Happy New Year to all posters here, just surfaced after 10 days of the Lurgi. Good to see some of the MSM reflecting our views on the BBBC! I live in hope!
My impressions of the capital’s New Year celebrations on BBC1:
– Blue and yellow lights and fireworks for Ukraine with their Eurovision winner on the soundtrack.
– Something about the “climate crisis.”
– London Pride (not the beer, obviously). “We are queer, we are here and you’d better get used to it,” we are told.
– A tribute to the Queen with a recording of her talking about “treating the other person with respect.” A bit at odds with the preceding message, no?
– Drone image of the Queen morphs into Charles who says we are “stewards of this precious planet.” Drones make a (mostly green) 3D image of the world.
– It Must Be Love by Madness on the soundtrack. Blimey, an actual London act.
– Ends with a version of Auld Lang Syne unknown to me. Sounds like Europop. Crowds dancing on – Victoria Embankment? – The only faces I can make out are Chinese.
To paraphrase Aimee Mann’s 4th Of July:
Another year has gone by
And when they light up our town I just think
What a waste of gunpowder and sky
Sorry to be a grinch but there you are. Everything is aimed at ‘a certain clientele’ these days.
I somehow suspect this particular victim will be unlikely to be feted by the bbc:
“Failed asylum seeker who mowed down my husband and left my children without a father is STILL here 20 years later, writes widow ALISON FRITCHLEY as she slams the ‘absurd’ system protecting criminals from being deported
Next Saturday will be the 19th anniversary of her husband’s death after he was hit by another driver. Failed asylum seeker, Nana Kemajou, was jailed for two and a half years after being found guilty of dangerous driving.
The failed asylum seeker, Nana Kemajou, from Cameroon, was subsequently jailed for two and a half years after being found guilty of dangerous driving while speeding with a ‘seriously under-inflated tyre’.
He was also charged with wilfully obstructing a police officer by giving false details and driving without insurance or a licence.”
Here we go, getting a black man lined up for another one,
“cos he was in another film”
Audition by tick box
“From Burnley with love: James Bond executives ‘eye up Lancashire-born hunk Lucien Laviscount as the next 007’ after winning plaudits and fans for his Emily in Paris role”
I read the Mail article, get with the times. Why not Laviscount or another black man?
So what if he wears Nike instead of a tuxedo?
Yeah OK, he might need to swap out the Walther PPK for a MAC 10. Perfect for those drive-by assassinations.
And on that subject the Aston Martin DB5 will have to go. Mercedes-Benz S 450 is more like it, as favoured by Pablo Escobar.
It’ll still be the same James Bond you know and love. Trust me.
(Mind you, there might have to be one difference. In the past, James Bond occasionally slept with black women.)
007’s creator Ian Fleming was of Scots descent. His father, Valentine, was born in Newport-on-Tay in north-east Fife in 1882, the son of successful banker Robert Fleming, who moved his family to London. Given that Fleming borrowed so many of Bond’s personality traits from himself, it’s no wonder that he chose to make his famous creation Scottish.
Like Ian Fleming, James Bond’s father was born in Scotland. This detail wasn’t revealed until Fleming’s penultimate novel, You Only Live Twice, when James’ obituary appeared in the times. The novel reveals Bond is the son of a Scottish father, Andrew Bond, of Glencoe, and a Swiss mother, Monique Delacroix, of the Canton de Vaud. They were killed in a mountain climbing accident in the Aiguilles Rouges near Chamonix, when James was 11.
Eon Productions have a big problem in how they continue the Bond series. The 007 who’s been popular for decades isn’t compatible with the woke generation. Why the hell they’re considering appeasing such people is a mystery to me.
I think I’m right in saying that Bond is also MGM’s only remaining successful franchise. I expect the death of the series would be a disaster for them, too.
A black Bond would be yet another nail in Hollywood’s coffin.
Ruth Langsford has finally responded to claims that she made a dig at her apparent This Morning replacement Alison Hammond.
The TV star gave a recent interview in which she said she and Eamonn had “put the work in” rather than gaining stardom overnight from reality TV in a discussion about the couple’s careers.
“We’ve put the work in. We didn’t do a reality show and get an overnight job on the telly,” she told Sunday Mirror’s Notebook
Standard BBC reporting protocol has been applied in regards to the terrible killing of the non leauge footballer stabbed in a night club.
If the victim is white and the perpetrator is not then show a picture of the victim.
Its standard and has been applied for years it is im afraid just another sign of BBC social manipulation.
Police have named two men in their 20s charged with the murder of 23-year-old Cody Fisher, who was fatally stabbed at a nightclub in Birmingham on Boxing Day. West Midlands Police said Kami Carpenter, 21, and Remy Gordon, 22, have been charged with murder and affray. The pair from the city have been remanded into custody to appear before Birmingham Magistrates Court on Monday
Here is a Guardian article from a year ago with illegal immigrants and their representatives demanding we take our responsibilites at sea seriously:
“Refugees crossing the Channel to the UK in small boats are calling on the UK coastguard to review its procedures after claiming officials regularly redirect them to French emergency services after they make 999 calls in what they believe to be the UK part of the Channel.
Relatives and survivors of the mass tragedy in the Channel where at least 27 people lost their lives on 24 November said that repeated distress calls had been made to both French and UK coastguards and that the UK had told them to contact the French rescue services.
Dan O’Mahoney, the government’s clandestine channel threat commander, told parliament’s human rights committee this month that he could not say with any certainty whether or not those onboard had rung for help.
The Guardian has received testimony from several refugees who attempted to cross the Channel in small boats in recent weeks and months who have made identical claims.
One group of refugees interviewed by the Guardian on 18 October in Calais had tried to cross the Channel several hours beforehand but had almost drowned. They said they had called the UK coastguard, who told them to call the French coastguard. The latter eventually rescued them and brought them back to Calais several hours after their flimsy boat set sail.
The occupants of a small boat trying to cross from France to UK on 20 November, four days before the mass drowning, said they had made repeated calls to both French and English coastguards when their boat got into difficulty in what they believe was the UK part of the Channel.
“The English told us to phone the French even without asking for our GPS position,” said one survivor of the near drowning. “We called the French, they asked for our GPS position and told us we were in UK waters. Nobody came to rescue us – neither English nor French. Eventually we called the French organisation Utopia 56 and told them our location. They called the French emergency services, who came to rescue us and brought us back to Calais.”
The refugee said it was his fourth attempt to cross the Channel. During the previous three attempts French police had caught them on the beach and punctured their dinghies with knives.
“I was so frightened on the boat. When nobody came to rescue us I thought we were finished. I personally thought we were going to die,” he told the Guardian. “The UK coastguard should not abandon us. They should rescue us when we tell them we believe we are on the UK side of the Channel.”
A spokesperson for Utopia 56 confirmed that the boat passengers had sent them a series of distress messages on 20 November. He called on both governments to take their responsibilities at sea seriously.”
In the ultimate act of rebellion, I will not be staying up till midnight. Thank you for your company this year. Bo and I wish you a very #Happy2023. We hope it brings all you hope for. X pic.twitter.com/88Zos0AtOU
Our politicians may take frequent long holidays – luckily for MPs they don’t have to publically advertise their numerous times off to all and sundry – by the by, the Telegraph’s house cartoonist Matt is away once again today – so politicians may have “gone fishing” as that old cartoon trope used to explain, yet our media sees to it that politics never rests:
Rishi Sunak’s New Year message of hope… Good Times Are Coming – enthuses the Sunday Express, the banner headline toadying to the unelected millionaire little manlet who graces us with his Pollyannaish little Exclusive
A millionairish cork-popping champers bottle image replaces the now all too familiar Ukraine banner the workaday masthead branding for the Daily Express – that false foreign flag apparently now a fixture only to be dipped for high days and holidays such the odd Remembrance Day poppy and a poignant lone Christmas bauble once in a while before they re-hoist the old blue and yellow.
Fear not! We’re led to believe Rishi has his: New Year’s masterplan to kickstart Britain’s recovery… after a horrendous 12 months marred by war, inflation and political turmoil
The globalist Indian of no fixed abode (who can’t be prosecuted for vagrancy because he still has his US Green Card in his back pocket) imposed on us as our regional manager for the UK district – sharing responsibility for the minor Northern Ireland sub-district with the EU main office – carefully side-steps the bear traps such as Build Back Better, Great Reset and New World Order with his own weasily: “build a better future”
Frankly, he doesn’t sound particularly conservative – more like the smiling Chinese dictator Xi Jinping subduing his restive masses with the modern opium – as Rishi admits he’s: “working flat out to provide peace of mind” and “fairness”
Our Rishi is careful to disuade us, now that he is PM, from blaming him personally for our current massive economic dislocations, overbearing taxes, impossible sovereign debt, public sector industrial action (industry, action and the public sector are obviously a set of contradictions in terms – but you know what I mean – the NHS and the still semi-State run posties and railwaymen are all busy on and off strikes) and there’s inflation – the big one – all consequent in one way or another on Prime Minister Sunak’s very own policies when chancellor: “I may have only had the job for several weeks but actually I feel good about the future”
And why wouldn’t he, being an asset holder?: Why do the rich get richer — even during global crises? Every 30 hours, the pandemic spawned a new billionaire, while pushing a million people into poverty… “Higher wealth tends to be associated with capture of government and state institutions by the elite,” [Francisco] Ferreira at the London School of Economics said. (Aljazeera)
Xi gets £1bn dividends from stakes in UK firms… regime has banked more than £1 billion… after buying shares worth more than £45bn in British companies (Sunday Times)
As previously alluded, Rishi is not conservative and fails to explain any specifics concerning his supposed New Year masterplan: PM’s crackdown on strikes could be six months away (Sunday Telegraph) – clearly Sunak doesn’t see the present strikes as much of a crisis – a Tory executive that imposed Lockdown overnight might maybe get around to some legislation in time for the summer holidays?
In light of the trigger-happy resort to Lockdown policy one had to smile at this: “You could bring in a sweeping powers on anything, but, ultimately, if it isn’t watertight then there’s no point,” a government source said (Telegraph)
Brexiteer, free-marketeer Daniel Hannen is not exactly the life and soul of the party: Everthing will get worse (Telegraph)
So much for the Tories… what of the further-left?
After the Guardian, grudgingly, admits: ‘Technical white Christmas’ as five UK weather stations record snow or sleet
The Sunday Mirror is busy race-baiting: Guest list for Lady Hussey… Coronation invite for race row Royal aide
Assumed shock and imagined insult and offence at the ‘so where are from, exactly’ question is not exactly an issue high among the concerns of the regular masses. Although that sort of thing excites many Labour MPs.
Perhaps that’s why: Wavering voters could scupper Starmer victory. A third of the electorate in key battlegrounds are still ‘don’t knows’ – giving Tories fresh hope (Sunday Times)
The fully paid up card carrying left-leaning Sunday People is more in touch with the people with their shocker: ‘Patients die before they get a bed’ NHS medis blast Tories for ‘Dickensian’ A&E crisis
The liberal-leaning socialism-curious Sunday Times echoes the Labour paper’s report: Patient had to wait 99 hours for bed… and a seriously ill child had to sleep on plastic chairs – I’m fact-checking this and nit-picking the fact that the Victorian Dickensians didn’t have plastic furniture.
Mr AsI was employed for a time in a past life within an office run by a middle eastern family in London. They were rather strict about long office hours referring to their firm as a third world office working third world hours. The implied reference to lazy British workers was clear. My point is that our NHS staff looks third world, we’ve imported too many third world patients, meanwhile our NHS wants to work British hours for British pay – so inevitably delivers a third world service.
All that said, let’s turn to drink: It’s the thirst of January! Join great Star campaign to swap Dry Jan for Wet Jan… Sign pledge to help our pubs beat the crisis… keep boozers in business, even if you stick to water (Daily Star)
(extracts from works by Mary Trett, a local historian)
Even the most rudimentary research shows that the bBC lie and lie – about most things – but they work on the assumption that people never bother to check anything.
Happy New Year to all the perspicacious contributors to this wonderful site.
BBC Scotland’s Hogmanay programme wasn’t appealing to me very much last night. This programme has in recent years placed less emphasis on traditional celebration and focused more on pop music. I switched on to see Lewis Capaldi enthusiastically introduced by Edith Bowman, her of the mangled vowels and jarring diction. Nah, I thought. They also had a modern folk group, Manran, who to be fair weren’t too bad.
But I switched over to BBC Alba (The Gaelic word for Scotland. Pronounced AH – la – pah). Live from Mallaig, this was a proper ceilidh with traditional music and country dances like Strip the Willow., just like the old days. They had Gaelic songs and their own excellent folk group called Breabach. The crowd was made up of young and old, the whole community, just as it should be. This programme seemed to understand that what many of us want at Hogmanay is the traditional way we see in the new year, the traditional greetings and customs, the reassuringly familiar, the same old thing.
In my view the Hogmanay programme is not a programme for arty-farty BBC producers to experiment with or completely change the format of in order to appeal to youthful demographics. Some things don’t need updating. In fact, some things must NOT be updated.
Progressives don’t really understand or value tradition.
It’s going to be interesting to watch the progress of this in California.
The BBC is ignoring it – it seems….
Starting Monday in California… Trucks & Buses with engines made before 2010 are banned. This is over 70k vehicles. It also applies to Trucks entering California.
Have you noticed a lot more road closures in the UK recently due to lorry fires ?
I wonder if it’s anything to do with the new Euro engines and the burn out at high temperatures in the exhaust system .
Reach-Daily Mirror local newspaper websites are a mess cos of all the popup adverts , and click bait stories.
This morning someone says ‘oh my god , look this young homeless girl died sleeping in a tent. It’s in the Leicester paper, Evil Tories let immigrants have all the hotel spaces’
I check
Sure it’s in the Leicester paper
but #1 it’s from a month ago
#2 It’s not a Leicester or even UK story, it was Dublin
#3 The paper says it got it off Facebook
So I check Dublin papers
#4 They say it’s FakeNews cos the Facebook poster deleted the post and no authorities know about such a death https://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/news/real-life/young-woman-dies-sleeping-rough-7923974
… https://twitter.com/TJ_FactCheck/status/1603064774610165762
Par for the course at the Reach plc “Live” fleet of titles – spewing lies and grotesque “fill in the blank” articles.
I hope they implode – the revenue model simply must be at breaking point – they won’t be missed here. Their “local” people are ignorant, lazy and often incapable of typing coherent English.
The Leicester Mercury has always been sh1te. I pranked them several times when a student.
BBC IMAGE WATCH !!- I wouldn’t be surprised if
BIG BROTHER from the BBC Diversity department . Be it
a he , she or it. Has made a New Years resolution ONLY
to have black models on Getty’s Imaging for
public interest features . Such as utility bills , cosy of living
etc. And that looks like its started today. To be honest it
has been around 85% for the last year.
Your bank account still being burgled by Direct Debit?
Look at the gas price ….
Headlines & comments about "gas prices being back to the levels they were before Russia's invasion of Ukraine" forget that it wasn't Russia's invasion of Ukraine that caused gas price rises.
They did vote to sack her at the end of May,
but I think for other reasons
I am still not sure she ever admitted lying
People say the BBC did report the child rape claims
which were not backed by evidence
The @BBCNews are reporting atrocities in Bucha. The execution and mass graves of civilians. ‘Child safaris’ and the rape of children under 10. WHAT are we going to do about it, @BorisJohnson, because it needs to be stronger than sanctions.
Simply another case of a lie in orbit while the truth is struggling to get its socks on.
The BBC are paid handsomely to do due diligence on the provenance of stories / reports – we know only too well that that goes out the window when the tale aligns with the preferred narrative.
An instant rebuttal most times cannot be deployed when the source of a claim has some official credentials – the onus of proof has to endure a process to check out the veracity …
– what it does do though is erode confidence in the veracity of official statements. “Not to be trusted” eventually dilutes the messaging and oftentimes provokes the fibbers into higher, more outrageous flights of fancy?
I haven’t found media where she says children were raped
In the NYT she does talk about rape of women
at the end of April 29th article https://archive.is/s1Auq
She detailed cases of gang rapes and repeated assaults on imprisoned women that had left them both wounded and pregnant.
Would be interested to hear a translation rather than rely on subtitles…
More #Ukranian soldiers telling their president that they are coming for him and all the other politicians if they can only survive this. pic.twitter.com/S30gKpdtAR
Along with Prof. William Happer, Prof. William van Wijngaarden, always spell the facts out. This video could be hard going but eases toward the end when the latter sets out their conclusions. It really is a must see for those able to understand most of it.
From a practical perspective it now needs some renowned World expert in, maybe, biology or land use to take the work on to another level and explain to the deranged what the findings mean in terms of the existence/continuation of life on this planet. Problem is, most of the deranged are seeking the extinction of life on this planet. It has now become a ‘Death Cult’.
In case anyone missed this story, it cost the BBC £7 million to commission some new logos, below, that an infant could have knocked up in 10 minutes or, as Jon Carne points out, that they could have cobbled together in-house for free.
Incidentally, it took the Express 8 months and the FOI to force the beeb to reveal the figures which they fought tooth and nail to hide.
So who’s giving up a few pints or glasses of vino, and becoming stupidly ‘vegan’ during January?
What a farce! January is the most miserable month in the calendar, when normal people just hanker after comfort, friendship and family love after buggering it all up over Christmas, so let’s all get pissed as farts, eat as much chocolate as there is in those big plastic boxes from Tesco, and look forward to February, when the evenings start appearing, and we don’t fall arse-over-head walking the dog in the dark!
Zephir, the BBBC have loads of autocue-under-managers who handle all these flibbertigibbet lightweights.
The wokitude is endemic, and these little pretty faces are ordered to giggle, piddle around, and generally make a dog’s dinner of the nonsense they are told to spout, so just relax, light up a bottle of Prosecco, and chill out watching Father Ted or something..;0)
One for BBC journalists to ponder if not faffing about still with how an idiot pixie’s gag writer flamed some weird bald self promoting twerp on Twitter.
Worth checking out the XR manifestos that were there for all to assess back in 2018.
1. Ban ALL holidays that involve getting there in an aircraft, including Ibiza bashes etc.
2. Close all venues that serve ingredients that have to be ferried in from overseas such as coffee. that would involve shutting Costas and all the other US franchises selling overpriced crap.
3. Ban all fast food that is ferried across the World such as Ben and Jerries ice cream.
4. Ban all foods containing ingredients that cannot be supplied in this Country and need to be imported which would probably close all Indian and Chinese takeaways overnight.
5. Ban attending any sport activity that you can’t walk to or at most catch a bus.
I’m sure this sort of thing would soon end the constant whining by the we are all gonna die twats.
That blonde Sophie lass who was flying around tickling kindly old director generals’ fancies at 5 star Eco resort festivals… was she a spoof? Seems to have vanished off the greendar.
The other day it was reported that police Scotland used the term Minor Attracted Persons MAPs) as a reference to kiddie fiddlers – paedophiles – child abusers – sexual predators – child groomers ….
Police Scotland would like to point out that although the term was used in one of their reports it wasn’t meant to be there . It was used in a ‘European research paper ‘ and someone in police Scotland cut and pasted it ….
In fact police Scotland objected to the term in the European research thing – but still carried on to use the term . …
It might be noted – in the daily mail piece from which my comment comes – that the origins of the term is not explained – or that maybe a detective in police Scotland should track down the source – and find a child abuser in that ‘European research group ‘….
I think the term will become more ‘main stream ‘ and ‘approved ‘ in 2023 – by the MSM – it complements sanitised language like ‘grooming ‘ aka child rape and the other perverted language of the pervert ….
Elsewhere – the Sunday programme stuck the knife in on the deceased pope ( rip ) by mentioning how he said Islam was a false religion – and queers have ‘character issues ‘- he also upset the Cof E by mentioning it wasn’t much of a true religion – more a social movement …. ( no wonder the BBC had no regard for him )….
Maryland woman tells the WaPo that we must stop using fossil fuels so that her flights to California to see her grandchildren won't be cancelled.🤔https://t.co/92t5z5VSnH
BBC News – no News.
Unless our so called Government fixes our Invasion Crisis and our Energy Crisis. We the the people of Great Britain will fix them and their blatant, or deliberate incompetency .
Its almost as if our ‘Government’ is taking orders from outside these shores ?
Are we suffering from Treason ?
May I remind you of the pledge made in May 2015 https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prime-minister-pledges-to-control-and-reduce-immigration
Pity we couldn’t have the former (hanged, drawn and quartered) penalty for Treason though if proven we need to make sure the guilty will ‘enjoy’ life in prison at the very least, with an outside chance of hanging. Anyone attempting to destroy the country with a globalist agenda should pay.
Hanging, drawing and quartering was the usual punishment until the 19th century. The last treason trial was that of William Joyce, “Lord Haw-Haw”, who was executed by hanging in 1946. Since the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 became law, the maximum sentence for treason in the UK has been life imprisonment.
Life in the UK in 2022 was so insane. that back in February a leading UK newspaper writing a story about a pub, used an image library which blurred the pub’s name cos it’s the word cocks ie male chicken
Ye Olde Fighting Cocks in St Albans has survived wars, plagues and financial crisis after being established in 793AD… but it was left devastated by Covid, and now it's gone into administration after 13 centuries. @emma_brazell reports ✍️https://t.co/RRLutD2yQ7 🧵👇
Poured a brandy getting ready for Happy Valley mostly filmed around where I live. Before it starts I settled down and put that “Midwife” thing on, I lasted 17 seconds West Indian nurse and white supremacists….off.
Now I’ll try HV let’s hope its not woke because if it is, it’s an early night in Halifax.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
Happy New Year to all posters here, just surfaced after 10 days of the Lurgi. Good to see some of the MSM reflecting our views on the BBBC! I live in hope!
.. the long cold ? or flu ?
My impressions of the capital’s New Year celebrations on BBC1:
– Blue and yellow lights and fireworks for Ukraine with their Eurovision winner on the soundtrack.
– Something about the “climate crisis.”
– London Pride (not the beer, obviously). “We are queer, we are here and you’d better get used to it,” we are told.
– A tribute to the Queen with a recording of her talking about “treating the other person with respect.” A bit at odds with the preceding message, no?
– Drone image of the Queen morphs into Charles who says we are “stewards of this precious planet.” Drones make a (mostly green) 3D image of the world.
– It Must Be Love by Madness on the soundtrack. Blimey, an actual London act.
– Ends with a version of Auld Lang Syne unknown to me. Sounds like Europop. Crowds dancing on – Victoria Embankment? – The only faces I can make out are Chinese.
To paraphrase Aimee Mann’s 4th Of July:
Another year has gone by
And when they light up our town I just think
What a waste of gunpowder and sky
Sorry to be a grinch but there you are. Everything is aimed at ‘a certain clientele’ these days.
Happy New Year nonetheless.
I somehow suspect this particular victim will be unlikely to be feted by the bbc:
“Failed asylum seeker who mowed down my husband and left my children without a father is STILL here 20 years later, writes widow ALISON FRITCHLEY as she slams the ‘absurd’ system protecting criminals from being deported
Next Saturday will be the 19th anniversary of her husband’s death after he was hit by another driver. Failed asylum seeker, Nana Kemajou, was jailed for two and a half years after being found guilty of dangerous driving.
The failed asylum seeker, Nana Kemajou, from Cameroon, was subsequently jailed for two and a half years after being found guilty of dangerous driving while speeding with a ‘seriously under-inflated tyre’.
He was also charged with wilfully obstructing a police officer by giving false details and driving without insurance or a licence.”
Here we go, getting a black man lined up for another one,
“cos he was in another film”
Audition by tick box
“From Burnley with love: James Bond executives ‘eye up Lancashire-born hunk Lucien Laviscount as the next 007’ after winning plaudits and fans for his Emily in Paris role”
I read the Mail article, get with the times. Why not Laviscount or another black man?
So what if he wears Nike instead of a tuxedo?
Yeah OK, he might need to swap out the Walther PPK for a MAC 10. Perfect for those drive-by assassinations.
And on that subject the Aston Martin DB5 will have to go. Mercedes-Benz S 450 is more like it, as favoured by Pablo Escobar.
It’ll still be the same James Bond you know and love. Trust me.
(Mind you, there might have to be one difference. In the past, James Bond occasionally slept with black women.)
Indeed, although…
007’s creator Ian Fleming was of Scots descent. His father, Valentine, was born in Newport-on-Tay in north-east Fife in 1882, the son of successful banker Robert Fleming, who moved his family to London. Given that Fleming borrowed so many of Bond’s personality traits from himself, it’s no wonder that he chose to make his famous creation Scottish.
Like Ian Fleming, James Bond’s father was born in Scotland. This detail wasn’t revealed until Fleming’s penultimate novel, You Only Live Twice, when James’ obituary appeared in the times. The novel reveals Bond is the son of a Scottish father, Andrew Bond, of Glencoe, and a Swiss mother, Monique Delacroix, of the Canton de Vaud. They were killed in a mountain climbing accident in the Aiguilles Rouges near Chamonix, when James was 11.
On Her Majestys Secret Service:
Bond is telling the professor from the College of Arms about his Scottish father, “My father came from the Highlands, from a place near Glencoe”.
Eon Productions have a big problem in how they continue the Bond series. The 007 who’s been popular for decades isn’t compatible with the woke generation. Why the hell they’re considering appeasing such people is a mystery to me.
I think I’m right in saying that Bond is also MGM’s only remaining successful franchise. I expect the death of the series would be a disaster for them, too.
A black Bond would be yet another nail in Hollywood’s coffin.
Worth a punt on this one, on the “two birds with one stone” principle and track record of replacing whites ?
Ruth Langsford has finally responded to claims that she made a dig at her apparent This Morning replacement Alison Hammond.
The TV star gave a recent interview in which she said she and Eamonn had “put the work in” rather than gaining stardom overnight from reality TV in a discussion about the couple’s careers.
“We’ve put the work in. We didn’t do a reality show and get an overnight job on the telly,” she told Sunday Mirror’s Notebook
Blwydden Newydd Dda ! 🏴 A Happy New Year from taffland !
Happy New Year, 2023 must be better than last year.
Before I agree to 2023 I need to see some terms and conditions.
Standard BBC reporting protocol has been applied in regards to the terrible killing of the non leauge footballer stabbed in a night club.
If the victim is white and the perpetrator is not then show a picture of the victim.
Its standard and has been applied for years it is im afraid just another sign of BBC social manipulation.
Oh and happy new year everyone.
Typical indigenous names.
Police have named two men in their 20s charged with the murder of 23-year-old Cody Fisher, who was fatally stabbed at a nightclub in Birmingham on Boxing Day. West Midlands Police said Kami Carpenter, 21, and Remy Gordon, 22, have been charged with murder and affray. The pair from the city have been remanded into custody to appear before Birmingham Magistrates Court on Monday
A Coastguard Officer has been awarded the British Empire Medal after being involved in rescuing 2000 people.
He said: It’s a great surprise. I only started 6 weeks ago.
Here is a Guardian article from a year ago with illegal immigrants and their representatives demanding we take our responsibilites at sea seriously:
“Refugees crossing the Channel to the UK in small boats are calling on the UK coastguard to review its procedures after claiming officials regularly redirect them to French emergency services after they make 999 calls in what they believe to be the UK part of the Channel.
Relatives and survivors of the mass tragedy in the Channel where at least 27 people lost their lives on 24 November said that repeated distress calls had been made to both French and UK coastguards and that the UK had told them to contact the French rescue services.
Dan O’Mahoney, the government’s clandestine channel threat commander, told parliament’s human rights committee this month that he could not say with any certainty whether or not those onboard had rung for help.
The Guardian has received testimony from several refugees who attempted to cross the Channel in small boats in recent weeks and months who have made identical claims.
One group of refugees interviewed by the Guardian on 18 October in Calais had tried to cross the Channel several hours beforehand but had almost drowned. They said they had called the UK coastguard, who told them to call the French coastguard. The latter eventually rescued them and brought them back to Calais several hours after their flimsy boat set sail.
The occupants of a small boat trying to cross from France to UK on 20 November, four days before the mass drowning, said they had made repeated calls to both French and English coastguards when their boat got into difficulty in what they believe was the UK part of the Channel.
“The English told us to phone the French even without asking for our GPS position,” said one survivor of the near drowning. “We called the French, they asked for our GPS position and told us we were in UK waters. Nobody came to rescue us – neither English nor French. Eventually we called the French organisation Utopia 56 and told them our location. They called the French emergency services, who came to rescue us and brought us back to Calais.”
The refugee said it was his fourth attempt to cross the Channel. During the previous three attempts French police had caught them on the beach and punctured their dinghies with knives.
“I was so frightened on the boat. When nobody came to rescue us I thought we were finished. I personally thought we were going to die,” he told the Guardian. “The UK coastguard should not abandon us. They should rescue us when we tell them we believe we are on the UK side of the Channel.”
A spokesperson for Utopia 56 confirmed that the boat passengers had sent them a series of distress messages on 20 November. He called on both governments to take their responsibilities at sea seriously.”
Happy New Year everyone. Permit me a Tiny Tim moment: may God bless us all.
So… Happy New Year!
What’s new?
A miserable old entitled, diverse media bag is unhappy.
Nothing new there.
… with the BBC.
Plot twist.
However… best of all… #ccbgb
Maybe she should have joined Lily in Venice and Emma on Mastodon.
She is really enjoying a public love fest.
Along with bbc ratings.
No wonder they want to force their grotesque funding onto the council taxes to keep Champion Ash’s slot open.
I looked at some comments, and unbelievably, there is one blaming The Toreez innit” undermining the bbc ffs
Got a big up from YAB, who was promptly canned.
Take a day off, none of the above edition
Our politicians may take frequent long holidays – luckily for MPs they don’t have to publically advertise their numerous times off to all and sundry – by the by, the Telegraph’s house cartoonist Matt is away once again today – so politicians may have “gone fishing” as that old cartoon trope used to explain, yet our media sees to it that politics never rests:
Rishi Sunak’s New Year message of hope… Good Times Are Coming – enthuses the Sunday Express, the banner headline toadying to the unelected millionaire little manlet who graces us with his Pollyannaish little Exclusive
A millionairish cork-popping champers bottle image replaces the now all too familiar Ukraine banner the workaday masthead branding for the Daily Express – that false foreign flag apparently now a fixture only to be dipped for high days and holidays such the odd Remembrance Day poppy and a poignant lone Christmas bauble once in a while before they re-hoist the old blue and yellow.
Fear not! We’re led to believe Rishi has his: New Year’s masterplan to kickstart Britain’s recovery… after a horrendous 12 months marred by war, inflation and political turmoil
The globalist Indian of no fixed abode (who can’t be prosecuted for vagrancy because he still has his US Green Card in his back pocket) imposed on us as our regional manager for the UK district – sharing responsibility for the minor Northern Ireland sub-district with the EU main office – carefully side-steps the bear traps such as Build Back Better, Great Reset and New World Order with his own weasily: “build a better future”
Frankly, he doesn’t sound particularly conservative – more like the smiling Chinese dictator Xi Jinping subduing his restive masses with the modern opium – as Rishi admits he’s: “working flat out to provide peace of mind” and “fairness”
Our Rishi is careful to disuade us, now that he is PM, from blaming him personally for our current massive economic dislocations, overbearing taxes, impossible sovereign debt, public sector industrial action (industry, action and the public sector are obviously a set of contradictions in terms – but you know what I mean – the NHS and the still semi-State run posties and railwaymen are all busy on and off strikes) and there’s inflation – the big one – all consequent in one way or another on Prime Minister Sunak’s very own policies when chancellor: “I may have only had the job for several weeks but actually I feel good about the future”
And why wouldn’t he, being an asset holder?: Why do the rich get richer — even during global crises? Every 30 hours, the pandemic spawned a new billionaire, while pushing a million people into poverty… “Higher wealth tends to be associated with capture of government and state institutions by the elite,” [Francisco] Ferreira at the London School of Economics said. (Aljazeera)
Xi gets £1bn dividends from stakes in UK firms… regime has banked more than £1 billion… after buying shares worth more than £45bn in British companies (Sunday Times)
As previously alluded, Rishi is not conservative and fails to explain any specifics concerning his supposed New Year masterplan: PM’s crackdown on strikes could be six months away (Sunday Telegraph) – clearly Sunak doesn’t see the present strikes as much of a crisis – a Tory executive that imposed Lockdown overnight might maybe get around to some legislation in time for the summer holidays?
In light of the trigger-happy resort to Lockdown policy one had to smile at this: “You could bring in a sweeping powers on anything, but, ultimately, if it isn’t watertight then there’s no point,” a government source said (Telegraph)
Brexiteer, free-marketeer Daniel Hannen is not exactly the life and soul of the party: Everthing will get worse (Telegraph)
So much for the Tories… what of the further-left?
After the Guardian, grudgingly, admits: ‘Technical white Christmas’ as five UK weather stations record snow or sleet
The Sunday Mirror is busy race-baiting: Guest list for Lady Hussey… Coronation invite for race row Royal aide
Assumed shock and imagined insult and offence at the ‘so where are from, exactly’ question is not exactly an issue high among the concerns of the regular masses. Although that sort of thing excites many Labour MPs.
Perhaps that’s why: Wavering voters could scupper Starmer victory. A third of the electorate in key battlegrounds are still ‘don’t knows’ – giving Tories fresh hope (Sunday Times)
The fully paid up card carrying left-leaning Sunday People is more in touch with the people with their shocker: ‘Patients die before they get a bed’ NHS medis blast Tories for ‘Dickensian’ A&E crisis
The liberal-leaning socialism-curious Sunday Times echoes the Labour paper’s report: Patient had to wait 99 hours for bed… and a seriously ill child had to sleep on plastic chairs – I’m fact-checking this and nit-picking the fact that the Victorian Dickensians didn’t have plastic furniture.
Mr AsI was employed for a time in a past life within an office run by a middle eastern family in London. They were rather strict about long office hours referring to their firm as a third world office working third world hours. The implied reference to lazy British workers was clear. My point is that our NHS staff looks third world, we’ve imported too many third world patients, meanwhile our NHS wants to work British hours for British pay – so inevitably delivers a third world service.
All that said, let’s turn to drink: It’s the thirst of January! Join great Star campaign to swap Dry Jan for Wet Jan… Sign pledge to help our pubs beat the crisis… keep boozers in business, even if you stick to water (Daily Star)
AISI, the Sunday Guardian a.k.a. The Observer is missing from the BBC’s ‘The Papaers’ Blog – again. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-64137723
Frankly impressed Getty have any images at all of a mixed gender couple.
They both look pissed, can’t be showing coloured folk getting pissed, only despicable white folks stoop that low.
Maybe a BBC NY Resolution could be to not be as utterly bent as they have been?
(extracts from works by Mary Trett, a local historian)
Even the most rudimentary research shows that the bBC lie and lie – about most things – but they work on the assumption that people never bother to check anything.
Happy New Year to all the perspicacious contributors to this wonderful site.
BBC Scotland’s Hogmanay programme wasn’t appealing to me very much last night. This programme has in recent years placed less emphasis on traditional celebration and focused more on pop music. I switched on to see Lewis Capaldi enthusiastically introduced by Edith Bowman, her of the mangled vowels and jarring diction. Nah, I thought. They also had a modern folk group, Manran, who to be fair weren’t too bad.
But I switched over to BBC Alba (The Gaelic word for Scotland. Pronounced AH – la – pah). Live from Mallaig, this was a proper ceilidh with traditional music and country dances like Strip the Willow., just like the old days. They had Gaelic songs and their own excellent folk group called Breabach. The crowd was made up of young and old, the whole community, just as it should be. This programme seemed to understand that what many of us want at Hogmanay is the traditional way we see in the new year, the traditional greetings and customs, the reassuringly familiar, the same old thing.
In my view the Hogmanay programme is not a programme for arty-farty BBC producers to experiment with or completely change the format of in order to appeal to youthful demographics. Some things don’t need updating. In fact, some things must NOT be updated.
Progressives don’t really understand or value tradition.
Happy New Year
“Progressives” in the US and Europe really are progressing us towards third world crime styles and crime rates.
When America sneezes …
It’s going to be interesting to watch the progress of this in California.
The BBC is ignoring it – it seems….
Have you noticed a lot more road closures in the UK recently due to lorry fires ?
I wonder if it’s anything to do with the new Euro engines and the burn out at high temperatures in the exhaust system .
Or cooking their fry ups on the dashboard as seen by police when they used a lorry cab to check out what they were all up to on the M25
Reach-Daily Mirror local newspaper websites are a mess cos of all the popup adverts , and click bait stories.
This morning someone says ‘oh my god , look this young homeless girl died sleeping in a tent. It’s in the Leicester paper, Evil Tories let immigrants have all the hotel spaces’
I check
Sure it’s in the Leicester paper
but #1 it’s from a month ago
#2 It’s not a Leicester or even UK story, it was Dublin
#3 The paper says it got it off Facebook
So I check Dublin papers
#4 They say it’s FakeNews cos the Facebook poster deleted the post and no authorities know about such a death
… https://twitter.com/TJ_FactCheck/status/1603064774610165762
Par for the course at the Reach plc “Live” fleet of titles – spewing lies and grotesque “fill in the blank” articles.
I hope they implode – the revenue model simply must be at breaking point – they won’t be missed here. Their “local” people are ignorant, lazy and often incapable of typing coherent English.
The Leicester Mercury has always been sh1te. I pranked them several times when a student.
The Mirror could go too … good riddance.
BBC IMAGE WATCH !!- I wouldn’t be surprised if
BIG BROTHER from the BBC Diversity department . Be it
a he , she or it. Has made a New Years resolution ONLY
to have black models on Getty’s Imaging for
public interest features . Such as utility bills , cosy of living
etc. And that looks like its started today. To be honest it
has been around 85% for the last year.
I see today according to the adverts, Centre Parcs have opened a resort in the Congo Basin, or it could be Rwanda.
What happened to those golfing retirement complexes that Japan was supposed to be building in Gambia / Senegal?
Housewife recycling centre?
Your bank account still being burgled by Direct Debit?
Look at the gas price ….
Meanwhile …
I only picked this up d/t residual written French comprehension
The story is at least 6 months old
Tweet translation
Ukrainian human rights ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova admits lying about Russian child rape
“I was trying to achieve the goal of convincing the world to supply arms and put pressure on Russia.”
I think the parliament voted to sack her at the start of June
They did vote to sack her at the end of May,
but I think for other reasons
I am still not sure she ever admitted lying
People say the BBC did report the child rape claims
which were not backed by evidence
Simply another case of a lie in orbit while the truth is struggling to get its socks on.
The BBC are paid handsomely to do due diligence on the provenance of stories / reports – we know only too well that that goes out the window when the tale aligns with the preferred narrative.
An instant rebuttal most times cannot be deployed when the source of a claim has some official credentials – the onus of proof has to endure a process to check out the veracity …
– what it does do though is erode confidence in the veracity of official statements. “Not to be trusted” eventually dilutes the messaging and oftentimes provokes the fibbers into higher, more outrageous flights of fancy?
– not a virtuous circle.
I haven’t found media where she says children were raped
In the NYT she does talk about rape of women
at the end of April 29th article
She detailed cases of gang rapes and repeated assaults on imprisoned women that had left them both wounded and pregnant.
I wonder if anybody’s archiving “UKRINFORM” ?
The Icelandics are providing a useful service there.
Carlotta Gall at the NYT (definitely) looks like a CIA asset / spook.
Would be interested to hear a translation rather than rely on subtitles…
Along with Prof. William Happer, Prof. William van Wijngaarden, always spell the facts out. This video could be hard going but eases toward the end when the latter sets out their conclusions. It really is a must see for those able to understand most of it.
From a practical perspective it now needs some renowned World expert in, maybe, biology or land use to take the work on to another level and explain to the deranged what the findings mean in terms of the existence/continuation of life on this planet. Problem is, most of the deranged are seeking the extinction of life on this planet. It has now become a ‘Death Cult’.
In case anyone missed this story, it cost the BBC £7 million to commission some new logos, below, that an infant could have knocked up in 10 minutes or, as Jon Carne points out, that they could have cobbled together in-house for free.
Incidentally, it took the Express 8 months and the FOI to force the beeb to reveal the figures which they fought tooth and nail to hide.
“BBC splashes out £7MILLION on new logos as over-75s are forced to pay licence fee”
So who’s giving up a few pints or glasses of vino, and becoming stupidly ‘vegan’ during January?
What a farce! January is the most miserable month in the calendar, when normal people just hanker after comfort, friendship and family love after buggering it all up over Christmas, so let’s all get pissed as farts, eat as much chocolate as there is in those big plastic boxes from Tesco, and look forward to February, when the evenings start appearing, and we don’t fall arse-over-head walking the dog in the dark!
Happy New Year everybody!
Whilst YAB may have it framed, the Crox of BBc might feel this image is non optimal.
Seems to capture the Beeboid manic aspect well.
More than a passing resemblance to a ventriloquist dummy,
which begs the question…..
Zephir, the BBBC have loads of autocue-under-managers who handle all these flibbertigibbet lightweights.
The wokitude is endemic, and these little pretty faces are ordered to giggle, piddle around, and generally make a dog’s dinner of the nonsense they are told to spout, so just relax, light up a bottle of Prosecco, and chill out watching Father Ted or something..;0)
Ukraine must get long-term support, warns Nato chief
Another extreme propaganda piece – but look at the kind of people the BBC is having writing them:
I guarantee she has no clue whatsoever about what is really going on over there.
It’s hard to believe how far the BBC has fallen.
They are operating a clone lab, clearly.
The Beeblonde looks like she is having multiple special moments.
One for BBC journalists to ponder if not faffing about still with how an idiot pixie’s gag writer flamed some weird bald self promoting twerp on Twitter.
Worth checking out the XR manifestos that were there for all to assess back in 2018.
It’s a new form of journalism now. Apparently.
Those who don’t bother to look beyond the bubble will one day find what is outside comes in.
I have a plan that should impress the greenies.
1. Ban ALL holidays that involve getting there in an aircraft, including Ibiza bashes etc.
2. Close all venues that serve ingredients that have to be ferried in from overseas such as coffee. that would involve shutting Costas and all the other US franchises selling overpriced crap.
3. Ban all fast food that is ferried across the World such as Ben and Jerries ice cream.
4. Ban all foods containing ingredients that cannot be supplied in this Country and need to be imported which would probably close all Indian and Chinese takeaways overnight.
5. Ban attending any sport activity that you can’t walk to or at most catch a bus.
I’m sure this sort of thing would soon end the constant whining by the we are all gonna die twats.
I’m sure you lot can add to this list.
BBC 28 Gaiters signed up?
That blonde Sophie lass who was flying around tickling kindly old director generals’ fancies at 5 star Eco resort festivals… was she a spoof? Seems to have vanished off the greendar.
The other day it was reported that police Scotland used the term Minor Attracted Persons MAPs) as a reference to kiddie fiddlers – paedophiles – child abusers – sexual predators – child groomers ….
Police Scotland would like to point out that although the term was used in one of their reports it wasn’t meant to be there . It was used in a ‘European research paper ‘ and someone in police Scotland cut and pasted it ….
In fact police Scotland objected to the term in the European research thing – but still carried on to use the term . …
It might be noted – in the daily mail piece from which my comment comes – that the origins of the term is not explained – or that maybe a detective in police Scotland should track down the source – and find a child abuser in that ‘European research group ‘….
I think the term will become more ‘main stream ‘ and ‘approved ‘ in 2023 – by the MSM – it complements sanitised language like ‘grooming ‘ aka child rape and the other perverted language of the pervert ….
Elsewhere – the Sunday programme stuck the knife in on the deceased pope ( rip ) by mentioning how he said Islam was a false religion – and queers have ‘character issues ‘- he also upset the Cof E by mentioning it wasn’t much of a true religion – more a social movement …. ( no wonder the BBC had no regard for him )….
Seems Sopes’ genius in follow up is spreading.
BBC US ‘news’ partners are the best.
Lol thanks
BBC News – no News.
Unless our so called Government fixes our Invasion Crisis and our Energy Crisis. We the the people of Great Britain will fix them and their blatant, or deliberate incompetency .
Its almost as if our ‘Government’ is taking orders from outside these shores ?
Are we suffering from Treason ?
May I remind you of the pledge made in May 2015
Pity we couldn’t have the former (hanged, drawn and quartered) penalty for Treason though if proven we need to make sure the guilty will ‘enjoy’ life in prison at the very least, with an outside chance of hanging. Anyone attempting to destroy the country with a globalist agenda should pay.
Hanging, drawing and quartering was the usual punishment until the 19th century. The last treason trial was that of William Joyce, “Lord Haw-Haw”, who was executed by hanging in 1946. Since the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 became law, the maximum sentence for treason in the UK has been life imprisonment.
Life in the UK in 2022 was so insane. that back in February a leading UK newspaper writing a story about a pub, used an image library which blurred the pub’s name cos it’s the word cocks ie male chicken
Christo Tofalli, good old Anglo Saxon landlord then!
Poured a brandy getting ready for Happy Valley mostly filmed around where I live. Before it starts I settled down and put that “Midwife” thing on, I lasted 17 seconds West Indian nurse and white supremacists….off.
Now I’ll try HV let’s hope its not woke because if it is, it’s an early night in Halifax.