‘He faced 14 charges, including racism, defamation and dangerous driving.’
No details of course, just labels. Because that’s how the BBC and the Left work now. ‘Racism’ and ‘sexual assault’ sound terrible – but these days can be the most innocuous of things. But I think we can get a rough idea by the fact ‘dangerous driving’ is also in the list.
This is how the facist Left deal with opposition now. They get locked up. Tommy Robinson style. What was the worst thing he did which the BBC thought worth mentioning as why he was jailed ?:
‘The court found him guilty of defaming a woman of Somali origin at a demonstration by insinuating she was a prostitute, Danish media report.’
Interestingly I found the ‘BBC News Pidgin’ facebook joke covered him as well. And it’s full of hate with comments like:
‘MUMU Man millions of people don memorized the Quran and every day the number is increasing, you better stop fighting with God purified. If you refuse God go punish you soon.’
And apparently this kind of threat is fine for the BBC. Because make no mistake, when they say ‘God will punish you’ they mean they will carry out what they think is the will of God. And they will absolutely think they are doing the right thing.
Fair enough to oppose Islam and Islamisation orf Europe, but the real evil that has risen in the West is that it no longer is a Christian nation. Along with that goes faith that underpins Western civilisation.
The north bit of America is going towards first towards a Leftoist then finally to a totalitarian communist country ( Great Reset). Canada is the worst. Its not not just an atheist country but a violently anti- Christian one.
Russia like Poland had to contend with a violently atheist communist totalitarian government. They are now Christian nations and on the repair.
Pres Putin warned us almost 20 years ago, that allowing large numbers of Muslims into Europe, would lead to the destruction of Christian Europe, and all that comes from it.
The BBC commitment to bias runs deep. The pro mass immigration agenda is strong.
On Toady on Sunday.
7am news features the government plan to reduce illegal asylum seekers on the rubber cross channel ferries. For the moment let’s ignore how ineffective this will probably be.
No. Let’s note that the news featured opposition to the likely scheme, and the carefully selected spokesperson was from a charity/ pressure group called ‘Freedom from Torture’.
We now move on to the 0750 charity appeal and by an amazing coincidence guess which charity was chosen to present their appeal? You got it. It was the very same ‘Freedom from Torture’.
Then on the 8am news, the story was repeated with the same opposition from ‘Freedom from Torture’
So. Not too difficult to work out where the BBC stands on this issue! Maybe even Sue Grey could work it out.
I also heard one of the “charities” or pressure groups spokesperson ( Red Cross I think ) say that the migrants – bogus asylum seekers – dont know what the UK immigration and asylum system is and any preventative measures wont deter them { from leaving France to settle here } .
She probably said that with a straight face .
The BBC didnt question her about the illogicality of her statement
It’s all a ruse just to keep the voters thinking that, ‘they’ are at least doing something.
As any sane person knows, to resign from the ECHR will mean additional difficulty when this Government or one in the not too distant future, lead us back in the EU. It is a prerequisite of EU Membership that all members subscribe to the Soros’ ECHR. Indeed this Government & the Opposition (by agreement no doubt) will see a problem in re-joining the EU if Soros’/ECHR get ‘funny’ over any attempt at re-joining the Soros ECHR and effectively block any such attempt. Therefore best not to leave.
Btw, ask Nigel Lawson how he buckled against Soros.
Sounds flaky
A year before covid I came home and there was one or two dead ticks on my calf the bites indicated 2 others had dropped off.
(Yes that in Britain)
“Tonight was the last time we milked our cows. After 90 years, this is it for the organic dairy sector. We aren’t allowed to continue because we were labelled a ‘peak polluter’. We fought for 3 years.”
If you wonder what is happening to agriculture in the Netherlands look at our supermarket shelves. The preponderance of highly processed vegan food. There is plant food butter (used to be called margarine), vegan cheese ‘contains coconut oil’ it announces on the front of the packet (high in cholesterol), vegan mayonnaise (not eggs and olive oil then), plant food chicken fillets (dread to think what it actually is) oat milk, soya milk, almond milk and so on. I want food which I know what it is and what it contains. Then of course the EU has already approved beetle powder in many foods including bread sticks. The list is long but this sneaky one stuck in my mind. Do you remember the foods of the 1960s like Angel Delight, bright red fizzy pop and shipphams sandwich spread? Those foods seem healthy compared to today’s vegan offerings. The next non covid health crisis is just round the corner. Why don’t the BBC do one of their investigation programmes on it? Probably because they are all vegan.
I saw a preview for this week’s “Apprentice”. The business morons are tasked with making a new dog food. One of the teams decides to use insects. A couple of years ago, this would not have occurred to anyone. It would have been absurd even to contemplate it. But now it’s on a mainstream show. Only for dogs now, but next year they will be putting it into our food. You know it.
You don’t like the idea of eating arthropods? No scampi and chips for you then, my lad. No crab-paste sarnies, no lobster, none of our lovely Scottish langoustines. And if you don’t care for those things, I’ll have yours.
BBC news world seems to be narrow repetitive and insular.
A few days ago BBC local radio newsPR headline
“as she prepares to begin her first solo stand-up tour Rosie Jones complains about abuse” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/disability-64756014
Obvious PRasNews for the comic whose ticket sales are probably low cos she has cerebral palsy, which causes her speech to be excruciating to listen to
Then on Saturday’s brief local news show where time is precious there was a great long item “Bridlington comedian Rosie Jones is starting her tour”
again PRasNews
I applaud her for having a go and making a living. I am sure the fact that she is a disabled lesbian may have something to do with the BBC’s love for her. But her disability means she takes an age to tell a joke, and when she reaches the punchline, it’s not funny. So full marks for trying, but don’t play the Glasgow Empire.
I’m afraid I’ve reached the point where I cannot trust my own government OR the BBC to give me any updates on the path we are being forced to walk towards World War 3 in Ukraine. It’s propaganda on the scale of World War 2. We haven’t changed one bit.
But then we are told: “armed with only ‘firearms and shovels'”
So they have guns then. I epxect they are actually those instead of the shovels. And perhaps the shovels are to dig shell-scrapes or something after they get there.
And they tell me that Russia has no ammunition – with the inference being that Ukraine have plenty. Quite the opposite from what I’ve been reading recently.
And of course every one of these stories has the standard tag line at the end:
‘The BBC has been unable to independently verify these reports. The ministry did not give information on where such battles were taking place.’
Interestingly – as so often happens these days – I see this article has appeared simultaneously across many news outlets.
The part of the video below that’s relevant to your post starts at about 3:50.
Never having fought in a war I wouldn’t know, but I imagine there are many situations where an entrenching tool is just as lethal as a gun.
American 2nd Amendment advocates call it the ’21-foot rule,’ meaning due to reaction time an attacker with a knife presents a real danger to someone with a gun if they’re within 21 feet of them.
You are quite correct TC – the point here is that the shovel is their ‘weapon of choice’ in such conditions, not because they don’t have ammunition as we are being told.
Having served myself – during the cold war – I can say that a rifle would not be the first choice when you have to aim it quick – they are heavier than they look. And the fighting in Bahkmut (which are not being told about) is very much close quarters for both sides and I can’t imagine a more horrific place to be. It will be like a buffet at Alans Snackbar.
What I find most interesting is that in those days, we did a lot of training was for chemical warfare which seems to be completely ignored now.
Google does have claims of chemicals being used – but reasonable articles are very hard to find from that route.
Any from Western media are absolutely useless. This is a typical headline:
‘Without giving evidence, Russia says it probes Ukraine use of chemical weapons’
Contrast with the BBC trick of presenting Ukrainian statements as fact then adding the ‘The BBC could not independently verify …’ right at the end.
Though I’m sure they won’t use nerve gas or anything as it will be very easy to prove. These are just incapacitating agents designed to reduce the fighting ability.
A video full of typical luvvie cretins – all of whome would be sent ahead on Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B. They are all pathetic, self-obsessed idiots.
But my favourite part in this video is how the female BBC reporter spends most of it filming herself in an arm chair telling us the story – when a voice-over was more than sufficient.
But the best bit is how she sits with the camera on herself in her big chair like Esther Rantzen and calls him : ‘a self obsessed show-off who would do anything to boost his own fame’ whilst trying her hardest to act the story with some emotion. Pot kettle.
“Anyone arriving in the UK on a small boat will be prevented from claiming asylum, under new legislation expected to be unveiled on Tuesday.”
What a lot of nonsense ! What if they arrive in a ‘big’ boat ?
This silly government needs to realise that no matter how many laws they make up, the invaders are illegal !
Therefore, they do not care about British laws and the only way to stop them is by Force.
Unfortunately for the people of Great Britain we are governed by a Woke Tory party .
Next time vote for The Reform Party . What other option is there ?
Therein lies the rub.
How many actually arrive in the UK on a small boat, compared to those who get picked up and brought here by Border Force vessel or RNLI lifeboat?
Indeed TC : careful wording such as ‘arriving in the UK on a small boat’ is always a give-away that we are being misled. It’s a hairs-breadth from an actual lie.
Just like we see so often in BBC headlines. They are masters of that trick now.
So he was driving a car flagged as being involved in a ‘firearms incident’, refused to stop for the police then tried to ram his way through a roadblock and towards a firearms officer who shot him through the windscreen. Though the BBC describe it as ‘there was contact between the Audi and police vehicles’ which removes any inference of intent.
This from a man who already spent time in jail for carrying a knife and also ‘served with a 28-day domestic violence protection order relating to the mother of his unborn child barring him from contacting her on social media or entering the street where she lives.’
When his family saw the video, they were so overcome with grief, they immediately asked for his expensive watch back.
But the BBC do their usual trick here. All of that is brushed under the carpet and they concentrate on empathy and currying up sympathy.
Sounds a lot to me like a violent thug’s luck finally ran out. Whatever colour his skin is. Perhaps his dad should reflect more on what his son might have been like if he brought him up better.
But of course we all know what this is about. Lawyers and compensation for the family and anti-white racism from all the activists. The BBC most definitely included in the latter.
Is domestic violence racist ? it seems to be so prevalent with afro carribeans….
“How Domestic Violence Varies by Ethnicity
In fact, according to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, approximately four out of 10 non-Hispanic Black women, American Indian, or Alaskan Native women, and one in two multi-racial non-Hispanic women have been a victim of physical violence, rape, and/or stalking by a partner in their lifetime. This rate is 30 to 50% higher than what is experienced by White non-Hispanic, Hispanic, and Asian women.”
Big day for the kidult girl who is the BBC factchecker / self publicist . Apparently she is doing a panorama about how bad twitter is now that it is not run by the Far Left cancel brigade .
She says she tried to interview the richest man in the world but for some reason he failed to respond . Mr Musk clearly underestimates the power and influence that Marianna holds – as well as her trillions of fans and followers hanging on every word she types .
Listening to her having a chat with our Justin to advertise her show on Monday night you can hear a spoilt little girl who is the centre of the world . ….very BBC ….
Just look at the picture she has put up of herself. Total narcissism.
‘My investigation also reveals’
‘And then in November I realised it had got worse on Twitter again.
It turns out, I was right’
This is what happens when weak people get into positions they don’t deserve then get confident. All part of the activist joke the BBC – and especially Panorama – has become.
Thank you for the link – I don’t ordinarily look at the BBC website – but it’s nice picture of the fact check girl – I wonder if she has thought about doing a ‘calendar ‘?
Just scanning her piece I notice there is a lot ‘I ‘ and ‘me’ …but that’s to be expected . There doesn’t seem to be much reference to the number of cancellations which still take place .
When her ‘approved ‘ far left wokes were in charge the arbitrary way people were cancelled received no ‘fact checking ‘ attention at all . But now that a wider range of opinion is allowed she and the BBC show a biased interest ……
Classic bbc panorama ‘investigation’, but at least Springster got a nice boost to the airmiles to pass on whinges from ‘insiders’ she has not blocked yet.
Wonder if she bunked over with Wendy,
She does moan about being ignored a lot.
There might be a story as to why there too.
The Twitter post will be interesting, if anyone gets to see it.
That’s the one behind all my observations of how agenda-based news can suddenly appear on dozens of different news sites at the same time and swamp the feeds.
I bet every single organisation in that list supported Remain and did everything they could to discredit Trump.
Oh, he did respond – check out his tweets (um, if I link, it seems the whole thread shows and I will be basically clogging up the blog – I am sure somebody else will know what to do):
“(real article from organization calling itself bbc)”
“Sorry for turning Twitter from nurturing paradise into place that has … trolls”
Those threats would be the USA and ourselves ramping up weapons production then BBC. Funny how you were unable to join those dots.
‘It was announced at the National People’s Congress (NPC), a rubber-stamp parliament, which is due to confirm President Xi Jinping’s third term.’
That made me laugh because it is exactly what the EU parliament is. But the BBC would never say it. They get to vote for the leader chosen behind closed doors.
What is extremely worrying at this point is the extreme rhetoric being fed to people against Russia and China by the BBC and their multi-billion pound empire stretching around the globe (paid for by the UK license fee whether the people like it or not). It was OK when they were a proper news source – but now they have hijacked it as a platform for left-wing activism.
We are being sold a lie by the green card PM that some new law about illegal invaders will make a change .
In reality it is a ‘something must be done Act ‘ aimed at showing the red Labour Party likes hundreds of thousands of illegals to arrive ….
The new Act will be struck down because it will breach the ECHR – which no blue labour PM has the courage to withdraw from .
The Third World will just keep coming ………
Hello Andy – in londonistan I don’t think they ‘show out ‘ som much but the do give themselves away by travelling around in groups . ……even more trouble is coming … and it will be the blue labour fault .
Andrew Bridgen has put up a wonderful 1minute 55 second piece twitter bit of a GB news interview with some pond life who was an ‘advisor ‘ to Matthew Hancock – if you want a laugh – go find it ….
Stew – thx for putting that up . Imagine digging such a deep ( moral high ground ) hole and then diving mouth first into it ….
Every time in a moment of silence in your life you’d remember this ….
lol what ridiculously small wheels. Clearly fake and just posed for a picture.
That’s one bale on it’s way to the barn (as long as the ground is dry and hard). Then it’s off for a quick recharge, get his helper to load another one and back to the barn again.
Two down, 356 to go. Should be done by this time next year.
Most definitely a net-drain on the efficiency of the farm and everyone else has to spend their time preparing and helping everything so he can push ‘forward’ on his wheelchair.
I’m not saying that’s a bad thing to make him feel useful – but it’s the statement by the BBC that he is actively farming I object to – it’s a complete and utter lie.
Using his disability making him a circus-act for an agenda piece like that is actually quite distasteful. Just like the ugly fat lesbians the BBC had on ‘come while dancing’ or whatever it’s called which basically made them look like a Billy Smart freak show.
BBC News bitching about the cost of deporting the half dozen illegals . Surely the bill should be sent to the ‘refugee ‘ charities and legal firms making money from this trade ?
What do our big commercial corporations have to say for themselves these days, we wonder?
We might instinctually turn to the Financial Times for an answer – but surely that’s just the market talking to itself in market language. We’ll come to that. To hear what the corporates have to say in plain language to us ordinary consumers we turn instead to the free advertising sheet that’s handed out to us in the guise of a newspaper – the Metro
Don’t overlook the Metro. It often tops the BBC online press lineup. Although this morning that’s the low circulation Guardian in the BBC top spot.
This Monday morning while the Daily Express doggedly battles on still with the British-effacing slogan: United with the people of Ukraine – the giveaway Metro meanwhile doesn’t pretend such altruism but celebrates itself with the masthead strapline: Metro reaches FIVE MILLION readers every day
To put this in perspective BBC News 24 boasted just six million viewers for a 3-minute ‘reach‘ (MrAsI would often feel like a good retch after a 3-minute dose of BBC News – when he still had a TV Licence) this during a weekly period – over two decades ago. (Parliamentary Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Minutes of Evidence, 1999)
The evidently popular Metro does a frontpage graphic revamp today taking the bold step of dispensing with adverts on its cover. They’ll be plenty of supermarkets, cell phone companies and estate agents promoting their wares inside.
Aside from a football score: 7-0 Liverpool annihilate Man United – we are presented with a three-way split of frontpage features.
The top story is illustrated with a bold colour photo of a giant sea turtle. I’m reminded of Jacques Cousteau, co-inventer of the aqua-lung and populariser of the red woollen beanie hat together with his internationally popular TV series The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau
Marine conservation sounds a generally good thing and represents a rallying call to Metro’s target youthful and rather socialistically educated market: The tide is turning – runs the Metro headline. It’s important to keep these young Greenies and Marxism-curious consumers on board with a win now and again. A constant diet of Greta’s moaning that the world is coming to an abrupt end might put them off their shopping.
This is a story that could reasonably be called news: ‘Biggest conservation win ever’ as world unites to agree deal to save the oceans – that quote coming from Greenpeace [Liked by 50% Disliked by 17% Neutral 24% YouGov]
Now the Metro concerns itself with a couple of rather less newsy features. Race is a big thing these days. The word racist is everywhere in our culture.
Watching a Netflix movie set during the 1938 Munich Crisis – not a complete throwaway item – Jeremy Irons played Neville Chamberlain – one caught a line that jarred anachronistically. In a flashback to 1932 one character referred to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party as a band of: ‘thugs and racists‘
Fair comment. But surely even as recently as the 1960s and 1970s the word regular folk used was racialist.
But racist is the term du jour and so we have it everywhere, broadcast universally at us through every medium: Heavy Rock Comic Chris takes a look at claims of royal racism (Metro) – because of course South Carolina-born American stand-up comedian Chris Rock is our go-to royal commentator. Move over Nicholas Witchell, Jenny Bond and Johnny Dymond
The Metro loves celebrity. For our next issue they go with a cause for concern combo with celebrity: Autism and me. Christine McGuiness is proud to speak out
In case you were wondering, the Mirror explains: Christine: I stayed with Paddy too long. I was unhappy. Facing the future. Christine McGuiness.
So that’s how the corporates see their consumers’ interests – Green, race-obsessed, celebrity-obsessed and keen on personal issues with a quasi-medical label.
To the pink paper…
The Financial Times has suffered a severe arse-ache since Brexit – and they’re keen to tell us all about it at every opportunity – scouring the land from top to bottom, from Lands End to John O Groats to find problems with Brexit: Hill farmers find grass was greener with EU subsidies
I don’t know what all this fuss about Channel migrant boats is all about?
Apparently we’re not concerned about immigration anymore: Datawatch. The UK has U-turned on immigration compared with 13 years ago, according to a study by King’s College London. In 2009 75 per cent of Britons born before 1945 felt employers should prioritise native-born workers now 38 per cent do. (FT) – they don’t tell us what percentage think employers ought to actually prioritise foreign-born workers. That may not be a negligible figure given our rapidly changing demographics. People tend to wish to look after their own.
So that’s all ok then. I’ll have to break off there. I’ve got to pop out to the shops.
Asiseeit – the freebee metro – aimed at kidults far younger than me – has – I believe got a lot thinner than when it started . I’m not sure whether this matters much as I only occasionally use public transport and am no longer attracted by the risk of using the ‘discounted ‘ McDonald’s tokens they used to pump out …..
I think my mackee dee days are gone as I recall previous visits where I found the danger outweighed the desire for junk food . That danger is now enhanced by third world scooter killers waiting for their next ‘mission ‘….
8am BBC Radio Humberside newsPR about the plan to ban dinghy divers from asylum process
“some charities say that it goes against international rules about human rights
that people have a right to safety if they are escaping violence or danger”
… Doh France IS safe.
#2 “some charities”
The news item fails to name the charities
.. therefore it’s misleading
Same applies for the headline about farmers
The item is probably PRasNews for a charity, so that headline should name the charity.
The phrasing is similar to the way school bullies speak to amplify their claims
eg “PEOPLE say you smell” “EVERYONE says you smell”
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BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
I am constantly amazed by the way in which Islam is indulged in this country.
Imagine that 21 st century overwhelmingly secular Britain was being invaded by hundreds of thousands fundamentalist intolerant Christians each year. These invaders deemed that anyone who didn’t attended their church wasn’t a fully functioning human being. If you scuffed a copy of the Bible you were fair game for severe physical punishment . The male invaders felt it was their right to molest and rape young women not of their sect.
The list goes on and on . But our various governments over the past thirty years had told us that the fundamentalist Christians must be protected and were more sinned against than sinned and that we must learn to accommodate these zealots anyone who protested was punished.
Do you think that we would have have meekly accepted this?
For the sake of absolute clarity.
Some do-goody two shoes charities want unlimited ‘asylum seekers’ to be welcomed because they, the do-gooders, are well-meaning if muddle-headed liberals.
The Far Left want unlimited asylum seekers in order to put such a heavy weight on the market economy that it will fail and/ or the resulting lack of expenditure on ordinary public services will foment public discord.
And then out of the ashes of the failed market economy, Marxism will find a new home.
It’s now started on bbc, air pollution. As an aside they mention the good old wood burner when talking about pollution in the air.Not once not twice but thrice. It’s brain washing by the state broadcaster.where is the proof that wood burners pollute to the extent they have to be banned. Air quality in the country is the best it’s ever been according to some sources.(see what I did there).
Even now in some back streets in Manchester you can find an old building which has not been cleaned. It will be black with soot. In the 1960s every building was black. That was air pollution. Air so full of soot the buildings were black.
I defy anyone to say that we have serious air pollution now compared to then. Snowflake morons like “Mayor Burnham” are using bogus air pollution fear to create an anti car lockdown and 15 minute cities, in other words, keep the serfs confined to their neighbourhoods. He can stick it.
GB News broke broadcasting rules, Ofcom says, by ‘presenting a materially misleading interpretation’ of official Covid data on the Mark Steyn show.
Ofcom has found the Mark Steyn programme, which aired on GB News on 21 April 2022, in breach of our broadcasting rules.
GB News argued to Ofcom that if the offending edition of Mark Steyn’s show “was guilty of anything, it was nothing more than a rather forceful tone”
Someone said Jamie Jenkins appeared on the prog that day or another and corrected Steyn
“There is one other Ofcom investigation on his show still ongoing.”
@DrMatthewSweet gloats about the GBnews error in his tweet which as it happens contains a spelling error
Was he keen to gloat ?
He managed to tweet the Ofcom link, 2 minutes BEFORE they had tweeted it themselves
… https://twitter.com/DrMatthewSweet/status/1632691136799158272
Ofcom said the faolse claim was “The programme incorrectly claimed that official UKHSA data provided definitive evidence of a causal link between receiving a third #Covid19 vaccine and higher infection, hospitalisation and death rates.”
Still dont get this sweet thing . What qualification has he to criticise anyone about covid ? He is not a medic . Just a BBBbc employee who does a music show on R3
So the most likely is that he has been bought by big pharma. I suppose he d be quite cheap
Dear Winston Smith of the BBC Historical Corrections Department,
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Dickie – thank you for the link . In interesting read . However it makes dangerous assumptions – such as the claim that we live in a democracy . I don’t accept that .
It doesn’t highlight the benefit of the Oakeshott revelations – that we see – unfiltered – ministerial / spad attitudes – something which the public inquiry would filter out and sanitise .
And what Oakeshott does is to start the evaluation of what was done to us and whether it was right .
But the article does skirt around the danger of having the wrong – inadequate – people in charge . Johnson and Hancock were the ideal politicians NOT to be in charge in a pandemic .
We needed people who could do detail and reason and realise the real consequences of their unquestioned decisions – both short and long term .
I really hope they are wiped away – like soiled toilet paper
In my opinion Isabel Oakeshott is being used as a “Useful Idiot”. Articles by statisticians and on conservativewoman.co.uk confirm this assumption.
The evidence for this is mounting up. First, the most important is the continued censorship of the half million mRNA jab injured and dead. Next is the need to hide the midazolam “Mass Murder” revealed in the disappeared & censored 3 April to 30 April 2020 “Mass Murder” version of the NICE rapid guideline NG163 which can be obtained from John Dee: https://jdee.substack.com/p/the-iatrogenesis-hypothesis
In a comment in the previous thread top science write and member of the House of Lords Matt Ridley explained how in 2022 BBC Complaints dept had thrown his legitimate complaint in the bin
The BBC said live mammals sold at the market were found to have the virus
I complained to the BBC at the time
but the response was “we can’t find where we said that”
They couldn’t find it !!!!
I went to Twitter searched on “live mammals sold at the market”
and could quickly spot a contemporary tweet where people called out the BBCnews disinformation
with screenshots of the BBC false claim
and of the actual report that said ‘No live mammals sold at the market were found to have Covid’
At the very least someone took the text and accidentally dropped the word “NO”
Dear @BBCNews, unfortunately the study most certainly did NOT “show” that “live mammals sold at the market in late 2019 had the virus” https://t.co/PDjTPcYlya
There must be hundreds of organisations doing the immigrant/refugee/etc thing.
Each one must be getting £millions from all the do gooders/virtue signallers and other charities so in reality they must have a vast combined wealth.
Why don’t they buy an Island or a part of a Country with all this wealth.
They could then have the safe place that all these people fleeing murderous persecution (in France for example) could relocate to where they will not be slaughtered.
The do gooders may want to rule this new Country as their Utopia where everything is brilliant in a melting pot of grateful beings. Full of Doctors, Engineers, Rocket Scientists and all the others we are told who really want to work, they will quickly become a wonderful rich land of plenty. After all, each one that comes here pays more in than he takes out so the model can’t fail.
Instead of these Doctors cramming onto a rubber dinghy and crossing the Med/Channel I bet most places would assist this cream of humanity to go to their new Jerusalem.
What’s not to like.
We could be naughty and give them Crimea.
Ah. It’s by Marianna Spring, the BBC’s ‘Disinformation and social media correspondent’. She takes her title a little too literally. pic.twitter.com/ypaL8qnzqT
The “investigation” is based on disgruntled (ex)-employees who by their own admission were in charge of the old Twitter’s censorship regime lol.
Not exactly the heights of credibility
Same vibe as all the articles back in November quoting all those (ex) Twitter engineers saying Twitter was about to collapse,
and then everything was completely fine (no, actually got better).
Another weird thing is the article making a big deal out of Elon having bodyguards with him.
I mean, ofcourse he does?
He’s literally one of the most famous and controversial people on the planet.
Ofcourse he needs security at all times.
Why is that even worth noting?
There’s an article from Steyn Mark intends to appeal this and get it before a real court.
~Steyn continues to convalesce from his brace of heart attacks, but, after a weekend back in his iron lung, he will return tonight
You can see the BBC's misinformation misinformers' thought processes here. Disgruntled ex-employees and anti Muskovites join forces with the BBC to lump together online 'trolling' and 'child sexual exploitation', for the sake of the agenda.https://t.co/V53iIzhRMW
I don’t know why people assume such screenshots are real
instead of assuming they are fake until proper sources are provided
In other fuller screenshots of that conversation people’s names have a job title next to them
and some tweeters say that doesn’t happen in WhatsApp conversations
It’s amazing how much difference a vowel could have made. Our unelected PM is quoted on the bbc thus :-
“Make no mistake, if you come here illegally, you will not be able to stay.”
If he had said “If you CAME”, he may have got my vote.
When I see convoys of Army coaches, with grilles on the windows, pull up outside any hotel they choose, march a couple of hundred of these (Insert pronoun of choice here) on board, while phones for a mile around are being jammed, then I’ll believe something is being done. Meantime, I imagine that any claiming asylum (Estimates 100%) won’t be classed as illegal and will be exempted from any sort of action.
R5 now on the Marianna/Panorama/Twitter thing, with a woman from the International Centre for Journalists worried in a very BBC way about social media companies “abrogation of responsibility to focus on human rights…”
Reporting has degraded so far into pure activism that you can assume the journalism industry now accepts this needs to be front and centre in social media going forward. Anyway Musk’s purchase of Twitter seems to be reviving 6th-form sociologist’s job prospects, and human rights angels after a few years absence, when we were all told to stay at home and get injected with experimental biotech and no one gave a stuff. Naturally Nihal ponders whether government regulation may be the only way to rein in these new media gangsters who are just letting people chat about things that the BBC are too stupid to understand.
ICJ is an organisation whose funders are a who’s who of the usual corporate and governmental players i.e. Meta, Google, Microsoft, the WHO and the UN, CNN, NYT, WaPo etc.
Bill Gates recently resigned from the board of Microsoft to focus full time on philanthropy. It’s a perfect time to remember: billionaire-funded philanthropy is a public-relations scam.
Champion non-troll Marianna Spring
sent off 13 PERSONALISED tweets in 2.5 minutes
All to blue tick journalists thanking them for their support
credible #BiasedBBC
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Omg Please stop picking on Marianna – she is so lovely – why can’t more girls be like her? I’ve added the new picture to my springer scrapbook . Everything she does and sez is so fab . I wish I was ‘m’ …..
Hell of a thing that an air head who puts so much energy into self promotion can be ‘advanced’ …. Guess that makes me a mysogenist – better add it to the far right and racist badge … I think I’ve got the set now …
Girls’ Education Skills Partnership (GESP) – Challenge Fund Request for Proposals
Aims to boost girls’ access to education and address the skills deficit in adolescent girls in developing countries. Call for innovative ideas to address this problem and support transitions to employment.
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
29 June 2022
Last updated
9 January 2023 — See all updates
Bangladesh, Nigeria
Disasters Emergency Committee
UK Aid Match has increased the impact of a number of the Disasters Emergency Committee’s (DEC’s) recent appeals, helping to provide immediate support to countries facing large-scale humanitarian disasters.
Most recently, this has included delivering life-saving aid to people affected by the devastating floods in Pakistan, and to people needing help due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and deteriorating humanitarian situation in Afghanistan.
At times of crisis overseas, the DEC brings together 15 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently. By pooling resources to work as one, DEC is pivotal in co-ordinating the UK public’s response to these crises. It helps to save, protect and rebuild the lives of people facing life-and-death situations through effective humanitarian response.
DEC appeals which the UK Government has supported though UK Aid Match:
Crisis UK Aid Match Total raised including UK Aid Match
2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal £5 million active
2022 Pakistan Floods Appeal £5 million active
2022 Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal £25 million active
2021 Afghanistan Crisis Appeal £10 million £50 million
2020 Coronavirus Appeal £10 million £62 million
2019 Cyclone Idai Appeal £4 million £43 million
2018 Indonesia Tsunami Appeal £2 million £29 million
2017 Rohingya Crisis Appeal £5 million £30 million
2017 East Africa Crisis Appeal £10 million £66 million
2017 Yemen Crisis Appeal £5 million £30 million
2015 Nepal Earthquake Appeal £5 million £87 million
2014 Ebola Crisis Appeal £5 million £37 million
2014 Gaza Crisis Appeal £2 million £19 million
2013 Philippines Typhoon Appeal £5 million £96 million
As vegetarians are one of the favoured groups I wonder what will happen when they add ground up insects to our everyday foods.
They will not be putting any warning labels on the packing and when the ingredients are listed the insect dust will be described as some number which will mean nothing to people.
They are hiding the ingredient behind some code number.
Will vegetarians be able to sue anyone serving them food with this stuff in it?
“Waiter there’s a fly in my soup” used to be the basis of a joke but now it’s on the menu.
Which side will our impartial msm take, vegetarians or big business.
They will, of course, try to hide from us the E-number code for ground-up cockroaches. Fortunately, the vegetarians and vegans will be onto them and it’ll be all over social media faster than flies to you-know-what.
Meanwhile, we can expect a huge softening-up campaign from the globalists and the BBC, with ‘fun’ articles and programmes on the health and environmental benefits of various bugs, with titles like “It’s no different from eating shrimps/mussels/cockles etc”.
You all know that there’s a huge number of ‘mistakes’ made on the msm news and various platforms.
They make these ‘mistakes’ and then later on, when everybody has heard and it has become common knowledge we get some kind of minor announcement or a tiny correction on page z.
The curious thing about all these mistakes is that they all go only one way. They all suit the lefty agenda. I can’t think of one bbbc ‘mistake’ that has benefitted the right in the way that all their ‘mistakes’ benefit the left.
You would think these things would even themselves out but I suppose that’s only if they are genuine ‘mistakes’.
Im no fan of Boris Johnson but i for one have to say the whole Sue Gray appointment stinks..
It adds fuel to the fire when her son is pounding the streets of Uxbridge (Johnsons Constituency) boasting that Sue Gray is his mum and what a brilliant job she did..Mmmm!!
Photographs are now appearing on the internet of Sue Grays son with Starmer as early as 2020…
If it was the Tories who had offered her the job it would be wall to wall coverage on the MSM, wall to wall coverage on the BBC and left wing rags.
The BBC are trying there best to play down the story.
Starmer has questions to answer but sadly the establishment will protect him and in particular the BBC
Labour must be worried because Rayner in Parlientment has just down played it as a conspiricy..
Lets see if Starmer turns up for PMQ’s Wednesday or will he come up with an excuse
The BBC are inept, they should be showing the Sue Gray story as a prime example of Tory incompetence, of how they came to allow someone they knew or should have known was a massive Labour party activist to oversee an enquirey into their leader.
Thanks to Tory party incompetence the civil service weeds out conservatives in its ranks and prevents them from reaching more senior ranks, hence ALL senior civil servants should have been regarded as hostile.
The BBC, the world leader of the “Trusted News Initiative”, a propaganda and censorship initiative, to make everyone trust the news.
The BBC, the most safe and effective source of Disinformation in the World.
but then libmob started Weaponised Fact Checking to bash POLITICAL opponents and push their own agendas.
SELECTIVE fact checking means libmob things get OMITTED from scrutiny.
Dopey Tories infighting over victim politics after the Stafford MP Theo Clarke was de-selected, and she is claiming “mysogeny” after she took 7 months maternity leave.
Of course the party will be only too willing to investigate these claims, it will of course be completely resitant to taking action against those who made the claims should they turn out to be wrongly, or even maliciously made.
That’s the problem, making complaints of being a victim are a free punch, with the real victim never able to clear their name nor to gain satisfaction, the complainant is free to keep making wrongful complaints as many times as they please without any come back.
Turns out said madam is in fact the niece of fellow utterly useless MP foggy Moggy, and so no surprise perhaps that one of those who did vote for her de-selection complained she had like her uncle done absolutely nothing for her constituency!
Other offices held in the past
Member, Committees on Arms Export Controls (5 Oct 2020 to 27 Nov 2022)
Member, Women and Equalities Committee (7 Sep 2020 to 29 Nov 2022)
Written Answers — Home Office: Asylum: Beaconside 27 Jun 2022
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if she will reconsider the Government’s proposal to relocate approximately 500 single male asylum seekers to Beaconside in Stafford.
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Menu special all week in all the Broadcasting House canteens and executive dining areas?
UK shamed by a Danish politician.
Good for Rasmus
Danish far-right leader Paludan jailed for racism
‘He faced 14 charges, including racism, defamation and dangerous driving.’
No details of course, just labels. Because that’s how the BBC and the Left work now. ‘Racism’ and ‘sexual assault’ sound terrible – but these days can be the most innocuous of things. But I think we can get a rough idea by the fact ‘dangerous driving’ is also in the list.
This is how the facist Left deal with opposition now. They get locked up. Tommy Robinson style. What was the worst thing he did which the BBC thought worth mentioning as why he was jailed ?:
‘The court found him guilty of defaming a woman of Somali origin at a demonstration by insinuating she was a prostitute, Danish media report.’
Interestingly I found the ‘BBC News Pidgin’ facebook joke covered him as well. And it’s full of hate with comments like:
‘MUMU Man millions of people don memorized the Quran and every day the number is increasing, you better stop fighting with God purified. If you refuse God go punish you soon.’
And apparently this kind of threat is fine for the BBC. Because make no mistake, when they say ‘God will punish you’ they mean they will carry out what they think is the will of God. And they will absolutely think they are doing the right thing.
Fair enough to oppose Islam and Islamisation orf Europe, but the real evil that has risen in the West is that it no longer is a Christian nation. Along with that goes faith that underpins Western civilisation.
The north bit of America is going towards first towards a Leftoist then finally to a totalitarian communist country ( Great Reset). Canada is the worst. Its not not just an atheist country but a violently anti- Christian one.
Russia like Poland had to contend with a violently atheist communist totalitarian government. They are now Christian nations and on the repair.
Pres Putin warned us almost 20 years ago, that allowing large numbers of Muslims into Europe, would lead to the destruction of Christian Europe, and all that comes from it.
The BBC commitment to bias runs deep. The pro mass immigration agenda is strong.
On Toady on Sunday.
7am news features the government plan to reduce illegal asylum seekers on the rubber cross channel ferries. For the moment let’s ignore how ineffective this will probably be.
No. Let’s note that the news featured opposition to the likely scheme, and the carefully selected spokesperson was from a charity/ pressure group called ‘Freedom from Torture’.
We now move on to the 0750 charity appeal and by an amazing coincidence guess which charity was chosen to present their appeal? You got it. It was the very same ‘Freedom from Torture’.
Then on the 8am news, the story was repeated with the same opposition from ‘Freedom from Torture’
So. Not too difficult to work out where the BBC stands on this issue! Maybe even Sue Grey could work it out.
Sluff ,
I also heard one of the “charities” or pressure groups spokesperson ( Red Cross I think ) say that the migrants – bogus asylum seekers – dont know what the UK immigration and asylum system is and any preventative measures wont deter them { from leaving France to settle here } .
She probably said that with a straight face .
The BBC didnt question her about the illogicality of her statement
Maybe they could check out some of the Albanian tik tok videos?
It’s all a ruse just to keep the voters thinking that, ‘they’ are at least doing something.
As any sane person knows, to resign from the ECHR will mean additional difficulty when this Government or one in the not too distant future, lead us back in the EU. It is a prerequisite of EU Membership that all members subscribe to the Soros’ ECHR. Indeed this Government & the Opposition (by agreement no doubt) will see a problem in re-joining the EU if Soros’/ECHR get ‘funny’ over any attempt at re-joining the Soros ECHR and effectively block any such attempt. Therefore best not to leave.
Btw, ask Nigel Lawson how he buckled against Soros.
Its all a sick joke.
Sounds flaky
A year before covid I came home and there was one or two dead ticks on my calf the bites indicated 2 others had dropped off.
(Yes that in Britain)
It’s a bit tongue in cheek… It’s a serious matter – but I feel it’s no worse than the vax holdout MSM types spout every day… abeit unserious 🙂
UK libmob newspaper headlines
“Brexit causes milk shortage in Holland”
If you wonder what is happening to agriculture in the Netherlands look at our supermarket shelves. The preponderance of highly processed vegan food. There is plant food butter (used to be called margarine), vegan cheese ‘contains coconut oil’ it announces on the front of the packet (high in cholesterol), vegan mayonnaise (not eggs and olive oil then), plant food chicken fillets (dread to think what it actually is) oat milk, soya milk, almond milk and so on. I want food which I know what it is and what it contains. Then of course the EU has already approved beetle powder in many foods including bread sticks. The list is long but this sneaky one stuck in my mind. Do you remember the foods of the 1960s like Angel Delight, bright red fizzy pop and shipphams sandwich spread? Those foods seem healthy compared to today’s vegan offerings. The next non covid health crisis is just round the corner. Why don’t the BBC do one of their investigation programmes on it? Probably because they are all vegan.
I saw a preview for this week’s “Apprentice”. The business morons are tasked with making a new dog food. One of the teams decides to use insects. A couple of years ago, this would not have occurred to anyone. It would have been absurd even to contemplate it. But now it’s on a mainstream show. Only for dogs now, but next year they will be putting it into our food. You know it.
How are they going to square this with the favoured veg diet?
You don’t like the idea of eating arthropods? No scampi and chips for you then, my lad. No crab-paste sarnies, no lobster, none of our lovely Scottish langoustines. And if you don’t care for those things, I’ll have yours.
@WWW n one mentioned “all arthropods”
people just expressed a dislike for eating insects instead of more traditional British foods
Wild Woman ,
What insects do you eat ?
That’s Agenda 2030 in action.
BBC news world seems to be narrow repetitive and insular.
A few days ago BBC local radio newsPR headline
“as she prepares to begin her first solo stand-up tour Rosie Jones complains about abuse”
Obvious PRasNews for the comic whose ticket sales are probably low cos she has cerebral palsy, which causes her speech to be excruciating to listen to
Then on Saturday’s brief local news show where time is precious there was a great long item “Bridlington comedian Rosie Jones is starting her tour”
again PRasNews
repetitive ?
Feb 26 2023 BBC Radio Humberside tweeted
Rosie Jones: ‘If I went on Question Time again, I’d shut Twitter down’ *
18 months ago
Oct 8, 2021 BBC Radio Humberside tweeted
Comedian Rosie Jones ‘more determined’ after abuse from Question Time viewers
BTW They later stealth edited that headline
to : ‘If I went on Question Time again, I’d shut *MY* Twitter down’
There are *10* BBC news articles about her
I applaud her for having a go and making a living. I am sure the fact that she is a disabled lesbian may have something to do with the BBC’s love for her. But her disability means she takes an age to tell a joke, and when she reaches the punchline, it’s not funny. So full marks for trying, but don’t play the Glasgow Empire.
I’m afraid I’ve reached the point where I cannot trust my own government OR the BBC to give me any updates on the path we are being forced to walk towards World War 3 in Ukraine. It’s propaganda on the scale of World War 2. We haven’t changed one bit.
‘Ukraine war: Russian reservists fighting with shovels – UK defence ministry’
But then we are told: “armed with only ‘firearms and shovels'”
So they have guns then. I epxect they are actually those instead of the shovels. And perhaps the shovels are to dig shell-scrapes or something after they get there.
And they tell me that Russia has no ammunition – with the inference being that Ukraine have plenty. Quite the opposite from what I’ve been reading recently.
And of course every one of these stories has the standard tag line at the end:
‘The BBC has been unable to independently verify these reports. The ministry did not give information on where such battles were taking place.’
Interestingly – as so often happens these days – I see this article has appeared simultaneously across many news outlets.
The part of the video below that’s relevant to your post starts at about 3:50.
Never having fought in a war I wouldn’t know, but I imagine there are many situations where an entrenching tool is just as lethal as a gun.
American 2nd Amendment advocates call it the ’21-foot rule,’ meaning due to reaction time an attacker with a knife presents a real danger to someone with a gun if they’re within 21 feet of them.
You are quite correct TC – the point here is that the shovel is their ‘weapon of choice’ in such conditions, not because they don’t have ammunition as we are being told.
Having served myself – during the cold war – I can say that a rifle would not be the first choice when you have to aim it quick – they are heavier than they look. And the fighting in Bahkmut (which are not being told about) is very much close quarters for both sides and I can’t imagine a more horrific place to be. It will be like a buffet at Alans Snackbar.
What I find most interesting is that in those days, we did a lot of training was for chemical warfare which seems to be completely ignored now.
Google does have claims of chemicals being used – but reasonable articles are very hard to find from that route.
This report is the most ‘lucid’ one I could find:
DPR Chief warns Ukrainian forces use drone-dropped chemical weapons
Any from Western media are absolutely useless. This is a typical headline:
‘Without giving evidence, Russia says it probes Ukraine use of chemical weapons’
Contrast with the BBC trick of presenting Ukrainian statements as fact then adding the ‘The BBC could not independently verify …’ right at the end.
Though I’m sure they won’t use nerve gas or anything as it will be very easy to prove. These are just incapacitating agents designed to reduce the fighting ability.
7 yard / 21 foot rule explained.
Stephen Bear: What happened when Georgia Harrison got justice
A video full of typical luvvie cretins – all of whome would be sent ahead on Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B. They are all pathetic, self-obsessed idiots.
But my favourite part in this video is how the female BBC reporter spends most of it filming herself in an arm chair telling us the story – when a voice-over was more than sufficient.
But the best bit is how she sits with the camera on herself in her big chair like Esther Rantzen and calls him : ‘a self obsessed show-off who would do anything to boost his own fame’ whilst trying her hardest to act the story with some emotion. Pot kettle.
“Anyone arriving in the UK on a small boat will be prevented from claiming asylum, under new legislation expected to be unveiled on Tuesday.”
What a lot of nonsense ! What if they arrive in a ‘big’ boat ?
This silly government needs to realise that no matter how many laws they make up, the invaders are illegal !
Therefore, they do not care about British laws and the only way to stop them is by Force.
Unfortunately for the people of Great Britain we are governed by a Woke Tory party .
Next time vote for The Reform Party . What other option is there ?
Therein lies the rub.
How many actually arrive in the UK on a small boat, compared to those who get picked up and brought here by Border Force vessel or RNLI lifeboat?
Indeed TC : careful wording such as ‘arriving in the UK on a small boat’ is always a give-away that we are being misled. It’s a hairs-breadth from an actual lie.
Just like we see so often in BBC headlines. They are masters of that trick now.
Biden crew crunching gears on fossil fuels ?
The Pfizer mRNA vax contract with the US government – with highlighting… (h/t Robert Barnes)
Would like to see the contract that Doktor Van Der Leyen signed up to for shedloads of obsolete vaccine by text message…
Chris Kaba: Family of man shot dead by police call for answers
So he was driving a car flagged as being involved in a ‘firearms incident’, refused to stop for the police then tried to ram his way through a roadblock and towards a firearms officer who shot him through the windscreen. Though the BBC describe it as ‘there was contact between the Audi and police vehicles’ which removes any inference of intent.
This from a man who already spent time in jail for carrying a knife and also ‘served with a 28-day domestic violence protection order relating to the mother of his unborn child barring him from contacting her on social media or entering the street where she lives.’
When his family saw the video, they were so overcome with grief, they immediately asked for his expensive watch back.
But the BBC do their usual trick here. All of that is brushed under the carpet and they concentrate on empathy and currying up sympathy.
Sounds a lot to me like a violent thug’s luck finally ran out. Whatever colour his skin is. Perhaps his dad should reflect more on what his son might have been like if he brought him up better.
But of course we all know what this is about. Lawyers and compensation for the family and anti-white racism from all the activists. The BBC most definitely included in the latter.
I expect he was also a doctor or an engineer.
Is domestic violence racist ? it seems to be so prevalent with afro carribeans….
“How Domestic Violence Varies by Ethnicity
In fact, according to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, approximately four out of 10 non-Hispanic Black women, American Indian, or Alaskan Native women, and one in two multi-racial non-Hispanic women have been a victim of physical violence, rape, and/or stalking by a partner in their lifetime. This rate is 30 to 50% higher than what is experienced by White non-Hispanic, Hispanic, and Asian women.”
Big day for the kidult girl who is the BBC factchecker / self publicist . Apparently she is doing a panorama about how bad twitter is now that it is not run by the Far Left cancel brigade .
She says she tried to interview the richest man in the world but for some reason he failed to respond . Mr Musk clearly underestimates the power and influence that Marianna holds – as well as her trillions of fans and followers hanging on every word she types .
Listening to her having a chat with our Justin to advertise her show on Monday night you can hear a spoilt little girl who is the centre of the world . ….very BBC ….
I was going to commnent on that article but I was so exasperated with the complete rubbish she had written, I just closed it.
Twitter can’t protect you from trolls any more, insiders say
Just look at the picture she has put up of herself. Total narcissism.
‘My investigation also reveals’
‘And then in November I realised it had got worse on Twitter again.
It turns out, I was right’
This is what happens when weak people get into positions they don’t deserve then get confident. All part of the activist joke the BBC – and especially Panorama – has become.
Thank you for the link – I don’t ordinarily look at the BBC website – but it’s nice picture of the fact check girl – I wonder if she has thought about doing a ‘calendar ‘?
Just scanning her piece I notice there is a lot ‘I ‘ and ‘me’ …but that’s to be expected . There doesn’t seem to be much reference to the number of cancellations which still take place .
When her ‘approved ‘ far left wokes were in charge the arbitrary way people were cancelled received no ‘fact checking ‘ attention at all . But now that a wider range of opinion is allowed she and the BBC show a biased interest ……
Classic bbc panorama ‘investigation’, but at least Springster got a nice boost to the airmiles to pass on whinges from ‘insiders’ she has not blocked yet.
Wonder if she bunked over with Wendy,
She does moan about being ignored a lot.
There might be a story as to why there too.
The Twitter post will be interesting, if anyone gets to see it.
BBB No One Cares racking up the audience.
‘Tell it often enough’ not working like it used to.
That’s the one behind all my observations of how agenda-based news can suddenly appear on dozens of different news sites at the same time and swamp the feeds.
I bet every single organisation in that list supported Remain and did everything they could to discredit Trump.
Oh, he did respond – check out his tweets (um, if I link, it seems the whole thread shows and I will be basically clogging up the blog – I am sure somebody else will know what to do):
“(real article from organization calling itself bbc)”
“Sorry for turning Twitter from nurturing paradise into place that has … trolls”
China boosts military budget while warning of escalating threats
Those threats would be the USA and ourselves ramping up weapons production then BBC. Funny how you were unable to join those dots.
‘It was announced at the National People’s Congress (NPC), a rubber-stamp parliament, which is due to confirm President Xi Jinping’s third term.’
That made me laugh because it is exactly what the EU parliament is. But the BBC would never say it. They get to vote for the leader chosen behind closed doors.
What is extremely worrying at this point is the extreme rhetoric being fed to people against Russia and China by the BBC and their multi-billion pound empire stretching around the globe (paid for by the UK license fee whether the people like it or not). It was OK when they were a proper news source – but now they have hijacked it as a platform for left-wing activism.
BBC News
We are being sold a lie by the green card PM that some new law about illegal invaders will make a change .
In reality it is a ‘something must be done Act ‘ aimed at showing the red Labour Party likes hundreds of thousands of illegals to arrive ….
The new Act will be struck down because it will breach the ECHR – which no blue labour PM has the courage to withdraw from .
The Third World will just keep coming ………
Hello Fedup
Far too late, looking around the UK cities and now in the suburbs
Hello Andy – in londonistan I don’t think they ‘show out ‘ som much but the do give themselves away by travelling around in groups . ……even more trouble is coming … and it will be the blue labour fault .
Back in the day we were told that if we tell a lie a poor fairy has to die.
On this basis I think Rishi has wiped out a whole nation of poor fairies. I doubt his initiative will make any difference to the invasion.
After all how would immigration lawyers, judges, and the BBC cope if this was eliminated?
Andrew Bridgen has put up a wonderful 1minute 55 second piece twitter bit of a GB news interview with some pond life who was an ‘advisor ‘ to Matthew Hancock – if you want a laugh – go find it ….
Bridgen’s tweet says
“I can see Hancock has quality advisors”
then quotes the video, where the guy gotcha’d himself
Spoiler ..he said “oh I missed out the *NOT* in that email, my apologies”
Stew – thx for putting that up . Imagine digging such a deep ( moral high ground ) hole and then diving mouth first into it ….
Every time in a moment of silence in your life you’d remember this ….
The laughter… 🥹
So… he was requiring in an interview that key context was censored? Seems… odd.
Rather need that track when Springster sulks that a constant BBC target doesn’t return her calls.
Be funny if Musk blocked the bbc staff roster for no reason.
Varied coverage.
Would be good on Clarkson s farm …
Thos trailer wheels might cope on the carpark.
lol what ridiculously small wheels. Clearly fake and just posed for a picture.
That’s one bale on it’s way to the barn (as long as the ground is dry and hard). Then it’s off for a quick recharge, get his helper to load another one and back to the barn again.
Two down, 356 to go. Should be done by this time next year.
Total BS story.
When chair tips over?
He can do a bit of local weeding.
In rain and mud?
Most definitely a net-drain on the efficiency of the farm and everyone else has to spend their time preparing and helping everything so he can push ‘forward’ on his wheelchair.
I’m not saying that’s a bad thing to make him feel useful – but it’s the statement by the BBC that he is actively farming I object to – it’s a complete and utter lie.
Using his disability making him a circus-act for an agenda piece like that is actually quite distasteful. Just like the ugly fat lesbians the BBC had on ‘come while dancing’ or whatever it’s called which basically made them look like a Billy Smart freak show.
“Hands on” farming………….
BBC News bitching about the cost of deporting the half dozen illegals . Surely the bill should be sent to the ‘refugee ‘ charities and legal firms making money from this trade ?
I think you don’t realise how it works:
We give THEM taxpayers money so they can try and stop us.
What do our big commercial corporations have to say for themselves these days, we wonder?
We might instinctually turn to the Financial Times for an answer – but surely that’s just the market talking to itself in market language. We’ll come to that. To hear what the corporates have to say in plain language to us ordinary consumers we turn instead to the free advertising sheet that’s handed out to us in the guise of a newspaper – the Metro
Don’t overlook the Metro. It often tops the BBC online press lineup. Although this morning that’s the low circulation Guardian in the BBC top spot.
This Monday morning while the Daily Express doggedly battles on still with the British-effacing slogan: United with the people of Ukraine – the giveaway Metro meanwhile doesn’t pretend such altruism but celebrates itself with the masthead strapline: Metro reaches FIVE MILLION readers every day
To put this in perspective BBC News 24 boasted just six million viewers for a 3-minute ‘reach‘ (MrAsI would often feel like a good retch after a 3-minute dose of BBC News – when he still had a TV Licence) this during a weekly period – over two decades ago. (Parliamentary Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Minutes of Evidence, 1999)
The evidently popular Metro does a frontpage graphic revamp today taking the bold step of dispensing with adverts on its cover. They’ll be plenty of supermarkets, cell phone companies and estate agents promoting their wares inside.
Aside from a football score: 7-0 Liverpool annihilate Man United – we are presented with a three-way split of frontpage features.
The top story is illustrated with a bold colour photo of a giant sea turtle. I’m reminded of Jacques Cousteau, co-inventer of the aqua-lung and populariser of the red woollen beanie hat together with his internationally popular TV series The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau
Marine conservation sounds a generally good thing and represents a rallying call to Metro’s target youthful and rather socialistically educated market: The tide is turning – runs the Metro headline. It’s important to keep these young Greenies and Marxism-curious consumers on board with a win now and again. A constant diet of Greta’s moaning that the world is coming to an abrupt end might put them off their shopping.
This is a story that could reasonably be called news: ‘Biggest conservation win ever’ as world unites to agree deal to save the oceans – that quote coming from Greenpeace [Liked by 50% Disliked by 17% Neutral 24% YouGov]
Now the Metro concerns itself with a couple of rather less newsy features. Race is a big thing these days. The word racist is everywhere in our culture.
Watching a Netflix movie set during the 1938 Munich Crisis – not a complete throwaway item – Jeremy Irons played Neville Chamberlain – one caught a line that jarred anachronistically. In a flashback to 1932 one character referred to the National Socialist German Workers’ Party as a band of: ‘thugs and racists‘
Fair comment. But surely even as recently as the 1960s and 1970s the word regular folk used was racialist.
But racist is the term du jour and so we have it everywhere, broadcast universally at us through every medium: Heavy Rock Comic Chris takes a look at claims of royal racism (Metro) – because of course South Carolina-born American stand-up comedian Chris Rock is our go-to royal commentator. Move over Nicholas Witchell, Jenny Bond and Johnny Dymond
The Metro loves celebrity. For our next issue they go with a cause for concern combo with celebrity: Autism and me. Christine McGuiness is proud to speak out
In case you were wondering, the Mirror explains: Christine: I stayed with Paddy too long. I was unhappy. Facing the future. Christine McGuiness.
So that’s how the corporates see their consumers’ interests – Green, race-obsessed, celebrity-obsessed and keen on personal issues with a quasi-medical label.
To the pink paper…
The Financial Times has suffered a severe arse-ache since Brexit – and they’re keen to tell us all about it at every opportunity – scouring the land from top to bottom, from Lands End to John O Groats to find problems with Brexit: Hill farmers find grass was greener with EU subsidies
I don’t know what all this fuss about Channel migrant boats is all about?
Apparently we’re not concerned about immigration anymore: Datawatch. The UK has U-turned on immigration compared with 13 years ago, according to a study by King’s College London. In 2009 75 per cent of Britons born before 1945 felt employers should prioritise native-born workers now 38 per cent do. (FT) – they don’t tell us what percentage think employers ought to actually prioritise foreign-born workers. That may not be a negligible figure given our rapidly changing demographics. People tend to wish to look after their own.
So that’s all ok then. I’ll have to break off there. I’ve got to pop out to the shops.
Asiseeit – the freebee metro – aimed at kidults far younger than me – has – I believe got a lot thinner than when it started . I’m not sure whether this matters much as I only occasionally use public transport and am no longer attracted by the risk of using the ‘discounted ‘ McDonald’s tokens they used to pump out …..
I think my mackee dee days are gone as I recall previous visits where I found the danger outweighed the desire for junk food . That danger is now enhanced by third world scooter killers waiting for their next ‘mission ‘….
8am BBC Radio Humberside newsPR about the plan to ban dinghy divers from asylum process
“some charities say that it goes against international rules about human rights
that people have a right to safety if they are escaping violence or danger”
… Doh France IS safe.
#2 “some charities”
The news item fails to name the charities
.. therefore it’s misleading
Same applies for the headline about farmers
The item is probably PRasNews for a charity, so that headline should name the charity.
The phrasing is similar to the way school bullies speak to amplify their claims
eg “PEOPLE say you smell” “EVERYONE says you smell”
With backers like these…
As with TMI, the DU’h, etc, it’s almost like idiot lefties want their idiot lefty propaganda service to only tell them what they want to hear.
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BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
I am constantly amazed by the way in which Islam is indulged in this country.
Imagine that 21 st century overwhelmingly secular Britain was being invaded by hundreds of thousands fundamentalist intolerant Christians each year. These invaders deemed that anyone who didn’t attended their church wasn’t a fully functioning human being. If you scuffed a copy of the Bible you were fair game for severe physical punishment . The male invaders felt it was their right to molest and rape young women not of their sect.
The list goes on and on . But our various governments over the past thirty years had told us that the fundamentalist Christians must be protected and were more sinned against than sinned and that we must learn to accommodate these zealots anyone who protested was punished.
Do you think that we would have have meekly accepted this?
Important news in bBC luvey land
Eurovision 2023: When is it and how do you get tickets?
Only upto £380 per ticket
Surely there is actually some news, instead of this crap
PS please have a rethink about staging it in Ukraine – hopefully there would be a power cut!
For the sake of absolute clarity.
Some do-goody two shoes charities want unlimited ‘asylum seekers’ to be welcomed because they, the do-gooders, are well-meaning if muddle-headed liberals.
The Far Left want unlimited asylum seekers in order to put such a heavy weight on the market economy that it will fail and/ or the resulting lack of expenditure on ordinary public services will foment public discord.
And then out of the ashes of the failed market economy, Marxism will find a new home.
That, my friends, is the deal.
It’s now started on bbc, air pollution. As an aside they mention the good old wood burner when talking about pollution in the air.Not once not twice but thrice. It’s brain washing by the state broadcaster.where is the proof that wood burners pollute to the extent they have to be banned. Air quality in the country is the best it’s ever been according to some sources.(see what I did there).
Even now in some back streets in Manchester you can find an old building which has not been cleaned. It will be black with soot. In the 1960s every building was black. That was air pollution. Air so full of soot the buildings were black.
I defy anyone to say that we have serious air pollution now compared to then. Snowflake morons like “Mayor Burnham” are using bogus air pollution fear to create an anti car lockdown and 15 minute cities, in other words, keep the serfs confined to their neighbourhoods. He can stick it.
Speaking of media affronts to democracy;
Ofcom Broadcast and on Demand Bulletin issue 469 reports on the outcomes of investigations into the programmes and broadcasters below:
Notes to broadcasters:
Diversity in Broadcasting
Election Programming
Broadcast Standards:
In Breach
Mark Steyn, GB News, 21 April 2022
Drive Time with James Levett, WCR FM, 9 November 2022
Fairness & Privacy:
Panorama – Pandora Papers: Political Donors Exposed, BBC 1, 4 October 2021
GB News broke broadcasting rules, Ofcom says, by ‘presenting a materially misleading interpretation’ of official Covid data on the Mark Steyn show.
Ofcom has found the Mark Steyn programme, which aired on GB News on 21 April 2022, in breach of our broadcasting rules.
GB News argued to Ofcom that if the offending edition of Mark Steyn’s show “was guilty of anything, it was nothing more than a rather forceful tone”
Someone said Jamie Jenkins appeared on the prog that day or another and corrected Steyn
“There is one other Ofcom investigation on his show still ongoing.”
@DrMatthewSweet gloats about the GBnews error in his tweet which as it happens contains a spelling error
Was he keen to gloat ?
He managed to tweet the Ofcom link, 2 minutes BEFORE they had tweeted it themselves
… https://twitter.com/DrMatthewSweet/status/1632691136799158272
Ofcom said the faolse claim was
“The programme incorrectly claimed that official UKHSA data provided definitive evidence of a causal link between receiving a third #Covid19 vaccine and higher infection, hospitalisation and death rates.”
Some PR professionals with a troupe of sock puppets?
Still dont get this sweet thing . What qualification has he to criticise anyone about covid ? He is not a medic . Just a BBBbc employee who does a music show on R3
So the most likely is that he has been bought by big pharma. I suppose he d be quite cheap
“Ofcom” is not an anonymous monolith that ejects adjudications on granite tablets – it’s made of people…
here are some:
Dear Winston Smith of the BBC Historical Corrections Department,
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Dickie – thank you for the link . In interesting read . However it makes dangerous assumptions – such as the claim that we live in a democracy . I don’t accept that .
It doesn’t highlight the benefit of the Oakeshott revelations – that we see – unfiltered – ministerial / spad attitudes – something which the public inquiry would filter out and sanitise .
And what Oakeshott does is to start the evaluation of what was done to us and whether it was right .
But the article does skirt around the danger of having the wrong – inadequate – people in charge . Johnson and Hancock were the ideal politicians NOT to be in charge in a pandemic .
We needed people who could do detail and reason and realise the real consequences of their unquestioned decisions – both short and long term .
I really hope they are wiped away – like soiled toilet paper
In my opinion Isabel Oakeshott is being used as a “Useful Idiot”. Articles by statisticians and on conservativewoman.co.uk confirm this assumption.
The evidence for this is mounting up. First, the most important is the continued censorship of the half million mRNA jab injured and dead. Next is the need to hide the midazolam “Mass Murder” revealed in the disappeared & censored 3 April to 30 April 2020 “Mass Murder” version of the NICE rapid guideline NG163 which can be obtained from John Dee: https://jdee.substack.com/p/the-iatrogenesis-hypothesis
In a comment in the previous thread top science write and member of the House of Lords Matt Ridley explained how in 2022 BBC Complaints dept had thrown his legitimate complaint in the bin
They couldn’t find it !!!!
I went to Twitter searched on “live mammals sold at the market”
and could quickly spot a contemporary tweet where people called out the BBCnews disinformation
with screenshots of the BBC false claim
and of the actual report that said ‘No live mammals sold at the market were found to have Covid’
At the very least someone took the text and accidentally dropped the word “NO”
There must be hundreds of organisations doing the immigrant/refugee/etc thing.
Each one must be getting £millions from all the do gooders/virtue signallers and other charities so in reality they must have a vast combined wealth.
Why don’t they buy an Island or a part of a Country with all this wealth.
They could then have the safe place that all these people fleeing murderous persecution (in France for example) could relocate to where they will not be slaughtered.
The do gooders may want to rule this new Country as their Utopia where everything is brilliant in a melting pot of grateful beings. Full of Doctors, Engineers, Rocket Scientists and all the others we are told who really want to work, they will quickly become a wonderful rich land of plenty. After all, each one that comes here pays more in than he takes out so the model can’t fail.
Instead of these Doctors cramming onto a rubber dinghy and crossing the Med/Channel I bet most places would assist this cream of humanity to go to their new Jerusalem.
What’s not to like.
We could be naughty and give them Crimea.
Ascension Island is still my favourite.
On the basis the BBC broadcasters lurk
there you go peeps
key talent
The “investigation” is based on disgruntled (ex)-employees who by their own admission were in charge of the old Twitter’s censorship regime lol.
Not exactly the heights of credibility
Same vibe as all the articles back in November quoting all those (ex) Twitter engineers saying Twitter was about to collapse,
and then everything was completely fine (no, actually got better).
Another weird thing is the article making a big deal out of Elon having bodyguards with him.
I mean, ofcourse he does?
He’s literally one of the most famous and controversial people on the planet.
Ofcourse he needs security at all times.
Why is that even worth noting?
There’s an article from Steyn
Mark intends to appeal this and get it before a real court.
~Steyn continues to convalesce from his brace of heart attacks, but, after a weekend back in his iron lung, he will return tonight
He includes a video of a doctor saying the jab is 100% effective
a false claim that Ofcom seems to say is OK
Here’s a bit from his new Twitter thread
Ofcom double standard spotted
when an ITV show made an error and corrected it the next day Ofcom said that was OK
“And when complaints were made about Dr Hilary Jones they were happy to make reference to another show.”
Jamie points out that Steyn started his next show by bringing on Jamie to correct the previous shows assertions
.. https://twitter.com/statsjamie/status/1632729383340318722
Direct link and screen shot to show Jamie addressed the claim at the start of the very next show
… https://youtu.be/-HXoPJ7JD6Y?t=451
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.
Nice to hear how many Billy Goat chips that Hancock has been injecting into people:
Q the blue screen of ‘deth’
I don’t know why people assume such screenshots are real
instead of assuming they are fake until proper sources are provided
In other fuller screenshots of that conversation people’s names have a job title next to them
and some tweeters say that doesn’t happen in WhatsApp conversations
It does look like a poor taste joke anyway.
The Daily believes the conversation is real
cos it quotes the words used
but doesn’t use a screenshot
It’s amazing how much difference a vowel could have made. Our unelected PM is quoted on the bbc thus :-
“Make no mistake, if you come here illegally, you will not be able to stay.”
If he had said “If you CAME”, he may have got my vote.
When I see convoys of Army coaches, with grilles on the windows, pull up outside any hotel they choose, march a couple of hundred of these (Insert pronoun of choice here) on board, while phones for a mile around are being jammed, then I’ll believe something is being done. Meantime, I imagine that any claiming asylum (Estimates 100%) won’t be classed as illegal and will be exempted from any sort of action.
R5 now on the Marianna/Panorama/Twitter thing, with a woman from the International Centre for Journalists worried in a very BBC way about social media companies “abrogation of responsibility to focus on human rights…”
Reporting has degraded so far into pure activism that you can assume the journalism industry now accepts this needs to be front and centre in social media going forward. Anyway Musk’s purchase of Twitter seems to be reviving 6th-form sociologist’s job prospects, and human rights angels after a few years absence, when we were all told to stay at home and get injected with experimental biotech and no one gave a stuff. Naturally Nihal ponders whether government regulation may be the only way to rein in these new media gangsters who are just letting people chat about things that the BBC are too stupid to understand.
ICJ is an organisation whose funders are a who’s who of the usual corporate and governmental players i.e. Meta, Google, Microsoft, the WHO and the UN, CNN, NYT, WaPo etc.
P.S. Here’s the ICJ spokeswomxn profile for JohnC… I know he likes to check these things out: https://www.icfj.org/about/profiles/julie-posetti-phd
Money Diary: ‘My DJ gigs bring in £3,000 a month’
God how boring, £5 here, £10 there, sneezed on Tuesday – so what!
Wasn’t sure how this would turn out, but it gives an insight into the twisted hate filled minds of the Left in Britain today
Just wait until they start home invasions.
More R5; interviewing the author of the book “Culture: A new world history”
First question: “Why do you believe it’s problematic to think of culture as something that you own, that is solely ‘yours’…”
Pure agenda.
For anyone interested:
Bill Gates recently resigned from the board of Microsoft to focus full time on philanthropy. It’s a perfect time to remember: billionaire-funded philanthropy is a public-relations scam.
Champion non-troll Marianna Spring
sent off 13 PERSONALISED tweets in 2.5 minutes
All to blue tick journalists thanking them for their support
credible #BiasedBBC
I accidentally duplicated the Adam one
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Omg Please stop picking on Marianna – she is so lovely – why can’t more girls be like her? I’ve added the new picture to my springer scrapbook . Everything she does and sez is so fab . I wish I was ‘m’ …..
Hell of a thing that an air head who puts so much energy into self promotion can be ‘advanced’ …. Guess that makes me a mysogenist – better add it to the far right and racist badge … I think I’ve got the set now …
All she has managed to do is highlight the bubble they inhabit, and how industry award merry go rounds operate.
Girls’ Education Skills Partnership (GESP) – Challenge Fund Request for Proposals
Aims to boost girls’ access to education and address the skills deficit in adolescent girls in developing countries. Call for innovative ideas to address this problem and support transitions to employment.
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
29 June 2022
Last updated
9 January 2023 — See all updates
Bangladesh, Nigeria
Bangladesh, Nigeria
Bangladesh, Nigeria
Bangladesh, Nigeria
Do these developing countries by any chance have any common…ahem….religious characteristics?
They are all developing into Wankanda!
Disasters Emergency Committee
UK Aid Match has increased the impact of a number of the Disasters Emergency Committee’s (DEC’s) recent appeals, helping to provide immediate support to countries facing large-scale humanitarian disasters.
Most recently, this has included delivering life-saving aid to people affected by the devastating floods in Pakistan, and to people needing help due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and deteriorating humanitarian situation in Afghanistan.
At times of crisis overseas, the DEC brings together 15 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently. By pooling resources to work as one, DEC is pivotal in co-ordinating the UK public’s response to these crises. It helps to save, protect and rebuild the lives of people facing life-and-death situations through effective humanitarian response.
DEC appeals which the UK Government has supported though UK Aid Match:
Crisis UK Aid Match Total raised including UK Aid Match
2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal £5 million active
2022 Pakistan Floods Appeal £5 million active
2022 Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal £25 million active
2021 Afghanistan Crisis Appeal £10 million £50 million
2020 Coronavirus Appeal £10 million £62 million
2019 Cyclone Idai Appeal £4 million £43 million
2018 Indonesia Tsunami Appeal £2 million £29 million
2017 Rohingya Crisis Appeal £5 million £30 million
2017 East Africa Crisis Appeal £10 million £66 million
2017 Yemen Crisis Appeal £5 million £30 million
2015 Nepal Earthquake Appeal £5 million £87 million
2014 Ebola Crisis Appeal £5 million £37 million
2014 Gaza Crisis Appeal £2 million £19 million
2013 Philippines Typhoon Appeal £5 million £96 million
As vegetarians are one of the favoured groups I wonder what will happen when they add ground up insects to our everyday foods.
They will not be putting any warning labels on the packing and when the ingredients are listed the insect dust will be described as some number which will mean nothing to people.
They are hiding the ingredient behind some code number.
Will vegetarians be able to sue anyone serving them food with this stuff in it?
“Waiter there’s a fly in my soup” used to be the basis of a joke but now it’s on the menu.
Which side will our impartial msm take, vegetarians or big business.
They will, of course, try to hide from us the E-number code for ground-up cockroaches. Fortunately, the vegetarians and vegans will be onto them and it’ll be all over social media faster than flies to you-know-what.
Meanwhile, we can expect a huge softening-up campaign from the globalists and the BBC, with ‘fun’ articles and programmes on the health and environmental benefits of various bugs, with titles like “It’s no different from eating shrimps/mussels/cockles etc”.
You all know that there’s a huge number of ‘mistakes’ made on the msm news and various platforms.
They make these ‘mistakes’ and then later on, when everybody has heard and it has become common knowledge we get some kind of minor announcement or a tiny correction on page z.
The curious thing about all these mistakes is that they all go only one way. They all suit the lefty agenda. I can’t think of one bbbc ‘mistake’ that has benefitted the right in the way that all their ‘mistakes’ benefit the left.
You would think these things would even themselves out but I suppose that’s only if they are genuine ‘mistakes’.
BBC doing its best to down play Sue Gray story.
Im no fan of Boris Johnson but i for one have to say the whole Sue Gray appointment stinks..
It adds fuel to the fire when her son is pounding the streets of Uxbridge (Johnsons Constituency) boasting that Sue Gray is his mum and what a brilliant job she did..Mmmm!!
Photographs are now appearing on the internet of Sue Grays son with Starmer as early as 2020…
If it was the Tories who had offered her the job it would be wall to wall coverage on the MSM, wall to wall coverage on the BBC and left wing rags.
The BBC are trying there best to play down the story.
Starmer has questions to answer but sadly the establishment will protect him and in particular the BBC
Labour must be worried because Rayner in Parlientment has just down played it as a conspiricy..
Lets see if Starmer turns up for PMQ’s Wednesday or will he come up with an excuse
The BBC are inept, they should be showing the Sue Gray story as a prime example of Tory incompetence, of how they came to allow someone they knew or should have known was a massive Labour party activist to oversee an enquirey into their leader.
Thanks to Tory party incompetence the civil service weeds out conservatives in its ranks and prevents them from reaching more senior ranks, hence ALL senior civil servants should have been regarded as hostile.
The dim wits constantly fail to do this though
The BBC, the world leader of the “Trusted News Initiative”, a propaganda and censorship initiative, to make everyone trust the news.
The BBC, the most safe and effective source of Disinformation in the World.
Normal fact checking is useful thing.
but then libmob started Weaponised Fact Checking to bash POLITICAL opponents and push their own agendas.
SELECTIVE fact checking means libmob things get OMITTED from scrutiny.
Dopey Tories infighting over victim politics after the Stafford MP Theo Clarke was de-selected, and she is claiming “mysogeny” after she took 7 months maternity leave.
Of course the party will be only too willing to investigate these claims, it will of course be completely resitant to taking action against those who made the claims should they turn out to be wrongly, or even maliciously made.
That’s the problem, making complaints of being a victim are a free punch, with the real victim never able to clear their name nor to gain satisfaction, the complainant is free to keep making wrongful complaints as many times as they please without any come back.
Turns out said madam is in fact the niece of fellow utterly useless MP foggy Moggy, and so no surprise perhaps that one of those who did vote for her de-selection complained she had like her uncle done absolutely nothing for her constituency!
Other offices held in the past
Member, Committees on Arms Export Controls (5 Oct 2020 to 27 Nov 2022)
Member, Women and Equalities Committee (7 Sep 2020 to 29 Nov 2022)
Written Answers — Home Office: Asylum: Beaconside 27 Jun 2022
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if she will reconsider the Government’s proposal to relocate approximately 500 single male asylum seekers to Beaconside in Stafford.