Saturday’s BBC local new mainly consisted of an item quoting NGO Skills for Care saying there are not enough people in care work.
#1 The item never mentioned a lot of care workers left after VACCINES were made compulsory for staff
#2 The “news” prog was not doing news it was simply recycling material that had been used in Politics North prog in the morning
material the radio had already used.
You can see more on this story on BBC Politics North with a special programme focusing on adult social care on Sunday 5th March at 10am on BBC1.
Now ITV local NewsPR
PRasNews for charity saying they are doing great work making new housing in Hull out of formerly unsuitable property.
Hmm shortage of housing may be due to asylum seekers taking it.
This item made of point of showing a refugee working on their project.
Labour conference: Wrong to say that only women have a cervix, says Keir Starmer
MP Rosie Duffield staying away from Brighton gathering over online threats
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Sunday 26 September 2021 13:54
Ben Pile pointed out tonight’s Panorama is equating trolling with child exploitation.
but look how the word order works in Panorama/Mariana tweets
.. “no longer able to protect users from trolling, state-co-ordinated disinformation and child exploitation”
“Nudge Unit”
The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavi
Broke the "rules" or not, doesn't mean it cant be correct.
BBC immediately report something like this, but totally silent over Matt Hancock making up and "deploying" new variants of Covid to scare the population. Absolute shame of it.
Emphatic statements like “BBC are *totally silent* over Matt Hancock making up and “deploying” new variants of Covid to scare the population. ”
Are almost always some loudmouth talking BS
The BBC had indeed put up a story the day BEFORE Hausmann’s tweet
The BBC tried to ignore this horrific story of the UK’s Health Minister admitting his role was to create panic and hysteria.
@elonmusk’s purchase of Twitter meant this abuse of power got too much attention to ignore.
If it is the Springster then the bBBC has for once made a truthful statement. Seriously as previously alluded to her qualifications to expound on this topic are not worth the IPad they are scrawled on.
Thanks for putting that up , very interesting and it confirms what’s really going on in Ukraine…..obviously will never be seen on the glorious Biased BBC and MSM
Considering the magnitude of what is happening in Ukraine and how involved we are getting in it, I find it incredible that the BBC – the state broadcaster – and our own government have chosen to present extreme World War 2 style propaganda and not tell the British people the truth about what is really going on. We haven’t changed one bit since 1938. I said yesterday that the NATO statement was obviously made to squash any chance of the negotiations France and Turkey were talking about.
Even today the BBC stories read like Ukraine are winning and will hold on to Bahkmut. Tomorrow we will be told it has fallen – but they didn’t really want it anyway and the whole story will be immediately dropped and they will still be winning somewhere else.
And not a single mainstream media outlet in the Western world will question it. The more it goes on, the more it looks like it will end as Vietnam did : the ignorant masses will eventually work out what is going on and democracy will stop it. Unless they can get rid of democracy as well of course. Which they are most certainly trying to do.
It’s clear to me now that the USA are determined to defeat Russia no matter what the cost to Ukraine and Zelensky knows this full well. My guess is that they know they will lose if they have to take on a strong Russia and China combined in the future. I read somewhere that the USA considers war with China to be inevitable.
I like the comedian Zelensky less and less every time I see him.
'At one point, I was told I had an "unhealthy obsession" with Islamist extremist organisations.'
Charlotte Littlewood, former Government Counter Extremism Coordinator, joins Jacob Rees-Mogg to discuss whether the UK's Prevent strategy has lost its purpose.
Seems like Hancock offered to import French covid patients at the height of the Chinese virus . This shouldn’t be a surprise since the blue Labour Party has been importing thousands of third works detritus across the French Channel ….
“Where’s Our Black Bereavement Leave?”-Professor Argues for Paid Time Off Leave for Black Staff to Deal with ‘Fatigue’ and ‘Trauma’ from Systemic Racism
I caught the last minutes between an ex senior immigration officer and a dolly from Care For Calais Migrants .
The ex immigration officer said that the dolly’s organisation told the bogus migrants to destroy any identity documents.
This being the BBC, the last word was given to their favoured.
This is a bit of a myth the dolly retorted, these [bogus] refugees are fleeing war zones and tyrannical regimes and wouldn’t necessarily have documents.
Yes , but the question was , did the dolly’s “ charity “ tell one person, more than one person , all of them to destroy any identity documents.
The dolly swerved the question and the BBC allowed it .
Surprised that no one tuned in for tonight’s University Challenge! I came across it by accident, and then set my eyes on the resplendent, “Cullen”, from team Robert Gordon University.
Ah, the frocked-out wee cherub, he could have at least gone with a bigger hint of rose or cherry on the lip gloss.
BTW, they got gubbed in the end by Royal Holloway London.
Keeping their agenda to the fore, Mrs Loather tells me that Only Connect had a pop at Trump in one of their questions. At least they didn’t have that twat with the earrings on this week. Bless.
BIDEN: "I was diagnosed with having a — anyway — they had to take the top of my head off a couple times to see if I had a brain…"
Who are these terrorists who infiltrated a normal protest ?.
The BBC don’t tell us. Because they are far-left ‘Antifa’.
And they are not woolly ‘terror charges’ BBC, they are ‘domestic terrorism charges’. It seems you will not use this word against of your agenda items these days. Very obviously a directive from the top.
And we know the reason. What we call terrorists, you sympathise with and call ‘freedom fighters’.
Can we really be led to believe that the 150,000 illegals who are already here will be dealt with ‘retrospectively’ and refused ‘asylum’, (housing, money for clothes, all the food they can eat and free healthcare), then chucked back to their shitholes?
What a crass statement from bluelabour – the usual sort of crap to reach out to gullible pub bores and other idiots!
Like all this bunch of clowns’ stuff, it’ll never work, and they regularly seem to say something just for the press, get a few headlines, then move on to the next disaster!
You’d have thought that Surkeer would actually be able to understand the legals, after all, it was his ‘job’ once, but his response is just pathetic!
More like a desperate attempt to cling to power at the next election (by promising to do what people actually want) without any intention of really doing it.
A bit like every single thing Javid said when it was his job.
I reckon even the least informed voter have learnt by now that blue labour neither has the will or organisation to put in border controls .
It lives in perpetual fear of criticism and thinks by being on the left will save it . It won’t . Sadly I think it will take an even worse mess by red Labour to achieve anything like change in Blighty – with a lot of suffering along the way .
If only there was a convincing conservative alternative – but it’s not there yet .
The question for the next election is – apart from brexit – what did the blue Labour Party achieve before it’s extinction
Before its extinction, bluelabour achieved a hundred percent success in bringing diversity ‘managers’ into the civil service and NHS, to make sure that all the illegals had everything they could wish for when they cropped up in Kent and Sussex…
One issue they could make work for their voters, of which I used to be one, would be to make damn sure that Sue Gray doesn’t get the top sinecure at redlabour, by any means fair or foul.
It’s a disgrace that she was ‘leading’ the non-enquiry in the stupid partygate crap, and then gets invited to join the very mob who were coercing the BBC into getting at Boris’s throat at every turn!
Of course, they’re already waffling on with tiresome abandon about this, rather like they do about getting rid of the BBC, but of course, they’ll just eventually sigh and tell everyone they ‘tried’, but some little lawyer fresh from the illegals’ representative offices had told them it couldn’t be done, so they’ll roll over as usual!
No one forced the blue Labour to appoint her to the inquiry – and if those chose not to check her out properly then they can die with the consequences .
If the circumstances were reversed I think we’d being hearing the bbc – comrade Robinson – on the case every hour for weeks …..
Still – I don’t get the fuss because as long as red labour stay quiet they are ‘in’ next time …even if a muppet was chief of staff with Kermit as PM
We notice the press act in a predictably aghast manner over a couple of tales of political dirty dealing this morning.
The left-leaning ‘i’, the corporate freesheet Metro, the Labour-supporting Mirror, the BBC favourite Guardian and the comic Daily Star all feature their blond bete noire, Boris Johnson.
Proving perhaps the notion that it is quite OK to accuse your chosen enemy of having reached the very nadir of his villainy on a fairly regular basis… because there’s aways something worse he’ll do tomorrow which you’ll find you can shout louder about: Zoe Williams ‘I thought Johnson could sink no lower. I was wrong’ (Guardian)
What’s he done now?
The giveaway Metro puts us on track with their succinct: Arise Sir Dad
We’re rather familiar with the utopian egalitarian construction Our NHS… but Our honours system?
Our honours system has hit its nadir… (‘i’) – there you go… nadir
Guess who’s to blame – no qestion mark is offered in the ‘i’ newspaper opinion piece fronpage teaser by Simon Kelner because the left know their man. Clue: It’s not Trump this time.
But let’s consider who broke the British honours system – from the marvellously fair democratic thing that it once was? (Sarcasm of course).
Errr let’s see… Lloyd George? The Honours (Prevention of Abuses) Act 1925 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, that makes the sale of peerages or any other honours illegal. The act was passed by the Parliament in the wake of David Lloyd George’s 1922 cash-for-honours scandal. (Thank you, Wiki)
Harold Wilson? The Lavender List is a docudrama originally broadcast on BBC Four on 1 March 2006. It chronicles the events that led to the drafting of the so-called “Lavender List”, a satirical name given to Harold Wilson’s controversial 1976 resignation honours. (Thank you again, Wiki)
Tony Blair? In March 2006, several men nominated for life peerages by then Prime Minister Tony Blair were rejected by the House of Lords Appointments Commission. It was later revealed they had loaned large amounts of money to the governing Labour Party (And again, Wiki)
But with all the historic awareness of a cheap fairground goldfish in a bowl our simple Simon Kelner goes with the latest thing: A knighthood for Stanley Johnson? It’s the other 99 on Boris’s list that I feel sorry for. (Our Simon on Twitter)
When it come to modern Westminster questionable quid pro quos it is left to the Telegraph alone to uncover and to highlight one that had much further reaching effects on the rest of us: ‘Block funds for MPs who don’t toe line on lockdown’ Hancock plotted to take disability centre ‘off table’ after Red Wall Tory threatened to rebell (Telegraph) – What no disability centre? The left-leaning media ought to be all over that tomorrow. Let’s see if they are.
I’m angry but not aghast. Afterall, all the above dirty wheeling and dealing was basically the plot of every other episode of the TV show Yes Minister
Just what is your problem ?. Stanley Johnson has delivered huge service to Blighty – he deserves far more than a mere knighthood . Peerage ? More ?
It’s a coincidence that his son is a corrupt amoral lying incompetent ex prime minister of the UK . ( sir ) Stanley will, with his new honour , be an even greater asset to our country and in no way use the advantages of honours to further improve the growing wealth of his family – using the methods employed by his dolt of a son .
Scrap peerages , scrap knighthoods .
I’ve been looking forward to seeing the Johnson / truss honours lists and with a bit of luck will revolt good people …
Stanley Johnson says Greece visit is essential to ‘Covid-proof’ villa
This article is more than 2 years old
Boris Johnson has refused to criticise his father over trip to holiday home during lockdown
However, there are no rules in Greece compelling landlords to “Covid-proof” homes for letting. He rents the property for £2,100 a week during peak season.
Interviewed by Greek media outside the mountain villa in Pelion overlooking the Aegean sea on Saturday, Johnson senior said: “I don’t know what the reaction of the British public [is]. I’ve been, you know, not particularly … I came here to have a quiet time, to organise the house, so I’m not 100% up to speed.”
I’m so excited . And I just can’t hide it . It’s only 67 days to the Eurovision Song Contest ( ESC) . Omg tickets go on sale today ! It’s in Liverpool ! Omg ! – the world capital of victimhood blame and benefits . Omg !
The BBC sees the ESC has a sort of redoubt against brexit as well as a regular ( or irregular ) queer fest . The days of terry wogan or that old Scots dj the BBC fired last week are long gone . Now there’ll be full time professional queer ‘hosting ‘. All will be agog …. Omg ….
Do you notice how – if the BBC approves of some 3rd rate crap – it hugely supports it – girly crap footy – ESC – green crap – EU – Islam – queers/ trannies – all get the full tick box . Outside their approved world ? You don’t exist . Please don’t pay for all of this .
I suppose if I listen to it on my ageing ‘Dansette’ wireless set, I’ll be accused of transphobia…
Luckily, I haven’t seen or heard any of the trash they squeal for forty odd years, as I normally enjoy proper music by ‘Yes’, Pink Floyd’ or ‘Genesis’!
I can’t somehow think that anything these chaps have ever done would have been on ESC, but ‘Arnold Layne’ might have made the cut…
and from ‘Supper’s ready’ (Genesis), this line might qualify…
“There’s Winston Churchill dressed in drag
He used to be a British flag, plastic bag, what a drag”.
Where’s Zephir when you need him, he’ll have loads more!
I just saw this on the BBC News at One. The BBC actually has a dedicated Eurovision Reporter to consult! Of course they do.
His name’s Daniel Rosney and he looks like an Adam Lambert wannabe.
(Adam Lambert, the Freddie wannabe who sometimes sings with Queen.)
"Our government is putting the survival of the fossil fuel industry above the survival of all life on earth." @GeorgeMonbiot They are not following the science of our survival – whether it is Britain, US, Canada _____ insert country
There seems to be a drive to campaign about the dead party people . 5 adults in a car crash – seemingly without the involvement of anyone else … let’s play the blame game … public inquiry – lessons to be learnt ? …
I have always liked this little public information film from times have changed and I’m not talking about our driving habits.
I’m sure I saw a young Jeremy Whine, sorry VIne, at 1:22.. learning to ride a ???
Comrade Robinson going full on against a Tory Mp called Jake Bury . Mr bury made the mistake of criticising Matthew ‘matt’ Hancock over the leaked threat to withhold funding for a disabled children’s ‘ centre in Bury ?
Obviously the leak show the evil of Hancock . I’m surprised he didn’t suggest withholding oxygen supplies to covid patients if he didn’t like the hospital ….
Anyway Comrade Robinson for some reason I don’t get – took the side of the evil Hancock in going at mr bury – who thankfully held his corner but sadly didn’t punch out Robinson and bust his nose ….
STARTS The Skewer is a cutting-edge Saturday night comedy programme on the BBC’s flagship radio channel, Radio 4, “designed to be heard through headphones”. In its short life, it has already won or been shortlisted for 23 awards.
I had naturally avoided it, therefore. But on Sunday a friend who had listened to the previous night’s effort persuaded me to do the same. The programme is deliberately hard to follow because it mixes fantastical, slightly nasty quotations (“newspapers reported a laughing Princess of Wales beating 480 children”, the last image of the late Queen has been made “with a fuel made from old cooking oil and takeaway coffee cups”) and weird noises with actual news items. It uses words thought to appeal to the missing young listeners, such as “f—” and “s—”.
This week’s menu included a dig at Brexit, Sir Keir Starmer as a robot and Boris Johnson as the Cocaine Bear. It was mostly a fairly routine BBC satire of the sort often described as “surreal” to get round bias guidelines.
At 9.45 minutes in, with more than six minutes to fill, however, the programme intoned “What do you call a corrupt far-Right government?” Different voices then attacked PPE contracts, Nadhim Zahawi’s tax affairs and Matt Hancock’s care home decisions.
The question “What do you call a corrupt far-Right Government?” was asked five times more, punctuated by answers all of which cited the present administration. Using the programme’s own way of putting the issues, these included bans on strikes, bans on protests, attempts to “suppress the right to vote”, removing legislative powers from Parliament, and a government for the rich run by the “richest PM in this country’s history”. The main voice supporting the thesis, extracted from a speech in the House of Lords was, I guessed (she was not named) the well-modulated voice of Baroness Chakrabarti (Labour).
Nothing in this long sequence was funny or even trying to be funny or even surreal. It was just what, in other contexts, might be called hate speech.
“Content may not be suitable for all,” it warns on the website. Is it suitable for the BBC? No impartiality, no diversity of outlook, no sense that this is 100 per cent paid for by licence-fee payers, at least half of whom were being insulted by its assumptions. Has the poor director-general, Tim Davie, committed to higher standards, managed to change anything at all?ENDS
Something is going on with Ukraine because the BBC are at fever pitch.
1,000 Ukranians are dying every day in barabaric fighting akin to world wars 1 and 2 and the BBC don’t even mention it. Yet they make this social media video of one soldier into the top world headline. There have been many murders by both sides but suddenly this one is propelled into the spotlight.
As they did the fake video of the guy getting killed with a sledgehammer.
It makes me nervous. Perhaps it is just to distract from the loss of Bahkmut after they have been telling us Ukraine is winning. Or perhaps there is about to be an escalation by the USA and we are being conditioned to hate the Russians even more before they tell us.
The video earlier had Zelensky telling people American sons and daughters will go there and die (the VAST majority being sons of course). It wouldn’t be the first time he’s blurted advanced information out in press conferences.
That story made me forget why I went to the BBC site in the first place.
It was just to check if there is a daily article as part of a whole series of articles relentlessly attacking another member of the government.
And yes, there it is: Hancock still on the grill.
But in their frenzy to write it, we have the main headline as ‘Texts show Hancock backed funding threat to Tory MP’ (whatever that means) then the actual article is headlined ‘Hancock backed pressuring MP into voting for lockdown, messages reveal’.
Here’s the BBC heavyweight behind it:
This tactic of replacing all the pale-and-stales with woke youngsters is really paying off. It’s like a fun 6th-form party for them all.
Given that “journalists” at the BBC operate in a very controlled environment – somebody’s told the lad what to write…
Me no have any sympathy for Handoncock or SAGE or Perfesser Pantsdown or any of them at the BBC who embraced and amplified the lies and hysteria – they all deserve to rot in hell.
Lord Nige interviewed Steve Bannon on his programme last night, and Bannon said much the same and that to avoid it, Zelensky had to engage in peace talks. Only ‘American Thinker’ seems to report on the unease in the US about the continuing arms support from the US/West and how it could so easily lead to WWIII.
Peter – but surely unless zelenski gives putin everything he wants putin isn’t going to talk ? Putin thinks he can play the long game and just bleed Ukraine dry in a year or two
Any internal resistance to putin gru will just fall out of a 7th floor window …
The government can promise anything it wants on things like sending the channel crossers home safe in the knowledge that the human rights lot and the courts will stop it from actually happening.
It can also say that this ‘new’ Irish Brexit deal is a really good improvement when the truth is the eu have exactly the same power on how NI is being handled as before this ‘new deal’
The eu still rule in NI.
They let us think that they’ve made concessions but they still have control.
It should be thrown out.
I wanted fully out and not what ‘our’ politicians have done to us.
EG it’s a pretty poor holding position for blue labour to be able to claim Something Is Being done when they know full well it will be struck down either by UK courts in say 2025 or ECHR courts in 2026.
Meanwhile they’ll all be under 18 and will just keep coming . The state will suppress anyone recording what is going on …
Ungrateful mom thanks the people for searching for 2 days, and why the police at fault for the accident – another where there’s a blame there’s a claim brought to you by the bBC
Intentionally raised a few eyebrows earlier: Lidl – All male garments on display showed a black male, ‘model’. A Lidl employee was stacking shelves nearby and I said to her, “Shame that items originally destined for your Lagos store got inadvertently delivered here” I had to explain and then suffer the silent opprobrium. The anti-British/White army gets bigger by the day.
Where is this cold weather the met forecast? Expected to wake this morning to a coating of snow. This snap was expected last Saturday and it is being put back a day, every day. I do hope there’s a Isobel in the loop somewhere that could ‘do a number’ on The Global Weather catastrophe…………….
True story – Had breakfast in a small independent cafe in Edinburgh. Super clean, efficient, and a superb Avocado & Poached eggs over sourdough bread. Coffee excellent too. Felt good supporting a small independent.
That lasted about 10 seconds when I went to pay, as they were card only. The young lad made apologies when presenting the card reader, and the machine had the option to leave 10%, 15% or 20% tip. I asked if I tipped this way rather than cash, was he taxed on it?
His answer was ‘yes – it’s much better that way’
He couldn’t answer why it was better.
Brainwashed, dyed hair, pierced face guy. Nice guy, but when did the rebels become the establishment?
“Home Secretary Suella Braverman is announcing new legislation in Parliament to try to stop people crossing the Channel on small boats”
Message to Blue Labour – the only way to stop the Invasion is by Force!
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
Its the never ending phrase of “making this dangerous crossing and risking lives” – well, am I bovvered ? er, no. They could all drown as far as I’m concerned. Much is also made of kids in the boats, but exactly how many do we see ? hardly any, yet according to the bleeding hearts there are boat loads of them.
Continually being discussed is “having talks with France” – are they idiots ? because the French certainly aren’t, they’ve got their heads screwed on – who would want a shit load of Somalians on their doorstep if they can be shipped out across the Channel.
The hotels should be emptied, and the occupants put in tent cities on disused army/air force bases where they are fenced in and guarded until they can be processed.
And don’t get me started on that prat from the SNP who said in the House that there aren’t any asylum seekers – Jesus what goes on in the mind of these people.
He’s (?) right. They’re not asylum seekers. They’re scrounging bastards on the lookout for an easy life at somebody else’s expense and we’re the soft touch that lets them have it.
Laugh with Kamala. If anything happens to Joe, she could be leader of what remains of the free world.
KAMALA HARRIS: “I went home one day and I said, ‘Why are conservatives bad, Mommy?’ because I thought we were supposed to conserve! Ha ha ha! I couldn’t reconcile it. Now I can! Ha ha ha.”
I understand you are unhappy with a tweet made by Gary Lineker on his Twitter account.
While I appreciate your concern, I would explain that the account in question is Gary’s personal Twitter account, and BBC Guidelines do not prohibit non-news presenters from expressing their views.
Please rest assured your complaint as been forwarded onto senior management on our audience feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback within the BBC and help inform both current and future output.
Once again, many thanks for taking the time to get in touch.
Kind regards
Janine McMeekin
BBC Complaints Team
. . . .
Complaint Summary: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker
Full Complaint: What are you going to do regards Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker breaking your BBC guidelines …
“Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing by their women today. #Repealthe8th”
@GaryLineker 22may2018″
News and Current Affairs, Global News, News Staff in the Nations 15.4.9 {bbc editorialguidelines jul2017} “BBC News and Current Affairs staff, and correspondents and freelances primarily known as BBC news presenters or reporters should not normally write regular columns for non-BBC websites or external publications which are not published by or for the BBC.(Twitter is quite regular) … In particular, they should not write a regular column which deals with: news, current affairs, politics or current world affairs economics, business or finance matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy media issues moral or ethical issues or religion. …” “should not write a regular column which deals with…moral or ethical issues” – “do the right thing”.
Isn’t it strange that the UK gets all the Albanians who qualify as asylum seekers (our civil servants are passing tens of thousands of them) yet everywhere else in the World have yet to grant asylum to even one Albanian.
What are the chances of that.
By the way, it’s marvellous weather here in Sunderland at the moment. Bright sunshine and fresh but not cold. Quarter past two on Tuesday afternoon during this weather warning beast from the east mk. 2.
Excellent news – coal fired power stations being fired up to meet demand for juice . Burn baby burn – maybe they can cut down some money trees to feed them ….
Lol, I think it’s quite sweet and I actually like her. At the end of the article it lists other role models…the creator of the Covid 19 vaccine!! Does that doll come with a defibrillator?
Yeah, covering every bit of your body except the face – that’s really woman empowering. Like all religions, get’em as a child and you have them for life.
Anjem Choudary calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
Hate preacher said Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban was a ‘wake-up call’ for Muslims everywhere to ‘end the occupation of foreign forces’
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
““Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. ” – Theresa May 2015
Stew stew please leave darling Mariana alone …but I think she’d happily sign off on disposing of those not on her approve list . She’d do it for the best possible reason of course – as usual – as has been done in the past ….
Labor unions vowed to bring France “to a standstill” in protest of President Emmanuel Macron’s plans to raise the legal age of retirement to 64 from 62. Travel, schools and services were expected to be disrupted by nationwide strikes for a sixth time.
Someone with the integrity, professionalism & impartiality of Sue Gray is just what Britain needs after 13 years of debasement in standards in public life under the Conservatives. My Commons question today
Openly gay minister Ben Bradshaw is the latest Labour MP to have his expenses exposed in the Daily Telegraph. He claimed for the full mortgage of a home he only half owned while the former Equality Minister, Barbara Follet claimed £25,000 for “security patrols”.
Funny how a 20 something British ( foreign ) state employee can see herself on a level with Elon Musk – who – if the BBC was advertised for sale – could probably do it with his own cash ….and some …
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Saturday’s BBC local new mainly consisted of an item quoting NGO Skills for Care saying there are not enough people in care work.
#1 The item never mentioned a lot of care workers left after VACCINES were made compulsory for staff
#2 The “news” prog was not doing news it was simply recycling material that had been used in Politics North prog in the morning
material the radio had already used.
Now ITV local NewsPR
PRasNews for charity saying they are doing great work making new housing in Hull out of formerly unsuitable property.
Hmm shortage of housing may be due to asylum seekers taking it.
This item made of point of showing a refugee working on their project.
Often it is hard to know where the outrageous starts…
And does not stop….
Says the man who was Knighted for failing to prosecute the Pakistani Islamic rape gangs.
Labour conference: Wrong to say that only women have a cervix, says Keir Starmer
MP Rosie Duffield staying away from Brighton gathering over online threats
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Sunday 26 September 2021 13:54
Ben Pile pointed out tonight’s Panorama is equating trolling with child exploitation.
but look how the word order works in Panorama/Mariana tweets
.. “no longer able to protect users from trolling, state-co-ordinated disinformation and child exploitation”
Why put “trolling” first ?
“Nudge Unit”
The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavi
11 MAR 2020
The state of the state.
Emphatic statements like “BBC are *totally silent* over Matt Hancock making up and “deploying” new variants of Covid to scare the population. ”
Are almost always some loudmouth talking BS
The BBC had indeed put up a story the day BEFORE Hausmann’s tweet
You’ve doubtless seen this today. But just in case you haven’t, here is a story with a delicious outcome.
Short version of video in this Telegraph story:-
Or here:-
And the longer version – full interview – when he reveals himself in all his poisonous arrogant glory, trying to compare apples with oranges.
In fairness to him, he does at least own up straight away. But what else could he do?
Although politicians usually find a way, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
In a final irony, found this on his own website just now:-
BBC1 Panorama tonight. “Elon Musk’s Twitter Storm”
It carries the warning…..” Contains some scenes which some viewers might find upsetting”
I wonder if the upset viewers will be the lefty/woke types who’ve previously had the run of the Twitter platform.
If it is the Springster then the bBBC has for once made a truthful statement. Seriously as previously alluded to her qualifications to expound on this topic are not worth the IPad they are scrawled on.
Col Douglas MacGregor interview ref Ukraine:
Thanks for putting that up , very interesting and it confirms what’s really going on in Ukraine…..obviously will never be seen on the glorious Biased BBC and MSM
Considering the magnitude of what is happening in Ukraine and how involved we are getting in it, I find it incredible that the BBC – the state broadcaster – and our own government have chosen to present extreme World War 2 style propaganda and not tell the British people the truth about what is really going on. We haven’t changed one bit since 1938. I said yesterday that the NATO statement was obviously made to squash any chance of the negotiations France and Turkey were talking about.
Even today the BBC stories read like Ukraine are winning and will hold on to Bahkmut. Tomorrow we will be told it has fallen – but they didn’t really want it anyway and the whole story will be immediately dropped and they will still be winning somewhere else.
And not a single mainstream media outlet in the Western world will question it. The more it goes on, the more it looks like it will end as Vietnam did : the ignorant masses will eventually work out what is going on and democracy will stop it. Unless they can get rid of democracy as well of course. Which they are most certainly trying to do.
It’s clear to me now that the USA are determined to defeat Russia no matter what the cost to Ukraine and Zelensky knows this full well. My guess is that they know they will lose if they have to take on a strong Russia and China combined in the future. I read somewhere that the USA considers war with China to be inevitable.
I like the comedian Zelensky less and less every time I see him.
There was a fear of tackling Islamist terrorism
One of the strategies is to get Muslims into the State – probably running the prevent strategy and seeing who is on the watch list ….. …
By coincidence this ad for popped up for me today. Who has the obsession… Charlotte or the civil service HR dept?
I very much doubt that there was any resistance from the general public into investigating Islamic terrorism.
Seems like Hancock offered to import French covid patients at the height of the Chinese virus . This shouldn’t be a surprise since the blue Labour Party has been importing thousands of third works detritus across the French Channel ….
Hey an advert for NMN – won’t be watching this character £ again …. Shame
( this comment was bought to you by Fedup ©️Ltd – for all your sell out comments )
Britain demands ROME PAYS UP ….
Gladiator fights were once staged in Roman-occupied Britain, new research suggests.
Radio 4 PM programme.
I caught the last minutes between an ex senior immigration officer and a dolly from Care For Calais Migrants .
The ex immigration officer said that the dolly’s organisation told the bogus migrants to destroy any identity documents.
This being the BBC, the last word was given to their favoured.
This is a bit of a myth the dolly retorted, these [bogus] refugees are fleeing war zones and tyrannical regimes and wouldn’t necessarily have documents.
Yes , but the question was , did the dolly’s “ charity “ tell one person, more than one person , all of them to destroy any identity documents.
The dolly swerved the question and the BBC allowed it .
Surprised that no one tuned in for tonight’s University Challenge! I came across it by accident, and then set my eyes on the resplendent, “Cullen”, from team Robert Gordon University.
Ah, the frocked-out wee cherub, he could have at least gone with a bigger hint of rose or cherry on the lip gloss.
BTW, they got gubbed in the end by Royal Holloway London.
“Go woke, play like Stoke”?
Hey is royal Holloway still all girls? Or is it more complicated now ?
They were mixed, but I guess we’re not allowed to use that term anymore.
Keeping their agenda to the fore, Mrs Loather tells me that Only Connect had a pop at Trump in one of their questions. At least they didn’t have that twat with the earrings on this week. Bless.
The final is next week and that narcissistic prick will be on then. Suspect it is rigged for that wankers team to win it. Gets woker by the week.
He’s been trying!
No point looking for a conscience?
The man lies without any conscience whatsoever.
Search ‘Biden lies’ in google and you get a surprising amount of hits. Even from CNN:
Fact check: Biden makes false and misleading claims in economic speech
Search ‘Biden lies BBC’ and the only story you get is:
‘Biden accuses Trump of creating a web of lies’
Are the BBC (+their arse-cheek twin, The Guardian) the most left-wing partisan news outlets in the world ?. Discuss.
The REAL issue here though is that the BBC is funded by a compulsary tax on the public.
Did they find it?
whaddya reckon?
.. but of course severely over-representing black people in every facet of public life these days is perfectly OK.
It’s these extreme double-standards which sum up all these activists for me. Their opinions are worthless.
Tomo – all that and we don’t get the tape ! Ugh
Atlanta ‘Cop City’: Terror charges filed against 23 protesters
Who are these terrorists who infiltrated a normal protest ?.
The BBC don’t tell us. Because they are far-left ‘Antifa’.
And they are not woolly ‘terror charges’ BBC, they are ‘domestic terrorism charges’. It seems you will not use this word against of your agenda items these days. Very obviously a directive from the top.
And we know the reason. What we call terrorists, you sympathise with and call ‘freedom fighters’.
Home secretary to be given duty to remove people coming to UK illegally
“those arriving illegally”
Illegally? but we have RNLI ferry service together with border farce – bringing them here to UK shores!
So basically very little will change
Can we really be led to believe that the 150,000 illegals who are already here will be dealt with ‘retrospectively’ and refused ‘asylum’, (housing, money for clothes, all the food they can eat and free healthcare), then chucked back to their shitholes?
What a crass statement from bluelabour – the usual sort of crap to reach out to gullible pub bores and other idiots!
Like all this bunch of clowns’ stuff, it’ll never work, and they regularly seem to say something just for the press, get a few headlines, then move on to the next disaster!
You’d have thought that Surkeer would actually be able to understand the legals, after all, it was his ‘job’ once, but his response is just pathetic!
Hello Scroblene
150,000 known 🙁 scary, plus unknown
Hi Andy!
Apparently, it sometimes takes a week, just to deal with one single illegal!
It just ain’t going to happen I’m afraid!
More like a desperate attempt to cling to power at the next election (by promising to do what people actually want) without any intention of really doing it.
A bit like every single thing Javid said when it was his job.
Exactly, John!
Flirtation is ‘attention without intention’…
Like most of the stuff we’re led to believe by this lot!
Hello Scroblene
I reckon even the least informed voter have learnt by now that blue labour neither has the will or organisation to put in border controls .
It lives in perpetual fear of criticism and thinks by being on the left will save it . It won’t . Sadly I think it will take an even worse mess by red Labour to achieve anything like change in Blighty – with a lot of suffering along the way .
If only there was a convincing conservative alternative – but it’s not there yet .
The question for the next election is – apart from brexit – what did the blue Labour Party achieve before it’s extinction
Morning Fed,
Before its extinction, bluelabour achieved a hundred percent success in bringing diversity ‘managers’ into the civil service and NHS, to make sure that all the illegals had everything they could wish for when they cropped up in Kent and Sussex…
Apart from that – er – I can’t think of anything!
80 seat majority ….
I look forward to the list of achievements by blue labour – I don’t think it will take very long to read – indeed – any time at all …..
One issue they could make work for their voters, of which I used to be one, would be to make damn sure that Sue Gray doesn’t get the top sinecure at redlabour, by any means fair or foul.
It’s a disgrace that she was ‘leading’ the non-enquiry in the stupid partygate crap, and then gets invited to join the very mob who were coercing the BBC into getting at Boris’s throat at every turn!
Of course, they’re already waffling on with tiresome abandon about this, rather like they do about getting rid of the BBC, but of course, they’ll just eventually sigh and tell everyone they ‘tried’, but some little lawyer fresh from the illegals’ representative offices had told them it couldn’t be done, so they’ll roll over as usual!
No one forced the blue Labour to appoint her to the inquiry – and if those chose not to check her out properly then they can die with the consequences .
If the circumstances were reversed I think we’d being hearing the bbc – comrade Robinson – on the case every hour for weeks …..
Still – I don’t get the fuss because as long as red labour stay quiet they are ‘in’ next time …even if a muppet was chief of staff with Kermit as PM
Drag queens in schools, though I don’t remember it being a manifesto promise.
Net zero thinking.
The very nadir edition
We notice the press act in a predictably aghast manner over a couple of tales of political dirty dealing this morning.
The left-leaning ‘i’, the corporate freesheet Metro, the Labour-supporting Mirror, the BBC favourite Guardian and the comic Daily Star all feature their blond bete noire, Boris Johnson.
Proving perhaps the notion that it is quite OK to accuse your chosen enemy of having reached the very nadir of his villainy on a fairly regular basis… because there’s aways something worse he’ll do tomorrow which you’ll find you can shout louder about: Zoe Williams ‘I thought Johnson could sink no lower. I was wrong’ (Guardian)
What’s he done now?
The giveaway Metro puts us on track with their succinct: Arise Sir Dad
We’re rather familiar with the utopian egalitarian construction Our NHS… but Our honours system?
Our honours system has hit its nadir… (‘i’) – there you go… nadir
Guess who’s to blame – no qestion mark is offered in the ‘i’ newspaper opinion piece fronpage teaser by Simon Kelner because the left know their man. Clue: It’s not Trump this time.
But let’s consider who broke the British honours system – from the marvellously fair democratic thing that it once was? (Sarcasm of course).
Errr let’s see… Lloyd George? The Honours (Prevention of Abuses) Act 1925 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, that makes the sale of peerages or any other honours illegal. The act was passed by the Parliament in the wake of David Lloyd George’s 1922 cash-for-honours scandal. (Thank you, Wiki)
Harold Wilson? The Lavender List is a docudrama originally broadcast on BBC Four on 1 March 2006. It chronicles the events that led to the drafting of the so-called “Lavender List”, a satirical name given to Harold Wilson’s controversial 1976 resignation honours. (Thank you again, Wiki)
Tony Blair? In March 2006, several men nominated for life peerages by then Prime Minister Tony Blair were rejected by the House of Lords Appointments Commission. It was later revealed they had loaned large amounts of money to the governing Labour Party (And again, Wiki)
But with all the historic awareness of a cheap fairground goldfish in a bowl our simple Simon Kelner goes with the latest thing: A knighthood for Stanley Johnson? It’s the other 99 on Boris’s list that I feel sorry for. (Our Simon on Twitter)
When it come to modern Westminster questionable quid pro quos it is left to the Telegraph alone to uncover and to highlight one that had much further reaching effects on the rest of us: ‘Block funds for MPs who don’t toe line on lockdown’ Hancock plotted to take disability centre ‘off table’ after Red Wall Tory threatened to rebell (Telegraph) – What no disability centre? The left-leaning media ought to be all over that tomorrow. Let’s see if they are.
I’m angry but not aghast. Afterall, all the above dirty wheeling and dealing was basically the plot of every other episode of the TV show Yes Minister
Just what is your problem ?. Stanley Johnson has delivered huge service to Blighty – he deserves far more than a mere knighthood . Peerage ? More ?
It’s a coincidence that his son is a corrupt amoral lying incompetent ex prime minister of the UK . ( sir ) Stanley will, with his new honour , be an even greater asset to our country and in no way use the advantages of honours to further improve the growing wealth of his family – using the methods employed by his dolt of a son .
Scrap peerages , scrap knighthoods .
I’ve been looking forward to seeing the Johnson / truss honours lists and with a bit of luck will revolt good people …
Stanley Johnson says Greece visit is essential to ‘Covid-proof’ villa
This article is more than 2 years old
Boris Johnson has refused to criticise his father over trip to holiday home during lockdown
However, there are no rules in Greece compelling landlords to “Covid-proof” homes for letting. He rents the property for £2,100 a week during peak season.
Interviewed by Greek media outside the mountain villa in Pelion overlooking the Aegean sea on Saturday, Johnson senior said: “I don’t know what the reaction of the British public [is]. I’ve been, you know, not particularly … I came here to have a quiet time, to organise the house, so I’m not 100% up to speed.”
Nice chap – good company – good school – nice chap ….
I’m so excited . And I just can’t hide it . It’s only 67 days to the Eurovision Song Contest ( ESC) . Omg tickets go on sale today ! It’s in Liverpool ! Omg ! – the world capital of victimhood blame and benefits . Omg !
The BBC sees the ESC has a sort of redoubt against brexit as well as a regular ( or irregular ) queer fest . The days of terry wogan or that old Scots dj the BBC fired last week are long gone . Now there’ll be full time professional queer ‘hosting ‘. All will be agog …. Omg ….
Do you notice how – if the BBC approves of some 3rd rate crap – it hugely supports it – girly crap footy – ESC – green crap – EU – Islam – queers/ trannies – all get the full tick box . Outside their approved world ? You don’t exist . Please don’t pay for all of this .
I suppose if I listen to it on my ageing ‘Dansette’ wireless set, I’ll be accused of transphobia…
Luckily, I haven’t seen or heard any of the trash they squeal for forty odd years, as I normally enjoy proper music by ‘Yes’, Pink Floyd’ or ‘Genesis’!
I can’t somehow think that anything these chaps have ever done would have been on ESC, but ‘Arnold Layne’ might have made the cut…
and from ‘Supper’s ready’ (Genesis), this line might qualify…
“There’s Winston Churchill dressed in drag
He used to be a British flag, plastic bag, what a drag”.
Where’s Zephir when you need him, he’ll have loads more!
I just saw this on the BBC News at One. The BBC actually has a dedicated Eurovision Reporter to consult! Of course they do.
His name’s Daniel Rosney and he looks like an Adam Lambert wannabe.
(Adam Lambert, the Freddie wannabe who sometimes sings with Queen.)
Even back in the 70s my Dad used to say that the BBC would give publicity ‘to every crank and do-gooder in Christendom’. How right he was.
Sure George, follow the science.
There seems to be a drive to campaign about the dead party people . 5 adults in a car crash – seemingly without the involvement of anyone else … let’s play the blame game … public inquiry – lessons to be learnt ? …
Clunk Click (even on the shortest trip) – Jimmy Savile
I have always liked this little public information film from times have changed and I’m not talking about our driving habits.
I’m sure I saw a young Jeremy Whine, sorry VIne, at 1:22.. learning to ride a ???
Hancock backed pressuring MP into voting for lockdown, messages reveal
Boris Johnson’s government spent nearly £1bn on advertising in just three years
EXCLUSIVEThe Cabinet Office alone spent £586m in the last three years, with the vast majority going on public health awareness campaigns during Covid lockdowns
Why aren’t they both black? Why aren’t they of the same sex, whatever that means these days. That’s racist and sexist, that is!
You could put the house on what they wouldn’t be!
Comrade Robinson going full on against a Tory Mp called Jake Bury . Mr bury made the mistake of criticising Matthew ‘matt’ Hancock over the leaked threat to withhold funding for a disabled children’s ‘ centre in Bury ?
Obviously the leak show the evil of Hancock . I’m surprised he didn’t suggest withholding oxygen supplies to covid patients if he didn’t like the hospital ….
Anyway Comrade Robinson for some reason I don’t get – took the side of the evil Hancock in going at mr bury – who thankfully held his corner but sadly didn’t punch out Robinson and bust his nose ….
From the DT
HMS Charlie Moore fires a broadside
STARTS The Skewer is a cutting-edge Saturday night comedy programme on the BBC’s flagship radio channel, Radio 4, “designed to be heard through headphones”. In its short life, it has already won or been shortlisted for 23 awards.
I had naturally avoided it, therefore. But on Sunday a friend who had listened to the previous night’s effort persuaded me to do the same. The programme is deliberately hard to follow because it mixes fantastical, slightly nasty quotations (“newspapers reported a laughing Princess of Wales beating 480 children”, the last image of the late Queen has been made “with a fuel made from old cooking oil and takeaway coffee cups”) and weird noises with actual news items. It uses words thought to appeal to the missing young listeners, such as “f—” and “s—”.
This week’s menu included a dig at Brexit, Sir Keir Starmer as a robot and Boris Johnson as the Cocaine Bear. It was mostly a fairly routine BBC satire of the sort often described as “surreal” to get round bias guidelines.
At 9.45 minutes in, with more than six minutes to fill, however, the programme intoned “What do you call a corrupt far-Right government?” Different voices then attacked PPE contracts, Nadhim Zahawi’s tax affairs and Matt Hancock’s care home decisions.
The question “What do you call a corrupt far-Right Government?” was asked five times more, punctuated by answers all of which cited the present administration. Using the programme’s own way of putting the issues, these included bans on strikes, bans on protests, attempts to “suppress the right to vote”, removing legislative powers from Parliament, and a government for the rich run by the “richest PM in this country’s history”. The main voice supporting the thesis, extracted from a speech in the House of Lords was, I guessed (she was not named) the well-modulated voice of Baroness Chakrabarti (Labour).
Nothing in this long sequence was funny or even trying to be funny or even surreal. It was just what, in other contexts, might be called hate speech.
“Content may not be suitable for all,” it warns on the website. Is it suitable for the BBC? No impartiality, no diversity of outlook, no sense that this is 100 per cent paid for by licence-fee payers, at least half of whom were being insulted by its assumptions. Has the poor director-general, Tim Davie, committed to higher standards, managed to change anything at all?ENDS
Asylum-seeker hotels for children ‘a supermarket for gangs’
bBC shows concern
Ukraine war: President Zelensky vows to find killers of unarmed soldier with cigarette
Something is going on with Ukraine because the BBC are at fever pitch.
1,000 Ukranians are dying every day in barabaric fighting akin to world wars 1 and 2 and the BBC don’t even mention it. Yet they make this social media video of one soldier into the top world headline. There have been many murders by both sides but suddenly this one is propelled into the spotlight.
As they did the fake video of the guy getting killed with a sledgehammer.
It makes me nervous. Perhaps it is just to distract from the loss of Bahkmut after they have been telling us Ukraine is winning. Or perhaps there is about to be an escalation by the USA and we are being conditioned to hate the Russians even more before they tell us.
The video earlier had Zelensky telling people American sons and daughters will go there and die (the VAST majority being sons of course). It wouldn’t be the first time he’s blurted advanced information out in press conferences.
That story made me forget why I went to the BBC site in the first place.
It was just to check if there is a daily article as part of a whole series of articles relentlessly attacking another member of the government.
And yes, there it is: Hancock still on the grill.
But in their frenzy to write it, we have the main headline as ‘Texts show Hancock backed funding threat to Tory MP’ (whatever that means) then the actual article is headlined ‘Hancock backed pressuring MP into voting for lockdown, messages reveal’.
Here’s the BBC heavyweight behind it:

This tactic of replacing all the pale-and-stales with woke youngsters is really paying off. It’s like a fun 6th-form party for them all.
Given that “journalists” at the BBC operate in a very controlled environment – somebody’s told the lad what to write…
Me no have any sympathy for Handoncock or SAGE or Perfesser Pantsdown or any of them at the BBC who embraced and amplified the lies and hysteria – they all deserve to rot in hell.
Lord Nige interviewed Steve Bannon on his programme last night, and Bannon said much the same and that to avoid it, Zelensky had to engage in peace talks. Only ‘American Thinker’ seems to report on the unease in the US about the continuing arms support from the US/West and how it could so easily lead to WWIII.
Peter – but surely unless zelenski gives putin everything he wants putin isn’t going to talk ? Putin thinks he can play the long game and just bleed Ukraine dry in a year or two
Any internal resistance to putin gru will just fall out of a 7th floor window …
Reading around is often well worth grappling with complex issues.
Or, if at the BBC, wait for a #prasnews email from Femi.
Government tactics.
The government can promise anything it wants on things like sending the channel crossers home safe in the knowledge that the human rights lot and the courts will stop it from actually happening.
It can also say that this ‘new’ Irish Brexit deal is a really good improvement when the truth is the eu have exactly the same power on how NI is being handled as before this ‘new deal’
The eu still rule in NI.
They let us think that they’ve made concessions but they still have control.
It should be thrown out.
I wanted fully out and not what ‘our’ politicians have done to us.
EG it’s a pretty poor holding position for blue labour to be able to claim Something Is Being done when they know full well it will be struck down either by UK courts in say 2025 or ECHR courts in 2026.
Meanwhile they’ll all be under 18 and will just keep coming . The state will suppress anyone recording what is going on …
Cardiff car crash: Mum criticises two-day search to find group
I’ve re-written the headline:-
Ungrateful mom thanks the people for searching for 2 days, and why the police at fault for the accident – another where there’s a blame there’s a claim brought to you by the bBC
Intentionally raised a few eyebrows earlier: Lidl – All male garments on display showed a black male, ‘model’. A Lidl employee was stacking shelves nearby and I said to her, “Shame that items originally destined for your Lagos store got inadvertently delivered here” I had to explain and then suffer the silent opprobrium. The anti-British/White army gets bigger by the day.
Where is this cold weather the met forecast? Expected to wake this morning to a coating of snow. This snap was expected last Saturday and it is being put back a day, every day. I do hope there’s a Isobel in the loop somewhere that could ‘do a number’ on The Global Weather catastrophe…………….
Like a Spring day here. Pavements a bit wet, but hey ho.
Absolutely Brissles.
Weather decades ahead and the claimed catastrophe we are heading toward? The Met office cannot get it right a couple of days ahead.
Had my washing on the line 😆
I’m convinced the met office look out of the window and then update the website. It changes hourly!
And yet the climate is so well understood that they can predict 50 – 100 years ahead with absolute totalitarian certainly ….
True story – Had breakfast in a small independent cafe in Edinburgh. Super clean, efficient, and a superb Avocado & Poached eggs over sourdough bread. Coffee excellent too. Felt good supporting a small independent.
That lasted about 10 seconds when I went to pay, as they were card only. The young lad made apologies when presenting the card reader, and the machine had the option to leave 10%, 15% or 20% tip. I asked if I tipped this way rather than cash, was he taxed on it?
His answer was ‘yes – it’s much better that way’
He couldn’t answer why it was better.
Brainwashed, dyed hair, pierced face guy. Nice guy, but when did the rebels become the establishment?
when you have the same “dyed hair, pierced face” as everyone else your not really a rebel anymore
Probably got a 2.1 in economics ….
I feel that any retail business which refuses to accept cash has no right to expect to be paid.
Great demands more green taxes and quicker.
“Home Secretary Suella Braverman is announcing new legislation in Parliament to try to stop people crossing the Channel on small boats”
Message to Blue Labour – the only way to stop the Invasion is by Force!
One Sniper. One bullet. One deflated dinghy?
They might as well have replayed a tape of a hopeless Patel speech complete with more empty promises
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
I’d prefer to see a public volunteer force go out to greet them……………….
Its the never ending phrase of “making this dangerous crossing and risking lives” – well, am I bovvered ? er, no. They could all drown as far as I’m concerned. Much is also made of kids in the boats, but exactly how many do we see ? hardly any, yet according to the bleeding hearts there are boat loads of them.
Continually being discussed is “having talks with France” – are they idiots ? because the French certainly aren’t, they’ve got their heads screwed on – who would want a shit load of Somalians on their doorstep if they can be shipped out across the Channel.
The hotels should be emptied, and the occupants put in tent cities on disused army/air force bases where they are fenced in and guarded until they can be processed.
And don’t get me started on that prat from the SNP who said in the House that there aren’t any asylum seekers – Jesus what goes on in the mind of these people.
He’s (?) right. They’re not asylum seekers. They’re scrounging bastards on the lookout for an easy life at somebody else’s expense and we’re the soft touch that lets them have it.
Laugh with Kamala. If anything happens to Joe, she could be leader of what remains of the free world.
Really something isn’t she ? So much talent
It is.
But… Gary can be… selective.
I understand you are unhappy with a tweet made by Gary Lineker on his Twitter account.
While I appreciate your concern, I would explain that the account in question is Gary’s personal Twitter account, and BBC Guidelines do not prohibit non-news presenters from expressing their views.
Please rest assured your complaint as been forwarded onto senior management on our audience feedback report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback within the BBC and help inform both current and future output.
Once again, many thanks for taking the time to get in touch.
Kind regards
Janine McMeekin
BBC Complaints Team
. . . .
Complaint Summary: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker
Full Complaint: What are you going to do regards Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker breaking your BBC guidelines …
“Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing by their women today. #Repealthe8th”
@GaryLineker 22may2018″
News and Current Affairs, Global News, News Staff in the Nations 15.4.9 {bbc editorialguidelines jul2017} “BBC News and Current Affairs staff, and correspondents and freelances primarily known as BBC news presenters or reporters should not normally write regular columns for non-BBC websites or external publications which are not published by or for the BBC.(Twitter is quite regular) … In particular, they should not write a regular column which deals with: news, current affairs, politics or current world affairs economics, business or finance matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy media issues moral or ethical issues or religion. …” “should not write a regular column which deals with…moral or ethical issues” – “do the right thing”.
Isn’t it strange that the UK gets all the Albanians who qualify as asylum seekers (our civil servants are passing tens of thousands of them) yet everywhere else in the World have yet to grant asylum to even one Albanian.
What are the chances of that.
By the way, it’s marvellous weather here in Sunderland at the moment. Bright sunshine and fresh but not cold. Quarter past two on Tuesday afternoon during this weather warning beast from the east mk. 2.
2019 ….
Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade
Excellent news – coal fired power stations being fired up to meet demand for juice . Burn baby burn – maybe they can cut down some money trees to feed them ….
Space scientist Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock given Barbie honour
Surely the doll should be alot bigger to represent the Dr
CBeebies Stargazing
CBeebies Stargazing
CBeebies Stargazing
CBeebies Stargazing
CBeebies Stargazing
CBeebies Stargazing
CBeebies Stargazing
CBeebies Stargazing
BBC don’t do adverts.
Lol, I think it’s quite sweet and I actually like her. At the end of the article it lists other role models…the creator of the Covid 19 vaccine!! Does that doll come with a defibrillator?
Yeah, covering every bit of your body except the face – that’s really woman empowering. Like all religions, get’em as a child and you have them for life.
Anjem Choudary calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
Hate preacher said Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban was a ‘wake-up call’ for Muslims everywhere to ‘end the occupation of foreign forces’
Dear Darren Henry,
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Yours sincerely,
2023 … Asylum-seeker hotels for children ‘a supermarket for gangs’
““Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. ” – Theresa May 2015
Remittances matter: 8 facts you don’t know about the money migrants send back home
Still banging on. Not working any longer.
Hope her twenty award sharing mates are aware they are in a very small bubble.
Marianna got ratioed 4:1 there
And remember that her department blocks people quickly
so many of her critics can’t even see her tweets
“her real job title is ‘Head of Book Burning’ “
Stew stew please leave darling Mariana alone …but I think she’d happily sign off on disposing of those not on her approve list . She’d do it for the best possible reason of course – as usual – as has been done in the past ….
A BBc trusted poll initiative?
King Charles’ Drive is 16 minutes long on a fast horse.
News from France, via a BBC US TMI partner.
Best value ever. As a non TVL payer.
Ex BBC, iirc.
Name of donor: Lord Matthew Oakeshott
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
Updated: Gay Minister Ben Bradshaw ‘claimed full mortgage interest for home he only half owns’
May 08 2009
Written by PinkNews Staff Writer
Openly gay minister Ben Bradshaw is the latest Labour MP to have his expenses exposed in the Daily Telegraph. He claimed for the full mortgage of a home he only half owned while the former Equality Minister, Barbara Follet claimed £25,000 for “security patrols”.
“security patrols”.
“security patrols”.
“security patrols”.
“security patrols”.
iirc Lord hall Hall ended up with a close protection unit based on a snotty email out of Eastern Europe.
It is possible Springster gets them too, but the erratic nature of deployments makes this seem as ineffective as it is symbolic and expensive.
Oddly, the BBC got quite excited about the richest man in the world, attracting some actual heavyweight foes on and offline, having some bods around.
Funny how a 20 something British ( foreign ) state employee can see herself on a level with Elon Musk – who – if the BBC was advertised for sale – could probably do it with his own cash ….and some …