Scroblene i decline your dogs’ action against me for contributory negligence regarding the red wine invidenf ( alleged) . Nice to see someone else get first apart from the ‘ syndicate’ ..
Oh, it was nothing Fed; really! She got out of the way immediately I uttered the word ‘B****r’!
We’d been watching, ‘When the green woods laugh’, from the original ‘Darling buds of May’ series with proper actors doing what H.E.Bates would have wanted, (not the ridiculous BBC re-make for ‘diversity’ and ‘enrichment’ using ‘actors’ nobody had ever heard of, and were’nt likely to), and had enjoyed a great laugh, so there was a lull at the end, tinctures needed refilling, and the clock said ‘after 9.00pm’!
Brissles, you know that you and I could easily ride off into the middle distance, sample a ticture or three of Kentucky Mint Julep, and dance the night away!
But my arms are suffering from a flu jab in the right and the covids one in the left, and I just couldn’t hold you straight and close, so please forgive me!
The BBC usuals defended Russel Brand when he was one of them , a lefty , at the Andrew Sachs affair .
Now he’s not in their tribe so they want him deplatformed .
The other Brand ; Jo , is still in with them . She can advocate throwing acid at those the BBC don’t like and they don’t want her deplatformed .
How about a debate between the two , Battle of the Brands .
More likely on GB News than the BBC ( which I think should be deplatformed ) .
Nibor, “How about a debate between the two , Battle of the Brands.” ah but, yes but, no but what is the product? It would be an advertisng executive’s dream to have that Battle of the Brands.
I know some of you who post here are less keen on GBNews than I am. I didn’t see Lawrence Fox on Dan Wooten. But I fail to understand why it is so terrible for someone to say they didn’t want to have sex with someone. Would it have been better if he had said that he did want to sleep with her? Either way I don’t think it is worse than Jo Brand encouraging someone to throw battery acid over Nigel F.
But I was upset that GBNews seemed to be imploding. I have virtually completely stopped watching the BBC and I do like to watch a little to in the evening and Dan Wooten talking about the idiots in Monticeto fitted the bill.
On a Saturday evening, Calvin’s programme produced really high level discussion with people like Emma Webb and Steven Pound. I hope he gets reinstated.
Meanwhile, I have even avoided this site for the last couple of days because I felt so sad that excellent tv (and sometimes not so excellent but still stuff that was interesting) was being destroyed that I couldn’t face even discussion about it.
I have written to GBNews telling them I want Dan back. I don’t want them destroyed by the Left.
The rule is “It’s OK when we lefties do it”
In 2009 BBC finally ruled on 2 Frankie Boyle jokes a year earlier
A “bad taste” joke made by comedian Frankie Boyle on Mock The Week about the Queen did not breach editorial guidelines, the BBC Trust found today.
The Trust’s Editorial Standards Committee (ESC) found that, while the joke had sexist and ageist overtones, it did not fall foul of the rules
The committee found that, although it was in poor taste, the gag would not have gone beyond audience expectations
Rebecca Adlington
In a show broadcast in August 2008, Boyle said Adlington looks “like someone who’s looking at themselves in the back of a spoon”.
He also made sexual innuendo, saying Adlington’s boyfriend looked like a male model and continuing: “So from that I have deduced that Rebecca Adlington is very dirty – I mean if you just take into account how long she can hold her breath…”
As it was a year on
… they took no physical action against Boyle
They just said he’d moved on, so they couldn’t sack him from Mock the week
GB News is an excellent alternative voice in the cacophony of sameness that is British broadcasting.
The liberal elite (BBC types) want it silenced at all costs, but it’s crucial that it survives and flourishes.
Of course this latest ‘furore’ is just another pretext to shut it down.
Fox’s ‘crime’ was trivial, and Wootton’s even more so. He barely chuckled at Fox’s rant – big deal!
Hang on, I’ve missed something, what’s happened to Calvin?
I’m usually out at the time so I always record the Neil Oliver show and enjoy his monologue, though sometimes his guests get up my bugle…particularly that gobby Arab bint that so loves the sound of her own voice.
Yes Sluff- I wrote to ” Newswatch” last night asking them
what this headline was doing on the BRITISH broadcasting
corporations main internet page. Also asking them why
the hacking to death of a 15 year old girl on a bus when
she was going to school in LONDON which I believe
is in England , has seemed to disappear on the BBC website.
Or is the BRITISH part of the corporations name, Just an
A girl is knifed to death on the bus to school in diverse, vibrant, multicultural Croydon.
The BBC of course totally fail to mention the diverse context.
A boy aged 17 has been charged with murder.
A boy.
Un-named because he is young and so has his anonymity protected.
Which is rather odd. Because Labour, the LibDems and SNP want such a person to have a vote !!!!!!! FFS.
Dishi Rishi wants an end to the War on the Motorist.
Where have the Tories been for the last 10 years? Declaring War on the Motorist almost as much as Labour and the Eco-loons.
Perhaps Sunak should take a look at the M53 today. A school bus overturned. Two people died.
But how many thousands of motorists had their lives trashed? Where was the effort to open up at least the unaffected carriageway? Where was the effort to turn round the traffic stranded behind the overturned bus? How many hours did the police spend with their clipboards measuring all kinds of distances? And how often is this multi-hour road closure the norm after any motorway accident ?
No. The war on the Motorist will continue. It runs very very deep throughout the public sector, and most local Tory councillors have not the guts to stand up to those in real power- especially the unelected council traffic officials who spend their working lives dreaming up the anti-car schemes and burying the detail in hundred page reports no-one has the time or inclination to read…and so they go through on the mod.
That, dear readers ( and Rishi), is how it actually works.
According to newspaper media the Bus driver Stephen Shrimpton ‘suffered medical issue behind the wheel’ before horror smash on M53.
What issues ?
Why do they always hide half the facts.
It the ‘authorities’ and MSM won’t tell us, then I’ll be forced to assume its the latest clot shot💉 complications!
Sluff – round here the M5 is often closed for hours to allow the police to carry out their investigations to the nearest centimetre. Sod the thousands of people who it affects. There should be a time limit on these things. ‘Thank you for your patience’ my arse.
I wonder what excuse they’ll use for not naming him.
How come there was only one tree there anyway.
Is it like North Yorkshire Moors where most if it is kept as scrublands so the toffs can go bird shooting?
There is a news story about the National Trust leaning on the Jesuits to get a man they don’t like evicted. and they evicted him last week
Walter Renwick 68
He ran a campsite on the farm he rented from the Jesuits
Strange line in the article
: Walter told ChronicleLive at the time the battle had “broken a proud man” adding: “I was born here. It is like a tree with roots”
I think the outgoing blue labour regime has got collective mental issues . Two themes – the highest tax levels since the war and – indeed – the war on motorists .
The blue labour ‘conference ‘ is going to announce the end of the ‘war against motorists ‘ and no more tax rises . Both claims will be lies – whatever regime gets in next time .
And the blue Labour Party is the very outfit waging war against both tax payers and motorists aka people in cars .
So the mental issue I mentioned above is dementia . Sunak hunt and co have no recollection of the harm they have been doing but maybe are finally realising they are about to be thrown out . Neither of those mentioned – indeed the whole crap cabinet – will be personally financially affected – but the desire for power and cudos will be their big loss .
Then it’s red labour to finish the self destruction completely – shouldn’t be difficult after what the current shower have done …
BTW – how is the ‘today ‘ programme? – been avoiding it …
Your RIght Right – the blue Labour Party seem oblivious to the effects / techniques of the Far Left BBC – it’s as though they are not interested in the anti British poison the kidults vomit out all the time ( aka 24/7) …. They could have fixed it – instead they’ve moved ever further Left ….
Let’s kick off with a media double standard in the popular arena that is sport. Heaven forbid males dare objectify sportswomen by commenting on their looks over their skills. However, the female interest Times features: My lifelong love for rugby (well, mostly the players) Sophia Money-Coutts
The charmless half-human looking drone that is our chancellor of the exchequer attempts to charm voters: We can’t let tax rises go on for ever, insists Hunt (Times)
Whenever I see Jeremy Hunt I can’t help but think meerkat: Psychologists investigate meerkats’ response to human emotions. Researchers explore whether the animals adapt their behaviour in response to people’s happiness, sadness or anger (Guardian)
Meanwhile: The BBC is more than happy to say the quiet part about our taxes out loud: UK facing permanent higher taxes, IFS think tank says… The UK government’s tax take has soared since the Conservatives won the general election in 2019 (BBC)
This is your fake news Tory politics – A home secretary who says she’d like to stop illegal immigration – if only she could. A chancellor who says he’d like to cut taxes – if only he could.
Despite: Clampdown on traffic fines and 20mph zones as Tories gamble on driver vote (i weekend) – you’ll still be better off getting out and walking it
15 hikes… – not taxes, that’s a frontpage teaser in the i weekend: 15 hikes the around UK and Europe
But wouldn’t you just know it…
Rishi Sunak tax rise: 15 times the Tory Chancellor has hiked taxes (The National April 2022)
Tories Have Raised Taxes More Than Any Government On Record, Say IFS… The increases since 2019 will cost households £3,500 each (Huff Post)
Speaking of unadulterated barefaced sanctimonious cant: Trauma: Ava Evans has voiced fears for her family after this week’s sexist attack. Devastating fallout from Fox’s misogyny on GB News
Track and trace anyone? Parking app for whole country as Tories traget anti-car measures (Telegraph) – a big centralised State-sponsored IT project – what could possibly go wrong?
An amusing little juxtaposition on that big broadsheet frontpage
Big brother is watching. My chilling run-in with a secretive facial recognition app (Telegraph)
We ought now to end on a moment of quiet and respectful reflection on the passing of Dianne Feinstein, a venerable 90-year-old American ‘pioneer for women‘ – however, the FT (firmly in the tank for the Democrats of course) appears more concerned with rank political punditry: Death of ‘trailblazer’ Feinstein leaves Democrats with Senate majority of one – quick… get out there and fortify an election!
For those sad souls watching the blue labour conference starting sunday – be prepared for large amounts of jam – but it wont be until tomorrow of course .
Although i suspect that lot couldnt get the lid off – vote for no one …
Lets hear it for the vibrant Hakan Niyazi Candermir, 25 who has been convicted of allowing his killer XL dog to attack a police horse in the third world victoria park hackneyistan
To be sentenced later .. £50 fine … abd a deportation order or maybe not
Not so much biased BBC as staggeringly ill-informed and incompetent BBC,
Mischal Hussein (we call her Useless Hussein) was interviewing a Kenilworth MP about HS2.
‘But surely even if they cancel the project beyond Birmingham you will benefit from quicker journeys to Birmingham and London’ said Hussein in terms?
Errrr, no. You thicko. Kenilworth will not have an HS2 station. Kenilworth residents would have to travel IN to Birmingham first in order to get HS2 to London, adding so much extra time that no-one will do it.
A telling example of the ignorance of the BBC presenters living in their lefty ivory towers well away from the rest of us.
“IT WAS in June 2019 that the UK became the first major economy to pass a law which required all greenhouse gas emissions to be brought to zero by 2050. This was nodded through Parliament without debate, and there was no price tag attached.
It was something to be celebrated, apparently. Chris Skidmore, then the Energy and Clean Growth Minister, said proudly: ‘Today we’re leading the world yet again . . . pioneering the way for other countries to follow in our footsteps.’ The ‘race’ had begun.”
Yes, that’s the puzzling part. Rich Sunaks attempt to row back from some things green with cars/petrol etc? That legislation is enshrined in law thanks to Treason May & Boris the liar. Sunak cannot amend that legislation without further legislation. Without looking into it, and at face value, its just Sunaks word which, for me, will not be relied upon. He’s caught the ‘Boris’ lying bug.
Doesn’t all this epitomise the false words that politicians spout on every occasion when anyone bothers to listen?
The net-zero cobblers, global boiling, ‘lessons to be learnt’, etc., all come down to the yapping of a vacuous bunch of pompous freeloaders,, scrabbling for money and ‘kudos’, and planning to leave Parliament when they’ve made enough contacts to gain even more dosh!
I don’t believe a work Sunak has said, but there again, I don’t believe anything any MP spouts these days, as they’ll be proved wrong, and then try and wriggle out of their blame as the norm!
Funnily enough, these are the same sentiments I feel about the BBC!
Hate to say it but, I’m beginning to hope there’s a exceptionally cold winter for a long spell in the UK. That’ll sort out the ‘Net Zero’ bunch of zealots and Government, not to mention the ‘Global Warming’ drive from the Met Office.
There’s an awful lot of manufactured outrage at Laurence Fox’s remarks about some poisonous feminist the other evening. Blimey, you’d think he’d suggested homicide. He only said he wouldn’t sh@g her. Big deal…
Bunter Boulton was immediately out of the traps, wanting GB News closed down…as were a number of other vested interests. In the words of John McEnroe, “You cannot be serious”.
Blimey, Channel 4, has inflicted endless dross on the British public, including the man they’re now accusing of rape, but carries on, unchallenged.
The BBC, knowing full well that Jimmy Savile was a nonce, gave him his own teatime show, where little girls came and sat on his lap. No problem there…
And they don’t like us to mention the excruciating Huw Edwards debacle…because the poor chap is having breakdown. He just gets sympathy.
Even the repulsive Piers Morgan felt he had to get in on the act and said he found Laurence Fox “Obnoxious.”
Does that reptilian creature have no sense of irony?
“I have an unparalleled record on climate in the media over three decades. I kept the climate story alive when other media had been driven away from it. I figured it’s better to get on air with 4/5 of a message than not give the message at all.”
“Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has said he wants to stop the “vicious circle of ever-rising taxes” by reforming public services and the benefits system.”
News that the Department of Health and NHS England have agreed a formula to write off the staggering £13.4 billion of loans that have been propping up NHS trusts and foundation trusts will be welcomed by many – but is little more than belated recognition that the “debts” were so huge they could never have been paid off in the first place.
Less of the "us" please. Many, myself included, saw through this grifting, destructive Marxist movement, and voiced concern that supposedly smart people supported it. We were called 'wayyyycist" but we were right.
It’s time to admit it: Black Lives Matter hysteria made fools of us all
As a British protest organiser admits fraud, it’s hard to help wondering: what exactly came over us in summer 2020?
30 September 2023 • 7:00am
Watching Mr Trudeau, people in the rest of the world may wonder why Canadians keep voting for this simpering ninny. I think I can guess. As anyone who has visited Canada will know, Canadians are the nicest, kindest and politest people on earth. So they probably can’t bear to vote him out, in case it hurts his feelings.
There’s more video footage – personally, I’d like the nasty old git to endure devastating personal humiliation. I might’ve had some sympathy if he weren’t POTUS – but in truth he never should’ve run – that was crystal clear before the 2020 election.
Kamala Harris is amazing, that such a seriously weird vacuous bint with no discernable skills or track record of serious achievement gets to occupy a succession of high ranking jobs is one of the great mysteries of the age.
The Anti Fascist UAF (founder member David Cameron) are marching against the racist Tory Party at their conference tomorrow. They have chosen what appears as two Tory racists of colour for their poster
Is that image fake ?
Seems not : used on
– SUTR website, & their regional Facebook pages
– Coventry & Warwickshire Social Worker’s Party, Facebook
– Norwich Extinction Rebellion Facebook
They are the only pages that use it
So I reckon they are all SWP connected
‘Hang the Tories’ protest banner on Salford bridge denounced by MPs
This article is more than 6 years old
Huge hand-painted sign removed from bridge by police ahead of Conservative party’s conference in Manchester
During an interview in 1994, Bruce Kanier asked Colonel Prouty what he meant when in a talk he said that petroleum wasn’t a fossil fuel and that it was a mineral.
Re GBnews Fox : Lefties weaponise taking offence, for political gain
People often say hatey things on TV ..sometimes very similar to what Fox’s words
When I say narratives are pushed and the hypocrisy is out of control. This is what I mean. Piers Morgan had that awful woman on his show yet laughs when his guest said “would you shag it?” No outrage
Sometimes I try to think ‘deeply ‘ – to see if there is something over arching going …. I’m wondering if those injections are having so effect on group behaviour . Have tempers been shortened ? Are people more anxious ? There seems a lot less joy and a lot more fear about ..
You might think ‘fed up is off on one ‘ . Maybe it’s me and my observation of human behaviour has become too sensitive .
Are there columnists coming out with this sort of thing ? I don’t know . You might respond by saying ‘people have always been like this ‘ ..but I’m not so sure ….
The regulatory and “industry” reticence over examining the claims of unintended consequences is absolutely there for all to see. (plus some “attack defence”)
Very obviously imho people are reacting to a ginormous breach of trust in terms of due safety diligence – if that doesn’t trigger apprehension then what will? People who’ve been lied to and cheated seem to me to fall into two groups – the folk who won’t face up to mistakes – and the righteously angry…
Have tempers been shortened ? Are people more anxious ? There seems a lot less joy and a lot more fear about …
Judging by the lazy metric of car horn use – that’s an unequivocal yes.
In the DT today someone called Michael deacon claims we were all sold a pup on the Black Lives Matter thing back in 2020 . Ok – I admit it – I didn’t read beyond the headline because this gimp looks like an over aged kidult who should know better .
Self imposed woke white guilt might have overtaken idiots . But I recall so many people here pointing out what crap idea this was .
Now some coloured folk are actually going to prison for fraud of all that woke ‘charity ‘ money that was sloshing about . ..
… I wish I was clever enough to be a fraudster – the Black Lives Matter crap – that burnt tower block and that furlough scheme must have been manor from heaven for the fraudster – and who can blame them taking advantage of mugs like Mr deacon – a telegraph columnist apparently … please visit the Fedup Crowdfund page please and donate what you can afford – say £1000 …. You’ll get a ‘thank you ‘email from me and smug warm feeling …
FooC not impartial ‘How dare senators complain about a senator wearing shorts today, when in the past on Jan 6th they were chased out by a baying mob’
That’s seems like a story to me .. I don’t think those senators or any senators were actually chased out of the chamber
Rather they retreated some time before
Tucker tells the story of Pyotr Wrangel and the Russian Revolution: "The country is in complete chaos. He goes into a movie theater and everyone in the theater is completely absorbed in the movie, like there's no revolution happening outside.
Seems very strange to me that the Far Left are going to bother protesting about the existence of Blue Labour – where were the welfare cuts ? The cuts to immigration ? The cuts to taxes ? The cuts to anything ? It’s a socialist unelected mafia now in charge …. Weird …
‘Fear is motivating’ says Chris Packham as BBC series re-creates past extinction event
This article is more than 2 months old
Earth draws parallels between human impact on climate and volcanic eruptions that ripped through planet’s crust 250 million years ago
The United Kingdom is becoming less and less united, says historian David Olusoga – not just along its borders but within each of its four nations. How can the union’s ties be renewed?
“London’s much more dominant than it was when I was growing up,” Mr Olusoga says. “In the 1970s, Britain was a much more equal society than it is today.”
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
It is still slightly shocking for me when I read some of the kidult articles written by BBC staff about important topics.
This is little to do with the shutdown and more about attempting to smear Republicans as the bad guys.
We get:
‘The fourth shutdown to occur over the past decade, it could significantly affect everything from air travel to national parks and marriage licenses.’
Not national parks and marriage licenses !!!!. OMG !.
Then ominously in a paragraph all of it’s own:
‘It follows a hard-right revolt in the US House of Representatives.’
‘But a rebel faction of right-wing lawmakers has held up negotiations in the House’
There we have ‘right wing’ again. I don’t recall EVER seeing the BBC describe Democrats as ‘Left-wing’. It’s very rare they use it because they don’t it to be a label for bad things like they have done with ‘right-wing’.
‘…demand for significant cuts in spending, including a call for no more US funding of the war in Ukraine.’
Not sure, but I think in BBC circles that’s equivalent to torturing pensioners or murdering babies.
‘”The Speaker needs to abandon his doomed mission of trying to please [Republican] extremists,” he said.’
Goodness ! – they are extremists now !!.
He then goes on to pick as many unimportant, empathy-related issues this causes such as:
‘The shutdown will also have an immediate impact on the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), which provides grocery assistance to seven million pregnant women and new mothers.’
And then a ‘could’:
‘A prolonged shutdown could also affect the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), a grocery benefit known as “food stamps” that serves 40 million low-income Americans, and hinder the implementation of a new programme to serve free breakfast and lunch to students in high-need school districts.’
The whole article is full of more of the same : Republicans bad.
And no self-respecting BBC article about American politicis would be complete without an attempt to link the bad things with Trump:
‘The last government shutdown, under Mr Trump in 2019, lasted a record 34 days.’
Was that because of ‘A hard-left revolt’ Sam ?. You seem to want us to think both shutdowns were the Republicans fault.
And here he is : another of the BBC’s finest ‘impartial and unbiased’ reporters:
Banana artwork that fetched $120,000 is eaten by ‘hungry’ artist
This article is more than 3 years old
Performance artist consumes masterpiece in front of crowd at Art Basel in Miami, but ‘the idea’ apparently lives on
His reporting here is accurate.
Maybe there’s good reason why the extremists in the Republican party come across as the bad guys? The reason is pretty obvious.
She later responded to Mr Farage on Twitter, accusing him of double standards, as an outspoken advocate of free speech and critic of political correctness.
She wrote: “Nigel! I’m genuinely disappointed; we don’t agree on everything, but I would totally have had you down as a free speech man. Especially when it comes to jokes.”
Celebrity Race Across the World release date
Celebrity Race Across the World was originally meant to premiere on Wednesday 13th September, however it was postponed due to the earthquake in Morocco.
2016 … Controlling immigration would be the primary concern, May said: “We have voted to leave the European Union and become a fully independent, sovereign country. We will do what independent, sovereign countries do. We will decide for ourselves how we control immigration. And we will be free to pass our own laws.”2 Oct 2016
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Senora O’Blene has just asked me why I jumped up, and the glass of red nearly went all over the dog!
Sometimes you win…
Scroblene i decline your dogs’ action against me for contributory negligence regarding the red wine invidenf ( alleged) . Nice to see someone else get first apart from the ‘ syndicate’ ..
Oh, it was nothing Fed; really! She got out of the way immediately I uttered the word ‘B****r’!
We’d been watching, ‘When the green woods laugh’, from the original ‘Darling buds of May’ series with proper actors doing what H.E.Bates would have wanted, (not the ridiculous BBC re-make for ‘diversity’ and ‘enrichment’ using ‘actors’ nobody had ever heard of, and were’nt likely to), and had enjoyed a great laugh, so there was a lull at the end, tinctures needed refilling, and the clock said ‘after 9.00pm’!
So I thought of you…
It’s a pleasure and an honour to be first!
Well done YOU !
Nice to have a different name at the top of the heap. Pleasure to ride as your shotgun Scrobs !
Brissles, you know that you and I could easily ride off into the middle distance, sample a ticture or three of Kentucky Mint Julep, and dance the night away!
But my arms are suffering from a flu jab in the right and the covids one in the left, and I just couldn’t hold you straight and close, so please forgive me!
I’m off to the bunkhouse, but will dream easy…
The BBC usuals defended Russel Brand when he was one of them , a lefty , at the Andrew Sachs affair .
Now he’s not in their tribe so they want him deplatformed .
The other Brand ; Jo , is still in with them . She can advocate throwing acid at those the BBC don’t like and they don’t want her deplatformed .
How about a debate between the two , Battle of the Brands .
More likely on GB News than the BBC ( which I think should be deplatformed ) .
Nibor, “How about a debate between the two , Battle of the Brands.” ah but, yes but, no but what is the product? It would be an advertisng executive’s dream to have that Battle of the Brands.
I know some of you who post here are less keen on GBNews than I am. I didn’t see Lawrence Fox on Dan Wooten. But I fail to understand why it is so terrible for someone to say they didn’t want to have sex with someone. Would it have been better if he had said that he did want to sleep with her? Either way I don’t think it is worse than Jo Brand encouraging someone to throw battery acid over Nigel F.
But I was upset that GBNews seemed to be imploding. I have virtually completely stopped watching the BBC and I do like to watch a little to in the evening and Dan Wooten talking about the idiots in Monticeto fitted the bill.
On a Saturday evening, Calvin’s programme produced really high level discussion with people like Emma Webb and Steven Pound. I hope he gets reinstated.
Meanwhile, I have even avoided this site for the last couple of days because I felt so sad that excellent tv (and sometimes not so excellent but still stuff that was interesting) was being destroyed that I couldn’t face even discussion about it.
I have written to GBNews telling them I want Dan back. I don’t want them destroyed by the Left.
The rule is “It’s OK when we lefties do it”
In 2009 BBC finally ruled on 2 Frankie Boyle jokes a year earlier
A “bad taste” joke made by comedian Frankie Boyle on Mock The Week about the Queen did not breach editorial guidelines, the BBC Trust found today.
The Trust’s Editorial Standards Committee (ESC) found that, while the joke had sexist and ageist overtones, it did not fall foul of the rules
The committee found that, although it was in poor taste, the gag would not have gone beyond audience expectations
Rebecca Adlington
In a show broadcast in August 2008, Boyle said Adlington looks “like someone who’s looking at themselves in the back of a spoon”.
He also made sexual innuendo, saying Adlington’s boyfriend looked like a male model and continuing: “So from that I have deduced that Rebecca Adlington is very dirty – I mean if you just take into account how long she can hold her breath…”
As it was a year on
… they took no physical action against Boyle
They just said he’d moved on, so they couldn’t sack him from Mock the week
On Rumble, Russell Brand talks to Glenn Greenwald about Free Speech:
GB News is an excellent alternative voice in the cacophony of sameness that is British broadcasting.
The liberal elite (BBC types) want it silenced at all costs, but it’s crucial that it survives and flourishes.
Of course this latest ‘furore’ is just another pretext to shut it down.
Fox’s ‘crime’ was trivial, and Wootton’s even more so. He barely chuckled at Fox’s rant – big deal!
Hang on, I’ve missed something, what’s happened to Calvin?
I’m usually out at the time so I always record the Neil Oliver show and enjoy his monologue, though sometimes his guests get up my bugle…particularly that gobby Arab bint that so loves the sound of her own voice.
So, they’ve given Calvin the yellow card as well.
Not good…
Fox was taking the proverbial out of this women who has refused to shag many men on her Twitter page. But of course the left don’t understand that.
BBC top webshite headline at time of writing.
‘Man charged with murder of Tupac Shakur in 1996’
Nope. Me neither. But I wonder if he is BAME?
They actually think we are interested in their total 100% c**p agenda.
Yes Sluff- I wrote to ” Newswatch” last night asking them
what this headline was doing on the BRITISH broadcasting
corporations main internet page. Also asking them why
the hacking to death of a 15 year old girl on a bus when
she was going to school in LONDON which I believe
is in England , has seemed to disappear on the BBC website.
Or is the BRITISH part of the corporations name, Just an
You’ve never heard of Tupac Shakur!?
It would be massively remiss if BBC News didn’t cover the story, as the rest of the world’s media have.
A girl is knifed to death on the bus to school in diverse, vibrant, multicultural Croydon.
The BBC of course totally fail to mention the diverse context.
A boy aged 17 has been charged with murder.
A boy.
Un-named because he is young and so has his anonymity protected.
Which is rather odd. Because Labour, the LibDems and SNP want such a person to have a vote !!!!!!! FFS.
BBC trying to protect Trudeau regards the Nazi waffen SS incident in the Canadian parliament
Dishi Rishi wants an end to the War on the Motorist.
Where have the Tories been for the last 10 years? Declaring War on the Motorist almost as much as Labour and the Eco-loons.
Perhaps Sunak should take a look at the M53 today. A school bus overturned. Two people died.
But how many thousands of motorists had their lives trashed? Where was the effort to open up at least the unaffected carriageway? Where was the effort to turn round the traffic stranded behind the overturned bus? How many hours did the police spend with their clipboards measuring all kinds of distances? And how often is this multi-hour road closure the norm after any motorway accident ?
No. The war on the Motorist will continue. It runs very very deep throughout the public sector, and most local Tory councillors have not the guts to stand up to those in real power- especially the unelected council traffic officials who spend their working lives dreaming up the anti-car schemes and burying the detail in hundred page reports no-one has the time or inclination to read…and so they go through on the mod.
That, dear readers ( and Rishi), is how it actually works.
According to newspaper media the Bus driver Stephen Shrimpton ‘suffered medical issue behind the wheel’ before horror smash on M53.
What issues ?
Why do they always hide half the facts.
It the ‘authorities’ and MSM won’t tell us, then I’ll be forced to assume its the latest clot shot💉 complications!
Sky put up an actual video tweet
“breaking news”
“look here is a tweet from Starmer expressing sadness at the bus driver’s death”
breaking news = Labour PR
Sluff – round here the M5 is often closed for hours to allow the police to carry out their investigations to the nearest centimetre. Sod the thousands of people who it affects. There should be a time limit on these things. ‘Thank you for your patience’ my arse.
“Sorry” has become a superfluous, unnecessary word.
“Sycamore Gap: Man in his 60s held after Hadrian’s Wall tree cut down”
I wonder what excuse they’ll use for not naming him.
How come there was only one tree there anyway.
Is it like North Yorkshire Moors where most if it is kept as scrublands so the toffs can go bird shooting?
There is a news story about the National Trust leaning on the Jesuits to get a man they don’t like evicted. and they evicted him last week
Walter Renwick 68
He ran a campsite on the farm he rented from the Jesuits
Strange line in the article
: Walter told ChronicleLive at the time the battle had “broken a proud man” adding: “I was born here. It is like a tree with roots”
It’s 5 miles by road from the tree.
I think the outgoing blue labour regime has got collective mental issues . Two themes – the highest tax levels since the war and – indeed – the war on motorists .
The blue labour ‘conference ‘ is going to announce the end of the ‘war against motorists ‘ and no more tax rises . Both claims will be lies – whatever regime gets in next time .
And the blue Labour Party is the very outfit waging war against both tax payers and motorists aka people in cars .
So the mental issue I mentioned above is dementia . Sunak hunt and co have no recollection of the harm they have been doing but maybe are finally realising they are about to be thrown out . Neither of those mentioned – indeed the whole crap cabinet – will be personally financially affected – but the desire for power and cudos will be their big loss .
Then it’s red labour to finish the self destruction completely – shouldn’t be difficult after what the current shower have done …
BTW – how is the ‘today ‘ programme? – been avoiding it …
“Mr Sunak was surprised the revised official figures were not at top of BBC page”:
He is surprised? If only I knew how to post emojis here …
Have a good weekend, everyone!
Your RIght Right – the blue Labour Party seem oblivious to the effects / techniques of the Far Left BBC – it’s as though they are not interested in the anti British poison the kidults vomit out all the time ( aka 24/7) …. They could have fixed it – instead they’ve moved ever further Left ….
Let’s kick off with a media double standard in the popular arena that is sport. Heaven forbid males dare objectify sportswomen by commenting on their looks over their skills. However, the female interest Times features: My lifelong love for rugby (well, mostly the players) Sophia Money-Coutts
The charmless half-human looking drone that is our chancellor of the exchequer attempts to charm voters: We can’t let tax rises go on for ever, insists Hunt (Times)
Whenever I see Jeremy Hunt I can’t help but think meerkat: Psychologists investigate meerkats’ response to human emotions. Researchers explore whether the animals adapt their behaviour in response to people’s happiness, sadness or anger (Guardian)
Meanwhile: The BBC is more than happy to say the quiet part about our taxes out loud: UK facing permanent higher taxes, IFS think tank says… The UK government’s tax take has soared since the Conservatives won the general election in 2019 (BBC)
This is your fake news Tory politics – A home secretary who says she’d like to stop illegal immigration – if only she could. A chancellor who says he’d like to cut taxes – if only he could.
Despite: Clampdown on traffic fines and 20mph zones as Tories gamble on driver vote (i weekend) – you’ll still be better off getting out and walking it
15 hikes… – not taxes, that’s a frontpage teaser in the i weekend: 15 hikes the around UK and Europe
But wouldn’t you just know it…
Rishi Sunak tax rise: 15 times the Tory Chancellor has hiked taxes (The National April 2022)
Tories Have Raised Taxes More Than Any Government On Record, Say IFS… The increases since 2019 will cost households £3,500 each (Huff Post)
Speaking of unadulterated barefaced sanctimonious cant: Trauma: Ava Evans has voiced fears for her family after this week’s sexist attack. Devastating fallout from Fox’s misogyny on GB News
Track and trace anyone? Parking app for whole country as Tories traget anti-car measures (Telegraph) – a big centralised State-sponsored IT project – what could possibly go wrong?
An amusing little juxtaposition on that big broadsheet frontpage
Big brother is watching. My chilling run-in with a secretive facial recognition app (Telegraph)
We ought now to end on a moment of quiet and respectful reflection on the passing of Dianne Feinstein, a venerable 90-year-old American ‘pioneer for women‘ – however, the FT (firmly in the tank for the Democrats of course) appears more concerned with rank political punditry: Death of ‘trailblazer’ Feinstein leaves Democrats with Senate majority of one – quick… get out there and fortify an election!
For those sad souls watching the blue labour conference starting sunday – be prepared for large amounts of jam – but it wont be until tomorrow of course .
Although i suspect that lot couldnt get the lid off – vote for no one …
As for Feinstein .. was hoping Polussi was gone …
“….vote for no one….”
Go and spoil the ballot I say. What other option is there, particularly in Wales?
AISI, the Guardian is missing from the BBC Blog ‘The papers’ this morning but most peculiarly Mishal read from a copy in the TOADY studio.
When I see Jeremy Hunt I see Gordon Brittas “The Brittas Empire “. At the start of the PC wars we bought loads of DVDs and this was one.
Lets hear it for the vibrant Hakan Niyazi Candermir, 25 who has been convicted of allowing his killer XL dog to attack a police horse in the third world victoria park hackneyistan
To be sentenced later .. £50 fine … abd a deportation order or maybe not
Not so much biased BBC as staggeringly ill-informed and incompetent BBC,
Mischal Hussein (we call her Useless Hussein) was interviewing a Kenilworth MP about HS2.
‘But surely even if they cancel the project beyond Birmingham you will benefit from quicker journeys to Birmingham and London’ said Hussein in terms?
Errrr, no. You thicko. Kenilworth will not have an HS2 station. Kenilworth residents would have to travel IN to Birmingham first in order to get HS2 to London, adding so much extra time that no-one will do it.
A telling example of the ignorance of the BBC presenters living in their lefty ivory towers well away from the rest of us.
Net Zero. The gift that keeps giving………… Politicians, Bureaucrats, Big Business and scamsters.
A huge handover of power and control.
“IT WAS in June 2019 that the UK became the first major economy to pass a law which required all greenhouse gas emissions to be brought to zero by 2050. This was nodded through Parliament without debate, and there was no price tag attached.
It was something to be celebrated, apparently. Chris Skidmore, then the Energy and Clean Growth Minister, said proudly: ‘Today we’re leading the world yet again . . . pioneering the way for other countries to follow in our footsteps.’ The ‘race’ had begun.”
Yes, that’s the puzzling part. Rich Sunaks attempt to row back from some things green with cars/petrol etc? That legislation is enshrined in law thanks to Treason May & Boris the liar. Sunak cannot amend that legislation without further legislation. Without looking into it, and at face value, its just Sunaks word which, for me, will not be relied upon. He’s caught the ‘Boris’ lying bug.
Doesn’t all this epitomise the false words that politicians spout on every occasion when anyone bothers to listen?
The net-zero cobblers, global boiling, ‘lessons to be learnt’, etc., all come down to the yapping of a vacuous bunch of pompous freeloaders,, scrabbling for money and ‘kudos’, and planning to leave Parliament when they’ve made enough contacts to gain even more dosh!
I don’t believe a work Sunak has said, but there again, I don’t believe anything any MP spouts these days, as they’ll be proved wrong, and then try and wriggle out of their blame as the norm!
Funnily enough, these are the same sentiments I feel about the BBC!
Sod the lot of them!
Hate to say it but, I’m beginning to hope there’s a exceptionally cold winter for a long spell in the UK. That’ll sort out the ‘Net Zero’ bunch of zealots and Government, not to mention the ‘Global Warming’ drive from the Met Office.
Mark Dolan fights back against the libtards who want to destroy GB News.
‘GB News is here to STAY!’
Canada’s Chrystia Freeland background:
There’s an awful lot of manufactured outrage at Laurence Fox’s remarks about some poisonous feminist the other evening. Blimey, you’d think he’d suggested homicide. He only said he wouldn’t sh@g her. Big deal…
Bunter Boulton was immediately out of the traps, wanting GB News closed down…as were a number of other vested interests. In the words of John McEnroe, “You cannot be serious”.
Blimey, Channel 4, has inflicted endless dross on the British public, including the man they’re now accusing of rape, but carries on, unchallenged.
The BBC, knowing full well that Jimmy Savile was a nonce, gave him his own teatime show, where little girls came and sat on his lap. No problem there…
And they don’t like us to mention the excruciating Huw Edwards debacle…because the poor chap is having breakdown. He just gets sympathy.
Even the repulsive Piers Morgan felt he had to get in on the act and said he found Laurence Fox “Obnoxious.”
Does that reptilian creature have no sense of irony?
“Even the repulsive Piers Morgan felt he had to get in on the act and said he found Laurence Fox “Obnoxious.””
Piers Morgan: ‘I would rather shoot myself than vote for Boris’
I’d rather he shot himself…
beat me to it
If he needs any help he has only to ask.
Conceit, much?
“I have an unparalleled record on climate in the media over three decades. I kept the climate story alive when other media had been driven away from it. I figured it’s better to get on air with 4/5 of a message than not give the message at all.”
Greta points to Africa – maybe.
“Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has said he wants to stop the “vicious circle of ever-rising taxes” by reforming public services and the benefits system.”
News that the Department of Health and NHS England have agreed a formula to write off the staggering £13.4 billion of loans that have been propping up NHS trusts and foundation trusts will be welcomed by many – but is little more than belated recognition that the “debts” were so huge they could never have been paid off in the first place.
Shut up and take a knee
‘Racist’ Gandhi statue removed from University of Ghana
It’s time to admit it: Black Lives Matter hysteria made fools of us all
As a British protest organiser admits fraud, it’s hard to help wondering: what exactly came over us in summer 2020?
30 September 2023 • 7:00am
Watching Mr Trudeau, people in the rest of the world may wonder why Canadians keep voting for this simpering ninny. I think I can guess. As anyone who has visited Canada will know, Canadians are the nicest, kindest and politest people on earth. So they probably can’t bear to vote him out, in case it hurts his feelings.
This picture symbolises the Prime Minister of Canada’s tribute to Black Lives Matter and Ukraine.
The first reply…
I think he realised his sanitary pad was full up
There’s more video footage – personally, I’d like the nasty old git to endure devastating personal humiliation. I might’ve had some sympathy if he weren’t POTUS – but in truth he never should’ve run – that was crystal clear before the 2020 election.
Kamala Harris is amazing, that such a seriously weird vacuous bint with no discernable skills or track record of serious achievement gets to occupy a succession of high ranking jobs is one of the great mysteries of the age.
Oh she’s got some skills all right, but she does need kneepads.
The cruelty is the point
The Anti Fascist UAF (founder member David Cameron) are marching against the racist Tory Party at their conference tomorrow. They have chosen what appears as two Tory racists of colour for their poster
Is that image fake ?
Seems not : used on
– SUTR website, & their regional Facebook pages
– Coventry & Warwickshire Social Worker’s Party, Facebook
– Norwich Extinction Rebellion Facebook
They are the only pages that use it
So I reckon they are all SWP connected
Yes. the UAF outfit is a Trot organization from the SWP.
‘Hang the Tories’ protest banner on Salford bridge denounced by MPs
This article is more than 6 years old
Huge hand-painted sign removed from bridge by police ahead of Conservative party’s conference in Manchester
The Left:
‘Fighting racism with racism and hate.’
According to the idiot Marxists presently gorging on gigs at Amnesty Sweden is in trouble because of not enough ping-pong tables.
During an interview in 1994, Bruce Kanier asked Colonel Prouty what he meant when in a talk he said that petroleum wasn’t a fossil fuel and that it was a mineral.
Re GBnews Fox : Lefties weaponise taking offence, for political gain
People often say hatey things on TV ..sometimes very similar to what Fox’s words
Safe and effective
Sometimes I try to think ‘deeply ‘ – to see if there is something over arching going …. I’m wondering if those injections are having so effect on group behaviour . Have tempers been shortened ? Are people more anxious ? There seems a lot less joy and a lot more fear about ..
You might think ‘fed up is off on one ‘ . Maybe it’s me and my observation of human behaviour has become too sensitive .
Are there columnists coming out with this sort of thing ? I don’t know . You might respond by saying ‘people have always been like this ‘ ..but I’m not so sure ….
You don’t need to think deeply…
The regulatory and “industry” reticence over examining the claims of unintended consequences is absolutely there for all to see. (plus some “attack defence”)
Very obviously imho people are reacting to a ginormous breach of trust in terms of due safety diligence – if that doesn’t trigger apprehension then what will? People who’ve been lied to and cheated seem to me to fall into two groups – the folk who won’t face up to mistakes – and the righteously angry…
Judging by the lazy metric of car horn use – that’s an unequivocal yes.
Every day – the planet will die unless you buy more Chinese solar panels …
“Have tempers been shortened ? Are people more anxious ? There seems a lot less joy and a lot more fear about …”
In the DT today someone called Michael deacon claims we were all sold a pup on the Black Lives Matter thing back in 2020 . Ok – I admit it – I didn’t read beyond the headline because this gimp looks like an over aged kidult who should know better .
Self imposed woke white guilt might have overtaken idiots . But I recall so many people here pointing out what crap idea this was .
Now some coloured folk are actually going to prison for fraud of all that woke ‘charity ‘ money that was sloshing about . ..
… I wish I was clever enough to be a fraudster – the Black Lives Matter crap – that burnt tower block and that furlough scheme must have been manor from heaven for the fraudster – and who can blame them taking advantage of mugs like Mr deacon – a telegraph columnist apparently … please visit the Fedup Crowdfund page please and donate what you can afford – say £1000 …. You’ll get a ‘thank you ‘email from me and smug warm feeling …
Anyone feeling uncomfortable about the British government, the MSM and the BBC supporting the nazis in Ukraine?
FooC not impartial ‘How dare senators complain about a senator wearing shorts today, when in the past on Jan 6th they were chased out by a baying mob’
That’s seems like a story to me .. I don’t think those senators or any senators were actually chased out of the chamber
Rather they retreated some time before
bbc is keen on this..
Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, ‘shocked’ by killing of ex-assistant
Doesn’t usually make such an effort when reporting Sarah Ferguson, maybe its the assistance that ticks the boxes
Cost of living crisis – suck toes!

Still works for BBC ….
Seems very strange to me that the Far Left are going to bother protesting about the existence of Blue Labour – where were the welfare cuts ? The cuts to immigration ? The cuts to taxes ? The cuts to anything ? It’s a socialist unelected mafia now in charge …. Weird …
‘Fear is motivating’ says Chris Packham as BBC series re-creates past extinction event
This article is more than 2 months old
Earth draws parallels between human impact on climate and volcanic eruptions that ripped through planet’s crust 250 million years ago
Chris Packham said showing viewers the impact of climate change could scare people – but that this was part of his job. Photograph: BBC Studios
Chris Packham is a nutter and a tool
Autistic so cannot be touched by normal conversation.
Autistic eh ?
I’ m a banana – seems more like some kind of subterfuge to swerve challenges / be held to account or challenged even – nasty narcissistic git.
The United Kingdom is becoming less and less united, says historian David Olusoga – not just along its borders but within each of its four nations. How can the union’s ties be renewed?
“London’s much more dominant than it was when I was growing up,” Mr Olusoga says. “In the 1970s, Britain was a much more equal society than it is today.”
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
David Olusoga has been demonstrated repeatedly to be either a fantasist and race hustler … on reflection, the two aren’t mutually exclusive?
Theresa May speech …
has she commented on the present hoopla in Sweden?
More from the Milley ceremony
Government shutdown only hours away in the US
It is still slightly shocking for me when I read some of the kidult articles written by BBC staff about important topics.
This is little to do with the shutdown and more about attempting to smear Republicans as the bad guys.
We get:
‘The fourth shutdown to occur over the past decade, it could significantly affect everything from air travel to national parks and marriage licenses.’
Not national parks and marriage licenses !!!!. OMG !.
Then ominously in a paragraph all of it’s own:
‘It follows a hard-right revolt in the US House of Representatives.’
‘But a rebel faction of right-wing lawmakers has held up negotiations in the House’
There we have ‘right wing’ again. I don’t recall EVER seeing the BBC describe Democrats as ‘Left-wing’. It’s very rare they use it because they don’t it to be a label for bad things like they have done with ‘right-wing’.
‘…demand for significant cuts in spending, including a call for no more US funding of the war in Ukraine.’
Not sure, but I think in BBC circles that’s equivalent to torturing pensioners or murdering babies.
‘”The Speaker needs to abandon his doomed mission of trying to please [Republican] extremists,” he said.’
Goodness ! – they are extremists now !!.
He then goes on to pick as many unimportant, empathy-related issues this causes such as:
‘The shutdown will also have an immediate impact on the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), which provides grocery assistance to seven million pregnant women and new mothers.’
And then a ‘could’:
‘A prolonged shutdown could also affect the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), a grocery benefit known as “food stamps” that serves 40 million low-income Americans, and hinder the implementation of a new programme to serve free breakfast and lunch to students in high-need school districts.’
The whole article is full of more of the same : Republicans bad.
And no self-respecting BBC article about American politicis would be complete without an attempt to link the bad things with Trump:
‘The last government shutdown, under Mr Trump in 2019, lasted a record 34 days.’
Was that because of ‘A hard-left revolt’ Sam ?. You seem to want us to think both shutdowns were the Republicans fault.
And here he is : another of the BBC’s finest ‘impartial and unbiased’ reporters:
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
That’s David Miliband, or I’m a banana!
Banana artwork that fetched $120,000 is eaten by ‘hungry’ artist
This article is more than 3 years old
Performance artist consumes masterpiece in front of crowd at Art Basel in Miami, but ‘the idea’ apparently lives on
His reporting here is accurate.
Maybe there’s good reason why the extremists in the Republican party come across as the bad guys? The reason is pretty obvious.
BBC defends Jo Brand over ‘battery acid’ joke
12 June 2019
The BBC said Brand’s comments were “not intended to be taken seriously”
She later responded to Mr Farage on Twitter, accusing him of double standards, as an outspoken advocate of free speech and critic of political correctness.
She wrote: “Nigel! I’m genuinely disappointed; we don’t agree on everything, but I would totally have had you down as a free speech man. Especially when it comes to jokes.”
“Celebrity Race Across the World: Release date and latest news
Here’s everything we know so far about the BBC’s Celebrity Race Across the World.”
Celebrity Race Across the World release date
Celebrity Race Across the World was originally meant to premiere on Wednesday 13th September, however it was postponed due to the earthquake in Morocco.
Studio Lambert should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
I had a look at their stable of tired old nags – kindest thing would be euthanasia and recycling via the glue factory.
“Classic Son versus Mum argument! 😂 #CelebrityGogglebox continues tomorrow at 9pm on @Channel4 📺 @Rylan”
Congratulations to the #RaceAcrossTheWorld WINNERS, Tony & Elaine 🥂A 50 day intense race from London to Singapore without taking a single flight!
2016 … Controlling immigration would be the primary concern, May said: “We have voted to leave the European Union and become a fully independent, sovereign country. We will do what independent, sovereign countries do. We will decide for ourselves how we control immigration. And we will be free to pass our own laws.”2 Oct 2016
2023 … Rishi Sunak has suggested that the English Channel crossings problem is too “complex” to allow him to fulfil his promise to stop the small boats by the next general election.