The unelected PM is saying that the increase in the BBC licence fee won’t be as high as BBC expects – another lie ? Or maybe a suggestion the BBC becomes self financing ? Don’t pay for it . Keep your money …
Midweek 6th December 2023
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NZ vaccination records leak and arrest of whistleblower.
Who’d take notice of this ghastly old trout?
Amazon reviews ….
No, he’s not from Merthyr Tydfil, BBC, he’s from Romania as you damn well know.
I’ve listened to most of nut nuts’ testimony today . His main claim seems to be that either he didn’t know of the toxic incompetent culture of number 10 or thought it was good because it engendered good outcomes
I know it doesn’t really matter because it doesn’t change anything and will not make any difference for future problems – I bet next time there will not be enough PPE or body bags .
Nut nut referred to Hancock – I think he said he refused to remove him because he was a good communication ( liar ) and that it would look bad .
Theres a lesson here . When the likes of Hancock stand at a podium and tells us that a protective shield has been put round care homes you know it’s a lie . Same with terms like ‘world beating ‘ or ‘world leading ‘ = lies .
Back to nut nut . He admitted being asleep when covid came along – 5 cobras chaired by Hancock before nut nut got interested … too late …
I wonder what we did wrong to get such a succession of duff PMs ? Can there ever be a clever and wise one ? Or does the nature of the process to get up the greasy pole lead to defectives getting the job ?
Silly old me – I thought COBRA meets were the top table for national security top of PM tasking – just another committee then … tubby twat couldn’t be arsed
I think nut nut didnt want to be shown as out of his depth at those cobras . I try to filter out the evil doctor hindsite . But the initial response to the chinese virus would cost him his job if he wasnt gone already . ….
I suppose for day 2 of his testimony he will be glorying in the vaccine …
> to get such a succession of duff PMs
Maybe we should avoid Oxbridge PPE graduates. Some think the world of Maggie – at least she did chemistry.
But if it is a lawyer then avoid at all costs.
Not sure what occupation past PMs have had – but scientists are fewer and fewer noe . Nut nut was a joirno – but the rest career politicians / lawyers. Next PM will be a blair style barrister …
In the Toenailian spirit of having read it elsewhere….
Per some quoted tweets, objective media types, academics and others will simply rerun all previous claims.
Wonder if the BBC crack investigative squads will even go near?
Saddo, Hummer, Jones, Champion and Mendocious on the QT panel list?
Wow toenailian – late contender for word of 2023 😜
A glimpse of the future
I only just found out about this website. I advise you just quickly glance at it because it is so vile. But when you do, remember these are the people the BBC and especially Jeremy Bowen support and are protecting:
My opinion of the BBC scum just dropped another level.
If you linked to that site in a BBC HYS, I bet your comment would be removed within 5 minutes as it might offend somebody.
Almost certainly the site was set up by Mossad. Very clever getting the domain name and putting stuff on there that indisputably originates from Hamas and shows them up for what they actually are, barbarians.
Is a Website for Hamas?
Snopes claim it’s fake – though they don’t actually prove it. As usual they ramble on making you skip their explanation and just go to their ‘verdict’. One of their main pieces of evidence is from a BBC tweet!.
‘For instance, Shayan Sardarizadeh, a journalist at BBC Verify, called a “fake Hamas website.”‘
For which google tells me (but Snopes doesn’t):
‘The surname Sardarzadeh is held by more people in Iran than any other country or territory.’
Here’s the Snopes factchecker:

Whether it’s real or fake : I’m pretty sure the pictures are real. Snopes doesn’t go near that either.
Stage 1
Spread through social activities, often masking as movements and charitable entities
Stage 2
Da’wah: Non-Muslims to embrace Islam through deceptive narratives of compassion and societal unity
Stage 3
Engage in local politics with the objective of influencing decision-making at the national level
Stage 4
Using military tactics, obtaining weapons, and using violence to achieve the movement’s goals and interests
Stage 5
Overthrow secular governments and establish a new government based on strict adherence to the Islamic law, and the execution or enslavement of non Muslims
Has Robert Jenrick gone or is he about to go, who is next , “Stop the Boats” Rushi ?
The Tories and Labour are in a mess.
Vote for The Reform Party ! They will stop the boats .
Remember , the present Foreign Secretary made this pledge …….
He has gone – another resignation speech to stab sunak . Wonder of blue labour might split in half ?
Will genrick do a grand tour of media in the morning or wait until nut nut finishes?
Has the IDF started flushing the tunnels yet ? Or will islamic hamas release videos of hostages in them ?
Saltwater will kill any computer hardware, if those servers are still there which is highly doubtful
Labour controlled Birmingham City Council declared itself effectively bankrupt in September. A report into what went wrong includes the amazing comment that ‘the Council does not know exactly how many people it employs and where they fit into the organisation’. In other words, the Council is paying people who may not actually have a job or turn up for work.
Can anyone imagine a plc or private company getting itself into this state? And who are these ‘ghost workers’, who appointed them, and who is being paid to manage them?
There is a story here. No doubt the BBC will investigate.
Alf Dobbs
As I heard it from somebody who worked as a manager (Head of a department) there – there’s un-sackable urine thieves employed across Birmingham City Council – apparently nepotism is a big issue wrt to councilors and executives…
They have to pay extra pay back dated for years to thousands of women who were supposedly doing the ‘same work’ as men ( they weren’t) .
Unsurprisingly they don’t have the cash……..
Covid Inquiry
GBNews picked up on the use of fake statistics by Counsel Hugo Statistics, I commented on this earlier on. The unrelenting attack on Boris and the Tory Government continued. One of the ‘questions’ from Keith proceeded along these lines……………. Cummings suggested that Boris sack Hancock, so why didn’t he (Boris) sack him, why not? A clearly adversarial leading question, an attack on both Boris and the Government the answer to which is utterly irrelevant one way or another. It’s quite clear that the Chair , Rt Hon Baroness Heather Carol Hallett DBE, is quite happy for this nonsense to continue.
I’m somewhat surprised by Johnson. He seems a bit on the defensive and withdrawn, not his usual self. If I were Boris I’d tell Keith to F-Off.
The overtly political manner of this inquiry reminds me of the American legal processes against Trump.
Flotsam – yes – there is a trump star chamber thing in that inquiry . The KC seems to be trying a scatter gun approach without much by way of pulling out useful stuff for the next pandemic …
He also seems to hsve a touch of the Sue Greys and will probably be a labour peer in s couple of years .
Nut nut cant do his comedy act because of the nature of the subject matter… no classics references thank God …
News from Ukraine?
Churchillian legacy circling down the toilet?
This mendacious cultist kerrapp has been popping to the first entry when I refreshed Twitter all afternoon…..
Big Bang cause of all life.
New ice age unless we warm planet sez scientists … global warming tipping point in 2024 sez scientists – or maybe 2025 … 20whatever
I’m getting “sue the council” vibes over incompetently framed /negligent planning approvals with this one :
“We messed up ‘orribly – so you have to pay” ?
They’re trying for a revolt – aren’t they?
We’re seeing the same around Cheshire with the River Weaver affecting Northwich, Winsford and Nantwich. Lots of development, more flooding. No input from the EA regarding planning applications.
I’ve just realised how to stop the boats.
All we have to do is get rid of the Border Farce and RNLI from the channel and subcontract the work out to the IDF.
That will absolutely sort out the problem.
Rusted Iron Dome – Conservatives say the Iron Dome rusted over night and needs another 80 billion to buy WD40.
Careful what you say….
Van-Tam joins Moderna – FREE SPIKEVAX!
Former deputy chief medical officer Jonathan Van-Tam joins Moderna as clinical adviser
BMJ 2023; 382 doi: (Published 21 August 2023)
Cite this as: BMJ 2023;382:p1927
The BBC doing what they do best by trying to stir up another killing spree of hated Israelis by thuggish Hamas twats from the left bank because the IDF are now eliminating the threat from Gaza.
“Most of the houses and the school in Khirbet Zanuta, a small Palestinian village, were destroyed by a bulldozer”
Of course there are Muslim people who aren’t very Muslim at all.
But 5 minutes ago Nihal was screaming “white people” and saying there are no BBC Muslim managers
now its “TV executive Samir Shah has been named as the government’s choice for the new BBC chairman, following Richard Sharp’s resignation in April.
Dr Shah, 71, previously held a series of roles at the BBC, including as its head of current affairs”
“Dr Shah’s half-brother is Mohit Bakaya, the controller of BBC Radio 4.”
Samir started with the BBC in 1979. Why would you appoint such an insider as control, of the external board ?
sister is “Monisha Shah on Ofcom content board” (says The Times)
– Monisha Shah Senior BBC Worldwide executive 10 yrs
She’s on the WEF list of Young Global Leaders
Flipping heck Samir Shah’s wife and son are in the biz too
son “Cimran Shah, Commissioning Editor, Ch 4”
“The Last Leg series producer Cimran Shah”
So Samir’s wife is Belkis she Belkis Bhegani has been Director of Juniper Communications Ltd for 25 years
Samir owns 70% of that corp which as a prog maker is paid by the BBC (some years £millions)
So Samir as head of BBC board would be earning money from the BBC into his family business Juniper TV.
2018 … “…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
“…5 minutes ago Nihal was screaming ‘white people’ and saying there are no BBC Muslim managers
now its ‘TV executive Samir Shah has been named as the government’s choice for the new BBC chairman’…”
Nihal didn’t say; “there are no BBC Muslim managers”, he said; “I don’t think there’s a single Muslim involved in the senior editorial processes [at BBC Radio 5 Live]”.
What’s that got to do with the appointment of Samir Shah as BBC Chairman?
Samir Shah’s half brother is Mohit Bakaya is the CONTROLLER of BBC Radio 4
Does Nihal want every BBC dept to be controlled by a Muslim ?
Muslims are a tiny fraction of the UK population.
Samir his wife , brother receive BBC money, his sister used to but now receives big money in the body overseeing the BBC
His son is Commissioning Editor of Ch 4
You can tell me if they are all Muslim. It does seem a lot of influence on UK PUBLIC media for one family
“Samir Shah’s half brother is Mohit Bakaya is the CONTROLLER of BBC Radio 4”
Yes, so what has that got to do with what Nihal said?
This seems to sum up what many here feel:
“PETER HITCHENS: The BBC hoses us down with Left-wing propaganda. So if it wants to keep the licence fee, here’s what it MUST do:
Nobody gets fined for refusing to buy the Guardian newspaper, and a good thing too.
The Guardian is an estimable product, but plenty of us do not agree with its opinions or with its priorities. So we can choose not to buy it, or to buy something else.
Why then are we threatened with being dragged to court if we do not pay for the BBC, which is more or less the exact broadcast equivalent of the Guardian? And now the BBC wants us to pay even more to be hosed down with its incessant propaganda and unacknowledged bias.
There is a simple solution to the BBC’s demand for another increase in its licence fee. If it won’t even try to be impartial – and it is not trying very hard at the moment – freeze the fee which will then quickly dwindle thanks to inflation.
Some may say that it is wrong for one part of the media to seek restrictions on another part of the Fourth Estate. But this is to miss the point.
Newspapers make no claim of impartiality. Each day newspapers publish leading articles in which they express clear opinions on the major issues of the day, openly taking sides for all to see.
They tend to attract writers who broadly agree with their positions. And they tend to attract readers who do the same, though Conservative newspapers have a significant number of non-Tory readers, who like the product in spite of disagreeing with its politics.
The BBC is pretty much the exact opposite of a Fleet Street newspaper. Its money is forced from its users on pain of prison. It has opinions, but it pretends not to. And it recruits almost entirely from a section of society which agrees with these opinions.
Do not take my word for it. All this is in the open, if you look. Mark Thompson (then the BBC Director General) said in a 2010 interview with the New Statesman that the BBC had suffered a ‘massive bias to the Left’ (though he absurdly stated this had only been in the past). Roger Mosey, an unusually frank and honest former BBC executive, wrote soon afterwards in The Times that he broadly agreed with Mr Thompson.
Of course, the bias was not only in the past. It is constant and has been increasingly so since the fanatical social liberal Sir Hugh Carleton Greene took over as Director General of the Corporation in the 1960s.
This bias is not so much party political as general. BBC newsreaders do not suddenly cry out ‘Vote Labour!’ mid-bulletin. But BBC staff in general just find it very difficult to give a sympathetic hearing to the huge part of the population which holds socially and morally conservative views.
Here’s an example. I’d been having a number of impromptu conversations with Mr Thompson around the time he was in charge, as we often shared the same train. He had no answer when I said the BBC lacked presenters who would be prepared to give a really hard time to Clive Stafford Smith, the noted campaigner against the death penalty.
Although millions of British people support this penalty, the BBC does not contain a single significant man or woman who shares that view. On the contrary, they are all horrified by it. And it is easy to work out from that litmus test most of the other things they all hate, and what they all like.
If the confessions of Messrs Thompson and Mosey are not enough for you, bear in mind the public remarks of two former BBC star presenters. Andrew Marr described the Corporation at one of its own seminars as ‘a publicly funded urban organisation with an abnormally large proportion of younger people, of people in ethnic minorities and almost certainly of gay people, compared with the population at large’. All this, he said, ‘creates an innate liberal bias inside the BBC’.
John Humphrys wrote around the same time in the Radio Times: ‘The BBC has tended over the years to be broadly liberal as opposed to broadly conservative for all sorts of perfectly understandable reasons… The sort of people we’ve recruited – the best and brightest – tended to come from universities and backgrounds where they’re more likely to hold broadly liberal views than conservative.’
Perhaps the most hilarious such admission came from Roger Harrabin, for years the BBC’s main reporter on global warming: ‘I’ve never considered myself a climate-change sceptic.’ Nor did anyone else. The BBC’s complete abandonment of any sort of balance on this issue is one of its gravest failings.
Much more of this sort of thing can be found in the book Can We Trust The BBC?, a trenchant insider study of the Corporation from Robin Aitken, for many years a BBC staffer.
Left-wingers feebly counter all this by pointing to nominal Tories, such as Lord Patten, who have held prominent posts in the Corporation.
But the key word here is ‘nominal’. BBC Tories are almost invariably of the liberal, metrosexual, Remainer wing of the Tory party, token figures chosen precisely because the organisation knows that it is far easier to make such gestures than to embark on proper reform.
There are, and thank heaven for it, still a few BBC staff genuinely committed to impartiality. But my own direct experiences (vetoed by a high Corporation official as a panellist on BBC Radio 4’s Moral Maze, increasingly excluded from all kinds of programmes where I was once welcome) suggest that the BBC’s mind is growing narrower with age.
So here is what we do: A new body, let us call it the BBC Tribunal, is established. Nobody who has worked for the BBC should be permitted to work for it.
Its Charter is to include, at all times, representatives of the major political, social and moral currents in the country. Some of its members should be appointed (perhaps by a Parliamentary Committee to avoid direct government involvement), others directly elected by licence-fee payers in a poll from which political parties are banned.
It will establish a new Complaints Board, whose email and postal address will be broadcast at the end of every possibly contentious programme. This board will publish a weekly report of the numbers of complaints received for each programme.
All complaints will be seen and responded to by staff of the BBC Tribunal, within a month (under the current system, most complaints never get beyond the computers of Capita plc, which handles them for the BBC, though I suspect most members of the public have no idea this is the case).
If the complainant is not satisfied with the response, the complaint will be passed up to officials of the Tribunal, who will have powers to publicly rebuke the BBC for significant breaches of impartiality.
The impartiality rule should explicitly cover drama, often used as a propaganda vehicle, for example in favour of illegal drug abuse and abortion on demand by the BBC.
The Corporation should also for the first time become properly subject to Freedom of Information inquiries, losing much of the raft of protections and exemptions which currently make it almost impossible to question it about anything it prefers to keep quiet about.
And it should now publish the long-suppressed Balen Report, written in 2004 by former senior broadcast journalist Malcolm Balen, into its alleged bias over the issue of Israel. It has spent a small fortune of licence-fee money on legal actions to keep it secret.
It is simply not entitled to be a public body and to behave like this. Disgorging this document at last, especially now, would be an excellent symbol of a new era.
But if not, then even those of us who value the BBC (as I do) and want it to survive will find it hard to defend its costly empire any more.
“Wurld Klass” they are so keen to tell us …
bbc efnicks in action on camera,
“iss der jool in der krown innit?”
“Moment BBC presenter gives middle finger to the camera live on air.
Viral footage shows a BBC News anchor – who is seemingly unaware she is live on air – flashing her middle finger as she opens a bulletin.
Maryam Moshiri can be seen raising her eyebrows and flipping off the camera as she comes on-screen after the programme’s famous musical countdown ends.”
“However in a sign she may have realised her hand gesture was aired, she fluffed the end of the headline, referring to the ‘coronaverse’ pandemic.
The faux pas happened on the world feed of BBC News at 12 noon UK time on Wednesday. The channel in the UK was showing Prime Minister’s Questions, so the global audience took headlines delivered from London. ”
Of course she is fireproof cos of her colour / race, as so many seem to be whatever they do.
It’s not be the first example of presenters swearing on BBC News, with the corporation forced to apologise after weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker made the same rude gesture.”
Martin Bashir ?
Foreigners, gay, mouthy, liars?
The Beeboids don’t care a toss – they still get their tax and spit on their customers whenever they feel like it.
The only beeboid crap we watch is on clips posted here, and that’s far too much sometimes!
Samir Shah: TV executive is government’s choice for new BBC chairman
“he co-authored the government’s Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities report”
He’ll fit right in.
No reason now that the bbc will ever turn back to its roots
Next boring cookery prog – ‘Jamie Oliver does curried goat…’
The comrade Robinson and amol show
I turned this on and there were 2 very perky sounding characters . Why do perky ? It’s because Bobby genrick has gone and the blue Labour Party is apparently ‘tearing itself apart ‘…. ( who cares any more ) ….
bbc does like to keep going on and on about something they don’t like, or want to overturn a result:-
Tories tearing themselves apart, says Labour’s McFadden
Senior Labour MP Pat McFadden is doing the rounds of the broadcast studios this morning, and he tells BBC Breakfast that the Conservative Party is “tearing themselves apart over a scheme which is failing”.
He is doing the rounds of the broadcasting studios – on and on and on. Can’t people just hear it once?
Andy – I wonder how the BBC view will change when red Labour gets its ‘ landslide ….? Maybe it will ignore the same mess labour will make and kick the dead body of blue labour .
However – assuming the blue Labour Party becomes Conservative – and hopefully very Conservative – I suppose the comrades in the BBC will concentrate on destroying them – presumably the likes of braverman as leader –
Next year the BBC will be in heaven as it turns the knife further in supporting the reds and destroying the blues ….
Good morning Fedup2
I guess if the incoming government, unfortunately labour – has MPs called Khan etc they will be given as easy time.
Funny President khan of londonistan is Never given a hard time – i wonder why
Morning Andy
Perhaps – as the muslim part of the labour ( immigrant ) party grows in size and power it will be the Muslim party but named the ‘Labour Party ‘…. Turning Britain into an Islamic state ….
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
This is what Europe is infested with,
” Influencer who posted video mocking Israeli baby deaths and asking if Hamas ‘added salt or barbecue sauce’ to child put in an oven is given ten-month suspended jail term in France
Warda Anwar, also known as Haneia Nakei, was given a suspended sentence. She joked about what side dishes to have with the leg of an Israeli baby.
In court, she refused to call Hamas a terrorist organisation ”
” Asylum seeker, 34, ‘raped woman in seaside town park just 40 days after arriving in the UK from France’
Saad Gomaa, 34, allegedly took advantage of a drunk woman in a Skegness park.
Giving evidence on Wednesday afternoon, Egyptian national Gomaa confirmed he arrived in the UK by sea with 70 other immigrants at the end of April.”
RE Above “Asylum seeker ??? explain that !
“Gomaa confirmed he had not visited the UK before, and had spent around ten days in France after travelling from Italy, where he had lived for four years.
Gomaa said he last visited Egypt in August last year, spending four months living with his wife and son.”
* once implemented (1 years time)
* small boat (small with 60 grown men every 2 hours)
* trust in democratic politics (gone)
“remove as many small boat arrivals, as swiftly as possible”
“I am proud of the improvements we have delivered together working alongside dedicated and capable civil servants. I am grateful to you for agreeing to much of my five-point plan to reduce net migration which, once implemented, will deliver the single largest reduction in legal migration ever.”
“The consequences for housing, public services, economic productivity, welfare reform, community cohesion and, more fundamentally, for trust in democratic politics are all too serious for this totemic issue to be anything other than a primary focus for the government.”
Comrade Robinson v Suella Braverman
Robinson at his repulsive worst – applying the technique he used to help destroy an elected PM – party gate day after day – in cahoots with the labour spy Comrade Gray ….
…. Suella went full thatcher – swotting Robinson away – and staying calm and logical and quite impressive ….. she knows the Rwanda thing is crap – she is now the number one BBC target – she is a threat to the BBC in the way no one else is .
They’ll do anything now to destroy her …
He didn’t do very well, did he!
Her bit starts at 08.10
Judging by the ways that ‘The Toenalian’* kept trying to trip her up, change the subject, be rude, in fact all his usual ‘tactics’, the lady was certainly like Margaret Thatcher! She certainly had the better of him!
(* A great word made by a friend here a day or so ago and perfect for the beeboid’s attack pekinese)!
And Fed, you’ve made me change my habits and watched ten minutes of Beeboidery – bless you…;0)
Hello Scroblene – I’m glad I can make other suffer as much as me ….. 😎 but listening to that pair – the pleasure in their voices over a blue labour civil war was so much as to be measurable –
Even when Robinson asked amol about his ‘suicide ‘ comment it all sounded joyful …
I think comrade Robinson said that the blue Labour Party refused to ‘put up ‘ a minister ( to be beaten up by the repulsive pair )
A Toenailian monologue endorsed by an ex Newsnight ideological thug.
Enjoy the pay rise, Timmeh!
While you can.
Guest – thanks for the link – in the twitter comments someone described it as similar to the Maitliss monologue … which is pretty right … the comments also suggest the left fear / hate the braverman ….
It was a hatchet job. “The Worlds Radio Station” as they now describe themselves (no longer the, “Worlds Most Trusted”) know that she’s right. The new law is set to fail. We know that, the Government knows that but they are thinking the action will satisfy the vast number of moron voters.
Wow – a bbc apology – amol ( coloured ) interviewed Trevor Phillips ( coloured ) about the incoming chairman of the bbc ( coloured ) ….
The new chairman will be the first effnick minority in the post …. By by whitee …. But wait … it’s not true … apparently nut nuts ‘ mate who had to resign was ‘of Jewish heritage ‘ – wow the apology ….
… no wonder the BBC got rid of a Jewish chairman – that would never do …. Surely a Muslim is on the cards ….
Guess we’ve all been conned
Do you think that it’s the next result of this, Dickie?
The BBC have decided to hike their licence fee by just over £10, meaning British people will have to pay £169 a year, according to The Sun. The bosses at the broadcaster wanted to raise the figure by £15, which, as the TaxPayer’s Alliance tells Guido, would have handed over a whopping £365,596,950 more based on the March 2023 figure of the number of TV licences.
MM, that’s almost exactly the same amount of TV Tax that they have lost since 2021, from normal citizens becoming absolutely pissed off with their rubbishy programmes, overpaid ‘presenters’ and biased ‘news’, and have begun cancelling their DDs!
Bit of a coincidence that!
Eventually, there will be just one bewildered TV Taxpayer funding the whole bloody lot of the Beeoid’s Nirvana!
Ginger Johnson: From panto-obsessed child to RuPaul’s Drag Race UK winner
Exclusively for BBC Three, the RuPaul’s Drag Race UK winner opens up about her journey from panto-obsessed child to the UK’s Next Drag Superstar.
An image of Ginger Johnson (as told to Samuel Spencer)
Ginger Johnson (as told to Samuel Spencer)
4 December 2023
Bill Gates avoiding all those ‘we know where you live’ letters?
Covid Inquiry.
I thought Johnson’s apology was a mistake and unnecessary. He probably thought it diplomatic to apologise, a Politician’s point of view, PR. Theoretically the Inquiry is supposed to be a fact finding exercise, that it isn’t is not Johnson’s fault and he shouldn’t have apologised until the report is published. He shouldn’t play along with this nonsense Inquiry before the facts are established…..if they ever are.
Many people will think Johnson is responsible for Covid deaths, I don’t think so myself. The people who blame him won’t be swayed by his apology and it didn’t add factual evidence to the hearings.
Deep fake?
I presume it’s just some stupid joke with the cameraman
Why would anyone read anymore into it ?
Clip just shows her raising the middlefinger as the studio becomes live 2 seconds early before the start of the news headlines.
Stew, yes some joshing around in the studio.
I don’t think that there’s actually a cameraman these days in news studios.
Almost all broadcasting has an element of pretense and is staged in a way that we’ve all been conditioned to accept…
Catching the practitioners off air / camera goes some way to disrupting the spell.
Many, though not all media peeps are quite different to their on air personas which in many cases are absurd contrivances – and that suits the BBC as they get to mold what they want viewers / listeners to see / hear.
Just coincidence she’s a Myska clone.
Yup, a simple silly mistake, but I can imagine my boss’s reaction had I done that at any time to all my customers and clients, and they’d suddenly turned and spotted it.
That could have well resulted in an order or a contract lost, and I’d have lost the commission, and also probably been written down on it.
Beeboids are just allowed, because they are, after all, celebrities, they command huge respect, and are untouchable!
Not in my book they ain’t.
The official Conservative account have used that finger photo
“Labour when you ask for their plans to tackle illegal migration.”
(The poor woman made a quick mistake at work, she shouldn’t be exploited for party politics )
The ratio is actually 1 to 1 now
This is my Christmas wish:
We must make the French ‘Fishers of Men’ in a new religious revival.
In grateful thanks for each rubber boat landed on French shores the UK government should donate £100,000 to this new religious movement.
Tommy on the Jack Posobiec show
Starts just before minute 60
Posobiec makes a big claim ‘wow in 2019 David Attenborough said something very like you Tommy’
..Actually Google doesn’t show Attenborough saying the words Posobiec claimed
“There is a David Attenborough quote
..There is one thing to say about I respect other cultures
and I think they are interesting and want to learn about them
but it’s very different , when you find out that they are the ones coming in charge of your country. Telling you how you are going to live in your own town
And they do not hold to the same customs, the same rights, that you and your country believe in.
Now suddenly your own country has become completely
.. that was David Attenborough in 2019”
Nope doubt he said that
Posobiec must have been referring to this December 2016 quote
That’s Maitless quoting him in her Radio Times article where she puts her own spin
Darn not 60 , minute 40
1 illegal migrant in 2 MPS out!
A. Piece by Peter Hitchens in the daily mail today on changes to the bbc …..
Nobody gets fined for refusing to buy the Guardian newspaper, and a good thing too.
The Guardian is an estimable product, but plenty of us do not agree with its opinions or with its priorities. So we can choose not to buy it, or to buy something else.
Why then are we threatened with being dragged to court if we do not pay for the BBC, which is more or less the exact broadcast equivalent of the Guardian? And now the BBC wants us to pay even more to be hosed down with its incessant propaganda and unacknowledged bias.
There is a simple solution to the BBC’s demand for another increase in its licence fee. If it won’t even try to be impartial – and it is not trying very hard at the moment – freeze the fee which will then quickly dwindle thanks to inflation.
Some may say that it is wrong for one part of the media to seek restrictions on another part of the Fourth Estate. But this is to miss the point.
Newspapers make no claim of impartiality. Each day newspapers publish leading articles in which they express clear opinions on the major issues of the day, openly taking sides for all to see.
They tend to attract writers who broadly agree with their positions. And they tend to attract readers who do the same, though Conservative newspapers have a significant number of non-Tory readers, who like the product in spite of disagreeing with its politics.
The BBC is pretty much the exact opposite of a Fleet Street newspaper. Its money is forced from its users on pain of prison. It has opinions, but it pretends not to. And it recruits almost entirely from a section of society which agrees with these opinions.
Do not take my word for it. All this is in the open, if you look. Mark Thompson (then the BBC Director General) said in a 2010 interview with the New Statesman that the BBC had suffered a ‘massive bias to the Left’ (though he absurdly stated this had only been in the past). Roger Mosey, an unusually frank and honest former BBC executive, wrote soon afterwards in The Times that he broadly agreed with Mr Thompson.
Of course, the bias was not only in the past. It is constant and has been increasingly so since the fanatical social liberal Sir Hugh Carleton Greene took over as Director General of the Corporation in the 1960s.
This bias is not so much party political as general. BBC newsreaders do not suddenly cry out ‘Vote Labour!’ mid-bulletin. But BBC staff in general just find it very difficult to give a sympathetic hearing to the huge part of the population which holds socially and morally conservative views.
Here’s an example. I’d been having a number of impromptu conversations with Mr Thompson around the time he was in charge, as we often shared the same train. He had no answer when I said the BBC lacked presenters who would be prepared to give a really hard time to Clive Stafford Smith, the noted campaigner against the death penalty.
Although millions of British people support this penalty, the BBC does not contain a single significant man or woman who shares that view. On the contrary, they are all horrified by it. And it is easy to work out from that litmus test most of the other things they all hate, and what they all like.
If the confessions of Messrs Thompson and Mosey are not enough for you, bear in mind the public remarks of two former BBC star presenters. Andrew Marr described the Corporation at one of its own seminars as ‘a publicly funded urban organisation with an abnormally large proportion of younger people, of people in ethnic minorities and almost certainly of gay people, compared with the population at large’. All this, he said, ‘creates an innate liberal bias inside the BBC’.
John Humphrys wrote around the same time in the Radio Times: ‘The BBC has tended over the years to be broadly liberal as opposed to broadly conservative for all sorts of perfectly understandable reasons… The sort of people we’ve recruited – the best and brightest – tended to come from universities and backgrounds where they’re more likely to hold broadly liberal views than conservative.’
Perhaps the most hilarious such admission came from Roger Harrabin, for years the BBC’s main reporter on global warming: ‘I’ve never considered myself a climate-change sceptic.’ Nor did anyone else. The BBC’s complete abandonment of any sort of balance on this issue is one of its gravest failings.
Much more of this sort of thing can be found in the book Can We Trust The BBC?, a trenchant insider study of the Corporation from Robin Aitken, for many years a BBC staffer.
Left-wingers feebly counter all this by pointing to nominal Tories, such as Lord Patten, who have held prominent posts in the Corporation.
But the key word here is ‘nominal’. BBC Tories are almost invariably of the liberal, metrosexual, Remainer wing of the Tory party, token figures chosen precisely because the organisation knows that it is far easier to make such gestures than to embark on proper reform.
There are, and thank heaven for it, still a few BBC staff genuinely committed to impartiality. But my own direct experiences (vetoed by a high Corporation official as a panellist on BBC Radio 4’s Moral Maze, increasingly excluded from all kinds of programmes where I was once welcome) suggest that the BBC’s mind is growing narrower with age.
So here is what we do: A new body, let us call it the BBC Tribunal, is established. Nobody who has worked for the BBC should be permitted to work for it.
Its Charter is to include, at all times, representatives of the major political, social and moral currents in the country. Some of its members should be appointed (perhaps by a Parliamentary Committee to avoid direct government involvement), others directly elected by licence-fee payers in a poll from which political parties are banned.
It will establish a new Complaints Board, whose email and postal address will be broadcast at the end of every possibly contentious programme. This board will publish a weekly report of the numbers of complaints received for each programme.
All complaints will be seen and responded to by staff of the BBC Tribunal, within a month (under the current system, most complaints never get beyond the computers of Capita plc, which handles them for the BBC, though I suspect most members of the public have no idea this is the case).
If the complainant is not satisfied with the response, the complaint will be passed up to officials of the Tribunal, who will have powers to publicly rebuke the BBC for significant breaches of impartiality.
The impartiality rule should explicitly cover drama, often used as a propaganda vehicle, for example in favour of illegal drug abuse and abortion on demand by the BBC.
The Corporation should also for the first time become properly subject to Freedom of Information inquiries, losing much of the raft of protections and exemptions which currently make it almost impossible to question it about anything it prefers to keep quiet about.
And it should now publish the long-suppressed Balen Report, written in 2004 by former senior broadcast journalist Malcolm Balen, into its alleged bias over the issue of Israel. It has spent a small fortune of licence-fee money on legal actions to keep it secret.
It is simply not entitled to be a public body and to behave like this. Disgorging this document at last, especially now, would be an excellent symbol of a new era.
But if not, then even those of us who value the BBC (as I do) and want it to survive will find it hard to defend its costly empire any more.ENDS
Gob bbc still can’t get enough of opines.
The various inquiries to which Tony Blair gave evidence had access to all communications … I cannot recall anyone making the kind of criticism of him by staff, advisors and colleagues that so many made of Johnson. The idea that this is par for the course is sociopathic bilge
Psychopathic bilge clearly catnip to them.
Drain the Swamp
Republican candidates largely duck Trump attacks in final debate
‘For almost two hours, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy fended off moderators’ invitations to attack him.’
The BBC don’t mention the moderator was Elizabeth Vargas who has famously clashed with Trump in the past.
But this bit they chose to report almost made me laugh out loud at the extreme double-standards:
‘Only ex-New Jersey Governor Chris Christie addressed Mr Trump directly, saying he would use another term in office to persecute political rivals.’
That would be ‘vocal Trump critic Chris Christie’ then BBC. But specifically bringing up ‘political persecution’ BY Trump while absolutely ignoring the ridiculous, extreme persecution OF Trump by the Left is as clear a sign of BBC bias as you will ever see.
I can almost smell their hate and spite in articles like this. It’s very clear Trump is the peoples choice and there is a good chance he will be President again.
Worstall’s comment applies in spades to the UK (and in particular the BBC) as well…
“The presidents of
, and
were all asked the following question under oath at today’s congressional hearing on antisemitism:
Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate [your university’s] code of conduct or rules regarding bullying or harassment?
The answers they gave reflect the profound moral bankruptcy of Presidents Gay, Magill and Kornbluth.
was so shocked with the answers that she asked each of them the same question over and over again, and they gave the same answers over and over again.
In short, they said:
It ‘depends on the context’ and ‘whether the speech turns into conduct,’ that is, actually killing Jews.
This could be the most extraordinary testimony ever elicited in the Congress, certainly on the topic of genocide, which to remind us all is:
“the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group”
The presidents’ answers reflect the profound educational, moral and ethical failures that pervade certain of our elite educational institutions due in large part to their failed leadership.
Don’t take my word for it.
You must watch the following three minutes. By the end, you will be where I am.
They must all resign in disgrace.
If a CEO of one of our companies gave a similar answer, he or she would be toast within the hour.
Why has antisemitism exploded on campus and around the world?
Because of leaders like Presidents Gay, Magill and Kornbluth who believe genocide depends on the context.
To think that these are the leaders of Ivy League institutions that are charged with the responsibility to educate our best and brightest.
On the bright side, our congressional leaders deserve accolades for showing tremendous leadership and moral clarity in their statements, by the questions they asked, and the respectfulness with which they conducted the hearing.
It was a masterclass of how our government and democracy should operate.
If you have time, please watch the entire hearing. Throughout the hearing, the three behaved like hostile witnesses, exhibiting a profound disdain for the Congress with their smiles and smirks, and their outright refusal to answer basic questions with a yes or no answer.”
Bill Ackman
In the absence of David Spiegelhalter, Briggs will have to do. (BTW – where is he?)
Spiegelhalter is completely WEF. During the plandemic he would jump down the throats of any small error from the resistance but massive flaws in the jaba-jaba teams was ignored. Cranebridge has been a disgrace during the covid fraud.
… and speaking of Spiegelhalter being completely WEF here he is
“really really regrets”
Going to Cranebridge University seems to make people stupid. They are so arrogant.
the thread is good imho
Very strange that that the UK is able to fly a surveillance plane over Gaza looking for hostages, but is completely unable to place the same plane over the coast of France looking for rubber boats.
The rubber boats contain future nail-bombers, rapists, kidnappers, and murderers of UK citizens – so some might think stopping these boats might be an urgent priority.
Atlas – they don’t want to stop the boats ….
Completely agree. Flooding our country has all the advantages: property developers are enriched, concrete slums replace our green fields, lawyers gain from the revolving door of crime, the criminals who really run our country have new shock troops to deliver their narcotics etc etc.
But three or five years from now?
Impossible to speak to a GP;
Open murders in the street for no reason apart from “Mental Health Issues”. But where are they stored? No hospital accommodation, no prison capacity. Slapped wrist has the attractiveness of no action thus allowing the murderer to continue with gay abandon;
Home invasion? Well, I hear the Marxists say, “They’ve got to live somewhere” with you and your family on the street.
It will be a filthy place to live.
Betweenwhiles, we see the Chinese leader with that permanent smug unmoved expression on his mush. You can almost see it written, ‘All my own work’. Not even giving his partners in crime, the WEF, any accolade. The WEF? Useful idiots.
All socialists are infant communists waiting for the opportunity to break into the, ‘Big League’ and they are all now ecstatic in recognising the benefits of emulating the Chinese Communist Party system.
It astounds, if now no longer surprises, that all entities of democratic governance…. pols, popo, legal system… who depend on the consent and indulgence of the populace for them to function and survive, are so consistently ramping up the impositions to see such support withdrawn.