Will we see , this week , the BBC revert to being British and Respectful of the ‘home ‘country as the coronation looms ? Or will it continue in its’ Far Left UK hating self ?
President of Azerbaijan destroys a BBC reporter accusing him of censoring free speech but can't give an example. He fires back: "Let's talk about Julian Assange. How many years did he spend in the Ecuadorian Embassy & for what? Is it a reflection of free media in your country?" pic.twitter.com/ArhxTib9j8
This is that Kirby bloke again. And the BBC quoting him verbatum as if what he says is fact.
Halfway down the article we get:
“The bottom line is that Russia’s attempted offensive has backfired after months of fighting and extraordinary losses,” Mr Kirby said.
He added he was not giving estimates of Ukrainian casualties because “they are the victims here. Russia is the aggressor”.
What kind of complete nonsense is this ?. It’s amateur in the extreme – this guy is like a schoolboy. God help us all with people like this in charge. It’s basically spiteful rhetoric because Bakhmut has effectively been taken by the Russians now.
What amazes me the most is that the Biden administration get away with this because of the extreme bias in the mainstream media. They are never held to account for what they do and say.
I realised the other day that when it comes down to the fighting I am 100% on the side of the Ukranians who are extremely brave men (and I mean men – all those women soldiers the BBC showed us pictures of were completely fake news) fighting for their country.
But when it comes to the politics of the war with Zelensky and the utter idiots in the Whitehouse, I am not. Both sides are as bad as each other. I used to trust the USA to a certain degree in matters like this. Now I do not.
Biden blowing up the Nordstream pipeline just before winter was a terrible war crime. He targetted the weakest civilians in order to force them to join his war. And not even a murmur about it by any of the media. That one event shattered my faith in the USA, my own government and the media. Especially the BBC who are 100% complicit.
The politicisation of the US military (anyone with 2* equivalent and up aiui is subject to congressional approval) implodes when you’ve got whack jobs in Congress.
As I’ve said before here this effect has been scrupulously documented an the book “Fiasco”
– and the lessons have NOT been learned.
– which is why I give a lot of credibility to Douglas McGregor who’s unafraid in a way that near all his ex colleagues are not.
Colonel Douglas McGregor: "We have underestimated the Russians, and now we sit, staring at the catastrophe that is taking place"
Russia is not Vietnam, not Iraq or Afghanistan. The consequences for the West will be severe….. pic.twitter.com/Rrdjc87uDK
Don’t forget the Ukrainian people voted for Zelensky, the installed puppet of a Ukrainian ultra nationalist oligarch and the USA because he told them he would seek peace with Russia and avoid war. Once in power he did the complete opposite and I wonder how long he is going to last because if one of the victims gets a hold of him goodness knows what might happen once Ukraine begins to lose.
It’s a little like Macron, another puppet of the oligarchy, Soros the WEF and globalists, the sheeple had a choice of someone who cared and someone who didn’t, and they believed the lies only now to find they were betrayed, but give them the same choice again and they would do exactly the same, such is the power of the media over their tiny minds.
After reading a very lengthy article about a Labour MP who was ‘humiliated’ because someone reported her children to the police because they ‘didn’t like her stand against misogyny’ (for which I assume it extended like many of her type into active misandry).
You remember her : Stella Creasy who insisted she brought her baby into the House of Commons. An act with ‘F*ck you men’ written all over it.
In contrast, this is a very short article indeed on the BBC compared to everywhere else. And no mention of the woman or attacker whatsoever. I wonder why ?. Possibly yet more BBC racist discimination because she is black and a black person stabbed her ?.
I wonder if the fact it happened in Brixton is relevant.
“Electric cars! No hear me out. Let me start this by saying that I am not completely anti electric car, and I do believe they have their place. More on that on a second.
So why are they scam? Right now they are being sold as the solution to all our transportation problems. They don’t burn gas so they don’t pollute, since they don’t burn gas your not beholden to the gas companies and their ever rising prices, and since they don’t have a engine no expensive maintenance and repairs.
Um problem. Yes your not beholden to the fuel companies, and yes your not burning gas, however how do you charge it? Most likely you charging off the power grid, whether that be at home or at a fast charger. Regardless of where you are in the world, but especially true for the USA, that grid is most likely powered by……wait for it….burning fossil fuels!
Yes you don’t have a engine so there is no oil change, however you still have coolant that needs to be flushed at the same intervals as a gas car, you still have brake fluid that needs to be changed at the same intervals, while your brakes may last slightly longer due to generative braking they will still need to be replaced, and since your electric car is far more heavier than it’s gas counterpart you will go thru tires faster, and wear out suspension parts faster. By the way since they are heavier they will cause more wear and tear on the road, all while not paying to fix since the bulk funding for raod repair, at least here in the USA, comes from taxes on gasoline, which you so proudly don’t buy!
Do you have any idea how environmental damaging it is to mine copper and lithium, the two elements nesscary to make the electric batteries? Even worse there is no way around it, and no foreseeable magic advancement that will make it any better. In fact there is a huge deficit of both this minerals because anyone who owns land with those on it either can’t or won’t get approval from governments/public to mine it, and the current mines can’t really go any faster then they are!
None of this even begins mention the biggest issue, at least here in the USA, and that is to many cars, to many people on the road, to much congestion. In fact many electric cars are the ones pushing the limits and pushing forward self driving cars, which will only make the issue worse because large groups of people who can’t drive, or find it to hard (for lack of a better term) could not own, and “drive” around in their personal car!”
“Electric cars. Remove the most expensive parts of the car; the engine and transmission. Replace them with cheap electric motors and charge a premium. In addition make sure that the batteries are so expensive to replace that it is better to junk the car than replace the batteries. Planned obsolescence at it’s finest. Then get the idiot politicians to subsidize this scam and pass laws to prohibit the sale of your competition; internal combustion engines, which also guarantees that there will be no research or development of improved engines because they will be illegal anyway. This has got to be the biggest scam that has ever been perpetrated.”
Their benefits are though massively exaggerated. In urban environments I have seen the benefits – Shenzen downtown has noticeably better air than many Chinese cities… It’s all about fitness for purpose.
The Green movement is a religion (ticks in all boxes) and the priests and priestesses are a low information, noisy crowd of idiots who choose volume and vehemence over sober evaluation of costs and benefits. The stoning scene from “Life of Brian” nails a lot of it… Toyota’s stance on EVs has been interesting to follow.
Planned obsolescence ? I don’t think the folk driving the EV business considered that initially – they were blinded by the sparkly new toys. The original Tesla Roadster has imho been a fail as have other early efforts (the reason that Musk sent it into sun orbit hasn’t been fully exposed!)
The Greens have distorted the engineering goals for transportation and utility energy provision in a deeply negative way and serial delusion pervades that space – lefty academic sociologists opining on electricity generation and heating / cooling utilities and presuming absolute authority – what could possibly go wrong?
I have seen some pretty shocking pollution in various Chinese cities over the years, Beijing and Shanghai especially, but the locals are now starting to hit the streets in protest.
As a photographer, the air is great for misty shots, it’s just the nature of the mist that worries…
The trouble with electrics and hybrids is that we can’t believe a word we are told. They are the absolute pinnacle of ‘virtue-signalling’ and nobody dare say anything against them. Fascism and oppression has nothing on climate change. Is it actually illegal to deny it now ?.
I always laugh to myself when someone says they actually wanted to stop and have an overpriced burger while their car charged instead of getting home.
Which of couse morphs into a different headline for the archived main article the fact checkers get.
Note the tiny single quotes which mean this assertive fact is in fact just one persons opinion. What a powerful punctuation tool they are – no wonder the BBC use them so often.
So it turns out it is the opinion of 75 year old Geoffrey Hinton who actually says:
“Right now, they’re not more intelligent than us, as far as I can tell. But I think they soon may be.”
Which reminds me a lot of Mr Guthrie from Tipton who used to make similar vague statements in the comic Viz. I recall he once announced a pill which would cure everything. He said someone should make it and it should be about the size of an aspirin.
The thing about AI is that it is not intelligent at all. It’s basically a huge pool of information which gets assembled by software and reassembles it according the rules of the program.
The real danger is what we have seen already in chatGPT : it is programmed to be biased and has no conscience or ethics whatsoever about lying for any agenda it is intructed to.
Which reminds me of something someone told me about Tesla’s in Thailand: people often travel in the back of pickup trucks here – but Teslas keep thinking they are people on the road and slam on the brakes !. That’s what AI really is. Underneath it is complete dumb.
Viz letters correspondents and bbc fact checkers and so called award winning journalists seem of a kind:
From Viz letters:
“Pretend you’re on the set of Michael Jackson’s Thriller by going to Wetherspoons at 11 AM”
“Experience the excitement of the Superbowl by watching a game of rugby on TV and pausing the action every 10 seconds and switching over to the Home Shopping channel for 10 minutes”
It’s true that ChatGPT isn’t really that intelligent. It is over 6 months old and the latest version GPT4 is much much more advanced.
gives more detail into why AGI is almost here – most notably that it is teaching itself stuff without us knowing and is generating its own teaching material to boot. THe real danger is that it will take one look at us and decide to destroy us.
Legacy media is so blinded in their frothing rage and attempt to bring down Tucker Carlson, they don’t realize this video makes him look good. https://t.co/7KgMzOA3wP
True to form the first Lefty comment about it is like a spiteful schoolboy trying to ridicule him for holding the phone like that. Straight for the man and ignoring the issue they don’t like.
I’ve seen many people hold it like that when they want it on speaker so others can hear it but want the microphone close to their mouth.
I like to read a contrary view . So I force myself to read polly Toynbee in the Guardian . Her champagne socialist hatred for ‘the tories ‘( who?) is constant .
Today she explains how ‘the tories ‘ ( who?) will lose the next election because people in traditional blue areas won’t be voting for them .
Upto now I believed that they will lose . But now I’m not so sure . I’ve got a feeling we are in for a good mess – with red labour – pink labour ( liberals ) in some sort of pact .
As the founder of ‘the no government party ‘ I welcome this confusion and hope these tired undemocratic parties fight each other for ever and prevent the swamp of repressive legislation from going through ….
But imagine the scoundrel – Eddie Davy – in bed with starmer or the scum ginger growler …. Popcorn ….
Bad news for the BBC – HSBC and BP have made a lot of money – fat cats – windfalls – the usual – starmer is out on manoeuvres today going on about the local elections – you can guess the song he will sing …. ULEZ – closing roads – destroying towns won’t get a mention ….but he is going to withdraw the ‘free university ‘ pledge …. Maybe close a few and send the kids to work ….
The frontpage of the Guardian this morning supplies Mr AsI with grist to his guilty pleasure mill in the form a picture of striking nurses (I don’t mean to say they were striking looking… they were dressed in their typical beanie hats and ramshackle mufti; these often tubby-looking specimens of our NHS finest… I mean to say they were on strike).
My prize indulgence here is reading the hand-written placard slogans – or those which our photo editors choose to present. There’s a great deal of self-congratulation on display, we note. Blowing one’s own trumpet, so to speak.
Ooo, Matron!
It was Carry On star Kenneth Williams who lodged that phrase indelibly in Mr AsI’s comedic memory with one of his hilarious exclamations on that ancient BBC Radio 4 show Just A Minute. Asked by host and quiz chairman Nicholas Parsons to talk for just a minute on the subject of blowing one’s own trumpet – our Kenneth declared, in his unmistakable exaggerated half-posh half-cockney tones with typical suggestive naughty inuendo: “Blowing one’s own trumpet. Personally, I like doin’ it!”
“Claps don’t pay bills” insists our nurse’s slogan as presented front and centre in the pic – yet again harping on that Lockdown period of their peak public popularity – like a Manchester United fan yearning for a return of the abundent accolades and indeed the apparently easy to come by silverware of the Alex Ferguson era, or a Notts Forest follower dewy-eyed for that fleeting aberation of local glory in the Brian Clough years.
The narcissism of the self-righteous is on full display with one Unite union red banner bearing woman – we suppose to be a nurse – wearing a t-shirt with the rainbow and hand clap image surmounted by the motto “Thank You” – isn’t this akin to Mick Jagger wearing a “I’m big a Rolling Stones Fan” shirt to a gig – unironically?
Like awarding yourself your own ‘likes’ under your own on-line comments.
I’ll grant some of our NHS staff do have a sense of humour. Quite why the Guardian didn’t put this next placard front and centre of their picture frankly escapes this commenter: “The only good Tory is a suppository”
Ah, the medical humour of the junior housemens’ staff pantomines of old.
Talking of blowing your own trumpet – I don’t like to say I told you so – but rather in the manner of Kenneth Williams… I do…
Mr AsI has proposed that Lockdown may have permanently demoralised the population – or the work ethic of the working portion of the population.
Ofsted chief: Parents think school attendance is optional since pandemic… The social contract between parents and schools has broken down with some families expecting remote teaching if their children do not attend (Times)
Graduates hit by lockdown fail to cope with teamwork, say Deloitte and PwC (FT)
Working from home: 10% Welsh government staff in office each day (BBC, December 2022)
Three-in-four of London’s workers would quit instead of giving up WFH… The research by Bloomberg Intelligence found that employees in the capital are confident in their bargaining power (Alarabiya News)
Order civil servants back to office, plead businesses (Times)
As city centres continue to struggle, data suggests the vast majority of government staff are still working from home (Times, March 2023)
‘I haven’t seen this many civil servants in Westminster since the pandemic’: Ex-minister Jake Berry mocks mandarins for picketing outside government departments despite resisting efforts to get them to return to their offices to work (Daily Mail, February 2023)
I agree with questioning the need for ‘education ‘- particularly the ‘higher’ version – and think maybe there is just too much of it .
I mean – what is it for ? If people can’t be bothered to get a job – why get qualifications ? And if it’s 3 or 4 day job share with maternity / paternal / pet leave plus expectation of going sick keep the averages up – why bother ?
There is no need to develop skills such as judgement – the BBC fact checker girl does for for you …. And if there’s a problem just blame someone and join the national union of victims ….
After all – it’s not your fault – they didn’t send you to school …
Juncker calls European Parliament ‘ridiculous’
07/05/2017July 5, 2017
The head of the EU executive called lawmakers unserious and ridiculous. Only a few dozen lawmakers showed up to a debate on the Maltese presidency.
Why the chap stayed talking to her shows that there are still some people who have good manners, and not just slam the door in her face – after telling her to **** off!
Probably a feminazi social worker touting for business – specifically trying to find cause to kidnap other peoples children.
This is a clear case of stalking – repeated spying (the baby is always …), harassment (behaviour likely to cause alarm), offensive attitude to parenting etc etc etc.
These old hags must be banged up so that we can equalise the prison population.
It’s a measure of the swine that he seems to approve.
Can we give him a rusty rifle and a one-way ticket?
BREAKING — Conference on the Future of Europe approves radical overhaul of the EU: end of unanimity, abolishment of veto’s, launch of Joint Armed Forces of the Union, transnational lists and many other reforms…
Someone should tell her that the EU army was a lie conjured up by Brexiteers and the real scandal was a bus which basically said we could fund the NHS instead of paying the EU.
The principle of the primacy (also referred to as ‘precedence’ or ‘supremacy’) of European Union (EU) law is based on the idea that where a conflict arises between an aspect of EU law and an aspect of law in an EU Member State (national law), EU law will prevail.
It’s 8.10 am and there is nothing on the BBC website about the death of Gordon Lightfoot. Every other news outlet seems to have something. Even the Guardian.
Gordon Lightfoot was a huge musical presence in the 70s. For people like me, this is the biggest news story today.
That the BBC aren’t mentioning it online is proof that it is not a broadcaster for the likes of me. I have to put up with all sorts of their trivial news stories about artists I have never heard of and who will never have the talent or stature of Gordon Lightfoot.
Perhaps something will appear in due course once their young and diverse teams of researchers have checked Wikipedia.
Just browsing the web and learning of the targets the Russians hit recently with their missile strikes – including a lot of their air defenses, ammunition dumps and a meeting with dozens of high-ranking Ukranian (and quite probably Western) officials.
Meanwhile the BBC simply inform me that Ukraine shot all of the missiles down except 3 and Russia have lost lot and lots of men in Bakhmut.
How on earth am I supposed to trust anything they tell me again after this ?.
Here’s one for anyone who is interested. This guy clearly knows what he is talking about.
– anything to do with the hundreds of undersea volcanoes that have recently been found?
The IPCC claims that carbon dioxide is a well-mixed gas around the planet. This NASA satellite-measured video shows that it isn't. Note the vast amount of CO2 outgassing from the oceans in February-March. pic.twitter.com/EVlSOMbs90
The new BBC Sudan ‘service ‘ – paid for by Sudanese licence payers – will feature the following helps
1 a handy map of the coast at Calais
2 a route map of France to the English Channel
3 10 best dinghies review
4 where to get a dinghy
5 how to tap a woke charity
6 tide guide
7 when to dump the iPhone and ID docs ( hide the sim )
8 what to say to border force in engleesh ( I’m 15 and gay )
9 how to defraud the DWP ( easy )
10 best hotels
Leomie Anderson: ‘I didn’t think make-up was made for black girls’
The new presenter of the BBC Three show Glow Up discusses the changing face of the beauty industry, being scouted as a model as a teenager and diversity in fashion.
‘Senior’ misinformation reporter Rachel here busy on social media promoting her piece on C19 conspiracies.
As is the BBC way, she picks some very low hanging fruit and avoids the more tricky stuff of inaccurate public health reports, and the junk science that has emerged from now having access to the clinical trial data.
Nevertheless, the W1A factory continues to churn out more Marianna clones in all their dim glory.
Made my @BBCNewsnight debut on Friday with report about a conspiracy film which is leading bereaved people to be harassed.
I got ripped off by The Times today because I forgot to cancel the ‘auto renew ‘ – so I have a month of woke crap for another lousy month – never again – no ‘news UK ‘ ( Murdock for me – effing criminal )
So that’s a council with roughly 90% of the building already empty declaring the “undeniable success” of taking Fridays off, and hoping to do so for at least another year. Residents of South Cambridgeshire will also notice their Council Tax bill going up by 3.1% this year…
Fifa president Gianni Infantino has threatened to not broadcast the Women’s World Cup in five European countries unless TV companies improve their rights offers.
Infantino said “disappointing” offers from the UK, Spain, Italy, Germany and France were a “slap in the face” of the players and “all women worldwide”.
‘I feel gay, disabled … like a woman too!’: Infantino makes bizarre attack on critics
This article is more than 5 months old
‘Don’t criticise Qatar,’ Infantino tells press conference in Doha
Fifa president accuses western critics of hypocrisy and racism
His surname of Infantino is very appropriate, as he appears to have infantile views. Despite a huge amount of gaslighting from the BBC and others, considerably less people want to watch wimmin’s football than men’s football, and this is reflected in the amounts being offered for the TV rights. Aside from the gender-pushing narrative and an obsession with butch lesbians, one reason the BBC shows wimmin’s football is because it is cheap to do so. The bottom line is that it is generally of a very low standard; to put it in perspective, the then wimmin’s world champions, USA, were soundly beaten in 2015 by a team of under 15 schoolboys in Dallas.
The historian David Starkey has provoked a storm of criticism by saying that ‘whites have become black’ during a discussion on BBC2’s Newsnight about the UK riots. Starkey spoke of ‘a profound cultural change’ and said he had been re-reading Enoch Powell’s rivers of blood speech. An outcry on Twitter began with the Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn asking the BBC: ‘Why was racist analysis of Starkey unchallenged? What exactly are you trying to prove?’
A 5% pay deal for NHS workers has been signed off between the government and a majority of health unions this afternoon, paving the way for Health Secretary Steve Barclay to implement the offer “all staff on the Agenda for Change contract“
Maybe after they have kept trying to overturn the Brexit vote, got rid of Boris and trying for the Conversative government, are now trying again to overturn President Assad
The government has regained control of Syria’s biggest cities, but large parts of the country are still held by rebels, jihadists and the Kurdish-led SDF. There have been no shifts in the front lines for three years.
To mark International Women’s Day, one of the leading lights of progressive thought, Justin Trudeau, issued a writ in which he let loose all manner of simpering on the subject of “woman,” before claiming some moral high ground about fighting “hate.” This Cloaca Minima of the New World Order also drew to full height to declare: “We reiterate today that trans women are women.”
What to make of all this? Simplicity is always the best. The West is now gripped by evil; and evil must always hurl itself into extremes. Such is the logic of Satan: the vile in the human imagination must replace the good. This is the real reason why the rest of the world is now rejecting the West, for to seek to go beyond the human is suicide. Thankfully, the world will not be jumping off that cliff.
A veteran Crown Prosecution Service lawyer has revealed he and his wife are trying to evict squatters from their Spanish holiday home after arriving for a sunshine break with their children to find another family and other strangers inside.
Marc Robinson, head of the CPS Extradition Unit, is involved in a legal battle in Ibiza to recover the holiday home after flying to Ibiza during the Easter holidays to find that the locks had been changed, Spanish outlet The Objective revealed today.
The Robinsons flew to the Spanish island with their daughters on April 4 and found the lights were on and somebody was home at their property in the municipality of San Antonio, the publication reported.
The government has never publicly confirmed the total number of hotels involved, but a government source has now told BBC News it is using 395 to accommodate more than 51,000 asylum seekers, at a cost of more than £6m a day. Of those hotels, 363 are in England, 20 in Northern Ireland, 10 in Scotland and two in Wales.20 Mar 2023
This programme has been edited since broadcast. There are a number of reasons why a programme may have been edited including legal, contractual or technical issues.
And China’s swift and effective censorship machine also means that the videos and accounts shared by those such as Mr Fang or Ms Zhang will likely fade from memory, if they haven’t already. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-65454824
And China’s swift and effective censorship machine
Dear Winston Smith of the BBC Historical Corrections Department,
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
But there is a report that ms Sue Gray has refused to co operate with the inquiry of her leaving the government inquiry job and becoming the chief of staff of the labour leader .
I wonder if it is true ?
If it is ….. what a terrible thing . But then I’ve said that they failed to vet her properly in the first place – for signs of treachery ….
Keir Starmer is a fundamentally dishonest politician who made a series of pledges – definition: “a solemn promise or undertaking” – which he has abandoned.
Imagine IF Boris Johnson had declined to cooperate with: Sue Gray inquiry, investigation? Starmer is up to his neck in this scandal.https://t.co/XT0uZ6u9a1
— 🩺Nurse Amelia 🇬🇧 💙 Boris 💙 13,966,454 votes (@911Amelia) May 2, 2023
Meanwhile Magic Grandpa is blowing yet more solidarity munny on a bunch of performance Afro hairdressers doing a 4 year Masters at Peckham U, by taxing actual workers.
Apart from degrees which require real hard work – such as those involving sums – do we really need the rest ? History degrees to breed history teachers to produce history graduates ( lefties ) – English ? PPEs?
I chose at 18 to go to work – then I did my degrees on top of work – which was tough for around 8 years …. And I have used my qualifications for real purpose .
But…. Wouldn’t it be better for many to get a job rather than a useless degree and a shed full of debt ?
Unfortunately university degrees still seem to have an image of social advancement which I am not sure sure about ……
But there again – I think the education system should deliver people who will be able to make a living in the private sector – which is a minority now …..
‘A controlled explosion was held and a man was arrested outside Buckingham Palace after throwing suspected shotgun cartridges into palace grounds, police have said.’
Surely THAT is the story for the headline, not that someone was arrested.
‘Police said they are not treating the matter as terror-related.’
Means he is white.
One thing for sure : if he is a far-Left socialist who wants rid of the monarchy we will not be told. If he is far-right it will be in the next headline.
‘A ring of steel is expected in the capital for the Coronation at Westminster Abbey on Saturday.’
What ???. What kind of amateur reporting is that ?. It’s amazing how far the BBC standards have dropped. I suspect the author’s main life experience is from netflix.
But it’s not so amazing that the same faces keep cropping up when an article is so bad it compels me to comment:
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
Another interview zinger
lol, I have quite a few HYS comments now which got deleted for no good reason other than the BBC censoring free speech.
Ukraine war: More than 20,000 Russian fighters dead in Bakhmut, US says
This is that Kirby bloke again. And the BBC quoting him verbatum as if what he says is fact.
Halfway down the article we get:
“The bottom line is that Russia’s attempted offensive has backfired after months of fighting and extraordinary losses,” Mr Kirby said.
He added he was not giving estimates of Ukrainian casualties because “they are the victims here. Russia is the aggressor”.
What kind of complete nonsense is this ?. It’s amateur in the extreme – this guy is like a schoolboy. God help us all with people like this in charge. It’s basically spiteful rhetoric because Bakhmut has effectively been taken by the Russians now.
What amazes me the most is that the Biden administration get away with this because of the extreme bias in the mainstream media. They are never held to account for what they do and say.
I realised the other day that when it comes down to the fighting I am 100% on the side of the Ukranians who are extremely brave men (and I mean men – all those women soldiers the BBC showed us pictures of were completely fake news) fighting for their country.
But when it comes to the politics of the war with Zelensky and the utter idiots in the Whitehouse, I am not. Both sides are as bad as each other. I used to trust the USA to a certain degree in matters like this. Now I do not.
Biden blowing up the Nordstream pipeline just before winter was a terrible war crime. He targetted the weakest civilians in order to force them to join his war. And not even a murmur about it by any of the media. That one event shattered my faith in the USA, my own government and the media. Especially the BBC who are 100% complicit.
The politicisation of the US military (anyone with 2* equivalent and up aiui is subject to congressional approval) implodes when you’ve got whack jobs in Congress.
As I’ve said before here this effect has been scrupulously documented an the book “Fiasco”
– and the lessons have NOT been learned.
– which is why I give a lot of credibility to Douglas McGregor who’s unafraid in a way that near all his ex colleagues are not.
Don’t forget the Ukrainian people voted for Zelensky, the installed puppet of a Ukrainian ultra nationalist oligarch and the USA because he told them he would seek peace with Russia and avoid war. Once in power he did the complete opposite and I wonder how long he is going to last because if one of the victims gets a hold of him goodness knows what might happen once Ukraine begins to lose.
It’s a little like Macron, another puppet of the oligarchy, Soros the WEF and globalists, the sheeple had a choice of someone who cared and someone who didn’t, and they believed the lies only now to find they were betrayed, but give them the same choice again and they would do exactly the same, such is the power of the media over their tiny minds.
After reading a very lengthy article about a Labour MP who was ‘humiliated’ because someone reported her children to the police because they ‘didn’t like her stand against misogyny’ (for which I assume it extended like many of her type into active misandry).
You remember her : Stella Creasy who insisted she brought her baby into the House of Commons. An act with ‘F*ck you men’ written all over it.
I then came across this:
Woman stabbed to death in south London
In contrast, this is a very short article indeed on the BBC compared to everywhere else. And no mention of the woman or attacker whatsoever. I wonder why ?. Possibly yet more BBC racist discimination because she is black and a black person stabbed her ?.
I wonder if the fact it happened in Brixton is relevant.
As I’ve said before – Black Knives Matter
Scams and some opinions online:
“Electric cars! No hear me out. Let me start this by saying that I am not completely anti electric car, and I do believe they have their place. More on that on a second.
So why are they scam? Right now they are being sold as the solution to all our transportation problems. They don’t burn gas so they don’t pollute, since they don’t burn gas your not beholden to the gas companies and their ever rising prices, and since they don’t have a engine no expensive maintenance and repairs.
Um problem. Yes your not beholden to the fuel companies, and yes your not burning gas, however how do you charge it? Most likely you charging off the power grid, whether that be at home or at a fast charger. Regardless of where you are in the world, but especially true for the USA, that grid is most likely powered by……wait for it….burning fossil fuels!
Yes you don’t have a engine so there is no oil change, however you still have coolant that needs to be flushed at the same intervals as a gas car, you still have brake fluid that needs to be changed at the same intervals, while your brakes may last slightly longer due to generative braking they will still need to be replaced, and since your electric car is far more heavier than it’s gas counterpart you will go thru tires faster, and wear out suspension parts faster. By the way since they are heavier they will cause more wear and tear on the road, all while not paying to fix since the bulk funding for raod repair, at least here in the USA, comes from taxes on gasoline, which you so proudly don’t buy!
Do you have any idea how environmental damaging it is to mine copper and lithium, the two elements nesscary to make the electric batteries? Even worse there is no way around it, and no foreseeable magic advancement that will make it any better. In fact there is a huge deficit of both this minerals because anyone who owns land with those on it either can’t or won’t get approval from governments/public to mine it, and the current mines can’t really go any faster then they are!
None of this even begins mention the biggest issue, at least here in the USA, and that is to many cars, to many people on the road, to much congestion. In fact many electric cars are the ones pushing the limits and pushing forward self driving cars, which will only make the issue worse because large groups of people who can’t drive, or find it to hard (for lack of a better term) could not own, and “drive” around in their personal car!”
Good comment, but I wish people would learn the difference between “your” and “you’re”, and “to” and “too”. It is just basic literacy.
“Electric cars. Remove the most expensive parts of the car; the engine and transmission. Replace them with cheap electric motors and charge a premium. In addition make sure that the batteries are so expensive to replace that it is better to junk the car than replace the batteries. Planned obsolescence at it’s finest. Then get the idiot politicians to subsidize this scam and pass laws to prohibit the sale of your competition; internal combustion engines, which also guarantees that there will be no research or development of improved engines because they will be illegal anyway. This has got to be the biggest scam that has ever been perpetrated.”
There must be more to all this, as I’ve noticed a sharp increase in ads by Esso and BP for all sorts of ‘safe’ driving tips!
Easily ignored of course…
I’m not sure EVs are overall a deliberate scam.
Their benefits are though massively exaggerated. In urban environments I have seen the benefits – Shenzen downtown has noticeably better air than many Chinese cities… It’s all about fitness for purpose.
The Green movement is a religion (ticks in all boxes) and the priests and priestesses are a low information, noisy crowd of idiots who choose volume and vehemence over sober evaluation of costs and benefits. The stoning scene from “Life of Brian” nails a lot of it… Toyota’s stance on EVs has been interesting to follow.
Planned obsolescence ? I don’t think the folk driving the EV business considered that initially – they were blinded by the sparkly new toys. The original Tesla Roadster has imho been a fail as have other early efforts (the reason that Musk sent it into sun orbit hasn’t been fully exposed!)
The Greens have distorted the engineering goals for transportation and utility energy provision in a deeply negative way and serial delusion pervades that space – lefty academic sociologists opining on electricity generation and heating / cooling utilities and presuming absolute authority – what could possibly go wrong?
We are in a bad place.
I have seen some pretty shocking pollution in various Chinese cities over the years, Beijing and Shanghai especially, but the locals are now starting to hit the streets in protest.
As a photographer, the air is great for misty shots, it’s just the nature of the mist that worries…
The trouble with electrics and hybrids is that we can’t believe a word we are told. They are the absolute pinnacle of ‘virtue-signalling’ and nobody dare say anything against them. Fascism and oppression has nothing on climate change. Is it actually illegal to deny it now ?.
I always laugh to myself when someone says they actually wanted to stop and have an overpriced burger while their car charged instead of getting home.
BBC main headline:
‘AI chatbots ‘may soon be more intelligent than us”
Which of couse morphs into a different headline for the archived main article the fact checkers get.
Note the tiny single quotes which mean this assertive fact is in fact just one persons opinion. What a powerful punctuation tool they are – no wonder the BBC use them so often.
So it turns out it is the opinion of 75 year old Geoffrey Hinton who actually says:
“Right now, they’re not more intelligent than us, as far as I can tell. But I think they soon may be.”
Which reminds me a lot of Mr Guthrie from Tipton who used to make similar vague statements in the comic Viz. I recall he once announced a pill which would cure everything. He said someone should make it and it should be about the size of an aspirin.
The thing about AI is that it is not intelligent at all. It’s basically a huge pool of information which gets assembled by software and reassembles it according the rules of the program.
The real danger is what we have seen already in chatGPT : it is programmed to be biased and has no conscience or ethics whatsoever about lying for any agenda it is intructed to.
Which reminds me of something someone told me about Tesla’s in Thailand: people often travel in the back of pickup trucks here – but Teslas keep thinking they are people on the road and slam on the brakes !. That’s what AI really is. Underneath it is complete dumb.
Professor Pangloss + incorrigibly stubborn absurd optimism.
It’s obvious that the BBC’s scribblers are a shallow, ignorant and ideologically blinkered crew scampering from task to task.
.. from ‘respected institution’ to ‘clickbait liars’.
They are only as good as the people they employ.
– thank you for regularly ferreting out the faces behind the stories!
That’s a great example of how it has agenda programmed in.
If it were truly AI, it would just make a joke which is not offensive instead of giving the lecture.
Viz letters correspondents and bbc fact checkers and so called award winning journalists seem of a kind:
From Viz letters:
“Pretend you’re on the set of Michael Jackson’s Thriller by going to Wetherspoons at 11 AM”
“Experience the excitement of the Superbowl by watching a game of rugby on TV and pausing the action every 10 seconds and switching over to the Home Shopping channel for 10 minutes”
Some were classics.
One time they had a mail-in form where they would send it back with what the weather would be like tomorrow.
It had a part you had to fill in with what the weather was like today.
It’s true that ChatGPT isn’t really that intelligent. It is over 6 months old and the latest version GPT4 is much much more advanced.
gives more detail into why AGI is almost here – most notably that it is teaching itself stuff without us knowing and is generating its own teaching material to boot. THe real danger is that it will take one look at us and decide to destroy us.
Ukraine war: More than 20,000 Russian troops killed since December, US says
I wonder how bad it is for Ukraine???? As the “report” only mentions Russia, typical bBC
There is a VERY good reason the US won’t tell us Ukranian casualties (according to Biden’s new star idiot Kirby):
He added he was not giving estimates of Ukrainian casualties because “they are the victims here. Russia is the aggressor”.
A reason which makes no sense whatsoever and of course is code for ‘at least as many as Russia’.
King Charles won’t be changed by his new role, says Princess Anne
“Speaking to CBC News, the BBC’s partner in Canada” – bBCs partner – Its another outlet to not get “news” from then
Together with the bBCs partner in US, CNN
Whats with the bBC keep quoting its partners
“Stop the boats!”
They will hire cruise liners instead, because we are running out of hotels.
Tucker …
Sounds like he was aware of MySpace 🙂
True to form the first Lefty comment about it is like a spiteful schoolboy trying to ridicule him for holding the phone like that. Straight for the man and ignoring the issue they don’t like.
I’ve seen many people hold it like that when they want it on speaker so others can hear it but want the microphone close to their mouth.
BBC World Service launches emergency pop-up radio service for Sudan
“the BBC said, and help counter disinformation.”
bBC interferes, sorry helps with disinformation, apparently
I like to read a contrary view . So I force myself to read polly Toynbee in the Guardian . Her champagne socialist hatred for ‘the tories ‘( who?) is constant .
Today she explains how ‘the tories ‘ ( who?) will lose the next election because people in traditional blue areas won’t be voting for them .
Upto now I believed that they will lose . But now I’m not so sure . I’ve got a feeling we are in for a good mess – with red labour – pink labour ( liberals ) in some sort of pact .
As the founder of ‘the no government party ‘ I welcome this confusion and hope these tired undemocratic parties fight each other for ever and prevent the swamp of repressive legislation from going through ….
But imagine the scoundrel – Eddie Davy – in bed with starmer or the scum ginger growler …. Popcorn ….
Bad news for the BBC – HSBC and BP have made a lot of money – fat cats – windfalls – the usual – starmer is out on manoeuvres today going on about the local elections – you can guess the song he will sing …. ULEZ – closing roads – destroying towns won’t get a mention ….but he is going to withdraw the ‘free university ‘ pledge …. Maybe close a few and send the kids to work ….
“But imagine the scoundrel – Eddie Davy – in bed with starmer or the scum ginger growler ….”
Please Fed, I was enjoying my breakfast up to that line…
Otherwise, Good Morning to you and have a nice day!
If you think that’s bad, try to imagine steptoe Corbyn climbing aboard abacus Abbot.
The only good Tory edition
The frontpage of the Guardian this morning supplies Mr AsI with grist to his guilty pleasure mill in the form a picture of striking nurses (I don’t mean to say they were striking looking… they were dressed in their typical beanie hats and ramshackle mufti; these often tubby-looking specimens of our NHS finest… I mean to say they were on strike).
My prize indulgence here is reading the hand-written placard slogans – or those which our photo editors choose to present. There’s a great deal of self-congratulation on display, we note. Blowing one’s own trumpet, so to speak.
Ooo, Matron!
It was Carry On star Kenneth Williams who lodged that phrase indelibly in Mr AsI’s comedic memory with one of his hilarious exclamations on that ancient BBC Radio 4 show Just A Minute. Asked by host and quiz chairman Nicholas Parsons to talk for just a minute on the subject of blowing one’s own trumpet – our Kenneth declared, in his unmistakable exaggerated half-posh half-cockney tones with typical suggestive naughty inuendo: “Blowing one’s own trumpet. Personally, I like doin’ it!”
“Claps don’t pay bills” insists our nurse’s slogan as presented front and centre in the pic – yet again harping on that Lockdown period of their peak public popularity – like a Manchester United fan yearning for a return of the abundent accolades and indeed the apparently easy to come by silverware of the Alex Ferguson era, or a Notts Forest follower dewy-eyed for that fleeting aberation of local glory in the Brian Clough years.
The narcissism of the self-righteous is on full display with one Unite union red banner bearing woman – we suppose to be a nurse – wearing a t-shirt with the rainbow and hand clap image surmounted by the motto “Thank You” – isn’t this akin to Mick Jagger wearing a “I’m big a Rolling Stones Fan” shirt to a gig – unironically?
Like awarding yourself your own ‘likes’ under your own on-line comments.
I’ll grant some of our NHS staff do have a sense of humour. Quite why the Guardian didn’t put this next placard front and centre of their picture frankly escapes this commenter: “The only good Tory is a suppository”
Ah, the medical humour of the junior housemens’ staff pantomines of old.
Talking of blowing your own trumpet – I don’t like to say I told you so – but rather in the manner of Kenneth Williams… I do…
Mr AsI has proposed that Lockdown may have permanently demoralised the population – or the work ethic of the working portion of the population.
Ofsted chief: Parents think school attendance is optional since pandemic… The social contract between parents and schools has broken down with some families expecting remote teaching if their children do not attend (Times)
Graduates hit by lockdown fail to cope with teamwork, say Deloitte and PwC (FT)
Working from home: 10% Welsh government staff in office each day (BBC, December 2022)
Three-in-four of London’s workers would quit instead of giving up WFH… The research by Bloomberg Intelligence found that employees in the capital are confident in their bargaining power (Alarabiya News)
Order civil servants back to office, plead businesses (Times)
As city centres continue to struggle, data suggests the vast majority of government staff are still working from home (Times, March 2023)
‘I haven’t seen this many civil servants in Westminster since the pandemic’: Ex-minister Jake Berry mocks mandarins for picketing outside government departments despite resisting efforts to get them to return to their offices to work (Daily Mail, February 2023)
I agree with questioning the need for ‘education ‘- particularly the ‘higher’ version – and think maybe there is just too much of it .
I mean – what is it for ? If people can’t be bothered to get a job – why get qualifications ? And if it’s 3 or 4 day job share with maternity / paternal / pet leave plus expectation of going sick keep the averages up – why bother ?
There is no need to develop skills such as judgement – the BBC fact checker girl does for for you …. And if there’s a problem just blame someone and join the national union of victims ….
After all – it’s not your fault – they didn’t send you to school …
Juncker calls European Parliament ‘ridiculous’
07/05/2017July 5, 2017
The head of the EU executive called lawmakers unserious and ridiculous. Only a few dozen lawmakers showed up to a debate on the Maltese presidency.
I agree with Andy
I really cannot believe I’ve just seen this!
Why the chap stayed talking to her shows that there are still some people who have good manners, and not just slam the door in her face – after telling her to **** off!
Probably a feminazi social worker touting for business – specifically trying to find cause to kidnap other peoples children.
This is a clear case of stalking – repeated spying (the baby is always …), harassment (behaviour likely to cause alarm), offensive attitude to parenting etc etc etc.
These old hags must be banged up so that we can equalise the prison population.
Start by accusing it (mustn’t gender profile) of being a stalking paedophile and work upwards then finish by threatening a restraining order.
It’s a measure of the swine that he seems to approve.
Can we give him a rusty rifle and a one-way ticket?
Someone should tell her that the EU army was a lie conjured up by Brexiteers and the real scandal was a bus which basically said we could fund the NHS instead of paying the EU.
Or so I read on the BBC anyway.
Hello tomo
Breaking news from the eu, its Finally declared its accounts… well maybe in 2048
Sooo they want to abolish the veto and descend further into the dictatorship of a single state.
Primacy of EU law (precedence, supremacy)
The principle of the primacy (also referred to as ‘precedence’ or ‘supremacy’) of European Union (EU) law is based on the idea that where a conflict arises between an aspect of EU law and an aspect of law in an EU Member State (national law), EU law will prevail.
It’s 8.10 am and there is nothing on the BBC website about the death of Gordon Lightfoot. Every other news outlet seems to have something. Even the Guardian.
Gordon Lightfoot was a huge musical presence in the 70s. For people like me, this is the biggest news story today.
That the BBC aren’t mentioning it online is proof that it is not a broadcaster for the likes of me. I have to put up with all sorts of their trivial news stories about artists I have never heard of and who will never have the talent or stature of Gordon Lightfoot.
Perhaps something will appear in due course once their young and diverse teams of researchers have checked Wikipedia.
Sorry, Gordon was the wrong colour to make the front page. He needs to be black or some Bollywood icon nobody English has ever heard of.
Absolutely, Zephir!
Here’s my tribute to a man with a fabulous singing voice: –
Meanwhile the beeboids do show something about a chef bloke whom nobody has heard of except in Australia!
One of Terry’s favourites!
Just browsing the web and learning of the targets the Russians hit recently with their missile strikes – including a lot of their air defenses, ammunition dumps and a meeting with dozens of high-ranking Ukranian (and quite probably Western) officials.
Meanwhile the BBC simply inform me that Ukraine shot all of the missiles down except 3 and Russia have lost lot and lots of men in Bakhmut.
How on earth am I supposed to trust anything they tell me again after this ?.
Here’s one for anyone who is interested. This guy clearly knows what he is talking about.
– anything to do with the hundreds of undersea volcanoes that have recently been found?
The new BBC Sudan ‘service ‘ – paid for by Sudanese licence payers – will feature the following helps
1 a handy map of the coast at Calais
2 a route map of France to the English Channel
3 10 best dinghies review
4 where to get a dinghy
5 how to tap a woke charity
6 tide guide
7 when to dump the iPhone and ID docs ( hide the sim )
8 what to say to border force in engleesh ( I’m 15 and gay )
9 how to defraud the DWP ( easy )
10 best hotels
Sunni Muslim, small Christian minority
The north is almost all Muslim.
Leomie Anderson: ‘I didn’t think make-up was made for black girls’
The new presenter of the BBC Three show Glow Up discusses the changing face of the beauty industry, being scouted as a model as a teenager and diversity in fashion.
“What I love about Glow Up is that it lets people who might not usually get to be on TV have a place to shine. Also, my looks are incredible.”
For the new series of Rentaghost?
Axel (he/they)
Howard (he/him)
Keiran (he/they)
Morgan (she/her)
why do people still fund this pathetic organisation
‘Senior’ misinformation reporter Rachel here busy on social media promoting her piece on C19 conspiracies.
As is the BBC way, she picks some very low hanging fruit and avoids the more tricky stuff of inaccurate public health reports, and the junk science that has emerged from now having access to the clinical trial data.
Nevertheless, the W1A factory continues to churn out more Marianna clones in all their dim glory.
Time magazine doing a BBC, and rightly getting a pasting in the comments.
I used to subscribe to TIME and Newsweek as a student.
Oh well, no matter.
The BBc, however…
I got ripped off by The Times today because I forgot to cancel the ‘auto renew ‘ – so I have a month of woke crap for another lousy month – never again – no ‘news UK ‘ ( Murdock for me – effing criminal )
So that’s a council with roughly 90% of the building already empty declaring the “undeniable success” of taking Fridays off, and hoping to do so for at least another year. Residents of South Cambridgeshire will also notice their Council Tax bill going up by 3.1% this year…
Fifa president Gianni Infantino has threatened to not broadcast the Women’s World Cup in five European countries unless TV companies improve their rights offers.
Infantino said “disappointing” offers from the UK, Spain, Italy, Germany and France were a “slap in the face” of the players and “all women worldwide”.
‘I feel gay, disabled … like a woman too!’: Infantino makes bizarre attack on critics
This article is more than 5 months old
‘Don’t criticise Qatar,’ Infantino tells press conference in Doha
Fifa president accuses western critics of hypocrisy and racism
Lucky 5 European countries …
His surname of Infantino is very appropriate, as he appears to have infantile views. Despite a huge amount of gaslighting from the BBC and others, considerably less people want to watch wimmin’s football than men’s football, and this is reflected in the amounts being offered for the TV rights. Aside from the gender-pushing narrative and an obsession with butch lesbians, one reason the BBC shows wimmin’s football is because it is cheap to do so. The bottom line is that it is generally of a very low standard; to put it in perspective, the then wimmin’s world champions, USA, were soundly beaten in 2015 by a team of under 15 schoolboys in Dallas.
No words for how bad these are
Don’t worry – it could never happen here … right?
David Starkey on UK riots: ‘The whites have become black’ – video
The historian David Starkey has provoked a storm of criticism by saying that ‘whites have become black’ during a discussion on BBC2’s Newsnight about the UK riots. Starkey spoke of ‘a profound cultural change’ and said he had been re-reading Enoch Powell’s rivers of blood speech. An outcry on Twitter began with the Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn asking the BBC: ‘Why was racist analysis of Starkey unchallenged? What exactly are you trying to prove?’
Sooner the better. It might help the sheeple to wake up to what’s looming.
A 5% pay deal for NHS workers has been signed off between the government and a majority of health unions this afternoon, paving the way for Health Secretary Steve Barclay to implement the offer “all staff on the Agenda for Change contract“
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
NHS hires diversity managers on £77,000 a year despite ‘war on wokery’
A government review had suggested the roles should be cut back
Lizzie Roberts,
27 August 2022 • 7:00pm
Remember when the bBC kept banging on about the war in Syria
its back
Why has the Syrian war lasted 12 years?
Maybe after they have kept trying to overturn the Brexit vote, got rid of Boris and trying for the Conversative government, are now trying again to overturn President Assad
The government has regained control of Syria’s biggest cities, but large parts of the country are still held by rebels, jihadists and the Kurdish-led SDF. There have been no shifts in the front lines for three years.
To mark International Women’s Day, one of the leading lights of progressive thought, Justin Trudeau, issued a writ in which he let loose all manner of simpering on the subject of “woman,” before claiming some moral high ground about fighting “hate.” This Cloaca Minima of the New World Order also drew to full height to declare: “We reiterate today that trans women are women.”
What to make of all this? Simplicity is always the best. The West is now gripped by evil; and evil must always hurl itself into extremes. Such is the logic of Satan: the vile in the human imagination must replace the good. This is the real reason why the rest of the world is now rejecting the West, for to seek to go beyond the human is suicide. Thankfully, the world will not be jumping off that cliff.
A veteran Crown Prosecution Service lawyer has revealed he and his wife are trying to evict squatters from their Spanish holiday home after arriving for a sunshine break with their children to find another family and other strangers inside.
Marc Robinson, head of the CPS Extradition Unit, is involved in a legal battle in Ibiza to recover the holiday home after flying to Ibiza during the Easter holidays to find that the locks had been changed, Spanish outlet The Objective revealed today.
The Robinsons flew to the Spanish island with their daughters on April 4 and found the lights were on and somebody was home at their property in the municipality of San Antonio, the publication reported.
The government has never publicly confirmed the total number of hotels involved, but a government source has now told BBC News it is using 395 to accommodate more than 51,000 asylum seekers, at a cost of more than £6m a day. Of those hotels, 363 are in England, 20 in Northern Ireland, 10 in Scotland and two in Wales.20 Mar 2023
Yep – always cry for a lawyer …
Jacques Baud:
Amol Rajan Interviews
Greta Thunberg
This programme has been edited since broadcast. There are a number of reasons why a programme may have been edited including legal, contractual or technical issues.
And China’s swift and effective censorship machine also means that the videos and accounts shared by those such as Mr Fang or Ms Zhang will likely fade from memory, if they haven’t already.
And China’s swift and effective censorship machine
Dear Winston Smith of the BBC Historical Corrections Department,
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Oddly similar to BBC ‘investigations’.
The WHO Pandemic Treaty and EU:
Not directly BBC
But there is a report that ms Sue Gray has refused to co operate with the inquiry of her leaving the government inquiry job and becoming the chief of staff of the labour leader .
I wonder if it is true ?
If it is ….. what a terrible thing . But then I’ve said that they failed to vet her properly in the first place – for signs of treachery ….
Sopes’ old BBC source has at last done for Tucker.
Not something the holding power to account trusted national broadcaster seems keen to consider.
The whole thing just gets more and more bizarre.
Meanwhile Magic Grandpa is blowing yet more solidarity munny on a bunch of performance Afro hairdressers doing a 4 year Masters at Peckham U, by taxing actual workers.
Apart from degrees which require real hard work – such as those involving sums – do we really need the rest ? History degrees to breed history teachers to produce history graduates ( lefties ) – English ? PPEs?
I chose at 18 to go to work – then I did my degrees on top of work – which was tough for around 8 years …. And I have used my qualifications for real purpose .
But…. Wouldn’t it be better for many to get a job rather than a useless degree and a shed full of debt ?
Unfortunately university degrees still seem to have an image of social advancement which I am not sure sure about ……
But there again – I think the education system should deliver people who will be able to make a living in the private sector – which is a minority now …..
New thread time ….
How to fail at masterchef? Be anglo Saxon, white, male, straight….Best get your stuff and go home.
So pathetically cowardish by the so called “judges” looking for popular support.
Afghanistan: ‘Nothing we can do but watch babies die’
No mention at all about how the Taliban took the country before the Americans had even pulled out.
Just imagine what the BBC would be writing if it had happened because of a personal decision to override the military by Trump.
I no longer have any time at all for the hypocrites at the BBC. Their hands are soaked in blood.
Man arrested outside Buckingham Palace
‘A controlled explosion was held and a man was arrested outside Buckingham Palace after throwing suspected shotgun cartridges into palace grounds, police have said.’
Surely THAT is the story for the headline, not that someone was arrested.
‘Police said they are not treating the matter as terror-related.’
Means he is white.
One thing for sure : if he is a far-Left socialist who wants rid of the monarchy we will not be told. If he is far-right it will be in the next headline.
‘A ring of steel is expected in the capital for the Coronation at Westminster Abbey on Saturday.’
What ???. What kind of amateur reporting is that ?. It’s amazing how far the BBC standards have dropped. I suspect the author’s main life experience is from netflix.
But it’s not so amazing that the same faces keep cropping up when an article is so bad it compels me to comment: