The coming week will see an announcement that in the last 2 years as many as 1,250,000 people have arrived in the Uk – including
750 000 in the last year . This must be wonderful news for the BBC – so many more licence fees … items about the country falling apart …because of too many people ….
Weekend 13 May 2023
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What an exasperating parade of non-jobs….
Yes, the EU is in fact a business with the power to create job positions, set salary levels, decide who will be recruited and who will not. They don’t have to concern themselves with such things as profitability as they just demand whatever they need from EU member countries.
It’s quite possibly the most staggering con ever pulled on the people of this planet to line the pockets of massive numbers of fake jobs.
There used to be a saying that as a middle manager, the best thing you can do to prop up your career is to employ lots of meaningless staff under you to make you more important.
The EU is a the living breathing embodiment of this gigantic con.
I really think we need a reckoning and thank god we are at least some distance from it now albeit lots of loonies woukd like to see us back in its shackles.
Food and Farming:
It is happening in the UK too. The government is obsessed with re-wilding and nitrogen (don’t they understand the atmosphere is 78% nitrogen). But the nitrogen inputs (ie fertiliser) is being linked to climate change (you have noticed how hot this spring has been in the UK?). Farmers in the UK want to grow food to feed people, it is their job. However the civil servants in London (and probably the politicians too) are so obsessed with climate change and with their links to such people as Bill Gates, that they seem to have forgotten that people need food. The yield of crops such as wheat, barley and oil seed rape in the UK continues to grow and the land doesn’t look sick. What the land does need is fertiliser and the obsession of banning it seems to be coming from somewhere but from the same direction as the EU.
There has been a consultation over the last few weeks put out by DEFRA about the future of farming and climate change. In typical way of empty consultation, it was only open for a couple or so weeks. I didn’t go and have a look because if it is like other consultations I have tried to respond to, it will have questions with multiple choice answers, which are all loaded questions.
if only she was prepared to personally endure the consequences of her idiocy…
£80 k salary + £200k expenses for a catastrophically dim bint like that … what a bargain huh?
Is she the one who wants the speed limit cut from 20 to 10 ?
tomo. this is nearly a decade old, might be an idea to give an indication you are posting years old statements.
Yes Please declare old stuff so I don’t have to read it – same with repeat stuff – please
ha! – some (inadvertent, apols – yes she’s the slooow >> 10mph MP) political archeology … do you reckoned they’ve upped their game during the intervening time?
Is Starmer better than the then freshly elected leader Corbyn?
Lord God – the headline in the Daily telegraph is ‘bbc criticised for EUvision sound which may have cost the UK entry ….
Lord God x2
Urgent question in the commons ? Speaker to summons PM to explain ? Public inquiry ? Get Sue grey out of starmers’ bec to be ‘independent ‘ …. ?
EUvision to be re run to get right result ?
I watched some of the ‘song’ contest for the first time in many many years. To begin with, there were no songs, just noise. There was nothing that you would be humming the day after. Most countries gave us a spectacular light display but whether that was directed by each country or decided by the host country, I haven’t a clue. Several acts were of young women writhing around on the floor but not really in a sexual manner although their low cut tops did seem to allow their bosoms to defy gravity. One set of male performers were in their underwear (loose grey Yfronts are really not very sexy) and the German performers were in clothes so tight that nothing was left to the imagination although again, tight red lurex is not alluring. There was the band with the dwarf playing pan pipes, not sure how that quite fitted with the equality and diversity requirements but was quite amusing. Hannah Waddington was very Junoesque and was perhaps a passible substitute for Katy Boyle. I am not sure why the UK singer came second to last as she was neither better nor worse than the other below average sounds. Maybe she didn’t get many votes because people were aware that she wasn’t very loyal to the country she was representing.
But as far as the sound costing the UK some votes, even if it did, it wouldn’t have taken the UK entry into a winning position – so perhaps questions in parliament is an additional waste of time.
“Labour considers extending voting rights to EU citizens”
Is Labour testing the water on re joining the EU? Don’t all their idiots know that it was the ‘Red Wall’ that got us out of the EU seven years ago ?
The Welsh Labour Party want votes for eggs and sperm.
The Senedd already has unicellular organisms on comfy leather chairs.
It’s a dangerous game to play because there could be an offshoot from the Labour Party – a full EU party made up on non British MPs – just like the SNP ….
German energy crisis
Germany has suddenly realised this and is now getting friendly the Ukraine, ie jumping on the bandwagon.
In Germany nicking heat pumps is now a thing – insurance companies apparently not interested
‘Something’ tells me that Conservative MPs are reading this site also Lord Frosty is heading for a job as an MP. IMHO He would best join Reform UK.
Taffman – I didn’t know there were any Conservative MPs . I don’t think they’d have time to read stuff because they’d be far too busy taking bungs from South Korean fictional companies and any one else they can get £10k a day from .
Also – they’ll be busy looking for a new job after they are quite rightly thrown out of politics for being totally out of touch with the Right wingers who were stupid enough to vote for them .
It looks like the ex PM is gonna get a slap for some deceit and then his ‘honours list ‘ – and truss – will get done – presumably in mid summer when no one important takes any notice ….
I am afraid the cracks are beginning to show now with the Consocialists , when it does crumble I urge all readers that want BREXIT done, to look to Reform UK .
They will “stop the boats”!
I would like Lord Frost to become an MP ( … and lead the Conservative Party as PM) but I don’t think it is possible. If I recall correctly he is a Life Peer and there is no provision for Life Peers to resign. Hereditary, yes. Life Peer, no.
I think he may have already’ stood down ‘ from the Lords – ….
With a million illegal immigrants a year all allowed to vote (Labour) and the franchise age reduced to primary school children
Will there be any actual British taxpayers left in the country to pay for it all?
Questiion: Anything to do the TONY BLAIR INSTITUTE FOR GLOBAL CHANGE ?
I see trans cartoon robots are now a thing…
Poetry – dude
BBC do like posing questions.
Possibly less keen on the answers.
This is so strange. That the BBC are pretty much the only anti-Israel MSM out there.
Pretty sure the one on the left is Tim Pool.
The BBC does have a bunker.
BBC going to get her and Mad Al to co present Newsnight?
The full pic shows “The cull the Tories” line
Then they replied with “Yeh but newspapers like the-i have headline like “cull the cabinet” so we are OK
Her 4 years ago ..saying threats are ubacceptable
Her other tweets where she condemns threats and invokes Jo Cox etc.
Interesting – bit too old to be a kidult airhead so maybe it’s just a mental problem …. I think a lot of people would change their tune if they had seen a lot of death ….
2017 Rayners husband also suggested slaughtering the Tories
A beaver cull on the opposition front bench wouldn’t go amiss although it does keep the flies away from the Tories packed lunches
TWotWeeeeeeeeee Watch #1 – oh, the irony …..
Donny ‘Dalek’ Jymond is in Istanbul for the Turkish General Election. President Erdogan is unpopular and trailling in the polls and may lose to Kemal Kilicdaroglu. I am informed by the 7 a.m. News as well as Jonny in Istanbul that Kemal Kilicdaroglu has called for his supporters to watch out for Election corruption and ‘ballot stuffing’.
Of course, the BBC were happy to turn a blind eye to that in the USA Presidential Election in 2020 and deny, to this day, that it happened.
“mental health”
“women in farming”
…”So inspiring” says the North London audience they cater to
A friend passed on a message today from a Country-file producer encouraging people to watch tonight. The BBC person in question was at a private school in Hampstead. I am sure they are well qualified on rural matters.
Deborah incredible coincidence, in my post I originally wrote “Hampstead audience” and then later changed it to North London
Aren’t we so lucky to have the BBC to explain the world to us?
Seen a bit of the BAFTAs. I never realised between 30 and 50% of the country was BAME.
But a word of caution. There seem to be a lot more B than ME in the UK entertainment industry. Surely a campaign should be started.
Update. Make that 50-70%.
Black and Female Televisual Adulation
Black Knives do
Watching “The Tragedy of Macbeth” on BBC Four.
I have many gripes about modern theatre. But I shall confine myself to two regarding this play. Race and Accents.
Race: One of the witches is black. I keep seeing productions of Macbeth in which only one of the witches is black. Why only one? Macbeth himself calls them “secret, black and midnight hags”. It would make sense to have all three played by black actresses. But that never happens. It must be racist or something to have all three witches as black.
Duncan is white but his son Malcolm is black. That is of course nonsense historically. But this is theatre where anything can happen. So could there be a theatrical reason for such casting? I don’t see one.
Accents: I have no objection to any accent being used in Shakespeare. We have a huge variety of accents. Let’s make use of them. As long as they make sense within the play. But English, Scottish and Irish accents appear all over this play and not necessarily in the places you would expect. Macbeth and Banquo are Scots but they sound too proletarian. Keelies trying to talk posh. They don’t convince as noblemen. Doesn’t sound right to this Scottish theatregoer and Shakespeare expert. Why is there never any attempt to match the social markers of modern day accents to the aristocratic characters of the play?
The answer, I think, is in the flawed woke attitude to everything. Wokes, who dominate the theatre, don’t like distinctions or anything that might suggest superiority or inferiority. There is no such thing as race in their way of thinking. They believe that Britons have always been black since the days of Cheddar Man. And every accent is just as good as every other accent. They believe it is wrong to make judgements about people’s social origins or educational attainments from their accents. So you can cast anybody in any role and the audience is not supposed to notice anything about the skimble-skamble directing that offends our eyes or grates on our ears or doesn’t make sense in the real worlds that either exist today or existed in the past.
Wonder if Spike would have been invited to the Coronation:
Proper comedian, off the cuff, no written speech, not woke. Wouldn’t be on the beeb now. Having said that I do believe he was born in India.
Time to run the Pakistani darlek sketch – which for some could be the high spot of the weekend …. Or the South Africa Airlines stewardess sketch – which takes comedy to a new height ….
With that ladies and gentlemen and trolls and BBC types having a sneaky peak – brings us to a new thread ….thanks for the comments …
A few last words of wisdom – never by anything with ‘beko’ on it – tell your friends ….
This evening, the night of 16/17 May is the 80th anniversary of Operation Chastise, the famous ‘Dambusters Raid’.
53 of the 133 aircrew failed to return.
I wonder what these brave airmen would think of the Britain of today.
A country where the national broadcaster seems to belittle British values. A country where stabbings hardly make the news. A country where our inner cities have been changed beyond recognition by large scale immigration. A country where ‘professionals’ such as doctors and nurses go on strike. A country where speakers can be ‘de-platformed’ if minority groups disagree with their views. A country where there is a housing shortage, food banks and where, in some areas, it is difficult to get an appointment with a doctor or dentist.
A country where none of the main political parties represents the views of many of the electorate.
Heaven forbid that our young men are ever called to fight another war but I wonder whether today’s 20 year olds would respond to being ordered – no choice – to carry out something like Operation Chastise.
At the going down of the sun, we WILL remember them.
Yes Alf Yes .