The BBC tried to block the release of emails by their corrupt reporter – bashir and the BBC management . A court has now criticised the BBC – ordered their release and awarded costs .But perhaps the BBC will continue to try and block damaging emails – using taxpayers’money.
Start the Week 11 December 2023
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Sounds coming out from the media are that the Tories have ‘kicked the can down’ the immigrants road once again !time for reform “Net Zero immigration “……….
As a nation we have so much potential, so much that we should be optimistic about.
We can make Britain great again.
To do this, reform is essential in the way our country is run and managed, so it works
properly for the people. In many areas, just the application of basic common sense
would be a good start!
The nation faces many challenges, but we can overcome them. To succeed, we need to
do Brexit properly and save the Union by protecting Northern Ireland. We must grow
our way out of the crisis, we cannot tax our way out of it. We must stand up for our
core democratic values, our civil liberties, our right to free speech. Let’s celebrate our
pride in being British: our amazing culture, our unbreakable communities, our incredible
heritage. Let’s stop all the woke nonsense that is holding us back. Let’s have a proper
immigration policy that works for our country and protects our borders. This means
net zero immigration so we can train and support our own people. It means zero illegal immigration. Together, let’s make great things happen!
– zero illegal immigration – will never happen, why do people say ZERO.
– our unbreakable communities – bradford city of culture.
Marky – are these your words – is there a citation ?
Copy of introduction from Reform PDF above – sorry forgot to quote!
I don’t agree Britain has much potential at all, and I don’t think it can recover until people get out of the entitled mindset they are in.
We are in reality screwed. The poor pay has attracted a generation of useless incompetent and cowardly individuals into politics who couldn’t get a decent job elsewhere so chose the next best thing.
The UK has sky high energy costs and labour costs with associated employment costs on top. Then there are the swinging taxes just to set up a factory to the point that no business can afford to operate here
We have to tax our way out of it. No one in the so called creative industries should be allowed to earn more than £100K in the interests of “equality” and no one with British citizenship in those sectors should be allowed to move abroad and live tax free.
We can’t stand up for any values at all when even basic freedoms can be waved away in the belief that it affects someone else so it doesn’t matter. Our rights and freedoms are important and should be defended even if at that time it doesn’t benefit us!
Britain is by default a net importer, and it is an act of treason to put the country in a position where its export industries have been destroyed. The muppets in the civil service are now trying to destroy Britains farming industry. Todays container ships are so large a torpedo couldn’t miss them, Britain would starve within a few days given its enormous population growth and its only recourse would be to surrender.
We need to abolish the Supreme Court because it clearly hasn’t worked, downgrade the HRA to advisory only, and return to vocational training instead of degrees with massive debt.
BLiars legacy is one of total failure, almost nothing he did has worked to a positive end.
We need to force the Gestapo to become Police once again and we need to deport all criminal migrants along with their families. Building a prison in countries like Pakistan would be a good move.
Build old folks homes in warmer climes where there is cheap labour and costs can be controlled. Relatives who object can pay for their own care in the UK if they wish.
Encourage small business especially manufacturing instead of making it impossible to do business in the UK.
Write a binding consitution to protect the people from the horrors of Socialism.
Larry Johnson – former CIA analyist
An Israeli whose family members were held by Palestinian militants tells of friendly fire deaths and complains, “We used to think the IDF knows what it’s doing.” Meanwhile, freed captives detail “horrifying captivity trauma” from Israeli bombings.
A relative of newly-released Israeli captives has publicly accused the Israeli military of killing its own people and says Tel Aviv is blocking the victims’ families from speaking out.
In testimony delivered to Israel’s finance committee on December 3, Noam Dan, whose cousin’s husband remains in Hamas custody and who suffered the loss of two other family members in the hostilities, told legislators the Israeli military has killed its own.
“We know for sure that three people were killed by our fire, three hostages,” she declared, while demanding to be informed of whether the families of captives “were given up on” by the Netanyahu administration.
Even if Tim Davie wanted to sack or reprimand Lineacker he doesn’t have the power to do so. Most of the BBC staff members agree with Lineacker , there would be a revolt if serious action was taken against him. That will scare Davie off. The best we can hope for is a slap on the wrist.
Also, sorry to be wet blanket , I don’t think that any action will be taken over the funding of the BBC other than to make it more secure, the very opposite of what we want, by removing the ability to avoid paying it by making it part of general taxation.
Of course , even if we can’t avoid paying for it they can’t make us watch it, at least not yet!
Your right. Under the BBC famous TV Charter anyone that works for the BBC is automatically covered by the BBC Charter Guaranteeing that any Journalist (Such as the honorary Sainted Gary Linekar) provides his own ‘news and opinion’ is also protected from any BBC prosecution. I found that the BBC uses this ‘get-out-clause’ is used on almost ALL replies under Freedom of information (FOI) requests.
In addition they will only admit to look into it if OFCOM already has and commented on it. So the BBC gets double protection from its critics. No other broadcaster in the world has this kind of protection.
It gets worse when the BBC only bother to reply or admit a legal infringement if its also reported in by the press. The BBC hate the press and they usually reply in The Times or Telegraph claiming total impartiality is really good value at just 33p per day. They even have a special person employed to deny any allegation is true who works for the BBC press office (legal team denying any allegation by default).
In reality, the bias is accurate and true:
BBC upheld just 25 complaints of bias in five years
Corporation’s internal watchdog ‘unfit for purpose’ and needs a complete overhaul, claim campaigners.
We must kick up about it. We can’t let them get away with more theft of our money. The public made a stand about ULEZ. We can’t allow them to simply move the BBC fee to a tax we can’t see or withhold.
Get ready to scream at them! Loud and continuously!
The British have been taxed too much on too many things for too long.
Zey hef vays—–
And now for a commercial break
“Stop the boats” Rishi, ” STOP THE BOATS”!
Ha, Ha, Ha, ……….
taffman ,
Stop RNLI Taxi Services and Border Farce picking up the Invaders…..such an inexpensive solution ! .
Care4calais is a Terrorist Organisation…. arrest all members.
I was banned from Twatter for suggesting sinking the Dinghys before they leave France .
From Land’s End to John O’Groats Send ’em back in rubber boats
Lucy, How about
‘From our mountains to the sea, Britain will be Islam free’
Put that on a poster and see how long before plod comes a calling.
From the river to the sea, lets all destroy the BBC !
Charlie Farley
Another option would be to scrap the ‘Border Farce’.
Miliband the Elder has done a Tikky-Tokky style full ECU wide angle hooter appeal for International Rescue on FB where your donation get doubled whilst stocks last.
All comments going well until someone asked what his salary was….
Funny that the UN BBC – the rest don’t call on Islamic Hamas to ‘cease fire ‘ and give the hostages back …isn’t it ?
Nice PR for the IDF. Wonder if they sent the little “terrorist” back into the Strip.
Click to access 6.4152_HO_CPFG_Report_into_Sharia_Law_in_the_UK_WEB.pdf
The independent review into
the application of sharia law
in England and Wales
Presented to Parliament
by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
by Command of Her Majesty
February 2018
Sharia councils in England and Wales
Sharia councils have no legal status and no legal binding authority under civil law. Whilst sharia
is a source of guidance for many Muslims, sharia councils have no legal jurisdiction in England
and Wales. Thus if any decisions or recommendations are made by a sharia council that
are inconsistent with domestic law (including equality policies such as the Equality Act 2010)
domestic law will prevail. Sharia councils will be acting illegally should they seek to exclude
domestic law and although they claim no binding legal authority they do in fact act in a decision
making capacity when dealing with Islamic divorce
Click to access 6.4152_HO_CPFG_Report_into_Sharia_Law_in_the_UK_WEB.pdf
What happens is sunak loses on Tuesday ? Vote of confidence ? Another blue labour leadership vote. Whose turn is it. Split in their crap party ? General Election ?
That’s Tuesday – what happens Wednesday ? ….
The Polish Parliament has elected? ( or appointed?) Donald Tusk as PM
Well, now GB News have got hold of the Governments spying on citizens bank accounts, and they aren’t happy about it either!
I wonder if this is a backlash over the Farage debanking afair. The establishment certainly doesn’t like losing battles. Brexit demonstrated that.
Personal finances should be private unless there is a criminal investigation happening.
I despise that sort of spying.
It was sold as oversight of benefits claimants, then we found that was almost everyone child benefit and pensions included, now we learn that they can investigate their ‘friends’ as well, without any suspicion of anything, it’s truly scary,weare moving towards a police surveillance state.
Not happy – nothing will change – next story.
The guys a loon, there are massive issues in Ireland with its Gay PM and a one party state, as both parties are now in coalition and no other parties have a look in.
It’s not to do with trans, he keeps going back to the school and claiming he is turning up to work, but there has been a court injunction against him doing that. He would be released if he gave an undertaking not to return, but he is refusing to do that, therefore his imprisonment is voluntary.
He also claims he is being persecuted for his Christian beliefs but has failed to say how, nor to cite any theological reasons for his claims, let alone any Bible verses.
It’s all a bit Craggy Island
I have just been watching Great British Menu on the Food Network, but it was originally shown on the BBC. This programm3 was from 2020 after the lockdowns. The chefs were going to cook for key workers. Good job there were so many key workers because they were the focus of every BBC programme I was aware of. But the programme was so boring, it was obviously scripted throughout. Faux crisis, pretend feuding and the like. I hadn’t seen the programme for years and couldn’t remember who presented when I did, but a different person but same presentation. The food was pretentious with silly gimmicks to impress the judges. I decided to switch off and post here about it. The BBC is utterly devoid of new ideas it is time it was put out to grass.
Charlie Farley
Another option would be to scrap the ‘Border Farce’.
Rishi Sunak seeks to charm Tory MPs to avoid Rwanda split
What a headline “charm”, and even opens this upto the bbc luvies to comment on
Green cards for veryone!
Europe is at war.
“Furious row erupts in France as teacher is left in fear for her life after showing 17th century painting of nude women to Muslim pupils in art class.
It comes after a French court on Friday convicted six teenagers for their role in the 2020 killing of Samuel Paty outside his secondary school near Paris, after they helped to identify him to a radicalised Islamist.
Paty, a 47-year-old history and geography teacher, was stabbed and beheaded in the Paris suburb of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine in October 2020, just 12 miles from Issou.”
3 teachers hide in Batley in tolerant Rishi’s UK as 1000’s march to save gaza!
It’s pantomime season ( oh no it isn’t ) and punters can get their popcorn and witness a farce of an unelected PM trying to get a deeply defective Rwanda bill through parliament .
He is weak and getting weaker – no one owes him their seat – he’s never been elected – so they don’t respect him or support his dumb bill – together with throwing cash at them ?
BTW – do you notice how we don’t seem to hear much from Rwanda ? Is that BBC racism …. ?
Meanwhile the corrupt zelenski has taken his begging bowl to the US – I don’t think Americans like losers and he certainly looks like one . All those billions he and Biden have trousered …and I reckon Ukraine is running out of people able / willing to fight and die ….
On the upside – looks like that COP thing will be good for the anti greens – burn more of that oil guys ….
At the covid inquiry yesterday sunak said the reason he never consulted with medics over the ‘eat out ‘ nonsense was because it was a treasury matter and the treasury doesn’t consult on its ‘ policies .
Sunaks people must have worked hard on that one – whereas the truth is that Sunak saw an opportunity to increase his political stature with a mad scheme costing more public money –
Because of the Rwanda crap this doesn’t seem to have received the criticism it deserves ….
Mostly middle class people who eat out anyway. I tried to take advantage of this but found I couldn’t.
The recommendations included in this report, such as changes to
marriage law, are designed to promote equality between religions in ways that should challenge
misconceptions of a parallel legal system and encourage integration.
Sharia councils in England and Wales
Sharia councils have no legal status and no legal binding authority under civil law. Whilst sharia
is a source of guidance for many Muslims, sharia councils have no legal jurisdiction in England
and Wales. Thus if any decisions or recommendations are made by a sharia council that
are inconsistent with domestic law (including equality policies such as the Equality Act 2010)
domestic law will prevail. Sharia councils will be acting illegally should they seek to exclude
domestic law and although they claim no binding legal authority they do in fact act in a decision
making capacity when dealing with Islamic divorce.
Common misconceptions around sharia councils are often perpetuated by the use of incorrect
terms such as referring to them as ‘courts’ rather than councils or to their members as ‘judges’.
These terms are used both in media articles but also on occasion by the sharia councils
themselves. It is important to note that sharia councils are not courts and they should not
refer to their members as judges. It is this misrepresentation of sharia councils as courts that
leads to public misconceptions over the primacy of sharia over domestic law and concerns
of a parallel legal system.
The recommendations included in this report, such as changes to
marriage law, are designed to promote equality between religions in ways that should challenge
misconceptions of a parallel legal system and encourage integration.
Click to access 6.4152_HO_CPFG_Report_into_Sharia_Law_in_the_UK_WEB.pdf
The BBC isn’t covering this at all. (sin of omission) + “cognitive warfare.”
According to two people I know independently, who have to work with it – they both pronounce London’s present LTN + bicycle simply mad.
No wonder Khan is blocking replies to his tweets on the topic – a lot of people are riled up and as I heard it the destruction and removal of the cameras continues.
Tomo – the londonistan borough where I am ( it’s not ‘my borough’ anymore ) prides ‘ itself on leading the way on screwing up traffic .
In essence if you leave your home one day – the next day will be another blocked road …. The cycle fascists in the council love closing roads .
Traffic goes somewhere and it has led to main road being queued from 0700 upto 2000 – with buses just stationary for ages ….
Meanwhile the cycle lanes remain largely empty …..
Grant shapps – as transport minister gave councils over
£100 000 000 of taxpayers ‘ money to build these things … blue labour indeed ….
Tower hamlets – of all places – is trying to remove some of them …
The emir forced me to sell my car because of ULEZ… riding my motor scooter (300cc) is more and more dangerous made so by a mixture of desperate car / van drivers and insane food delivery 3rd worlders ….
They go into politics……for the power it brings?
No, no. It is as always, down to money. Control and expenditure of our money.
Similar to sinking the boats as the only way of stopping them, the comparison (only) is, stopping the money going to Government. If the population had some means of voting by paying for what they actually want to happen, all of the nonsense would stop. Immediately.
Define ‘Free-enterprise’.
Fedup2 not a fan obviously 🙂
Kissinger and his connections
Yes it is pantomime season, especially in Labour polling offices:
“How’s Rishi doing ?”
“He’s behind you”
“where’s the bearded fat men dressed as dames ? ”
“the office is full of them”
Zephir – no attention is paid to any policy of the incoming red labour regime – the only thing I can recall them , saying on immigration is working with partners and law enforcement agencies –
This translates into rejoining the EU and fighting corrupt law enforcement running the gangs ….
… once the Rwanda crap fails those wanting to get to the land of benefits will be even more emboldened….. resulting with numbers being covered up even more than now .
Yesterday the home office PPS refused to tell the parliamentary committee about funding ( bribes ) to Rwanda for the crap scheme …
Maybe rushi could do a guns for refugees deal and send the illegals to Ukraine ….
The off switch came when a feature ( filler ) on ‘wimmins poetry ‘ came on … wimmins’ hour starts earlier and earlier ……
No wonder listening figures are dropping like a stone ….
.. and it looks like the BBC is getting bored with Gaza …
Attachments to family life may stunt ambitions and Israel is urged to drop that old eye-for-an-eye thing edition
You join us at a poignant moment this morning as our BBC signals to Israel a familiar refrain – familiar that is to victims of islamist terrorist violence back here in Blighty: “Don’t look back in anger”
Eyal Waldman: Israeli tech billionaire hopes for peace despite daughter’s killing (BBC) – and there’s a well placed journalistic ‘despite’ if ever I saw one
Don’t Look Back in Anger is a song by English rock band Oasis. It was written by the band’s lead guitarist and chief songwriter Noel Gallagher… Following the Manchester Arena bombing on 22 May 2017 in the band’s hometown of Manchester, the song was used by the people of Manchester in remembrance of the bombing’s 22 victims and to show the city’s spirit… it was spontaneously sung by the crowd gathered for a minute of silence in the city centre. (Thank you Wiki) – spontaneously… bear that word in mind
The woman who started the singing told The Guardian… [spontaneously?] “Don’t Look Back in Anger”— that’s what this is about: we can’t be looking backwards to what happened, we have to look forwards to the future.” (Wiki)
Lydia Bernsmeier-Rullow, clutching a bouquet, then tentatively began to sing the opening verse to the Manchester band’s 1996 hit and the crowd soon joined in. The video of the moment, which follows a rendition by the students of Chetham’s music school on Tuesday that was also widely shared, was widely seen as a powerful symbol of Manchester’s mood. (The Guardian there, further disseminating The Message… widely… widely… got that? This was back in May 2017)
Lydia Bernsmeier-Rullow: Manchester, England, United Kingdom · Business Analyst · BBC Co-founder of the new Black Lives Natter podcast, a podcast exploring black British life in 2020 (Linkedin)
Lydia Bernsmeier-Rullow Actress is known for Spectrum (2019), Granada Reports (1992) and BBC North West Tonight (1984). (IMDb)
Lydia Bernsmeier-Rullow Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe. (Google)
Remember folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory, if it’s true
In further news this morning the open borders globalist crony-capitalist pink tinged Financial Times mentions some of the quiet bits out loud, as they say: Bid to house India’s tech workers hits social buffers… In China millions of migrant wage earners were willing to leave home to live in dormitories. India has begun a drive to build similiar living quarters… attachments to family life and social constraints on women’s work may stunt its ambitions
And as the coronaphobic left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper still frets about Rishi’s Eat Out To Help Out…
Meanwhile, in a rather cheeky reference to that capitalist totem – the board game Monopoly – by chance the FT tucks this card into our community chest: Advance to Mayfair… Billionaire “vaccine prince” Adar Poonawalla has ageed to pay £138mn for a vast 1920s Mayfair mansion near Hyde Park, in London’s most expensive home sale of the year (FT)
Yeah yeah but what about the COP thing – which is meant to be done by now – maybe there will be blubbing bought green politicians telling us we are all doomed – before getting back onto their private jets to be ‘home in time for Christmas ‘ ….
There will be tears and popcorn – at the Cop …. Burn that oil …
‘I no longer feel at home here’: German Muslims frustrated by Israel backing
Maybe go home then
Hitting the railway stations NYE for a bit of Hand zon Blonde though?
Rishi Sunak seeks to charm Tory MPs to avoid Rwanda split
Not interested in the story. The BBC is so far gone as a left-wing activist organisation, I don’t bother reading anything about politics now.
But surprise surprise, they opened it for HYS. What IS interesting is the troll farm who have been engaged. They are easy to spot now because of their childish, spiteful comments with no actual intelligent content at all. They are all a similar level of the standard far-Left propaganda.
Top 3 comments:
Top – posted at 18 minutes past midnight!.
‘Which wing of Conservative party will win? Dumb or dumber?
Boris and Cummings got rid of anyone sensible because they were against Brexit. What’s left is ukip dregs.’
410 upticks, 33 downticks.
Second – posted at 20 minutes past midnight!.
‘A floundering weak PM who believes his only chance of winning the upcomming election is to push culture wars upon the people and turn young against old etc.
But we are all in this together
We all suffer as a nation as long as the terrible Tories are in charge!!!’
316 upticks, 18 downticks
Third – posted at 13 minutes past midnight:
‘People in this country can barely afford to put food on the table because of 13 years of tory failure, and they try to distract us by illegally sending some of the most abused and vulnerable people on the planet to a tinpot dictatorship. As Baroness Warsi referred to them, “a bunch of mad fascists”.’
309 upticks, 45 downticks.
Someone replied to that with:
‘Total nonsense and a misunderstanding of the damage that uncontrolled immigration is doing to the social cohesion of this country. Abused and vulnerable….. wake up!’
70 upticks, 291 downticks!.
If you want to see just how impartial and unbiased the BBC now is, go to the comments and view them oldest first. Dozens and dozens of them. All very similar and all spiteful Leftists.
It’s just ridiculous now. The BBC seem to have lost the plot and gone into full ‘f*ck you’ mode without constraint. The more they get criticised, the more stubborn and arrogant they become.
JohnC ,
Have added a comment , interesting to see how long it stays there . 99.9% of the rest are the usual extreme BBC automated responses……so pleased I cancelled my License many years ago…..just look at the money saved 😃
I just posted this Charlie:
‘The only use for these comments is to show which audience the BBC appeals to these days.
Are you paying attention OFCOM ?.’
I’ll post again when it’s deleted. I would say 10 min max.
lol – it’s been deleted.
‘Off topic’
7 minutes.
BBC comments are policed even more strictly than a white man at a Gaza protest.
Let’s work together to eradicate religious hatred in Scotland – Foysol Choudhury
“The theme for this year’s Islamophobia Awareness Month was Muslim Stories, which was encouraging Muslims to share their experiences of Islamophobia to expose the extent of Islamophobia in Scotland and give power to the stories behind the statistics.”
sorry its not bbc, but something they would pick up on
The take over is nearly complete
He gets ‘Islamophobia’ into that short article 17 times !!!.
It’s not a ‘phobia’ by any real definition of the word. It’s a label conjured up by the Left and Muslims which they can spit at their opponents.
And they were so successful (thanks to the likes of the BBC) theat the transsexuals started to use it for ‘transphobia’.
This is a phobia:
‘A phobia is an anxiety disorder, defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. Phobias typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are usually present for more than six months’
The use of the word is now more accurately described as an indicator of the extreme predjudice and bias of the person who said it.
I did a search and absolutely as I expected, they have started to change the definition of the word:
This has appeared in the Cambridge dictionary:
‘used to form words that mean an extreme fear or dislike, especially one that is not reasonable:
They were accused of transphobia (hatred of transgender people).’
‘Phobia’ never meant ‘dislike’. It has been changed so they can use it as a label. The Left are redefining our language to suit their politicis.
The right term for them to use is ‘anti-Islamic’ but it doesn’t contain the required amount of bile and hate for the Left so they made something up which was basically a lie.
Surprise, surprise.
Saudis Arabia won’t commit to phasing out oil production.
Everyone else in fake apoplectic rage against such an outlandish decision.
COP28: UN climate talks in jeopardy in fossil fuel backlash.
The UN climate talks in Dubai could be in jeopardy after some nations reacted furiously to a draft deal on fossil fuels they call “weak”.
The draft removed language included in a previous text suggesting that fossil fuels could be “phased out”.
All 198 countries at the summit must agree or there is no deal.
A new amended version of the text is expected to be issued on Tuesday so that negotiations can continue.
Humans burning fossil fuels is driving global warming, risking millions of lives, but governments have never agreed how or when to stop using them.
A representative for the European Union called the draft “unacceptable” and said the bloc could walk away.
“We can’t accept the text,” said minister Eamon Ryan, a negotiator for the EU and Ireland’s environment minister. But he added that the collapse of the talks is “not the outcome the world needs”.
Politicians, including from nations on the frontline of climate change, have been in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to discuss the growing problem in a year that is set to be the warmest on record.
The question of what to do about greenhouse gas emissions from burning oil, coal and gas have dominated the talks.
Expectations were low that the controversial COP28 President Sultan al-Jaber could deliver a strong deal on fossil fuels because he is also CEO of the Abu Dhabi oil giant Adnoc.
But countries that want a rapid end to fossil fuels had grown optimistic as Mr Jaber appeared to say he backed a “phase out” of fossil fuels.
A draft text published on Saturday confirmed that one option for the talks outcome was a “phase out of fossil fuels in line with best available science”.
Also, some obscure South African singer drinks herself to death and it’s the third most important thing to have happened in the world today.
Zahara: South African music icon Zahara dies aged 35.
Award-winning South African Afro-pop singer Bulelwa Mkutukana, popularly known as Zahara, has died, the country’s culture minister announced.
She had been in hospital, reportedly with liver complications, and the government had been assisting the family “for some time”, Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa said.
The songstress won fame in 2011 with her album Loliwe, loved across Africa.
In 2019, Zahara opened up about up her battle with alcohol addiction.
Last month, the family confirmed she had been admitted to hospital and called on South Africans to keep the musician in their prayers.
She passed away on Monday night in a Johannesburg hospital, state-run SABC news website reports.
While her family is yet to release an official statement, fans have been grieving and sharing fond memories on social media.
“Zahara and her guitar made an incredible and lasting impact in South African music,” Mr Kodwa posted on X (formerly Twitter).
“She left us with such beautiful music,” one X user posted.
Zahara, who released five albums, won dozens of awards both local and international. In 2020, she was named in the BBC’s 100 Women list.
Hundreds of women and children trafficked to UK to shoplift
Hundreds of “vulnerable” women and children are being trafficked to the UK
Vulnerable? how about these are criminals bbc, its always someone else’s fault
Moment brazen female pickpockets are seen unzipping a tourist’s bag as she strolls through Piccadilly Circus to enjoy the Christmas lights
Last night on Farage.
Nigel started off saying to some boss in ITV that he should stop doing what he’s doing (to Nigel) otherwise he will fight back, same as he has done with the NatWest chairwoman who was sacked.
He said let’s have a truce and stop this.
Anybody know what this is about because Nigel looked quite angry about it.
He must be used to being attacked by all and sundry but this person has got him riled up.
They were complaining about him taking all his clothes off in the shower (?) which he wanted to do to get rid of leeches
quite why they had a camera there in the first place is beyond me.
“Despite the former UKIP leader breaking the show’s strict band on nudity, the politician argued he had a right to clean thoroughly.
Nigel said he went against rules so he could wash himself properly to protect himself from leeches and illness.
Speaking to The Sun about his awkward bust-up with the channel, he said: ‘To be told to check yourself and to be told you must keep clean – and then to be told you can’t take your pants off in the shower struck me as contradictory”
“Nigel Farage claims he told ITV bosses to go to hell following FURIOUS row over his naked I’m A Celebrity scenes”
Wikipedia has:
“In November 2023, Lygo attended an industry promotional event during which he allegedly mocked politician and broadcaster Nigel Farage.[9] ITV had signed Farage to appear in I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! for a fee of up to £1.5 million. Lygo reportedly also used a rude gesture. Following his exit from the jungle, Farage issued a stern warning directly to Lygo regarding his comments. He reminded the ITV boss of the repercussions that befell the former CEO of NatWest. She was forced to resign after the release of private banking information to a journalist. ”
” She was forced to resign after the release of private banking information to a journalist. ” – after taking pension and exit wages.
That sounds like the reason Nigel was annoyed.
I’ve now read about it in the Daily Express.
EG I heard that quite a bit of Farage comments were cut out of that jungle thing – eg Trump …
I wonder what the viewing figures will be for this:-
Even has a black policemen from Victorian times, tick tick tick
I’ve developed really clever IT which detects a coloured type in a white role instantly turns the TV off – hence not ITV BBC C4 C5 for me … the radio does the same …. I saw a trailer for some tedious mid 1930s murder job where a darky detective is sent to some idyllic village …..
Come back blazing saddles …. Have they done ‘midsommer mosque murders ‘ yet … ?
Hello Fedup2
Most tv adverts have every type of person/family in recent adverts
I’d be annoyed if I were Chinese, no representation
This is great news, Fedup. Can you produce an updated version which doesn’t turn the set off, but instead instantly changes the colour of the miscast actor to something more appropriate? I’d also be interested in a radio version which instantly turns effnick voices in adverts into something a bit more understandable – Currys and British Gas take note, please.
Andy – thanks all lost on me – I just never see them – same with the woke online sites which don’t have white people – I see enough in real life
Speaking of real life – billy the lord Hague has ‘warned ‘ that the blue Labour Party faces extinction – I could have told him that about 5 years ago …..
I look forward to their extinction – one less woke red liberal party ….
Controversial clothes hook spy cameras for sale on Amazon
bbc quoting “A privacy expert has said the misuse of such devices may break British laws”
An expert has said they may, not definite, just may
BBC report a fatal road accident in Wales. It happened at 1900 last night so naturally the road is expected to be closed all morning today. Clipboards are sizzling hot with use.
Here’s the thing. The accident happened on a 20 mph limit road !!!!!!!!!
There is only one thing for it. The speed limit on these dangerous roads must be reduced. 20 mph is clearly too high. A 10 mph limit would be safer. Even better, a man should carry a large red flag at walking pace in front of any motor vehicles to warn people of the imminent approach.
After all, one accident is one too many and you can never be too careful.
You know it makes sense.
Net Zero speed.
20 mph is all about NOT fixing the problem. A little bit like Rwanda is nothing about fixing our current invasion.
Watch this video 1:30 in:
The real issue is: inability to stop, and not seeing (or both). These issues are most serious at junctions. It is junctions where people get killed or injured.
My villain are the coroners who should release the exact data that led up to a death. These irresponsible officials are not subject to Freedom of information requests and we can not vote them out of office. With real data released (for example in the Prevention of Future Deaths reports these idle bar-stewards are supposed to write) then we can find the true causes. IMHO from what I study it is not speed in most of these unfortunate deaths.
It’s not speed which kills, it’s dangerous drivers.
I’ve lost count how many times I’ve done 70 past someone doing 40 on a local open road only to have them catch me up again in the 30 zone because they are still doing 40.
The law is written so you are guilty whether you were dangerous or not. They put blanket 40mph limits around here because there is a T junction which is hard to see or a sharp corner. A safe driver does 40 at those places anyway – but they are now risking a fine and points if they exceed it on the majority of the road where it is perfectly safe at the 60mph it was before.
Walk to save lives!
Using the road on 2 wheels – my default setting is to assume everyone is trying to kill me – but to me – the more money you pay for use of a road – the higher priority you should have – with cyclists coming last …… I’d privatise cycle lanes – tolls …
More ridiculous double standards on the home page: “Despite the brutal killing of his youngest daughter, Eyal Waldman still believes that the Palestinians should have a state – and soon.”
– Casualties of 1st world violence must be shown in the most desperate circumstances of suffering and destruction
– Victims of 3rd world atrocities must be shown brimming with the spirit of hope, renewal and forgiveness
A constant drip of propaganda. The other undercurrent to this is behavioural engineering. Conditioning the western psyche to suppress the 21st century sins of anger, resentment and the dreaded ‘hate speech’ is a real and ongoing activity.
“…still believes that the Palestinians should have a state – and soon.”
Not their own state, of course. No no no. Someone else’s state, such as Britain, the US, Canada, Australia, France, Germany…
BBC have achieved an unholy trinity.
Someone tell Gary and JOB it’s not fear of free speech — it’s forcing people to pay £159/yr to be continually hectored by dimwits that really grates.
Gary sells free speech and Brian sells book.

Every day, James O’Brien listens to people blaming benefits scroungers, the EU, Muslims, feminists and immigrants. But what makes James’s daily LBC show such essential listening – and has made James a standout social media star – is the careful way he punctures their assumptions and dismantles their arguments live on air, every single morning.
In the bestselling How To Be Right, James provides a hilarious and invigorating guide to talking to people with faulty opinions. With chapters on every lightning-rod issue, James shows how people have been fooled into thinking the way they do, and in each case outlines the key questions to ask to reveal fallacies, inconsistencies and double standards.
If you ever get cornered by ardent Brexiteers, Daily Mail disciples or little England patriots, this book is your conversation survival guide.
‘I have had a ringside seat as a significant swathe of the British population was persuaded that their failures were the fault of foreigners, that unisex lavatories threatened their peace of mind and that ‘all Muslims’ must somehow apologise for terror attacks by extremists. I have tried to dissuade them and sometimes succeeded… The challenge is to distinguish sharply between the people who told lies and the people whose only offence was to believe them.’
– James O’Brien
Wouldn’t it be nice to be a Libtard?
You get paid to be wrong about everything, always, AND you get to feel smug and sanctimonious about it.
A bit like Lineker.
Ha ha ha!
O Brien plugging his new ‘book’ yet again, with the nutter, Juggers in tow!
LBC usually displays some sort of balance, but is always let down by the lefties, like O’Brien, Nick Abbott and the pseudo-lefties like Clive Bull, the ridiculous Lammy, Spurr et al!
Since they got rid of Steve Allen, there’s not much to lsten to, except Ian Payne tries pretty hard and sounds a decent bloke!
12 12 23
Is this the day that blue labour ends ? God let’s hope so ….
Agreed. The tragedy for the British people is that the other team are worse.
How on earth can this be possible? What did we ever do to deserve such terrible mps and civil serpents?
Illusion of choice is now revealed.
Apathy – dumbingdown – more awareness of how poor these people are ( poor in competency -not poor in cash / ‘honours )
People who are capable stick out a mile – but it seems that the duration of capability is limited – they all fall down sooner or later – most obvious Hitler – or Thatcher .
Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying these 2 are of the same world – but both had a vision – bad / good – and carried it through surrounded by capable people – monsters or not ….
I suppose the only example of someone remained capable throughout hit rein was Stalin – but in his case circumstances allowed him to get away with failure …. But I suppose one might say his system failed 30 years after his death …
There are other teams .
You’re absolutely right Taff, but Reform will never get anywhere near the Autocubicles in W1AA!
Mind you, down here in Tunbridge Wells, they could easily put up a fight, but nobody knows a thing about them!
UK Inc. has really arrived at rock-bottom with the HoC full of nonentities, and old farts intent on a peerage to see them through their dotage. The lack of talent is utterly breathtaking…
eye-roll / head shake
She’s so awful that it’s painful to watch and listen to.
Tomo – thanks – she always makes me grin – tick box politicians …just a heart beat from the codes …
Utter gibberish!
The Yanks deserve everything they get from this idiot!
“Bibby Stockholm: Asylum seeker on board barge dies”
Why ?
Would have died elsewhere?
LILY ABUSE SNIPE Lily Allen slammed after claiming Rochdale abuse victims ‘would have been raped or abused by somebody else’ even if sex gang didn’t exist
The singer’s comments prompted an instant backlash as she was labelled ‘vile’ and ‘sick’ and accused of victim-blaming
Richard Wheatstone
Published: 16:07, 8 Jan 2018
A tragedy, of course, but the timing of the announcement is not ‘inconvenient’ given the debate in Parliament. The people responsible for this mess – the sell-out politicians, the lawyers, the NGOs and activists, the French authorities, the businesses making money out of it, the people smugglers – are those who have blood on their hands.
Almost as though someone wanted the news come out today …. Presumably leaked by the border force union – or enemy Home Office …
Heather Mills blames ‘litany of lies’ as vegan empire collapses.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’
A bald man, dressed as Ming the Merciless, stroking a white cat and who lives in a hollowed-out volcano in Davos Switzerland, writes:
“I am zorry to hear zat your vegan empire hass collapsed. Can I interest you in a franchise for our new insect-based ‘Eat Zee Bugs’ product line? You will find zat governments vill be very sympathetic as ve haff penetrated ze cabinet. Just ask young Turdeau in Canada, ha ha. Love from Klaus, age 85.”
Ha ha ha!
Same old story – just change the date!
Nude painting row at French school sparks teacher walkout
“The pupils also accused their teacher of making racist and Islamophobic remarks, which the school denies.”
Only at the start of these issues in the UK and more and more as we become the minority
Shouldn’t the French be a bit more tolerant and simply remove any paintings or statues which depict the human body, thus making France more inclusive and welcoming to other cultures? Also, all those churches and cathedrals are very offensive and should be removed, or what is commonly referred to as ‘Notre-Damed’. It can only enrich them and make them more diverse and inclusive in the long term.
Italians Mock Cover-Up of Nude Statues for Iranian’s Visit
Union defending Batley Grammar School teacher gave £3k to charity that named him and accused him of ‘terrorism’
Purpose of Life named the teacher, who is now said to be ‘fearing for his life’
Kristian Johnson Investigative reporter
15:16, 1 APR 2021
Larry Johnson – former CIA analyst
Claudine Gay: Harvard president won’t lose job over Congress row
Look at this:
‘Harvard University says its president, Claudine Gay, will keep her job despite mounting controversy over her appearance before Congress last week.
Dr Gay was facing pressure to step down after she failed to say whether students calling for the genocide of Jewish people would be disciplined.’
‘Dr Gay’ is a black woman.
700 staff member ‘rallied behind her’.
Here’s why:
‘”Our extensive deliberations affirm our confidence that President Gay is the right leader to help our community heal and to address the very serious societal issues we are facing,” said the Harvard Corporation, the highest governing board at the university.’
The ‘societal issues’ are very clearly not anti-semetism. She has kept her job because she is black and they don’t want to upset BLM activists.
These far-Left idiots don’t seem to realise the wedge THEY are forcing through society by clear race-dependent decisions likle this is causing FAR more issues than the mass hypocrisy and racism around BLM ever could.
What is wrong with these people ?. They are unable to see the difference between the real world and their group-think, virtue-signalling, anti-white racist bubble. The BBC are exactly the same.
I did 3 random checks on the Harvard ‘board’. I found a PHD Student who is an activist for native Americans, and ex ‘Secretary of Health and Human Services’ for The Democrats and someone who describes her job as:
‘As a recent graduate of Harvard Law School, I understand the perspectives of students and alumni who want to see Harvard lead on diversity, climate change, and social responsibility. As a Board member, I will push Harvard to address race-based, class-based, and gender-based disparities.’
The West is truly f*cked. However loony-tune the USA gets, the likes of the BBC lap it up and force the same on everybody here.
Take a good look at the title, one of Communisms little mottoes,
“Destroy the old to build the new”
They are very good at the first part having destroyed several working reasonable societies – they are now trying to destroy Israelf, but they are very very bad and building the new, although because they have destroyed a society something has to take its place which is new, but it’s nothing the Left have built.
Take a look at South Africa, where they destroyed a society and having destroyed it moved on to destroying the next one. They never ever build or improve anything.
The only success they have ever had is that of ending lives, for which they are the most successful on the planet and not even malaria has had more success !
“(The Socialist government will achieve the) consolidation of the political power of the working people by ensuring that those in commanding positions in the armed forces and police, the civil service and diplomatic services are loyal to the Socialist Government and increasingly representative of the people; and by democratic electoral reform, democratic ownership of the press, and control of broadcasting by the people.” In other words, the structure of the state will not be modified, but there will be a purge of all those in high places whose loyalty lies with monopoly-capital.”
Excuse me MM, for a moment, I thought you’d nicked that from Starmer’s office desk!
Surely he hasn’t come off the fence yet, has he? It’s far too early, as Ange has to wash her hair, and Diane neds a new pair, (!) of shoes!
Here are my predicitions for next year, and I have to say it is not going to be a nice year at all, in fact it will probably go down in history as being particularly ‘interesting’.
Russia will win in Ukraine. The dimwit Americans who started this war will attempt to portray it as some kind of accommodation by Biden to prevent further bloodshed and many will unfortunately swallow that lie, but the rest of the World will not and will cease to respect America / Nato as a world superpower.
Banking Crisis – the real one part 2
The Chinese real estate companies country Garden and Evergrande will be forced into liquidation in January (probably after Chinese New Year).
Already the feared Short Seller Carson Block of Muddy Waters Capital is targetting Blackstone Mortgage & real estate investment trust. Not just Blackstone, but Black Rock and HSBC along with UBS have significant exposure to Chinese real estate debt.
If you do have an account with HSBC it might be an idea to move it or open another account with a different bank just in case.
It’s not just China which is a problem, the entire commercial real estate of the West is experiencing massive problems and these companies have a greater exposure to it than most.
It is without doubt that the Biden administration and other supporters will attempt to portray this economic collapse as being the fault of China and nothing to do with them, but it has everything to do with them.
This collapse will cause the banks to fall like dominoes none of them will emerge unscathed from this and some will fail. You need to keep enough cash in the house to be able to get through a couple of months food. The bills won’t matter quite as much as no one is going to paying them by direct debit anyway.
Terrorist attacks within America. I can’t say who the belligerants will be but it appears inevitable US infrastructure is going to come under attack and with much of it vulnerable and undefended it will succeed. Even as I write this there are reports of a widespread cyber attack on US infrastructure.
Civil unrest in Europe is bound to increase and populations which are already moving to elect centre right leaders will actually finally elect them. (Reform is now at 11% not too far behind the Tories).
BRICS growing in size and strength with more influence in the world.
Europe in a dire financial state with by the end of the year serious questions as to whether the Euro can survive.
Cheerful future isn’t it ?
Thoughtful – I notice you don’t waste time on who wins UK US elections . – after all – what does it matter ….?
US terrorist attacks – as like it to be recent imports across the southern border as any one else – the feds will be so busy suppressing trump supporters that they won’t have the ‘band width ‘…. The dirty bomb is for ever in the shadow – and the bar for terror has been raised ….
Banking crisis – we’ve been expecting it this year – no one seems able to forecast where it is start – I agree on keeping cash ….. the whole capitalist system is exposed without much by way of protection ….
Some sort of settlement so that both Russia and the US can claim victory in the depleted Ukraine when it runs out of people …
The BBC will remain untouched – untroubled by its’ regulator
Israel has a lot of work to do securing its’ border and destroying Islamic Hamas – I can’t see them bending to US pressure to stop fighting – Islamic Hamas must be desperate to attack Israel – maybe it will go for overseas targets like embassies / aircraft ….
NHS -no change – self serving – long queues
More councils failing – taxpayer cheque book ….
Assuming the bank crash – up goes the oil price – recession – civil disorder – keep more food / bottled water than you might usually – I do ….
My view are based on our current situation but there is always that ‘black swan ‘ waiting …. The unknown unforeseen event – the one people don’t even want to think about – yet alone plan for – eg the Chinese virus …
Upside ? Can’t think of any – Olympics – who cares ? Euro footy – 2 week distraction …. Someone might kill VAR – but it’s an industry …. Even less paying for the BBC ….
Once the economic crash happens everything falls in value including oil and Gold, but Gold then recovers and goes off like a rocket as investors seek the safety of an asset with no counterparty risk.
Money printing begins again, but this time the banks have the bail in clause not the bail out clause as happened last time. This means they will use depositors funds to cover their losses and issue (worthless) shares in the bank as an exchange.
All well and good for those with more than £85K you say, but consider issues like the Solicitor conveyancing your house which has sold and the money is moved to the client account, when it suddenly vanishes to be replaced by worthless shares! What then?
How many other depositors such as pension funds and insurers, companies with deposits for paying wages; the knock on effects of this are unimaginable.
At least the gov can access your bank to make sure you will own nothing.
Yes Thoughtful,
Check out the proposals for Building Societies in the ‘Bail-in’ great theft.
Click to access executing-bail-in-an-operational-guide-from-the-bank-of-england.pdf
Page 34.
Gold? Not unknown for Governments in SHTF conditions to demand any holdings be handed in.
Fact is, we are all screwed and it has been coming for years. Me? I’m now just an observer at my age. The ‘Cash-cows’, joe public, have sat back and paid no attention and they will suffer horribly for not paying attention. I predict it will move on from fiat money, absorb Gold and Silver and then they’ll take the collateral of any property you own.
Keep watching the sport and footie……………
Yeah!! was that another goal?……………
“Unimaginable”? Yes, on the past record of those dreaming up these options, as common sense lacks, they will leave massive holes in the Grand Plan.