“Yet one CNN interviewer suggested that Israel has “an obligation to work around” the Gazan civilians used as human shields and claimed that Israel targeted civilians.”
Justin Welby has been convicted for speeding.
It was announced this morning and is on the websites of all the newspapers and other media outlets.
So I googled ‘bbc Justin Welby speeding’ and as of 12 noon got………no mention of it at all!!!!!
Which rather begs various questions.
1. How come a news organisation bigger than all the others put together is so slow? Are all their ‘journalists’ busy taking the dog for a walk, kids to school aka ‘working from home’?
2. Or is it a deliberate omission, as having a pro-immigration lefty commit a criminal act is a little inconvenient and embarrassing?
The issue of why the speed limit is 20 mph at all and why it was worthy of a criminal prosecution driving at 25 mph, and why he had to pay a ‘victim surcharge’ of £120 I will leave for another day. There but for the Grace of God…….you might say. Or in this case Sad Dick Khan.
I doubt this man believes in ‘heaven ‘- or God …. He certainly doesn’t want to defend the lives of those legally resident in the UK . Maybe the c of E can sell its’ assets to pay for 10 000 000 new £ arrivals £
Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
‘Shambolic’ immigration judge Amir Ali Majid ruled against by senior panel
He was found to have ‘very little idea’ of his powers or the content of the law
One more case may be allowed after it was adjourned to determine legal point
PUBLISHED: 02:06, 2 October 2017 | UPDATED: 07:12, 2 October 2017
Dom Joly is a typicalGuadianland guy
.. behaves like a nasty school bully.
I don't believe you don't know the difference between criminal and civil trials, and the definition of the word "convicted". And before you start, I'm not defending him.
Dom Joly
OG Blue Tick😂 New Book out in Nov. UK Tour Feb/March 2024 Queries: lesley@aitkenalexander.co.uk
ComedianYour Muminstagram.com/realdomjoly?ig…Joined December 2008
452 Following
Dom Joly asks the British public what’s going on with Brexit
Gary Lineker should have an interview with Nigel Farage, Mark Steyn, Thomas Sowell, Jacob Rees-Mogg and ask them why they thought it was a good idea to leave? Why they had a difference of opinion, or is that not allowed?
Mr.Lineker can find more names here at the BBC website – where he works – EU vote: Where the cabinet and other MPs stand {bbc.co.uk – 22Jun2016} for a different opinion, if he wants to seek one, he probably passes these people in the BBC halls many times a day.
If Gary still lives in Richmond Park Constituency he will be fascinated to know that his MP, Zac Goldsmith, voted to leave the EU so he can go and have a chat at an open doors surgery and take some crisps for the wait in the reception area.
Gary could send one of his researchers here, so rather than looking up who scored what and when they could see what Zac Goldsmith voted for {theyworkforyou.com} and if he agrees with him or not.
Gary could spend some time looking into how the EU Works and that it represents what he believes in.
He could listen to David Cameron on speaking in the USA (6.5.2014) “..but I don’t want to be part of a Country called Europe. I want to be part of a Country called Great Britain.”
Gary can ask Angela Merkel why Greece’s Military spending was protected from Austerity with Germany selling Greece Military Equipment (Industrial)?
Greece’s austerity doesn’t extend to its arms budget – {guardian – 21Mar2012}
Gary Lineker is rich, famous and has plenty of time to find the answers to all these things, and should be able to back up his ideas with sound reasons. He can also seek a difference of opinion if he really wanted to.
Brewery changes name of White Face beer after racism complaints
Moon Gazer has sold the drink for three years but dropped the title when they were told recently that customers were uncomfortable with it
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
The brewery in Hindringham, Norfolk, has already rolled out the change on its website – but some customers were livid.
Jacquelyn Allsop said: “Ridiculous. Sad if people only have this to worry about in their lives.”
Michael Taylor said: “Won’t be buying any more of that then.”
Others, however, cheered on the switch, including Pete Mitchell, who said: “Oh no. People will have to make a slightly different sound when ordering a beer.”
Met Officer got off in GBH trial for tasering black runaway suspect whilst he was up on a wall, who then fell and becam paralysed
Things mentioned by tweeters, but not by the BBC report
Jordan Walker-Brown who claims he was only stopped by Police and Tasered because “he was black”.
Turns out he has convictions for drug dealing, false imprisonment and people trafficking as well as forcing drug addicts to give up their homes.
He’d also been stopped the day before in possession of drugs, and ran from the police because he was carrying drugs again.
BBC article starts “PC Imran Mahmood, 36, inflicted the injuries on Jordan Walker-Brown in Harringay, north London, during the first coronavirus lockdown in May 2020.”
“inflicted” that#’ Strange wording .. if I climb a wall and get injured part of that is my fault https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-65543574
If it’s the same Jordan Walker-Brown from North London ( how many are there of the same age?) then the good people of Cornwall may be rather less worried about this than the lefty metropolitan elite race-baiters.
The group from north London made numerous trips to Cornwall between September 2015 and October 2016, bringing significant amounts of crack cocaine and heroin.
Delivered to local dealers, the drugs were then distributed into various Cornish towns including Bodmin, St Austell, Camborne, Penzance and Truro.
How amazing that the BBC failed to mention it at any point in their webshite article.
Or not.
Is this the same Jordan Walker-Brown, who 8n 2017 was jailed for three years for conspiracy to supply drugs?? If it is then as; a low life, nasty, drug running pathetic excuse for a human being you'll pardon me for not believing you.#bbcnews
Turned the TV on at 1505.
BBC1 was on.
Not content with indoctrinating us with the metropolitan liberals take on things rural on ‘Countryfile’ they also have a programme called ‘Countryfile Spring Diaries’.
Within 10 seconds of the TV being on I was treated to a wheelchair bound man mentioning ‘the uncertainty of climate change’.
Absolutely incredible heights of woke tick box lunacy.
The sentencing of an ex Labour Mp called Paul Clark goes to the Kent regional news … 2 years for his collection of child porn – a good friend of Tony Blair ….
One of those stories which should be big – but won’t be …
If you see a picture of this character – see what you think …
The BBC are at it again, showing their bias in the headlines. Former Labour MP jailed over child abuse images, “Labour” omitted from the headline. They’re so obvious. #DefundTheBBCpic.twitter.com/W1RPurRIZ9
Yeah dead give away really – and this guy was a junior labour minister and PPS to Gordon Brown when he was PM …. Yet the coverage ? Compared to trivia such as Raab … ? Or even cake gate ….. BBC bias – easily proved here …..
And also such a profoundly serious crime …. Guess he ll do 8 months out of a 2 year sentence and be in a Cat C tomorrow …
I think the vacuous EU song thingy is really high BBC . It is a surrogate for being in the EU – full of self loving kidults – various brand of queer – worshipping talentless celebrity .
I’m sure if the BBC could – they make it a weekly – if not daily thing – I had to ‘off switch ‘ today as usual as they put in a big plug for it . I’m sure many involved in it will be familiar with plugs … but maybe some won’t …
This evening’s The Archers (R4 7:02 pm) was dreadful, with a stupid contrived story about where the talentless Rylan was going to stay the night. He’s in Ambridge for the village’s own Eurovision cringe-fest. Caricature busybody Lynda Snell and one of the Brookfield Archers ended up in a row about hosting him. In the end, he decided to go elsewhere, so their squabbling resulted in neither getting the reflected glory. Pathetic and embarrassing.
Just to keep things real, the episode closed with “stabby” Helen getting a crank phone call (probably from her ex, the controlling Rob Titchydick or whatever his name is).
God, I hate myself for listening to this load of horse apples!
Step back a bit . Mad Campbell is his own brand . The producers know how he will behave – also – they agree with anything he says as they are all Blair disciples .
But … just maybe he is going to say or behave in such a way as to get himself cancelled … I was gonna write ‘blacklisted’ but that might trigger triggers ….
Waiting for Mad Al to kick off is a bit like watching the late Rod Hull and his Emu. You just know the bird is going to peck out at someone sooner or later, it’s what it does and why it’s there. Campbell should never appear on TV again, if he really has “mental problems” and can’t behave.
It is a bit strange that they still give him airtime -maybe it’s the ‘personality ‘ thing – a sort of lefty answer to Clarkson – with added magic depressive behaviour ….
Mind you Clarkson never helped start an illegal war by lying to us ….
BTW – I’ve said it before here – but if you are looking for a treat – the x2 series of Clarkson’ farm on Amazon are a real treat ….
Millions of pension savers’ personal data targeted in Capita hack
Russian-linked criminals hit 350 funds in biggest ever pension hack.
Telegraph today on the cyber attack where thr BBC is involved as a ‘corporate ‘client’.. CAPITAS ‘collects’ BBC TV licenses that are ‘behind’ in payment and hand out the threatening letters on behalf of the BBC across the UK.
In addition :”Personal data belonging to millions of retirement savers were targeted by hackers after more than 300 pension funds were hit by the Russian-linked cyber attack on IT outsourcer Capita.”
Industry sources said the March cyber attack affected up to 350 corporate retirement schemes across the UK, making it the largest such hack in British history.
…Stolen data published on the dark web was deleted last week, raising concerns the company may have paid a ransom to the hackers. Capita told investors earlier this month that it was setting aside between £15m and £20m to cover costs arising from the cyber attack.
The IT outsourcer (CAPITA) holds billions of pounds in government and private sector contracts, including a £456m deal to collect the BBC TV licence fee, providing training to the Royal Navy, and offering back office IT services to NHS GP surgeries across the UK.
The fact that the BBC were involved in a Russian ransom, along with several other big Corporate names means that a big ransom has been paid to avoid a High Court case which would alert the general public that their names, address and personal details have been bought and sold on the dark web cyberspace. They would pay A LOT to keep that quiet!
You won’t hear a word of this on the BBC. After all, the BBC would claim THEY are the real victim here, not the loss of your personal ID or your name and details being sold on the ‘dark web’, for a long line of ‘twisters’ and ‘fraudsters’ to emerge based on details the BBC have and NHS records. So beware, this may be the only public info to emerge officially.
Time for the weekend thread – last week the BBC covered a lot of people dressing up and strutting their stuff …. This weekend it’s the same – but different ….. and super Kidult Woke ….
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC. https://www.euronews.com/business/2025/03/10/china-to-impose-retaliatory-tariffs-on-certain-canadian-imports-as-trade-war-intensifies
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60383385
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cx2gprz84rlt “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
JezBo’s malign influence is mentioned. Also..
“Yet one CNN interviewer suggested that Israel has “an obligation to work around” the Gazan civilians used as human shields and claimed that Israel targeted civilians.”
A BBC TNI partner and war crime theory revisions.
He is also, for some reason, the accurate and impartial BBC’s go to pundit along with such as Champion Ash.
Has our ‘noble’ Arch Bish, been done for speeding? It couldn’t have happened to a nicer chap.
Perhaps he’s being sponsored by Mercedes.
Justin Welby has been convicted for speeding.
It was announced this morning and is on the websites of all the newspapers and other media outlets.
So I googled ‘bbc Justin Welby speeding’ and as of 12 noon got………no mention of it at all!!!!!
Which rather begs various questions.
1. How come a news organisation bigger than all the others put together is so slow? Are all their ‘journalists’ busy taking the dog for a walk, kids to school aka ‘working from home’?
2. Or is it a deliberate omission, as having a pro-immigration lefty commit a criminal act is a little inconvenient and embarrassing?
The issue of why the speed limit is 20 mph at all and why it was worthy of a criminal prosecution driving at 25 mph, and why he had to pay a ‘victim surcharge’ of £120 I will leave for another day. There but for the Grace of God…….you might say. Or in this case Sad Dick Khan.
Archbishop of Canterbury gets three points and fine for speeding
Justin Welby fined £510 after being prosecuted for doing 25mph in a 20mph zone in October last year
As a degree of arc on a speedo….
Percentages, darn percentages, and revenue generation.
Heaven has no speed limits!
I doubt this man believes in ‘heaven ‘- or God …. He certainly doesn’t want to defend the lives of those legally resident in the UK . Maybe the c of E can sell its’ assets to pay for 10 000 000 new £ arrivals £
Archbishop of Canterbury to lead Wonga rescue effort
Church of England pulls out of Wonga rescue effort
MarkyMark….nor has hell. Wonder which route has been decided for him
It is now Sluff, (published 50 minutes ago):
Find out about the work, community and life of prayer at Lambeth Palace.
So…. just three hours after the Evening Standard and six hours after The Mail, to name but two outlets.
Question : Has the Home Office being employing illegals in their immigration office?
Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
‘Shambolic’ immigration judge Amir Ali Majid ruled against by senior panel
He was found to have ‘very little idea’ of his powers or the content of the law
One more case may be allowed after it was adjourned to determine legal point
PUBLISHED: 02:06, 2 October 2017 | UPDATED: 07:12, 2 October 2017
Only so far as Nigerians run council housing departments £
Dom Joly is a typicalGuadianland guy
.. behaves like a nasty school bully.
Dom then replied to the guy with “P off”
He has told the fact checker to ‘p*ss off’, which is surely good enough now for the BBC to run it as ‘news’?
Dom Joly
OG Blue Tick😂 New Book out in Nov. UK Tour Feb/March 2024 Queries: lesley@aitkenalexander.co.uk
ComedianYour Muminstagram.com/realdomjoly?ig…Joined December 2008
452 Following
“Nobody knows anything except 3 small children”
Dom Joly asks the British public what’s going on with Brexit
Gary Lineker should have an interview with Nigel Farage, Mark Steyn, Thomas Sowell, Jacob Rees-Mogg and ask them why they thought it was a good idea to leave? Why they had a difference of opinion, or is that not allowed?
Mr.Lineker can find more names here at the BBC website – where he works – EU vote: Where the cabinet and other MPs stand {bbc.co.uk – 22Jun2016} for a different opinion, if he wants to seek one, he probably passes these people in the BBC halls many times a day.
If Gary still lives in Richmond Park Constituency he will be fascinated to know that his MP, Zac Goldsmith, voted to leave the EU so he can go and have a chat at an open doors surgery and take some crisps for the wait in the reception area.
Gary could send one of his researchers here, so rather than looking up who scored what and when they could see what Zac Goldsmith voted for {theyworkforyou.com} and if he agrees with him or not.
Gary could spend some time looking into how the EU Works and that it represents what he believes in.
He could listen to David Cameron on speaking in the USA (6.5.2014) “..but I don’t want to be part of a Country called Europe. I want to be part of a Country called Great Britain.”
Gary can ask Angela Merkel why Greece’s Military spending was protected from Austerity with Germany selling Greece Military Equipment (Industrial)?
Greece’s austerity doesn’t extend to its arms budget – {guardian – 21Mar2012}
Gary Lineker is rich, famous and has plenty of time to find the answers to all these things, and should be able to back up his ideas with sound reasons. He can also seek a difference of opinion if he really wanted to.
Brewery changes name of White Face beer after racism complaints
Moon Gazer has sold the drink for three years but dropped the title when they were told recently that customers were uncomfortable with it
Telegraph Reporters
12 May 2023 • 11:36am
“customers were uncomfortable with it”
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
The brewery in Hindringham, Norfolk, has already rolled out the change on its website – but some customers were livid.
Jacquelyn Allsop said: “Ridiculous. Sad if people only have this to worry about in their lives.”
Michael Taylor said: “Won’t be buying any more of that then.”
Others, however, cheered on the switch, including Pete Mitchell, who said: “Oh no. People will have to make a slightly different sound when ordering a beer.”
Met Officer got off in GBH trial for tasering black runaway suspect whilst he was up on a wall, who then fell and becam paralysed
Things mentioned by tweeters, but not by the BBC report
Jordan Walker-Brown who claims he was only stopped by Police and Tasered because “he was black”.
Turns out he has convictions for drug dealing, false imprisonment and people trafficking as well as forcing drug addicts to give up their homes.
He’d also been stopped the day before in possession of drugs, and ran from the police because he was carrying drugs again.
BBC article starts “PC Imran Mahmood, 36, inflicted the injuries on Jordan Walker-Brown in Harringay, north London, during the first coronavirus lockdown in May 2020.”
“inflicted” that#’ Strange wording .. if I climb a wall and get injured part of that is my fault
If it’s the same Jordan Walker-Brown from North London ( how many are there of the same age?) then the good people of Cornwall may be rather less worried about this than the lefty metropolitan elite race-baiters.
The group from north London made numerous trips to Cornwall between September 2015 and October 2016, bringing significant amounts of crack cocaine and heroin.
Delivered to local dealers, the drugs were then distributed into various Cornish towns including Bodmin, St Austell, Camborne, Penzance and Truro.
How amazing that the BBC failed to mention it at any point in their webshite article.
Or not.
2020 BBC tweet was double ratioed
People quoted the 2017 BBC story about him
Turned the TV on at 1505.
BBC1 was on.
Not content with indoctrinating us with the metropolitan liberals take on things rural on ‘Countryfile’ they also have a programme called ‘Countryfile Spring Diaries’.
Within 10 seconds of the TV being on I was treated to a wheelchair bound man mentioning ‘the uncertainty of climate change’.
Absolutely incredible heights of woke tick box lunacy.
The sentencing of an ex Labour Mp called Paul Clark goes to the Kent regional news … 2 years for his collection of child porn – a good friend of Tony Blair ….
One of those stories which should be big – but won’t be …
If you see a picture of this character – see what you think …
Magic number … 1400!!!
Paul Clark, who represented Gillingham in Kent for 13 years, was caught with more than 1,400 images on five electronic devices.
The former politician’s defence barrister, Ronnie Manek KC, said Clark was “a man full of remorse and regret”.
How the BBC reports Labour crims .. vs Tory crims
Yeah dead give away really – and this guy was a junior labour minister and PPS to Gordon Brown when he was PM …. Yet the coverage ? Compared to trivia such as Raab … ? Or even cake gate ….. BBC bias – easily proved here …..
And also such a profoundly serious crime …. Guess he ll do 8 months out of a 2 year sentence and be in a Cat C tomorrow …
The line up of BBC TNI partners is impressive.
And bobbing around the top of the sewer is one Mike Wendling.
Florida — 13 yr old with criminal history shoots officer in the foot.
Sheriff, fed up with media policy not to show underage criminals, goes off piste (first few mins):
Camera closes in to avoid images of vermin ….
Totally incredible.
BBC1 6 pm news comes live from Liverpool and the first story is the build up to the Eurovision Song Contest.
A stupefying yet informative example of what the brainless BBC considers as headline news.
I think the vacuous EU song thingy is really high BBC . It is a surrogate for being in the EU – full of self loving kidults – various brand of queer – worshipping talentless celebrity .
I’m sure if the BBC could – they make it a weekly – if not daily thing – I had to ‘off switch ‘ today as usual as they put in a big plug for it . I’m sure many involved in it will be familiar with plugs … but maybe some won’t …
This evening’s The Archers (R4 7:02 pm) was dreadful, with a stupid contrived story about where the talentless Rylan was going to stay the night. He’s in Ambridge for the village’s own Eurovision cringe-fest. Caricature busybody Lynda Snell and one of the Brookfield Archers ended up in a row about hosting him. In the end, he decided to go elsewhere, so their squabbling resulted in neither getting the reflected glory. Pathetic and embarrassing.
Just to keep things real, the episode closed with “stabby” Helen getting a crank phone call (probably from her ex, the controlling Rob Titchydick or whatever his name is).
God, I hate myself for listening to this load of horse apples!
Totally incredible. If unsurprising.
‘Goes’ mental?
Why does the BBC keep getting the guy on, he asks, rhetorically.
Step back a bit . Mad Campbell is his own brand . The producers know how he will behave – also – they agree with anything he says as they are all Blair disciples .
But … just maybe he is going to say or behave in such a way as to get himself cancelled … I was gonna write ‘blacklisted’ but that might trigger triggers ….
Waiting for Mad Al to kick off is a bit like watching the late Rod Hull and his Emu. You just know the bird is going to peck out at someone sooner or later, it’s what it does and why it’s there. Campbell should never appear on TV again, if he really has “mental problems” and can’t behave.
It is a bit strange that they still give him airtime -maybe it’s the ‘personality ‘ thing – a sort of lefty answer to Clarkson – with added magic depressive behaviour ….
Mind you Clarkson never helped start an illegal war by lying to us ….
BTW – I’ve said it before here – but if you are looking for a treat – the x2 series of Clarkson’ farm on Amazon are a real treat ….
Global “elites” and the rest of their puppets:
Millions of pension savers’ personal data targeted in Capita hack
Russian-linked criminals hit 350 funds in biggest ever pension hack.
Telegraph today on the cyber attack where thr BBC is involved as a ‘corporate ‘client’.. CAPITAS ‘collects’ BBC TV licenses that are ‘behind’ in payment and hand out the threatening letters on behalf of the BBC across the UK.
In addition :”Personal data belonging to millions of retirement savers were targeted by hackers after more than 300 pension funds were hit by the Russian-linked cyber attack on IT outsourcer Capita.”
Industry sources said the March cyber attack affected up to 350 corporate retirement schemes across the UK, making it the largest such hack in British history.
…Stolen data published on the dark web was deleted last week, raising concerns the company may have paid a ransom to the hackers. Capita told investors earlier this month that it was setting aside between £15m and £20m to cover costs arising from the cyber attack.
The IT outsourcer (CAPITA) holds billions of pounds in government and private sector contracts, including a £456m deal to collect the BBC TV licence fee, providing training to the Royal Navy, and offering back office IT services to NHS GP surgeries across the UK.
The fact that the BBC were involved in a Russian ransom, along with several other big Corporate names means that a big ransom has been paid to avoid a High Court case which would alert the general public that their names, address and personal details have been bought and sold on the dark web cyberspace. They would pay A LOT to keep that quiet!
You won’t hear a word of this on the BBC. After all, the BBC would claim THEY are the real victim here, not the loss of your personal ID or your name and details being sold on the ‘dark web’, for a long line of ‘twisters’ and ‘fraudsters’ to emerge based on details the BBC have and NHS records. So beware, this may be the only public info to emerge officially.
Time for the weekend thread – last week the BBC covered a lot of people dressing up and strutting their stuff …. This weekend it’s the same – but different ….. and super Kidult Woke ….