Midweek 6th December 2023

The unelected PM is saying that the increase in the BBC licence fee won’t be as high as BBC expects – another lie ? Or maybe a suggestion the BBC becomes self financing ? Don’t pay for it . Keep your money …

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472 Responses to Midweek 6th December 2023

  1. andyjsnape says:

    ‘I’m helpless’ – Gaza doctor tells of desperate situation

    Another report on water running out, how many weeks have been told now that water is running out!

    PS the doctor works for Hamas, makes me wonder about all these people the bbc find to interview


  2. Fedup2 says:

    It seems The Sun is reporting that the licence tax is to increase by £10 next year – not the £15 the BBC wanted . The BBC has announced that as a result the top 10 most highly paid will be dismissed with immediate effect ( this sentence may be a lie )


    • Scroblene says:

      “The BBC has announced that as a result the top 10 most highly paid will be dismissed with immediate effect ( this sentence may be a lie )”

      Yes, I’m sure I’ve heard that Fed, but I’m not sure if it is a lie or not!

      Does anyone else here think it’s a lie, especially as the BBC are strapped for cash to pay these expensive people!

      Sources say that indeed, several of the highest paid BBC people are expected to go!

      Surely this needs to be looked at very seriously, as there’s a lot of money at stake if these people lose their jobs! Their pensions will have to be topped up, and we know that the BBC doesn’t have that cash, and they’ll not be getting the fifteen quid they wanted to cover the money they’ve lost on citizens giving up their licences, so surely, like any responsible private company would say, they have to cut costs!

      Let’s hope that Verify can investigate and give a satisfactory explanation!


      • Fedup2 says:

        Scroblene – sadly I made it up

        BTW – Sunak called a press conference for 11am Thursday – with an hours’ notice ….. what’s up ?

        Popcorn ready …


        • Scroblene says:

          Sources say that you are right, Fed!

          I’m reliably informed by contacts in various positions of power, that the top people taking, (not earning) over £750,000 pa are to be sacked!

          I think The Guardian might know this as well!


    • Guest Who says:

      To cover the pension of…


      And, again, Mucho Pompous digs a deeper hole.


  3. MarkyMark says:



    80 seat majority – 0 boats stopped – 0 interest in rotherham.


    From a Theresa May speech …

    As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’



    • MarkyMark says:


      Well, his opening statement was an indisputable call to political arms. He warned the assembled oil sheiks, billionaire philanthropists and vast numbers of sustainability bureaucrats that the world was dreadfully far off-track, approaching ‘tipping points’, and then it came, the m-word – since the 2015 Paris Agreement, there was almost 40 per cent more methane in the atmosphere.


  4. Thoughtful says:

    Ah the Tories poster boy, the man they tried to use as a front to show they were still conservatives, the utterly useless and inept Foggy Moggy might be having to downsize his life as his income stream begins to dry up.

    The Tories loved to defend Foggy with the claim that he can’t be all that thick as he is a partner in Somerset Capital Management which is where he derives a nice dividend every year, but that is not going to carry on much longer as today it is announced (Sorry everything paywalled) Somerset Capital has lost a major client (St James Place) and is less than half the size it once was.

    The FT reports the company is to “Wind Down” as opposed to winding up as a result of these losses, and to be honest, once the financial crash comes it’s highly likely it will be winding up instead.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Thoughtful – decent chap – his son was at Eton with Dimbleby s son – all nice chaps – I have no time for him – or them ….. as I write the outgoing PM is going to give a press conference – how many election questions will there be …? I reckon 70%

      BTW – I see putin is touring the oil states to fix the oil output and move toward replacing the $ …


    • MarkyMark says:

      Somerset was founded in 2007 by Rees-Mogg, Robertson and Dominic Johnson.


      Somerset, which specialises in investing in emerging markets, managed assets worth $3.5bn at the end of October.

      Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of FT.com T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email licensing@ft.com to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at https://www.ft.com/tour.

      In the 12 months to November 30, the fund has lost 7.1 per cent. It is down 24.8 per cent over three years, and down 21.6 per cent over five years. The fund’s performance places it in the fourth quartile among peers for all three periods.


      Dominic Robert Andrew Johnson, Baron Johnson of Lainston, CBE (born 6 April 1974), is a British financier, hedge fund manager and politician, the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Somerset Capital Management. He currently serves as a Minister of State in the Department for Business and Trade, having served in the department during the tenure of Liz Truss. Johnson has given more than £250,000 to the Conservative Party, and was its vice-chairman from 2016 to 2019.


      Johnson stepped down as Somerset chief executive last year, and is currently minister for investment in Rishi Sunak’s government. Of the three co-founders, only Robertson remains at the firm.



      • Thoughtful says:

        You have to be deeply inept to lose money in the past 5 years when even a child could have made a decent return and the top hedge funds were returning 50% pa ! Even I managed to make a decent return over those 5 years and I didn’t lose anything to boot.


  5. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    How can anybody think that the Rwanda policy would make the number of enrichers popping over decrease.

    It will never get going but just suppose it did, after about 4 or 5 boats, a mornings worth, the Rwanda allocation would be full. The end.

    It will not stop any of them coming in.
    We will be getting swaps from Rwanda so the numbers will not be dropping.
    I think Patrick Christy on GBN last night was showing the waiting enrichers on the French beaches all laughing at it. They know it will never happen.
    Even if it did, the odds are so low that anyone will go to Rwanda and even if someone did end up there, what’s to stop them coming back for another go.

    Do our politicians really think this is the answer. If yes then they are fantastically stupid. If no then they are intentionally lying to us all.

    What a mess they’ve made of absolutely everything.


    • MarkyMark says:



    • Guest Who says:

      According to the leader of the 3rd most important party (Media data) in studio terms… garnering almost 3 comments an hour..

      “Prior to #Brexit, there was no small boats problem”, says our party leader @thatginamiller on @TalkTV
      Only our party @thatginamiller is brave enough to talk about the detrimental consequences of Brexit on the UK 🇬🇧.
      Let’s support her campaign to become the next MP for #Epsom & #Ewell

      Given she lives across the media platform gob circuit, are these claims accurate?

      Who, now, would check?


      • MarkyMark says:

        True & Fair Party
        Welcome to the True & Fair Party – a new, dynamic force for change in British politics and society. Our Values: Compassion, Caring, Common-sense.
        London, United Kingdomtrueandfairparty.ukJoined January 2022
        298 Following


        “Prior to #Brexit(2016) , there was no small boats problem”


        2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012


      • MarkyMark says:

        cleaning up politics
        modernising democracy
        fighting corruption

        Amnesty for people that have been in the UK for 10 years + and are contributing to the economy
        Pursue needs based immigration
        Major recruitment drive, better pay and quicker vetting of Border staff
        Make safe and legal routes available (to reduce exploitation, abuse, loss of life and to reduce smuggling and trafficking)
        Establish a new Dubs Scheme to resettle unaccompanied child refugees
        Roll out the system of independent guardians in England and Wales to represent, support and safeguard child victims of human trafficking, as legislated for in the Modern Day Slavery Act 2015


        Last month, the UK Government voted against the so-called Dubs Amendment to the Brexit Bill that would have ensured the UK continues to allow unaccompanied child refugees in Europe to reunite with family members here in the UK after Brexit is completed. This article explains why the Dubs Amendment was important and what happens next in the fight to protect vulnerable child refugees.


    • Docmarooned says:

      EG – they ARE fantastically stupid! It has reached the stage where there is no one I would vote for.


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        Either they are as thick as _ _ _ _ or they think we are. They are play-acting because an election looms.

        They have willfully escorted enemies into our land (and continue to do so) They are doing it for the purpose of despoiling everything. These islands and it’s native peoples mean nothing the majority of MPs. They are running a conquest and reveling in the spoils. Re-election?

        Anything less than capital punishment is too good for most of them.


  6. tomo says:


  7. Fedup2 says:

    Watching the outgoing PM press conference ( room half empty ) he really is just doing a PMQ a day after PMQs …. He so sounds like Blair these days ….
    20 minutes wasted ….


    • MarkyMark says:

      2012- HA HA HA “thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration” HA HA HA HA

      2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012

      2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015

      2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018



  8. Guest Who says:

    Media Revolving Door

    ITN has appointed Sophia Ankel as a content producer at ITV News. Previously, she was a senior news reporter at Business Insider.

    Business Insider is one of a set of curiously funded ‘Insider’ loser media platforms that spends most of its time not discussing business trashing Musk.

    Brando best watch out. Sophia clearly on the fast track.


  9. Guest Who says:

    Speaking of BBC bullet proof pensions no matter what, as El Scruffo goes for a BronzedStrumpetian exit, an ex Newsnight colleague of gammon posts…

    https://x.com/mrjamesob/status/1732683737693823053?s=20 Better late than never.
    Kevin Schofield
    That Nick Robinson monologue to Suella Braverman was quite something …

    In the comments, for Amol…

    Rob Jacques
    From Tuesday’s Independent cryptic crossword:
    Heroine of the far right – a sort of smaller Eva Braun (6,9)

    So many big pharts in such a small bubble.


  10. Zephir says:

    bbc demanding state funeral no doubt:

    “Benjamin Zephaniah dies aged 65 after brain tumour diagnosis: Poet and Peaky Blinders star passes away after eight-week health battle as family pay tribute to ‘true pioneer who gave the world so much'”


  11. Zephir says:

    Tell us again about this “enrichment”

    ” ‘Aberfan knifeman’ appears in court over attempted murder of heavily pregnant mother-of-two who was stabbed ‘in “targeted” attack’

    Daniel Mihai Popescu, 28, was yesterday charged with attempted murder ”



  12. StewGreen says:

    Projection is a libmob characteristic
    Hence Nihal calls everyone else “racist”
    He’s ratioed
    and multiple tweets get more Likes than his tweet


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Nihal’s teaching us all how to have better conversations.




      • Terminal Moraine says:

        Does anyone know why embedding Twitter here doesn’t show images but text only for me?


        • Lucy Pevensey says:


          Try refreshing the page. This particular site can be frustrating in that respect. Sometimes images don’t seem to appear but others might still be able to see them.

          It might be necessary to wait a few seconds and refresh more than once.
          I can see the image in your post above. The one with the parrot.


          • Terminal Moraine says:

            Thanks Lucy, the above images aren’t tweets in the end but I will give your suggestion a go next time.


          • StewGreen says:

            Tweets are showing up fine on all my devices but page does take time to load and pics load last.


      • StewGreen says:

        Nihal’s Twitter account is like a 15 year old school kid
        He put out out a tweet on both Dec 5 and Dec 6 complaining people have an attitude towards folk like him “should be grateful and shut up.”
        Yet before he’ been the one telling people to “shut up”
        Twice on Dec 14 and dozens of times in the past before that


    • maxincony says:


      Projection is a libmob characteristic…

      I’ve lost track, just who is projecting here?

      Carl Benjamin;

      Maybe you’re just acting like a n****r, mate? Have you considered that? Do you think white people act like this?


      • tomo says:

        Projection IS a libmob characteristic.

        – so is a seeming complete lack of self awareness + irony overloading.


  13. MarkyMark says:

    order-order.com where these use images to get over the moderation.



  14. Terminal Moraine says:

    Away from the pantomime of the UK C19 enquiry, the Slovakia PM as well as the new NZ administration and some other countries are rejecting the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty.

    Dr Meryl Nass: amendments to the existing health regulations by the WHO “will enforce surveillance, censorship, get rid of freedom of speech, require governments to censor and only push a single narrative…”


  15. andyjsnape says:

    TV licence fee to rise by £10.50, government announces

    “The BBC HAD expected a rise closer to £15”

    Not from me! never a penny


    • StewGreen says:

      That’s a rise of 6.6%
      ONS “The core CPIH annual inflation rate was 5.6% in October 2023.”

      £15 would have been 9.4%


    • G says:


      No worries. The BBC is following natural evolution: it is dying on the vine. I look forward to increasing public departures so the £10.50 is excellent news. It’ll lose more public along the way.


  16. Dickie says:

    Dr Michael Yeadon had prepared a video recording for the event hosted by Andrew Bridgen in Parliament yesterday, However, there was said to be a technical error, but according to Dr Yeadon, there must have been two errors because they had received his recording several days before and confirmed that it was working” and “Peter McCullough was intending to present by video link, eg Zoom” but a technical error prevented it from being seen. “It’s not believable that both link & local playback failed.” “Why didn’t they want me to speak?” he asks. Why indeed?





  17. Lucy Pevensey says:

    BBC issues a UN ‘warning’

    “Israel strikes on Gaza likely cause ‘complete break down’ of public order, warns UN” – BBC News

    Really? A breakdown of public order in a warzone?


  18. Fedup2 says:

    Its dawned on me that the BBC autocue reader who gave the british public ‘the bird’? Has – perhaps – committed a criminal offence under the public order act .
    Will she be arrested ? Investigated ? Charged?
    The BBC is always quick on its ‘ high horse ‘ when non approved people sin – but what about their own ?


  19. Fedup2 says:

    Day 2 of The trial of Boris Johnson – sorry – the so called ‘covid inquiry ‘ which seems to consist of chippy lawyers from wales or Scotland representing chippy interests just after giving nut nut a kicking .
    I’m listening for valuable learning for the future – but all I hear is an SNP barrister trying to use the inquiry for the Tedious SNP regime …..


  20. Johnda says:

    Bbc at it again . Agatha Christie drama
    Murder is easy. Lead character is a person of colour. Don’t remember that in the book. Another program not to watch. Our heritage being totally destroyed by the BBC


    • Doublethinker says:

      Yes they , the BBC, are intent on forcing the British to adopt a new identity , a multicultural one . An important prerequisite is to weaken , destroy the culture of the natives making them less resistant to newcomers.
      The benefits of destroying our ancient society and re-engineering it with the new multyculty one is what exactly!?
      It doesn’t seem to occur to them that the transformation , which is against the wishes of the majority , May not be outstandingly successful, that there are huge risks, that the new arrivals might not wish to be part of a multicultural multi faith society. ( obviously the wishes of indigenous population count for nought or the transformation would never have been attempted in the first place) . That different cultures haven’t usual got along very well in most places throughout history. That one of the main new cultures ,Islam, has about the worst track record in history in peaceful coexistence with others of different faiths.
      Given all these obvious risks no sane person would run this project. It’s risks far outweigh any benefit.
      Whenever I see that the BBC is practising it’s gross cultural appropriation by pushing non whites into white roles, I think how sensible it was to stop paying the LF and how justified my loathing of the BBC is.


      • G says:


        ” the new multyculty one is what exactly!?

        Marxism – Critical Theory at work


    • moggiemoo says:

      Somebody black and a murder? The connection seems solid to me.


    • StewGreen says:

      Not new new the cast was published 5 months ago
      David Jonsson black guy the leading male
      And an actress from Pakistan one of the lead females.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        Dear BBC:

        Not watching your PC rubbish is even easier.


        • Scroblene says:

          Quite right Rob, the awful BBC have had it in for Agatha Christie for years, as they have Enid Blyton.

          Both these fabulous women wrote so much and so well, and they encouraged readers all over the world to enjoy a good read and a well-written story!

          I don’t think the Beeboid mentality runs to anything more than flogging their own trashy programmes to death.


          • G says:


            It occurs to me that such as series would eventually sell in black countries and / or Asian. All to do with Globalism and spreading the load.


    • maxincony says:


      Lead character is a person of colour. Don’t remember that in the book

      ITV at it again . ‘Agatha Christie’s Poirot’;

      Lead character is an English person born in Paddington. Don’t remember that in the book. Another program not to watch. Our heritage being totally destroyed by ITV.


      • TrickCyclist says:

        I’m afraid your comparison doesn’t hold water.
        The lead character of Poirot is not “an English person born in Paddington,” David Suchet is an English actor born in Paddington.
        And TV dramas like Poirot utilise the same conventions as cinema. Unlike theatre, they are about pictorial realism.


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        The point you miss Maxi is that David Suchet looked the part, absolutely spot on as Poirot was described by Christie.

        Physically, of course, British and Belgians aren’t so dissimilar, and I’d guess Suchet was probably of at least part French ancestry from his name, and his appearance, Huguenot like Farage most likely? Which would, of course, fit nicely with him being a French speaking Walloon, as Christie wrote. He was in fact, beautifully well cast for the role, exactly as Christie described him.

        You Maxi are clearly too pig ignorant and uneducated to understand any of this, though. Do you really think it’s okay to replace characters in classic literature with actors of different ethnicities, regardless of what the author wrote, or the historical context? Do you think a white Nelson Mandela would be alright, if not, does that not make you a hypocrite? It’s not your fault, I guess, you seem to have been brainwashed, or rather woke-washed, and don’t understand just how mad you sound.

        I notice there is a new ‘historical drama’ series on ITV set in the ‘Anglo-Saxon era’ with a typically West African looking black guy in it – how exactly was that supposed to happen? How did he physically get from Nigeria to Britannia? If it’s so hard for illegal gimmigrants to make that journey in 2023, how much harder must it have been in 623?


      • JohnC says:

        Bet you can’t wait for the Xmas special of ‘Vera’ maxi.

        I’ll watch it until the first black person appears who has clearly been shoehorned by agenda into a place you would never find them in real life.

        I fully expect that will be less than 10 minutes. Probably before the opening credits.

        When that appears though, I expect you will get the old John Thomas out and knock one off. Partly because you are looking at black people, but mostly because of the kick you get knowing the people you hate will be infuriated by it.

        Because that’s what drives trolls like you. Extreme spite and hate at the Right along with your warped, far-Left mentality which cannot cope with the REAL world. Every day must be filled with frustration and anger.

        In some ways I feel sorry for you. You must have a miserable life to be so full of hate that you troll forums using any trick you can – no matter how unethical.

        Tell us : do we get Thursday because that’s the night you abuse whatever substances you partake of to cope with your demons – or do you have a different forum to troll every day of the week ?.


        • RightSide says:

          your own post describes your own post.

          instead of making personal attacks on maxicony, which is without a doubt the lowest form of argument, you should be grateful that at least an alternative point of view is offered, because you never know, you might just be wrong once in a while.


          • JohnC says:

            Maxi never, ever offers an alternative point of view Rightside. That is the whole point. He snipes, mis-quotes and presents things ‘out of context’ through sheer spite. He has no interest whatsoever in entering into any debate. He hits and runs.

            No need to ask where his one ‘like’ came from. It wasn’t there when I wrote my comment.


      • taffman says:

        Maxi, let’s face it , Beeb’s viewing numbers are dropping like a “lead balloon” . Your trolling on this site only make it worse .


        • G says:


          Both living in Wales, me, West.

          20MPH limits. Can I ask you a question?

          Could be my imagination but within the new 20 limits the speed cameras locations are no longer manned. Disappeared more like. I mentioned this in my Workies and was told that the cameras are only seen on main roads where the limit is different/higher. No one prosecuted yet apparently for > 20mph areas(?).

          My conclusion? A > 20mph prosecution may result in a legal challenge to the legal legitimacy. The ‘law’ could come crashing down. Got to be the Governments greatest fear – scrutiny. How say you?

          I previously suggested that if all the petitioners, 480,000 odd, all chipped in a quid, a Constitutional/Public Lawyer could have a field day……


  21. vlad says:

    Geert Wilders sums up the existential threat that Islam poses in just a few seconds.
    Wow, a political leader with balls – whatever next?
    No doubt the BBC will invite him to share his views.


    • MarkyMark says:


      Anjem Choudary refuses to ‘abhor’ Woolwich attack

      Mr Choudary told the BBC’s Newsnight programme that he encountered Adebolajo at a number of Islamist demonstrations.

      “When I saw what took place I was shocked… but what he said in the clip, I think not many Muslims can disagree with,” he added.


  22. Guest Who says:

    This sums up the whole Green Con to me.


    Good evening from Dubai. After a day of rest, COP negotiations kick off in full force tomorrow. You can follow all of our COP28 coverage here.

    We’ve unlocked Green news and features during the summit. Create a free account or sign in to read the latest reports, and take the chance to explore our archive on Bloomberg.com.

    Notes from 800 meters up
    By Siobhan Wagner

    Standing at the top of the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, you experience time differently. With views that stretch for miles across the Dubai skyline, and (when it’s less hazy) out to the desert, the sun sets later for you than those on the ground.

    It’s a fitting metaphor for me and and a group of colleagues this evening as we’ve spent the last 24 hours speculating when the sun will set on these negotiations at COP.


    A fitting metaphor is a bunch of media girlies, and some wimmin, atop a Islamophallus pretending to be ‘doing something’.


  23. Thoughtful says:

    The Marxist Blue Labour excuse for a government have given the BBC a rise in the TV tax. and people are not happy at all.

    Lucy Frazer Commisar for the Telly has said they are going to look at the funding model, but don’t get your hopes up, no Marxist state has ever allowed its state broadcaster be subject to the vagaries of the markets, and the Tories will be no different.

    If they can’t get you to volutarily cough up the TV tax, they will force you to pay whether you want to or not probably through the council tax where you can be imprisoned if you don’t pay.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Do you think that if we paid the full council tax minus the levy for the BBC, we would still be pursued by the council with the same vigour?
      I agree that the council tax is a likely vehicle for the BBC blood money but I reckon it’s unlikely that councils will use the full force of the law to get the BBC’s money provided they have got their own dosh off us.
      Might be worth a try .


      • Guest Who says:

        I would be very much tempted.


        • Flotsam says:

          I guarantee that Councils will pursue every last pound. A liability order supposedly from Magistrates Court will cost you £50-£100. Bailiff enforcement will cost you £600.


          • Doublethinker says:

            It’s a matter of scale as usual. If enough people refuse to pay the BBC levy then the authorities can do nothing to enforce it.


  24. Guest Who says:

    These guys are, apparently, struggling, which is a shame as they have a few interesting posts.


    I had to savour this:

    “You must understand that Lauterbach is not only the dumbest federal politician Germany has ever had. He also ranks among the least competent, most bafflingly idiotic people ever to have attained prominence of any kind.”

    Yet the BBC cites Germany as the font of all that is good in all things, all the time.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “In which Jay Bhattacharya punks Karl Lauterbach for a bizarrely mistaken rant about John Ioannidis, & the German media realise their health minister is an international laughingstock”

      health minister is an international laughingstock

      health minister is an international laughingstock

      “We have seen the enemy, and it is this sad, stupid, Smeagol-looking loser, who thinks Eric Feigl-Ding is an authority and that clip-on bowties are fashionable.”



  25. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    The Conservative Party MUST break up.
    It is so far to the left there is almost no difference between them and Labour.

    All the lefty Conservative MPs who joined the conservatives because that was the only way they would get elected need to go.
    They can actually join the Labour Party now as they will now have more chance of being elected in the next GE.

    The real conservatives need to replace all these lefty conservatives before the next GE and there should be a true right v left choice.
    It would mean about 65% of the current lot being kicked out into their real homes of Labour and libdem.
    Only then would the Conservatives be electable again.
    Join Reform and real Conservatives together and they have a chance.


    • JohnC says:

      Reform are now polling ahead of the Liberal (not)Democrats.

      I wonder how the vastly disproportionate number of Lib-Dem voters who work at the BBC are dealing with that. I suspect they are simply ignoring it the same as everything else they don’t like.


  26. Richard Pinder says:

    Kelsey Grammer was cut off in a six-minute interview with the BBC after the actor acknowledged that he supports former President Donald Trump. Grammer was talking to Justin Webb on ‘Today’ BBC Radio 4, to discuss his new “Frasier” reboot. During the BBC interview, Grammer mainly talked about bringing the show back, specifically mentioning Roseanne Barr’s comeback six years ago. Grammer’s comment about Trump comes at the very end of the six-minute radio segment. Unfortunately for Grammer, Roseanne Barr is also a Trump supporter.


  27. JohnC says:

    Ruth Perry: Ofsted inspection ‘contributed’ to head teacher’s death

    This case is clear before you even start. Ruth had mental weaknesses which meant she was unable to cope after being criticised by OFSTED.

    A tragedy yes – but she should not have been made Head if she had such issues. The BBC don’t go anywhere near that.

    The huge elephant in the room here is how the BBC publicly persecute people they don’t like – and that’s without any actual evidence – to an enormous degree given the resources of their publicly funded empire. Just look at how they have dealt with ALL the Bexit supporting Ministers, never mind a duly elected PM and the likes of Russel Brand.

    The pressure on all of those was enormous and I would not have been surprised if any one of them took their own lives.

    As always with the hypocrite Left : it’s only wrong when someone else does it.

    The best bit for me was:

    ‘”The inquest… has shown the brutal inhumanity of the system of Ofsted inspections,” she said, “Ofsted likes to judge people with single word labels. We could judge the current Ofsted system with our own labels: callous, perverse and inhumane.’

    Again EXACTLY what the Left do. They create a negative label then slap it on everybody they don’t like. Just look how the BBC are simply calling everybody who is not left-wing ‘far-right’ these days.

    Hypocrisy and double standards by the BBC and the Left on a epic scale. Nothing new to see here.


    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC gave me PTSD?

      “The trial heard Osborne became “obsessed” with Muslims in the weeks leading up to the attack, having watched the BBC drama Three Girls, about the Rochdale grooming scandal.”


    • Flotsam says:

      The Unions hate OFSTED who prick the cosy bubble of Teacher’s cossetted lives.

      The left wing media and BBC support Unions


  28. JohnC says:

    Front page, world news:

    ‘Writer and Poet Benjamin Zephaniah dies age 65’.

    Me neither.

    One wonders why he warrants such a significant place in the BBC news until you read that he was a good friend of Lenny Henry (the only comedian in the world who never said anything funny) and see his picture.

    Here he is at the ‘One Big No anti-war concert, at Shepherd’s Bush Empire in London’


    Among the ‘acheivements’ of his life, the BBC are proud to inform us:

    ‘In 2012, Zephaniah was chosen to guest edit an edition of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.’

    Tells us everything we need to know. Total Lefty.

    Anyone on the Right died recently BBC ?. Or don’t you care ?.


  29. Sluff says:

    On the back page of the Radio Times next week ……a regular article, this week featuring……James o’Brien.

    As is to be expected, his left wing credentials are on full display. And that’s OK. We know where he stands and we can agree or disagree.

    The point is that some t*** at the BBC actually gave him a job on Newshite in the first place. Impartial? My a***, as Jim Royal might say.

    And that’s how the BBC works. Recruit people who will support and portray their left wing Guardianista agenda and then pretend to be impartial.


    • JohnC says:

      All someone would have to do to prove the bias of the BBC beyond any doubt would be to do an anonymous staff survey to see who voted for Brexit and who voted Tory last time.

      Which to me simply proves the bias of those who are supposed to be enforcing it.

      And as we’ve seen recently, any politician who campaigns to abolish the license fee is removed from office by leaks from civil servants to the BBC leading to totally lopsided, daily BBC front page headlines until they are forced to quit.

      It shows how deep the rot goes by the fact everyone who should be doing something about it is silent.


  30. Sluff says:

    Did I just hear that right?

    The firefighters who fought the Grenfell Tower fire are to receive an out of court settlement for the ‘trauma’ suffered on the night.

    Absolutely unbelievable. You can now sue for doing your job!!!!!
    If this is the case then firemen should receive the minimum wage as a basic and then get bonus payments for when they actually do their actual job of fighting a fire.


  31. Eddy Booth says:

    “Russia luring migrants from Finnish border for war in Ukraine”

    What – as opposed to Britain luring migrants with 3 to 4 star full board hotel accommodation, spending money and a new passport in any name they choose….
    to participate in the New World Order great replacement of Europeans.

    Next something about Russia letting immigrants have easy access to Finland, as punishment for joining NATO called a ” destabilisation campaign”
    BBC seen to have forgot about wonderful enrichment.🤔

    Shock horror – military age men offered military jobs:

    ‘soon after their arrest and were offered “a job for the state”. They were promised good pay, medical care and permission to stay in Russia on completing a one-year army contract’


  32. TrickCyclist says:

    On the ITV News a man is facing 18 years in prison for online child sexual exploitation.
    There must be something wrong with my phone as a search for his name – Ishmael Duncan – on the BBC website returns only unrelated stuff for the first couple of pages.
    Lots of separate articles about Benjamin Zephaniah, though.

    Ishmael Duncan:




  33. StewGreen says:

    Calvin Robinson stands with TR
    “Why do the left/liberals always want to shove us into pigeonholes?

    I am not a “black conservative”, my skin colour has nothing to do with my politics.”


    • StewGreen says:

      Albie the black GBnews guy who is a leftwing Tory did a strange reply saying how dare a black conservative like Calvin stand with TR, as if conservatives who are black have to think a certain way
      (that is black on on black racism)


      • maxincony says:

        StewGreen, 8:37 PM;

        Calvin Robinson stands with TR
        ‘Why do the left/liberals always want to shove us into pigeonholes? I am not a “black conservative”, my skin colour has nothing to do with my politics.’

        StewGreen, 9:02 PM;

        Albie the black GBnews guy who is a leftwing Tory


        • StewGreen says:

          yes my use was descriptive not pigeonholing

          He’s a half black guy telling another half black guy that there is on;y one proper way to behave based on his skin colour
          That is the same as calling someone an Uncle Tom


    • Doublethinker says:

      That is a cheery Christmas photo . I feel better just for seeing it.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Double – I thought you were referring to the one put out by the IDF with a ‘bunch ‘ of Islamic terrorists posing in their shreddies ….


        • Doublethinker says:

          You mean all those fat *astards . Hope there is a sudden cold snap in Gaza and their tadjers drop off . That should spoil their rendezvous with their 40 virgins after the IDF have interrogated them and disposed of them.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Wow – Calvin is huge!


  34. tomo says:


    • tomo says:

      It just occurred to me that Yousaf opining on morality be like Flabbott opining on calculus.


  35. Dickie says:


  36. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I think Hanukkah begins tonight?

    Wishes of peace and safety during the festival to all the Jewish contributors to this forum (and your familes).


  37. StewGreen says:

    Is this woman open minded ? Or is she determined to stick to a narrative ?
    Is she really interested in evidence ?
    Does she cite any ?


  38. StewGreen says:

    Housing truths


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}



    • Guest Who says:

      Ah, but at least the heads of households are all contributing to economy and schools etc for their ten kids, before not getting old or needing medical care.


  39. Idiotboy says:

    Just accidentally tuned to BBC1 as Question Time, a programme I have not been able to watch for fibe years, was winding up.
    They were discussing COP28.
    Our political class are incurably mad aren’t they.
    Its going to come as a terrible shock to them when the cold, hungry, impoverished, but carbon neutral, masses come looking for their heads isn’t it.


  40. Zephir says:

    “Fury as Bristol University professor, 78, calls for ‘somebody to blow up the venue’ while Jewish Labour Movement hosts its annual conference.

    A former Labour councillor and Emeritus Professor at a prestigious university has called for ‘someone to blow up the venue’ where the Jewish Labour Movement is hosting its annual conference.

    In a now-deleted Tweet, Harriet Bradley, 78, who worked at Bristol University, re-shared a poster advertising the event.

    The offensive post has led to a furious backlash from the Jewish community, with the sociology professor, who studies the ‘inequalities of class, gender, ethnicity’, being reported to the police and her former employer. ”



  41. BRISSLES says:

    This chap Jeremiah, who is being lauded over the main news channels at the reporting of his death, apparently turned down an OBE because ‘he had been fighting everything to do with the Empire, colonialism and racism all his life so an award with the word Empire in it …..’ – was an anathema to him.

    If we are so bloody awful as a nation, culture and a race, why didn’t he f… off somewhere else to live. It makes my blood boil that the UK is continually castigated with such vitriol, yet the moaners never leave and still come here by the boat load. Shame we can’t set a load of sharks free in the Channel.


    • Zephir says:

      If there were no empire then how the hell did his lot get here to stay ?
      Rather than empty words, he should have walked the walk and gone back then ?


  42. Lucy Pevensey says:

    “Images have emerged from Gaza showing dozens of Palestinian men on their knees, stripped to their underwear and with their hands bound, being held by Israeli forces.”

    Well good news aunty! Perhaps the IDF has captured some of those Hamas Jihad terrorists.


    • Zephir says:

      Are they all taking female hormones ?

      It must get lonely in those tunnels,

      get your tits out for the lads….


    • Guest Who says:

      Dr. Shola had this as a mass execution, along with every other Twitter based gob on tv.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Careful – Maxi will be getting excited!


  43. Scroblene says:

    BBC headline…


    Nice looking chaps…


    • Zephir says:

      Reports suggest at least two failed a drugs test after the game as they could not fit their c@cks into the test tube.


  44. Fedup2 says:

    Ah the Thursday night troll ….

    Anyway …. Much thrashing of OFSTED over its gestapo tactics when ‘inspecting ‘ primary schools …. The offender not named – even after the coroners’ report ….

    But it then made he think about the effectiveness of other tax funded inspectors .,,, let’s make a list – first BBCOFCOM – the clue is in the name – it bullies little GBNews on behalf of the state funded broadcaster –

    And then there is OFWAT – happily allowing water companies dumping sewage in our rivers – year in year out

    And then there is OFGEM – the outfit which allowed just about anyone to set up a power company – until the crunch came . We are all paying obscene standing charges for the disaster ….

    No doubt I’ve left a few ‘OF’s off – there is another – the HMinspector of police – her after referred to as OFPLOD . Today it has released a report about ‘grooming gangs ‘ as the BBC describes paki paedo rape gangs . OFPLOD reviewed 27 cases and found the majority of cases were whitee gangs – every one knows the truth – but OFPLOD went for the easy way -men with names like John – not the mohammeds we know are the vermin raping young white girls – like the OFs I have described above ….. not fit for purpose .


    • Zephir says:

      Lead Ofsted inspector, named as Alan Derry.

      “Mr Derry, who led the review of the popular primary school, told the court that Mrs Perry had been ‘tearful’ and kept saying ‘it’s not looking good, is it?’, during his meetings with the headteacher.

      Mr Perry told the court his wife felt the Ofsted inspector was a ‘bully’ with an ‘agenda’. He said she feared that the lowest Ofsted grading would signal the end of her career.

      Mrs Connor highlighted the behaviour of the lead Ofsted inspector in causing Mrs Perry distress.

      She said: ‘I find the evidence of [deputy headteacher] Ms Jones-King more convincing than the evidence of [the lead inspector] Mr Derry. I find that the Ofsted inspection was carried out in a manner that lacked fairness, respect and sensitivity.

      ‘It was at times rude and intimidating. Part of the inspection was done to rather than with this school.'”



      • Fedup2 says:

        Zephir – thanks for the name – it doesn’t feature much in reports . Is he still on the taxpayers’ dime ? Does he get a punishment ?


        • Zephir says:

          You’re welcome, a case for getting the sack here, at the very least for biringing employer into disrepute.

          Hope her husband also has a quiet “word” with the nasty bastard in a dark alley.


  45. Zephir says:

    “Ofsted inspector ‘sniggered loudly’ and had ‘mocking tone’ during meeting with headteacher Ruth Perry after they had reviewed her school, inquest into her death hears”
