“I’m (HIS OWN) providing emergency funding (FROM HIS OWN POCKET) to help those most in need during school holidays with @MayorsFund (TAX MONEY) and @FelixProjectUK (TAX MONEY).
Good to visit @CoinStreet Neighbourhood Centre today to see the difference (BY TAX PAYER MONEY) it’s making (ADMIN CHARGES FOR CHARITY AT 20% TO CEO).”
The malinformationists of the ‘British Brainwashing Corporation (BBC)’, controlled by the ‘Office For Censorship, Obfuscation & Manipulation (OFCOM)’, have used ‘Office for flawed National Statistics (ONS)’ malinformation, to produce the lie that the mRNA jab is ‘Safe & Effective’, by turning thousands of deaths from vaccination, into fraudulently labelling these people as unvaccinated, and also fraudulently underestimating the number of unvaccinated, by three fold.
Also, evidence has emerged that Covid-19 and mRNA jabs were a successful use of all 36 Chinese strategies on the CIA, as well as the CCP’s use of bribing the “white elite” into destroying themselves with progressive & communist ideology & transferring their industry to China. The Chinese have bought the Gold and fooled the “white elite” into destroying their own military with a jab. From 2010 to 2012, all Chinese ethnic agents who opposed communism, were systematically executed, based on intelligence leaks from white people in the CIA who support Communism. To put the horror of this catastrophe into perspective, dozens of Chinese Communist Party officials had been selfless enough to place their trust in the United States, hoping that in doing so, might help bring positive change to their country. However, a group of ‘white European’ Pro-Chinese communists within the CIA routed this information back to the CCP and had every one of these brave ethnic Chinese individuals murdered; the fate of their families is unknown. Apparently the use of the 36 Chinese strategies by the CCP has effectively meant the CIA has become a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party. This was why the CIA was funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology: https://www.michaelpsenger.com/p/the-unwitting-coup-was-the-response
It explains why obvious communist assets like Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, Lancet editor-in-chief Richard Horton, 40-year British Communist Party Member Susan Michie, the WHO’s Bruce Aylward, and other white communist & pro-EU traitors have been able to operate so openly and even advance their careers despite all the murders and harm their policies have caused, as well as being responsible for the murder of all those ethnic Chinese people who supported freedom and democracy, and opposed communism. These are the Chinese people who founded The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv
GB News is under investigation by Ofcom. When Channel 4 News platformed the crazy conspiracy theories of The Guardian’s Carole Catwalla and others who accused myself and other Brexiteers of defrauding the British people and some of collusion with Russia, that was perfectly fine?!
For passengers on the the Bibby Stockholm Barge we are providing games, amusements and entertainment.
Pillage and looting
Walk the plank
Keel hauling
The asylum seeker game. Take a Chance and bugger up our community chest. “Go” back to your own country
The Ascension game
Mogg tackles Stanley Johnson on Chinese State oppression
“Oh this really isn’t my field, the greening of China is my field”
… as usual he talks like a useful idiot for the Chinese government
H again shouts his mantra “counting all the CO2 since the start the UK is the fifth biggest emitter”
Mogg ” but we are the fifth biggest economy in the world so that is proportionate”
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
It’s hard to see how what Stanley Johnson claims, can be true, in view of the relatively small populations here in the UK and the much larger ones in China (at present around 20 times ours).
From ourworldindata.org (pop. figures are for England only):
Even with, until more recently, a higher per capita output of CO2 in the industrialized UK, China is in a different league because of its size; and has now been overtaken population-wise by India!
Seven or eight flames constantly lick up from the four-meter square patch in a village in Chongqing’s Changshou district in southwest China. Regardless of weather, the spot kindles year-round. Locals flock to the location in a twice-a-day ritual to boil water, which takes only about five minutes.
Siemens Energy sees €4.5bn hit as wind losses widen
Siemens Energy launched a strategic review of its wind power business as problems with its turbines are expected to cause a €4.5 billion ($5 billion) net loss in one of industrial Germany’s biggest debacles.
Siemans also built lots of our underground trains, the sort that Mare Khaaan seems to forget when he yaps on about pollution and other subjects he doesn’t understand.
I never thought anyone could be worse than Livingstone with the ‘power’ to break London, but he’s already done it!
Perhaps a vent pipe from Oxford Circus up the short distance to the yard in front of Langham Place might focus the Beebonics, sitting in luxury and cooling in their very expensive cubicles.
BBC2 Chris Packham appears to be reading Brian Coxes script or Attenborough’s
same brainwashing background music
.. Why doesn’t the BBC use an AI voice instead ?
Epiode 4 : Atmosphere
Don’t expect him to mention that WATER VAPOUR is the commonest Greenhouse gas by far
From the series PR blurb
Packham’s words So again, we should appreciate that when we’re messing with the climate in the way that we are at the moment, we don’t have any guarantees that it would just continue to get a bit warmer, a bit warmer, a bit warmer. It might just get a bit warmer, and that might be a bit too much, and then everything changes.
And the last thing is that it won’t be like it’ll change for ten years, and then we can fix it. When we see these changes taking place throughout our planet’s history, it takes millions of years, sometimes hundreds of millions of years, for the planet to recover in the wake of one of those changes. I think it does really throw some light on the fact that we are quite literally playing with fire at the moment. And it’s a very dangerous game. Throughout the programs we focus on the climate, because the climate is very important, always has been, because of its direct impact on life. We nod to the fact that we are harming the climate throughout our first four programs. And in the final program we address it head on.”
“It’s a stark cautionary tale of how rapid climate change can cause whole ecosystems to collapse, but the fossil record also hints at Earth’s miraculous powers of reinvention. “
Shebahn Aherne @shebahn TalkTV women’s football star* is banging on
‘How dare media men like Piers Morgan go on about trans-women athletes, they deserve so much sympathy
these critics are doing it cos they are male dominant and have got POWER”
FFS that is the point trans-women athletes are dominant cos they are MALE-born and have got muscle POWER”
* actually the speaker is a Talksport Radio reporter
It’s her twin sister who is the Scotland Ireland football star .. and open lesbian
Some of you may be interested to see this. It is delivered in a low key style and some of it is specific to Australia where the current Labor government is trying foist undemocratic amendments to the constitution using. (A similar thing is happening in NZ under a Labour Govt.).
Towards the end it summaries the attacks Anglo culture is under in Australia very well and is relevant in some ways with the UK
I’m wondering if The Home Office are putting random migrants and visa jumpers in there or if it’s reserved for rubber boat peeps with prior nautical experience?
I’d wager they’re loading it with a few people who’ve entered legitimately and overstayed their docs… just to generate credible harsh treatment stories.
tomo ,
With all their seafaring experience they could be working for Border Farce or RNLI Taxi Service and bringing more lawyers and surgeons here !
After my short time on Twatter and permanent ban for my suggestion of Sinking the Dinghys before they left France …….surely a cheap solution to this Invasion problem , if only someone within the Government had the Guts to do this ……obviously Civil Serpents are helping the illegals to come and stay here !
Seems many have lawyers saying they were not vetted for aquaphobia which, given their arrival system, is something only Labour, the BBC and Corbyn could run with.
New rules? Putting the boot on the other foot edition
They do say one can’t have too much of a good thing. When it comes to football, I’m not so sure that’s true – and even the players seem to agree: Extra extra time… English football’s new rules on increased stoppage time have angered players and coaches, with some claiming that matches could last up to 25 minutes longer (Times)
New rules…? There may be certain areas of life where we’d like to see some new rules – football isn’t necessarily one of them. Mr AsI would prefer to do away with many recent soccer innovations such as five substitutes, VAR (obviously), Gareth Southgate, taking the knee and half-and-half scarves.
Compatriots hereabouts joked how our BBC might exhibit divided loyalties when the England ladies met the Nigeria girls (bring back our girls? Too soon? Or too long ago to recall the reference?) in that much heralded female version of the World Cup – the Julia Rime Trophy?
Apparently, the so-called Lionesses squeaked through.
Our residual patriots, the tabloid red tops, are of course pleased as punch: Yeeeeeess! (Daily Star); Joy after World Cup nailbiter (The Sun) – we interupt the sport to pounce on the notion of fingernails – that happy segueway to cartoonist Matt’s gag in the Telegraph referencing our much talked of but sadly non-existant in reality immigration controls: paterfamilias clutching his daily broadsheet newspaper addresses mater: “They’re clamping down on employing illegal migrants. I’ll paint your nails if you wash the car”
Spicey Mr AsI ponders the imagined conversation betwixt the teenaged offspring – perusing pop-up news on the mobile phone (obviously): “Clamping down on illegal migrants…? I’ll score your drugs, if you can groom and traffic the hookers”
Back to the sport… The Sun cheers on our team, any England team, to win: Lionesses show Lions how to do it
But as predicted in these waters hereabouts the left-leaners may have preferred a Nigerian victory: Phew! Daylight robbery Lively Nigeria outclass England – but are outgunned on penalties (‘i’)
Of course our old friend Andy Murray led the way: Wimbledon memories: How Andy Murray’s ‘anyone but England’ joke taught him his biggest lesson… some misguided souls still haven’t forgiven Murray for joking he would “support whoever England were playing against” at the World Cup (Tennis 365) – Misguided soul Mr AsI pleads guilty as charged and in mitigation qoutes Bill Shankly: “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.” – except the wimmins game, of course – where Mr AsI says mehhh.
Bad girls
Star forward Lauren James repentant after red card for stamp (‘i’)
Do I hear a ‘despite’ ?
England into last eight despite James’s red card (Telegraph); Women’s World Cup: England ride luck and stumble to victory after Lauren James sees red… then a moment of wild emotion saw James sent off. After the latest instance of her being dispossessed, the Chelsea forward snapped – standing on Michelle Alozie’s back. It was a deserved red card (BBC)
XR activist jailed for killing her boyfriend… stabbed her boyfriend to death as he pleaded “I love you”, Kingston Crown Court heard. Blaze Lily Wallace, a 28-year-old law graduate, was yesterday jailed for life (Telegraph)
Perhaps there was something to this furore afterall – although as it turns out, the boot was on the other foot, so to speak: What is the meaning behind Delilah and why has the song been banned at Welsh rugby matches? The banning of the song comes after allegations were made in a recent BBC documentary about a toxic culture permeating through the Welsh Rugby Union… The song tells the story of a young woman named Delilah who is murdered by her boyfriend after being caught with another man. Her boyfriend then reaches for a knife and stabs her to death… ‘The WRU condemns domestic violence of any kind…. We have previously sought advice from subject matter experts on the issue of censoring the song and we are respectfully aware that it is problematic and upsetting’ (Metro)
I thought the report on the case of the green crap activist accidentally murdering her drug dealer boyfriend of three months just about summed up how these demonstrators have found huge unchallenged power against decent people via the woke plod … and thought – well -2 – less – there’s hope.
Meanwhile the discipline hearing against a bloke called Veale – a chief constable found him guilty of just about everything – including inviting a ‘colleague ‘ to touch herself . Naturally Veale keeps his pension after retiring 2 years ago – he had in the mean time been police advisor ….
And more meanwhile – the ‘trial ‘ of a met plod commander for drug abuse has gone quiet – maybe he ll be getting a handout and promotion …
Many people lacked a voice previously. It was usually the elites speaking down to them with minimal feedback. Now the masses have a voice and you just have to have your own filter as to what you choose to take in.
I fine response from fin – HRH Simpson is that entitled monster the BBC produces – ranging from Attenborough to dimbleby PLC and lately the coloured brand they have bought along .
Jeez – they are just journalists – almost as low in life as politicians – yet deciding on what is approved and labelling every thing else as ‘far right ‘ …. When the is no ‘far right ‘ just conscious objectors …to their woke world ..
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
You can add to that the ” Balen Report” commisioned in 2004 to investigate BBC bias on their reporting of the Middle East conflict. It has never seen the light of day and the bbc have spent hundreds of thousands maybe millions of licence payers money keeping it well hidden. They commisioned it and when confronted with it’s findings they have hidden it.
A number of people requested copies of the report under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The BBC rejected these requests on the grounds that the report fell under a derogation in the FOI Act: “Information held by the BBC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act only if it is ‘held for purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature’.”[4] The BBC contended that as an internal report aimed at checking its own standards of journalism, the report was held for purposes of journalism.[4] The BBC’s position was challenged by Jewish activist[5] and consultant commercial solicitor at London firm Forsters,[6] Steven Sugar, who appealed initially to the Information Commissioner (who ruled in favour of the BBC) and then to the Information Tribunal (who ruled that the report was not held for purposes of journalism).[4]
Labour’s 2024 business conference is set for next February, and top firms across the UK are already seeing invitations land in their inboxes. Given it’s one of the last opportunities for companies to hobnob with the Shadow Cabinet before the General Election, which could be just a few months later, Labour are charging through the nose for those who want top seats at the table. Rachel Reeves did promise “Labour is back in business”, after all…
‘Headline Partners’ – the deluxe, all singing all dancing package – costs £50,000 (plus VAT).
2017 … “The future looks bright then, until you notice those who use new technology without due care.Some crazed demons on Twitter believe anything goes. Written words matter and hold meanings beyond that narcissistic urge to send off instant thoughts. The Tory councillor who sent out a vile and scary message about me says it was a joke. After some thought I decided I will not press charges. My objections have been made and there is no need for more. Yet having read many blogs and tweets that followed the incident, I do wonder whether our manners and morals will survive and if English itself, the best thing about us, is now seriously endangered.”
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Our most precious possession :: Post-colonials and their children in Britain have reclaimed English and made it their own {independent – Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – nov2010}
… forward 7 years to 2017 …
Yasmin alibhai-brown@y_alibhai
Replying to @aidanjmcg @sunny_hundal
“I speak four languages. I am an immigrant. Both make me smarter than little Englanders. Shame you can’t see that. Open your eyes.”
3:56 AM – 4 Sep 2017
I didn’t ‘spend two hours’ doing that. I spent two hours discussing how a complex problem (mass ongoing migration) needs leadership, subtlety, a functioning system and a mix of compassion and tough pragmatism. Absent from view at the moment. Anderson comments Exhibit A.
I wonder what they’ll say when towns and cities everywhere are totally overrun with dinghy users scared of water ? Will the ‘bussing ‘ phenomena of the southern US states be repeated here ? Will – say Dover council but invaders north in the middle of the night to – say – Aberdeen or Edinburgh – where they’ll all be welcome ?
UK should take in 10,000 Middle East
UK should take in 10,000 Middle East
Yvette Cooper: UK should take in 10,000 Middle East refugees
This article is more than 7 years old
Labour leadership contender says it is immoral and cowardly for Britain to turn its back on those fleeing war and turmoil
Patrick Wintour Political editor
Tue 1 Sep 2015 20.48 BST
9am R4 Jim Al-Kalili show is pushing Wave Power dream
“On an island nation like Britain, that power could well be harnessed to produce clean energy; so why have we barely begun to tap this bountiful resource?
Deborah Greaves is trying to change that. As Professor of Ocean Engineering at the University of Plymouth, she combines physical wave tanks with sophisticated computer modelling to test how well wave power devices respond to stormy seas. And as Director of the Supergen ORE Hub, she brings together researchers in offshore renewable energy to imagine a future of widespread, eco-friendly ocean power
In the real world the sea smashes up the machines
In 1984 my uni showed me the lab with the Salter Ducks
It was some kind of deception cos after that they never allowed us back in the lab, they were probably grant farming.
Lord -God – forgive me – I’ve just read a column by Owen Jones with which I almost totally agree. I need Valium – opioids quick . The subject ? MP second jobs .
Obviously he goes for the easy stuff blue labour MPs working for GBNews and leaves out queer red labour MPs writing books whilst being paid to represent their constituencies – He argues that £86k a year basic is twice what the voters earn – they are in the top 5% so will inevitably be unrepresentative of their electorates .
I agree – and the argument they always deploy that having a second job ‘keeps them in touch ‘ is just weasel words in a weasel world .
But agreeing with Owen jones . Pistol and glass of single malt please ( sorry thoughtful ) ____
Chris Evans (2.2m)- Talks to Jeremy Corbyn on Labour’s manifesto and the inequality created by uncontrolled, non-market driven organisations. (Evans is an avid Labour supporter) //
Gary Lineker (1.8m)- Alternatives to democracy, an interview with Kim Jong-un //
Graham Norton (0.8m)- Political Interview with President Erdogen on ‘Turkish Gays’ //
Gary Lineker (1.8m) – Interview’s people who think there is more than one positive in Brexit //
Dianne Abbott (1.3m est.) – Switches ‘This Week’ TV appearance for CBeebies Numberjacks //
Lord Tony Hall to earn £532,000 as new BBC boss by drawing pension (early) on top of salary {telegraph nov2012}
– now ask Gary Lineker and his friends at the BBC about their pensions? Have they taken Lord Hall’s approach and drawn on the pensions (future TV Tax payments – your children will be paying for these people) as well?
“Only 15 boarded the Bibby Stockholm after a charity stepped in because of traumatic experiences at sea and being victims of slavery.”
Merkel offers cash handouts worth millions of pounds for migrants to return home in an embarrassing U-turn
The German chancellor agreed measures to speed up deportation
An estimated 450,000 rejected migrants are set to be sent home
Scheme includes £76million of cash incentives to leave voluntarily
‘Grant farming ‘ nice concept . Surely in the next parliament Red labour will ban the sea from breaking up wave power generators … after all … they’ll be banning everything else – making the blue Labour Party look like … er .. they believed in ‘freedom ‘ ( which is a lie )
A study conducted by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) reports to have found that some coatings for offshore wind turbines can be potentially harmful to the environment.
Grant Farming is a feature of loads of youknee “business” spinoffs.
If a thing coming out of academia has commercial value it’s usually bought up pronto – there’s dozens of daft unworkable projects that stagger along from handout to handout and there’s an army of consultants who feed on it.
All the wave power projects I’ve seen are pipe dreams.
The people that promote them can’t have any experience of offshore engineering. Have any of them seen a storm at sea? Especially nearer the coast. Anything man made in the sea gets smashed up sooner or later.
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
So we’ll take a radical step – we’ll make illegal working a criminal offence in its own right. That means wages paid to illegal migrants will be seized as proceeds of crime… and businesses will be told when their workers’ visas expire… so if you’re involved in illegal working – employer or employee – you’re breaking the law.
The Prime Minister said:
A strong country isn’t one that pulls up the drawbridge…it is one that controls immigration. Because if you have uncontrolled immigration, you have uncontrolled pressure on public services. And that is a basic issue of fairness.
Uncontrolled immigration can damage our labour market and push down wages. It means too many people entering the UK legally but staying illegally. The British people want these things sorted.
That means…dealing with those who shouldn’t be here by rooting out illegal immigrants and bolstering deportations. Reforming our immigration and labour market rules so we reduce the demand for skilled migrant labour and crack down on the exploitation of unskilled workers. That starts with making Britain a less attractive place to come and work illegally.
And we’re going to get far better at training our own people to fill these gaps from overseas.
Our one nation approach will be tougher, fairer and faster. With this Immigration Bill, and our wider action, we will put an end to houses packed full of illegal workers; stop illegal migrants stalling deportation; give British people the skills to do the jobs Britain needs. We are for working people. For them, we will control and reduce immigration. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prime-minister-pledges-to-control-and-reduce-immigration
Apparently the ever so strong blue labour government is setting up a ‘task force ‘ to ‘track down ‘ ‘rogue lawyers ‘ getting illegal asylum claims through the system – I fear the ‘task force ‘- -‘lawyers ‘ and ‘illegal asylum seekers ‘ will all have ‘family connections ‘ – probably with those in housing departments – the DWP and passport offices …
Disability TRUMPS Ability. Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and immigration cases need to be reviewed … Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
“Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association chairman Adrien Berry said: ‘It is hard to see how he first passed the judicial exams and then why it has taken so long for his lack of knowledge to be exposed.”
When you give people special privilege above the law, you get no law and 1400 raped and tortured children over 16 years … ‘In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that at least 1,400 children, most of them white girls aged 11–15, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men.’
This is not my original idea but genuinely gave me food for thought. The “news” reports that 2.8 million people did not renew the TV licence last year. I have not researched this, no may be wrong. Does that number equal people or licences? Have they been viewing the electoral roles per household or council tax data? If it is licences the the number of people not viewing the BBC/ live TV could be considerably more than 2.8 million.
Gb – i thought it was just down 500 000 year on year – hence my maths in the ‘header ‘ here – if it was 2.8 million – that would be about 15% of total licences …
Fed, I did a little digging back to original sources. The 2.8 million refers to the number of people declaring they don’t need a licence from a Daily Mail online article, 360000 increase on the year . The post I saw interpreted it as not renewing which is, as usual, news speak.
Gb – good stuff – as long as the downward trend – er – increases – we are winning …. I’ve not seen TV for 4 weeks ( being away ) and looked at the listings – I’ve not missed much – and certainly nothing worth paying for ….
The latest crop of rulings from the unit contains a rare specimen – a ‘partially upheld’ verdict about a BBC London report in April. This cast protesters in a huge central London march against Mayor Sadiq Khan’s hated expansion of ultra-low emissions zone (ULEZ) measures as being from the ‘far right’ and branded them ‘conspiracy theorists’.
A backdrop to the 44 complaints about the bulletin received by the BBC is that Sadiq Khan claimed opponents of ULEZ were ‘in coalition with the far right’ at a People’s Question Time meeting at Ealing Town Hall on March 2, a few weeks before the demonstration. Did the bulletin echo his accusations? The complainants thought so.
So, is this ‘partially upheld’ ruling a sign of a shift in BBC policy? As always, the devil is in the detail and the answer is a resounding No. The wording of the key section of the short bulletin was: ‘Campaigners against the ultra-low emission zone held a protest in central London today. Local protesters and mainstream politicians were joined by conspiracy theorists and far right groups . . .’
This was clearly dog-whistle labelling of the crudest variety, and its intention was to smear those who disagree with ULEZ as being potentially dangerous extremists.
Offshore wind farms. Contentious enough, but I think they affect the weather.
I’ve noticed in the last couple of years that wind farms in the Liverpool Bay and Walney Island areas seem to be triggering rainfall events all the way into South Cheshire and Staffordshire.
I’ve done some Google searches and there does seem to be a large number of academics and researchers that also think that wind farms alter the weather, not just increased rainfall but other climate effects as well.
Have these climate effects been in the public consciousness at all? I thought not.
I’d seen that photo and similar ones some time ago. The related articles seem to be about wake from turbines reducing the efficiency of the ones sat in the wake rather than issues with the weather.
That con trail says a lot about potential effect on the weather. I’ve seen rainfall bubbling up from the Gwynt y Mor, Rhyl and Burbo wind farms. Mathematical analysis would be difficult. I’ve done Uni level statistics but can’t think of a way of scientifically analysing what’s happening.
I can tell you that there’s major repair works happening on some turbines, they are only a handful of years old.
The cost of these offshore wind farms seems to be impenetrable. Common sense tells you they must be costing us a fortune but hey! when has common sense ever applied to Green crap.
A couple of years ago I spent a couple of weeks at Eemshaven in northern Holland watching the maintenance of the seafront wind turbines – there were two teams working every day with what looked like rolls of fibreglass matting and tubs of resin patching up the tatty turbine blades from a basket suspended from the nacelles.
All the blades I looked at through binoculars were heavily patched – I did wonder if they had any recipe for controlling the balancing of the re-worked blades.
There seems to be an assumption that windmills interacting with air flows ( wind – excuse me matron ) has no effect on the green crap climate – same with using power from tides …. How do they know there’s no knock effects ?
Asking for a fiend
Flotsam – apols – just seen your post 4 hours ahead of me … renewable energy might not be so easy …
I rather suspect on the day of the photo not many were producing much.
On less clement days they would more.
However, in aggressive salt water environments and high stress winds the design lives of 25 years at best seem optimistic. Even with patches.
As Siemens is now discovering, and Germany will in winter.
All the gas turbine Leopards are in Ukraine now as roadside flower pots, so the new gen ones around Berlin will each have its own windmill which should be fine against T-14 as long as there’s a breeze.
Where’s Sir Lefty Far Right
How did this woman manage to get her drama about Global warming taken up by the BBC ??
I’ve written a fiction serial for @BBCRadio4 called ‘Invasive Species’.
5 parts, broadcasting weekly from Sunday 20th of August at 7.45pm (online too).
It combines all my obsessions – climate change, human behaviour & invasive plants 👀
Please do give it a listen if you can ❤️
Bit late but, did anyone hear the ‘Today’ news at 0800?
Boy, did I laugh, quite an outburst for so early in the morning. Does the BBC do comedy anymore? Yes, that’s becoming the hourly news:
Twenty or so of the dinghy people refuse to go onboard the vessel in Portland harbour. Many claim they have a fear of water…………
Even the sip of tea went down the wrong way.
As I said up thread – it seems likely that the Home Office will mix in some other peeps to muddy the waters…
If the refuseniks were moved from some leafy comfortable rural idyll – easy to see why they might kick off at being moved to the sink estate that is Portland.
We finally arrived in Port Stanley later in the afternoon and spent the rest of the day sorting out admin and catching up on some much-needed sleep on ‘Coastel 3’ in the Harbour.
The Coastels were floating hotels for the military. They were originally oil rig accommodation belonging to Bibby Line. Each Coastel was five floors high and capable of housing a Battalion, plus attached units, and other personnel.
My sensitivity to slight changes around me was aroused earlier.
If you present cash in many supermarkets now, they like to give you piles of coins in the change. Always with a, “sorry we are short of notes”. Its all legal tender (at present) so, no complaints. I wonder why its happening increasingly……… Nudge, nudge, nudge.
Articles being put out about the Truss ‘honours list ‘. But I ask – what sort of character wouid accept a nomination in those circumstance ? And how much stick are they willing to take ?
If there is one positive thing that can come out of that monstrous premiereship should be the end of nonsense ‘conventions ‘ such as ‘honours ‘.
This won’t happen of course because all PMs use gongs or the promise of gongs – as a tool to get their way …. Hence the Lords heading for the 1000 mark …
Fedup2 – flat-out bribery isn’t required when the legal scaffolding of the case resembles a badly drawn Escher picture – absurdity and non-sequiturs all over – including some notionally independent legal commentary (from Democrat aligned legals!) that the exact claims made by Jack Smith apply more to himself than to DJT – it’s all quite bonkers.
Looks like Verify have taken onboard criticism that they’re just a bunch of schoolgirls using Google maps attempting to pass themselves off as experts. Remember they advertise themselves as “a highly specialised team with a range of forensic and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) capabilities that enable them to go beyond conventional newsroom techniques.”
Assistant Editor Olga is proud to present their penetrating forensic insight in a piece on the rebuilding of bombed Mariupol by Russia: “BBC Verify has used satellite footage to map how Russia is reshaping the fabric of the city.”
They’re using Planet Labs for pics… which is an alternative to Google Earth. So now we can say they’re a bunch of schoolgirls using a Google maps substitute attempting to pass themselves off as experts.
Never has a service been so knowingly oversold.
We’ve used satellite images to map how Russia is reshaping the fabric of occupied Mariupol after its forces largely destroyed the city over a year ago. We also heard from remaining pre-war residents who fear an uncertain future. @ErwanRivault@adkrobinsonhttps://t.co/SbO0nKRoVu
Verify’s Rachel getting much kudos from one of her subjects in a hit piece against vaccine damage, who is a:
– Journalist
– Socialist
– Lesbian
– Author of ‘Coming Out of Cancer: Writings from the Lesbian Cancer Epidemic’ and ‘From Where They Sit: Black Writers Write Black Youth’
However did they find each other?
Thread.🧵 BBC's @rachelschraer interviewed me at one of the worst times in my life. She was compassionate and kind and the story she wrote was thorough and important. It's gutting to know others are still being treated this way, as her thread explains. Please read. Stop this. https://t.co/Vg6fBxwaBg
“Bibby Stockholm: Asylum seekers warned over failure to board Dorset barge” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-66438086
Something tells me the ‘Red Wall’ has fallen down and the ‘Tories’ are too daft to know it .
Who is running this country, the so called British Government or the “charities”, the lawyers or the snouts in the trough ?
We have an ‘OXO government’ in charge of this once great, country . OXO ? because they are the laughing stock of Europe.
I would guess there are many, many homeless British people that would jump to the offer a place on the hotel barge in Portland ?
I thought that Calais was in France ?
Evidently, the French don’t care despite all the money the UK pays France?
How much money does the charity get from ‘hostile foreign governments’ ?
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
Exclusive: Pakistan plans to quadruple domestic coal-fired power, move away from gas
By Gibran Naiyyar Peshimam
February 14, 202312:48 AM GMTUpdated 6 months ago
It turns out that a Labour by-election candidate is a Greenpeace eco zealot called Alistair Strathern. He is the selected Labour candidate for the Mid Bedfordshire seat vacated by Nadine Dorries. He dressed up as a zombie in a recent eco protest.
I posted something about Smarmer and Greenpeace a couple days ago. As a reminder Smarmer represented the Greenpeace McLibel defendants, something that raised Smarmers profile and boosted his career.
The association between Smarmer and Greenpeace remains close. We can expect lots of green crap from his government.
Sorry I’m sceptical because the blue labour lot seems to have cornered the market on green crap . But maybe red labour will favour winter blackouts and rationing again …. I’m sure they’ll tax the arse off of air travel and ban runways …
With Smart Meters installed the power cuts will be allocated to Tory voting constituency. Perhaps they could decide cuts based on you’d Council Tax band
I don’t think so BUT they might be able to decide pricing based on location and especially differentiated pricing based on demand and the time of day – a very handy thing as electricity demand nears and exceeds power production and transmission capacity. Cup of tea during the Corrie ads? That will be a usage surcharge of 50%.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
A person called Sinead o Connor died. She had one hit record once, over 30 years ago, with a song written by someone else.
But crucially she cut her hair very short and was an ‘activist’. Therefore an ideal leftist heroine for our completely impartial leftist BBC. Cue gushing tributes and positive coverage out of all proportion to her value to society.
Stuff, my thoughts exactly about the state funeral. Mourners lining the streets, I thought “really ?”. Messages from Russell Crowe, Cindi Lauper hells bells. Um are The Bachelors still alive?
Agree. I’m fed up with hearing about Sinn Fein O’Connor. It all seems to have been dragging on for days. Radio 4 had it on the 6pm news, when I was only half-paying attention, but I could tell from a certain tone they use, that she was approved of.
Oh dear. After the cries of ‘racists’ against the hideously white womens football team, they succumbed and put some BAME in there.
Then the BAME doesn’t get a decision for a foul she wanted – so stands on the opposition players back in her studded boots while she is on the floor and gets sent off.
But the headline from the BBC is that she apologised so it’s alright. She didn’t mean it.
Of course she was told to apologise and the only thing she is sorry about is that she got sent off. It was 100% deliberate.
What strikes me is how thick she must be to think she would get away with it.
"He's trying to portray himself as a party bruiser who appeals to the lowest common denominator."@Care4Calais CEO criticises Lee Anderson for failing to understand asylum seekers aren't "illegal", they're refugees fleeing places like Afghanistan.@AlexisConran | #AlexisConranpic.twitter.com/vdkukfCiHQ
Far more profoundly disagree with Anderson. Few if any #Conservative Party members have had the guts to stand up to the nationalist, right wing bullies who have taken over their party. Little wonder our politics is in such an appalling state. Be sure to vote them out of Govt. https://t.co/OR9lwFB8cO
You might believe, as much of the government pretends to do, that there is a legal or logical basis to the claim that refugees should stay in France. But language like 30p Lee's is deliberately designed make ignorance & bigotry mainstream Tory policy. And it's all on @RishiSunak.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC. https://www.euronews.com/business/2025/03/10/china-to-impose-retaliatory-tariffs-on-certain-canadian-imports-as-trade-war-intensifies
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60383385
Some can’t afford branded gear.
“I’m (HIS OWN) providing emergency funding (FROM HIS OWN POCKET) to help those most in need during school holidays with @MayorsFund (TAX MONEY) and @FelixProjectUK (TAX MONEY).
Good to visit @CoinStreet Neighbourhood Centre today to see the difference (BY TAX PAYER MONEY) it’s making (ADMIN CHARGES FOR CHARITY AT 20% TO CEO).”
The malinformationists of the ‘British Brainwashing Corporation (BBC)’, controlled by the ‘Office For Censorship, Obfuscation & Manipulation (OFCOM)’, have used ‘Office for flawed National Statistics (ONS)’ malinformation, to produce the lie that the mRNA jab is ‘Safe & Effective’, by turning thousands of deaths from vaccination, into fraudulently labelling these people as unvaccinated, and also fraudulently underestimating the number of unvaccinated, by three fold.
Also, evidence has emerged that Covid-19 and mRNA jabs were a successful use of all 36 Chinese strategies on the CIA, as well as the CCP’s use of bribing the “white elite” into destroying themselves with progressive & communist ideology & transferring their industry to China. The Chinese have bought the Gold and fooled the “white elite” into destroying their own military with a jab. From 2010 to 2012, all Chinese ethnic agents who opposed communism, were systematically executed, based on intelligence leaks from white people in the CIA who support Communism. To put the horror of this catastrophe into perspective, dozens of Chinese Communist Party officials had been selfless enough to place their trust in the United States, hoping that in doing so, might help bring positive change to their country. However, a group of ‘white European’ Pro-Chinese communists within the CIA routed this information back to the CCP and had every one of these brave ethnic Chinese individuals murdered; the fate of their families is unknown. Apparently the use of the 36 Chinese strategies by the CCP has effectively meant the CIA has become a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party. This was why the CIA was funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology: https://www.michaelpsenger.com/p/the-unwitting-coup-was-the-response
It explains why obvious communist assets like Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, Lancet editor-in-chief Richard Horton, 40-year British Communist Party Member Susan Michie, the WHO’s Bruce Aylward, and other white communist & pro-EU traitors have been able to operate so openly and even advance their careers despite all the murders and harm their policies have caused, as well as being responsible for the murder of all those ethnic Chinese people who supported freedom and democracy, and opposed communism. These are the Chinese people who founded The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv
BBC1 now a scamwatch prog about the fake Amazon scam
The member of the public who was a potential victim has a heavy African accent
Blokes on Youtube have been doing similar anti-scam progs for 4 years + so BBC is way out of date
Oh this is a BBC repeat
It’s shorted from the original Episode aired Apr 15, 2022
The Lincoln Project
Imagine if she and Simpo made media babies.
And were overseen by OFCOM.
For passengers on the the Bibby Stockholm Barge we are providing games, amusements and entertainment.
Pillage and looting
Walk the plank
Keel hauling
The asylum seeker game. Take a Chance and bugger up our community chest. “Go” back to your own country
The Ascension game
Mogg tackles Stanley Johnson on Chinese State oppression
“Oh this really isn’t my field, the greening of China is my field”
… as usual he talks like a useful idiot for the Chinese government
H again shouts his mantra “counting all the CO2 since the start the UK is the fifth biggest emitter”
Mogg ” but we are the fifth biggest economy in the world so that is proportionate”
THank God .. that segment is finished now
CCBGB https://twitter.com/liarsinc2/status/1688636538517667840
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
UPDATED: 22:37, 25 December 2021
It’s hard to see how what Stanley Johnson claims, can be true, in view of the relatively small populations here in the UK and the much larger ones in China (at present around 20 times ours).
From ourworldindata.org (pop. figures are for England only):
1800 <10m
1850 30m
1950 <42m
2000 55m
Compare with China (source: Wikipedia)
1800 >300m
1850 >450m
1900 >475m
1950 >550m
2000 1,400m
Even with, until more recently, a higher per capita output of CO2 in the industrialized UK, China is in a different league because of its size; and has now been overtaken population-wise by India!
This Underground Fire Has Been Burning for 59 Years
Leftover fuel from an abandoned gas well keeps the embers going in this southwest China village.
Seven or eight flames constantly lick up from the four-meter square patch in a village in Chongqing’s Changshou district in southwest China. Regardless of weather, the spot kindles year-round. Locals flock to the location in a twice-a-day ritual to boil water, which takes only about five minutes.
Siemens Energy sees €4.5bn hit as wind losses widen
Siemens Energy launched a strategic review of its wind power business as problems with its turbines are expected to cause a €4.5 billion ($5 billion) net loss in one of industrial Germany’s biggest debacles.
Rishi to pull 888 billion from his back pocket.
Not the first windmill f-up from that company
Siemans also built lots of our underground trains, the sort that Mare Khaaan seems to forget when he yaps on about pollution and other subjects he doesn’t understand.
I never thought anyone could be worse than Livingstone with the ‘power’ to break London, but he’s already done it!
Perhaps a vent pipe from Oxford Circus up the short distance to the yard in front of Langham Place might focus the Beebonics, sitting in luxury and cooling in their very expensive cubicles.
The tube reeks at this time of year…
BBC2 Chris Packham appears to be reading Brian Coxes script or Attenborough’s
same brainwashing background music
.. Why doesn’t the BBC use an AI voice instead ?
Epiode 4 : Atmosphere
Don’t expect him to mention that WATER VAPOUR is the commonest Greenhouse gas by far
From the series PR blurb
Packham’s words
So again, we should appreciate that when we’re messing with the climate in the way that we are at the moment, we don’t have any guarantees that it would just continue to get a bit warmer, a bit warmer, a bit warmer. It might just get a bit warmer, and that might be a bit too much, and then everything changes.
And the last thing is that it won’t be like it’ll change for ten years, and then we can fix it. When we see these changes taking place throughout our planet’s history, it takes millions of years, sometimes hundreds of millions of years, for the planet to recover in the wake of one of those changes. I think it does really throw some light on the fact that we are quite literally playing with fire at the moment. And it’s a very dangerous game. Throughout the programs we focus on the climate, because the climate is very important, always has been, because of its direct impact on life. We nod to the fact that we are harming the climate throughout our first four programs. And in the final program we address it head on.”
“It’s a stark cautionary tale of how rapid climate change can cause whole ecosystems to collapse, but the fossil record also hints at Earth’s miraculous powers of reinvention. “
Packham would be out of his depth on a moist lawn.
Who’s writing the scripts and who are the production team?
Shebahn Aherne @shebahn TalkTV women’s football star* is banging on
‘How dare media men like Piers Morgan go on about trans-women athletes, they deserve so much sympathy
these critics are doing it cos they are male dominant and have got POWER”
FFS that is the point trans-women athletes are dominant cos they are MALE-born and have got muscle POWER”
* actually the speaker is a Talksport Radio reporter
It’s her twin sister who is the Scotland Ireland football star .. and open lesbian
Katie Hopkins sounds very like a BBC choice for comments on the barge dwellers.
BBC Four tonight
19:00 Portillo in America
8pm Sona Datta traces the development of the Hindu religion. (R)
9pm My Family, Partition and Me: India 1947
Dunno why we get 2 repeats about India
Some of you may be interested to see this. It is delivered in a low key style and some of it is specific to Australia where the current Labor government is trying foist undemocratic amendments to the constitution using. (A similar thing is happening in NZ under a Labour Govt.).
Towards the end it summaries the attacks Anglo culture is under in Australia very well and is relevant in some ways with the UK
Border Force larceny
Barge dwellers revolt?
I’m wondering if The Home Office are putting random migrants and visa jumpers in there or if it’s reserved for rubber boat peeps with prior nautical experience?
I’d wager they’re loading it with a few people who’ve entered legitimately and overstayed their docs… just to generate credible harsh treatment stories.
tomo ,
With all their seafaring experience they could be working for Border Farce or RNLI Taxi Service and bringing more lawyers and surgeons here !
After my short time on Twatter and permanent ban for my suggestion of Sinking the Dinghys before they left France …….surely a cheap solution to this Invasion problem , if only someone within the Government had the Guts to do this ……obviously Civil Serpents are helping the illegals to come and stay here !
Park the Migrant boat outside Parliament on the Thames.
Seems many have lawyers saying they were not vetted for aquaphobia which, given their arrival system, is something only Labour, the BBC and Corbyn could run with.
Dingy crossings?
Essential Travel?
Carbon credits – land grab or the Amazon’s future?
“This week, delegates arriving in Belém’s international airport … ”
Do as I say, not as I do
“Wet weather dampened clothing sales in July “ .
Would you believe it , they call it news?
taffman, I like the photo the Picture Editor chose for the web-site: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news
“The higher cost of living and rising interest rates are squeezing spending.”
But there were a few bright spots, with more being spent on takeaways and streaming services as people stayed indoors away from the rain.
The headline I posted has already disappeared!
New rules? Putting the boot on the other foot edition
They do say one can’t have too much of a good thing. When it comes to football, I’m not so sure that’s true – and even the players seem to agree: Extra extra time… English football’s new rules on increased stoppage time have angered players and coaches, with some claiming that matches could last up to 25 minutes longer (Times)
New rules…? There may be certain areas of life where we’d like to see some new rules – football isn’t necessarily one of them. Mr AsI would prefer to do away with many recent soccer innovations such as five substitutes, VAR (obviously), Gareth Southgate, taking the knee and half-and-half scarves.
Compatriots hereabouts joked how our BBC might exhibit divided loyalties when the England ladies met the Nigeria girls (bring back our girls? Too soon? Or too long ago to recall the reference?) in that much heralded female version of the World Cup – the Julia Rime Trophy?
Apparently, the so-called Lionesses squeaked through.
Our residual patriots, the tabloid red tops, are of course pleased as punch: Yeeeeeess! (Daily Star); Joy after World Cup nailbiter (The Sun) – we interupt the sport to pounce on the notion of fingernails – that happy segueway to cartoonist Matt’s gag in the Telegraph referencing our much talked of but sadly non-existant in reality immigration controls: paterfamilias clutching his daily broadsheet newspaper addresses mater: “They’re clamping down on employing illegal migrants. I’ll paint your nails if you wash the car”
Spicey Mr AsI ponders the imagined conversation betwixt the teenaged offspring – perusing pop-up news on the mobile phone (obviously): “Clamping down on illegal migrants…? I’ll score your drugs, if you can groom and traffic the hookers”
Back to the sport… The Sun cheers on our team, any England team, to win: Lionesses show Lions how to do it
But as predicted in these waters hereabouts the left-leaners may have preferred a Nigerian victory: Phew! Daylight robbery Lively Nigeria outclass England – but are outgunned on penalties (‘i’)
Of course our old friend Andy Murray led the way: Wimbledon memories: How Andy Murray’s ‘anyone but England’ joke taught him his biggest lesson… some misguided souls still haven’t forgiven Murray for joking he would “support whoever England were playing against” at the World Cup (Tennis 365) – Misguided soul Mr AsI pleads guilty as charged and in mitigation qoutes Bill Shankly: “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.” – except the wimmins game, of course – where Mr AsI says mehhh.
Bad girls
Star forward Lauren James repentant after red card for stamp (‘i’)
Do I hear a ‘despite’ ?
England into last eight despite James’s red card (Telegraph); Women’s World Cup: England ride luck and stumble to victory after Lauren James sees red… then a moment of wild emotion saw James sent off. After the latest instance of her being dispossessed, the Chelsea forward snapped – standing on Michelle Alozie’s back. It was a deserved red card (BBC)
XR activist jailed for killing her boyfriend… stabbed her boyfriend to death as he pleaded “I love you”, Kingston Crown Court heard. Blaze Lily Wallace, a 28-year-old law graduate, was yesterday jailed for life (Telegraph)
Perhaps there was something to this furore afterall – although as it turns out, the boot was on the other foot, so to speak: What is the meaning behind Delilah and why has the song been banned at Welsh rugby matches? The banning of the song comes after allegations were made in a recent BBC documentary about a toxic culture permeating through the Welsh Rugby Union… The song tells the story of a young woman named Delilah who is murdered by her boyfriend after being caught with another man. Her boyfriend then reaches for a knife and stabs her to death… ‘The WRU condemns domestic violence of any kind…. We have previously sought advice from subject matter experts on the issue of censoring the song and we are respectfully aware that it is problematic and upsetting’ (Metro)
I thought the report on the case of the green crap activist accidentally murdering her drug dealer boyfriend of three months just about summed up how these demonstrators have found huge unchallenged power against decent people via the woke plod … and thought – well -2 – less – there’s hope.
Meanwhile the discipline hearing against a bloke called Veale – a chief constable found him guilty of just about everything – including inviting a ‘colleague ‘ to touch herself . Naturally Veale keeps his pension after retiring 2 years ago – he had in the mean time been police advisor ….
And more meanwhile – the ‘trial ‘ of a met plod commander for drug abuse has gone quiet – maybe he ll be getting a handout and promotion …
Mucho Simposo (for Hornblower fans) at it still.
I fine response from fin – HRH Simpson is that entitled monster the BBC produces – ranging from Attenborough to dimbleby PLC and lately the coloured brand they have bought along .
Jeez – they are just journalists – almost as low in life as politicians – yet deciding on what is approved and labelling every thing else as ‘far right ‘ …. When the is no ‘far right ‘ just conscious objectors …to their woke world ..
For everything else, there is OFCOM.
… or…. BBC Verify…
Mucho Simposo is a big fan. And Femi.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
You can add to that the ” Balen Report” commisioned in 2004 to investigate BBC bias on their reporting of the Middle East conflict. It has never seen the light of day and the bbc have spent hundreds of thousands maybe millions of licence payers money keeping it well hidden. They commisioned it and when confronted with it’s findings they have hidden it.
A number of people requested copies of the report under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The BBC rejected these requests on the grounds that the report fell under a derogation in the FOI Act: “Information held by the BBC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act only if it is ‘held for purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature’.”[4] The BBC contended that as an internal report aimed at checking its own standards of journalism, the report was held for purposes of journalism.[4] The BBC’s position was challenged by Jewish activist[5] and consultant commercial solicitor at London firm Forsters,[6] Steven Sugar, who appealed initially to the Information Commissioner (who ruled in favour of the BBC) and then to the Information Tribunal (who ruled that the report was not held for purposes of journalism).[4]
Mark Steyn laughs! None of the GBNew stand up for him.
I have sent my condolences to the BRITISH broadcasting
corporation over England beating Nigeria .
Civil servants in Scotland used bank cards to make tens of thousands of purchases, including spending nearly £10,000 on VIP airport services.
For a fee former first minister Nicola Sturgeon, and her staff, were given fast-track security and access to lounges at UK and European airports.
Other purchases on procurement cards included yoga classes and nail polish.
The Scottish government said it could not comment on a first minister’s travel plans for security reasons.
An official added that all spending on the cards was subject to “robust authorisation and regular auditing arrangements”.
Trying to imagine those hateful sour faced SNP MPs at yoga classes and having their nails dun. Or a back crack and sack ©️…ugh …don’t ..
Labour’s 2024 business conference is set for next February, and top firms across the UK are already seeing invitations land in their inboxes. Given it’s one of the last opportunities for companies to hobnob with the Shadow Cabinet before the General Election, which could be just a few months later, Labour are charging through the nose for those who want top seats at the table. Rachel Reeves did promise “Labour is back in business”, after all…
‘Headline Partners’ – the deluxe, all singing all dancing package – costs £50,000 (plus VAT).
The BBC Qt panel shaping up a treat… Mad Al, Corbyn, Femi, Mucho Simposo and… this charmer…
It’s all they know.
Whilst trying to crush any Democratic free speech in their way.
2017 … “The future looks bright then, until you notice those who use new technology without due care.Some crazed demons on Twitter believe anything goes. Written words matter and hold meanings beyond that narcissistic urge to send off instant thoughts. The Tory councillor who sent out a vile and scary message about me says it was a joke. After some thought I decided I will not press charges. My objections have been made and there is no need for more. Yet having read many blogs and tweets that followed the incident, I do wonder whether our manners and morals will survive and if English itself, the best thing about us, is now seriously endangered.”
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Our most precious possession :: Post-colonials and their children in Britain have reclaimed English and made it their own {independent – Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – nov2010}
… forward 7 years to 2017 …
Yasmin alibhai-brown@y_alibhai
Replying to @aidanjmcg @sunny_hundal
“I speak four languages. I am an immigrant. Both make me smarter than little Englanders. Shame you can’t see that. Open your eyes.”
3:56 AM – 4 Sep 2017
A country run by media.
Foghorn, Myska, YAB, Mucho Simposo…
Utter wallies. Dangerous ones. Especially in concert with Khans, Corbyns, etc.
I wonder what they’ll say when towns and cities everywhere are totally overrun with dinghy users scared of water ? Will the ‘bussing ‘ phenomena of the southern US states be repeated here ? Will – say Dover council but invaders north in the middle of the night to – say – Aberdeen or Edinburgh – where they’ll all be welcome ?
UK should take in 10,000 Middle East
UK should take in 10,000 Middle East
Yvette Cooper: UK should take in 10,000 Middle East refugees
This article is more than 7 years old
Labour leadership contender says it is immoral and cowardly for Britain to turn its back on those fleeing war and turmoil
Patrick Wintour Political editor
Tue 1 Sep 2015 20.48 BST
Listen: Nick Ferrari asks a squirming Yvette Cooper if she has taken Syrian refugees into her home
8 March 2016, 12:00am
Sadiq Khan can go to MECCA?
Keith Vaz has 10 homes to fill?! Free washing machines!
9am R4 Jim Al-Kalili show is pushing Wave Power dream
“On an island nation like Britain, that power could well be harnessed to produce clean energy; so why have we barely begun to tap this bountiful resource?
Deborah Greaves is trying to change that. As Professor of Ocean Engineering at the University of Plymouth, she combines physical wave tanks with sophisticated computer modelling to test how well wave power devices respond to stormy seas. And as Director of the Supergen ORE Hub, she brings together researchers in offshore renewable energy to imagine a future of widespread, eco-friendly ocean power
In the real world the sea smashes up the machines
In 1984 my uni showed me the lab with the Salter Ducks
It was some kind of deception cos after that they never allowed us back in the lab, they were probably grant farming.
Bg coincidence they’ve just sent a wave project to the scrapyard
Lord -God – forgive me – I’ve just read a column by Owen Jones with which I almost totally agree. I need Valium – opioids quick . The subject ? MP second jobs .
Obviously he goes for the easy stuff blue labour MPs working for GBNews and leaves out queer red labour MPs writing books whilst being paid to represent their constituencies – He argues that £86k a year basic is twice what the voters earn – they are in the top 5% so will inevitably be unrepresentative of their electorates .
I agree – and the argument they always deploy that having a second job ‘keeps them in touch ‘ is just weasel words in a weasel world .
But agreeing with Owen jones . Pistol and glass of single malt please ( sorry thoughtful ) ____
How BBC presenters can validate their earnings …
Chris Evans (2.2m)- Talks to Jeremy Corbyn on Labour’s manifesto and the inequality created by uncontrolled, non-market driven organisations. (Evans is an avid Labour supporter) //
Gary Lineker (1.8m)- Alternatives to democracy, an interview with Kim Jong-un //
Graham Norton (0.8m)- Political Interview with President Erdogen on ‘Turkish Gays’ //
Gary Lineker (1.8m) – Interview’s people who think there is more than one positive in Brexit //
Dianne Abbott (1.3m est.) – Switches ‘This Week’ TV appearance for CBeebies Numberjacks //
Lord Tony Hall to earn £532,000 as new BBC boss by drawing pension (early) on top of salary {telegraph nov2012}
– now ask Gary Lineker and his friends at the BBC about their pensions? Have they taken Lord Hall’s approach and drawn on the pensions (future TV Tax payments – your children will be paying for these people) as well?
Vile was going full Animal Farm on rich folk sharing their earnings with the feckless, and not just young directors.
Bet his cameraman was impressed.
That would be this Vile.
Offering a choice between media hyperbole and… media hyperbole.
They really think this is a watershed to grab power back. Looking at the comments they may have peaked early.
As they cower in their gated communities, hopefully no diesel Transit drivers outside have bolt cutters.
“Only 15 boarded the Bibby Stockholm after a charity stepped in because of traumatic experiences at sea and being victims of slavery.”
Merkel offers cash handouts worth millions of pounds for migrants to return home in an embarrassing U-turn
The German chancellor agreed measures to speed up deportation
An estimated 450,000 rejected migrants are set to be sent home
Scheme includes £76million of cash incentives to leave voluntarily
UPDATED: 08:50, 11 February 2017
‘Grant farming ‘ nice concept . Surely in the next parliament Red labour will ban the sea from breaking up wave power generators … after all … they’ll be banning everything else – making the blue Labour Party look like … er .. they believed in ‘freedom ‘ ( which is a lie )
Report: Some Turbine Coatings Could Pose Harm
FRIDAY, JULY 21, 2023
A study conducted by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) reports to have found that some coatings for offshore wind turbines can be potentially harmful to the environment.
Grant Farming is a feature of loads of youknee “business” spinoffs.
If a thing coming out of academia has commercial value it’s usually bought up pronto – there’s dozens of daft unworkable projects that stagger along from handout to handout and there’s an army of consultants who feed on it.
All the wave power projects I’ve seen are pipe dreams.
The people that promote them can’t have any experience of offshore engineering. Have any of them seen a storm at sea? Especially nearer the coast. Anything man made in the sea gets smashed up sooner or later.
Exactly Flotsam. They tried this while back as I recall in the Moray firth – it was an absolute disaster and waste of time and effort.
“Prime Minister pledges to control and reduce immigration”
Eight years ago!
Men of straw?
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
So we’ll take a radical step – we’ll make illegal working a criminal offence in its own right. That means wages paid to illegal migrants will be seized as proceeds of crime… and businesses will be told when their workers’ visas expire… so if you’re involved in illegal working – employer or employee – you’re breaking the law.
The Prime Minister said:
A strong country isn’t one that pulls up the drawbridge…it is one that controls immigration. Because if you have uncontrolled immigration, you have uncontrolled pressure on public services. And that is a basic issue of fairness.
Uncontrolled immigration can damage our labour market and push down wages. It means too many people entering the UK legally but staying illegally. The British people want these things sorted.
That means…dealing with those who shouldn’t be here by rooting out illegal immigrants and bolstering deportations. Reforming our immigration and labour market rules so we reduce the demand for skilled migrant labour and crack down on the exploitation of unskilled workers. That starts with making Britain a less attractive place to come and work illegally.
And we’re going to get far better at training our own people to fill these gaps from overseas.
Our one nation approach will be tougher, fairer and faster. With this Immigration Bill, and our wider action, we will put an end to houses packed full of illegal workers; stop illegal migrants stalling deportation; give British people the skills to do the jobs Britain needs. We are for working people. For them, we will control and reduce immigration.
Apparently the ever so strong blue labour government is setting up a ‘task force ‘ to ‘track down ‘ ‘rogue lawyers ‘ getting illegal asylum claims through the system – I fear the ‘task force ‘- -‘lawyers ‘ and ‘illegal asylum seekers ‘ will all have ‘family connections ‘ – probably with those in housing departments – the DWP and passport offices …
Disability TRUMPS Ability. Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and immigration cases need to be reviewed … Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
“Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association chairman Adrien Berry said: ‘It is hard to see how he first passed the judicial exams and then why it has taken so long for his lack of knowledge to be exposed.”
When you give people special privilege above the law, you get no law and 1400 raped and tortured children over 16 years … ‘In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that at least 1,400 children, most of them white girls aged 11–15, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men.’
This is not my original idea but genuinely gave me food for thought. The “news” reports that 2.8 million people did not renew the TV licence last year. I have not researched this, no may be wrong. Does that number equal people or licences? Have they been viewing the electoral roles per household or council tax data? If it is licences the the number of people not viewing the BBC/ live TV could be considerably more than 2.8 million.
Gb – i thought it was just down 500 000 year on year – hence my maths in the ‘header ‘ here – if it was 2.8 million – that would be about 15% of total licences …
Fed, I did a little digging back to original sources. The 2.8 million refers to the number of people declaring they don’t need a licence from a Daily Mail online article, 360000 increase on the year . The post I saw interpreted it as not renewing which is, as usual, news speak.
Gb – good stuff – as long as the downward trend – er – increases – we are winning …. I’ve not seen TV for 4 weeks ( being away ) and looked at the listings – I’ve not missed much – and certainly nothing worth paying for ….
The latest crop of rulings from the unit contains a rare specimen – a ‘partially upheld’ verdict about a BBC London report in April. This cast protesters in a huge central London march against Mayor Sadiq Khan’s hated expansion of ultra-low emissions zone (ULEZ) measures as being from the ‘far right’ and branded them ‘conspiracy theorists’.
A backdrop to the 44 complaints about the bulletin received by the BBC is that Sadiq Khan claimed opponents of ULEZ were ‘in coalition with the far right’ at a People’s Question Time meeting at Ealing Town Hall on March 2, a few weeks before the demonstration. Did the bulletin echo his accusations? The complainants thought so.
So, is this ‘partially upheld’ ruling a sign of a shift in BBC policy? As always, the devil is in the detail and the answer is a resounding No. The wording of the key section of the short bulletin was: ‘Campaigners against the ultra-low emission zone held a protest in central London today. Local protesters and mainstream politicians were joined by conspiracy theorists and far right groups . . .’
This was clearly dog-whistle labelling of the crudest variety, and its intention was to smear those who disagree with ULEZ as being potentially dangerous extremists.
Just to remind you that it’s silly season the Guardian launches “air pollution causes antibiotic resistance”
Any reports on Al Beeb yet about the events happening at The British Museum ?
part and parcel of living in a big city – shut up racist
Ah! there now………….
“man stabbed by man”
There is “no outstanding risk to the public” and it is not being treated as terror-related, the Met Police says.
Offshore wind farms. Contentious enough, but I think they affect the weather.
I’ve noticed in the last couple of years that wind farms in the Liverpool Bay and Walney Island areas seem to be triggering rainfall events all the way into South Cheshire and Staffordshire.
I’ve done some Google searches and there does seem to be a large number of academics and researchers that also think that wind farms alter the weather, not just increased rainfall but other climate effects as well.
Have these climate effects been in the public consciousness at all? I thought not.
No effect at all, none… shut up denier.
I wonder the chemtrail brigade aren’t on it.
I’d seen that photo and similar ones some time ago. The related articles seem to be about wake from turbines reducing the efficiency of the ones sat in the wake rather than issues with the weather.
That con trail says a lot about potential effect on the weather. I’ve seen rainfall bubbling up from the Gwynt y Mor, Rhyl and Burbo wind farms. Mathematical analysis would be difficult. I’ve done Uni level statistics but can’t think of a way of scientifically analysing what’s happening.
I can tell you that there’s major repair works happening on some turbines, they are only a handful of years old.
The cost of these offshore wind farms seems to be impenetrable. Common sense tells you they must be costing us a fortune but hey! when has common sense ever applied to Green crap.
A couple of years ago I spent a couple of weeks at Eemshaven in northern Holland watching the maintenance of the seafront wind turbines – there were two teams working every day with what looked like rolls of fibreglass matting and tubs of resin patching up the tatty turbine blades from a basket suspended from the nacelles.
All the blades I looked at through binoculars were heavily patched – I did wonder if they had any recipe for controlling the balancing of the re-worked blades.
There seems to be an assumption that windmills interacting with air flows ( wind – excuse me matron ) has no effect on the green crap climate – same with using power from tides …. How do they know there’s no knock effects ?
Asking for a fiend
Flotsam – apols – just seen your post 4 hours ahead of me … renewable energy might not be so easy …
Windfarm turbines are there to extract energy.
Take it from where it traditionally exists and anything down(no)wind will surely see a change never before experienced.
Anyhoo, is this not lovely?
I rather suspect on the day of the photo not many were producing much.
On less clement days they would more.
However, in aggressive salt water environments and high stress winds the design lives of 25 years at best seem optimistic. Even with patches.
As Siemens is now discovering, and Germany will in winter.
All the gas turbine Leopards are in Ukraine now as roadside flower pots, so the new gen ones around Berlin will each have its own windmill which should be fine against T-14 as long as there’s a breeze.
Where’s Sir Lefty Far Right
How did this woman manage to get her drama about Global warming taken up by the BBC ??
… https://twitter.com/rachelle_ata/status/1688850302261194752
Bit late but, did anyone hear the ‘Today’ news at 0800?
Boy, did I laugh, quite an outburst for so early in the morning. Does the BBC do comedy anymore? Yes, that’s becoming the hourly news:
Twenty or so of the dinghy people refuse to go onboard the vessel in Portland harbour. Many claim they have a fear of water…………
Even the sip of tea went down the wrong way.
Are they even rubber boaters ?
As I said up thread – it seems likely that the Home Office will mix in some other peeps to muddy the waters…
If the refuseniks were moved from some leafy comfortable rural idyll – easy to see why they might kick off at being moved to the sink estate that is Portland.
Weeks holiday from Today unless something happens ….Niger looks up for it …
We finally arrived in Port Stanley later in the afternoon and spent the rest of the day sorting out admin and catching up on some much-needed sleep on ‘Coastel 3’ in the Harbour.
The Coastels were floating hotels for the military. They were originally oil rig accommodation belonging to Bibby Line. Each Coastel was five floors high and capable of housing a Battalion, plus attached units, and other personnel.
My sensitivity to slight changes around me was aroused earlier.
If you present cash in many supermarkets now, they like to give you piles of coins in the change. Always with a, “sorry we are short of notes”. Its all legal tender (at present) so, no complaints. I wonder why its happening increasingly……… Nudge, nudge, nudge.
FarmFoods is worst.
Articles being put out about the Truss ‘honours list ‘. But I ask – what sort of character wouid accept a nomination in those circumstance ? And how much stick are they willing to take ?
If there is one positive thing that can come out of that monstrous premiereship should be the end of nonsense ‘conventions ‘ such as ‘honours ‘.
This won’t happen of course because all PMs use gongs or the promise of gongs – as a tool to get their way …. Hence the Lords heading for the 1000 mark …
Judge in Trump arraignment strikes down two sealed filings from Biden Justice Department prosecutor Jack Smith…
I wonder if we’ll get to hear what was wrong with them?
Not enough $50 notes ?
Fedup2 – flat-out bribery isn’t required when the legal scaffolding of the case resembles a badly drawn Escher picture – absurdity and non-sequiturs all over – including some notionally independent legal commentary (from Democrat aligned legals!) that the exact claims made by Jack Smith apply more to himself than to DJT – it’s all quite bonkers.
Looks like Verify have taken onboard criticism that they’re just a bunch of schoolgirls using Google maps attempting to pass themselves off as experts. Remember they advertise themselves as “a highly specialised team with a range of forensic and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) capabilities that enable them to go beyond conventional newsroom techniques.”
Assistant Editor Olga is proud to present their penetrating forensic insight in a piece on the rebuilding of bombed Mariupol by Russia: “BBC Verify has used satellite footage to map how Russia is reshaping the fabric of the city.”
They’re using Planet Labs for pics… which is an alternative to Google Earth. So now we can say they’re a bunch of schoolgirls using a Google maps substitute attempting to pass themselves off as experts.
Never has a service been so knowingly oversold.
Verify’s Rachel getting much kudos from one of her subjects in a hit piece against vaccine damage, who is a:
– Journalist
– Socialist
– Lesbian
– Author of ‘Coming Out of Cancer: Writings from the Lesbian Cancer Epidemic’ and ‘From Where They Sit: Black Writers Write Black Youth’
However did they find each other?
Mum is v proud – done ever so well
Promising footballer…
Sly block replies to their British Museum report
“Bibby Stockholm: Asylum seekers warned over failure to board Dorset barge”
Something tells me the ‘Red Wall’ has fallen down and the ‘Tories’ are too daft to know it .
Who is running this country, the so called British Government or the “charities”, the lawyers or the snouts in the trough ?
We have an ‘OXO government’ in charge of this once great, country . OXO ? because they are the laughing stock of Europe.
I would guess there are many, many homeless British people that would jump to the offer a place on the hotel barge in Portland ?
Only one party can fix it now ………..https://www.reformparty.uk
I thought that Calais was in France ?
Evidently, the French don’t care despite all the money the UK pays France?
How much money does the charity get from ‘hostile foreign governments’ ?
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
I wonder whom the BBC will support now that , Jamaica,
Nigeria and Morocco are out of the World Cup. Any
Which team has the most lesbians?
Liverpool men’s’ team ?
Interesting question – but is that badged players for the other side ? Closet ‘ changing room types ? Or just suspected ?
But to quote Andy Murray ‘ anyone but England ‘…. We ll never hear the end of that contrived nickname “the cheats “
or which team has the most trans women?
Khant goes full pant wetty
Exclusive: Pakistan plans to quadruple domestic coal-fired power, move away from gas
By Gibran Naiyyar Peshimam
February 14, 202312:48 AM GMTUpdated 6 months ago
Come on let’s die in the freezing winters … no boilers – no gas – no wood burners …. No transport …
Wasn’t that a poem?
It turns out that a Labour by-election candidate is a Greenpeace eco zealot called Alistair Strathern. He is the selected Labour candidate for the Mid Bedfordshire seat vacated by Nadine Dorries. He dressed up as a zombie in a recent eco protest.
I posted something about Smarmer and Greenpeace a couple days ago. As a reminder Smarmer represented the Greenpeace McLibel defendants, something that raised Smarmers profile and boosted his career.
The association between Smarmer and Greenpeace remains close. We can expect lots of green crap from his government.
Sorry I’m sceptical because the blue labour lot seems to have cornered the market on green crap . But maybe red labour will favour winter blackouts and rationing again …. I’m sure they’ll tax the arse off of air travel and ban runways …
With Smart Meters installed the power cuts will be allocated to Tory voting constituency. Perhaps they could decide cuts based on you’d Council Tax band
I don’t think so BUT they might be able to decide pricing based on location and especially differentiated pricing based on demand and the time of day – a very handy thing as electricity demand nears and exceeds power production and transmission capacity. Cup of tea during the Corrie ads? That will be a usage surcharge of 50%.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
It appears there has been a State Funeral today.
A person called Sinead o Connor died. She had one hit record once, over 30 years ago, with a song written by someone else.
But crucially she cut her hair very short and was an ‘activist’. Therefore an ideal leftist heroine for our completely impartial leftist BBC. Cue gushing tributes and positive coverage out of all proportion to her value to society.
You forgot, she also became a muslim.
Rob, that must make it a slam dunk to cancel the TV schedules and have several hours of live coverage
Stuff, my thoughts exactly about the state funeral. Mourners lining the streets, I thought “really ?”. Messages from Russell Crowe, Cindi Lauper hells bells. Um are The Bachelors still alive?
Agree. I’m fed up with hearing about Sinn Fein O’Connor. It all seems to have been dragging on for days. Radio 4 had it on the 6pm news, when I was only half-paying attention, but I could tell from a certain tone they use, that she was approved of.
Typical vicarious BBC student Leftism.
No loss
Lauren James: England forward apologises for Women’s World Cup red card
Oh dear. After the cries of ‘racists’ against the hideously white womens football team, they succumbed and put some BAME in there.
Then the BAME doesn’t get a decision for a foul she wanted – so stands on the opposition players back in her studded boots while she is on the floor and gets sent off.
But the headline from the BBC is that she apologised so it’s alright. She didn’t mean it.
Of course she was told to apologise and the only thing she is sorry about is that she got sent off. It was 100% deliberate.
What strikes me is how thick she must be to think she would get away with it.
Vile gets in Smitty to criticise a Tory pol.
Meanwhile here is Souse making a claim.
Then on the side of the angels… apparently.
Bonus link:
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
God if only right wing nationalists had taken over the Tory party – I might have voted for them – instead they are just dead self servicing ex MPs