The new thread is published – despite an embargo . There will be ‘revelations ‘ and ‘claims’ and ‘allegations ‘ – and much reporting – so over to you …
It must be obvious to anyone with an ounce of sense now that we are all subject to a conspiracy at a very high level in Europe and the US.
I first noticed with the never ceasing denigration of Trump and brexit from all quarters of societies’ institutions, including the judiciary.
The promotion of unfettered immigration from Africa and the middle east to corrupt society and dilute its traditions despite clear evidence of the recipient populations’objections
the rewriting of history to demonise white males and promote blacks as perennial victims
The unfettered promotion of the diversity agenda but only for the benefit of blacks, muslims and homosexuals
The demonising of anyone with conservative values and the ignoring of the many crimes by the above immigrants in the media
Klimate agenda, nuff said there, but maybe add : slebs can continue to jet around the world, or presidential visits with 85 car motorcades, the rest of us to use buses and unable to afford new electric cars.
Therefore a return to medieval peasants sitting in our homes, never venturing outside the village except to work and pay taxes to our overlords, and fed a diet of sleb crap reality shows on TV and showing how wonderful it is for white wimmin to live with black men, and no escape via alcohol or drugs allowed to ensure we work into our 70s .
9/11 and March 2020 were both staged events planned decades ago to usher in the NWO. I would suggest you get a hold of John Coleman’s book, ‘The Committee of 300’, which does a good job of explaining what is happening and why. He wrote it 30 years ago and a lot of what he predicted is happening exactly as he said. I mean exactly not just approximately or roughly. It’s Agenda 2030. You will own nothing and Klaus will be extremely happy. We tried to warn you all about this a long time ago. But we were ridiculed and called ‘conspiracy theorists’, the term invented by the CIA to demonise people who think critically. Funnily enough it turns out the CIA are now admitting they played a role in Kennedy’s assassination. I would take that with a pinch of salt. If they admit it you can be sure it is only part of the truth. The reality is much stranger than you think. Buckle up. It’s going to get exceedingly weird as the cult of Covid and Climate Change merge in to the new religion of the NWO.
Compare Extinction rebellion organised public vandalism and BLM rioters and looters sentences with the establishments reaction to the 2011 riots :
The ethnic makeup of the rioters varied in different cities: 76% of those arrested in Manchester were white, while 29% were white and 39% black in London
“2011 riot Sentencing guidelines
It was reported in mid-August that some courts were advised by senior justice clerks to deal harshly with offences committed during the disturbances.[230] The advice was said to tell the courts that they could ignore existing sentencing guidelines and hand down heavy sentences.[230] David Cameron defended the courts for handing out tough sentences, while some Liberal Democrat MPs and civil rights groups criticised some sentences being handed down.[231][232][233]
Groups of lawyers complained that Crown Prosecutors were opposing bail in more cases than usual.[234] Empirical evidence suggests tougher sentencing reduced riot-related offences, but that non-riot offences increased.[235]
Trials and sentencing
Sentences of four years in a Young Offender Institution were given to two males who promoted riots via Facebook. The proposed events in Northwich and Warrington were not attended by any other people.[237][238] These sentences were affirmed on appeal by the Court of Appeal. Giving the judgment of the court, the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, Lord Judge, sitting with Sir John Thomas and Lord Justice Leveson, stated that there is “an overwhelming obligation on sentencing courts to do what they can to ensure the protection of the public”, that “the imposition of severe sentences, intended to provide both punishment and deterrence, must follow” and that “[t]hose who deliberately participate in disturbances of this magnitude, causing injury and damage and fear to even the most stout-hearted of citizens, and who individually commit further crimes during the course of the riots are committing aggravated crimes”. The appeals were dismissed.[239]
On 25 April 2012, the Court of Appeal (Lord Judge CJ, Openshaw & Irwin JJ) increased the sentence imposed by the Crown Court at Inner London on Adam Ahmadzai from four years detention to seven years detention for offences of violent disorder, robbery, burglary and criminal damage committed during the riots on 8 August 2011, after a reference from Attorney General, Dominic Grieve QC.[240] The Lord Chief Justice stated that the offences were of the “greatest possible seriousness”.[241]
A woman who had not taken part in the riots received five months for receiving a pair of stolen shorts. The sentence was later reduced on appeal.[242] Manchester police used Twitter to celebrate the five-month sentence; they later apologised and removed the tweet.[243] A teenager was freed when prosecutors found evidence he had been wrongly charged with arson. While in prison, his own flat was burned down.[244][245] The detaining of under-18s without criminal records was criticised by UNICEF in October 2011 for possibly breaching the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.[246] By August 2012, 1,292 rioters had been handed custodial sentences totalling 1,800 years at 16.8 months on an average.[247]”
1,292 rioters had been handed custodial sentences totalling 1,800 years at 16.8 months on an average.
And now:
“UK Government Accused of Threatening to Criminalise Black Lives Matter Protests
Its plans to “fast-track” sentencing for protesters has been called “intimidation” and “a racialised decision” by campaigners.”
Craig Hornsby, of Wordsworth Close, Hexham, jailed for 28 months
Christopher Bone, of Affleck Street, Gateshead, jailed for 29 months
Neil Drummond, of Audley Road, South Gosforth, two years’ suspended sentence
Ryan Barlow, of Parklands Way, Felling, jailed for 27 months
Ronald Short, of Stockwell Green in Newcastle, jailed for 27 months
Michael O’Brien, of Beresford Gardens in Byker, jailed for 27 months
Wendy Robson, of Tauton Avenue, North Shields, jailed for 29 months
Jay Plunkett, of Lumley Walk, Dunston, jailed for 27 months
Elliott Wright, of Paxton Court in Pity Me, Durham, jailed for 27 months
Christopher Butters, of Moorland Avenue, Bedlington, jailed for 31 months
Colin Green, of Church Street, Sunderland, jailed for 29 months
Darhys Moore, of Fern Close, Prudhoe, 24 months suspended for 12 months
Christopher Simpson, of Cedar Road, Fenham, jailed for 29 months
Christopher Wood, of Malvern Road, Washington, jailed for 28 months
Usman Ogiden, of Gerald Street, Benwell, jailed for 26 months
Philip Scorfield, of Howlett Hall Road, Newcastle, jailed for 29 months
Derek Hasse, of Ross Grove, Cramlington, jailed for 26 months
John Mann, of Acomb Crescent, Gosforth, jailed for 29 months
George Coulson, of Beechburn Walk, Newcastle, jailed for 29 months
Matthew Chapman, of Church Street East, Sunderland, jailed for 30 months
In this article the BBC ‘Reality Check Team’ spend some licence fee payers money trying to prove Putin uses stooges and pretends they are normal people. And they’ve been investigating it for some time going by the length of the article.
Which is highly amusing because the BBC themselves have been caught doing that on several occasions when their ‘people off the street’ turned out to be known far Left activists.
Why didn’t you check those out ‘Reality Check Team’ ? – you utter hypocrites. What a complete joke they are.
Given what we now know from the Census survey, then in the interests of equality this should be the last Tranny story or programme on the BBC for several weeks.
Given what we know about W1A, an SQ charter to Singapore to drop of some ‘reporters’ at Bugis St and the rest on to trawl Soi Cowboy in Bangkok seems their likely editorial pursuit of news next.
Looking at this sort of output from the BBC, one is reminded of the fall of Constantinople. Whilst Mehmed II and his Ottoman forces sieged the city and prepared to storm it and end the Byzantine Empire, the priests inside concerned themselves with such medieval obsessions as to how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. The BBC and the Establishment they serve, mirror this; whilst Western civilisation crumbles – largely eroded from within – and the endless foreign hordes prepare to take over, by demographics if not by design – they obsess with how many windmills we need to keep the lights on, how many drag queens are needed in South Korea (answer = none), and the constant dronings of a so-called prince who doesn’t even use his own name and his race-grifter wife.
Should come off social media then ! sometimes these people are the architects of their own problems. Every hurty feeling and upset is called ‘mental health’ issue. F.O use some backbone and come off social media. This is a non-story.
Classic of the genre BBC phrased click-bait headline of the greater-spotted luvvie Remoaner variety is caught in the wild this morning: Year of culture kicks off despite Brexit blow… Leeds 2023: Stadium show launches year of culture after Brexit blow… Thousands of people have watched a stadium show to launch a year of culture in Leeds, which is staging its own 12-month cultural celebrations after Brexit scuppered its chances of being European Capital of Culture – aye oop, ee bah gum an’ by ‘eck as like… oh the humanity!
Isn’t it fascinating that these reports are never written from the point of view that simply because the UK voted democratically not to continue with them down the road of further European political union, so Brussels, in a fit of pique, decides to culturally sanction Britain as punishment, despite these islands being theoretically geographically and culturally still part of Europe?
European Commission decided the UK was no longer eligible after Brexit. (BBC)
Ten thousand tickets were given away for the show, which was hosted at the home of the Leeds Rhinos by BBC Radio Leeds presenter Sanchez Payne and BBC Sport’s Gabby Logan – so what we have here, this kick-off to the Leeds year of culture thing, was in fact a freebie show and somewhat of a BBC-sponsored in-house affair?
Rap Game UK and Mobo Award winner Graft also performed, as did fellow musicians Testament, Ntantu, Aziz Ibrahim and tabla maestro Inder Goldfinger. A steel drum cover version of I Predict A Riot by Kaiser Chiefs… was accompanied by dozens of dancers in colourful carnival costumes, representing one of the longest-running West Indian carnivals in the UK. Webster, the first Cbeebies presenter with Down’s syndrome, who recently won a Bafta Award and starred on the Strictly Come Dancing Christmas special, delivered an impassioned speech (BBC)
Sounds like one great dollop of the usual BBC-endorsed, achingly PC diversity tubthumping to me… The chorus of Opera North joined Chumbawamba frontman Dunstan Bruce and Leeds band Hope and Social for a rousing performance of Chumbawamba’s 1997 anthem Tubthumping (BBC) – thought so.
Sunday Times’s in-house comic artist Newman gets a rare thumbs up from Mr AsI with his skit of a solemn-looking Buckingham Palace lackie beside an ornate official notice reading: “Dignified Silence”
Despite: William ‘burning inside’ over Harry’s revelations (Sunday Times)
It’s been said before – The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club…
Our supposed war-hero, Taliban-chesspiece eliminating ginger spare – apprently knocked to the ground by his chinless-looking baldy brother – makes further demands on our sympathy: Harry’s guilt: ‘I couldn’t cry in public when my mother died’ (Sunday Telegraph)
Meanwhile military luminaries the likes of: SAS hero, Andy McNab (Sunday Express); and Admiral Lord West (Sunday Mirror) – say Harry ought to ‘keep mum, she’s not so dumb’
There’s further comedy in the Telegraph: Alex Mahon. ‘Channel 4 has no political agenda’
Despite the Channel 4 motto – as enthusiastically chanted at Glasto by their news frontman Jon Snow – being F*** The Tories
Speaking of which… Starmer wants to charm Davos… The Labour leader and his shadow Chancellor are preparing to rub shoulders with the global elite… will be jetting off to the World Economic Forum (Sunday Times)
Sunak v Starmer. After the battle of the big speeches, what is the difference between them? (Observer)
Remember, folks – it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true.
Invasion of the sex-mad squeekers (Daily Star Sunday) – no, not a new boat-load of reformed Albanian castratos, heading for Leeds Year of Culture – just arrived on the coast of Kent following on from all those Syrian surgeons putting new life into our NHS and Eritrean computer programmers building Britain’s hi-tech AI future… this is in fact: Mouse Mahem… Spanish mega mice… spreading their oats… immune to common poisons – I reckon the NHS should be testing all new-varient foreign rodents on their arrival.
Starmer wants to charm Davos… The Labour leader and his shadow Chancellor are preparing to rub shoulders with the global elite… will be jetting off to the World Economic Forum (Sunday Times)
Starmer cracks it. Plenty of his fellow Trilateral Commission members to network with. Lining up his new ‘job’ for when Reeves takes over.
I’m getting more than a little p****d off being classed as ‘the elderly’, a group which is causing the NHS and the LAs all that bother!
The idiot who wrote this banal lecture on stats fails to even consider the failures and of the administration of the NHS. He doesn’t even think about the millions of immigrants who turn up on our shores, expecting all the care we give them without them or their governments contributing a penny piece! He doesn’t consider the utter waste of all the non-jobs created to cater for ‘diversity’ and the c**p that goes with the non-qualifications! The figures he bandies about are meaningless except to a privileged few in high places, who can then quote them all to each other as a holy mantra.
And above all this, he ignores the fact that we ‘elderly’ have paid for all our working lives to fund the NHS, and also the LAs via their poll taxes, and by now, we’d have preferred to know that these organisations should have learnt how to budget properly, work properly, show efficiency and bring the results that we deserve from all our funding and investment!
(Apologies to anyone here who isn’t ‘elderly’, I’m certainly not pointing the finger at you, and I’m grateful that you’re still helping to fund my elderliness)!
Scrobs, I find it incongruous that we are told to live a healthy lifestyle, exercise more and eat a balanced diet – which most of us ‘elderly’ have done throughout our lives, and yet we are castigated for living beyond 60 !!!!
We are the generation who grew up without fast food, had regular games lessons at school, (and had to walk there), never needed Vit D supplements because we went off playing all day in the fresh air, and had regular visits at school from the dental and nit nurses ! So rather than moan at us we should be used as the template for future generations when growing up !!!
The one-legged climber story is ostensibly from BBC news but the story is on the BBC sport website and is part of a trailer for Ski Sunday.
So it’s just another BBC PRasnews lavatorial…..errr I mean advertorial.
PS I bumped into a mountain climber with two prosthetic legs high up in the Swiss Alps a few years back at around 13000 feet, roped up on snow. He struggled at every step but was still going up with his team. Massive kudos to the guys that do this.
I suspected the photo, cos why is she wearing a sleeveless minidress in cold Washington when everyone else is wearing a full suit
However it is a genuine photo from a few days ago, with Paul Gosar.
Their conversation looks strange cos on Nov 17, 202 The House voted 223 – 207 to censure Paul Gosar and remove him from his committee for his violent Twitter ‘video depicting him murdering AOC’
and now he could get back on that or some other committees.
I love when I come on twitter and everyone else is yapping on about politics or the Monarchy and JV breaks the whole timeline with a boomerang traffic tweet 😂😘
The NHS should be closed down because it's too racist. We know it's too racist because the NHS has to spend MILLIONS on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion staff to try and stem the tidal wave of intolerance. This is unacceptable. No organisation in 2023 should require an EDI dept.
— Leo Kearse – comedian – come to my shows! (@LeoKearse) January 7, 2023
You mean he has time to do shows ?? surely his pay day is bigger when he regularly appears (groan) on GBN. Purely my opinion, but he needs to be reported to Trades Description Act for calling himself a comedian.
… the so called record high temperature of 40.3 was measured at Heathrow, RAF Coningsby and RAF Northolt. The temperature measurement at Coningsby lasted between one and two minutes then fell away to the 30’s. Many of the temperature measurements given to us by the Met Office are recorded at RAF stations with the measurement point being close to a runway. The Met Office are part of the lie we are fed about global warming. The most accurate figures are those from satellites. Surprise, surprise, there has been little significant temperature change in the last six years; but that doesn’t fit the global/WEF/political agenda.
Oh, by the way, flooded areas in Pakistan was not 33%, but 18%. However, 18% isn’t quite as significant as 33% when you’re begging for hand outs …
Local radio stuff
BBC presenters made out the BBC was almost closing local radio ..and that it was Tory cuts.
Well in the old days the only local radio service was from the BBC
And the areas are too big, so instead of actual local news, we hear all about Hull, even though we never go there.
However these days new local community stations are on the internet
There is a new portal page for Internet connected TVs
See Channel 277 (but doesn’t work on our YouView box)
Local paper stuff
Our local paper has a headline about a road accident on a trunk road
The comments point out that despite the title the first paragraph says the accident was on a different road a mile away.
The paper is a cuntNpaste operation run from 100 miles away.
.. they demonstrate poor local knowledge.
Another young athlete passes away – 18 year old Victoria Lee, (Angela ‘KGB’ Lee’s sister).
“Lee’s cause of death is still being held confidential by her parents
Victoria fought in One Championship.
Previously One Championship boss Chatri Sityodtong ordered all of the fighters on One’s roster to get vaccinated.”
TWoTWeeeee Watch #1 – I think the Starmer may have lost the Labour Party the next General Election.
These Beeboid Presenters get about, they like spreading the CO2 emissions don’t they? The BeeLady in Birmingham and now Jonny ‘Disjointed Dalek’ Dymond has been flitting between London, Leeds and Wakefield and back to Leeds again for TWoTWeeee. He has been visiting some cultural event in Leeds where ten thousand free tickets were given away (no Yorkshiremen jokes, please – they know how to do a bargain in Leeds) to get an audience in to Headingley.
The high point of the programme, if I may gloss it up as such, was an interview with Tracy Brabin, Labour Mayor of West Yorkshire since the post was created in 2021. Was that another of Boris’s Bad Ideas? The poor Luv demonstrated quite well how more local government and local governance is definitely not needed in a small country like the UK. We used to have a perfectly good system of Parish Councillors for free, Local Civic authorities if a county was large enough and then an elected County Council.
If only I could turn the clock back to 1960 or 1965. Somewhere between those numbers before the politicians really started meddling with us all and costing us money that we don’t have for services that are not as good as before. Sir Keir Starmer’s plan to have more devolution if the Labour Party win the next General Election really ought to get the Conservative vote out.
“We used to have a perfectly good system of Parish Councillors for free, Local Civic authorities if a county was large enough and then an elected County Council.”
Couldn’t agree more.
We absolutely do not want EU-style devolved ‘regions.’
Unfortunately people like Gove also seem keen.
Bring back historical English county systems.
Problems really took off after Council Tax was established when what were then vast sums were initially shared out between CEOs and their underlings, resulting in an indecent number paying themselves two, three times and more than the PM – to use but one senior post as example.
The cost of services has rocketed, but the council officers’ income scales keep to the geometrical progression established in the days of plenty.
Equally massive sums from the sales of council houses also sit in council coffers – except for those invested in Iceland of course – waiting for rainy days. The fact that the rain arrived along with covid seems lost on the powerful intellects in charge.
Westminster now is the result of voters either being tribal politically, actually being tribal, or knee jerking without thought guided by activists or med… other activists.
Councils are headed the same way.
Ours had a moderately competent administration, but after the Conservatives fouled up something, they were booted out and we ended up with a bunch of middle aged sandalled Limp Wolfies and green Luci without even a shared brain cell.
Next round May. Be interesting how BBC shire radio weighs in, along with the local democracy ‘reporters’ they have seeded in every rag.
8pm tonight UNN say they will be interviewing James Goddard about the strange letter he got from police
That a barrister on twitter mocked cos
#1 says he is “REQUIRED” to contact them about a “VOLUNTARY” interview
#2 uses the wrong name for The Communications Act 2003
In August Goddard tweeted a 10 second video of the Rainbow flags on Wembley Way which he calls “noncery”
I wouldn’t call it noncery, but it is his free speech just like a Muslim using the word “kaffir”
The Twitter account has been suspended
Antifa shout “He’s a crim that pleaded guilty to harassing Anna Soubry”
They miss the context that he was parodying her ganfg who go around shouting “Nazi” at his gang and always get away with it
And that he was coerced into the guilty plea by CPS telling him that if he didn’t plead guilt they’d nail his balls to the floor.
Goddard said
#1 He wasn’t being homophobic, that he doesn’t has a problem with homosexuals doing stuff in their own home, but that the obsessive promotion of things like the LGBT flags is part of the creating an atmosphere that paves the way for gay groomers intent on abusing children.
#2 Said this police letter is part of vendetta by people and police against him
That this same thing happened 6 months ago, but that time it came to nothing
Said that generally the Metropolitan Police drag him in every six months
#3 On the Soubry case ..he says he now never trusts lawyers cos they are all on the establishment side, And that his own lawyer and the CPS stitched him up.
That he felt not guilty, but had a secret child custody case going on at the same time his lawyer told him to plead guilty on the Soubry thing cos otherwise he’d lose access to his 2 year old child
Then in the end he did lose access anyway.
Springster is getting some attention – I wonder if she’ll respond and if it’ll involve some lower lip action?
This is such an incredible article, I really recommend everyone read it. Is it possible that @BBCtrending is not liked or respected by the rest of the journalists working for @BBCNews.
The article cited is a month old, but in the spirit of BBC ‘newsworthy’ obsessions still valid.
Iirc, Springster was brought in by Wendy before he scooted off to work BBC misinformation soft power in other countries, primarily in a peroxide youth role as a patsy. And then as a delicate blossom all the old hacks could rally around in various sexist ways. I think Ms. Brees and Wendy had history too.
As to the esteem held by colleagues in W1A, if any have a glimmer of professional integrity they may decide silence is the best option.
That said, her promotional arc as a non BAME might have ruffled a few feathers.
But given the BBC Trending and DU’hooray’s carefully chosen ‘news’ targets and blocking any asking questions, the embody BBC propaganda backed by censorship.
Dear @SuellaBraverman French Police bid adieu to another dinghy load of illegal migrants, bound for the UK. Can you remind us WHY you are paying £62.7m to stop this?
This article is a complete non-story and has been conjured up simply as an excuse to call white people racists.
Just look at the extreme racism she had to suffer with this – presumably the very worst example she had – and remember this is from about 30 years ago:
‘Adora says she injured herself playing netball once and needed to wear a Tubigrip support on her leg.
“I walked in the office one day and he said, ‘Well at least part of you is white'”.’
I’m surprised she could even play netball with a chip that size on her shoulder.
Here’s the author :
No surprise there. All part of what happens to the quality of staff when you hire them based on quotas. Expect it to keep getting worse until the BBC’s blatant racist discrimination is stopped.
Sir Keir Starmer has defended David Lammy earning more than £200,000 from second jobs in three years as a “part of the political process”.
… Asked about Mr Lammy’s outside earnings during an interview with Sophy Ridge on Sunday, Sir Keir said: “I think David does a lot of media work, and I think media work and writing books is all part of the political process. But there’s a discussion to be had.
“I was urging the whole House of Commons to agree [to] new rules because I do think we should get rid of second jobs with some exceptions. Some people have jobs where they need to top up their skills, and I do think if you write a political book that may be grounds for an exemption.
… Sir Keir has signed a deal with the publisher HarperCollins for a book about his vision for Britain. The register of interests shows he has received an advance of £18,000, although no publication date has been set.
Caught the 6pm bbc news by accident – but not A &E for me . …
The BBC has a new favourite word – ‘crisis ‘- as in ‘is their NHS in crisis ‘ …?
This joins up another favourite ‘ apologise ‘ – as in ‘will you apologise for xxxxx “
Seems a strange mind set that ‘crisis ‘ and ‘apologise’ are important words for the BBC – to be used against blue labour .
The tone of the BBC news with regard to NHS strikes is and blue labour – and they’ll be blaming blue labour for years to come ….
…… mention of the NHS trusts offering private health care is a private part of the NHS hospital to jump waiting lists . I have described my personal experience of this corruption which the medical mafia has been running for decades ….
… for get the clapping – only money matters ….so sell off the NHS – with those who pay for it getting priority …
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
It must be obvious to anyone with an ounce of sense now that we are all subject to a conspiracy at a very high level in Europe and the US.
I first noticed with the never ceasing denigration of Trump and brexit from all quarters of societies’ institutions, including the judiciary.
The promotion of unfettered immigration from Africa and the middle east to corrupt society and dilute its traditions despite clear evidence of the recipient populations’objections
the rewriting of history to demonise white males and promote blacks as perennial victims
The unfettered promotion of the diversity agenda but only for the benefit of blacks, muslims and homosexuals
The demonising of anyone with conservative values and the ignoring of the many crimes by the above immigrants in the media
Klimate agenda, nuff said there, but maybe add : slebs can continue to jet around the world, or presidential visits with 85 car motorcades, the rest of us to use buses and unable to afford new electric cars.
Therefore a return to medieval peasants sitting in our homes, never venturing outside the village except to work and pay taxes to our overlords, and fed a diet of sleb crap reality shows on TV and showing how wonderful it is for white wimmin to live with black men, and no escape via alcohol or drugs allowed to ensure we work into our 70s .
9/11 and March 2020 were both staged events planned decades ago to usher in the NWO. I would suggest you get a hold of John Coleman’s book, ‘The Committee of 300’, which does a good job of explaining what is happening and why. He wrote it 30 years ago and a lot of what he predicted is happening exactly as he said. I mean exactly not just approximately or roughly. It’s Agenda 2030. You will own nothing and Klaus will be extremely happy. We tried to warn you all about this a long time ago. But we were ridiculed and called ‘conspiracy theorists’, the term invented by the CIA to demonise people who think critically. Funnily enough it turns out the CIA are now admitting they played a role in Kennedy’s assassination. I would take that with a pinch of salt. If they admit it you can be sure it is only part of the truth. The reality is much stranger than you think. Buckle up. It’s going to get exceedingly weird as the cult of Covid and Climate Change merge in to the new religion of the NWO.
Compare Extinction rebellion organised public vandalism and BLM rioters and looters sentences with the establishments reaction to the 2011 riots :
The ethnic makeup of the rioters varied in different cities: 76% of those arrested in Manchester were white, while 29% were white and 39% black in London
“2011 riot Sentencing guidelines
It was reported in mid-August that some courts were advised by senior justice clerks to deal harshly with offences committed during the disturbances.[230] The advice was said to tell the courts that they could ignore existing sentencing guidelines and hand down heavy sentences.[230] David Cameron defended the courts for handing out tough sentences, while some Liberal Democrat MPs and civil rights groups criticised some sentences being handed down.[231][232][233]
Groups of lawyers complained that Crown Prosecutors were opposing bail in more cases than usual.[234] Empirical evidence suggests tougher sentencing reduced riot-related offences, but that non-riot offences increased.[235]
Trials and sentencing
Sentences of four years in a Young Offender Institution were given to two males who promoted riots via Facebook. The proposed events in Northwich and Warrington were not attended by any other people.[237][238] These sentences were affirmed on appeal by the Court of Appeal. Giving the judgment of the court, the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, Lord Judge, sitting with Sir John Thomas and Lord Justice Leveson, stated that there is “an overwhelming obligation on sentencing courts to do what they can to ensure the protection of the public”, that “the imposition of severe sentences, intended to provide both punishment and deterrence, must follow” and that “[t]hose who deliberately participate in disturbances of this magnitude, causing injury and damage and fear to even the most stout-hearted of citizens, and who individually commit further crimes during the course of the riots are committing aggravated crimes”. The appeals were dismissed.[239]
On 25 April 2012, the Court of Appeal (Lord Judge CJ, Openshaw & Irwin JJ) increased the sentence imposed by the Crown Court at Inner London on Adam Ahmadzai from four years detention to seven years detention for offences of violent disorder, robbery, burglary and criminal damage committed during the riots on 8 August 2011, after a reference from Attorney General, Dominic Grieve QC.[240] The Lord Chief Justice stated that the offences were of the “greatest possible seriousness”.[241]
A woman who had not taken part in the riots received five months for receiving a pair of stolen shorts. The sentence was later reduced on appeal.[242] Manchester police used Twitter to celebrate the five-month sentence; they later apologised and removed the tweet.[243] A teenager was freed when prosecutors found evidence he had been wrongly charged with arson. While in prison, his own flat was burned down.[244][245] The detaining of under-18s without criminal records was criticised by UNICEF in October 2011 for possibly breaching the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.[246] By August 2012, 1,292 rioters had been handed custodial sentences totalling 1,800 years at 16.8 months on an average.[247]”
I repeat the last sentence:
1,292 rioters had been handed custodial sentences totalling 1,800 years at 16.8 months on an average.
And now:
“UK Government Accused of Threatening to Criminalise Black Lives Matter Protests
Its plans to “fast-track” sentencing for protesters has been called “intimidation” and “a racialised decision” by campaigners.”
But of the mainly white the counter protesters:
Among those sentenced were:
Craig Hornsby, of Wordsworth Close, Hexham, jailed for 28 months
Christopher Bone, of Affleck Street, Gateshead, jailed for 29 months
Neil Drummond, of Audley Road, South Gosforth, two years’ suspended sentence
Ryan Barlow, of Parklands Way, Felling, jailed for 27 months
Ronald Short, of Stockwell Green in Newcastle, jailed for 27 months
Michael O’Brien, of Beresford Gardens in Byker, jailed for 27 months
Wendy Robson, of Tauton Avenue, North Shields, jailed for 29 months
Jay Plunkett, of Lumley Walk, Dunston, jailed for 27 months
Elliott Wright, of Paxton Court in Pity Me, Durham, jailed for 27 months
Christopher Butters, of Moorland Avenue, Bedlington, jailed for 31 months
Colin Green, of Church Street, Sunderland, jailed for 29 months
Darhys Moore, of Fern Close, Prudhoe, 24 months suspended for 12 months
Christopher Simpson, of Cedar Road, Fenham, jailed for 29 months
Christopher Wood, of Malvern Road, Washington, jailed for 28 months
Usman Ogiden, of Gerald Street, Benwell, jailed for 26 months
Philip Scorfield, of Howlett Hall Road, Newcastle, jailed for 29 months
Derek Hasse, of Ross Grove, Cramlington, jailed for 26 months
John Mann, of Acomb Crescent, Gosforth, jailed for 29 months
George Coulson, of Beechburn Walk, Newcastle, jailed for 29 months
Matthew Chapman, of Church Street East, Sunderland, jailed for 30 months
After long delay, Met publishes 2020 protest arrest figures
Total Arrests
Arrests for Health Protection regulations 2020 breaches
Black Lives Matter (BLM) – (May – Jun 2020)
Total arrests 281
Arrests for health protection 19
Extinction Rebellion (XR) (May, Aug – Sep 2020)
Total arrests 681
Health protection 35
Anti-Lockdown / Anti-Vax protest (May – Nov 2020)
Total arrests 374
For health protection 351
I presume ‘health protection’ is STASI style removal of people who didn’t actually do anything wrong.
The figures suggest that don’t they ?
Ukraine war: What does facial recognition software make of Putin’s backdrop crowd?
In this article the BBC ‘Reality Check Team’ spend some licence fee payers money trying to prove Putin uses stooges and pretends they are normal people. And they’ve been investigating it for some time going by the length of the article.
Which is highly amusing because the BBC themselves have been caught doing that on several occasions when their ‘people off the street’ turned out to be known far Left activists.
Why didn’t you check those out ‘Reality Check Team’ ? – you utter hypocrites. What a complete joke they are.
BBC Media Action involved?
BBC Comfort Bloke
Given what we now know from the Census survey, then in the interests of equality this should be the last Tranny story or programme on the BBC for several weeks.
Somehow I suspect this will not happen.
Given what we know about W1A, an SQ charter to Singapore to drop of some ‘reporters’ at Bugis St and the rest on to trawl Soi Cowboy in Bangkok seems their likely editorial pursuit of news next.
Looking at this sort of output from the BBC, one is reminded of the fall of Constantinople. Whilst Mehmed II and his Ottoman forces sieged the city and prepared to storm it and end the Byzantine Empire, the priests inside concerned themselves with such medieval obsessions as to how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. The BBC and the Establishment they serve, mirror this; whilst Western civilisation crumbles – largely eroded from within – and the endless foreign hordes prepare to take over, by demographics if not by design – they obsess with how many windmills we need to keep the lights on, how many drag queens are needed in South Korea (answer = none), and the constant dronings of a so-called prince who doesn’t even use his own name and his race-grifter wife.
Now, now people – what day can be complete without news of South Korean Bearded Queens?
Nice cup of Joe… of color… happy as a lamb.
Should come off social media then ! sometimes these people are the architects of their own problems. Every hurty feeling and upset is called ‘mental health’ issue. F.O use some backbone and come off social media. This is a non-story.
Hard but fair edition
Classic of the genre BBC phrased click-bait headline of the greater-spotted luvvie Remoaner variety is caught in the wild this morning: Year of culture kicks off despite Brexit blow… Leeds 2023: Stadium show launches year of culture after Brexit blow… Thousands of people have watched a stadium show to launch a year of culture in Leeds, which is staging its own 12-month cultural celebrations after Brexit scuppered its chances of being European Capital of Culture – aye oop, ee bah gum an’ by ‘eck as like… oh the humanity!
Isn’t it fascinating that these reports are never written from the point of view that simply because the UK voted democratically not to continue with them down the road of further European political union, so Brussels, in a fit of pique, decides to culturally sanction Britain as punishment, despite these islands being theoretically geographically and culturally still part of Europe?
European Commission decided the UK was no longer eligible after Brexit. (BBC)
Ten thousand tickets were given away for the show, which was hosted at the home of the Leeds Rhinos by BBC Radio Leeds presenter Sanchez Payne and BBC Sport’s Gabby Logan – so what we have here, this kick-off to the Leeds year of culture thing, was in fact a freebie show and somewhat of a BBC-sponsored in-house affair?
Rap Game UK and Mobo Award winner Graft also performed, as did fellow musicians Testament, Ntantu, Aziz Ibrahim and tabla maestro Inder Goldfinger. A steel drum cover version of I Predict A Riot by Kaiser Chiefs… was accompanied by dozens of dancers in colourful carnival costumes, representing one of the longest-running West Indian carnivals in the UK. Webster, the first Cbeebies presenter with Down’s syndrome, who recently won a Bafta Award and starred on the Strictly Come Dancing Christmas special, delivered an impassioned speech (BBC)
Sounds like one great dollop of the usual BBC-endorsed, achingly PC diversity tubthumping to me… The chorus of Opera North joined Chumbawamba frontman Dunstan Bruce and Leeds band Hope and Social for a rousing performance of Chumbawamba’s 1997 anthem Tubthumping (BBC) – thought so.
Sunday Times’s in-house comic artist Newman gets a rare thumbs up from Mr AsI with his skit of a solemn-looking Buckingham Palace lackie beside an ornate official notice reading: “Dignified Silence”
Despite: William ‘burning inside’ over Harry’s revelations (Sunday Times)
It’s been said before – The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club…
Our supposed war-hero, Taliban-chesspiece eliminating ginger spare – apprently knocked to the ground by his chinless-looking baldy brother – makes further demands on our sympathy: Harry’s guilt: ‘I couldn’t cry in public when my mother died’ (Sunday Telegraph)
Meanwhile military luminaries the likes of: SAS hero, Andy McNab (Sunday Express); and Admiral Lord West (Sunday Mirror) – say Harry ought to ‘keep mum, she’s not so dumb’
There’s further comedy in the Telegraph: Alex Mahon. ‘Channel 4 has no political agenda’
Despite the Channel 4 motto – as enthusiastically chanted at Glasto by their news frontman Jon Snow – being F*** The Tories
Speaking of which… Starmer wants to charm Davos… The Labour leader and his shadow Chancellor are preparing to rub shoulders with the global elite… will be jetting off to the World Economic Forum (Sunday Times)
Sunak v Starmer. After the battle of the big speeches, what is the difference between them? (Observer)
Remember, folks – it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true.
Invasion of the sex-mad squeekers (Daily Star Sunday) – no, not a new boat-load of reformed Albanian castratos, heading for Leeds Year of Culture – just arrived on the coast of Kent following on from all those Syrian surgeons putting new life into our NHS and Eritrean computer programmers building Britain’s hi-tech AI future… this is in fact: Mouse Mahem… Spanish mega mice… spreading their oats… immune to common poisons – I reckon the NHS should be testing all new-varient foreign rodents on their arrival.
No words, so…
Starmer wants to charm Davos… The Labour leader and his shadow Chancellor are preparing to rub shoulders with the global elite… will be jetting off to the World Economic Forum (Sunday Times)
Starmer cracks it. Plenty of his fellow Trilateral Commission members to network with. Lining up his new ‘job’ for when Reeves takes over.
I’m getting more than a little p****d off being classed as ‘the elderly’, a group which is causing the NHS and the LAs all that bother!
The idiot who wrote this banal lecture on stats fails to even consider the failures and of the administration of the NHS. He doesn’t even think about the millions of immigrants who turn up on our shores, expecting all the care we give them without them or their governments contributing a penny piece! He doesn’t consider the utter waste of all the non-jobs created to cater for ‘diversity’ and the c**p that goes with the non-qualifications! The figures he bandies about are meaningless except to a privileged few in high places, who can then quote them all to each other as a holy mantra.
And above all this, he ignores the fact that we ‘elderly’ have paid for all our working lives to fund the NHS, and also the LAs via their poll taxes, and by now, we’d have preferred to know that these organisations should have learnt how to budget properly, work properly, show efficiency and bring the results that we deserve from all our funding and investment!
(Apologies to anyone here who isn’t ‘elderly’, I’m certainly not pointing the finger at you, and I’m grateful that you’re still helping to fund my elderliness)!
I was going to reply but then forgot why I switched the computer on….then a smell of burning from the kitchen
Then that nice gypsy family at the door offering to repair my roof and tarmac the drive for £10 again.
Ha ha ha, Z!
Makes me feel a bit younger already…
Scrobs, I find it incongruous that we are told to live a healthy lifestyle, exercise more and eat a balanced diet – which most of us ‘elderly’ have done throughout our lives, and yet we are castigated for living beyond 60 !!!!
We are the generation who grew up without fast food, had regular games lessons at school, (and had to walk there), never needed Vit D supplements because we went off playing all day in the fresh air, and had regular visits at school from the dental and nit nurses ! So rather than moan at us we should be used as the template for future generations when growing up !!!
Location tba.
The one-legged climber story is ostensibly from BBC news but the story is on the BBC sport website and is part of a trailer for Ski Sunday.
So it’s just another BBC PRasnews lavatorial…..errr I mean advertorial.
PS I bumped into a mountain climber with two prosthetic legs high up in the Swiss Alps a few years back at around 13000 feet, roped up on snow. He struggled at every step but was still going up with his team. Massive kudos to the guys that do this.
Re one legged climber
He would be ideally suited to walking along the side of mountains
…a a long as he always went round them in the same direction Zephir!
There’s always a downside
Coat got
don’t slope off
I wonder if it was a wimmin called. Eileen
Chinese lady would be Irene.
AOC looking thicker than usual wondering what to say is dramatic?
Body Language: typical, critical evaluation posture.
I suspected the photo, cos why is she wearing a sleeveless minidress in cold Washington when everyone else is wearing a full suit
However it is a genuine photo from a few days ago, with Paul Gosar.
Their conversation looks strange cos on Nov 17, 202 The House voted 223 – 207 to censure Paul Gosar and remove him from his committee for his violent Twitter ‘video depicting him murdering AOC’
and now he could get back on that or some other committees.
Must. Resist….
Maybe they really wanted fork handles ?
and bathroom rubber plugs (13 amp)
Sucks up a treat.
‘Huh’ is about the most coherent thing Vile has uttered in years.
Perhaps all organisations that employ such staff should be closed down.
You mean he has time to do shows ?? surely his pay day is bigger when he regularly appears (groan) on GBN. Purely my opinion, but he needs to be reported to Trades Description Act for calling himself a comedian.
The “attribution” study by the Met Office:
“Study shows human induced climate change made the UK’s record-breaking annual temperature around 160 times more likely.”
Is this weasel words? the tense is all wrong: ‘it made’ ‘more likely’ i.e. uncertain. All dated 5th January 2023.
I’ve never been into stats so I am unfamiliar with the essence of, ‘attribution studies’ (if the term existed before this report)………besides:
“Attribution study” – the act of saying or thinking that something is the result or work of a particular person or thing.
Is it me being particularly dense? Or is this ‘junk science’?
The bBC seems to like ‘attribution studies.’
Click to access ENG_WWA-Reporting-extreme-weather-and-climate-change.pdf
taken from
Did they PREDICT the time and nature of the heatwave BEFORE it happened
Or did they predict it AFTER ?
… rhetorical question
Apart from 5 hours on Thursday morning there has been no winter warmwave .. just windy wintry weather and rain
It’s raining heavy now.
… the so called record high temperature of 40.3 was measured at Heathrow, RAF Coningsby and RAF Northolt. The temperature measurement at Coningsby lasted between one and two minutes then fell away to the 30’s. Many of the temperature measurements given to us by the Met Office are recorded at RAF stations with the measurement point being close to a runway. The Met Office are part of the lie we are fed about global warming. The most accurate figures are those from satellites. Surprise, surprise, there has been little significant temperature change in the last six years; but that doesn’t fit the global/WEF/political agenda.
Oh, by the way, flooded areas in Pakistan was not 33%, but 18%. However, 18% isn’t quite as significant as 33% when you’re begging for hand outs …
18% ..nope BBC More or Less said 10%
Other experts said 8%
It’s all on
To call climate attribution studies garbage is an understatement.
They are gaslighting on a grand scale.
– and usually promoted by people who are disparaging about the benefits of numeracy over feelz…
Local radio stuff
BBC presenters made out the BBC was almost closing local radio ..and that it was Tory cuts.
Well in the old days the only local radio service was from the BBC
And the areas are too big, so instead of actual local news, we hear all about Hull, even though we never go there.
However these days new local community stations are on the internet
There is a new portal page for Internet connected TVs
See Channel 277 (but doesn’t work on our YouView box)
Local paper stuff
Our local paper has a headline about a road accident on a trunk road
The comments point out that despite the title the first paragraph says the accident was on a different road a mile away.
The paper is a cuntNpaste operation run from 100 miles away.
.. they demonstrate poor local knowledge.
Another young athlete passes away – 18 year old Victoria Lee, (Angela ‘KGB’ Lee’s sister).
“Lee’s cause of death is still being held confidential by her parents
Victoria fought in One Championship.
Previously One Championship boss Chatri Sityodtong ordered all of the fighters on One’s roster to get vaccinated.”
TWoTWeeeee Watch #1 – I think the Starmer may have lost the Labour Party the next General Election.
These Beeboid Presenters get about, they like spreading the CO2 emissions don’t they? The BeeLady in Birmingham and now Jonny ‘Disjointed Dalek’ Dymond has been flitting between London, Leeds and Wakefield and back to Leeds again for TWoTWeeee. He has been visiting some cultural event in Leeds where ten thousand free tickets were given away (no Yorkshiremen jokes, please – they know how to do a bargain in Leeds) to get an audience in to Headingley.
The high point of the programme, if I may gloss it up as such, was an interview with Tracy Brabin, Labour Mayor of West Yorkshire since the post was created in 2021. Was that another of Boris’s Bad Ideas? The poor Luv demonstrated quite well how more local government and local governance is definitely not needed in a small country like the UK. We used to have a perfectly good system of Parish Councillors for free, Local Civic authorities if a county was large enough and then an elected County Council.
If only I could turn the clock back to 1960 or 1965. Somewhere between those numbers before the politicians really started meddling with us all and costing us money that we don’t have for services that are not as good as before. Sir Keir Starmer’s plan to have more devolution if the Labour Party win the next General Election really ought to get the Conservative vote out.
“We used to have a perfectly good system of Parish Councillors for free, Local Civic authorities if a county was large enough and then an elected County Council.”
Couldn’t agree more.
We absolutely do not want EU-style devolved ‘regions.’
Unfortunately people like Gove also seem keen.
Bring back historical English county systems.
First they came for the London boroughs and I said and did nothing.
Next they came for the Counties and their Councils and I said and did nothing.
Next they came for the Cities and I said and did nothing.
Next they came for the regions to create Mayors and I said and did nothing.
Then they came for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
I voted against it every single time but not enough people did.
Problems really took off after Council Tax was established when what were then vast sums were initially shared out between CEOs and their underlings, resulting in an indecent number paying themselves two, three times and more than the PM – to use but one senior post as example.
The cost of services has rocketed, but the council officers’ income scales keep to the geometrical progression established in the days of plenty.
Equally massive sums from the sales of council houses also sit in council coffers – except for those invested in Iceland of course – waiting for rainy days. The fact that the rain arrived along with covid seems lost on the powerful intellects in charge.
Westminster now is the result of voters either being tribal politically, actually being tribal, or knee jerking without thought guided by activists or med… other activists.
Councils are headed the same way.
Ours had a moderately competent administration, but after the Conservatives fouled up something, they were booted out and we ended up with a bunch of middle aged sandalled Limp Wolfies and green Luci without even a shared brain cell.
Next round May. Be interesting how BBC shire radio weighs in, along with the local democracy ‘reporters’ they have seeded in every rag.
8pm tonight UNN say they will be interviewing James Goddard about the strange letter he got from police
That a barrister on twitter mocked cos
#1 says he is “REQUIRED” to contact them about a “VOLUNTARY” interview
#2 uses the wrong name for The Communications Act 2003
The letter and the video
In August Goddard tweeted a 10 second video of the Rainbow flags on Wembley Way which he calls “noncery”
I wouldn’t call it noncery, but it is his free speech just like a Muslim using the word “kaffir”
The Twitter account has been suspended
Antifa shout “He’s a crim that pleaded guilty to harassing Anna Soubry”
They miss the context that he was parodying her ganfg who go around shouting “Nazi” at his gang and always get away with it
And that he was coerced into the guilty plea by CPS telling him that if he didn’t plead guilt they’d nail his balls to the floor.
Goddard said
#1 He wasn’t being homophobic, that he doesn’t has a problem with homosexuals doing stuff in their own home, but that the obsessive promotion of things like the LGBT flags is part of the creating an atmosphere that paves the way for gay groomers intent on abusing children.
#2 Said this police letter is part of vendetta by people and police against him
That this same thing happened 6 months ago, but that time it came to nothing
Said that generally the Metropolitan Police drag him in every six months
#3 On the Soubry case ..he says he now never trusts lawyers cos they are all on the establishment side, And that his own lawyer and the CPS stitched him up.
That he felt not guilty, but had a secret child custody case going on at the same time his lawyer told him to plead guilty on the Soubry thing cos otherwise he’d lose access to his 2 year old child
Then in the end he did lose access anyway.
Springster is getting some attention – I wonder if she’ll respond and if it’ll involve some lower lip action?
The article cited is a month old, but in the spirit of BBC ‘newsworthy’ obsessions still valid.
Iirc, Springster was brought in by Wendy before he scooted off to work BBC misinformation soft power in other countries, primarily in a peroxide youth role as a patsy. And then as a delicate blossom all the old hacks could rally around in various sexist ways. I think Ms. Brees and Wendy had history too.
As to the esteem held by colleagues in W1A, if any have a glimmer of professional integrity they may decide silence is the best option.
That said, her promotional arc as a non BAME might have ruffled a few feathers.
But given the BBC Trending and DU’hooray’s carefully chosen ‘news’ targets and blocking any asking questions, the embody BBC propaganda backed by censorship.
Ignore it for long enough …
Black women share insight into changing face of policing
This article is a complete non-story and has been conjured up simply as an excuse to call white people racists.
Just look at the extreme racism she had to suffer with this – presumably the very worst example she had – and remember this is from about 30 years ago:
‘Adora says she injured herself playing netball once and needed to wear a Tubigrip support on her leg.
“I walked in the office one day and he said, ‘Well at least part of you is white'”.’
I’m surprised she could even play netball with a chip that size on her shoulder.
Here’s the author :

No surprise there. All part of what happens to the quality of staff when you hire them based on quotas. Expect it to keep getting worse until the BBC’s blatant racist discrimination is stopped.
Sir Keir Starmer has defended David Lammy earning more than £200,000 from second jobs in three years as a “part of the political process”.
Asked about Mr Lammy’s outside earnings during an interview with Sophy Ridge on Sunday, Sir Keir said: “I think David does a lot of media work, and I think media work and writing books is all part of the political process. But there’s a discussion to be had.
“I was urging the whole House of Commons to agree [to] new rules because I do think we should get rid of second jobs with some exceptions. Some people have jobs where they need to top up their skills, and I do think if you write a political book that may be grounds for an exemption.
Sir Keir has signed a deal with the publisher HarperCollins for a book about his vision for Britain. The register of interests shows he has received an advance of £18,000, although no publication date has been set.
“Sir Keir has signed a deal with the publisher Harper Collins for a book about his vision for Britain ”
Should have gone to Specsavers.
ti “But there’s a discussion to be had.”
Very Tony Blair, that.
Not watched it yet of course, but later I’m sure the urge to throw things at the screen will be divided equally between Wales and Bradby.
Dear god, even the trailers show him pathetically slumped in his chair feeding his manipulated ‘friend’ with Semtex sweeties.
Ukraine claims hundreds of Russians killed by missile attack
Ukraine denies Russian claim it killed 600 soldiers
What a perfect example of how the BBC works.
Caught the 6pm bbc news by accident – but not A &E for me . …
The BBC has a new favourite word – ‘crisis ‘- as in ‘is their NHS in crisis ‘ …?
This joins up another favourite ‘ apologise ‘ – as in ‘will you apologise for xxxxx “
Seems a strange mind set that ‘crisis ‘ and ‘apologise’ are important words for the BBC – to be used against blue labour .
The tone of the BBC news with regard to NHS strikes is and blue labour – and they’ll be blaming blue labour for years to come ….
…… mention of the NHS trusts offering private health care is a private part of the NHS hospital to jump waiting lists . I have described my personal experience of this corruption which the medical mafia has been running for decades ….
… for get the clapping – only money matters ….so sell off the NHS – with those who pay for it getting priority …
As the nation prepares for the tOm Bradby show – with guest star the American Actress’ husband – time for the new thread