The new thread is published – despite an embargo . There will be ‘revelations ‘ and ‘claims’ and ‘allegations ‘ – and much reporting – so over to you …
The flu thing is fun isn’t it ? I got it just before Christmas and it seemed to go on for ever …..
…. Anyway- Today programme
An unintended hilarious interview between a ‘project manager ‘ for bude climate change and the BBC bloke .
Apparently Bude has got money from the lottery for climate change . The beeboid kept asking the Bude bloke what he was going to do with the money . The Bude bloke kept on not answering but said the chamber of commerce would ‘think about resilience’ …..
By the end I wondered if the green crap bloke was gonna just trouser the cash ….
Because it was a green crap issue the bbc bloke didn’t push it because it was ‘approved’. ….
Fed, I listened to that with amazement. The BBC TOADY Editors appear to be quite incompetent with scheduling a running order that can drop unimportant items so that important ones, according to the BBC, can receive the attention they deserve.
Simon Jack did the interview but it should have been given to HarshMistress Mishal with her full range of usual torture instruments available to her. It should have been scheduled for just after the News Bulletin after a Sport segment.
BBC incompetence, TOADY Editors incompetence. Net result; you and I both think, maybe along with millions of others, that that is money wasted, down the drain or into ‘committee pockets’.
Sometimes listening to ‘today’ is a bit like brain therapy to try to keep things sharp – based on really listening – as well as the even more challenging skill of listening for the ‘unsaid ‘ and the ‘ and now the weather ‘technique when the interview goes bandy .
I enjoyed listening to dimbleby£by junior £ doing his ‘snivelling s—t’ act as the authorised mouthpiece of the outgoing so-called ‘king’ ….
.. I can’t remember what dimbleby was being important about but I’m sure it was interesting ….yawn
I do love the replies. Seems many more are recognising the, as one respondent put it, “Bollo*ks”. It cannot be denied weather is changing, as it has been for millions of years.
Funds raised for homeless man memorial plaque, no memorial plague appears…
Family members on “salaries” paid by charity donations from local authorities, ie taxpayers money etc etc etc
“As Charity Commission offers her Sistah Space organisation ‘regulatory advice and guidance’… The intriguing past and financial affairs of the charity boss who brought down the late Queen’s lady-in-waiting”
“”Managing conflicts of interest”. In other words, they paid family and friends to perform roles within the organisation that they were not qualified for, or for which they were paid above the market rate.”
The charity sector is very much out of control. What a charity is and what it does is very loosely defined to start with. How much should be spent on “admin” rather than good works is impossible to enforce. The Charity Commission itself is very light touch. On top of that, fraud is one of the hardest crimes to prosecute.
The only real weapon against fraudulent charities is for the public to stop giving fraudulent charities money.
Gordon Brown changed the way charity sector was run.what it is today, political fund raising activity. Its made poltics tax funded and it enables the UK National Lottery to be called ‘a charity’ alongside thousand (over 20,000) of QUANGO charities set up by Brown to help fund Labour policies. Most of them funded by left wing Labour Councils when out of office. When the money finally ran out… its been a treasure trove.
So even when they were voted out of office, they still have your money! Not all charities are false, but its hard to spot.
Even OXFAM is not a charity but a business! The BBC Children In Need is also a charity (they BBC pick who the needy children are – i.e. Tavistock clinic was TOPS.) alongside Kids Company (closed down due to its perverse lack of charity and lack of financial accountability).
So there’s no mention of him being endorsed by Trump now he’s won like they did when he lost.
That whole article is entirely negative except for the bit about Biden giving ‘warm words’.
But the big thing I notice is that the BBC have run yet another major ‘live update’ article on it !!!. It’s the USA FFS and they are only electing the speaker. They do this every time now when they want to explode an agenda-story which is not that important into the big news.
This trick worked in the coup to remove Boris and now they are doing regularly.
Let’s see how much coverage they give to the upcoming investigations into Biden and his family which are far, far more important that this or Harry the nit-wit.
“PM Rishi Sunak to hold crisis meeting over NHS pressures”
Rishi better hold a crisis meeting on the mass invasion of our land when the weather improves.
We are facing a disaster that we have not faced since the Second World War , only this time we do not have any one in charge!
My thoughts exactly , Many Thousands Died to Keep this once Great Britain Free ….makes we wonder why my parents generation bothered now ….very sad
At least we still have the BBC promoting the UK and its History…..Ha Ha
Twatter has now banned me permanently , just because of my views on the Daily Invasion , Grooming Gangs and other delights of Islam !
#PrinceHarry ‘s book is leading the #BBC 10pm news.There are many more important issues (eg #NHSinCrisis#RailStrikes) Harry’s family dirty linen shld have remained in the Buck House laundry. And disclosing details of his service in Afghanistan is profoundly wrong & dangerous.
I did notice how the BBC also then immediately gave a soapbox to the Taliban nutters demanding he be charged with crimes against humanity.
The BBC are ethically barren scum. I increasingly believe they are doing all of this to pressure the Palace to join in then drag them down into this gutter.
I’m not a fan of the Royal Family, but while they are there as a neutral head of state, it keeps the far-left ideological fascists from getting total control. Because we’ve seen what happens next many times throughout history.
To adapt a old saying into something extremely releveant today:
Never argue with the far-left. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.
Wonder if the Taliban pr team feeding the BBC this gem also fixed up the Panorama investigative ‘we got told stuff so totes for real’ researchers with that kindly old village elder suddenly keen to chat with the ladies on an equal basis about that day a few cousins popped over to lie about.
Just caught the Radio 2 news before I could move it on while listening to Tony Blackburn this morning and discover they now have news readers on national radio with thick Irish accents.
I’m OK with accents and even I had to concentrate to pick out all his words.
What’s next : An immigrant with English as their second language ?.
The Left simply cannot help themselves. Whatever they have now is never enough. They have to push something else in their endless quest to virtue-signal how superior they are to everyone else. They are all activists.
I have noticed Irish accent local news and traffic news readers on both radio kent and radio bristol recently . ( I travel about a lot !) Not sure what the agenda here is. Funny listening to them doing the local news whilst clearly having no idea about how to pronounce the places they are referring to. Perhaps it is even the same person working from one place doing all the various local and national news’s ?!
Of course I have no issues with Irish people at all and have Irish ancestry myself, ( and we all remember Terry Wogan) but it just seems odd.
I assume they have run out of ideas to improve ‘diversity’ and so are shoe-horning non-white-English into any slots they can find.
Items like the news should reflect the vast majority of the audience and be in a neutral English accent. But the BBC simply cannot leave things like that alone.
Yes John- I have noticed this as well. It appears that
the English language is out of date . And anybody who
speaks it with certain accents need to be “educated” to
the BBC woke way of thinking .
Irish brogue is becoming one of the accents of choice for
the BBC. We hear this brogue spoken by as you said news
readers. And lady sports reporters with “expertise” on
men’s football. Caribbean patois is becoming the default
accent for continuity presenters. And also the BBC very
much like the ” Kenneth Williams” verbosity. BUT without
Kenneth Williams wonderful loquacious facetious humour.
Hang on, they do have Irish accents in wonderful Northern Ireland.
But admittedly, the bespectacled white man (yes, they employed a white man!) recently on BBC London News with a heavy Irish accent seemed extremely incongruous.
But then again, this being the BBC, the incongruity could be more that he was male and white than for his accent.
Inside baseball and the BBC’s magnificent obsession edition
“The first rule about fight club is you don’t talk about fight club.”
So it ought to be no surprise that: War hero takes aim at Harry over kill claims (Times)
When David Fincher handed Brad Pitt the script for Fight Club, in New York in 1997, he read it and related to it – not to the chaos or the destruction, but to the existential dread of having everything you’ve been told to want and still feeling empty – well, that’s the thesis to the movie as relayed at Lit Hub
Rather an appropriate notion for our princely ginger whinger
Colonel condemns talk of 25 Taliban deaths (Times) – now I’m reminded of early 80s goth band Bauhaus and their track “Terror Couple Kill Colonel”
Meghan and Harry – terror couple indeed. But a word from the professional terrorists…
Others said he had dehumanised insurgents by calling them “chesspieces” while the Taliban accused him of “war crimes” (Mirror) – well that’s further devalued the meaning of the term war crimes. Which, post-Ukraine war western propaganda, now means just about anything your enemy does on the battlefield.
Money to ‘Spare’?
Prince Harry claims that when he told the King that Meghan would probably stop acting, he replied: “We don’t have money to spare” (Telegraph)
But has she ever stopped acting?
Which is a segueway of sorts to the politically turncoat Times where we read the opinon of the turncoat former conservative turned liberal coalitionist George Osborne, fresh from signing away national treasures the Elgin Marbles in his sinecure as boss of the British Museum: Ratchel Reeves First female chancellor? George Osborne thinks so (Times)
She is of course presently serving as Labour Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
So much for little boy blue’s crush on the lady in red.
Idle pipe dream speculation on his part. Or as our Gideon George Osborne, most popular ever museum chief – in Athens – might prefer: “I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles”
Having already touched on family finances – or the lack thereof: Revealed Abramovich’s trusts transferred before sanctions… beneficial ownership to his children (Guardian)
Seems they’re all at it: Beat the squeeze. How to protect your cash and investments in 2023 (Telegraph)
To our BBC’s magnificent obsession with US politics: Students of US civics – and fans of the old children’s TV series Schoolhouse Rock! – may recall learning about how bills work their way through the House of Representatives. They’re introduced by a legislator, assigned to a committee for review and revision, brought to the floor of Congress and further amended, then given an up-or-down vote. (BBC)
That’s West Wing wannabe Anthony Zurcher, our BBC’s North America correspondent giving us an excert from his US civics course 101 – as they say. All a bit inside baseball – as devotees of Americana would recognise that saying goes.
The frontpages of our national press – even the broadsheets – don’t care one jot.
Late of the BBC parish Emily Maitlis, lady vicar of Newsnight having conducted many a lefty Evensong sermon, now finding her voice – as they say – waxing lyrical singing from the same Democrat hymnal in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: Chaos in Congress means Britain is no longer laughing stock of the world
Isn’t it funny how lefties mock and object to the outcome of our constitutional democratic processes – only when they get the worst of them?
‘London also had higher proportions of people identifying as transgender men (0.16%) and trans women (0.16%) when compared with the rest of England and Wales.’
0.16 % ???. And that’s the highest in the country so the average figure must be much lower. Given the coverage by the BBC, I would expect it to be at least 5%.
Elsewhere I found this in the DT:
‘Data on trans BBC staff to be collected by Ofcom
Ofcom is to collect the data as part of an annual questionnaire for television and radio producers, with the aim of identifying areas where “underrepresentation for certain groups of people may exist”.’
Those ‘certain groups’ will not include heterosexual white people of course who by definition are under-represented when the other groups are over-represented because the BBC employ much more than 3% of LGBT staff.
It’s hypocrisy and double-standards on an epic scale – yet even the regulator does it without question.
Sometimes I think I’ve warped into some bizarre alternate reality.
Certainly not an area of enquiry from the msm potbangers down south.
Shockingly brutal NHS assessment by @AllisonPearson It is broken & their managers are to blame Only @reformparty_uk has bold urgent costed plan of reform to retain & attract staff & get zero waiting lists
I imagine at Channel 4 the gay percentage is much higher. Same at the BBC. It is the definition of the metropolitan left wing hive mind. It is why they could not understand Brexit. No-one they knew voted for it.
This data has been available for years as the ONS publish marriage data and it is separated into heterosexual and homo couples. After the first year where gay marriage was legalised (so a spike in the numbers) the proportion of gay marriages has settled around 3%. The census simply confirms this other separate data.
I understand the red labour streeting is talking about ‘reforming medical mafia pay ‘ – big big mistake . Let’s face it – who cares how many punters die in the ambulance in the hospital car park ( file under ‘individual tragedy ) but – hell – making the medical mafia PAYE ? Controlling the pay ? Big fight ….
And that thing about swerving GPs to get to a specialist? Revolutionary – the equivalent to avoiding solicitors to get to £ barristers £ ….. Must Never Happen …. £
Notice how they fail to mention the time of day when the 87% record was set.
Demand is very low in the middle of the night and wind is always taken by the grid ahead of gas, which can be quickly shut down.
So what you need to do to break a record is have a very windy mild night.
I don’t have a problem with wind power – when it’s windy.
Azeem Rafiq’s mate Lord Patel was brought in to head Yorkshire County Cricket Club
but now he’s gone after just 14 months.
During his time the club lost 20 staff.
He ruined the club by believing without question a guy with a Prince Harry sized chip on his shoulder. A guy that the “racist” club actually employed to play cricket.
Patel sacked staff without notice or good cause, and they are now getting big money from Yorkshire as a result. He was an utter disaster. Thank God he’s gone.
My subscription to The Times runs out in a couple of weeks . It’s too woke for me . Example – headline 250 000 identify as trans in England and wales .
Now if the Times had put the word ‘only’ in – I might have considered it not to be a BBC appendage. But I’m gone – I think I was paying £1 a month … too much ….
The DT wanted to charge me £189 a year – I rang and said ‘bye ‘ that turned into £45 a year … which is still a bit pricey but … ok because all the gg tips come in ….
@StewGreen Tis common especially with my ancient windoze 7 setup.
So …
I right click on the image and select ‘open image in new tab’ and then click the new tab and tardar …
the whole image is revealed in all its glory.
“Adam’s sister Jess Davies, 30, said while her brother had worldwide travel insurance, the policy would not pay out for medical expenses as he had been away from the UK for more than 31 days.
Following the crash on the island of Ko Tao, he remains in a hospital in Koh Samui, with his parents at his bedside.
In addition to fractures to his skull, he has bleeding on the brain, a punctured lung, broken ribs, a broken clavicle, a broken scapula and a fractured ankle.”
Of course it’s the useless BBC, so no mention of the cost of his Lloyd’s worldwide travel insurance – probably so low as to ring alarm bells in any reasonable person’s head, thinking it’s going to cover long term backpacking.
Mick Lynch is proving himself to be a reincarnation of Red Robbo, the Communist car workers union czar from the sixties and seventies who ended up destroying the UK’s car industry while Scargill did much the same for the coal industry.
It should illegal for any union to pressure other non-related unions to coordinate strike action. This has nothing to do with workers pay and everything to do with attempting a damage a sitting government you hate for purely political reasons.
I was at London Victoria at 0700 Friday – there was a crowd outside waiting to see if the doors would open – there was some mostly peaceful ‘disputes’ .apparently a very few trains ran but I coached my journey –
All the coaches were full up and the place also had a background of violence for anyone stepping out of line … the pleasures of public travel .
I look forward to the day of non union automatic trains and the death of the likes of comrade Lynch …
The person – I care less – what he stands for – oh yes . Tough world . Too woke . He and his type care less about the suffering he causes – so why should I care about him ?
Comrade Kinell – I represent one person – comrade Lynch has his interest and I have mine – but I’m glad to see he has fans . I’m fortunate to have never been a member of a union – which did so much to help destroy British industries …
Just a shame that they can’t all be fired and non union workers take their place …
Last week I mentioned an article in the Spectator about Joel Kotkin’s new book the ‘New Feudalism’ and its anti woke credentials . Since then I found that John Anderson recently interviewed him. It was interesting.
Kotkin claims that he is a sceptical pragmatist who think climate change is much exaggerated and that we are dominated and soon to be ruled by mega corporations from Silicon Valley. All this is very accurate and sensible.
But when it came to Trump he was a grave disappointment . He holds Trump responsible for the ‘storming’ of the Capitol and thought he was an awful President . He voted for Biden but has been disappointed by his swing to the extreme left.
Kotkin seems to me to be in same group of folks as Douglas Murray ,they see the political problems for the West caused by the war resulting from culturalMarxism clearly enough but are unable to recognise that wars can only be won by people who are willing to get stuck in and fight hard and dirty eg Trump. Sitting in an ivory tower writing learned articles whilst tut tutting about the state of things won’t change anything. Far from deriding Trump they should have supported him and fought alongside him.
Perhaps they might find DeSantis less uncouth and brash and get behind him. But DeSantis was never mentioned and I suspect they won’t support him either. Rather they want to win without any unpleasantness and hope that their opponents will gracefully leave the field. But to paraphrase Bismark , the great decisions of history are not made by the speeches and goodwill of mankind but by blood and iron.
Excellent contribution Doublethinker.
We don’t have to agree 100% with our ‘leaders’ and its a good thing we don’t but we do need to choose the best option for the time. Russia invades Ukraine, China begins to feel emboldened with invadingTaiwan, US Border chaos, would they have seen the same with Trump?
The McCarthy speaker business has, if I’ve got my understanding correct, put the bbc in a bit of a pickle. On the one hand, they are rejoicing at the internal squabbling amongst the Republicans. However, from what I see, the rebels who held out against McCarthy are from the far, far, far, right of the party. These folk don’t want to see their beloved gop drift towards the centre. You know, the sort of thing which happened over here? They won’t be discussing immigration amnesty and black rights for a while, I reckon.
PS if my thinking is completely incorrect, please correct me, I’m not against admitting if I get things wrong.
The BBC knows that all republicans are bad and that some of them are evil. I think that you are correct in saying that at least for the next couple of years the ROP won’t show any drift towards Wokism or the left in Congress. But during the race for the Presidential nomination it will be interesting to see if the WEF favoured centre left Republican candidates , the RINOs , get nominated over the true Republicans . It’s the people v the WEF.
Not BBC bias, but evidence of the Satanic cults which the Left subscribe to in the USA and yet another conspiracy theory made fact.
This concerns the disurbing remake of the old Sabrina the Teenage Witch, once a light comedy for younger people with a talking cat, into something far darker with at its heart the worship of Satan who they call “The dark lord” and the Black Mass.
It’s something which would have been unthinkable as a subject for television viewing at any age let alone teenage audiences not that long ago.
calling God the “False God” (implicity promoting “Lord Satan” as the true God, in addition to being an agent of free will and “not evil”);
mocking the Catholic Church through caricatures of obsessively devout members of the Church of Night, who cry “Praise Satan!” at the drop of a hat and are so blinkered by their blind faith that they do not question the priest or “tradition”;
twisted inversions of baptism into “Dark Baptism” where witches sign their name into the Book of the Beast, and of Communion, which takes us to human sacrifice and cannibalism.
Netflix was sued for this series and reached a settlement with the “Satanic Temple”
The BBC reports that ” the group’s membership soared off the back of the election of Donald Trump in 2016.
In a speech Mr Greaves said that the pre-election global following of around 100,000 had “thousands” of applications for new members overnight after the election.”
It would appear the BBC expects us to believe that the applications were from Trump supporters, however the reverse is the case with the Left yet again incapable of staying clear of evil and that which we all know to be bad, but instead believing themselves so clever they could play with fire and not get burned.
Thoughtful – I understand that the false president of the USA – a so called Roman catholic who supports killing babies ( abortion ) didn’t get an invite to the papal funeral .
The Muslim actually running the show wouldn’t have been to troubled methinks …..
As for the Devil – anything which reminds people of the existence of evil might be seen as a ‘win’ because one of his techniques is to make people think there is no evil – just ‘degrees’ …
11:50am GBnews brought on Dorothy Byrne the ex-head of Channel4 news to gloat about the change of plan on Channel4 privatisation
“The taxpayer has a great deal, cos C4 supplies excellent progs like C4 News”
Of course that means the 300K Guardianland folks have a good deal, cos instead of C4News serving the whole 70 million British public it just serves the Guardianland folks.
The Presenter @EstherMcVey1 “Isn’t C4News leftwing ?”
Dorothy Byrne “No in all the years Ofcom have never upheld a complaint that said that”
As ever using the term leftwing is wrong .. It’s possible to leftwing and honourable.
Rather it’s not that Guardialand are LEFTwing
It’s that they hate hate hate LIBERTARIAN voices,
So hate hate hate : Brexit, people making their own choices on lockdowns/masks .. and green lifestyles, people SPEAKING up about special victimhood groups
Rather they are TOTALITARIAN, and GLOBALIST … And are OK with Tories and Tory policies that are anti-libertarian
Ofcom don’t speak up about Channel cos they too are in the same Guardianland bubbleworld
According to Dorothy Byrne on @GBNews, who just openly called Boris Johnson a liar, Channel 4 News is not lefty leaning. Good god, after 2016 Brexit vote Snow, Guru-Murthy and Newman could scarcely hide it their bias was so overt !!
— Mikey M – 🇬🇧 🇨🇭 Repeal Devolved Parliaments (@WaltsWinnebago) January 7, 2023
Only 14 teenagers murdered in Londonistan last year.
Here are 9 of them:
For some reason they missed 5 out. They were 1 whitey and 4 more black males. The nearest thing to an English name for all of them was ‘Charlie Bartolo’ which is Italian.
That’s one white and 13 BAME. I see no reason to doubt that the people who did the stabbing are of a similar ratio – but nobody is going to go anywhere near that.
This must be the ‘enrichment’ they keep telling me about.
By an amazing coincidence, it looks to be a similar ratio to the over-representation of BAME on the TV.
I picked one at random to see how much the BBC reported it. A search for ‘Deshaun Tuitt BBC’ reveals one report on his death and one report when someone was arrested. Both are bare-facts only with the majority of the report being a police statement asking for witnesses. Who knows if it even made the front page : I doubt it.
Obviously this is not the kind of thing the BBC care about. Black Lives don’t matter one bit if they can’t be used for the anti-white agenda. They are the ultimate hypocrites.
I’m guessing the reason for the reduction in murders is climate change . It would be interesting to know the circumstances of the killings – my guess is the ‘after school hour ‘ where the ‘dissing ‘ goes on.
Methinks an ‘odd’ year because the demographics only point one way … overall murders still up around 300 ?
… cording to the ‘daft-as-brushes’ Oxbridge MPs Zeichner and Dodds the main problems in the world are violence by evil men against wimmin. Hence you need a white ribbon campaign.
I wonder how the white ribbon campaign would get on if it was a bit more honest e.g. by saying ‘black boys don’t matter’ Maybe that is why the ribbon is white.
Don’t bother , it what was you expect it to be , unfunny sneering against all those not in the tribe , which is everyone outside the Nomenklatura Cleressy . IE , a few thousand against the other billions in the world.
One “ humour” was Starmer using the Take Back Control from the Brexiters. Lucy Porter thought it was great to “ use it against them “ . No one demurred. They’re all of one mind. Obviously to the BBC Brexiteers are a small nasty minority, not over fifty percent of the population.
Likes Sopes’ books : everyone who watches/reads it raves about it.
Because nobody except Leftists bother with it.
I had to laugh at a 5 star review of one of his books : The comment said his BBC training was apparent because he wasn’t as biased against Trump as he should have been.
Happy New Year to all here; keeping us informed and therefore sane.
My posts are relatively infrequent, yet I regularly visit to enjoy those who value freedom of thought and speech, unlike those at Al Beeb.
Imagine my joy having just witnessed the fragrant Ms Munchitty exit ‘The Chaser’ due to yet another lack of intelligence and self restraint.
Oh, how hard she tried to belittle ‘The Beast’ only to be handed her arse after just 3 questions.
Happy 2023 indeed!
EG, that’s just brilliant!
Just a thought though, maybe he’s setting the scene to play the, ‘Mental Elf’ card. Let’s face it, since Minge, it’s been one crisis after another, this is clearly his Joker moment!
Poor boy really has got it all wrong . . .
lol, I have often said that ‘Nobody hates like the Left’ but I have to admit there is one group who are worse.
I suspect our brave little soldier (who was never in any actual danger at the centre of camp Bastion) will be soiling his pants now and doubling the guard.
Not mentioned by anyone, especially the BBC.
The Train Drivers Pension scheme appears to be still a final salary scheme earning 1/60 th for each year of service.
Round numbers.
Salary £60,000.
With 10% pay rise £66,000
Driver with 30 years service therefore gets an extra £3000 pa pension.
Cost to the taxpayer of the extra pension liability alone is around £80,000.
No prizes for guessing who will be picking up the tab.
I remember seeing years ago the MD of Connex Southeastern was on £365,000 a year or a grand a day. Who would know if he didn’t come into work for six months.
Instead of concerning yourself about Train drivers pensions. What about the money wasted at the BBC. Over the years there must have been millions upon millions poured down the drain. Some are paid millions per year. If we average that out across the whole entertainment industry, as they do with the rail industry, then the cleaners at the BBC must be on £70,000+
But but this is Winchester Hampshire, Ya . One does not throw statues in the river. Otherwise the statue of King Alfred, situated in the town would have suffered that fate. Particularly as he had slaves. Terrible, but believed to be non white and therefore makes him immune from toppling.
As far as Greta is concerned it would be interesting to learn the carbon emissions in the production and transport of said statue. Probably rather ironic I suspect, particularly as it’s bronze (slight pun there somewhere)
I’m watching the Bond film ‘No time to die’ and I’m about 70 minutes in.
The sound is terrible.
I can hardly understand what they are mumbling about.
The picture is 90% dark and dingy. Not like Connery on Dr No’s Island type of colour and brightness.
I have no idea what the plot is.
In the olden days like Goldfinger or Thunderball it was straight forward but this one is all gimmicks and stunts.
It seems so complicated and I’m going to switch it off.
Felix Lieter is black, Miss Moneypenny has turned black (like Anne Boleyn), Bonds replacement is a black wimmin.
Q is some Joe 90 lookalike nerd and Bond (Geordie Peacock) is now a ridiculous caricature of the earlier Bonds.
The Bond films are a great example of something getting worse the longer it goes on.
No wonder Daniel Craig wants out.
Reading Spiked right now. Julie Burchill writes superbly on the decline of the BBC 4 into snobbery…
“The demise of the BBC has been noted more in sorrow than in anger by anyone of an independent outlook over the past decade. ‘Auntie’ has always been a misleading name, given the corporation’s woman problem. Just recall the sacking of older female presenters or the pay gap. Women are also 10 times more likely than men to be prosecuted for not paying the licence fee – making up one-third of all women’s criminal convictions in the UK. Dame Vera Baird, the victims’ commissioner for England and Wales, has said this is ‘serving only to criminalise poverty and disproportionately punish poorer families and women’. But then, the BBC has never been keen on the proletariat, either – those disobedient beings who do naughty things like voting for Brexit.”
Inner cheering all the way through JBs incisive and nail on the head article.
Just imagine how bloody good the BBC would become if it employed a couple of dozen of her ilk as real presenters instead of the quaking scared mantra spouting fools they currently impose on us all.
In a nutshell, British universities are 100% responsible for killing open minded talent and free thinking in order to instil a choking, numbing group-think on youngsters entering the media.
If we as a Country are to reverse this sickening dash to totalitarianism we must start by clearing the University Augean Stables of the zombie detritus currently masquerading as lecturers.
I was just checking the tail end of the midweek thread and saw the piece on the Beery Hikers. What will happen when they go cooking off piste? Will they go all out and get a wind powered oven, a bottled gas oven or revert to the old fashioned wood fire? Maybe they could go the whole hog and use the old straw box!
No Time to Die is probably the worst ever Bond Film. As a life long Bond fan when I watched it the only thing i took away from it was , well thats me done then, Boring!!!
EG and Pete,
Agree totally, No Time To Die is so terrible in all its parts it’s difficult to know where to even begin.
One thing I will say for it, if you had previously asked which Bond movie had the worst theme song, you probably would have got a toss up between Lulu’s The Man With The Golden Gun and Madonna’s Die Another Day.
Billie Eilish has now settled the argument with her dreadful dirge for No Time To Die.
In the 80s, legend had it that Ian Fleming’s story “From A View to a Kill” was shortened to “A View to a Kill” for the movie because Duran Duran couldn’t make the title fit in their theme song.
If the producers had given the recent gig to Stormzy, given his limitations they could have ended up with a movie called “No Time To F***ing Die.”
In Re the census figures the BBC seem quite excited about .
Now I’m no good at maths so help here if you can .
The BBC said that those identifying as LGBTQ+ are 2.8 % of the population at 1 362 000 which makes the GB population less than 48 000 000 .
And transgender are 0.5% at 262,000 which makes the population at 52,400,000 .
Then it’s the census population of just England and Wales at 59,597,300
The Scottish population grew from 5,454,000 in 2019 to 5.51 million in 2022 . But is expected to DECREASE from now .
I’m actually interested in the figures because I believe our population is around 87 million and thought that they might let the cat out of the bag .
Irrespective, if the LGBTQ+ is 2.8% here and the transgender is 0.5 here , is that the norm throughout the world and if not why not ?
I hope this helps a bit. I understood that the UK population is around 72 million ? What you must remember is that 1 in 4 of us is gay (apparently, we are told). So the figures immediately don’t stack up. However that might be openly gay and not closed gay and also doesn’t include the LBQ+ element, or does it ? Don’t forget to divide that by the number of families who have a pet guinea pig called Fluffy, taking away the number men named Gervaise,who want to be called Susan on Sundays, unless they were born in February
If you add the decreasing population of Scotland to this figure, understanding that many are desperately trying to escape the clutches of that krankie woman to that of the population of England and Wales, increasing by around 1000+ per week via some free ferry services in the English Channel and multiply by two if you include all ports and airports. Add that to the figure the BBC first thought of (thought, but not researched) then multiply by 1.25 and subtract whatever figure you feel comfortable with you’ll understand why I failed maths O level, but more importantly why the Beeb is lying and never reports anything as ’norm’.
I remember back in the 80’s working in an office of around a dozen people, and the consensus was that 1 in 10 was gay, and our boss at the time said jokingly “ok which one of you is it then ?”, and we said it was none of us and it was probably him so he should come clean. I suppose nowadays it would be guessing which of the new recruits would be transgender.
Initially at least the header assumed that Stonehouse was an evil TORY MP
I can’t rule out a subeditor wrote the words
The Guardian Twitter account even promoted the article with the premise.
However of course there was a Twitter pile on
and the Guardian deleted their tweet
pulled the entire article
And then came back an hour later with a new tweet and a new article.
Her husband is a writer and baron
Robert Bertrand Sackville-West, 7th Baron Sackville DL is a British publisher, author and guardian of Knole in Kent, which has been a Sackville house since 1603 and is now owned by the National Trust.
Oh Bennett divorced Sackville in 1992
“She then married the books editor of the Evening Standard, David Sexton.
She has also had a relationship with the broadcaster John Humphrys.”
No apology
And corrections belong at the TOP not hidden away at the bottom
There is one at the bottom
“This article page was amended on 7 January 2023 because an earlier version mistakenly suggested that John Stonehouse was a Conservative MP.
The entire article is anti-Tory
At the foot there is the Standard Guardian beg for money which opens by saying the editor doesn’t interfere with writers
then it lists the “topic tags”
: Politics Opinion
Boris Johnson
Owen Paterson
Matthew Macfadyen
I quote some bits from the main text
Stonehouse should take credit for originating while he was on bail (and *Johnson* still in prep school) the now established Tory practice of not resigning
(Stonehouse tried to strangle his wife) But the generosity of ITV’s creatives in omitting this and more non-comic detail pales beside the reputational benefits conferred on the Stonehouse family by the state of the *current Conservative party*”
I expect that anarchist Marxist BBC will support disturbed Harry.
under the “enemy of my enemy is my friend doctrine.
BUT I wonder who is a bigger danger to the UK. Shamina Begum
who has lost her UK citizenship. Or paranoid Harry ?
Still in UK and probably still on UK benefits and still spewing hate online with impunity while Trump gets banned on twatter:
“After Harry’s revelation that he killed 25 Taliban in Afghanistan… Now hate preacher who inspired Lee Rigby killers tells jihadis to target British troops”
Iain Duncan-Smith said: ‘This is an absolute example of not just hate speech, but direct and indirect threat to our constitutional head of state, our monarchy, and for that matter our Government and all public servants. The police and security services now need to move on this man, and he should no longer be free to act accordingly in the UK.
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
First who hoo
Wu flu
Awwww, you got there before me Johnda. Well done.
I was awake and recovering from flu so a bit brighter than for a while
The flu thing is fun isn’t it ? I got it just before Christmas and it seemed to go on for ever …..
…. Anyway- Today programme
An unintended hilarious interview between a ‘project manager ‘ for bude climate change and the BBC bloke .
Apparently Bude has got money from the lottery for climate change . The beeboid kept asking the Bude bloke what he was going to do with the money . The Bude bloke kept on not answering but said the chamber of commerce would ‘think about resilience’ …..
By the end I wondered if the green crap bloke was gonna just trouser the cash ….
Because it was a green crap issue the bbc bloke didn’t push it because it was ‘approved’. ….
Fed, I listened to that with amazement. The BBC TOADY Editors appear to be quite incompetent with scheduling a running order that can drop unimportant items so that important ones, according to the BBC, can receive the attention they deserve.
Simon Jack did the interview but it should have been given to HarshMistress Mishal with her full range of usual torture instruments available to her. It should have been scheduled for just after the News Bulletin after a Sport segment.
BBC incompetence, TOADY Editors incompetence. Net result; you and I both think, maybe along with millions of others, that that is money wasted, down the drain or into ‘committee pockets’.
Sometimes listening to ‘today’ is a bit like brain therapy to try to keep things sharp – based on really listening – as well as the even more challenging skill of listening for the ‘unsaid ‘ and the ‘ and now the weather ‘technique when the interview goes bandy .
I enjoyed listening to dimbleby£by junior £ doing his ‘snivelling s—t’ act as the authorised mouthpiece of the outgoing so-called ‘king’ ….
.. I can’t remember what dimbleby was being important about but I’m sure it was interesting ….yawn
SkyNews got 20 likes
and then ratioed by 48 replies against them
proper CCBGB
I do love the replies. Seems many more are recognising the, as one respondent put it, “Bollo*ks”. It cannot be denied weather is changing, as it has been for millions of years.
Brilliant researcher and scientist.
Tom Heat will melt in the Sun of W. Soon.
Dr Willie Soon
He is a dedicated scientist and researcher. Honest and brilliant.
Takes no hostages.
Is he the doctor for trans wimmin?
No surprise here….
Funds raised for homeless man memorial plaque, no memorial plague appears…
Family members on “salaries” paid by charity donations from local authorities, ie taxpayers money etc etc etc
“As Charity Commission offers her Sistah Space organisation ‘regulatory advice and guidance’… The intriguing past and financial affairs of the charity boss who brought down the late Queen’s lady-in-waiting”
Nice to see the Mail still got a ‘thing’ for the chippy coloured fraudster ( alleged ) ….
Wonder what it could be that persuaded the Charity Commission to offer “advice” rather than take legal action in this case?
I can’t think why but the BBC seem not to have featured this story
CCBGB, for example:
“”Managing conflicts of interest”. In other words, they paid family and friends to perform roles within the organisation that they were not qualified for, or for which they were paid above the market rate.”
The charity sector is very much out of control. What a charity is and what it does is very loosely defined to start with. How much should be spent on “admin” rather than good works is impossible to enforce. The Charity Commission itself is very light touch. On top of that, fraud is one of the hardest crimes to prosecute.
The only real weapon against fraudulent charities is for the public to stop giving fraudulent charities money.
Gordon Brown changed the way charity sector was run.what it is today, political fund raising activity. Its made poltics tax funded and it enables the UK National Lottery to be called ‘a charity’ alongside thousand (over 20,000) of QUANGO charities set up by Brown to help fund Labour policies. Most of them funded by left wing Labour Councils when out of office. When the money finally ran out… its been a treasure trove.
So even when they were voted out of office, they still have your money! Not all charities are false, but its hard to spot.
Even OXFAM is not a charity but a business! The BBC Children In Need is also a charity (they BBC pick who the needy children are – i.e. Tavistock clinic was TOPS.) alongside Kids Company (closed down due to its perverse lack of charity and lack of financial accountability).
Kevin McCarthy finally elected Speaker on 15th vote
So there’s no mention of him being endorsed by Trump now he’s won like they did when he lost.
That whole article is entirely negative except for the bit about Biden giving ‘warm words’.
But the big thing I notice is that the BBC have run yet another major ‘live update’ article on it !!!. It’s the USA FFS and they are only electing the speaker. They do this every time now when they want to explode an agenda-story which is not that important into the big news.
This trick worked in the coup to remove Boris and now they are doing regularly.
Let’s see how much coverage they give to the upcoming investigations into Biden and his family which are far, far more important that this or Harry the nit-wit.
Sopes and BS are happy.
Bitter couple.
ECU not a good idea, love.
The TUC has 10 million members. It tweets a 2 minute Maitlis lecture and gets 3,000 Likes.
The government doesn’t do the day to day running of the NHS
But it could make the choice to put the bedblockers in hotels instead if migrants.
Meanwhile Spain has similar problems
Socialist government
“In Spain, doctors are exhausted, angry and striking indefinitely”
SOLIDARITY with those medical staff striking
due to lack of staff & resources
*across the world*
Aug 27th article
“PM Rishi Sunak to hold crisis meeting over NHS pressures”
Rishi better hold a crisis meeting on the mass invasion of our land when the weather improves.
We are facing a disaster that we have not faced since the Second World War , only this time we do not have any one in charge!
My thoughts exactly , Many Thousands Died to Keep this once Great Britain Free ….makes we wonder why my parents generation bothered now ….very sad
At least we still have the BBC promoting the UK and its History…..Ha Ha
Twatter has now banned me permanently , just because of my views on the Daily Invasion , Grooming Gangs and other delights of Islam !
He’s lost Souse.
She has lost the bbc.
I did notice how the BBC also then immediately gave a soapbox to the Taliban nutters demanding he be charged with crimes against humanity.
The BBC are ethically barren scum. I increasingly believe they are doing all of this to pressure the Palace to join in then drag them down into this gutter.
I’m not a fan of the Royal Family, but while they are there as a neutral head of state, it keeps the far-left ideological fascists from getting total control. Because we’ve seen what happens next many times throughout history.
To adapt a old saying into something extremely releveant today:
Never argue with the far-left. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.
Wonder if the Taliban pr team feeding the BBC this gem also fixed up the Panorama investigative ‘we got told stuff so totes for real’ researchers with that kindly old village elder suddenly keen to chat with the ladies on an equal basis about that day a few cousins popped over to lie about.
BBC fey men in suits now ‘analysing’ a book.
“Grief at his mother’s death, and anger towards his family – the BBC’s royal correspondent explores Harry’s memoir Spare.”
Sorry… reads it. Passes on as wisdom.
Just caught the Radio 2 news before I could move it on while listening to Tony Blackburn this morning and discover they now have news readers on national radio with thick Irish accents.
I’m OK with accents and even I had to concentrate to pick out all his words.
What’s next : An immigrant with English as their second language ?.
The Left simply cannot help themselves. Whatever they have now is never enough. They have to push something else in their endless quest to virtue-signal how superior they are to everyone else. They are all activists.
I have noticed Irish accent local news and traffic news readers on both radio kent and radio bristol recently . ( I travel about a lot !) Not sure what the agenda here is. Funny listening to them doing the local news whilst clearly having no idea about how to pronounce the places they are referring to. Perhaps it is even the same person working from one place doing all the various local and national news’s ?!
Of course I have no issues with Irish people at all and have Irish ancestry myself, ( and we all remember Terry Wogan) but it just seems odd.
I assume they have run out of ideas to improve ‘diversity’ and so are shoe-horning non-white-English into any slots they can find.
Items like the news should reflect the vast majority of the audience and be in a neutral English accent. But the BBC simply cannot leave things like that alone.
Yes John- I have noticed this as well. It appears that
the English language is out of date . And anybody who
speaks it with certain accents need to be “educated” to
the BBC woke way of thinking .
Irish brogue is becoming one of the accents of choice for
the BBC. We hear this brogue spoken by as you said news
readers. And lady sports reporters with “expertise” on
men’s football. Caribbean patois is becoming the default
accent for continuity presenters. And also the BBC very
much like the ” Kenneth Williams” verbosity. BUT without
Kenneth Williams wonderful loquacious facetious humour.
Hang on, they do have Irish accents in wonderful Northern Ireland.
But admittedly, the bespectacled white man (yes, they employed a white man!) recently on BBC London News with a heavy Irish accent seemed extremely incongruous.
But then again, this being the BBC, the incongruity could be more that he was male and white than for his accent.
Try BOOM radio instead. I gave up BBC radio 2, 3 and 4 and never looked back!
Inside baseball and the BBC’s magnificent obsession edition
“The first rule about fight club is you don’t talk about fight club.”
So it ought to be no surprise that: War hero takes aim at Harry over kill claims (Times)
When David Fincher handed Brad Pitt the script for Fight Club, in New York in 1997, he read it and related to it – not to the chaos or the destruction, but to the existential dread of having everything you’ve been told to want and still feeling empty – well, that’s the thesis to the movie as relayed at Lit Hub
Rather an appropriate notion for our princely ginger whinger
Colonel condemns talk of 25 Taliban deaths (Times) – now I’m reminded of early 80s goth band Bauhaus and their track “Terror Couple Kill Colonel”
Meghan and Harry – terror couple indeed. But a word from the professional terrorists…
Others said he had dehumanised insurgents by calling them “chesspieces” while the Taliban accused him of “war crimes” (Mirror) – well that’s further devalued the meaning of the term war crimes. Which, post-Ukraine war western propaganda, now means just about anything your enemy does on the battlefield.
Money to ‘Spare’?
Prince Harry claims that when he told the King that Meghan would probably stop acting, he replied: “We don’t have money to spare” (Telegraph)
But has she ever stopped acting?
Which is a segueway of sorts to the politically turncoat Times where we read the opinon of the turncoat former conservative turned liberal coalitionist George Osborne, fresh from signing away national treasures the Elgin Marbles in his sinecure as boss of the British Museum: Ratchel Reeves First female chancellor? George Osborne thinks so (Times)
She is of course presently serving as Labour Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
So much for little boy blue’s crush on the lady in red.
Idle pipe dream speculation on his part. Or as our Gideon George Osborne, most popular ever museum chief – in Athens – might prefer: “I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles”
Having already touched on family finances – or the lack thereof: Revealed Abramovich’s trusts transferred before sanctions… beneficial ownership to his children (Guardian)
Seems they’re all at it: Beat the squeeze. How to protect your cash and investments in 2023 (Telegraph)
To our BBC’s magnificent obsession with US politics: Students of US civics – and fans of the old children’s TV series Schoolhouse Rock! – may recall learning about how bills work their way through the House of Representatives. They’re introduced by a legislator, assigned to a committee for review and revision, brought to the floor of Congress and further amended, then given an up-or-down vote. (BBC)
That’s West Wing wannabe Anthony Zurcher, our BBC’s North America correspondent giving us an excert from his US civics course 101 – as they say. All a bit inside baseball – as devotees of Americana would recognise that saying goes.
The frontpages of our national press – even the broadsheets – don’t care one jot.
Late of the BBC parish Emily Maitlis, lady vicar of Newsnight having conducted many a lefty Evensong sermon, now finding her voice – as they say – waxing lyrical singing from the same Democrat hymnal in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: Chaos in Congress means Britain is no longer laughing stock of the world
Isn’t it funny how lefties mock and object to the outcome of our constitutional democratic processes – only when they get the worst of them?
BS copping a slot in the ‘I’ must bump the dynamic dumbos’ audience into double figures.
The bubble ponders.
“Many of my best friends…” (?)
Census data reveals LGBT+ populations for first time
‘London also had higher proportions of people identifying as transgender men (0.16%) and trans women (0.16%) when compared with the rest of England and Wales.’
0.16 % ???. And that’s the highest in the country so the average figure must be much lower. Given the coverage by the BBC, I would expect it to be at least 5%.
Elsewhere I found this in the DT:
‘Data on trans BBC staff to be collected by Ofcom
Ofcom is to collect the data as part of an annual questionnaire for television and radio producers, with the aim of identifying areas where “underrepresentation for certain groups of people may exist”.’
Those ‘certain groups’ will not include heterosexual white people of course who by definition are under-represented when the other groups are over-represented because the BBC employ much more than 3% of LGBT staff.
It’s hypocrisy and double-standards on an epic scale – yet even the regulator does it without question.
Sometimes I think I’ve warped into some bizarre alternate reality.
I blame Thames water and all that eustrogen ‘the pill’ chucks out – and not enough red meat – and climate change ….
Think KGM and BS might team up for a Haggiscast ever?
Or just stick to sniping for Labour from Gay Old Lundun?
Certainly not an area of enquiry from the msm potbangers down south.
JezBo and Clive Myrie gearing up for the Charge of the Gay Gordons?
Green hair… good camo.
Luminous green hair… not so good.
Still this may get the Biden Pentagon all a flutter too.
I imagine at Channel 4 the gay percentage is much higher. Same at the BBC. It is the definition of the metropolitan left wing hive mind. It is why they could not understand Brexit. No-one they knew voted for it.
This data has been available for years as the ONS publish marriage data and it is separated into heterosexual and homo couples. After the first year where gay marriage was legalised (so a spike in the numbers) the proportion of gay marriages has settled around 3%. The census simply confirms this other separate data.
For example
So what we have here is proof of an astoundingly uninformed and ignorant person masquerading as a leading news presenter and commentator.
In a funny way, a result!
They can’t all be Labour MPs?
I understand the red labour streeting is talking about ‘reforming medical mafia pay ‘ – big big mistake . Let’s face it – who cares how many punters die in the ambulance in the hospital car park ( file under ‘individual tragedy ) but – hell – making the medical mafia PAYE ? Controlling the pay ? Big fight ….
And that thing about swerving GPs to get to a specialist? Revolutionary – the equivalent to avoiding solicitors to get to £ barristers £ ….. Must Never Happen …. £
Now %ages are so in, the composition of the labour benches against the constituencies they represent will be interesting.
Luckily gobby subcontinent tv studio doctors are mutually exclusive to the enobled Twitter obsessed underroos brigade.
Likely needs translating.
Or if Justin involved… ‘analysing’.
Come on Justin – show us the graphs from when ‘records began ‘….which on my read was when aeroplanes got going …
It’ll be accompanied by record payments to windfarms to switch off.
Notice how they fail to mention the time of day when the 87% record was set.
Demand is very low in the middle of the night and wind is always taken by the grid ahead of gas, which can be quickly shut down.
So what you need to do to break a record is have a very windy mild night.
I don’t have a problem with wind power – when it’s windy.
Guardian sets new bulls*** record of 87.2%
Azeem Rafiq’s mate Lord Patel was brought in to head Yorkshire County Cricket Club
but now he’s gone after just 14 months.
During his time the club lost 20 staff.
No reason has been given for his departure.
He ruined the club by believing without question a guy with a Prince Harry sized chip on his shoulder. A guy that the “racist” club actually employed to play cricket.
Patel sacked staff without notice or good cause, and they are now getting big money from Yorkshire as a result. He was an utter disaster. Thank God he’s gone.
Love the way the contrived early release of Ginger’s diatribe is described as ‘accidental’.
Nothing whatever to do with burying the negative impact of Mandela’s grand-daughter having a pop.
My subscription to The Times runs out in a couple of weeks . It’s too woke for me . Example – headline 250 000 identify as trans in England and wales .
Now if the Times had put the word ‘only’ in – I might have considered it not to be a BBC appendage. But I’m gone – I think I was paying £1 a month … too much ….
The DT wanted to charge me £189 a year – I rang and said ‘bye ‘ that turned into £45 a year … which is still a bit pricey but … ok because all the gg tips come in ….
Teabags for dyslexics?
Horse tips – but to be honest I don’t both much anymore – I’m a multimillionaire after betting of Chinese snooker players £
Oddly, the benefits imposition on the taxpayer for both seems roughly equal.
On my screen the label at the top photo doesn’t show up.
It says “Abortion Clinic”
Maybe the tweeter doesn’t realize that Twitter uses two image proportions
and that images that are too tall get cropped.
@StewGreen Tis common especially with my ancient windoze 7 setup.
So …
I right click on the image and select ‘open image in new tab’ and then click the new tab and tardar …
the whole image is revealed in all its glory.
“Travel insurance warning after Thailand motorbike crash”
“Adam’s sister Jess Davies, 30, said while her brother had worldwide travel insurance, the policy would not pay out for medical expenses as he had been away from the UK for more than 31 days.
Following the crash on the island of Ko Tao, he remains in a hospital in Koh Samui, with his parents at his bedside.
In addition to fractures to his skull, he has bleeding on the brain, a punctured lung, broken ribs, a broken clavicle, a broken scapula and a fractured ankle.”
Of course it’s the useless BBC, so no mention of the cost of his Lloyd’s worldwide travel insurance – probably so low as to ring alarm bells in any reasonable person’s head, thinking it’s going to cover long term backpacking.
Or if the guy had a motorbike licence in UK.
Mick Lynch is proving himself to be a reincarnation of Red Robbo, the Communist car workers union czar from the sixties and seventies who ended up destroying the UK’s car industry while Scargill did much the same for the coal industry.
It should illegal for any union to pressure other non-related unions to coordinate strike action. This has nothing to do with workers pay and everything to do with attempting a damage a sitting government you hate for purely political reasons.
Basically, treason!
I was at London Victoria at 0700 Friday – there was a crowd outside waiting to see if the doors would open – there was some mostly peaceful ‘disputes’ .apparently a very few trains ran but I coached my journey –
All the coaches were full up and the place also had a background of violence for anyone stepping out of line … the pleasures of public travel .
I look forward to the day of non union automatic trains and the death of the likes of comrade Lynch …
So you look forward to Mick lynch’s death.
That’s sad.
The person – I care less – what he stands for – oh yes . Tough world . Too woke . He and his type care less about the suffering he causes – so why should I care about him ?
He represents 40,000 to 50,000 working class people in the RMT union and from what I’ve seen he does it very well.
Comrade Kinell – I represent one person – comrade Lynch has his interest and I have mine – but I’m glad to see he has fans . I’m fortunate to have never been a member of a union – which did so much to help destroy British industries …
Just a shame that they can’t all be fired and non union workers take their place …
Why am I Comrade? I just pointed out that you wanted someone to die.
If you have a chimney business I have a small child that needs employment.
Could be combined with a EuroNation tour. I have seen Karl Marx and Roland Friesler on one little list.
Given this is a bbc forum, is it not possible this is reference to a metaphorical passing of old ways to make way for new?
Unlike, say, the more overt stated wishes of those, from Jo Brand to Nish, so easily forgiven.
Saw a post of Messrs. Lynch and Corbyn standing shoulder to shoulder with grads from the Simon Pegg Skool of Maffs.
It was pointed out that only two in shot were actually being still paid, handsomely.
Mick Lynch is paid by the members of the union.
The thing is the comrades seem to do more of the killing:
They never admit it though. How long did it take for Russia to own up to murdering 20,000 Polish Officers at Katyn in cold blood?
It was only when the paperwork got discovered when the Berlin wall came down with Stalin’s signature on it that Russia coughed up.
I hear another Trotsky / Marxist is joining Classic FM. Andrew Marr joins the ex Black Broadcasting Corporations Retirement Home.
Last week I mentioned an article in the Spectator about Joel Kotkin’s new book the ‘New Feudalism’ and its anti woke credentials . Since then I found that John Anderson recently interviewed him. It was interesting.
Kotkin claims that he is a sceptical pragmatist who think climate change is much exaggerated and that we are dominated and soon to be ruled by mega corporations from Silicon Valley. All this is very accurate and sensible.
But when it came to Trump he was a grave disappointment . He holds Trump responsible for the ‘storming’ of the Capitol and thought he was an awful President . He voted for Biden but has been disappointed by his swing to the extreme left.
Kotkin seems to me to be in same group of folks as Douglas Murray ,they see the political problems for the West caused by the war resulting from culturalMarxism clearly enough but are unable to recognise that wars can only be won by people who are willing to get stuck in and fight hard and dirty eg Trump. Sitting in an ivory tower writing learned articles whilst tut tutting about the state of things won’t change anything. Far from deriding Trump they should have supported him and fought alongside him.
Perhaps they might find DeSantis less uncouth and brash and get behind him. But DeSantis was never mentioned and I suspect they won’t support him either. Rather they want to win without any unpleasantness and hope that their opponents will gracefully leave the field. But to paraphrase Bismark , the great decisions of history are not made by the speeches and goodwill of mankind but by blood and iron.
Excellent contribution Doublethinker.
We don’t have to agree 100% with our ‘leaders’ and its a good thing we don’t but we do need to choose the best option for the time. Russia invades Ukraine, China begins to feel emboldened with invadingTaiwan, US Border chaos, would they have seen the same with Trump?
The McCarthy speaker business has, if I’ve got my understanding correct, put the bbc in a bit of a pickle. On the one hand, they are rejoicing at the internal squabbling amongst the Republicans. However, from what I see, the rebels who held out against McCarthy are from the far, far, far, right of the party. These folk don’t want to see their beloved gop drift towards the centre. You know, the sort of thing which happened over here? They won’t be discussing immigration amnesty and black rights for a while, I reckon.
PS if my thinking is completely incorrect, please correct me, I’m not against admitting if I get things wrong.
The BBC knows that all republicans are bad and that some of them are evil. I think that you are correct in saying that at least for the next couple of years the ROP won’t show any drift towards Wokism or the left in Congress. But during the race for the Presidential nomination it will be interesting to see if the WEF favoured centre left Republican candidates , the RINOs , get nominated over the true Republicans . It’s the people v the WEF.
Infact we could say that right across the allegedly democratic developed world it’s the People v the WEF and their acolytes.
Dan’s ability to belated scope a media woke bandwagon, try to leap on and then fall under is awesome.
Even their repeats are getting sussed.
Not BBC bias, but evidence of the Satanic cults which the Left subscribe to in the USA and yet another conspiracy theory made fact.
This concerns the disurbing remake of the old Sabrina the Teenage Witch, once a light comedy for younger people with a talking cat, into something far darker with at its heart the worship of Satan who they call “The dark lord” and the Black Mass.
It’s something which would have been unthinkable as a subject for television viewing at any age let alone teenage audiences not that long ago.
Examples include:
calling God the “False God” (implicity promoting “Lord Satan” as the true God, in addition to being an agent of free will and “not evil”);
mocking the Catholic Church through caricatures of obsessively devout members of the Church of Night, who cry “Praise Satan!” at the drop of a hat and are so blinkered by their blind faith that they do not question the priest or “tradition”;
twisted inversions of baptism into “Dark Baptism” where witches sign their name into the Book of the Beast, and of Communion, which takes us to human sacrifice and cannibalism.
Netflix was sued for this series and reached a settlement with the “Satanic Temple”
The BBC reports that ” the group’s membership soared off the back of the election of Donald Trump in 2016.
In a speech Mr Greaves said that the pre-election global following of around 100,000 had “thousands” of applications for new members overnight after the election.”
It would appear the BBC expects us to believe that the applications were from Trump supporters, however the reverse is the case with the Left yet again incapable of staying clear of evil and that which we all know to be bad, but instead believing themselves so clever they could play with fire and not get burned.
Thoughtful – I understand that the false president of the USA – a so called Roman catholic who supports killing babies ( abortion ) didn’t get an invite to the papal funeral .
The Muslim actually running the show wouldn’t have been to troubled methinks …..
As for the Devil – anything which reminds people of the existence of evil might be seen as a ‘win’ because one of his techniques is to make people think there is no evil – just ‘degrees’ …
De Debbil?
okay, fleshlings … check this out
Andy Hamilton’s Search for Satan
Heresy in the Times about EVs
– yet the drivel spouting fanboys rarely, if ever, get challenged.
11:50am GBnews brought on Dorothy Byrne the ex-head of Channel4 news to gloat about the change of plan on Channel4 privatisation
“The taxpayer has a great deal, cos C4 supplies excellent progs like C4 News”
Of course that means the 300K Guardianland folks have a good deal, cos instead of C4News serving the whole 70 million British public it just serves the Guardianland folks.
The Presenter @EstherMcVey1 “Isn’t C4News leftwing ?”
Dorothy Byrne “No in all the years Ofcom have never upheld a complaint that said that”
As ever using the term leftwing is wrong .. It’s possible to leftwing and honourable.
Rather it’s not that Guardialand are LEFTwing
It’s that they hate hate hate LIBERTARIAN voices,
So hate hate hate : Brexit, people making their own choices on lockdowns/masks .. and green lifestyles, people SPEAKING up about special victimhood groups
Rather they are TOTALITARIAN, and GLOBALIST … And are OK with Tories and Tory policies that are anti-libertarian
Ofcom don’t speak up about Channel cos they too are in the same Guardianland bubbleworld
Claim and denial.
BBC catnip.
No checking required.
Imagine being at that dinner party.
Met Police: London homicide figures fall in 2022
Only 14 teenagers murdered in Londonistan last year.
Here are 9 of them:
For some reason they missed 5 out. They were 1 whitey and 4 more black males. The nearest thing to an English name for all of them was ‘Charlie Bartolo’ which is Italian.
That’s one white and 13 BAME. I see no reason to doubt that the people who did the stabbing are of a similar ratio – but nobody is going to go anywhere near that.
This must be the ‘enrichment’ they keep telling me about.
By an amazing coincidence, it looks to be a similar ratio to the over-representation of BAME on the TV.
I picked one at random to see how much the BBC reported it. A search for ‘Deshaun Tuitt BBC’ reveals one report on his death and one report when someone was arrested. Both are bare-facts only with the majority of the report being a police statement asking for witnesses. Who knows if it even made the front page : I doubt it.
Obviously this is not the kind of thing the BBC care about. Black Lives don’t matter one bit if they can’t be used for the anti-white agenda. They are the ultimate hypocrites.
I’m guessing the reason for the reduction in murders is climate change . It would be interesting to know the circumstances of the killings – my guess is the ‘after school hour ‘ where the ‘dissing ‘ goes on.
Methinks an ‘odd’ year because the demographics only point one way … overall murders still up around 300 ?
‘Lies, damn lies and statistics’.
As someone with an ‘O-level’ in Statistics, I can confirm you can make data look like anything you want if you present certain bits in certain ways.
… cording to the ‘daft-as-brushes’ Oxbridge MPs Zeichner and Dodds the main problems in the world are violence by evil men against wimmin. Hence you need a white ribbon campaign.
I wonder how the white ribbon campaign would get on if it was a bit more honest e.g. by saying ‘black boys don’t matter’ Maybe that is why the ribbon is white.
The News Quiz yesterday repeated today 12.30pm .
Don’t bother , it what was you expect it to be , unfunny sneering against all those not in the tribe , which is everyone outside the Nomenklatura Cleressy . IE , a few thousand against the other billions in the world.
One “ humour” was Starmer using the Take Back Control from the Brexiters. Lucy Porter thought it was great to “ use it against them “ . No one demurred. They’re all of one mind. Obviously to the BBC Brexiteers are a small nasty minority, not over fifty percent of the population.
Newsnight still a thing?
Certainly has the approved bbc historian list.
Likes Sopes’ books : everyone who watches/reads it raves about it.
Because nobody except Leftists bother with it.
I had to laugh at a 5 star review of one of his books : The comment said his BBC training was apparent because he wasn’t as biased against Trump as he should have been.
Happy New Year to all here; keeping us informed and therefore sane.
My posts are relatively infrequent, yet I regularly visit to enjoy those who value freedom of thought and speech, unlike those at Al Beeb.
Imagine my joy having just witnessed the fragrant Ms Munchitty exit ‘The Chaser’ due to yet another lack of intelligence and self restraint.
Oh, how hard she tried to belittle ‘The Beast’ only to be handed her arse after just 3 questions.
Happy 2023 indeed!
EG, that’s just brilliant!
Just a thought though, maybe he’s setting the scene to play the, ‘Mental Elf’ card. Let’s face it, since Minge, it’s been one crisis after another, this is clearly his Joker moment!
Poor boy really has got it all wrong . . .
lol, I have often said that ‘Nobody hates like the Left’ but I have to admit there is one group who are worse.
I suspect our brave little soldier (who was never in any actual danger at the centre of camp Bastion) will be soiling his pants now and doubling the guard.
I thought they were going to go away and leave us alone.
Not mentioned by anyone, especially the BBC.
The Train Drivers Pension scheme appears to be still a final salary scheme earning 1/60 th for each year of service.
Round numbers.
Salary £60,000.
With 10% pay rise £66,000
Driver with 30 years service therefore gets an extra £3000 pa pension.
Cost to the taxpayer of the extra pension liability alone is around £80,000.
No prizes for guessing who will be picking up the tab.
I remember seeing years ago the MD of Connex Southeastern was on £365,000 a year or a grand a day. Who would know if he didn’t come into work for six months.
Instead of concerning yourself about Train drivers pensions. What about the money wasted at the BBC. Over the years there must have been millions upon millions poured down the drain. Some are paid millions per year. If we average that out across the whole entertainment industry, as they do with the rail industry, then the cleaners at the BBC must be on £70,000+
Chuck it into a river.
But but this is Winchester Hampshire, Ya . One does not throw statues in the river. Otherwise the statue of King Alfred, situated in the town would have suffered that fate. Particularly as he had slaves. Terrible, but believed to be non white and therefore makes him immune from toppling.
As far as Greta is concerned it would be interesting to learn the carbon emissions in the production and transport of said statue. Probably rather ironic I suspect, particularly as it’s bronze (slight pun there somewhere)
I’m watching the Bond film ‘No time to die’ and I’m about 70 minutes in.
The sound is terrible.
I can hardly understand what they are mumbling about.
The picture is 90% dark and dingy. Not like Connery on Dr No’s Island type of colour and brightness.
I have no idea what the plot is.
In the olden days like Goldfinger or Thunderball it was straight forward but this one is all gimmicks and stunts.
It seems so complicated and I’m going to switch it off.
Felix Lieter is black, Miss Moneypenny has turned black (like Anne Boleyn), Bonds replacement is a black wimmin.
Q is some Joe 90 lookalike nerd and Bond (Geordie Peacock) is now a ridiculous caricature of the earlier Bonds.
The Bond films are a great example of something getting worse the longer it goes on.
No wonder Daniel Craig wants out.
Reading Spiked right now.
Julie Burchill writes superbly on the decline of the BBC 4 into snobbery…
“The demise of the BBC has been noted more in sorrow than in anger by anyone of an independent outlook over the past decade. ‘Auntie’ has always been a misleading name, given the corporation’s woman problem. Just recall the sacking of older female presenters or the pay gap. Women are also 10 times more likely than men to be prosecuted for not paying the licence fee – making up one-third of all women’s criminal convictions in the UK. Dame Vera Baird, the victims’ commissioner for England and Wales, has said this is ‘serving only to criminalise poverty and disproportionately punish poorer families and women’. But then, the BBC has never been keen on the proletariat, either – those disobedient beings who do naughty things like voting for Brexit.”
Worth reading.
Radio 4 has lost a million listeners it was reported only last week (on LBC).
Inner cheering all the way through JBs incisive and nail on the head article.
Just imagine how bloody good the BBC would become if it employed a couple of dozen of her ilk as real presenters instead of the quaking scared mantra spouting fools they currently impose on us all.
In a nutshell, British universities are 100% responsible for killing open minded talent and free thinking in order to instil a choking, numbing group-think on youngsters entering the media.
If we as a Country are to reverse this sickening dash to totalitarianism we must start by clearing the University Augean Stables of the zombie detritus currently masquerading as lecturers.
I was just checking the tail end of the midweek thread and saw the piece on the Beery Hikers. What will happen when they go cooking off piste? Will they go all out and get a wind powered oven, a bottled gas oven or revert to the old fashioned wood fire? Maybe they could go the whole hog and use the old straw box!
No Time to Die is probably the worst ever Bond Film. As a life long Bond fan when I watched it the only thing i took away from it was , well thats me done then, Boring!!!
EG and Pete,
Agree totally, No Time To Die is so terrible in all its parts it’s difficult to know where to even begin.
One thing I will say for it, if you had previously asked which Bond movie had the worst theme song, you probably would have got a toss up between Lulu’s The Man With The Golden Gun and Madonna’s Die Another Day.
Billie Eilish has now settled the argument with her dreadful dirge for No Time To Die.
The producers missed a trick by not giving the theme song gig to Stormzy.
In the 80s, legend had it that Ian Fleming’s story “From A View to a Kill” was shortened to “A View to a Kill” for the movie because Duran Duran couldn’t make the title fit in their theme song.
If the producers had given the recent gig to Stormzy, given his limitations they could have ended up with a movie called “No Time To F***ing Die.”
The EU have been at the forefront of accusing the UK of abuse of human rights over any efforts to stem illegal immigration…
Two-faced manipulative B*s**rds!
Oh for a leader in this country with the balls to tell them to piss off!
In Re the census figures the BBC seem quite excited about .
Now I’m no good at maths so help here if you can .
The BBC said that those identifying as LGBTQ+ are 2.8 % of the population at 1 362 000 which makes the GB population less than 48 000 000 .
And transgender are 0.5% at 262,000 which makes the population at 52,400,000 .
Then it’s the census population of just England and Wales at 59,597,300
The Scottish population grew from 5,454,000 in 2019 to 5.51 million in 2022 . But is expected to DECREASE from now .
I’m actually interested in the figures because I believe our population is around 87 million and thought that they might let the cat out of the bag .
Irrespective, if the LGBTQ+ is 2.8% here and the transgender is 0.5 here , is that the norm throughout the world and if not why not ?
I hope this helps a bit. I understood that the UK population is around 72 million ? What you must remember is that 1 in 4 of us is gay (apparently, we are told). So the figures immediately don’t stack up. However that might be openly gay and not closed gay and also doesn’t include the LBQ+ element, or does it ? Don’t forget to divide that by the number of families who have a pet guinea pig called Fluffy, taking away the number men named Gervaise,who want to be called Susan on Sundays, unless they were born in February
If you add the decreasing population of Scotland to this figure, understanding that many are desperately trying to escape the clutches of that krankie woman to that of the population of England and Wales, increasing by around 1000+ per week via some free ferry services in the English Channel and multiply by two if you include all ports and airports. Add that to the figure the BBC first thought of (thought, but not researched) then multiply by 1.25 and subtract whatever figure you feel comfortable with you’ll understand why I failed maths O level, but more importantly why the Beeb is lying and never reports anything as ’norm’.
I remember back in the 80’s working in an office of around a dozen people, and the consensus was that 1 in 10 was gay, and our boss at the time said jokingly “ok which one of you is it then ?”, and we said it was none of us and it was probably him so he should come clean. I suppose nowadays it would be guessing which of the new recruits would be transgender.
House journal pulling a BBC.
Initially at least the header assumed that Stonehouse was an evil TORY MP
I can’t rule out a subeditor wrote the words
The Guardian Twitter account even promoted the article with the premise.
However of course there was a Twitter pile on
and the Guardian deleted their tweet
pulled the entire article
And then came back an hour later with a new tweet and a new article.
The Guardian Twitter page reflects its image
There is a large banner saying “For *Facts* Sake”×360
Then “The need for independent journalism has never been greater.
Become a Guardian supporter”
Then pinned tweet
Times change but Guardian values don’t:
200 years, and we’ve only just begun ” editor Katharine Viner
Further down they advertise their writing classes
Today they tweet
– Two years on from the Capitol riot: the toxic legacy of Trump’s big lie
– Rule changes take the FTSE into a new diversity dawn
Seems Catherine Bennett has closed her Twitter account
Her husband is a writer and baron
Robert Bertrand Sackville-West, 7th Baron Sackville DL is a British publisher, author and guardian of Knole in Kent, which has been a Sackville house since 1603 and is now owned by the National Trust.
Oh Bennett divorced Sackville in 1992
“She then married the books editor of the Evening Standard, David Sexton.
She has also had a relationship with the broadcaster John Humphrys.”
No apology
And corrections belong at the TOP not hidden away at the bottom
There is one at the bottom
“This article page was amended on 7 January 2023 because an earlier version mistakenly suggested that John Stonehouse was a Conservative MP.
The entire article is anti-Tory
At the foot there is the Standard Guardian beg for money which opens by saying the editor doesn’t interfere with writers
then it lists the “topic tags”
: Politics Opinion
Boris Johnson
Owen Paterson
Matthew Macfadyen
I quote some bits from the main text
Stonehouse should take credit for originating while he was on bail (and *Johnson* still in prep school) the now established Tory practice of not resigning
(Stonehouse tried to strangle his wife) But the generosity of ITV’s creatives in omitting this and more non-comic detail pales beside the reputational benefits conferred on the Stonehouse family by the state of the *current Conservative party*”
The poor Count just can’t get a break..
I expect that anarchist Marxist BBC will support disturbed Harry.
under the “enemy of my enemy is my friend doctrine.
BUT I wonder who is a bigger danger to the UK. Shamina Begum
who has lost her UK citizenship. Or paranoid Harry ?
Still in UK and probably still on UK benefits and still spewing hate online with impunity while Trump gets banned on twatter:
“After Harry’s revelation that he killed 25 Taliban in Afghanistan… Now hate preacher who inspired Lee Rigby killers tells jihadis to target British troops”
Iain Duncan-Smith said: ‘This is an absolute example of not just hate speech, but direct and indirect threat to our constitutional head of state, our monarchy, and for that matter our Government and all public servants. The police and security services now need to move on this man, and he should no longer be free to act accordingly in the UK.