An appalling one sided op-ed in the Grauniad, the BBC print arm. In it they call their opposition (The GOP) ‘terrorists’ (no doubt later they will describe them as being ‘divisive’, the irony being completely lost on them).
This no examination of the issues at stake, such as the enormous debt overhead and the fact the US has to spend 20% of tax receipts to service it, nor the Democrat stated position of refusing to negotiate on any kind of reduction point blank.
No wonder the US is so polarised with lunatics like Ms Filipovic so fanatical, bigotted and only capable of seeing one side.
I’ve posted this because it’s very likely to end up on the BBC and so readers can see just what extremists these leftists are.
BED AT BOOKTIME – The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks
The BBC think they have something of a coup by catching this just after publication. I listened last evening – to episode 3 – having forgotten on Tuesday (too tired or something) and found it underwhelming. Ego Nwodim was reading the part of Allicia (Al) Mac-Teer and she is not a very good reader, perhaps not a trained actress? Tom Hanks narration is excellent but Ego Nwodim read too fast, did not punctuate, and it was all a bit frantic.
Every year the BBC of course make more fuss about the poor dears sitting their GCSEs. Whole TV programmes devoted to it, support is available, mental health counselling blah blah blah. I’m not sure that the kids want all this fuss anyway. I remember I was in a class doing eleven three-hour exams in one week- we just got on with it. The BBC, nannying, fussing and creating mental anxiety from cradle to grave.
But blink and you missed it, because for the BBC it’s an inconvenient truth.
Around 6.20 pm on the BBC1 news, it was announced that the police have identified 19 suspects into the apparent premature deaths of 456, yes 456 people given opioids at Gosport Hospital.
No prosecutions, no charges yet, no-one disciplined, but an enquiry 20-35 YEARS after event.
The public sector knows how to look after its own.
And the rest of us can swing.
Appalling. Immoral. Disgusting.
And worst of all, kept under the radar.
I don’t know the detail – but it seems the blue labour are taking the right of landlords to take back control of their houses away .
And in response a lot of landlords are giving out s21 notices to clear their books and evicting renters – perhaps selling up investment homes .
Messages in the DT from landlords are bitter about gove and his soon to be extinct party – shame it’s gonna take over another year ….
I am not , have never been , will never be a landlord ….
Another reason not to live in the UK
As well as having terrible cold wet weather
it’s full of mad greenSupremacists like this Met Office sciency guy
“Media Advisor & Senior Operational Meteorologist with UK Met Office.”
See how the word “ONLY is doing a huge amount of lifting in his tweet
Total SW water reservoir storage now on par with this time last year, but still only at 82% total capacity…
The climate alarmists are sounding their annual warning about global temperatures breaching the 1.5°C threshold ‘within five years’. Chris Morrison, the Daily Sceptic's Environment Editor, is not convinced.
The National Socialist Conference is like a new pagan cult, it’s dangerous, mad and full of Nazi Sozialistische anti-Semitic nutters. They love globalisation and a new global forum of world economic domination. Its Fuhrer, Klaus Schwab, Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, was born in Ravensburg, German Reich in 1938. The Fuhrer is planning to replace the democratic model with a model where a self-selected group of “stakeholders” make decisions on behalf of the people. The people will own nothing and be happy.
As noted above, the latest attacks by the far left involve invoking one of their own favourite predjuces, antisemitism:
“Elon Musk doubles down on criticism of George Soros despite being branded anti-Semitic, as he slams billionaire for funding politicians and DAs ‘who are soft on violent crime’ and ’caused great damage to many cities'”
BBC News
Start the day with the death of a coloured boy – stabbed to death by two other coloured boys . Incredibly the killers have been named – I won’t bother here – they got – I think 17 years each and sadly not the death penalty . Yes – I’d hang ‘children ‘.
The naming thing is never looked at by the msn – there should be a presumption of naming – unless there is a reason not to do so .
It might not stop many killings – nothing will – but anonymity just protects killers and their family – if they have one ..
I was reading that Fed and if you look at all the links to previous articles for that story, the identity (by which I mean colour) of the murderers has absolutely been protected right up until they got found guilty.
In contrast of course to white people who are often identified as soon as they get charged.
This is what I call ‘institutional racism’ where this racist discrimination is now embedded across all aspects of society. Or at least it would be in a sane world : in this one it seems the Left have decided people can do whatever they like to whitey and it’s not considered racist.
Just one more of their incredible double-standards …
Apparently they are having a conference about it today –
Agenda –
Best knife to use
Wound or kill ?
How to ambush
Ambush locations
Countering forensics
Building your alibi
Intimidating witnesses
Playing the race card
The best ‘defence teams’
Where’s the daddy?
Or maybe the conference is a day of oxygen wasting by the wokes
I think it’s more likely they will discuss how all these black people keep stabbing other people because white people are racist.
The fact they do the same everywhere else even when whitey is not in charge (such as South Africa) disproves this theory completely. But you can be sure these double-standard, virtue-signalling hypocrites will not go anywhere near that.
Maybe they can roll out Dot Lawrence Who Can Say No Wrong -why it’s all the fault of slavery . Import the third world …get ….
Once those habits are imported – the result is inevitable – but such a view can’t be voiced in the public sphere – the numbers will just go up ….but whitee will always get the blame ….
Import more people = shortage of houses and sewage overflow.
Import the third world and get the third world with high knife crime.
Al Beeb hiding it will not solve the problems.
The same seems true with the defamation case launched using ‘crowd funding ‘ by some far lefty wimmin called ‘jack ‘ against Lee Anderson – one of a handful of conservative MPs .
It seems the time limit of the defamation process has expired – but neither ‘jack ‘ or the £ legal team £ is saying anything about it or where the £ went . New car’ jack’ ?£
If I was a Papparazzo or working for a newspaper and Mr & Mrs Markle were in front of me, on foot, I would pointedly put my camera on the ground by my feet, maybe on the bag, don’t want scratches on my Cankontax and fold my arms! Apparently, so I’m told, it was a trick played by press photographers on Slebs who got ‘a bit above themselves’ in the 1970s and 1980s who were giving the press pack of smudgers a hard time.
This, from the national juvenile comic Moaning Emole, offers a clue…
Before you go
Fashion model Rosie Viva provides a raw insight into what it is like living with bipolar disorder. She was diagnosed after causing an evacuation at Stansted airport. This was after she kissed a stranger, stole from shops and bought everyone breakfast in McDonald’s. Once you’ve discovered what happened next, don’t forget to take our weekly quiz to find out how you should now address The Weeknd.
£100 billion invested over 10 years ( never happen )
World beating
World leading
Energy ( or anything ) superpower
5 year plan ( cancelled )
The Government will protect ( eg care homes )
We are taking tough action
There will be new laws
Independent inquiry
Judge led inquiry
There will be a new approach
Lessons will be learned
The entire media is now staffed by juvenile nut jobs serving peers.
"Why have these numbers got so much worse since the pandemic?"
Chair of the Young Lives Commission Anne Longfield says the pandemic "poured rocket fuel" on children's school absences, as they now reach 'crisis point'.
Going big on dead coloured yoof . The mummy of the dead boy having the victim statement read out . Maybe this can be a preforma to save the effort at the end of each murder trial?
No mention of ‘fathers ‘ of these victims or their killers – who needs fathers eh ?
No comment about the no comment – not an approved subject for the bbc = equals amoral coloured children with no self control – best avoided – even on CCTV ….and never on a londonistan bus … survival skills
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC, is it that you just want a reason to attack a Conservative Government? *
One of the first or early items in the news at 6 a.m. was the fact that poor teachers do not know which way to turn on ‘the-transgender-issue-crisis’. They were apparently promised some guidance notes five years ago(!), which doesn’t seem credible does it? They haven’t turned up – yet. Of course the Gubmint is to blame, innit?
* To be fair, dem grate Bibbycee, did question or attack Labour Government policies in the dog days of the Brown Government 2009-2010.
Aye aye… A.I. Who’s laughing now or a whole lot of distancing going on edition
The globalist corporate managerial-minded Financial Times is pleased to report our already dripping wet Tory prime minister is tacking further left: Sunak rules out DUP deal… after next election, closing a potential route to retaining power
Frankly, our temporary placeman Rishi may as well stop prolonging the agony, call that election now, and pass the keys to Number Ten to Sir Keir – so he can take up running things on Tony Blair’s behalf and Rishi can go rejoin Goldman Sachs.
Afterall, our PM has just further distanced himself from any notion of conservatism: Rishi Sunak ‘disassociates himself’ from Conservative Christian MP’s backing of marriage… Marriages between men and women were “the only possible basis for a safe and successful society”, Kruger told the National Conservativism Conference, meeting in Westminster. (Premier Christian News) – so he doesn’t value traditional marriage? How odd when Rishi found his own marriage to be so very very profitable.
So we have Sunak on traditional man/woman marriange… to borrow from Frankie Howerd… “Nay, nay and thrice nay, I say”
Sunak rejects Tory MP’s claim about marriage between men and women (BBC)
But as comic Jimmy Cricket’s catchphrase used to tell us: “There’s more”
A whole lot of distancing going on
Sunak distances himself from Tories’ net migration pledge (FT)
If our manlet PM posing as the Swindon regional branch manager – who by the way refers to Britain as an economic zone – distances himself any further from conservatism he may as well bugger off and give up trying to run things over here and go hobnob instead with the international global elite…
Oh look, that’s exactly what he’s just gone and done: G7: New sanctions will make sure Russia pays a price, Sunak says… Speaking to the BBC’s Chris Mason at the G7 summit in Hiroshima (BBC)
Aye, aye… UK warns: new rules needed to tame AI (‘i’ newspaper)
Because a whole new regime of supranational rules imposed on us from abroad circumventing our local democratic processes is just what we voted for when we so recently sent the message to our politicians: “Take back control”
British Government [capital G in the ‘i’ house-style] is pushing for regulation to protect humanity against potential dangers of artificial intelligence, Rishi Sunak reveals.
This is the same government [small g in the Mr Asi house-style – I wish] that spent billions on Track and Trace: …around £29.5 billion was actually spent. While detailed figures for 2021/22 have not yet been published, the vast majority of spending in the scheme’s first year went on testing. (That was supposed ‘fact checkers’ Full Fact attempting to reassure us the figure wasn’t £37bn as claimed back in May 2022 – so that’s ok then)
This is the same government that’s pushing hard for central bank digital currency: UK enters international race to create public digital money. The Treasury and Bank of England said it is ‘likely’ a digital pound will be needed in future for everyday payments. (Politico)
Of course that requires us all to be virtually barcoded with a Digital ID: Tony Blair and William Hague call for digital ID cards for all (BBC); Will Tony Blair ever give up on ID cards? (Spectator in that resigned rhetorical world weary let’s just give up mood we’ve now come to expect from conservatism)
Where were we? Ah, yes, saving Humanity [presumably capital H in the Rishi Sunak house-style] or as Gordon Brown absent-mindedly once put it: “We not only saved the world” – which at the time reduced the House of Commons to fits of laughter. Who’s laughing now?
Some scientists are demanding new rules… – that went SO brilliantly well last time: The Failure of Imperial College Modeling Is Far Worse than We Knew… Neil Ferguson, the physicist at Imperial College London who created the main epidemiology model behind the lockdowns… Ferguson predicted catastrophic death tolls back on March 16, 2020 unless governments around the world adopted his preferred suite of nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to ward off the pandemic. Most countries followed his advice, particularly after the United Kingdom and United States governments explicitly invoked his report as a justification for lockdowns. ( American Institute for Economic Research)
Some scientists are demanding new rules on AI to protect society, political systems and even human life (the left-leaning ‘i’ there buying Rishi’s portentious bluster hook, line and sinker)
AI the new robotic bogeyman designed to scare us into compliance with whatever State/Corporate tosh the supranationalists care to dream up for us?
Could it be simple coincidence that the corporate media comes out with this story in apparent lock-step with Rishi fretting over AI at the G7: As BT says it’s replacing 10,000 workers with artificial intelligence technology… IS THIS THE START OF THE GREAT A.I. JOBS BLOODBATH? (Daily Mail)
As BBC black-balled global warming sceptic Johnny Ball was once wont to say – think of a number
The headline is somewhat abbreviated from screamer proportions but the number enlarged in the Sun headline: 55k jobs to go as BT use more AI
With so many jobs due to evaporate how come we’re importing so many more mouths to feed: Cabinet row over push for 600,000 foreign students every year (Telegraph)
UK reliance on foreign nurses at critical level (Times)
So we tried outsourcing the job of PM to India, how about we consider replacing him with AI?
To be fair to the Labout party leader, Sir Keir is about as close to being a personality-less robot as a human can get. And with Tony Blair working his controls remotely from abroad that’s all good then.
The blue labour gang must be working overtime to manage the immigration numbers for 2022 due next week . If they don’t withhold the figures for some reason – they must be looking for a better story to distract the punters ( us ) from their complete failure to control both legal and illegal arrivals .
No doubt they’ll hide behind attractive tall blond English speaking Ukrainian ladies – but the truth is out there – just go into any town and watch – unless you live in a multicultural cess pit as I do …
So glad I grew up in what used to be England …
From above “With so many jobs due to evaporate how come we’re importing so many more mouths to feed: Cabinet row over push for 600,000 foreign students every year (Telegraph)”
Home Office underestimated how many EU migrants live in Britain
More than 5.3m applications have been made to the EU settlement scheme by people who were resident in the UK
‘Complacent’ Home Office loses 175,000 illegal immigrants: Fresh humiliation as officials admit how many went missing after they were refused permission to stay
Committee of MPs was told how many immigrants had gone missing
Heard how many had been stopped – but were then allowed to escape again
Borders boss said she does not know the true scale of illegal immigration
Published: 23:25, 3 September 2014
Terrorism in the UK: number of suspects tops 40,000 after MI5 rechecks its list
In a testy interview with Beth Rigby for Sky News, the Prime Minister repeatedly refused to commit to a migration target. Despite the best efforts of bulldozing Beth, Rishi only committed to “bringing down the levels of net migration”. He couldn’t even promise to get it back below last year’s high of 504,000….
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
A sharp rebuke and slapped wrist from Klaus Schwab followed by a tightening of the strings by the WEF Chief marionettist.
“is a puppet controlled from above using wires or strings depending on regional variations.” “The attachment of the strings varies according to its character or purpose.”
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
Net Zero, the false god betraying farming as it is betraying the rest of our western way of life, has Mr Sunak as much in its grip as it had his predecessor. Don’t be deceived.
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (May and Corbyn’s old speeches): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell
Theresa May … being put forward as Prime Minister and issuing a general election on implementing Brexit which was about immigration and sovereignty. … these speeches were never mentioned on the BBC £3.5bn news or other media outlets …
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
Jeremy Corbyn … with all the news on BBC £3.5bn Service regarding the Iran Nuclear Deal, Jeremy Corbyn has not been asked why he backs Al Quds protests and has spoken at them or why his is not vocal on Iran’s ‘death to’ position with Israel.
2012 … Jeremy Corbyn speaks at Al Quds march, Al Quds is the protest for all the oppressed but was initiated by an oppressor Ayatollah Khomeini. Jeremy Corbyn does not chastise the Iranian regime.
2018 … Iran release a ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’ Government approved emoji. But this is not mentioned when talking about Iran by the BBC or other outlets.
MPs expenses …. it was in 2008 that MPs used expenses to fill their own pockets or shredded. UK MPs on both sides have talked about reducing expenses and recession and austerity.
Yet, since 2010 MPs have enjoyed a pay increased of 18%.
How come the BBC news has not reported on this when talking to MPs?
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie,
and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell
taffman, the PM was talking about legal migration ie. as a result of University fees being higher for foreign students, then when they graduate and get permission to work in the UK they bring their families over to the UK.
You are talking about illegal migration and stopping trafficking.
I don’t see why the general population should suffer because universities. Farmers , hotel leisure can’t make money without imported labour – go find another way or sell up ….
I don’t understand how the students are allowed to bring in ‘dependants’ (I think that’s what they call them)
If half the students are girls and their ages are late teens to early 20’s does that mean that half of them are bringing in their babies going by the number of ‘dependents’, something like 160,000.
Do they then get baby sitters or bring mothers and fathers in to babysit?
I can’t think there must be many British families depending on 18 year old students. It all stinks.
When they say immigrants are a net benefit do they include the subsidies they get which are available to those on minimum pay. Housing allowances and lots of other benefits.
Do they take into consideration having to pay benefits etc to the British person who is out of a job because an immigrant has taken it.
We all know the government figures are manipulated but I wish some sort of opposition or media would present the case and point out the downsides instead of just saying they are a net benefit to gdp.
Do the blue labour politicians really not realise they will be voted out if mass immigration continues. Are they so blinkered or, apart from a few, simply stupid.
Everybody knows this yet they do nothing.
They don’t learn lessons do they.
“Legal migration is too high, says Rishi Sunak”
600K Immigrants lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
3K Extreme Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
22 Lost in Manchester according to Theresa May.
1 More attack labelled bad driving this month of August.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
pug, is that why the BBC were – only for a short while (start of this week?) – telling me I was listening to BBC Radio 4, ‘the radio station of the year’?
10am Radio Humberside: The about to be redundant presenter is yet again sneering at his own music playlist.
Due to Covid the midmorning shows were made 4 hours long.
And instead of 40 different regional producers making their own playlists, a centralised Guess the Year playlist is used.
Meaning that when you listen to one local station when a song is playing and you change to another BBC local , you hear the same song starting a few minutes later.
Well this presenter hates having to play a song just cos it was #5 in X year. so he moans. and crashes the songs etc.
Then he wonders why he’s first on the redundancy list,
and gets his Labour MP mate Diana Johnson to take a petition to parliament.
Sunak has ruled out a coalition with the DUP. One must wonder why he has singled out the DUP who would normally have been natural Tory allies. The DUP are of course Brexit supporters as well as opponents of the NI agreement. The DUP would demand proper Brexit, an inconvenient truth for Sunak and the Tories.
Sunak hasn’t ruled out coalition with the Liberals or even Labour…..
Flotsam, I think Sunak might just shave it with a 15 to 20 seat majority although there’s a long way to go to Polling Day and anything might happen between now and then.
10am local radio news “Grimsby green energy firm to lose 100 jobs”
.. Green PR and the news desk are so closely linked, minor Green stories make their headlines almost every day.
It’s only a few weeks since their reports were full of the same firm Myenergi sponsoring Grimsby Town FC shirts.
Local newspaper adds context
“orders of its staple Zappi electric vehicle charger and allied devices haven’t been maintained at anticipated levels, with the removal of consumer incentives also cited.”
The truth is that she and her co -founder ran a biz called 4Eco from 2014-2016 that also went bust and left people redundant
That time they blamed the government cutting the solar Feed In Tariff from 13p KWh to 4.5p
which at that time was still 50% higher then proper on demand power cost.
This afternoon the NUJ rep presenter is bringing on a Green PR woman to discuss the job cuts
Bet he will not mention the company going bankrupt before.
“@andycomfort will be talking to the founder of ElectrifyingCom
@GinnyBuckley about it and about the cost of electric cars @RadioHumberside”
Rishi ( sorry Biden )has gone off to the G7 gig to celebrate the dropping of the big ones on the japs .
But I understand that because of the debt ceiling falling in in the former USA hes only there for the photo and then home – presumably leaving obama to tell the rest what to do …
Fed, yes, I’ve been frustrated by the BBC’s inability to ask their hundred strong Pronounciation Unit how to say ‘Hiro shima’ correctly on air. Shameful waste of taxpayer money!
Compare / contrast — BBC report that 21yr old Edward Little planned to kill Christian preacher Hatun Tash at Speakers’ Corner.
It’s another bodge job at the W1A newsdesk though as they decide to omit several pertinent facts relating to Eddie’s motivation: “He asked to stop at a mosque to pray but said he would do it in the cab after being told there was none on route.
Going by the online name of ‘Abdullah’, Little was also said to have exchanged chat about religion, Iraq and ‘kuffar’. Little declined to answer questions in police interviews but his mood changed when he was shown a YouTube view of the preacher. He launched himself from his chair across the table at an officer, swinging repeatedly with his fists before being restrained.
Judge Richard Marks said Little has an ‘absolutely shocking previous record’. The defendant had been convicted of 14 offences on seven separate occasions, including for robbery, having a knife and drug dealing…”
For accurate reporting, go to local news. If you want coverups and deceit, use the BBC.
Campbell like his namesake is a piece of excrement. Still any time I see his repugnant features I am reminded (as previously mentioned) of my brother punching him in the face when we were at university for being his obnoxious self even then.
Under the tag ‘Coronavirus pandemic’, the beeb try to eke out the last scraps of public terror: “GCSE and A-level pupils feel Covid anxiety as exams begin”
Except there’s zero fear of a viral contagion in the article: it’s a fluff piece about some teenage girls with exam worries, with covid shoehorned in to the headline.
“Mr Davies said exams were ‘pretty much back to normal'”
“‘I do feel like it’s back to normal – almost’, said Millie.”
Former Government race advisor accuses Sadiq Khan of ‘virtue signalling’ over £500,000 diversity review of London’s historic statues and warns against ‘erasing’ the past as he seeks Tory nomination to run for mayor
Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm looking at street names, statues
Samuel Kasumu questioned its importance at time of problems in London
PUBLISHED: 10:04, 7 May 2023 | UPDATED: 11:34, 7 May 2023
Guessing Andrew Lawrence won’t get a gig on Question Time …. Maybe there should be a weekly YouTube version of QT with a less approved panel and non bussed in lefty audience – off to watch the brilliant ‘Harry and Paul ‘ rip off again – complete with ‘baroness Token ‘
The BBC is launching a review into its own coverage of migration to assess whether it is delivering “due impartiality” and providing a “breadth of voices and viewpoints” on the topic.
Outgoing BBC Chair Richard Sharp added the review “will ensure the BBC continues to have the correct approach to producing coverage that audiences can trust“.
May I translate that ‘breadth of voices ‘ means ‘more foreigners ‘ or ‘a lot more foreigners ‘.
The left use that thing against non left as ‘foreigners are easy to blame ‘ for the state of Blighty – with the implicit assumption that they are not to blame .
Well they are – 10 million of them – of all types and colours and circumstances . And how many arrive – ever leave ?
I am educated by the UK and taxpayer.
I use tolerance and freedom to spread hatred of the UK.
I go on the welfare system whilst I hate the UK, being paid by the taxpayer.
I tell BBC’s Stacey Dooley I will not follow UK laws.
I get 2 years and 6 months being looked after by prison guards, paid by the taxpayer.
I get released 2 and a half years early for hating the UK.
The UK taxpayer pays £2 million to watch me with 23K other terrorists.
If you disagree you are Islamophobic and Sajid Javid will arrest you.
.. Anjem Choudary mocks the tolerance of the West ..
As mentioned before, in the Zoe poo test, just 118 out of 130,000, under 0.1%, identified themselves as neither male nor female. Under 1 in 1000.
So we might assume that in a 1000 student secondary school, there might be 1 person in a genuine trans dilemna.
Yet on Toady this morning there was a long feature about how teachers had been waiting for 5 years for official due dance and advice on how to deal with such situations.
Disproportionate or what? As a senior teacher once said to me, these kids with mental health and LGBT issues. Back in the day, it was called ‘teenagers growing up’.
It’s almost as if the trans rights bandwagon is running out of steam and so the BBC are dredging up any and every opportunity to keep it rolling.
BBC feature a story that Philip Scofields brother has been sent to jail for child abuse.
But you have to go three quarters of the way down the whole story to discover the one and only mention that the child in question was a boy. So this was homosexual child abuse.
Given Philip’s newly stated sexuality I should have thought the above was in the public interest. The BBC however clearly do not. Don’t want to upset their Stonewall friends, do they?
In English tort law, a super-injunction is a type of injunction that prevents publication of information that is in issue and also prevents the reporting of the fact that the injunction exists at all.[1] The term was coined by a Guardian journalist covering the 2006 Ivory Coast toxic waste dump controversy that had resulted in Trafigura obtaining a controversial injunction.[2] Due to their very nature media organisations are not able to report who has obtained a super-injunction without being in contempt of court. The term super-injunction has sometimes been used imprecisely in the media to refer to any anonymised privacy injunction preventing publication of private information. Critics of super-injunctions have argued that they stifle free speech, that they are ineffective as they can be breached using the Internet and social media and that the taking out of an injunction can have the unintended consequence of publicising the information more widely, a phenomenon known as the Streisand effect.
John Kerry Declares War on US Farmers: Gov't Farm Confiscations 'Not Off The Table'
They’re coming for your farmers next, America. I told you, The Netherlands is just the pilot country. The war on farming is global, because the agenda behind it is global.
I found this video and couldn’t believe it – look at everyone else’s faces.
“… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”
A bit of background before you start watching Diane Abbott in action. The Lord Harris Review (oct2016) on terror attacks said we should put up barriers (recommendation 31) on the Bridges in London to protect pedestrians, Diane had not read or forgotten the report – who if elected would be in charge of our homeland security.
Another Diane Abbott car crash 3 days before the election (youtube 05Jun2017)
GE#17 // Labour(Hackney) // Diane Abbott // Votes 42,265 // share 75.1% // change+12.2 // The People Love Her!
Kerry insists that the United States must massively reduce farming to meet the radical “green agenda” goals laid out by World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN).
tomo, Sri Lanka pioneered it, with their fertiliser ban last year. Apparently, it causes Global Warming and Climate Change.
After the fertiliser ban, there was famine in Sri Lanka.
Big question:
If scientists are so clever how come they did not discover that CO2, methane, and nitrogen dioxide/nitrous dioxide are Global Warming and Climate Change gases all at the same time in the 1980s?
The British media, and indeed even most of the financial world are completely oblivious of this upcomming conference which is undoubtdely going to have an effect on the West:
The St Petersburg International Economic Forum, a world apart from the WEF – although Russia was an active member, and with over 80 nations in attendance you can bet that our ‘leaders’ are not going to be amongst them.
On the table for discussion is the subject of the ‘toxic’ US Dollar Denominated T Bills which have lost so much value and the cause of the banking crisis in the USA. That’s not to mention the distress caused by the potential debt default if an agreement is not reached.
It’s not only the conference which isn’t being discussed because whilst in the USA the de Dollarisation is widely reported and discussed there has been next to nothing in the UK news.
The woke stupidity possibly along with the Green stupidity is going to evaporate like the morning mist when families are struggling to put food on the table and are shivering in their homes as a consequence of insane policies and decisions made.
The West is a collapsing dying power, and given the state of the leaders we have is it any wonder?
“We must focus primarily on economic growth based on technological development, as well as innovative economic management and socio-political models. Then, we will be able to provide leadership in the areas where we have competencies”
Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation
The carving, which depicts Prospero and a part-naked Ariel from Shakespeare’s The Tempest, was installed by the artist on the front of the BBC’s Broadcasting House headquarters in London in 1933, shortly after the building opened. The sculptor, Eric Gill, was one of the most prominent early 20th-century British artists and designers until his death in 1940. But his diaries, published many decades later, revealed his sexual abuse of his daughters and family dog.
In an item about scams involving TV Licence payments we said ‘if you’re over 75 you don’t need a TV Licence’. We also said ‘if you are over 75 you need a licence but you don’t pay for it’.
As we later clarified on the show, this is not correct. People who are over 75 and not in receipt of Pension Credit have to pay for a TV Licence. Over 75s in receipt of Pension Credit or those living with people who receive Pension Credit are entitled to a free TV Licence paid for by the BBC.
G.W.F., funny thing but I have a friend who has a sister in Damascus. She told her sister, who then told me “All is not how it is presented by the BBC from the Syrian war”.
I listened to JezBo’s final episode of his series on ‘Journalism’ (have missed a few) with a certain amount of rage. He forgot to mention Lyse Doucet’s, iirc, ‘Journalism’ from Syria that mentioned on air on BBC R4 (Station of the YEAR, I was reminded at 12.59 p.m.) that there were over 100 different groups fighting against the Syrian Army and Bashar Al Assad, some of them from outside the country. So it was not as JezBo presented the Syrian conflict: President v. his pople.
I expect we will soon hear from Sally Nugent on the
breakfast programme telling us about another infamous
victory . You see West Ham beat AZ Alkmaar in the
semi-final of the Conference league yesterday.
The problem for the BBC is a right looking WHITE
bruiser, commonly known as “Knollsy” fought off Dutch
ultra hooligans single – handedly as they tried to attack
the friends and relatives of the West Ham players.
The Daily Mail is calling him the ” Angel of Alkmar”
The 58 year old father of four is pictured in the Mail with
a black eye and bruises.
No you wont see Getty’s sending the BBC an image of this.
The only thing common with Getty’s is Knowllsy’s black eye!!
King Charles should knight him. And I have already voted for him as Sports Personality
of the Year. I know the BBC wont fix it for
him to win. He doesn’t tick a single BBC box.
But surely as the BBC is for ever telling us – it is the place to go for unbiased world beating news and information …. I wonder if it will compare itself with other news providers ( eg the stuff Farage used to do going out into the channel ) ….
Absolute farce: BBC Launches Impartiality Review Into Its Small Boats Coverage – when we all know there is no impartiality. They're a #RefugeesWelcome propaganda channel, with Gary Lineker as the lead trumpet!
Maybe he is the first ‘tourist pm ‘ knowing California beckons after he has got the job and it’s just filler on the CV before returning to US investment $ banking ….
Talking of tourists – seems like boris has banged up nut nut again – another book on Churchill to pay the school fees ?
Twitter files reveal all: Pfizer Documents revealing “Mass Murder”. Hospital Health protocols that caused “Mass Murder”. Hunter Bidens Laptop revealing “Massive Corruption”. The BBC’s Trusted News Initiative and the FBI not Russia interfering in elections.
Most real news is now censored by OFCOM and the BBC. No deaths are reported, but you can still find out what Prince Harry has done today on GB News.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 12:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 “The world does not need any more white saviours. As I’ve said before, this just perpetuates tired and unhelpful stereotypes.…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 12:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Free food and accommodation for 14 years – Keir to set him free next week!
StewGreenMar 12, 12:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Hull : fairly prompt action by police and establishment against 2 pervy fairground workers Two seedy Hull Fair workers have…
StewGreenMar 12, 12:07 Midweek 12th March 2025 Hull : Atlas Caravan factory has gone bust 180 job losses and then the suppliers
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Stop foreign aid .. oh wait … that’s 8 billion leaving the UK! HA HA HAH AHAH AH A “Migrant…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:38 Midweek 12th March 2025 Canada’s Justin Trudeau cannot say how often he wore blackface [img][/img]
vladMar 12, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 If any of you deplorables enjoy seeing leftist terrorists accidentally setting themselves on fire while trying to arsonise Tesla, then…
JohnCMar 12, 11:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 ‘City of culture’ rapidly became ‘biggest shithole we want to try and rejuvinate’. The only culture Bradford has is the…
An appalling one sided op-ed in the Grauniad, the BBC print arm. In it they call their opposition (The GOP) ‘terrorists’ (no doubt later they will describe them as being ‘divisive’, the irony being completely lost on them).
This no examination of the issues at stake, such as the enormous debt overhead and the fact the US has to spend 20% of tax receipts to service it, nor the Democrat stated position of refusing to negotiate on any kind of reduction point blank.
No wonder the US is so polarised with lunatics like Ms Filipovic so fanatical, bigotted and only capable of seeing one side.
I’ve posted this because it’s very likely to end up on the BBC and so readers can see just what extremists these leftists are.
BED AT BOOKTIME – The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece by Tom Hanks
The BBC think they have something of a coup by catching this just after publication. I listened last evening – to episode 3 – having forgotten on Tuesday (too tired or something) and found it underwhelming. Ego Nwodim was reading the part of Allicia (Al) Mac-Teer and she is not a very good reader, perhaps not a trained actress? Tom Hanks narration is excellent but Ego Nwodim read too fast, did not punctuate, and it was all a bit frantic.
My recommendation: best avoided. Shame.
Every year the BBC of course make more fuss about the poor dears sitting their GCSEs. Whole TV programmes devoted to it, support is available, mental health counselling blah blah blah. I’m not sure that the kids want all this fuss anyway. I remember I was in a class doing eleven three-hour exams in one week- we just got on with it. The BBC, nannying, fussing and creating mental anxiety from cradle to grave.
It’s yet another triumph for our NHS heroes.
But blink and you missed it, because for the BBC it’s an inconvenient truth.
Around 6.20 pm on the BBC1 news, it was announced that the police have identified 19 suspects into the apparent premature deaths of 456, yes 456 people given opioids at Gosport Hospital.
No prosecutions, no charges yet, no-one disciplined, but an enquiry 20-35 YEARS after event.
The public sector knows how to look after its own.
And the rest of us can swing.
Appalling. Immoral. Disgusting.
And worst of all, kept under the radar.
456 deaths. Tumbleweed.
Well this should cheer you up (not)
Literally duper’s delight. I went to the local hospital during COVID for a tooth infection and the place was empty.
Make of this what you will:
The New Atlas – Brian Berletic (based on Thailand)
I don’t know the detail – but it seems the blue labour are taking the right of landlords to take back control of their houses away .
And in response a lot of landlords are giving out s21 notices to clear their books and evicting renters – perhaps selling up investment homes .
Messages in the DT from landlords are bitter about gove and his soon to be extinct party – shame it’s gonna take over another year ….
I am not , have never been , will never be a landlord ….
Another reason not to live in the UK
As well as having terrible cold wet weather
it’s full of mad greenSupremacists like this Met Office sciency guy
“Media Advisor & Senior Operational Meteorologist with UK Met Office.”
See how the word “ONLY is doing a huge amount of lifting in his tweet
Summer is June July August
Of course it will make it through when reservoirs are 82% now
It is a global thing.
The National Socialist Conference is like a new pagan cult, it’s dangerous, mad and full of Nazi Sozialistische anti-Semitic nutters. They love globalisation and a new global forum of world economic domination. Its Fuhrer, Klaus Schwab, Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, was born in Ravensburg, German Reich in 1938. The Fuhrer is planning to replace the democratic model with a model where a self-selected group of “stakeholders” make decisions on behalf of the people. The people will own nothing and be happy.
As noted above, the latest attacks by the far left involve invoking one of their own favourite predjuces, antisemitism:
“Elon Musk doubles down on criticism of George Soros despite being branded anti-Semitic, as he slams billionaire for funding politicians and DAs ‘who are soft on violent crime’ and ’caused great damage to many cities'”
BBC News
Start the day with the death of a coloured boy – stabbed to death by two other coloured boys . Incredibly the killers have been named – I won’t bother here – they got – I think 17 years each and sadly not the death penalty . Yes – I’d hang ‘children ‘.
The naming thing is never looked at by the msn – there should be a presumption of naming – unless there is a reason not to do so .
It might not stop many killings – nothing will – but anonymity just protects killers and their family – if they have one ..
I was reading that Fed and if you look at all the links to previous articles for that story, the identity (by which I mean colour) of the murderers has absolutely been protected right up until they got found guilty.
In contrast of course to white people who are often identified as soon as they get charged.
This is what I call ‘institutional racism’ where this racist discrimination is now embedded across all aspects of society. Or at least it would be in a sane world : in this one it seems the Left have decided people can do whatever they like to whitey and it’s not considered racist.
Just one more of their incredible double-standards …
Apparently they are having a conference about it today –
Agenda –
Best knife to use
Wound or kill ?
How to ambush
Ambush locations
Countering forensics
Building your alibi
Intimidating witnesses
Playing the race card
The best ‘defence teams’
Where’s the daddy?
Or maybe the conference is a day of oxygen wasting by the wokes
I think it’s more likely they will discuss how all these black people keep stabbing other people because white people are racist.
The fact they do the same everywhere else even when whitey is not in charge (such as South Africa) disproves this theory completely. But you can be sure these double-standard, virtue-signalling hypocrites will not go anywhere near that.
Maybe they can roll out Dot Lawrence Who Can Say No Wrong -why it’s all the fault of slavery . Import the third world …get ….
Once those habits are imported – the result is inevitable – but such a view can’t be voiced in the public sphere – the numbers will just go up ….but whitee will always get the blame ….
Import more people = shortage of houses and sewage overflow.
Import the third world and get the third world with high knife crime.
Al Beeb hiding it will not solve the problems.
The same seems true with the defamation case launched using ‘crowd funding ‘ by some far lefty wimmin called ‘jack ‘ against Lee Anderson – one of a handful of conservative MPs .
It seems the time limit of the defamation process has expired – but neither ‘jack ‘ or the £ legal team £ is saying anything about it or where the £ went . New car’ jack’ ?£
Dan Wooton with proper commenters at their best…
Ha ha ha…
If I was a Papparazzo or working for a newspaper and Mr & Mrs Markle were in front of me, on foot, I would pointedly put my camera on the ground by my feet, maybe on the bag, don’t want scratches on my Cankontax and fold my arms! Apparently, so I’m told, it was a trick played by press photographers on Slebs who got ‘a bit above themselves’ in the 1970s and 1980s who were giving the press pack of smudgers a hard time.
Does Phil Dampier work as a double for David Cameron ?
Interesting, given the opportunistically selective vocal usual suspects about rights to protest here.
Jez Corbyn was a shill for them on their state tv, iirc.
Shall we have a competition ?
Which bbc fixation will screw the mental health of children most ?
Queerdom ?
Getting stabbed after school ?
Free school dinners ?
My rights ?
Crap teachers ?
The woke BBC ….
This, from the national juvenile comic Moaning Emole, offers a clue…
Before you go
Fashion model Rosie Viva provides a raw insight into what it is like living with bipolar disorder. She was diagnosed after causing an evacuation at Stansted airport. This was after she kissed a stranger, stole from shops and bought everyone breakfast in McDonald’s. Once you’ve discovered what happened next, don’t forget to take our weekly quiz to find out how you should now address The Weeknd.
Rosie should have stayed off the ‘wife beater ‘ ( Stella )
24 hour ‘spoons …
Easy lies by politicians – lesson 1- terms
£100 billion invested over 10 years ( never happen )
World beating
World leading
Energy ( or anything ) superpower
5 year plan ( cancelled )
The Government will protect ( eg care homes )
We are taking tough action
There will be new laws
Independent inquiry
Judge led inquiry
There will be a new approach
Lessons will be learned
Seems chipper. Got on the bbc too. Next, a job offer?
Hey Hollywood teeth….
The entire media is now staffed by juvenile nut jobs serving peers.
And, yes, lovely teeth.
Going big on dead coloured yoof . The mummy of the dead boy having the victim statement read out . Maybe this can be a preforma to save the effort at the end of each murder trial?
No mention of ‘fathers ‘ of these victims or their killers – who needs fathers eh ?
Fed, babyfathers?
No comment about the no comment – not an approved subject for the bbc = equals amoral coloured children with no self control – best avoided – even on CCTV ….and never on a londonistan bus … survival skills
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC, is it that you just want a reason to attack a Conservative Government? *
One of the first or early items in the news at 6 a.m. was the fact that poor teachers do not know which way to turn on ‘the-transgender-issue-crisis’. They were apparently promised some guidance notes five years ago(!), which doesn’t seem credible does it? They haven’t turned up – yet. Of course the Gubmint is to blame, innit?
* To be fair, dem grate Bibbycee, did question or attack Labour Government policies in the dog days of the Brown Government 2009-2010.
Aye aye… A.I. Who’s laughing now or a whole lot of distancing going on edition
The globalist corporate managerial-minded Financial Times is pleased to report our already dripping wet Tory prime minister is tacking further left: Sunak rules out DUP deal… after next election, closing a potential route to retaining power
Frankly, our temporary placeman Rishi may as well stop prolonging the agony, call that election now, and pass the keys to Number Ten to Sir Keir – so he can take up running things on Tony Blair’s behalf and Rishi can go rejoin Goldman Sachs.
Afterall, our PM has just further distanced himself from any notion of conservatism: Rishi Sunak ‘disassociates himself’ from Conservative Christian MP’s backing of marriage… Marriages between men and women were “the only possible basis for a safe and successful society”, Kruger told the National Conservativism Conference, meeting in Westminster. (Premier Christian News) – so he doesn’t value traditional marriage? How odd when Rishi found his own marriage to be so very very profitable.
So we have Sunak on traditional man/woman marriange… to borrow from Frankie Howerd… “Nay, nay and thrice nay, I say”
Sunak rejects Tory MP’s claim about marriage between men and women (BBC)
But as comic Jimmy Cricket’s catchphrase used to tell us: “There’s more”
A whole lot of distancing going on
Sunak distances himself from Tories’ net migration pledge (FT)
If our manlet PM posing as the Swindon regional branch manager – who by the way refers to Britain as an economic zone – distances himself any further from conservatism he may as well bugger off and give up trying to run things over here and go hobnob instead with the international global elite…
Oh look, that’s exactly what he’s just gone and done: G7: New sanctions will make sure Russia pays a price, Sunak says… Speaking to the BBC’s Chris Mason at the G7 summit in Hiroshima (BBC)
Aye, aye… UK warns: new rules needed to tame AI (‘i’ newspaper)
Because a whole new regime of supranational rules imposed on us from abroad circumventing our local democratic processes is just what we voted for when we so recently sent the message to our politicians: “Take back control”
British Government [capital G in the ‘i’ house-style] is pushing for regulation to protect humanity against potential dangers of artificial intelligence, Rishi Sunak reveals.
This is the same government [small g in the Mr Asi house-style – I wish] that spent billions on Track and Trace: …around £29.5 billion was actually spent. While detailed figures for 2021/22 have not yet been published, the vast majority of spending in the scheme’s first year went on testing. (That was supposed ‘fact checkers’ Full Fact attempting to reassure us the figure wasn’t £37bn as claimed back in May 2022 – so that’s ok then)
This is the same government that’s pushing hard for central bank digital currency: UK enters international race to create public digital money. The Treasury and Bank of England said it is ‘likely’ a digital pound will be needed in future for everyday payments. (Politico)
Of course that requires us all to be virtually barcoded with a Digital ID: Tony Blair and William Hague call for digital ID cards for all (BBC); Will Tony Blair ever give up on ID cards? (Spectator in that resigned rhetorical world weary let’s just give up mood we’ve now come to expect from conservatism)
Where were we? Ah, yes, saving Humanity [presumably capital H in the Rishi Sunak house-style] or as Gordon Brown absent-mindedly once put it: “We not only saved the world” – which at the time reduced the House of Commons to fits of laughter. Who’s laughing now?
Some scientists are demanding new rules… – that went SO brilliantly well last time: The Failure of Imperial College Modeling Is Far Worse than We Knew… Neil Ferguson, the physicist at Imperial College London who created the main epidemiology model behind the lockdowns… Ferguson predicted catastrophic death tolls back on March 16, 2020 unless governments around the world adopted his preferred suite of nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to ward off the pandemic. Most countries followed his advice, particularly after the United Kingdom and United States governments explicitly invoked his report as a justification for lockdowns. ( American Institute for Economic Research)
Some scientists are demanding new rules on AI to protect society, political systems and even human life (the left-leaning ‘i’ there buying Rishi’s portentious bluster hook, line and sinker)
AI the new robotic bogeyman designed to scare us into compliance with whatever State/Corporate tosh the supranationalists care to dream up for us?
Could it be simple coincidence that the corporate media comes out with this story in apparent lock-step with Rishi fretting over AI at the G7: As BT says it’s replacing 10,000 workers with artificial intelligence technology… IS THIS THE START OF THE GREAT A.I. JOBS BLOODBATH? (Daily Mail)
As BBC black-balled global warming sceptic Johnny Ball was once wont to say – think of a number
The headline is somewhat abbreviated from screamer proportions but the number enlarged in the Sun headline: 55k jobs to go as BT use more AI
With so many jobs due to evaporate how come we’re importing so many more mouths to feed: Cabinet row over push for 600,000 foreign students every year (Telegraph)
UK reliance on foreign nurses at critical level (Times)
So we tried outsourcing the job of PM to India, how about we consider replacing him with AI?
To be fair to the Labout party leader, Sir Keir is about as close to being a personality-less robot as a human can get. And with Tony Blair working his controls remotely from abroad that’s all good then.
The blue labour gang must be working overtime to manage the immigration numbers for 2022 due next week . If they don’t withhold the figures for some reason – they must be looking for a better story to distract the punters ( us ) from their complete failure to control both legal and illegal arrivals .
No doubt they’ll hide behind attractive tall blond English speaking Ukrainian ladies – but the truth is out there – just go into any town and watch – unless you live in a multicultural cess pit as I do …
So glad I grew up in what used to be England …
From above “With so many jobs due to evaporate how come we’re importing so many more mouths to feed: Cabinet row over push for 600,000 foreign students every year (Telegraph)”
Home Office underestimated how many EU migrants live in Britain
More than 5.3m applications have been made to the EU settlement scheme by people who were resident in the UK
‘Complacent’ Home Office loses 175,000 illegal immigrants: Fresh humiliation as officials admit how many went missing after they were refused permission to stay
Committee of MPs was told how many immigrants had gone missing
Heard how many had been stopped – but were then allowed to escape again
Borders boss said she does not know the true scale of illegal immigration
Published: 23:25, 3 September 2014
Terrorism in the UK: number of suspects tops 40,000 after MI5 rechecks its list
In a testy interview with Beth Rigby for Sky News, the Prime Minister repeatedly refused to commit to a migration target. Despite the best efforts of bulldozing Beth, Rishi only committed to “bringing down the levels of net migration”. He couldn’t even promise to get it back below last year’s high of 504,000….
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
If he had disclosed?
A sharp rebuke and slapped wrist from Klaus Schwab followed by a tightening of the strings by the WEF Chief marionettist.
“is a puppet controlled from above using wires or strings depending on regional variations.” “The attachment of the strings varies according to its character or purpose.”
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
“Legal migration is too high, says Rishi Sunak”
A prime example of stating the bleeding obvious!
A polite reminder of what the Tories pledged us back in 2015…………..
Then we get “Stop the Boats”?
The CONman leading this CONservative government:
WATCH the magician’s hands, not his face, as he performs his conjuring tricks. Rishi Sunak’s hands have performed fully as a Remainer who affected sympathy with Brexit only for his own ambitions.
Net Zero, the false god betraying farming as it is betraying the rest of our western way of life, has Mr Sunak as much in its grip as it had his predecessor. Don’t be deceived.
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (May and Corbyn’s old speeches): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell
Theresa May … being put forward as Prime Minister and issuing a general election on implementing Brexit which was about immigration and sovereignty. … these speeches were never mentioned on the BBC £3.5bn news or other media outlets …
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
Jeremy Corbyn … with all the news on BBC £3.5bn Service regarding the Iran Nuclear Deal, Jeremy Corbyn has not been asked why he backs Al Quds protests and has spoken at them or why his is not vocal on Iran’s ‘death to’ position with Israel.
2012 … Jeremy Corbyn speaks at Al Quds march, Al Quds is the protest for all the oppressed but was initiated by an oppressor Ayatollah Khomeini. Jeremy Corbyn does not chastise the Iranian regime.
2018 … Iran release a ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’ Government approved emoji. But this is not mentioned when talking about Iran by the BBC or other outlets.
MPs expenses …. it was in 2008 that MPs used expenses to fill their own pockets or shredded. UK MPs on both sides have talked about reducing expenses and recession and austerity.
Yet, since 2010 MPs have enjoyed a pay increased of 18%.
How come the BBC news has not reported on this when talking to MPs?
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie,
and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell
taffman, the PM was talking about legal migration ie. as a result of University fees being higher for foreign students, then when they graduate and get permission to work in the UK they bring their families over to the UK.
You are talking about illegal migration and stopping trafficking.
Two different things.
I am commenting about ALL immigration. Great Britain is full.
I don’t see why the general population should suffer because universities. Farmers , hotel leisure can’t make money without imported labour – go find another way or sell up ….
taffman, it sure is but the PM was refering to legal migration ie. that from Afghanistan and Hong Kong under Bojo. There’s a difference.
I don’t understand how the students are allowed to bring in ‘dependants’ (I think that’s what they call them)
If half the students are girls and their ages are late teens to early 20’s does that mean that half of them are bringing in their babies going by the number of ‘dependents’, something like 160,000.
Do they then get baby sitters or bring mothers and fathers in to babysit?
I can’t think there must be many British families depending on 18 year old students. It all stinks.
When they say immigrants are a net benefit do they include the subsidies they get which are available to those on minimum pay. Housing allowances and lots of other benefits.
Do they take into consideration having to pay benefits etc to the British person who is out of a job because an immigrant has taken it.
We all know the government figures are manipulated but I wish some sort of opposition or media would present the case and point out the downsides instead of just saying they are a net benefit to gdp.
Do the blue labour politicians really not realise they will be voted out if mass immigration continues. Are they so blinkered or, apart from a few, simply stupid.
Everybody knows this yet they do nothing.
They don’t learn lessons do they.
EG, it is parents that they often bring in or a mature student brings a spouse and/or children. Human right = right to family life.
“Legal migration is too high, says Rishi Sunak”
600K Immigrants lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
3K Extreme Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
22 Lost in Manchester according to Theresa May.
1 More attack labelled bad driving this month of August.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
pug, is that why the BBC were – only for a short while (start of this week?) – telling me I was listening to BBC Radio 4, ‘the radio station of the year’?
Or is it just like three national newspapers deciding to be or claiming to be ‘the newspaper of the year’ for seemingly ever? See –
10am Radio Humberside: The about to be redundant presenter is yet again sneering at his own music playlist.
Due to Covid the midmorning shows were made 4 hours long.
And instead of 40 different regional producers making their own playlists, a centralised Guess the Year playlist is used.
Meaning that when you listen to one local station when a song is playing and you change to another BBC local , you hear the same song starting a few minutes later.
Well this presenter hates having to play a song just cos it was #5 in X year. so he moans. and crashes the songs etc.
Then he wonders why he’s first on the redundancy list,
and gets his Labour MP mate Diana Johnson to take a petition to parliament.
Sunak has ruled out a coalition with the DUP. One must wonder why he has singled out the DUP who would normally have been natural Tory allies. The DUP are of course Brexit supporters as well as opponents of the NI agreement. The DUP would demand proper Brexit, an inconvenient truth for Sunak and the Tories.
Sunak hasn’t ruled out coalition with the Liberals or even Labour…..
Flotsam, I think Sunak might just shave it with a 15 to 20 seat majority although there’s a long way to go to Polling Day and anything might happen between now and then.
10am local radio news “Grimsby green energy firm to lose 100 jobs”
.. Green PR and the news desk are so closely linked, minor Green stories make their headlines almost every day.
It’s only a few weeks since their reports were full of the same firm Myenergi sponsoring Grimsby Town FC shirts.
Oh lost a home charger subsidy grant scheme
Most Green Energy projects are unsustainable
cos they rely on subsidies, grants and PRtrickery.
The BBC failed to context that 100 jobs is a quarter of the workforce.
the co-owner tweeted 7 months ago
“This is what rapid growth looks like 💪🏼 ”
Local newspaper adds context
“orders of its staple Zappi electric vehicle charger and allied devices haven’t been maintained at anticipated levels, with the removal of consumer incentives also cited.”
The truth is that she and her co -founder ran a biz called 4Eco from 2014-2016 that also went bust and left people redundant
That time they blamed the government cutting the solar Feed In Tariff from 13p KWh to 4.5p
which at that time was still 50% higher then proper on demand power cost.
This afternoon the NUJ rep presenter is bringing on a Green PR woman to discuss the job cuts
Bet he will not mention the company going bankrupt before.
“@andycomfort will be talking to the founder of ElectrifyingCom
@GinnyBuckley about it and about the cost of electric cars @RadioHumberside”
The cost of electric cars huh … yesterday I saw that rapid charger at McDonalds in Tiverton was charging 75p/kWh which translates to:
£26.25 for 100 miles in a Tesla
£15.50 for 100 miles in a petrol Skoda Octavia
– I’d wager the fanbois at Radio Humberside swerved the crude sumz
This looks to be firmly in BBC cubicle monkey terrirory:
Rishi ( sorry Biden )has gone off to the G7 gig to celebrate the dropping of the big ones on the japs .
But I understand that because of the debt ceiling falling in in the former USA hes only there for the photo and then home – presumably leaving obama to tell the rest what to do …
Fed, yes, I’ve been frustrated by the BBC’s inability to ask their hundred strong Pronounciation Unit how to say ‘Hiro shima’ correctly on air. Shameful waste of taxpayer money!
Compare / contrast — BBC report that 21yr old Edward Little planned to kill Christian preacher Hatun Tash at Speakers’ Corner.
It’s another bodge job at the W1A newsdesk though as they decide to omit several pertinent facts relating to Eddie’s motivation: “He asked to stop at a mosque to pray but said he would do it in the cab after being told there was none on route.
Going by the online name of ‘Abdullah’, Little was also said to have exchanged chat about religion, Iraq and ‘kuffar’. Little declined to answer questions in police interviews but his mood changed when he was shown a YouTube view of the preacher. He launched himself from his chair across the table at an officer, swinging repeatedly with his fists before being restrained.
Judge Richard Marks said Little has an ‘absolutely shocking previous record’. The defendant had been convicted of 14 offences on seven separate occasions, including for robbery, having a knife and drug dealing…”
For accurate reporting, go to local news. If you want coverups and deceit, use the BBC.
Campbell like his namesake is a piece of excrement. Still any time I see his repugnant features I am reminded (as previously mentioned) of my brother punching him in the face when we were at university for being his obnoxious self even then.
Under the tag ‘Coronavirus pandemic’, the beeb try to eke out the last scraps of public terror: “GCSE and A-level pupils feel Covid anxiety as exams begin”
Except there’s zero fear of a viral contagion in the article: it’s a fluff piece about some teenage girls with exam worries, with covid shoehorned in to the headline.
“Mr Davies said exams were ‘pretty much back to normal'”
“‘I do feel like it’s back to normal – almost’, said Millie.”
Now how about that rising excess death rate, BBC?
Not a lot has changed since Eric Gill was around:
Former Government race advisor accuses Sadiq Khan of ‘virtue signalling’ over £500,000 diversity review of London’s historic statues and warns against ‘erasing’ the past as he seeks Tory nomination to run for mayor
Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm looking at street names, statues
Samuel Kasumu questioned its importance at time of problems in London
PUBLISHED: 10:04, 7 May 2023 | UPDATED: 11:34, 7 May 2023
Guessing Andrew Lawrence won’t get a gig on Question Time …. Maybe there should be a weekly YouTube version of QT with a less approved panel and non bussed in lefty audience – off to watch the brilliant ‘Harry and Paul ‘ rip off again – complete with ‘baroness Token ‘
The BBC is launching a review into its own coverage of migration to assess whether it is delivering “due impartiality” and providing a “breadth of voices and viewpoints” on the topic.
Outgoing BBC Chair Richard Sharp added the review “will ensure the BBC continues to have the correct approach to producing coverage that audiences can trust“.
May I translate that ‘breadth of voices ‘ means ‘more foreigners ‘ or ‘a lot more foreigners ‘.
The left use that thing against non left as ‘foreigners are easy to blame ‘ for the state of Blighty – with the implicit assumption that they are not to blame .
Well they are – 10 million of them – of all types and colours and circumstances . And how many arrive – ever leave ?
I am educated by the UK and taxpayer.
I use tolerance and freedom to spread hatred of the UK.
I go on the welfare system whilst I hate the UK, being paid by the taxpayer.
I tell BBC’s Stacey Dooley I will not follow UK laws.
I get 2 years and 6 months being looked after by prison guards, paid by the taxpayer.
I get released 2 and a half years early for hating the UK.
The UK taxpayer pays £2 million to watch me with 23K other terrorists.
If you disagree you are Islamophobic and Sajid Javid will arrest you.
.. Anjem Choudary mocks the tolerance of the West ..
the correct approach?
on what planet is that I wonder?
TalkTV just now the Big Green Hedgefund’s PR man was challenged
and lost
That’s why Greens don’t normally do fair and honest debate
Ward is a nasty creep who likes dishing it out but cannot take it…
An easy what, £70k or £80k a year to insult people his employer doesn’t like?
As mentioned before, in the Zoe poo test, just 118 out of 130,000, under 0.1%, identified themselves as neither male nor female. Under 1 in 1000.
So we might assume that in a 1000 student secondary school, there might be 1 person in a genuine trans dilemna.
Yet on Toady this morning there was a long feature about how teachers had been waiting for 5 years for official due dance and advice on how to deal with such situations.
Disproportionate or what? As a senior teacher once said to me, these kids with mental health and LGBT issues. Back in the day, it was called ‘teenagers growing up’.
It’s almost as if the trans rights bandwagon is running out of steam and so the BBC are dredging up any and every opportunity to keep it rolling.
BBC feature a story that Philip Scofields brother has been sent to jail for child abuse.
But you have to go three quarters of the way down the whole story to discover the one and only mention that the child in question was a boy. So this was homosexual child abuse.
Given Philip’s newly stated sexuality I should have thought the above was in the public interest. The BBC however clearly do not. Don’t want to upset their Stonewall friends, do they?
Philip Schofield……..age 61 homosexual
Timothy Schofield …age 54 homosexual paedophile
Funny what can happen in families
In English tort law, a super-injunction is a type of injunction that prevents publication of information that is in issue and also prevents the reporting of the fact that the injunction exists at all.[1] The term was coined by a Guardian journalist covering the 2006 Ivory Coast toxic waste dump controversy that had resulted in Trafigura obtaining a controversial injunction.[2] Due to their very nature media organisations are not able to report who has obtained a super-injunction without being in contempt of court. The term super-injunction has sometimes been used imprecisely in the media to refer to any anonymised privacy injunction preventing publication of private information. Critics of super-injunctions have argued that they stifle free speech, that they are ineffective as they can be breached using the Internet and social media and that the taking out of an injunction can have the unintended consequence of publicising the information more widely, a phenomenon known as the Streisand effect.
Loony Green policies have consequences whether the shits pushing them acknowledge it or not.
Our farmers are fighting against the worst kind of injustice: a government that has turned on its own people.
The government created a lie to rob our farmers of their land. But we won’t let it happen. Our #DutchFarmers are an example to the world.
I found this video and couldn’t believe it – look at everyone else’s faces.
“… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”
A bit of background before you start watching Diane Abbott in action. The Lord Harris Review (oct2016) on terror attacks said we should put up barriers (recommendation 31) on the Bridges in London to protect pedestrians, Diane had not read or forgotten the report – who if elected would be in charge of our homeland security.
Another Diane Abbott car crash 3 days before the election (youtube 05Jun2017)
GE#17 // Labour(Hackney) // Diane Abbott // Votes 42,265 // share 75.1% // change+12.2 // The People Love Her!
Kerry insists that the United States must massively reduce farming to meet the radical “green agenda” goals laid out by World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN).
According to the former Secretary of State, the world can’t tackle climate change without first addressing the agriculture sector’s emissions – and farmers in the US are front and center of his plans.
These guys are gonna need really good security soon …
tomo, Sri Lanka pioneered it, with their fertiliser ban last year. Apparently, it causes Global Warming and Climate Change.
After the fertiliser ban, there was famine in Sri Lanka.
Big question:
If scientists are so clever how come they did not discover that CO2, methane, and nitrogen dioxide/nitrous dioxide are Global Warming and Climate Change gases all at the same time in the 1980s?
The British media, and indeed even most of the financial world are completely oblivious of this upcomming conference which is undoubtdely going to have an effect on the West:
The St Petersburg International Economic Forum, a world apart from the WEF – although Russia was an active member, and with over 80 nations in attendance you can bet that our ‘leaders’ are not going to be amongst them.
On the table for discussion is the subject of the ‘toxic’ US Dollar Denominated T Bills which have lost so much value and the cause of the banking crisis in the USA. That’s not to mention the distress caused by the potential debt default if an agreement is not reached.
It’s not only the conference which isn’t being discussed because whilst in the USA the de Dollarisation is widely reported and discussed there has been next to nothing in the UK news.
The woke stupidity possibly along with the Green stupidity is going to evaporate like the morning mist when families are struggling to put food on the table and are shivering in their homes as a consequence of insane policies and decisions made.
The West is a collapsing dying power, and given the state of the leaders we have is it any wonder?
“We must focus primarily on economic growth based on technological development, as well as innovative economic management and socio-political models. Then, we will be able to provide leadership in the areas where we have competencies”
Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation
anybody who’d like a Patriot swatting Khinzal can see me afterward.
PTSG restores listed statue at BBC headquarters
Man arrested after allegedly damaging statue outside BBC Broadcasting House
This article is more than 1 year old
Police were called to reports a man had scaled front of building with chisel to attack artwork by Eric Gill
The carving, which depicts Prospero and a part-naked Ariel from Shakespeare’s The Tempest, was installed by the artist on the front of the BBC’s Broadcasting House headquarters in London in 1933, shortly after the building opened. The sculptor, Eric Gill, was one of the most prominent early 20th-century British artists and designers until his death in 1940. But his diaries, published many decades later, revealed his sexual abuse of his daughters and family dog.
YOU – stop having kids the planet is dying.
Boris – HA HA HA – popped another one out.
“Carrie Johnson has announced she and Boris are expecting their third child together.”
There’s a pile of steaming Carrie fawning i( and some exs purporting to comment) n the Daily Mail – I won’t link.
Do I give a ?
Nopety Nope
MM –
It’s just Boris ensuring that there’ll be future opposition to Labour’s 16 year old nappy voters.
He’ll be knocking them out for evermore!
Have I Got News for You
BBC One, 28 April 2023
Chris Whapples was referred to as ‘Lead Scientist’ in this episode. He is actually a Parking Consultant and Structural Engineer.
Morning Live
BBC One, 12 May 2023
In an item about scams involving TV Licence payments we said ‘if you’re over 75 you don’t need a TV Licence’. We also said ‘if you are over 75 you need a licence but you don’t pay for it’.
As we later clarified on the show, this is not correct. People who are over 75 and not in receipt of Pension Credit have to pay for a TV Licence. Over 75s in receipt of Pension Credit or those living with people who receive Pension Credit are entitled to a free TV Licence paid for by the BBC.
We apologise for the mistake.
BBC News 5pm Assad bad, war crimes bad man, dictator. Jeremey Bowen knows.
G.W.F., funny thing but I have a friend who has a sister in Damascus. She told her sister, who then told me “All is not how it is presented by the BBC from the Syrian war”.
I listened to JezBo’s final episode of his series on ‘Journalism’ (have missed a few) with a certain amount of rage. He forgot to mention Lyse Doucet’s, iirc, ‘Journalism’ from Syria that mentioned on air on BBC R4 (Station of the YEAR, I was reminded at 12.59 p.m.) that there were over 100 different groups fighting against the Syrian Army and Bashar Al Assad, some of them from outside the country. So it was not as JezBo presented the Syrian conflict: President v. his pople.
I expect we will soon hear from Sally Nugent on the
breakfast programme telling us about another infamous
victory . You see West Ham beat AZ Alkmaar in the
semi-final of the Conference league yesterday.
The problem for the BBC is a right looking WHITE
bruiser, commonly known as “Knollsy” fought off Dutch
ultra hooligans single – handedly as they tried to attack
the friends and relatives of the West Ham players.
The Daily Mail is calling him the ” Angel of Alkmar”
The 58 year old father of four is pictured in the Mail with
a black eye and bruises.
No you wont see Getty’s sending the BBC an image of this.
The only thing common with Getty’s is Knowllsy’s black eye!!
King Charles should knight him. And I have already voted for him as Sports Personality
of the Year. I know the BBC wont fix it for
him to win. He doesn’t tick a single BBC box.
Fos i think youll find a Far Right white extemist attacked a mostly peaceful group of AZ schoolchildren in their black uniforms.
Said extremist will be arrested under terrorism laws and extradited to holland and die trying to ‘escape ‘…,
Hardly worth sharing as the BBC investigating its own navel rarely generates anything bar more fluff.
The comments make some fair points, also to be ignored.
But surely as the BBC is for ever telling us – it is the place to go for unbiased world beating news and information …. I wonder if it will compare itself with other news providers ( eg the stuff Farage used to do going out into the channel ) ….
Fed, I was reminded again today: BBC R4 is ‘Station of the YEAR’.
That’s a sort of comfort blanket – laid out by BBCOFCOM- to make them the most trusted broadcaster since Goebells …
Maybe he is the first ‘tourist pm ‘ knowing California beckons after he has got the job and it’s just filler on the CV before returning to US investment $ banking ….
Talking of tourists – seems like boris has banged up nut nut again – another book on Churchill to pay the school fees ?
Twitter files reveal all: Pfizer Documents revealing “Mass Murder”. Hospital Health protocols that caused “Mass Murder”. Hunter Bidens Laptop revealing “Massive Corruption”. The BBC’s Trusted News Initiative and the FBI not Russia interfering in elections.
Most real news is now censored by OFCOM and the BBC. No deaths are reported, but you can still find out what Prince Harry has done today on GB News.