Weekend 9th December 2023

The BBC licence fee is to increase by £10.50 next year .This week a BBC newsreader called Maryam Moshiri was pictured holding up her middle finger to the camera perhaps signalling the regard with which the BBC view the falling number of people paying for it .

With bit of luck more people will refuse to pay for it . The BBC wanted a £15 increase and will argue that theyll have to ‘ cut services’ – let’s hope they do .

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300 Responses to Weekend 9th December 2023

  1. JohnC says:

    THIS is what the headline should be on the BBC today:
    IDF attacked from UN school amid fierce battles; hostage Sahar Baruch killed in Gaza

    This is the BBC headline:
    Israel-Gaza war: Half of Gaza’s population is starving, warns UN

    With this picture:

    I don’t use the phrase lightly but the BBC are far-left, activist scum. They disgust me. They don’t care one bit why anyone gets killed. They only care if they can spin it for their agenda.

    We must get rid of their vile brainwashing.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Drain the sewer


      • JohnC says:

        But how ?

        Reform UK should make it a very public manifesto pledge to hold a referendum on the BBC license fee.

        Would get them a lot more votes and – like Brexit – might make a main party commit to the same in their desperation.


        • Lucy Pevensey says:

          Frustrating isn’t it? The long reconquista of our institutions. How do we do it?

          Your Idea is not a bad one. If many of us write to Reform with that suggestion it mght gain some traction. It has a better chance than doing nothing. They have a contact page for messages. Scroll to the bottom of the page https://www.reformparty.uk/


          • JohnC says:

            I just did Lucy.

            The BBC wield enormous power due to their guaranteed annual budget of billions. Yet they have no responsibility whatsoever to represent the people force to pay it.

            The biggest obstacle about anything being done is that they have global influence which is beyond value to a government wishing to wield it in certain countries.

            All of this outrageous support for Hamas is for the BBC to keep a media route open into Muslim countries who are hostile to infidels. They don’t care what damage, lies or how many people dying it involves to do it.


    • MarkyMark says:

      2004 … International aid has been provided to Palestinians since at least the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. The Palestinians view the aid as keeping the Israeli–Palestinian peace process going, while Israelis and other foreign policy authorities have raised concerns that it is used to fund terrorism[1][2][3] and removes the imperative for Palestinians to negotiate a settlement of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. As a provision of the Oslo Accords, international aid was to be provided to the Palestinians to ensure economic solvency for the Palestinian National Authority (PA).[4] In 2004, it was reported that the PA, within the West Bank and Gaza Strip, receives one of the highest levels of aid in the world



      The Foreign Secretary has announced that the UK will provide a further £30 million in humanitarian aid which will support trusted partners, including UN agencies on the ground, to deliver lifesaving aid to people in Gaza.24 Nov 2023


  2. Sluff says:

    Celebrity Weakest Link, BBC1.
    Dumb Britain edition.

    Question – Kinder Scout is the highest point of which UK National Park?
    Celebrity answer – Regent’s


    • JohnC says:

      Reminds me of the clueless looking student who feels so strongly, she is out protesting against Brexit.

      Q:’What is the best thing the EU has given us ?’
      A:’The NHS’

      .. and let’s not even mention Lammy on mastermind …
      Thick as shit but arrogant enough not to know or care.


    • StewGreen says:

      That was comedian Rhys James
      It’s a dumb quiz show and the answers have to be fast, so anyone can trip up
      They filled the question box with food questions and then had food expert Gregg Wallace on as a contestantGuess who won ?

      BTW “Gregg Wallace didn’t know what an MoT was! !


      • Docmarooned says:

        I would hardly call old motor mouth Wallace a food expert. He is a pig ignorant moron who the bBBC feel fit to dominate our screens with totally uninformed programs to fill their atrocious schedule. He seems to be nothing but a bald mouthy barrow boy.


      • Deborah says:

        Of course Wallace was a fruit and veg seller in Covent Garden before the BBC found him.

        But remember nothing happens on the BBC by chance. If Wallace won it was because for some reason he was supposed to win. Either we are better at seeing their manipulation or they are getting worse at hiding it.


    • MarkyMark says:

      A stupid society is a happy one.


      From John Gatto, it’s not just children that don’t want to know about the real working world anymore. Swap child for adults in the following article …

      The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. {naturalchild.org – john gatto – jan1990}

      relates to Westerners: Guilty of Reading the News {atestoneinstitute.org 27sep2017}

      – this is also why NewsPapers should link to a report if it is mentioned and not make it paywall’d


  3. StewGreen says:

    Biased language


    • JohnC says:

      In their desperation that their daily agenda ‘live update’ headlines have not worked like they did against the government, the BBC seem to have degenerated into spiteful, hysterical children over Gaza.

      It’s embarassing to watch. Especially Bowen who has shown himself to be a pathetic creature who has no grip on reality.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Braford city of culture – only 46% marry cousins – progress from BBC verify.


  4. StewGreen says:

    Strange attack on Richard Vobes @BaldExplorer

    You know they tried to shut Alex Belfield up by making a false bomb threat and sending a SWAT team round
    well Vobes went outside and an apparent bailiff was clamping his van. When Vobes uses his keys the bailiff snatched them, offering to give them back if a £500 fine was paid.. There was a bill but it was not Vobes name. Police came and sided with the bailiff, He ended up paying by card twice
    .. Then strangely the bailiff phoned back and said those card transactions had been refunded cos payment has to be via some weblink,
    Vobes moved the van an is now ignoring the bailiff, on the grounds that there is no bill in his name.
    .. https://youtu.be/GB0Fu2mjml8

    Surely if you registered a vehicle you have a duty to open the DVLA letters that come in that name .. Apparently Vobes had sent a series of letters back.


    • Flotsam says:

      The way the Police side with Bailiffs and High Court Officers, right or wrong, is disgusting. Bailiffs use the Police to intimidate debtors into paying even though the only reason the Police should be in attendance is if there’s threats or actual violence. A lot of Bailiffs are ex Police which explains the attitude.

      The Police will deal with many situations where a member of the public suffers loss is to respond “It’s a Civil matter”. I’m sure many of us will have encountered this line.


  5. Sluff says:

    Strictly Come Dancing.

    For weeks the best dancer has been a Gay man who dances with a male partner.

    But said Gay man is no amateur. He was in Billy Elliott on the London stage and many shows since then, and is described on the Strictly website as an actor, singer, and dancer.

    He should not be in the competition at all. Could it be that the BBC deliberately put him there as part of their homosexuality normalisation agenda, expecting that he would go a long way in the competition, and thus get maximum coverage for one of their favourite causes?

    I might point out that two men dancing together have big advantages in terms of strength, resilience, stamina over couples which have a woman. It’s why men and women conventionally are in separate athletic competitions.

    Dear Annable Croft, recently bereaved, in her late 50s, and an ex Tennis player with no dancing experience, cannot compete on equal terms. The discrimination is glaring.


    • Deborah says:

      Stuff, I haven’t watched Strictly for few years but you will know when Annabelle’s time has come. They will have her dance to music no one has knows, in a frumpy dress, and the reprise will show her either making a mistake or heavy footed. Of course we are due a gay man with male partner winning. Think of the stories their PR can then place in the papers.


  6. StewGreen says:

    52 months ago the IMPARTIAL* BBC told you there was only 18 months to save the planet


    * impartial, my ass.


  7. StewGreen says:

    “License Fee Is Unfair” | Nadine Dorries Vs Former BBC Producer John Mair


    • StewGreen says:

      Later Matthew Stadlenand Dorries had a discussion
      (The Dyson review found “profound failures in the application and oversight of editorial values)

      Matthew Stadlen : When it comes to news and current affairs and .. when it comes to sort of really hard hitting investigative journalism on Newsnight and an independent neutral news service that really tries to be balanced
      It gets attacked by the Labour government when they’re in power
      it gets attacked by the Tories when you guys are in power
      To have that and for us all to own a share in it .. it’s a really valuable British institution

      Dorries : Newsnight should have been stopped over the Jimmy Saville affair

      Stadlen : “if I have if I going to die on a hill for the BBC it would be about an impartial news service that we can all be proud of”

      Dorries “it isn’t impartial
      .. the independent Dyson review which the BBC had to Commission because there were accusations of a lack of impartiality FOUND that they had issues with a lack of impartiality
      and in 2022 BBC set up the Serota impartiality review and introduced a 10-point plan to deal with it
      because there was a problem

      Stadlen “I worked at the BBC for nearly nine years and every program that I was a part of within news tried to be impartial they’re human beings they get it wrong and when they get it wrong they should be held to account but it is something we should be proud of ”

      Annabel “people working within the BBC are striving for impartiality but their natural biases take over
      so look for instance at the news night NHS anniversary choir singing debacle
      People who work in the BBC wouldn’t countenance the idea that we wouldn’t go out and buying our pots and pans for it

      After the Brexit referendum there were studies done into the number of contributors the guests that they were getting on who were Pro brexit versus those who were Remain and it was found to be massively skewed”
      (MS cuts her off and moves in the deception fallacy “complaints from both sides”)


      Matthew Stadlen “Why didn’t you abolish a license for yourself when you were culture secretary ?”
      Dorries “So I I actually announced that it would be the last license fee
      We put the BBC on notice that they it would be the last the Royal Charter
      We’d be looking at other funding options
      Rishy Sunak opposed it the entire time he would not sign it , telling me that you can’t do this because taxation is a Treasury issue”


    • MarkyMark says:

      Nadine Dorries apologises to MPs over I’m a Celebrity appearance fee
      This article is more than 10 years old
      Tory MP forced to register £82,000 profit made by her company after ruling by parliamentary standards committee
      Rowena Mason, political correspondent
      Mon 11 Nov 2013 16.58 GMT


  8. tomo says:

    Khant squeakybum?


    • G says:

      He looks more like a rat every day…………..


    • tomo says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      Progressives in Pakistan or Mecca?


      The law says that any “derogatory remarks, etc, in respect of the Holy Prophet [Muhammad] either spoken or written, or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo or insinuation, directly or indirectly shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine”.18 Aug 2023


  9. StewGreen says:

    Compelling Israeli army update report
    Of course you can’t prove it’s all true or not.


  10. StewGreen says:

    Clueless MP tweets
    Turns off replies , cosshe doesn;t like what came in


    • MarkyMark says:

      “They’re ahead on perspectives on so many issues.” – really? Give some examples? Any Koran references?


      30-year-old father of four with a bouncy castle business shows film-maker Jamie Roberts around Walthamstow in north east London, talking about himself and his life. He was born into a Hindu family, not far away in Palmers Green, but at the age of 19 he converted to Islam. Here is his messy garage, full of stuff, an old cooker, an H&M carrier bag, a bunch of the black Isis flags that “will one day fly high over 10 Downing Street”. The man is part of the group of radical extremists Roberts will spend two years following around.

      He doesn’t feature for long in The Jihadis Next Door (Channel 4), but his dark shadow hangs over it. Soon after filming this he jumped bail and left the country with his family, to France, and on to Syria. Now, he is thought to be the masked murderer of five men accused by Isis of spying for Britain in the video released a couple of weeks ago. Abu Rumaysah is now one of the world’s most wanted men. Yes, he’s that bouncy castle guy.



  11. Zephir says:

    How interesting….”teflon” Bashir not so fireproof anymore

    “‘Inconsistent, erroneous and unreliable’: BBC is ordered to release secret Diana emails as judge calls the Beeb’s honesty into question over 3,200 hidden Bashir papers

    Judge has ordered BBC to immediately disclose large numbers of the messages
    Corporation chiefs battled for two years to keep sensitive documents hidden
    Dossier threatens to reveal how bosses tried to cover up the Panorama scandal”



  12. Zephir says:

    “A leading judge has slammed the broadcaster over its attempts to keep secret the potentially explosive documents, which could expose an ongoing cover-up of what executives knew about the shamed journalist’s disgraceful conduct in securing his scoop.

    In a damning ruling obtained by The Mail on Sunday, the judge questioned the Corporation’s honesty after it fought a two-year campaign to keep the emails under wraps.

    The MoS understands the BBC has already spent around £100,000 of licence payers’ money in legal fees on the secrecy battle.”


  13. Zephir says:

    Relaxing in the bath listening to Classix Fm Xmas carols this morning, a memory came, unbidden, from over 50 years ago:

    “We three Kings from Orient are,

    One in a taxi, one in a car,

    One on a scooter, blowing his hooter,

    Smoking a bad cigar”

    And, something about “While Shepherds washed their socks at night”… then the memory failed.

    We regulary get aggressive demands from certain visitors “go on then woss Bri’ hish kulture then ???”

    well, one aspect is be a able to gently mock religion, does the Archbishop do fatwas ?

    Will there be hoards of Biased bbc posters dancing around like monkeys and firing AK47s in the air, demanding my head on a platter ?

    Will I have to go into hiding over Xmas ?

    I hope so,

    I am already heartily sick of the shops songs and adverts on TV and radio, I heard the bleeding 12 days of Xmas 4 times yesterday out perusing the shops.

    The only relief (pun intended) being Oxfam, not surprising maybe, considering their Gaza ceasefire posters. Don’t remember them doing that for Ukraine.


    • MarkyMark says:



      Funding fears may drive charities to hide sex abuse after Oxfam scandal: experts
      By Umberto Bacchi
      February 12, 20188:39 PM GMTUpdated 6 years ago


  14. AsISeeIt says:

    We delve into the press pile this morning only to be warned by Janet Daley in the Telegraph how: Western elites loathe their voters

    Well, our BBC media elite certainly has a soft spot for those denizens of the south central Gaza constituency: ‘Terror and fear’ in Khan Younis as Israel tells civilians to leave city centre

    Among further paradoxes on show this morning, our so-called Tory press frets: Lockdown had ‘catastrophic effect’ on poverty gap (Sunday Telegraph); Covid ‘turned UK social divide into a chasm’ (Sunday Times) – come on Sunday Times, I’m afraid it’s time to apply Mr AsI’s little editorial fix: Covid Lockdowns ‘turned UK social divide into a chasm’

    Did I share my early Lockdown story? Local residents in Mr AsI’s neck of the woods started a WhatsApp group. All now deleted – so don’t ask us to hand our entire message history over to the official inquiry. Aside from sharing tips on home made PPE (you have to laugh, or you’d cry at the level of infectious microbe naivety) one rather boujee female furloughed state school teacher took to the text to rant about about the appearance in the street of a window cleaner. The poor bloke was likely self-employed and largely a cash-based hand to mouth chap scraping a living, out in all weathers. One soon realised how class played such a key role in attitudes to this Lockdown thing.

    Does the frontpage of today’s left-leaning Observer likewise think of the poor? Not so much. Hyped up on furloughs, zoom meetings and WFH, our mouthpiece for the left-leaning public sector managerial class sheds a tear for Gaza and promotes assisted dying:

    Labour steps up criticism of ‘intolerable’ killings in Gaza;

    As her life ebbed, Diana Rigg taped plea for assisted dying

    Each to their own, I suppose. But I’m with Dylan Thomas on this one:

    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Our BBC aren’t onto this one yet – references are purely archival: Dame Diana Rigg: Avengers, Bond and Game of Thrones actress dies at 82 (BBC, 10 September 2020) – but experience tells us that where there’s an agenda issue to latch onto, they’ll have it covered soon enough: Dame Diana Rigg: How the actress battled TV’s gender pay gap 54 years ago (BBC, 11 September 2020)


    • Fedup2 says:

      Some lefty ‘research group ‘ sees a big divide … yet 5 million not working – because the benefits are so good ? Money trees being chopped down every where you look and a 2.5 trillion ? State debt –
      Yesterday a piece in the DT said that the ministry of debt would be the second biggest ministry after – I guess the DWP ….
      At the current rate – living standards are only going to fall for those 5 million – with another 2.5 million on the sick …


    • MarkyMark says:

      ” Telegraph how: Western elites loathe their voters”


      History – real history and not Macaulay’s myth – has a simple and terrible lesson: Parliaments that obstruct good government rather than facilitate it do not last very long.

      ‘This’ – to repeat as history itself is doing – ‘is the Crisis of Parliaments. We shall know by this if Parliaments live or die.’



      • Fedup2 says:

        Marky – thank you for putting that link up . It’s good that some one far more learned than I explains why the chant that parliament is a democracy puts some flesh on the bones of the reason ….
        In elections we are basically not voting for individuals but for delegates – we has a tyranny of parties – led by a sort of pseudo president who can only be removed by his own party

        All that tradition and crap masks the mock democracy we have to live and die in ….


        • MarkyMark says:

          Fedup2 – seems my education is lacking as well – so much to learn about our history, but instead we watch a man eat testicles in a jungle being paid for 1.5 million ….


    • tomo says:

      Some shit needs cleaning out – there’s always seriously bad actors trying to make a bad situation worse ….

      That said, showing up fake atrocity claims isn’t something that even the BBC will do afaics – one can only imagine that it’s undesirable as it’d focus on actual deeds on the day and raise questions as to why Verify™ weren’t right on it?

      The juggernaut of approved narrative concocted thousands of miles from the action must be kept on the tracks at all costs.

      I see Jordanians getting their APCs out …. and have an uneasy feeling we’re in the phony war phase…


    • tomo says:

      I’ll confess to avoiding Jones for years … firstly, I mistook his raving persona for the real person and not a theatrical performance and secondly the monstering by the MSM swamp was so comprehensive that going to infowars.com felt “naughty”.


  15. G says:

    With the conclusion of the so-called, “Tory Party” looming quickly this coming year, I can’t see why Rich Sunak doesn’t do himself a big favour. The easiest and quickest? Two options viz.

    1. Do nothing. No International treaties entered; no decisions on anything. Nothing. Stand the Government down. At least very little could further go wrong unless we are invaded by a hostile nation. No, not that invasion……….

    2. Invite China/Klaus Schwab to step-up their involvement in managing the UK and take over complete control. That would give them time to act to, ‘rearrange’ the coming election.


  16. Doublethinker says:

    I noticed a story in the Telegraph last week reporting that the EU , or some other fraudulent legal jurisdiction, had evidence that Marine Le Pen had been involved in fraud way back in 2005 and if this went to trial it could result in her being barred from standing in the French Presidential election!
    Obviously the EU and French government are seriously worried that she could win . This play is so reminiscent of the US elite v Trump that you have to conclude that the elites don’t care if we the public realise what they are up to. Our opinion counts for nothing and we have no power. Although we may find the justice systems in the West a joke the elite will use them as a fig leaf to cover their subversion of democracy.
    Sooner or later they will do away with the fig leaf and rule as a autocracy where the law is what they say it is on any particular day to suit whatever their needs happen to be at that time.


  17. MarkyMark says:

    Rwanda bill – 0 boats stopped at uk sores – rwanda bill is just noise.


  18. Zephir says:

    “‘They will even shoot me’: Elderly Gazan citizen risks her life to speak out against Hamas as she claims ‘all aid goes underground’ and is not reaching those in need.

    Others in the war-ravaged territory have claimed the fighters steal their food, loot their homes and lure Israeli attacks onto civilians.

    The IDF said it has found weapons stashed in classrooms as it continued to pound Gaza and destroy tunnel shafts across the strip yesterday.

    But while Israel has been criticised for its deadly bombing campaign, some Palestinians are beginning to speak up against the evil regime of Hamas.

    An elderly woman in a headscarf was seen berating a Al Jazeera reporter who suggested aid was not reaching her due to the ‘difficult’ situation.”



    • tomo says:

      I recall during Operation Cast Lead a MSM team (reporter, cameraman, sound) came across a local in Gaza who (after apparently having had his house and farm bulldozed by the Israelis for storing rockets) was unimpressed by both sides and elaborated that in graphic, expletive laced English. Funnily enough the segment was removed in later broadcasts.

      There is a constituency there (Gaza presently but other areas too) that is being roundly ignored by the partisan teams of media generating content…


  19. MarkyMark says:

    “The key element ladies and gentlemen, is in you….courage.”


  20. digg says:

    Apparently you cannot help save the planet unless you agree that women can be men and men can be women.


    I have always regarded the Green Party as nutters and this just confirms it.


    • tomo says:

      The Green Party have some skilled (and likely mercenary) PR peeps on their teams. (oh, and Twitter UK /77th Brigade batting for them too)

      Once the beliefs and policies are unwrapped from the slick packaging and protective gas envelope one can see that at best they’re stale, ignorant braying zealots with totalitarianism running though them like a stick of seaside rock.

      I challenged a local Green prospective MP some years ago over PRasNews in a local rag and she actually tried to go nuclear (That’s libel!!) They aren’t just nutters – they’re aggressive nutters and that’s different.


    • MarkyMark says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      Allowing the Church of England (AND MOSQUES?)to conduct same-sex marriages if it chooses to do so, ensuring equal treatment for all couples.

      if it chooses to do so
      if it chooses to do so

      if it chooses to do so – if it does not it will be shouted at until it does – if it chooses to do so

      Advancing toward complete equality in marriage by continuing to support and promote Equal Marriage rights.
      Allowing the Church of England to conduct same-sex marriages if it chooses to do so, ensuring equal treatment for all couples.
      Introducing Mixed-sex civil partnerships, recognizing the diverse forms of committed relationships.
      Putting an end to the Spousal Veto and restoring trans marriages that were unjustly invalidated.
      Advocating for EU-wide recognition of same-sex marriage and civil partnerships, fostering equality across borders.
      Eliminating the discriminatory Blood donation ban that affects the LGBT+ community.
      Ending LGBT conversion therapy and extending the existing NHS Memorandum of Understanding to cover trans individuals.
      Addressing LGBTphobic bullying in schools, creating safe and inclusive learning environments for all students.
      Prohibiting homophobic chanting at sports matches, promoting respect and inclusivity in sporting events.
      Ensuring inclusive representations of sexualities in advertising, media, and sports, while promoting positive and accurate portrayals of transgender individuals in central government publications.
      Introducing “X” gender markers on passports, acknowledging and respecting non-binary and gender diverse individuals.
      Removing the requirement for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria in order to obtain legal gender recognition, streamlining and depathologising the process.
      Putting an end to the deportation of LGBT people to countries where they face persecution based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
      Establishing a Leadership Programme that supports future Parliamentary candidates from under-represented backgrounds through comprehensive training, mentoring, shadowing opportunities, and more.
      These policies reflect the Liberal Democrats’ commitment to equality, inclusivity, and human rights, ensuring that marginalized communities, including the LGBT+ community, are protected and empowered.



  21. Captain Panick says:

    Will Hugo Keith also be interrogating the broadcasters over their permanent GOTCHA questioning during Covid Press Conferences. Did it help the public? No, it didn’t!


    • Flotsam says:

      It was Smarmer and the Labour party as well. Also the Devolved administrations of Scotland and Wales who insisted on making their Political point by advocating and carrying out longer and stricter lockdowns


      • Scroblene says:

        All the broadcasters were in a blind panic over the various factors of lockdown.

        The BBC were the worst, but the rest weren’t far behind because everything they said and published was ‘free news’, so they didn’t have to do anything except copy and paste all the speeches, the edicts, the trivia, the b******s, and then present it as the ‘truth’, which sadly, suited the government, because they didn’t have a clue either!

        How anyone managed to let so many billions of pounds go missing on furlough is anyone’s guess, but we’re all paying for it now.

        I heard that bookshelf futures went throught the roof when Beeboids were told that they could work from home and ‘communicate’ on Zooom…


  22. atlas_shrugged says:

    >“During lockdown calls to a domestic abuse helpline rose 700 per cent;

    The comrades know to never let a good disaster go to waste. The pandemic was a plandemic and they were ready with all their evil little plans and messages to undermine the family.

    In the village I lived I saw fathers playing happily with their children in the garden. I saw fathers taking their families out for bike rides. I saw well planned posters go up on village notice boards claiming violence against wimmin and children. I saw huge expensive posters closing village playing fields.

    But I knew that a young father at a village kindergarten had tried to take his life. His story will never be told.

    The social justice warriors might live in a different village to me. But I think they live on a different planet.


    • MarkyMark says:

      By the late Middle Ages, indulgences were used to support charities for the public good, including hospitals.[8] However, the abuse of indulgences, mainly through commercialization, had become a serious problem which the church recognized but was unable to restrain effectively.[9] Indulgences were, from the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, a target of attacks by Martin Luther and other Protestant theologians. Eventually the Catholic Counter-Reformation curbed the abuses of indulgences, but indulgences continue to play a role in modern Catholic religious life, and were dogmatically confirmed as part of the Catholic faith by the Council of Trent. Reforms in the 20th century largely abolished the quantification of indulgences, which had been expressed in terms of days or years. These days or years were meant to represent the equivalent of time spent in penance, although it was widely mistaken to mean time spent in Purgatory. The reforms also greatly reduced the number of indulgences granted for visiting particular churches and other locations.



      • Fedup2 says:

        I think they should never have dumped indulgences – they could have been traded on the stock market to ‘cover ‘ future sins . The RC church could have made a killing ( for which there would be a futures indulgence ….


        • MarkyMark says:

          Archbishop of Canterbury embarrassed about church’s financial link to Wonga
          This article is more than 10 years old
          Justin Welby ‘irritated’ to discover Church of England holds indirect £75,000 stake in payday lender he singled out for criticism
          Peter Walker
          Fri 26 Jul 2013


  23. MarkyMark says:

    “Putting an end to the deportation of LGBT people to countries where they face persecution based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.”

    deportation of LGBT people to countries where they face persecution


    • tomo says:

      They (LibDems) put up a trans candidate locally in the last GE.

      A cynic might’ve thought that somebody hiding behind their assumed gender identity and obviously waiting for criticism of their policies/ideas in order to react with customary victimhood and a raft of pro-trans stuff shouldn’t be dropped in as a PPC.

      The LibDems do things differently – he couldn’t elaborate any cogent policy position was ignored by the floating voters.

      We badly need reform and some populism…


  24. Fedup2 says:

    Why , after watching the Sunday match of the day – do I get so much pleasure from hitting the off switch just before comrade kuensberg comes on …. Come back Brian Walden …


  25. MarkyMark says:

    Avoid the cost of living crisis and cancel your BBC TV Tax – this advert is backed by all the millionaires in the BBC!


  26. MarkyMark says:



    The Home Office is the lead government department for immigration and passports, drugs policy, crime, fire, counter-terrorism and police.

    We are responsible for:

    working on the problems caused by illegal drug use
    shaping the alcohol strategy, policy and licensing conditions
    keeping the United Kingdom safe from the threat of terrorism
    reducing and preventing crime, and ensuring people feel safe in their homes and communities
    securing the UK border and controlling immigration
    considering applications to enter and stay in the UK
    issuing passports and visas
    supporting visible, responsible and accountable policing by empowering the public and freeing up the police to fight crime
    fire prevention and rescue


    Our goals are to:

    cut crime and the harm it causes, including cyber-crime and serious and organised crime
    manage civil emergencies within the remit of the Home Office
    protect vulnerable people and communities
    reduce terrorism
    control migration
    provide world-class public services and contribute to prosperity
    maximise the benefits of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union



    • Scroblene says:

      “cut crime and the harm it causes, including cyber-crime and serious and organised crime
      manage civil emergencies within the remit of the Home Office
      protect vulnerable people and communities
      reduce terrorism
      control migration
      provide world-class public services and contribute to prosperity
      maximise the benefits of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union”

      Just a thought, but does Mare Khaaan know this?

      So far, all he seems to have done is make his toytown-trot ‘assembly’ a laughing stock, but of course, he still gets the money and two huge cars to take him to ‘work’ every day.

      It’ll be a funny old shebang when he’s kicked out to the the HoL by Crayons and Abbott, then will wander around in a place where he’s not wanted, not understood, and generally going to be ignored!


  27. MarkyMark says:

    “Some of the statistics are truly mind-boggling. Like the fact that, in London, 74% of Somali households are in social housing as are almost half of households headed by people from Jamaica or Ghana”

    Matt Goodwin.
    from order-order.com


    Leading nationalities of non-British population in London 2021, by nationality. In 2021, there were approximately 357,000 Indian residents living in London, the most of any foreign nationality. Nigerian nationals numbered 142,000, and were the second most common nationality in this year.18 Sept 2023


  28. Dickie says:

    An old article but interesting nevertheless (if you’re so inclined)



    • MarkyMark says:

      “As Orwell wrote, “the creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” However, in the CIA-influenced cartoon version, for popular consumption, the ending was changed so it shows the creatures only recognizing the corruption of the pigs, i.e., the Soviets, and then mounting a counter-revolution against them. This pro-revolutionary message—but only when the revolution deposes or fights against a left-wing government—was the first salvo in a battle that has since grown into all-out cultural warfare.”



  29. G.W.F. says:

    A useless token calls Boris a useless tosser


    • MarkyMark says:


      Munchetty was born and grew up in Streatham, South London.[3] Her mother, Muthu,[4] is from Tamil Nadu, India and her father is from Mauritius. In 1971, her parents each moved to the Welsh Valleys to study. Her mother was 18 years old and training to be a dentist and her father, a year older, training to be a nurse. They married in London in 1974, without telling their parents until afterwards.[5][6] She has one sister, born in 1976.[7] Her early education was at Graveney School in Tooting.[8] She studied English Literature and Language at the University of Leeds, graduating in 1997.[9] Her first job was as a journalist on the City Pages of the London Evening Standard.[10] She also worked on the Business Section of The Observer.[10]


      The social system of Tamil was divided on basis of the nature of work they have done in those days such as ,

      Alavar, Ediyar, Eyavar, Umanar, Uzhavar, Eeinar, Kadambar, Kammiyar, Kalamar, Kilaizar, Kuyavar, Kuravar, Kurumbar, Kutthar, Kollar, Kosar,Thatcher, Thudiyar, Therpagar, Thunaiyar, Barathavar, Paraiyar,Panar, Pulaiyar, Porunar, Mazhavar, Vadavadukar, Vannar, Vanikar,Vedar.

      This classification denotes the divisions of working class in Sangam Age not unlike the Brahmanical concept of Varnashram divisions (Brahman , kshatriyan , Vaisiyan , Suthiran and Panchaman) of hierarchical system of human inequality by birth.

      There was no such thing called inequality by birth among Tamils in ancient times , it all were imposed on tamils in 14th century during Vijaya Nagara rulers to divide the society based on hierarchy , that helped the minorities (such as brahmins , Telugu Vadugars of Vijaya nagara descendants of Harihara , Bukka Raya .. ) who followed Manu Smriti that was already popular in dividing and discriminating the society in north india


  30. Thoughtful says:


    Tales of the real life horrors of the consequences of the TV tax first hand.


    • MarkyMark says:

      ‘I didn’t understand what the officer was saying’
      Another woman, who prosecutor Ms Jeffers said had also used her TV to watch CBeebies, has been hauled to court despite saying she did not understand what the TV licensing officer who visited her had said. She tells the court she has no income of her own, and did not know how much money her husband makes.

      “I did not know what was said to me that day, and I had no idea that I had no licence,” she tells magistrates. “The officer told me that I had no licence.

      “I gave him my card so he could take full payment. I told him that we use Virgin Media, but I did not know that there was no licence.”

      She is also charged £196 by the court.


  31. vlad says:

    The judge on the BBC: “Inconsistent, erroneous and inreliable”.
    We’ve been saying it for years.



    • MarkyMark says:

      The judge on the BBC: “Inconsistent, erroneous and inreliable”.
      The judge at his tea party – don’t worry guys, I’ve got your back!


  32. MarkyMark says:

    Dear Darren Henry,

    zero public votes for Rishi Sunak.
    zero public votes for David Cameron.
    Is this what net zero means?

    a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

    Yours sincerely,
    Mr H


  33. MarkyMark says:

    Dear Councillor,

    Is our council also bankrupt like Nottingham City Council, can you reveal your current expenditures or give me links to see if ours is heading the same way.

    BBC News – Nottingham City Council declares itself ‘bankrupt’
    29 November https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-67380096



  34. Jeff says:

    The climate propaganda continues…

    I’ve just seen an advert for the Red Cross…a really dramatic scene…looks like an earthquake…men in Red Cross uniforms scurrying about the remains a building, it’s mayhem.

    This intense, bearded chap speaking directly to the camera is pleading with us. “I need to talk to you. We need help.” Behind him men are removing bodies from under masonry. “Every penny and every pair of hands makes a difference.”

    “We’re being challenged like never before by the brutal effects of the climate crisis…heatwaves, fires, storms and floods, at home and overseas and more emergencies are coming.”

    Never let facts stand in the way of emotion. The truth is that far fewer people are dying today than ever before due to the effects of the climate.

    But the hysteria continues…


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Hi Jeff,

      That advert plays frequently on Youtube videos and also Mr Pevensey’s on-demand channel. It doesn’t often get past the “I need to talk to you” part as Mr P’s hand has a lightning-quick reaction time on the fast forward button.


    • digg says:

      It’s all about “climate warrior” cash for jobs…..


      • Scroblene says:

        I never want to know how many pennies given to these bloated charities eventually gets to the subjects they claim to support.

        I know that the nasty opportunist Milliband in the US takes home well over a million splonders to head up some obscure Yank cheridee, so as far as I’m concerned, their contributions Chez Scrobs will be zilch.

        We do however, support the local Air Ambulance, because Senora O’Blene nearly handed in her chips a while ago, and while the NHS and the Fire brigade did a sterling job to get her organised, the next step, had they been unable to help, would have been a quick cal to those guys!

        I thought about how I should put a few bob in, one way or another, and decided that we pay the NHS all our working lives, but the Air Ambulance relies on donations, so it was an easy decision to make.

        We don’t give much, but they always write – sometimes personally – and thank us, so they’re also written into our wills for when we have to rely on our own wings…


        • Docmarooned says:

          Gentleman of color arrived at my door step the other day on behalf of the red cross. Expecting me to sign a direct debit to said charity.
          No chance mate. This seems to be the stance nowadays. I offered a breast cancer charity caller some cash a while back but was met with – “we dont accept cash donations – can you sign a direct debit” No – goodbye!


    • tomo says:

      Jeff / Lucy

      There’s at least two versions of the advert – I’d like to see the names of the folk who commissioned it and have them interviewed about the process – really – past fed up with lefty activists wheedling their way in to well padded sinecures at long established charities who’ve lost their moral rudders.


  35. friend of yogi bear says:

    A Christmas present from the BBC.

    The last time I posted anything on this site I was questioning ,if the Today programme had any editors , or anybody to control some of their top talent. I now know they have, because over the festive season they have guest editors….
    What I would like for Christmas BBC ,is Andy Webb as guest editor one day on the today show, preferably when top talent Nick ” I’ve seen the wallpaper ” Robinson is strutting his stuff. Nick loves to get to the bottom of scandal , incompetence, cover-up, and half truths, hence his almost sexual excitement talking about and asserting even more about what “some people are saying blah,blah,” about Downing street and the Covid pandemic.

    A good editor could direct our Nick to look into a worthy topic such as the BBC -Martin Bashir scandal. Just imagine Nick chanting “some people are saying “How can it be “,that it takes a Court ruling and the Freedom of information legislation to FORCE the much loved and world respected(their words not mine)bbc to reveal information ,correspondence etc,etc. relating to the admitted dishonesty of one of their erstwhile top talents.

    Andy Webb,for those who don’t recognise his name, is the journalist and he deserves the label ,who is pursuing the truth, about the Bashir cover up and is doing so against all the odds. The BBC are reported to have spent £100,000 of tax payers (licence fee payers) money fighting against revealing , disclosing documents relating to this sordid and sorry tale.

    I would call for the crack Verify team to get stuck into this one but that would be as useful as asking my spaniel to make me lunch.


    • Scroblene says:

      Good point, Yogi!

      The whole being of Verify is to just produce another layer of obfuscation to appeal to the stupidly thicker end of the lumpen licence-payers, so they somehow think that Beeboids always tell the truth!

      While it’s plainly obvious that the Autocublers only stick to the agenda laid out by their under-managers, and aren’t really up to normal standards, (well which most snivel serpents are’nt), the real stories are in fact, carried by the independent press, which also has its vagaries, but at least you don’t HAVE to read The Grauniad, or the silly Indy!

      I was only thinking last night,, that the only news I read – apart from staring at the tits and bums on the Express and the Mail, is here, and Guido!

      Now what could be better than that!


  36. MarkyMark says:

    Moves from safe Hindu India to Islamic Yemen then goes home and comes back with investment money.
    Then overdoses partner who says they were married as her child and husband stayed in India?


    Nimisha Priya: The Indian nurse from Kerala on death row in Yemen


    ALL CULTURES ARE EQUAL … blood money will allow woman to leave.


  37. digg says:

    The BBC’s Mr Bowen says about Gaza, “The status quo is smashed, the future looks messy and dangerous”.


    I think someone needs to inform Jeremy what Gaza has been like under Hamas. If Israel clears them out of Gaza I would say the ordinary citizens can expect the future to be anything but messy and dangerous.


  38. Althepalerp says:

    Sadly the demise on Western Civilization continues.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Comment from this video … “Wonderful. Do you remember when the BBC used to produce this type of thoughtful documentary? Alas no more. Well done to all involved.”

      THE WEST – Episode 1: Liberty or Death? [A six-part doc. series celebrating Western Civilisation]


  39. Fedup2 says:

    World at one

    Oh dear – the new Argentina president is about to take office . Definately unapproved by the bbc – the sneer is there – a populist – celebrated by President Trump – anti abortion – …

    … a talking head liberal said populism is another name for the ‘far right ‘ that mystical undefined language constantly on the BBC mind . It is frightened – the idea of Ordinary People ( ugh) having non approved views ( ugh again ) ….

    I really hope the argie guy does something – but please leave the Falklands alone – we ve got 2 big aircraft carriers now – and maybe by 2040 they’ll actually float….

    More populism please – Less liberals —


    • MarkyMark says:

      Maybe he will – chances are slim – maybe his Civil services will block him or they will find his family can be manipulated.


      Meloni quoting Chesterton

      “Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible”


      Extent. In Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index, Argentina scored 38 on a scale from 0 (“highly corrupt”) to 100 (“very clean”). When ranked by score, Argentina ranked 94th among the 180 countries in the Index, where the country ranked first is perceived to have the most honest public sector.


      Crude oil reserves in Argentina amounted to 2.48 billion barrels in 2021, up from 2.39 billion barrels in the previous year. Argentina has the fifth largest crude oil reserves in Latin America and the Caribbean.25 Aug 2023


      2009 … Argentina’s first couple deliver prosperity – for themselves

      They were elected on the promise of delivering prosperity to Argentina, but statistics showing a stunning economic turnaround have come with a catch.

      New figures show that since Nestor and Cristina Kirchner came to power in 2003, they have presided over a remarkable sixfold increase in their own wealth.


    • moggiemoo says:

      They might float but I’d put money on them never having the ‘aircraft’ they need. Typical UK, built on the cheap (although costing a bloody fortune each), not nuclear powered and without a launch catapult so they can only use 1 VTOL plane. They’d be better off just commissioning the dinghies the invaders are using to cross the channel, it’d be the biggest navy in the world.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Moggie – one might speculate on how many Russian / Chinese / French spies were on the ‘design ‘ committee for those useless lumps …


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      FFS Fed:

      Just leave it out with the carriers will you? They are central to the future of the navy. They both float, don’t be so juvenile.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Rob – touchy eh ? I believe in a strong military – but I’m not sure the UK deserves one . There is also the inherent danger of using a strong military for tasks which are not of the national interest – such as being americas’ bitch –

        Britain can’t defend its’ own borders – yet along go off and help with someone else’s’ …

        I think those lumps of floating metal are a symbol of the British state ….they bring shame on a great past – and so much sacrifice ….


  40. StewGreen says:

    BBC Politics Midlands had their guests line up and clutch their pearls and say it was disgusting that an MP Rachel Maclean had LIKED a tweet that described this woman as a “bloke in a wig”
    The tweet quickly got ratioed 6 to 1 and then BBC closed replies completely ,

    Last night the press reported Rachel Maclean had herself apologised
    .. but the Rachel Maclean immediately shouted she had not.

    MP @redditchrachel
    In fact I did NOT apologise for my comments relating to the Green Party’s extreme policies on gender
    and self ID ideology and am happy to come on to your program to explain my position in more detail.
    As Deputy Chair for Women, I am clear that the law allows me to say what a woman is
    and the difference between a woman and a trans woman.
    Both deserve respect and freedom to live their lives but it is not transphobic to say they are not the same thing.
    Nor does it assist policy makers across healthcare, education, the CJS to pretend they are.


    • StewGreen says:

      “Rachel Maclean will be joining me this evening on Free Speech Nation.7pm – 9pm on @GBNEWS”

      Apparently it wasn’t just Liking tweet
      It was a Quote tweet of a tweet that said “a man who wears a wig and calls himself a ‘proud lesbian’.”
      She did delete it, but claims she’s not apologising.


    • Jeff says:

      Let’s get this straight…no pun intended…that is not a woman. Not in an entire year of Sundays.

      In no way does this bloke either look or sound remotely female.

      Being a woman requires a bit more than donning a dodgy second-hand wig.

      Chubby looks more like a particularly bad Mrs Brown tribute act…


      • Jeff says:

        I’m going to make myself a crown out of old toilet roll tubes, strips of kitchen foil and bits of string. I’ll “identify” as King Jeff and see if they’ll let me into Buckingham Palace.

        See you in court…


      • tomo says:

        Dick Emery


  41. digg says:

    What a shame the Government can’t come up with a plan including providing nice free warm hotels, all meals, mobile phones and spending money for these poor white British blokes sleeping in shop doorways on the streets to stop them dying.

    “Rough sleeper freezes to death in shop doorway in Wales”.


    What? You say such a plan exists but not for old, white, native Britains?

    Hey, Sunak, Drayford…..Disgusting isn’t the right word!


  42. Fedup2 says:

    Not bbc – I can only think the reason the IDF are taking live Islamic Hamas prisoners is to exchange them for hostages – otherwise -worth a bullet …


  43. StewGreen says:

    US shockjock Alex Jones was just restored to Twitter
    Twitter’s old bosses had cited 3 reasons why they banned him
    culminating the one where he called a CNN reporter nasty things
    .. that is of course free speech, so makes their argument look weak
    4 min video : https://twitter.com/MarauderMag/status/1733796923264434440


    • StewGreen says:

      Happened cos Musk put it to the vote last night


      • Fedup2 says:

        Not bbc

        But one wonders whether the outgoing PM will still be there by the end of the week ( don’t really care ) Monday he has to explain the mad restaurant gimmick – done without consultation it seems …. He ll yap about furlough but no so much on the huge fraud and track and trace 32 billion wasted ….
        Then Tuesday – he might lose his crap immigration bill – not having the courage to withdraw from the crap treaties law being employed by ‘civil rights ‘ £ lawyers £ and the illegals industry …


        • king crimson says:

          Fed – Not bbc either but knowing you’re partial to a small wager…20/1 he’s gone in2023….


          • Fedup2 says:

            King – I suppose if there is vote of confidence after losing the immigration vote on Tuesday I suppose it’s possible – I’d certainly put my 20p on that bet ….

            By going for his balance thing – I suppose he will not get the approval of the far left blue labour or the residual conservative …


        • MarkyMark says:

          RIshi dusts off this green card and off to USA to chat to Elon Musk about infosys and replacing INdia with tesla robots.


    • StewGreen says:

      A year ago Musk said he had no mercy for AJ


    • MarkyMark says:



  44. MarkyMark says:



  45. Thoughtful says:

    I’ve just been watching a Left wing philosopher, not a liberal, mark, who put forward some very interesting questions and observations about the Tories I had never before thought about.

    I wonder if you have also.

    For instance, in the time of Margaret Thatcher and John Major, Parliament was supreme and had virtual total power to do what ever they wanted.
    Then came BLiar and he introduced the Supreme Court, and appointed its judges for life. This is an American concept, a politicised court which is supreme over Parliament to some extent.

    So, given the way the unelected lawyers have handed down judgements antithetical to democracy why have the Tories just sat there and allowed them to do it? They have the ultimate power to over rule the Supreme court but have never excercised it, and why don’t they simply abolish it and move back to the model we had when Margaret Thatcher was PM and every PM before her?

    The issue is not the Human Rights Act although that does need attention, but the Supreme Court and it’s power over parliament.

    Which brings me to another point, I happen to agree with him on.

    He says that he believed in first past the post democracy because it is the only way to acheive strong government, but we had an election which delivered an 80 seat majority and we still got a weak indecisive government!

    Given the inept state of the political class a root and branch reform of the democratic process is required so that other opinions can be heard and debated. The current political class is so devoid of policy that it badly needs new ideas to be heard.

    Which brought him onto Keir Starmers Labour party and why it’s going to quickly fail because it has only two apparant policies once being Eurocentric, and that ship has sailed and it’s now too late, and secondly a set of green policies which are so harmful to the working class that even before Labour are elected the trade unions are threatening strike action if they are implemented!

    If you would like to watch the video, and it is eye opening because you might well agree with much of what he says, then it’s here:


    • Fedup2 says:

      Thoughtful – earlier in the thread – think marky put up a piece by starkey – writing in the mail – about the false democracy that is their parliament –
      The only reason I can think that nut nut didn’t use the 80 majority was he allowed himself to be overwhelmed by brexit and covid – a good PM should have been able to delegate both issues to key ministers – but either he didn’t have them , had no faith in them or wanted to take the whole thing on ….
      Shows that a character with the common Eton touch doesn’t necessarily have the ability to lead a government ….such a waste …. And hopefully he will be the reason for the extinction of the blue Labour Party – and the re creation of a Party of the `right ….


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Grandma born when there was 2 billion people, died when there were 8 billion on the planet.” @17:32


    • MarkyMark says:

      uncritical adherence to present-day attitudes, especially the tendency to interpret past events in terms of modern values and concepts.



    • MarkyMark says:

      Thoughtful – I would never have watched it, and yes it is interesting and I agree with many points. “Best argument against Brexit, the British political class are not up making Brexit work.”


    • MarkyMark says:

      Thoughtful @1:13 – “we now have a paralyzing lawfare due to Blair”


  46. MarkyMark says:

    HA HA HA! Cameron get’s tough ….

    “Foreign Secretary David Cameron has threatened to withdraw co-operation with Scottish ministers after Humza Yousaf met with Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    The first minister met the Turkish president at COP28 without a UK official present, which Lord Cameron said was a breach of protocol.”



    …which Lord Cameron said was a breach of protocol.”

    I will back the people’s decision on on Brexit.