Execrable BBC news.
Inflation is at 10.1% . This is not good and deserves proper analysis and critique.
But what do we get? A pathetic sentimental feature at some charity cooking and sending out free meals. Of absolutely no value whatever other than s***- stirring,
If I remember – 2 million fixed mortgages are ending this year . The rate will be jumping from – say 1% up to 6% ? If people strained to get the 1% mortgage I wonder how they’ll get on with 6% ?
Will we see the 30 year mortgage ?
BBC news victimhood update.
Millions of people are living in accommodation without enough space.
Shock. Horror. BAME are three times more likely to live like this.
Of course the BBC want us to believe this is all due to inadequate social services and benefits,
But anyone who knows anything know that Asian and Muslim families have lots of kids plus lots of relatives. And they regularly live together. Which is not in itself a bad thing. It called cultural norms. Some of them are even entitled to reside here.
In Londonistan, many Asian people buy a house but do not move in immediately. They leave the house vacant while it is gutted and rebuilt to the new owners specification. How can they afford this? Where does the family live in the meantime? With relatives of course. In a crowded house.
The BBC. Totally free of context or knowledge about anything.
Next up on the BBC news. An interview with Doreen Lawrence. Pass the razor blades.
Are native people better resourced than new illegal immigrants
Sure some of them come from rich royalty
but generally native Brits do inherit the resources on their families
whereas such immigrants need NEW resources.
As ever some Brits are tossers, but do we need to bring on more tossers ?
TWatO Watch #1 – in two items today the Montacutie demonstrates her inability to think while sitting down
Andrew Sentance, former member of the MPC of the BoE, is brought on to comment on the worse than expected inflation figures. The Montacutie completely forgets to ask about transport taxation, most probably because the Lefty/Libby/Socialist mob (incl. BBC!) are totally in favour of it, despite the fact that it acts as a multiplier to inflation, especially with VAT on top.
Then Sadiq Khan pops up to suggest that freezing rents in London (where? central cities’ districts? within N.Circ. Road? within the M25? – Sarah doesn’t ask) would help people struggling with ‘the-cost-of-living’. Sarah completely forgets to ask ‘Mayor Kahane’ the cost of living increase effects of his ULEZ scheme and whether food delivery lorries would be exempted.
I do love the idea of the emir trying to kill off any remaining rentals in londonistan . Maybe he is following the successful Scottish model . I have the ability – if I choose – to rent out a property – but every time some vermin commie like the emir pipes up I take one further step away –
– I would love to know how many bbc staff either own second or third homes or rent out – just like MPs do ….
I understand that Dame Doreen – Who Cannot Do Wrong – has granted an interview to the BBC . I don’t know what it’s about – nor care – but I can guess . The Religion of Perpetual Victimhood and Grievance is The New Religion .
How many have been murdered in the last – whatever – 30 years ? How do their mums, dads, others feel seeing Dame Doreen spouting the same song ? – whilst they are ignored?
Incidents like this young previously healthy doctors death shortly after the first vaccine jab are seeping out in increasing numbers, meanwhile I have no doubt that the government and the medical gurus who pushed it on the population are chanting la-la-la with fingers in ears while desperately trying to push it all underground.
In any civilised society there should now be a vigorous, independent and thorough investigation but we no longer live in a civilised society and too many bigwigs have too much to lose if it gets out into the public realm.
I think this was one of those deaths which mark steyn highlighted with the widow months ago – and which BBC droid Matthew sweet jumped on to yap to BBCOFCOM . I wonder how the court case is coming along ?
Also – I notice the disproportionate time being spent on the Fox News / Murdock case – but Murdock is a commercial competitor to the BBC so it would use any opportunity to use tax payers resources to rubbish him …
Notice how he interviews a Hope Not Hate talking head to lend respectability to his piece without questioning their tactics and motives (and their relationship with the truth) https://t.co/h6ySUyU1mH
UKIP today proscribed “leftist extremists” from joining
a policy they copied off lefty orgs
“Membership is not available to anyone who is or has previously been a member of Hope not Hate, Antifa, Communist League, Left Unity, Extinction Rebellion, Stop the Oil (or any other parties or organisations later added to the proscribed list”
I don’t agree with the policy as it is cancelling people for who they once were
It is entirely possible for former bad lefties to reform
Lots of hand wringing on what to do about the inflatable boat arrivals.
Here’s a thought…. Don’t greet them with rescue boats, let them land if they make it… then just ignore them, no housing, no support, no cash… so they can choose to come illegally and then live as rough sleepers. It’s the feather bedding they get when they get here that makes them keep coming…
There must be thousands of natural born citizens in this country sleeping in shop doorways that would be overjoyed to be treated like illegal immigrants. Money, hotel, bed, food etc. the problem is that the elite see these people as disposable scum whereas they see illegal immigrants as a cause they can salve their middle class consciences over,
Windfarm company Orsted are destroying much of the ocean wildlifewith their windfarms
..that’s not much reported
but them sponsoring a few people to plant seagrass seaweed was given the full PRasNews treatment today by BBC Radio Humberside, ITV local newsPR Show, BBC local News PR Show,
The local environment reporter/green-activist gave it the full hyperbole
“Industry has destroyed nature in the sea, planting seagrass is a huge absorber of CO2”
is it ?
Well as long as they plants are alive and gripping the seabed
If the sea rips them up and washes them ashore they will decay and put CO2 back into the atmosphere.
That reporter is likely talking out of their backside – a complete fabrication ( an opinion based on actual knowledge of seagrass surveys in a professional environment )
Seagrass is the new Polar Bear – I’ve seen enough BS seagrass stories – they rarely reference any actual measurement but often talk about harms and sensitive seagrass.
The precautionary principle often invoked by activists onshore in offices who don’t in some cases even know that the seabed area they’re whinnying about doesn’t have any sea grass and is unlikely to ever have any due to a variety of local conditions….
Often bureaucrats cite seagrass purely so they can issue permits to work in a given area – it is very tiresome since, as I say some random “enviro” saying “what about the seagrass” triggers the working assumption that there is seagrass when there is none + and around it goes ….
The people who survey for seagrass don’t complain for obvious reasons 🙂 – and twits like that BBC goon never report “no seagrass found”
OkThere’s a sea grass story involving Chris Packham which most people outside boating circles won’t have heard of.
There’s a very popular boat and yacht anchorage at Studland Bay on the South Coast. The anchorage is useful along a coast which doesn’t have many useful anchorages. The anchorage is also a large sea grass haven which is also occupied by sea horses. Chris Packham, backed by the BBC, has stirred up an eco storm against the area being used by boats the claim being that anchors are destroying the sea grass and killing sea horses. This is despite the fact that this thriving area of sea grass and sea horses has been used by boats extensively and for decades and it’s probably its use that has created the environment.
For the time being a “solution” has been found by the installation of permanent moorings for the time being. It’s a good example of an unscientific eco campaign similar to the MMGW nonsense.
Remember the mass-shooting from the other day which only just made a sub-pane at the BBC ?.
Remember the front-page headline of an 84 year old shooting a black boy at his door late at night (but not killing him) along with a picture of his white face ?.
Remember how it was odd that we got told absolutely nothing about who did it ?.
Remember how we suddenly got pictures of other people in the BBC news who had murdered other people – and they were all white ?.
Well, pictures are easily available for this mass-shooting as well. But suddenly it seems the BBC don’t want to show us them.
Can you guess why ?. Of course you can. Here they are:
Sory, but ‘shameless racist scum’ is the only phrase I can think of to describe the BBC and their Leftists colleagues in the media.
This story will quickly disappear because it is not convenient for their agenda.
And I do wonder what kind of idiot puts this in a BBC news article:
‘Sgt Burkett urged those who were at the party at the dance studio to contact authorities if they have not already done so.’
So I checked which of their new-image stars wrote it. This one:
What immediately struck me about that (being a software engineer) is the absolute contrast I see with the sense Elon talks compared with the absolute child-like trash I see from the BBC ‘Science Correspondents’.
The Left don’t like people who just speak things as they find them regardless of politics. It spoils their social engineering agenda.
I when I say ‘don’t like’ about the Left, I mean ‘hate’. They don’t have any middle ground. You are either one of them or you are their ideological enemy.
the absolute child-like trash I see from the BBC ‘Science Correspondents’
Spot on
It’s really irksome to watch / listen to BBC correspondents torment reality for ideological / propaganda purposes – but … particularly in an area one is intimately familiar with….
Just reading this and the BBC are more or less describing it as an accident and ‘never mind’. The truth is that all around Africa and the Middle East, these people manage to continually slaughter themselves like stone-age barbarians. And it’s always for nothing more noble than greed or power. And the BBC report it like it’s just normal behaviour. They won’t actually blame anybody because in their ideological world, terrorists are never just bad people. They are always ‘victims’ rising up against some kind of oppression.
And when we let them in here to ‘escape’ from themselves (and get some free money and a better place to live) they don’t thank Allah for letting them embrace civilised society, they just carry on behaving like they did back home. Of course they do : it’s their culture.
On 24 September 2015, a crowd crush resulted in the death of more than 2,000 individuals, many of whom were suffocated or crushed, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mina, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, making it the deadliest Hajj disaster in history.[
A crawler crane collapsed over the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, around 5:10 p.m. on 11 September 2015, killing 111 people and injuring 394 others.[3][4][5] The city was preparing for the Hajj pilgrimage.[6][7] The accident has been cited as the deadliest crane collapse in history, with the previous most deadly incident being the collapse of a construction crane in New York City in 2008, killing seven people.[8][9]
The head of the Houthis’ General Zakat Authority meanwhile said it would pay $2,000 (£1,600) to each family who lost a relative, while the injured would get around $400 (£322).
I misread and thought it was the latest fad energy drink for fasters..
I vividly recall working for a govt funded project where we were asked to consider not eating at our desk at lunchtime because of these death cult followers fasting.
F’ck that
They should also have asked us to consider not bringing our kids to work on bring your child to work day maybe.
I think the BBC uses any opportunity to advertise the evil cult and further the editorial line of the take over . I expect Charles Windsor to convert pretty soon if there are more suitcases of cash involved ….
I can’t write here what I think when I hear of such events ….
Put up cctv cameras in preparation for the ULEZ and to protect signs – but put up a sign to say there are CCTV cameras . Wonder how much the pikeys get for scrap CCTv cameras ?
In India, the southern provinces had the problem of too many snakes. The government tried to solve the problem by paying for dead cobras. This was intended to bring down the number of cobras. Instead, it led to the breeding of cobras.[1]
In Thailand, the Bangkok police had the problem of too many small mistakes by its officers. The police tried to solve the problem by using tartan armbands as a badge of shame. Instead, the armbands were treated as valuable collectables. Since 2007, the Bangkok police has tried using pink armbands with the cute Hello Kitty cartoon character.[2]
In Vietnam during the colonial period, Hanoi had the problem of too many rats. The French tried to solve the problem by paying for dead rats. This was intended to bring down the number of rats. Instead, it led to the breeding of rats.[3]
The big 810 interview is with some mouth from the ‘academy of Royal colleges ‘ – which in medical mafia terms means the ‘5 families ‘.. said mouth pieces said patients are suffering and so are doctors .
There was no challenge to this … doctors suffering because they chose to be greedy and chose to withdraw their labour to get a 35% pay rise ….
… feel short changed because that was enough for me – I didn’t get to the ‘government getting round the table ‘ bit – I’d gone to listen to music ….
But with a little bit of luck after this strike ends in 2025
1 the medical mafia may not be on such a high moral pedestal
2 more people will treat medicine like a trade
3 more people will avoid the NHS and go private
Obviously the medical mafia benefits from 3. Above but anything which pushes the NHS is a good thing ….
Unfortunately more money will be thrown at it to benefit the third world in the A&E waiting room ….
If anyone listened to the rest of the chat good luck – but I notice a stronger disengagement in ‘today ‘ subject matter – I could care less if only 1% of coloured folk can be bothered giving blood …. I wonder how many coloured folk turn in Radio 4 in the morning ….-
'Obviously, it's going to be made considerably worse if your colleagues take strike action?'@NickFerrariLBC puts @unitetheunion’s Unay Kasab on the spot after he said the NHS is being held together by the ‘goodwill’ of its members. pic.twitter.com/teloaGJOGu
The BBC has publicised a disturbing claim in a Parliamentary report that racism has played “a key role” in the deaths of pregnant women, but the claim does not withstand the slightest scrutiny. https://t.co/mlnOT89m5V
Lizzo hitting the U.K. MSM empowerment circuit yet?
Charlotte Proudman links to an article which claims racism causes more deaths among black than white or Chinese mothers. But the number of deaths in the racial groups corresponds to their amount of obesity. As usual, zero evidence of racism is offered.https://t.co/4pQ1VWfACBpic.twitter.com/LWoM6x0ype
‘Deeply worrying’ research suggests 25% of nurses in England are obese
More than one in four nurses in England is obese, according to a new study, which warns this could hamper their ability to deliver safe and effective care.
You know, I’m intrigued to know why the establishment is so “racist” towards blacks…and not other minorities…
If they do badly at school, it’s racism.
If they’re picked up by the police, it’s racism.
If black people don’t get a job, it’s racism.
FFS, now it’s “maternal deaths”…Is there no end to it?
In every area of achievement other races come to Blighty, settle, work hard, make a contribution and do very well. Doctors, lawyers, bankers, politicians. You know, for such a “racist” nation we had an inordinate number of Asians at the very top of the political tree.
Perhaps blacks should take a long hard look at themselves.
Jeff, the truth about why blacks generally do poorly in school, suffer high unemployment and commit high rates of crime comes down to two factors: IQ and temperament.
Blacks have a low average IQ compared with whites and Asians. Unfortunately this means they are always going to perform worse at school than the other races.
They also have on average more boisterous temperaments, shorter time horizons and more difficulty delaying gratification. With such disadvantages, they are always going to commit more crime.
The establishment Left just don’t want to accept these truths. They want to carry on believing the myth that we are all the same and that any disparity in outcomes can only be explained by racism.
It’s too paainful for the Left to contemplate these truths because to do so would mean accepting that in certain areas blacks are indeed inferior. And for a Leftie that would also mean they conform to the dictionary definition of “racist”. Unthinkable!
So on they will go, throwing out accusations of racism at fellow whites for ever and ever, and never doing a damn thing to help blacks actually solve their problems.
NHS trusts spent at least £113,974,561 on interpreters during 2019-20 to 2021-22, an average of £725,953 per NHS trust that replied. £43,095,493 was spent on interpreters in 2019-20, the single largest year. This fell by 28 per cent to £31,050,708 in 2020-21 before rising by 28 per cent to £39,828,361 in 2021-22.7 Feb 2023
BBC London News
BBC One London, Tuesday 4 December 2018
In a report on plans for a new Holocaust memorial in Westminster, we referred to Adampol as a ‘Polish labour camp’.
We regret any upset this resulted in – a clearer description should have been used, to explain that it was a Nazi German camp located in Poland.
Guest I heard an advert on their Today for the ‘today debates ‘ – a whole hour of meesh and friends reciting approved views about limited subjects …. I was going to see ‘the subjects ‘ and ‘speakers ‘ but couldn’t be asked …
Elsewhere – R4extra is repeating Radio5 by Eric Idle – not that ‘funny ‘ but the pre showing warnings about ‘language ‘ racism ‘ attitudes of the time – makes it compelling listening – but turns out to be dry …
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
“recent protests at drag storytelling events (to children who are easily impressed)”
“Drag Story Hour looks exactly like any other [event] you would see at a library,” says Jonathan Hamlit, Drag Story Hour’s executive director in the US. “But the reader may look a little more fabulous than your average librarian.”
The US-based Drag Story Hour favours books in which “all the characters feel empowered and accepted”.
I see the BBC are starting their big push for Eurovision. Egged on by them it has become a virtue signalling, grotesque weirdo gayfest. And even better, it’s being held in Liverpool, the world capital of victimhood. The songs are irrelevant but crap anyway. Is it time to put it out of our misery?
Australia has long been an island of Eurovision fans, with SBS having broadcast the show every year since 1983. In fact, a number of high profile Aussies competed in the Contest for other nations, including Olivia Newton-John and Gina G, before the country was officially invited to join the party in 2015.
“Almost nothing is true about what governments and legacy media have been telling us concerning the COVID-19 disaster. Moreover, all the imposed remedies, but especially the global lockdowns and the gene-modifying injection procedures, are resulting in absolutely catastrophic effects whose full scale is basically still unfathomable in these increasingly apocalyptic times.”
Biggest item by screen area on the BBC website is the BBC in the usual hidden agenda innocent question mode which is in fact wishful thinking which we are all aware and weary of…..
They allocate plenty of space to an outright communist Marxist from an outfit called republic (the clue is in the name) who I rather think would like to dust off the tumbrils and Guillotine.
So typically BBC elitism, professional upper middle class with a raging hate against both the entitled rich and the Raggey arsed common man.
Our national conversation on Shamima Begum, which ebbs and flows according to the imperatives of Begum’s legal team and a simultaneously cynical and naïve mass media, is saturated in bullshit. For her detractors, the 23-year-old East-London runaway is a danger to national security and must never be allowed back into the UK. For her supporters, she is a victim of grooming by terrorist recruiters and must be returned to Britain.
The last time Begum hit the headlines it was because she’d had a makeover. This was exactly a year ago: gone was the bulky black burqa, and in were the skinny jeans, Nike baseball cap, sunglasses and pink nail-varnish. Had a new beauty salon opened up in Al-Roj, the arid and austere holding-pen in north-east Syria where Begum is housed, alongside other former female Isis members and their children? It seemed unlikely, but Begum had somehow got her hands on a new bit of clobber and wanted the whole world to know about it.
Afternoon Live
BBC News Channel, Thursday 25 January 2018
Our correspondent misspoke on two occasions in the course of a live report. He said Holocaust Memorial Day was being ‘celebrated’ when he intended to say ‘commemorated.’ And he meant to give the figure of six million victims, not six thousand.
:abour’s descent into gutter politics is still causing splash-back. On Peston last night, John McDonnell didn’t hold back over the Sunak attacks. The former Shadow Chancellor argued “you never go for the person in this individual way… it’s unacceptable”, before appealing to Nandy personally – “you’re better than this”. This didn’t go down well with Lisa, who hit back that she would “not take lessons from you about civility in politics”. McDonnell has never apologised for endorsing the lynching Esther McVey….
McDonnell then restated his case:
“You don’t do this. This is not Labour politics. We’re better than this”.
Definitely more fun for anoraks when they get personal . It’s case of remembering they are not human – they are politicians ( see Hancock for instance – or the cake man ) ….
Clive Myrie exchanges BBC News studio for Italian countryside in a brand new BBC Two series Clive Myrie’s Italian Road Trip
The host of Mastermind takes viewers on a stunning journey across his favourite holiday destination https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/2023/clive-myries-italian-road-trip
According to the most recent data from the Ministry of Justice, there were 47,622 prosecutions and 44,106 convictions for failing to pay the television licence in the year ending June 2022.14 Mar 2023
No, this is not an “April Fools” joke. I have just been
reading the set up for the BBC PROMS 23 . And
it is just about the most WOKE article the BBC have put
out . And that’s saying something. All that is missing
from this extreme wokeness is that the BBC is not including
any music from male composers beginning with the letter B !!!!
Even GETTY.S imaging has got into the act by producing
one of their default images for the BBC. This time some jazz singer Dee Dee Bridgewater. Well at least she is a B.
It wouldn’t surprise me by next year we could say goodbye to
stale , pale males, Beethoven, Brahms Bruckner, Berlioz ,Borodin,
Bernstein,Bellini,Bruch,Britten, Bax, etc etc etc.
Prom 18: Lata Mangeshkar – Bollywood legend. A tribute to Lata Mangeshkar, “the nightingale of Bollywood”, who died last year at the age of 92 after contracting Covid-19.
Just as an appendage I would like to make an apology on
behalf of the BBC for all the B’S plus Mozart, Handel, Vivaldi ,Dvorak.
Wagner, Verdi, Puccini, Rachmaninov, Vaughn Williams,
Shostakovich Tchaikovsky , Greig, Stravinsky ,Prokofiev, Sibelius etc etc etc
for being stale , pale males.
And if the BBC think its a good idea to pay reparations to all
the famous ethnic composers being left out at the Proms. I
would be more than willing to make a contribution. Episode three will be about the lack of ” inclusiveness ” of conductors.
Which we all know is as easy as driving a tube train.
New game — an Italian minister makes comments on their native birth rate and immigration levels: “Italians are having fewer children, so we’re replacing them with someone else […] That’s not the way forward.”
Based only on the authors’ photos (below), do you think the BBC coverage is:
a) a well thought out, balanced look at national demographics using reasoned analysis and judicious use of population data
UK Surname Positions #1 – Smith #2 – Jones ( wiki – List of most common surnames in United Kingdom )
London shows a different picture for surnames …
3.Patel (India)
10.Khan (Pakistan)
You can also find The most common surnames county by county – sofeminine.co.uk
Find out yourself SpinningReith,
You can enter your name and see it’s popularity go up or down …. visual.ons.gov.uk/baby-names-since-1904-how-has-yours-performed
With a special link provided by the the UK Government for special names such as Muhammad, Mohammed and Mohammad (other names not so special)
We do not have a definitive answer for why the variations of the name Muhammad have generally risen up the rankings over time, but there are some possible explanations.
1. The increasing size of the Muslim community in England and Wales
2. The dominance of the name in the Muslim community combined with increased diversity in names for baby boys
3. The possible increased dominance of the name in the Muslim community
4. The possible effect of popular sporting figures with the names Muhammad and Mohamed
The term such as ‘increased dominance‘ is odd, when in maths you could use the term ‘increased occurrence’ instead.
dominance – power and influence over others
occurrence – the fact or frequency of something happening
Words do have meanings and some are more emotive than others.
Muslim pupils are telling their Hindu classmates to change their religion to avoid bullying and make their lives easier, a think tank has found. The study by the Henry Jackson Society found that Hindu pupils are being “held responsible” for the actions of India and facing xenophobic slurs from white pupils.2 days ago
Reuters ‘doing a BBC’ and getting a deserved kicking online over their report on the Alabama murders:
The traditional media really needs to go… they are making an deliberate effort to divide the country. Take action and spread the word to those around you. It’s the only way.
“If you tell Google that you would like to see images of ‘Black men’ the images that come up are all portrait photos of black men. Indeed, it takes more than a dozen rows of images before anybody who isn’t black comes up in the images. By contrast a search for ‘White men’ first throws up an image of David Beckham – who is white – but then the second is of a black model. From there every line of five images has either one or two black men in the line-up. Many of the images of white men are of people convicted of crimes with taglines such as ‘Beware of the average white man’ and ‘White men are bad’.”
― Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
Read more quotes from Douglas Murray
He added: “If we want to make real, sustained, long-term progress in reducing discrimination towards those of minority faiths in our schools, then we need to make sure that young people are receiving the best possible education about the many faiths which are woven into the fabric of our diverse United Kingdom.”
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Trouble in bongo bongo land – lady Brooke chats with a couple of colonials stuck in a war zone and bitching about the UK embassy not doing what they require .
Tricky because a bbc favourite – one Andy plebgate Mitchell is the minister for bongo bongo land and is busy giving away our money to the third world so that he can feel good .
Sadly when true red Mitchell loses his seat at the coming slaughter he will be top of the list to keep giving our money away whilst his unelected arse is sitting in the Lords .
Would you take your 6 year old daughter to Sudan ? Some muppet moaning about still being in bongo bongo land took his kid there …..
… the airport is shut so no one is getting out yet …..
Lady Brooke had the normal job of rubbishing the UK response and saying everyone else is betterer ….
The new rulers of Cambodia call 1975 “Year Zero”, the dawn of an age in which there will be no families, no sentiment, no expressions of love or grief, no medicines, no hospitals, no schools, no books, no learning, no holidays, no music, no song, no post, no money – only work and death.
John Pilger, Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia (1979)[1]
For any co-conspirators looking for a career change, you don’t need Reagan-level oratorical skills to milk it on the speaking circuit. Theresa May has coined a stonking £121,700 for a single speech given in Los Angeles – if that wasn’t enough, her West Coast jolly also included flights, meals and accommodation. Liz Truss, clearly less in demand, raked in £65,751 (plus flights and accommodation) for a speech to media conglomerate in Mumbai. She also received £6,500 for another in Tokyo. Guido can think of better ways to spend £190,000…
22 Lost in Manchester …. why is this a terrible statement?
Lost … so they will be found?
Lost …. weasel words rather than killed or murdered so as not to upset anyone or cause HATE.
Lost ….. a child given a Western education and opportunity decided Islam was better, but we cannot look into this problem because all cultures are EQUAL.
Lost …… children killed for an ideology, but that ideology cannot be criticised.
Lost …….. 1400+ kids were “transformed” over 16 years in 1 town, why not use the word groomed rather than raped.
Lost ……… the UK has lost the ability to state the actual events, so it is the UK that HAS LOST.
Today my thoughts are with those in Manchester who were lost on that terrible night and their loved ones who have so bravely battled to rebuild their lives. All of you – and many more in this great city – are the very best of what this country stands for.
Theresa May has coined a stonking £121,700 for a single speech given in Los Angeles
But the mission to make Britain a country that works for everyone means more than fighting these injustices. If you’re from an ordinary working class family, life is much harder than many people in Westminster realise. You have a job but you don’t always have job security. You have your own home, but you worry about paying a mortgage. You can just about manage but you worry about the cost of living and getting your kids into a good school.
If you’re one of those families, if you’re just managing, I want to address you directly.
I know you’re working around the clock, I know you’re doing your best, and I know that sometimes life can be a struggle. The government I lead will be driven not by the interests of the privileged few, but by yours.
‘My first thought as I came round was Oh God! What have I done?’: Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he bitterly regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal
Ritchie Herron, 35, says life has been unbearable since surgery four years ago
His case first emerged after he shared experience on Twitter under pseudonym
He claims NHS failed to take mental health crisis into account before procedure
PUBLISHED: 22:11, 25 June 2022 | UPDATED: 17:16, 28 June 2022
Dom Raab – on the naughty step for allegedly trying to get civil servants to do their job.
I think he might be toast – having had the same treatment doled out to pritti useless patel …
It’s popcorn because they’ll always be another blue labour politician to do the job . On the upside it might highlight how civil servants run their own lefty desires against someone trying to be a Tory ?
This is why I can't work corporate or in the public sector or academia. I have opinions and I can't lie about them to fit in. But there's no cultural elite, you understand. https://t.co/c7P0jBqh1g
Interesting … 2017 …
Half a century after United States B-52 bombers dropped more than 500,000 tonnes of explosives on Cambodia’s countryside Washington wants the country to repay a $US500 million ($662 million) war debt.
The demand has prompted expressions of indignation and outrage from Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh.
Those who like watching the World Snooker championship
from Sheffield are annoyed that the BBC are completely
messing around with the presentation and schedules.
To be honest I amazed the BBC cover snooker at all. I
mean where is the “inclusiveness,” At least on ITV, Sky , BT Sports
if there only white players involved we can be compensated by
the adverts which have all but 100% inclusiveness of black
models in every advert.
How can one expect the BBC to show two whities knocking
an assortment of coloured balls into pockets for a couple of
hours. As well as a white referee .
OK I know there are black balls as well . Which have the
highest value of 7 points which I suppose it is some kind
of compensation to the diversity department of the BBC.
BUT can you just imagine BIG BROTHER being a he, a she or an it, Demanding to be. seeing Afro Caribbean players and umpires .
And pulling out his , hers or its, cornrows, bantu knots or hair
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
Execrable BBC news.
Inflation is at 10.1% . This is not good and deserves proper analysis and critique.
But what do we get? A pathetic sentimental feature at some charity cooking and sending out free meals. Of absolutely no value whatever other than s***- stirring,
If I remember – 2 million fixed mortgages are ending this year . The rate will be jumping from – say 1% up to 6% ? If people strained to get the 1% mortgage I wonder how they’ll get on with 6% ?
Will we see the 30 year mortgage ?
The next rate decision is 10 May ..
BBC news victimhood update.
Millions of people are living in accommodation without enough space.
Shock. Horror. BAME are three times more likely to live like this.
Of course the BBC want us to believe this is all due to inadequate social services and benefits,
But anyone who knows anything know that Asian and Muslim families have lots of kids plus lots of relatives. And they regularly live together. Which is not in itself a bad thing. It called cultural norms. Some of them are even entitled to reside here.
In Londonistan, many Asian people buy a house but do not move in immediately. They leave the house vacant while it is gutted and rebuilt to the new owners specification. How can they afford this? Where does the family live in the meantime? With relatives of course. In a crowded house.
The BBC. Totally free of context or knowledge about anything.
Next up on the BBC news. An interview with Doreen Lawrence. Pass the razor blades.
Are native people better resourced than new illegal immigrants
Sure some of them come from rich royalty
but generally native Brits do inherit the resources on their families
whereas such immigrants need NEW resources.
As ever some Brits are tossers, but do we need to bring on more tossers ?
TWatO Watch #1 – in two items today the Montacutie demonstrates her inability to think while sitting down
Andrew Sentance, former member of the MPC of the BoE, is brought on to comment on the worse than expected inflation figures. The Montacutie completely forgets to ask about transport taxation, most probably because the Lefty/Libby/Socialist mob (incl. BBC!) are totally in favour of it, despite the fact that it acts as a multiplier to inflation, especially with VAT on top.
Then Sadiq Khan pops up to suggest that freezing rents in London (where? central cities’ districts? within N.Circ. Road? within the M25? – Sarah doesn’t ask) would help people struggling with ‘the-cost-of-living’. Sarah completely forgets to ask ‘Mayor Kahane’ the cost of living increase effects of his ULEZ scheme and whether food delivery lorries would be exempted.
Talk about incompetent!
I do love the idea of the emir trying to kill off any remaining rentals in londonistan . Maybe he is following the successful Scottish model . I have the ability – if I choose – to rent out a property – but every time some vermin commie like the emir pipes up I take one further step away –
– I would love to know how many bbc staff either own second or third homes or rent out – just like MPs do ….
I understand that Dame Doreen – Who Cannot Do Wrong – has granted an interview to the BBC . I don’t know what it’s about – nor care – but I can guess . The Religion of Perpetual Victimhood and Grievance is The New Religion .
How many have been murdered in the last – whatever – 30 years ? How do their mums, dads, others feel seeing Dame Doreen spouting the same song ? – whilst they are ignored?
Tokenism is also a New Religion ….
Incidents like this young previously healthy doctors death shortly after the first vaccine jab are seeping out in increasing numbers, meanwhile I have no doubt that the government and the medical gurus who pushed it on the population are chanting la-la-la with fingers in ears while desperately trying to push it all underground.
In any civilised society there should now be a vigorous, independent and thorough investigation but we no longer live in a civilised society and too many bigwigs have too much to lose if it gets out into the public realm.
I think this was one of those deaths which mark steyn highlighted with the widow months ago – and which BBC droid Matthew sweet jumped on to yap to BBCOFCOM . I wonder how the court case is coming along ?
Also – I notice the disproportionate time being spent on the Fox News / Murdock case – but Murdock is a commercial competitor to the BBC so it would use any opportunity to use tax payers resources to rubbish him …
It’s Murdoch.
Rob – grateful for the h …. 😎 it’s the penalty for being Engleesh and not a Scot ….
Just Stop Solar are just getting going?
UKIP today proscribed “leftist extremists” from joining
a policy they copied off lefty orgs
“Membership is not available to anyone who is or has previously been a member of Hope not Hate, Antifa, Communist League, Left Unity, Extinction Rebellion, Stop the Oil (or any other parties or organisations later added to the proscribed list”
I don’t agree with the policy as it is cancelling people for who they once were
It is entirely possible for former bad lefties to reform
Lots of hand wringing on what to do about the inflatable boat arrivals.
Here’s a thought…. Don’t greet them with rescue boats, let them land if they make it… then just ignore them, no housing, no support, no cash… so they can choose to come illegally and then live as rough sleepers. It’s the feather bedding they get when they get here that makes them keep coming…
There must be thousands of natural born citizens in this country sleeping in shop doorways that would be overjoyed to be treated like illegal immigrants. Money, hotel, bed, food etc. the problem is that the elite see these people as disposable scum whereas they see illegal immigrants as a cause they can salve their middle class consciences over,
The BBC has a victimhood template for every eventuality
We are at the stage now where the BBC will fabricate an entire article around one person being offended if it suits their agenda.
Since when have people have had the right to ‘not be offended’ ?.
The BBC offend me all the time with their gross hypocrisy and racist/sexist double-standards.
Windfarm company Orsted are destroying much of the ocean wildlifewith their windfarms
..that’s not much reported
but them sponsoring a few people to plant seagrass seaweed was given the full PRasNews treatment today by BBC Radio Humberside, ITV local newsPR Show, BBC local News PR Show,
The local environment reporter/green-activist gave it the full hyperbole
“Industry has destroyed nature in the sea, planting seagrass is a huge absorber of CO2”
is it ?
Well as long as they plants are alive and gripping the seabed
If the sea rips them up and washes them ashore they will decay and put CO2 back into the atmosphere.
That reporter is likely talking out of their backside – a complete fabrication ( an opinion based on actual knowledge of seagrass surveys in a professional environment )
Seagrass is the new Polar Bear – I’ve seen enough BS seagrass stories – they rarely reference any actual measurement but often talk about harms and sensitive seagrass.
The precautionary principle often invoked by activists onshore in offices who don’t in some cases even know that the seabed area they’re whinnying about doesn’t have any sea grass and is unlikely to ever have any due to a variety of local conditions….
Often bureaucrats cite seagrass purely so they can issue permits to work in a given area – it is very tiresome since, as I say some random “enviro” saying “what about the seagrass” triggers the working assumption that there is seagrass when there is none + and around it goes ….
The people who survey for seagrass don’t complain for obvious reasons 🙂 – and twits like that BBC goon never report “no seagrass found”
OkThere’s a sea grass story involving Chris Packham which most people outside boating circles won’t have heard of.
There’s a very popular boat and yacht anchorage at Studland Bay on the South Coast. The anchorage is useful along a coast which doesn’t have many useful anchorages. The anchorage is also a large sea grass haven which is also occupied by sea horses. Chris Packham, backed by the BBC, has stirred up an eco storm against the area being used by boats the claim being that anchors are destroying the sea grass and killing sea horses. This is despite the fact that this thriving area of sea grass and sea horses has been used by boats extensively and for decades and it’s probably its use that has created the environment.
For the time being a “solution” has been found by the installation of permanent moorings for the time being. It’s a good example of an unscientific eco campaign similar to the MMGW nonsense.
Teenagers charged with murder over shooting in Dadeville, Alabama
Remember the mass-shooting from the other day which only just made a sub-pane at the BBC ?.
Remember the front-page headline of an 84 year old shooting a black boy at his door late at night (but not killing him) along with a picture of his white face ?.
Remember how it was odd that we got told absolutely nothing about who did it ?.
Remember how we suddenly got pictures of other people in the BBC news who had murdered other people – and they were all white ?.
Well, pictures are easily available for this mass-shooting as well. But suddenly it seems the BBC don’t want to show us them.
Can you guess why ?. Of course you can. Here they are:
Sory, but ‘shameless racist scum’ is the only phrase I can think of to describe the BBC and their Leftists colleagues in the media.
This story will quickly disappear because it is not convenient for their agenda.
And I do wonder what kind of idiot puts this in a BBC news article:
‘Sgt Burkett urged those who were at the party at the dance studio to contact authorities if they have not already done so.’
So I checked which of their new-image stars wrote it. This one:
What immediately struck me about that (being a software engineer) is the absolute contrast I see with the sense Elon talks compared with the absolute child-like trash I see from the BBC ‘Science Correspondents’.
The Left don’t like people who just speak things as they find them regardless of politics. It spoils their social engineering agenda.
I when I say ‘don’t like’ about the Left, I mean ‘hate’. They don’t have any middle ground. You are either one of them or you are their ideological enemy.
the absolute child-like trash I see from the BBC ‘Science Correspondents’
Spot on
It’s really irksome to watch / listen to BBC correspondents torment reality for ideological / propaganda purposes – but … particularly in an area one is intimately familiar with….
Dozens die in Ramadan crush in Yemen’s capital Sanaa
Just reading this and the BBC are more or less describing it as an accident and ‘never mind’. The truth is that all around Africa and the Middle East, these people manage to continually slaughter themselves like stone-age barbarians. And it’s always for nothing more noble than greed or power. And the BBC report it like it’s just normal behaviour. They won’t actually blame anybody because in their ideological world, terrorists are never just bad people. They are always ‘victims’ rising up against some kind of oppression.
And when we let them in here to ‘escape’ from themselves (and get some free money and a better place to live) they don’t thank Allah for letting them embrace civilised society, they just carry on behaving like they did back home. Of course they do : it’s their culture.
It’s just complete madness.
On 24 September 2015, a crowd crush resulted in the death of more than 2,000 individuals, many of whom were suffocated or crushed, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mina, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, making it the deadliest Hajj disaster in history.[
A crawler crane collapsed over the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, around 5:10 p.m. on 11 September 2015, killing 111 people and injuring 394 others.[3][4][5] The city was preparing for the Hajj pilgrimage.[6][7] The accident has been cited as the deadliest crane collapse in history, with the previous most deadly incident being the collapse of a construction crane in New York City in 2008, killing seven people.[8][9]
BBC axes Nadiya Hussain’s Mecca pilgrimage series
The head of the Houthis’ General Zakat Authority meanwhile said it would pay $2,000 (£1,600) to each family who lost a relative, while the injured would get around $400 (£322).
“Ramadan Crush”
I misread and thought it was the latest fad energy drink for fasters..
I vividly recall working for a govt funded project where we were asked to consider not eating at our desk at lunchtime because of these death cult followers fasting.
F’ck that
They should also have asked us to consider not bringing our kids to work on bring your child to work day maybe.
I think the BBC uses any opportunity to advertise the evil cult and further the editorial line of the take over . I expect Charles Windsor to convert pretty soon if there are more suitcases of cash involved ….
I can’t write here what I think when I hear of such events ….
He does seem to have an appetite for prancing about wearing a tablecloth and fanbelt
I am reading “In search of the Dark Ages” , by Michael Wood, at the moment and came upon something which resonated:
King Alfred after his wars with the Danes, embarked upon translating selected works from Latin to Anglo Saxon with this commentary in the book:
“If you wish to create obligations in social life then you must correct the language”
hmm sounds like our far left libtards today. Plus ca change
bBC reports on the obvious
Money Diary: ‘When the kids are off you end up spending more’
No way you spend more!
In Victorian era kids worked so you lost a lot more!
Given it is Chas 3 and squabbling brood, I could care less.
However, given what the BBC will send a full crew to, plus Huw, at the drop of a press release to gush over as cheap telly, this seems churlish.
That said… envy of the world.
Gypsies are a protect status.
Put up cctv cameras in preparation for the ULEZ and to protect signs – but put up a sign to say there are CCTV cameras . Wonder how much the pikeys get for scrap CCTv cameras ?
In India, the southern provinces had the problem of too many snakes. The government tried to solve the problem by paying for dead cobras. This was intended to bring down the number of cobras. Instead, it led to the breeding of cobras.[1]
In Thailand, the Bangkok police had the problem of too many small mistakes by its officers. The police tried to solve the problem by using tartan armbands as a badge of shame. Instead, the armbands were treated as valuable collectables. Since 2007, the Bangkok police has tried using pink armbands with the cute Hello Kitty cartoon character.[2]
In Vietnam during the colonial period, Hanoi had the problem of too many rats. The French tried to solve the problem by paying for dead rats. This was intended to bring down the number of rats. Instead, it led to the breeding of rats.[3]
Same with cameras in Londonistan. When people start taking the law into their own hands………….well…………..where does that end? I can’t wait to get there!
Prince Charles given €3m in cash in bags by Qatari politician, according to report
Ah, but he did give some of it away on Maundy Thursday to some very grateful recipients
King Charles asks for profits from £1bn wind farm deal to go to ‘wider public good’ – and not to the royals
King Charles asks – so will not happen – asks – but he gets good PR and if it does not happen can say he tried.
The big 810 interview is with some mouth from the ‘academy of Royal colleges ‘ – which in medical mafia terms means the ‘5 families ‘.. said mouth pieces said patients are suffering and so are doctors .
There was no challenge to this … doctors suffering because they chose to be greedy and chose to withdraw their labour to get a 35% pay rise ….
… feel short changed because that was enough for me – I didn’t get to the ‘government getting round the table ‘ bit – I’d gone to listen to music ….
But with a little bit of luck after this strike ends in 2025
1 the medical mafia may not be on such a high moral pedestal
2 more people will treat medicine like a trade
3 more people will avoid the NHS and go private
Obviously the medical mafia benefits from 3. Above but anything which pushes the NHS is a good thing ….
Unfortunately more money will be thrown at it to benefit the third world in the A&E waiting room ….
If anyone listened to the rest of the chat good luck – but I notice a stronger disengagement in ‘today ‘ subject matter – I could care less if only 1% of coloured folk can be bothered giving blood …. I wonder how many coloured folk turn in Radio 4 in the morning ….-
Plenty of coloured folk giving blood, mostly through knife wounds
Maybe there is more to this, but questions do arise.
Some Saddo takes a shot up the skirt of a Cheleb few have heard of.
This image is then used as attempted blackmail.
What did it show? And how with any identifiable features?
Well, in these crazy days it might have shown a couple of love-spuds dangling in the breeze.
Woman’s PR team seek free publicity.
The glue that holds the national fabric together.
Other views to bbc narratives are available.
Not force funded to the tune of £5B, but available.
If likely to be banned, because… er… wibble.
Lizzo hitting the U.K. MSM empowerment circuit yet?
‘Deeply worrying’ research suggests 25% of nurses in England are obese
More than one in four nurses in England is obese, according to a new study, which warns this could hamper their ability to deliver safe and effective care.
Thought they were all living of food banks
You know, I’m intrigued to know why the establishment is so “racist” towards blacks…and not other minorities…
If they do badly at school, it’s racism.
If they’re picked up by the police, it’s racism.
If black people don’t get a job, it’s racism.
FFS, now it’s “maternal deaths”…Is there no end to it?
In every area of achievement other races come to Blighty, settle, work hard, make a contribution and do very well. Doctors, lawyers, bankers, politicians. You know, for such a “racist” nation we had an inordinate number of Asians at the very top of the political tree.
Perhaps blacks should take a long hard look at themselves.
Just a thought…
They’d only moan that some black bastard was staring at them from their mirror.
Jeff, the truth about why blacks generally do poorly in school, suffer high unemployment and commit high rates of crime comes down to two factors: IQ and temperament.
Blacks have a low average IQ compared with whites and Asians. Unfortunately this means they are always going to perform worse at school than the other races.
They also have on average more boisterous temperaments, shorter time horizons and more difficulty delaying gratification. With such disadvantages, they are always going to commit more crime.
The establishment Left just don’t want to accept these truths. They want to carry on believing the myth that we are all the same and that any disparity in outcomes can only be explained by racism.
It’s too paainful for the Left to contemplate these truths because to do so would mean accepting that in certain areas blacks are indeed inferior. And for a Leftie that would also mean they conform to the dictionary definition of “racist”. Unthinkable!
So on they will go, throwing out accusations of racism at fellow whites for ever and ever, and never doing a damn thing to help blacks actually solve their problems.
Perhaps the fact that the BBC let the cat out of the bag and revealed that interpreters were needed for some ethnics has a lot to do with it .
why need interpreters in a British maternity hospital ?
NHS trusts spent at least £113,974,561 on interpreters during 2019-20 to 2021-22, an average of £725,953 per NHS trust that replied. £43,095,493 was spent on interpreters in 2019-20, the single largest year. This fell by 28 per cent to £31,050,708 in 2020-21 before rising by 28 per cent to £39,828,361 in 2021-22.7 Feb 2023
BBC publish a disturbing claim …
BBC London News
BBC One London, Tuesday 4 December 2018
In a report on plans for a new Holocaust memorial in Westminster, we referred to Adampol as a ‘Polish labour camp’.
We regret any upset this resulted in – a clearer description should have been used, to explain that it was a Nazi German camp located in Poland.
The secret to bbc expertise is who gets preselected to offer approved opinion.
Dr. Shola, Just about any Climate Perfesser, especially from UEA, approved medical types from UC…
And, of course almost all with ‘…of [………] Studies’ from UoPodunk, CA.
Guest I heard an advert on their Today for the ‘today debates ‘ – a whole hour of meesh and friends reciting approved views about limited subjects …. I was going to see ‘the subjects ‘ and ‘speakers ‘ but couldn’t be asked …
Elsewhere – R4extra is repeating Radio5 by Eric Idle – not that ‘funny ‘ but the pre showing warnings about ‘language ‘ racism ‘ attitudes of the time – makes it compelling listening – but turns out to be dry …
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
‘For the first time ever, I worry about doing drag gigs’
“recent protests at drag storytelling events (to children who are easily impressed)”
“Drag Story Hour looks exactly like any other [event] you would see at a library,” says Jonathan Hamlit, Drag Story Hour’s executive director in the US. “But the reader may look a little more fabulous than your average librarian.”
The US-based Drag Story Hour favours books in which “all the characters feel empowered and accepted”.
I see the BBC are starting their big push for Eurovision. Egged on by them it has become a virtue signalling, grotesque weirdo gayfest. And even better, it’s being held in Liverpool, the world capital of victimhood. The songs are irrelevant but crap anyway. Is it time to put it out of our misery?
Australia has long been an island of Eurovision fans, with SBS having broadcast the show every year since 1983. In fact, a number of high profile Aussies competed in the Contest for other nations, including Olivia Newton-John and Gina G, before the country was officially invited to join the party in 2015.
Marijuanna Spring – love it:
Heterosexual people at the back?
“Almost nothing is true about what governments and legacy media have been telling us concerning the COVID-19 disaster. Moreover, all the imposed remedies, but especially the global lockdowns and the gene-modifying injection procedures, are resulting in absolutely catastrophic effects whose full scale is basically still unfathomable in these increasingly apocalyptic times.”
Biggest item by screen area on the BBC website is the BBC in the usual hidden agenda innocent question mode which is in fact wishful thinking which we are all aware and weary of…..
Do we need a monarch?
They allocate plenty of space to an outright communist Marxist from an outfit called republic (the clue is in the name) who I rather think would like to dust off the tumbrils and Guillotine.
So typically BBC elitism, professional upper middle class with a raging hate against both the entitled rich and the Raggey arsed common man.
Our national conversation on Shamima Begum, which ebbs and flows according to the imperatives of Begum’s legal team and a simultaneously cynical and naïve mass media, is saturated in bullshit. For her detractors, the 23-year-old East-London runaway is a danger to national security and must never be allowed back into the UK. For her supporters, she is a victim of grooming by terrorist recruiters and must be returned to Britain.
The last time Begum hit the headlines it was because she’d had a makeover. This was exactly a year ago: gone was the bulky black burqa, and in were the skinny jeans, Nike baseball cap, sunglasses and pink nail-varnish. Had a new beauty salon opened up in Al-Roj, the arid and austere holding-pen in north-east Syria where Begum is housed, alongside other former female Isis members and their children? It seemed unlikely, but Begum had somehow got her hands on a new bit of clobber and wanted the whole world to know about it.
Afternoon Live
BBC News Channel, Thursday 25 January 2018
Our correspondent misspoke on two occasions in the course of a live report. He said Holocaust Memorial Day was being ‘celebrated’ when he intended to say ‘commemorated.’ And he meant to give the figure of six million victims, not six thousand.
KitKat maker Nestle urged to cut unhealthy food sales
I urge it not to
Eat more dust? aka Little Britain
:abour’s descent into gutter politics is still causing splash-back. On Peston last night, John McDonnell didn’t hold back over the Sunak attacks. The former Shadow Chancellor argued “you never go for the person in this individual way… it’s unacceptable”, before appealing to Nandy personally – “you’re better than this”. This didn’t go down well with Lisa, who hit back that she would “not take lessons from you about civility in politics”. McDonnell has never apologised for endorsing the lynching Esther McVey….
McDonnell then restated his case:
“You don’t do this. This is not Labour politics. We’re better than this”.
Apparently not…
John McDonnell refuses to apologise for ‘lynch Esther Mcvey’ comments
Definitely more fun for anoraks when they get personal . It’s case of remembering they are not human – they are politicians ( see Hancock for instance – or the cake man ) ….
Sooner or later is gets physical of course ….
Alec Baldwin’s Rust resumes filming after on-set tragedy
tragedy – incompetence?
Clive Myrie exchanges BBC News studio for Italian countryside in a brand new BBC Two series Clive Myrie’s Italian Road Trip
The host of Mastermind takes viewers on a stunning journey across his favourite holiday destination
According to the most recent data from the Ministry of Justice, there were 47,622 prosecutions and 44,106 convictions for failing to pay the television licence in the year ending June 2022.14 Mar 2023
No, this is not an “April Fools” joke. I have just been
reading the set up for the BBC PROMS 23 . And
it is just about the most WOKE article the BBC have put
out . And that’s saying something. All that is missing
from this extreme wokeness is that the BBC is not including
any music from male composers beginning with the letter B !!!!
Even GETTY.S imaging has got into the act by producing
one of their default images for the BBC. This time some jazz singer Dee Dee Bridgewater. Well at least she is a B.
It wouldn’t surprise me by next year we could say goodbye to
stale , pale males, Beethoven, Brahms Bruckner, Berlioz ,Borodin,
Bernstein,Bellini,Bruch,Britten, Bax, etc etc etc.
Prom 18: Lata Mangeshkar – Bollywood legend. A tribute to Lata Mangeshkar, “the nightingale of Bollywood”, who died last year at the age of 92 after contracting Covid-19.
Just as an appendage I would like to make an apology on
behalf of the BBC for all the B’S plus Mozart, Handel, Vivaldi ,Dvorak.
Wagner, Verdi, Puccini, Rachmaninov, Vaughn Williams,
Shostakovich Tchaikovsky , Greig, Stravinsky ,Prokofiev, Sibelius etc etc etc
for being stale , pale males.
And if the BBC think its a good idea to pay reparations to all
the famous ethnic composers being left out at the Proms. I
would be more than willing to make a contribution. Episode three will be about the lack of ” inclusiveness ” of conductors.
Which we all know is as easy as driving a tube train.
New game — an Italian minister makes comments on their native birth rate and immigration levels: “Italians are having fewer children, so we’re replacing them with someone else […] That’s not the way forward.”
Based only on the authors’ photos (below), do you think the BBC coverage is:
a) a well thought out, balanced look at national demographics using reasoned analysis and judicious use of population data
b) far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right far-right
Italian outcry over Lollobrigida ‘ethnic replacement’ remarks
UK Surname Positions #1 – Smith #2 – Jones ( wiki – List of most common surnames in United Kingdom )
London shows a different picture for surnames …
3.Patel (India)
10.Khan (Pakistan)
You can also find The most common surnames county by county – sofeminine.co.uk
Find out yourself SpinningReith,
You can enter your name and see it’s popularity go up or down …. visual.ons.gov.uk/baby-names-since-1904-how-has-yours-performed
With a special link provided by the the UK Government for special names such as Muhammad, Mohammed and Mohammad (other names not so special)
We do not have a definitive answer for why the variations of the name Muhammad have generally risen up the rankings over time, but there are some possible explanations.
1. The increasing size of the Muslim community in England and Wales
2. The dominance of the name in the Muslim community combined with increased diversity in names for baby boys
3. The possible increased dominance of the name in the Muslim community
4. The possible effect of popular sporting figures with the names Muhammad and Mohamed
The term such as ‘increased dominance‘ is odd, when in maths you could use the term ‘increased occurrence’ instead.
dominance – power and influence over others
occurrence – the fact or frequency of something happening
Words do have meanings and some are more emotive than others.
“Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. ”
Muslim pupils are telling their Hindu classmates to change their religion to avoid bullying and make their lives easier, a think tank has found. The study by the Henry Jackson Society found that Hindu pupils are being “held responsible” for the actions of India and facing xenophobic slurs from white pupils.2 days ago
Reuters ‘doing a BBC’ and getting a deserved kicking online over their report on the Alabama murders:
“If you tell Google that you would like to see images of ‘Black men’ the images that come up are all portrait photos of black men. Indeed, it takes more than a dozen rows of images before anybody who isn’t black comes up in the images. By contrast a search for ‘White men’ first throws up an image of David Beckham – who is white – but then the second is of a black model. From there every line of five images has either one or two black men in the line-up. Many of the images of white men are of people convicted of crimes with taglines such as ‘Beware of the average white man’ and ‘White men are bad’.”
― Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
Read more quotes from Douglas Murray
He added: “If we want to make real, sustained, long-term progress in reducing discrimination towards those of minority faiths in our schools, then we need to make sure that young people are receiving the best possible education about the many faiths which are woven into the fabric of our diverse United Kingdom.”
1985 ….
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,
more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.
The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
World at one
Trouble in bongo bongo land – lady Brooke chats with a couple of colonials stuck in a war zone and bitching about the UK embassy not doing what they require .
Tricky because a bbc favourite – one Andy plebgate Mitchell is the minister for bongo bongo land and is busy giving away our money to the third world so that he can feel good .
Sadly when true red Mitchell loses his seat at the coming slaughter he will be top of the list to keep giving our money away whilst his unelected arse is sitting in the Lords .
Would you take your 6 year old daughter to Sudan ? Some muppet moaning about still being in bongo bongo land took his kid there …..
… the airport is shut so no one is getting out yet …..
Lady Brooke had the normal job of rubbishing the UK response and saying everyone else is betterer ….
There are robotic climate bedwetter and troll accounts running on Twitter
Tweets from Mike Hudema and Gerald Kutney now arrive (exclusively) in pairs….
The new rulers of Cambodia call 1975 “Year Zero”, the dawn of an age in which there will be no families, no sentiment, no expressions of love or grief, no medicines, no hospitals, no schools, no books, no learning, no holidays, no music, no song, no post, no money – only work and death.
John Pilger, Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia (1979)[1]
Brian McHugh 🌏🏳️🌈
333.98 ppm CO2
Dad and husband.
Mainly post on the environment
Writer for
EnvironmentalUnited Kingdomyorkshirebylines.co.uk/author/brianmc…Joined June 2011
4,927 Following
But he retweets sexy young ladies!
Sophia Kianni
Advisor 🇺🇳 | Student
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30 under 30 | Instagram ⬇️
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For any co-conspirators looking for a career change, you don’t need Reagan-level oratorical skills to milk it on the speaking circuit. Theresa May has coined a stonking £121,700 for a single speech given in Los Angeles – if that wasn’t enough, her West Coast jolly also included flights, meals and accommodation. Liz Truss, clearly less in demand, raked in £65,751 (plus flights and accommodation) for a speech to media conglomerate in Mumbai. She also received £6,500 for another in Tokyo. Guido can think of better ways to spend £190,000…
22 Lost in Manchester …. why is this a terrible statement?
Lost … so they will be found?
Lost …. weasel words rather than killed or murdered so as not to upset anyone or cause HATE.
Lost ….. a child given a Western education and opportunity decided Islam was better, but we cannot look into this problem because all cultures are EQUAL.
Lost …… children killed for an ideology, but that ideology cannot be criticised.
Lost …….. 1400+ kids were “transformed” over 16 years in 1 town, why not use the word groomed rather than raped.
Lost ……… the UK has lost the ability to state the actual events, so it is the UK that HAS LOST.
Today my thoughts are with those in Manchester who were lost on that terrible night and their loved ones who have so bravely battled to rebuild their lives. All of you – and many more in this great city – are the very best of what this country stands for.
Theresa May has coined a stonking £121,700 for a single speech given in Los Angeles
But the mission to make Britain a country that works for everyone means more than fighting these injustices. If you’re from an ordinary working class family, life is much harder than many people in Westminster realise. You have a job but you don’t always have job security. You have your own home, but you worry about paying a mortgage. You can just about manage but you worry about the cost of living and getting your kids into a good school.
If you’re one of those families, if you’re just managing, I want to address you directly.
I know you’re working around the clock, I know you’re doing your best, and I know that sometimes life can be a struggle. The government I lead will be driven not by the interests of the privileged few, but by yours.
Hey BBC peeps – here’s a need to know topic that’s presently empty…
“Trans children – what you need to know”
‘My first thought as I came round was Oh God! What have I done?’: Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he bitterly regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal
Ritchie Herron, 35, says life has been unbearable since surgery four years ago
His case first emerged after he shared experience on Twitter under pseudonym
He claims NHS failed to take mental health crisis into account before procedure
PUBLISHED: 22:11, 25 June 2022 | UPDATED: 17:16, 28 June 2022
Puberty blocking. An old British tradition
World at one two
Dom Raab – on the naughty step for allegedly trying to get civil servants to do their job.
I think he might be toast – having had the same treatment doled out to pritti useless patel …
It’s popcorn because they’ll always be another blue labour politician to do the job . On the upside it might highlight how civil servants run their own lefty desires against someone trying to be a Tory ?
not servants and not civil
Man paid money . Man happy. Man leaves stage.
hardly “paid money”
extortion should attract a RICO charge
Man gets handcuffed, man goes to court , man just might be found innocent
RFK Jnr *has* to loose off a few torpedoes at nasty old Joe et fils. Get the old swine and his crew off the playing field ASAP.
Amazon discount popcorn by 10% for repeat orders
Interesting … 2017 …
Half a century after United States B-52 bombers dropped more than 500,000 tonnes of explosives on Cambodia’s countryside Washington wants the country to repay a $US500 million ($662 million) war debt.
The demand has prompted expressions of indignation and outrage from Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh.
Those who like watching the World Snooker championship
from Sheffield are annoyed that the BBC are completely
messing around with the presentation and schedules.
To be honest I amazed the BBC cover snooker at all. I
mean where is the “inclusiveness,” At least on ITV, Sky , BT Sports
if there only white players involved we can be compensated by
the adverts which have all but 100% inclusiveness of black
models in every advert.
How can one expect the BBC to show two whities knocking
an assortment of coloured balls into pockets for a couple of
hours. As well as a white referee .
OK I know there are black balls as well . Which have the
highest value of 7 points which I suppose it is some kind
of compensation to the diversity department of the BBC.
BUT can you just imagine BIG BROTHER being a he, a she or an it, Demanding to be. seeing Afro Caribbean players and umpires .
And pulling out his , hers or its, cornrows, bantu knots or hair
But Fos – what about all the ‘Asians ‘ playing ? Sponsored by dodgy Far Eastern betting operations – take a dive in the 7th …
The BBC is commissioning a fresh Telly Tubby series dedicated to climate change and net zero?
Meanwhile …