Projection is a libmob characteristic
Here is Matthew Sweet ending his long thread SNEERING against Mark Steyn
And now Mark Steyn is retweeting new-fascist nose-powder enthusiast Tommy Robinson
speaking up for him and claiming that three @GBNEWS presenters have asked him onto the channel
but been overruled by their bosses.
I wonder which three are his biggest fans?
with TR video :
A few days ago MP Andrew Bridgen was torn apart merely for QUOTING someone who mentioned the holocaust
Yet Sweet feels it’s OK to smear-label someone who is nowhere near a “fascist” as a “fascist”
.. that is of course “fascist” projection
He is refusing to sign a new contract that would make him personally liable for @Ofcom fines. He is currently under two investigations for broadcasting false info about vaccines, and I suspect these are about to find against him.
Here I unroll the rest of the Sweet’s bitter and shouty thread
Question is, will all the conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxers who appear on the channel be subject to the same conditions?
If so, I suspect the @GBNews is doomed.
Its viewers already hate the recent slight change of tone on the channel. @GBNews without cranks would be like the Windmill Theatre without the strippers. (bitter attempt at a joke there)
Will it survive the year, I wonder?
Cranks and wingnuts and QAnon barmpots
– many of them @GBNEWS regulars – react to the news.
Oh dear. More disquiet and outrage from the assorted purebloods and Icke-fluffers of the
@GBNEWS extended universe.
And now Mark Steyn is retweeting new-fascist nose-powder enthusiast Tommy Robinson speaking up for him and claiming that three @GBNEWS presenters have asked him onto the channel but been overruled by their bosses. I wonder which three are his biggest fans?
And it was 2007 when his former colleagues at @TheAtlantic puzzled over whether he was actually in favour of the genocide of Bosnian muslims.
See Steyn and Genocide by Benjamin Taylor
(Sweet is reaching back to 2007 for a gotcha , FFS we are all sinners)
Someone replies
“Free thinking for me but not for thee, huh?“
BBC Scotland are simply not fit for purpose. They protect her, ensuring that the Scottish public only see occasional glimpses of her appalling performances in press conferences. Bet your bottom dollar any decent performance and it's the lead story.
‘Common sense’ to cut classroom doors to curb Covid
3 February 2022
Mr Ross said he had been contacted by a retired firefighter who said doors in schools were “essential for holding back heat and smoke”, questioning whether the fire service had been consulted.
You may have noticed the excess deaths across Europe and the US starting in 2021. Currently, in the UK they are the equivalent of four large jetliners crashing every day in this country. These are not a few deaths. Probably everyone in the UK knows someone who has died or been seriously injured by these injections. Of course, most will not make the connection for obvious reasons. The truth is the truth and you cannot run away from it.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
“A state-backed digital pound is likely to be launched later this decade, according to the Treasury and the Bank of England.”
Safe as the Bank of England Ha !
Its more about control of the population?
I could make a very large list of all the woke libtard ad hominem, personal attacks on Trump, so go fill your boots with this:
(Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to woke we go, etc etc)
“How the White House was forced to get new desk chairs for 5ft 2in Kamala Harris – because she was too short for furniture fitted for ‘average’ height of her male predecessors”
Sometimes the BBC kidults running the News agenda give themselves away . Today it’s all talking Turkey and the failing NHS sending staff to Turkey . It doesn’t say whether anyone asked for it or who is picking up the tab. The answer to the latter is – You .
Other stories are gone – the missing dog walking woman – gone – nurses striking in England – day number 6 -don’t bother – it’s at number 6 down the order .
Ahead is Far Left news about ownership of Uk property by overseas companies / people . That item was number 2 .
I’m thinking the earthquake will be gone in 2 days – they’ll be after sunak again for making That idiot Shapps chairman of the blue Labour Party and moving the deckchairs about -especially if he moves the Raab ….
Meesh is sent on a Royal visit to Cardiff – and ‘researches’ tattoo parlours – tattoos of course a a favourite subject for meesh – who I believe has a body totally covered in tattoos – with the union flag featuring strongly ….
…it was unintentionally funny – with a young lady happily describing how she got Hep A from a dodgy tattooist – just before getting banged up .
I was disappointed that the cost wasn’t talked about and why the NHS doesn’t do it and why kids can’t get free tattoos …
Doom and gloom – BP has made a shed load of profits – £23 billion – but only a lousy £1.5 billion is going in UK taxation . Is just so unfair – how come BP is a global company and only 10% of its ‘ activity is UK …… ?let’s tax it more anyway ….
… but more seriously – the amount of tax being paid by us – through the likes of petrol forecourts is painful . But who cares about that eh? Gotta save the planet …
Today had an expert on who clearly explained that 90% of BP is operated outside the UK – bet they won’t have him on again ….
From the Guardian – an account of the exit of Mark Steyn from the failing so called GBNews — note that no comments were allowed on this –
One of GB News’s leading presenters has quit after the channel tried to make him personally responsible for paying fines issued by the media regulator Ofcom.
Mark Steyn, who presented the station’s 8pm peak-time slot, is already subject to two investigations by the media regulator after he used his show to cast doubt on the safety of Covid vaccines.
The presenter’s departure has led some viewers of GB News – which has given airtime to conspiracy theorists warning of a globalist elite takeover – to suggest the channel has itself sold out to shadowy globalist forces.
Steyn, who has been off-air since last year after suffering two heart attacks, told fans on his personal website that the station bosses initially insisted he could not return unless a defibrillator was fitted in the studio.
He said this was fixed with a call to “Defibrillators R Us”, only for Angelos Frangopoulos, GB News’s chief executive, to demand Steyn agree to personally cover the costs of dealing with Ofcom and paying any fines for breaches of the broadcasting code. This is a highly unusual situation given the fines are the legal responsibility of the broadcast licence holder, not the individual presenter.
Steyn, who was employed on a freelance basis, said his response was that “you may be a homicidal maniac intent on bringing on a third fatal heart attack but you’ll have to do better than this”.
The presenter said he used to call GB News’s in-house compliance officer “Ofcom’s bitch” when they argued about what he was allowed to say on air.
“Well Ofcom’s bitch has had his revenge now,” said Steyn in his video.
Steyn said the proposal would be untenable. “I’m on the hook for Ofcom fines but I don’t have any say in our defence against an Ofcom complaint – that’s all done by GB News. Ofcom’s bitch, as I call the compliance officer, will be making the weedy defence to Ofcom and then I’m the one who has to pay the £40,000 fine,” he added.
Although Ofcom has the ability to regulate the content of broadcast television and radio channels, it has no control over online streams – meaning Steyn is able to broadcast whatever he wants online to a potentially bigger audience without any intervention.
The contractual terms offered to Steyn suggest GB News bosses are concerned about the impending judgment in the Ofcom investigations – which could scare away some of its remaining advertisers. Earlier this year all staff were put on mandatory Ofcom training.
Bosses are also warning of a tough financial environment, with the channel now financially supported by Sir Paul Marshall, the Brexiter hedge fund tycoon who also backs Unherd, and Legatum, the Dubai-based investment company founded by the New Zealand billionaire Christopher Chandler.
On Monday Frangopoulos told staff that the channel would be “pivoting sharply towards financial sustainability and profit”, meaning cuts to the number of freelance shifts, reductions in taxi bills and cuts to the amount of money paid to guests. Despite the tough trading conditions, they have still signed up new presenters including Jacob Rees-Mogg and John Cleese.
The channel said: “GB News takes Ofcom compliance extremely seriously. All our presenters are expected to comply fully with the broadcast code and there are no exceptions. This does not impinge on our ability to ask tough questions, express strong opinions and debate the issues that matter to the people of Britain.”ENDS
Let’s wait for the first GBNews journo to go to one of the msm …
Won’t be long before Neil Oliver has to go as well , so they’ve all had ‘ Ofcom training ‘ probably why it’s lost its edge . With all the poor sound , frozen screens and more faults there must be BBC goons inside GBNEWS right from the start . Will be watching Mark on his Channel from now on , All this is becoming like Germany in the 1930s !
Yes Charlie . Self censorship – trolls – books not being written because they are not ‘approved’ – further education being controlled by the far left – along with the media – justice system – education – health – councils – civil service – benefits – all under a conservative ‘government ‘..
Might be time to plan a one way ticket out ….. ……\
It’s as though it was all planned ….
Yes Fed , worrying times but most people in this country don’t realise what’s happening , so much is being hidden….Daily Invasion , Grooming Gangs , Covid Jabs and trying to limit travel for the Plebs !
Some of the “guests” must be picking up a nice little pay packet at the end of the month, with the amount of time they spend on air every week on different shows. There needs to be more academic types giving their views rather than the likes of Danny Kelly, Lizzy Cun-dy, and Amy Nickell (?) and a couple of other lefty women .
Mark Steyn: ‘On the eve of the Great War, the British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, famously observed: “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime”. 108 years later, the lamps are going out all over Europe all over again.’
Teacher who showed his pupils a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed is still in hiding a year after fleeing his home due to death threats
The Batley Grammar School teacher is still in hiding a year after the lesson
The image of the Prophet Mohammed was shown during religious education
The 30-year-old teacher was cleared of misconduct but he still has not returned to his home or work
PUBLISHED: 22:12, 26 March 2022 | UPDATED: 23:41, 26 March 2022
Nadine Dorries plans to target Ofcom over ‘bias towards the BBC’ as officials raise concerns that 10 out of 14 of regulator’s content board members used to work at the broadcaster
The Culture Secretary is expected to examine the regulator’s role as part of an upcoming review into the Corporation’s complaints process
Officials have raised concerns that out of the 14 members of Ofcom’s Content Board, ten are ex-BBC employees
Over the past two years, only one complaint about the Corporation was investigated by Ofcom, out of 418 referred to it by the BBC
PUBLISHED: 00:09, 2 January 2022 | UPDATED: 00:16, 2 January 2022
At 15, Shamima Begum left London to join the terror group Islamic State. It made global headlines. She and her two friends became known as the Bethnal Green Girls. Four years later,
pregnant with her third child, Begum emerged from the ashes of the so-called caliphate, desperate to come home. But she showed little remorse for her time with the group. The British government decided she was a threat and took away her citizenship, leaving her in a Syrian prison camp. Her lawyers claim she is a victim of trafficking and should be allowed to return to the UK.
For the first time, she’s given her account of what happened since 2014 to investigative journalist Josh Baker. He’s been following her story since the day she left, trying to understand what really happened. For more than a year, he’s retraced her journey, piecing together where she went, who she met and what she did while she was living with IS to try and find out the truth about Shamima Begum’s story.
Let’s start with an advert: The British Military – available for weddings, funerals and coronations.
I’m reminded of black and white US TV comic character Sergeant Bilko (there’s one for the teenagers) the conniving platoon leader would introduce new recruits with a long list of his gambling and entertainment scams… bingo, cards, sweep stakes, social dances… then finally say: “But lest we forget, there is a military aspect to this man’s army… there will be route marches on Wednesdays, weather permitting”
Health news
The story used to be that it was OUR NHS. Now we get this revealing quote from the nurses in the Daily Mirror: Nurses: We fear end for our NHS
Ours… meaning theirs…? I can’t keep up with all these fancy new pronoun changes.
But seriously, I think what we actually have here is a frank admission of what we suspected all along – the NHS belongs to those who make a living off it. No wonder they thought to save it with that novel pandemic tactic of slamming the hospital doors shut and putting up a big closed for business sign.
Our media – and our governmental masters – do enjoy a bit of panic stations…
No, this isn’t a railway story, although there’s this one in the news: HS2 cost cuts threaten to slash route and add delays (FT) – delays on a line that hasn’t even opened yet.
We probably shouldn’t have started spending public money on this ill-conceived project profiting no one but the corporations building it. Stop now if the thing is bleeding cash. I wonder if the market-orientated FT has ever heard of the sunk cost fallacy?
Panic stations, a British colloquialism, is defined as a state of alarm or emergency.
Apparently the economy needs to be on a “war footing”: Call for “war footing” to counter US subsidies… or risk being left behind by President Joe Biden’s massive programme of subsidies, business leaders warn (Telegraph) – I thought we were supposed to be on the same side in the that war against Russia – Sanctions on Putin, Nato and all that? Or have I missed a page of the story somewhere?
As corporations, the likes of Virgin Atlantic and Heathrow Airport, call for us to be put on a “war footing” – I have strange visions of Sainsbury’s lining up a motely crew of customers for military inspection – like something from episode one of Dad’s Army
A Captain Mainwaring-like branch manager telling us bogofs are off today and there’s only one loo roll allowed per customer, ‘cos we’re on a “war footing” – while the doubful Sergeant Wilson-like under manager for produce mutters “Do you think that’s wise?”
But we’ve got our actual military still available for vital defence tasks – other than spying on journalists critical of government policy… and they’re available for weddings, funerals and coronations, right?
Defenceless – complains the Daily Mail: As fears grow shrinking military will get NO extra cash funding in budget, generals and MPs warn that amid global crisis Britain will be left all but…
I like the expression all but – a British colloquialism meaning very nearly
Gone are the days when Britain apparently possessed under our proud historic regimental the colours… about half-a-million Afghan interpreters.
Our military is now all but done for. Done for is a British colloquialism… Our forces now fit for little more than anti-opposition political cyber pysops, a few fancy dress occasions and a lots of virtue signalling.
Even if they had some planes the RAF couldn’t scramble an egg these days: RAF chief criticised for ‘cringeworthy’ response over order to prioritise female and ethnic minority recruits (Sky News)
One perceives a pattern, a template, if you will. Females are forced into a male space – be it the RAF, submarines, the police, the fire brigade, rugby clubs… whatever. There are inevitable complaints about male behaviour. The formerly male space is ordered to become more feminised.
There’s some optimism around in some media quarters: Britain’s two-stage path to rejoining the EU – this from the marvellously corporate globalist-ly named Gideon Rachman, writing in the FT
The UK Treasury and Bank of England are desiging a “digital pound” that could supplant banknotes by the end of this decade… ministers and officials think there is likely to be a need for a publicaly backed digital currency that would sit in wallets on a smartphone and could be used for shopping… (FT) – but surely we already have that option of cashless transactions if we want to use it?
Of course if the State wants to cut out the clearing banks and have just one big central oversight of every transaction, then that’s a different matter.
Time for one last hurrah this morning for the public sector: Half-term hols hit by new travel chaos… Number of new passports lost hits 5-year high… 1 in 20 waiting over 10 weeks for documents (Daily Star)
But what is the military for ? Ok – say when the NHS can’t do even the simplest stuff 100% of the time it can turn up for the photo op ….
Crap procurement – crap kit – that shaky armoured car and crap aircraft carriers with foreign airplanes ?
Do we have nuclear weapons ? Submarines ? Elderly tanks sent off to Jonny foreigner ? Maybe good a royal funerals – but otherwise ? A country being invaded every day ? Millions of third world sucking Blighty dry ?
I pay my respects at war memorials every so often and think my thoughts – until they are banned of course …
Just to add – the military has little value unless it is used to really benefit the population of the UK – fighting wars for no reason ( afgee) is just an insult to taxpayers and the poor Sid’s who don’t come back or come back in pieces .
I’ve not worn military uniform – but have ‘done my bit ‘…
HS2 cost cuts threaten to slash route and add delays (FT)
“CHINESE ‘ON TRACK FOR HS2’ Chinese rail firms are leading race to run HS2 trains because British rivals appear to be in crisis” {sun 28jun2018}
Standing next to the Chinese vice-premier, Osborne – then chancellor of the exchequer, now the editor of the Evening Standard – announced that China would be investing in Hinkley Point as part of a £2bn deal. The state-owned China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) would own a third of the project. According to one source who worked on the deal, Osborne’s deal was structured as a “first step” in a grand plan for CGN to roll out a string of nuclear plants in the UK.{guardian 21dec2017}
As NHS staff across the country grind the health service to a halt with strike action, the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA) has uncovered some of the fun activities they’ll likely be missing out on as they hit the picket lines. According to new data, almost 2000 working hours of staffers’ time at the East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust – which will today be afflicted by strikes – was spent on “events and lectures”. Presumably all life-saving work on health and nutrition, you’d like to think…
It turns out these trusts had better ideas. Of the fifteen events, four celebrated Black History Month, six focused on LGBTQIA Awareness sessions, and two were full-day conferences celebrating National Nurses Day and the Allied Health Professionals.
Boris Johnson accused of targeting BBC to save his premiership
This article is more than 1 year old
Government insider says announcement about abolishing licence fee was not expected this weekend
Just to set the requisite tone:
“A search expert”
“underwater experts”
“The forensic expert ”
“Search expert ”
Plus a photo of Peter Faulding sporting a brand new high viz jacket, covered in company logos
He then lays it on thick about the non normalness of the situation:
‘Mr Faulding told BBC Breakfast: “It is so unusual.
“Normally when we deal with a drowning victim, they are where they go down.
“I would expect to find Nicola in the water right in front of the bench where she went down. She would not have moved, maybe two or three feet.”
He added: “This is so strange.
“In my 20-odd years of doing this, I have worked on hundreds of cases, I have never seen anything so unusual.”
Well even as a non-expert, I seem to recall a few cases, where the body was eventually found miles downstream.
Of course it’s modern useless media, so no mention of how deep the water is near the bench, how fast it flows, if it’s clogged with fallen branches, nothing about the nearby weir etc. Or how many days before police divers took a look.
BBC on about 750 000 taxpayer fuel discount vouchers sent out but not cashed by ‘the vulnerable ‘ … no one seems to want to explain why such a remedy to ‘fuel poverty ‘ is just ‘dumped ‘.
The vouchers were valid for three months over ‘winter ‘ but expired on 31 January …. Maybe people are better off than they say …
The fifteen events lasted a cumulative 65 and a half hours, with at least 305 staff in attendance. The six LGBTQIA Awareness sessions alone lasted a minimum of 4 hours, according to the TPA. Bear that in mind the next time a family member waits half a day to be seen in A&E…
‘There’s been some fun and games going on behind the scenes. It is not good for a political power to have a citizenry that is properly aware of its constitutional powers.’
Who holds ULTIMATE POWER in Britain? Constitution expert explains the country’s current situation
1 remove gas storage facilities by winter 2023
2 spend 20 years deciding whether to have nuclear power stations
3 close down North Sea oil production
4 ensure fracking is banned for ever
5 put up taxes on domestic fuel use
6 build useless wind farms in nice places
7 Replace agriculture with ‘solar farms ‘
8 make sure national grid pays top dollar for power
9 stop researching new power sources
10 sell out to China / Russia …
Jobs for the Dept Transport
1 close roads
2 build cycle lanes no one wants
3 reduce the national speed limit to 10mph
4 have permanent roadworks
5 make trains even more unreliable
6 make train tickets unaffordable
7 ensure timetables don’t work
8 close airports
9 ULEZ everywhere
10 charge £15 a day to use a car
LONDON, Jan 19 (Reuters) – King Charles told the British government he would like an expected surge in profit from a 900 million pound ($1.1 billion)-a-year wind farm deal for his Crown Estate to go to the “wider public good” rather than to the royal family.19 Jan 2023
Some suggested extras.
As well as closing down North Sea Production permanently cap all the wells and destroy all the production platforms.
Devise and deploy a method of creating potholes instantly rather than waiting for them to appear on their own.
Plant trees with the wrong type of leaves next to the railways to ensure delays.
Gb the leaves one is excellent – I left out the one about planting money trees …and did a list for the MOD but it ‘disappeared ‘ … I think because if our enemies saw it we’d be beaten in a week – if that’s not already happened …
The mod one was a mix of diversity needs , green and health /safety – so no planes yet alone parachutes …. There would be a balloon squadron though .. unless it’s windy …. And organic gas only …
Andy – the socialist republic of Waltham Forest is a ‘leader ‘ in closing areas to people in motor vehicles – the yuppies ( wokes ) love it – as they feel as though they are in a ‘community’ – until they get out of their ghetto into the real third world ghettos outside ….
Meanwhile roads are gridlocked for most of the day – hopefully with drivers revving their engines …..
..and you have to drive extra distance to get from a short A to B … I hate the effing council and adds to my list of reasons to find a better country ( not difficult any more ).
Sluff – I thought you were going down the fork handles line but …no …
I’m really annoyed to be ending a day annoyed – having seen the Katie Hopkins comment about the empty ‘free press’ that was meant to be GBNews when now we see it for what it is ….
No change – hollow noises to delude viewers into thinking it’s different – but just the msm with amateur hour glitches
With the nhs striking (amongst all the others) I wonder when the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Managers will be out striking for better pay.
That will bring the nhs to its knees.
How will they cope without these valuable people.
So far it’s only the nurses and ambulance drivers but if the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Managers go on strike it’s game over, doomsday.
Um, was I out shopping or walking the dog, thereby missing Pixie Balls and Gary Lineker pleading for the UK Government to make arrangements to take in hundreds of earthquake refugees ? – or are they still painting their placards ?
In Morrisons yesterday I witnessed 3 (clearly Eastern European) young men loading up their baskets with meat, just meat – no pork. Nothing else. Now, its certainly not bar-b-que season, but Morrisons is next door to a hotel taken over by the boat people. So, I’m wondering if they have been given access to the hotel kitchen !
Many pensioners and those on low income would love to have had a basketful of meat. Clearly we are paying the migrants too much.
Not even history – being retold quicker than it is produced….
Netflix has announced the cast for its upcoming dramatisation of Emily Maitlis’s infamous Prince Andrew interview for Newsnight. Based on Scoops, the memoir by interview producer Sam McAlister, Maitlis will be played by Gillian Anderson, with Billie Piper featuring as McAlister and Rufus Sewell starring as Prince Andrew himself. The film begins shooting later this month. Some strong resemblances…
Yet another, lucid, objective hard nosed business perspective on –
“Mark Mills: The energy transition delusion: inescapable mineral realities”.
The ‘Net Zero / Renewables’ nonsense: It aint gonna work. Simple as that. Mark Mills conclusion? At best, renewables can work alongside fossil fuels but never replace them (in a month of Sundays).
Most Governments must know this. So why are they lying to the people? The answer is, surely, that the control over the populations of the West, they are now beginning to exercise is more important than the lies over Global Warming and Net Zero.
The ride is much more important than the supposed destination.
Rishi to sanction India? HA HA HA HA .. and his father in law.
India Now Buying 33 Times More Russian Oil Than a Year Earlier
Nation took 1.2 million barrels a day from Moscow last month
Sanctions from G-7 and EU possibly led to deeper discounts
ByRakesh Sharma
16 January 2023 at 08:35 GMT
I see the green card PM has created the ministry of no change . An excellent idea to galvanise the world class civil service to change nothing whilst working from home .
Courses are to be created for civil servants to teach them the way back to their white hall offices – each will be provided with an A to Z at taxpayers costs ….
Courses will start in 2025 and be completed by 2030 – with counselling for those afraid to leave the house ….
Beyoncé and the $2m gig for Colonel Gaddafi’s son
Did Beyoncé not have any idea about who was paying for her services? None other than Hannibal Gaddafi, the out-of-control son of the Libyan leader
Exclaim magazine called it “the sound of a once-in-a-generation superstar performing at her peak”, while the Guardian described it as “a breath-taking, maximalist tour de force”.
Did Beyoncé not have any idea about who was paying for her services? None other than Hannibal Gaddafi, the out-of-control son of the Libyan leader
While Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon’s relationship was already at a low eb, the former First Minister’s broadside against his successor last night was extraordinary. Launching a ferocious attack over Scotland’s Self-ID laws, Salmond decried the move as “self-indulgent nonsense” that has undermined the nationalists’ independence campaign…
“Thirty years of gradually building, building, building until we get independence over 50 per cent and then thrown away with some self-indulgent nonsense, which even if it was right, which it isnae, would hardly be tactically the most astute manoeuvre when we’re meant to be taking Scotland to its next date with destiny.”
The Alex Salmond Show
Sir Vince Cable, former leader of the UK Liberal Democrats, tells Alex Salmond why Chairman Deng Xiaoping is, in a study of 16 world leaders, the one who most shaped the economics of the modern world. Despite serving as a cabinet minister in a…
Feb 24, 2022 08:08
I commented yesterday on the strange fact that much of the UK reporting on the dreadful earthquake seemed to be coming from Syria with nowhere near as much info coming out of the much more badlly affected Turkey where the quakes actually took place.
As it unfolds I begin to see the plan. Syria has millions of migrant refugees from all over the Middle East and Turkey has been preventing them access to the West. What I predict now is that the Globalists in the UN will grab the moment and use the footage to insist that these refugees are moved to Europe and especially the UK in their millions. Meanwhile we will never know the actual devastation in Syria.
As for the many more poor Turkish victims? Tumbleweed…..
On 24 September 2015, a crowd crush resulted in the death of more than 2,000 individuals, many of whom were suffocated or crushed, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mina, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, making it the deadliest Hajj disaster in history.[5][6][7] Estimates of the number of dead vary: the Associated Press reported 2,411 dead,[1][8] while Agence France-Presse reported 2,236 killed.[
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
In the car I had bbbc radio newcastle on this dinner time and heard the following which I would guess 100% of you reading this will be able to translate from bbbc newspeak to the truth.
She was about to play a song by some girl singer songwriter and the story about it was that it was written for a friend of hers who had recently died young, (30’s or maybe younger) from AN ALLERGIC REACTION.
Was it the same ‘allergic reaction’ that bbbc presenter Lisa Shaw died of and also doesn’t get talked about.
‘Bonkers’ NHS Charities advert that shows ‘Santa being struck down by coronavirus’ before medics save him is condemned by critics for ‘upsetting children’ and ‘looking for reasons to make this Christmas worse’
It’s a black man shooting dead his white wife and their child. It’s not reported as that though. They barely mentioned the husband in their first reports. They didn’t mention guns.
I don’t know. I feel if it was a white man killing his black wife they would have been all over him – white supremacy, racism, toxic masculinity, evil guns, the lot.
‘Woman’s hour’ on Bbc R4 today made me feel really bad for being white. Apparently I am a supremacist, an oppressor and potentially a born killer. Gee, if only I could turn into an innocent, angelic being, filled with the milk of human kindness, by being some other race. Black, perhaps?
Thank you, Danielle Deadwyler for reminding me of how guilty I am- by association- of the murder of Emmett Till. And apparently I have to thank Bbc’s Nuala Mc Govern for making it all possible. And to Whoopie (‘We need to see white people get beat up’) Goldberg, who comments on the role of Emmett’s mother in the film ‘Till’.
This is NOT the first time that R4 have dragged up this 1955 murder and used it to make racial generalisations. On the contrary, they seem to have a wee obsession with it.
It also seems there was an uproar cos you, Danielle, were not awarded an Oscar for your role in ‘Till’. Only a BAFTA nomination! Obviously, more racism. (RACIST movie awards, of course.)
‘You have to be extra careful with white people’, Mamie Till told her son down in Mississipi. And, of course, he isn’t. And Danielle says you should not treat this period in history as a ‘blip’. There you go. We lose knowledge about the role of black wimmin. ‘How about that?’
Nualla says she was struck by those images, ‘WHICH ARE STILL THERE’. And Danielle has a son about the right age (Wow, she should be worried, shouldn’t she? Lotsa whites lurking in the bushes, you know, just waiting to pounce.)
Oh yes, and the movie industry ‘upholds whiteness’, it seems. Upholds whiteness?
I find all this a little ironic. I was walking home after movies in the seventies when -from nowhere- came a brick, which landed on my head. I was taken to hospital and stitched up.
a man had been lurking in some bushes, waiting to pounce. I shan’t go into details about his race, in case I embarras both Danielle and Nualla. In the end it was only my best coat that got ruined by my bleeding all over it.
Suffice it to say, I’m not thinking of making a movie…
Whatever next, in the pantheon of crime…
Released On: 11 Jul 2022Available for over a year
After a series of humiliating incidents including being forced to strip to ‘prove’ her gender, Cleopatra Kambugu fought back to become Uganda’s first trans person to receive official documents recognising her as female.
Bre Orcasitas is a wildfire fighter in the US. She’s part of what are known as ‘hot shot crews’, nomadic teams of elite firefighters who travel from state to state tackling blazes in remote areas. Outlook’s Laura Thomas hears all about the role.
Justo Gallego Martinez spent more than 50 years building a cathedral with his own hands using only recycled materials. The former monk, who died in 2021 at the age of 96, lived inside his creation which lies just east of the Spanish capital Madrid. Guy Hedgecoe went to meet him in 2015.
Katie Hopkins’ take on the shameful treatment of the brilliant Mark Steyn.
A lot are saying they will watch him on line.
Does he have an address I can Google and have on my homepage.
I’ve found something on Twitter but I was wondering if he has regular posts on line somewhere.
Thank you for putting this up . It’s great to have the view of an ‘outsider’ speaking out about the falseness of GBNews ….. that it is a ‘false messiah’ and when there is anything remotely controversial – they are silenced .
And if Fox Farage Wooton – that Scots bloke -stay and remain silent about the treatment of Steyn – we know The Truth – that the Channel is a LIE ….. the best have now gone – the dregs like Christy and co are the remains …..
…. I knew this in my bones last year and said it here … as regards Steyn …. So it’s time to switch off – consign the vain Farage to the dustbin and let the Scot’s bloke rant on generalisations …..
Thanks Katie …. RIP GBNEWS
If there is material from mr Steyn you wish to post here -by all means do – there’s no complaint from me
That’s probably why Colin Brazier left a while ago …..he’d seen the light ! , it’s just as Katie said only those that stick to rules can stay ……another pointless TV Station.
“31 years ago today, an institution which had no popular mandate was forced through by ideologues. They insisted that the European Economic Community (EEC) was insufficiently federal. And, what Europeans really needed was something more like a country. Utopian folly.”
31 years ago today, an institution which had no popular mandate was forced through by ideologues. They insisted that the European Economic Community (EEC) was insufficiently federal. And, what Europeans really needed was something more like a country. Utopian folly.
No Charlie – I think he was fired – he used to put out ‘think pieces ‘ which I now reflect were not ‘approved ‘ – the other fella – who used to front sky and the bbc was also fired so that the dire Amon Homes could strut his bloated stuff …
I’m done with it completely now – I reckon Starkey will stop popping up unless he his yapping about Henry 8 again …..
The 4000 retained EU laws were put on the UK statute books without members of this unelected house crying democracy. Earlier we were assured it was all ok, because – as one noble lord explained – there were special behind-closed-doors committees that scrutinised them. No mind that no matter how many British voters might object to any one of those laws, there was nothing, zilch they could do. – Claire Fox
Saw that first one on the bbc homepage. I have no problem with LGBT+, as long as they leave me out of it. I do, however, have a strong suspicion that there is a biblical injunction against same, though…
What is puzzling -to me at least- is why there is this huge media-driven campaign to shove this LGBT stuff down everyone’s throats. I am white, male and ‘straight’. I could be wrong, but there appears to be a concerted effort to persuade me that I am part of an error-based minority.
Why this huge effort? People like bbc journos are using my money to try and persuade me and people of similar inclination to change our points of view. Where did those lines about people persuaded against their will, being ‘of the same opinion still’ come from? I think they are true.
My annoyance stems from the fact that, while I’m too old to be impressed by such campaigns, a lot of young people could be led astray. The incessant propaganda emanating from the likes of the bbc are also an abuse: of my money, in the form of the enforced licence fee. And an abuse of people who are in their formative years, and searching for truths to hold onto in a bewildering world.
I don’t think anyone gave the bbc the right to campaign to fundamentally change society and lead youngsters astray. That is why I cannot stand by with indifference.
Join the dots. EVERYTHING going on nudges us towards WEF objectives. Take LGBTQ+. They will not be breeding, hence depopulation. So immigration needed to pay taxes to pay pensions for an aging population and nationalism obviously reducing, a WEF objective. With a population with no ties to the country in which they live, no patriotism, no-one will fight for “their country”. A WEF objective. Miscegenation due to mixed races, a WEF objective. CBDC gives incredible opportunities for control to government. Trudeau illegally froze bank accounts of people who legally supported anti-government demonstrators. Think what a government who had complete control of your spending could do. A WEF objective. Join the dots.
I found myself having similar thoughts recently when I was in my local Morrisons.
A bunch of kids from the nearby school were in there. The teenage boys seemed to relate normally to the girls and yet they affected effeminate behaviour and spoke with the ‘gay accent.’
I couldn’t help thinking, surely this is the result of all the endless LGBTQ+ propaganda you get on the likes of the BBC.
The whole territory was transferred to China in 1997. As one of China’s two special administrative regions (the other being Macau), Hong Kong maintains separate governing and economic systems from that of mainland China under the principle of “one country, two systems”.
The Chinese government has committed a series of ongoing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang that is often characterized as genocide.
“I felt as if I were going as a slave to Rome; the whole relationship was wrong. Here was I, an elected man who could be removed, doing a job & here were these people with more power than I had & no accountability to anybody…”
(Tony Benn)
“I felt as if I were going as a slave to Rome; the whole relationship was wrong. Here was I, an elected man who could be removed, doing a job & here were these people with more power than I had & no accountability to anybody…”
As a relative nonentity in the greater scheme of things I have always
maintained the the EU was roman control….it also extends into UEFA ( football association) . it does make you wonder if the premier League who have announced this Man City business
are influenced by UEFA.
And the bBc —well this is well and truly in lockstep with the EU.
And for that reason alone it deserves defunding.
Oh that and now this Begum girl documentary….a ****ing outrage, .
Sweetie Pie showing what it was that first attracted the BBC.
Thousands dead, thousands injured. And your precious BBC doesnt mention a thing. Our beloved "National Broadcaster" is not fit for purpose. READ THE SCIENCE. Weep. Then let us all know.
Eddie Fox son has gone on the twitter to ‘write about ‘ the firing of Steyn from the failing GBNewx . His comments look like they were drafted by lawyers – responses were less than favourable .
He apparently is the only turd at GBNews who has said anything . They are diminished – and if they spoilt about Freedom ‘ just label them lieing hypocrites and move on .
Will fox say anything on live TV – ? I bet if he does it will be OFCOM approved .
The latest airhead culture secretary won’t know or care about this . It which makes a point ….
If you still think you live in a free country ‘ you are deluded ….
Bet this is fun for the internal security stazi monitoring this site …
ITV local news item probably a syndicated item
‘oh why don’t we simply let refugees work ?’
..The reasons are clear and obvious and the report did mention half way through.
Basically Europe is safe ..if you give free jobs to refugees that will provide a big pull factor and more will leave safe Europe by dinghy and soome of them will die in the unsafe sea.
It was full of white people!!!!!
A public meeting about a GP surgery closure had only one BAME person on show.
Everyone seemed straight. No LGBTQWERTY content.
I do hope no BBC apparatchik reads this and then instigates an ‘appropriate’ change to ensure the diversity targets are met.
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Projection is a libmob characteristic
Here is Matthew Sweet ending his long thread SNEERING against Mark Steyn
And now Mark Steyn is retweeting new-fascist nose-powder enthusiast Tommy Robinson
speaking up for him and claiming that three @GBNEWS presenters have asked him onto the channel
but been overruled by their bosses.
I wonder which three are his biggest fans?
with TR video :
A few days ago MP Andrew Bridgen was torn apart merely for QUOTING someone who mentioned the holocaust
Yet Sweet feels it’s OK to smear-label someone who is nowhere near a “fascist” as a “fascist”
.. that is of course “fascist” projection
Start of the long thread
Here I unroll the rest of the Sweet’s bitter and shouty thread
Question is, will all the conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxers who appear on the channel be subject to the same conditions?
If so, I suspect the @GBNews is doomed.
Its viewers already hate the recent slight change of tone on the channel.
@GBNews without cranks would be like the Windmill Theatre without the strippers. (bitter attempt at a joke there)
Will it survive the year, I wonder?
Cranks and wingnuts and QAnon barmpots
– many of them @GBNEWS regulars – react to the news.
Oh dear. More disquiet and outrage from the assorted purebloods and Icke-fluffers of the
@GBNEWS extended universe.
And now Mark Steyn is retweeting new-fascist nose-powder enthusiast Tommy Robinson speaking up for him and claiming that three @GBNEWS presenters have asked him onto the channel but been overruled by their bosses. I wonder which three are his biggest fans?
And it was 2007 when his former colleagues at @TheAtlantic puzzled over whether he was actually in favour of the genocide of Bosnian muslims.
See Steyn and Genocide by Benjamin Taylor
(Sweet is reaching back to 2007 for a gotcha , FFS we are all sinners)
Someone replies
“Free thinking for me but not for thee, huh?“
BBC Scotland
‘Common sense’ to cut classroom doors to curb Covid
3 February 2022
Mr Ross said he had been contacted by a retired firefighter who said doors in schools were “essential for holding back heat and smoke”, questioning whether the fire service had been consulted.
^^ Notice the BBC title is positive.
I wonder if Sweet complained about this GBnews regular asserting there was ZERO risk from mRNA “vaccines”
When the truth is they didn’t kill most of us, but they did kill a handful at least.. there was a tiny risk
You may have noticed the excess deaths across Europe and the US starting in 2021. Currently, in the UK they are the equivalent of four large jetliners crashing every day in this country. These are not a few deaths. Probably everyone in the UK knows someone who has died or been seriously injured by these injections. Of course, most will not make the connection for obvious reasons. The truth is the truth and you cannot run away from it.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
“A state-backed digital pound is likely to be launched later this decade, according to the Treasury and the Bank of England.”
Safe as the Bank of England Ha !
Its more about control of the population?
“Grammys 2023: Kim Petras and Sam Smith break record and other takeaways”
Who cares about the Grammy awards ? A mutual appreciation society.
Oh no – omg – beyon say was misidentified as another coloured girl by the bbc omg …
I could make a very large list of all the woke libtard ad hominem, personal attacks on Trump, so go fill your boots with this:
(Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to woke we go, etc etc)
“How the White House was forced to get new desk chairs for 5ft 2in Kamala Harris – because she was too short for furniture fitted for ‘average’ height of her male predecessors”
Sometimes the BBC kidults running the News agenda give themselves away . Today it’s all talking Turkey and the failing NHS sending staff to Turkey . It doesn’t say whether anyone asked for it or who is picking up the tab. The answer to the latter is – You .
Other stories are gone – the missing dog walking woman – gone – nurses striking in England – day number 6 -don’t bother – it’s at number 6 down the order .
Ahead is Far Left news about ownership of Uk property by overseas companies / people . That item was number 2 .
I’m thinking the earthquake will be gone in 2 days – they’ll be after sunak again for making That idiot Shapps chairman of the blue Labour Party and moving the deckchairs about -especially if he moves the Raab ….
Meesh is sent on a Royal visit to Cardiff – and ‘researches’ tattoo parlours – tattoos of course a a favourite subject for meesh – who I believe has a body totally covered in tattoos – with the union flag featuring strongly ….
…it was unintentionally funny – with a young lady happily describing how she got Hep A from a dodgy tattooist – just before getting banged up .
I was disappointed that the cost wasn’t talked about and why the NHS doesn’t do it and why kids can’t get free tattoos …
…and funnily enough this one popped up immediately afterwards…
Brit Awards: All Saints’ Shaznay Lewis questions all-male best artist category
The bBC found some has been, and made this out to be news
Shaznay, a daughter of Islington. BBC approved as Impartial and balanced.
Doom and gloom – BP has made a shed load of profits – £23 billion – but only a lousy £1.5 billion is going in UK taxation . Is just so unfair – how come BP is a global company and only 10% of its ‘ activity is UK …… ?let’s tax it more anyway ….
… but more seriously – the amount of tax being paid by us – through the likes of petrol forecourts is painful . But who cares about that eh? Gotta save the planet …
Today had an expert on who clearly explained that 90% of BP is operated outside the UK – bet they won’t have him on again ….
From the Guardian – an account of the exit of Mark Steyn from the failing so called GBNews — note that no comments were allowed on this –
One of GB News’s leading presenters has quit after the channel tried to make him personally responsible for paying fines issued by the media regulator Ofcom.
Mark Steyn, who presented the station’s 8pm peak-time slot, is already subject to two investigations by the media regulator after he used his show to cast doubt on the safety of Covid vaccines.
The presenter’s departure has led some viewers of GB News – which has given airtime to conspiracy theorists warning of a globalist elite takeover – to suggest the channel has itself sold out to shadowy globalist forces.
Steyn, who has been off-air since last year after suffering two heart attacks, told fans on his personal website that the station bosses initially insisted he could not return unless a defibrillator was fitted in the studio.
He said this was fixed with a call to “Defibrillators R Us”, only for Angelos Frangopoulos, GB News’s chief executive, to demand Steyn agree to personally cover the costs of dealing with Ofcom and paying any fines for breaches of the broadcasting code. This is a highly unusual situation given the fines are the legal responsibility of the broadcast licence holder, not the individual presenter.
Steyn, who was employed on a freelance basis, said his response was that “you may be a homicidal maniac intent on bringing on a third fatal heart attack but you’ll have to do better than this”.
The presenter said he used to call GB News’s in-house compliance officer “Ofcom’s bitch” when they argued about what he was allowed to say on air.
“Well Ofcom’s bitch has had his revenge now,” said Steyn in his video.
Steyn said the proposal would be untenable. “I’m on the hook for Ofcom fines but I don’t have any say in our defence against an Ofcom complaint – that’s all done by GB News. Ofcom’s bitch, as I call the compliance officer, will be making the weedy defence to Ofcom and then I’m the one who has to pay the £40,000 fine,” he added.
Although Ofcom has the ability to regulate the content of broadcast television and radio channels, it has no control over online streams – meaning Steyn is able to broadcast whatever he wants online to a potentially bigger audience without any intervention.
The contractual terms offered to Steyn suggest GB News bosses are concerned about the impending judgment in the Ofcom investigations – which could scare away some of its remaining advertisers. Earlier this year all staff were put on mandatory Ofcom training.
Bosses are also warning of a tough financial environment, with the channel now financially supported by Sir Paul Marshall, the Brexiter hedge fund tycoon who also backs Unherd, and Legatum, the Dubai-based investment company founded by the New Zealand billionaire Christopher Chandler.
On Monday Frangopoulos told staff that the channel would be “pivoting sharply towards financial sustainability and profit”, meaning cuts to the number of freelance shifts, reductions in taxi bills and cuts to the amount of money paid to guests. Despite the tough trading conditions, they have still signed up new presenters including Jacob Rees-Mogg and John Cleese.
The channel said: “GB News takes Ofcom compliance extremely seriously. All our presenters are expected to comply fully with the broadcast code and there are no exceptions. This does not impinge on our ability to ask tough questions, express strong opinions and debate the issues that matter to the people of Britain.”ENDS
Let’s wait for the first GBNews journo to go to one of the msm …
So who regulates the regulator?
Won’t be long before Neil Oliver has to go as well , so they’ve all had ‘ Ofcom training ‘ probably why it’s lost its edge . With all the poor sound , frozen screens and more faults there must be BBC goons inside GBNEWS right from the start . Will be watching Mark on his Channel from now on , All this is becoming like Germany in the 1930s !
Yes Charlie . Self censorship – trolls – books not being written because they are not ‘approved’ – further education being controlled by the far left – along with the media – justice system – education – health – councils – civil service – benefits – all under a conservative ‘government ‘..
Might be time to plan a one way ticket out ….. ……\
It’s as though it was all planned ….
Yes Fed , worrying times but most people in this country don’t realise what’s happening , so much is being hidden….Daily Invasion , Grooming Gangs , Covid Jabs and trying to limit travel for the Plebs !
Some of the “guests” must be picking up a nice little pay packet at the end of the month, with the amount of time they spend on air every week on different shows. There needs to be more academic types giving their views rather than the likes of Danny Kelly, Lizzy Cun-dy, and Amy Nickell (?) and a couple of other lefty women .
Become a Member of The Mark Steyn Club
Mark Steyn: ‘On the eve of the Great War, the British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, famously observed: “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime”. 108 years later, the lamps are going out all over Europe all over again.’
Denmark’s free speech conference kept the spirit of Charlie Hebdo alive
28 September 2015, 12:00am
Teacher who showed his pupils a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed is still in hiding a year after fleeing his home due to death threats
The Batley Grammar School teacher is still in hiding a year after the lesson
The image of the Prophet Mohammed was shown during religious education
The 30-year-old teacher was cleared of misconduct but he still has not returned to his home or work
PUBLISHED: 22:12, 26 March 2022 | UPDATED: 23:41, 26 March 2022
Anyone else able to determine the politics of the people in this photograph?
Nadine Dorries plans to target Ofcom over ‘bias towards the BBC’ as officials raise concerns that 10 out of 14 of regulator’s content board members used to work at the broadcaster
The Culture Secretary is expected to examine the regulator’s role as part of an upcoming review into the Corporation’s complaints process
Officials have raised concerns that out of the 14 members of Ofcom’s Content Board, ten are ex-BBC employees
Over the past two years, only one complaint about the Corporation was investigated by Ofcom, out of 418 referred to it by the BBC
PUBLISHED: 00:09, 2 January 2022 | UPDATED: 00:16, 2 January 2022
And she did sweet FA.
At 15, Shamima Begum left London to join the terror group Islamic State. It made global headlines. She and her two friends became known as the Bethnal Green Girls. Four years later,
pregnant with her third child, Begum emerged from the ashes of the so-called caliphate, desperate to come home. But she showed little remorse for her time with the group. The British government decided she was a threat and took away her citizenship, leaving her in a Syrian prison camp. Her lawyers claim she is a victim of trafficking and should be allowed to return to the UK.
For the first time, she’s given her account of what happened since 2014 to investigative journalist Josh Baker. He’s been following her story since the day she left, trying to understand what really happened. For more than a year, he’s retraced her journey, piecing together where she went, who she met and what she did while she was living with IS to try and find out the truth about Shamima Begum’s story.
Panic stations in this all but edition
Let’s start with an advert: The British Military – available for weddings, funerals and coronations.
I’m reminded of black and white US TV comic character Sergeant Bilko (there’s one for the teenagers) the conniving platoon leader would introduce new recruits with a long list of his gambling and entertainment scams… bingo, cards, sweep stakes, social dances… then finally say: “But lest we forget, there is a military aspect to this man’s army… there will be route marches on Wednesdays, weather permitting”
Health news
The story used to be that it was OUR NHS. Now we get this revealing quote from the nurses in the Daily Mirror: Nurses: We fear end for our NHS
Ours… meaning theirs…? I can’t keep up with all these fancy new pronoun changes.
But seriously, I think what we actually have here is a frank admission of what we suspected all along – the NHS belongs to those who make a living off it. No wonder they thought to save it with that novel pandemic tactic of slamming the hospital doors shut and putting up a big closed for business sign.
Our media – and our governmental masters – do enjoy a bit of panic stations…
No, this isn’t a railway story, although there’s this one in the news: HS2 cost cuts threaten to slash route and add delays (FT) – delays on a line that hasn’t even opened yet.
We probably shouldn’t have started spending public money on this ill-conceived project profiting no one but the corporations building it. Stop now if the thing is bleeding cash. I wonder if the market-orientated FT has ever heard of the sunk cost fallacy?
Panic stations, a British colloquialism, is defined as a state of alarm or emergency.
Apparently the economy needs to be on a “war footing”: Call for “war footing” to counter US subsidies… or risk being left behind by President Joe Biden’s massive programme of subsidies, business leaders warn (Telegraph) – I thought we were supposed to be on the same side in the that war against Russia – Sanctions on Putin, Nato and all that? Or have I missed a page of the story somewhere?
As corporations, the likes of Virgin Atlantic and Heathrow Airport, call for us to be put on a “war footing” – I have strange visions of Sainsbury’s lining up a motely crew of customers for military inspection – like something from episode one of Dad’s Army
A Captain Mainwaring-like branch manager telling us bogofs are off today and there’s only one loo roll allowed per customer, ‘cos we’re on a “war footing” – while the doubful Sergeant Wilson-like under manager for produce mutters “Do you think that’s wise?”
But we’ve got our actual military still available for vital defence tasks – other than spying on journalists critical of government policy… and they’re available for weddings, funerals and coronations, right?
Defenceless – complains the Daily Mail: As fears grow shrinking military will get NO extra cash funding in budget, generals and MPs warn that amid global crisis Britain will be left all but…
I like the expression all but – a British colloquialism meaning very nearly
Gone are the days when Britain apparently possessed under our proud historic regimental the colours… about half-a-million Afghan interpreters.
Our military is now all but done for. Done for is a British colloquialism… Our forces now fit for little more than anti-opposition political cyber pysops, a few fancy dress occasions and a lots of virtue signalling.
Even if they had some planes the RAF couldn’t scramble an egg these days: RAF chief criticised for ‘cringeworthy’ response over order to prioritise female and ethnic minority recruits (Sky News)
One perceives a pattern, a template, if you will. Females are forced into a male space – be it the RAF, submarines, the police, the fire brigade, rugby clubs… whatever. There are inevitable complaints about male behaviour. The formerly male space is ordered to become more feminised.
There’s some optimism around in some media quarters: Britain’s two-stage path to rejoining the EU – this from the marvellously corporate globalist-ly named Gideon Rachman, writing in the FT
The UK Treasury and Bank of England are desiging a “digital pound” that could supplant banknotes by the end of this decade… ministers and officials think there is likely to be a need for a publicaly backed digital currency that would sit in wallets on a smartphone and could be used for shopping… (FT) – but surely we already have that option of cashless transactions if we want to use it?
Of course if the State wants to cut out the clearing banks and have just one big central oversight of every transaction, then that’s a different matter.
Time for one last hurrah this morning for the public sector: Half-term hols hit by new travel chaos… Number of new passports lost hits 5-year high… 1 in 20 waiting over 10 weeks for documents (Daily Star)
But what is the military for ? Ok – say when the NHS can’t do even the simplest stuff 100% of the time it can turn up for the photo op ….
Crap procurement – crap kit – that shaky armoured car and crap aircraft carriers with foreign airplanes ?
Do we have nuclear weapons ? Submarines ? Elderly tanks sent off to Jonny foreigner ? Maybe good a royal funerals – but otherwise ? A country being invaded every day ? Millions of third world sucking Blighty dry ?
I pay my respects at war memorials every so often and think my thoughts – until they are banned of course …
Just to add – the military has little value unless it is used to really benefit the population of the UK – fighting wars for no reason ( afgee) is just an insult to taxpayers and the poor Sid’s who don’t come back or come back in pieces .
I’ve not worn military uniform – but have ‘done my bit ‘…
HS2 cost cuts threaten to slash route and add delays (FT)
“CHINESE ‘ON TRACK FOR HS2’ Chinese rail firms are leading race to run HS2 trains because British rivals appear to be in crisis” {sun 28jun2018}
Standing next to the Chinese vice-premier, Osborne – then chancellor of the exchequer, now the editor of the Evening Standard – announced that China would be investing in Hinkley Point as part of a £2bn deal. The state-owned China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) would own a third of the project. According to one source who worked on the deal, Osborne’s deal was structured as a “first step” in a grand plan for CGN to roll out a string of nuclear plants in the UK.{guardian 21dec2017}
China buy a cow, UK sell their souls.
Wonder if any of the Beeboids are reading this. I bet their disinformation team are tearing their hair out.
As NHS staff across the country grind the health service to a halt with strike action, the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA) has uncovered some of the fun activities they’ll likely be missing out on as they hit the picket lines. According to new data, almost 2000 working hours of staffers’ time at the East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust – which will today be afflicted by strikes – was spent on “events and lectures”. Presumably all life-saving work on health and nutrition, you’d like to think…
It turns out these trusts had better ideas. Of the fifteen events, four celebrated Black History Month, six focused on LGBTQIA Awareness sessions, and two were full-day conferences celebrating National Nurses Day and the Allied Health Professionals.
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Manager | London North West
Training Programme Director for O&G (Equality and Diversity Lead)
Associate Director – Inclusion and Diversity
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust
Abbot’s Salford, Evesham
“Sir Tim lost his career after saying girls are emotional about these things.”
Mark Steyn – Speech to the IPA’s Gala Dinner in Melbourne 2016
Boris Johnson accused of targeting BBC to save his premiership
This article is more than 1 year old
Government insider says announcement about abolishing licence fee was not expected this weekend
“Nicola Bulley search expert says case is most unusual”
Just to set the requisite tone:
“A search expert”
“underwater experts”
“The forensic expert ”
“Search expert ”
Plus a photo of Peter Faulding sporting a brand new high viz jacket, covered in company logos
He then lays it on thick about the non normalness of the situation:
‘Mr Faulding told BBC Breakfast: “It is so unusual.
“Normally when we deal with a drowning victim, they are where they go down.
“I would expect to find Nicola in the water right in front of the bench where she went down. She would not have moved, maybe two or three feet.”
He added: “This is so strange.
“In my 20-odd years of doing this, I have worked on hundreds of cases, I have never seen anything so unusual.”
Well even as a non-expert, I seem to recall a few cases, where the body was eventually found miles downstream.
Of course it’s modern useless media, so no mention of how deep the water is near the bench, how fast it flows, if it’s clogged with fallen branches, nothing about the nearby weir etc. Or how many days before police divers took a look.
Were the plod divers ‘vetted’…?
More important. How diverse were they?
Eddy ,
Something that keeps nagging me …..are there any Migrant Hotels nearby to this tragedy ?
BBC on about 750 000 taxpayer fuel discount vouchers sent out but not cashed by ‘the vulnerable ‘ … no one seems to want to explain why such a remedy to ‘fuel poverty ‘ is just ‘dumped ‘.
The vouchers were valid for three months over ‘winter ‘ but expired on 31 January …. Maybe people are better off than they say …
The fifteen events lasted a cumulative 65 and a half hours, with at least 305 staff in attendance. The six LGBTQIA Awareness sessions alone lasted a minimum of 4 hours, according to the TPA. Bear that in mind the next time a family member waits half a day to be seen in A&E…
‘There’s been some fun and games going on behind the scenes. It is not good for a political power to have a citizenry that is properly aware of its constitutional powers.’
Who holds ULTIMATE POWER in Britain? Constitution expert explains the country’s current situation
Tasks for the new Department against Energy
1 remove gas storage facilities by winter 2023
2 spend 20 years deciding whether to have nuclear power stations
3 close down North Sea oil production
4 ensure fracking is banned for ever
5 put up taxes on domestic fuel use
6 build useless wind farms in nice places
7 Replace agriculture with ‘solar farms ‘
8 make sure national grid pays top dollar for power
9 stop researching new power sources
10 sell out to China / Russia …
Jobs for the Dept Transport
1 close roads
2 build cycle lanes no one wants
3 reduce the national speed limit to 10mph
4 have permanent roadworks
5 make trains even more unreliable
6 make train tickets unaffordable
7 ensure timetables don’t work
8 close airports
9 ULEZ everywhere
10 charge £15 a day to use a car
I’m on a roll ….
LONDON, Jan 19 (Reuters) – King Charles told the British government he would like an expected surge in profit from a 900 million pound ($1.1 billion)-a-year wind farm deal for his Crown Estate to go to the “wider public good” rather than to the royal family.19 Jan 2023
Some suggested extras.
As well as closing down North Sea Production permanently cap all the wells and destroy all the production platforms.
Devise and deploy a method of creating potholes instantly rather than waiting for them to appear on their own.
Plant trees with the wrong type of leaves next to the railways to ensure delays.
Gb the leaves one is excellent – I left out the one about planting money trees …and did a list for the MOD but it ‘disappeared ‘ … I think because if our enemies saw it we’d be beaten in a week – if that’s not already happened …
The mod one was a mix of diversity needs , green and health /safety – so no planes yet alone parachutes …. There would be a balloon squadron though .. unless it’s windy …. And organic gas only …
Hello Fed
The council near me turned a road into 1 way at the cost of £25,000, and installed a cycle lane, the shops on the road apprx 30 shops – lost trade
The council the reversed the decision back to 2 way about 2 months later
Its only money
Andy – the socialist republic of Waltham Forest is a ‘leader ‘ in closing areas to people in motor vehicles – the yuppies ( wokes ) love it – as they feel as though they are in a ‘community’ – until they get out of their ghetto into the real third world ghettos outside ….
Meanwhile roads are gridlocked for most of the day – hopefully with drivers revving their engines …..
..and you have to drive extra distance to get from a short A to B … I hate the effing council and adds to my list of reasons to find a better country ( not difficult any more ).
Missed out:
Turning motorways into (un) Smart motorways.
Fed up
You remind me of an old Two Ronnies joke.
A man was arrested shouting ‘the government are barmy’’.
He was given a £50 fine for being drunk and disorderly and a 10 year jail sentence for revealing state secrets.
I fear you are guilty of the second offence, being disturbingly accurate with clearly evidence-based analysis.
Sluff – I thought you were going down the fork handles line but …no …
I’m really annoyed to be ending a day annoyed – having seen the Katie Hopkins comment about the empty ‘free press’ that was meant to be GBNews when now we see it for what it is ….
No change – hollow noises to delude viewers into thinking it’s different – but just the msm with amateur hour glitches
With the nhs striking (amongst all the others) I wonder when the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Managers will be out striking for better pay.
That will bring the nhs to its knees.
How will they cope without these valuable people.
So far it’s only the nurses and ambulance drivers but if the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Managers go on strike it’s game over, doomsday.
‘Deeply worrying’ research suggests 25% of nurses in England are obese
05 DECEMBER, 2017
Why is almost everyone that is striking white ?
It’s the same for NHS, trains, postmen, teachers.
Where’s the diversity?
Anything negative – black faces are kept out of sight.
It’s boilerplate.
Um, was I out shopping or walking the dog, thereby missing Pixie Balls and Gary Lineker pleading for the UK Government to make arrangements to take in hundreds of earthquake refugees ? – or are they still painting their placards ?
Gary Lineker Child Refugee Dental Checks Row Prompts Searing Response
In Morrisons yesterday I witnessed 3 (clearly Eastern European) young men loading up their baskets with meat, just meat – no pork. Nothing else. Now, its certainly not bar-b-que season, but Morrisons is next door to a hotel taken over by the boat people. So, I’m wondering if they have been given access to the hotel kitchen !
Many pensioners and those on low income would love to have had a basketful of meat. Clearly we are paying the migrants too much.
Not even history – being retold quicker than it is produced….
Netflix has announced the cast for its upcoming dramatisation of Emily Maitlis’s infamous Prince Andrew interview for Newsnight. Based on Scoops, the memoir by interview producer Sam McAlister, Maitlis will be played by Gillian Anderson, with Billie Piper featuring as McAlister and Rufus Sewell starring as Prince Andrew himself. The film begins shooting later this month. Some strong resemblances…
Yet another, lucid, objective hard nosed business perspective on –
“Mark Mills: The energy transition delusion: inescapable mineral realities”.
The ‘Net Zero / Renewables’ nonsense: It aint gonna work. Simple as that. Mark Mills conclusion? At best, renewables can work alongside fossil fuels but never replace them (in a month of Sundays).
Most Governments must know this. So why are they lying to the people? The answer is, surely, that the control over the populations of the West, they are now beginning to exercise is more important than the lies over Global Warming and Net Zero.
The ride is much more important than the supposed destination.
Eco-warrior Emma Watson wraps up warm in a red padded coat as she touches down in Chelsea on a private twin-turbine helicopter
One of the the pluses of making energy more expensive is that so called “Green” energy becomes slightly more financially viable
Rishi to sanction India? HA HA HA HA .. and his father in law.
India Now Buying 33 Times More Russian Oil Than a Year Earlier
Nation took 1.2 million barrels a day from Moscow last month
Sanctions from G-7 and EU possibly led to deeper discounts
ByRakesh Sharma
16 January 2023 at 08:35 GMT
I see the green card PM has created the ministry of no change . An excellent idea to galvanise the world class civil service to change nothing whilst working from home .
Courses are to be created for civil servants to teach them the way back to their white hall offices – each will be provided with an A to Z at taxpayers costs ….
Courses will start in 2025 and be completed by 2030 – with counselling for those afraid to leave the house ….
Beyoncé and the $2m gig for Colonel Gaddafi’s son
Did Beyoncé not have any idea about who was paying for her services? None other than Hannibal Gaddafi, the out-of-control son of the Libyan leader
Beyoncé tickets: High demand as UK concerts go on general sale
1 hour ago
BBC Love you or hate you
Exclaim magazine called it “the sound of a once-in-a-generation superstar performing at her peak”, while the Guardian described it as “a breath-taking, maximalist tour de force”.
Did Beyoncé not have any idea about who was paying for her services? None other than Hannibal Gaddafi, the out-of-control son of the Libyan leader
While Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon’s relationship was already at a low eb, the former First Minister’s broadside against his successor last night was extraordinary. Launching a ferocious attack over Scotland’s Self-ID laws, Salmond decried the move as “self-indulgent nonsense” that has undermined the nationalists’ independence campaign…
“Thirty years of gradually building, building, building until we get independence over 50 per cent and then thrown away with some self-indulgent nonsense, which even if it was right, which it isnae, would hardly be tactically the most astute manoeuvre when we’re meant to be taking Scotland to its next date with destiny.”
The Alex Salmond Show
Sir Vince Cable, former leader of the UK Liberal Democrats, tells Alex Salmond why Chairman Deng Xiaoping is, in a study of 16 world leaders, the one who most shaped the economics of the modern world. Despite serving as a cabinet minister in a…
Feb 24, 2022 08:08
Alex Salmond left ‘humiliated’ as Russia Today set is flogged at auction
The former SNP leader and First Minister suspended his show on Russia Today following the country’s invasion of Ukraine.
I commented yesterday on the strange fact that much of the UK reporting on the dreadful earthquake seemed to be coming from Syria with nowhere near as much info coming out of the much more badlly affected Turkey where the quakes actually took place.
As it unfolds I begin to see the plan. Syria has millions of migrant refugees from all over the Middle East and Turkey has been preventing them access to the West. What I predict now is that the Globalists in the UN will grab the moment and use the footage to insist that these refugees are moved to Europe and especially the UK in their millions. Meanwhile we will never know the actual devastation in Syria.
As for the many more poor Turkish victims? Tumbleweed…..
But only if Allah wishes it…………………
On 24 September 2015, a crowd crush resulted in the death of more than 2,000 individuals, many of whom were suffocated or crushed, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mina, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, making it the deadliest Hajj disaster in history.[5][6][7] Estimates of the number of dead vary: the Associated Press reported 2,411 dead,[1][8] while Agence France-Presse reported 2,236 killed.[
I suspect that the eastern end of Turkey is “cowboy country” / “injun teritry” for MSM and Turkish media…
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
In the car I had bbbc radio newcastle on this dinner time and heard the following which I would guess 100% of you reading this will be able to translate from bbbc newspeak to the truth.
She was about to play a song by some girl singer songwriter and the story about it was that it was written for a friend of hers who had recently died young, (30’s or maybe younger) from AN ALLERGIC REACTION.
Was it the same ‘allergic reaction’ that bbbc presenter Lisa Shaw died of and also doesn’t get talked about.
Wow, it now turns out the British government (or excuse for one) was using the British Army against the British people during the Covid pandemic:
‘Bonkers’ NHS Charities advert that shows ‘Santa being struck down by coronavirus’ before medics save him is condemned by critics for ‘upsetting children’ and ‘looking for reasons to make this Christmas worse’
The Behavioural Insights Limited (BIT) is now fully owned by Nesta. For more information, visit the Behavioural Insights Team website.
We improve lives and communities by helping all levels of government, the private sector and philanthropies tackle their biggest challenges×1326.png
Not the only topic that the prod-nose corporals at Hermitage Barracks inveigle themselves into …
Question is – *who* decides what they’re going to interfere with?
That Twerpy Rupert >>> Tobias effin Ellwood?
The Epsom College murder suicide story.
It’s a black man shooting dead his white wife and their child. It’s not reported as that though. They barely mentioned the husband in their first reports. They didn’t mention guns.
I don’t know. I feel if it was a white man killing his black wife they would have been all over him – white supremacy, racism, toxic masculinity, evil guns, the lot.
‘Woman’s hour’ on Bbc R4 today made me feel really bad for being white. Apparently I am a supremacist, an oppressor and potentially a born killer. Gee, if only I could turn into an innocent, angelic being, filled with the milk of human kindness, by being some other race. Black, perhaps?
Thank you, Danielle Deadwyler for reminding me of how guilty I am- by association- of the murder of Emmett Till. And apparently I have to thank Bbc’s Nuala Mc Govern for making it all possible. And to Whoopie (‘We need to see white people get beat up’) Goldberg, who comments on the role of Emmett’s mother in the film ‘Till’.
This is NOT the first time that R4 have dragged up this 1955 murder and used it to make racial generalisations. On the contrary, they seem to have a wee obsession with it.
It also seems there was an uproar cos you, Danielle, were not awarded an Oscar for your role in ‘Till’. Only a BAFTA nomination! Obviously, more racism. (RACIST movie awards, of course.)
‘You have to be extra careful with white people’, Mamie Till told her son down in Mississipi. And, of course, he isn’t. And Danielle says you should not treat this period in history as a ‘blip’. There you go. We lose knowledge about the role of black wimmin. ‘How about that?’
Nualla says she was struck by those images, ‘WHICH ARE STILL THERE’. And Danielle has a son about the right age (Wow, she should be worried, shouldn’t she? Lotsa whites lurking in the bushes, you know, just waiting to pounce.)
Oh yes, and the movie industry ‘upholds whiteness’, it seems. Upholds whiteness?
I find all this a little ironic. I was walking home after movies in the seventies when -from nowhere- came a brick, which landed on my head. I was taken to hospital and stitched up.
a man had been lurking in some bushes, waiting to pounce. I shan’t go into details about his race, in case I embarras both Danielle and Nualla. In the end it was only my best coat that got ruined by my bleeding all over it.
Suffice it to say, I’m not thinking of making a movie…
Whatever next, in the pantheon of crime…
Often wondered who listens to wimmins hour …
Released On: 11 Jul 2022Available for over a year
After a series of humiliating incidents including being forced to strip to ‘prove’ her gender, Cleopatra Kambugu fought back to become Uganda’s first trans person to receive official documents recognising her as female.
Bre Orcasitas is a wildfire fighter in the US. She’s part of what are known as ‘hot shot crews’, nomadic teams of elite firefighters who travel from state to state tackling blazes in remote areas. Outlook’s Laura Thomas hears all about the role.
Justo Gallego Martinez spent more than 50 years building a cathedral with his own hands using only recycled materials. The former monk, who died in 2021 at the age of 96, lived inside his creation which lies just east of the Spanish capital Madrid. Guy Hedgecoe went to meet him in 2015.
Get in touch:
Presenter: Emily Webb
Producer: Thomas Harding Assinder
(Photo: Cleopatra Kambugu. Credit: Walter Photography) Read less
Katie Hopkins’ take on the shameful treatment of the brilliant Mark Steyn.
A lot are saying they will watch him on line.
Does he have an address I can Google and have on my homepage.
I’ve found something on Twitter but I was wondering if he has regular posts on line somewhere.
Become a Member of The Mark Steyn Club
Probably a 12 or 16 oz can of Coors, Katie. A 4 oz can (if such a thing exists) is nothing to boast about.
Thank you for putting this up . It’s great to have the view of an ‘outsider’ speaking out about the falseness of GBNews ….. that it is a ‘false messiah’ and when there is anything remotely controversial – they are silenced .
And if Fox Farage Wooton – that Scots bloke -stay and remain silent about the treatment of Steyn – we know The Truth – that the Channel is a LIE ….. the best have now gone – the dregs like Christy and co are the remains …..
…. I knew this in my bones last year and said it here … as regards Steyn …. So it’s time to switch off – consign the vain Farage to the dustbin and let the Scot’s bloke rant on generalisations …..
Thanks Katie …. RIP GBNEWS
If there is material from mr Steyn you wish to post here -by all means do – there’s no complaint from me
Nigel Farage backs Tony Blair to lead Britain’s vaccination programme during dig at ‘low grade’ government
That’s probably why Colin Brazier left a while ago …..he’d seen the light ! , it’s just as Katie said only those that stick to rules can stay ……another pointless TV Station.
“31 years ago today, an institution which had no popular mandate was forced through by ideologues. They insisted that the European Economic Community (EEC) was insufficiently federal. And, what Europeans really needed was something more like a country. Utopian folly.”
No Charlie – I think he was fired – he used to put out ‘think pieces ‘ which I now reflect were not ‘approved ‘ – the other fella – who used to front sky and the bbc was also fired so that the dire Amon Homes could strut his bloated stuff …
I’m done with it completely now – I reckon Starkey will stop popping up unless he his yapping about Henry 8 again …..
The 4000 retained EU laws were put on the UK statute books without members of this unelected house crying democracy. Earlier we were assured it was all ok, because – as one noble lord explained – there were special behind-closed-doors committees that scrutinised them. No mind that no matter how many British voters might object to any one of those laws, there was nothing, zilch they could do. – Claire Fox
BBC Home Page
Exploring LGBT+ history and culture
King James VI | Let Me Make It Queer
Cleopatra: Uganda’s history-making trans activist
Nine historical LGBTQ figures you need to know about
SNP, Sturgeon and independence fall in poll after Isla Bryson trans prisoner row
Saw that first one on the bbc homepage. I have no problem with LGBT+, as long as they leave me out of it. I do, however, have a strong suspicion that there is a biblical injunction against same, though…
What is puzzling -to me at least- is why there is this huge media-driven campaign to shove this LGBT stuff down everyone’s throats. I am white, male and ‘straight’. I could be wrong, but there appears to be a concerted effort to persuade me that I am part of an error-based minority.
Why this huge effort? People like bbc journos are using my money to try and persuade me and people of similar inclination to change our points of view. Where did those lines about people persuaded against their will, being ‘of the same opinion still’ come from? I think they are true.
My annoyance stems from the fact that, while I’m too old to be impressed by such campaigns, a lot of young people could be led astray. The incessant propaganda emanating from the likes of the bbc are also an abuse: of my money, in the form of the enforced licence fee. And an abuse of people who are in their formative years, and searching for truths to hold onto in a bewildering world.
I don’t think anyone gave the bbc the right to campaign to fundamentally change society and lead youngsters astray. That is why I cannot stand by with indifference.
Join the dots. EVERYTHING going on nudges us towards WEF objectives. Take LGBTQ+. They will not be breeding, hence depopulation. So immigration needed to pay taxes to pay pensions for an aging population and nationalism obviously reducing, a WEF objective. With a population with no ties to the country in which they live, no patriotism, no-one will fight for “their country”. A WEF objective. Miscegenation due to mixed races, a WEF objective. CBDC gives incredible opportunities for control to government. Trudeau illegally froze bank accounts of people who legally supported anti-government demonstrators. Think what a government who had complete control of your spending could do. A WEF objective. Join the dots.
Where do the Chinese come in to this?
The control that the CCP has is the paradigm for the WEF. See Social Credit.
I found myself having similar thoughts recently when I was in my local Morrisons.
A bunch of kids from the nearby school were in there. The teenage boys seemed to relate normally to the girls and yet they affected effeminate behaviour and spoke with the ‘gay accent.’
I couldn’t help thinking, surely this is the result of all the endless LGBTQ+ propaganda you get on the likes of the BBC.
Proud To Be Chinese
“When people are ignorant..or just plain racist, I now feel I have a role in telling them.”
Chelsea is Chinese, was born in Aberdeen and has experienced racism and segregation due to her race.
The whole territory was transferred to China in 1997. As one of China’s two special administrative regions (the other being Macau), Hong Kong maintains separate governing and economic systems from that of mainland China under the principle of “one country, two systems”.
The Chinese government has committed a series of ongoing human rights abuses against Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang that is often characterized as genocide.
“I felt as if I were going as a slave to Rome; the whole relationship was wrong. Here was I, an elected man who could be removed, doing a job & here were these people with more power than I had & no accountability to anybody…”
(Tony Benn)
As a relative nonentity in the greater scheme of things I have always
maintained the the EU was roman control….it also extends into UEFA ( football association) . it does make you wonder if the premier League who have announced this Man City business
are influenced by UEFA.
And the bBc —well this is well and truly in lockstep with the EU.
And for that reason alone it deserves defunding.
Oh that and now this Begum girl documentary….a ****ing outrage, .
Sweetie Pie showing what it was that first attracted the BBC.
Recalling when pre-Vile cyclomentalist StuHu mobilised the bubble mob to deal with Addison Lee.
Eddie Fox son has gone on the twitter to ‘write about ‘ the firing of Steyn from the failing GBNewx . His comments look like they were drafted by lawyers – responses were less than favourable .
He apparently is the only turd at GBNews who has said anything . They are diminished – and if they spoilt about Freedom ‘ just label them lieing hypocrites and move on .
Will fox say anything on live TV – ? I bet if he does it will be OFCOM approved .
The latest airhead culture secretary won’t know or care about this . It which makes a point ….
If you still think you live in a free country ‘ you are deluded ….
Bet this is fun for the internal security stazi monitoring this site …
Girls 4 Greatness is a girls equality charity based in Bradford hence BD3 postcode
Is the area different from the UK
ITV local news item probably a syndicated item
‘oh why don’t we simply let refugees work ?’
..The reasons are clear and obvious and the report did mention half way through.
Basically Europe is safe ..if you give free jobs to refugees that will provide a big pull factor and more will leave safe Europe by dinghy and soome of them will die in the unsafe sea.
The item quotes The charity Refugee Action
Seems each ITV area has been provided with a person , who would love refugees to work for them
The Granada region item is long
Actually it’s from last year ..but todays Yorkshire TV item was similar
By coincidence ITV have a different news story
about slaves working at fashion factories in Manchester
Our local ITV has not reported that story
“Bradford man”
“Bradford shopkeeper”
Owner Omer Mohammed Karim Jaf declined to be interviewed under caution.
He later pleaded guilty to food safety offences
Fined about £1,000 in total
Cricket/racism news
The ECB hearing over the allegations of racism at
@YorkshireCCC begins on March 1 in London in public
Watched BBC South Today.
It was full of white people!!!!!
A public meeting about a GP surgery closure had only one BAME person on show.
Everyone seemed straight. No LGBTQWERTY content.
I do hope no BBC apparatchik reads this and then instigates an ‘appropriate’ change to ensure the diversity targets are met.