“When senior palace aide Lady Susan Hussey repeatedly asked charity boss Ngozi Fulani where she was from, much of the media eagerly leapt to Fulani’s defence. Self-styled anti-racists decried Hussey’s ‘interrogation’ as an assault on Fulani’s ‘authentic African pride’.
We now know that Ngozi Fulani changed her name from Marlene Headley. It turns out that she is not strictly of African origin, either. Despite claiming to be proud of her African heritage, and often appearing in public in traditional African dress, her family came to Britain from the Caribbean.
Fulani’s name has also raised eyebrows among British Africans. While it is wholly reasonable that some Caribbean-origin people might want to change their English-, Scottish- or Irish-sounding surnames, which were often given to them by slaveowners, ‘Ngozi Fulani’ is a rather unlikely pairing. ‘Ngozi’ is a name common among the Igbo people, an ethnic group in Nigeria. ‘Fulani’, meanwhile, is the name of one of the largest ethnic groups in the Sahel and West Africa.
As the Nigerian newspaper, the Nation, explains, one longstanding problem in Nigeria is the ‘zero-sum struggle for power’ between its Igbo and Fulani elites. In recent times, Nigeria’s agricultural ‘Middle Belt’ has been blighted by land disputes between mostly Muslim Fulani herders and predominantly Christian non-Fulani farmers, many of whom are from the Igbo tribe. The two groups, as one commentator puts it, ‘hate each other’. So it is no surprise that some Brits of African origin – particularly those of Nigerian heritage – are less than impressed by an adopted name which combines these ethnicities.”
Whoopi Goldberg was born Caryn Elaine Johnson in the Chelsea section of Manhattan on November 13, 1955. Her mother, Emma (Harris), was a teacher and a nurse, and her father, Robert James Johnson, Jr., was a clergyman. Whoopi’s recent ancestors were from Georgia, Florida, and Virginia.
A pity that Buckingham Palace staff do not have the same rights as the civil service when it comes to dusky victim bullies, although rumours also abound about Charlie and Andrew, the victim in the USA tought them both that she is in a different class when it comes to nastiness.
Alone among our national press titles it is left to the jokey blokey Daily Star Sunday to wish us all: Happy St George’s Day on their masthead Thought for the Day feature
Admittedly The Mail on Sunday offers readers a Free King Charles III Coronation tea towl *£4.99 postage payable Online access. Mail account and Unique Number required. Terms apply – it’s almost as though they’re determined to track and trace us few… us patriotic washer uppers with a monarchist bent for commemorative collectibles.
Speaking of track and trace… The Sunday Express gives us a welcome once a week break from their tediously loyalist to Sunak workaday iteration’s unity with the people of Ukraine and instead at the top of the page advises: Don’t panic! 3pm phone alarm not an emergency
Don’t want us to panic? Don’t do it then!
The Daily Star cracks the same gag that’s getting about as old as Clive Dunn’s character in Dad’s Army was supposed to have been: Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Mobile phone alert mahem at 3pm today
If someone says keep calm and carry on I’m likely to scream louder than a phone emergency alert
I’m now trying to recall any mention of this in any political party manifesto or indeed any prospective constituency MP that stood on the stump last time around and promised us State-mandated mobile phone emergency alerts?
No, thought not.
So where does this stuff come from?
May I present Exhibit ‘B’ ladies and gentlemen of the Biased BBC jury: No passengers for young drivers… New drivers aged under 25 may be stopped from carrying young passengers as part of a “graduated driving licence” being considered by ministers (Sunday Times)
Who what where when why ??? – as that old journalistic trope used to ask.
The restriction has the approval of Support for Victims of Road Crashes, an advisory committee to the Department of Transport and will be considered at a meeting next month (Times) – there follows some intentionally scary justificatory stats supplied by: the charity Brake… – and news that: The change could be made by amending The Road traffic (New Drivers) Act. This already puts new drivers on probation – this news comes with a caution that: Ministers worry that the rule could be hard to enforce but Jo Shiner, the the UK’s most senior police officer responsible for roads supports it
So there you have it. That’s how the country is run nowadays. It’s a legalistic managerial therapeutic State – employing the notion of safety and protection so as to work toward some rather shrouded and unspecified (suspiciously supranational) long-term goals. New laws are cooked up between an alliance of unelected qangos, campainging fake charities with dubious (largely tax-payer) funding, permanent civil servants and limp-wristed fearful politicians as the figure heads… ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the prime limp-wristed manlet of a prime minister, Rishi Sunak… or if you will Sir Keir Starmer… basically, take your pick it makes hardly a whit of difference.
Goodbye possums (Telegraph); Goodnight possums! (Times); King leads tributes to superstar ‘Dame Edna’ (the achingly toe-curlingly loyalist Express)
Frankly, Mr AsI was much more of a Sir Les Patterson fan. But you either knew or might have guessed that. It’s funny (strange) how we’ve lost a brace of female impersonators recently. Of course nowadays chaps tend to play the female impersonation straight, as it were.
I commented on a previous BBC article about this, saying that one can disable emergency notifications on one’s phone. BBC tutted and removed it. Control is everything to them.
After 30 years of listening to Radio 4 about 12 hours a day I stopped (and never went back) after the Sunday programme about 17 years ago. This so-called religious programme did a vox pop, “What do you think of when you hear the word Devil?”. First answer – Thatcher! I complained and got brushed off. Radio 4 got switched off.
Sorry. These two ‘doctors’ OPTED to place themselves/their cash/their careers ahead of the well-being of those to whom they owed a duty of care. No amount of ‘we were told this … we were told that … we were scared’ cuts it in my book. They chose to be a mouthpiece for government and did not:
1. Make the care of their patients their first concern.
2. Provide a good standard of practice and care:
3. Contribute to and comply with systems to protect patients.
4. Show respect for their patients.
Everything these two ‘doctors’ needed to know was in plain sight from the start:
Extract from written evidence, Joanna K Jones
24 Apr 2020
(COV0064) https://committees.parliament.uk
”The quarantine was said to be for only 3 weeks, then it was lengthened by another 3 weeks. Now I am seeing reports of it lasting until 2021 or 2022 or ‘until a vaccine is available’. In fact, the Coronavirus Act allows for quarantine of up to 2 years (unknown to most of the public). This is dishonest of the government and doesn’t address the question of:
1. What if the vaccine doesn’t work or is dangerous and cannot be used?
2. What about the people who would refuse an experimental vaccine?”
And again:
‘My medical appointments are all cancelled. My surgeon has cancelled my appointment ‘indefinitely’ despite the fact that I can’t walk and no one knows why, but this isn’t considered an emergency enough, while money is poured into covid hospitals that are empty.’
Pat Condell
Today we celebrate the great St George, a pure blooded Englishman who went to work on a bike, ate fish and chips, drank best bitter, played cricket, smoked Woodbines, and hated the BBC long before it even existed. Happy St George’s Day.
8:36 AM · Apr 23, 2023
US forces in Sudan
Ministers need to be more robust in Parliament
Prince Louis’s fifth birthday
Wrexham get promotion – Ryan Reynolds celebrates
Emergency alerts could save lives
Eid, a week in pictures
Not forgetting Mohammed Farah’s last London Marathon – live!!
This made me chuckle, though.
From Sickipedia.
After Paul O Grady, now Barry Humphries, Eddie Izzard must be *****ing himself. 🎯😎
Buried on the BBC webshite there is quite unexpectedly an article about St George. However it is a list of points denigrating everything that we know about him. Nothing at all to be patriotic about. The BBC- childish, spiteful and ignorant. They disgust me.
‘The new system will be used in cases of flooding, wildfires or terror attacks.’
But mainly terror attacks.
Then we get the most bizarre attempt to shoehorn in some misandrist agenda I’ve seen for a long time:
‘Ellie Butt, from the domestic abuse charity Refuge, is urging women who feel at risk to disable the alert.She said: “One in four women will experience domestic abuse in her lifetime … so it’s safe to assume that there are a significant number of people that need to know that their safety might be at risk from these alerts, and they can opt out and turn them off.”‘
No explanation at all.
The whole article has got ‘amateur idiot’ written all over it and seems to be written by someone a bit stupid for other people who are also a bit stupid. Here’s the culprit:
I really hope BBC Politics Live stick with Oscar Bentley’s impartial fact-checking despite the entirely unfair attacks on him from the Mail and Rees Mogg. He’s done his job exactly as required & has done nothing wrong. He should be back on air the next time a fact-check is needed
It’s not really the BBC’s ‘fact checking’ which is the problem.
It’s that they only choose to check those facts which can be proved in a way to fit the agenda.
Imagine the field-day a much cleverer Marianna could have if she chose to highlight BBC’s lies by omission as part of the ‘disinformation’ investigations.
Talking of “BBC lies by omission” what ever happened the The Balen Report ? Accused of bias on their Middle East reporting they commisioned this report, saw the result and then spent ££££’s of licience payers money hidding it. Sheik Jeremy Bowen and the crying Barbara Plett the worse offenders.
I don’t understand why we need an “emergency alert” but I’m deeply suspicious of anything the government want me to do “for my own good.” I just don’t trust them…
GWF recently mentioned Pat Condell, who used to be on You Tube regularly. I haven’t seen or heard anything about him in ages, so I had a shufty at his Twitter page. He says this about today’s alert.
“The only emergency we’ve got is a globalist fifth column masquerading as a conservative government. Seven years after the Brexit vote we still have wide open borders to the scum of the earth. You are the problem, mate. You can shove your emergency alert up your arse.”
Hello Lucy – I bet when Ronnie Reagan said that he never conceived that the US Federal Government would be used as violently against ‘dissenters ‘… the USSA(R)
There was already conclusive evidence in Whatsapp messages before the trial that the Moorov approach was an organised perjury. Lady Dorrian banned that evidence from Salmond's trial as "collateral". She refused my application for it in my hearing too. https://t.co/PGaumtLueu
Chris McElney says he was targeted by Sturgeon because he asked the NEC where the £667,000 fundraiser was.
The CEO, party leader, deputy treasurer sitting round a table and they couldn't answer the question, he says that's when he knew something stinkshttps://t.co/9uhqluJMNk
Luckily, they have the BBC in support, who can be very forgiving.
You can apologise for one’s remarks, but can one really “disassociate” oneself from them so quickly? Surely she was expressing her true, ignorant and bigoted views – views held, I suspect, by a substantial minority of Labour activists.👇 https://t.co/at7pXIt3pc
She of course is a serial blocker as well, like many Beeboids, so such things are less likely to be captured by those not in full support of cover ups.
If Rishi Sunak and his cabinet can’t see what is going on with the relentless attacks from the liberal left and the public service unions on Raab, Ofsted, CBI, NHS, Rail companies etc, he needs his eyes testing.
This is a coordinated assault orchestrated by shady organisations like momentum to try and take control via devious bullying having failed at the ballot box.
They tasted blood with Johnson and now see it as a viable method of grabbing power which does not have to rely on the ballot box.
Come on Rishi, get some counter attacks going before it’s too late!
I admire your optimism . Blue Labour was elected with an 80 seat majority . OK – quite a few of them could easily be in the red Labour Party .
But there has been no attempt to be Conservative -they just raised taxes and threw borrowed money at welfare and the NHS like a real Labour Party .
If they think they’ll be in power after the next election they must be so out of touch as not to deserve their MP salary . Conservatives just won’t bother voting for them .
They have allowed Far Left organisations such as the BBC to do and say whatever they want – and suffer constant attacks at all levels .
If the next parliament doesn’t deliver a hung parliament – and gives Red Labour a working majority – I hope to see the inevitable disappointment that Labour is unable to deliver for its friends destabilise Blighty – and maybe producing a party of the Right which has more ability than Reform and which might ‘take back control’ .
However I cannot see a Right wing party in the foreseeable future because of the far left control now in charge …. See Raab Patel Cummings … and nut nut …
Is Islington Really The Worst Place In The UK For Women To Live? We Asked
‘I completely had this idea about the croissant-munching elite.’
Steven Hopkins
16/09/2017 10:08am BST
Updated September 19, 2017
In view of the forthcoming nuclear attack on Blighty on Sunday afternoon – you may be entitled to compensation ( if you survive ) – trained counsellors will be available to reassure you after the attack . A phone number will be published later – but remember to have a Debit card and PIN number ready when you call ….
My 91 year old neighbour got scammed for £1500 via a clever phone scam last week – she thought it could never happen to her ….
Just found out why comrade abbot has had the whip withdrawn ( until tomorrow ) – maybe they’ll get someone ‘independent – like lady chakrabati to hold an ‘inquiry ‘ into anti semitism in the Labour Party – which we know – of course – Doesn’t Exist … now where s that ISIS / pLO flag …?
Can you guess the lead shorty on the BBC news ? It’s an anti monarchy piece – followed by the anti semite abbot ….maybe the lady Doreen – so mouthy at this time of year – can help out on behalf of the coloured folk … popcorn …
The useless lump said something like, “Jewish people face racism the same way people with red hair do.” Yep, that’s what she said…
It’s a well-known historical fact that millions of gingers had their businesses ruined, their homes destroyed and were corralled into death camps and then into gas chambers during the late 1930s, early 40s.
Just to round off my previous comment about world at one – the whole show was about ‘royalty ‘ nothing on abbot – there wasn’t even a reminder of the News at the end …..
….. bias bias bias ….
Twenty-four asylum seekers who claimed they were children after being sent to Liverpool were found to be adults, the city’s council has said. The authority said another 15 asylum seekers “should have been identified as children” by the government and accommodated in London instead.8 Dec 2018
I think the “Royal College of Nursing” has surely lost the right to call itself “Royal”. In the light of their strike action, I propose that it be renamed the Communist Union of Nurses and Therapists. Sums them up quite well, I feel.
Update – 18 minutes into the world at one and comrade Jonny Dymond is kicking the arse out of the monarchy – the piece started with some Lundun white people celebrating royalty ( that was the bit for OFCOM ) then the kicking started … Brixton – coloured peasants – followed by some one from the ‘Republic ‘ pressure group – who accused the royal family of corruption – followed by HRH Helena £€ Kennedy playing it each way on behalf of Red Labour …. She kicked ‘white men ‘ of course showing her sexism and racism in a sentence .
Please don’t get me wrong – I care less about the subject – but I do care about the way the BBC deal with such an issue and act as a promoter for the end of monarchy – funny for an organisation relying on a ‘royal charter ‘….
It’s 1 25 pm and I still haven’t heard about the red Labour Party and the anti semite Diane Abbot … but should I be surprised ? Let’s talk about the Raab fit up instead ……
If anyone wanted evidence of lack of balance – please read above ….
Here is something the MSM appear very reluctant to cover, the climate change scandal of the Australian Met Office using digital thermometers which read 0.7C hotter than the mercury ones they previous used, knowing about it and not adjusting the figures accordingly to insinuate there is a global warming issue which isn’t actually there.
Further significant doubts have been cast on the accuracy of global surface temperature results following the discovery that electronic thermometers in Australia have read up to 0.7°C higher than traditional mercury glass units. The Australian dataset is a major component of global compilations since it provides an important guide to one of the largest land masses in the southern hemisphere. After many years of trying, local freedom of information requests from scientists have forced the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) to release comparative information from the two measuring devices around Brisbane airport. It shows that automatic readings are higher 41% of the time, compared with 32% when the temperatures were the same.
Temperatures around airports and conurbations are always going to be higher than rural temperatures (ie real ambient) due to the built environment.
As an example, this winter, Met Office readings for Manchester were many degrees higher than we experienced in fairly near rural Cheshire. We get frosts when Manchester is at 6-8 degrees.
Thoughtful and Flotsam, regarding ‘record’ temperatures and airports and 2022. https://www.eenews.net/articles/u-k-shatters-heat-record-3-times-in-a-matter-of-hours/
‘Extreme heat shattered records in the United Kingdom yesterday as temperatures hurtled above 104 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time since the country started keeping measurements.’
3 records are cited in the article: Heathrow Airport, ‘the English village of Charlwood’ and then the ‘village of Coningsby’.
Two villages? But both locations have neighbouring airports!!!
A neighbour told me that records had been broken at Kew Gardens? True, it certainly should have been a cooler refuge from City heat last year.
I didn’t get this alarm phone alert today.
I expect it’s because I have one of these SIM card things without any contract where I have to top up my credit using a computer.
I don’t have a contract with any phone company.
Mrs GWF got the phone alarm but I did not. Neither of us have contracts with phone companies.
At least she will be warned of the impending climate disaster.
Can this government do anything correctly?
Nothing to report from taffland, not even a fart. Another useless idea from our OXO government. who are trying to control us but cannot control the channel invaders coming in illegally .
I could imagine it might be useful if there was a mass shooter in your area or a tiger escaped from the zoo. But probably by the time you got the alert the incident would be over. Or you’d be dead.
Having disabled emergency alerts on my phone, I remained blissfully untroubled by the latest interference in my life by Big Nanny. Much to the BBC’s annoyance no doubt.
O’Brien held up the fingers of his left hand, with the thumb concealed.
‘There are five fingers there. Do you see five fingers?’
And he did see them, for a fleeting instant, before the scenery of his mind changed. He saw five fingers, and there was no deformity. Then everything was normal again, and the old fear, the hatred, and the bewilderment came crowding back again. But there had been a moment — he did not know how long, thirty seconds, perhaps — of luminous certainty, when each new suggestion of O’Brien’s had filled up a patch of emptiness and become absolute truth, and when two and two could have been three as easily as five, if that were what was needed.
William and Kate fly to US to promote prince’s environmental prize
This article is more than 4 months old
Days later, Harry and Meghan will head to New York for human rights award, with no plans for brothers to meet
Happy St George’s Day when we wind- up English racists venerating a migrant worker born in what is now Turkey and who, in 2023, they’d bar from Britain 😃
Mohammed was a paedophile.
Ghandi a racist.
Martin Luther King orgy fiend.
Mother Theresa loved poverty more than getting people better.
Dianne abbott is anti semitic.
If some bloke dressed in armour with sharp pointy metal weapons wittering about a damsel and a dragon turned up I’m sure most would not want the expense of treatment on the NHS.
Why was Jeremy Corbyn removed? A report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission published in October 2020 found that under Mr Corbyn’s leadership, the Labour Party breached the Equality Act when it failed to effectively address antisemitism within it.28 Mar 2023
Diane Abbott has had the Labour whip withdrawn for comments she made in a letter to the Observer. The former Shadow Home Secretary had since apologised for the letter, in which she implied Jewish people couldn’t experience racism.
order-order.com April 2023
…. The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism {THE SHAMI CHAKRABARTI INQUIRY 30jun2016}, Islamophobia or other forms of racism.
Further, it is the party that initiated every single United Kingdom race equality law.
On every panel discussion I’ve seen about the Civil Snowflakes and their bias it’s all the lefties saying it’s not biased and all those on the right saying it is.
Surely that shows where the bias is.
Mulling over the massive movement to batter the population into submission over such things a global warming I have a hypothesis.
It is all driven by the universities.
For many years the encouragement and development of brains in universities was based on advancement of the human race in terms of better solutions to the challenges such as transport, energy, agriculture, health, etc,
Universities have changed and now the golden target is finding problems! they are churning out people who see their motive to be inventing and addressing problems instead of pushing forward and advancing human endeavour.
Hence the tsunami of new climate and behavioural scientists etc. ready to take up roles in this new and totally meaningless dark religion.
Basically they have given up on finding new stuff and are chasing their holy grail of screaming to fix stuff that doesn’t really need fixing using blackmail and threat to force it upon us.
It’s a soft option and will do humanity enormous harm in due course.
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER segment on Russel Brand show
.. extensive mentions of BBC
start 46m30 in … https://rumble.com/v2irg36-you-just-lied-elons-rant-and-pentagon-papers-bombshell-109-stay-free-with-r.html
..Youtube segment : https://youtu.be/O9V9BMHk9gk?t=166
Something for the fact checkers ?
hmmm tumbleweed
“Is Ngozi Fulani a cultural appropriator?
“When senior palace aide Lady Susan Hussey repeatedly asked charity boss Ngozi Fulani where she was from, much of the media eagerly leapt to Fulani’s defence. Self-styled anti-racists decried Hussey’s ‘interrogation’ as an assault on Fulani’s ‘authentic African pride’.
We now know that Ngozi Fulani changed her name from Marlene Headley. It turns out that she is not strictly of African origin, either. Despite claiming to be proud of her African heritage, and often appearing in public in traditional African dress, her family came to Britain from the Caribbean.
Fulani’s name has also raised eyebrows among British Africans. While it is wholly reasonable that some Caribbean-origin people might want to change their English-, Scottish- or Irish-sounding surnames, which were often given to them by slaveowners, ‘Ngozi Fulani’ is a rather unlikely pairing. ‘Ngozi’ is a name common among the Igbo people, an ethnic group in Nigeria. ‘Fulani’, meanwhile, is the name of one of the largest ethnic groups in the Sahel and West Africa.
As the Nigerian newspaper, the Nation, explains, one longstanding problem in Nigeria is the ‘zero-sum struggle for power’ between its Igbo and Fulani elites. In recent times, Nigeria’s agricultural ‘Middle Belt’ has been blighted by land disputes between mostly Muslim Fulani herders and predominantly Christian non-Fulani farmers, many of whom are from the Igbo tribe. The two groups, as one commentator puts it, ‘hate each other’. So it is no surprise that some Brits of African origin – particularly those of Nigerian heritage – are less than impressed by an adopted name which combines these ethnicities.”
A Campbell MacDonald in W. Africa?
elsewhere I see the name Campbell is derived from combining two Gaelic words – Cam, meaning crooked and Beul meaning mouth.
Whoopi Goldberg was born Caryn Elaine Johnson in the Chelsea section of Manhattan on November 13, 1955. Her mother, Emma (Harris), was a teacher and a nurse, and her father, Robert James Johnson, Jr., was a clergyman. Whoopi’s recent ancestors were from Georgia, Florida, and Virginia.
Ngozi Fulani (real name Marlene Headley) being secretly filmed explaining to a group of six formers that she doesn’t normally wear heritage clothing.
Foreigners are evacuated from The Sudan. US, British and European citizens party on.
A pity that Buckingham Palace staff do not have the same rights as the civil service when it comes to dusky victim bullies, although rumours also abound about Charlie and Andrew, the victim in the USA tought them both that she is in a different class when it comes to nastiness.
bbc fact checkers… naaah
Be alert – your country needs lerts edition
Alone among our national press titles it is left to the jokey blokey Daily Star Sunday to wish us all: Happy St George’s Day on their masthead Thought for the Day feature
Admittedly The Mail on Sunday offers readers a Free King Charles III Coronation tea towl *£4.99 postage payable Online access. Mail account and Unique Number required. Terms apply – it’s almost as though they’re determined to track and trace us few… us patriotic washer uppers with a monarchist bent for commemorative collectibles.
Speaking of track and trace… The Sunday Express gives us a welcome once a week break from their tediously loyalist to Sunak workaday iteration’s unity with the people of Ukraine and instead at the top of the page advises: Don’t panic! 3pm phone alarm not an emergency
Don’t want us to panic? Don’t do it then!
The Daily Star cracks the same gag that’s getting about as old as Clive Dunn’s character in Dad’s Army was supposed to have been: Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Mobile phone alert mahem at 3pm today
If someone says keep calm and carry on I’m likely to scream louder than a phone emergency alert
I’m now trying to recall any mention of this in any political party manifesto or indeed any prospective constituency MP that stood on the stump last time around and promised us State-mandated mobile phone emergency alerts?
No, thought not.
So where does this stuff come from?
May I present Exhibit ‘B’ ladies and gentlemen of the Biased BBC jury: No passengers for young drivers… New drivers aged under 25 may be stopped from carrying young passengers as part of a “graduated driving licence” being considered by ministers (Sunday Times)
Who what where when why ??? – as that old journalistic trope used to ask.
The restriction has the approval of Support for Victims of Road Crashes, an advisory committee to the Department of Transport and will be considered at a meeting next month (Times) – there follows some intentionally scary justificatory stats supplied by: the charity Brake… – and news that: The change could be made by amending The Road traffic (New Drivers) Act. This already puts new drivers on probation – this news comes with a caution that: Ministers worry that the rule could be hard to enforce but Jo Shiner, the the UK’s most senior police officer responsible for roads supports it
So there you have it. That’s how the country is run nowadays. It’s a legalistic managerial therapeutic State – employing the notion of safety and protection so as to work toward some rather shrouded and unspecified (suspiciously supranational) long-term goals. New laws are cooked up between an alliance of unelected qangos, campainging fake charities with dubious (largely tax-payer) funding, permanent civil servants and limp-wristed fearful politicians as the figure heads… ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the prime limp-wristed manlet of a prime minister, Rishi Sunak… or if you will Sir Keir Starmer… basically, take your pick it makes hardly a whit of difference.
Goodbye possums (Telegraph); Goodnight possums! (Times); King leads tributes to superstar ‘Dame Edna’ (the achingly toe-curlingly loyalist Express)
Frankly, Mr AsI was much more of a Sir Les Patterson fan. But you either knew or might have guessed that. It’s funny (strange) how we’ve lost a brace of female impersonators recently. Of course nowadays chaps tend to play the female impersonation straight, as it were.
“Emergency alert could be sound that saves your life , says deputy PM”.
IMHO Its all about “ fear and control, fear and control”?
Or, if it catches you by surprise as you’re doing 70mph on a motorway, it could be the sound that ends it. Always two sides.
I commented on a previous BBC article about this, saying that one can disable emergency notifications on one’s phone. BBC tutted and removed it. Control is everything to them.
How often is the Radio 4 Sunday Church Services devoted to a political cause ?
.. Today it’s Stephen Laurence
After 30 years of listening to Radio 4 about 12 hours a day I stopped (and never went back) after the Sunday programme about 17 years ago. This so-called religious programme did a vox pop, “What do you think of when you hear the word Devil?”. First answer – Thatcher! I complained and got brushed off. Radio 4 got switched off.
apologies for any sprayed cornflakes
Certainly none inside that head.
TalkRadio/TalkTV’s two doctors are talking about the damages done by the jab for their whole programme (on’till 10:00). They are very late to the party, but at least they’ve arrived.
Sorry. These two ‘doctors’ OPTED to place themselves/their cash/their careers ahead of the well-being of those to whom they owed a duty of care. No amount of ‘we were told this … we were told that … we were scared’ cuts it in my book. They chose to be a mouthpiece for government and did not:
1. Make the care of their patients their first concern.
2. Provide a good standard of practice and care:
3. Contribute to and comply with systems to protect patients.
4. Show respect for their patients.
Everything these two ‘doctors’ needed to know was in plain sight from the start:
Extract from written evidence, Joanna K Jones
24 Apr 2020
(COV0064) https://committees.parliament.uk
”The quarantine was said to be for only 3 weeks, then it was lengthened by another 3 weeks. Now I am seeing reports of it lasting until 2021 or 2022 or ‘until a vaccine is available’. In fact, the Coronavirus Act allows for quarantine of up to 2 years (unknown to most of the public). This is dishonest of the government and doesn’t address the question of:
1. What if the vaccine doesn’t work or is dangerous and cannot be used?
2. What about the people who would refuse an experimental vaccine?”
And again:
‘My medical appointments are all cancelled. My surgeon has cancelled my appointment ‘indefinitely’ despite the fact that I can’t walk and no one knows why, but this isn’t considered an emergency enough, while money is poured into covid hospitals that are empty.’
Pat Condell
Today we celebrate the great St George, a pure blooded Englishman who went to work on a bike, ate fish and chips, drank best bitter, played cricket, smoked Woodbines, and hated the BBC long before it even existed. Happy St George’s Day.
8:36 AM · Apr 23, 2023
Happy St George’s Day.
Nowhere to be seen on the
BBC, quelle surprise.
US forces in Sudan
Ministers need to be more robust in Parliament
Prince Louis’s fifth birthday
Wrexham get promotion – Ryan Reynolds celebrates
Emergency alerts could save lives
Eid, a week in pictures
Not forgetting Mohammed Farah’s last London Marathon – live!!
This made me chuckle, though.
From Sickipedia.
After Paul O Grady, now Barry Humphries, Eddie Izzard must be *****ing himself. 🎯😎
Buried on the BBC webshite there is quite unexpectedly an article about St George. However it is a list of points denigrating everything that we know about him. Nothing at all to be patriotic about. The BBC- childish, spiteful and ignorant. They disgust me.
Emergency alert could be sound that saves your life , says deputy PM
‘The new system will be used in cases of flooding, wildfires or terror attacks.’
But mainly terror attacks.
Then we get the most bizarre attempt to shoehorn in some misandrist agenda I’ve seen for a long time:
‘Ellie Butt, from the domestic abuse charity Refuge, is urging women who feel at risk to disable the alert.She said: “One in four women will experience domestic abuse in her lifetime … so it’s safe to assume that there are a significant number of people that need to know that their safety might be at risk from these alerts, and they can opt out and turn them off.”‘
No explanation at all.
The whole article has got ‘amateur idiot’ written all over it and seems to be written by someone a bit stupid for other people who are also a bit stupid. Here’s the culprit:
I suppose they have to give them something to do.
Presumably they can’t be trusted with some light dusting?
The Guardian “newspaper” and slavery🤔🤔😕😕
Hurley in pain.
Scooping up the audience too.
It’s not really the BBC’s ‘fact checking’ which is the problem.
It’s that they only choose to check those facts which can be proved in a way to fit the agenda.
Imagine the field-day a much cleverer Marianna could have if she chose to highlight BBC’s lies by omission as part of the ‘disinformation’ investigations.
Talking of “BBC lies by omission” what ever happened the The Balen Report ? Accused of bias on their Middle East reporting they commisioned this report, saw the result and then spent ££££’s of licience payers money hidding it. Sheik Jeremy Bowen and the crying Barbara Plett the worse offenders.
I don’t understand why we need an “emergency alert” but I’m deeply suspicious of anything the government want me to do “for my own good.” I just don’t trust them…
GWF recently mentioned Pat Condell, who used to be on You Tube regularly. I haven’t seen or heard anything about him in ages, so I had a shufty at his Twitter page. He says this about today’s alert.
“The only emergency we’ve got is a globalist fifth column masquerading as a conservative government. Seven years after the Brexit vote we still have wide open borders to the scum of the earth. You are the problem, mate. You can shove your emergency alert up your arse.”
Well said sir…
– Jeff ..
Hello Lucy – I bet when Ronnie Reagan said that he never conceived that the US Federal Government would be used as violently against ‘dissenters ‘… the USSA(R)
SNP is as straight as a corkscrew….
Luckily, they have the BBC in support, who can be very forgiving.
If selectively.
Good job she was never terse with a staffer, eh, Gordo?
She of course is a serial blocker as well, like many Beeboids, so such things are less likely to be captured by those not in full support of cover ups.
If Rishi Sunak and his cabinet can’t see what is going on with the relentless attacks from the liberal left and the public service unions on Raab, Ofsted, CBI, NHS, Rail companies etc, he needs his eyes testing.
This is a coordinated assault orchestrated by shady organisations like momentum to try and take control via devious bullying having failed at the ballot box.
They tasted blood with Johnson and now see it as a viable method of grabbing power which does not have to rely on the ballot box.
Come on Rishi, get some counter attacks going before it’s too late!
I admire your optimism . Blue Labour was elected with an 80 seat majority . OK – quite a few of them could easily be in the red Labour Party .
But there has been no attempt to be Conservative -they just raised taxes and threw borrowed money at welfare and the NHS like a real Labour Party .
If they think they’ll be in power after the next election they must be so out of touch as not to deserve their MP salary . Conservatives just won’t bother voting for them .
They have allowed Far Left organisations such as the BBC to do and say whatever they want – and suffer constant attacks at all levels .
If the next parliament doesn’t deliver a hung parliament – and gives Red Labour a working majority – I hope to see the inevitable disappointment that Labour is unable to deliver for its friends destabilise Blighty – and maybe producing a party of the Right which has more ability than Reform and which might ‘take back control’ .
However I cannot see a Right wing party in the foreseeable future because of the far left control now in charge …. See Raab Patel Cummings … and nut nut …
Contrived, synthetic indignation…
– where’s Nick Brown MP? -> the BBC seem “incurious”
There is, of course….
Is Islington Really The Worst Place In The UK For Women To Live? We Asked
‘I completely had this idea about the croissant-munching elite.’
Steven Hopkins
16/09/2017 10:08am BST
Updated September 19, 2017
In view of the forthcoming nuclear attack on Blighty on Sunday afternoon – you may be entitled to compensation ( if you survive ) – trained counsellors will be available to reassure you after the attack . A phone number will be published later – but remember to have a Debit card and PIN number ready when you call ….
My 91 year old neighbour got scammed for £1500 via a clever phone scam last week – she thought it could never happen to her ….
Just found out why comrade abbot has had the whip withdrawn ( until tomorrow ) – maybe they’ll get someone ‘independent – like lady chakrabati to hold an ‘inquiry ‘ into anti semitism in the Labour Party – which we know – of course – Doesn’t Exist … now where s that ISIS / pLO flag …?
Can you guess the lead shorty on the BBC news ? It’s an anti monarchy piece – followed by the anti semite abbot ….maybe the lady Doreen – so mouthy at this time of year – can help out on behalf of the coloured folk … popcorn …
What’s Diane Fatpotamus done again ?
The useless lump said something like, “Jewish people face racism the same way people with red hair do.” Yep, that’s what she said…
It’s a well-known historical fact that millions of gingers had their businesses ruined, their homes destroyed and were corralled into death camps and then into gas chambers during the late 1930s, early 40s.
Stupid doesn’t get close…
Just to round off my previous comment about world at one – the whole show was about ‘royalty ‘ nothing on abbot – there wasn’t even a reminder of the News at the end …..
….. bias bias bias ….
And the Tories know this and do nothing about it?
cant find this on the BBC wonder why
dont know whether to laugh at this story it just so ridiculous
Twenty-four asylum seekers who claimed they were children after being sent to Liverpool were found to be adults, the city’s council has said. The authority said another 15 asylum seekers “should have been identified as children” by the government and accommodated in London instead.8 Dec 2018
I think the “Royal College of Nursing” has surely lost the right to call itself “Royal”. In the light of their strike action, I propose that it be renamed the Communist Union of Nurses and Therapists. Sums them up quite well, I feel.
Update – 18 minutes into the world at one and comrade Jonny Dymond is kicking the arse out of the monarchy – the piece started with some Lundun white people celebrating royalty ( that was the bit for OFCOM ) then the kicking started … Brixton – coloured peasants – followed by some one from the ‘Republic ‘ pressure group – who accused the royal family of corruption – followed by HRH Helena £€ Kennedy playing it each way on behalf of Red Labour …. She kicked ‘white men ‘ of course showing her sexism and racism in a sentence .
Please don’t get me wrong – I care less about the subject – but I do care about the way the BBC deal with such an issue and act as a promoter for the end of monarchy – funny for an organisation relying on a ‘royal charter ‘….
It’s 1 25 pm and I still haven’t heard about the red Labour Party and the anti semite Diane Abbot … but should I be surprised ? Let’s talk about the Raab fit up instead ……
If anyone wanted evidence of lack of balance – please read above ….
The BBC think that young people are like Peter Pan , perpetually young that never get experience and change their minds .
Jolyon gets a well deserved shoe-ing
Here is something the MSM appear very reluctant to cover, the climate change scandal of the Australian Met Office using digital thermometers which read 0.7C hotter than the mercury ones they previous used, knowing about it and not adjusting the figures accordingly to insinuate there is a global warming issue which isn’t actually there.
Further significant doubts have been cast on the accuracy of global surface temperature results following the discovery that electronic thermometers in Australia have read up to 0.7°C higher than traditional mercury glass units. The Australian dataset is a major component of global compilations since it provides an important guide to one of the largest land masses in the southern hemisphere. After many years of trying, local freedom of information requests from scientists have forced the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) to release comparative information from the two measuring devices around Brisbane airport. It shows that automatic readings are higher 41% of the time, compared with 32% when the temperatures were the same.
Temperatures around airports and conurbations are always going to be higher than rural temperatures (ie real ambient) due to the built environment.
As an example, this winter, Met Office readings for Manchester were many degrees higher than we experienced in fairly near rural Cheshire. We get frosts when Manchester is at 6-8 degrees.
Thoughtful and Flotsam, regarding ‘record’ temperatures and airports and 2022.
‘Extreme heat shattered records in the United Kingdom yesterday as temperatures hurtled above 104 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time since the country started keeping measurements.’
3 records are cited in the article: Heathrow Airport, ‘the English village of Charlwood’ and then the ‘village of Coningsby’.
Two villages? But both locations have neighbouring airports!!!
A neighbour told me that records had been broken at Kew Gardens? True, it certainly should have been a cooler refuge from City heat last year.
The Met Office state that ‘ We are showing you the observations for the nearest location to Kew Gardens (6.8 miles, 19 m higher).’ Heathrow!!!
‘Since the country started keeping measurements?
Perhaps not so much of a change over the last 100 years though.:
I didn’t get this alarm phone alert today.
I expect it’s because I have one of these SIM card things without any contract where I have to top up my credit using a computer.
I don’t have a contract with any phone company.
Mrs GWF got the phone alarm but I did not. Neither of us have contracts with phone companies.
At least she will be warned of the impending climate disaster.
Can this government do anything correctly?
Nothing to report from taffland, not even a fart. Another useless idea from our OXO government. who are trying to control us but cannot control the channel invaders coming in illegally .
Ah, the phone alert thingamebob.
It occurs to me that in the event they actualluse it if a major catastrophic event is incoming have they weighed up the consequences?
Mass panic and millions scrambling about, blocking roads etc. and the ensuing chaos for the emergency services etc.?
Probably resulting in lots of injury, death and carnage all round in fact!
Not to mention the opportunists grabbing all they can from abandoned properties etc. etc.
So likely to be very, very, very counter productive?
Not sure they have bottomed the whole thing out being so keen to simply demonstrate how “in control” they are!
I could imagine it might be useful if there was a mass shooter in your area or a tiger escaped from the zoo. But probably by the time you got the alert the incident would be over. Or you’d be dead.
Having disabled emergency alerts on my phone, I remained blissfully untroubled by the latest interference in my life by Big Nanny. Much to the BBC’s annoyance no doubt.
I’m stressed now – is there a lawyer ? Where can I get compensation from ? Will lessons be learned ? Omg
HOuse of Lords position for those who fight the gov!
O’Brien held up the fingers of his left hand, with the thumb concealed.
‘There are five fingers there. Do you see five fingers?’
And he did see them, for a fleeting instant, before the scenery of his mind changed. He saw five fingers, and there was no deformity. Then everything was normal again, and the old fear, the hatred, and the bewilderment came crowding back again. But there had been a moment — he did not know how long, thirty seconds, perhaps — of luminous certainty, when each new suggestion of O’Brien’s had filled up a patch of emptiness and become absolute truth, and when two and two could have been three as easily as five, if that were what was needed.
Just posting in case the wheelbarrow has now appeared.
William and Kate fly to US to promote prince’s environmental prize
This article is more than 4 months old
Days later, Harry and Meghan will head to New York for human rights award, with no plans for brothers to meet
Wonder who Kev places under ‘we’?
Mohammed was a paedophile.
Ghandi a racist.
Martin Luther King orgy fiend.
Mother Theresa loved poverty more than getting people better.
Dianne abbott is anti semitic.
” what is now Turkey” – so was not before?
Why not call it was then rather than what it is now?
So, given all that about St. George.
How can we be the racist Country that the wokies like to say we are.
If some bloke dressed in armour with sharp pointy metal weapons wittering about a damsel and a dragon turned up I’m sure most would not want the expense of treatment on the NHS.
Every so often it is helpful to be reminded of why I really hate Kevin Maguire.
He does rather inspire a negative reaction.
Which must be why the BBc have him high on their main guest list too.
New BBC NA Editor?
Grant Stern
of books. Executive Editor
. Still
. Miami native. #HeatLifer
JournalistMiami, FLgrantstern.comJoined January 2009
13.2K Following
Entirely possible, then.
The Proclaimers have been removed from an official King’s coronation playlist after they were criticised for their anti-royal views.
Craig and Charlie Reid’s hit I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) was featured alongside prominent UK artists.
Last year they agreed with a republican demonstrator who shouted during the proclamation of King Charles.
The BBC understands the song was removed by the UK government following complaints.
The Proclaimers’ management have been approached for comment.
Prince Charles given €3m in cash in bags by Qatari politician, according to report
This article is more than 9 months old
Money was passed immediately to one of the prince’s charities, says Clarence House
Royals’ £1m wind farm hypocrisy: 45 wind turbines described by Charles as a ‘horrendous blot’ to be built on Crown land
Prince of Wales claims Somalian pirates have been ‘fantastic’ for marine life because fishermen are too scared to go to sea
Diane Abbott – jew hate – quick to act.
Starmer – Cervix – meh.
Why was Jeremy Corbyn removed? A report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission published in October 2020 found that under Mr Corbyn’s leadership, the Labour Party breached the Equality Act when it failed to effectively address antisemitism within it.28 Mar 2023
Diane Abbott has had the Labour whip withdrawn for comments she made in a letter to the Observer. The former Shadow Home Secretary had since apologised for the letter, in which she implied Jewish people couldn’t experience racism.
order-order.com April 2023
The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism {THE SHAMI CHAKRABARTI INQUIRY 30jun2016}, Islamophobia or other forms of racism.
Further, it is the party that initiated every single United Kingdom race equality law.
Click to access Chakrabarti-Inquiry-Report-30June16.pdf
On every panel discussion I’ve seen about the Civil Snowflakes and their bias it’s all the lefties saying it’s not biased and all those on the right saying it is.
Surely that shows where the bias is.
“Why did the French go into it (European Union) then?”
“To protect their inefficient farmers from commercial competition.”
“That certainly doesn’t apply to the Germans?”
“No,no,no. They went in it (EU) to cleanse themselves of genocide and reapply themselves for admission to the human race.”
Yes Minister explains the EEC (EU)
New low?
They have just started.
Yhe Kola Borehole guys are running BBC Editorial.
Unsure if this will show, but fingers crossed.
Interesting on various levels, as the comments indicate.
That said, the key is who goes after who, or not, and why.
Then you get in BBC territory.
The BBC and the rest of our mainstream media can’t hide or censor this forever:
Just watched the BBC weather forecast, most of the UK is in for sub-zero tonight.
It’s April….
What will it take to shut the looney gobshite climate warming nutters up?
That’s what global warming does. Gives us sub zero temperatures.😂😂😂😂
Uninformed Consent – The covid19 narrative:
Mulling over the massive movement to batter the population into submission over such things a global warming I have a hypothesis.
It is all driven by the universities.
For many years the encouragement and development of brains in universities was based on advancement of the human race in terms of better solutions to the challenges such as transport, energy, agriculture, health, etc,
Universities have changed and now the golden target is finding problems! they are churning out people who see their motive to be inventing and addressing problems instead of pushing forward and advancing human endeavour.
Hence the tsunami of new climate and behavioural scientists etc. ready to take up roles in this new and totally meaningless dark religion.
Basically they have given up on finding new stuff and are chasing their holy grail of screaming to fix stuff that doesn’t really need fixing using blackmail and threat to force it upon us.
It’s a soft option and will do humanity enormous harm in due course.
In case anyone thought that the Government and Sweller intend to reduce the numbers of boat people.
500 crossed yesterday