“Stop the Boats Rishi ” Huh ! …..simply stop the RNLI and Border Farce picking up the Invaders ……Conservatives have a slim chance of remaining in so called power if they did what most of us Want ! .
Pathetic sight of the week, Michael Gove being interviewed about HS2 by Camilla Tominey. He was unable to give an answer to a direct question regarding the scrapping of HS2. Does he or doesn’t he support HS2 or it’s scrapping? We will never know via the current of waffle emanating from his mouth. It’s accepted by everyone that HS2 is very divisive and to have a view wouldn’t be that contentious, so why the waffle?
2017 ….. Has voodoo been misjudged? {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
– Let me comment on this for the BBC, anything that gives a supernatural power over the rational is evil. It will mean that the Priest has a power that no one else can counter or complain about.
Cast your mind back into the BBC past, 12 years ago, and how the BBC used to report things …
Is witchcraft alive in Africa? {bbc.co.uk jul2005}
Does witchcraft have a place in modern society? BBC Africa Live wants to know if it is relevant to you.
In Africa, witchcraft has played a role in rebellions, fighting wars, gaining independence and is often seen at election time.
Some people also consult witchdoctors to cure diseases or find a husband.
However, the practise has negative sides – mutilated bodies are often found in Africa, with their organs removed presumably for use in magic charms. And recently in the UK, three people were jailed over the torture of an eight-year-old Angolan girl they accused of being a possessed witch.
Comment by Kingsley Obika, Nigeria
Two days ago in my neighbourhood. A girl of five was accused of killing her mother through witchcraft. She was tortured (tied upside down a tree) for hours to confess. What surprised me is the fact this girl had not heard of the word witchcraft and here she was being asked to make a so-called confession. In my opinion, those behind this child abuse should be brought to face the wrath of the law.
Comment by Guy, Johannesburg, South Africa
Is witchcraft alive in Africa begs for the answer: Is the Pope a Catholic? We are mourning the death of our four-year-old’s beloved pre-school teacher who suddenly died, apparently after taking some ‘muti’ (medication) dispensed to her by some ‘visitors’ from her rural home.
Comment by Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi, Uganda
l don’t believe in witchcraft but I know that it exists. My religion, Islam, like Christianity, regards witchcraft as satanic. Witchcraft has partly survived in Africa due to the failure of Islam and Christianity to liberate their followers from poverty, ignorance and disease.
The solution is for the two beliefs to recognise African customs which are not in contradiction with Islam and Christianity and to strengthen the penal code to deal harshly with witchcraft.
Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to rape three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
– I have intentionally ignored any positive comments supporting Witchcraft, I learnt that from the £3.5bn BBC News Machine and how Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker ignores talking to someone who voted Brexit within the BBC or outside the BBC.
No one wants to live in Africa – just say how great it can be … In the 20th century, the Jamaican political activist and black nationalist Marcus Garvey, members of the Rastafari movement, and other African Americans supported the concept, but few actually left the United States.
The USA set up Liberia in Africa to provide a home for freed slaves. Obviously not all the blacks thought it a good idea to return “home”. Liberia has taken the usual black African Politico-Economic model of turning good into bad. Inter ethnic conflict, corruption etc seem to have taken over
Political Situation
Liberia has become increasingly stable since the internal conflict ended in 2003. The Liberian government is working closely with the UN and the international community to provide increased stability and development.
Protests and demonstrations do take place on occasion. You should avoid protests, demonstrations, political rallies, large gatherings and crowds and follow the advice of local authorities.
Most visits to Liberia are incident free but there is a high level of crime in Monrovia, including armed robbery. Foreigners are occasionally targeted, although Liberians are the main victims of crime. The Liberian National Police has very limited capability to prevent or detect crime, or to provide emergency response in any part of the country. Levels of crime are much higher after dark. Don’t walk anywhere in the city at night.
Take care when walking alone and only do so during daylight hours. Avoid areas where there are few people, such as beache
BBC as normal completely out of touch with the normal working classes of Great Britain.
But the BBC think its the biggest story in town, endless speculation. Non stop. And the only reason for that is because they think its a massive Anti Tory story ….. ITS NOT.
It was Labour, you can bet your bottom dollar the BBC would be all for scrapping it on cost saving grounds.
Just scum. Utter filth. Look at the positive reporting of the Labour Conference to the negative reporting of the Tory Conference.
I was wondering why the bbc made the HS2 news top priority on their webshte
Maybe its a little bit more negative reporting to try and overturn the government. Lets face its the bbc normally reports negatively against the Conservatives, how dare they support Brexit
Have to repeat myself. HS2 is not about levelling up despite the ludicrous outpourings from the deluded fool Burnham etc.
HS2 would have been a boon for London. Useful to a limited sector of the population for a limited number of travel options Useful to the wealthy lightly burdened traveller and expenses paid
Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe awarded ‘China’s Nobel peace prize’
This article is more than 7 years old
Confucius peace prize chairman defends decision to give award to leader accused of using systematic violence and torture to maintain grip on power
The chairman of the award, dubbed China’s version of the Nobel Peace Prize, said Mugabe was chosen for “injecting fresh energy” into the efforts for world peace and African unity, the Guardian reports.
I was shocked (I were not really, just had my prejudice confirmed) to see the general demeanor and delivery of BBC health disinformation correspondent Rachael Schraer to camera during her run-in with Stew Peters.
It was a normal career development path to put newbies out to the regions to cut their broadcasting teeth and generally mess up in the regional sandpits.
Now they’re letting them loose on the main output – and it isn’t working too well 🙂
Paul Mason
“Back in March I predicted the Tories would radicalise if smashed. They’ve radicalised in advance of being smashed … they’ll become a far right party of open racists once freed of international law obligations 👇🏽”
The organisation has polarised Labour politicians and journalists since it was founded. Although Momentum has been compared to the Labour Party’s Militant tendency by those on the right of the party, its grassroots engagement and effective, low-budget informational videos (such as those used in the 2017 general-election campaign) have been praised. The organisation originally set up — and maintains close ties with – The World Transformed.
Flotsam – prediction – it will neither be abandoned or continued – there will be ‘more financial control ‘ announced – the CEO will be invited to appear in the New Year Honours -to be bought off with the rest responsible for failed control …. Everyone wins – another story comes along …
“In contrast, cosmologists believe the Big Bang flung energy in all directions at the speed of light (300,000,000 meters per second, a million times faster than the H-bomb) and estimate that the temperature of the entire universe was 1000 trillion degrees Celsius at just a tiny fraction of a second after the explosion.”
Work on Phase One of the route began in 2017, and passenger services are planned to begin in 2026. Phase 2a to Crewe on the initial part of the western leg of the “Y” is due to start services in 2027, and the remainder of phase 2b by 2033.
No fewer than 37,900 kilometers (about 23,500 miles) of lines crisscross the country, linking all of its major mega-city clusters, and all have been completed since 2008.
Half of that total has been completed in the last five years alone, with a further 3,700 kilometers due to open in the coming months of 2021.
JAPAN … When Aki and Hikari were looking to rent a house together in Tokyo, they were told by real estate agents that the places they liked “were for couples”.
“We are a couple,” they would respond. The answer they were given: “This is a house for a man and woman couple.”
MoD doc from May 2021: “Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm”
Section 3 – Core human augmentation technologies
Figure 4 provides an overview of how human augmentation technologies apply to each function and identifies four ‘core human augmentation technologies’ – genetic engineering, bioinformatics, brain interfaces and pharmaceuticals – that could improve psychological, physical and social performance.
Staring proudly across the River Thames towards Big Ben, her cape caught in a gust as she strides away from a backdrop of the Crimean battlefield. This is how the Crimean War heroine Mary Seacole will be memorialised in a powerful 10ft bronze statue by the distinguished sculptor Martin Jennings, to be unveiled outside St Thomas’ hospital in central London on Thursday.
The campaign to commemorate the nurse once voted the greatest black Briton began when a group of Caribbean women approached their local MP in Hammersmith. Seven years later, the sculpture – the first public statue of a named black woman in the UK – is complete thanks to donations from tens of thousands of people. Happy days.
Except a small faction of hand-wringing Florence Nightingale experts and fans are not at all happy. To them, placing Seacole’s statue outside the hospital where the Lady with the Lamp established her revolutionary nursing school is an affront.
Er, she ran a hotel in Crimea selling booze and fags to the soldiers. Much appreciated no doubt, but she had the same medical qualifications as Biil Gates i.e. none. She described herself as ‘yellow’ rather than black. Her autobiography is readily available for free of charge, so you can read her own description of her rather interesting life. But the recent BBC-style embellishments of her discovering penicillin, curing cancer and decoding the human genome are noticeable by their absence.
Ep. 27 Donald Trump appeared in court today, but it wasn’t a legal proceeding. It was a grotesque parody of the system our ancestors created. Victor Davis Hanson explains. pic.twitter.com/KhTHateWCZ
Today, we began our trial against Donald Trump and the Trump Organization.
We presented our opening statement, called our first witness to the stand, and began laying out how Trump cheated the system to enrich himself and his family. pic.twitter.com/FQs9kSwo1J
Two Buyers of Hunter Biden’s Art Have Been Unmasked, Despite Attempts to Keep Their Names Secret
The gallery and White House tried to keep collectors’ identities under wraps.
Thanks. This sums up how serious the situation is, basically next year’s election is the last chance that there is to roll back the woke revolution and reassert democracy but the chances of success are low. Even if the ‘New Republican People Party , wins the presidency and both houses it has to defeat the bureaucratic state , MSM, etc etc . So there will be years of highly coordinated resistance.
It will be like Remoanerism on steroids , they will try to bring America crashing down rather than see it revert to the America we all knew in the last century. Of course a big difference is that in the UK we ordinary folks don’t have guns . The Americans may not be as easy to intimidate as we are .
“Black history: The forgotten history of black people in the UK”. There’s one comment on the article, and it’s from 4 years ago:
“Black history month
Everybody deserves a chance
# if you agrree”
Almost as if the BBC have misjudged the amount of interest from the UK population.
My wife says it’s just a 14 year old boy and a symptom of the new-generation of people who think what they see on the internet is real life.
My first thought was Thaksin starting some unrest with his red-shirts to destabilise the politics and polcarise the people yet again – but seems like it’s just another young nutcase with no grip on reality.
There are a LOT of them in training everywhere. I’ve said many times: social-media is destroying the world.
Wendling’s still plugging away speaking truth to power or something. Maybe one day the far-right Musk will notice he’s a serious BBC reporter. It’ll make his year.
Mike Wendling @mwendling 15h
hello @elonmusk
do you have any comment on the defamation suit filed against you in Texas today
2012 movie “The Place Beyond The Pines” is on BBC Two at 11.15 tonight. Though competently made with a good cast, it reveals its liberal leanings quicker than you can say ‘toxic masculinity.’
The film is about a deadbeat Dad turned bank robber (Ryan Gosling), his clash with an ambitious cop (Bradley Cooper) and the negative effects their actions have on their sons. The bank robber’s son has a stepfather who’s kind, loving, responsible – and black. It’s real life, innit?
Tonight’s screening will be the seventh time “The Place Beyond The Pines” has been on BBC One or Two since March 2020. That seems a lot for the major channels.
BBC shows movies with messages it approves of, who’d have thought it?
Why eat? Stop eating to save the planet – insects have feelings to!
According to Science Illustrated, when grass is cut, it emits pheromones called “green leaf volatiles” (GLVs). This smell is appealing to us because it reminds us of food. So, if you think about the smells when you chop vegetables, it’s a similar sensation!24 May 2023
Our Mission
To establish the most practicable and robust halal assurance system facilitating comprehensive traceability of halal food serving the Muslim community and halal industry.
To become recognized as the most competent and compatible Halal Certifier in Europe, possessing a realistic service benchmark with a systematic approach, together with diligently implemented Islamic Jurisprudence.
Provide a high level of professional advice and service to consumers and manufacturers through education and awareness in the halal industry on halal related matters as the first point of contact.
To become a part of scientific research and innovation schemes and projects and to seek and utilize all available resources to further develop the global halal industry.
TOADY Watch #1 + TWatO Watch #1 = the BBC obsessing over HS2
Sarah pulls on some Tim ‘Nice But Dim’ (sorry didn’t hear the surname) from a railway magazine to comment. This Tim is very dim and very green because he thinks HS2 is all about replacing internal flights from London to Manchester. He obviously knows less than nothing about electric traction nor the CO2 that just construction of the line will emit. You could possibly/probably make a trillion flights between London and Manchester and still not emit the amount of CO2 that a years worth of journeys on the HS2 line will produce.
Tim whatever his surname has probably never interviewed for his magazine the senior engineer building the traction units nor anyone from the other major rail lines’ maintenance crews. What the maintenance people want is a line in a different place ideally running up the centre of the country, running at normal speeds and that can carry freight. In that way the other lines can have maintenance carried out on them during daylight hours rather than night-time and possibly for several days at a time.
This HS2 proposal was always an annoying Labour Party disrupter at the behest no doubt of Civil Serpents. It is the most unpopular infrastructure project evvah (report that BBC! – I dare you) to the most important people evvah, ie. the taxpayers paying for it.
Lots of factors at work here, up2.
Excellent point about energy cost of building. I believe cement uses about 5% of all energy usage. I may be wrong in detail but it’s very energy intensive and never mentioned by the eco-loons. Though I suppose they wouldn’t use any in their mud huts.
I once had the misfortune to debate with a Network Rail project manager about a non HS2 scheme. Her zeal was messianic. No sense of proportion or alternatives whatsoever.
You are totally right about freight. It jams up the WCML. But an alternative doesn’t need to go fast.
On Toady, they asked about the costs of HS2 (10 times the cost per mile of a French TGV). The basic answer is over-specification E.g a new Euston Station. Why? A 250 mph spec. Why? TGV spec. Would be fine. I recently took the fast TRAIN, yes TRAIN, between Rome and Naples. 300 km/ h max. It was fine. 1 hour 10 mins. Would I really have benefited from a train 15 minutes faster? BTW it used existing track in the suburbs and went into existing stations in the city centres. No tunnels. No vanity projects.
Give Sunak credit if he is asking questions no-one has had the gumption to ask.
Sluff, think I heard the engineer in Japan building the traction units, he had very good English, say on the BBC way back in 2011, maybe 2012 (back in the day when I listened to BBC R4 most of the day) that when you get into highspeed traction there is no way to make the motors more economical. Motor cars become more fuel efficient over time. Aircraft become more fuel efficient over time.
It is a selling point both for aircraft manufacturers and automoblie manufacturers that today’s model is more fuel efficient.
In addition, because there are no intermediate stations on the proposed HS2 line, if and when it ever operates at capacity, it will be running four trains an hour at 250mph and so cannot carry freight trains unless they build in ‘passing places’ like the single track roads in the Highlands of Scotland.
It is a selling point both for aircraft manufacturers and automoblie manufacturers that today’s model is more fuel efficient.
erm… try selling “fuel efficient” to the Prat & Whitney geared fan turbojet owners or one of the hundreds of thousands (UK alone) of BMW owners with stupid failed parts on their low mileage cars.
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Michael Gove has refused to name any economists who back Britain’s exit from the European Union, saying that “people in this country have had enough of experts”.
The justice secretary, appearing in a Sky News question and answer session, sought to make a calm, understated case for Brexit — based largely on a promise of national self-reliance rather than fears of immigration.
He said that Vote Leave, the official Out campaign, would publish more details on its economic plans next week. So far it has said the UK could cut VAT on fuel and spend “additional millions” on the NHS.
Asked whether he might run for the Tory leadership in future, Mr Gove replied, “Count me out”.
2018 …. It’s not a conspiracy if you can see it in broad daylight …
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
"Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: 'Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.' So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny" https://t.co/rJuag0QmDC
What claims do you want BBC Verify to investigate?
27 June
Here are some previous fact checks from BBC Verify:
Is food inflation higher in Europe than in the UK?
Is it getting too hot for solar panels?
Rishi Sunak’s claims on small boats fact checked
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Now see how tough the local #BiasedBBC is against the new Labour MP
#PRasNews from their lefty mates
Anyone saying BBC is Tory is gaslighting you
“Newly-elected Keir Mather, 25, has hit back at suggestions he is too young to relate to constituents.”
link Facebook PR
“Newly-elected Keir Mather, 25”
Vote in Wales 16
Join ISIS 15 (bbc produce a programme to help you not be a monster)
Gender Surgery at 10.
Marry Mohammed aged 6 (true feminist)
Keir Alexander Mather[1] was born in 1998 in Kingston upon Hull.[2] He was named after Keir Hardie, the founder of the Labour Party.[3][4]
“When he was 16, I was dropping him off at the office of every MP in Hull, … He said ‘I’m going to introduce myself to them’. I thought it was funny he was so determined to go and see all those MPs.”[6]
Career before Parliament
Mather worked as a public affairs adviser for the Confederation of British Industry for 18 months before entering Parliament and was a parliamentary researcher for Labour MP Wes Streeting from 2019 to 2020.[16]
Members’ Interests
Wes Streeting
mployment and earnings
Payments from Global Radio Services Ltd, 30, Leicester Square, London WC2H 7LA:
Payment of £600 expected for guest hosting a radio programme on 27 December 2022. Hours: 5 hrs including preparation. (Registered 24 March 2023)
Payments received via United Agents Ltd, 12-26 Lexington Street, London W1F 0LE. (Registered 17 May 2022; updated 24 March 2023)
15 March 2023, received £8,200 as a second payment for writing a book from Hodder & Stoughton, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ. Hours: 220 hrs between May 2022 and March 2023. (Registered 24 March 2023)
The top Lincs police officer who was nearly sacked
They found him not guilty on misusing police systems
And then gave him a written warning for illegally getting shop CCTV about his wife
“Representing Lincolnshire Police, Ian Mullarkey told the hearing relations between the two women had soured and, on 30 September 2022, Mr Myszczyszyn’s wife alleged she had been in a supermarket in Skegness when her business partner “barged past” her.
On Laura Kuenssberg’s Sunday show. It will come as no surprise to know that the impression of Sunak was entirely negative. The one of Starmer wasn’t. Despite the fake spontaneity, it was very clearly all pre-prepared.
Words are cheap – just say “thinking about, looking into, creating a comittee” … .. rwanda … ha ha ha HAHA
Transgender people may be banned from single-sex hospital wards under plans to restore “common sense” in the NHS, the health secretary says.
Speaking at the Conservative party conference, Steve Barclay announced a consultation on strengthening the protections in place for women. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-66994133
Braverman’s speech was teased as pure “uncut Suella” and the Home Secretary warned of the migration “hurricane that is coming” as well as branding the Human Rights Act the “Criminal Rights Act”. Guido also believes Suella is the first cabinet minister to mention Susan Hall at Tory Conference…
She ended her speech, which was 13 minutes longer than Hunt’s yesterday, by calling the Tories “the trade union of the British people” and suggesting Shelley’s “Ye are the many, they are the few” as its motto. Echoing Tony Blair’s over-reaching claim that New Labour was “the political-wing of the British people”…
Proportion is important
The PR people push for the media to hype up little stories
So the story of the day is often not the REAL story of the day
it’s a distraction that keeps us off thinking about bigger issues
Partygate and Laurence Fox’s 1 minute rant are nothing burgers
Jail for asylum seeker who started hotel blaze
Musba Missa, 22, set light to a sofa in the communal area of a hotel in Skegness, a court hears.
Lincolnshire : Solar farms plans should be rejected – councillors
There are no local benefits from the two proposed sites in Lincolnshire, councillors say.
I’ve hardly seen the Conservative Party Conference, apart from the occasional squint when I’ve turned the sound off. That way I can make the likes of Gove and Hunt say exactly what I like…maybe even speaking the truth…
So, in my guise as a political ventriloquist, I’ve had these well-polished charlatans say, “Immigration figures are out of control. So what, who gives a fxxx?”
“Taxation is even higher than Jeremy Corbyn would have inflicted on us. Jolly good show.”
“Net zero makes absolutely no sense at all. It’s all bollocks to pacify the Guardianistas and those prats at the BBC.”
“Yes, of course lockdown was an absolute disaster. We’ll be paying for this insanity for decades.”
And then I made the mistake of turning the sound on and heard Suella Braverman waffling on (again) about the failure of multiculturalism and mass immigration. FFS, is anyone still falling for this rhetoric? Next we’ll hear that she’s determined to stop the dinghies…
Look, the truth is this; Rishi is toast. The election is lost. Next October (probably) they’ll be looking for another leader and brave Suella is putting a few across the boughs. They’ll all be at it.
Suella is channeling her inner Enoch, Liz is doing a Thatcher, perhaps Boris might turn up with his Churchill tribute act. None of it matters. They’re useless and have spent thirteen absolutely wasted years proving as much.
This conference is like window dressing a funeral directors.
The suella one has the ‘safe ‘ seat of Farnham with a 51% majority . I think even she is not safe – I’d like to see them all – all – lose their seats …. Yapping about being overwhelmed by foreigners is 13 Thirteen – years to late and if they had an honour they’d all stand down –
Talking of ‘honour ‘ has that chief constable caught wearing a Falklands medal done the right thing with a whisky and a revolver yet . Or does the amoral chief carry on ?
lol – I made a comment on HYS among the spiteful children commenting about the war in Ukraine.
I wrote this:
‘It’s abundently clear that Russia will not be ejected from Ukraine unless the USA decide to start WW3. Everyone advocating that option is an absolute idiot.’
It got deleted very quickly because I was offending those people who think we should start WW3.
Total fascists. They are getting more and more blatant in their suppression of any opinions they don’t agree with.
I can’t believe that got deleted – maybe the intern moderator had got some medication – or is competing to dump comments with a ‘pal’….
Really difficult to see how Ukraine plays out – surely they’ll run out of fighters and ammo before Russia … and putin won’t be looking for ‘peace talks ‘ – he will want to have zelenski s skull as an ash tray …
I thought I’d risk watching Farage on GBN talking to my outgoing MP Ian Duncan smith . The usual blue labour crap coming from my soon to be Lord Duncan Smith of Chingford ( like tebbit before him ) .
It’s just so lame for these characters to clsim they are going to don any thing about anything – will the tories go for cremation of a box ..?
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
“Stop the Boats Rishi ” Huh ! …..simply stop the RNLI and Border Farce picking up the Invaders ……Conservatives have a slim chance of remaining in so called power if they did what most of us Want ! .
Pathetic sight of the week, Michael Gove being interviewed about HS2 by Camilla Tominey. He was unable to give an answer to a direct question regarding the scrapping of HS2. Does he or doesn’t he support HS2 or it’s scrapping? We will never know via the current of waffle emanating from his mouth. It’s accepted by everyone that HS2 is very divisive and to have a view wouldn’t be that contentious, so why the waffle?
People like this try not to upset anybody by not taking a side or having an opinion, but the prevarication simply pisses off everybody.
Have You Heard George’s Podcast? returns to BBC Sounds with an epic exploration of the African independence movement and its legacy today
Have you heard? Are you actually bothered
2017 ….. Has voodoo been misjudged? {bbc.co.uk aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
– Let me comment on this for the BBC, anything that gives a supernatural power over the rational is evil. It will mean that the Priest has a power that no one else can counter or complain about.
Cast your mind back into the BBC past, 12 years ago, and how the BBC used to report things …
Is witchcraft alive in Africa? {bbc.co.uk jul2005}
Does witchcraft have a place in modern society? BBC Africa Live wants to know if it is relevant to you.
In Africa, witchcraft has played a role in rebellions, fighting wars, gaining independence and is often seen at election time.
Some people also consult witchdoctors to cure diseases or find a husband.
However, the practise has negative sides – mutilated bodies are often found in Africa, with their organs removed presumably for use in magic charms. And recently in the UK, three people were jailed over the torture of an eight-year-old Angolan girl they accused of being a possessed witch.
Comment by Kingsley Obika, Nigeria
Two days ago in my neighbourhood. A girl of five was accused of killing her mother through witchcraft. She was tortured (tied upside down a tree) for hours to confess. What surprised me is the fact this girl had not heard of the word witchcraft and here she was being asked to make a so-called confession. In my opinion, those behind this child abuse should be brought to face the wrath of the law.
Comment by Guy, Johannesburg, South Africa
Is witchcraft alive in Africa begs for the answer: Is the Pope a Catholic? We are mourning the death of our four-year-old’s beloved pre-school teacher who suddenly died, apparently after taking some ‘muti’ (medication) dispensed to her by some ‘visitors’ from her rural home.
Comment by Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi, Uganda
l don’t believe in witchcraft but I know that it exists. My religion, Islam, like Christianity, regards witchcraft as satanic. Witchcraft has partly survived in Africa due to the failure of Islam and Christianity to liberate their followers from poverty, ignorance and disease.
The solution is for the two beliefs to recognise African customs which are not in contradiction with Islam and Christianity and to strengthen the penal code to deal harshly with witchcraft.
Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to rape three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
– I have intentionally ignored any positive comments supporting Witchcraft, I learnt that from the £3.5bn BBC News Machine and how Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker ignores talking to someone who voted Brexit within the BBC or outside the BBC.
Voodoo is definitely evil, I’ve watched James Bond, Live and Let die.
“stylish and soulful storytelling”
ackshewelly …. I prefer a real tale from the other cheek of the lefty arse the Guardian about murky present day goings-on in Denmark…
No one wants to live in Africa – just say how great it can be … In the 20th century, the Jamaican political activist and black nationalist Marcus Garvey, members of the Rastafari movement, and other African Americans supported the concept, but few actually left the United States.
The USA set up Liberia in Africa to provide a home for freed slaves. Obviously not all the blacks thought it a good idea to return “home”. Liberia has taken the usual black African Politico-Economic model of turning good into bad. Inter ethnic conflict, corruption etc seem to have taken over
Political Situation
Liberia has become increasingly stable since the internal conflict ended in 2003. The Liberian government is working closely with the UN and the international community to provide increased stability and development.
Protests and demonstrations do take place on occasion. You should avoid protests, demonstrations, political rallies, large gatherings and crowds and follow the advice of local authorities.
Most visits to Liberia are incident free but there is a high level of crime in Monrovia, including armed robbery. Foreigners are occasionally targeted, although Liberians are the main victims of crime. The Liberian National Police has very limited capability to prevent or detect crime, or to provide emergency response in any part of the country. Levels of crime are much higher after dark. Don’t walk anywhere in the city at night.
Take care when walking alone and only do so during daylight hours. Avoid areas where there are few people, such as beache
Ireland puts a plastic bag over its head?
BBC seem likely to applaud ?
BBC as normal completely out of touch with the normal working classes of Great Britain.
But the BBC think its the biggest story in town, endless speculation. Non stop. And the only reason for that is because they think its a massive Anti Tory story ….. ITS NOT.
It was Labour, you can bet your bottom dollar the BBC would be all for scrapping it on cost saving grounds.
Just scum. Utter filth. Look at the positive reporting of the Labour Conference to the negative reporting of the Tory Conference.
So blatant, they dont even care anymore.
Dear Darren Henry,
Parliament’s £13 billion restoration.
HS2 £150 billion, original budget £36 billion.
Track and Trace £37 billion – no tracking or tracing where this money went.
£1.1bn of COVID small business loans identified as fraud
£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power”
13 + 150 + 37 + 1.1+ 4 = £205 billion
Nuclear reactor = £6 billion
Yours sincerely,
Hello Doobster
I was wondering why the bbc made the HS2 news top priority on their webshte
Maybe its a little bit more negative reporting to try and overturn the government. Lets face its the bbc normally reports negatively against the Conservatives, how dare they support Brexit
Have to repeat myself. HS2 is not about levelling up despite the ludicrous outpourings from the deluded fool Burnham etc.
HS2 would have been a boon for London. Useful to a limited sector of the population for a limited number of travel options Useful to the wealthy lightly burdened traveller and expenses paid
Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe awarded ‘China’s Nobel peace prize’
This article is more than 7 years old
Confucius peace prize chairman defends decision to give award to leader accused of using systematic violence and torture to maintain grip on power
The chairman of the award, dubbed China’s version of the Nobel Peace Prize, said Mugabe was chosen for “injecting fresh energy” into the efforts for world peace and African unity, the Guardian reports.
Springster still in hiding?
How 15-minute cities got caught in conspiracy theories
Ben Pile
The article is recycling the same conspiracy theory conspiracy theory as its author produced earlier this year.
Marco Silva is wrong. Oxfordshire CC’s cabinet and councillors explicitly included its anti-car schemes under its ’15 minute city’ agenda.
Marco is an entry grade propaganda weanie.
How the BBC continues to get away with this astounds.
“A number of European cities have also embraced the concept, including Barcelona (pictured), Paris, and Utrecht”
“People are concerned and we need to address those concerns.”
“entry grade propaganda weanie”
ain’t that the truth !
I was shocked (I were not really, just had my prejudice confirmed) to see the general demeanor and delivery of BBC health disinformation correspondent Rachael Schraer to camera during her run-in with Stew Peters.
It was a normal career development path to put newbies out to the regions to cut their broadcasting teeth and generally mess up in the regional sandpits.
Now they’re letting them loose on the main output – and it isn’t working too well 🙂
Virgin – fly to Saudi – the new Dubai .
Racism in Saudi Arabia extends to allegations of imprisonment, physical abuse, rape, murder,[1] overwork, and wage theft, especially of foreign workers who are given little protections under the law.
Having spent several decades dipping into the delights of KSA I feel I can say you’re only scratching the surface.
Labour using ex Newsnight BS.
And more.
What is hardly surprising is those still under the fold are no more impartial.
Paul Mason
“Back in March I predicted the Tories would radicalise if smashed. They’ve radicalised in advance of being smashed … they’ll become a far right party of open racists once freed of international law obligations 👇🏽”
The organisation has polarised Labour politicians and journalists since it was founded. Although Momentum has been compared to the Labour Party’s Militant tendency by those on the right of the party, its grassroots engagement and effective, low-budget informational videos (such as those used in the 2017 general-election campaign) have been praised. The organisation originally set up — and maintains close ties with – The World Transformed.
Doc Rosena ‘opens up’.
Reels in the audience.
“Breaking down barriers for people with speech disfluency is personal for me. The fear of speaking is all too common for people with a stammer.
We need to create a more tolerant society.
Last week, I opened up on
for the first time about my experience.”
Flotsam – prediction – it will neither be abandoned or continued – there will be ‘more financial control ‘ announced – the CEO will be invited to appear in the New Year Honours -to be bought off with the rest responsible for failed control …. Everyone wins – another story comes along …
SO High Speed 2 in Euston is the land-grab that we had always supposed.
If not, the new HS2 station would have been built not alongside but above the existing Euston station that has always been at famously low level.
UK weather: Will October be as unusually warm as September?
For Christs sake, just give us the weather! Its building a case for climate change.
Remember when we had the weather from the bbc, now its all about a lecture
“after October started on its warmest day in five years with 24C” – no way, 5 years!
Is that Concorde going over?
Greta going on holiday!
“In contrast, cosmologists believe the Big Bang flung energy in all directions at the speed of light (300,000,000 meters per second, a million times faster than the H-bomb) and estimate that the temperature of the entire universe was 1000 trillion degrees Celsius at just a tiny fraction of a second after the explosion.”
HS2 – High Speed – ha ha ha ha!
Small Boats – small but plenty
Conservative – conserve – ha ha ha
Labour – work – labouring – ha ha ha ha
Mis-sold a product? Call the Advertising hotline now!
Work on Phase One of the route began in 2017, and passenger services are planned to begin in 2026. Phase 2a to Crewe on the initial part of the western leg of the “Y” is due to start services in 2027, and the remainder of phase 2b by 2033.
No fewer than 37,900 kilometers (about 23,500 miles) of lines crisscross the country, linking all of its major mega-city clusters, and all have been completed since 2008.
Half of that total has been completed in the last five years alone, with a further 3,700 kilometers due to open in the coming months of 2021.
The network is expected to double in length again, to 70,000 kilometers, by 2035.
Top BBC stories … “A man created an intricate rock sculpture on a Cornish beach in an hour while his wife was in the supermarket shopping.”
JAPAN … When Aki and Hikari were looking to rent a house together in Tokyo, they were told by real estate agents that the places they liked “were for couples”.
“We are a couple,” they would respond. The answer they were given: “This is a house for a man and woman couple.”
and y’all thought that Israeli Hariri guy was nastily nuts….
MoD doc from May 2021: “Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm”
Section 3 – Core human augmentation technologies
Figure 4 provides an overview of how human augmentation technologies apply to each function and identifies four ‘core human augmentation technologies’ – genetic engineering, bioinformatics, brain interfaces and pharmaceuticals – that could improve psychological, physical and social performance.
“Improve social performance…”
The Royal Mint has gone crazy honouring Mary Seacole
Simon Webb’s video says, their article is loaded with huge disinformation.
article : https://archive.ph/T2t9s#selection-3271.318-3271.404
His video : https://youtu.be/drzwCEpPFCw
Staring proudly across the River Thames towards Big Ben, her cape caught in a gust as she strides away from a backdrop of the Crimean battlefield. This is how the Crimean War heroine Mary Seacole will be memorialised in a powerful 10ft bronze statue by the distinguished sculptor Martin Jennings, to be unveiled outside St Thomas’ hospital in central London on Thursday.
The campaign to commemorate the nurse once voted the greatest black Briton began when a group of Caribbean women approached their local MP in Hammersmith. Seven years later, the sculpture – the first public statue of a named black woman in the UK – is complete thanks to donations from tens of thousands of people. Happy days.
Except a small faction of hand-wringing Florence Nightingale experts and fans are not at all happy. To them, placing Seacole’s statue outside the hospital where the Lady with the Lamp established her revolutionary nursing school is an affront.
Pulling down Edward Colston statue was a ‘violent act’
29 June 2022
Er, she ran a hotel in Crimea selling booze and fags to the soldiers. Much appreciated no doubt, but she had the same medical qualifications as Biil Gates i.e. none. She described herself as ‘yellow’ rather than black. Her autobiography is readily available for free of charge, so you can read her own description of her rather interesting life. But the recent BBC-style embellishments of her discovering penicillin, curing cancer and decoding the human genome are noticeable by their absence.
Important news from the bbc bubble
Man creates rock sculpture in Cornwall while wife shops
Its good to know the tele tax money is being spent wisely
NLC, TUC suspend nationwide strike for 30 days
TTCC feed brings you:
Kinda begs the question why bother with a *civil* trial at all?
Hello Tomo
Funny statement re rich/powerful, hunter biden?
Two Buyers of Hunter Biden’s Art Have Been Unmasked, Despite Attempts to Keep Their Names Secret
The gallery and White House tried to keep collectors’ identities under wraps.
Sarah Cascone, July 26, 2023
The show made headlines in part for the six-figure prices being charged for Hunter Biden’s paintings, which were as much $500,000 per canvas.
When may we see them?
Thanks. This sums up how serious the situation is, basically next year’s election is the last chance that there is to roll back the woke revolution and reassert democracy but the chances of success are low. Even if the ‘New Republican People Party , wins the presidency and both houses it has to defeat the bureaucratic state , MSM, etc etc . So there will be years of highly coordinated resistance.
It will be like Remoanerism on steroids , they will try to bring America crashing down rather than see it revert to the America we all knew in the last century. Of course a big difference is that in the UK we ordinary folks don’t have guns . The Americans may not be as easy to intimidate as we are .
“Black history: The forgotten history of black people in the UK”. There’s one comment on the article, and it’s from 4 years ago:
“Black history month
Everybody deserves a chance
# if you agrree”
Almost as if the BBC have misjudged the amount of interest from the UK population.
Make blacks history?
Flotsam, 2 months black history for you for disrupting the class
All’s pure to the pure. You’re mind has negatively construed my post.
I meant make Black’s history
Bangkok: Three die and 14-year-old held over Siam Paragon mall shooting
No mention of being Muslim, so probably is
My wife says it’s just a 14 year old boy and a symptom of the new-generation of people who think what they see on the internet is real life.
My first thought was Thaksin starting some unrest with his red-shirts to destabilise the politics and polcarise the people yet again – but seems like it’s just another young nutcase with no grip on reality.
There are a LOT of them in training everywhere. I’ve said many times: social-media is destroying the world.
Ah… any BBC elaboration of the incident now clear as can be !!!
Surprised this explosion wasn’t blamed on Putin.
Pretty good going if he can throw thunderbolts!
– but that mightn’t fit the establishment F35 Superjet PR thing as aiui that can’t fly near thunderstorms…
I do like the way that a description of the gas tank is obviously inconvenient and therefore MIA
Wendling’s still plugging away speaking truth to power or something. Maybe one day the far-right Musk will notice he’s a serious BBC reporter. It’ll make his year.
Mike Wendling @mwendling 15h
hello @elonmusk
do you have any comment on the defamation suit filed against you in Texas today
Black History MONTH, Gay Pride MONTH yet its Remembrance DAY. Just saying.
Personally, I couldn’t give a sh… about the first two.
2012 movie “The Place Beyond The Pines” is on BBC Two at 11.15 tonight. Though competently made with a good cast, it reveals its liberal leanings quicker than you can say ‘toxic masculinity.’
The film is about a deadbeat Dad turned bank robber (Ryan Gosling), his clash with an ambitious cop (Bradley Cooper) and the negative effects their actions have on their sons. The bank robber’s son has a stepfather who’s kind, loving, responsible – and black. It’s real life, innit?
Tonight’s screening will be the seventh time “The Place Beyond The Pines” has been on BBC One or Two since March 2020. That seems a lot for the major channels.
BBC shows movies with messages it approves of, who’d have thought it?
bbc headline:-
Sunak denies being overshadowed at Tory party conference in Manchester
Denies? Got to admire the wording, or not
If you run an anti-meat POLITICAL lobbying org, what are the chances that the local BBC will give you free promotion ???
#PRasNews for lefty mates
April twice for Grimsby poster
#1 https://twitter.com/looknorthBBC/status/1651271168681299968
Then 6 months later they start promoting the Bridlington poster
Why eat? Stop eating to save the planet – insects have feelings to!
According to Science Illustrated, when grass is cut, it emits pheromones called “green leaf volatiles” (GLVs). This smell is appealing to us because it reminds us of food. So, if you think about the smells when you chop vegetables, it’s a similar sensation!24 May 2023
Our Mission
To establish the most practicable and robust halal assurance system facilitating comprehensive traceability of halal food serving the Muslim community and halal industry.
To become recognized as the most competent and compatible Halal Certifier in Europe, possessing a realistic service benchmark with a systematic approach, together with diligently implemented Islamic Jurisprudence.
Provide a high level of professional advice and service to consumers and manufacturers through education and awareness in the halal industry on halal related matters as the first point of contact.
To become a part of scientific research and innovation schemes and projects and to seek and utilize all available resources to further develop the global halal industry.
I don’t know anybody with a pet lobster but if I was hungry enough and had a dog I would eat it.
North Korea says hold their beer …
TOADY Watch #1 + TWatO Watch #1 = the BBC obsessing over HS2
Sarah pulls on some Tim ‘Nice But Dim’ (sorry didn’t hear the surname) from a railway magazine to comment. This Tim is very dim and very green because he thinks HS2 is all about replacing internal flights from London to Manchester. He obviously knows less than nothing about electric traction nor the CO2 that just construction of the line will emit. You could possibly/probably make a trillion flights between London and Manchester and still not emit the amount of CO2 that a years worth of journeys on the HS2 line will produce.
Tim whatever his surname has probably never interviewed for his magazine the senior engineer building the traction units nor anyone from the other major rail lines’ maintenance crews. What the maintenance people want is a line in a different place ideally running up the centre of the country, running at normal speeds and that can carry freight. In that way the other lines can have maintenance carried out on them during daylight hours rather than night-time and possibly for several days at a time.
This HS2 proposal was always an annoying Labour Party disrupter at the behest no doubt of Civil Serpents. It is the most unpopular infrastructure project evvah (report that BBC! – I dare you) to the most important people evvah, ie. the taxpayers paying for it.
Lots of factors at work here, up2.
Excellent point about energy cost of building. I believe cement uses about 5% of all energy usage. I may be wrong in detail but it’s very energy intensive and never mentioned by the eco-loons. Though I suppose they wouldn’t use any in their mud huts.
I once had the misfortune to debate with a Network Rail project manager about a non HS2 scheme. Her zeal was messianic. No sense of proportion or alternatives whatsoever.
You are totally right about freight. It jams up the WCML. But an alternative doesn’t need to go fast.
On Toady, they asked about the costs of HS2 (10 times the cost per mile of a French TGV). The basic answer is over-specification E.g a new Euston Station. Why? A 250 mph spec. Why? TGV spec. Would be fine. I recently took the fast TRAIN, yes TRAIN, between Rome and Naples. 300 km/ h max. It was fine. 1 hour 10 mins. Would I really have benefited from a train 15 minutes faster? BTW it used existing track in the suburbs and went into existing stations in the city centres. No tunnels. No vanity projects.
Give Sunak credit if he is asking questions no-one has had the gumption to ask.
If only nut nut was still about to make the decision. ….
And why hasnt the ghost of brunel been dug up yet ?
Fed, Nut Nut (as you like to call Bojo) was probably being led by the nose on HS2 by Princess Nut Nuts a.k.a. Carrie Antoinette.
David Cameron, when he’d won a majority in 2015 should have mandated HS2 to be just a 125 speed line.
Sluff, think I heard the engineer in Japan building the traction units, he had very good English, say on the BBC way back in 2011, maybe 2012 (back in the day when I listened to BBC R4 most of the day) that when you get into highspeed traction there is no way to make the motors more economical. Motor cars become more fuel efficient over time. Aircraft become more fuel efficient over time.
It is a selling point both for aircraft manufacturers and automoblie manufacturers that today’s model is more fuel efficient.
In addition, because there are no intermediate stations on the proposed HS2 line, if and when it ever operates at capacity, it will be running four trains an hour at 250mph and so cannot carry freight trains unless they build in ‘passing places’ like the single track roads in the Highlands of Scotland.
erm… try selling “fuel efficient” to the Prat & Whitney geared fan turbojet owners or one of the hundreds of thousands (UK alone) of BMW owners with stupid failed parts on their low mileage cars.
Oh no, not another expert
Britain has had enough of experts, says Gove
Brexit campaigner offers to have disputed EU contribution figure audited
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Michael Gove has refused to name any economists who back Britain’s exit from the European Union, saying that “people in this country have had enough of experts”.
The justice secretary, appearing in a Sky News question and answer session, sought to make a calm, understated case for Brexit — based largely on a promise of national self-reliance rather than fears of immigration.
He said that Vote Leave, the official Out campaign, would publish more details on its economic plans next week. So far it has said the UK could cut VAT on fuel and spend “additional millions” on the NHS.
Asked whether he might run for the Tory leadership in future, Mr Gove replied, “Count me out”.
“Britain has had enough of experts, says Gove”
Warning! – Election ahead – Warning!
Just seamlessly slipping into ‘Right Noise’ mode.
But that’s all it is, pay no attention……..
2018 …. It’s not a conspiracy if you can see it in broad daylight …
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
“Hannah Arendt, one of the greatest philosophers of the last 100 years, said that: ‘Once something can’t be said, you’re already in a tyranny.’ So, it is indisputable that we are all now living, in 2023, in a tyranny”
Just how many more times ?
1 more I promise .. oh wait….
Why isn’t that presenter wearing Russian uniform ?
What claims do you want BBC Verify to investigate?
BBC Verify is dedicated to examining the facts and claims behind a story to try to determine whether or not it is true.
What would you like us to investigate?
What claims do you want BBC Verify to investigate?
27 June
Here are some previous fact checks from BBC Verify:
Is food inflation higher in Europe than in the UK?
Is it getting too hot for solar panels?
Rishi Sunak’s claims on small boats fact checked
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Now see how tough the local #BiasedBBC is against the new Labour MP
#PRasNews from their lefty mates
Anyone saying BBC is Tory is gaslighting you
“Newly-elected Keir Mather, 25, has hit back at suggestions he is too young to relate to constituents.”
link Facebook PR
“Newly-elected Keir Mather, 25”
Vote in Wales 16
Join ISIS 15 (bbc produce a programme to help you not be a monster)
Gender Surgery at 10.
Marry Mohammed aged 6 (true feminist)
Keir Alexander Mather[1] was born in 1998 in Kingston upon Hull.[2] He was named after Keir Hardie, the founder of the Labour Party.[3][4]
“When he was 16, I was dropping him off at the office of every MP in Hull, … He said ‘I’m going to introduce myself to them’. I thought it was funny he was so determined to go and see all those MPs.”[6]
Career before Parliament
Mather worked as a public affairs adviser for the Confederation of British Industry for 18 months before entering Parliament and was a parliamentary researcher for Labour MP Wes Streeting from 2019 to 2020.[16]
Members’ Interests
Wes Streeting
mployment and earnings
Payments from Global Radio Services Ltd, 30, Leicester Square, London WC2H 7LA:
Payment of £600 expected for guest hosting a radio programme on 27 December 2022. Hours: 5 hrs including preparation. (Registered 24 March 2023)
Payments received via United Agents Ltd, 12-26 Lexington Street, London W1F 0LE. (Registered 17 May 2022; updated 24 March 2023)
15 March 2023, received £8,200 as a second payment for writing a book from Hodder & Stoughton, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ. Hours: 220 hrs between May 2022 and March 2023. (Registered 24 March 2023)
The top Lincs police officer who was nearly sacked
They found him not guilty on misusing police systems
And then gave him a written warning for illegally getting shop CCTV about his wife
“Representing Lincolnshire Police, Ian Mullarkey told the hearing relations between the two women had soured and, on 30 September 2022, Mr Myszczyszyn’s wife alleged she had been in a supermarket in Skegness when her business partner “barged past” her.
Comedian Culshaw impersonates Sunak, Starmer and Brian Blessed
On Laura Kuenssberg’s Sunday show. It will come as no surprise to know that the impression of Sunak was entirely negative. The one of Starmer wasn’t. Despite the fake spontaneity, it was very clearly all pre-prepared.
Actors read scripts.
Words are cheap – just say “thinking about, looking into, creating a comittee” … .. rwanda … ha ha ha HAHA
Transgender people may be banned from single-sex hospital wards under plans to restore “common sense” in the NHS, the health secretary says.
Speaking at the Conservative party conference, Steve Barclay announced a consultation on strengthening the protections in place for women.
Braverman’s speech was teased as pure “uncut Suella” and the Home Secretary warned of the migration “hurricane that is coming” as well as branding the Human Rights Act the “Criminal Rights Act”. Guido also believes Suella is the first cabinet minister to mention Susan Hall at Tory Conference…
She ended her speech, which was 13 minutes longer than Hunt’s yesterday, by calling the Tories “the trade union of the British people” and suggesting Shelley’s “Ye are the many, they are the few” as its motto. Echoing Tony Blair’s over-reaching claim that New Labour was “the political-wing of the British people”…
Good old days …
Culshaw was on BBC TV to publicise tonight’s Channel4 show ?
Proportion is important
The PR people push for the media to hype up little stories
So the story of the day is often not the REAL story of the day
it’s a distraction that keeps us off thinking about bigger issues
Partygate and Laurence Fox’s 1 minute rant are nothing burgers
3 years the BBC had Jon Culshaw and other “experts” on
Jail for asylum seeker who started hotel blaze
Musba Missa, 22, set light to a sofa in the communal area of a hotel in Skegness, a court hears.
Lincolnshire : Solar farms plans should be rejected – councillors
There are no local benefits from the two proposed sites in Lincolnshire, councillors say.
I’ve hardly seen the Conservative Party Conference, apart from the occasional squint when I’ve turned the sound off. That way I can make the likes of Gove and Hunt say exactly what I like…maybe even speaking the truth…
So, in my guise as a political ventriloquist, I’ve had these well-polished charlatans say, “Immigration figures are out of control. So what, who gives a fxxx?”
“Taxation is even higher than Jeremy Corbyn would have inflicted on us. Jolly good show.”
“Net zero makes absolutely no sense at all. It’s all bollocks to pacify the Guardianistas and those prats at the BBC.”
“Yes, of course lockdown was an absolute disaster. We’ll be paying for this insanity for decades.”
And then I made the mistake of turning the sound on and heard Suella Braverman waffling on (again) about the failure of multiculturalism and mass immigration. FFS, is anyone still falling for this rhetoric? Next we’ll hear that she’s determined to stop the dinghies…
Look, the truth is this; Rishi is toast. The election is lost. Next October (probably) they’ll be looking for another leader and brave Suella is putting a few across the boughs. They’ll all be at it.
Suella is channeling her inner Enoch, Liz is doing a Thatcher, perhaps Boris might turn up with his Churchill tribute act. None of it matters. They’re useless and have spent thirteen absolutely wasted years proving as much.
This conference is like window dressing a funeral directors.
The suella one has the ‘safe ‘ seat of Farnham with a 51% majority . I think even she is not safe – I’d like to see them all – all – lose their seats …. Yapping about being overwhelmed by foreigners is 13 Thirteen – years to late and if they had an honour they’d all stand down –
Talking of ‘honour ‘ has that chief constable caught wearing a Falklands medal done the right thing with a whisky and a revolver yet . Or does the amoral chief carry on ?
lol – I made a comment on HYS among the spiteful children commenting about the war in Ukraine.
I wrote this:
‘It’s abundently clear that Russia will not be ejected from Ukraine unless the USA decide to start WW3. Everyone advocating that option is an absolute idiot.’
It got deleted very quickly because I was offending those people who think we should start WW3.
Total fascists. They are getting more and more blatant in their suppression of any opinions they don’t agree with.
Still – a good one for my collection.
I can’t believe that got deleted – maybe the intern moderator had got some medication – or is competing to dump comments with a ‘pal’….
Really difficult to see how Ukraine plays out – surely they’ll run out of fighters and ammo before Russia … and putin won’t be looking for ‘peace talks ‘ – he will want to have zelenski s skull as an ash tray …
I thought I’d risk watching Farage on GBN talking to my outgoing MP Ian Duncan smith . The usual blue labour crap coming from my soon to be Lord Duncan Smith of Chingford ( like tebbit before him ) .
It’s just so lame for these characters to clsim they are going to don any thing about anything – will the tories go for cremation of a box ..?