Birmingham boy killed in grenade explosion in Swedish apartment
This article is more than 6 years old
Yuusuf Warsame, eight, was visiting family in Gothenburg when projectile was thrown into flat in possible gang-related attack
This article is more than 6 years old
Birmingham boy killed in grenade explosion in Swedish apartment
This article is more than 6 years old
Yuusuf Warsame, eight, was visiting family in Gothenburg when projectile was thrown into flat in possible gang-related attack
Frances Perraudin and agencies
Tue 23 Aug 2016 14.16 BST
An eight-year-old schoolboy from Birmingham has been killed after a grenade was thrown into an apartment where he was sleeping in Sweden.
Yuusuf Warsame was visiting family in Gothenburg when the explosive was thrown by an unidentified attacker through a window of the third-floor apartment early on Monday. He died from his injuries in his mother’s arms on the way to hospital. The attack has been linked to a gangland feud.
Big award news on the home page at the weekend: “Green bread is crowned Britain’s best loaf.” Ah a classic example of British bakery… just happens to go by the name ‘Brioche Japonais’.
“Miyo Aoetsu now runs Kuma-San Bakehouse professionally from her home in Matlock, supplying local businesses and baking loaves for customers to collect. Her award-winning loaf was inspired by her Japanese heritage and also her time living in France.”
And I’d put £20 on the far-right Hovis taking gold. More fool me.
“She said she was “very excited” to win awards for her Brioche Japanois because it reflected her Japanese culture and identity.”
Like many of the most delicious bakery products, brioche bread comes from France. It’s debated where exactly in France it originated, but it has a long tradition all over France, particularly in the Normandy region.
Technical hitch here, In the old thread my BiasedBBC page went completely white so I had to work in an incognito window
.. Probably some cache error or cos I had been using High Contrast app
Anyways the new thread is working fine
Funnily enough the old thread chose to subscribe me to it and kept sending me emails saying it had a new comment. I could not unsubscribe : it was telling me my email was not the right one.
Back to normal now for me too .. software gremlins must have nibbled the last thread.
In other words, they are not going to do it! Did they ever plan to do it ? Change the government and “stop the boats”! We are being betrayed by a bunch of jokers .
Just catching up on Eurovision results and immediately see people are claiming it’s fixed because the winner kept her microphone on after her performance ready for doing it again after she won.
They claim it’s fixed so they can have a big extravanganza in Sweden next year on the 50th anniversary of Abba winning.
My only concern is that these people actually think it’s NOT fixed !!. Of course it is : it’s the most corrupt show there is. It sums up the Left, the EU and the BBC perfectly to me. No scruples whatsoever : 100% agenda.
I watched the winning song and it is rubbish. Definitely not a winning song. So I then watched the one everybody says should have won from Finland and as bad as it was, it did make me laugh – especially the grinning idiots dressed in pink.
None of this reported by the BBC of course because from what I can gather, they have funded this one to the tune to tens of millions of pounds. Which – in the true spirit of the event – gives us free entry to the grand final without having to be any good.
And of course they love to see us humiliated by the Europeans again.
Just been looking at the UK entry and was somewhat stunned to discover it is an nasty misandrist piece Beyonce would be proud of.
Basically it’s a woman venting spite on hey boyfirend who cheated on her.
I wondered how on earth such a song from such an unpleasant woman could be picked. So I checked and here it is:
‘Muller was selected as the 2023 UK entrant by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in collaboration with record label TaP Music and their management company.’
Checking around, it seems the other entries are all chosen by a National competition. But the arrogant BBC seem to have decided THEY should choose ours !!. And look at the result. Why is nobody criticising them for it ?.
Another subtle form of Leftist fascism. Why do I suspect those who chose it were mostly women ?.
‘TAP FUTURES is the not-for-profit philanthropic arm of TaP, built on our core belief that diversity within the creative, entertainment and sports industries is enriching for all.’
Anybody else rememeber the “A Song For Europe” contest, held solely to choose our entry? In 1967 Sandie Shaw sang six songs (one a week) on The Rolf Harris Show (whatever happened to him?) and Puppet On A String won the public vote. It might still have been a stitch up then, but at least it was not so obvious.
Martin & Coulter, both with a string of hit songs. I thought it had been written by Jackie de Shannon, another successful song writer, and had to resort to the interwebby to check on my memory.
Talking of gay fests I was in a restaurant yesterday, mostly full of normal couples except one, two “girls” blatantly snogging and cuddling, but with their attention on everyone else.
I got the distinct impression they were hoping for some disapproval as they kept scanning the room.
I have rarely, if ever, seen normal hetero couple behave like this in public but, in Cambridge especially, see more and more behaviour like this from gays, I suspect, so they can run to the bbc with a story about victimhood.
It is simple provocation IMO, from nasty people like the below, who attacked a woman and her husband filming the altercation.
The victim had the nerve to complain to her server in Starbucks about the fact they would not take cash for a coffee, this “thing” interrupted her and the woman said
“I was not talking to you I was talking to this lady”
The thing then attacked her on the premise that “this lady” apparently “identified as a man” which made the complainant “transphobic” thus ripe to be attacked by this thing.
See below, for a video taken by the husband of this thing in action, a prime example of how our society has degraded :
EXCLUSIVE Woman, 55, accused by trans Starbucks manager of being ‘transphobic’ says she feared for her life when she was thrown out of cafe ‘for calling non-binary employee “lady”‘
When I worked night shift at Gatwick airport I caught the train home in the morning after the pride event in Brighton one year and two flouncing queens were going up and down the carriages yelling how they’ve had a great time over the weekend, when they got to me they told me to cheer up and I replied “after cleaning shitty toilets on planes all night I think I’m entitled to have a nap on the way home without two cats screeching “ fair play to them as they shut up. Could have been the smell of aero clean which was foul though.
Saying she feared for her life is a blatant lie of the Daily Mail which have been running daily anti trannie stories.
She argued back vociferously and at no time did she ever display any sign of fear.
A horrific entitled stoodent type who has been able to get away with this behaviour in yooni suddenly finds the baseless accusations no longer work in the real world.
Cost of living
War in Ukraine
etc etc
Why does the bbc have to prioritise these heading. Does Climate for example need to be there ALL the time, can’t people just look up what they want to see. Guess that speaks volumes for the bbc and what propaganda it wants the public to see ALL the time
Its a wonder the likes of the bBC has time for anything else, its all about Ukraine, and what they can get out of us. Shame the British military is short of equipment, but with the invaders arriving in their 100,000’s thousands we dont really need an armed force anymore 🙁
Fresh from the EUsong contest and BAFDAs The Ukrainian comedian is here for lots of photo opportunities and lots of borrowed taxpayers money to pay for his war .
( retired ) General Sir Richard Shiriff – interviewed by meesh – he wants us – nato – to take on Russia – sounded very Colonel Blimp – perhaps for Russian consumption .
Come on – give the Ukrainian our military aircraft – don’t worry they’ve promised not to attack Russia and get the full scale war going .
Maybe the general wants to give them our nuclear weapons as well – he was speaking from his bunker in NZ ….
Jonnie Turkey – the narrative is written that the election in Turkey was / is / going to be ‘stolen ‘ by the current chap . Election cheating apparently –
Time for the BBC to do its usual ‘ there is no evidence for this ‘ or the ‘false claims ‘prefix applied to president trump …. ?
But I think I lost my 50p bet on erdugon ( or is that the man citeh striker ?)
I’ve decided I’m not ‘early middle age’,any more I’m just ‘old ‘. This is because I looked at a report on the BAFTAs and don’t recognise any of the programmes or indeed the actors – apart from’ Derry Girls ‘ which went one series too far ….
Or maybe I’m not ‘old ‘ I just don’t bother with TV anymore.
Apparent the BBC cut out political comments by presenters and winners –
I noticed what didn’t win anything was a series called “The Responder” which was very good but it showed the stresses and difficulties that the police on the ground go through and the main character was white, I should’ve guessed that it wouldn’t get anything.
There was a scene in ‘The Responder’ where a (white) drug-dealer
– a vicious, knife-wielding, low-life thug – cornered a black policewoman and hurled every kind of insult at her. And yet not one word of this torrent of abuse was race-based. Amazing!
These non-stories pushed to the top by the BBC always worry me because it means they know something is going on and want to make sure we are all thinking in-line with their agenda by hyping the topic up before it happens.
I have a feeling the big offensive is not going very well and people are going to start asking why we are giving Ukraine so much when the only effect is that hundered of thousands more die in the process – and Zelensky is starting to panic.
Out of the mouths of babes, or the young turks edition
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror this morning boasts: Starmer Exclusive – some coup, eh? Well, to be fair of late he’s usually seen running first to the socialism-curious Times newspaper to give his interviews.
Call election now and let Labour save Britain (Mirror) – so says the piggy-eyed personality by-pass stuffed shirt former lawyer now taking his cues direct from Tony Blair
Save Britain from what, precisely?
Economic recession self-inflicted by Lockdowns and our boomerang sanctions Proxy War with Russia – each disastrously misguided policy fully supported in opposition by one Sir Keir Starmer?
And Starmer’s big idea is… Outrage over Labour plan to ‘reopen Brexit’ (Daily Express) – of course the arch-Remainer Sir Keir is being pretty consistent here since we recall he campaigned so vigourously against our Brexit vote and in favour of a re-run vote.
I suppose cosying up to Brussels might alleviate somewhat the EU punishment regime they continue to wield against us – everything from making us pay for that Eurovision show, then trashing us with nil points – facilitating the Channel dinghy invaders – to turning the economic screws whenever and wherever possible: Clearing houses – which reduce market risk by standing between two parties in a trade – have been a key battleground since Brexit… but the EU is intent on moving the clearing… to the continent as soon as it is practical to do so. (FT)
There comes a point where one reluctantly gives in to the protection racketeers – just for a bit of peace and quiet.
“Making Your Mind Up” sang Bucks Fizz in 1981
Seems our minds are to made up for us…
Starmer to use EU citizens to ‘rig’ polls… millions of European workers in UK – AND British teenagers… (Daily Mail)
Ah, the wisdom of the young, eh?
It’s a theme made explicit in the BBC-approved left-leaning youth-orientated ‘i’ newspaper this morning: Young voters plea for hope in Turkey…
To borrow, and to slightly adjust, a line from 1970s TV game show host Hughie Green: Remember kids, it’s your votes that count…!
Save Britain’s rivers – so says: Brian May ‘We’re in danger of drowning in our own effluent’ (‘i’) – our own effluent, or the excess strain put on our infrastructure by the sudden addition of millions of new arrivals’ effluent?
Remarkably this whiggish liberal old rocker with his amazing grey locks looks the very image of George Frederick Handel (You’ll have heard his hit track Zadok the Priest during the Coronation) or somesuch other grand bewigged eighteenth century bigwig of the type one used to see on the back of banknotes.
Mr AsI enjoys harping on (harpsichording on?) hereabouts about how Lockdown demoralised the workforce.
Britons will forget how to work, says Braverman (Times) – so who’s fault is that then?
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
Last updated
9 April 2020 — See all updates
Great fun – the talk of 700 000 plus ‘new people ‘ to the UK in 2022 meets the huge achievement of the emir of londonistan that he is building 120 000 across 5? Years …. So do the math(s)
The emir was quizzed by meesh about the tedious arrest of Republican protesters at the king thing – looks like someone in the BBC has pals in ‘republic ‘
I just hope the next time green lefty crapsters decide to close the m25 they get the full 48 hour bang up – followed by ‘time ‘ followed by a civil action to destroy them …
Bradford population
The Office for National Statistics published the mid-2021 population estimates on 21 December 2022 and these update the population estimates from the 2021 Census.
The mid-2021 results show that Bradford has a total population of 547,000 – an increase of 4,800 (0.9%) people since the mid-2020 population estimates were published and an increase of 600 people since the 2021 census results were published.
The population consists of 48.5% male and 51.5% female.
Giving votes to youngsters as young as 16 seems to be an accepted left wing tactic. The Scottish and Welsh Councils (Parliament’s) have done it for obvious reasons. Get them young, SNP, Labour and Plaid youth.
There’s no way sixteen year olds have maturity or any idea how the World works or understands finance or politics. It’s simply a ruse for Socialists to brainwash kids into voting for them. I actually think 18 is too young, 30 is more like it. By 30 people will have been employed and had some life experience.
Give votes to aborted fetus. They may be less inclined to vote for parties supporting mass murder. Der Starmer would not approve because gerrrymandering is in their DNA.
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
If ever the great British public realise that so much is crap because of an extra 10 million people they might really really get … quite upset … where’s the remote ?
Let’s hear it for Miss Enfield – PC Rasvinder Agalliu, 45 whose drug dealer husband is to be sentenced for running a drug import business Monday .
The piece in the mail about doesn’t say whether PC Rasvinder Agalliu has been charged or is still in the met plod .
But nothing surprises ….
This is a better story than that of NHS doctors snooping on the medical records of people they are ‘interested in ‘ – although having no legitimate reason for doing so …. I wonder if they sell the information ?
The Indian Express
“Punjabi-origin London cop says she didn’t know her Albanian husband was a drug lord”
The Sun
“Inside lavish life of model cop who claimed she didn’t know her husband was a drug dealer while they drove £70k Audi”
Old LBC report
“A police officer and beauty queen has been kicked off the force after being arrested for dealing drugs, when fellow officers found a cannabis farm on a raid of her former address
PC Rasvinder Agalliu, based in west London, was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs on June 25, 2020.
Officers raided her home and found class A drugs, drugs paraphernalia, and a large quantity of cash.”
“She was dismissed on Tuesday after an internal police investigation – but will not be charged because of a lack of evidence, police said.”
She was a police woman for 17 years
How corrupt and incompetent can the police system be ?
MIGRANT TRAGEDY Romanian poster boy for immigration Victor Spirescu who was met at the airport by Keith Vaz is killed in Buckinghamshire car crash
His distraught fiancée has paid tribute to the ‘most wonderful man on the planet’
Phoebe Cooke
Published: 21:41, 16 Jan 2018Updated: 17:10, 17 Jan 2018
I think it beats the miss whiplash one who ran some pay to view porn thing when she should have been investigating the flasher who turned out to be the killer of Sarah everard … a certain PC cousins – oops …. Hears to diversity and gender equality and crap plod …
On Saturday BBC news did mention the Turkish election
I didn’t hear them mention any possibility of a runoff if the vote was close.
Now the stories do talk of a runoff.
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
An activist climate scientist admits to regular meetings with Twitter's head of sustainability to ensure "trusted (climate) information was pushed to the top" of the platform while problematic folks like @jordanbpeterson were suppressed.
Extinction Rebellion donor leads world’s top-performing hedge fund
This article is more than 1 year old
Chris Hohn’s TCI fund, known as one of the most aggressive activist investors, made a 23% gain in 2021
Hedge fund manager Sir Chris Hohn once made a point of telling a high court judge that he was an “unbelievable moneymaker”. This week Hohn proved his point – definitively – when it was revealed that he paid himself just shy of £1m-a-day last year.
Hohn collected $479m (£343m) in annual dividend payments from his The Children’s Investment (TCI) fund in the biggest ever personal payday in the UK after doubling profits at his Mayfair hedge fund, run from an office a couple of doors down from Louis Vuitton’s flagship store.
In 2009 Middlesex County Cricket Club in England changed their name from the Middlesex Crusaders to the Panthers after receiving “one or two” complaints from Muslim and Jewish communities.17 Mar 2019
E-mail this to a friend Printable version Jail toilets face away from Mecca
Facilities in a prison are being built so Muslim inmates do not have to face Mecca while sitting on the toilet.
The Home Office said two new toilet blocks are being installed as part of a refurbishment at Brixton jail in south London.
Faith leaders had told prison bosses it was unacceptable for Muslim inmates to face Mecca while using the toilet.
“The refurbishment has been carried out with due consideration for all faiths”, a Home Office spokeswoman said.
“Following consultation with faith leaders within the prison, various small adjustments were made to ensure the faith issues of all prisoners are taken into account.”
She added: “The money spent did not affect the overall cost of the refurbishment programme.”
and they’re going to get less say in how that’s done….?
BREAKING — Conference on the Future of Europe approves radical overhaul of the EU: end of unanimity, abolishment of veto’s, launch of Joint Armed Forces of the Union, transnational lists and many other reforms…
I just noticed the diversity wool being pulled a little more over our eyes.
Over the years I am sure we have all been badgered on TV to send dosh to help rescue working donkeys being horribly abused by usually darker skinned foreigners and often covered in horrific wounds and scars etc.
This morning I just witnessed the “new” rewrite to push the new narrative. In the latest incarnation the donkeys injuries are mysterious and ignored and the people who own them just want some cash to help look after them. Lots of dusky children stroking and caring for the animals.
So the donkeys were never overworked and abused by their owners, now the injuries etc, just sort of magically happen somehow.
Stopping these people from doing this is therefore not required any longer whereas your cash donations still are.
Hah…probably a directive from OFCOM was issued….the joys of diversity and seekers of truth!
National FGM Support Clinics
-Female genital mutilation (FGM)
National FGM Support Clinics
National FGM Support Clinics (NFGMSCs) are community-based clinics that offer a range of support services for women with female genital mutilation (FGM).
The service is free to access for anyone who’s eligible for NHS care.
Is this service available for females who have been brainwashed into believing they can be turned into males through surgery and have had their dangly bits hacked about?
Anecdotal evidence:
Shouted by a colleague above the noise of the machines at our place of work some years ago.
Red-faced and furious, he told me that the Pakistani who worked near me had just showed him a video on his phone that he thought was hilarious. The video was of a donkey being pushed off a bridge to its death, for a joke, by Pakistani youths.
Pretty sure that concern for animals is a British thing that doesn’t trouble people in the Third World.
Some questions for the regulars to consider: is the Guardian Media Group in financial trouble? Are they cutting back on their print output, including their deliveries direct to the BBC? Are they considering a move to ‘on-line only’ ?
Daniel, not a strange question at all. The Guardian has been missing from the BBC Blog, ‘The Papers’, and last weekend the Observer was missing from the Sunday papers.
It is usually the Sun that is missing – as today – or the Mail or Express.
New funding to protect BBC World Service language services
The government awarded the BBC World Service £20 million to support language services and English-language broadcasting, as part of the Integrated Review refresh.
Woman wey take her hand, pack her poo-poo comot di toilet of man wey she dey friend because ”e no gree flush” enter trouble, after she go try collect di poo-poo back.
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
Sluff – why did they (NGOs?) burn the rubber boats (environmentally a bad idea) when they could just rip a hole in the middle to sink it?
Britain’s youngest new billionaire receives MBE
30-year-old Ben Francis is the founder of Gymshark and Britain’s youngest new billionaire.
The company was launched in 2012 by Ben and his friend when they couldn’t find the bodybuilding gear they wanted to wear when training.
Gymshark is a UK-based fitness apparel and accessories brand that produces its products in various locations around the world. The company uses a global supply chain network to manufacture its products, which includes factories in countries such as China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Turkey.
What a pleasure it was to hear John Redwood on Toady this morning.
The presenter, Remainin I think, kept interrupting of course but Redwood kept to a simple line. If there are 700,000 nett immigrants every year, and an existing housing crisis, then where are they all going to live? Remainin sounded cross but also strangely flummoxed.
I have no answers but two comments. In Londonistan, a lot of houses are having their garages converted into rooms, in addition to large extensions and sometimes even garden bungalows.
And if Labour get in, presumably all over the age of about 10 will be given a vote.
Query of the day. Our ‘how to vote’ forms from the council come in about 10 languages, many of which do not use the normal European alphabet. So how do the recipients of these decide who to vote for if they cannot understand written and presumably also spoken English?
> If there are 700,000 nett immigrants every year, and an existing housing crisis, then where are they all going to live?
Perhaps they’ll offer a discount on council tax if you have any spare rooms. Or, more likely impose penalties on your council tax if you have unused bedrooms in your house. Or, to cut to the chase: if your house is not as diverse as current adverts suggest then you are racist and deserve to have it forced upon you.
Always good to see a taxpayer subsidised nationalised industry performing up to its usual standard of customer service.
‘Our jobs are rock solid, we don’t need to give a stuff for the paying public’
“TEN Pound Proms viewers have ‘switched off’ after the drama’s ‘deeply offensive’ premiere.”
“Taking to social media, one fan blasted: “Giving up on #TenPoundPoms Production values are poor and script predictable. International direct dialling from Australia in the 50s? She’ll be sending a fax to her mam next…” ”
This is defintely correct, particularly the angry cops bit. Gartcosh are fuming. The massive corruption of the Crown Office – both in who they prosecute and who they do not prosecute – is a huge problem. Entirely politicised. Hence police problems with the Hate Crime Act.
Apparently Erdogan has been contacting the SNP to get some ideas to fix the Turkish election. He was surprised to be advised that Turkey isn’t the most corrupt Country in the World.
Some of the participants at the rally, crippled or bereaved by the vaccines, will be familiar to you from their appearances on The Mark Steyn Show over the last year-and-a-half, but the new GB News, mired in Tories’n’trivia, now dismisses them as “crazy conspiracy theorists”.
That’s the Ofcom Effect, as enforced by Lord Grade, Dame Melanie Dawes and their shadowy commissars. I note, by the way, that, say what you will about Canada’s execrable “human rights” tribunals, but their censors were at least obliged to put their names to their rulings. At Ofcom, the all-powerful judges are anonymous: what a disgrace to English law.
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
OFCOM Rule: On ‘NO’ account should any journalist report on these documents. These Pfizer vaccine safety documents are supposed to be secret for the next 55 years. OFCOM condemns the Texan judge who ordered the premature release of these documents. The nice trusted people at Pfizer told OFCOM that their mRNA vaccines are ‘Safe & Effective’. So therefore OFCOM will punish anyone who disagrees with what Pfizer told OFCOM and the health authorities. Members of OFCOM have heart felt trust in Pfizer, and all have had lots of jabs from and kisses for the boss of Pfizer, Albert Bourla. So if an Israeli criminologist says Pfizer is a criminal organisation, then OFCOM will punish Andrew Bridgen MP.
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
BBC can’t get enough of Zelenski hugging Sunak cheek to cheek.
No mention of reports of spikes in radiation in Ukraine. After Russian missiles pulverised an ammunition depot.
Depleted uranium shells that us lovely Brits donated being the culprit.
Who knows the truth..
Some Indian news coverage on it.
“Married Calais Jungle charity chief ‘who had a year-long affair with toyboy Tunisian she met in the camp’ steps down after she pepper sprayed a refugee and threatened to drag female volunteer ‘by the f*****g hair’
The charity also received a complaint in 2018 about another member of staff who was alleged to have been ‘rude, unwelcoming, abrupt, argumentative and generally very unpleasant’ towards volunteers, leading Care4Calais to say it was ‘concerned and upset’ to hear the reports.”
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
First! So have done better than the silly little girl representing the uk in the Eurovision!
Winning is losing.
That surely relates to Government Petitions and what results………
We beat the Germans. Again
Good on you.
Last time I watched Eurovision Abba won with Waterloo.
Those were the days my friends.
Anyway for those of us without TVs who won?
Penny Mordaunt I believe.
Sweden –
Birmingham boy killed in grenade explosion in Swedish apartment
This article is more than 6 years old
Yuusuf Warsame, eight, was visiting family in Gothenburg when projectile was thrown into flat in possible gang-related attack
This article is more than 6 years old
Birmingham boy killed in grenade explosion in Swedish apartment
This article is more than 6 years old
Yuusuf Warsame, eight, was visiting family in Gothenburg when projectile was thrown into flat in possible gang-related attack
Frances Perraudin and agencies
Tue 23 Aug 2016 14.16 BST
An eight-year-old schoolboy from Birmingham has been killed after a grenade was thrown into an apartment where he was sleeping in Sweden.
Yuusuf Warsame was visiting family in Gothenburg when the explosive was thrown by an unidentified attacker through a window of the third-floor apartment early on Monday. He died from his injuries in his mother’s arms on the way to hospital. The attack has been linked to a gangland feud.
Big award news on the home page at the weekend: “Green bread is crowned Britain’s best loaf.” Ah a classic example of British bakery… just happens to go by the name ‘Brioche Japonais’.
“Miyo Aoetsu now runs Kuma-San Bakehouse professionally from her home in Matlock, supplying local businesses and baking loaves for customers to collect. Her award-winning loaf was inspired by her Japanese heritage and also her time living in France.”
And I’d put £20 on the far-right Hovis taking gold. More fool me.
Looks disgusting to me – shouldn’t the mold be on the outside of the loaf?
My thoughts exactly, definitely a case of mouldy old dough but bound to be a big hit with Green voters.
Cue this top 20 hit from yesteryear
Reached No.1 in the UK charts, Bulldog; Mae Muller still, to the best of my knowledge, languishing at #30!
Terminal Moraine
Tick box?
BRITISH – erased …
“She said she was “very excited” to win awards for her Brioche Japanois because it reflected her Japanese culture and identity.”
Like many of the most delicious bakery products, brioche bread comes from France. It’s debated where exactly in France it originated, but it has a long tradition all over France, particularly in the Normandy region.
Japan is a racist mono culture state with no diversity.
“She said she was “very excited” to win awards for her Brioche Japanois because it reflected her Japanese culture and identity.”
reflected her Japanese culture and identity. – Japan a racist mono culture state.
I wonder, is BBC Asian Network her favourite?
Technical hitch here, In the old thread my BiasedBBC page went completely white so I had to work in an incognito window
.. Probably some cache error or cos I had been using High Contrast app
Anyways the new thread is working fine
Hats off to to those unsung heroes keeping this site going – Three cheers !
Hip, Hip…….
Funnily enough the old thread chose to subscribe me to it and kept sending me emails saying it had a new comment. I could not unsubscribe : it was telling me my email was not the right one.
Back to normal now for me too .. software gremlins must have nibbled the last thread.
“Eurovision euphoria on the streets of Liverpool for host city’s big night”……..
Woke !
“TV Baftas 2023: Claudia Winkleman and The Traitors among winners”
Yet More Woke!
This is what the BBC call getting into the Eurovision spirit.
Which is dressing up like a woman and touting a gay rainbow moustache.
How I detest the BBC and everything it stands for. It’s difficult to believe how far the leftist activists have dragged it down.
Basically, prizes for ethnicity. What a farce.
“Rishi Sunak’s five pledges are difficult to deliver, Grant Shapps says”
In other words, they are not going to do it! Did they ever plan to do it ? Change the government and “stop the boats”! We are being betrayed by a bunch of jokers .
One Sniper. One bullet. One deflated dinghy.
“Rishi Sunak’s five pledges are difficult to deliver, Grant Shapps says”
Last time I looked you can buy a Stanley knife in many places in France and mobile phone cameras have revolutionised criminal evidence.
£5000 bounty for mobile phone footage of a boat being shredded
– crowdfunder?
Just catching up on Eurovision results and immediately see people are claiming it’s fixed because the winner kept her microphone on after her performance ready for doing it again after she won.
They claim it’s fixed so they can have a big extravanganza in Sweden next year on the 50th anniversary of Abba winning.
My only concern is that these people actually think it’s NOT fixed !!. Of course it is : it’s the most corrupt show there is. It sums up the Left, the EU and the BBC perfectly to me. No scruples whatsoever : 100% agenda.
I watched the winning song and it is rubbish. Definitely not a winning song. So I then watched the one everybody says should have won from Finland and as bad as it was, it did make me laugh – especially the grinning idiots dressed in pink.
None of this reported by the BBC of course because from what I can gather, they have funded this one to the tune to tens of millions of pounds. Which – in the true spirit of the event – gives us free entry to the grand final without having to be any good.
And of course they love to see us humiliated by the Europeans again.
Just been looking at the UK entry and was somewhat stunned to discover it is an nasty misandrist piece Beyonce would be proud of.
Basically it’s a woman venting spite on hey boyfirend who cheated on her.
I wondered how on earth such a song from such an unpleasant woman could be picked. So I checked and here it is:
‘Muller was selected as the 2023 UK entrant by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in collaboration with record label TaP Music and their management company.’
Checking around, it seems the other entries are all chosen by a National competition. But the arrogant BBC seem to have decided THEY should choose ours !!. And look at the result. Why is nobody criticising them for it ?.
Another subtle form of Leftist fascism. Why do I suspect those who chose it were mostly women ?.
The BBC activists are totally out of control now.
This is the TaP Music mission statement:
‘TAP FUTURES is the not-for-profit philanthropic arm of TaP, built on our core belief that diversity within the creative, entertainment and sports industries is enriching for all.’
Basically Getty for music.
No wonder we came second from last.
Anybody else rememeber the “A Song For Europe” contest, held solely to choose our entry? In 1967 Sandie Shaw sang six songs (one a week) on The Rolf Harris Show (whatever happened to him?) and Puppet On A String won the public vote. It might still have been a stitch up then, but at least it was not so obvious.
Martin & Coulter, both with a string of hit songs. I thought it had been written by Jackie de Shannon, another successful song writer, and had to resort to the interwebby to check on my memory.
Talking of gay fests I was in a restaurant yesterday, mostly full of normal couples except one, two “girls” blatantly snogging and cuddling, but with their attention on everyone else.
I got the distinct impression they were hoping for some disapproval as they kept scanning the room.
I have rarely, if ever, seen normal hetero couple behave like this in public but, in Cambridge especially, see more and more behaviour like this from gays, I suspect, so they can run to the bbc with a story about victimhood.
It is simple provocation IMO, from nasty people like the below, who attacked a woman and her husband filming the altercation.
The victim had the nerve to complain to her server in Starbucks about the fact they would not take cash for a coffee, this “thing” interrupted her and the woman said
“I was not talking to you I was talking to this lady”
The thing then attacked her on the premise that “this lady” apparently “identified as a man” which made the complainant “transphobic” thus ripe to be attacked by this thing.
See below, for a video taken by the husband of this thing in action, a prime example of how our society has degraded :
EXCLUSIVE Woman, 55, accused by trans Starbucks manager of being ‘transphobic’ says she feared for her life when she was thrown out of cafe ‘for calling non-binary employee “lady”‘
When I worked night shift at Gatwick airport I caught the train home in the morning after the pride event in Brighton one year and two flouncing queens were going up and down the carriages yelling how they’ve had a great time over the weekend, when they got to me they told me to cheer up and I replied “after cleaning shitty toilets on planes all night I think I’m entitled to have a nap on the way home without two cats screeching “ fair play to them as they shut up. Could have been the smell of aero clean which was foul though.
Saying she feared for her life is a blatant lie of the Daily Mail which have been running daily anti trannie stories.
She argued back vociferously and at no time did she ever display any sign of fear.
A horrific entitled stoodent type who has been able to get away with this behaviour in yooni suddenly finds the baseless accusations no longer work in the real world.
bbc website headings
Cost of living
War in Ukraine
etc etc
Why does the bbc have to prioritise these heading. Does Climate for example need to be there ALL the time, can’t people just look up what they want to see. Guess that speaks volumes for the bbc and what propaganda it wants the public to see ALL the time
Don’t forget ‘The trans Muslims trying to secure their future’ which has been on the front page for about 4 days now and is a BBC ‘must see’ !!!.
Thanks JohnC
I’ll Not read that now 🙂
Its a wonder the likes of the bBC has time for anything else, its all about Ukraine, and what they can get out of us. Shame the British military is short of equipment, but with the invaders arriving in their 100,000’s thousands we dont really need an armed force anymore 🙁
Fresh from the EUsong contest and BAFDAs The Ukrainian comedian is here for lots of photo opportunities and lots of borrowed taxpayers money to pay for his war .
( retired ) General Sir Richard Shiriff – interviewed by meesh – he wants us – nato – to take on Russia – sounded very Colonel Blimp – perhaps for Russian consumption .
Come on – give the Ukrainian our military aircraft – don’t worry they’ve promised not to attack Russia and get the full scale war going .
Maybe the general wants to give them our nuclear weapons as well – he was speaking from his bunker in NZ ….
BBC – Germany say you can only use their weapons for defence.
Zelensky – I will not use them to attack Russia.
USA – goodbye NordStream1.
Yet – UK could afford the EuroVision!
Climate change – no travel!
Cost of living – no costa coffee!
BBC News
Jonnie Turkey – the narrative is written that the election in Turkey was / is / going to be ‘stolen ‘ by the current chap . Election cheating apparently –
Time for the BBC to do its usual ‘ there is no evidence for this ‘ or the ‘false claims ‘prefix applied to president trump …. ?
But I think I lost my 50p bet on erdugon ( or is that the man citeh striker ?)
I’ve decided I’m not ‘early middle age’,any more I’m just ‘old ‘. This is because I looked at a report on the BAFTAs and don’t recognise any of the programmes or indeed the actors – apart from’ Derry Girls ‘ which went one series too far ….
Or maybe I’m not ‘old ‘ I just don’t bother with TV anymore.
Apparent the BBC cut out political comments by presenters and winners –
What won the ‘most woke ‘category ?
I noticed what didn’t win anything was a series called “The Responder” which was very good but it showed the stresses and difficulties that the police on the ground go through and the main character was white, I should’ve guessed that it wouldn’t get anything.
There was a scene in ‘The Responder’ where a (white) drug-dealer
– a vicious, knife-wielding, low-life thug – cornered a black policewoman and hurled every kind of insult at her. And yet not one word of this torrent of abuse was race-based. Amazing!
Ukraine’s Zelensky in surprise UK visit to meet Sunak
These non-stories pushed to the top by the BBC always worry me because it means they know something is going on and want to make sure we are all thinking in-line with their agenda by hyping the topic up before it happens.
I have a feeling the big offensive is not going very well and people are going to start asking why we are giving Ukraine so much when the only effect is that hundered of thousands more die in the process – and Zelensky is starting to panic.
Out of the mouths of babes, or the young turks edition
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror this morning boasts: Starmer Exclusive – some coup, eh? Well, to be fair of late he’s usually seen running first to the socialism-curious Times newspaper to give his interviews.
Call election now and let Labour save Britain (Mirror) – so says the piggy-eyed personality by-pass stuffed shirt former lawyer now taking his cues direct from Tony Blair
Save Britain from what, precisely?
Economic recession self-inflicted by Lockdowns and our boomerang sanctions Proxy War with Russia – each disastrously misguided policy fully supported in opposition by one Sir Keir Starmer?
And Starmer’s big idea is… Outrage over Labour plan to ‘reopen Brexit’ (Daily Express) – of course the arch-Remainer Sir Keir is being pretty consistent here since we recall he campaigned so vigourously against our Brexit vote and in favour of a re-run vote.
I suppose cosying up to Brussels might alleviate somewhat the EU punishment regime they continue to wield against us – everything from making us pay for that Eurovision show, then trashing us with nil points – facilitating the Channel dinghy invaders – to turning the economic screws whenever and wherever possible: Clearing houses – which reduce market risk by standing between two parties in a trade – have been a key battleground since Brexit… but the EU is intent on moving the clearing… to the continent as soon as it is practical to do so. (FT)
There comes a point where one reluctantly gives in to the protection racketeers – just for a bit of peace and quiet.
“Making Your Mind Up” sang Bucks Fizz in 1981
Seems our minds are to made up for us…
Starmer to use EU citizens to ‘rig’ polls… millions of European workers in UK – AND British teenagers… (Daily Mail)
Ah, the wisdom of the young, eh?
It’s a theme made explicit in the BBC-approved left-leaning youth-orientated ‘i’ newspaper this morning: Young voters plea for hope in Turkey…
To borrow, and to slightly adjust, a line from 1970s TV game show host Hughie Green: Remember kids, it’s your votes that count…!
Save Britain’s rivers – so says: Brian May ‘We’re in danger of drowning in our own effluent’ (‘i’) – our own effluent, or the excess strain put on our infrastructure by the sudden addition of millions of new arrivals’ effluent?
Remarkably this whiggish liberal old rocker with his amazing grey locks looks the very image of George Frederick Handel (You’ll have heard his hit track Zadok the Priest during the Coronation) or somesuch other grand bewigged eighteenth century bigwig of the type one used to see on the back of banknotes.
Mr AsI enjoys harping on (harpsichording on?) hereabouts about how Lockdown demoralised the workforce.
Britons will forget how to work, says Braverman (Times) – so who’s fault is that then?
Looks like soo Ella is after the job of shadow leader of the blue Labour Party after rishi renews his green card …
The money tree which gives billions away to undeserving causes!
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
Last updated
9 April 2020 — See all updates
Great fun – the talk of 700 000 plus ‘new people ‘ to the UK in 2022 meets the huge achievement of the emir of londonistan that he is building 120 000 across 5? Years …. So do the math(s)
The emir was quizzed by meesh about the tedious arrest of Republican protesters at the king thing – looks like someone in the BBC has pals in ‘republic ‘
I just hope the next time green lefty crapsters decide to close the m25 they get the full 48 hour bang up – followed by ‘time ‘ followed by a civil action to destroy them …
Bradford population
The Office for National Statistics published the mid-2021 population estimates on 21 December 2022 and these update the population estimates from the 2021 Census.
The mid-2021 results show that Bradford has a total population of 547,000 – an increase of 4,800 (0.9%) people since the mid-2020 population estimates were published and an increase of 600 people since the 2021 census results were published.
The population consists of 48.5% male and 51.5% female.
Giving votes to youngsters as young as 16 seems to be an accepted left wing tactic. The Scottish and Welsh Councils (Parliament’s) have done it for obvious reasons. Get them young, SNP, Labour and Plaid youth.
There’s no way sixteen year olds have maturity or any idea how the World works or understands finance or politics. It’s simply a ruse for Socialists to brainwash kids into voting for them. I actually think 18 is too young, 30 is more like it. By 30 people will have been employed and had some life experience.
Expect more kid centric policies.
Jeremy Corbyn wants to lower the price of Freddos
It’s the latest policy pledge from the Labour leader
Sam Moore
15th February 2018
Give votes to aborted fetus. They may be less inclined to vote for parties supporting mass murder. Der Starmer would not approve because gerrrymandering is in their DNA.
Their Bodies – Their rights!
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
If ever the great British public realise that so much is crap because of an extra 10 million people they might really really get … quite upset … where’s the remote ?
Let’s hear it for Miss Enfield – PC Rasvinder Agalliu, 45 whose drug dealer husband is to be sentenced for running a drug import business Monday .
The piece in the mail about doesn’t say whether PC Rasvinder Agalliu has been charged or is still in the met plod .
But nothing surprises ….
This is a better story than that of NHS doctors snooping on the medical records of people they are ‘interested in ‘ – although having no legitimate reason for doing so …. I wonder if they sell the information ?
Don’t forget to clap ….
The Indian Express
“Punjabi-origin London cop says she didn’t know her Albanian husband was a drug lord”
The Sun
“Inside lavish life of model cop who claimed she didn’t know her husband was a drug dealer while they drove £70k Audi”
Old LBC report
“A police officer and beauty queen has been kicked off the force after being arrested for dealing drugs, when fellow officers found a cannabis farm on a raid of her former address
PC Rasvinder Agalliu, based in west London, was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs on June 25, 2020.
Officers raided her home and found class A drugs, drugs paraphernalia, and a large quantity of cash.”
“She was dismissed on Tuesday after an internal police investigation – but will not be charged because of a lack of evidence, police said.”
She was a police woman for 17 years
How corrupt and incompetent can the police system be ?
Hence the old kids’ saying, “Honest Injun”…
MIGRANT TRAGEDY Romanian poster boy for immigration Victor Spirescu who was met at the airport by Keith Vaz is killed in Buckinghamshire car crash
His distraught fiancée has paid tribute to the ‘most wonderful man on the planet’
Phoebe Cooke
Published: 21:41, 16 Jan 2018Updated: 17:10, 17 Jan 2018
How corrupt and incompetent can the police system be?
Early days, yet.
Import the third world, become the third world.
I think it beats the miss whiplash one who ran some pay to view porn thing when she should have been investigating the flasher who turned out to be the killer of Sarah everard … a certain PC cousins – oops …. Hears to diversity and gender equality and crap plod …
Most senior coloured plod – in charge of race stuff – ‘retires ‘ pending serious bullying accusations ….. look away now …
The photo they have used says it all …………..
Diversity and Inclusion: codewords for ‘No White males’.
(The lad in the first photo intends to take a stab at becoming an architect, as per tradition)
The first photo of a black youth:
“…..a STAB at becoming….”. Please no. Better choice of words needed Ha, ha.
On Saturday BBC news did mention the Turkish election
I didn’t hear them mention any possibility of a runoff if the vote was close.
Now the stories do talk of a runoff.
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
Green PR tricksters rig the debate
Extinction Rebellion donor leads world’s top-performing hedge fund
This article is more than 1 year old
Chris Hohn’s TCI fund, known as one of the most aggressive activist investors, made a 23% gain in 2021
Hedge fund manager Sir Chris Hohn once made a point of telling a high court judge that he was an “unbelievable moneymaker”. This week Hohn proved his point – definitively – when it was revealed that he paid himself just shy of £1m-a-day last year.
Hohn collected $479m (£343m) in annual dividend payments from his The Children’s Investment (TCI) fund in the biggest ever personal payday in the UK after doubling profits at his Mayfair hedge fund, run from an office a couple of doors down from Louis Vuitton’s flagship store.
Not bbc
It seems the met plod is going through an image change
– hence the unit dealing with violent gun crime is changing its name from ‘viper team’ to ‘proactive firearms team’ and
The team which targets moped / mobile phone robbers is not called ‘scorpion ‘ anymore – it is now called’ Venice ‘
The public is being asked to suggest names of other units ( my lie ) but i suggest ‘Thames division ‘ be renamed ‘boaty mcboat brigade ‘ ….
In 2009 Middlesex County Cricket Club in England changed their name from the Middlesex Crusaders to the Panthers after receiving “one or two” complaints from Muslim and Jewish communities.17 Mar 2019
I’m still waiting for Mecca bookies to be renamed ..
April 2006, 10:10 GMT 11:10 UK
E-mail this to a friend Printable version
Jail toilets face away from Mecca
Facilities in a prison are being built so Muslim inmates do not have to face Mecca while sitting on the toilet.
The Home Office said two new toilet blocks are being installed as part of a refurbishment at Brixton jail in south London.
Faith leaders had told prison bosses it was unacceptable for Muslim inmates to face Mecca while using the toilet.
“The refurbishment has been carried out with due consideration for all faiths”, a Home Office spokeswoman said.
“Following consultation with faith leaders within the prison, various small adjustments were made to ensure the faith issues of all prisoners are taken into account.”
She added: “The money spent did not affect the overall cost of the refurbishment programme.”
Didn’t think they sat on toilets. Thought they all squated.
Belgians being rinsed by their leccy grid provider
and they’re going to get less say in how that’s done….?
EU – removing voting to save time.
“Stop The Boats ! ” ad infinitum………
I wonder if Khant has sent any peeps to watch + learn?
Moving into Meghan and Harry’s house?

You can see why Frogmore wasn’t good enough for Douchess Dolittle, why have centuries of history (Windsor ) when you can have tacky trashy Hollywood.
I just noticed the diversity wool being pulled a little more over our eyes.
Over the years I am sure we have all been badgered on TV to send dosh to help rescue working donkeys being horribly abused by usually darker skinned foreigners and often covered in horrific wounds and scars etc.
This morning I just witnessed the “new” rewrite to push the new narrative. In the latest incarnation the donkeys injuries are mysterious and ignored and the people who own them just want some cash to help look after them. Lots of dusky children stroking and caring for the animals.
So the donkeys were never overworked and abused by their owners, now the injuries etc, just sort of magically happen somehow.
Stopping these people from doing this is therefore not required any longer whereas your cash donations still are.
Hah…probably a directive from OFCOM was issued….the joys of diversity and seekers of truth!
National FGM Support Clinics
-Female genital mutilation (FGM)
National FGM Support Clinics
National FGM Support Clinics (NFGMSCs) are community-based clinics that offer a range of support services for women with female genital mutilation (FGM).
The service is free to access for anyone who’s eligible for NHS care.
Is this service available for females who have been brainwashed into believing they can be turned into males through surgery and have had their dangly bits hacked about?
Anecdotal evidence:
Shouted by a colleague above the noise of the machines at our place of work some years ago.
Red-faced and furious, he told me that the Pakistani who worked near me had just showed him a video on his phone that he thought was hilarious. The video was of a donkey being pushed off a bridge to its death, for a joke, by Pakistani youths.
Pretty sure that concern for animals is a British thing that doesn’t trouble people in the Third World.
Some questions for the regulars to consider: is the Guardian Media Group in financial trouble? Are they cutting back on their print output, including their deliveries direct to the BBC? Are they considering a move to ‘on-line only’ ?
What a strange question. A search engine would find an answer to your question in seconds.
Try this link:
Daniel, not a strange question at all. The Guardian has been missing from the BBC Blog, ‘The Papers’, and last weekend the Observer was missing from the Sunday papers.
It is usually the Sun that is missing – as today – or the Mail or Express.
New funding to protect BBC World Service language services
The government awarded the BBC World Service £20 million to support language services and English-language broadcasting, as part of the Integrated Review refresh.
Woman wan troway poo-poo, come trap for window
Woman wey take her hand, pack her poo-poo comot di toilet of man wey she dey friend because ”e no gree flush” enter trouble, after she go try collect di poo-poo back.
“The Libyan dictator had held back mass illegal immigration in deals with the Italians, and warned the West what would happen if he were liquidated. ”
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
Sluff – why did they (NGOs?) burn the rubber boats (environmentally a bad idea) when they could just rip a hole in the middle to sink it?
Wonder how many MPs have shares in the companies that manufacture rubber dinghies
Failure of Covid-19 vaccines:
Britain’s youngest new billionaire receives MBE
30-year-old Ben Francis is the founder of Gymshark and Britain’s youngest new billionaire.
The company was launched in 2012 by Ben and his friend when they couldn’t find the bodybuilding gear they wanted to wear when training.
Gymshark is a UK-based fitness apparel and accessories brand that produces its products in various locations around the world. The company uses a global supply chain network to manufacture its products, which includes factories in countries such as China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Turkey.
New King to recipient: “Now you’ve reached that level, come visit us in Davos…..”
You can buy the NHS for 1 million!
Vernon Kay starts new BBC Radio 2 show with ‘more of the same’
bBC seems excited
Phillip Schofield says Holly Willoughby is his rock after reports of fallout
Schofield recently returned to the ITV daytime show after taking pre-planned leave around his younger brother’s sex abuse trial at Exeter Crown Court.
The Nigerians lured into a trap and blackmailed for being gay
What a pleasure it was to hear John Redwood on Toady this morning.
The presenter, Remainin I think, kept interrupting of course but Redwood kept to a simple line. If there are 700,000 nett immigrants every year, and an existing housing crisis, then where are they all going to live? Remainin sounded cross but also strangely flummoxed.
I have no answers but two comments. In Londonistan, a lot of houses are having their garages converted into rooms, in addition to large extensions and sometimes even garden bungalows.
And if Labour get in, presumably all over the age of about 10 will be given a vote.
Query of the day. Our ‘how to vote’ forms from the council come in about 10 languages, many of which do not use the normal European alphabet. So how do the recipients of these decide who to vote for if they cannot understand written and presumably also spoken English?
Don’t worry – someone from the mosque does all the voting
They have nothing to decide, they are told who to vote for.
Im surprised redwood chanced the BBc as they usually try an ambush
But perhaps even the thickest blue labour MP is now realising they are toast .
Redwood is one of the few Conservatives left …
> If there are 700,000 nett immigrants every year, and an existing housing crisis, then where are they all going to live?
Perhaps they’ll offer a discount on council tax if you have any spare rooms. Or, more likely impose penalties on your council tax if you have unused bedrooms in your house. Or, to cut to the chase: if your house is not as diverse as current adverts suggest then you are racist and deserve to have it forced upon you.
Nothing would surprise me now.
CalMac ferry passengers stranded overnight on Isle of Arran
bbc moaning, maybe still sail and dont worry if the ferry sinks
Always good to see a taxpayer subsidised nationalised industry performing up to its usual standard of customer service.
‘Our jobs are rock solid, we don’t need to give a stuff for the paying public’
Maybe they needed an SNP camper van ©️
It’s all in the super soar away Sun today.
“TEN Pound Proms viewers have ‘switched off’ after the drama’s ‘deeply offensive’ premiere.”
“Taking to social media, one fan blasted: “Giving up on #TenPoundPoms Production values are poor and script predictable. International direct dialling from Australia in the 50s? She’ll be sending a fax to her mam next…” ”
“COUNTRYFILE viewers branded the show “unwatchable rubbish” as they ripped into the BBC asking “what has the BBC done?!” in the latest episode.”
US proxies win Thailand election:
More behind the MSM scenes north of the border.
Apparently Erdogan has been contacting the SNP to get some ideas to fix the Turkish election. He was surprised to be advised that Turkey isn’t the most corrupt Country in the World.
Some of the participants at the rally, crippled or bereaved by the vaccines, will be familiar to you from their appearances on The Mark Steyn Show over the last year-and-a-half, but the new GB News, mired in Tories’n’trivia, now dismisses them as “crazy conspiracy theorists”.
That’s the Ofcom Effect, as enforced by Lord Grade, Dame Melanie Dawes and their shadowy commissars. I note, by the way, that, say what you will about Canada’s execrable “human rights” tribunals, but their censors were at least obliged to put their names to their rulings. At Ofcom, the all-powerful judges are anonymous: what a disgrace to English law.
OFCOM Fact Check: The Pfizer documents do not show “Mass Murder”. They show “Mass Coincidence”
BAFTA update.
The BBC have a ‘red carpet’ feature
It may change of course but at the time of writing out of 37 people photographed there are….
23 white
2 trans
So not absolutely exactly representative of the general population.
But highly representative of the BBC and it’s corrosive anti-white mindset.
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
Benedict Cumberbatch considered housing Syrian refugees but didn’t as he has a baby
Major Highlights From African Movie Academy Awards 2021
Vernon Kay starts new BBC Radio 2 show with ‘more of the same’
I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result.
Ukraine and Blackrock. Follow the money:
OFCOM Rule: On ‘NO’ account should any journalist report on these documents. These Pfizer vaccine safety documents are supposed to be secret for the next 55 years. OFCOM condemns the Texan judge who ordered the premature release of these documents. The nice trusted people at Pfizer told OFCOM that their mRNA vaccines are ‘Safe & Effective’. So therefore OFCOM will punish anyone who disagrees with what Pfizer told OFCOM and the health authorities. Members of OFCOM have heart felt trust in Pfizer, and all have had lots of jabs from and kisses for the boss of Pfizer, Albert Bourla. So if an Israeli criminologist says Pfizer is a criminal organisation, then OFCOM will punish Andrew Bridgen MP.
Corrupt politicians and mainstream media:
Dear Darren Henry,
Jeremy Hunt: everyone will be paying more tax after autumn statement 2022
Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.
Theresa May, Former UK PM earned £1.86 million in her 2 years since leaving Downing Street, figures show
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Matt Hancock, who lost the Tory whip after it was announced he would be appearing on the ITV programme, is still being paid as an independent MP and is rumoured to have been paid £400,000 to appear on the I’m a celebrity.
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
Chuka Umunna Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress)
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party leader accepted up to £20,000 (about $27,000) for appearances on the Iranian state broadcast network Press TV
Keir Starmer £18,450 from Harper Collins as an advance payment for a book.
Boris Johnson Accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000 Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Jeremy Hunt £10,000 from Citigroup Centre for speaking at an event on 9 March 2021. Hours: 4 hrs. Fee paid direct to charity. (Charity not mentioned)
Nadhim Zahawi MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Yours sincerely,
Mr. H
Godfrey Bloom and Col Douglas Macgregor (latest):
BBC can’t get enough of Zelenski hugging Sunak cheek to cheek.
No mention of reports of spikes in radiation in Ukraine. After Russian missiles pulverised an ammunition depot.
Depleted uranium shells that us lovely Brits donated being the culprit.
Who knows the truth..
Some Indian news coverage on it.
The various charms of the far left extremists:
“Married Calais Jungle charity chief ‘who had a year-long affair with toyboy Tunisian she met in the camp’ steps down after she pepper sprayed a refugee and threatened to drag female volunteer ‘by the f*****g hair’
The charity also received a complaint in 2018 about another member of staff who was alleged to have been ‘rude, unwelcoming, abrupt, argumentative and generally very unpleasant’ towards volunteers, leading Care4Calais to say it was ‘concerned and upset’ to hear the reports.”