The BBC licence fee is to increase by £10.50 next year .This week a BBC newsreader called Maryam Moshiri was pictured holding up her middle finger to the camera perhaps signalling the regard with which the BBC view the falling number of people paying for it .
With bit of luck more people will refuse to pay for it . The BBC wanted a £15 increase and will argue that theyll have to ‘ cut services’ – let’s hope they do .
Israel-Gaza war: Video shows Gaza detainees allegedly ‘surrendering guns’ – what we know
BBC Verify doing their best to discredit a video of terrorists from the IDF.
What’s so ridiculous is that their entire focus is whether the man bringing the weapons to place on the ground is real or he has been told to do it by the IDF.
WTF does it matter BBC ?. Are those people captured terrorists or not ?.
‘BBC Verify has found that in fact these videos are different sections of a continuous sequence, not separate takes, and the same man is going to and fro bringing different guns to the pavement with their detached ammunition.’
IT DOES NOT MATTER. If the IDF staged it, it is because YOU BBC are totally mis-reporting what is going on.
What a shame ‘BBC Verify’ doesn’t ‘verify’ the BBC’s video of Trump talking about disinfectant and COVID. They would find a whole heap of deliberate, misleading video editing.
The BBC have gone Colonel Kurtz over Gaza now and are running amok like screaming children (for those who don’t know, Kurtz was the American soldier who lost the plot in ‘Apocalypse Now’).
Will itv allow Farage to win the jungle thing ? Will it make any difference to whether he goes back into politics ?
Farage will eat kangaroo balls for no less than 1.5 million. BBC verified.
“Yep. Saying unapproved things. That’s his crime.” Tucker Carlson
Just an add on from an earlier post about the governments policy of allowing anyone in receipt of benefits to have the government access their bank accounts or any other accounts without any kind of court oversight or knowledge of the account holder.
Now I know that Fedup said it should be a matter of course that anyone in recipt of benefits should expect this in return for those payments.
I wonder though if Fedup realises this is also going to apply to him and pretty much everyone else reading this.
This new policy covers everyone in receipt of child benefit and a state pension. So, if you have ever claimed anything at all, the government will without any oversight or chacks & balances. It’s not restricted to those means tested benefits, it covers all of them and is a major intrusion into peoples natural privacy we have always had.
Thoughtful – do you really think that The State can’t / won’t access bank accounts now if it wants ?
I think it’s great to be able to monitor the accounts of people on benefits to see whether there is fraud – I think their problem will be the sheer volume – but if it is used as a weapon to get people off benefits I’m with it ….. I’m really old fashioned – work or starve is my base line ….. the welfare state should not be a way of life …. But I’m not of this time …
The erosion of freedom in Blighty is a continuing thing – each day some one want something banned – it’s a left default – much loved of the BBC of course .
I’m glad I’m on the other side of 50 because Blighty is to become an even darker place within however long / short my time remains …
We are like the frog is the heating water …
Fed, Jesus said “watch and pray.” See the Olivet Discourses in Matthew, Mark and Luke.
One day you will claim a state pension Fed and they will be able to look into your private bank account without you even knowing.
Remember that it isn’t the ‘government’ it’s the civil service and currently they need some permissions, but if fraud is suspected it can be efficiently investigated.
Those who will not work will not eat 2 Thessalonians 3:10
But this is not about that, it’s about the government having access without any oversight to everyone’s bank accounts and no government should have that power.
“the welfare state should not be a way of life” You are therefore opposed to pensioners retiring, as they are also going to be within the scope of this.
I have no issue with the government taking action or investigating where necessary, but I know all too well that the civil service apparatchiks cannot be trusted, and they need a higher seperate authority to bring them in check. The Post Office scandal should be sufficient warning to everyone what happens when unaccountable apparatchiks are told to do something illegal by the government and there are no checks balances or accountability
No government or agency should be able to have access to private information without a good reason, and as this stands they don’t have to have any reason at all, they can look into almost anyones bank account regardless of suspicion.
The most troubling part is that both sides of the house let this through on the nod without proper debate or scrutiny.
“weapon to get people off benefits”
Problem is millions of those who get benefits ARE working, they claim various tax credits, housing top ups etc in order to be able to live.
Maybe instead of snooping on people the government should do their job – ensure rents aren’t ridiculously high , wages low etc.
Off course that’d involve cutting immigration – so not going to happen.
One wonders how this bank snooping will operate? Who’ll do it ?- AI?
Perhaps *every last item of MP’s expenditure (and income – in office) should be automatically logged on a public web site? *
Some American local authorities already have it…
Dear Darren Henry,
Can you tell me what these actual items are? Seems you have a lot of items under a generic name.
14/04/2020 Office Costs Banner March 2020 Stationery & printing £423.70
11/03/2020 Office Costs Banner February 2020 Stationery & printing £423.70!/mp/993
Also, what are you buying from Amazon – no details of the actual item paid for … May 2020 AMAZON.CO.UK [***] £97.98 view details
Which makes it sound as though they are after people’s savings. The greedy wotsits.
Wait until they force the ‘digital pound’ on us.
‘If we introduced it, it would not replace cash. We know being able to use cash is important for many people. That’s why we will continue to issue it for as long as people want to keep using it.’
Not now maybe. But it will. Then they will know every single penny you get, every penny you spend and who you gave it to.
How might it work?
A day in the life of a digital pound user
Check your balance on the digital pound wallet.
Buy a cup of tea with digital pounds using your smartphone – just tap it on the same device used for credit and debit cards.
Pay the electrician in digital pounds – both of you get an instant notification that the payment is complete.
Order groceries online and pay for them using the digital pound option on the website checkout.
Transfer money from your bank account into your digital pound wallet.
A digital pound is likely to be needed to fulfil our mission
The way people pay for things is changing. People are not using cash as much as they used to. Digital payments are becoming more common.
There are also new forms of money on the horizon. Some of these could pose risks to the UK’s financial stability.
The digital pound could also help to improve the options people have for making payments. The model we propose for the digital pound would enable private companies to innovate, make payments more efficient, and give consumers more choice.
give consumers more choice. by taking choice away – HA HA HA
I knew I’d get a reaction like that . I didn’t say anything about pensioners – but out of your version of my views you instantly implied it . You talk of hard times to come – buy gold – yet when it comes to it you are a money tree liberal – in the majority in our time …
On the upside – the national debt is so big that sooner rather than later the state will have to diminish or become Argentina …. And maybe accept the euro or dollar as a stable currency ….
Cut down another money tree …
Guardian has the answers … UK’s ‘unsustainable’ debt could reach 320% of GDP in 50 years, OBR warns
This article is more than 1 year old
Taxes ‘must be raised to offset mounting cost of ageing population and falling fuel income’
Can we access Barry Gardiners £500K from a Chinese spy?
TWoTWeee WATCH #1 – Not liked by the Far Left, Hard Left BBC?
Or maybe the Far Left, Hard Left Jonny Dymond? Javier Milei got a good kicking from Dymond on today’s R4 lunch news programme. Oh well, at least Bibi Netanyahu and Narendra Modi got a day off! I think the BBC are a bit rattled that a ‘populist’ PM in the UK might cancel the TV Licence Fee. The BBC ought to explain how a political Party can be elected to Government by being unpopulist !!!
I think I heard that the UK is one of the few countries in Europe without any ‘populist ‘ representation at all … and let’s face it – systems are rigged against the likes of `wilders in the nederlands – even when they get the votes …
The likes of the BBC cannot objectively discuss what ‘populism ‘ is – or what ‘far right ‘ means – because both are the enemies of the unbiased bbc …. It proves the bias ….
Biden populism good.
Trump populism bad.
Xi Jingping populism good.
Neil Oliver: The more you speak, the easier it becomes to say more. Don’t doubt that you are right.
The Jimmy Dore Show
So what Dickie ?. You think Israel murdered those people ?.
Other sources say it’s because they are contaminated with the blood and ashes of the people murdered in them.
Things are very strange in Israel and I am with Efrat Fenigson on this:
View at
Kicking out whole populations from where they live would not be new. The UK did this with the Acadians in Canada who then went to the US (e.g. Louisiana) and became Cajuns.
The UK did this in London too.
ChatGPT and Co: Are AI-driven search engines a threat to democratic elections?
A new study by AlgorithmWatch and AI Forensics shows that using Large Language Models like Bing Chat as a source of information for deciding how to vote is a very bad idea. As their answers to important questions are partly completely wrong and partly misleading, the likes of ChatGPT can be dangerous to the formation of public opinion in a democracy.
I tested Bing AI with the question ‘Did Hamas burn children alive’. There isn’t any doubt at this point that they did. Indeed the clearest proof of that is that the MSM only question if they were beheaded. The burning – which is 1,000 times worse – has been shamelessly ignored.
It told me there was no evidence that they did and it would not discuss it further.
AI is only as good as the rules it is programmed to follow. I it will actually lie to you in line with those rules if it has to.
And it just so happens that it always lies in favour of the Left. Just like the BBC.
That’s my own major concern about it.
See the Jordan Peterson video – he says you can ask it to tell you and to skip it’s internal moderation … treat it like a child.
AI gives me the creeps. I still have my head in the sand hoping it will die a death before it becomes widely used.
I don’t even use a smart phone. Those confounded slidey screens, I hate them.
ChatGPT: The Dawn of Artificial Super-Intelligence | Brian Roemmele | EP 357
“Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Brian Roemmele discuss the future of human civilization: a world of human androids operating alongside artificial intelligence with applications that George Orwell could not have imagined in his wildest stories. Whether the future will be a dystopian nightmare devoid of art or a hyper-charged intellectual utopia is yet to be seen, but the markers are clear … everything is already changing.”
Trailer | Demon Seed | Warner Archive