Well I am back from my walk and I see that whilst out unbeknown to me, Fed has snuck in a new thread.
Well despite my calming walk. I will not be cut off in my prime and what’s more, my anger has grown.
Laura Trevelyan, BBC employee and virtue signaller par excelence wanting to lead the self flagellating, weeping wokesters in a national orgy of mind-numbingly stupid guilt driven actions that are an embarassment to anybody with an IQ higher than a goldfish.
I suggest that if she really wants to atone for the miniscule , nay, microscopic part that her family played in the history of world slavery since 3000 bc I suggest she goes the whole hog. She should leave the BBC and her massive salary and wealth travel to Grenada or wherever and voluntarily becomes a slave for the rest of her life. The more of her weeping, bedwetting liberal friends from the BBC and other woke organisations she can take with her the better.
All those who ago can be prove that their family reaped substantial benefit from slavery ought to be offered the opportunity to commit ritual suicide by a method of their choice whilst leaving the rest of us alone .
BBC journalist Laura Trevelyan’s family to donate £100,000 to Grenada as an apology for their aristocratic relatives keeping more than 1,000 slaves on sugar plantations on the Caribbean island.
A BBC correspondent whose ancestors kept slaves in Grenada says her family hopes it is ‘setting an example’ by apologising and paying reparations.
Laura Trevelyan’s aristocratic relatives had more than 1,000 slaves across six sugar plantations on the Caribbean island in the 19th century.
The BBC journalist, based in New York, said her family is apologising ‘for the role our ancestors played in enslavement’.
They will now hand over £100,000 to set up a community fund for economic development on the island.
Ms Trevelyan, 54, said seven family members will also travel to Grenada this month to issue a public apology.
Im not so sure its such a bad idea. Once the book and documentary deal is done – and a promotion at the BBC – and the appearances and the rest – she should be quids in .
However – if it is a ludicrous woke gusture – she and her family are damned.
The past is the past .
Gustures such as this .? Futile . Give the money to the third world imported to blighty if anything -.buy them stab proof vests …
Zimbabwe Gives Land Back to White Farmers After Wrecking Economy
Move effectively reverses Robert Mugabe’s signature program
Food output collapsed after land-seizure program in 2000
I know of one chap who went to Rhodesia and stayed until ca. 3 years ago – the volatile politics was more than he wanted to deal with in his retirement – I haven’t heard, but I suspect there just might have been moments when he might have regretted the move….
Wouldn’t mind betting that those on the Caribbean island were hoping for a personal hand-out, not a ‘community fund’ that they can’t get their hands on. Same with all the other descendants who are banging on about reparation, the last thing they want is library to be built or a new clinic, they want cash in hand.
Well they could setup a community transport and move en-bloc to San Francisco and then join the queue for the $5,000,000 each handout plus annual salary that SF are considering paying out in reparations….
Multiple reports of a UFO in North Herts, a massive, white glowing orb, travelling south, towards the M25 and London.
Some reports say it has alien script on its side:
“Diss is genwin weva barroon”
I did try calling the nearest RAF station, but the receptionist said all operational staff are away on a residential team building course in Hackney, on how to make steel drums with scrap Harriers jump jets and play the Banana Boat song.
(or something like that, I may have misheard, it might have been the best of Boney M).
Princess Nikki Campbell was told this morning that James Norton was a very friendly guy behind the scenes, but on set turned into the evil Tommy Lee Royce.
“Ah, the method” opined the Princess.
No Nikki, you gormless twat. Method acting involves the actor staying “in character” at all times. What James Norton is doing is called “acting”.
I never even considered watching Happy Valley as it just looks like another programme that obeys all the rules of BBC drama, complete with Norton playing the White Male Villain.
I’ve never watched Grantchester either, or seen anything that James Norton’s been in, so I can’t comment on his acting abilities.
I like his namesake Jim Norton though, who was terrific as Bishop Len Brennan in Father Ted!
I only saw a few snippets of Happy Valley which was enough to put me off it. The part where the young grandson Ryan, gave his granny both barrels of the worst foul mouthed outburst was truly sickening. If that’s the best that the deluded BBC can do, then they are morally bankrupt.
I was lucky to have seen some excellent police dramas in the past including The Sweeney, which managed to deliver some very gritty drama without the endless gutter language that is so embarrassing these days.
In another staggeringly false statement the Biden administration claim Chinese balloons flew over the US up to three times during the Trump admin with no action taken.
Amazingly a Democrat senior official actually said the following…
“Two things can be true at the same time, one they flew over the US and two they weren’t detected”.
….. in which case it begs the question how the hell did they know it ever happened!
What an absolute bunch of lying, devious complete turds these wiggling lefty people are, their lies are only topped by their incompetence!
A final observation, why this amount of hysteria over a ballon overhead? China, Europe, India and in particular the US. have been filling the upper atmosphere with surveillance satellites criss-crossing the planet to spy for years without this hullabaloo…
Read the FT’s frontpage and you’d guess the official opposition, the Labour Party, had joined their public sector colleagues and allies in strikes today: Sunak faces Tory backlash over threat to take Britain out of human rights law – interesting to see some willing Tories covering for Labour – willing to cross the picket line, so to speak – are Labour busy working from home?
Biggest-ever round of NHS strikes gets under way… GMB national secretary Rachel Harrison said her members had been forced into Monday’s walkout… “The NHS is crumbling, people are dying and this government is dithering,” she said. (BBC) – don’t worry about it, luv, apparently the NHS could happily close its doors to all but covid for months on end and that way we actually saved the NHS.
More money won’t solve NHS crisis, says head of review… ‘Unless you get the right culture, it’s almost like painting the bedrooms without fixing the roof” (Telegraph)
Meanwhile in the real economy: Amazon to get rid of empty warehouses (Telegraph) – over-expansion during Lockdown being the issue.
While patients are requierd to do the DIY job the NHS tries to employ the Amazon business model: HIV testing: Free do-it-at home kit offered in England (BBC)
The thing about Harry…
Top scorers in the news today: Kane becomes Spurs’ all-time leading scorer (Telegraph); Er, Dad… I had Harry in a field… Prince’s 1st lover tells all to her father… Sasha, 40, who had boozy sex with the royal in a Wiltshire field, said “I am in this situation because Harry has put it out there” (The Sun) – the red top putting it out there doing what tabloids do and bringing us the news too hot for the likes of the BBC
Time to kill off violent idioms, says author (Telegraph) – I thought the job of a creative author was to create idioms – 13 Everyday Phrases That Actually Came From Shakespeare… “Green-eyed monster” · “In a pickle” · “The world is your oyster.” “Catch a cold” “It’s all Greek to me.” “Love is blind” – etc.. (Business Insider)
Whereas: Phrases such as “blown away”, “overkill” and “not a bad idea” should be ditched because they are too violent, a California-based author has claimed (Telegraph) – “not a bad idea”, violent? Admittedly it’s a fairly weak and colloquial phrase. Not exactly poetic.
Anna Taylor, a communications director… wants “killing two birds with one stone” to become “feeding two birds with one scone” (Telegraph)
And with that rather poor ornithological welfare advice – one has to fly: ecologist Rich Lewis commented: “It’s incredibly bad to feed scones to birds. It’s almost like killing two birds with one.” (Herald Scotland)
I suppose it’s an easy win to making a story out of some loon who wants to change stuff according to the Law of Woke .
It’s a diversion really isn’t it? Rugby fans being forbidden to sing a particular toon? Of some LA fool coming up with removing non approved words / sayings / whatever …from use by people .
I got hit with ‘nitty gritty ‘ once because apparently it is derived from ‘the slave trade ‘ …. It does have an effect . When I hear it now I recall the lecture I received about telling what words I should not / must not use . Screw them – if they choose to get offended – be offended – knowing of course you will be getting a fixed penalty ticket in about 5 years …
Big on earthquake somewhere friendly to comrade putin. But you’d never know . Meesh really going for it – standbys for the taxpayer sending money to Russia’s allies …
This one trumped the NI lady in charge of the NHS unions – she likes tables – and getting round them …apparently they are on strike today – which would have been a big deal – but now is pretty routine .
Apparently the NI lady says they are concerned about ‘patient care ‘ – by not caring for patients when they are striking ….er -… for Money …
71 Christian churches in Canada have been vandalized, burned down or desecrated since the announcement last month of the apparent discovery of graves found near a residential school in Kamloops, BC.
I was surprised that meesh didn’t ask how many mosques / terrorist training camps had been destroyed by the earthquake – but we can assume that Iran and the Arab countries will help their Muslim brothers ….
They certainly won’t want help from the Red Cross …
Reports suggest the earthquake has caused at least £10 million worth of improvements to the area, with the added bonus that sex assaults on white female tourists are down.
UK. Government website:
Turkey: information for victims of rape and sexual assault
“Sex attack warning for Brits in Turkey: 51 reports of assaults including rape made to UK consulate in 2022 with minors targeted in toilets and victims attacked at night in tourist hotspots”
The Daily Mail reporting over 1400 dead in the Turkey earthquake. I am sure whilst listening briefly to Today this morning, they too were claiming a large number dead. It is amazing how when there must be so much to do in an area struck with a major earthquake that the village elders (or whoever are responsible) have time to email in to whoever is co-ordinating the handling of data, to report the number of deaths in their area. Why cannot the press be honest and just state that ‘a large number of deaths have probably occurred’ or some such like.
Misha was interviewing someone from the white helmets. Certainly in years past in Lebanon some information given by the while helmets in respect of Israel has been unreliable.
Global news on Classic FM at the top of the hour reported that the earthquake could be felt as far away as ‘Palestine’. Where exactly is Palestine? The Israeli’s are usually excellent at finding people in fallen buildings and usually offer their help wherever in the world it is needed. I wonder if the Syrian or Turkish authorities will accept?
Kay Burley says she was an ‘idiot’ for breach of Covid rules last year
This article is more than 1 year old
Sky News presenter says she let herself and viewers down by flouting regulations with birthday party
Following the death of Tyre Nichols after he was beaten by five police officers in Memphis, #Americast asks if America can ever move past its long history of police brutality
We referred to George Floyd’s death as occurring during an encounter with white police officers. The officer who knelt on his neck is white, but two of the other three involved are not.
Long ago I used think leftists were well meaning but mistaken. Then I began to think that they were well meaning but stupid . Then I began to suspect that they were pursuing self evidently crazy policies deliberately so as to destroy the stability of our society in order to create their Utopia. Now their policies have become so insane that I’m back to thinking that they are irredeemably stupid and simply don’t realise that they are destroying civilisation with nothing to put in its place.
How else can you explain , Net Zero, social equity, transgenderism, reparations , mass immigration etc etc . If all this lot of policies are pursued to to their end point there will just piles of burning rubble in the streets in which people grub about for food, shelter and warmth.
I think there is still one cinema in ruins from the blitz on Hull. But I was unfortunately there a year ago at 9.30 am on a Saturday for an appointment and I think Mr D and I were the only people walking around without a can of lager in our hands.
Double, in my opinion leftists are actuated by repressed rage.
Posh leftists have probably been damaged by being sent to public schools, having emotionally distant parents or being abused by nannies. Perhaps they are also racked with guilt and shame about the family fortune, especially if they owned slaves in the 1700s.
Poor leftists are probably ashamed of their background too but this time because it is so humble. (Although there is a sub-group who revel in being prolier-than-thou.) There will probably be abuse they haven’t come to terms with and poverty that has scarred them. They will have unacknowledged envy and resentment towards everyone who is more successful than they are.
Both groups, not realising that the source of their problems lies in their narcissistic needs not being met when they were young, fulminate like spoilt brats against the symbols of structure and stability such as family, marriage, tradition, capitalism, royalty, patriotism and Britain itself.
But they must also try to appear to be on the side of virtue. So they adopt a veneer of respectability comprising “caring” attitudes towards the planet, asylum seekers, immigrants, foxes, sexual perverts, etc..
But these are policies which will ultimately tear down and destroy the society that failed them when they were children. Thus they will get their revenge. But it’s all unconscious.
I think you will also find that many lefty youngsters got it drilled into them by lefty teachers over the last 20 years or so.so blindly follow what they assume is the “norm”.
I do know quite a few teachers, some in my extended family and they are to a soul all totally blinkered to and hate viscerally anything not Labour or even further left.
The Portland, Oregon “autonomous zone” from 2020 is a good case study of the kind of society one can enjoy when the oppressive white patriarchy has been successfully dismantled.
No DT of course not, their fearless lefty leaders will plant millions of Tofu and Money trees all will be fine!
All of the unemployed train, bus and cab drivers after they have ploughed up the roads and rail tracks will be retrained as diversity officers and employed in the Public Realm.
Meanwhile being unemployed (or Conservative) will probably be a good enough reason to activate automatic euthanasia for the good of the people.
In yesterday’s Telegraph I posted a comment which was rejected by the censoring bot. There was of course no explanation as to why it was rejected. But I suspected that use of the word WOKE might have been the cause so I simply changed it to OAK and the post was accepted.
I posted a second comment explaining what I had done to other readers without mentioning woke but using a euphemism instead and reflected how anti free speech the Telegraph had become.
This morning I find that I can’t comment on any article in the newspaper , bans like this have happened before, but what is new is that I am not allowed to ‘like’ and comments posted by other readers. Censorship has reached a new level in the Telegraph.
I read the comments there regularly- seems like a lot of readers are disillusioned and cancelling subs. I think their website is disappointing – I only read it on someone else’s login 😉 – wouldn’t pay for that standard.
I used to be a member of a boating forum on which I posted regularly. It has a “Lounge” on which general subject matter was discussed. There used to be Brexit and political debates. However It was taken over by the American Time-Life organisation and all political and slightly controversial matters were banned. The moderation was conducted by Stasi agents deemed suitable by the owners and the moderation then reached the height of ridiculousness. I gave up with it
CHISINAU, Moldova — He drove the final miles toward Ukraine’s border bracing for the possibility that he was spending his last minutes with his family. Dmitri Alexeev, 34, told his two children he’d probably be prevented from leaving by Ukraine’s border guards. His daughter, 12, said she didn’t want to be separated. Alexeev could scarcely choke out another word until the checkpoint, when he handed over a medical slip noting a head injury he sustained as a child. A Ukrainian guard looked at the document.
BBC obsesses over itself. BBC promotes the BBC on the BBC.
HarshMistress Mishal demonstrates her softer side and reveals that she loves Happy Miserable Valley. Well, I haven’t seen it but I have seen the PR pics on the BBC web-site. Grim. Might keep an eye out for the boxed sets in my favourite charity shop.
I wonder if it is as good as Hill Street Blues or Homicide: Life on the Streets or NYPD Blue?
1) BBC Jon Sopel is supposed to tell us about the news,
2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.”.
3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
BBC Complaint: CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
On Friday, staff received an hour-long session on “Anti-Muslim Hatred Awareness”, which included a group quiz on whether something is hateful or not. Staff were thought the difference between someone just being unpleasant versus hate crimes, with the implication being that it’s difficult to prove the distinction.
“Anti-Muslim Hatred Awareness”
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
I am sure the majority of the public don’t earn close to the near 30 grand pocketed by a newly qualified nurse so I am amazed they get any public support whatsoever, the same goes for teachers.
Ukraine protesters return en masse to central Kiev for pro-EU campaign
This article is more than 9 years old
Hundreds of thousands brave freezing weather to demand EU integration despite suspension of negotiations on the agreement https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/15/ukraine-protesters-return-central-kiev-eu-campaign
EU enlargement
Enlargement policy applies to countries currently aspiring to join the EU and potential candidates. The prospect of membership is a powerful stimulus for democratic and economic reforms in countries that want to become EU members. https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/policies/eu-enlargement_en
Learn to pronounce
an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state.
“the Roman Empire”
a large commercial organization owned or controlled by one person or group.
“her business empire grew”
Bbc panorama advert on bbc news
Is the cloud using too much electric and it’s stopping house building. So go all electric but you cannot use the web and you can’t drive anywhere
Tying themselves in a very green knot!!!!!
We will see more of this. More badly thought out legislation designed to ‘dice & slice’ the public that conflicts with others upsets their applecart’s. As the Garden Gnome in Scotland has discovered.
Just reported: no details except a ‘bladed weapon’… interesting that they’ve closed the tweet to comments (you can comment on the Turkish earthquake, strikes, Chinese balloons, Raab etc).
Some topics are verboten in the new normal:
BREAKING: A woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder after three children were seriously injured in a stabbing in Huddersfield https://t.co/Dqxdzmt86S
‘Sahil Ansar, 18 and Amaan Ansar, 19, both of Springdale Avenue Huddersfield and Wahaab Said, 19, of Broad Street Sheffield, will all appear before Leeds Magistrates court’
Yet another BBC ‘bare facts only’ report which is just 112 words in total. They never, ever give any details of motive for murders by this group because 99% of the time it would expose what stone-age, barbaric ethics these millions of people live by.
See HERE from 19:31.
GBN have sent Mark a new contract which states he must have Ofcom training and will be responsible for any fines imposed by Ofcom.
Obviously he is not going to sign it!
Some good news on the journalistic standards front. Mark Steyn will not be returning to @GBNews to spread anti-vax conspiracy theories. He's just released a video that calls @GBNEWS CEO @frangopoulos "a habitual liar" and another employee "Ofcom's bitch".
Hi @SueC00K. Loved you on Crimewatch back in the day but I wonder if you might watch what you say when random tweeters are telling you that I should "pay the price" for making a perfectly legitimate complaint to @ofcom. Thanks. pic.twitter.com/O4nxRW37sk
EG sad news – but the clues were there . Done with GBNews now – – gave it a pass for all the technical failures but the best people have been fired / left leaving dross – apart from that Scottish bloke – he ll be gone pretty soon …..
.. then – as I continue to predict – Murdock will buy and kill it …BBCOFCOM , all those lefties will over the moon and will ensure there will never be an unapproved outlet again …..
Subject the the viewing figures (I careless ) be gone in a year …
According to Leilani it was OfCom which eventually did for him. A bloody disgrace…
He, along with the brilliant Neil Oliver, was the best presenter on GB News.
If it’s not careful the station will lose its way and its audience.
There are just so many lightweight, giggling airheads that I can stomach. They could easily bin that dopey tabloid bleached blonde (sorry her name escapes me) and the increasingly weird and creepy, Benjamen Battyboy.
No ,..you mean Patrick is standing in for @MarkSteynOnline ! You Can’t even mention his name 🤬Sit back and watch your ratings head for the cellar. https://t.co/CI2K2k4LSk
If this is true then GB News I has just become another mouthpiece for the liberal left elite. Steyn was brilliant , no one else came close. I think we all knew that it was only a matter of time before Ofcom cracked down. But we hoped that the owners of GBN would go out all guns blazing rather than kow towing to the establishment.
It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
We used to be avid readers of The Telegraph, and even took out subscriptions, which meant we gave little tickets to our newsagent each month and she spent ages having to count them all! Sometimes we watched BBC Breakfast as well.
I don’t think we’ve even considered reading or listening to anything they do nowadays, apart from the odd link here, or maybe a newsflash, which any rag can offer; they’re so weedy with their stuff, and not a patch on what they used to stand for!
I guess it’s an age thing, and my 76th year tells me that there are more important things in life than reading or watching trashy non-stories for gratification…
On advice from chums here, we gave up the TV tax sometime last year, and are delighted with the extra money which we can spend on proper items, like a few bottles of Fleurie or a nice can of Barley Gold from Waitrose! Of course, we never watch the BBC anyway!
Life’s too short to care about much else, apart from our friends and neighbours, and of course, chums here! We gave up ‘Thinking of England’ years ago when John Major started the rot for normal Conservatives…
Couldn’t help but notice the BBC evening news gave the Libya earthquake situation 90% of the news report despite the fact that 90% of the damage was in Turkey. Now why would that be I wonder? Clue Syria is largely Islamic and has millions of would be European refugees whereas Turkey has a hardline right wing government who has tried to keep them out.
Shades of Viz on antiques road show just now. A metal pot made by esteemed Chinese silversmith – Wang King. Amazed the woke bBBC did not bleep it out. Gave me and the missus a rare laugh courtesy of the beeb.
I wonder why @theJeremyVine deleted it? Surely it wasn't it the "MAP" flag lurking in there? No, he's probably just concerned about the cost… pic.twitter.com/25WxH6u5QL
— Zarah Bukake MP. 🏴 Dim ond parodi ydy (@XRLlareggub) February 6, 2023
The apprentices I met at Airbus this morning are inspiring and ambitious.
With our Growth and Skills Levy, my Labour government will give business flexibility to invest in the skills needed, and harness the next generation of talent.
‘A bishop who sold fake Covid protection kits to his church congregation in south London has been handed a one-year jail term, suspended for two years.’
‘The kits, which he started selling during the first lockdown in 2020, were sold for £91 and consisted of red yarn and bottles of oil.’
‘Wiseman claimed anyone who purchased the kits would be “protected” from the virus and would have no need for social distancing.’
‘Also known as Dr Climate Wiseman and Climate Irungu, he and his church were investigated in 2016 for offering an oil for sale that was said to cure cancer, but no prosecution was brought after the product was withdrawn.’
One has to wonder just what kind of complete idiots in our society would buy into such a ridiculous claim. It’s pure witchdoctor stuff only the most primitive of people would believe and only the lowest scumbag would sell.
“Evidence against him during his trial included secret phone recordings and testimony from a BBC investigations team, who had received a confidential tip-off that the church was selling the kits as a cure for Covid.”
Those black churches are all over Lodon, which are really extortion businesses by pastors against their gullible flocks
Suspended yet it’s not his first offence
Kingdom Church in London fined for noisy 3am sermons by 'AIDS-curer' Dr Climate Wiseman – International Business… https://t.co/vA7pJ0PTKN
I decree and declare. Now I have an altar. Now I have given my https://t.co/owXqgUXTES I know that the LORD will favor me and make me prosper because I have PROPHET BISHOP CLIMATE WISEMAN as my priest.” JUDGES 17:13 pic.twitter.com/9cF5Yj60a3
More importantly what society would go after it’s indigenous people with savage treatment if they did this but hand this charlatan a get out of jail card without question!
I know the answer, a totally weak-kneed, racially castrated and distorted one who will eventually bring about the demise of this Nation.
There was a story yesterday which disappeared about a couple of Nigerians trying to import a kid from their tribe into UK to supply a kidney …. Get £7?k for it and then be fixed up in dumb Blighty for life ….
When I asked Ofcom's chief executive about the investigations into @MarkSteynOnline's shows on GB News about the vaccine injured, she defended "free and frank and open conversations." Yet GB is still giving Ofcom a preemptive veto over such shows. pic.twitter.com/6hOUDdMLis
Andrew Lawton is a sidekick of Ezra Levant
although he operates as a Canadian independent libertarian journo
He appears to be in Davos interviewing Dame Melanie Dawes Ofcom CEO
(she used to be high in the Civil Service)
The actual Ofcom Chair is Michael Grade
I am of the opinion that ALL Leftists are attempting to incite a race war knowing that the main stream media will back them to the hilt and anyone who thinks as I do will be branded a NAZI or mentally abnormal.
The NAZIS were Socialists as was Stalin. Hitler was a National Socialist and Stalin was an International Socialist.
Socialism is like aphids on my runner beans which requires frequent spraying with insecticide but returns every year so it cannot be cured but with diligence it can be managed.
When Sir Keir takes charge he will find that human nature just cannot be defeated because it just is, well, -the boss.
Good luck Sir Keir.
Turkey earthquake, rescues under way. Syria earthquake, President Assad has not called for International help 15 hours later, at the time of TWatO. Clear inference: President Assad bad man.
Salman Rushdie has written a new book despite blind in one eye and one hand unusable following his being attacked on stage by a knife wielding assassin. Book is set in India, previous works more ‘panoramic’, this book ‘microscopic’ because of the state of present day India with a popular (inference ‘populist’ ie ‘bad’) Government that is polarising the country. Clear inference: Prime Minister Modi bad man.
I believe Putin has now had a bellyfull of Western posturing. I predict a full blown onslaught in the Ukraine such as which the West has never known since the 1940’s
He has been put into a position where he has no other choice.
I think he initially wanted to create a border between Russia and the UN but the Eurocrats could not contemplate that,
The west are saying give in and go home with only words to back it up which he can never do so now I think he will unleash the full dogs of war and we are about to see decimation in the Ukraine without parallel.
Much of the blame for this will lie firmly at the door of NATO and the EU with the US playing a distant and dithering role.
I just hope that some crazy UK government does not throw hundreds and thousands of UK servicemens lives away in trying to put on a show of allegiance to a Nation that is at best suspect.
Putin has the global methods of destruction at his disposal to neutralise any Country in the World that tries to diminish the influence and position of Russia.
Meanwhile China will look and watch and wait to pick up the pieces of the West left after the final massacre.
There won’t be a war in Europe beyond Ukraine. It is theatre and an excuse to demolish Europe economically, socially, and culturally. Germany is finished as an economic power. The UK was destroyed a long time ago. The agenda is the woke/climate change agenda. The Covaids is just another manifestation of it. Believe it or not, the virus only exists in the minds of the masses. That is all they need. They control reality. Today Shapps has just been appointed to head up the new Department for Energy Security and Net Zero. Shapps has just returned from Davos and clearly, he has been given his orders. They don’t need a war when they can so easily achieve their goals using behavioural manipulation of the population.
Tonight’s telly
7:30pm prog creating Climate Anxiety about the Cloud
“vast data centres that use enormous amounts of power and water. Every time someone goes online, they increase its carbon footprint. ”
(FFS sure data centres generate heat, but you can use it for useful things
.. Do BBC know crypto mining generates masses of heat ? )
10:40pm Planet Sex with Cara Delevingne
Ep 3: Can Porn Be Good? Cara sets out to discover if there are more ethical, alternative types of porn than the mainstream that she can feel good about. Working with director Erika Lust, who wants to change the porn industry for the better,
Cara helps make an ‘ethical’ feminist porn film in Barcelona, while in Berlin,
she visits the Schwules Museum – the first museum in the world dedicated to gay history
11:25pm Ep4 : What’s Your Gender?
Cara examines the idea of gender, what it is and why it matters, confronting her own gender fluidity and masculinity along the way.
She explores drag with a trans man in LA, discovers a third gender culture in Mexico and experiences a `gender swap” in Spain
Tuesday 9-10:30pm BBC2
special : The Shamima Begum Story At 15, Shamima Begum left London to join the terror group Islamic State.
Four years later, pregnant with her third child, Begum emerged from the ashes of the so-called caliphate, desperate to come home.
But she showed little remorse for her time with the group.
For the first time, she’s given her account of what happened since 2014 to investigative journalist Josh Baker
TOADY was excited over the Grammys. The Gays got a mention. Beyonce got a gong and thanked the Alphabet Soup fraternity for loving her song. TOADY played a bit. Sounded very unremarkable to me. What I call DumpThumpDump music.
Just musing on the mark steyn situation – strange co incidence that so called GBNews is busily trying to shed its’ audience – whilst the BBC is doing the same across its too many radios channels ….
The comments on the twitter about the ending of the mark steyn show are as strong as might be expected . Lawrence Fix is no replacement – his heart isn’t in it – he lacks fluidity – I gave up almost straight away .
Those who complained to OFCOM – and OFCOM itself – does deserve to pay a price for crushing free speech ….
..I just hope all of those involved with GBNews also pay some price – eg the closing of the station – although if it becomes sky lite it will get advertising back ….. very sad ….
Scottish Power has been accused of “environmental madness” after it was revealed more than 70 of its wind turbines had been hooked up to diesel generators. The Sunday Mail revealed via a whistleblower that diesel generators were used on 71 turbines in order to prevent them freezing during cold weather in December.2 days ago
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Well I am back from my walk and I see that whilst out unbeknown to me, Fed has snuck in a new thread.
Well despite my calming walk. I will not be cut off in my prime and what’s more, my anger has grown.
Laura Trevelyan, BBC employee and virtue signaller par excelence wanting to lead the self flagellating, weeping wokesters in a national orgy of mind-numbingly stupid guilt driven actions that are an embarassment to anybody with an IQ higher than a goldfish.
I suggest that if she really wants to atone for the miniscule , nay, microscopic part that her family played in the history of world slavery since 3000 bc I suggest she goes the whole hog. She should leave the BBC and her massive salary and wealth travel to Grenada or wherever and voluntarily becomes a slave for the rest of her life. The more of her weeping, bedwetting liberal friends from the BBC and other woke organisations she can take with her the better.
All those who ago can be prove that their family reaped substantial benefit from slavery ought to be offered the opportunity to commit ritual suicide by a method of their choice whilst leaving the rest of us alone .
Copied from old thread to give context to the above.
The Telegraph article is behind a paywall.
BBC journalist Laura Trevelyan’s family to donate £100,000 to Grenada as an apology for their aristocratic relatives keeping more than 1,000 slaves on sugar plantations on the Caribbean island.
A BBC correspondent whose ancestors kept slaves in Grenada says her family hopes it is ‘setting an example’ by apologising and paying reparations.
Laura Trevelyan’s aristocratic relatives had more than 1,000 slaves across six sugar plantations on the Caribbean island in the 19th century.
The BBC journalist, based in New York, said her family is apologising ‘for the role our ancestors played in enslavement’.
They will now hand over £100,000 to set up a community fund for economic development on the island.
Ms Trevelyan, 54, said seven family members will also travel to Grenada this month to issue a public apology.
A complete laughing stock.
Im not so sure its such a bad idea. Once the book and documentary deal is done – and a promotion at the BBC – and the appearances and the rest – she should be quids in .
However – if it is a ludicrous woke gusture – she and her family are damned.
The past is the past .
Gustures such as this .? Futile . Give the money to the third world imported to blighty if anything -.buy them stab proof vests …
Zimbabwe Gives Land Back to White Farmers After Wrecking Economy
Move effectively reverses Robert Mugabe’s signature program
Food output collapsed after land-seizure program in 2000
Smacks of desperation…
I know of one chap who went to Rhodesia and stayed until ca. 3 years ago – the volatile politics was more than he wanted to deal with in his retirement – I haven’t heard, but I suspect there just might have been moments when he might have regretted the move….
Wouldn’t mind betting that those on the Caribbean island were hoping for a personal hand-out, not a ‘community fund’ that they can’t get their hands on. Same with all the other descendants who are banging on about reparation, the last thing they want is library to be built or a new clinic, they want cash in hand.
Well they could setup a community transport and move en-bloc to San Francisco and then join the queue for the $5,000,000 each handout plus annual salary that SF are considering paying out in reparations….
No one does ‘white guilt’ like California!!
That’s a nice slush fund they just set up. I hope at least some of it goes to the 180 year old ex-slaves living in poverty.
Breaking news:
Multiple reports of a UFO in North Herts, a massive, white glowing orb, travelling south, towards the M25 and London.
Some reports say it has alien script on its side:
“Diss is genwin weva barroon”
I did try calling the nearest RAF station, but the receptionist said all operational staff are away on a residential team building course in Hackney, on how to make steel drums with scrap Harriers jump jets and play the Banana Boat song.
(or something like that, I may have misheard, it might have been the best of Boney M).
“Multiple reports of a UFO in North Herts, a massive, white glowing orb, travelling south, towards the M25 and London.”
It’s got to be Lady Constance de Coverlet…
“Yuss, m’Lady, you rang”
Meanwhile, the only game in Bubble Town is, still, Happy Valley.
Every Beeboid is pushing it like their pensions depend on it. Often beyond credibility.
I thought the shoot out at the end of happy valley was a bit far fetched . Plod would never use am m60 machine gun on a March by striking nurses .
The above may be false news – I have never seen that programme – did I miss anything…. ?
Me neither Fed. The publicity shots of Sarah Lancashire looking depressed in uniform were enough to make me slit my wrists.
You nailed it Brissles! What a posturing twat she is!
Best tv show ever – no! Best actress – no!
Princess Nikki Campbell was told this morning that James Norton was a very friendly guy behind the scenes, but on set turned into the evil Tommy Lee Royce.
“Ah, the method” opined the Princess.
No Nikki, you gormless twat. Method acting involves the actor staying “in character” at all times. What James Norton is doing is called “acting”.
I never even considered watching Happy Valley as it just looks like another programme that obeys all the rules of BBC drama, complete with Norton playing the White Male Villain.
I’ve never watched Grantchester either, or seen anything that James Norton’s been in, so I can’t comment on his acting abilities.
I like his namesake Jim Norton though, who was terrific as Bishop Len Brennan in Father Ted!
“Don’t call me Len, I’m a Bishop”…
“How’s the family Len ?”
I only saw a few snippets of Happy Valley which was enough to put me off it. The part where the young grandson Ryan, gave his granny both barrels of the worst foul mouthed outburst was truly sickening. If that’s the best that the deluded BBC can do, then they are morally bankrupt.
I was lucky to have seen some excellent police dramas in the past including The Sweeney, which managed to deliver some very gritty drama without the endless gutter language that is so embarrassing these days.
In another staggeringly false statement the Biden administration claim Chinese balloons flew over the US up to three times during the Trump admin with no action taken.
Amazingly a Democrat senior official actually said the following…
“Two things can be true at the same time, one they flew over the US and two they weren’t detected”.
….. in which case it begs the question how the hell did they know it ever happened!
What an absolute bunch of lying, devious complete turds these wiggling lefty people are, their lies are only topped by their incompetence!
A final observation, why this amount of hysteria over a ballon overhead? China, Europe, India and in particular the US. have been filling the upper atmosphere with surveillance satellites criss-crossing the planet to spy for years without this hullabaloo…
Defence (s) department – Project Bow and Arrow – $1 billion spent on research for high altitude arrows ….. gotta happen ..
This one was even better…
Just putting it out there edition
Read the FT’s frontpage and you’d guess the official opposition, the Labour Party, had joined their public sector colleagues and allies in strikes today: Sunak faces Tory backlash over threat to take Britain out of human rights law – interesting to see some willing Tories covering for Labour – willing to cross the picket line, so to speak – are Labour busy working from home?
Biggest-ever round of NHS strikes gets under way… GMB national secretary Rachel Harrison said her members had been forced into Monday’s walkout… “The NHS is crumbling, people are dying and this government is dithering,” she said. (BBC) – don’t worry about it, luv, apparently the NHS could happily close its doors to all but covid for months on end and that way we actually saved the NHS.
More money won’t solve NHS crisis, says head of review… ‘Unless you get the right culture, it’s almost like painting the bedrooms without fixing the roof” (Telegraph)
Meanwhile in the real economy: Amazon to get rid of empty warehouses (Telegraph) – over-expansion during Lockdown being the issue.
While patients are requierd to do the DIY job the NHS tries to employ the Amazon business model: HIV testing: Free do-it-at home kit offered in England (BBC)
The thing about Harry…
Top scorers in the news today: Kane becomes Spurs’ all-time leading scorer (Telegraph); Er, Dad… I had Harry in a field… Prince’s 1st lover tells all to her father… Sasha, 40, who had boozy sex with the royal in a Wiltshire field, said “I am in this situation because Harry has put it out there” (The Sun) – the red top putting it out there doing what tabloids do and bringing us the news too hot for the likes of the BBC
Time to kill off violent idioms, says author (Telegraph) – I thought the job of a creative author was to create idioms – 13 Everyday Phrases That Actually Came From Shakespeare… “Green-eyed monster” · “In a pickle” · “The world is your oyster.” “Catch a cold” “It’s all Greek to me.” “Love is blind” – etc.. (Business Insider)
Whereas: Phrases such as “blown away”, “overkill” and “not a bad idea” should be ditched because they are too violent, a California-based author has claimed (Telegraph) – “not a bad idea”, violent? Admittedly it’s a fairly weak and colloquial phrase. Not exactly poetic.
Anna Taylor, a communications director… wants “killing two birds with one stone” to become “feeding two birds with one scone” (Telegraph)
And with that rather poor ornithological welfare advice – one has to fly: ecologist Rich Lewis commented: “It’s incredibly bad to feed scones to birds. It’s almost like killing two birds with one.” (Herald Scotland)
I suppose it’s an easy win to making a story out of some loon who wants to change stuff according to the Law of Woke .
It’s a diversion really isn’t it? Rugby fans being forbidden to sing a particular toon? Of some LA fool coming up with removing non approved words / sayings / whatever …from use by people .
I got hit with ‘nitty gritty ‘ once because apparently it is derived from ‘the slave trade ‘ …. It does have an effect . When I hear it now I recall the lecture I received about telling what words I should not / must not use . Screw them – if they choose to get offended – be offended – knowing of course you will be getting a fixed penalty ticket in about 5 years …
Next it will be “One in Kate Bush is worth two in the hand” cancelled
Or something
Is drinking from the furry cup offensive?
Depends on who’s doing it.
Pierced, tattooed, purple haired seafood lovers to the front, please
Today watch
Big on earthquake somewhere friendly to comrade putin. But you’d never know . Meesh really going for it – standbys for the taxpayer sending money to Russia’s allies …
This one trumped the NI lady in charge of the NHS unions – she likes tables – and getting round them …apparently they are on strike today – which would have been a big deal – but now is pretty routine .
Apparently the NI lady says they are concerned about ‘patient care ‘ – by not caring for patients when they are striking ….er -… for Money …
Kay got the scoop on Sturgeon?
BBC big on some singer winning awards for making an album which is a ‘tribute to coloureds and queers’? Oh I’m so old …
Mishal got a chart of faith based building conflagrations?
71 Christian churches in Canada have been vandalized, burned down or desecrated since the announcement last month of the apparent discovery of graves found near a residential school in Kamloops, BC.
185 churches burned in Nigeria in two months
Wed Oct 08 2014
I was surprised that meesh didn’t ask how many mosques / terrorist training camps had been destroyed by the earthquake – but we can assume that Iran and the Arab countries will help their Muslim brothers ….
They certainly won’t want help from the Red Cross …
Classic BBC.
Active encouragement.
Insincere apology.
Zero consequence.
Priority to all the Civil Engineers arriving on the beaches around Dover?
Who wins the prize for the first msm ‘emoter’to hit the screens – will it be Clive – Kate – Fergal- orla ? …..
Reports suggest the earthquake has caused at least £10 million worth of improvements to the area, with the added bonus that sex assaults on white female tourists are down.
UK. Government website:
Turkey: information for victims of rape and sexual assault
“Sex attack warning for Brits in Turkey: 51 reports of assaults including rape made to UK consulate in 2022 with minors targeted in toilets and victims attacked at night in tourist hotspots”
Probably best to send a ‘monstrous regiment of feminists’ to ‘help’.
See ‘First Blast of the Trumpet …’ for more details.
Possibly the last thing the BBC ever did that was any good:
See Hitch-hikers guide:
Tip – if never seen – Do The Radio Version First – But Use Headphones – the TV version / film is dross …
The Daily Mail reporting over 1400 dead in the Turkey earthquake. I am sure whilst listening briefly to Today this morning, they too were claiming a large number dead. It is amazing how when there must be so much to do in an area struck with a major earthquake that the village elders (or whoever are responsible) have time to email in to whoever is co-ordinating the handling of data, to report the number of deaths in their area. Why cannot the press be honest and just state that ‘a large number of deaths have probably occurred’ or some such like.
Misha was interviewing someone from the white helmets. Certainly in years past in Lebanon some information given by the while helmets in respect of Israel has been unreliable.
Global news on Classic FM at the top of the hour reported that the earthquake could be felt as far away as ‘Palestine’. Where exactly is Palestine? The Israeli’s are usually excellent at finding people in fallen buildings and usually offer their help wherever in the world it is needed. I wonder if the Syrian or Turkish authorities will accept?
Kay Burley says she was an ‘idiot’ for breach of Covid rules last year
This article is more than 1 year old
Sky News presenter says she let herself and viewers down by flouting regulations with birthday party
Coronavirus – latest updates
See all our coronavirus coverage
Alison get a life or get laid!
Americast is still a thing?
Staying vague… very Sopes.
BBC News Channel, Friday 23 July 2020
We referred to George Floyd’s death as occurring during an encounter with white police officers. The officer who knelt on his neck is white, but two of the other three involved are not.
white police officers = but two of the other three involved are not
white police officers = but two of the other three involved are not
white police officers = but two of the other three involved are not
white police officers = but two of the other three involved are not
white police officers = but two of the other three involved are not
The Tyre story keeps rolling
Long ago I used think leftists were well meaning but mistaken. Then I began to think that they were well meaning but stupid . Then I began to suspect that they were pursuing self evidently crazy policies deliberately so as to destroy the stability of our society in order to create their Utopia. Now their policies have become so insane that I’m back to thinking that they are irredeemably stupid and simply don’t realise that they are destroying civilisation with nothing to put in its place.
How else can you explain , Net Zero, social equity, transgenderism, reparations , mass immigration etc etc . If all this lot of policies are pursued to to their end point there will just piles of burning rubble in the streets in which people grub about for food, shelter and warmth.
Double – is your last line a description of modern day Hull ?
I thought it had recovered from the night the Luftwaffe blitzed it!
I think there is still one cinema in ruins from the blitz on Hull. But I was unfortunately there a year ago at 9.30 am on a Saturday for an appointment and I think Mr D and I were the only people walking around without a can of lager in our hands.
Did you have yours in a bag?
You could have nipped over Beverley Road into Asda and availed yourself of the cheap beer that is readily available.
Fed, naughty! Maureen Lipman will want ‘a quiet word’.
Double, in my opinion leftists are actuated by repressed rage.
Posh leftists have probably been damaged by being sent to public schools, having emotionally distant parents or being abused by nannies. Perhaps they are also racked with guilt and shame about the family fortune, especially if they owned slaves in the 1700s.
Poor leftists are probably ashamed of their background too but this time because it is so humble. (Although there is a sub-group who revel in being prolier-than-thou.) There will probably be abuse they haven’t come to terms with and poverty that has scarred them. They will have unacknowledged envy and resentment towards everyone who is more successful than they are.
Both groups, not realising that the source of their problems lies in their narcissistic needs not being met when they were young, fulminate like spoilt brats against the symbols of structure and stability such as family, marriage, tradition, capitalism, royalty, patriotism and Britain itself.
But they must also try to appear to be on the side of virtue. So they adopt a veneer of respectability comprising “caring” attitudes towards the planet, asylum seekers, immigrants, foxes, sexual perverts, etc..
But these are policies which will ultimately tear down and destroy the society that failed them when they were children. Thus they will get their revenge. But it’s all unconscious.
I think you will also find that many lefty youngsters got it drilled into them by lefty teachers over the last 20 years or so.so blindly follow what they assume is the “norm”.
I do know quite a few teachers, some in my extended family and they are to a soul all totally blinkered to and hate viscerally anything not Labour or even further left.
The Portland, Oregon “autonomous zone” from 2020 is a good case study of the kind of society one can enjoy when the oppressive white patriarchy has been successfully dismantled.
No DT of course not, their fearless lefty leaders will plant millions of Tofu and Money trees all will be fine!
All of the unemployed train, bus and cab drivers after they have ploughed up the roads and rail tracks will be retrained as diversity officers and employed in the Public Realm.
Meanwhile being unemployed (or Conservative) will probably be a good enough reason to activate automatic euthanasia for the good of the people.
In yesterday’s Telegraph I posted a comment which was rejected by the censoring bot. There was of course no explanation as to why it was rejected. But I suspected that use of the word WOKE might have been the cause so I simply changed it to OAK and the post was accepted.
I posted a second comment explaining what I had done to other readers without mentioning woke but using a euphemism instead and reflected how anti free speech the Telegraph had become.
This morning I find that I can’t comment on any article in the newspaper , bans like this have happened before, but what is new is that I am not allowed to ‘like’ and comments posted by other readers. Censorship has reached a new level in the Telegraph.
Double – I think I’ve still got it at £4 a month – still too much …
I read the comments there regularly- seems like a lot of readers are disillusioned and cancelling subs. I think their website is disappointing – I only read it on someone else’s login 😉 – wouldn’t pay for that standard.
I used to be a member of a boating forum on which I posted regularly. It has a “Lounge” on which general subject matter was discussed. There used to be Brexit and political debates. However It was taken over by the American Time-Life organisation and all political and slightly controversial matters were banned. The moderation was conducted by Stasi agents deemed suitable by the owners and the moderation then reached the height of ridiculousness. I gave up with it
Some real true insight into the desperate and hopeless situation in Ukraine:
CHISINAU, Moldova — He drove the final miles toward Ukraine’s border bracing for the possibility that he was spending his last minutes with his family. Dmitri Alexeev, 34, told his two children he’d probably be prevented from leaving by Ukraine’s border guards. His daughter, 12, said she didn’t want to be separated. Alexeev could scarcely choke out another word until the checkpoint, when he handed over a medical slip noting a head injury he sustained as a child. A Ukrainian guard looked at the document.
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC Obsession #1
BBC obsesses over itself. BBC promotes the BBC on the BBC.
HarshMistress Mishal demonstrates her softer side and reveals that she loves
HappyMiserable Valley. Well, I haven’t seen it but I have seen the PR pics on the BBC web-site. Grim. Might keep an eye out for the boxed sets in my favourite charity shop.I wonder if it is as good as Hill Street Blues or Homicide: Life on the Streets or NYPD Blue?
Talk about echo chamber …
1) BBC Jon Sopel is supposed to tell us about the news,
2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.”.
3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
BBC Complaint: CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
I am still watching naughty pirates, found series 2 of Black Sails on dvd
On Friday, staff received an hour-long session on “Anti-Muslim Hatred Awareness”, which included a group quiz on whether something is hateful or not. Staff were thought the difference between someone just being unpleasant versus hate crimes, with the implication being that it’s difficult to prove the distinction.
“Anti-Muslim Hatred Awareness”
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
When random public sector strikers are interviewed on picket lines it’s increasingly obvious that they are propagandised with Marxist ideology.
I am sure the majority of the public don’t earn close to the near 30 grand pocketed by a newly qualified nurse so I am amazed they get any public support whatsoever, the same goes for teachers.
Ukraine’s future is in the EU – Brussels officials
Big news from the bBC, because everything the eu does is the best – well according to the bBC anyway
Lets have some fair and balanced reporting, but hey this is the bBC!
PS hows the corruption case going
Ukraine protesters return en masse to central Kiev for pro-EU campaign
This article is more than 9 years old
Hundreds of thousands brave freezing weather to demand EU integration despite suspension of negotiations on the agreement
EU enlargement
Enlargement policy applies to countries currently aspiring to join the EU and potential candidates. The prospect of membership is a powerful stimulus for democratic and economic reforms in countries that want to become EU members.
Learn to pronounce
an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state.
“the Roman Empire”
a large commercial organization owned or controlled by one person or group.
“her business empire grew”
Bbc panorama advert on bbc news
Is the cloud using too much electric and it’s stopping house building. So go all electric but you cannot use the web and you can’t drive anywhere
Tying themselves in a very green knot!!!!!
We will see more of this. More badly thought out legislation designed to ‘dice & slice’ the public that conflicts with others upsets their applecart’s. As the Garden Gnome in Scotland has discovered.
Or maybe well thought out? Internet rations on top of energy, food and transport restrictions for equity?
There’s a Maasai tribe who are still experiencing dropouts… “we’re all in it together” say the UN, WHO, EU etc
Must be why that Chinese balloon was up there, all that information stored in the clouds.
Someone didn’t think that through enough, heads should roll etc
Just reported: no details except a ‘bladed weapon’… interesting that they’ve closed the tweet to comments (you can comment on the Turkish earthquake, strikes, Chinese balloons, Raab etc).
Some topics are verboten in the new normal:
Honour killings?
They don’t want us to know which brand of enrichment is behind it until the story dies down.
While looking for a name I found this from 2 weeks ago. Did anybody actually see it ?.
Khalfan Seif: Three charged with murder after Huddersfield stabbing
‘Sahil Ansar, 18 and Amaan Ansar, 19, both of Springdale Avenue Huddersfield and Wahaab Said, 19, of Broad Street Sheffield, will all appear before Leeds Magistrates court’
Yet another BBC ‘bare facts only’ report which is just 112 words in total. They never, ever give any details of motive for murders by this group because 99% of the time it would expose what stone-age, barbaric ethics these millions of people live by.
Looks like Fed was right.
Leilani Dowding has put a link up on Facebook saying that Mark Steyn will not be returning to GB News.
This was absolutely the best thing on GBN
What a huge let down.
Anjhem Choudary on TV – OK.
Shami Begum with BBC podcast – OK.
Mark Steyn – OFF.
See HERE from 19:31.
GBN have sent Mark a new contract which states he must have Ofcom training and will be responsible for any fines imposed by Ofcom.
Obviously he is not going to sign it!
Who will they be after next?
Trying to imagine what ‘OFCOM training ‘consists of …
Ever seen ‘Clockwork Orange’?
Anyhooo… Sweetie has pronounced.
Bio includes BBC Freethinking, ironically.
And so, it begins..
EG sad news – but the clues were there . Done with GBNews now – – gave it a pass for all the technical failures but the best people have been fired / left leaving dross – apart from that Scottish bloke – he ll be gone pretty soon …..
.. then – as I continue to predict – Murdock will buy and kill it …BBCOFCOM , all those lefties will over the moon and will ensure there will never be an unapproved outlet again …..
Subject the the viewing figures (I careless ) be gone in a year …
It’s Murdoch, Fed.
According to Leilani it was OfCom which eventually did for him. A bloody disgrace…
He, along with the brilliant Neil Oliver, was the best presenter on GB News.
If it’s not careful the station will lose its way and its audience.
There are just so many lightweight, giggling airheads that I can stomach. They could easily bin that dopey tabloid bleached blonde (sorry her name escapes me) and the increasingly weird and creepy, Benjamen Battyboy.
They wouldn’t be missed.
Mark Steyn will be…
If this is true then GB News I has just become another mouthpiece for the liberal left elite. Steyn was brilliant , no one else came close. I think we all knew that it was only a matter of time before Ofcom cracked down. But we hoped that the owners of GBN would go out all guns blazing rather than kow towing to the establishment.
It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
I have done my bit by not signing up for iPlayer.
It should be acknowledged that all press titles are rammed with clickbait. Sam Smith and Lizzo alone have kept them in daft hits for days.
Then there is the BBc.
Is ‘fatiha’ the Muslim Bernard manning ..?
Comedically, or on other parameters?
“why on earth is the BBC trying to build an argument based around the testimony of random 20-somethings with unfounded suspicions of discrimination? ”
Random? They are invariably sought out by the BBc or know the BBc is waiting for the call.
Propaganda, pure and simple. Ask Marianna.
Wait until Toenails sees the headline and doesn’t bother to read on.
We used to be avid readers of The Telegraph, and even took out subscriptions, which meant we gave little tickets to our newsagent each month and she spent ages having to count them all! Sometimes we watched BBC Breakfast as well.
I don’t think we’ve even considered reading or listening to anything they do nowadays, apart from the odd link here, or maybe a newsflash, which any rag can offer; they’re so weedy with their stuff, and not a patch on what they used to stand for!
I guess it’s an age thing, and my 76th year tells me that there are more important things in life than reading or watching trashy non-stories for gratification…
On advice from chums here, we gave up the TV tax sometime last year, and are delighted with the extra money which we can spend on proper items, like a few bottles of Fleurie or a nice can of Barley Gold from Waitrose! Of course, we never watch the BBC anyway!
Life’s too short to care about much else, apart from our friends and neighbours, and of course, chums here! We gave up ‘Thinking of England’ years ago when John Major started the rot for normal Conservatives…
Woo – switched off the evening bbc news – screw the nurses strike – let’s talk Turkey ….( that’s the attitude of the BBC BTW )…
1 we are not sending enough
2 what we are sending is the wrong stuff
3 it’s too late
4 all the above because they are Muslims and Russian allies
Wait for it ….
Meanwhile – the Jonny Turk diaspora ( awful ) are having a whip round and sending dodgy cash back home – or maybe not …..
Orla and the crew must be in the air -as – I speak …..
Might have been best if the earth quake was in Albania as they are all in the Dover Hilton And pontins minehead ….
I thought most of the turk illegals could be found in our junior schools nowadays with their five o clock shadows
Or hanging around the street outside
Couldn’t help but notice the BBC evening news gave the Libya earthquake situation 90% of the news report despite the fact that 90% of the damage was in Turkey. Now why would that be I wonder? Clue Syria is largely Islamic and has millions of would be European refugees whereas Turkey has a hardline right wing government who has tried to keep them out.
Shades of Viz on antiques road show just now. A metal pot made by esteemed Chinese silversmith – Wang King. Amazed the woke bBBC did not bleep it out. Gave me and the missus a rare laugh courtesy of the beeb.
How great, Richard? BBC propaganda great?
Being the PR service for Burgon… life goals.
Get the feeling this whole ‘refugee’ thing is a media scam?
Vile on the hunt for hits?
Not likely to get on BBC for Getty reasons.
Fake Covid kits: Bishop handed suspended one-year jail term
‘A bishop who sold fake Covid protection kits to his church congregation in south London has been handed a one-year jail term, suspended for two years.’
‘The kits, which he started selling during the first lockdown in 2020, were sold for £91 and consisted of red yarn and bottles of oil.’
‘Wiseman claimed anyone who purchased the kits would be “protected” from the virus and would have no need for social distancing.’
‘Also known as Dr Climate Wiseman and Climate Irungu, he and his church were investigated in 2016 for offering an oil for sale that was said to cure cancer, but no prosecution was brought after the product was withdrawn.’
One has to wonder just what kind of complete idiots in our society would buy into such a ridiculous claim. It’s pure witchdoctor stuff only the most primitive of people would believe and only the lowest scumbag would sell.
Here he is with his staff:

As they say, import third world, get third world.
Memories are made of this. Way before the term political correctness was invented.
That’s the 7th most popular story in BBC list
Yet they haven’t tweeted to promoted the story
(update ..Twitter search hid it ..they BBC tweet 6 hours ago .. https://www.twitter.com/BBCNews/status/1622609678180970496 )
People were really fined byminor Covid things
So why he’s only got a SUSPENDED sentence
that’s very lenient.
He was called out in April 2020
So UK court system has moved very slowly against him
.. https://www.twitter.com/Tabbykanyungu/status/1247007212830183425
“Evidence against him during his trial included secret phone recordings and testimony from a BBC investigations team, who had received a confidential tip-off that the church was selling the kits as a cure for Covid.”
Those black churches are all over Lodon, which are really extortion businesses by pastors against their gullible flocks
Suspended yet it’s not his first offence
state of this tweet ..
More importantly what society would go after it’s indigenous people with savage treatment if they did this but hand this charlatan a get out of jail card without question!
I know the answer, a totally weak-kneed, racially castrated and distorted one who will eventually bring about the demise of this Nation.
There was a story yesterday which disappeared about a couple of Nigerians trying to import a kid from their tribe into UK to supply a kidney …. Get £7?k for it and then be fixed up in dumb Blighty for life ….
Time for Ofcom (and many other quangos) to be stripped of their powers.
the island
All these wanktanks should be defunded.
Andrew Lawton is a sidekick of Ezra Levant
although he operates as a Canadian independent libertarian journo
He appears to be in Davos interviewing Dame Melanie Dawes Ofcom CEO
(she used to be high in the Civil Service)
The actual Ofcom Chair is Michael Grade
“CEO of Ofcom was in Davos to receive her WEF instructions about censorship”
I am of the opinion that ALL Leftists are attempting to incite a race war knowing that the main stream media will back them to the hilt and anyone who thinks as I do will be branded a NAZI or mentally abnormal.
The NAZIS were Socialists as was Stalin. Hitler was a National Socialist and Stalin was an International Socialist.
Socialism is like aphids on my runner beans which requires frequent spraying with insecticide but returns every year so it cannot be cured but with diligence it can be managed.
When Sir Keir takes charge he will find that human nature just cannot be defeated because it just is, well, -the boss.
Good luck Sir Keir.
TWatO Watch #1 – well that’s some boxes ticked
Turkey earthquake, rescues under way. Syria earthquake, President Assad has not called for International help 15 hours later, at the time of TWatO. Clear inference: President Assad bad man.
Salman Rushdie has written a new book despite blind in one eye and one hand unusable following his being attacked on stage by a knife wielding assassin. Book is set in India, previous works more ‘panoramic’, this book ‘microscopic’ because of the state of present day India with a popular (inference ‘populist’ ie ‘bad’) Government that is polarising the country. Clear inference: Prime Minister Modi bad man.
I believe Putin has now had a bellyfull of Western posturing. I predict a full blown onslaught in the Ukraine such as which the West has never known since the 1940’s
He has been put into a position where he has no other choice.
I think he initially wanted to create a border between Russia and the UN but the Eurocrats could not contemplate that,
The west are saying give in and go home with only words to back it up which he can never do so now I think he will unleash the full dogs of war and we are about to see decimation in the Ukraine without parallel.
Much of the blame for this will lie firmly at the door of NATO and the EU with the US playing a distant and dithering role.
I just hope that some crazy UK government does not throw hundreds and thousands of UK servicemens lives away in trying to put on a show of allegiance to a Nation that is at best suspect.
Putin has the global methods of destruction at his disposal to neutralise any Country in the World that tries to diminish the influence and position of Russia.
Meanwhile China will look and watch and wait to pick up the pieces of the West left after the final massacre.
There won’t be a war in Europe beyond Ukraine. It is theatre and an excuse to demolish Europe economically, socially, and culturally. Germany is finished as an economic power. The UK was destroyed a long time ago. The agenda is the woke/climate change agenda. The Covaids is just another manifestation of it. Believe it or not, the virus only exists in the minds of the masses. That is all they need. They control reality. Today Shapps has just been appointed to head up the new Department for Energy Security and Net Zero. Shapps has just returned from Davos and clearly, he has been given his orders. They don’t need a war when they can so easily achieve their goals using behavioural manipulation of the population.
Tonight’s telly
7:30pm prog creating Climate Anxiety about the Cloud
“vast data centres that use enormous amounts of power and water. Every time someone goes online, they increase its carbon footprint. ”
(FFS sure data centres generate heat, but you can use it for useful things
.. Do BBC know crypto mining generates masses of heat ? )
10:40pm Planet Sex with Cara Delevingne
Ep 3: Can Porn Be Good?
Cara sets out to discover if there are more ethical, alternative types of porn than the mainstream that she can feel good about. Working with director Erika Lust, who wants to change the porn industry for the better,
Cara helps make an ‘ethical’ feminist porn film in Barcelona, while in Berlin,
she visits the Schwules Museum – the first museum in the world dedicated to gay history
11:25pm Ep4 : What’s Your Gender?
Cara examines the idea of gender, what it is and why it matters, confronting her own gender fluidity and masculinity along the way.
She explores drag with a trans man in LA, discovers a third gender culture in Mexico and experiences a `gender swap” in Spain
Russia obsession
BBC2 9pm Putin vs the West Ep2
11:15pm Film about a state where abortion is illegal
10pm Russia 1985-1999: TraumaZone Ep4
11pm Ep5
Tue BBC4 10pm – 11:35pm Navalny
Tuesday 9-10:30pm BBC2
special : The Shamima Begum Story
At 15, Shamima Begum left London to join the terror group Islamic State.
Four years later, pregnant with her third child, Begum emerged from the ashes of the so-called caliphate, desperate to come home.
But she showed little remorse for her time with the group.
For the first time, she’s given her account of what happened since 2014 to investigative journalist Josh Baker
16 vote in wales.
15 join isis.
10 change gender.
6 marry in islam.
TOADY Watch #2 – Beyonce the call of duty
TOADY was excited over the Grammys. The Gays got a mention. Beyonce got a gong and thanked the Alphabet Soup fraternity for loving her song. TOADY played a bit. Sounded very unremarkable to me. What I call DumpThumpDump music.
Just musing on the mark steyn situation – strange co incidence that so called GBNews is busily trying to shed its’ audience – whilst the BBC is doing the same across its too many radios channels ….
The comments on the twitter about the ending of the mark steyn show are as strong as might be expected . Lawrence Fix is no replacement – his heart isn’t in it – he lacks fluidity – I gave up almost straight away .
Those who complained to OFCOM – and OFCOM itself – does deserve to pay a price for crushing free speech ….
..I just hope all of those involved with GBNews also pay some price – eg the closing of the station – although if it becomes sky lite it will get advertising back ….. very sad ….
The SNP’s Scotland – wonder if it’s on the BBC?
Scottish Power has been accused of “environmental madness” after it was revealed more than 70 of its wind turbines had been hooked up to diesel generators. The Sunday Mail revealed via a whistleblower that diesel generators were used on 71 turbines in order to prevent them freezing during cold weather in December.2 days ago