Figures released this week show that across BBC ‘platforms ‘ the decline continues . Both Radio 2 and Radio 4 suffers big losses – the woke kidult stuff doesn’t work . But never mind – the BBC gets state funding whatever it does or says. But someday that must change .
Weekend 28 October 2023
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For anyone wondering about the dire straits we are currently in thanks to the incompetence of Biden and co. The US have now placed an unprecedented export ban on small munitions (civilian firearms and ammunition).
No explanation has been given for this, however if you need to begin conscription into the military you have to have guns to eqip the recruited soldiers with.
This war is clearly going to expand and that might well be the plan of the corrupt Demonrats and their demented leader.
Do you think the US has intelligence that the Gaza war will spread ? Time to fill up the petrol tanks again
From what several of the people who watch these things are saying they appear to be fearing nuclear attack with command and control aircraft circulating 24/7 and some very specialised aircraft patrolling the Balkans over some fear they haven’t made known to joe public.
After what the USA have done in Ukraine, I can imagine Putin will be very eager to make life as difficult as possible for the USA in the Middle East.
But I don’t think he will help them with nuclear weapons. He will walk a tightrope about how much to help them. The wild card who WOULD use them is Iran. They only reason they don’t is they know it would be the end of their country as we know it. Maybe now they think they will get all the others in the region on their side. The BBC are doing an excellent job of making Israel the bad guys.
I would not be surprised at all if a small nuclear device from Iran was detonated in a tunnel in Gaza when Israel start their ground offensive.
I suspect the USA have targets in Iran already programmed into their missiles.
I consider a war between Islam and Infidels to be inevitable somewhere down the line if the stone-age religion does not die out – but only when they are on a par with weaponry. They truly hate us. If the tables were turned and Allah gave them all the technology while we farmed goats, we would be gone already.
I think you should broaden your horizons John, because both Pakistan and North Korea have offered warheads to Turkey who are as incensed by Israel as any Muslim Arab state.
Worse though are the snowflakes who Biden has allowed to be brainwashed in the far Left Universities who are now supporting Gaza and Palestine, the demented idiot has given them a stick with which to beat him.
I’m on Labour’s exec committee. Our party needs an inquiry into Islamophobia
Keir Starmer needs to apologise, retract his comments and stop the gaslighting of Muslims
Mish Rahman
26 October 2023, 1.35pm
I think my horizons are broad enough thank you Thoughtful.
Of all those countries, Iran is by far the most fanatical and by far most likely to do it.
How Iran Plans to Destroy Israel
This is from 8 years ago.
From wiki:
‘In 2021, a group of former Republican officials including ex-CIA director James Woolsey, wrote in the National Review that “Iran probably has already the atomic bomb,”‘
Might explain why all this has happened now. They have to make Israel the bad guys first and the BBC are doing an excellent job of that.
What’s bothering me now is that Hamas are continuing their rocket attacks (though the BBC aren’t telling us) when the logical thing would be keep a low profile and hope international pressure makes Israel show restraint.
It’s almost like they want to make sure Israel go ahead with the ground war.
In my view Biden’s worst error opposite the Middle East was allowing Iran to re start the project to acquire nuclear weapons. This puts Israel in a position where the window of opportunity to strike before Iran can retaliate with nuclear weapons. Is closing fast.
They know that once the nutters in Tehran have the means to obliterate Israel they will remorselessly turn the screw until Israel is no more.
As I have said before regime change in Iran is good for everyone including the vast majority of Iranians and Palestinians .
Quite – and as I mentioned, if they just nuke Israel they will most definitely be the bad guys.
This provocation and predictable extreme response by Israel – along with the likes of the BBC making out Israel are the bad guys – is the absolute best conditions they could hope for before they do it. It gives the rest of the Muslim world a reason to be on their side.
I would dismiss it as unlikely if it wasn’t for the fact Hamas are still firing rockets. They don’t want it to stop.
Luckily for us, the USA are vastly more powerful than anyone else and hopefully they will stop it all very quickly if it happens. I very much doubt Russia will stand in their way : their friendship with Iran is purely to make life difficult for the Americans.
What will cheese me off is losing all means of finding out what is going on – the EMP – obviously is nuclear war were to escalate from local ( regional ) to pan continent there’d be no further worry as most of us would be gone pretty quickly – which would also cheese me off …
Having been about a bit … I think of the kidults and their mental health issues with all this … their fragile minds were delicate before covid – but even afterward there was Ukraine and now the big one in Gaza …. Ugh
In Thailand we get violent thunderstorms. Sometimes lightning happens directly overhead with an instantaneous boom like a bomb went off. It scares the dogs shitless.
I’ve had many ceiling fans, light bulbs and RCD’s trashed when it happens. And I imagine that’s nothing compared to what a nuclear device EMP would do.
If it does, all the gobby Lefty kidults who had no clue what they were actually arguing for will go very quiet then start blaming everybody else.
Bowen of course will still blame anyone but the Muslims.
I think bowen would be ‘gone ‘ by then – no further comment . I d0 wonder how people would respond to having no source of information at all – assuming – of course – that the loss would be temporary …
It’s great timing that the parliament is off on its holidays for 2 weeks – we won’t have to hear Islamic Hamas apologists calling for Israel to surrender ( aka cease fire ) … for a while – that will be the BBCs job …
Those MPs must be hoping for a recall – big expenses boost ..
The idiocy of the Islamic PR machine politico media estate summarised by this twerp.
How are Palestinians in Gaza, who have had their electricity and internet communications cut off by the Israeli military, supposed to hear/receive this ‘urgent’ message from the Israeli military?
Most comments have put him right. Not that he, Owen Jones, Corbyn, Warsi and the rest could ever concede their efforts are transparently beyond laughable.
The tragic irony is that he was the BBC brown eyed go-to gob until a video of him referring to those not as enlightened enough to behead innocents saw him off the QT circuit and off to America. Where he is as popular as Nish was.
In that video he referred to non Muslims as ‘cattle’, which is currently how his glorious soldiers are corralling civilians in Gaza to provide him, Mishal, Jez etc with the video uploads the old men in Qatar need to keep the money rolling in.
Clearly he and this bimbo were destined to be.
Cutting off all communication to a population of 2.2 million is unacceptable. Journalists, medical professionals, humanitarian efforts, and innocents are all endangered.
I do not know how such an act can be defended. The United States has historically denounced this practice.
Again, the American Raisin Brain is being educated in the comments.
Guest, best put single quote marks around your quotes so we don’t initially think it’s your comment ….
The Independent, The Sun & CNN were running live streams from London covering the terrorist-supporter gatherings there.
Am I the only one that finds that a bit weird? Covering it as though it’s some sort of event.
Fucking hell. The BBC is responsible for “Mass Murder” and the BBC’s Disinformation Reporter, Rachel Schraer, won a prize for discrediting Ivermectin.
Mass Murder, without informed consent. Not only using a gene therapy but also by discrediting cheap drugs and vitamins for early treatment. “The War on Ivermectin” by Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Tess Lawrie of British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group (BIRD).
With Covid the Virus infection lasts less than a week. After that people die because of an allergic response to virus debris. Ivermectin is therefore most effective in very early treatment. It cannot work if the virus infection has ended. So to discredit Ivermectin the criminals treated patients after at least four days. Also in American Hospitals, whistleblowers have revealed that doctors have given Ivermectin to Vaccinated patients but have refused Ivermectin for Unvaccinated patients.
Time to dust off the Islamic Party ….
The Islamic Party of Britain is a defunct political party in the United Kingdom that was active from its formation in 1989[1] until 2006. The IPB was opposed to both capitalism and communism. David Musa Pidcock, a Sheffield man who converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam while working as an engineer in Saudi Arabia, founded and led the party.[1] The IPB published a quarterly magazine entitled Common Sense.
The party entered the 1992 general election, standing three unsuccessful candidates in the constituencies of Bradford, a city with a large Muslim minority, and one in a London constituency, Streatham.
Many Muslims were unhappy with the atheism of Neil Kinnock, the Labour leader, and wanted a party that would cater specifically for the needs of Muslims. Many also felt that both Labour and the Conservatives had not done enough to help Muslims in the controversy over Salman Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses.
The party believed in equal treatment under the law regardless of an individual’s status, income or ethnicity. The IPB argued that religion is the most important thing in life.
When answering one question, the party argued that homosexuality needed treatment, was not to be tolerated and that homosexuals should be put to death for a “public display of lewdness”,[9] a policy that was condemned by gay activist Peter Tatchell.[6]
Way behind the curve , Have discovered the delights of the 2021 census. It’s rather informative.
How about this for starters
Jewish 300,000, Muslims 4 million.
Population increase of around 3 million between 2011 and 2021 shows only 500,000 who count themselves as white.
That leaves 2. 5 million non-white immigrants and ethnic minority new-born. Which political party openly stood on this platform?
Muslims have gone from 2.7 million in 2011 to 3.9 million in 2021.
I could go on.
But it surely reveals the enemy within and how the pro-Palestinian pro-Muslim position of the FarLeft is a big vote winner for them.
Sadly, the majority (still but declining) white Christian population continue to sleepwalk to long term oblivion.
Yep, those born recently will be existing in a totally different UK in the next 50 – 100 years that we have known over the past few generations. Being called to prayer on a Friday for starters. Mohammed won’t be top of the boys list, it will be the only name !
But with the chavs and the lazy idle, the surnames will all be different, Brissles!
Ther’s sure to be some trait handed down from the fickle benefits leeches…
Comments aren’t very complementary…
I’m getting more and more fed up with foreigners getting here and trashing my country. I also wish we had a British Prime Minister who’d deal with the problem, and a pro-British tax-paid broadcaster to make the case for us and condemn these indecent illegals!
Scrobs, I’ve always thought that having a British Prime Minister with a heritage from the Indian sub continent and a billionaire was never going to be an easy “fit”.
Isn’t it true that those who are “British” born with an ethnic heritage, nearly always stay loyal to the home of that heritage – but of course its pretty useful and beneficial to have a UK passport ! Think of all the “British” born Indians and Pakistanis who do not support the England cricket team. ‘Sir’ Lenny Henry who promotes his West Indian heritage at every opportunity proudly with a Birmingham accent. OK Henry and which of your ancestors fought for us in WW2 ? or were they ambling about on the beach in the tropical W.Indies ?
The guy in red texting his tinder date to see where he is?
What a target for somebody with some grenades and a lump hammer.
Bloody cycle stands everywhere. Perfect fit for front wheels.
We are now witnessing one of the multicultural advantages immigration has brought to the UK, tens of thousands of organised fanatical Muslims marching through London demanding government action against Israel.
Imagine for one second what would happen if the same number of Christian’s decided to March through the centre of any Iranian city making similar demands of the authorities against Hamas.
The future trajectory of this is dire for the safety of the UK.
Iran? Imagine if the same number of Christians tried it in London. Plod would be all over them.
You may be too late.
London is only 37% white, and 15% Muslim.
The authorities make it hard to find the numbers as they are mainly left as individual London Boroughs.
But try this
And then this
One for all you domestic extremists here
“Jewish writer tells of her shock and horror at seeing her old college friend tearing down posters of kidnapped Israeli children in Brooklyn while branding them ‘dogs’
“London’s day of protest: Dramatic moment police arrest man ‘for attack that left officer in hospital’ at Pro-Palestinian march in London – as hundreds of demonstrators stage sit-in at Waterloo”
Wherever there’s a fracas, being a drunken street fight, or an international debacle, one now has to ask, ‘Follow the money’ more and more. We never used to have to do this!
Who is going to gain from the Hamas slaughter? Why has the idiot Biden got involved there, (probably to divert interest from his shady dealings with Ukraine), but there’s one big question – why isn’t the Blair bunch of international charlatans saying anything?
Someone somewhere is going to be making billions out of all this unrest, just as they did with the covids, the stupidity of ‘global warming’ etc, and now the Ukraine money tree has trickled to a few drips, there has to be another fortune to be made in the Middle East!
If some shady rich conglomerate paid Blair all that money as an ‘envoy’, then they must be using his sort of ‘contacts’ to make all that extra dosh, so who’s trying to find out?
The trans-economics and green students employed at vast tax-paid expense by the Beeboid Moneytree as ‘Business Correspondents’ should be getting out of their latte-splattered cubicles and do some work to try and find out, but can I see this happening?
Can I hellfire…
Hello Scroblene – I think the Gaza incidents are beyond money. It’s about belief – sure arms manufacturer share prices will go up . But shares are not worth much if the whole thing goes chemical or nuclear … noddy suit makers might make a killing ….
BTW – Saturday night is a full moon – spooky at Halloween eh?
Thanks Fed – I’ll put my spare pension into Primark shiny tracksuits – surely they’ll work to keep the nasties away!
Well, I always avoid them anyway…
Noooo Scrobs – shiny shell track suits now smacks of thick cigars, straggly white hair and a sleazy “now then guys and gells”.
, on your live reporting feed today you cited Shehab Younis, ‘a photographer in Gaza’. A cursory look at his Instagram feed would have shown a video he posted in August memorialising and glorifying two former Hamas leaders, Raed al-Attar and Muhammad Abu Shamala.
Currently Springster’s gimp boyfriend is ‘checking’ Elon Musk’s tally of US Bases.
Danny Morris
Arsenal (West upper), fighting antisemitism and extremism with
as OSINT & Tech Policy Manager, formerly Online Safety
. All views are my own🦉
London/NYCJoined March 2010
2,826 Following
formerly Online Safety
An interview on Gaza
“You are in a game of causes and effects. Faced with the tragedy of history, one cannot take this ‘chain of causality’ analytical grid, simply because if you do you can’t escape from it. Once we understand that there is a trap, once we realize that behind this trap there has also been a change in the Middle East regarding the Palestinian issue… The situation today is profoundly different [from what it was in the past]. The Palestinian cause was a political and secular cause. Today we are faced with an Islamist cause, led by Hamas. Obviously, this kind of cause is absolute and allows no form of negotiation. On the Israeli side, there has also been a development. Zionism was secular and political, championed by Theodor Herzl in the late 19th century. It has largely become messianic, biblical today. This means that they too do not want to compromise, and everything that the far-right Israeli government does, continuing to encourage colonization, obviously makes things worse, including since October 7th. So in this context, understand that we are already in this region facing a problem that seems profoundly insoluble.
Added to this is the hardening of states. Diplomatically, look at the statements of the King of Jordan, they are not the same as six months ago. Look at the statements of Erdogan in Turkey.”
Pro-Palestinian protest in London sees thousands call for bombing to stop
That should be ‘Pro-Hamas’ there BBC but never mind. One more error in favour of the house won’t make much difference.
But as much as the BBC are trying to hide it, it’s clear the protests are starting to get violent.
And strangely enough, the BBC have dropped their ‘new policy’ of telling us Hamas are a terrorist organisation for this one.
‘Israel has expanded its strikes, three weeks after Hamas launched a cross-border attack’
That has to be the understatement of the century. We are not told that Hamas are terrorists anywhere in this article. Absolutely disgraceful.
Here’s an author (on the right) who appears to also work at ‘talksport’:

What a complete joke the BBC are now.
lol, in the middle I mean. ‘On the right’ was for a picture which would not embed …
How many protesters are “illegals” or foreign students on visas ?
Why is the rest of the world allowed to protest in Great Britain?
We have an extremely weak government.
IMHO we have allowed a ‘fifth column’ to develop in this nation .
The dad of a Rotherham survivor says it’s “atrocious” that no police have been arrested over the scandal – yet he was held by officers twice.
John, not his real name, told The Mirror how he was ‘arrested’ by police for breaching the peace as he tried to rescue his daughter.
He said he admits ‘kicking off’ more than a decade ago but explains he was outside a flat where his daughter was being abused by a paedophile gang.
John, who has suffered a stroke and a heart attack, was diagnosed with secondary PTSD, which has been blamed on the trauma his family has endured.
To add to the stress they have also received death threats and in one incident a fake gravestone was dumped in front of his bungalow with his name on it.
Reacting to the IOPC report, he agrees with his daughter and said: “These reports are a complete and utter waste of time and money.
Idiots led by beasts…..
At least they’re not in danger from someone like Khalid Masood, who ran over pedestrians on the same bridge in 2017, killing 4 and injuring 48 before going on to stab a police officer to death.
‘Whilst blood flows, legislation scuttles through Parliament stealing our ways of life’: Neil Oliver
Neil Oliver: ‘A person would have to be blind to fail to notice that whilst the bullets fly and the blood flows, all manner of legislation scuttles through our various parliaments like thieves in the night, systemically, and inch by inch, stealing our ways of life.’
I don’t understand why authorities including the police just refuse to see the bleeding obvious when it comes to nasty dogs.
Bully XL dogs and similar are predominantly owned by drug pushers who use them to discourage or delay raids on their homes.
There are two or three properties in our street where the occupants are obvious drug pushers and all three have these sort of beasts inside.
The breed needs banning and all Bully’s, bred to attack and kill should be put down forthwith.
Plus a dog attack should immediately transfer the severity of the guilt to the owner in every instance, so if a dog kills, the owner should be charged with murder. If a dog maims, the owner should be charged with GBH etc.
The sort of sub-humans who use these animals to further their activities should have nowhere to hide when they attack innocent people.
Hamza Yousef…. don’t know if family are dead in Gaza….
Ask bloody Hamas why don’t you?, they claim to run the place!
Good luck with that!
Why does he not bugger off to Gaza. He will not be missed as the SNP have hit new levels of stunning incompetence. What a pretence of a so called governing assembly.
The mass demonstrations express hatred of Jews. Be warned.
🚨 Vile, anti-Jewish, hate-march today in the centre of London.
Calls of “Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud” were shouted (a reference to a massacre against Jews in 628 CE) as well as a call to turn the Al-Aqsa flood (the name Hamas gave to their massacre of 1300 people in Israel) and turn it into a tsunamim, all over the world.
Other calls were for “Intifada to victory” and a waving of an extremist Islamist flag, similar to the terror organisation Al-Qaeda.
As the people of Israel are still mourning their loved ones and hoping for the return of 150 still in the hands of Hamas, all of this hate is on full display on the streets of London.
Anyone else noticed a distinct lack of just stop oil twat demos since the weather turned a bit cold, wet and inclement?
Maybe too much rain might wash out their purple hair dye?
They’re too busy on the pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli demos.
Two sides of the same Marxist coin.
Either that or they’re afraid that while they were wet somebody might rub them with a bar of soap.
I must be losing it but try as I might I can’t remember any Marxist mass marches in London by the Stop the War coalition and their ilk in the immediate aftermath of the massacre of the innocents in Israel by Hamas three weeks ago.
“‘This is sick behaviour!’: Outrage at Palestinian protester filmed clutching blood-soaked effigy of dead baby in London triggering ‘hate crime’ probe”
“London jihad demo leader is NHS doctor: Islamic extremist’s double life as a suburban GP is exposed”
Telegraph headline:
Israel sends elite troops into Gaza Strip for “long war”.
A bit like “long Covid”. Sure those wonderful scientists and Bill Gates will soon come up with a “vaccine” to shorten it.
The civilization we inherited is on the verge of extinction. Can we save it?
I only post from the Daily `telegraph now if it is directly relevant to our cause – so this one is about ‘reform ‘ of the BBC Executive Complaints Unit – enjoy –
STARTS The BBC has toughened its complaints system amid concern from ministers that allegations of bias are not being taken sufficiently seriously.
Tim Davie, the BBC director general, will now take on direct responsibility for overseeing its complaints unit.
The changes come ahead of publication of the Government’s mid-term review of the BBC’s 10-year Royal Charter and amid sustained public criticism of the broadcaster over its coverage of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, including its refusal to call Hamas terrorists.
The corporation has received hundreds of complaints from the public over its reporting of the conflict.
But evidence examined by ministers as part of the mid-term review of its governance and regulatory arrangements found that, since the charter was renewed in 2017, just 25 complaints of bias were formally upheld by the executive complaints unit (ECU).
The review, overseen by Lucy Frazer, the Culture Secretary, found that the ECU, the highest recourse for complaints to the BBC, was overseen by David Jordan, the director of editorial policy – the same executive ultimately responsible for ensuring that programmes and articles produced by the corporation comply with its rules in the first place.
‘Marking their own homework’
Ministers were concerned that the structure created a conflict of interest that led to executives “marking their own homework” and may have resulted in a disincentive to uphold complaints.
In a change to the BBC’s structures, Peter Johnston, the director of editorial complaints and reviews, who has been responsible for the ECU since earlier this year, will now report to Mr Davie directly rather than to Mr Jordan.
Mr Johnston was previously tasked by Mr Davie with leading the BBC reviews of Martin Bashir’s 1995 BBC interview with Princess Diana, and of Russell Brand’s time at the corporation.
A source familiar with ministers’ concerns said changing the structure so that the complaints unit is directly overseen by Mr Davie would create more of an “arm’s length” process, formally removed from executives making decisions ahead of broadcasts about whether particular material complies with impartiality and other BBC rules.
The BBC rejects claims that it is failing to address complaints properly, saying that many are addressed before they reach the ECU, which is the third of three stages of recourse offered to viewers.
Many complaints are also classified as “part upheld” or “resolved” in cases where the BBC “believes that enough was done to address the breach of editorial standards before it received your complaint”.
In June, Mr Jordan pointed out that Ofcom had only upheld one appeal against an ECU ruling on impartiality since 2017.
‘The institution matters’
This weekend, a BBC spokesman said: “We have been engaged constructively with the Government throughout the mid-term review process, which is explicitly focused on governance and regulation as set out in the BBC Charter, and we await publication of the findings.”
A spokesman for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport said of the mid-term review: “No final decisions have been made.”
Last week, Mr Davie attempted to repair relations with Conservative MPs when he addressed the 1922 committee. Speaking before the meeting, a BBC spokesman said the director general would have “tackled head-on some of the criticisms that he will undoubtedly have had in the room” and stressed “why the institution matters”.
At the meeting, Mr Davie was confronted by Robert Jenrick, the immigration minister, who said he had “never been so disappointed” in the corporation as he had over its coverage of Israel.
Mr Jenrick told Mr Davie that many British Jews had “lost confidence” in the corporation in the last fortnight and urged him to change policy by letting reporters call Hamas terrorists.ENDS
Personally I think our target should be BBCOFCOM as much as the BBC because it gives the BBC top cover and they share the same bed ….
Interesting that there appeared to be no ‘leak ‘ of what was said in the 1922 committee …. But I suppose blue labour MPs feel they need to keep the BBC ‘tame ‘ as they campaign for new jobs after the next election ( a dumb view of course )
‘The deafening silence at the end of the phone call is scary’
More newsless emotion and empathy from the BBC. It’s all their staff can do these days.
But the bit which got my attention was this:
‘”What we have witnessed so far has been so brutal, so bloody and so destructive. Hearing that there will be a new phase of that is just so terrifying, and it should push everyone to push for a ceasefire before it’s too late,” he said.’
I call the BBC out as being liars for that one. I think they wrote it themselves. It’s too ‘perfect’ and absolutely bang on the current narrative.
We’ve seen many times now that the BBC have absolutely no problem faking what ‘victims’ say to suit their own agenda.
There is not one argument that Israel should agree to a ceasefire that makes the slightest bit of sense.
1. The people they are fighting do not want a cease fire. Annihilation of the Jewish race is the only target they seek.
2. Why would anyone in their right mind agree to a one-sided ceasefire knowing that the other side just want to kill you all and would continue to try to do so, cease-fire or not?
Sadly, this is a fight to the bitter end and a fight for survival for Israel, Hamas have literally given them no other option so must take the consequences. It is of course horrific that Hamas are using innocent people in their own Country as cannon-fodder in a ghoulish plan to try to get sympathy and support throughout the World.
I am amazed that those young people marching with banners in the West to support these animals are unable to join the dots. How ugly and distorted the youth in the West has become in the last 20 or 30 years.
The Nazis with their “Christalnacht” taught them nothing!
Look it up children!
Hamas has a long way to go to rival the track record of the Nazis but they are moving in the same direction using the same propaganda and brutality.
Hamas on the same par as the Ukranian Nazi’s then?
Cannot disagree with all you have said Digg.
Did the fuel run out in Gaza and the UN stop everything they are doing ?.
Just asking because the whole topic miraculously disappeared from the BBC when the ‘deadline’ passed.
According to ‘Death’ Knell t’intynet is back so the UN can at least get PornHub.
Yes – after all the banner headlines at the BBC telling us the whole country was about to implode, it was out for one day.
Now they can get back to making up their fake messages from people living in their apartments being shot at by nasty Israel.
Hello JohnC
I’ve made a comment below re the fuel the bbc kept going on about for weeks withing 24hours each day it would run out… maybe the Mobile network is solar powered, or maybe the bbc can blame this on fuel running out
Incredible how large infrastructure (mobile network) is running, when all we see in “reporting” from the bbc is rubble and nothing left of buildings
Just looking at some reviews for the new video game ‘Alan Wake 2’ and it seems that our hero Alan has changed into a black woman !!.
Mind you, I should not be surprised. I’m reading the latest book by Joe Abercrombie in the series which was historically all about men fighting each other with swords and generally littering the countryside with body parts. The writing and the plots were absolutely brilliant.
In this latest one, all the ‘lead’ men have been displaced by women (who the male warrior underlings regularly compliment for being so clever and tell them they deserve to to be the boss) and a womanising ‘King’ who caught his best friend shagging another bloke in an earlier book (when the first wave of ‘woke’ hit) is now discovering he is gay himself. Do men really ‘turn’ gay like that – or did they always know they were gay ?.
It’s such a shame – but all books are like this now. Any good sci-fi has to be ‘believable in it’s context’ otherwise you read it and think it’s ridiculous. As I do for this one.
It doesn’t happen often but a small cheer for the BBC.
Probably because it happened to one of their own.
A fine testimony bout our ‘NHS heroes’
This is what we pay our massive taxes for – a truly dreadful organisation that sucks in money and resources and gives precious little out in the way of service.
‘My NHS Hell waiting for surgery and information’
Including a picture captioned:
‘Rory is reunited with Sophie, his dog, who was rescued from Romania’
This focus on ’empathy’ by the BBC is getting more and more ridiculous. They are unable to write proper news any longer. Everything is loaded with emapthy to pull the reader towards supporting whatever narrative they want.
I presume it’s because of the dire quality of staff they now have because of ‘quota’ recruitment and promotion.
Iranians are chanting “Death to the Dictator” from their homes in Tehran on the first night after the death of 16-year-old Armita Geravand.
She was beaten into a coma by the morality police in the Tehran for refusing to cover her hair in public.
Any marches planed in London?
Hopefully Khan’s PR teams have briefed TfL drivers what to chant in such cases here.
Trouble in London ?
The result of a weak government and poor border control.
Not much mention of fuel running out again, withing 24 hours in Gaza
Perhaps the mobile phones going down was a result of no fuel
Very concerning, sign of depth of humanitarian crisis The Gaza Strip: Thousands break into UNRWA warehouses in Gaza, taking wheat flour and basic items | UNRWA…
Jez still unconcerned about the planned massacre, hostage taking/retention and ongoing missile launches?
8am radio Humberside
“What do Scunthorpe people think of rishi sunak ?
the local MP Nick Daikin will be responding to his constituents on BBC politics North this morning”
Is there anything wrong with that ?
BBC are biased towards labour
Nick Daikin MP is not the MP
he lost to the conservative last time round
Benighted Blighty cheesy edition
Tell me what I don’ know – that might be one’s sarcastic and fair response to most big mainstream headlines this weekend.
That’s leaving aside of course the novelty of Daily Star Sunday’s: Psychic Sally’s seance at 39,000ft
Proscribed prescribing organisation
London Jihad Demo Leader is NHS Doctor (Mail on Sunday) – well, you might have knocked me down with a feather…
Mr AsI has previously reported hereabouts on NHS recruitment adverts that put commitment to the orgnaistion as a requirement, over and above patient care, in their list of criteria for good applicants – but one assumed they had in mind some oath-like commitment of loyalty to the NHS as an institution – rather than to Hizb ut-Tahrir
Ah, the state of the State within a State that is our state-funded NHS…
NHS spent millions on failed ‘AI doctor’ app backed by Hancock (Times) – you now tend see all this big fuss about the great threat to humanity that is A.I…. we’re supposed to believe concerned politicians (goes without saying we can’t believe them) and the loudest alarmism comes from the AI expert proponents themselves. And yet the Times notes: …flawed AI app whose creator used aggressive sales techniques and overpromised what it could do…
Babylon Health was a tech start-up championed by Matt Hancock… and advised by Dominic Cummings… – frankly, were I channelling an investing dragon from Dragons’ Den, I was already OUT at the mention of the company name Babylon Health – what was their logo? Bob Marley smoking a joint?
Starmer’s crisis over ceasefire intensifies… Starmer has said that Israel has a right to defend itself – frets the Sir Keir fanboys and fangirls at the Sunday Times. The Labour leader now has to square the circle and tread the tightrope of millions of imported muslim Labour voters, elected little man Khans and his ilk, plus the remnant Corbynista crazies of his party clashing with Starmer’s Tony Blair scripted stage act portrayal of Captain Sensible.
There’s more who-woulda-thunk-it, not-news, as wishy washy Rishi talks tough but (as we well know by now) merely whistles in the wind: Ministers plan extremism crackdown as fears grow over UK ‘permitting anti-Jewish hate’ (Telegraph); ‘Ban Jihadi hate mob’ … Call to act as protesters shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ (Sunday Express) – there’s no way that gets banned in 2023 in Britain – that Empire Windrush boat sailed years ago. And if in some bizarro parallel universe muslims were ever banned from getting gobby on our streets our BBC would be ready to re-dub their Ali Bongo’s Snackbar chants – remember what our BBC did with Sinn Féin to get around a ban on their IRA-supporting speech?
BBC shake-up to tackle complaints of bias (Telegraph) – and if you think that will make any difference I’ve a bridge to Babylon to sell you
Making plans for Nigel
Exclusive Farage in £1m I’m A Celeb deal (Sun on Sunday)
Farage saga has hit banks’ investabilty (Telegraph)
Our friend Matt of the Telegraph will sometimes go to the mattresses, so to speak (cf The Godfather movies) for a right-leaning cause (a rarity for newspaper cartoonists) and today he turns his cartoon attention to the financial travails of our Mr Farage, the former Ukip leader, as he sketches a pair of furniture store salesmen (presumably working at some woke company) as they converse, as our Matt signposts, in the Bedding department: “You mustn’t sell a mattress to Nigel Farage. We don’t want him keeping his money under it” – a good gag, Matt – but one might have turned up the satire to 11 by spotlighting miscegenation-mad sofa store DFS
A burden under which conservatives suffer is our overwhelming prevailing media leftist language with which to frame debate.
The leftists speak of a patriarchy but a classic example of leftist hegemony over thought and language comes with this feature story in the vaguely right-leaning Sunday Telegraph: Why women sleep worse than men… The gender gap at bedtime could be behind long-term health problems
Last time I looked at the stats women outlived men: Across the UK, life expectancy at birth in 2018 to 2020 was estimated to be 79.3 years for males and 83.1 years for females in England (ONS) – come again with the long-term health problems, anyone? Gender death gap?
Spare a thought for former short-lived PM Liz Truss – seems everything she touched has turned to ashes…
Liz Truss cheese speech: How Tory leadership favourite’s viral comments on UK imports spawned countless memes… We import two thirds of our cheese.” After a long pause, she adds: “That. Is. A. Dis-grace.” (Left-leaning ‘i’ News there back in September 2022 doing sterling work trashing Truss and paving the way for Rishi Sunak – our Swindon district manager)
As for the Truss-blighted Blighty cheese industry: Causing a stink Experts snub Britsh and French cheese (Telegraph)
I was looking at the GBnews listing and see there is a Christmas Special with John Cleese ‘hosting ‘ nut nut ‘ and Farage …. Or did I make it up ..?
The Sunday progamme
Opening -“ gonna stick with Gaza – then ‘speaking as a black Muslim woman ‘… off switch ….
‘I wanted to continue modelling, wheelchair or no wheelchair’
Front page news no less – a heartwarming tale of a woman in a wheelchair fulfilling her ambition to be a model. Telling all women in wheechairs they too can succeed in modelling.
She ticks nearly EVERY box except I don’t think she is a lesbian or trans.
So we told how – through sheer determination – she made it to the final of a modelling competition.
Oh, it’s ‘Ms Curvaceous UK contest’ which means it’s only for fat women. Why is that allowed ?.
And the story takes another hit when we learn she didn’t win after all. Let’s have a look at her:
‘Debbie-Lyn Connolly Lloyd now includes her wheelchair and walking stick in her photoshoots’
What a marvelous story. Brought to you by – yes, you guessed it :

They do love their selfies! What a pathetic narcissistic younger generation thhat now exists.
Ironic isn’t it, that there were no train strikes on the days when thousands are protesting about the middle Eastern war. A decision taken somewhere, somehow perhaps??? Just saying.
Do Palestinians want Hamas to surrender?
Will the BBC ever ask awkward questions?
Now you mention it, the complete lack of BBC reporters asking people what they think of Hamas stands out a mile.
We can assume it’s because they support them. And that would be very bad for the agenda against Israel.
It appears that those friendly peaceable Palestinians in Gaza …….have broken into a United Nations food aid centre and are looting the contents.
The socialists’ bezzie mates in action.
And a bit of a dilemna for the BBC. When two of its favoured groups are at loggerheads.
Perhaps a ceasefire is in order……among themselves.
Shame if one of those going the other way fell short and landed there. Maybe his oppo on the ground there could act as spotter?
Since I woke up in my hotel in southern Israel about an hour ago I’ve heard continuous drumbeat of Israeli heavy artillery shelling Gaza. Counted up to 6 loud explosions per minute. Here’s the latest TV reports from me – and
@Rushdibbc inside Gaza
iirc during the war the govt. nabbed all the spies in London and turned them to misrepresent the fall of misguided V1s so they fell harmlessly.
Maybe JezBo is doing a Falklands via Mishal?
Having an Israeli loathing ME chief was never going to convince anyone.
Posted without comment, but a slight quizzical eyebrow raised.
Rushdi Abualouf
Senior #Palestinian journalist work for the #BBC for the last 20 years, what is written here represents my own viewsصحفي فلسطيني#
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UK and EU on the same level
The US Democrats wholesale weaponization of the state’s resources to attack their political opponents or those people who *might*refuse to agree with their latest policy implementation is very simply appalling overreach.
It’s tyranny and It’s going to (already has) polarise people and get them angry.
I notice that UK reporting of politics in both the USA and EU is quite gruesomely skewed – but you knew that – and you know who the main perps are….
UM, I’ve been posting on here for more than a few years, and now suddenly I’m informed by email every new posting on here.
Any ideas how I can stop this?
I check on here spasmodically, so do not want my Inbox filling up with notifications.
Good day Briss,
That happened to me once, there is a way to stop it. I’ll look into it because I can’t remember what to do off the top of my head.
you should be able to unsubscribe there
Thank you tomo,
I don’t know how you got there. I was trying to go through ‘your profile’ but didn’t get anywhere.
Brissles darling – I’m saddened that you don’t want to be emailed every time I post something … and marky wont be happy either …😎
I remember when Britain had an army. My dad served in The British Army.
I remember when we had an army, a police force, a government.
At least we have a navy. Shame it’s run for the benefit and convenience of foreign invaders though.
Don’t eat murderburgers from MacDonalds