Will we see , this week , the BBC revert to being British and Respectful of the ‘home ‘country as the coronation looms ? Or will it continue in its’ Far Left UK hating self ?
“Bodmin murder probe: One dead, seven injured in stabbing near nightclub”
“multiple people had sustained suspected stab wounds”.
A 24-year-old man from Bodmin has been arrested on suspicion of murder,””
One of “those men again “?
What’s this all about ? So close to an Army establishment !
Very little mention anywhere of the Russian / Wagner Group involvement and the fact that the Russian Navy has been granted a base in Port Sudan to park its warships. I wonder why.
The BBC’s reliable hands look to keep a safe distance.
I remember being in Venezuela and reading reports online on what was purportedly going on from the BBC boy in Rio de Janeiro and many similar cases. Geography isn’t a BBC competence.
What it never tells you is who the people / countries supplying the weapons are. Of course not because if people found out the Ukrainians were selling the weapons the West have given them in the proxy war the government would lose support for it.
The Chinese and Russians appear to be hedging their bets and backing both sides which is a win for them whoever wins.
Ukraine is massively corrupt and just because they are fighting Russia doesn’t change that.
I’ve seen reports in several places about the weapons being sold on the black market. This whole war stinks to high heaven and the Ukranian politicians have basically been given carte blanche to do anything they want without any scrutiny. Quite the opposite in fact : it will actively be covered up. You can be quite sure a healthy amount is finding it’s way back to the USA.
There, that should stop them. Good to see the government tackling the terrorist problem head-on.
The thing I like about this article is that it is specifically about Muslim terrorists but the BBC try very hard to not single them out. I can tell they would really like to include the Far-Right – but the story is from a report exclusively about Muslims.
The best bit though is at the end where they try to make a political plug. The Conservatives get 34 words. Labour get a mini-party-political-broadcast at 84 and even the Lib Dems get 69.
And the bit which made me laugh at the end:
‘BBC News has contacted the Green Party for a response.’
Labour would drop that sewage discharge plan just as soon as they found out how much land and how much it would cost to capture all that storm runoff and processes it.
The trouble is, they have a big pool of ‘quota’ staff (mainly narcissitic women from what I can see) who do not have the basic journalism skills they should have. So they end up putting girls who cover Eurovision one minute writing articles about the war in Ukraine the next. The problem is that it’s often obvious the author doesn’t really have a clue what they are writing about.
I’m pretty sure they must be just regurgitating stuff they lifted from elesewhere now.
This leads to an even deeper dependence on ‘press releases ‘ such as those from the Kiev ministry of propaganda or any green crap or the NHS propaganda department or some self serving charity … the usual sources of ‘non news ‘….
Wow! He’s so hip! And so cool! And has no idea what Dark Brandon refers to lol. Someone handed a pair of dark aviators and told him to put them on and pointed him to the teleprompter 🤭
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
They’re counter protestors. They’re there to protest the disruption being caused by turning point?
Classic right-wing playbook: take a 1 minute video of us behaving and looking organised and hope people won’t realise we’re protesting against individual’s freedoms.
1. Well he pushed and mandated a shot. 2. He completely botched the Afghanistan withdrawal. 3. He pushed lockdowns. 4. Responsible for inflation with his spending. 5. He has attacked Constitutional Rights guaranteed. 6. Has made the border a mess.
Biden Promised to Confront China. First He Has to Confront America’s Bizarre Trade Politics.
The administration has struggled to take on Beijing without alienating allies at home and abroad.
Forget the Guardian, – that’s SO old news – the BBC’s new bestest most fav left-leaning paper is the ‘i’
Top spot once again today is awarded to the Oly Duff edited title in the BBC online press parade.
Oly Duff, you ask? (H)e became the UK’s youngest national newspaper editor aged 29 (Press Gazette)
Are we now seeing the hallowed Gruan to be a tad past its sell-by, too stale and pale, simply not buzzin’ sufficiently to catch the attention of the youth, so last decade – just not cutting it any longer for the short attention span boys and girls at the Beeb?
The i was launched on 26 October 2010 with a staff of three as a print spin-off of The Independent and its website inews.co.uk followed only in April 2016… In April, at the height of the UK’s Covid-19 lockdown, it reached a peak of 18.5m unique visitors online (per Google Analytics). (Press Gazette, October 2020) – and boy did we notice the chronic case of long-coronaphobia the ‘i’ contracted with which to fluff the susceptibilities its audience
And it has been consistently named as one of the most trusted newspaper brands by Pamco, drawing level with the Guardian with an 86% trust rating in April. (Press Gazette) – to borrow a quote from Darth Vader: “The Force is strong with this one”
We really do need to interrogate this claim of political neutrality. Whereas the BBC pretends balance our Oly Duff of the ‘i’ proposes: …really spiky comment and analysis around it. And we want everyone to feel like they’ve had sort of an interrogation from us, so we’re going to hold the government to account for its handling of the pandemic – well, that’s a laugh. The ‘i’ was very much in the Keir Starmer camp of sooner, harder, longer – obviously only criticising government policy from that one decidedly pro-Lockdown side of the argument.
Gone are the days of mass circulations – Duff describes his niche target audience: an affluent audience who are open-minded by definition – a younger cohort of Guardianista, metropolitans, trending female, recently non-stem uni-educated, with left-leaning priors and a shorter attention span.
No wonder the BBC like it – or what I mean to say is that it catches their attention: Striking nurses warn Sunak to improve wage offer or face more walkouts (‘i’) – there’s today’s top headline. A clear connection between the strikes and politics is drawn but there’s no deeper consideration of – for instance – how public sector payrises are to be financed.
Daddy issues
King Charles or Prince Harry? Which way will the ‘i’ jump do we think?
When they’re not bashing the very notion of monarchy: Us Brits may celebrate the coronation, but pledging allegiance… in 2023? No chance
Of course they support Harry
King Charles’s emotional illiteracy squandered the relationship with Prince Harry (‘i’) – of course they side with Harry and delve into the trope of cod psychologising as habitually is the wont of the youth.
Child trust funds: Disabled teenagers want their cash but a government empathy gap stands in the way – it goes without saying that lefties are just nicer more caring people
Holding the government (read: The Tories) to account: Ian Birrell on the revolving door of inept ministers
Civil servants have been brutalised into ineffectiveness by a succession of hopeless ministers – Ummm, I’m tellin’ on you. Please, Miss! I’ve been bullied
Hyper-immigration? ‘We are the bottom tier’: Sudan’s citizens fear being left behind as evacuation efforts end – so now we’re supposed to take in all 50 million of them?
Richard Sharp’s BBC resignation could mark the end of crony appointments – apart from all those thousands of Blairites firmly entrenched in our institutions.
Diversity is our pipe dream: I abandoned tradition for the Indian wedding of my dreams, with a feminist ceremony and Bollywood karaoke – one looks around the globe and wonders which Sundanese warlord to support? The one that best supports feminism, we suppose?
Rishi Sunak thinks he’s the nation’s hangover cure – but the economic headache isn’t going away – well, to be fair, they said one true thing there.
Oily seems very much in the Amol camp, telling it often enough in hope that it might stick.
‘Trust’ is a word the BBC use a lot too.
Also ‘transparency’, which is why staff like Wendy, Springster etc circulate lists of preblokees to avoid legitimate questions or concerns getting an airing.
Or organise groupie mass complaints to get algorithms to censor critics.
I would say it was too late for BBC reform. They have been given time and enough events to force changes. At every opportunity they have carried on as before knowing the money will keep on flowing in from threat of prison to the population. I only recently found out that I help pay someone £2.3m who I don’t listen to, have no interest in and they (Chris Evans) us the BBC to promote their own businesses during fund raising events (CarFest). The BBC knew this payment revelation was coming so why no independent Panorama Programme to reveal the extent of it all – paying salaries to paedophiles, give safe space to paedophiles, promoting Labour ideals but not following them (gender pay), presenters using twitter to spread their own views on politics and possibly breaking the BBC guidelines (Lineker/Brexit/6M twitter followers), replacing video footage with photos to hide a nasty refugee and not correcting it (Gavin Hewitt/Sep2015) and then have the audacity to tell everyone how to spot Fake or False News.
The BBC reformed by the same people who run it now?
My first introduction to ‘i’ was Benjamin Butterbum on GB news and I was shocked at what an intolerant, unpleasant nasty piece of work he was. He was absolutely the spiteful schoolboy who typify what the Left is.
But nobody ever mentions it – so sometimes I think I’m the only one who sees it.
I’m thinking this might be a very good week to avoid ‘the news ‘….. the royal soap opera is in full lather – the US step son coming back for the king gig but leaving to do the birthday of his kid – great fun ….
… I’m still planning gardening next weekend – at the moment I think the monarchy isn’t worth much at all -‘queen camilla ‘ indeed ….
I looked at this article to see if it mentioned the elephant in the room. And as I expected, it goes nowhere near it. You have to work it out from statements like ‘Sierra Leone has one of the highest rates of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Africa ‘ and ‘it is most prevalent in parts of Africa and the Middle East.’. Sierra Leone is 80% Muslim.
So I thought I’d try to find the facts of it – and as usual for any agenda topic like this, it’s very hard to get the base truth. In fact most of the top-search results are articles telling me it’s not a Muslim thing : others do it too. However I noticed very quickly that we are not told what the ratio is. Everyone tries their hardest to infer – but not directly say – everybody does it.
But when you get a factual website, you get this : ‘FGM is practised predominantly within certain Muslim societies, but it also exists within some adjacent Christian and animist groups.’. Again though no comparison is ever made.
So once again we are not told the truth about Islam just in case we upset them. Because we all know what happens then. Alans Snackbar gets opened. Also being truthful about these things would just show all this agenda hypocrisy up for what it is.
Concidentally I was listening to ‘1984’ audiobook today as I work at my PC and noticed something Huxley got completely wrong. He thought the liberals would be taken over by some totalitarian state like the Nazis or Stalin. He was wrong : it is being created by those liberals themselves who are intolerant of the Right and wish to have complete control over what people see and think.
But I suppose all of them are ideologically driven socialists – so it makes sense.
The new rulers of Cambodia call 1975 “Year Zero”, the dawn of an age in which there will be no families, no sentiment, no expressions of love or grief, no medicines, no hospitals, no schools, no books, no learning, no holidays, no music, no song, no post, no money – only work and death.
John Pilger, Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia (1979)[1]
National FGM Support Clinics (NFGMSCs) are community-based clinics that offer a range of support services for women with female genital mutilation (FGM).
The service is free to access for anyone who’s eligible for NHS care.
Female genital mutilation ( FGM ), sometimes known as ‘female circumcision’ or ‘female genital cutting’, is illegal in the UK. It’s also illegal to take abroad a British national or permanent resident for FGM , or to help someone trying to do this.
To decrease the prevalence of Female Genital Cutting in Sudan and open space for wider programme on gender equality, supoorting SDG5. The programme will change social norms in target communities and at scale, support an improved legal environment, strengthen systems combatting FGM and other harmful practices, and catalyse a wider response to gender equality in Sudan. Primary beneficiaries will be girls and women in target communities, locations and states in Sudan.
To decrease the prevalence of Female Genital Cutting in Sudan and open space for wider programme on gender equality, supoorting SDG5. The programme will change social norms in target communities and at scale, support an improved legal environment, strengthen systems combatting FGM and other harmful practices, and catalyse a wider response to gender equality in Sudan. Primary beneficiaries will be girls and women in target communities, locations and states in Sudan.
A typical day as the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent – venturing down the rabbit hole quite literally!
New podcast for Radio 4 soon. I’m investigating how UK conspiracy theory movements – and those still down the rabbit hole – have intensified and evolved. pic.twitter.com/q5kjnxWTty
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
“You do a fab job, Marianna. Keep up the good work!”
“”Go into media they said” “Think of the glamour they said” :-)”
“Thank you for the incredibly important work you do.”
“I did find one or two posts supporting you Marianna but I had to scroll a long way down. 95%+ call you out for the evil propagandist you are. Does that worry you and the men who own you? It should. What you’re doing isn’t working.”
One for Marianna Spring. Wonder if she was bullied at school or perhaps had a difficult childhood or upbringing. Rejected for summit at sometime or perhaps her pet rabbit died whilst she was supposed to be looking after it.
OT but thanks for the link, D, you’ve helped explain something…
When my (now deceased) father was in hospital suffering from pneumonia, c. 2011, I looked at his paperwork and saw that it was marked DNR. He was successfully holding off cancer at the same time.
Knowing that he had plans to come and live with us, I knew he would not have agreed to a DNR and I, as his only living relative, had not been consulted.
I started to ask questions :
Who made the decision ?
When did they make it ?
Was my father consulted ?
I was promised answers but none came.
The next day, the DNR had disappeared, and he was sitting up in bed, beating off the pneumonia.
He confirmed that he had not been consulted, and, had he been, he would not have assented.
I repeatedly asked to meet the doctor concerned, or even just to know his name so I could write to him. It will probably not surprise anyone who contributes here, or others of like mind, that I was never given a name, and the doctor was never ‘on shift’ when I was there, or he/she was ‘on an emergency call’ or ‘on holiday’.
Either the cancer or old age (opinions differ) got him, a year later, but it was a year he cherished.
Trust them not, some of them think the white coat makes them gods.
‘My first thought as I came round was Oh God! What have I done?’: Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he bitterly regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal
Ritchie Herron, 35, says life has been unbearable since surgery four years ago
His case first emerged after he shared experience on Twitter under pseudonym
He claims NHS failed to take mental health crisis into account before procedure
PUBLISHED: 22:11, 25 June 2022 | UPDATED: 17:16, 28 June 2022
The incompetence of the Biden "administration" is beyond belief. This is not funny anymore. This is dangerous for America and for the world. https://t.co/Zu8mu2mnbx
Tomo – you’ve got to hand it to this chap and the coloured girl – to defend Biden – when challenged – for the debacle of afgee – really shows what people will do to keep their job …..
… aided by journos who give them the soft treatment …
78 minutes long. It starts by telling you why the work of Fourier (1827), Arrhenius (1896), Nils Ekholm (1901) and Callendar (1938) is proven to be rubbish.
Ned Nikolov then explains how he and Karl Zeller, used data from across the solar system, to find that, distance from the Sun and atmospheric pressure are the only factors needed to determine the atmospheric temperature.
Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller compare surface temperature and pressure points, but the an article on the Mensa debating forum showed that the simplest way of proving that “Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia” is true, and not “Radiative or Gravitational Forcing”, is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
Sad news – it seems 4.4 million fools watched the latest version of ‘great expectations ‘ on the bbc – but by the end end it was down to 2 million …. There is anger about the ending ( spoiler ) alert – which had Pip winning the national lottery and estelle hooking up with a prem footballer . ….
Think of it as eduction.
Now we know that there were lots of successful black lawyers in London in the 1850s. I had assumed they only worked as slaves.
Naturally any ‘drama’ now produced by the bbc/ itv / C4 doesn’t get a view from me – sometimes bbc ex puts something on from the 70s or 80s which comes as a reminder of just how far the BBC has descended into woke tick box crap ….
Took one for the team and watched ‘CountryFile’ on BBC last night.
In quick succession we had
a. a wheelchair bound woman showing she can work helping with newborn lambs
b. a trainee vet with ‘mental health issues’
c. a young sheep farmer with autism.
So…not so much Countryfile, rather more Disabilityfile!
Full credit to the plucky individuals featured, but as for a depiction of the countryside, the endless agenda-led BBC is utterly ridiculous.
PS there was a nice out-of-touch moment. A female (naturally) presentwe was interviewing a couple on South Uist in the Hebrides. She was wearing a thick wooly jumper and a wooly hat. The couple were both in short-sleeved shirts with bare arms.
Tough, the folks in the Hebrides, unlike the pathetic, woke, victim-seeking BBC.
Sluff – you get a mention in dispatches – but surely an opportunity for BS bingo …..
I was in Epping forest yesterday – there is a nice pond which was spoilt by the corporation of London putting in a wheelchair friendly track around it …. In fact I used to push someone in a wheelchair round it ….. but …. When it rains it becomes a mix of mud and puddles making it in passable for most ….
… I bet whoever designed and built it just had no idea ….
Nope, no BINGO line for me.
A preponderance of women on the programme of course (2 presenters, 2 disabled), versus 1 male presenter and 1 disabled.
But………no BAME this week !!!
So. Close but no cigar.
A ‘British’ national was featured with ahem, darker skin tones, called Mohammed.
He was delighted that his wife and child, who it appears are not British (yet?) were able to escape from their house in Khartoum and get to the UK. The wife, head covered and in faltering English, described the situation.
On 19 December 1955 the Sudanese parliament, unilaterally and unanimously, declared Sudan’s independence. The British and Egyptian governments recognized the independence of Sudan on 1 January 1956. The United States was among the first foreign powers to recognize the new state.
The Today programme showing the hypocrisy of the left and two faceness of the BBC .
Stella Creasy ( Labour mp for Walthamstow) complaining about a troll who refers her to Social Services about her kids because he does not like her politics .
The Met Police passed her concerns over to the Leicestershire police where the troll lives .
Stella waffled on about democracy, free speech , everyone should be allowed to have a say etc .
The BBC did not ask her about the social services that wouldn’t allow a UKIP couple to foster because of their politics, their policies being shared by over half the country.
No mention of the disgraceful door stepping of Jacob Rees Mogg by Antifa and the threats made against his children.
No mention of the lefties who protested nastily in Birmingham at the Conservative conference because as one protester said “ people were angry “ .
No mention of the Police harassing the leaders of Britain First at a bye election at Wakefield .
And hundreds of other times the left intimidate anyone and everyone they disagree with . No mention of the constant traducing of everyone the BBC disagrees with on their so called comedy shows .
And no mention of the BBC’s threatograms they send to everyone who wants nothing to do with them .
BBC and Stella ,
Start the ball rolling and get prop democracy and accountability by sacking all the Gramscians and those who follow the Saul Alinsky ways through the Long March Through the Institutions .
Breastfeeding British MP Told Not To Bring Baby To Parliament
“Mothers in the mother of all parliaments are not to be seen or heard it seems,” Stella Creasy complained.
OffbeatAgence France-PresseUpdated: November 25, 2021 12:46 pm I
I think the honourable Stella is up for the hattie Harmon gig when she ascends to her peerage – Stella has one of those family trees which true socialists would wince at before stringing her up from a lamp post …
Its compare and contrast time. And from the same source.
From the Daily Mirror
ByMatthew DreschFeatures Writer
18:49, 18 Jul 2022
“Prince Harry warned “the world is on fire, again” as he urged people to keep up the fight against climate change during a speech at the UN headquarters in New York
Prince Harry called on “leaders to lead” in an impassioned plea for action over climate change.
The Duke of Sussex issued the appeal as he warned that “the world is on fire, again” amid soaring temperatures and wildfires in Europe.
The royal said the world is at a “pivotal moment” in the fight for the planet’s future…….”
Compare and contrast.
Also from the Daily Mirror
ByChiara FiorilloNews Reporter
22:07, 29 Apr 2023
“Prince Harry will travel to the UK next week to celebrate the King’s Coronation – but it is believed that he will return to California shortly after so that he can celebrate his son’s birthday
Prince Harry is planning to return to the US just two hours after his father’s Coronation ends next week so that he can celebrate his son Archie’s birthday with his family.
The Duke of Sussex is travelling to the UK on his own after it was confirmed that his wife Meghan Markle will not join him in London.
An insider claimed Harry will be “in and out of the UK in 24 hours” and that he will leave after the Coronation service at Westminster Abbey.
The ceremony is expected to end at 1pm so it is believed that the Duke could head to the airport straight after, possibly leaving the country at around 2pm or 3pm.”
Maybe he will have enough time to plant a few trees at the airport.
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
PUBLISHED: 22:05, 25 December 2021 | UPDATED: 22:37, 25 December 2021
There is a high threat of kidnapping in Darfur. Kidnappings can be for financial or political gain, and can be motivated by criminality or terrorism. There have been a number of recent kidnappings, including of British nationals and other westerners. Kidnap groups view those engaged in humanitarian aid work or journalism as legitimate targets.
The long-standing policy of the British government is not to make substantive concessions to hostage takers. The British government considers that paying ransoms and releasing prisoners increases the risk of further hostage-taking.
In the dead of night, as HMS Al Diriyah approached Sudan’s coast, Saudi officers flicked on sweeping search lights to secure safe passage for their warship into a harbour rapidly transforming into a major evacuation and humanitarian hub in Sudan’s deepening crisis.
“I feel so relieved but also so sad to be part of this history,” Hassan Faraz from Pakistan told us, visibly shaken.
Some 3,000 Yemenis, mainly students, have been stuck for weeks in Port Sudan. “The Saudis are rescuing some Yemenis but they’re nervous about accepting large numbers,” admitted a security adviser trying to help them find a way back to their own war-torn country.
admitted a security adviser trying to help them find a way back to their own war-torn country.
There is precious little reporting or discussion of motivation wrt the warring parties in Sudan.
Has anybody heard who done / doing what to whom and why?
Deepening crisis ? – there’s a dispute? – Anglo MSM does not seem interested in elaborating the points of friction.
Tribal ? – confederations of tribes ?
Not surprising that the Saudis are arms-length with the Yemenis – Saudi government esp. the Hejaz region (opposite Sudan across the Red Sea) especially Mecca and parts south have treated Yemenis as one step up (just) from slaves for ever… Banditry was a thing down south of Jeddah in the 1990s…
The War in Darfur, also nicknamed the Land Cruiser War,[note 1] was a major armed conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan that began in February 2003 when the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rebel groups began fighting against the government of Sudan, which they accused of oppressing Darfur’s non-Arab population.[33][34] The government responded to attacks by carrying out a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Darfur’s non-Arabs. This resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the indictment of Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir, for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court.[35]
China is currently one of Sudan’s largest trade partners, importing oil and exporting low cost manufactured items as well as armaments into the country.
One can see why Mr Starkey was never ‘redeemed ‘( un cancelled ) by the BBC – to say that the coronation is English goes against all that false inclusive crap those watching are going to have to suffer .
BTW – if you have never seen the Wilton Dyptyck ? In the Nat Gallery – make a point of looking at it – it’s quite something …
Without yet watching the Starkey video…..
I seem to remember that the Diptych carries various messages. Something akin to the King, Richard II maybe, seeing himself as a God. Something like that.
I just wondered therefore if there was a point being made about Charles III?
Non-interference is the idea countries should not interfere in foreign affairs. The policy of non-interference has played a large role in China’s foreign affairs. Especially when it comes to the continent of Africa. Many Western countries aren’t willing to build relations with certain countries in Africa because of corrupt governments. China has managed to build relations with countries like Sudan because they are not interfering with internal affairs within the country. However, recently, due to the arising conflicts in Sudan such as the Darfur crisis which was an ethnic conflict dating back to 2003 when Black Africans living in Darfur rebelled against the predominantly Arab government because they wanted resources and fair shares in the government, China has had to step in.
“China was enabling an autocratic regime and tied the Chinese-financed oil investments to mass displacement, gross human rights violations and environmental degradation…”(crisis group, 2017)
China’s leaders have continued to stand behind Bashir, hosting him at its Africa summits, despite the International Criminal Court issuing an arrest warrant on charges of genocide in Darfur (the diplomat, 2019). China cannot escape these crises and issues if it wants to continue its efforts of oil investments in Sudan. Interregional politics is a key factor for China to continue to consider.
” The Sudan Petroleum Project is one of China National Petroleum Corp’s largest overseas projects and a major upstream and downstream integrated project, media reports said.
However, the sudden change of the situation may affect Chinese businesses there, and the political uncertainty might persist, depending largely on whether the US cuts off aid, Zeng Aiping, research fellow with the China Institute of International Studies, told the Global Times Tuesday.
The Biden administration announced Monday that the US will suspend the provision of $700 million in emergency economic assistance to Sudan.”
Roughly two million people died as a result of war, famine and disease caused by the conflict. Four million people in southern Sudan were displaced at least once, normally repeatedly during the war.
Coronavirus Cases:
caught 5 mins of radio five program reviewing whats on the box to watch
The first talking head didnt like the historical drama Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story because it was historically inaccurate and showed lack of research
her problem being that the explanation of a whale bone corset was factually incorrect.
Cleopatra was light-skinned, Egypt tells Netflix in row over drama
Casting of black actor in upcoming docudrama has angered groups in Egypt who say it is ‘a falsification of Egyptian history’https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/apr/28/cleopatra-was-light-skinned-egypt-tells-netflix-in-row-over-drama
Since the BBC is ‘colour blind’ and therefore showed Estella in Great Expectations as a black woman, surely Cleopatra could be played by a white person?
Now that would set the Islington Guardianistas choking on their skinny lattes.
Some people are cynical, but the BBC really is colour blind when it comes to casting. I have it on very good authority that a new series of TV biographies will shortly be under production and we can expect to see the following:
Nelson Mandela – played by White actor
Martin Luther King – played by White actor
Barrack Obama – played by White actor
Adolf Hitler – played by black actor
Joseph Stalin – played by black actor
Harold Shipman – played by black actor (female)
By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds. {bbc.co.uk sep2017} http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-41265644
BBC 2020 will be “50% + 8% + 8% + 15% = 81%” Non-white heterosexual male?
“In 2015, the majority (93.7%) of the UK population identified themselves as heterosexual or straight, with 1.7% identifying as LGB, the remainder either identifying as “other”, “don’t know” or refusing to respond. Young adults (16 to 24 year olds) are more likely to identify as LGB compared with older age groups, and a higher proportion of males identify as LGB than females.” {ons.gov.uk oct2017}
– So in 2020 the male white population can declare itself a minority (19%) in the BBC and demand to be 50% represented and be equal with women? So confusing and no mention of talent!
– And the wonderful thing about the unique way the BBC is funded means that if you disagree and don’t like it and stop paying you go to prison.
The fantasy that Queen Charlotte was black (sic) dates from the 1940s and an interpretation that she had “broad nostrils and heavy lips” in Allan Ramsay’s portrait of 1761. She was a distant descendant of Madragana Ben Aloandro, a mistress of the 13th Century Portuguese King, Afonso III. Three centuries after her death, it was speculated that she had been a Moor (meaning Arabic) but she was probably a Moazarab (a Christian from al-Andalus). She was 15 generations removed from Madragana, meaning that she only inherited 0.0031% of her DNA, or one part in 32768. Put it this way: you could acquire more than that yourself by watching a holiday programme about Spain on TV.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
A friend on holiday in Turkey has been taken seriously ill.
He was admitted to hospital.
He was seen immediately and put into a two person room so that his wife could stay with him.
He quickly had various scans and was diagnosed with a particular condition and is receiving treatment.
His wife called us with an update. She reports that his treatment is ‘second to none’.
This is in Turkey.
Why can’t we get this level of care and consideration and treatment in this country? Instead we get a totally crap service, unable to see our GPs, huge waiting lists, all costing us taxpayers hundreds of billions. A completely useless nationalised industry.
Nurses are on strike today. The BBC give it generous and sympathetic coverage.
Absolutely pathetic. What a brainless, deluded country we have become.
Khan says 4,000 people a year are dead because of the air in London.
I wonder if he could ask whoever it was that came up with that number to give us a number of how many people are dead because of the various nhs strikes.
How many died today because of the nurses striking, that sort of thing.
I suppose the methodology used to arrive at 4,000 would be the same, when manipulated, to arrive at any number depending on what message the left want us to hear.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
“I don’t know whether global warming is real or just a clever plan for us to pay more taxes; after-all – it’s something you can’t see or touch – but I found this cringing interview with the Director of Greenpeace, John Sauven very interesting.”
11 March 2022, received £250 from H Bauer Publishing, Academic House, 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DT, for an article in Grazia Magazine. Hours: 3 hrs. Fee allocated to my staffing budget. (Registered 29 March 2022)
5 August 2022, received £400 from Intelligence Squared, Intelligence Squared, 48 Sellons Avenue, London NW10 4HH, for participating in a debate on 9 June 2022. Hours: 3 hrs. Fee allocated to my staffing budget. (Registered 26 August 2022) https://www.theyworkforyou.com/regmem/?p=24949
12 January 2022, payment of £5,000 from Aviva plc (insurance company), St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3P 3DQ, for speaking at an event as part of a panel. Hours: 1.5 hrs. Fee paid direct to local charity. (Registered 27 January 2022)
Name of donor: Community Trade Union
Address of donor: 465c Caledonian Road, London N7 9GX
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000 to support my re-election campaign
As a Nigerian woman living in the UK, I can assure you that this is nonsense. Complete nonsense. I visit national parks every weekend with 2 black friends & an Asian friend. Never have we encountered hostility. Ever. Once again, the west leading the way in victimhood culture https://t.co/hLTPpzkPiv
We have had a Queen for decades and virtually everyone including the BBC were more or less content and almost in their happy place. Well biting their lip at worst.
Suddenly even though he is not the sovereign yet, the bitter twisted lefties including the BBC are winding up a hatefest and mumbling about republics etc, etc, the dire and disgusting “Windsor royals” series ending last night was a frenzy of hate and almost schoolboy vindictiveness. It could almost have come straight from a copy of VIZ magazine.
I could almost hear the sniggering and laughter coming from the BBC boardroom.
I look forward to the sequel “the Corbyns” or even “The Abbott chronicles’ but won’t hold my breath.
My guess is that now a white male is stepping into the sovereign role they feel they can release the dogs of war and be as disgustingly nasty as they like with the protection afforded by the imaginary cloak of misogeny and posh white male reviled privilege.
I think a protracted period of king bashing is about to start until they can push him to the tower and roll out the axe and block.
He has about the same status as Trump to these animals.
I see BBC attack poodle with the big white rimmed specs is having an outing.
More conspiracist falsehoods on @GBNews – @thecoastguy declaring as fact the discredited Kremlin line that the US government had a network of bioweapons labs in Ukraine. This is materially misleading. Incredible that it was broadcast on British TV. https://t.co/xcqjtndViNpic.twitter.com/CtIy5irpYc
An extract from an article by Peter Baum 29th April 2023 is interesting .
” Some years ago, a minor event morphed into a major news item simply because of the time and effort BBC Middle East news editors, journalists, commentators and reporters devoted to the incident. A teenage girl who claimed to be Palestinian but in fact was Bosnian I believe, slapped an Israeli soldier at a checkpoint border crossing. Unsurprisingly a TV crew was on hand to film the incident, as like so many Pallywood productions it was a stage-managed event. The soldier at first did not react but after several slaps form the ‘Palestinian’ slapper she was arrested. This story was not only reported on primetime tv news by the BBC and on numerous BBC radio programs but appeared every day for six months on the BBC global news online website. Naturally, this story was on average one of three anti-Israel stories out of six or seven news items reported on the website which supposedly covered global news. Moreover, the BBC reported this story on its other non-English speaking websites similarly to ensure a global audience was reached.
I diligently noted all this and started to complain to the BBC and received three brush off replies. On the fourth complaint they wrote back informing me that I was a serial complainer and that the BBC will no longer respond to any complaints on their news output from myself.
So just take this in. A stage-managed story of such minor importance is given overwhelming global significance over an excessively extended time period simply because the victim was Palestinian. It defies logic except if one considers the anti-Jewish state bias entrenched within the BBC and those working within it. As a comparison in multiples of time and space devoted to this story compared to the genocide committed on nearly one million black Africans in Rwanda the maths are staggering. My back of the envelope statistics calculated that for every 10,000 Rwandans killed the BBC devoted less than one second but for every slap on an Israeli soldier during a stage-managed event, the BBC devoted two months.
Jew hatred runs through the veins of mainstream media and voices of dissent are obliterated just as the Rwandans.
The only chink of light were recent statistics identifying that the BBC is drastically losing audience viewers on its tv news output and current affairs programs. I hope this downward; spiraling trajectory continues.”
Ukrainian refugee forced back to warzone for medical treatment amid Scottish health crisis
It was suggested to Nicola Sturgeon during First Minister’s Questions that getting medical care in Kyiv is easier than in Scotland
Daily Mail. Ruddy hell, the trannies will be queing to get in. May even have some biological wimmin applying.
Planners approve Britain’s ‘first female-only tower block’ in London for victims of abuse and pay gap inequality – but admit biological men who ‘identify as women’ can also apply
Do you recall that BBC royalty called ‘Laura trevelyn ‘ has a family which profited from trading slaves and is to ‘remunerate ‘them ?
Now it transpires that her family were involved in profiting from the Irish famine …. And it looks like someone else will be getting a ‘hand out ‘…
..I wonder how many other BBC staff are connected to profiting from colonialism ?
REPORT: Rupert Murdoch and Son Lachlan Secretly Met With Ukrainian Dictator Volodymyr Zelenskyy Before Ousting Tucker Carlson – Were 'Disturbed' By Tucker's Stance on Ukraine https://t.co/r7yBc7r4hd#gatewaypundit via @gatewaypundit
Shocking news that the Mafia Democrats are now depleting US weapons stocks in Israel in order to send them to Ukraine. 300 000 155m artillery shells are to be sent. That’s roughly half of what Russia is producing in single month, but the doddering idiot who is allegedly the President can’t reorder more until the debt ceiling issue is raised.
Meanwhile it would appear the US is now almost certain to at least make a technical default on its debt commitments as the tax receipts have fallen well short of what was expected meaning inflation in the US is going to be next to impossible to control .
Worse is the prediction that gas this Winter will be even more expensive as China has come back fully on line and is buying up supplies. German Greens have preffered dirty coal and felling ancient woodland to nuclear fuel and will quite possibly freeze the elderly to death this Winter.
tomoMar 11, 17:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://i.ibb.co/CpHpqmyS/chrome-l8-Oi-OLB2j8.png[/img] well, Mike Wendling – a two jobber deep state mouthpiece writes up JD Vance. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cly82yx09zeo Most of us peons…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition https://youtu.be/b1KiL59uQv8
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img]https://i.ibb.co/bjCBYhVt/chrome-Zhi-OU3-Eth-I.png[/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . . https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats-last-7-days
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://thankyoutruckers.substack.com/p/mark-carneys-leadership-win-smells? Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
“Stop the boats!”
“Bodmin murder probe: One dead, seven injured in stabbing near nightclub”
“multiple people had sustained suspected stab wounds”.
A 24-year-old man from Bodmin has been arrested on suspicion of murder,””
One of “those men again “?
What’s this all about ? So close to an Army establishment !
Sudan crisis: Chaos at port as thousands rush to leave
As usual from the BBC:
Close up shots are women and children:

Longer range shots show the truth:

These stories are softening us up before the BBC switch to 100% empathy articles telling us how we should let these innocent children come here.
And of course along with thousands of unmentioned young males bringing that same culture murdering everyone in Sudan to our streets.
Interesting if any of them lob up at Chas’ shindig wearing their traditional attire to confuse the old ladies with their footy strip.
And here is LBC doing its low life bit.
We grant asylum to these people, because of the dangers of civil war. First thing they do after a few months, is take a holiday ‘back home’.
Takes the ****.
……whilst still taking benefits.
The best British Airways flight deals to Khartoum
Very little mention anywhere of the Russian / Wagner Group involvement and the fact that the Russian Navy has been granted a base in Port Sudan to park its warships. I wonder why.
The BBC’s reliable hands look to keep a safe distance.
I remember being in Venezuela and reading reports online on what was purportedly going on from the BBC boy in Rio de Janeiro and many similar cases. Geography isn’t a BBC competence.
A write up of the MSM Sudan herd:
What it never tells you is who the people / countries supplying the weapons are. Of course not because if people found out the Ukrainians were selling the weapons the West have given them in the proxy war the government would lose support for it.
The Chinese and Russians appear to be hedging their bets and backing both sides which is a win for them whoever wins.
heh …
I wonder if any old banger Ukrainian AN26 and AN22 items brimming with weapons are groaning through the skies of Sudan?
Ukraine is massively corrupt and just because they are fighting Russia doesn’t change that.
I’ve seen reports in several places about the weapons being sold on the black market. This whole war stinks to high heaven and the Ukranian politicians have basically been given carte blanche to do anything they want without any scrutiny. Quite the opposite in fact : it will actively be covered up. You can be quite sure a healthy amount is finding it’s way back to the USA.
Terrorists limited to two boxes of books in prison cells
There, that should stop them. Good to see the government tackling the terrorist problem head-on.
The thing I like about this article is that it is specifically about Muslim terrorists but the BBC try very hard to not single them out. I can tell they would really like to include the Far-Right – but the story is from a report exclusively about Muslims.
The best bit though is at the end where they try to make a political plug. The Conservatives get 34 words. Labour get a mini-party-political-broadcast at 84 and even the Lib Dems get 69.
And the bit which made me laugh at the end:
‘BBC News has contacted the Green Party for a response.’
They could not have reached Lucas, who responds on telly to everything.
At some point, BBC Politics has to realise their team is a total joke.
As in the USA, the key is what the bbc chooses to not report.
Labour would drop that sewage discharge plan just as soon as they found out how much land and how much it would cost to capture all that storm runoff and processes it.
Has Rachel got a detailed plan or just bullet points?
Barry Gardiner has £500K from china to help fund it!
The trouble is, they have a big pool of ‘quota’ staff (mainly narcissitic women from what I can see) who do not have the basic journalism skills they should have. So they end up putting girls who cover Eurovision one minute writing articles about the war in Ukraine the next. The problem is that it’s often obvious the author doesn’t really have a clue what they are writing about.
I’m pretty sure they must be just regurgitating stuff they lifted from elesewhere now.
This leads to an even deeper dependence on ‘press releases ‘ such as those from the Kiev ministry of propaganda or any green crap or the NHS propaganda department or some self serving charity … the usual sources of ‘non news ‘….
GW – Starmer
No doubt a ‘Robin Hood’ policy in effect: Take from the rich to give to the poor.
No Cervix, no brain.
Soon the MSM will get back to controlling the narrative.
And covering for the BBC TNI big guy.
Lurch, Saz and crew must have zero sense of pride.
BBC ex Sopes TNI wannabe dying by several posts…
And the fact of that poll is that most people don’t.
Their ‘beer drinkers’ are a very specific set (called ‘monthly drinkers whatever that means) who tend to be young Democrats.
100 asked in a gay bar if you support gay bars?
BBC TNI partners.
You know, I’d feel sorry for the senile old duffer if he wasn’t such a nasty piece of work.
Reference CAS-6617681-T3R8R9
Dear Mr H
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Kind regards,
Darren Loughlin
BBC Complaints Team
One for Springster to ‘investigate’?
Biden Promised to Confront China. First He Has to Confront America’s Bizarre Trade Politics.
The administration has struggled to take on Beijing without alienating allies at home and abroad.
Aye aye, daddy issues edition
Forget the Guardian, – that’s SO old news – the BBC’s new bestest most fav left-leaning paper is the ‘i’
Top spot once again today is awarded to the Oly Duff edited title in the BBC online press parade.
Oly Duff, you ask? (H)e became the UK’s youngest national newspaper editor aged 29 (Press Gazette)
Are we now seeing the hallowed Gruan to be a tad past its sell-by, too stale and pale, simply not buzzin’ sufficiently to catch the attention of the youth, so last decade – just not cutting it any longer for the short attention span boys and girls at the Beeb?
The i was launched on 26 October 2010 with a staff of three as a print spin-off of The Independent and its website inews.co.uk followed only in April 2016… In April, at the height of the UK’s Covid-19 lockdown, it reached a peak of 18.5m unique visitors online (per Google Analytics). (Press Gazette, October 2020) – and boy did we notice the chronic case of long-coronaphobia the ‘i’ contracted with which to fluff the susceptibilities its audience
And it has been consistently named as one of the most trusted newspaper brands by Pamco, drawing level with the Guardian with an 86% trust rating in April. (Press Gazette) – to borrow a quote from Darth Vader: “The Force is strong with this one”
We really do need to interrogate this claim of political neutrality. Whereas the BBC pretends balance our Oly Duff of the ‘i’ proposes: …really spiky comment and analysis around it. And we want everyone to feel like they’ve had sort of an interrogation from us, so we’re going to hold the government to account for its handling of the pandemic – well, that’s a laugh. The ‘i’ was very much in the Keir Starmer camp of sooner, harder, longer – obviously only criticising government policy from that one decidedly pro-Lockdown side of the argument.
Gone are the days of mass circulations – Duff describes his niche target audience: an affluent audience who are open-minded by definition – a younger cohort of Guardianista, metropolitans, trending female, recently non-stem uni-educated, with left-leaning priors and a shorter attention span.
No wonder the BBC like it – or what I mean to say is that it catches their attention: Striking nurses warn Sunak to improve wage offer or face more walkouts (‘i’) – there’s today’s top headline. A clear connection between the strikes and politics is drawn but there’s no deeper consideration of – for instance – how public sector payrises are to be financed.
Daddy issues
King Charles or Prince Harry? Which way will the ‘i’ jump do we think?
When they’re not bashing the very notion of monarchy: Us Brits may celebrate the coronation, but pledging allegiance… in 2023? No chance
Of course they support Harry
King Charles’s emotional illiteracy squandered the relationship with Prince Harry (‘i’) – of course they side with Harry and delve into the trope of cod psychologising as habitually is the wont of the youth.
Child trust funds: Disabled teenagers want their cash but a government empathy gap stands in the way – it goes without saying that lefties are just nicer more caring people
Holding the government (read: The Tories) to account: Ian Birrell on the revolving door of inept ministers
Civil servants have been brutalised into ineffectiveness by a succession of hopeless ministers – Ummm, I’m tellin’ on you. Please, Miss! I’ve been bullied
Hyper-immigration? ‘We are the bottom tier’: Sudan’s citizens fear being left behind as evacuation efforts end – so now we’re supposed to take in all 50 million of them?
Richard Sharp’s BBC resignation could mark the end of crony appointments – apart from all those thousands of Blairites firmly entrenched in our institutions.
Diversity is our pipe dream: I abandoned tradition for the Indian wedding of my dreams, with a feminist ceremony and Bollywood karaoke – one looks around the globe and wonders which Sundanese warlord to support? The one that best supports feminism, we suppose?
Rishi Sunak thinks he’s the nation’s hangover cure – but the economic headache isn’t going away – well, to be fair, they said one true thing there.
Oily seems very much in the Amol camp, telling it often enough in hope that it might stick.
‘Trust’ is a word the BBC use a lot too.
Also ‘transparency’, which is why staff like Wendy, Springster etc circulate lists of preblokees to avoid legitimate questions or concerns getting an airing.
Or organise groupie mass complaints to get algorithms to censor critics.
I would say it was too late for BBC reform. They have been given time and enough events to force changes. At every opportunity they have carried on as before knowing the money will keep on flowing in from threat of prison to the population. I only recently found out that I help pay someone £2.3m who I don’t listen to, have no interest in and they (Chris Evans) us the BBC to promote their own businesses during fund raising events (CarFest). The BBC knew this payment revelation was coming so why no independent Panorama Programme to reveal the extent of it all – paying salaries to paedophiles, give safe space to paedophiles, promoting Labour ideals but not following them (gender pay), presenters using twitter to spread their own views on politics and possibly breaking the BBC guidelines (Lineker/Brexit/6M twitter followers), replacing video footage with photos to hide a nasty refugee and not correcting it (Gavin Hewitt/Sep2015) and then have the audacity to tell everyone how to spot Fake or False News.
The BBC reformed by the same people who run it now?
My first introduction to ‘i’ was Benjamin Butterbum on GB news and I was shocked at what an intolerant, unpleasant nasty piece of work he was. He was absolutely the spiteful schoolboy who typify what the Left is.
But nobody ever mentions it – so sometimes I think I’m the only one who sees it.
I’m thinking this might be a very good week to avoid ‘the news ‘….. the royal soap opera is in full lather – the US step son coming back for the king gig but leaving to do the birthday of his kid – great fun ….
… I’m still planning gardening next weekend – at the moment I think the monarchy isn’t worth much at all -‘queen camilla ‘ indeed ….
FGM in Sierra Leone: I believe my girlfriend died because her genitals were cut
I looked at this article to see if it mentioned the elephant in the room. And as I expected, it goes nowhere near it. You have to work it out from statements like ‘Sierra Leone has one of the highest rates of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Africa ‘ and ‘it is most prevalent in parts of Africa and the Middle East.’. Sierra Leone is 80% Muslim.
So I thought I’d try to find the facts of it – and as usual for any agenda topic like this, it’s very hard to get the base truth. In fact most of the top-search results are articles telling me it’s not a Muslim thing : others do it too. However I noticed very quickly that we are not told what the ratio is. Everyone tries their hardest to infer – but not directly say – everybody does it.
But when you get a factual website, you get this : ‘FGM is practised predominantly within certain Muslim societies, but it also exists within some adjacent Christian and animist groups.’. Again though no comparison is ever made.
So once again we are not told the truth about Islam just in case we upset them. Because we all know what happens then. Alans Snackbar gets opened. Also being truthful about these things would just show all this agenda hypocrisy up for what it is.
Concidentally I was listening to ‘1984’ audiobook today as I work at my PC and noticed something Huxley got completely wrong. He thought the liberals would be taken over by some totalitarian state like the Nazis or Stalin. He was wrong : it is being created by those liberals themselves who are intolerant of the Right and wish to have complete control over what people see and think.
But I suppose all of them are ideologically driven socialists – so it makes sense.
1984? Huxley ?
lol, sorry, I’m listening to Brave New World, not 1984.
I always have these two on my mind when I think of the Left and where they are heading with their fascism.
Net Zero ….
The new rulers of Cambodia call 1975 “Year Zero”, the dawn of an age in which there will be no families, no sentiment, no expressions of love or grief, no medicines, no hospitals, no schools, no books, no learning, no holidays, no music, no song, no post, no money – only work and death.
John Pilger, Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia (1979)[1]
And even worse genital mutilation is happening to boys, it is happening in the UK, and it is being paid for by the anychess.
But you will not hear the bBC whining about that. Bloody Barbarian Corporation.
National FGM Support Clinics (NFGMSCs) are community-based clinics that offer a range of support services for women with female genital mutilation (FGM).
The service is free to access for anyone who’s eligible for NHS care.
Female genital mutilation ( FGM ), sometimes known as ‘female circumcision’ or ‘female genital cutting’, is illegal in the UK. It’s also illegal to take abroad a British national or permanent resident for FGM , or to help someone trying to do this.
To decrease the prevalence of Female Genital Cutting in Sudan and open space for wider programme on gender equality, supoorting SDG5. The programme will change social norms in target communities and at scale, support an improved legal environment, strengthen systems combatting FGM and other harmful practices, and catalyse a wider response to gender equality in Sudan. Primary beneficiaries will be girls and women in target communities, locations and states in Sudan.
£3m in aid for Sudan went to the armed forces to buy guns to help enforce law and order. That didn’t work out too well did it?
£1.5 to each side?
Seems the military industrial way.
To decrease the prevalence of Female Genital Cutting in Sudan and open space for wider programme on gender equality, supoorting SDG5. The programme will change social norms in target communities and at scale, support an improved legal environment, strengthen systems combatting FGM and other harmful practices, and catalyse a wider response to gender equality in Sudan. Primary beneficiaries will be girls and women in target communities, locations and states in Sudan.
Lots worth the BBC checking today.
Still focussed on selfies a rabbits.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
“You do a fab job, Marianna. Keep up the good work!”
“”Go into media they said” “Think of the glamour they said” :-)”
“Thank you for the incredibly important work you do.”
“I did find one or two posts supporting you Marianna but I had to scroll a long way down. 95%+ call you out for the evil propagandist you are. Does that worry you and the men who own you? It should. What you’re doing isn’t working.”
One for Marianna Spring. Wonder if she was bullied at school or perhaps had a difficult childhood or upbringing. Rejected for summit at sometime or perhaps her pet rabbit died whilst she was supposed to be looking after it.
OT but thanks for the link, D, you’ve helped explain something…
When my (now deceased) father was in hospital suffering from pneumonia, c. 2011, I looked at his paperwork and saw that it was marked DNR. He was successfully holding off cancer at the same time.
Knowing that he had plans to come and live with us, I knew he would not have agreed to a DNR and I, as his only living relative, had not been consulted.
I started to ask questions :
Who made the decision ?
When did they make it ?
Was my father consulted ?
I was promised answers but none came.
The next day, the DNR had disappeared, and he was sitting up in bed, beating off the pneumonia.
He confirmed that he had not been consulted, and, had he been, he would not have assented.
I repeatedly asked to meet the doctor concerned, or even just to know his name so I could write to him. It will probably not surprise anyone who contributes here, or others of like mind, that I was never given a name, and the doctor was never ‘on shift’ when I was there, or he/she was ‘on an emergency call’ or ‘on holiday’.
Either the cancer or old age (opinions differ) got him, a year later, but it was a year he cherished.
Trust them not, some of them think the white coat makes them gods.
Is it on the BBC ?
– if not, why not?
That’s a lol
‘My first thought as I came round was Oh God! What have I done?’: Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he bitterly regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal
Ritchie Herron, 35, says life has been unbearable since surgery four years ago
His case first emerged after he shared experience on Twitter under pseudonym
He claims NHS failed to take mental health crisis into account before procedure
PUBLISHED: 22:11, 25 June 2022 | UPDATED: 17:16, 28 June 2022
Tomo – you’ve got to hand it to this chap and the coloured girl – to defend Biden – when challenged – for the debacle of afgee – really shows what people will do to keep their job …..
… aided by journos who give them the soft treatment …
I get the feeling that WH correspondents who are deemed not supine enough are ejected pronto.
To add to that and confirm his point. The most important lesson in Climate science you are ever likely to watch: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2021/09/06/ned-nikolov-demystifying-the-atmospheric-greenhouse-effect
78 minutes long. It starts by telling you why the work of Fourier (1827), Arrhenius (1896), Nils Ekholm (1901) and Callendar (1938) is proven to be rubbish.
Ned Nikolov then explains how he and Karl Zeller, used data from across the solar system, to find that, distance from the Sun and atmospheric pressure are the only factors needed to determine the atmospheric temperature.
Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller compare surface temperature and pressure points, but the an article on the Mensa debating forum showed that the simplest way of proving that “Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia” is true, and not “Radiative or Gravitational Forcing”, is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
Sad news – it seems 4.4 million fools watched the latest version of ‘great expectations ‘ on the bbc – but by the end end it was down to 2 million …. There is anger about the ending ( spoiler ) alert – which had Pip winning the national lottery and estelle hooking up with a prem footballer . ….
Think of it as eduction.
Now we know that there were lots of successful black lawyers in London in the 1850s. I had assumed they only worked as slaves.
Naturally any ‘drama’ now produced by the bbc/ itv / C4 doesn’t get a view from me – sometimes bbc ex puts something on from the 70s or 80s which comes as a reminder of just how far the BBC has descended into woke tick box crap ….
Took one for the team and watched ‘CountryFile’ on BBC last night.
In quick succession we had
a. a wheelchair bound woman showing she can work helping with newborn lambs
b. a trainee vet with ‘mental health issues’
c. a young sheep farmer with autism.
So…not so much Countryfile, rather more Disabilityfile!
Full credit to the plucky individuals featured, but as for a depiction of the countryside, the endless agenda-led BBC is utterly ridiculous.
PS there was a nice out-of-touch moment. A female (naturally) presentwe was interviewing a couple on South Uist in the Hebrides. She was wearing a thick wooly jumper and a wooly hat. The couple were both in short-sleeved shirts with bare arms.
Tough, the folks in the Hebrides, unlike the pathetic, woke, victim-seeking BBC.
Sluff – you get a mention in dispatches – but surely an opportunity for BS bingo …..
I was in Epping forest yesterday – there is a nice pond which was spoilt by the corporation of London putting in a wheelchair friendly track around it …. In fact I used to push someone in a wheelchair round it ….. but …. When it rains it becomes a mix of mud and puddles making it in passable for most ….
… I bet whoever designed and built it just had no idea ….
Nope, no BINGO line for me.
A preponderance of women on the programme of course (2 presenters, 2 disabled), versus 1 male presenter and 1 disabled.
But………no BAME this week !!!
So. Close but no cigar.
On BBC news last night, Sudan.
A ‘British’ national was featured with ahem, darker skin tones, called Mohammed.
He was delighted that his wife and child, who it appears are not British (yet?) were able to escape from their house in Khartoum and get to the UK. The wife, head covered and in faltering English, described the situation.
Isn’t that nice?
Especially for taxpayers.
On 19 December 1955 the Sudanese parliament, unilaterally and unanimously, declared Sudan’s independence. The British and Egyptian governments recognized the independence of Sudan on 1 January 1956. The United States was among the first foreign powers to recognize the new state.
The Today programme showing the hypocrisy of the left and two faceness of the BBC .
Stella Creasy ( Labour mp for Walthamstow) complaining about a troll who refers her to Social Services about her kids because he does not like her politics .
The Met Police passed her concerns over to the Leicestershire police where the troll lives .
Stella waffled on about democracy, free speech , everyone should be allowed to have a say etc .
The BBC did not ask her about the social services that wouldn’t allow a UKIP couple to foster because of their politics, their policies being shared by over half the country.
No mention of the disgraceful door stepping of Jacob Rees Mogg by Antifa and the threats made against his children.
No mention of the lefties who protested nastily in Birmingham at the Conservative conference because as one protester said “ people were angry “ .
No mention of the Police harassing the leaders of Britain First at a bye election at Wakefield .
And hundreds of other times the left intimidate anyone and everyone they disagree with . No mention of the constant traducing of everyone the BBC disagrees with on their so called comedy shows .
And no mention of the BBC’s threatograms they send to everyone who wants nothing to do with them .
BBC and Stella ,
Start the ball rolling and get prop democracy and accountability by sacking all the Gramscians and those who follow the Saul Alinsky ways through the Long March Through the Institutions .
Become honest for a change .
Breastfeeding British MP Told Not To Bring Baby To Parliament
“Mothers in the mother of all parliaments are not to be seen or heard it seems,” Stella Creasy complained.
OffbeatAgence France-PresseUpdated: November 25, 2021 12:46 pm I
I think the honourable Stella is up for the hattie Harmon gig when she ascends to her peerage – Stella has one of those family trees which true socialists would wince at before stringing her up from a lamp post …
They also targeted Nigel Farage who was having Sunday lunch with his family in a pub.
Its compare and contrast time. And from the same source.
From the Daily Mirror
ByMatthew DreschFeatures Writer
18:49, 18 Jul 2022
“Prince Harry warned “the world is on fire, again” as he urged people to keep up the fight against climate change during a speech at the UN headquarters in New York
Prince Harry called on “leaders to lead” in an impassioned plea for action over climate change.
The Duke of Sussex issued the appeal as he warned that “the world is on fire, again” amid soaring temperatures and wildfires in Europe.
The royal said the world is at a “pivotal moment” in the fight for the planet’s future…….”
Compare and contrast.
Also from the Daily Mirror
ByChiara FiorilloNews Reporter
22:07, 29 Apr 2023
“Prince Harry will travel to the UK next week to celebrate the King’s Coronation – but it is believed that he will return to California shortly after so that he can celebrate his son’s birthday
Prince Harry is planning to return to the US just two hours after his father’s Coronation ends next week so that he can celebrate his son Archie’s birthday with his family.
The Duke of Sussex is travelling to the UK on his own after it was confirmed that his wife Meghan Markle will not join him in London.
An insider claimed Harry will be “in and out of the UK in 24 hours” and that he will leave after the Coronation service at Westminster Abbey.
The ceremony is expected to end at 1pm so it is believed that the Duke could head to the airport straight after, possibly leaving the country at around 2pm or 3pm.”
Maybe he will have enough time to plant a few trees at the airport.
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
PUBLISHED: 22:05, 25 December 2021 | UPDATED: 22:37, 25 December 2021
There is a high threat of kidnapping in Darfur. Kidnappings can be for financial or political gain, and can be motivated by criminality or terrorism. There have been a number of recent kidnappings, including of British nationals and other westerners. Kidnap groups view those engaged in humanitarian aid work or journalism as legitimate targets.
The long-standing policy of the British government is not to make substantive concessions to hostage takers. The British government considers that paying ransoms and releasing prisoners increases the risk of further hostage-taking.
Saudi are now the savours of the world …leaving Sudan (war zone) to send them to Yemen (war zone) ….
admitted a security adviser trying to help them find a way back to their own war-torn country.
“Sudan crisis: Chaos at port as thousands rush to leave”
Evacuees rest aboard a Saudi naval vessel as it travels from Port Sudan to Jeddah
In the dead of night, as HMS Al Diriyah approached Sudan’s coast, Saudi officers flicked on sweeping search lights to secure safe passage for their warship into a harbour rapidly transforming into a major evacuation and humanitarian hub in Sudan’s deepening crisis.
“I feel so relieved but also so sad to be part of this history,” Hassan Faraz from Pakistan told us, visibly shaken.
Some 3,000 Yemenis, mainly students, have been stuck for weeks in Port Sudan. “The Saudis are rescuing some Yemenis but they’re nervous about accepting large numbers,” admitted a security adviser trying to help them find a way back to their own war-torn country.
admitted a security adviser trying to help them find a way back to their own war-torn country.
There is precious little reporting or discussion of motivation wrt the warring parties in Sudan.
Has anybody heard who done / doing what to whom and why?
Deepening crisis ? – there’s a dispute? – Anglo MSM does not seem interested in elaborating the points of friction.
Tribal ? – confederations of tribes ?
Not surprising that the Saudis are arms-length with the Yemenis – Saudi government esp. the Hejaz region (opposite Sudan across the Red Sea) especially Mecca and parts south have treated Yemenis as one step up (just) from slaves for ever… Banditry was a thing down south of Jeddah in the 1990s…
The War in Darfur, also nicknamed the Land Cruiser War,[note 1] was a major armed conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan that began in February 2003 when the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rebel groups began fighting against the government of Sudan, which they accused of oppressing Darfur’s non-Arab population.[33][34] The government responded to attacks by carrying out a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Darfur’s non-Arabs. This resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the indictment of Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir, for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court.[35]
Exclusive: Evidence emerges of Russia’s Wagner arming militia leader battling Sudan’s army
British firm ‘supplied arms to Sudan’
Last updated at 10:25 16 November 2004
UK: Amnesty exposes illicit US$46m South Sudan arms deal brokered under government’s nose
Deepen Mining Cooperation to Benefit the People of Sudan
–Remarks Made by Chinese Ambassador Ma Xinmin at the Signing Ceremony of Wanbao’s Mining Project
2020-10-16 12:46
China is currently one of Sudan’s largest trade partners, importing oil and exporting low cost manufactured items as well as armaments into the country.
…Sudan has become a reliable political and economic ally in the international arena, allowing China to maintain a significant stake in its oil sector.
King Charles’ Coronation: Why it matters!
“We’re in the shadows of superior civilisation Greece and Ancient Rome, which we only matched in the 18th century.”
One can see why Mr Starkey was never ‘redeemed ‘( un cancelled ) by the BBC – to say that the coronation is English goes against all that false inclusive crap those watching are going to have to suffer .
BTW – if you have never seen the Wilton Dyptyck ? In the Nat Gallery – make a point of looking at it – it’s quite something …
Cheers marky
Without yet watching the Starkey video…..
I seem to remember that the Diptych carries various messages. Something akin to the King, Richard II maybe, seeing himself as a God. Something like that.
I just wondered therefore if there was a point being made about Charles III?
Also the first advertising logo ( after the cross ) for the White Hart ……
Sudanese striking NHS workers to fly back from Sudan to UK to strike in UK?
Sudan – China’s vietnam?
Non-interference is the idea countries should not interfere in foreign affairs. The policy of non-interference has played a large role in China’s foreign affairs. Especially when it comes to the continent of Africa. Many Western countries aren’t willing to build relations with certain countries in Africa because of corrupt governments. China has managed to build relations with countries like Sudan because they are not interfering with internal affairs within the country. However, recently, due to the arising conflicts in Sudan such as the Darfur crisis which was an ethnic conflict dating back to 2003 when Black Africans living in Darfur rebelled against the predominantly Arab government because they wanted resources and fair shares in the government, China has had to step in.
“China was enabling an autocratic regime and tied the Chinese-financed oil investments to mass displacement, gross human rights violations and environmental degradation…”(crisis group, 2017)
China’s leaders have continued to stand behind Bashir, hosting him at its Africa summits, despite the International Criminal Court issuing an arrest warrant on charges of genocide in Darfur (the diplomat, 2019). China cannot escape these crises and issues if it wants to continue its efforts of oil investments in Sudan. Interregional politics is a key factor for China to continue to consider.
China send business – USA send aid?! HA HA HA HA
” The Sudan Petroleum Project is one of China National Petroleum Corp’s largest overseas projects and a major upstream and downstream integrated project, media reports said.
However, the sudden change of the situation may affect Chinese businesses there, and the political uncertainty might persist, depending largely on whether the US cuts off aid, Zeng Aiping, research fellow with the China Institute of International Studies, told the Global Times Tuesday.
The Biden administration announced Monday that the US will suspend the provision of $700 million in emergency economic assistance to Sudan.”
In Focus: Why are gay women over-represented in football?
Jul 31, 2020 | 4 minute read
“You can’t win a championship without gays on your team. That’s science right there!”
Roughly two million people died as a result of war, famine and disease caused by the conflict. Four million people in southern Sudan were displaced at least once, normally repeatedly during the war.
Coronavirus Cases:
Britain is globally important for wildlife, but it is also one of the most nature depleted countries in the world.
The number arriving on our shores this year has topped 38,000 – equivalent to the population of a small town. Let’s be unambiguously clear, these migrants did not leave France fearing for their lives. They were lured here by the lavish welfare on offer in ‘El Dorado’ Britain.
caught 5 mins of radio five program reviewing whats on the box to watch
The first talking head didnt like the historical drama Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story because it was historically inaccurate and showed lack of research
her problem being that the explanation of a whale bone corset was factually incorrect.
no mention of this though …
Cleopatra was light-skinned, Egypt tells Netflix in row over drama
Casting of black actor in upcoming docudrama has angered groups in Egypt who say it is ‘a falsification of Egyptian history’https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/apr/28/cleopatra-was-light-skinned-egypt-tells-netflix-in-row-over-drama
Since the BBC is ‘colour blind’ and therefore showed Estella in Great Expectations as a black woman, surely Cleopatra could be played by a white person?
Now that would set the Islington Guardianistas choking on their skinny lattes.
Some people are cynical, but the BBC really is colour blind when it comes to casting. I have it on very good authority that a new series of TV biographies will shortly be under production and we can expect to see the following:
Nelson Mandela – played by White actor
Martin Luther King – played by White actor
Barrack Obama – played by White actor
Adolf Hitler – played by black actor
Joseph Stalin – played by black actor
Harold Shipman – played by black actor (female)
By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds. {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
BBC 2020 will be “50% + 8% + 8% + 15% = 81%” Non-white heterosexual male?
“In 2015, the majority (93.7%) of the UK population identified themselves as heterosexual or straight, with 1.7% identifying as LGB, the remainder either identifying as “other”, “don’t know” or refusing to respond. Young adults (16 to 24 year olds) are more likely to identify as LGB compared with older age groups, and a higher proportion of males identify as LGB than females.” {ons.gov.uk oct2017}
– So in 2020 the male white population can declare itself a minority (19%) in the BBC and demand to be 50% represented and be equal with women? So confusing and no mention of talent!
– And the wonderful thing about the unique way the BBC is funded means that if you disagree and don’t like it and stop paying you go to prison.
Is the BBC demanding that its viewers fall into those same categories and same proportions?
The fantasy that Queen Charlotte was black (sic) dates from the 1940s and an interpretation that she had “broad nostrils and heavy lips” in Allan Ramsay’s portrait of 1761. She was a distant descendant of Madragana Ben Aloandro, a mistress of the 13th Century Portuguese King, Afonso III. Three centuries after her death, it was speculated that she had been a Moor (meaning Arabic) but she was probably a Moazarab (a Christian from al-Andalus). She was 15 generations removed from Madragana, meaning that she only inherited 0.0031% of her DNA, or one part in 32768. Put it this way: you could acquire more than that yourself by watching a holiday programme about Spain on TV.
Dear Darren Henry,
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Yours sincerely,
Mr. H
Agreed, time for a reckoning, MP’s live on your salary alone or get out and make way for a real public servant.
A friend on holiday in Turkey has been taken seriously ill.
He was admitted to hospital.
He was seen immediately and put into a two person room so that his wife could stay with him.
He quickly had various scans and was diagnosed with a particular condition and is receiving treatment.
His wife called us with an update. She reports that his treatment is ‘second to none’.
This is in Turkey.
Why can’t we get this level of care and consideration and treatment in this country? Instead we get a totally crap service, unable to see our GPs, huge waiting lists, all costing us taxpayers hundreds of billions. A completely useless nationalised industry.
Nurses are on strike today. The BBC give it generous and sympathetic coverage.
Absolutely pathetic. What a brainless, deluded country we have become.
“Why can’t we get this level of care?” Incapable politicians and immigration.
Khan says 4,000 people a year are dead because of the air in London.
I wonder if he could ask whoever it was that came up with that number to give us a number of how many people are dead because of the various nhs strikes.
How many died today because of the nurses striking, that sort of thing.
I suppose the methodology used to arrive at 4,000 would be the same, when manipulated, to arrive at any number depending on what message the left want us to hear.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
“I don’t know whether global warming is real or just a clever plan for us to pay more taxes; after-all – it’s something you can’t see or touch – but I found this cringing interview with the Director of Greenpeace, John Sauven very interesting.”
11 March 2022, received £250 from H Bauer Publishing, Academic House, 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DT, for an article in Grazia Magazine. Hours: 3 hrs. Fee allocated to my staffing budget. (Registered 29 March 2022)
5 August 2022, received £400 from Intelligence Squared, Intelligence Squared, 48 Sellons Avenue, London NW10 4HH, for participating in a debate on 9 June 2022. Hours: 3 hrs. Fee allocated to my staffing budget. (Registered 26 August 2022)
12 January 2022, payment of £5,000 from Aviva plc (insurance company), St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3P 3DQ, for speaking at an event as part of a panel. Hours: 1.5 hrs. Fee paid direct to local charity. (Registered 27 January 2022)
Name of donor: Community Trade Union
Address of donor: 465c Caledonian Road, London N7 9GX
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000 to support my re-election campaign
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 03 March 2020)
“The following media includes potentially sensitive content”
– do we get a Danish TV style close-ups?
knock on the gates of Mecca and ask to go in as a non muslim! HA HA HA!
We have had a Queen for decades and virtually everyone including the BBC were more or less content and almost in their happy place. Well biting their lip at worst.
Suddenly even though he is not the sovereign yet, the bitter twisted lefties including the BBC are winding up a hatefest and mumbling about republics etc, etc, the dire and disgusting “Windsor royals” series ending last night was a frenzy of hate and almost schoolboy vindictiveness. It could almost have come straight from a copy of VIZ magazine.
I could almost hear the sniggering and laughter coming from the BBC boardroom.
I look forward to the sequel “the Corbyns” or even “The Abbott chronicles’ but won’t hold my breath.
My guess is that now a white male is stepping into the sovereign role they feel they can release the dogs of war and be as disgustingly nasty as they like with the protection afforded by the imaginary cloak of misogeny and posh white male reviled privilege.
I think a protracted period of king bashing is about to start until they can push him to the tower and roll out the axe and block.
He has about the same status as Trump to these animals.
I see BBC attack poodle with the big white rimmed specs is having an outing.
An extract from an article by Peter Baum 29th April 2023 is interesting .
” Some years ago, a minor event morphed into a major news item simply because of the time and effort BBC Middle East news editors, journalists, commentators and reporters devoted to the incident. A teenage girl who claimed to be Palestinian but in fact was Bosnian I believe, slapped an Israeli soldier at a checkpoint border crossing. Unsurprisingly a TV crew was on hand to film the incident, as like so many Pallywood productions it was a stage-managed event. The soldier at first did not react but after several slaps form the ‘Palestinian’ slapper she was arrested. This story was not only reported on primetime tv news by the BBC and on numerous BBC radio programs but appeared every day for six months on the BBC global news online website. Naturally, this story was on average one of three anti-Israel stories out of six or seven news items reported on the website which supposedly covered global news. Moreover, the BBC reported this story on its other non-English speaking websites similarly to ensure a global audience was reached.
I diligently noted all this and started to complain to the BBC and received three brush off replies. On the fourth complaint they wrote back informing me that I was a serial complainer and that the BBC will no longer respond to any complaints on their news output from myself.
So just take this in. A stage-managed story of such minor importance is given overwhelming global significance over an excessively extended time period simply because the victim was Palestinian. It defies logic except if one considers the anti-Jewish state bias entrenched within the BBC and those working within it. As a comparison in multiples of time and space devoted to this story compared to the genocide committed on nearly one million black Africans in Rwanda the maths are staggering. My back of the envelope statistics calculated that for every 10,000 Rwandans killed the BBC devoted less than one second but for every slap on an Israeli soldier during a stage-managed event, the BBC devoted two months.
Jew hatred runs through the veins of mainstream media and voices of dissent are obliterated just as the Rwandans.
The only chink of light were recent statistics identifying that the BBC is drastically losing audience viewers on its tv news output and current affairs programs. I hope this downward; spiraling trajectory continues.”
The full article can be read here
Sweet must have a speed dial to BBCOFCOM – I wonder how he is ‘financed ‘? He must spend all day monitoring GBNews …
Ukrainian refugee forced back to warzone for medical treatment amid Scottish health crisis
It was suggested to Nicola Sturgeon during First Minister’s Questions that getting medical care in Kyiv is easier than in Scotland
Simon Johnson,
12 January 2023 • 8:32pm
Daily Mail. Ruddy hell, the trannies will be queing to get in. May even have some biological wimmin applying.
Planners approve Britain’s ‘first female-only tower block’ in London for victims of abuse and pay gap inequality – but admit biological men who ‘identify as women’ can also apply
Boston Dynamics vans seen at tradesmen’s entrance?
Do you recall that BBC royalty called ‘Laura trevelyn ‘ has a family which profited from trading slaves and is to ‘remunerate ‘them ?
Now it transpires that her family were involved in profiting from the Irish famine …. And it looks like someone else will be getting a ‘hand out ‘…
..I wonder how many other BBC staff are connected to profiting from colonialism ?
The media have taught young people to hate older people especially if they are white and especially if they are male.
No wonder young nurses are content to leave sick older people to suffer while they wave banners against pay injustice.
As long as they get paid – what do they care ?
Shocking news that the Mafia Democrats are now depleting US weapons stocks in Israel in order to send them to Ukraine. 300 000 155m artillery shells are to be sent. That’s roughly half of what Russia is producing in single month, but the doddering idiot who is allegedly the President can’t reorder more until the debt ceiling issue is raised.
Meanwhile it would appear the US is now almost certain to at least make a technical default on its debt commitments as the tax receipts have fallen well short of what was expected meaning inflation in the US is going to be next to impossible to control .
Worse is the prediction that gas this Winter will be even more expensive as China has come back fully on line and is buying up supplies. German Greens have preffered dirty coal and felling ancient woodland to nuclear fuel and will quite possibly freeze the elderly to death this Winter.