Flotsam, there was a cancer fear scare on the front of the Times newspaper today and you know what, I will be 88 when the year 2040 comes and as I’ve had a BCC (that’s not a typo for the BBC!) removed already, I’m extremely relaxed about living on borrowed time, Biblically speaking. 🙂
Just watching an episode of the Two Ronnies for a bit of nostalgia and it’s the first time I’ve laughed out loud at anything for ages.
This got my attention : from complete farce in 1980 to a logical extension of what the misandrists of todays Left consider to be natural progression. The scene as Ronnie C is serving the tea from 4:00 raised a few titters.
Simple . Every Guardian Mirror reader pays a tax to keep the Telegraph running , an oversight trust made up of contributors to this site keeps it on the straight and narrow .
And now to the Eritreans/ Ethiopians / tensions in communities.
I repeat that before the war aliens were forbidden from taking part in political activity .
This in an age with more common sense was to never let the scenes we have seen recently taking place .
In fact that didn’t actually stop aliens from politics, but it had to be in a more civilised way – basically by quiet persuasion, reaching an MP who could take up the cause .
Now I thought that those who advocate for representative democracy, rather than more direct and accountable democracy, like most of the remainers who hated the referendum, would welcome such a law .?
And a Happy New Year to the BBC. May 2024 bring accuracy to your news and impartiality to your reporting. May it also fill your hearts with patriotic pride and a respect for our traditions. May you be delivered from modish absurdities. And may Reithian principles once again underlie your ethos.
As I’ve just given myself a Knighthood, I thought it would be nice if I could be as generous to all you good people who make up my news intake every morning!
These OBEs are available to use in any supermarket, petrol station or off licence, and I hope they bring comfort and well-being on this dull January morning!
Sir Scroblene , Happy New Year to you and yours … I’ve kept one of my resolutions – less Toady ….. more music streaming …thank you for the OBE – can I have another one in 4 days using the Mary Elizabeth Truss method … ?
As an ex Oil Service employee a long time ago, I can confirm it gets windy and wavy in the North Sea. Incredibly none of the the windy wavy events were given names so have been lost in time!
Happy New Year to everyone here and thank you all who report on the Biased BBC on our behalf, living abroad away from the bias Mr Kitty and I rely on you all for the highs and lows.
When I first glanced at your post, Stew, I was convinced that it meant that Nigel Farage had been clobbered again by Coutts!
I love the speculation doing the rounds, that he’s going to start getting his elbows out in the political sewer! I’m sure the cubicles are a-hum with new cliches to try and stop him, but I’m also sure he’ll tell them all to p**s off, which will be extremely gratifying!
“New Year’s Day: Call for trains to run in Wales’ valleys
Published” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-67855014
Its time the Assembly was scrapped ! It is fast becoming a dictatorship. It cannot run a bath.
Nice image of a taffman though, eh?
I think we need it and the Scottish version to act as a warning to England what happens when Socialism is allowed free rein forever.
Unfortunately the people of Wales have always been a bit dim and easily led. They can see the destruction being wrought and yet are incapable of putting two and two together and placing blame where it really lies.
The Welsh are not “dim” by any means . They are traditional and loyal voters but the next election may show that they have woken up . Many in my area “Reformers”.
Remember, that Wales voted for BREXIT.
It’s the way Beeboids like to spit on the grave of Enid Blyton, whom they hate with a vengeance.
They tried to do it with J.K.Rowling and failed miserably! Unfortunately the kid actors who were made into ‘slebs’ because of her fabulous writing and story-telling skills, all meekly followed the Beeboid’s hatred and have pots of dosh now, to become even more tiresome!
A noun which will shortly be used in the UK more extensively on a day to day basis. A noun which our so-called ‘National Broadcaster’ and the elite will avoid like some sort of plague. See how use of the noun is currently avoided by all in sundry including media and the elite. ‘Blade-runners’ in one context is the alternative to…………….
“a person who tries in an unofficial way to prevent crime, or to catch and punish someone who has committed a crime, especially because they do not think that official organizations, such as the police, are controlling crime effectively. Vigilantes usually join together to form groups.”
London is not Britain : Sure 20% of people have a connection, but 80% don’t have much to do with London
Sadiq chose to end the fireworks with a big sky logo
“London is a place for everyone”
#LondonforEveryone is a hashtag The @MayorofLondon account has used SEVEN times in the last 2 months
plus the @SadiqKhan account 4 times
Each times replies have been LOCKED , so people can’t say London belongs to Britain
I read an article in the Telegraph today which coined the term, ‘ethnic democracy’ . I had not heard this before but it sums exactly why Kahn was elected and probably will be elected again. Devolving powers to city mayors when those cities already have or easily could have in future, is highly damaging to national democracy. Yet another threat to our country , our culture and our well being.
Diversity is Divisive.
Reminder – we live in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland . Whose idea was it to devolve powers to city mayors ?
He’s just another foreigner, someone with no affections for British values, no sympathy for ordinary blokes like me and he has a pompous, bloated ego which is normally associated with minor politicians who are intent on screaming their sad thoughts at the void of stupidity associated with the lumpen voters who seem to think he’s ‘good at his job’!
He’s the main reason that I’ll never go to London again, and so my goodwill and money will go to more decent places in the country!
Puzzled as I was by the failure of the world renowned and much trusted BBC to report ,in any meaningful way ,on the community clashing with police officers in Camberwell, I sent my own “Verify”team to investigate.
Regular readers may recall my own version of the BBC Verify unit is the “Veriturd team” , anyway ,after a relatively short time “we were getting reports” and “some people are saying”that whatever happened in Camberwell has been misunderstood and blown up out of all proportion.
It seems that it may have started as a gathering to celebrate Kwanzaa…Yes Kwanzaa, but unfortunately Father Kwanzaa and his sleigh, which I’m pleased to say is ULEZ compliant, was delayed getting around the One -way system.
Perfectly understandably emotions combined with a degree of frustration overspilled into what some have claimed was mindless violence. It was obviously holiday excitement.
Father Kwanzaa brought gifts on his sleigh which may , or may not have included big heavy cudgels and lengths of scaffolding poles , that the delighted celebrants of Kwanzaa were waving to show just how pleased they were that the party had finally started.
I hope that clears up any misunderstanding and will sign off by wishing you all a very happy Kwanzaa ( for anybody who is so ignorant that they don’t know what Kwanzaa is , despite Kamala Harris’s tireless work to promote this festival ,may I suggest you Google it.)
Oh. and thanks once again to the Veriturd team for all their hard work.
Regarding windy and wavy weather mentioned above, I have been watching a fascinating documentary about the last of the tall ships, including film footage in 1928, of a voyage around Cape Horn.
(known at the time as the Grain Race from Australia to the UK)
Men 200 foot above deck on the yard arms furling sail with no safety harness in storms, including trapped there during a hurricane with the ship listing at 60 degrees.
Regularly losing fingernails and sometimes fingers, but still having to continue doing the job.
Quite a disturbing story in The Mail re a ship carrying nice eco-friendly, lovely green “lithium batteries” going up in smoke in the hold at sea off Alaska.
There is a reason why people post videos without dates and context
The thugs are black , the victim is Latino
I saw this video last week
The suspects had been arrested and charged.
victim : Florentino Hurtado 23/12/23 Florentino and his wife went to a meat market. While Florentino stayed in the car, his wife entered the market to buy a specific ingredient for making tamales
Florentino got out of the car and became disoriented, which his daughter Jessica said happens often
After brutally assaulting Florentino, Lockridge and Stephens, who appeared to be the car owners, stole his phone and fled the scene
The suspects, Trayvon Lockridge and Deroderic Stephens, are both charged with aggravated robbery over 65
Lockridge, who has no priors, bond was set at $50,000
Stephens has five pending cases in addition to his new charge. His bond hasn’t been sent
Not generally appreciated that 1940 was in the middle of an ice age. https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/7/2020/07/GettyImages-3312673-6b1f56e.jpg?
Note the Met Office’s Neil Kaye changed the colour scheme from last time
This of his one Kianni uses begins with the 1940s row all blue
Yet in Kaye’s old graphic he used red
#GreenBlob #PRtrickery
… https://twitter.com/No2BS/status/1741823399238738259
Tucker Carlson about Tony Blair: Is there anyone more loathsome than Tony Blair and more hollowed out as a person, he is a husk. Bloomberg has a little bit of fire in him that makes you think there is some humanity there, but Tony Blair, he's been turned out in the prison yard,… pic.twitter.com/bCYJ3fugJU
According to the pro-Palestine Quds News Network@QudsNen Tony Blair is to help in relocating the 2 million Gaza Palestinians worldwide. pic.twitter.com/9D4VzCzAOZ
Weymouth migrant hotel murder
Are they really saying staff did it ?
“at 11.07pm on Saturday, December 30, relating to an incident where ‘a man required medical assistance’ at the Hotel Central in Maiden Street.”
“As part of this investigation five *local men* – two 19-year-olds and men aged 21, 31 and 34 – have been arrested on suspicion of murder.”
It’s normally difficult for locals to get into an immigrant hotel.
Maybe he was assaulted in the street and ran into thehotl or something
Even I was shocked at the Haaretz report that Nettenyahu’s approval rating in Israel has dropped to just 4% !
Now I know Haaretz is the equivalent of the Daily Mirror but that is a ridiculous low figure and it shows the disatisfaction within Israel at the way Nettenyahu is conducting his hawkish policies.
The citizens of Israel deserve more. State of Israel can do more. We r better than that. 2024 will look completely different. The one who broke us up, the one who brought disaster upon us, willnot remain. The extremists & Netanyahu will go home. Let's start over, says exPM Lapid https://t.co/dLTaOSwDiV
The Home Office mistakenly stamp thousands of immigrants passports with permission to stay in the UK definitely & have no idea how many. The question is was it a mistake or a deliberate plot by liberal civil servants? rt@davidjobrexithttps://t.co/DOGAcFapqT
He was 320 miles away, nothing was damaged at his end
His two inputs
#1 Describing what he saw on Japanese TV
#2 Saying his mate in the actual epicentre had moved to a safe building
When I lived in Kyushu we used to get building shaking quakes every month
I was at a huge indoor Christmas concert .. the tables moved
but no one batted an eyelid and the orchestra just kept playing
Tsunami ? BBC :”So far the highest recorded wave has been just over a metre” (threat downgraded)
A clear case for a charge of political discrimination by a publicly funded outfit. It should be taken to court for damages by all the denied companies in a class action.
For me it was “the infamous Dambusters’ raid” comment in the news on the anniversary, repeated in a later news bulletin.
So what was the mindset of the editor? Definitely anti-British, anti-history, anti-tradition. And nobody said anything between the two broadcasts? Also, obviously, no senior management watches news broadcasts, or if they did, didn’t think to say anything.
That, to me, demonstrates, without a shadow of doubt, the anti-British stance of the BBC. Long may it rot in hell.
There is a rumour doing the rounds that a US judge has ordered the release of names of visitors to Epstein’s Island. I don’t believe it, but if the list is released will the BBC report it?
Oh dearie me, everyone knows this is no longer how it works.
As with hospital bombings, blue thunder police raids and looking at people at funny way, they have been #accusedof so it is now up to them to prove they were not there.
“Nearly 200 names that had previously been redacted from a long-settled sex trafficking suit against Jeffrey Epstein’s accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell will soon be made public, a judge has ruled.”
So this cannot be the official list and could potentially be highly libellous.
Just as there are Holocaust deniers, there are October 7 deniers, or at least ‘minimisers’ and apologists. Sadly, a few appear on the BBC, and a few even post on this site.
“Hamas didn’t attack civilians, they say, and they didn’t abuse women” etc.
In this vid, David Wood goes into some detail about what Hamas terrorists did to Israeli women, based on a report by the NYT – a leftist publication and no friend of Israel.
The vid is long, slow and grim. Basically, imagine the very worst things that can be done to women, then multiply by 2… or 10.
One takeaway line: ‘The brutality against women was a combination of two ferocious forces, “the hatred for Jews and the hatred for women”.’
Mmm, I wonder what demonic religion could inspire such demonic hatred?
He gives a few handy tips for decoding police or BBC reports: If muslims or other potected minorities are involved in crime, listen out for the code words: ‘communities’; ‘police are appealing for calm’; ‘people are asked not to speculate’.
He is correct. The BBC does not care what its audiences want. The only sensible response is to stop watching their crap. I gave up on Dr Who when they turned him into a woke woman. I will never watch it again, and I feel great about that. My time matters to me, why waste it being patronised by woke brain dead rubbish?
Can’t believe it is almost 20 years ago (March 2024 ) that Malcolm Balen justified Radio 4 Today’s programme for paying for Jenny Tonge Liberal MP to visit Israel . She had said that “if she was a Palestinian she would also kill Israeli’s “. ( The BBC refused to publish his report into it’s Middle East reporting ).
The Tardis lands in Africa. Dr Who is mortally wounded by Tarzan. Dr Who further degenerates into an Australopithecine type humanoid. BBC diversity officer is happy to announce the employment of a member of an extinct human species as a BBC employee.
Media report this as a Newark rape.
“Five teenagers are now in custody following a serious sexual assault on a girl, 16.
The incident took place in an alleyway off St Mary’s Memorial Gardens, Newark, at around 7.45pm on 28 Dec.
Boys, aged 14 x2, 15 and 16 x2.”
And remember Sunak is only there because of the BBC/civil service campaigns to get rid of anyone remotely conservative.
Amazing how he lost a democratic leadership race but they still managed to get him in unopposed.
How many democratically elected Brexit supporting ministers have been forced to resign because of BBC pressure now ?.
If the BBC far-left activism is not stopped, I fear there is only one option left. Let Starmer and Labour burn it all down and hope the people wake up to what these modern Nazis really are.
Nice to see others waking up to the reality the Tories are indeed Marxist, alas the sheeple are as usual asleep believing the soma the media pumps into their credulous minds.
Although they’ve both been disgraced by the BBC, I think the UK would be a much better place now if we still had Boris as the affable PM with Cummin’s arm up his backside working him from behind the scenes.
The licence fee would be on it’s way out for a start. And that is key because the UK cannot recover from this unless the BBC activists (and the civil servants feeding them) are sorted out.
What a shame Boris was too weak and chose Nut-Nut for an easy life and ‘guaranteed happy endings’.
“…The licence fee would be on its way out for a start…”
Oh please, have a word with yourself John. You just can’t believe that. The Tories have been promising / threatening to end the licence fee since I was a lad. Quite a while ago..It ain’t going to happen. They’re all talk.
They produce an endless stream of useless windbag incumbents of number 10…each one seemingly even more inept and cowardly than the last. Actually, it’s quite a talent.
Then, in a few months someone will pipe up and say, “Well, at least he/she was better than…” NO!
1 hour video : Robin Aitken: The BBC Has Groomed the Nation to Accept Things It Ought Not Accept
“The BBC is not impaerial .. I sent bosses the dossier, but they gave me the brushoff”
… https://youtu.be/49YB0vse6OE
A fire consequent from charging an EV at home is now excluded from some home insurance, it has to be charged at least 15 metres away from the building,
This is a piece about looting so apologies if it is slightly off-topic.
Many posters on here are rightfully outraged at the little khant looting ULEZ charge, and understand this to be outright theft, or put another way highway robbery. Much as I hate this little lawyer scumbag the real villain is the DVLA who give out your address via your car number plate to these looters who will then come and break down your door and steal goods from your house.
These looting operations are now being racked up so that for example stopping outside an airport, or parking in the wrong spot in a dark car park, or entering the wrong digit of the number plate into a payment system, or dropping your daughter outside a train station. All of these things now result in penalty notices. These are completely illegal under the Bill of Rights. There is no victim in these fines (aka charges).
Looters will loot – that is what they do. But the real villain is the DVLA who do not operate data protection. They are guilty of data-rape – a hanging offence IMHO. Rant over.
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/ace/standard/976/cpsprodpb/ac6e/live/c2564f90-ff8e-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpg.webp[/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy5ng663d1wo “The…
Happy new year to all, except the bbc of course
“Blwydden Newydd Dda to all you true, loyal and patriotic Brits ! Carry on Blogging .
Happy New Year !
lechyd da boyo!
Google told me to say that.
Lefty Wright
And Good Health to you !
You never know when it’s your last New Year
At my age I don’t care a toss!
Happy New Year everyone!
Flotsam, there was a cancer fear scare on the front of the Times newspaper today and you know what, I will be 88 when the year 2040 comes and as I’ve had a BCC (that’s not a typo for the BBC!) removed already, I’m extremely relaxed about living on borrowed time, Biblically speaking. 🙂
If Trump wins the next US Presidency, will he pardon Derek Chauvin, George Floyd’s supposed killer?
I’m trying to imagine the reaction of the BBC and MSM media and the riots. I reckon Trump would pardon him.
Never forget the Left giving a career criminal drug-dealer who was high and who resisted arrest a ‘state funeral’ in a gold coffin.
And that monstrous hypocrite Pelosi thanking him for dying. I guarantee she despises what he was as much as everyone else does.
I hope that will be the lowest point Western society ever gets before common sense kicks in and saves us from self-destruction.
Like John Lennon he is a Left Wing icon. Beam me up.
Just watching an episode of the Two Ronnies for a bit of nostalgia and it’s the first time I’ve laughed out loud at anything for ages.
This got my attention : from complete farce in 1980 to a logical extension of what the misandrists of todays Left consider to be natural progression. The scene as Ronnie C is serving the tea from 4:00 raised a few titters.
English humour at it’s best.
In re : the Daily Telegraph ownership .
Simple . Every Guardian Mirror reader pays a tax to keep the Telegraph running , an oversight trust made up of contributors to this site keeps it on the straight and narrow .
And that’s how it’s ensured to be impartial.
And now to the Eritreans/ Ethiopians / tensions in communities.
I repeat that before the war aliens were forbidden from taking part in political activity .
This in an age with more common sense was to never let the scenes we have seen recently taking place .
In fact that didn’t actually stop aliens from politics, but it had to be in a more civilised way – basically by quiet persuasion, reaching an MP who could take up the cause .
Now I thought that those who advocate for representative democracy, rather than more direct and accountable democracy, like most of the remainers who hated the referendum, would welcome such a law .?
A happy New Year for Biden and Ukraine or perhaps not:
Your point ?
Happy New Year to every contributor to this site.
And a Happy New Year to the BBC. May 2024 bring accuracy to your news and impartiality to your reporting. May it also fill your hearts with patriotic pride and a respect for our traditions. May you be delivered from modish absurdities. And may Reithian principles once again underlie your ethos.
I’m awarding every poster here with an OBE!
As I’ve just given myself a Knighthood, I thought it would be nice if I could be as generous to all you good people who make up my news intake every morning!
These OBEs are available to use in any supermarket, petrol station or off licence, and I hope they bring comfort and well-being on this dull January morning!
Happy New Year one and all!
In the RN we used to call the OBE, Other Bastards Efforts.
Jimmy Saville said his stood for ‘Old Big ‘Ed”
Hindsight with Saville proving the entire awards system is dirty and corrupt of course. With the BBC right in the middle of it again.
I won’t even mention Sir Nick of Clegg whose award totally rubbished it all.
Savile was famously quoted as saying, on receipt of his medal, “Win ’em and wear ’em”
Which is particularly sinister if the urban dictionary description of the ”wear ’em” bit is looked at seriously…
Sir Scroblene , Happy New Year to you and yours … I’ve kept one of my resolutions – less Toady ….. more music streaming …thank you for the OBE – can I have another one in 4 days using the Mary Elizabeth Truss method … ?
You can trade it in for a KBE if you like, Fed!
At least you’ll get Nectar points with it as well, which may help in Sainsbury’s!
Japan Tsunami headline “waves UPTO 16 feet high”
.. surely that’s common in the North Sea here ?
As an ex Oil Service employee a long time ago, I can confirm it gets windy and wavy in the North Sea. Incredibly none of the the windy wavy events were given names so have been lost in time!
Clearly caused by global warming – ban tsunamis – wonder how those Iceland volcanos are going ?
If we’re in for a new season of tsunamis, can we not get out the old wave-power turbines and create a bit of free electricity?
Happy New Year to everyone here and thank you all who report on the Biased BBC on our behalf, living abroad away from the bias Mr Kitty and I rely on you all for the highs and lows.
Canada : On January 10th the Coutts 4, trucker protesters will have been in jail without trial for 700 days
Yet laws are rarely applied to pro-Hamas demonstrators in Canada
When I first glanced at your post, Stew, I was convinced that it meant that Nigel Farage had been clobbered again by Coutts!
I love the speculation doing the rounds, that he’s going to start getting his elbows out in the political sewer! I’m sure the cubicles are a-hum with new cliches to try and stop him, but I’m also sure he’ll tell them all to p**s off, which will be extremely gratifying!
No OBE for Darren?
“New Year’s Day: Call for trains to run in Wales’ valleys
Its time the Assembly was scrapped ! It is fast becoming a dictatorship. It cannot run a bath.
Nice image of a taffman though, eh?
I think we need it and the Scottish version to act as a warning to England what happens when Socialism is allowed free rein forever.
Unfortunately the people of Wales have always been a bit dim and easily led. They can see the destruction being wrought and yet are incapable of putting two and two together and placing blame where it really lies.
The Welsh are not “dim” by any means . They are traditional and loyal voters but the next election may show that they have woken up . Many in my area “Reformers”.
Remember, that Wales voted for BREXIT.
Without Wales we wouldn’t have won the referendum .
Timmy looks a bit too white – terribly white?
bBC to have a crisis meeting how this mistake was made …
Again, the photographed victims look delighted about it all.
It’s the way Beeboids like to spit on the grave of Enid Blyton, whom they hate with a vengeance.
They tried to do it with J.K.Rowling and failed miserably! Unfortunately the kid actors who were made into ‘slebs’ because of her fabulous writing and story-telling skills, all meekly followed the Beeboid’s hatred and have pots of dosh now, to become even more tiresome!
How do the BBC explain “George” being black? Perhaps they don’t bother to.
Nowadays a tomboy like George would be straight down the Tavistock for puberty blockers. Sad how far our society has degenerated.
A small 2024 prediction if I may.
A noun which will shortly be used in the UK more extensively on a day to day basis. A noun which our so-called ‘National Broadcaster’ and the elite will avoid like some sort of plague. See how use of the noun is currently avoided by all in sundry including media and the elite. ‘Blade-runners’ in one context is the alternative to…………….
“a person who tries in an unofficial way to prevent crime, or to catch and punish someone who has committed a crime, especially because they do not think that official organizations, such as the police, are controlling crime effectively. Vigilantes usually join together to form groups.”
Long may they, “…..join together to form groups”.
Good morning all and a Happy New Year to you, although I have not had such a feeling of trepidation for a New Year ever before.
I hope that I’m wrong but 2024 has all the hallmarks of a year which could enter the history books as a huge infleaction point in world events.
I wish everyone well and hope we all survive what might come to visit us this year.
London is not Britain : Sure 20% of people have a connection, but 80% don’t have much to do with London
Sadiq chose to end the fireworks with a big sky logo
“London is a place for everyone”
#LondonforEveryone is a hashtag The @MayorofLondon account has used SEVEN times in the last 2 months
plus the @SadiqKhan account 4 times
Each times replies have been LOCKED , so people can’t say London belongs to Britain
ITV’s main politics guy Paul Brand seems very pro Sadiq establishment, even Labour’s Paul Embury calls him out
check the Quote tweets Paul Brand got
eg “There have been pro-Hamas & anti-semitic hate marches every Saturday in London for the last 3 months.”
I read an article in the Telegraph today which coined the term, ‘ethnic democracy’ . I had not heard this before but it sums exactly why Kahn was elected and probably will be elected again. Devolving powers to city mayors when those cities already have or easily could have in future, is highly damaging to national democracy. Yet another threat to our country , our culture and our well being.
Diversity is Divisive.
Reminder – we live in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland . Whose idea was it to devolve powers to city mayors ?
I think I can safely say that Khan has no feelings for Britain at all. It is just a place to for him to live in and exploit.
He’s just another foreigner, someone with no affections for British values, no sympathy for ordinary blokes like me and he has a pompous, bloated ego which is normally associated with minor politicians who are intent on screaming their sad thoughts at the void of stupidity associated with the lumpen voters who seem to think he’s ‘good at his job’!
He’s the main reason that I’ll never go to London again, and so my goodwill and money will go to more decent places in the country!
“London is a place for everyone” – doesn’t feel like a place for me anymore, and I actively avoid the sh*thole if I possibly can.
“BBC has something for everyone” – doesn’t have anything of interest to me anymore, and I actively avoid the sh*tshow if I possibly can.
Hmm… seems to be a common theme here.
Puzzled as I was by the failure of the world renowned and much trusted BBC to report ,in any meaningful way ,on the community clashing with police officers in Camberwell, I sent my own “Verify”team to investigate.
Regular readers may recall my own version of the BBC Verify unit is the “Veriturd team” , anyway ,after a relatively short time “we were getting reports” and “some people are saying”that whatever happened in Camberwell has been misunderstood and blown up out of all proportion.
It seems that it may have started as a gathering to celebrate Kwanzaa…Yes Kwanzaa, but unfortunately Father Kwanzaa and his sleigh, which I’m pleased to say is ULEZ compliant, was delayed getting around the One -way system.
Perfectly understandably emotions combined with a degree of frustration overspilled into what some have claimed was mindless violence. It was obviously holiday excitement.
Father Kwanzaa brought gifts on his sleigh which may , or may not have included big heavy cudgels and lengths of scaffolding poles , that the delighted celebrants of Kwanzaa were waving to show just how pleased they were that the party had finally started.
I hope that clears up any misunderstanding and will sign off by wishing you all a very happy Kwanzaa ( for anybody who is so ignorant that they don’t know what Kwanzaa is , despite Kamala Harris’s tireless work to promote this festival ,may I suggest you Google it.)
Oh. and thanks once again to the Veriturd team for all their hard work.
Regarding windy and wavy weather mentioned above, I have been watching a fascinating documentary about the last of the tall ships, including film footage in 1928, of a voyage around Cape Horn.
(known at the time as the Grain Race from Australia to the UK)
Men 200 foot above deck on the yard arms furling sail with no safety harness in storms, including trapped there during a hurricane with the ship listing at 60 degrees.
Regularly losing fingernails and sometimes fingers, but still having to continue doing the job.
I hope they enjoyed their white privilege.
Quite a disturbing story in The Mail re a ship carrying nice eco-friendly, lovely green “lithium batteries” going up in smoke in the hold at sea off Alaska.
No sign of this on the BBC or Guardian news sites….
Can’t think why?
Weird that the quantity of batteries isn’t mentioned – is it a ship-full or a few pallets in a general cargo?
Details of battery incidents portraying the tech in a negative light are it seems continually suppressed at the moment – especially by those two.
Judge Andrew Napolitano
Some naked racism going on here.
Surely the beeb will report it?
Or maybe not – wrong kinda racism.
There is a reason why people post videos without dates and context
The thugs are black , the victim is Latino
I saw this video last week
The suspects had been arrested and charged.
victim : Florentino Hurtado 23/12/23
Florentino and his wife went to a meat market. While Florentino stayed in the car, his wife entered the market to buy a specific ingredient for making tamales
Florentino got out of the car and became disoriented, which his daughter Jessica said happens often
After brutally assaulting Florentino, Lockridge and Stephens, who appeared to be the car owners, stole his phone and fled the scene
The suspects, Trayvon Lockridge and Deroderic Stephens, are both charged with aggravated robbery over 65
Lockridge, who has no priors, bond was set at $50,000
Stephens has five pending cases in addition to his new charge. His bond hasn’t been sent
I’ve missed Soaf.
This is the best visualization on global temperature rise
Each row is a decade. Extremely concerning to see our earth is warming at an unprecedented rate
She going to be doing graffix for BBC Wevver?
Not generally appreciated that 1940 was in the middle of an ice age.
Note the Met Office’s Neil Kaye changed the colour scheme from last time
This of his one Kianni uses begins with the 1940s row all blue
Yet in Kaye’s old graphic he used red
#GreenBlob #PRtrickery
… https://twitter.com/No2BS/status/1741823399238738259
ahhh… graphs
A new year, and I still cannot get any URL to show up.
Being an ITiot is no fun.
Wonder what he is charging per head, probably in the literal sense if necessary?
Weymouth migrant hotel murder
Are they really saying staff did it ?
“at 11.07pm on Saturday, December 30, relating to an incident where ‘a man required medical assistance’ at the Hotel Central in Maiden Street.”
“As part of this investigation five *local men* – two 19-year-olds and men aged 21, 31 and 34 – have been arrested on suspicion of murder.”
It’s normally difficult for locals to get into an immigrant hotel.
Maybe he was assaulted in the street and ran into thehotl or something
The changing nature of warfare:
Even I was shocked at the Haaretz report that Nettenyahu’s approval rating in Israel has dropped to just 4% !
Now I know Haaretz is the equivalent of the Daily Mirror but that is a ridiculous low figure and it shows the disatisfaction within Israel at the way Nettenyahu is conducting his hawkish policies.
There seems plenty of dissent domestically in Israel
NONE of it covered (afaics) by the BBC
I know what I think
Don’t hear from ‘BBC Asia’ too often but, boy, when you do..
Brit in Japan describes house shaking in quake
Image of, presumably, said Brit.
I can imagine the article…”the house shook, like it was an earthquake”
The Pulitzer is secured.
Being Japan it’ll all be fixed pronto – BBC do seem to be swerving reporting from the far east.
He was 320 miles away, nothing was damaged at his end
His two inputs
#1 Describing what he saw on Japanese TV
#2 Saying his mate in the actual epicentre had moved to a safe building
When I lived in Kyushu we used to get building shaking quakes every month
I was at a huge indoor Christmas concert .. the tables moved
but no one batted an eyelid and the orchestra just kept playing
Tsunami ? BBC :”So far the highest recorded wave has been just over a metre” (threat downgraded)
Meanwhile in North London
A clear case for a charge of political discrimination by a publicly funded outfit. It should be taken to court for damages by all the denied companies in a class action.
The Feels Like temp is 3C here, cos of the cold wind
A quiz.
What was the BBC low point of 2023?
For me it was “the infamous Dambusters’ raid” comment in the news on the anniversary, repeated in a later news bulletin.
So what was the mindset of the editor? Definitely anti-British, anti-history, anti-tradition. And nobody said anything between the two broadcasts? Also, obviously, no senior management watches news broadcasts, or if they did, didn’t think to say anything.
That, to me, demonstrates, without a shadow of doubt, the anti-British stance of the BBC. Long may it rot in hell.
There is a rumour doing the rounds that a US judge has ordered the release of names of visitors to Epstein’s Island. I don’t believe it, but if the list is released will the BBC report it?
Hollywood must be quaking in their shoes.
And Washington.
Perhaps, even, the BBC? They have form.
And the veracity of this list is?
Oh dearie me, everyone knows this is no longer how it works.
As with hospital bombings, blue thunder police raids and looking at people at funny way, they have been #accusedof so it is now up to them to prove they were not there.
Sources say.
The reason I ask about the vercity is this:
Fortuotously appeared this evening.
“Nearly 200 names that had previously been redacted from a long-settled sex trafficking suit against Jeffrey Epstein’s accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell will soon be made public, a judge has ruled.”
So this cannot be the official list and could potentially be highly libellous.
Just as there are Holocaust deniers, there are October 7 deniers, or at least ‘minimisers’ and apologists. Sadly, a few appear on the BBC, and a few even post on this site.
“Hamas didn’t attack civilians, they say, and they didn’t abuse women” etc.
In this vid, David Wood goes into some detail about what Hamas terrorists did to Israeli women, based on a report by the NYT – a leftist publication and no friend of Israel.
The vid is long, slow and grim. Basically, imagine the very worst things that can be done to women, then multiply by 2… or 10.
One takeaway line: ‘The brutality against women was a combination of two ferocious forces, “the hatred for Jews and the hatred for women”.’
Mmm, I wonder what demonic religion could inspire such demonic hatred?
Link to NYT article (paywalled): https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html
Link to Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/nyt-report-details-weaponization-of-sexual-violence-during-oct-7-terror-onslaught/
A “few post on this site” perhaps you could provide some examples of what has been posted minimising the carnage, and who they are ?
“police are asking people not to speculate”
Simon Webb : History Debunked
with old joke at the end
He gives a few handy tips for decoding police or BBC reports: If muslims or other potected minorities are involved in crime, listen out for the code words: ‘communities’; ‘police are appealing for calm’; ‘people are asked not to speculate’.
Andrew Lawrence gives his take
Dave Cullen “They Don’t Care What You Think” about their woke TV dramas
2 mins in he starts on Dr Who
He is correct. The BBC does not care what its audiences want. The only sensible response is to stop watching their crap. I gave up on Dr Who when they turned him into a woke woman. I will never watch it again, and I feel great about that. My time matters to me, why waste it being patronised by woke brain dead rubbish?
Can’t believe it is almost 20 years ago (March 2024 ) that Malcolm Balen justified Radio 4 Today’s programme for paying for Jenny Tonge Liberal MP to visit Israel . She had said that “if she was a Palestinian she would also kill Israeli’s “. ( The BBC refused to publish his report into it’s Middle East reporting ).
The Tardis lands in Africa. Dr Who is mortally wounded by Tarzan. Dr Who further degenerates into an Australopithecine type humanoid. BBC diversity officer is happy to announce the employment of a member of an extinct human species as a BBC employee.
Media report this as a Newark rape.
“Five teenagers are now in custody following a serious sexual assault on a girl, 16.
The incident took place in an alleyway off St Mary’s Memorial Gardens, Newark, at around 7.45pm on 28 Dec.
Boys, aged 14 x2, 15 and 16 x2.”
John Pilger. Died two days ago on 30th December 2023 (aged 84) in London, England
See ” Palestine is still the issue” broadcast September 2002
Perhaps we should jail traitors to Great Britain?
… with the BBC in the middle.
And remember Sunak is only there because of the BBC/civil service campaigns to get rid of anyone remotely conservative.
Amazing how he lost a democratic leadership race but they still managed to get him in unopposed.
How many democratically elected Brexit supporting ministers have been forced to resign because of BBC pressure now ?.
If the BBC far-left activism is not stopped, I fear there is only one option left. Let Starmer and Labour burn it all down and hope the people wake up to what these modern Nazis really are.
Nice to see others waking up to the reality the Tories are indeed Marxist, alas the sheeple are as usual asleep believing the soma the media pumps into their credulous minds.
Although they’ve both been disgraced by the BBC, I think the UK would be a much better place now if we still had Boris as the affable PM with Cummin’s arm up his backside working him from behind the scenes.
The licence fee would be on it’s way out for a start. And that is key because the UK cannot recover from this unless the BBC activists (and the civil servants feeding them) are sorted out.
What a shame Boris was too weak and chose Nut-Nut for an easy life and ‘guaranteed happy endings’.
“…The licence fee would be on its way out for a start…”
Oh please, have a word with yourself John. You just can’t believe that. The Tories have been promising / threatening to end the licence fee since I was a lad. Quite a while ago..It ain’t going to happen. They’re all talk.
They produce an endless stream of useless windbag incumbents of number 10…each one seemingly even more inept and cowardly than the last. Actually, it’s quite a talent.
Then, in a few months someone will pipe up and say, “Well, at least he/she was better than…” NO!
They have ALL been utterly bloody useless…
1 hour video : Robin Aitken: The BBC Has Groomed the Nation to Accept Things It Ought Not Accept
“The BBC is not impaerial .. I sent bosses the dossier, but they gave me the brushoff”
… https://youtu.be/49YB0vse6OE
Are EV Fires being covered up?
A fire consequent from charging an EV at home is now excluded from some home insurance, it has to be charged at least 15 metres away from the building,
Hey BBC lurkers
This is a piece about looting so apologies if it is slightly off-topic.
Many posters on here are rightfully outraged at the little khant looting ULEZ charge, and understand this to be outright theft, or put another way highway robbery. Much as I hate this little lawyer scumbag the real villain is the DVLA who give out your address via your car number plate to these looters who will then come and break down your door and steal goods from your house.
These looting operations are now being racked up so that for example stopping outside an airport, or parking in the wrong spot in a dark car park, or entering the wrong digit of the number plate into a payment system, or dropping your daughter outside a train station. All of these things now result in penalty notices. These are completely illegal under the Bill of Rights. There is no victim in these fines (aka charges).
Looters will loot – that is what they do. But the real villain is the DVLA who do not operate data protection. They are guilty of data-rape – a hanging offence IMHO. Rant over.
and there’s a topic that’s being suppressed
– the disappearance of ULEZ cameras