I see Stew’s favourite, bBC favourite, is biting the hand that feeds her. Pantomime Dame Diane Johnson, Labour mp for Hull North is complaining about the bBC cutting back on local Radio stations, hello left hand this is right hand.
BBC red red Red-io Humberside News do endless PR for Labour MP Diana Johnson .
So it’s a total surprise to see a red red Red-io Humberside presenter Carl Wheatley tweeting a video
of Diana Johnson criticising in parliament BBC procedure of “end of contract re apply for your job” to not renew the contract of the most expensive presenters.
The said presenter has a catchphrase he uses against callers he doesn’t like “give your head a wobble”
so Diana Johnson uses it in her speech.
I’ll make my own nose bag / packed lunch, thanks very much. It’ll be fresher and more healthy and save me queueing up. If you ain’t got the time to make a sandwich, you might consider changing your lifestyle
Yesterday the BBC ran a news item making a big thing about food banks seeing a huge surge in use.
In the video footage they interviewed a new food bank user lady who complained bitterly about the rising price of foodstuff creating problems and forcing her to make use of the food bank.
At the end of the interview they ran some footage of the same woman stowing her free goodies into the back of her obviously very, very expensive and very new looking massive people carrier!
We all pay the price of the food banks, as the supermarkets just bump up their prices, confuse their customers with at least three types of labelling, (kilos, pounds, ‘each’) etc., shorten the ridiculous sell-by dates, and then chuck all the perfectly usable goods into the local food banks, which are really ‘lob-out’ places for stuff which looks dodgy, but has been sold to the customer already so who cares.
I saw a whole tray of immaculate red onions while passing a food bank near me the other day!
FFS, onions last for weeks or even longer, but no doubt, the supermarket had sold enough, and over-ordered to make them big in the neighbourhood.
Never, ever trust a supermarket to be fair to its customers.
Evil evil evil – the rail unions going on strike on the day of the queer fest – sorry ‘Eurovision noise contest ‘ … the swines ….
… although some might say it’s an act of mercy….
… seems too that the Mancunian cup final will be affected – at least it will save the very few manu supporters who live in Manchester the effort of seeing their team dismantled ….
And then there’s the nurse mafia – whose union declined to defend a court case against it by the government…. I think it was about another day off on strike next week …. On the news lady Brooke wondered how many will go sick next Tuesday …. Who cares about cancer wards , an and E , intensive care , surgery , whatever …
BBC local newsPR show had an item about a ticket allocation fiasco to do with a Coronation Concert
.. at one moment in the footage I caught a site of the poster,
it gave the name of the organiser of said event
It is a three letter organisation, but the report failed to mention its name …BBC
@TicketmasterCS Won tickets in the ballot to the Kings Coronation Concert only to click on the link to see they are all gone in a first come first served basis. So not all who won will get one.
Heard some woman or other on R4 Today earlier explaining that moves are afoot to install 8K or so more EV charging points around the country. Ne’er a question as to the supply of power to the charging points. I guess that when all the charging points extract all or most of the electricity available from the grid and all else fails, the operators will resort to diesel generators hidden in the background. Any bets?
Sudan fest – 91% Muslim according to wiki and maybe 50 million of them . Plenty Sudanese with British passports turning up at stansted moaning about their extended ‘family ‘ not being able to get on the plane …. Gratitude in very short supply – I was waiting for a bbc type to suggest their relatives get a dinghy like the rest of the third world…
Amazing how whenever another country starts a civil war in Africa and the Middle East how many are over there on British passports and all of a sudden become interested in Britain and demanding their British rights
What the far left fail to recognise, (or admit) is that tribalism is a human trait whether you like it or not, and is endemic in society to a greater or lesser degree, probably essential for survival in early human development. Typical extreme examples can still be found in most African countries today.
In my, and many others opinions, real racism is where one treats another as less than human which is entirely another matter, notable examples can be seen in Nazi Germany and Boer South Africa and now Mugabes mob.
There is a whole diversity industry building up telling people about their unconscious bias, which is bollocks, it’s natural tribalism, built into our psyche and so will never be overcome.
I had to go on one of those courses, it was pathetic, they told you a fairy tale and then asked you questions about it.
“who was the wicked witch ? ”
(the story did not mention the word wicked, but many fell for that one)
Who was the beautiful princess ? (the story did not mention her appearance, another easy one)
Many fell for the stupid tricks as one would expect therefore can be accused of being racist
Stupid cod psychology with silly tricks to make you feel guilty
Since we obviously have a concerted effort by the far left to bring down a democratically elected government through non co-operation and spurious allegations of the civil service and mass concerted strikes during a recession mostly caused after mass far left demands for lockown and endless furlough payments…
Once the far left get what they achieve, I would wish EVERYONE who does not agree with this guerilla warfare, give up their jobs and go on benefits, a tax strike would only cause one endless trouble from HMRC,
but just giving up paying tax through not working, like most of the student and antifa and eco activists, who are available for endless protests at all times of the day and night.
Lets ALL join them…sit at home on benefits
Lets see how Starmer and his mob handle the economy with no income tax to spend and a MASSIVE social security bill to pay.
Earlier today “thoughtful ‘ kindly put up a video by ‘the wolf of wall street ‘ which looks at the UK economy – inflation – interest rates …..
The diagnosis is 10% interest rates to stop inflation – with a recession and maybe depression ….
… well I went to a supermarket today – and I felt the depression- there was a kind of sombre feel about the place with mad food prices and crowded ‘bargain ‘ areas ….
The video I mentioned earlier on this thread compares economics between the UK and other nations – it doesn’t look good …..
I can only think the blue labours think they can put off the horrors until after the next election – I think they are wrong …
Please have a word with SG, he apparently only has two, he might have hirsute aspirations.
With some of your input, you could maybe transform him from a nit picking, obsessive, compulsive critic of fine detail into an internationally famous gay piano player with funny glasses, I believe it has been done before, it just takes some hair..
Possibly some on here would crowd fund that< I'll start with donating a second hand Rolf Harris stylophone whilst you work on the hair.
@ SG lets start with chopsticks and wear a hat for a while.
I am going to insist on a proportionate increase in the quality of casual chat in line with the cost increase in future.
Looking at what I paid last time, at the very least, my barber’s considered, cockney critique upon the Liar’s Paradox:
The 4th century priest St. Jerome gave a sermon based on this liar’s paradox. He took his text from Psalm 116, which is believed to have been written by King David. The text was: “I said in my alarm, every man is a liar.”
St. Jerome asked “Is David telling the truth or is he lying? If it is true that every man is a liar, and David’s statement, ‘Every man is a liar’ is true, then David also is lying; he, too, is a man. But if he, too, is lying, his statement: ‘Every man is a liar,’ consequently is not true. Whatever way you turn the proposition, the conclusion is a contradiction. Since David himself is a man, it follows that he also is lying . . . ”
Stew, but they did swarm around him (King David) like bees. “In the Lord’s name I cut them off”. Just like the BBC or should I type Bee Bee Cee? I cut off Ed Stourton in the middle of Lucy Powell’s Labour self-promo.
David’s mum could say that all men are liars without involving herself in a paradox. She might have good reasons for this assertion. However, she would be contradicted with evidence of one honest man.
I must admit although knowing quite a bit about
countries around the world. It was great to be informed
by the BBC about the thousands of British folk living
in Sudan. Does anybody know if there are also thousands
of UK passport holders living in Ethiopia,Somalia,Eritrea,
Djibouti, etc etc. And that we should be prepared to bring
them home in an emergency ? Stansted Airport would really
appreciate it. Charging £7 just to pick them up from the
terminal . As long as its no more than 5 minutes . When it
goes up very quickly to £25.
I am off to Heathrow next week and noticed London’s Emir plans to include this area in his ULEZ zone in August FFS how much will that cost now to pick up passengers
The abolition of juries was not in the SNP manifesto. When did it become policy? At which conference was it debated? How many of the alleged 3,000 new members knew they were signing up to the abolition of juries.
No no no. They are completely normal. You are a transphobe full of hate if you say otherwise and deserve to have your life ruined (by them) in a way as nasty as they can think of.
I often say that nobody hates like the Left. I think modern times mean I need to reappraise that statement. I’ve found another group who hate even more.
Looks like the jet stream is flapping around (not unusual) and the climate crazies are desperate for any scary shit at the moment – Twitter is simply heaving with climate nutters at the moment…
‘fa-zinz of ’em !
– all barking away like the nuts in the Twitter link above. Twitter controllers are very obviously amping it up too, very tiresome.
I see Polish farmers are revolting
Polish farmers rise up and try to block trains loaded with cheap Ukrainian grain to central Europe. Protests also from Romanian, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Hungarian farmers for the same reason. Ursula von der Leyen's EU is about to explode, it will be a great day. Come on farmers! pic.twitter.com/v9hnuHYa0X
“During the Norman Invasion in the 11th century, led by William the Conqueror, a concise record of life in the Middle Ages was recorded in the Domesday Book. It records 42 vineyards in England, twelve of which were attached to monasteries.
Several sources point out that the weather had warmed up in Britain for 300 years from the beginning of the Norman Invasion, which possibly aided the growth and ripening of grapes. Unfortunately, the weather turned cool and wet again at the end of this period, resulting in a decline in viticulture at the beginning of the Middle Ages.”
“Britain was warmer 1000 years ago
This article is more than 20 years old
Tim Radford
Fri 4 Apr 2003 15.50 BST
Two astronomers have taken a new look at 240 studies of the world’s climate and offered a challenge to global warming doom-mongers. Britain was probably warmer for Robin Hood and Richard Lionheart 1,000 years ago, they say.
Concern about global warming has intensified climate research in the last 20 years. Willie Soon and Sallie Bauliunas of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophyics worked with climate scientists to survey research studies of climate covering the last millennium. These included the measurement of glacier movements, ice cores, coral and stalagmite growth, peat deposits, tree rings, pollen, lake and river sediments and the shifting positions of tree stumps. “Like forensic detectives, we assembled these series of clues in order to answer a specific question about local and regional climate change: Is there evidence for notable climatic time periods over the past 1,000 years?” Dr Soon said. “The cumulative evidence showed that such anomalies did exist.”
They report that the 20th century was neither the warmest in the last 1,000 years, nor the one with the most extreme weather. The mediaeval Domesday book lists 45 vineyards in Britain, as far north as York. Vikings colonised Greenland, and for a while farmed there. The study confirms that a mediaeval warm period from 800 to 1300 happened not just in Europe, but worldwide”
The mendacious loonies in climate academia have been trying to wipe out records of Vikings farming in Greenland and Roman pavement cafes in Gateshead etcetera…
‘Hugh Grant says the publisher of The Sun newspaper used a “deliberate policy of false denials” to prevent him suing for breaches of his privacy.’
Maybe I’m missing something, but that seems like the most ridiculous front-page headline I’ve seen at the BBC for a long time.
So Hugh can’t sue The Sun because they say they didn’t do it ?. He thinks they should say they did and then he can get some money.
Quite why the BBC have made a headline out of that I’m not sure. Maybe they are just giving their pal Hugh some publicity which money could not buy. At the licence-fee payers expense of course. Like they often do for people who know the right people.
Next I wonder why the ‘Home Affairs correspondent’ is writing articles like this ?.
In one of his other articles he links to on twitter, Tom writes:
A remarkable article where his entire intent is to make out that Pakistanis are not more guilty of being in grooming gangs than anyone else.
First he tells us:
‘A previous piece of research from 2015 found that of 1,231 perpetrators of “group and gang-based child sexual exploitation”, 42% were white, 14% were defined as Asian or Asian British and 17% black.’
And – as expected – deliberately omits the statistic that those 14% Pakistanis are only 2.5% of the population. And that black people are only 4%.
And if that was not enough, he then goes on to blame the victims:
‘Often teenagers, they were regarded as leading “risky lifestyles” involving drink and drugs.’
‘The inquiry into the Telford abuse scandal, which published its report in 2022, found police dismissive of claims of abuse, with one saying “these girls had chosen to go with, I don’t know, ‘bad boys'”.’
It seems Tom is your standard BBC reporter. A complete hypocrite who is blinkered by the agenda. They decide what result they want then write an article clutching at every straw they can to support it. The BBC’s ‘Panorama’ is what you get when you take that to the extreme.
We really should not be forced to pay the salary of people like this idiot.
‘Cousin of man with friend who knows someone who is thinking of coming to UK ‘betrayed’ after government refuses to send personal jet to Khartoum to collect him.’
Be ironic if on eventual return he was greeted at Glasgow Arrivals by two colleagues with a 4×4 loaded with gas cylinders.
These straight from activist to cubicle stories are always fascinating.
For instance, without them, I would not know a supposedly under pressure NHS was indulging an en masse decamp by vast numbers of key workers at once for a protracted period on hollybags, to a place that most claim to be desperate to leave for safety. If not staying to afford medical aid to fellow nationals.
Dr Abdulrahman Babiker
NHS doctor turned away from evacuation flight
It’s a very personal story from Sudan this morning. Dr Abdulrahman Babiker, who is due back to work at the Manchester Royal Infirmary next week, is trapped in his native country, which has seen intense fighting between rival military forces. Despite having a UK work permit, he cannot board an evacuation flight as they will only accept UK passport holders. BBC Newsnight has learned there are at least 24 NHS doctors in this position. “To be honest I feel totally betrayed… I worked throughout Covid and I’m so disappointed,” said Dr Babiker. The Foreign Office says people in Dr Babikar’s situation are allowed to enter the UK but must make their own way back.
Personal, is not news, BBC.
I did like the subject line mash up though.
From Sudan to Manchester | New concussion guidance| All aboard the vomit comet.
As a doctor his skills are needed more now in his home country rather than being on strike in England …..
Strange how the BBC kidults have an image of civil wars in bongo bongo land being ‘ordered ‘ with rules and cease fires … a very colonial attitude which the bbc Marxists don’t realise
My heart bleeds for this opportunistic tosspot getting the bBBC top create a story of utter garbage. Maybe he should do some aid work instead of of conning his way to a free flight back.
Government succeeds in obtaining a High Court Injunction against Nurses strike.
Funny when the Courts find against the leftie Unions they cry foul.
The last few years after Brexit we have had to endure perverse legal actions and Judgements against the Government only to be told “The Law is the Law”.
We now have the Nurses Union attempting to strike, in clear breach of the Law. They go to defend their actions in the High Court with the feeblest of defences, non existent to be clear, and then moan about it being unfair.
Unfair? You judge. This is what the Judge had to say:
The judge Mr Justice Linden ordered the RCN to pay the costs of the hearing, saying the union had showed “a high degree of unreasonableness”, the outcome was “inevitable” and “instead of grasping the nettle and conceding” it had forced the case to court
Flotsam – I understand that the nurses union didn’t even have the courtesy to send lawyers to court to represent them .and costs were awarded against the union . Not much noise from the BBC about this . They are just waiting for people to die for lack of medical treatment in order to blame blue labour …
Fed, with all those Doctors illegally employed by ‘our’ NHS I found I could not stomach the TOADY Programme this morning and switched off after the first ten minutes. You’ll have to do the best you can on that one without me today.
Donny Jymond is probably in charge of TWatO as the Montacutie will no doubt be ‘long-weekend-ing’ yet again. I’ll see if I can listen to more than ten minutes before switching off.
You can’t be blamed – as I’ve said before – if you were to summarise the editorial stance – it has gone even further left and woke – some crap about a one legged spaceman ? Someone cooking their kids because the foodbank was overdrawn – it’s so so tired … but on the upside c word Robinson had the week off … will he pop up in Sudan ?
They didn’t engage a Barrister for the hearing presumably because he/she said they were wasting their time and the Court’s time.I had to laugh. The Government’s Counsel managed to stay on his feet and present the case for a whole hour and half despite the non existent defence from the Nurses Union. He probably spun it out to get some extra earnings
As for the ludicrously over the top Statement from the RCN leader Pat Cullen that “It is the darkest day”. What can we say? idiots, possibly.
I was half asleep as the met plod deputy chief girl did the 0810 interview … apparently the current multicultural plod isn’t very good at detecting murders . The main ingredient – the dead body is present but they are clueless ….
… but on the upside at least these imbiciles come from a variety of backgrounds thus making the organisation better and stronger – er – that was the plan .. but it doesn’t seem to work – does it ?
Fed, whatever happened to all those crime scene investigators that the USA telly series inspired to work for the polis in solving crimes? I guess they must be on holiday in Sudan or something ……
For some reason the Saudi ambassador to the UK put up to be interviewed by meesh – I think he was meant to be talking about Islamic Sudan … but instead meesh just went on about that ‘journo ‘ killed in the Saudi in Turkey a couple of years ago .
On and on she went. The ambo blah blahed . Nothing learned .just dumb
First up this morning – we can all delight in the very quintessence of a BBC top story: Sudanese NHS doctor ‘betrayed’ after being refused entry onto evacuation flight to UK
Dear reader, if the BBC could marry this story… to misquote Charlotte Brontë’s famous line from Jayne Eyre and probably the best known in English literature.
Why does the line “Reader, I Married Him” resonate so strongly? A: When Jane says, “Reader, I married him,” it’s almost like we’re all saying, “Reader, we married him,” or “Reader, we got her to marry him.” It draws us in and makes us a part of the story — like we’re included in the decision (The Washington Post – tag line Democracy dies in darkness)
Babiker Grove?
Well this report has just about everything a BBC story could wish for: An NHS doctor trapped in Sudan after visiting family for Eid has urged the government to fly him back to the UK, saying he feels “betrayed”… Despite having a UK work permit, he cannot board an evacuation flight as they only accept UK passport holders. BBC Two’s Newsnight has learned of at least 24 NHS doctors in this position. Dr Babiker, who has worked at the Manchester hospital for more than four years, told Newsnight: “To be honest I feel totally betrayed… I worked throughout Covid and I’m so disappointed.” (BBC)
We’re not infomed of Dr Babiker’s stance on the NHS pay strikes.
One senses however a hardening of attitudes of those of us poor non-heroic souls working outside of the public sector: “I’m clapping for the lawyers who stopped next week’s NHS Strike” – says cartoonist Matt’s everyday chap standing on his doorstep as pictured in the world-weary Telegraph
High Court curtails nurses’ 48-hour walkout (FT)
This morning’s you could have knocked me down with a feather award goes to: Jonathan Gullis. Trotskyites have infiltrated the teacher’s union (Telegraph)
PM eases Whitehall crackdown on WFH (Telegraph) – can’t be being accused of bullying now, can we?
VINDICTIVE They claim to be champions of the workers. But rail unions plan to cause misery for thousands by cynically targeting the FA CUP FINAL, THE DERBY and EUROVISION in Liverpool (Daily Mail)
Some modicum of kudos pertains to both Mail and liberal-leaning Times this morning as – in a change from the usual silly-arse gormless-looking royal pictured frontpage – we enjoy instead: Her Royal harness! Kate’s all smiles as she bounces her way down Welsh cliff (a very Mail-friendly, so to speak pic, I think you’ll agree)
Also seen through the square window that is the Telegraph frontpage (there’s one for the teenagers… Playschool anyone?): Baroness Benjamin, the former children’s presenter and Lib Dem peer, will carry the sceptre with the dove during the Coronation… ‘My place in Coronation proves King embraces diversity’ (Telegraph)
The sceptre with the dove? Who’s carrying the other royal regalia and treasures, such as the gâteau from the château or the Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies? (Word play from ‘Allo ‘Allo’ via the work of Danny Kaye)
There exists an increasingly plausible contention that popular culture ran out of innovation a few decades back and is now simply stuck in a repeat loop of declining quality. Ever Decreasing Circles as that 1980s British TV sitcom starring Richard Briers would have it.
Flippin’ ‘eck Tucker! Who’s set to return for Grange Hill, the movie? – asks the Guardian swerving the chance to take a side swipe poke at bogeyman TV presenter across the Pond Mr Carlson, as their frontpage teases: The silent struggles of Donna Summer – in an echo of our top BBC story, there’s a special something about our Donna… I feel Love, eh Guardian?
Lizzy Caplan on being 40 and remaking Fatal Attraction (‘i’)
Plus: McFly… rock gods? NME used to call us ****s. Now they give us five stars (‘i’)
Get it on, bang a gavel, get it on…
Ed Sheeran sings and plays guitar at copyright trial in New York… to decide whether he copied Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get it On… “I draw inspiration a lot from things in my life and family,” said Sheeran, denying that he had been influenced by Gaye’s legendary 1973 R&B hit. (BBC) – you tell the court, Ed. That’s exactly how Mr AsI works. And take no notice of what Diane Abbott has to say about the gingers.
The right way to update a classic. Robbie Collin hails a five star Peter Pan remake (Telegraph) – let me guess… yep the Lost Boys are now black as your hat
In economic news our not-so self-made manlet Rishi Sunak with his massive self-made government debt and deficit burden will be pleased to see how his inflationary policy and tax squeeze is working just as intended: More over-50s than ever raid savings pots (Express)
I think one of the good things about getting older is the disconnection from ‘pop culture ‘. I don’t know who ‘Ed Sheeran ‘ is – this might sound snobbish – but I don’t want to know who he is …. There are other big names – too – who will no doubt be appearing at the cringy king making bash – but I won’t be watching . If it’s not raining I’ll be gardening all day ….
Can’t see Jimmy Page doing the sleb bash, there might be a reason, a carrer dedicated to music rather than one plastic pop song and a career built on that
Or, lets get a girl band together a male does that, a male teaches them how to sing, a male sorts out a tour, a male manages them
Just switched on to ‘Toady’. I wish I hadn’t. There was a discussion about Jerry Springer and the guest described Tucker Carlson under the banner of ‘hate speech’ ffs ..no rebuttal from Husain..off switch engaged !
that needs to be challenged as the outright lie that it is, here and now, please give the time and reference, I often let their lies lie but not this time
I will be happy to complain
when asking questions and quoting politicians is called hate speech we are truly in dangerous territory
Apologies Zephir, it was not Husain listening to rubbish from Richard Thomas (thank you for having me on your ‘show’) co writer and composer of ‘Jerry Springer The Opera’..
it was someone called Sean Farrington, …me neither.
Met Police drop investigation into Oxford Street Chanukah bus attack
Exclusive: Police confirm they have closed probe into the November 2021 incident, in which men abused a bus carrying a group of young Jews, after they fail to identify the suspects
On April 16, Olkiluoto 3 Finland’s new nuclear entered full service
It took a long time but it will work for the next 60 years
supplying upto 1.6GW baseload power
Do you know how many windfarms that is ?
Trick question cos wind can’t supply proper power
it only supplies power when it feels like it
so you have to have gas power on standby all the time.
Theoretically to get 1.6GW average from wind you’d need 4GW of turbines (40% capacity factor)
That’s 4000 MW so 400 mega mega 10MW turbines
They occupy about 1 square kilometre each
Two hours after Germany closes their last plants, Olkiluoto 3 in Finland is finished and starts regular production.
It will supply 14% of Finnish electricity demand.
Germany closes clean production equal to 6% of theirs, in favour of keeping brown coal. pic.twitter.com/ecvfqWjfox
I’m not sure whether the resignation of the Chairman of the BBC is a good thing for us or a bad one . Who will rasheed the green card PM put in there ?
Actually – anything which might even slightly discredits the bbc has got to be good …..
All I know is that the BBC didn’t want him in the first place (not Left enough) and now they have got rid of him in the same way they have got rid of all their other threats recently.
I don’t care about the detail for this : why is nobody talking about it ?.
JohnC – will be interesting how the 1pm BBC news deals with it . It would have been better if he came to the job ‘clean ‘- any association with Johnson has to be a weakness …
I propose an election for the next bbc chairman and see how the black and muslim populace get used to being in the minority for a change.
and a muzzie head of religion not being stuffed in the face of a christian country by twisted perverted bbc wankers would be a refreshing change whilst he is crucified for heresy. And check his hard drive and local school kids whilst your at it.
“Reaction to the appointment of a Muslim, Aaqil Ahmed, as the new head of religion at the BBC gives further indication of the rather nasty competition that is developing between religions for influence in our society and its institutions.
There have already been rumblings from the Archbishop of Canterbury about the “neglect of Christianity” by the BBC and now we have the Rev Robert Coulter, a senior member of the Ulster Assembly, saying yesterday: “It beggars belief that the BBC would stoop so low as to employ a Muslim head of religious programming”
Once it is recognised that many, not all, but many muslims detest the police and any form of regulation of their behaviour outside of their medieval beleifs , society will awake to the cancer within.
Christianity and its adherents may have skeletons in it’s closets but this lot are a danger to all, just a look at speakers corner and the stabbings and Luton and the attacks on UK troops.
The government and media and its vilification of anyone who stands up and points out the bloody obvious are complicit.
video is from Oct 2020
There is later news
Oct 24, 2022
“Hatun Tash is a Turkish born ex-Muslim & Christian preacher & a regular at Speaker’s Corner where she comes into conflict with Muslims.
Well now – the bbc news leads with the bbc – followed by more russian war crimes than a girl reporter in the empty arrivals bit at larnaca Cyprus .
I’m thinking there isn’t a decent 5 star hotel in Sudan otherwise the usual war tourists with bbc flak jackets would be there polishing their ego ….
As for the bbc – it seems to want an ‘open process’ – maybe a referendum – on which coloured lefty woman is gonna be in charge – how about that chatti chakrabati one who did the white wash on anti semitism in the Labour Party …..
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee https://qnews.com.au/transphobic-scenes-cut-from-new-release-of-crocodile-dundee/ Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
BBC is putting gagging clauses into redundancy deals for local radio peeps…
– quite ripe I reckon…
Don’t suppose Lawrence Fox will be invited to discuss this with Marianna Spring on BBC Newsnight. Pity. Would be interesting
Talking about Marianna Spring – she would fit in well with OFCOM or the WHO:
US interference in Thailand:
I see Stew’s favourite, bBC favourite, is biting the hand that feeds her. Pantomime Dame Diane Johnson, Labour mp for Hull North is complaining about the bBC cutting back on local Radio stations, hello left hand this is right hand.
BBC red red Red-io Humberside News do endless PR for Labour MP Diana Johnson .
So it’s a total surprise to see a red red Red-io Humberside presenter Carl Wheatley tweeting a video
of Diana Johnson criticising in parliament BBC procedure of “end of contract re apply for your job” to not renew the contract of the most expensive presenters.
The said presenter has a catchphrase he uses against callers he doesn’t like “give your head a wobble”
so Diana Johnson uses it in her speech.
“Boots, Tesco, Co-op meal deals – which
is cheapest?”
I’ll make my own nose bag / packed lunch, thanks very much. It’ll be fresher and more healthy and save me queueing up. If you ain’t got the time to make a sandwich, you might consider changing your lifestyle
Yesterday the BBC ran a news item making a big thing about food banks seeing a huge surge in use.
In the video footage they interviewed a new food bank user lady who complained bitterly about the rising price of foodstuff creating problems and forcing her to make use of the food bank.
At the end of the interview they ran some footage of the same woman stowing her free goodies into the back of her obviously very, very expensive and very new looking massive people carrier!
Kinda spoiled the message a bit!
Frozen meal deals are 75p and 85p at Tesco who price match Aldi on it.
No one one in their right mind would put Boots and the Coop in the same level as them.
My comment is quicker and more accurate that the BBC article, I bet.
We all pay the price of the food banks, as the supermarkets just bump up their prices, confuse their customers with at least three types of labelling, (kilos, pounds, ‘each’) etc., shorten the ridiculous sell-by dates, and then chuck all the perfectly usable goods into the local food banks, which are really ‘lob-out’ places for stuff which looks dodgy, but has been sold to the customer already so who cares.
I saw a whole tray of immaculate red onions while passing a food bank near me the other day!
FFS, onions last for weeks or even longer, but no doubt, the supermarket had sold enough, and over-ordered to make them big in the neighbourhood.
Never, ever trust a supermarket to be fair to its customers.
Evil evil evil – the rail unions going on strike on the day of the queer fest – sorry ‘Eurovision noise contest ‘ … the swines ….
… although some might say it’s an act of mercy….
… seems too that the Mancunian cup final will be affected – at least it will save the very few manu supporters who live in Manchester the effort of seeing their team dismantled ….
And then there’s the nurse mafia – whose union declined to defend a court case against it by the government…. I think it was about another day off on strike next week …. On the news lady Brooke wondered how many will go sick next Tuesday …. Who cares about cancer wards , an and E , intensive care , surgery , whatever …
BBC local newsPR show had an item about a ticket allocation fiasco to do with a Coronation Concert
.. at one moment in the footage I caught a site of the poster,
it gave the name of the organiser of said event
It is a three letter organisation, but the report failed to mention its name …BBC
People bottoming in to the Net Zero scam:
Heard some woman or other on R4 Today earlier explaining that moves are afoot to install 8K or so more EV charging points around the country. Ne’er a question as to the supply of power to the charging points. I guess that when all the charging points extract all or most of the electricity available from the grid and all else fails, the operators will resort to diesel generators hidden in the background. Any bets?
Sudan fest – 91% Muslim according to wiki and maybe 50 million of them . Plenty Sudanese with British passports turning up at stansted moaning about their extended ‘family ‘ not being able to get on the plane …. Gratitude in very short supply – I was waiting for a bbc type to suggest their relatives get a dinghy like the rest of the third world…
Amazing how whenever another country starts a civil war in Africa and the Middle East how many are over there on British passports and all of a sudden become interested in Britain and demanding their British rights
..”and all of a sudden become interested in Britain and demanding their British rights” ?
Not bad eh, for a country that is often accused of being “racist!” by its woke, lefty, natives?
What the far left fail to recognise, (or admit) is that tribalism is a human trait whether you like it or not, and is endemic in society to a greater or lesser degree, probably essential for survival in early human development. Typical extreme examples can still be found in most African countries today.
In my, and many others opinions, real racism is where one treats another as less than human which is entirely another matter, notable examples can be seen in Nazi Germany and Boer South Africa and now Mugabes mob.
There is a whole diversity industry building up telling people about their unconscious bias, which is bollocks, it’s natural tribalism, built into our psyche and so will never be overcome.
I had to go on one of those courses, it was pathetic, they told you a fairy tale and then asked you questions about it.
“who was the wicked witch ? ”
(the story did not mention the word wicked, but many fell for that one)
Who was the beautiful princess ? (the story did not mention her appearance, another easy one)
Many fell for the stupid tricks as one would expect therefore can be accused of being racist
Stupid cod psychology with silly tricks to make you feel guilty
The term ‘British’ is nowadays just a meaningless catch-all.
Could be reversed if this Labour Government instigate conscription for any reason………………..
Since we obviously have a concerted effort by the far left to bring down a democratically elected government through non co-operation and spurious allegations of the civil service and mass concerted strikes during a recession mostly caused after mass far left demands for lockown and endless furlough payments…
Once the far left get what they achieve, I would wish EVERYONE who does not agree with this guerilla warfare, give up their jobs and go on benefits, a tax strike would only cause one endless trouble from HMRC,
but just giving up paying tax through not working, like most of the student and antifa and eco activists, who are available for endless protests at all times of the day and night.
Lets ALL join them…sit at home on benefits
Lets see how Starmer and his mob handle the economy with no income tax to spend and a MASSIVE social security bill to pay.
Two can play the guerilla tactic games
Dismantling Ray Epps and one thread of the Jan 6th narrative.
Not BBC – just a muse …
Earlier today “thoughtful ‘ kindly put up a video by ‘the wolf of wall street ‘ which looks at the UK economy – inflation – interest rates …..
The diagnosis is 10% interest rates to stop inflation – with a recession and maybe depression ….
… well I went to a supermarket today – and I felt the depression- there was a kind of sombre feel about the place with mad food prices and crowded ‘bargain ‘ areas ….
The video I mentioned earlier on this thread compares economics between the UK and other nations – it doesn’t look good …..
I can only think the blue labours think they can put off the horrors until after the next election – I think they are wrong …
I used to laugh at wimmin paying £20 to get their hair done, until I was charged £18 for a haircut in a normal grubby mens barbers last week FFS
Sod the tip
Where’s the increase in cost of making comments like “what about that… Boris / Arsenal penalty shout / not working today then “
I passed a barber’s today
it said £8 haircut
£6 beard
I clipped both of mine yesterday for nothing
but I did have to go back three times cos I kept finding tufts I missed.
“I clipped both of mine yesterday”
that would work out at £4 a hair, no wonder your barber charges that.
I grow my own hair .
Please have a word with SG, he apparently only has two, he might have hirsute aspirations.
With some of your input, you could maybe transform him from a nit picking, obsessive, compulsive critic of fine detail into an internationally famous gay piano player with funny glasses, I believe it has been done before, it just takes some hair..
Possibly some on here would crowd fund that< I'll start with donating a second hand Rolf Harris stylophone whilst you work on the hair.
@ SG lets start with chopsticks and wear a hat for a while.
I am going to insist on a proportionate increase in the quality of casual chat in line with the cost increase in future.
Looking at what I paid last time, at the very least, my barber’s considered, cockney critique upon the Liar’s Paradox:
The 4th century priest St. Jerome gave a sermon based on this liar’s paradox. He took his text from Psalm 116, which is believed to have been written by King David. The text was: “I said in my alarm, every man is a liar.”
St. Jerome asked “Is David telling the truth or is he lying? If it is true that every man is a liar, and David’s statement, ‘Every man is a liar’ is true, then David also is lying; he, too, is a man. But if he, too, is lying, his statement: ‘Every man is a liar,’ consequently is not true. Whatever way you turn the proposition, the conclusion is a contradiction. Since David himself is a man, it follows that he also is lying . . . ”
You want gel with that ? sorry cash only.
I see no paradox
saying “all men are liars”
doesn’t mean that every statement by every man is a lie.
It does mean that no man is a 100% trustworthy source of info.
There may not be, but for 18 quid, I expect my barber to discuss, along with Manchester United’s decline and that ref last week, shocking.
Stew, but they did swarm around him (King David) like bees. “In the Lord’s name I cut them off”. Just like the BBC or should I type Bee Bee Cee? I cut off Ed Stourton in the middle of Lucy Powell’s Labour self-promo.
David’s mum could say that all men are liars without involving herself in a paradox. She might have good reasons for this assertion. However, she would be contradicted with evidence of one honest man.
If you could do a short back and sides while saying that I’ll give you £18 happily
I must admit although knowing quite a bit about
countries around the world. It was great to be informed
by the BBC about the thousands of British folk living
in Sudan. Does anybody know if there are also thousands
of UK passport holders living in Ethiopia,Somalia,Eritrea,
Djibouti, etc etc. And that we should be prepared to bring
them home in an emergency ? Stansted Airport would really
appreciate it. Charging £7 just to pick them up from the
terminal . As long as its no more than 5 minutes . When it
goes up very quickly to £25.
I am off to Heathrow next week and noticed London’s Emir plans to include this area in his ULEZ zone in August FFS how much will that cost now to pick up passengers
The SNP needs euthanising pronto.
They are power mad and corrupt.
I wonder how the above hatched faced lovely who wants to abolish juries feels about my own idea to have wimmin as 50% of inmates.
A bit of equality would work wonders.
No no no. They are completely normal. You are a transphobe full of hate if you say otherwise and deserve to have your life ruined (by them) in a way as nasty as they can think of.
I often say that nobody hates like the Left. I think modern times mean I need to reappraise that statement. I’ve found another group who hate even more.
“Climate change: Shxpain breaks record temperature for April
I bet it was taken in yet another airport ?
Looks like the jet stream is flapping around (not unusual) and the climate crazies are desperate for any scary shit at the moment – Twitter is simply heaving with climate nutters at the moment…
‘fa-zinz of ’em !
– all barking away like the nuts in the Twitter link above. Twitter controllers are very obviously amping it up too, very tiresome.
I see Polish farmers are revolting
tomo, ‘cos it is cold. They have to talk up Global Warming and Climate Change just to increase their body heat.
Me? I blame the Maunder MInimum. I think we are in for a very cold year, judging by the way the sparrows are stuffing themselves silly.
“During the Norman Invasion in the 11th century, led by William the Conqueror, a concise record of life in the Middle Ages was recorded in the Domesday Book. It records 42 vineyards in England, twelve of which were attached to monasteries.
Several sources point out that the weather had warmed up in Britain for 300 years from the beginning of the Norman Invasion, which possibly aided the growth and ripening of grapes. Unfortunately, the weather turned cool and wet again at the end of this period, resulting in a decline in viticulture at the beginning of the Middle Ages.”
“Britain was warmer 1000 years ago
This article is more than 20 years old
Tim Radford
Fri 4 Apr 2003 15.50 BST
Two astronomers have taken a new look at 240 studies of the world’s climate and offered a challenge to global warming doom-mongers. Britain was probably warmer for Robin Hood and Richard Lionheart 1,000 years ago, they say.
Concern about global warming has intensified climate research in the last 20 years. Willie Soon and Sallie Bauliunas of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophyics worked with climate scientists to survey research studies of climate covering the last millennium. These included the measurement of glacier movements, ice cores, coral and stalagmite growth, peat deposits, tree rings, pollen, lake and river sediments and the shifting positions of tree stumps. “Like forensic detectives, we assembled these series of clues in order to answer a specific question about local and regional climate change: Is there evidence for notable climatic time periods over the past 1,000 years?” Dr Soon said. “The cumulative evidence showed that such anomalies did exist.”
They report that the 20th century was neither the warmest in the last 1,000 years, nor the one with the most extreme weather. The mediaeval Domesday book lists 45 vineyards in Britain, as far north as York. Vikings colonised Greenland, and for a while farmed there. The study confirms that a mediaeval warm period from 800 to 1300 happened not just in Europe, but worldwide”
The mendacious loonies in climate academia have been trying to wipe out records of Vikings farming in Greenland and Roman pavement cafes in Gateshead etcetera…
Hugh Grant accuses Sun publisher of ‘deliberate false denials’
‘Hugh Grant says the publisher of The Sun newspaper used a “deliberate policy of false denials” to prevent him suing for breaches of his privacy.’
Maybe I’m missing something, but that seems like the most ridiculous front-page headline I’ve seen at the BBC for a long time.
So Hugh can’t sue The Sun because they say they didn’t do it ?. He thinks they should say they did and then he can get some money.
Quite why the BBC have made a headline out of that I’m not sure. Maybe they are just giving their pal Hugh some publicity which money could not buy. At the licence-fee payers expense of course. Like they often do for people who know the right people.
Next I wonder why the ‘Home Affairs correspondent’ is writing articles like this ?.
In one of his other articles he links to on twitter, Tom writes:
Grooming gangs and ethnicity: What does the evidence say?
A remarkable article where his entire intent is to make out that Pakistanis are not more guilty of being in grooming gangs than anyone else.
First he tells us:
‘A previous piece of research from 2015 found that of 1,231 perpetrators of “group and gang-based child sexual exploitation”, 42% were white, 14% were defined as Asian or Asian British and 17% black.’
And – as expected – deliberately omits the statistic that those 14% Pakistanis are only 2.5% of the population. And that black people are only 4%.
And if that was not enough, he then goes on to blame the victims:
‘Often teenagers, they were regarded as leading “risky lifestyles” involving drink and drugs.’
‘The inquiry into the Telford abuse scandal, which published its report in 2022, found police dismissive of claims of abuse, with one saying “these girls had chosen to go with, I don’t know, ‘bad boys'”.’
It seems Tom is your standard BBC reporter. A complete hypocrite who is blinkered by the agenda. They decide what result they want then write an article clutching at every straw they can to support it. The BBC’s ‘Panorama’ is what you get when you take that to the extreme.
We really should not be forced to pay the salary of people like this idiot.
Today’s lead article on BBC ‘news’ website:
Tomorrow’s lead article on BBC ‘news’ website:
‘Cousin of man with friend who knows someone who is thinking of coming to UK ‘betrayed’ after government refuses to send personal jet to Khartoum to collect him.’
Be ironic if on eventual return he was greeted at Glasgow Arrivals by two colleagues with a 4×4 loaded with gas cylinders.
These straight from activist to cubicle stories are always fascinating.
For instance, without them, I would not know a supposedly under pressure NHS was indulging an en masse decamp by vast numbers of key workers at once for a protracted period on hollybags, to a place that most claim to be desperate to leave for safety. If not staying to afford medical aid to fellow nationals.
No BBC ‘quotes’, but maybe posting here will reveal more on what this story is about..
– by that measure there should be no humans in Nigeria
Mixed bag, but #CCBGB
Annnnnnd… the Moaning Emole…
Dr Abdulrahman Babiker
NHS doctor turned away from evacuation flight
It’s a very personal story from Sudan this morning. Dr Abdulrahman Babiker, who is due back to work at the Manchester Royal Infirmary next week, is trapped in his native country, which has seen intense fighting between rival military forces. Despite having a UK work permit, he cannot board an evacuation flight as they will only accept UK passport holders. BBC Newsnight has learned there are at least 24 NHS doctors in this position. “To be honest I feel totally betrayed… I worked throughout Covid and I’m so disappointed,” said Dr Babiker. The Foreign Office says people in Dr Babikar’s situation are allowed to enter the UK but must make their own way back.
Personal, is not news, BBC.
I did like the subject line mash up though.
From Sudan to Manchester | New concussion guidance| All aboard the vomit comet.
Manchester? Seems Babs dodged a bullet.
‘Foreigner working in UK goes home “
As a doctor his skills are needed more now in his home country rather than being on strike in England …..
Strange how the BBC kidults have an image of civil wars in bongo bongo land being ‘ordered ‘ with rules and cease fires … a very colonial attitude which the bbc Marxists don’t realise
The Commie Grillers kick off again in The Philippines and the global care industry collapses.
My heart bleeds for this opportunistic tosspot getting the bBBC top create a story of utter garbage. Maybe he should do some aid work instead of of conning his way to a free flight back.
Doc Shola and Vile on a tandem to the Strand to shout at a building?
Government succeeds in obtaining a High Court Injunction against Nurses strike.
Funny when the Courts find against the leftie Unions they cry foul.
The last few years after Brexit we have had to endure perverse legal actions and Judgements against the Government only to be told “The Law is the Law”.
We now have the Nurses Union attempting to strike, in clear breach of the Law. They go to defend their actions in the High Court with the feeblest of defences, non existent to be clear, and then moan about it being unfair.
Unfair? You judge. This is what the Judge had to say:
The judge Mr Justice Linden ordered the RCN to pay the costs of the hearing, saying the union had showed “a high degree of unreasonableness”, the outcome was “inevitable” and “instead of grasping the nettle and conceding” it had forced the case to court
Flotsam – I understand that the nurses union didn’t even have the courtesy to send lawyers to court to represent them .and costs were awarded against the union . Not much noise from the BBC about this . They are just waiting for people to die for lack of medical treatment in order to blame blue labour …
Fed, with all those Doctors illegally employed by ‘our’ NHS I found I could not stomach the TOADY Programme this morning and switched off after the first ten minutes. You’ll have to do the best you can on that one without me today.
Donny Jymond is probably in charge of TWatO as the Montacutie will no doubt be ‘long-weekend-ing’ yet again. I’ll see if I can listen to more than ten minutes before switching off.
You can’t be blamed – as I’ve said before – if you were to summarise the editorial stance – it has gone even further left and woke – some crap about a one legged spaceman ? Someone cooking their kids because the foodbank was overdrawn – it’s so so tired … but on the upside c word Robinson had the week off … will he pop up in Sudan ?
Fed, the late David Bowie (you’ve heard of him, I take it) will be ‘spinning in his grave’ at the thought of it!
Not ‘dancing in the street/ then ….
They didn’t engage a Barrister for the hearing presumably because he/she said they were wasting their time and the Court’s time.I had to laugh. The Government’s Counsel managed to stay on his feet and present the case for a whole hour and half despite the non existent defence from the Nurses Union. He probably spun it out to get some extra earnings
As for the ludicrously over the top Statement from the RCN leader Pat Cullen that “It is the darkest day”. What can we say? idiots, possibly.
I was half asleep as the met plod deputy chief girl did the 0810 interview … apparently the current multicultural plod isn’t very good at detecting murders . The main ingredient – the dead body is present but they are clueless ….
… but on the upside at least these imbiciles come from a variety of backgrounds thus making the organisation better and stronger – er – that was the plan .. but it doesn’t seem to work – does it ?
Fed, whatever happened to all those crime scene investigators that the USA telly series inspired to work for the polis in solving crimes? I guess they must be on holiday in Sudan or something ……
Today 2
For some reason the Saudi ambassador to the UK put up to be interviewed by meesh – I think he was meant to be talking about Islamic Sudan … but instead meesh just went on about that ‘journo ‘ killed in the Saudi in Turkey a couple of years ago .
On and on she went. The ambo blah blahed . Nothing learned .just dumb
Talk about working from home edition
First up this morning – we can all delight in the very quintessence of a BBC top story: Sudanese NHS doctor ‘betrayed’ after being refused entry onto evacuation flight to UK
Dear reader, if the BBC could marry this story… to misquote Charlotte Brontë’s famous line from Jayne Eyre and probably the best known in English literature.
Why does the line “Reader, I Married Him” resonate so strongly? A: When Jane says, “Reader, I married him,” it’s almost like we’re all saying, “Reader, we married him,” or “Reader, we got her to marry him.” It draws us in and makes us a part of the story — like we’re included in the decision (The Washington Post – tag line Democracy dies in darkness)
Babiker Grove?
Well this report has just about everything a BBC story could wish for: An NHS doctor trapped in Sudan after visiting family for Eid has urged the government to fly him back to the UK, saying he feels “betrayed”… Despite having a UK work permit, he cannot board an evacuation flight as they only accept UK passport holders. BBC Two’s Newsnight has learned of at least 24 NHS doctors in this position. Dr Babiker, who has worked at the Manchester hospital for more than four years, told Newsnight: “To be honest I feel totally betrayed… I worked throughout Covid and I’m so disappointed.” (BBC)
We’re not infomed of Dr Babiker’s stance on the NHS pay strikes.
One senses however a hardening of attitudes of those of us poor non-heroic souls working outside of the public sector: “I’m clapping for the lawyers who stopped next week’s NHS Strike” – says cartoonist Matt’s everyday chap standing on his doorstep as pictured in the world-weary Telegraph
High Court curtails nurses’ 48-hour walkout (FT)
This morning’s you could have knocked me down with a feather award goes to: Jonathan Gullis. Trotskyites have infiltrated the teacher’s union (Telegraph)
PM eases Whitehall crackdown on WFH (Telegraph) – can’t be being accused of bullying now, can we?
VINDICTIVE They claim to be champions of the workers. But rail unions plan to cause misery for thousands by cynically targeting the FA CUP FINAL, THE DERBY and EUROVISION in Liverpool (Daily Mail)
Some modicum of kudos pertains to both Mail and liberal-leaning Times this morning as – in a change from the usual silly-arse gormless-looking royal pictured frontpage – we enjoy instead: Her Royal harness! Kate’s all smiles as she bounces her way down Welsh cliff (a very Mail-friendly, so to speak pic, I think you’ll agree)
Also seen through the square window that is the Telegraph frontpage (there’s one for the teenagers… Playschool anyone?): Baroness Benjamin, the former children’s presenter and Lib Dem peer, will carry the sceptre with the dove during the Coronation… ‘My place in Coronation proves King embraces diversity’ (Telegraph)
The sceptre with the dove? Who’s carrying the other royal regalia and treasures, such as the gâteau from the château or the Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies? (Word play from ‘Allo ‘Allo’ via the work of Danny Kaye)
There exists an increasingly plausible contention that popular culture ran out of innovation a few decades back and is now simply stuck in a repeat loop of declining quality. Ever Decreasing Circles as that 1980s British TV sitcom starring Richard Briers would have it.
Flippin’ ‘eck Tucker! Who’s set to return for Grange Hill, the movie? – asks the Guardian swerving the chance to take a side swipe poke at bogeyman TV presenter across the Pond Mr Carlson, as their frontpage teases: The silent struggles of Donna Summer – in an echo of our top BBC story, there’s a special something about our Donna… I feel Love, eh Guardian?
Lizzy Caplan on being 40 and remaking Fatal Attraction (‘i’)
Plus: McFly… rock gods? NME used to call us ****s. Now they give us five stars (‘i’)
Get it on, bang a gavel, get it on…
Ed Sheeran sings and plays guitar at copyright trial in New York… to decide whether he copied Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get it On… “I draw inspiration a lot from things in my life and family,” said Sheeran, denying that he had been influenced by Gaye’s legendary 1973 R&B hit. (BBC) – you tell the court, Ed. That’s exactly how Mr AsI works. And take no notice of what Diane Abbott has to say about the gingers.
The right way to update a classic. Robbie Collin hails a five star Peter Pan remake (Telegraph) – let me guess… yep the Lost Boys are now black as your hat
In economic news our not-so self-made manlet Rishi Sunak with his massive self-made government debt and deficit burden will be pleased to see how his inflationary policy and tax squeeze is working just as intended: More over-50s than ever raid savings pots (Express)
I think one of the good things about getting older is the disconnection from ‘pop culture ‘. I don’t know who ‘Ed Sheeran ‘ is – this might sound snobbish – but I don’t want to know who he is …. There are other big names – too – who will no doubt be appearing at the cringy king making bash – but I won’t be watching . If it’s not raining I’ll be gardening all day ….
Can’t see Jimmy Page doing the sleb bash, there might be a reason, a carrer dedicated to music rather than one plastic pop song and a career built on that
Or, lets get a girl band together a male does that, a male teaches them how to sing, a male sorts out a tour, a male manages them
and ? GIRL POWER ffs
Just switched on to ‘Toady’. I wish I hadn’t. There was a discussion about Jerry Springer and the guest described Tucker Carlson under the banner of ‘hate speech’ ffs ..no rebuttal from Husain..off switch engaged !
that needs to be challenged as the outright lie that it is, here and now, please give the time and reference, I often let their lies lie but not this time
I will be happy to complain
when asking questions and quoting politicians is called hate speech we are truly in dangerous territory
everyone on here should consider doing the same
Apologies Zephir, it was not Husain listening to rubbish from Richard Thomas (thank you for having me on your ‘show’) co writer and composer of ‘Jerry Springer The Opera’..
it was someone called Sean Farrington, …me neither.
The actual comment was Jerry’s legacy is better than ‘the hate spewing pundits of today’ including T Carlson.
at 2hr52m44s…
Dianne Abbot: hate speech
you want some London muzzie votes ?
hate the jews
because muslims are racist
Met Police drop investigation into Oxford Street Chanukah bus attack
Exclusive: Police confirm they have closed probe into the November 2021 incident, in which men abused a bus carrying a group of young Jews, after they fail to identify the suspects
The famous “monkey no see” police
On April 16, Olkiluoto 3 Finland’s new nuclear entered full service
It took a long time but it will work for the next 60 years
supplying upto 1.6GW baseload power
Do you know how many windfarms that is ?
Trick question cos wind can’t supply proper power
it only supplies power when it feels like it
so you have to have gas power on standby all the time.
Theoretically to get 1.6GW average from wind you’d need 4GW of turbines (40% capacity factor)
That’s 4000 MW so 400 mega mega 10MW turbines
They occupy about 1 square kilometre each
apparently each turbine takes twice what I said each one needs to be 2Km apart
so even more sea area
400×4 = 1600 sq Km
a block 40Km by 40 Km
Apparently the screeching irony of Germany’s position wrt to nuclear power doesn’t deserve much coverage…
Germany is (was…) a leader in the throttling of nukes to cope with the absurd fluctuations in renewable output.
Ukraine counteroffensive – Judge Napolitano:
‘Sharp’ by name sharp by nature ?
What’s going on at the BBC ?
What are you paying the telly tax for ?
What is going on with the Tory government ?
I’m not sure whether the resignation of the Chairman of the BBC is a good thing for us or a bad one . Who will rasheed the green card PM put in there ?
Actually – anything which might even slightly discredits the bbc has got to be good …..
All I know is that the BBC didn’t want him in the first place (not Left enough) and now they have got rid of him in the same way they have got rid of all their other threats recently.
I don’t care about the detail for this : why is nobody talking about it ?.
JohnC – will be interesting how the 1pm BBC news deals with it . It would have been better if he came to the job ‘clean ‘- any association with Johnson has to be a weakness …
“Rishi Sunak says he will keep using Brecon Beacons name”
There is some sanity about after all .
I propose an election for the next bbc chairman and see how the black and muslim populace get used to being in the minority for a change.
and a muzzie head of religion not being stuffed in the face of a christian country by twisted perverted bbc wankers would be a refreshing change whilst he is crucified for heresy. And check his hard drive and local school kids whilst your at it.
“Reaction to the appointment of a Muslim, Aaqil Ahmed, as the new head of religion at the BBC gives further indication of the rather nasty competition that is developing between religions for influence in our society and its institutions.
There have already been rumblings from the Archbishop of Canterbury about the “neglect of Christianity” by the BBC and now we have the Rev Robert Coulter, a senior member of the Ulster Assembly, saying yesterday: “It beggars belief that the BBC would stoop so low as to employ a Muslim head of religious programming”
“It beggars belief that the BBC would stoop so low as to employ a Muslim head of religious programming”
“It beggars belief that the BBC would stoop so low as to employ a Muslim head of religious programming”
An Indian and a Pakistani discuss the partition of the United Kingdom (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDbMcW-sDro)
BBC requires a new chairman… What’s the possibility?
Once it is recognised that many, not all, but many muslims detest the police and any form of regulation of their behaviour outside of their medieval beleifs , society will awake to the cancer within.
Christianity and its adherents may have skeletons in it’s closets but this lot are a danger to all, just a look at speakers corner and the stabbings and Luton and the attacks on UK troops.
The government and media and its vilification of anyone who stands up and points out the bloody obvious are complicit.
This is England
video is from Oct 2020
There is later news
Oct 24, 2022
“Hatun Tash is a Turkish born ex-Muslim & Christian preacher & a regular at Speaker’s Corner where she comes into conflict with Muslims.
The Park Police have arrested her twice for breaches of the peace. She has sued for wrongful arrest & been awarded £10,000 in compensation.”
Times article : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ffk9aqzXkAAmIKn?format=jpg&name=large
Well now – the bbc news leads with the bbc – followed by more russian war crimes than a girl reporter in the empty arrivals bit at larnaca Cyprus .
I’m thinking there isn’t a decent 5 star hotel in Sudan otherwise the usual war tourists with bbc flak jackets would be there polishing their ego ….
As for the bbc – it seems to want an ‘open process’ – maybe a referendum – on which coloured lefty woman is gonna be in charge – how about that chatti chakrabati one who did the white wash on anti semitism in the Labour Party …..