the bone – too many that I see are looking pretty well-fed.
Reflecting that already referenced regime approved media change of theme: Ice soldiers mark Russia’s very patriotic Christmas (BBC)
Patriotism… we can’t be having that!
Local authorities in the Siberian city of Chita have put up giant ice sculptures of Russian soldiers as Christmas decorations – well, there is a war on.
As Jona Lewie sang, about this time of year in 1980:
But it’s very cold out here in the snow
Marching to and from the enemy
Oh I say it’s tough, I have had enough
Can you stop the cavalry?
Sorry about that. Even as a callow youth the cloying right-on calculated sentimentality of that little ditty always made my skin crawl. One might say more of that sort of thing later – but we’ve already heard from the Daily Mirror.
And just like the pacifist Mr Lewie our BBC having shown us the pretty ice soldiers immediatley draws our attention to: But not all locals back the war
Oh really? One wracks one’s memory for the last time a BBC report on the Ukraine war highlighted any anti-war sentiment on our side. This is how you know you’re reading propaganda not news.
The globalist FT is already keen to categorise the past 12 months as a big win for supranational elite managerial liberalism: Gideon Rachman A bad year for the world’s strongmen – the photo imagery tells us he has Putin and Trump in mind.
Presumably, Mr Rachman (what a name!) you would think there’s some crumb of comfort there for we plebs increasingly cold, under-educated, over-taxed, sick and uncared for, depressed, atomised, surveiled, swamped by hyper-immigration and separated from our traditional native history, culture and communities….
Is your boss spying on you as you work from home? (‘i’) – because of course the ‘i’ newspaper still assumes that you are indeed working from home.
First Rwanda deportation flight could still be years away (‘i’)
Early retirement blamed for slump in economic activity (Telegraph)
So if the strongmen had a bad year, then presumably the weak men are having a good one?
Gareth Southgate staying as England manager… Coach needed to think about future after defeat to France in World Cup quarter-final (Telegraph)
Surely we are set for a feast of blubbing english speaking nurses telling us how tough it is with all the discounts and unquestioning adoration they get from a dumb public ?
When ever the ‘ cave in ‘ comes the blue labour lot will be blamed – so they might as well push on with their pay offer to 2024 ….
Maybe a recruitment freeze on’ non front line ‘ staff -… or a bit of downsizing..
TOADY Watch #1 – 6 a.m. and rejoice at the good news but beware; the bogeyman might get stronger
The Congressional Court investigating the 6 Jaunuary 2021 ‘attack’ * on the Capitol building or ‘riot’ * at the Capitol building has recommended that former President Donald Trump should face charges. It is over to the Department of Justice ( incorrectly described as the Justice Department in the BBC article here: ) to decide whether they will prosecute these charges.
The BBC voiced report contains a note of concern: “It may make Trump stronger, it might strengthen his support among Republicans.” Oooh, fear the Bogeyman. Former President (the BBC always omit that courtesy in their voiced reports) Trump may yet get to run again in 2024. Beware, beware. Sshhh! Don’t mention the bogeyman!
* Both words interchangeable by the BBC, please note, but it was not a demonstration and it was not mostly peaceful according to the BBC. The BBC also persist in the lie that four or five people died as a result of the ‘attack’ or ‘riot’. In truth, it was just one and that was one of the demonstrators as well.
I think that unless some sensible people get hold of the narrative, the Brixton Academy stampede/tragedy, could go the same way as the New Cross Fire that occurred over 40 years ago, in 1981.
This happened at a house party for two girls and led to the deaths of 13 young black people. No one has ever been charged.
Fingers were pointed at right-wing MPs, accusing them of “stirring the pot”. Rumours abounded about mysterious far right groups. There were demonstrations, accusations, books written, documentaries and TV programmes made and the usual bunch of race baiting chancers jumped on the bandwagon.
TV wrestler, Johnny Kwango, said, “They’re killing our babies and over three decades later Darcus Howe was still banging on about this “mass murder”.
However, the fire investigation proved beyond all reasonable doubt that the blaze was started in the living room…and the telling part of that finding is that only black people were attending this get-together…therefore…
This Brixton Academy situation has to be nipped in the bud…
TOADY Watch #2 – oh dear! further evidence that ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ is not after all
Apparently ‘some people’ (quite a lot really) are affluent enough to take early retirement during the Pandemic and stop working. Estimates vary but it is suggested that the 5 million ‘economically inactive’ during the Blair/Brown era, especially at the time of the financial crash has grown by over 50% to 8 million people. Probably another reason for the BBC to overlook the unemployed. Why is that that the LibbyLeftySocialists always neglect the unemployed unless they can ‘weaponise’ them?
Half the planet is flying to visit the other half. Mainly those in media.
Our family still eats pretty well on a budget with an Aldi, Morrisons, Waitrose combo.
A pint is affordable every so often.
Fuel is pricey but back down a bit.
However, energy is silly money and if OFGEM don’t sort out the extortion racket by the companies they are funded by, I will write to my MP, who is paid a lot of money to open post offices and attend footballing matches, and do F all else.
Here’s another futurology video from someone not at all happy with the state of politics in the USA and with some pretty dire predictions for the comming year:
TOADY Watch #3 – no mention of the ‘R’ word by the BBC, very strange
The BBC appear to delight in races and race and racism so it was a little strange to hear that Terry Hall, frontman of The Specials had died and no mention was made of him singing in a fakeJamaican voice and the majority-white band playing a ‘culturally appropriated’ music style or, I should probably write, music-stylee. We didn’t think too much about that at the time, we just enjoyed the music.
Terry Hall ? when I heard he had died, I thought “I’m sure he died years ago”. Sorry, but the only Terry Hall I know was the one who had his hand up Lenny the Lion’s backside. The 70’s went through a bit of a sea change in music tastes, so The Specials passed me by. I was still bopping to Bony M and Abba.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, the Test series in Pakistan turned out well for England) I enjoyed ‘Ghost Town’ and some other stuff the Specials did. All the youngsters in my Youth Group also enjoyed The Specials and ‘two tone’ music, especially from Madness who were sort of a local band.
Music sort of drove the 1970s and 1980s onwards although the BBC probably would not play China Crisis’s paean to a Labrador dog now.
In view of an ambulance strike on Wednesday the Government is advising people not to do ‘risky things’ during that day in order to ‘protect the NHS’, ‘flatten the curve ‘ and ‘stuff’ …
If we lived in a free country we’d be able to find out the pattern of 999 calls versus those of strike days ….
… there will be an army of Serco ‘call handlers ‘ shifting those calling 999 from one manager to another in order to prevent an ambulance actually being sent out .
Some ambulances – it seems – won’t be getting to their ‘calls’ until Friday …..
( I’m not sure whether the nut above is true or not but nothing would surprise ) …..
So after all this time, all the scientists and people who study these things had it completely wrong ?.
What a complete load of rubbish. As expected it’s another university making another extreme claim in the name of ‘global warming’ – also known as ‘seeking funding’ – and the BBC idiots falling for it hook line and sinker.
If this is true and our academics have only just realised it, I would suggest they are not competent to be trusted for whatever they say now.
they are not competent to be trusted for whatever they say
Look at this … I wonder who decided to promote the twerp to “professor”?
I wonder if he lives in a dirt floored tepee ?
'Just because you're wealthy shouldn't give you a right to pollute our planet.'
Senior lecturer in Sustainable Construction and Climate Change, Professor John Grant, joins Bev Turner to discuss the EU agreeing on a carbon market overhaul in a bid to hit the 2030 climate goal.
In my career as a software engineer for people like BAE SYSTEMS, I came across 3 PhD qualifed people in the teams.
They were without question the worst engineers I have ever come across. They simply could not relate to the real world. They chose whatever part they could identify with and tried to just focus on that.
Without giving maxi too much for his doxxing, one was indirectly responsible for a rocket exploding. His job was identifying the main risks and instead of focussing on real-world failures, he was personally interested in ‘cosmic rays’ so spent most of his time pontificating that and just paid lip service to everything else. It failed because not enough emphasis was focussed on testing for real equipment failures.
If everyone except professors suddenly disappeared, I suspect the human race would simply die of starvation once the supermarkets shelves ran out.
JohnC, although the BBC’s Climate Editor, Justin Rowlatt, did admit a year or two back that trees also breathe out CO2 as part of their natural processes. I wish I had a bookmark of that article in this PC.
Islam – Weston Area Health NHS Trust › Chapel › Faith-and-Culture
Generally a Muslim woman is not allowed to be examined or surrounded by male members of medical staff. It is always preferable that a female member of the …
Another food bank refugee who just mustered the strength to call the bbc.
On the Today programme this morning, I explained the stark reality of the conditions ambulance staff are working in. They’re going on strike on Wednesday, as a last resort, to draw attention to the problems in our NHS.
I've cleared my diary and happy to meet the SoS at any time tomorrow to resolve the dispute.
At some point, the gov is going to have to get into talks to resolve this. Ministers should do that now, avoid the strikes and what looks like inevitable escalation in the new year.
Lord Tony Hall to earn £532,000 as new BBC boss by drawing pension on top of salary
New BBC director-general,Tony Hall, has already been drawing his BBC pension for a year.
UK government are paying 20 times this amount (£) per day to hotel migrants (I have not included doctors fees, border control, other support networks for ‘migrants’ in this calc).
This means the UK government could give every nurse earning £34,000 per year a pay rise of nearly 17% = £5,400 if they weren’t wasting it on housing unproductive ‘migrants’ many who have no legal basis to be in the UK. Those who are real (non-economic migrants) could be helped. I’m sure the nurses unions would drop their demand to say 12% so they could help the non-economic, non-criminal migrants.
but he might have to timeshare with gig as Twitter CEO
The solution to the Speaker problem is for a 100 day term as Speaker to someone that will excite the base of the Party while the party settles the issue internally. My nominee: Donald Trump.
The fact the Venezuela has the largest oil reserves of any country on the planet and is being presently run by a bunch of people lionised by the UK Labour party should be something of a wake-up call to UK voters …
Not that the creepy swines at Broadcasting House would present it as a socialist catastrophe – eh?
I’m at a loss to comprehend what the Germans think they are doing with the trial of the 97 year old lady Irmgard Furchner who worked as a typist in a concentration camp as a teenager.
For God’s sake she was little more than a child and almost certainly had no choice in the matter and was therefore almost as much a victim of the real villains as the poor souls who perished there.
You could in fact make the same argument against every serving soldier, sailor and airman who fought for Germany!
It feels like “Germany” is trying to atone for it’s history in order to bury it at any cost!
Yep – age doesn’t disqualify justice – but I suppose they won’t go so far as hanging her …..
Digg – as for the comment you make re taking revenge on the nazi military – I thought the idea Stalin had of executing – was it – 50 000 officers at the end of the war wasn’t the worst idea – but I suppose the Russians did it anyway – one way or another .
I still think we ( Britain ) didn’t get enough out of Germany across the decades – we should still be getting compensation …..and maybe for another couple of generations …
Actually – how did that woman evade justice for so long ?…..
Possibly with an armed officer standing right behind her? We can never know the details but that doesn’t mean we should happily assume or make them up!
The greedy weasels triumphed again, being the only succesful ones in all of this.
97 years old is too old, too much water under the bridge and it appears to be just revenge seeking and money grubbing. If a trial was necessary then all those taking part should have given their services for free that way we would have known the law needed this and not the lawyers for their fat fees.
Germany was in the grip of groupthink not to different to what we are experiencing today. The people had been conditioned to think in a certain way by relentless ideological propaganda. Most people will believe anything if you tell them it often enough.
Many of our modern day Nazi socialists would be more than happy to send people on the Right to concentration camps. The BBC HYS whenever they open it for stories of people such as Trump, Boris, Nigel and JRM are absolutely chock full of hate. And over in the USA, the Democrats don’t even try to hide their hatred of the Right at all these days.
If they had the power to get rid of us, they would.
Interestingly, only 24 hours before the vote. I wonder why?
It’s a pretty thin year.
But after the de rigour three women who almost nobody has ever hear of, we do at least get to Ronnie o’ Sullivan.
He’s got his flaws and demons but as a supreme talent for two decades and more, in a class by himself.
So obviously he has no chance.
My money is on Miss/Ms/Mrs Nobody.
Other pronouns are available.
Let’s see how our wonderful public services work in Brighton.
Admire the professionalism. Admire the effective use of public money.
You know Brighton. The place where the Greens run the show and tell us all about the effects of global warming.
Oh the irony.
Ha ha ha! Wasted several days trying to get the Council to see sense on a real and proper leisure development, but they were just thick, woke and hopeless, so we said, ‘Sod them’ and walked away.
I expect you know but in case you didn’t, for every ‘immigrant/asylum seeker’ sent to Rwanda (haha) we have to accept one of their (Rwanda) people who are so badly in need of care that they cannot look after them in Rwanda.
In other words, we will be getting somebody that will probably need a high level of care for the rest of their life.
And we are paying Rwanda hundreds of millions to do this.
Whoever is doing the negotiations for our government is doing a terrible job.
Same as giving the French what amounts to money for nothing.
Or shovelling mountains of cash to hotels and the likes of their mates in serco for channel crossers.
At the same time they are taking a very hard line with all our striking nurses etc.
It seems there’s plenty of money for everyone else but not our own.
BBC news 6 pm.
Still featuring the death of Terry Hall, ex Fun Boy 3, ex The Specials, from over 40 years ago. Why?
Could this possibly be because The Specials ran a series of anti Tory, anti Thatcher songs, like ‘Ghost Town’?
Maybe the BBC are just using his death to celebrate the fine City of Coventry, and early 80s new music venues like The General Wolfe. It just so happens I was there.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Interesting …
Bob Geldof says he’ll take in four migrant families as he lambasts politicians’ response to crisis as a ‘sickening disgrace’
Musician, 63, has offered to immediately take in four migrant families
Said he would open doors to his family home in Kent and London flat
Aid campaigner described the migrant crisis as a ‘sickening disgrace’
PUBLISHED: 11:12, 4 September 2015 | UPDATED: 16:44, 4 September 2015
ITV local NewsPR
“Oh Jason Manford has a new album out
it’s a charity one for the foodbank Trussel Trust”
…the prog has a very close relationship with foodbank PR
Oh, that is why he joined the Twitter Outrage Pileon for Clarkson.
Mark Steyn suffered two heart attacks in recent days.
Get well soon boyo !
He really is someone we cannot lose ….
Was he vaccinated?
Many who were against it, still had it so they could travel abroad.
Eddy – that crossed my mind too – being Canadian – and travelling a lot – I reckon he had no choice …. On the upside for him – he is in France so will not be a victim of the NHS …and would need to do research on the ‘quality ‘ of some quacks who masquerade as ‘private ‘…
BBC local newsPR
‘Cruel nasty whities force asylum seekers to cook in the park
Sure they also put up in hotels and give free meals
but this food is not good enough’
‘When one woman did cooking in the bathroom the evil hotel confiscated her cooking equipment ‘
Seems PR for the lobby group Hull Sisters
Look North leading with asylum seekers housed in a hotel dissatisfied with the free food they are given. How dare they? And Look North critical of the hotel taking away cooking equipment used in a bathroom.
My father was a real asylum seeker 80 years ago. He was always grateful he was given a place of safety and would never criticise this country.
Deborah, those were the days when asylum seekers were the real deal, and the population was 25 million LESS than it is today.
Andrew Lawrence on celebs cancelling Clarkson but not Jo Brand
Breaking fake news:
Musk announces the results of his poll will be declared after all of the mail in votes have been counted in 4 – 6 weeks.
This is nothing to do with our beloved BBC, but an observation on our equally revered NHS…
I bought a puppy at the weekend. A lovely young chap of rather “mixed heritage”. What my old gran would have called, ” A bitsa. A bit of this and a bit of that…”
We believe there’s some labrador and a fair smidgen of cocker spaniel. He’s got a lovely temperament.
Anyway, on the way home I called in at a local pet mega-store to pick up necessary sundries for the young fellow.
At the rear of the shop is a vet’s. I thought I’d ask them to give him the once over. I was banking on having to wait a couple of weeks for an appointment, but no…”Is Tuesday fine for you?” the lady asked. Blimey!
You see, I’m now officially an OAP, but if want to see my local GP I have to go through a ridiculously long rigmarole of phone calls, lengthy delays and video links, before being told, “We’ll book you in for the second Thursday in March.” FFS, I might be dead by then!
You know, I think I’ll see I can kill two birds with the one stone.
I’ll ask the vet if he can take a look at me…
When our ‘Ginger’ had his Gentleman status removed the Mrs asked the vet if he would do two for the price of one!
Nice to see some normal individuals on only connect tonight compared to last weeks pantomime farce.
There still seem to be screens separating the contestants which seems a bit odd as they must mix closely together before the show is recorded. Must make it difficult to communicate too
@MrJohnNicolson the MP blocks me on Twitter
Since I’ve never interacted with him, I guess he’s using a blocking.
Such shunning is hiding from debate
“Capitol riot committee seeks four criminal charges for Trump”
“A US congressional inquiry into last year’s Capitol riot says ex-President Donald Trump should face criminal charges, including insurrection.
The Democratic-led committee voted unanimously for the justice department to prosecute Mr Trump.
Inciting, assisting, aiding or comforting an insurrection
Obstruction of an official proceeding
Conspiracy to defraud the United States
Conspiracy to make a false statement”
It’s never ending…
Trumps response :
FFS x10
“Racism row over all-white Aladdin: West End stars, Equity and the Pantomime Association all slam ‘shameful’ production over cast
A pantomime featuring ‘come down to our oriental town’ has been condemned
The actor’s union Equity was ‘shocked by a very white-looking’ Liverpool cast ”
“Brixton Academy: What happened in the crush?”
Beneath the headline, the BBC post a video image similar to the one below, clearly implying police brutality.
The ensuing article is highly tendentious. It refers to “a large but apparently peaceful crowd” (reminiscent of “the mostly peaceful riots” by the BLM); It quotes a tweet: “The police have locked off Asake and have left a bunch of people in an alley in the freezing cold”; and describes police throwing a woman down steps, and men in high-vis jackets kicking and punching a man on the ground.
The whole tone of the report insinuates the blame is with the brutal (and racist?) police and bad management. The concert goers, of course, were totally blameless.
Hello vlad
Said this the other day, there’ll be an enquiry and police should have done things differently (apparently)
That will give some blacks more of a chip on their shoulders, its the police again!
It has gone far enough now, this bbc racism, I will be firing in some complaints today and will NOT accept any bbc responses that fail to acknowledge the bbc are anti semitic, racist and sexist and will demand my complaints are escalated .
I encourage all on here to do the same.
You will get the stock answer I am afraid Zephir, saying all reports are balanced. They have an army of truth deniers and those who sympathise with islam, not a religion, but a medieval, retarded death cult that has no place in a civilised country.
I have worked at music events, no-one wants to work at hip hop or dj events, because knives, drugs and violence are the norm, rather than the exception. You have to employ twice as many security personnel and bring in knife arches and the atmosphere is one of foreboding tension.
No doubt those events are ‘enriched’ by this awful and unsavoury practice, Harry!
…and the pathetic (c)rap that infests some areas with relentless monotony!
Mind you, I did go to a concert by ‘The Move’ in the sixties, so I suppose Hastings Pier was supposed to be a den of iniquity back then…
The other place was The Witch Doctor’, further along the prom, and a visit to that place was forbidden by my Dad!
Capitol riot committee seeks four criminal charges for Trump
Frontpage bBC “news”
I’ve lost count on how many times as the likes of the bBC reported that Trump is in trouble – then never to be reported again,
The French are not happy . So it’s a good day . Apparently some of their footy players have been getting ‘racist abuse’ online ….
This follows on ‘observations ‘ I’ve seen on the twitter that only one ? Player in their World Cup team was actually really French – the rest being really Africans .
The argie team are seen as ‘non global ‘ being all Argentine and mostly Roman Catholic …. Lucky the final wasn’t between Islam and RC …..
It’s a shame that footy is now mired in division but I suppose it’s a side effect of wokeness – right Gary ?
The Washington Post, a so-called newspaper, ran an article on December 8th with the provocative title “Why doesn’t Argentina have more black players in the World Cup?”. The ‘journalist’ ranted that: the “idea of Argentina as a white nation” was “inaccurate” and that attempts to portray it as such were part of a “longer history of black erasure at the heart of the country’s self-definition.” The article was corrected a few days later, with the Washington Post acknowledging that the black population of Argentina is well under 1% (it’s actually 0.5%, mainly mulattoes and more recently immigrants from Cape Verde). Or as tweet I saw put it more accurately: “Why doesn’t Argentina have more black players in the World Cup? Because it is nation, not a Disney movie”
If it is not Musk, it has to be TDS.
Two Moaning Emole posts.
Charge Trump with insurrection, Capitol panel says
Former US President Donald Trump should face four criminal charges, including insurrection, over the Capitol riot. That’s the verdict of a congressional inquiry into the events of 6 January last year, when Trump supporters stormed Congress to interrupt Joe Biden’s certification as president. Mr Trump, who denies wrongdoing, has dismissed the panel as a “kangaroo court”. It was made up of seven Democrats and two of Mr Trump’s fellow Republicans who have been critical of the former president. While its recommendations carry little legal weight, US Justice Department prosecutors are already considering whether to bring a case against Mr Trump. Read the full story – and see Mr Trump’s response.
The criminal charges recommended for Trump explained
What’s next for Trump – legally and politically?
If Mr Trump were convicted of the crimes the committee has accused him of committing, he could face hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, up to 20 years in prison and be prohibited from running for future political office. The committee’s vote, however, is largely symbolic. Congress does not have the ability to charge Mr Trump with any of the listed federal crimes. That power lies solely in the hands of the US Justice Department.
With its vote, the congressional committee members have, in effect, recommended the Justice Department act. They have laid out the case – the means, the motive and the opportunity – as they see it. And, perhaps most importantly, they have provided a trove of the supporting evidence gathered over nearly two years of interviews, subpoenas, document reviews and legal battles.
Read full analysis >
Anthony Zurcher
North America correspondent
Methinks Mr. Lurch is a tad obsessed and reliant on ‘if’.
Luckily any BBC ‘analysis’ now carries little if any credible journalistic weight.
BBC new N. America TDS correspondent.
US Gov not Russia interfered with election! HA HA HA H!
NHS strikes . Nurses today – Ambulance tomorrow . I wonder if the nurse strikes includes ‘agency ‘? Will striking nurses actually be doing a shift at triple pay in the same hospitals ?
I’d be interested to know the answer to this one because I don’t know the answer …. But if it were the case it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
Plenty of clapping by the unquestioning public …..
Ethiopia civil war: The boy named ‘Wealthy’ who weighs half what he should
Todays campaign brought to you by the bBC
I sat through a few begging adverts the other day and got me thinking about others constantly creating this mess worldwide, but expecting the UK public to continue to fund these
From sponsor a donkey for example, because someone has loaded the poor thing with 100 house bricks – so we rescue the donkey and the owner gets a new donkey, the problem doesn’t go away – and expect us to continue to fund it
Charity, more and more begins at home
They have a fool called Simon Jenkins as a columnist- one of those wealthy Islington types loved by the likes of the BBC . Today he gleefully reports that plod is to effectively decriminalise drugs such as cocaine and treat them as a ‘health issue ‘.
Jenkins’ view of plod is interesting . He seems to respect them far more than the public do . Maybe he sees them as ‘like him ‘ and therefore will approve of such dumb policies .
Meanwhile drugs cause serious mental issues with all that goes with that – yet alone the addiction . Far Left soften headed crap ….
BBC News – lefty popster dies – so what ? As some say ….
Isn’t it amazing that they are still begging for the same things they told us that we would solve if we gave them money 20 years ago.
I always think of Wogan telling me ‘Every penny goes to Children In Need’.
That’s actually the CHARITY ‘Children in Need’ which the BBC set up and paid an AVERAGE salary of more than £42,000 back in 2016.
But have you seen the images of the new Charles Windsor bank notes? To me he looks ‘worried ‘ – maybe it’s a reflection of his descending country … ElizaBeth II looked ‘reassured and regal ‘ methinks ….
I wonder if we’ll be able to do what could be done with Her Mag’s face on the notes, i.e. fold it in half, and add the other half of the picture of the Duke of Wellington, and you got John McEnroe!
Answers on a nine-bob note – bent if possible…
You might have thought, after the longest apprenticeship in regal history, that Charles will have grasped that he must now rule. Not arbitrate, not conciliate, not offer invitations and olive branches, just rule.
His authority and that of his son and heir has been criticised, traduced, vilified and challenged in public. No proper King can afford to ignore this or put family ties before duty to the nation – not if he wants the monarchy to retain respect, because that above all else is what its authority and acceptance depends on.
Robinson ‘interviews’ an American describing how the FBI were involved in inciting the Capitol demo – the theft of the election – the refusal to publish all the details of the demo .
Robinson said he hadn’t heard the allegation about the FBI pushing the demo …. Well that came as a ‘revelation ‘ but I suppose he just follows BBC policy of never allowing any doubt about the Obama / Biden theft …..
The BBC make a big thing about ‘even a Republican ‘ supports the inquiry finding — not saying that Mrs Cheney has been voted out and is a RINO …. But that’s the BBC ….
Maybe Toenails had not yet been briefed by The Critic magazine?
.. and they also fail to mention how the panel is rushing to do as much damage as they can before they are disbanded.
VD and Justin on soon to point out Ceebeebies mentioned it last night?
That last sentence, Jez.
Lest Maxi pad stirs, Jez is of course BBC to the soulless tread of his cycling shoes, but this is via his side show on 5.
Impressive spread of comments.
The ones highlighting semantic tweaks that only a bbc tvl payer applying to QT might try on… more so.
Asylum seekers found returning home to war zones on HOLIDAY
REFUGEES seeking asylum from war and persecution are returning to danger zones on HOLIDAY, German employment agencies has confirmed.
13:46, Tue, Sep 13, 2016 | UPDATED: 13:51, Tue, Sep 13, 2016
Trying to open a few links of the bBC website, its running very slow as of the moment… hopefully this is being hacked by a foreign government
How many times have I heard comrade Robinson ‘playing ‘ a blue labour politician – minister – sent by the Party to become a victim of the BBC ?
When will the day come when a politician is as aggressive as him ? When will one of these wimp politicians put this bully in his place ?
Is it that it’s all really a swamp game where the players just play their part …. Today it was will ‘willy’ quince ?( no idea ) … soon to be one of many ex MPs looking for a £ job £ ….. maybe Michelle £ moan can dosh a few out …?
Ethiopia civil war: The boy named ‘Wealthy’ who weighs half what he should
I am reaching the conclusion that the BBC love a good war because their ‘new generation’ of employees – who were recruited for quotas, not ability – have plenty of victims to use in their extensive empathy pieces which are 10% actual news, 90% cheap journalism using emotion and every cheap trick they can come up with to pull your heartstrings and bring the reader onside. They live in a shallow world of ‘romcoms’ and all the other Hollywood tripe we get these days where everyone should be nice to each other and the good guys always win.
Which is ironic because life has shown me that these types of people are the first to get nasty when the situation suits them.
This is the first article I can remember about the Ethiopean war on the front page. What about the REAL news ? – the war itself. Where men are fighting, being blown to pieces and savagely killing as many on the other side as they can. The new-gen BBC seem to be unable to compute what that actually means and avoid it completely – both here and in Ukraine. It’s impossible to have any clue what is actually going on in the world these days if you just get your ‘news’ from the BBC.
Perhaps a picture will paint a thousand words and demonstrate to us once again why the BBC is no longer fit for purpose. Here is the author:

Still, not blonde.
Pot of gold at the end of the NHS rainbow edition
One can’t help but note the uniform serious alarm raised in our media over the nurses’ and ambulance strikes.
Taken as a set…
As strikes hit, sick told… A&E ? Call a taxi (The Sun)
No guarantee of ambulance for stroke or heart attack (‘i’)
Plea to end strikes as NHS faces meltdown (Telegraph)
Ambulance strike threatens lives of 999 patients, warn NHS bosses (Guardian)
Heart attack patients to be denied ambulances (Times)
Condition critical (freebie Metro)
Tabloid to broadsheet, hard left to soft right in leaning, there’s an across the board rush to panic stations over a day or two’s worth of potentially worse than normal NHS poor healthcare service – oddly in contrast to the rather recent, now appranently all but forgotten, so-called Pandemic months and years after Lockdown months and years of virtual NHS all but complete closed door shut down – for all but jabs – when they came available.
We note the BBC’s online news page headline photo of picket line nurses and we attempt to read the runes – so to speak. In fact the picture chosen by our BBC clearly invites us to read the placards.
Homemade brown box cardboard efforts in kids’ coloured crayons – remarkably reminiscent of those endless suburban front windows where pot banging became routine before that all died away to be replaced in the news and the windows with the Ukrainian yellow and blue – these new placards read (among the rainbows): “NHS we care so pay us fair”
In stark contrast in bold standard type, pre-printed and handed out by the organisers and happily reproduced care of our BBC photo journo and editorial suite: “NHS fell apart under the Tories”
Clearly there is more politically going on here than the nurses simply looking for their little pot of payrise gold at the end of their naively drawn NHS rainbows.
The Mirror would have us believe: You are working nurses to the bone – too many that I see are looking pretty well-fed.
Reflecting that already referenced regime approved media change of theme: Ice soldiers mark Russia’s very patriotic Christmas (BBC)
Patriotism… we can’t be having that!
Local authorities in the Siberian city of Chita have put up giant ice sculptures of Russian soldiers as Christmas decorations – well, there is a war on.
As Jona Lewie sang, about this time of year in 1980:
But it’s very cold out here in the snow
Marching to and from the enemy
Oh I say it’s tough, I have had enough
Can you stop the cavalry?
Sorry about that. Even as a callow youth the cloying right-on calculated sentimentality of that little ditty always made my skin crawl. One might say more of that sort of thing later – but we’ve already heard from the Daily Mirror.
And just like the pacifist Mr Lewie our BBC having shown us the pretty ice soldiers immediatley draws our attention to: But not all locals back the war
Oh really? One wracks one’s memory for the last time a BBC report on the Ukraine war highlighted any anti-war sentiment on our side. This is how you know you’re reading propaganda not news.
The globalist FT is already keen to categorise the past 12 months as a big win for supranational elite managerial liberalism: Gideon Rachman A bad year for the world’s strongmen – the photo imagery tells us he has Putin and Trump in mind.
Presumably, Mr Rachman (what a name!) you would think there’s some crumb of comfort there for we plebs increasingly cold, under-educated, over-taxed, sick and uncared for, depressed, atomised, surveiled, swamped by hyper-immigration and separated from our traditional native history, culture and communities….
Is your boss spying on you as you work from home? (‘i’) – because of course the ‘i’ newspaper still assumes that you are indeed working from home.
First Rwanda deportation flight could still be years away (‘i’)
Early retirement blamed for slump in economic activity (Telegraph)
So if the strongmen had a bad year, then presumably the weak men are having a good one?
Gareth Southgate staying as England manager… Coach needed to think about future after defeat to France in World Cup quarter-final (Telegraph)
Nurses: Talk to us, Rishi… (Daily Express)
Surely we are set for a feast of blubbing english speaking nurses telling us how tough it is with all the discounts and unquestioning adoration they get from a dumb public ?
When ever the ‘ cave in ‘ comes the blue labour lot will be blamed – so they might as well push on with their pay offer to 2024 ….
Maybe a recruitment freeze on’ non front line ‘ staff -… or a bit of downsizing..
TOADY Watch #1 – 6 a.m. and rejoice at the good news but beware; the bogeyman might get stronger
The Congressional Court investigating the 6 Jaunuary 2021 ‘attack’ * on the Capitol building or ‘riot’ * at the Capitol building has recommended that former President Donald Trump should face charges. It is over to the Department of Justice ( incorrectly described as the Justice Department in the BBC article here: ) to decide whether they will prosecute these charges.
The BBC voiced report contains a note of concern: “It may make Trump stronger, it might strengthen his support among Republicans.” Oooh, fear the Bogeyman. Former President (the BBC always omit that courtesy in their voiced reports) Trump may yet get to run again in 2024. Beware, beware. Sshhh! Don’t mention the bogeyman!
* Both words interchangeable by the BBC, please note, but it was not a demonstration and it was not mostly peaceful according to the BBC. The BBC also persist in the lie that four or five people died as a result of the ‘attack’ or ‘riot’. In truth, it was just one and that was one of the demonstrators as well.
I think that unless some sensible people get hold of the narrative, the Brixton Academy stampede/tragedy, could go the same way as the New Cross Fire that occurred over 40 years ago, in 1981.
This happened at a house party for two girls and led to the deaths of 13 young black people. No one has ever been charged.
Fingers were pointed at right-wing MPs, accusing them of “stirring the pot”. Rumours abounded about mysterious far right groups. There were demonstrations, accusations, books written, documentaries and TV programmes made and the usual bunch of race baiting chancers jumped on the bandwagon.
TV wrestler, Johnny Kwango, said, “They’re killing our babies and over three decades later Darcus Howe was still banging on about this “mass murder”.
However, the fire investigation proved beyond all reasonable doubt that the blaze was started in the living room…and the telling part of that finding is that only black people were attending this get-together…therefore…
This Brixton Academy situation has to be nipped in the bud…
TOADY Watch #2 – oh dear! further evidence that ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ is not after all
Apparently ‘some people’ (quite a lot really) are affluent enough to take early retirement during the Pandemic and stop working. Estimates vary but it is suggested that the 5 million ‘economically inactive’ during the Blair/Brown era, especially at the time of the financial crash has grown by over 50% to 8 million people. Probably another reason for the BBC to overlook the unemployed. Why is that that the LibbyLeftySocialists always neglect the unemployed unless they can ‘weaponise’ them?
On that note…
Twitter still appears to be functioning.
Half the planet is flying to visit the other half. Mainly those in media.
Our family still eats pretty well on a budget with an Aldi, Morrisons, Waitrose combo.
A pint is affordable every so often.
Fuel is pricey but back down a bit.
However, energy is silly money and if OFGEM don’t sort out the extortion racket by the companies they are funded by, I will write to my MP, who is paid a lot of money to open post offices and attend footballing matches, and do F all else.
And Jo Brand is still employed by the BBC.
None of this will stop the yearly fights in Argos on Christmas Eve when the less bright realise its Christmas Day tomorrow….
Sprouts, turnips, parsnips and cabbage all 19p in Sainsburies today.
Though I doubt McDonalds will have any special offers so the BBC will surely find plenty of people to claim they can’t afford to eat.
Mummy is KFC open on Christmas Day innit?
Here’s another futurology video from someone not at all happy with the state of politics in the USA and with some pretty dire predictions for the comming year:
The migrant issue in the USA
Hotels full — occupation stage!
TOADY Watch #3 – no mention of the ‘R’ word by the BBC, very strange
The BBC appear to delight in races and race and racism so it was a little strange to hear that Terry Hall, frontman of The Specials had died and no mention was made of him singing in a fakeJamaican voice and the majority-white band playing a ‘culturally appropriated’ music style or, I should probably write, music-stylee. We didn’t think too much about that at the time, we just enjoyed the music.
At least he didn’t wear blackface, in the style of Canadian PM/WEF Operative, Justin Turdeau.
Terry Hall ? when I heard he had died, I thought “I’m sure he died years ago”. Sorry, but the only Terry Hall I know was the one who had his hand up Lenny the Lion’s backside. The 70’s went through a bit of a sea change in music tastes, so The Specials passed me by. I was still bopping to Bony M and Abba.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, the Test series in Pakistan turned out well for England) I enjoyed ‘Ghost Town’ and some other stuff the Specials did. All the youngsters in my Youth Group also enjoyed The Specials and ‘two tone’ music, especially from Madness who were sort of a local band.
Music sort of drove the 1970s and 1980s onwards although the BBC probably would not play China Crisis’s paean to a Labrador dog now.
In view of an ambulance strike on Wednesday the Government is advising people not to do ‘risky things’ during that day in order to ‘protect the NHS’, ‘flatten the curve ‘ and ‘stuff’ …
If we lived in a free country we’d be able to find out the pattern of 999 calls versus those of strike days ….
… there will be an army of Serco ‘call handlers ‘ shifting those calling 999 from one manager to another in order to prevent an ambulance actually being sent out .
Some ambulances – it seems – won’t be getting to their ‘calls’ until Friday …..
( I’m not sure whether the nut above is true or not but nothing would surprise ) …..
Is it me or is there a distinct lack of Christmas Cards in the stores?
UK forests lock away twice as much planet-warming carbon as previously thought, a new study reveals.
So after all this time, all the scientists and people who study these things had it completely wrong ?.
What a complete load of rubbish. As expected it’s another university making another extreme claim in the name of ‘global warming’ – also known as ‘seeking funding’ – and the BBC idiots falling for it hook line and sinker.
If this is true and our academics have only just realised it, I would suggest they are not competent to be trusted for whatever they say now.
Look at this … I wonder who decided to promote the twerp to “professor”?
I wonder if he lives in a dirt floored tepee ?
Other ‘Perfessers’.
The honorific was first diluted and now has been made laughable.
Doc Shola is set to overtake Newton soon, in certain gatherings of great minds.
In my career as a software engineer for people like BAE SYSTEMS, I came across 3 PhD qualifed people in the teams.
They were without question the worst engineers I have ever come across. They simply could not relate to the real world. They chose whatever part they could identify with and tried to just focus on that.
Without giving maxi too much for his doxxing, one was indirectly responsible for a rocket exploding. His job was identifying the main risks and instead of focussing on real-world failures, he was personally interested in ‘cosmic rays’ so spent most of his time pontificating that and just paid lip service to everything else. It failed because not enough emphasis was focussed on testing for real equipment failures.
If everyone except professors suddenly disappeared, I suspect the human race would simply die of starvation once the supermarkets shelves ran out.
Exhibit B
Chris Folland from UKMO Hadley Centre
JohnC, although the BBC’s Climate Editor, Justin Rowlatt, did admit a year or two back that trees also breathe out CO2 as part of their natural processes. I wish I had a bookmark of that article in this PC.
Employee trans gender man?!
Islam – Weston Area Health NHS Trust › Chapel › Faith-and-Culture
Generally a Muslim woman is not allowed to be examined or surrounded by male members of medical staff. It is always preferable that a female member of the …
Wonder if JezBo was outside, holding the perimeter.
Another food bank refugee who just mustered the strength to call the bbc.
“cleared her diary”.
I knew Vile was thicker than Fledermaus guano, but…
Maybe his directors are gunning for a bonus?
Did you watch the repeats of The Singing Detective recently?
“As thick as s**t in the neck of a bottle.”
Fabulous programme!
Bought the DVD and will watch it again now you’ve reminded me how good it was!
Lord Tony Hall to earn £532,000 as new BBC boss by drawing pension on top of salary
New BBC director-general,Tony Hall, has already been drawing his BBC pension for a year.
By Gordonrayner
22 November 2012 • 10:00pm
MM, Lord Hall could afford to subsidise some pensioners’ previously ‘free’ TV Licences out of that lot.
There are 321,624 Registered nurses in UK.
UK government are paying 20 times this amount (£) per day to hotel migrants (I have not included doctors fees, border control, other support networks for ‘migrants’ in this calc).
This means the UK government could give every nurse earning £34,000 per year a pay rise of nearly 17% = £5,400 if they weren’t wasting it on housing unproductive ‘migrants’ many who have no legal basis to be in the UK. Those who are real (non-economic migrants) could be helped. I’m sure the nurses unions would drop their demand to say 12% so they could help the non-economic, non-criminal migrants.
If only for a week….
but he might have to timeshare with gig as Twitter CEO
Envy of the wo…. ‘Oi… look… phobes!’.
Saz and Lurch should relocate to CA.
The BBC emoting away about people fleeing from Venezuela.
The fact the Venezuela has the largest oil reserves of any country on the planet and is being presently run by a bunch of people lionised by the UK Labour party should be something of a wake-up call to UK voters …
Not that the creepy swines at Broadcasting House would present it as a socialist catastrophe – eh?
I’m at a loss to comprehend what the Germans think they are doing with the trial of the 97 year old lady Irmgard Furchner who worked as a typist in a concentration camp as a teenager.
For God’s sake she was little more than a child and almost certainly had no choice in the matter and was therefore almost as much a victim of the real villains as the poor souls who perished there.
You could in fact make the same argument against every serving soldier, sailor and airman who fought for Germany!
It feels like “Germany” is trying to atone for it’s history in order to bury it at any cost!
maybe the BBC can run a sympathetic podcast for her
She typed out the orders for the chemicals to kill Jews and then watched as the Nazi’s gassed them.
Yep – age doesn’t disqualify justice – but I suppose they won’t go so far as hanging her …..
Digg – as for the comment you make re taking revenge on the nazi military – I thought the idea Stalin had of executing – was it – 50 000 officers at the end of the war wasn’t the worst idea – but I suppose the Russians did it anyway – one way or another .
I still think we ( Britain ) didn’t get enough out of Germany across the decades – we should still be getting compensation …..and maybe for another couple of generations …
Actually – how did that woman evade justice for so long ?…..
Possibly with an armed officer standing right behind her? We can never know the details but that doesn’t mean we should happily assume or make them up!
The greedy weasels triumphed again, being the only succesful ones in all of this.
97 years old is too old, too much water under the bridge and it appears to be just revenge seeking and money grubbing. If a trial was necessary then all those taking part should have given their services for free that way we would have known the law needed this and not the lawyers for their fat fees.
Germany was in the grip of groupthink not to different to what we are experiencing today. The people had been conditioned to think in a certain way by relentless ideological propaganda. Most people will believe anything if you tell them it often enough.
Many of our modern day Nazi socialists would be more than happy to send people on the Right to concentration camps. The BBC HYS whenever they open it for stories of people such as Trump, Boris, Nigel and JRM are absolutely chock full of hate. And over in the USA, the Democrats don’t even try to hide their hatred of the Right at all these days.
If they had the power to get rid of us, they would.
Dis so going to atone megabits.
Dark Ottoman?
Dark Mongolian?
Dark Chinese?
Dark Roman Empire?
Dark ……
BBC SPOTY finalists are announced.
Interestingly, only 24 hours before the vote. I wonder why?
It’s a pretty thin year.
But after the de rigour three women who almost nobody has ever hear of, we do at least get to Ronnie o’ Sullivan.
He’s got his flaws and demons but as a supreme talent for two decades and more, in a class by himself.
So obviously he has no chance.
My money is on Miss/Ms/Mrs Nobody.
Other pronouns are available.
Well done to Beth Mead, sorry I don’t know who you are.
£40 wins you £1.
BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2022 odds
Beth Mead 1/40
Ben Stokes 16/1
Jake Wightman 100/1
Ronnie O’Sullivan 100/1
Jessica Gadirova 100/1
Eve Muirhead 100/1
Google is my friend. They have her down as better than Jimmy Greaves, so a deserved winner, just two box ticks.
Since it’s Christmas……..not BBC.
Let’s see how our wonderful public services work in Brighton.
Admire the professionalism. Admire the effective use of public money.
You know Brighton. The place where the Greens run the show and tell us all about the effects of global warming.
Oh the irony.
Or Google ‘Brighton bus in the snow’.
Ha ha ha! Wasted several days trying to get the Council to see sense on a real and proper leisure development, but they were just thick, woke and hopeless, so we said, ‘Sod them’ and walked away.
I expect you know but in case you didn’t, for every ‘immigrant/asylum seeker’ sent to Rwanda (haha) we have to accept one of their (Rwanda) people who are so badly in need of care that they cannot look after them in Rwanda.
In other words, we will be getting somebody that will probably need a high level of care for the rest of their life.
And we are paying Rwanda hundreds of millions to do this.
Whoever is doing the negotiations for our government is doing a terrible job.
Same as giving the French what amounts to money for nothing.
Or shovelling mountains of cash to hotels and the likes of their mates in serco for channel crossers.
At the same time they are taking a very hard line with all our striking nurses etc.
It seems there’s plenty of money for everyone else but not our own.
I don’t believe that.
If you can, watch the interview with Ben Habib on Farage between 7-8 tonight (catch up?) because they also say this.
Bob Geldof has offered to immediately take in four families as he expressed disgust at the migrant and refugee crisis in Europe.
Not bad for a man who doesn’t pay tax because of his non Dom status and plays the markets as a capitalist is it?
BBC news 6 pm.
Still featuring the death of Terry Hall, ex Fun Boy 3, ex The Specials, from over 40 years ago. Why?
Could this possibly be because The Specials ran a series of anti Tory, anti Thatcher songs, like ‘Ghost Town’?
Maybe the BBC are just using his death to celebrate the fine City of Coventry, and early 80s new music venues like The General Wolfe. It just so happens I was there.
But I have my doubts……LOL.
I thought they were trying to be fair and impartial when they called him a charlatan – but they were talking about another one on early departure.
Sluff, I suspect ‘Ghost Town’ is a prediction for the future of Mayor Kahan’s London.