The BBC tried to block the release of emails by their corrupt reporter – bashir and the BBC management . A court has now criticised the BBC – ordered their release and awarded costs .But perhaps the BBC will continue to try and block damaging emails – using taxpayers’money.
Start the Week 11 December 2023
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Christian teacher Enoch Burke who refused to use trans pupil’s pronouns must STAY behind bars over Christmas, Irish court rules, after he refuses to say he will stay away from his school
Burke was jailed for a second time in September for ignoring a court order banning him from the grounds of Wilson’s Hospital School
The school initially suspended him over his public refusal to refer to a transitioning transgender student as ‘they’ rather than ‘he’ in May 2022
PUBLISHED: 13:52, 12 December 2023
Graham Linehan really should work out some beyond the grave Father Ted-isms to cover this…
Took me a few moments to figure out what it was…
– that’ll send the correct message
If you’re struggling … it’s a ULEZ camera suspended outside a Labour Party Office👍🏿
I’m sure socialist humour will see the funny side …. and there are still people in the ‘resistance ‘…
Could be a spoof; don’t care. Darn funny
Another miracle in the Holy Land…. Apparently these are some Palestinians in the middle of faking a Funeral for media attention. They run when they hear air raid sirens… and would you believe it – so does the dead guy!!!
What is not funny is Simpo’s even more pompous offsider, despite being a supposed impartial editor.
Bowen: Israel determined to finish Gaza operation despite civilian suffering
What a way to try and skew reality.
Israel determined to finish Gaza operation despite civilian suffering
More of the usual tripe from Bowen, but look at what he wrote in there:
‘allies as well as critics are appalled by the way it has killed more than 18,000 Palestinians, of which perhaps half were children.’
Half Jeremy ?. If ever a statement of ‘without supplying any evidence’ was required, it was before that statement by this outrageous embarassment to our country.
Unless of course Jeremy knows Hamas are lining all the children up around their bunkers and tunnel entrances.
More like Hamas would kill them themselves and blame it on Israel Bowen you absolute disgrace to everything decent in a person.
But of course we know it’s a total lie and so does Bowen. If pressed, he will say it’s the number given by Hamas themselves. And therefore totally worthless. Mind you, it’s worthless if it comes from the UN these days as well.
Bowen is not exactly a reliable or trustworthy source. As you point out, he does not provide any evidence. However, the notion that half of those who have died are children is not an unrealistic assertion. It has been recognised for a long time that Gaza has an unusually young population. At the time the following article was published (2014), the median age in Gaza was 18, compared to a world average of 28 and a typical European median age of 40. Ergo, in a conflict, it is likely that a large number of victims will be children. There are muliple factors why the population is so young and some of them are discussed in the article.
Bowen may be aware of this information, or simply making an assertion.
What I find difficult to believe is how virtually the entire MSM is quoting these figures as fact yet they are based entirely on what the Palestinians tell them.
Israel are not simply carpet bombing cities. They are attacking places where Hamas are fighting back. I very much doubt those areas have the same concentration of children as peaceful areas – unless Hamas are actively keeping them there. Nobody in the media seems to want to remind us that Hamas are in the same league as ISIS.
The big revelation of this war is the bias of the UN. I wonder if they verified Hamas were shooting from one of their schools yet. They refused saying they couldn’t ask because of the bombing.
Here’s the video:
Someone could easily have verified that. It was clearly a school.
Merry Christmas,
Does anyone know if station staff are permitted to go about on duty with their faces covered?
I can only take so much boogie-woogy piano but…pfff … talibanny busybodies
If it was a few Islamic missionaries with a sodding huge boombox blaring out Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) doing the call to prayer there wouldn’t be one in sight….
=cowards on top of everything else
Bloody backward savages.
Walthamstow: Kacey Boothe’s killers found guilty of murder
You have to give the BBC credit for consistency.
BAME dead. Murderer known.
Picture of poor victim:

No picture of convicted murderer.
Because he looks like this:
The racist BBC don’t want us to associate black faces with murderers so they rarely show them. They only want us to think of them as victims.
You can be sure we would have seen him if he was white.
Must be time for the likes of Lammy to step up and question why there are so many coloured folk banged up …. If you view the londonistan local papers there are similar mugshots every day ….
Wikipedia: “98s is a British hip-hop collective based in Hackney, London.”
Killer “Kammar Henry-Richards, 25, known as Kay-O” (BBC) is listed among the members.
There’s a slight BBC connection too – 98s have featured on Tim Westwood’s ‘Crib Sessions,’ although I believe this is outside his BBC work.
Oh dear
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DEMOGRAPHY IS DESTINY …. “The UK’s most popular baby names of 2023 have been revealed.
Muhammad held onto the boy’s top spot, while Olivia makes a triumphant return to number one in the girl’s list.”
1 Muhammad
In an essay about America Alone, Christopher Hitchens wrote that “Mark Steyn believes that demography is destiny, and he makes an immensely convincing case,” then detailed many points at which he disagreed with Steyn. Hitchens believed Steyn erred by “considering European Muslim populations as one.
In the prologue to his new book, America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It, Mark Steyn sarcastically alludes to two people whom, in different ways, I know well. The first is novelist Martin Amis, ridiculed by Steyn for worrying about environmental apocalypse when the threat to civilization is obviously Islamism; the second is Jack Straw, formerly Tony Blair’s foreign secretary, mocked for the soft and conciliatory line he took over the affair of the Danish cartoons. The dazzling fiction writer and the pedestrian social-democratic politician are for Steyn dual exemplars of his book’s main concern: the general apathy and surrender of the West in the face of a determined assault from a religious ideology, or an ideological religion, afflicted by no sickly doubt about what it wants or by any scruples about how to get it.
A Polish MP- Grzegorz Braun- went mad with a fire extinguisher on a Hanukkah menorah in parliament.
Grauniad, Sky, Reuters, The Independent & others are describing him as far-right. In this day we know what “far-right” usually means. A normal person. But I think they may be correct with the far-right label this time.
I’m wondering what Albeebistan is going to do with this story. On the one hand they have an example of what they want to present. A far-right white vandal. On the other, he is obviously not supporting Israel and they want to present Israel as far-right.
with video
Far-right Polish MP douses Hanukkah candle with fire extinguisher
A far-right Polish politician doused Hanukkah candles with a fire extinguisher on Tuesday, 12 December, covering bystanders in white powder.
Grzegorz Braun was filmed ripping the extinguisher from a wall inside the Sejm and setting it off over the menorah that was lit for the Jewish festival.
Prime minister Donald Tusk described the incident as a disgrace and said it should never be repeated.
The member of the far-right Confederation Party, who has previously falsely claimed there is a plot to turn Poland into a “Jewish state”, was excluded from the day’s parliamentary proceedings.
Lucy – I think the ‘Far Right ‘ *Poland story will win the day … Jews as victims can be used when it serves the approved narrative …
Personally I think it’s really sad that Poles behave like that – they need to realise there is a real enemy and it’s growing in Europe by the day …
* the Far Right / populist terminology should be banished from this site because it plays to the language of the Far Left BBC …
When any of these climate nutters makes a ridiculous flight just to ‘save the planet’ I always get my mate to play a request for listeners on the Costa Blanca
Here is one of our own Ministers:
So I thought this song would be appropriate:
I love Frankie
“During the journey, Muhammad traveled with Gabriel to see everything in heaven and earth and then to the Temple in Jerusalem, where he met with Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets there and led them in prayer.”
“Somebody with a bit of spare £ and for sh**s and giggles should go through the courts and get the Royal Navy, RNLI, Border Farce etc prosecuted for people smuggling” order-order comment
£ 10,000.00 Per stowaway.
But is the stowaway deported or do they pay for him to stay here?
£ 10,000.00 Per stowaway.
Suella Braverman, the home secretary, had said the figure was £6m a day when addressing the Commons on Monday.19 Sept 2023
Alison Pearson writing in today’s DT 12th Dec 2023
It is morally wrong to blindly adhere to net zero – we must abandon it before it’s too late
…. Last week, I was lucky enough to interview Michael Kelly, emeritus professor of engineering at Cambridge University and fellow of the Royal Society, for the Planet Normal podcast. The transition from fossil fuels would, he said, be “the biggest engineering project undertaken in British history” – and we are nowhere near ready for what amounts to the Industrial Revolution on steroids.
Prof Kelly has published a devastating, jaw-dropping paper called Achieving Net Zero: A Report from a Putative Delivery Agency. Because the British government has singularly failed to do a cost-benefit analysis of what it will take for the UK to be carbon neutral by 2050 (sound familiar?), Prof Kelly decided to imagine that he’d been appointed CEO of a new agency with the explicit goal of meeting that target.
Among his horrifying conclusions: the cost of the UK reaching net zero by 2050 will comfortably exceed £3 trillion (at least £180,000 for every household), a workforce comparable to the entire NHS will be required for 30 years, including a doubling of the present number of electrical engineers. The country would effectively have to “go on a war footing and a command economy will be essential, as major cuts to other forms of expenditure, such as health, education and defence. will be needed”. The electricity supply will have to increase by about 67 per cent in order to maintain transport at today’s level. The national grid needs to be 2.7 times bigger in 2050 than it is currently if the UK economy as we know it now is to continue to function. That is eight times the rate at which new capacity has been added over the past 30 years, including all the renewables to date.
Oh, and every home in the country will have to be rewired, plus all street distribution and local sub-stations. It has been estimated it will cost £700 billion to carry out this work, and we don’t have the manpower to do it. Without that spending, we will have to live with frequent circuit breaks, and suboptimal performance of domestic appliances. Folks, do your washing at 3am and buy a battery-powered torch for the blackouts.
(excerpt from article) also includes podcast.
You can also read the book published (for free) by the GWPF here:
Click to access Kelly-Net-Zero-Progress-Report.pdf
Meanwhile in BBC la, la land…
Oh! and the BBC will by this future time command total compliance with its £600 annual TV license (adjusted to pay for aged Gary Linekar mark II) and ‘Capitas’ to forcefully remind doorstep collections as it predicts the next ‘end-of-the-world’ prediction – if we dont pay, generously and on time. A reminder will be sent to pay months ahead and well before the BBC sends more threatening letters (which will also be by email as Spam, interchangeable and on every billboard and film advert you pass. There will be no escape, even if you never watch it, the TV will watch you. There will be no off switch either.
Of course by this time nobody will have any money to buy a TV. And the fact that during power cuts the BBC will be unable to transmit very far and replace itself as global internet spam. Transmissions being too expensive, even for the BBC. All information will be targeted at you, based on your fears and failing health (supported by the NHS). Always another vaccine, to proscribe to get your credits.
So the BBC are right there is no future, no planet we will recognise and you will own nothing and be happy in your 15 minute cities. A family license will be introduced so you can breed when another dies. This is net zero in action, only the global elite will be exempt.
Except as Prof Kelly (in his book above) states from an Engineers perspective , its all impossible to achieve on any level without severe hardship, transport and infrastructure would be greatly reduced by as much as 70% which includes all food production.
And the rare earth materials to create this Brave New World does not exist. Nor is it possible to create the electricity that will be demanded, nor can we afford it.
“And the rare earth materials to create this Brave New World does not exist. Nor is it possible to create the electricity that will be demanded, nor can we afford it.”
Seems like it will be an interesting read. Thank-you for the link Philip.
The delusion of net zero is something of the madness of the early 21st century …. We ll wake one day soon and revolt against the whole mad concept . I mean – suppose the UK achieved net zero and then said to the Chinese – now you do it .
What would the Chinese do ? Answer – laugh their bits off…
We are paying far over the market rate for power . It’s just not acceptable …
China promotes education drive to make boys more ‘manly’
4 February 2021
A beginner’s guide to RuPaul’s Drag Race UK, from A to Z
Want to watch Drag Race UK but don’t know where to start? Let us break down everything you need to know about the iconic BBC Three show.
Samuel Spencer
29 September 2023
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thats odd according to some cop28 prof on r5 today china is leading the world in the green revolution
I could hardly flick the off switch in the car for laughing
of course unlike gnbews the so called bbc doesnt need to have a second person to disagree or ask why they are building 1 coal powered power station a week