I posted on Friday that the Jewish comminuted had been recommended not to visit the local city yesterday because of the pro Palestinian rally.
This morning I thought I would see how it had been reported. Nothing. Zilch. I looked on the BBC website, the local paper, the local “Live’. I just googled. Nothing.
Was it a damp squib? Or was it something more sinister? We know Sir Kier is having trouble with certain MPs, local councillors etc. I know many people horrified at the numbers demonstrating in Whitehall. I just wonder if the MSM realise that many Britons do not like seeing just how large the Muslim population prepared to demonstrate to support the butchery inflicted on Israelis really is. If Sir Kier flip flops to support Palestinians and people realise the numbers here in the UK, he could lose a large vote. Is that why the MSM have ignored the demonstrations? Or have reports just been suppressed for the sake of community cohesion?
A lot of things can be quietly tossed down the memory hole for the sake of ‘community cohesion’ it seems, what are the lives of a few ‘expendables’ worth in the great scheme of things, anyway?
Why don’t we see mass rallys by Muslims in defence of their fellow Uyghurs that are being persecuted and even worse by the Chinese government ? I cannot think why, I can really. This just proves that anti Zionism is really anti-Semitsm.
It’s a bit of a naive question to be honest. The situation with the Uyghurs is wholly contrived by the West to have a pop at China, and distract attention, the rest of the world is sensible enough to see through the Wests lies.
Saudi officials visited the Uyghur camps and declared that there was no issue with them. Uyghurs are a Muslim minority on the Afghanistan border and China isn’t persecuting all Muslims, but many Uyghurs have joined ISIS and then when it all got a bit hot returned to China again, where they were rightly arrested.
Given that most Muslim countries execute these loons they probably view imprisonment as a lenient punishment for Jihadis.
I might add, as I don’t watch the BBC, reports from Whitehall were via Mayhar Tousi. Even though he is Iranian born, he was attacked there. I don’t think I would have wanted to have been there and seeing film of thousands of Muslims praying in Whitehall didn’t feel a peaceful experience to me.
Bias is as often what the MSM chose not to report. I am sorry Matthew Perry died at a relatively young age, but it meant less time to report things happening in London.
Smoke from fireworks combustion may contain a mixture of sulfur-coal compounds, traces of heavy metals, and other toxic chemicals or gases. The combustion cloud can contain harmful fumes such as ozone, sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide.
That little squirt wouldn’t of course, consider the animals which are petrified at the noise made at this sordid waste of money!
Our dog hides right underneath my desk and won’t come out for ages, when the chavs around here start letting off bangers and bird scarers – and we’re in for all that bloody racket for at least the next three weeks…
Yet another reason never to revisit Londonistan ever again! The tiresome little man is always yapping and whining about how poor the place is, so perhaps he could divert the million or so quid he wastes on the fireworks to a better cause.
and the Wacky baccy, which is discussed in this clip, that has the usual BBC 3:1 biased debate against Hitchens, including Paxman?
The most unpalatable part of this is Baroness Meacher, Perry’s nodding donkey, trying desperately to make facetious comments while Hitchens is talking.
C’mon man get with the program. Anything but. The cognitive dissonance is a joy to behold. I never thought I’d have this much fun during an Apocalypse.
There is something evil and cowardly stalking our political classes when they find it so hard to express total unwavering disgust at the barbaric actions of those medieval thugs in Hamas.
Starmer and his vicious crew of lefties are the worst because they are trying to ride two horses and can only think in terms of their chances at the next election and not the poor men, women and children in Israel who fell to the disgusting cowardly animals who are now hiding in tunnels like rats.
I hope every last Hamas bastard is killed. I am 100% behind Israel as every right thinking human should be.
As for slimy snake Corbyn, you campaigned and asked for this and I hope you get your just desserts in good time and have time to contemplate the headless innocent babies you encouraged your “friends” carry out.
Chicago — Black Israelites fight pro-Palestinian protesters on the streets. If I was part of the shadowy cabal, I’d be looking to whip up millennia-old religious animosity, turbo boost it with neo-marxist indoctrination and add an intersectional cherry on top.
I’m reminded of the fight scene in Anchorman. That’s where we’re heading, without the humour.
Its wall to wall reporting on the death of someone called Matthew Perry. I think I’m a member of the small club of non-Friends viewers ! He’s mentioned as being funny, but if the endless trailers are anything to go by, then I haven’t missed much.
I don’t remember Fred Astaires death getting half the amount of coverage in 1986.
I think the scriptwriters gave Matthew Perry funnyish lines to deliver but I don’t know how funny he would have been without them. He did earn an awful lot of money as in $1 million per episode. Sadly that was probably his downfall. I have read that no drugs were found near him but I presume they weakened his body.
His death has taken time away from all those people in the streets.
I’ve never understood why so many people get excited about celebrities.
Matthew Perry was an American actor, who I don’t think has done anything much since ‘Friends’ in the 90s? ‘Friends’ really wasn’t anything special, just a bit of mindless, lightweight fluff aimed at teen to twenty something girls. I had a girlfriend at the time who liked to follow it so she had something to talk about with her friends – and because I liked her, I sat with her while she watched it sometimes, but I can’t really say it was very interesting.
What the real Matthew Perry was like, I have no idea, and nor do most of his ‘fans’ I suspect, but I get the impression that ‘off camera’ he was a manic depressive who took a lot of drugs and drank more than was good for him. As an actor, I recall he usually looked ‘spaced out’ and like he was struggling to remember his lines – think Joe Biden, but several decades younger.
The ‘comedy’ his character was given, was written by other people, and wasn’t even that funny, I don’t think he could really be described as a ‘comedian’.
So, yes, while it is a bit sad he’s died, it is hardly major news and doesn’t justify the attention it’s getting.
No, it would never be made now. It was a show about six young, white, straight friends. Can you imagine? The producer has recently abased herself and apologised for her thoughtcrimes.
Brissles. it’s the same here in Australia. The first five minutes of the TV morning news were taken up with Mr Perry’s death. (I’ve never heard of him, and never watched Friends.) It’s all very sad, but shouldn’t priority have been given to something like that fact that a Sydney council voted to fly the Palestinian flag?
It does strike me that the media are more obsessed with popular culture than they used to be. For example, as a TV quiz addict I”m irritated by the percentage off questions devoted to rap artists, superhero films, reality TV and US sitcoms. I find this with Aussie quizzes and UK imports.
On the Aussie version of Mastermind, contestants are more likely to choose Kylie MInogue or Game of Thrones questions than nuclear physics. Is the original UK version any better? It used to be pretty good in my day.
I’m up late, I just saw a bit of Sky News’s Press Preview.
Guest Anna Soubry was pontificating about the current situation and finished with, “And God help us if Trump becomes president!”
Sorry, my sleep-deprived brain just can’t find the words. . .
Sleep well . One wonders what soubry is for ? But i suppose TV types know that she is entertaining for those who like press reviews but otherwise … lost her Party and seat when the brexit parliament was flushed into the sewer .
And as a barrister – no soul
The drunken slapper must have forgotten the four years when Trump was president. The USA had no new wars, low inflation, energy security, low crime and a booming economy. Thank goodness Mr Biden came along to change all that!
The headline could so easily be ‘Kenyan teachers flogging pupils’ but that would make them the agressors, not the victims.
So instead we get the usual empathy-fest were we concentrate on the ‘victims’.
‘The teenager is filled with rage that sometimes makes him punch the wall. The effects, he says, of the trauma caused by the near-death experience.’
What has this got to do with the actual story ?.
Nothing new here I thought : the BBC always portray black people as victims. Even though they are the most violent and savage of anybody sometimes given how regularly they stab each other to death in Londonistan.
I enjoy watching the BBC squirm to avoid specific issues in articles like this – and I thought at least they can’t blame whitey for it.
Silly me:
‘Corporal punishment in schools has a long history in Kenya, dating back to the era when missionaries and colonisers relied on it to assert their authority.’
So it is our fault after all.
Mind you, what can you expect from ‘journalists’ like this:
BBC : about as far away from actual ‘journalists’ as you can get nowadays. They are all activists.
Israel must follow the ‘rules of war’. The BBC will report any violations the first chance they get.
Hamas on the other hand can do whatever war crimes they like. Including using hospitals and hostages as ‘human shields’ and targetting civilians with unguided rockets and the BBC will use their greatest lie to prevent us knowing : the lie by omission.
They will mention it of course, but only as passing quotes from Israeli officials tacked onto the end of another anti-Israel piece or mentioning Hamas are firing rockest but the words ‘war crime’ and ‘terrorism’ will never be used.
Now the BBC are full-on applying pressure to demand a cease-fire. That will only benefit Hamas who can prepare defenses and booby traps for the ground war.
I think Harris needs to study what one of her compatriots once said.
“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.” General George S Patton.
Or is her intention to use Israel to do this for the US? Come to think of it, that might well apply to Ukraine as well.
Unpurposeful and shallow and ultimately doomed edition
One tends to be more than somewhat sceptical about whatever it may be that Rishi Sunak might propose to be the next big thing.
PM boosts taxpayer investment in AI chips… poised to increase taxpayer spending on AI chips and supercomputers to £400 million… package to secure equipment for a national “AI Research Resource” … The PM is seeking to present Britain as a global hub for AI safety… (Telegraph)
Well, first off, £400m of taxpayer cash potentially flushed down the swanee – is small beer, chicken feed, when compared with: ‘Colossal waste of public money’… The British government confirmed on Sunday it may scrap a big chunk of the overdue and over-budget rail line… Once touted as a way to attract jobs and investment to northern England… The projected cost of the line, once billed as Europe’s largest infrastructure project, was estimated at £33 billion (€38bn) in 2011 and has soared to more than £100 billion (€115bn) pounds by some estimates. (EuroNews.travel – telling it like it is but with extra added Brussels-orientated snark, gratis)
We do so enjoy those little awkward juxtapositions – the glitches in the media messaging matrix, so to speak…
So as the Telegraph trumpets Sunak’s (our investment manager, so to speak) big news little investment in AI…
Investor frenzy warning… Artificial Intelligence start-ups are over-valued and most will fail to make money according to… an early OpenAI backer, in a warning to investors pouring billions into the sector (Financial Times)
For anyone hereabouts wondering at our media’s huge obsession with the admittedly tragic demise of an American TV actor – let the Guardian explain: Matthew Perry 1969-2023 Metrosexual, ironic – actor who captured the spirit of an age
We’ve lost a friend ‘Heartbroken’ stars pay tribute to Matthew Perry after death at 54 in hot tub (Daily Express) – I think they mean to say he drowned in the bath. But give it another few years and US cultural hegemony will have us all turning the fawcet to run ourselves a tub. Afterall we learned to stop worrying and love the BLM – to borrow the form of the sub-title from the movie Dr Strangelove
Of course the Daily Express don’t get the Gruan’s deeper cultural understanding and significance of the character, that the scoffing unserious irony is the hallmark of the Chandler Bing generation’s idea of a hero figure.
He was the one member of the Friends team that had a real mainstream 9 to 5 suit and tie job – but yet he understood his work to be pointless – the joke on the show always being no one else knew exactly what it was that he did for a living.
Think of Indian heritage, citizen of the world, Rishi Sunak having to manage the decline of the failing UK as his day job. He knows it’s poinless and it is obvious he’s a misfit.
Chandler Bing was of course the Waspie Beta when it came to romance – he could never match the natural ease and success with the ladies of Italian Alpha Joey – he respected them too much, perhaps – hence the metrosexual label. Nor could he match the earnestness and seriousness of purpose of Jewish Ross who still posessed a worthy heritage and strength of underlying identity, despite his humour – hence Chandler’s irony – the first resort of the unpurposeful and shallow – and ultimately the doomed.
Guardianista Zoe Williams spells it out for us: His was the spirit of the age: self-depracating, metrosexual, all ironic distance, no ambition
Funny about the AI thing – I get adverts on line which says something like – I’m AI -“ I can’t launch nuclear missiles – but I’m learning “
In my word I’m lucky to get an internet signal yet alone all seeing computers – hype hype hype ….
The Palestinian Red Crescent says Israel has told them to evacuate Al-Quds, a key hospital in Gaza City.
BBC correspondent Anna Foster had the latest from southern Israel on another day and night of air strikes on Gaza
Anna looking fetching in full Myrie gear.
Hopefully a misfiring Israeli missile will not drop short.
FFS, what a pair of chumps. Look how cool and caring we are, chanting this slogan we don’t really understand to show our support of a thing we feel very strongly supportive of. https://t.co/3lOqfdfpRU
Multiply these two dopes by any number of similar idiots at UNI who are seeing this like some sort of Glastonbury “right-on” gig and there you have the nub of the problem.
As the saying goes “Forgive them, they know not what they do!”.
That reminds me – must go find some inspired kammie comments … although i suspect obamas crew will keep her muzzle on for 2024 ( if 2024 happens of course )
I know. I’m pointing out the fact it is indeed a deepfake, what original footage has been altered, and also mark it down for people who are not aware of the context.
That’s how the internet works. Content is rapidly shared across platforms and taken out of context.
Monty was taught to question everything by his parents who have degrees in psychology and philosophy. He challenged pandemic measures, refused PCR tests, and said no to masks. He says he was ridiculed, ostracised, and criticised by his teachers and peers; he endured over a year of daily playground confrontations, but although he became tired, and lonely, he never gave in.
His psychologist mother Linda Doe, 58, and father Paul Toms, a philosopher and computer programmer, also 58, supported his rebellion and could not be prouder of it. He has an older sister, 22, who felt the same but wasn’t as active, and he has found love with Nazarin Veronica, 22, who took part in the BBC2 documentary Unvaccinated. https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-teenage-covid-warrior-who-saw-his-generation-dismantled/
A security guard had a “bad feeling” when he saw Manchester Arena suicide bomber Salman Abedi but did not approach him for fear of being branded a racist, a public inquiry has heard.
Kyle Lawler said he was stood 10 or 15ft away from Abedi, who had been reported to security by a member of the public who thought he looked “dodgy”.
The Showsec security guard, aged 18 at the time of the terror attack, told police in a statement read to the inquiry sitting in Manchester: “I felt unsure about what to do.
There we have it. Not causing hurty feelings is more important than saving 22 lives.
Which is not to condemn the individual necessarily, but rather the institutionalised propaganda that he has been force fed, supported by a Tory government neurotically keen to de-toxify the race debate to appease the Far Left.
Tom White, Director of UNRWA in Gaza, tells #R4Today displaced Gazans ‘are really going without food’ and a main concern is that people are drinking non-potable water.
Amy Gandon, former civil servant and author of a new report about the civil service, tells #R4Today that broken relationships between ministers and civil servants is ‘fundamental’ to the changing culture of the organisation.
I saw that the son of Sue Grey – that unbiased civil servant now working for Starmer -has been parachuted into Labour safe seat for the next election ….
….maybe if number 10 had done proper research re the garden inquiry Mrs nut nut would still be ‘in charge ‘of the country …
Comes to something when the BBC has to directly refer to a rather key Hamas action to steer from a vague reference to all of the SNP going full Tony’s expenses.
Israeli tanks are reportedly on the edge of Gaza city.
BBC journalist Rushdi Abualouf is in southern Gaza and told #BBCBreakfast he’s been told a key road in and out of the city has been blocked
There was one interesting item on Toady. Are you sitting down?
Recognising the huge shortfall in care workers, the government issued a relaxed immigration policy last year. About 70,000 duly arrived from overseas.
Two problems. No-one appears to check their knowledge, skills, and experience. And almost immediately, dodgy agencies appear out of the woodwork, charging them for the paperwork and giving them 24/7 shifts. People get care workers visiting their homes with no qualifications or experience, and paying hugely for the privilege.
So yet again, our Home Office is shown to be absolutely useless. Another version of its undemocratic, back door mass open door immigration policy,
“…..hundreds had failed to file their accounts on time….” &,
“almost 100 councils have failed to publish even a draft statement of accounts for the latest financial year.” All despite the legal requirement.
Compliments of the ‘Taxpayers Alliance’.
Following the European Union…………….
I suspect that there will be no one in the TpA recalling my suggestions to them, (now going back years) that the only remedy for dealing with wayward/reckless central Government and Local Authorities is to stop payments into the system. The only. If the TpA had any grit, it is surely a matter of time before they come round to my way of thinking and assisting the ‘taxpayer’ to correct the misdeeds and wasteful behaviour and stop the inflow of tax into the coffers of both prolific wasters.
“15 Minute Cities”. “ULEZ”, pay for Hotels for Refugees etc, Indeed. It would all stop virtually immediately.
About time some council officials got prosecuted for missing the STATUTORY accounts deadlines. The TPA should be going after the worst offenders via private prosecution – if doable….
… if councils applied similar rules to audits and statutory duties as the do to the collection of council tax – there’d be dozens of gits enjoying their six digit salaries in prison?
Like Tim Jonze, I’m to the left of @mrjamesob on some stuff too. But still, I find the tone of this piece baffling. James’ is perhaps the most important voice the British Centre Left has: why sneer because he’s not your definition of the messiah?
JO’bsworth being centre left is why Newsnight had to can him before they lost everyone.
I returned to England in the mid-90’s after some years abroad. Before the B.Liar election. I was surprised at the anti-American, Anti-Israel & pro-Islamic tone of news programs.
And the people they managed to find to express themselves made it seem like the majority of the public held those views. Coming back to a Socialist country was an eye-opener. I didn’t know then that things would get much worse.
‘Pro-Palestinian protests: Met Commissioner calls for clarity’
‘Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has called for clarity from the government on extremism as he faces criticism over the handling of pro-Palestinian protests in London.’
Those of us past 60 have witnessed our country slowly sliding into a Muslim hell hole.
Perhaps the British people were like the poor frog placed in a pan of cold water which was then put on the gas. It didn’t seem too bad at first and although several wise men , such as Enoch Powell, kept yelling warnings at the top of their voices the people , transfixed by the football and the telly , lied to by the MSM , particularly the BBC, fobbed off by liberal politicians , just ignored them and were scared to be even thought racist.
Now , after the events of the last few weeks, even the most stupid and myopic person must surely see that the Islamic conquest of our country is in the home straight. The police are scared to death of confronting any Muslims . They would rather arrest any Brits for no crime at all than to tackle Muslims who have been given Carte Blanche to do as they like.
Some of our more stupid countrymen and women may think ‘well it’s only the Jews that are impacted so it’s still nothing to do with me’ but it won’t be long before the Muslims realise that they can get away with anything and start to run rampant and then it won’t be just the Jewish community who are frightened.
The ticking time bomb created by mass migration and multiculturalism and toleration of the most intolerant of religions is close to detonation.
The awful lesson is that if you want to get your way in 21 st century Britain be violent .so much for the rule of law .
(Should have thought about that before Hamas started dropping missile parts on them.)
As Israel’s bombardment of northern Gaza continues, the focus is on a hospital in Gaza City. The Palestinian Red Crescent says Israel has told them to evacuate Al-Quds hospital – a request deemed impossible as there are patients in intensive care units and babies in incubators. Israeli air strikes were reported close to the hospital on Sunday. About 14,000 civilians are understood to be sheltering in the hospital’s grounds. Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has told Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu that the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza needs to be considerably increased. The UN Security Council will hold an emergency meeting later on Monday on the humanitarian crisis, while here in the UK, the impact of the conflict on national security will be considered at an emergency Cobra meeting.
Anti-Israel mob storms Dagestan airport
Analysis: Has invasion of Gaza begun?
Explainer: What’s happening in Israel/Gaza?
Explain the first of three BBC, then ponder the last.
The BBC are persisting with Gwyneth Williams ‘disruption’ of Radio 4. Gwyneth was the last Radio 4 Controller before the present one, Mohit Bakaya. Gwyneth decided she wanted to shake up Radio 4 and the loss of listeners to Radio 4, I suspect, is largely due to her ‘shaking up’ and ‘disruption’. One thing that the D-G of the time and Gwyneth forgot, overlooked or deliberately ignored is that the Radio 4 audience tends to be older and it tends to be conservative or listening in conservative households.
Thus we still have TWatO extended by 50% and requiring the padding of something airy fairy and non-news or still “We’re running short of time” in the extended programme! We have the loss of comedy or panel games that would have occupied the full half-hour (some of which were actually quite good) and they are replaced by a BBC investigation of something or other, currently the death penalty in the USA, which are usually padded out and really irrelevant for the reduced time slot that is now occupied by the extended TWatO.
I think it was Gwyneth Williams who decreed that ‘Book of the Week’ should not always be a book, thereby contributing to the national illiteracy plague afflicting the nation’s youngsters. Thus we have some silly female investigating ‘Potential’ in the ‘Book of the Week’ slot this week. Some of us older listeners remember being transfixed as young children by Radio 4’s ‘Book of the Week’ and having to listen to the next episode.
My aged brain muddled ‘The Cows are Mad’ (14 minute segments, Mon-Fri) with Sunday’s ‘Killing Death Row’ with Livvy Haydock (30 minutes). Maybe I have vCJD? I have eaten burgers when I was younger. A visit to McD’s or BK’s or the 1960s original whose name escapes me was considered a treat in my teen years or twenties.
Anyway, back to the former ‘The Cows Are Mad’. Today’s episode was the notorious John Selwyn-Gummer ‘burger incident’ and it got me thinking. What if the NHS’s diagnoses of vCJD was 1. a guess, 2. a slightly more educated ‘stab in the dark’ or 3. a complete misdiagnosis due to various well-known NHS faults?
Lucy Proctor is another presenter whose diction is really poor – just like Kahee Rahhaahl. But don’t let me put you off listening.
If Israeli troops backed by American Special Ops, using American made weapons and American ammunition are invading Gaza, its open season on the United States from the entire Muslim world.
We are about the learn some hard lessons from open borders and uncontrolled immigration.
Lopez then went outside to smoke a cigarette, at approximately 4:00 p.m., he returned and opened fire with a .45-caliber Smith & Wesson M&P pistol inside the same building. He injured three soldiers: PFC Wilfred, Sanchez, Sgt. Jonathan Westbrook, and SFC Warren Hardnett, all of whom had been involved in the altercation with Lopez. [6][12] Lopez also killed Sgt. First Class Daniel Ferguson while he was barricading a conference room door that was unable to be locked to prevent Lopez from gaining entry to harm anyone that was inside the conference room.[6]
Don’t trust the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative
(by Toby Young) Spectator this week.
You almost certainly haven’t heard of (TNI), the Trusted News Network. – probably you should have. It’s a BBC-led consortium of the world’s most powerful news, social media and technology companies that seeks to cleanse the internet of ‘disinformation’. It carries out this mission by doing its best to discredit sites that challenge the prevailing narrative on topics like lockdowns, Covid vaccines, electoral fraud, the Ukraine war and climate change….
It was founded in 2019 by Jessica Cecil, a senior BBC executive who, in 2021, was part of the Counter Disinformation Policy Forum, a shadowy group of ‘experts’ convened by the ‘Department for Culture, Media and Sport’ to monitor criticism of the government’s pandemic response. The TNI is currently embroiled in an anti-trust lawsuit in the US brought by various independent news publishers who have accused the BBC, Reuters, the Washington Post and the New York Times, among others, of conspiring with their TNI partners: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google and Microsoft . all content to using practices known as ‘shadow-banning’, ‘de-platforming and ‘manipulating search engine’ results.
Independent news outlets are taking them to a US high Court. The plaintiffs, argue that these ‘high-profile, legacy media companies’ are abusing their dominance of the marketplace to stop consumers finding alternative news and information. There are now numerous examples of media abuse, one recent example is given below…
The Gaza hospital story was a textbook example of passing on such disinformation. The defendants (all of the above TNI network including the BBC admit) they claim that their only motives are safeguarding public health, protecting democratic elections, defending the West from its enemies and saving the planet. (!!!)
Reputational damage suffered by the BBC and its TNI partners due to their reporting of the explosion at the al-Ahli hospital. We heard – within minutes, they faithfully regurgitated the propaganda of Gaza’s ministry of health that the hospital had been razed by an Israeli airstrike, killing several hundred civilians. This, in spite of the fact that the ministry of health is run by Hamas. ‘The Israeli military has been contacted for comment,’ said the BBC’s Jon Donnison in his report from Jerusalem. ‘But it is hard to see what else this could be, really, given the size of the explosion, other than an Israeli airstrike.’ Reuters took the same line, posting on Twitter: ‘BREAKING: An Israeli air strike killed hundreds of Palestinians at a Gaza City hospital crammed with patients and displaced people, health authorities in the besieged enclave said.’
The (US) Washington Post was no better: “Video of what Palestinian authorities say was an Israeli strike on al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza shows the moment an explosion hits the hospital grounds.’ The New York Times, which prides itself on publishing ‘all the news that’s fit to print’, tweeted: ‘Breaking News: An Israeli airstrike hit a Gaza hospital on Tuesday, killing at least 200 Palestinians, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, which said the number of casualties was expected to rise.
Except it was all false information (disinformation)
’ We now have good grounds for thinking almost every detail of these reports was wrong’. The blast was in the car park and left the hospital largely undamaged; the number of casualties has yet to be confirmed, but was almost certainly lower than the figures claimed by ‘health authorities’; and according to numerous intelligence analysts, including those in our own security services, the explosion was caused by a damaged rocket launched from within Gaza by Islamic Jihad, a terrorist group allied to Hamas. In other words, the Gaza hospital story was a textbook example of passing on disinformation: false information intended to mislead.
Not only that, but it was harmful disinformation news companies claim to be so concerned about. Thanks to their misleading reporting, angry crowds gathered outside US and British embassies across the Middle East, a Berlin synagogue was attacked and anti-Semitic incidents in the UK increased several hundredfold.
Most significantly, a peace summit between Joe Biden and various Arab leaders was cancelled by its Jordanian hosts, scuppering any chance of de-escalating the conflict. If I were Jessica Cecil, I’d be thinking seriously about winding up the TNI. When it comes to pumping out genuinely dangerous lies, no one can hold a candle to the BBC and its ‘trusted’ allies.
I think the bbc reporter – Donison – who derailed a Middle East peace talk should get an award for the most damage done by a lying BBC journo .
I think the BBC has moved him – maybe to CBbC or the childish world service ….arabic section …
Apparently, even Mick Lynch, our militant railway shop steward, has stuck his snout into the Israeli / Palestinian mix and called for a “cease fire.” FFS…
Mick, mate, do us all a favour, keep out of middle eastern politics, they’re incredibly volatile and complex and stick to your bloody day job.
Shurely its a ploy to get at Charlie boy and Camilla park-and-ride?
Poke fun at the kids, they’ll whinge on Twot Tik, the idiots scoop up every word they say, and Bob’s your Auntie!
Those two aren’t worth more than a sneer and a whimper, but the kiduluts love ’em, so let them all play their little games, gawp at their mobiles and think……
“The BBC has faced a barrage of criticism in recent weeks for its handling of the conflict in the Middle East, but followers of our Axe the Tax campaign will be well-aware of the state broadcaster’s consistent tendency to be out-of-touch with ordinary Brits. An eye-rolling example reared its head this week when the Beeb sparked controversy by hosting an article teaching white privilege to children, describing the late Queen as a “symbol of white supremacy” and comparing Winston Churchill to Adolf Hitler.
Obamalam heading for another five years, unless the US triumvirate – Clinton, Bamalam, Pelosi, (the live version) – don’t succeed in getting Former President Trump barred!
Judge Chutkan is a nasty piece of work. A highly politicised Obama appointee, she has been vicious in her unrelenting vendetta against Trump and the Jan 6th demonstrators.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
I posted on Friday that the Jewish comminuted had been recommended not to visit the local city yesterday because of the pro Palestinian rally.
This morning I thought I would see how it had been reported. Nothing. Zilch. I looked on the BBC website, the local paper, the local “Live’. I just googled. Nothing.
Was it a damp squib? Or was it something more sinister? We know Sir Kier is having trouble with certain MPs, local councillors etc. I know many people horrified at the numbers demonstrating in Whitehall. I just wonder if the MSM realise that many Britons do not like seeing just how large the Muslim population prepared to demonstrate to support the butchery inflicted on Israelis really is. If Sir Kier flip flops to support Palestinians and people realise the numbers here in the UK, he could lose a large vote. Is that why the MSM have ignored the demonstrations? Or have reports just been suppressed for the sake of community cohesion?
A lot of things can be quietly tossed down the memory hole for the sake of ‘community cohesion’ it seems, what are the lives of a few ‘expendables’ worth in the great scheme of things, anyway?
Do all Palestinians all possess (potential or otherwise) a cervix?
Why don’t we see mass rallys by Muslims in defence of their fellow Uyghurs that are being persecuted and even worse by the Chinese government ? I cannot think why, I can really. This just proves that anti Zionism is really anti-Semitsm.
It’s a bit of a naive question to be honest. The situation with the Uyghurs is wholly contrived by the West to have a pop at China, and distract attention, the rest of the world is sensible enough to see through the Wests lies.
Saudi officials visited the Uyghur camps and declared that there was no issue with them. Uyghurs are a Muslim minority on the Afghanistan border and China isn’t persecuting all Muslims, but many Uyghurs have joined ISIS and then when it all got a bit hot returned to China again, where they were rightly arrested.
Given that most Muslim countries execute these loons they probably view imprisonment as a lenient punishment for Jihadis.
If you mean Sheffield I see no such warningss
#2 It wasn’t a pro Hamas rally, It was a lefty demo
so they brought lefty Jews on to call for a ceasefire.
Keeping in touch with our past here is the souling song which was sung by the poor for alms at this time and is mentioned in Shakespeare.
And the recipe to make the Soul Cakes too !
“Keeping in touch with our past….” Food Banks?
I might add, as I don’t watch the BBC, reports from Whitehall were via Mayhar Tousi. Even though he is Iranian born, he was attacked there. I don’t think I would have wanted to have been there and seeing film of thousands of Muslims praying in Whitehall didn’t feel a peaceful experience to me.
So, is there any more news about the car that “crashed” into a bus stop in central London during the small hours of Sunday morning?
All I’ve heard is that eight people were hospitalised and the driver, a man in his twenties, was arrested for “dangerous driving.”
You see, whenever there’s an “incident” like this and the details are scant, I tend to suspect the worst.
There were an awful lot of “peace loving” protesters in central London on Saturday. It got me wondering…
Perhaps I’m just getting old and suspicious.
Or perhaps I’m just wising up…
Bias is as often what the MSM chose not to report. I am sorry Matthew Perry died at a relatively young age, but it meant less time to report things happening in London.
London’s New Year’s Eve fireworks are back.
Welcome 2024 with our world-famous display.
Tickets go on sale next Friday 3 November at 12pm—sign up now to receive an email reminder.
Smoke from fireworks combustion may contain a mixture of sulfur-coal compounds, traces of heavy metals, and other toxic chemicals or gases. The combustion cloud can contain harmful fumes such as ozone, sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide.
Air pollution a cause in girl’s death, coroner rules in landmark case
This article is more than 2 years old
Coroner says failure to reduce pollution levels to legal limits was factor in death of Ella Kissi-Debrah, who had severe asthma
With extra rockets this year?
Thanks to a generous gift from trusted partners of the Mayor of London.
Time to burn an effigy of Saddo Kahn.
That little squirt wouldn’t of course, consider the animals which are petrified at the noise made at this sordid waste of money!
Our dog hides right underneath my desk and won’t come out for ages, when the chavs around here start letting off bangers and bird scarers – and we’re in for all that bloody racket for at least the next three weeks…
Yet another reason never to revisit Londonistan ever again! The tiresome little man is always yapping and whining about how poor the place is, so perhaps he could divert the million or so quid he wastes on the fireworks to a better cause.
I thought some looney in America had decided fireworks were ‘racist’ ?
Matthew Perry’s death had nothing to do with the jib jab then?
and the Wacky baccy, which is discussed in this clip, that has the usual BBC 3:1 biased debate against Hitchens, including Paxman?
The most unpalatable part of this is Baroness Meacher, Perry’s nodding donkey, trying desperately to make facetious comments while Hitchens is talking.
All the drugs he took didn’t do Perry much good, apparently.
Drugs good for gangs…. Death one less client….
C’mon man get with the program. Anything but. The cognitive dissonance is a joy to behold. I never thought I’d have this much fun during an Apocalypse.
There is something evil and cowardly stalking our political classes when they find it so hard to express total unwavering disgust at the barbaric actions of those medieval thugs in Hamas.
Starmer and his vicious crew of lefties are the worst because they are trying to ride two horses and can only think in terms of their chances at the next election and not the poor men, women and children in Israel who fell to the disgusting cowardly animals who are now hiding in tunnels like rats.
I hope every last Hamas bastard is killed. I am 100% behind Israel as every right thinking human should be.
As for slimy snake Corbyn, you campaigned and asked for this and I hope you get your just desserts in good time and have time to contemplate the headless innocent babies you encouraged your “friends” carry out.
Chicago — Black Israelites fight pro-Palestinian protesters on the streets. If I was part of the shadowy cabal, I’d be looking to whip up millennia-old religious animosity, turbo boost it with neo-marxist indoctrination and add an intersectional cherry on top.
I’m reminded of the fight scene in Anchorman. That’s where we’re heading, without the humour.
Tourist couple arrested in Abu Dhabi for sex before marriage after police discover woman is pregnant
Iryna Nohai was taken to hospital with stomach cramps before a doctor informed the authorities she was pregnant
“For all men are equal at the moment of death…”
Allah loves equality eh. Bet they won’t be shouting that from the rooftops.
“Martyrdom is a win-win for the Palestinian People” says a fat beardy imam from Yorkshire.
Notably there aren’t many men on the Khan Yunis omnibus being vox popped about what’s going on.
“shouting that from the rooftops”.
…especially if they’re from a different genital group…
……..but Allah also loves the Hijab.
Its wall to wall reporting on the death of someone called Matthew Perry. I think I’m a member of the small club of non-Friends viewers ! He’s mentioned as being funny, but if the endless trailers are anything to go by, then I haven’t missed much.
I don’t remember Fred Astaires death getting half the amount of coverage in 1986.
I think the scriptwriters gave Matthew Perry funnyish lines to deliver but I don’t know how funny he would have been without them. He did earn an awful lot of money as in $1 million per episode. Sadly that was probably his downfall. I have read that no drugs were found near him but I presume they weakened his body.
His death has taken time away from all those people in the streets.
Never heard of him ?
I’ve never understood why so many people get excited about celebrities.
Matthew Perry was an American actor, who I don’t think has done anything much since ‘Friends’ in the 90s? ‘Friends’ really wasn’t anything special, just a bit of mindless, lightweight fluff aimed at teen to twenty something girls. I had a girlfriend at the time who liked to follow it so she had something to talk about with her friends – and because I liked her, I sat with her while she watched it sometimes, but I can’t really say it was very interesting.
What the real Matthew Perry was like, I have no idea, and nor do most of his ‘fans’ I suspect, but I get the impression that ‘off camera’ he was a manic depressive who took a lot of drugs and drank more than was good for him. As an actor, I recall he usually looked ‘spaced out’ and like he was struggling to remember his lines – think Joe Biden, but several decades younger.
The ‘comedy’ his character was given, was written by other people, and wasn’t even that funny, I don’t think he could really be described as a ‘comedian’.
So, yes, while it is a bit sad he’s died, it is hardly major news and doesn’t justify the attention it’s getting.
Our kids used to watch it when they were young, but checking the cast, I don’t see any effnics in the pics!
Was it a Beeboid show or one of the others?
No, it would never be made now. It was a show about six young, white, straight friends. Can you imagine? The producer has recently abased herself and apologised for her thoughtcrimes.
The Daily Mail has sixteen ‘stories’ about the bloke!
Surely the awful BBC can better that…
Brissles. it’s the same here in Australia. The first five minutes of the TV morning news were taken up with Mr Perry’s death. (I’ve never heard of him, and never watched Friends.) It’s all very sad, but shouldn’t priority have been given to something like that fact that a Sydney council voted to fly the Palestinian flag?
It does strike me that the media are more obsessed with popular culture than they used to be. For example, as a TV quiz addict I”m irritated by the percentage off questions devoted to rap artists, superhero films, reality TV and US sitcoms. I find this with Aussie quizzes and UK imports.
On the Aussie version of Mastermind, contestants are more likely to choose Kylie MInogue or Game of Thrones questions than nuclear physics. Is the original UK version any better? It used to be pretty good in my day.
Mastermind is broadcast by the BBC in the UK. So not watched by me.
Two reasons not to watch Mastermind: Clive Myrie.
I have the same policy for University Challenge: Amol Rajan
And they are both on the BBC, of course.
“Strictly” could learn a few steps from these two😁😁
Thank you SO much Dickie for posting – someone with real talent and a delight to watch at all times.
(I do wonder when the time comes,whether Ken Barlow on his demise will get the same world wide press coverage )
Brissles, I’m sure that must be you in these clips…;0)
The BBC doing its bit in taffland ?…………………
Stabbing , no mugshot of the Perp ?
I wonder why?
Hello Taffman
Names usually give it away 🙁
Denzel Njemo
Chris Enaruba
I’m up late, I just saw a bit of Sky News’s Press Preview.
Guest Anna Soubry was pontificating about the current situation and finished with, “And God help us if Trump becomes president!”
Sorry, my sleep-deprived brain just can’t find the words. . .
Sleep well . One wonders what soubry is for ? But i suppose TV types know that she is entertaining for those who like press reviews but otherwise … lost her Party and seat when the brexit parliament was flushed into the sewer .
And as a barrister – no soul
WTF is that appalling hag Soubry doing on. She has zero qualifications apart from being as thick as a plank. A useful idiot for MSM I guess.
The drunken slapper must have forgotten the four years when Trump was president. The USA had no new wars, low inflation, energy security, low crime and a booming economy. Thank goodness Mr Biden came along to change all that!
Yup, the one leftie I know in the US spouts the same nonsense about ‘division’ and other crap!
Biden’s involvement in a proper safe world has a rating of about minus three. The bloke’s an utter idiot.
Kenya’s school floggings: The children suffering from a hidden epidemic
The headline could so easily be ‘Kenyan teachers flogging pupils’ but that would make them the agressors, not the victims.
So instead we get the usual empathy-fest were we concentrate on the ‘victims’.
‘The teenager is filled with rage that sometimes makes him punch the wall. The effects, he says, of the trauma caused by the near-death experience.’
What has this got to do with the actual story ?.
Nothing new here I thought : the BBC always portray black people as victims. Even though they are the most violent and savage of anybody sometimes given how regularly they stab each other to death in Londonistan.
I enjoy watching the BBC squirm to avoid specific issues in articles like this – and I thought at least they can’t blame whitey for it.
Silly me:
‘Corporal punishment in schools has a long history in Kenya, dating back to the era when missionaries and colonisers relied on it to assert their authority.’
So it is our fault after all.
Mind you, what can you expect from ‘journalists’ like this:

BBC : about as far away from actual ‘journalists’ as you can get nowadays. They are all activists.
bbc reports on:-
“Kamala Harris also said that the rules of war must be adhered to”
1 sided rules of war?
Israel must follow the ‘rules of war’. The BBC will report any violations the first chance they get.
Hamas on the other hand can do whatever war crimes they like. Including using hospitals and hostages as ‘human shields’ and targetting civilians with unguided rockets and the BBC will use their greatest lie to prevent us knowing : the lie by omission.
They will mention it of course, but only as passing quotes from Israeli officials tacked onto the end of another anti-Israel piece or mentioning Hamas are firing rockest but the words ‘war crime’ and ‘terrorism’ will never be used.
Now the BBC are full-on applying pressure to demand a cease-fire. That will only benefit Hamas who can prepare defenses and booby traps for the ground war.
I think Harris needs to study what one of her compatriots once said.
“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.” General George S Patton.
Or is her intention to use Israel to do this for the US? Come to think of it, that might well apply to Ukraine as well.
I wonder if ChatGPT would accept Patten’s words and translate into Kamala-speak?
I saw this knocking around Twitter, written up in The Daily Mail
Smells like the FBI and not in a good way.
I wondered about “Miles Dilworth” – the chap seems rather shy about having his picture taken – I wonder if he even exists….
-anybody seen a pic of the shy boy?
You can take it as read that any “right wing” or “neo nazi” group will be completely infiltrated by the FBI, if not actually set up by them.
Unpurposeful and shallow and ultimately doomed edition
One tends to be more than somewhat sceptical about whatever it may be that Rishi Sunak might propose to be the next big thing.
PM boosts taxpayer investment in AI chips… poised to increase taxpayer spending on AI chips and supercomputers to £400 million… package to secure equipment for a national “AI Research Resource” … The PM is seeking to present Britain as a global hub for AI safety… (Telegraph)
Well, first off, £400m of taxpayer cash potentially flushed down the swanee – is small beer, chicken feed, when compared with: ‘Colossal waste of public money’… The British government confirmed on Sunday it may scrap a big chunk of the overdue and over-budget rail line… Once touted as a way to attract jobs and investment to northern England… The projected cost of the line, once billed as Europe’s largest infrastructure project, was estimated at £33 billion (€38bn) in 2011 and has soared to more than £100 billion (€115bn) pounds by some estimates. (EuroNews.travel – telling it like it is but with extra added Brussels-orientated snark, gratis)
We do so enjoy those little awkward juxtapositions – the glitches in the media messaging matrix, so to speak…
So as the Telegraph trumpets Sunak’s (our investment manager, so to speak) big news little investment in AI…
Investor frenzy warning… Artificial Intelligence start-ups are over-valued and most will fail to make money according to… an early OpenAI backer, in a warning to investors pouring billions into the sector (Financial Times)
For anyone hereabouts wondering at our media’s huge obsession with the admittedly tragic demise of an American TV actor – let the Guardian explain: Matthew Perry 1969-2023 Metrosexual, ironic – actor who captured the spirit of an age
We’ve lost a friend ‘Heartbroken’ stars pay tribute to Matthew Perry after death at 54 in hot tub (Daily Express) – I think they mean to say he drowned in the bath. But give it another few years and US cultural hegemony will have us all turning the fawcet to run ourselves a tub. Afterall we learned to stop worrying and love the BLM – to borrow the form of the sub-title from the movie Dr Strangelove
Of course the Daily Express don’t get the Gruan’s deeper cultural understanding and significance of the character, that the scoffing unserious irony is the hallmark of the Chandler Bing generation’s idea of a hero figure.
He was the one member of the Friends team that had a real mainstream 9 to 5 suit and tie job – but yet he understood his work to be pointless – the joke on the show always being no one else knew exactly what it was that he did for a living.
Think of Indian heritage, citizen of the world, Rishi Sunak having to manage the decline of the failing UK as his day job. He knows it’s poinless and it is obvious he’s a misfit.
Chandler Bing was of course the Waspie Beta when it came to romance – he could never match the natural ease and success with the ladies of Italian Alpha Joey – he respected them too much, perhaps – hence the metrosexual label. Nor could he match the earnestness and seriousness of purpose of Jewish Ross who still posessed a worthy heritage and strength of underlying identity, despite his humour – hence Chandler’s irony – the first resort of the unpurposeful and shallow – and ultimately the doomed.
Guardianista Zoe Williams spells it out for us: His was the spirit of the age: self-depracating, metrosexual, all ironic distance, no ambition
Do you get it now?
Funny about the AI thing – I get adverts on line which says something like – I’m AI -“ I can’t launch nuclear missiles – but I’m learning “
In my word I’m lucky to get an internet signal yet alone all seeing computers – hype hype hype ….
The Palestinian Red Crescent says Israel has told them to evacuate Al-Quds, a key hospital in Gaza City.
BBC correspondent Anna Foster had the latest from southern Israel on another day and night of air strikes on Gaza
Anna looking fetching in full Myrie gear.
Hopefully a misfiring Israeli missile will not drop short.
Multiply these two dopes by any number of similar idiots at UNI who are seeing this like some sort of Glastonbury “right-on” gig and there you have the nub of the problem.
As the saying goes “Forgive them, they know not what they do!”.
I for one will not forgive without some grovelling apology
might be true
That reminds me – must go find some inspired kammie comments … although i suspect obamas crew will keep her muzzle on for 2024 ( if 2024 happens of course )
Luckily, as most BBC staff field Layla Moron, Springster’s gofer is hard at it…
There’s a tag under this page “WeFixedItForBella” suggesting he’s being sarcastic?
I know. I’m pointing out the fact it is indeed a deepfake, what original footage has been altered, and also mark it down for people who are not aware of the context.
That’s how the internet works. Content is rapidly shared across platforms and taken out of context.
Moslem infiltration crisis.
Being a DIY person I was doing a search on the internet for “Allsaw”. As I typed in “All….” up pops “Allah” predictively.
JO’bsworth knows he’s tainted by Newsnight association, so trying to swing the Graun crowd another way.
Remarkable how rare this perspective is in the U.K. media when it surely represents the overwhelming majority of public opinion. Measured, thoughtful & true.
‘Surely represents’, eh?
Who knows? Not him, or Little Al.
Personally, Konstantin comes closer to a non metrosexual media thought leader than an LBC leftie thug and Islington luvvie.
Antisemitism is deeply ingrained in European society, says EU official
GB get him in.
Also followed by Nick Robinson and Champion Ash.
See how control works yet?
Would you drink genetically modified beer?
Getty meets blondes.
Palestinian flags are flown in Britain.
Do British people realise the Union Flag and George Cross Flag is banned from Merseyside schools?
Monty was taught to question everything by his parents who have degrees in psychology and philosophy. He challenged pandemic measures, refused PCR tests, and said no to masks. He says he was ridiculed, ostracised, and criticised by his teachers and peers; he endured over a year of daily playground confrontations, but although he became tired, and lonely, he never gave in.
His psychologist mother Linda Doe, 58, and father Paul Toms, a philosopher and computer programmer, also 58, supported his rebellion and could not be prouder of it. He has an older sister, 22, who felt the same but wasn’t as active, and he has found love with Nazarin Veronica, 22, who took part in the BBC2 documentary Unvaccinated.
A security guard had a “bad feeling” when he saw Manchester Arena suicide bomber Salman Abedi but did not approach him for fear of being branded a racist, a public inquiry has heard.
Kyle Lawler said he was stood 10 or 15ft away from Abedi, who had been reported to security by a member of the public who thought he looked “dodgy”.
The Showsec security guard, aged 18 at the time of the terror attack, told police in a statement read to the inquiry sitting in Manchester: “I felt unsure about what to do.
“It’s very difficult to define a terrorist. For all I knew he might well be an innocent Asian male. I did not want people to think I am stereotyping him because of his race.
I did not want people to think I am stereotyping him because of his race.
There we have it. Not causing hurty feelings is more important than saving 22 lives.
Which is not to condemn the individual necessarily, but rather the institutionalised propaganda that he has been force fed, supported by a Tory government neurotically keen to de-toxify the race debate to appease the Far Left.
I don’t think they have the power to do that …
I’m going bang on about “Miles Dilworth” – fake journalists are simply one of the most poisonous things possible in the public media space.
Over some years I’ve found several names at The Independent that didn’t convert to real flesh and blood making whacky claims.
If it’s the 77th Brigade / FBI / CIA then give them due credit eh?
The spooks can’t rely on vapid tame, lame flesh and blood like Marijuana so the logical next step is just make one up?
Toenails (yawn) and team out and about.
“We don’t have the food reserves that we need. For many, it’s a piece of bread.”
Tom White, Director of UNRWA in Gaza, tells #R4Today displaced Gazans ‘are really going without food’ and a main concern is that people are drinking non-potable water.
Amy Gandon, former civil servant and author of a new report about the civil service, tells #R4Today that broken relationships between ministers and civil servants is ‘fundamental’ to the changing culture of the organisation.
Toenails ask about Labour’s new chief of staff?
Who decides who takes the lead on interviews on #R4Today?
Amol and Nick answer your questions in this bonus episode of The Today Podcast.
Who cares? From the responses, few.
I saw that the son of Sue Grey – that unbiased civil servant now working for Starmer -has been parachuted into Labour safe seat for the next election ….
….maybe if number 10 had done proper research re the garden inquiry Mrs nut nut would still be ‘in charge ‘of the country …
WhatsApp north of the border?
Anger over Sturgeon’s messages and Hamas blocking foreigners in Gaza make today’s front pages
Comes to something when the BBC has to directly refer to a rather key Hamas action to steer from a vague reference to all of the SNP going full Tony’s expenses.
Blocking is a thing.
Israeli tanks are reportedly on the edge of Gaza city.
BBC journalist Rushdi Abualouf is in southern Gaza and told #BBCBreakfast he’s been told a key road in and out of the city has been blocked
Reportedly. On occasion.
There was one interesting item on Toady. Are you sitting down?
Recognising the huge shortfall in care workers, the government issued a relaxed immigration policy last year. About 70,000 duly arrived from overseas.
Two problems. No-one appears to check their knowledge, skills, and experience. And almost immediately, dodgy agencies appear out of the woodwork, charging them for the paperwork and giving them 24/7 shifts. People get care workers visiting their homes with no qualifications or experience, and paying hugely for the privilege.
So yet again, our Home Office is shown to be absolutely useless. Another version of its undemocratic, back door mass open door immigration policy,
Hidden cam sales… worth investing now.
Or, care for your parents yourself.
Some ditzy MP spent a week in jail to see what is like and the msm is all excited.
Maybe a week strapped in bed cared for by a registered nurse who needs retraining that seeking a glass of water to hydrate is a thing.
“…..hundreds had failed to file their accounts on time….” &,
“almost 100 councils have failed to publish even a draft statement of accounts for the latest financial year.” All despite the legal requirement.
Compliments of the ‘Taxpayers Alliance’.
Following the European Union…………….
I suspect that there will be no one in the TpA recalling my suggestions to them, (now going back years) that the only remedy for dealing with wayward/reckless central Government and Local Authorities is to stop payments into the system. The only. If the TpA had any grit, it is surely a matter of time before they come round to my way of thinking and assisting the ‘taxpayer’ to correct the misdeeds and wasteful behaviour and stop the inflow of tax into the coffers of both prolific wasters.
“15 Minute Cities”. “ULEZ”, pay for Hotels for Refugees etc, Indeed. It would all stop virtually immediately.
About time some council officials got prosecuted for missing the STATUTORY accounts deadlines. The TPA should be going after the worst offenders via private prosecution – if doable….
TpA? Toothless. Stands by while watching, (and reporting on) various abuses. The time for polite dialogue is well over.
… if councils applied similar rules to audits and statutory duties as the do to the collection of council tax – there’d be dozens of gits enjoying their six digit salaries in prison?
Jo 😍 James
Like Tim Jonze, I’m to the left of @mrjamesob on some stuff too. But still, I find the tone of this piece baffling. James’ is perhaps the most important voice the British Centre Left has: why sneer because he’s not your definition of the messiah?
JO’bsworth being centre left is why Newsnight had to can him before they lost everyone.
Getting febrile in the ME. JezBo needs a new assistant Ed.
Alan Partridge on LSD?
Hospital Radio eh?
What a tosser he is. Is that a director of Jelly Vine Productions in the closing seconds?
Cultural appropriation – contact Dawn Butler for re education.
Andrew Lawrence says PUT THE CLOCKS BACK
… to 1996 … to before Blair opening the gates
Some tens of thousands of Afghans from Pakistan?
They really are emboldened to ratchet up taking the piss.
North London , Islington and Hampstead must be tasked with the entire influx.
Tony’s got massive gardens at his country pile – a holding facility there would be just dandy
“Put the clocks back”
I returned to England in the mid-90’s after some years abroad. Before the B.Liar election. I was surprised at the anti-American, Anti-Israel & pro-Islamic tone of news programs.
And the people they managed to find to express themselves made it seem like the majority of the public held those views. Coming back to a Socialist country was an eye-opener. I didn’t know then that things would get much worse.
FFS, Al Beeb just can’t help themselves:-
Under London News page,
‘Pro-Palestinian protests: Met Commissioner calls for clarity’
‘Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has called for clarity from the government on extremism as he faces criticism over the handling of pro-Palestinian protests in London.’
If he was not clear before, why was he installed in such a post?
Those of us past 60 have witnessed our country slowly sliding into a Muslim hell hole.
Perhaps the British people were like the poor frog placed in a pan of cold water which was then put on the gas. It didn’t seem too bad at first and although several wise men , such as Enoch Powell, kept yelling warnings at the top of their voices the people , transfixed by the football and the telly , lied to by the MSM , particularly the BBC, fobbed off by liberal politicians , just ignored them and were scared to be even thought racist.
Now , after the events of the last few weeks, even the most stupid and myopic person must surely see that the Islamic conquest of our country is in the home straight. The police are scared to death of confronting any Muslims . They would rather arrest any Brits for no crime at all than to tackle Muslims who have been given Carte Blanche to do as they like.
Some of our more stupid countrymen and women may think ‘well it’s only the Jews that are impacted so it’s still nothing to do with me’ but it won’t be long before the Muslims realise that they can get away with anything and start to run rampant and then it won’t be just the Jewish community who are frightened.
The ticking time bomb created by mass migration and multiculturalism and toleration of the most intolerant of religions is close to detonation.
The awful lesson is that if you want to get your way in 21 st century Britain be violent .so much for the rule of law .
BBC Moaning Emole
Gaza doctors say hospital evacuation ‘impossible’
(Should have thought about that before Hamas started dropping missile parts on them.)
As Israel’s bombardment of northern Gaza continues, the focus is on a hospital in Gaza City. The Palestinian Red Crescent says Israel has told them to evacuate Al-Quds hospital – a request deemed impossible as there are patients in intensive care units and babies in incubators. Israeli air strikes were reported close to the hospital on Sunday. About 14,000 civilians are understood to be sheltering in the hospital’s grounds. Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has told Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu that the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza needs to be considerably increased. The UN Security Council will hold an emergency meeting later on Monday on the humanitarian crisis, while here in the UK, the impact of the conflict on national security will be considered at an emergency Cobra meeting.
Anti-Israel mob storms Dagestan airport
Analysis: Has invasion of Gaza begun?
Explainer: What’s happening in Israel/Gaza?
Explain the first of three BBC, then ponder the last.
The broomstick propped against the wall is fuzzed out by camera soft focus?
A moan about the BBC
The BBC are persisting with Gwyneth Williams ‘disruption’ of Radio 4. Gwyneth was the last Radio 4 Controller before the present one, Mohit Bakaya. Gwyneth decided she wanted to shake up Radio 4 and the loss of listeners to Radio 4, I suspect, is largely due to her ‘shaking up’ and ‘disruption’. One thing that the D-G of the time and Gwyneth forgot, overlooked or deliberately ignored is that the Radio 4 audience tends to be older and it tends to be conservative or listening in conservative households.
Thus we still have TWatO extended by 50% and requiring the padding of something airy fairy and non-news or still “We’re running short of time” in the extended programme! We have the loss of comedy or panel games that would have occupied the full half-hour (some of which were actually quite good) and they are replaced by a BBC investigation of something or other, currently the death penalty in the USA, which are usually padded out and really irrelevant for the reduced time slot that is now occupied by the extended TWatO.
I think it was Gwyneth Williams who decreed that ‘Book of the Week’ should not always be a book, thereby contributing to the national illiteracy plague afflicting the nation’s youngsters. Thus we have some silly female investigating ‘Potential’ in the ‘Book of the Week’ slot this week. Some of us older listeners remember being transfixed as young children by Radio 4’s ‘Book of the Week’ and having to listen to the next episode.
*** correction to the above ***
My aged brain muddled ‘The Cows are Mad’ (14 minute segments, Mon-Fri) with Sunday’s ‘Killing Death Row’ with Livvy Haydock (30 minutes). Maybe I have vCJD? I have eaten burgers when I was younger. A visit to McD’s or BK’s or the 1960s original whose name escapes me was considered a treat in my teen years or twenties.
Anyway, back to the former ‘The Cows Are Mad’. Today’s episode was the notorious John Selwyn-Gummer ‘burger incident’ and it got me thinking. What if the NHS’s diagnoses of vCJD was 1. a guess, 2. a slightly more educated ‘stab in the dark’ or 3. a complete misdiagnosis due to various well-known NHS faults?
Lucy Proctor is another presenter whose diction is really poor – just like Kahee Rahhaahl. But don’t let me put you off listening.
The Turks likely already have a plan to grab Yanqui assets…
I wonder if the grown-ups in the US military have been prudent enough to move nukes to Akrotiri or similar?
Lopez then went outside to smoke a cigarette, at approximately 4:00 p.m., he returned and opened fire with a .45-caliber Smith & Wesson M&P pistol inside the same building. He injured three soldiers: PFC Wilfred, Sanchez, Sgt. Jonathan Westbrook, and SFC Warren Hardnett, all of whom had been involved in the altercation with Lopez. [6][12] Lopez also killed Sgt. First Class Daniel Ferguson while he was barricading a conference room door that was unable to be locked to prevent Lopez from gaining entry to harm anyone that was inside the conference room.[6]
Don’t trust the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative
(by Toby Young) Spectator this week.
You almost certainly haven’t heard of (TNI), the Trusted News Network. – probably you should have. It’s a BBC-led consortium of the world’s most powerful news, social media and technology companies that seeks to cleanse the internet of ‘disinformation’. It carries out this mission by doing its best to discredit sites that challenge the prevailing narrative on topics like lockdowns, Covid vaccines, electoral fraud, the Ukraine war and climate change….
It was founded in 2019 by Jessica Cecil, a senior BBC executive who, in 2021, was part of the Counter Disinformation Policy Forum, a shadowy group of ‘experts’ convened by the ‘Department for Culture, Media and Sport’ to monitor criticism of the government’s pandemic response. The TNI is currently embroiled in an anti-trust lawsuit in the US brought by various independent news publishers who have accused the BBC, Reuters, the Washington Post and the New York Times, among others, of conspiring with their TNI partners: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google and Microsoft . all content to using practices known as ‘shadow-banning’, ‘de-platforming and ‘manipulating search engine’ results.
Independent news outlets are taking them to a US high Court. The plaintiffs, argue that these ‘high-profile, legacy media companies’ are abusing their dominance of the marketplace to stop consumers finding alternative news and information. There are now numerous examples of media abuse, one recent example is given below…
The Gaza hospital story was a textbook example of passing on such disinformation. The defendants (all of the above TNI network including the BBC admit) they claim that their only motives are safeguarding public health, protecting democratic elections, defending the West from its enemies and saving the planet. (!!!)
Reputational damage suffered by the BBC and its TNI partners due to their reporting of the explosion at the al-Ahli hospital. We heard – within minutes, they faithfully regurgitated the propaganda of Gaza’s ministry of health that the hospital had been razed by an Israeli airstrike, killing several hundred civilians. This, in spite of the fact that the ministry of health is run by Hamas. ‘The Israeli military has been contacted for comment,’ said the BBC’s Jon Donnison in his report from Jerusalem. ‘But it is hard to see what else this could be, really, given the size of the explosion, other than an Israeli airstrike.’ Reuters took the same line, posting on Twitter: ‘BREAKING: An Israeli air strike killed hundreds of Palestinians at a Gaza City hospital crammed with patients and displaced people, health authorities in the besieged enclave said.’
The (US) Washington Post was no better: “Video of what Palestinian authorities say was an Israeli strike on al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza shows the moment an explosion hits the hospital grounds.’ The New York Times, which prides itself on publishing ‘all the news that’s fit to print’, tweeted: ‘Breaking News: An Israeli airstrike hit a Gaza hospital on Tuesday, killing at least 200 Palestinians, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry, which said the number of casualties was expected to rise.
Except it was all false information (disinformation)
’ We now have good grounds for thinking almost every detail of these reports was wrong’. The blast was in the car park and left the hospital largely undamaged; the number of casualties has yet to be confirmed, but was almost certainly lower than the figures claimed by ‘health authorities’; and according to numerous intelligence analysts, including those in our own security services, the explosion was caused by a damaged rocket launched from within Gaza by Islamic Jihad, a terrorist group allied to Hamas. In other words, the Gaza hospital story was a textbook example of passing on disinformation: false information intended to mislead.
Not only that, but it was harmful disinformation news companies claim to be so concerned about. Thanks to their misleading reporting, angry crowds gathered outside US and British embassies across the Middle East, a Berlin synagogue was attacked and anti-Semitic incidents in the UK increased several hundredfold.
Most significantly, a peace summit between Joe Biden and various Arab leaders was cancelled by its Jordanian hosts, scuppering any chance of de-escalating the conflict. If I were Jessica Cecil, I’d be thinking seriously about winding up the TNI. When it comes to pumping out genuinely dangerous lies, no one can hold a candle to the BBC and its ‘trusted’ allies.
I think the bbc reporter – Donison – who derailed a Middle East peace talk should get an award for the most damage done by a lying BBC journo .
I think the BBC has moved him – maybe to CBbC or the childish world service ….arabic section …
Is there a CBBC Arabic service?
Hamas badges awarded for the best suicide vests made from toilet roll middles and old detergent bottles?
Apparently, even Mick Lynch, our militant railway shop steward, has stuck his snout into the Israeli / Palestinian mix and called for a “cease fire.” FFS…
Mick, mate, do us all a favour, keep out of middle eastern politics, they’re incredibly volatile and complex and stick to your bloody day job.
IE, get the bleedin’ trains running…
His job is to get his members the maximum amount of money for the least possible amount of work, not get the trains running.
At over £40 a return from a commuter train midway between Folkestone and Londonistan, he’s got another think coming!
The car parks around these commuter stations are pretty empty, thanks to his commie stance, so good luck to him with that!
Thank Christ I won’t have to endure his blasted trains ever again!
As one wag in the replies says
“Not Budapest”
What a shame Boris isn’t in the GBNEWS studios yet – eh?
Isn’t that what the duchess always wanted, to focus on herself? It certainly seems to be all she ever did.
Perhaps the ginger whinger should join a dating site. He could get some tips on extra marital affairs from his father.
This is NOT news. It is a puff piece better suited to Hello or take a break.
I beg to differ. In as much as they tell us a lot about the Zeitgeist, the loathsome woke Ginger and Whinger ARE news, imo.
Shurely its a ploy to get at Charlie boy and Camilla park-and-ride?
Poke fun at the kids, they’ll whinge on Twot Tik, the idiots scoop up every word they say, and Bob’s your Auntie!
Those two aren’t worth more than a sneer and a whimper, but the kiduluts love ’em, so let them all play their little games, gawp at their mobiles and think……
…of not much…
The Beeb caught in yet another blunder
“The BBC has faced a barrage of criticism in recent weeks for its handling of the conflict in the Middle East, but followers of our Axe the Tax campaign will be well-aware of the state broadcaster’s consistent tendency to be out-of-touch with ordinary Brits. An eye-rolling example reared its head this week when the Beeb sparked controversy by hosting an article teaching white privilege to children, describing the late Queen as a “symbol of white supremacy” and comparing Winston Churchill to Adolf Hitler.
Paying for the rope to hang yourself. £150 plus free comments from Gary Lineker.
Gone very quiet on the bus stop crash in London seems BBC haven’t followed up, still must be busy covering all the riots (sarc)
‘Joe Biden might be dead.’
Dead or alive, it’s hard to tell the difference, the man’s a living corpse anyway.
A dead Biden might inflict less harm on the world, though the cabal running him would probably just carry on business as usual.
Obamalam heading for another five years, unless the US triumvirate – Clinton, Bamalam, Pelosi, (the live version) – don’t succeed in getting Former President Trump barred!
Bet they can’t!
Popcorn next year – can’t wait!
Some comments on “Generation Z”. I don’t really know who or when the term Gen Z was first coined but hey what do I know😁
People go on about BBC bias by omission but this seems an example of something else…
bias by inversion
Judge Chutkan is a nasty piece of work.
A highly politicised Obama appointee, she has been vicious in her unrelenting vendetta against the January 6th demonstrators.
Judge Chutkan is a nasty piece of work. A highly politicised Obama appointee, she has been vicious in her unrelenting vendetta against Trump and the Jan 6th demonstrators.