The left’s full blown distortion machinery has swung into action over Gays departure from Harvard.
The usual trick of rewriting facts has begun with lefty academics first making her dismissal all about charges of plagiarism as a smoke screen when everyone knows it was about her refusal to condemn the bloodthirsty acts carried out by Hamas. Then to try to paint plagiarism as a legitimate act for any academic.
They really are low snakes are they not? They will wriggle out of any tight corner by using lies and distortion.
How can any society have trust in professional institutions that are prepared to engage in such subterfuge simply to protect their political doctrine?
And of ccourse the liberal / left are playing the race card.
In fact, ‘affirmative action’ got the third-rate cheating fraud the top job in the first place.
You cannot ask questions or criticise them without being called evil – you have to believe a child knows how the world will end – she never went to school but somehow knows everything – a true visionary.
Imagine the outcome if Gay had been a white older male! They would have been gone and buried in 20 seconds with lefties jumping on their grave without mercy!
“University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigned from her post Saturday after facing intense criticism from the White House, lawmakers and alumni for appearing to dodge a question at a congressional hearing on campus antisemitism.
“I write to share that President Liz Magill has voluntarily tendered her resignation as President of the University of Pennsylvania,” Scott L. Bok, the chair of the Penn Board of Trustees, wrote in a message to the Penn community Saturday. “She will remain a tenured faculty member at Penn Carey Law.”
Shortly after Bok announced Magill’s resignation, he announced he would also step down from his position, according to a statement published by the Daily Pennsylvanian student newspaper. “I concluded that, for me, now was the right time to depart,” Bok said in the statement.
A university spokesman confirmed Bok’s resignation.”
“A Stanford University instructor has been removed from the classroom amid reports they called Jewish students colonizers and downplayed the Holocaust ”
“20mph speed limit enforcement to start in Wales this month”
This will cost the ordinary working taffman a lot of money and jobs.
The Welsh Assembly and are in desperate need of money and the speeding fines will be a good source of revenue. Scrap the Welsh Parliament they are completely out of touch with most taffmen, IMHO, it has become a dictatorship.
Questions: Is our Tory Government winding down our armed forces ?
If so why ?
Can we trust the Tories or is it time to ditch them at the next general election?
Let me try and make this simple for you. A significant number of the ‘refugees’ who have been imported into your shthole cntry are going to be used as UN troops when they call the next ‘pandemic’. They will shoot to kill if you decide to get too uppity. The same cretins who went along with the ‘Covaids’ will go along with the next plandemic. Why? Because next time there will be people who will be dying and that will be the children whom you have allowed to be injected with poison. Let me repeat that. You have allowed your children to be injected with poison. Geddit?
Israel : Civilised democracy:
‘He said Israel had killed around 8,000 militants in north Gaza.’
The BBC add: ‘The BBC cannot independently verify this number.’
Gaza: Pariah state run by TERRORISTS:
‘Israel has killed more than 22,000 people since the war began, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.’
The BBC add: Nothing. They don’t even tell us they are terrorists.
No question at all whose side the BBC are on. The wrong one. Again.
Next week:
‘Kier Starmer to have a cosy chat by the fire with Laura’
I remember watching her interview Theresa May and Laura was her usual abrupt, arrogant cantakerous self – constantly interrupting May when she didn’t like the answer.
I then saw her interview Corbyn later and it was as different as chalk and cheese. She spoke softly and smoothly and was very pleasant with him.
It’s another reason why listeners are departing from the Beebist stuff in droves, isn’t it John!
And when normal citizens realise that they are not taking much interest in anything that comes out of W1AA, they begin to question the reasons to pay the TV Tax, and then they do just that!
Well, that was what happened at Scrobs Turrets, and we’re certainly very normal!
Scandal indeed what an utter travesty of ‘Justice’, it shows just how corrupt our Intuitions and legal system are.
There are some very curious aspects to the Horizon scandal.
How could a relatively straightforward customised accounting system contain a software error that seemingly adds 2 + 2 and come up with 5?
Furthermore release defective software into a working environment of the utmost sensitivity without the fault being detected or corrected?
Ignore reports that the software was indeed faulty?
Ignore the fact that hundreds of previously upright citizens had resorted to fraud?
Why did the legal system not successfully defend the innocent Postmasters?
Politicians were made aware aware of an ongoing issue but why was nothing done?
Politicians are more interested in their Political careers than representing their constituents.
The legal system is most to blame in my opinion. It should have been obvious to anyone that given the number of cases there was a problem with the software. The costs involved with defending a legal action are prohibitive. I imagine that for the most part these Postmasters would have had to fund their own defences but would have been up against the more or less unlimited resources of the Post Office. They wouldn’t have been able to buy Solicitors and Barristers of the quality required and fund the expert witnesses required to examine the Horizon software in the depth required. To face facts, their Solicitors and Barristers probably thought their clients guilty anyway.
To highlight my thoughts on the cost of defending a Post Office Horizon prosecution. My estimate for hiring Solicitor, Barrister and expert witnesses……around £1 million. Who can afford that? One of the main costs would be for expert witnesses, at least one top Forensic Accountant and a few IT experts to examine the software which would be a huge task. Multiple Court applications will probably be required to prise access to PO and Fujitsu records and software.
Vennels and Fujitsu Execs need to be jailed.
Vennels is certainly not the main baddie
“In 2007, she joined the Post Office as group network director. On 1 April 2012, she became its chief executive officer (CEO)”
Horizon was implemented in 1999
The knew their were big faults straight away
2004 was when the main protester Alan Bates contacted Computer Weekly .. who then took 5 years to do their report
2014 the PO audit report was cancelled the day before publication .. that looks like Vennels
Perhaps you might be better asking the question why this rotten Marxist government is allowing the Post Office to defend cases brought against it by subpostmasters trying to overturn their convictions.
As you say it costs hundreds of thousands but because the British legal system is fragile as glass it cannot admit it gets convictions wrong regularly, so the state spends millions defending a broken corrupt system from the truth that it is not as good as its cracked up to be.
If I want to sue I need to raise £500K minimum, and who can afford that? Let alone the interminable appeals to ever higher courts the state can manage ?
We need a South African style Truth and Reconcilliation commissioin to get to the bottom of what happened in individual cases, but then given the number of failed greedy weasels in parliament who will never pass up the chance of any fat fees for their mates we have zero chance of ever getting real justice.
The legals for the most part, merely do what is asked… (or in some cases just work to max out billing!) they weren’t there when the deeds were done and bad actors can leverage that inescapable situation.
I’d like to see some explanation of the “back door” and “secret” access to the software that has been mentioned.
The breach of trust by Post Office is off the scale.
This plays to data storage and backup… it isn’t something nerdy – if *your data* can be maliciously manipulated to damage you and misrepresent a financial situation – then time stamped snapshots of the data lodged in multiple places with difficult (or no access=archive) 3rd party access is an absolute must which is why I use email with multiple recipients for as much official communication as I can.
I have seen BT overcharge 10%++ on simply massive telephone bills, had BT overcharge me, electricity companies “lose” accumulated positive balances on DD payments wrt estimated billing and more.
An acquaintance just this weekend had a mystery £75 Direct Debit from TONICT-BILL there’s a list of BANDITS crooks. Lloyds Bank said they’d stop future transactions but claimed that they can’t recover the funds and “don’t know” where the destination account is…. or who it belongs to….
If the post office was prosecuting people knowing the computer was faulty someone might be perverting the course of justice – at least – I hope they are sweating ….though the CEO would only land up in an open prison …
Ah therein lies the rub. The computer was faulty? Double entry book keeping means that if the money goes from one column it has to appear in the other, unless the starting balance is changed of course, but a reconed of the previous weeks balance.
Hard copy records of most transactions were also kept so any loss could be correlated with the records on screen.
In the early days of Horizon postmasters were reporting the cursor moving on the screen during lunch hours, and they were ‘reassured’ that it was Chesterfield (head office) in the system.
That’s the real problem, that someone remotely could change the figures on the screen remotely and the subpostmaster would be none the wiser until balance day. This was demonstrated to someone in the Post Office, Chesterfield IT creating a £20K loss in a postmasters accounts, they allegedly then put it back again.
Double entry book keeping means if one side throws a loss the other side throws a profit and given the losses created by these systems there would have to have been a correlating gain on the other side. This is the point,t hat no one ever appears to have ever asked the questions why the gains were never shown, nor what happened to them.
There are a coupleof points raised here. Suppose a bad actor got into that system and created a £20K loss and then removed it for themselves. No surpluss would ever show and no one would be any the wiser. Secondly suppose the state decided to close an office, then it could easily createa loss situation, close the office deny compensation for closure and claim a healthy profit for a loss making company.
A simple way for the BLiar government to rid itself of all the post offices it wanted to close without compensation, and if anyone thinls that amoral rattlesnake wouldn’t have done that, think again !
Mild anxiety is not an excuse, dirty wellness and an object of global pity edition
All of which above phrases – borrowed as they are from news stories – can probably be applied to Prince Andrew this weekend
Editorial mistakes in the Sunday papers require Mr AsI to reach for his trusty blue pencil – whereas: Court told Ghislaine: Find emails on ‘Andrew’ and ‘sex toy’ (Mail on Sunday)
Did I leave it in the wardrobe? Is it in the bottom draw in the bedroom? Now where did I put my editorial metaphorical blue pencil? Ah, there it is – silly me… it was stuck behind my ear all along.
Let’s get to work: 1 in 4 parents now think it’s fine for children to skip school… mild anxiety is not an excuse… Gillian Keegan, the education secretary, will open a campaign… school attendance crisis… A You Gov poll found… more than one in four parents (28 per cent) agreed that the pandemic had shown it was not essential for children to attend school every day (The Sunday Times)
Here we go – you know the drill by now: more than one in four parents (28 per cent) agreed that the pandemic Lockdowns had shown it was not essential for children to attend school every day
But what’s this…? An about turn by one of our latterly Lockdown Karens?
Bridget Phillipson, the shadow education secretary, who in an interview with the Sunday Times today criticises the culture of lockdown she believes harmed many young lives.
That’s quite some policy U-turn there from the Labour MP for Houghton and Sunderland South
Bridget Phillipson: Parents must save lockdown’s lost generation (Times on X formerly Twitter)
How times have changed
Bridget Phillipson MP tests positive for Covid-19 and sets out position on proposed new Covid regulations… Omnicron is a new threat on top of the existing variants of the virus, and we need to act swiftly to limit its spread… The vote will be on Covid passes where we will have to show either vaccination status or proof of a recent negative lateral flow test… I therefore support the measures being introduced in Parliament today. (Bridget 14th December 2021)
Oh well… joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth [Luke 15:7]
Mind you, this might upset those pro-Lockdown teachers’ unions of ours. But I guess their votes are safely secure in the Labour locker. Presumably she has been given a nod and a wink from Sir Keir who has in turn got the nod for this from Tony Blair.
It’s safe now to talk about getting everyone back to work
The in-house cartoonists are back at work at our broadsheets. Even at his best left-leaning Newman in the Times tends to raise little more than a rictus grin from this weary reader. This morning he sketches a man with his frontdoor barricaded in Dad’s Army-style with a wall of sandbags, explaining to a passerby: “Floods? No I’m preparing for electioneering”
Whereas our boy Matt in the Telegraph hits the bullseye and checks out on a double top (to borrow some darts terms) with a white-coated, placard-waving doctor in the pub telling the barman, just as he’s handed his pint: “I’m doing No Patients January. I sleep better, I have more energy and my mood has improved”
Seems we’ve all got darts on the brain: Darts are turning us into Einsteins (Star) – something to do with the maths involved, I’m guessing.
The papers would have us make some New Year resolutions – health-wise: Delicious recipes to rid your diet of ultra processed food (Mail on Sunday); Free inside Slimming World (Sunday Mirror & Daily Star Sunday); Better health in 2024 (Express); Sleep like a teen get a full night’s slumber (Telegraph) – but hopefull don’t over-sleep like a teen and miss getting up for school – or work… I’m looking at you, public sector employees – and so too will be your new boss… Sir Keir.
As usual it is the mildly conservative Telegraph that steps slightly out of line with all this self-improvement guff: How to eat what you like… guilt free. Nutritionist to the Royal family on why ‘dirty wellness’ is health trend for 2024
Dirty wellness, eh? It was glamrocker Marc Bolan who praised his girlfriend for being ‘dirty, sweet and you’re my girl‘
It tends to be the Telegraph that has the rare balls with which to kick the BBC – albeit within scare quotes: Johnny Ball ‘BBC destroyed childrens’ TV’
Likewise in the Telegraph, rather than bang its pots (or bang a gong as T Rex would have it) for that other busted flush of a once great socialised national institution – and instead senses that distant ringing is the tolling of its death knell: Opinion Daniel Hannan NHS is an object of global pity
Since you seem rather enamoured of T Rex, I heartily recommend the band TRextasy, I am not normally a fan of tribute bands, but this one is rather good.
A quote from June Bolan, Marc’s long suffering wife:
The gormless labour MP Phillipson breaks the rule that the only thing stopping the red Labour Party from getting office is when they open their mouths . Silence must be the thing ….
….. I agree that kids don’t need to school now – after all – if they get a job they’ll be working from home anyway – probably doing multiple council jobs trying to work out how long before they can retire ….
The state could cut the education budget – no need for ‘breakfast clubs’ funded with taxpayers money – teachers could be fired or redeployed to be diversity managers and our lovely new dinghy arrivals housed in what used to be schools – saving trillions ….
The following article has been heavily censored since it was written back in 2019 by author and investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore who claims that Nicole Junkermann herself has been using various continental European courts to have the content pulled down and censored. It was originally published on Vocal.Media, as the first part of a trilogy investigating Nicole Junkermann and examining her links with Jeffrey Epstein, Israeli intelligence, and the UK NHS Healthtech Advisory Board led by UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock MP.
The article was eventually pulled down and censored by Vocal. Media and is “Now republished on Unlimited Hangout, where censorship is out of the question.” explained Johnny Vedmore.
Much data, especially in entities like the NHS is managed by total clowns, who’re akin to a bunch of baboons surrounding a flying saucer and furtively poking at it and touching it to determine edibility…
I’ve tried to legitimately access *public* databases through the correct formal channels and the people tasked with administration were exasperatingly ignorant – actually, astonishingly ignorant.
Our wealthy rural outpost in Cheshire has a Co-op store. There is a news-stand which carries the normal newspapers and a copy or two of the normally unsold Morning Star. I think the caring sharing Co-op thinks it should be caring sharing so has the Morning Star in its stores to fly its Sociaist/Communist colours.
I noticed an interesting headline on the paper the other day, it was a direct attack on Smarmer. On looking at their web page, Smarmer appears to be a target of the Socialist ire, Socialists/Communists appear to intensely dislike him. One could wonder what might happen if Smarmer wins the next GE, is he only a stalking horse to get into Government only to be replaced by someone they approve of?
Flotsam – replacing a ‘face ‘ with some one with purer socialist blood is very Red Labour – the classic case was a chap who was elected to be leader of the GLC ( Macintosh ) and was then deposed in a coup by the Far Left about a week later – in walked Ken Livingstone …..together with Corbyn and Abbot and the rest of the vermin ….
They’ll probably install that ginger onw who is deputy – she is a kind of English version of karmela …..
.. the deposed ‘victim ‘ took a peerage of course ( democracy ? Corruption ? surely not )
BBC news loves reporting things that are NOT news
News bulletins are often used for PR promoting events that have not yet happened cos they fit the BBC’s agenda COP events
Now the German farmers protests are about to start on Monday
.. I haven’t found any BBC mentions of it
The Dutch farmer protests have been absolutely huge – I was there for one and just thousands of tractors turned out and did the equivalent of stopping the M25 for a day.
BBC seems very pro WEF
And in the past they didn’t hide it
The WEF website has a pro BBC-News page
seems to be a project of BBC’s ex Worklife reporter Lucy Marcus her last update was 2018
That’s the same as the way BBC Green activist reporters CAMPAIGN WITH the organisations they are supposed to be reporting about
so can’t actually be impartial
What’s going on with the SWP ?
They set up a stall in a precinct in Wales
All their posters say the NHS is being killed by Tory Cuts
A passerby points out that is a lie cos the NHS is Wales is NOT controlled by the Tories, it’s divolved so LABOUR make all the money spending choices.
The two baldies try to stop him filming
.. until later restrained by a younger MASKED handler
who seems to be ethnic Chinese
Here is some more footage from our favorite hobby, exposing the National Socialist Worker Party @SwanseaSWP for the lying scum they are. Here they are trying to tell the lie that the Tories runs the Welsh NHS when we know this is run by @WelshLabour. We look forward to seeing…
Has an echo ‘of kristalnight ‘… ….. enabling the democrat nazis to lock up threats for a long time …..
I wouldn’t be surprised if half of the protesters were Fed spies …from various federal agencies ….
..and you can see how important it is that the US remains a one party democrat gang state ….although the evidence will have disappeared in the same way as the voting fraud ….
I had a feeling about that day, in part due the MSM scene setting during the run up – not least of of which was repeating clumsy hints from the likes of the grotesque Pelosi and ghastly Nadler… and the troupe of braying eejits like AOC ( apologies to donkeys)
So I made some time at the end of the day here and sought out independent voices and the usual MSM creeps and gave them all individual browser tabs. In all, I guess I “watched” about 3 hour’s of it while “working”….
I came away feeling it was clearly and unequivocally a setup. I have experienced demonstrations where the crowd turned very ugly (25 cops to hospital and 17 demonstrators, 75 demonstrators thrown into an assortment of jails) and witnessed episodes of severe public disorder in other countries – that was clearly not the case there at the US Capitol apart from some groups that imho looked remarkably like AntiFa goons. The shooting of Ashley Babbit was unjustified and simple murder – there were several uniformed, armed Capitol policemen literally within arm’s length of her. Farce and tragedy…..
The scum that set it up deserve incarceration without bail in the jails they’d arranged prior to the event for “MAGA” people …
Fed, what about Ashley Babbit’s family. They cannot all be Biden supporters and voting Democrats, can they? The American legal system relies on Law Suits against someone else.
This is how politicians and media work in concert.
And breathe.
When Labour London Mayor Sadiq Khan can avert transport strikes by engaging with workers and their trade unions, why won’t the UK Conservative Government do the same with train drivers and junior doctors?
Asking for a nation.
Near identical to Dr. Rosena Khan. No relation. But there are a lot now in politics and media.
The repulsive Tom Watson – fan of fantasists has revealed he has prostate cancer and suggests all chaps should get one each year .
My GP refused my request for one on the grounds that they are not reliable – even on appeal I was refused – despite my older brother having had prostate cancer .
One of the many reasons I wouid cut the NHS down – or privatise the ‘best ‘ bits of it …..
Luckily I’ve not had to see my crap GP since – and I now pay for private medicine although again I’m pleased not to have called on it .
Fed, the quality of GPs are far from the standard from even 15 years ago. During my time in the NHS I was told that the qualifying “pass” needed for doctors to come here from the 3rd world is way below what British born doctors would be expected to gain in their exams here. Encouraging isn’t it.
I envisage a time when I take equity release from my house just to stay alive!!
Brissles – I know I am hard – but I would ration health services as policy – for instance – the introduction of a £10 charge – you use it – you pay for it .
I’ve been lucky so far in having rare exposure to the NHS – although my parents were less fortunate – they killed my dad – age 76 – and cared less about my mum during her journey through dementia ….
I have little regard for the self serving medical mafia – motivated by money and status and self interest – exploiting people at their weakest – are they still on strike ….. ?
Don’t forget to clap …. ( I still can’t believe people really did that)
I heartily agree in paying an appointment fee, and I suspect most of the public too if it guaranteed seeing a doctor, but I fear that we would still be in the same position – lack of doctors despite the fee.
I would also revise the non payment for prescriptions. When queuing for mine in the pharmacy there are barely any payments being made – and this is all age groups !
Fed, I would expand the number of places at Medical School, exempt once qualified medical students from fees but then produce a ‘set of handcuffs’ so that a doctor could not leave the NHS without paying a severe penalty, say a multiple of the fees they were exempt from for training.
I think the medical mafia would find a way of maintaining their monopoly and closed shop to endure there is never enough doctors – thus keeping their wages up …
I worked in Pakistan in the early 1990s – I was told more than once that it was a thing for middle and upper class dunces wanting a soft landing in the UK to pay smart people to sit their medical exams.
High time that, like airline pilots, doctors should have to stay current via a “check ride” competence system and investigate those who vary from some simple outcome statistics.
Personally I’m fed up with failed medics being allowed to call themselves MD.
Might just weed out a Shipman or incompetent slasher hiding in the provinces.
Seems that the outgoing PM turned up on the BBC Sunday morning and was asked about the post office …. he did a blah blah …. And it’s a test of whether blue labour can really Anything …
Meanwhile Eddie Davey – the outgoing leader of the waste of space party – is saying he did nothing to held sub post officers because he was ‘misled ‘ by senior post office managers .
The sub post office manager group wrote to Dave’s x5 but got nowhere so gave up with him . Jo Swindon – remember? The tight sweater lady – is also in the frame .
The question is – will Eddie Davey name names using parliamentary privilege? Or hide behind the police investigation excuse ?
In any event the victims deserve rapid remedies – this obscenity has gone on too long ….
Personally I reckon nothing will happen – the inquiry will grind on – the ex CEO – a vicar now no less – will keep her gong – pension and not face any justice at all …
The victims will get no remedies at all from this government.
One of the worst things Rishi Washee came out with and which you didn’t mention – according to the Daily Mail, is undoubtedly Camerons evil idea is attacking the sick and disabled again in order to provide money for tax cuts for the already wealthy in the run up to the election.
We are currently carrying the burden of hundreds of thousands of bogus asylum seekers which far Left “charity” workers are encouraging to claim disability benefits – none of these people are going to be touched by the hate filled Blue Labour party – only British citizens.
There might be one or two people who don’t qualify for sickness, but I for one don’t begrudge them their pittance, given the appallingly low rates of job seekers which are now internationally recognised as insufficient to be able to live on.
There but for the grace of God etc.
This is why bogus asylum seekers receive a far more generous benefits package than our own benefits claimants many of which have had to work in order to qualify for these penurious amounts and which can be stopped in a heart beat by a capricious civil servant.
If the Tories are so desperate for money they will steal it from thje disabled then there is zero chance of the sub postmasters receiving a penny from them. They will kick the can down the road until the other Labour party takes office by which time they will have effectively bankrupted the country.
Or you can watch BBC2 9pm show
The BBC choose to make black cameraman Vianet Djenguet the focus of the programme
He’s from Congo but went to Leeds Beckett Uni (is that the poly ?)
I often think I must be watching Nigerian TV these days. At least it means I don’t have to waste any time watching the new versions of Agatha Christie or Dr Who.
Over the weekend a Chinese ‘Shadow’ bank has become insolvent. Banks BTW always go bust on a wweekend to allow government officials to work feverishly to find a solution before markets reopen, giving them a few days grace.
The Banks name is Zhongzhi Enterprise Group which is not going to mean anything to anyone no one including me is likely to have ever heard of it.
However these things have a habit of spreading like ripples from a small pebble thrown in a pond.
One immediate reaction will be that the CCP or central bank will have to bail out other banks with liquidity to prevent them also falling over, and the sums involved might involve them needing to turn on the money printer which will cause inflation.
Debts are estimated at $65.5 Bn and much of this is going to be Evergrande and Country Garden.
This month the liquidation of Evergrande will come back to the courts and the CCP might instruct the courts to allow it to go bust or kick the can down the road.
If I was in charge I would let it go in order to cause a banking collapse in the West just as Biden is in an election year. It’s pretty common knowledge Xi won’t even talk to Biden prefering to talk to Kim Jong Gavin Newson instead, but would probably prefer to see Trump in the White House next time.
It will be interesting to see how markets react on Monday, but it probably won’t make much difference yet because it’s not widely reported – yet.
Thoughful – interesting event – will it hit HSBC I wonder?
As for the Chinese – I bet they can’t stand Obama/ Biden – maybe they can fix the IT for Trump to win …. And I’m sure putin would prefer Trump to return to do deals ….and get back to business once west ukraine has finally been annexed …
The more I hear about the situation in Ukraine the most my belief that the CIA is the worst “intelligence” agency that has ever existed is re-inforced.
The CIA has a history of spectacular failures, but you are not being told anything about the spectacular failures in the Ukraine Russia war.
These are literally a bunch of idiots who haven’t got a clue what they are doing telling Ukrainian soldiers to do things which is leading to their deaths in the hundreds of thousands.
The Russians have played them for the fools they are building decoy trenches which the Ukrainians have then wasted ammunition shelling when there were no soldiers in them. Or other areas where the CIA told them were sparsely defended the Russians had not only hidden themselves in a forest, but they had set up remote cameras so they knew exactly what kind of force was approacing and how to counter them.
Or the minefields the CIA said weren’t there and told the Ukrainians to just drive round them, only to find the Russians had laid half a milliion mines! Yes that’s right the CIA are so utterly incompetent they couldn’t even detect the laying of 500 000 mines !
It gets worse. A couple of divisions of Russian infantry which had been involved in battle and were weary and eroded in numbers switched battalion IDs with another couple and the dim witted CIA believed they would be weakened as a result, sent the Ukrainians to their deaths at the hands of fresh Russian troops.
You are never going to hear any of this on the Western media, but the CIA has always been the worst performing intelligence organisation on the planet, probably in all its history, but now they have become even worse, probably as a result of woke stupidity affecting everything.
Let’s hope we never ever have a war because we these muppets we don’t stand a chance.
Happy New Year to all, from a consistent lurker and occasional contributor.
BBC news side-bar thing (whatever it’s called) showing typical selective reporting.
“Tories pick Bone’s partner to fight his old seat.”…
” He was elected MP for Wellingborough in 2005 with a small majority of just 687.”
True – but a majority of 18,540 in 2019.
Surely that’s more relevant.
Lies and cover ups are quite a thing arnt they – covid – Biden – – Epstein – contaminated blood – post office – and the stuff they covered up that we ll never know about
Mrs Voter was watching the men’s footy today, Arsenal v Liverpool. Garbage Linacher was absolutely fooked. He couldn’t make his mind up who to support, both teams wear red you see!
Arsenal were in all white, to stop knife crime. That’ll work. The commentator said Liverpool were in purple, but anyone who was not colour blind could see it was a very fetching shade of lilac. Obviously they are in touch with their feminine side.
Good God, the BBC are totally shameless. Is this a taste of what to expect until the election ?. Are we to be exposed to a tirade of articles telling us what a really good man he is ?.
Don’t worry Kier. Nobody will go to your home and intimidate them while you are out. Like your people did to JRM’s children.
Lucy, we in the West are so committed to Israel that we can no longer criticise it, nor those who follow its religion without fear of Woke accusation of some ridiculous ism or other.
Here is yet another example of why we should question that blind support.
A man and woman associated with Israeli intelligence running a honeytrap involving minors (i.e. a paedophile sting) in order to gain ‘Kompromat’ for leverage over both them and the countries they run.
You happy with that, because I can’t think of anything worse, save for the fact when the whole rotten story is reported the most important parts are always omitted, that the protagonists were Jews, and were supposed to be our allies. That the father of one one of them was a known Mossad agent, buried with great honour on the mount of olives stole hundreds of millions from his own pensioners fund.
Sorry but I’m no longer sure this country is worth the trouble it’s causing
‘A man and woman associated with Israeli intelligence running a honeytrap involving minors (i.e. a paedophile sting) in order to gain ‘Kompromat’ for leverage over both them and the countries they run.’
Thoughtful, do you think our spies would not do that if it suited us ?.
Or the Americans ?.
Or the Russians ?.
They all would. There are no rules in that game.
I don’t know that many Jews and I don’t know that many Muslims. But I do know right from wrong. It is all a question of degree – but when one side ties children together and deliberately burns them alive in cold blood, I know whose side I am on.
You think the Americans would run a paedophile honeytrap on their own President? Or that the British would in order to entrap a Royal?
Seriously? I can imagine the Russians or the Chinese doing that because they are considered hostile states.
As for Children, the IDF shot a 3 year old dead today. Hamas is unquestionably undeniably wrong – the IDF however are no better. You say you know right from wrong, 8000 dead children say you don’t.
Why would I be happy with it? I’m not sure what you are suggesting.
A paedophile ring? Mmmm, what other nation on earth would tolerate that particular evil eh? Certainly not us. ?? Reports covering up details of said crimes? It couldn’t happen here.
Jews, both worldwide & Israeli are only human and subject to the same propensity to good & evil as the rest of humanity. They have the same right to defend their country and their race as anyone else. They’ve certainly come under enough severe scrutiny over that.
I don’t think we as a nation are committed to Israel. I think we have abandoned her. We didn’t even make a stand at the UN. For a place where one allegedly can’t criticise Israel, we have certainly done our best to allow the now weekly hate-marches calling for the annihilation of that country.
You seem to hold Israel to a higher standard than any other country.
As if any corruption you can dig up disqualifies them.
No Lucy I try to hold Israel to the same standards everyone else is held, and not to give them some kind of free pass.
Epstein and Maxwell weren’t operating a Paedophile ring in the way Saville was, they were running a honey trap to ensnare the rich and powerful and obtain compromising material on them.
It’s the kind of thing we would expect our enemies to do, not our friends.
As for Britain abstaining at the UN, that was only a vote calling for a cease fire, but we are lacking in humanity, and under the thumb of the Americans we failed to do the right thing and abstained in the knowledge Biden would veto it.
Now Biden has forced Netanyahu to a ceasefire twice, because Netanyahu is lying – it suits him better if the hostages are dead. He doesn’t want them back and he was refusing to take them back until his hand was forced by America. No wonder his support in Israel is only at 3%, he knows as soon as this situation calms down he’s toast so he’s going to keep it running as long as he possibly can, and he’s even said as much.
It’s just various levels of influence, from advocacy to outright activism.
Gaza seems rammed with folk in blue jackets running around febrile areas of combat. So it is hardly surprising some end up coming off badly.
Their presence could be anything, from sincere intelligence gathering to decoys to outright participants. Or martyrs to the cause. Certainly Western colleagues feel they should be allowed to swan about a firefight like tourists on hills overlooking grandarmees annihilating each other.
It’s daft. And sick. And pointless. Who is convinced of anything? Especially when those on the ground appear related to those on the ground still holding hostages and firing stuff.
All to the exclusion of anything, anywhere else. The profession’s credibility is utterly compromised.
Antiques Roadshow ended with a cocktail demonstration
First the expert had a taste
then Fiona Bruce snatched the glass out of his hand and hand a gulp
.. A glass he’d just had in his mouth
… 5 minutes ago the experts we should stand no closer than 2m apart.. and wear masks
The big interview was Idris who is ‘heading up ‘ the latest nonsense about stopping knife crime . Idris clearly hasn’t got clarity of thought and is troubled when not reading a script …
.. he and the amol one went through the confused tradition of tutting about knife crime – yoof- yoof services – cuts not done by knives ….
But as usual it was the omissions which said more – the following were not mentioned –
1 how do children become feral
2 schools
3 parents – do they exist
4 what is a father ?
5 stop and search
6 third world Gangs of kids
7 tribal wars
8 deterrence – in any form
9 failure to name killer children
10 the failure of past campaigns
It’s quite a while since I was a teenager and I’m not from the 3rd world – so I recognise my ability to get within the ‘mindset ‘ of a feral yoof – a violent animal -stuck in his hierarchy – is extremely limited if not impossible – same with Idris and the rest I reckon …
AsISeeItMar 13, 07:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Could Starmer’s regulation shake-up mean a ‘bonfire of the quangos’? – prompts our BBC… All together now, readers… Betteridge’s law…
andyjsnapeMar 13, 06:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 bbc reports.. ‘Roofers took my savings for job I didn’t ask for’ “A 91-year-old man says he lost his…
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
The left’s full blown distortion machinery has swung into action over Gays departure from Harvard.
The usual trick of rewriting facts has begun with lefty academics first making her dismissal all about charges of plagiarism as a smoke screen when everyone knows it was about her refusal to condemn the bloodthirsty acts carried out by Hamas. Then to try to paint plagiarism as a legitimate act for any academic.
They really are low snakes are they not? They will wriggle out of any tight corner by using lies and distortion.
How can any society have trust in professional institutions that are prepared to engage in such subterfuge simply to protect their political doctrine?
And of ccourse the liberal / left are playing the race card.
In fact, ‘affirmative action’ got the third-rate cheating fraud the top job in the first place.
You cannot ask questions or criticise them without being called evil – you have to believe a child knows how the world will end – she never went to school but somehow knows everything – a true visionary.
Imagine the outcome if Gay had been a white older male! They would have been gone and buried in 20 seconds with lefties jumping on their grave without mercy!
“University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigned from her post Saturday after facing intense criticism from the White House, lawmakers and alumni for appearing to dodge a question at a congressional hearing on campus antisemitism.
“I write to share that President Liz Magill has voluntarily tendered her resignation as President of the University of Pennsylvania,” Scott L. Bok, the chair of the Penn Board of Trustees, wrote in a message to the Penn community Saturday. “She will remain a tenured faculty member at Penn Carey Law.”
Shortly after Bok announced Magill’s resignation, he announced he would also step down from his position, according to a statement published by the Daily Pennsylvanian student newspaper. “I concluded that, for me, now was the right time to depart,” Bok said in the statement.
A university spokesman confirmed Bok’s resignation.”
“A Stanford University instructor has been removed from the classroom amid reports they called Jewish students colonizers and downplayed the Holocaust ”
TV has mentioned that Joey Barton has said something controversial
Strangely I didn’t hear hem mention his tweet today directly to the hatey BBC London antifa woman
“Harry Pitman – named.
His murderer – name withheld.” “We all know why.”
The tweet has been community noted pointing out that under 18s are not normally named
Flipping heck Barton’s own brother is in prison for a racist murder (when he was 17), so it is weird for him to pick this fight.
I don’t remember his brother’s case but I assume he was named which is probably Barton’s point.
Something tells me that the BBC doesn’t like Donald Trump .
What do you think maxincony , as a person with ‘inside information’ ?
“20mph speed limit enforcement to start in Wales this month”
This will cost the ordinary working taffman a lot of money and jobs.
The Welsh Assembly and are in desperate need of money and the speeding fines will be a good source of revenue. Scrap the Welsh Parliament they are completely out of touch with most taffmen, IMHO, it has become a dictatorship.
Wishful thinking perhaps but if no-one paid the ridiculous fines would the whole payment system collapse?
I’m waiting for The Senedd to outlaw battery angle grinders, spray paint and criminalise “flour and water in a public place “
Questions: Is our Tory Government winding down our armed forces ?
If so why ?
Can we trust the Tories or is it time to ditch them at the next general election?
Yes, if a retired ex naval person has got it right:
I think Jeff Taylor has it totally correct.
Change the Government if they are betraying us for a government who will defend Great Britain.
Let me try and make this simple for you. A significant number of the ‘refugees’ who have been imported into your shthole cntry are going to be used as UN troops when they call the next ‘pandemic’. They will shoot to kill if you decide to get too uppity. The same cretins who went along with the ‘Covaids’ will go along with the next plandemic. Why? Because next time there will be people who will be dying and that will be the children whom you have allowed to be injected with poison. Let me repeat that. You have allowed your children to be injected with poison. Geddit?
Hamas command in north Gaza destroyed, Israel says
Israel : Civilised democracy:
‘He said Israel had killed around 8,000 militants in north Gaza.’
The BBC add: ‘The BBC cannot independently verify this number.’
Gaza: Pariah state run by TERRORISTS:
‘Israel has killed more than 22,000 people since the war began, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.’
The BBC add: Nothing. They don’t even tell us they are terrorists.
No question at all whose side the BBC are on. The wrong one. Again.
From the river to the coast, Palestine will be toast
‘Rishi Sunak to be grilled by Laura Kuenssberg at start of election year’
Next week:
‘Kier Starmer to have a cosy chat by the fire with Laura’
I remember watching her interview Theresa May and Laura was her usual abrupt, arrogant cantakerous self – constantly interrupting May when she didn’t like the answer.
I then saw her interview Corbyn later and it was as different as chalk and cheese. She spoke softly and smoothly and was very pleasant with him.
That’s the BBC for you.
It’s another reason why listeners are departing from the Beebist stuff in droves, isn’t it John!
And when normal citizens realise that they are not taking much interest in anything that comes out of W1AA, they begin to question the reasons to pay the TV Tax, and then they do just that!
Well, that was what happened at Scrobs Turrets, and we’re certainly very normal!
Post Office Horizon Scandal.
Scandal indeed what an utter travesty of ‘Justice’, it shows just how corrupt our Intuitions and legal system are.
There are some very curious aspects to the Horizon scandal.
How could a relatively straightforward customised accounting system contain a software error that seemingly adds 2 + 2 and come up with 5?
Furthermore release defective software into a working environment of the utmost sensitivity without the fault being detected or corrected?
Ignore reports that the software was indeed faulty?
Ignore the fact that hundreds of previously upright citizens had resorted to fraud?
Why did the legal system not successfully defend the innocent Postmasters?
Politicians were made aware aware of an ongoing issue but why was nothing done?
Politicians are more interested in their Political careers than representing their constituents.
The legal system is most to blame in my opinion. It should have been obvious to anyone that given the number of cases there was a problem with the software. The costs involved with defending a legal action are prohibitive. I imagine that for the most part these Postmasters would have had to fund their own defences but would have been up against the more or less unlimited resources of the Post Office. They wouldn’t have been able to buy Solicitors and Barristers of the quality required and fund the expert witnesses required to examine the Horizon software in the depth required. To face facts, their Solicitors and Barristers probably thought their clients guilty anyway.
To highlight my thoughts on the cost of defending a Post Office Horizon prosecution. My estimate for hiring Solicitor, Barrister and expert witnesses……around £1 million. Who can afford that? One of the main costs would be for expert witnesses, at least one top Forensic Accountant and a few IT experts to examine the software which would be a huge task. Multiple Court applications will probably be required to prise access to PO and Fujitsu records and software.
Vennels and Fujitsu Execs need to be jailed.
Vennels is certainly not the main baddie
“In 2007, she joined the Post Office as group network director. On 1 April 2012, she became its chief executive officer (CEO)”
Horizon was implemented in 1999
The knew their were big faults straight away
2004 was when the main protester Alan Bates contacted Computer Weekly .. who then took 5 years to do their report
2014 the PO audit report was cancelled the day before publication .. that looks like Vennels
Perhaps you might be better asking the question why this rotten Marxist government is allowing the Post Office to defend cases brought against it by subpostmasters trying to overturn their convictions.
As you say it costs hundreds of thousands but because the British legal system is fragile as glass it cannot admit it gets convictions wrong regularly, so the state spends millions defending a broken corrupt system from the truth that it is not as good as its cracked up to be.
If I want to sue I need to raise £500K minimum, and who can afford that? Let alone the interminable appeals to ever higher courts the state can manage ?
We need a South African style Truth and Reconcilliation commissioin to get to the bottom of what happened in individual cases, but then given the number of failed greedy weasels in parliament who will never pass up the chance of any fat fees for their mates we have zero chance of ever getting real justice.
The legals for the most part, merely do what is asked… (or in some cases just work to max out billing!) they weren’t there when the deeds were done and bad actors can leverage that inescapable situation.
I’d like to see some explanation of the “back door” and “secret” access to the software that has been mentioned.
The breach of trust by Post Office is off the scale.
This plays to data storage and backup… it isn’t something nerdy – if *your data* can be maliciously manipulated to damage you and misrepresent a financial situation – then time stamped snapshots of the data lodged in multiple places with difficult (or no access=archive) 3rd party access is an absolute must which is why I use email with multiple recipients for as much official communication as I can.
I have seen BT overcharge 10%++ on simply massive telephone bills, had BT overcharge me, electricity companies “lose” accumulated positive balances on DD payments wrt estimated billing and more.
An acquaintance just this weekend had a mystery £75 Direct Debit from TONICT-BILL there’s a list of BANDITS crooks. Lloyds Bank said they’d stop future transactions but claimed that they can’t recover the funds and “don’t know” where the destination account is…. or who it belongs to….
“The computer says” eh?
If the post office was prosecuting people knowing the computer was faulty someone might be perverting the course of justice – at least – I hope they are sweating ….though the CEO would only land up in an open prison …
– I’ve yet to see what was actually faulty..
The perps likely ensured all the hard drives were physically shredded.
We’re seeing the consequences of something that the perps do not want explained
Ah therein lies the rub. The computer was faulty? Double entry book keeping means that if the money goes from one column it has to appear in the other, unless the starting balance is changed of course, but a reconed of the previous weeks balance.
Hard copy records of most transactions were also kept so any loss could be correlated with the records on screen.
In the early days of Horizon postmasters were reporting the cursor moving on the screen during lunch hours, and they were ‘reassured’ that it was Chesterfield (head office) in the system.
That’s the real problem, that someone remotely could change the figures on the screen remotely and the subpostmaster would be none the wiser until balance day. This was demonstrated to someone in the Post Office, Chesterfield IT creating a £20K loss in a postmasters accounts, they allegedly then put it back again.
Double entry book keeping means if one side throws a loss the other side throws a profit and given the losses created by these systems there would have to have been a correlating gain on the other side. This is the point,t hat no one ever appears to have ever asked the questions why the gains were never shown, nor what happened to them.
There are a coupleof points raised here. Suppose a bad actor got into that system and created a £20K loss and then removed it for themselves. No surpluss would ever show and no one would be any the wiser. Secondly suppose the state decided to close an office, then it could easily createa loss situation, close the office deny compensation for closure and claim a healthy profit for a loss making company.
A simple way for the BLiar government to rid itself of all the post offices it wanted to close without compensation, and if anyone thinls that amoral rattlesnake wouldn’t have done that, think again !
Mild anxiety is not an excuse, dirty wellness and an object of global pity edition
All of which above phrases – borrowed as they are from news stories – can probably be applied to Prince Andrew this weekend
Editorial mistakes in the Sunday papers require Mr AsI to reach for his trusty blue pencil – whereas: Court told Ghislaine: Find emails on ‘Andrew’ and ‘sex toy’ (Mail on Sunday)
Did I leave it in the wardrobe? Is it in the bottom draw in the bedroom? Now where did I put my editorial metaphorical blue pencil? Ah, there it is – silly me… it was stuck behind my ear all along.
Let’s get to work: 1 in 4 parents now think it’s fine for children to skip school… mild anxiety is not an excuse… Gillian Keegan, the education secretary, will open a campaign… school attendance crisis… A You Gov poll found… more than one in four parents (28 per cent) agreed that the pandemic had shown it was not essential for children to attend school every day (The Sunday Times)
Here we go – you know the drill by now: more than one in four parents (28 per cent) agreed that the
pandemicLockdowns had shown it was not essential for children to attend school every dayBut what’s this…? An about turn by one of our latterly Lockdown Karens?
Bridget Phillipson, the shadow education secretary, who in an interview with the Sunday Times today criticises the culture of lockdown she believes harmed many young lives.
That’s quite some policy U-turn there from the Labour MP for Houghton and Sunderland South
Bridget Phillipson: Parents must save lockdown’s lost generation (Times on X formerly Twitter)
How times have changed
Bridget Phillipson MP tests positive for Covid-19 and sets out position on proposed new Covid regulations… Omnicron is a new threat on top of the existing variants of the virus, and we need to act swiftly to limit its spread… The vote will be on Covid passes where we will have to show either vaccination status or proof of a recent negative lateral flow test… I therefore support the measures being introduced in Parliament today. (Bridget 14th December 2021)
Oh well… joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth [Luke 15:7]
Mind you, this might upset those pro-Lockdown teachers’ unions of ours. But I guess their votes are safely secure in the Labour locker. Presumably she has been given a nod and a wink from Sir Keir who has in turn got the nod for this from Tony Blair.
It’s safe now to talk about getting everyone back to work
The in-house cartoonists are back at work at our broadsheets. Even at his best left-leaning Newman in the Times tends to raise little more than a rictus grin from this weary reader. This morning he sketches a man with his frontdoor barricaded in Dad’s Army-style with a wall of sandbags, explaining to a passerby: “Floods? No I’m preparing for electioneering”
Whereas our boy Matt in the Telegraph hits the bullseye and checks out on a double top (to borrow some darts terms) with a white-coated, placard-waving doctor in the pub telling the barman, just as he’s handed his pint: “I’m doing No Patients January. I sleep better, I have more energy and my mood has improved”
Seems we’ve all got darts on the brain: Darts are turning us into Einsteins (Star) – something to do with the maths involved, I’m guessing.
The papers would have us make some New Year resolutions – health-wise: Delicious recipes to rid your diet of ultra processed food (Mail on Sunday); Free inside Slimming World (Sunday Mirror & Daily Star Sunday); Better health in 2024 (Express); Sleep like a teen get a full night’s slumber (Telegraph) – but hopefull don’t over-sleep like a teen and miss getting up for school – or work… I’m looking at you, public sector employees – and so too will be your new boss… Sir Keir.
As usual it is the mildly conservative Telegraph that steps slightly out of line with all this self-improvement guff: How to eat what you like… guilt free. Nutritionist to the Royal family on why ‘dirty wellness’ is health trend for 2024
Dirty wellness, eh? It was glamrocker Marc Bolan who praised his girlfriend for being ‘dirty, sweet and you’re my girl‘
It tends to be the Telegraph that has the rare balls with which to kick the BBC – albeit within scare quotes: Johnny Ball ‘BBC destroyed childrens’ TV’
Likewise in the Telegraph, rather than bang its pots (or bang a gong as T Rex would have it) for that other busted flush of a once great socialised national institution – and instead senses that distant ringing is the tolling of its death knell: Opinion Daniel Hannan NHS is an object of global pity
Since you seem rather enamoured of T Rex, I heartily recommend the band TRextasy, I am not normally a fan of tribute bands, but this one is rather good.
A quote from June Bolan, Marc’s long suffering wife:
“It’s just like the lttle sh@t himself”
The gormless labour MP Phillipson breaks the rule that the only thing stopping the red Labour Party from getting office is when they open their mouths . Silence must be the thing ….
….. I agree that kids don’t need to school now – after all – if they get a job they’ll be working from home anyway – probably doing multiple council jobs trying to work out how long before they can retire ….
The state could cut the education budget – no need for ‘breakfast clubs’ funded with taxpayers money – teachers could be fired or redeployed to be diversity managers and our lovely new dinghy arrivals housed in what used to be schools – saving trillions ….
The following article has been heavily censored since it was written back in 2019 by author and investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore who claims that Nicole Junkermann herself has been using various continental European courts to have the content pulled down and censored. It was originally published on Vocal.Media, as the first part of a trilogy investigating Nicole Junkermann and examining her links with Jeffrey Epstein, Israeli intelligence, and the UK NHS Healthtech Advisory Board led by UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock MP.
The article was eventually pulled down and censored by Vocal. Media and is “Now republished on Unlimited Hangout, where censorship is out of the question.” explained Johnny Vedmore.
Much data, especially in entities like the NHS is managed by total clowns, who’re akin to a bunch of baboons surrounding a flying saucer and furtively poking at it and touching it to determine edibility…
I’ve tried to legitimately access *public* databases through the correct formal channels and the people tasked with administration were exasperatingly ignorant – actually, astonishingly ignorant.
Our wealthy rural outpost in Cheshire has a Co-op store. There is a news-stand which carries the normal newspapers and a copy or two of the normally unsold Morning Star. I think the caring sharing Co-op thinks it should be caring sharing so has the Morning Star in its stores to fly its Sociaist/Communist colours.
I noticed an interesting headline on the paper the other day, it was a direct attack on Smarmer. On looking at their web page, Smarmer appears to be a target of the Socialist ire, Socialists/Communists appear to intensely dislike him. One could wonder what might happen if Smarmer wins the next GE, is he only a stalking horse to get into Government only to be replaced by someone they approve of?
Flotsam – replacing a ‘face ‘ with some one with purer socialist blood is very Red Labour – the classic case was a chap who was elected to be leader of the GLC ( Macintosh ) and was then deposed in a coup by the Far Left about a week later – in walked Ken Livingstone …..together with Corbyn and Abbot and the rest of the vermin ….
They’ll probably install that ginger onw who is deputy – she is a kind of English version of karmela …..
.. the deposed ‘victim ‘ took a peerage of course ( democracy ? Corruption ? surely not )
BBC news loves reporting things that are NOT news
News bulletins are often used for PR promoting events that have not yet happened cos they fit the BBC’s agenda COP events
Now the German farmers protests are about to start on Monday
.. I haven’t found any BBC mentions of it
righties are sometimes using old photos of DUTCH protests when they mention the forthcoming German protests
this one is from 4th of Jan
The Dutch farmer protests have been absolutely huge – I was there for one and just thousands of tractors turned out and did the equivalent of stopping the M25 for a day.
Needless to say BBC=tumbleweed
Just seen “The Many Lives Of Trump Tower”:
Really struggling to see the point of it, other than to keep up the BBC’s quota of anti-Trump guff.
Let’s all look forward to the day that Broadcasting House is put up for sale. Hopefully won’t be long now.
Perhaps they could turn it into a 4* hotel for their favourite recent arrivals.
BBC seems very pro WEF
And in the past they didn’t hide it
The WEF website has a pro BBC-News page
seems to be a project of BBC’s ex Worklife reporter Lucy Marcus her last update was 2018
That’s the same as the way BBC Green activist reporters CAMPAIGN WITH the organisations they are supposed to be reporting about
so can’t actually be impartial
The BBC’s mendacious collusion with activists is just off the scale.
The more you look the worse it is.
– and you really don’t have to look very far.
What’s going on with the SWP ?
They set up a stall in a precinct in Wales
All their posters say the NHS is being killed by Tory Cuts
A passerby points out that is a lie cos the NHS is Wales is NOT controlled by the Tories, it’s divolved so LABOUR make all the money spending choices.
The two baldies try to stop him filming
.. until later restrained by a younger MASKED handler
who seems to be ethnic Chinese
Chinese students at Bath University are paranoid as … about surveillance by CCP operatives.
Those guys from ‘Voice of Wales’ speak for many taffmen .
The socialist workers’ party, and…. the bbc.
The BBC fought long and dirty on this one.
Because they can.
Nah…..she doesn’t look old enough…….
“A Palestine protester casually walking through the London Underground with tombstone poster with the words:
“Glory to the martyrs”
“Killed by British taxpayers”
Masked as well so he knew his placard is problematic
Has an echo ‘of kristalnight ‘… ….. enabling the democrat nazis to lock up threats for a long time …..
I wouldn’t be surprised if half of the protesters were Fed spies …from various federal agencies ….
..and you can see how important it is that the US remains a one party democrat gang state ….although the evidence will have disappeared in the same way as the voting fraud ….
I had a feeling about that day, in part due the MSM scene setting during the run up – not least of of which was repeating clumsy hints from the likes of the grotesque Pelosi and ghastly Nadler… and the troupe of braying eejits like AOC ( apologies to donkeys)
So I made some time at the end of the day here and sought out independent voices and the usual MSM creeps and gave them all individual browser tabs. In all, I guess I “watched” about 3 hour’s of it while “working”….
I came away feeling it was clearly and unequivocally a setup. I have experienced demonstrations where the crowd turned very ugly (25 cops to hospital and 17 demonstrators, 75 demonstrators thrown into an assortment of jails) and witnessed episodes of severe public disorder in other countries – that was clearly not the case there at the US Capitol apart from some groups that imho looked remarkably like AntiFa goons. The shooting of Ashley Babbit was unjustified and simple murder – there were several uniformed, armed Capitol policemen literally within arm’s length of her. Farce and tragedy…..
The scum that set it up deserve incarceration without bail in the jails they’d arranged prior to the event for “MAGA” people …
Fed, what about Ashley Babbit’s family. They cannot all be Biden supporters and voting Democrats, can they? The American legal system relies on Law Suits against someone else.
Senior BBC staff do like their proxies.
Somehow Simpo ‘finds’ a cartoon from 2016 to post, and gets picked up by bestest mates, like…
It is so blatant because the know they are Teflon.
Like the Welsh SWP baldies, they know how fast a lie can travel.
This is how politicians and media work in concert.
And breathe.
When Labour London Mayor Sadiq Khan can avert transport strikes by engaging with workers and their trade unions, why won’t the UK Conservative Government do the same with train drivers and junior doctors?
Asking for a nation.
Near identical to Dr. Rosena Khan. No relation. But there are a lot now in politics and media.
The repulsive Tom Watson – fan of fantasists has revealed he has prostate cancer and suggests all chaps should get one each year .
My GP refused my request for one on the grounds that they are not reliable – even on appeal I was refused – despite my older brother having had prostate cancer .
One of the many reasons I wouid cut the NHS down – or privatise the ‘best ‘ bits of it …..
Luckily I’ve not had to see my crap GP since – and I now pay for private medicine although again I’m pleased not to have called on it .
As for Tom Watson – goes around – comes around ….
Fed, the quality of GPs are far from the standard from even 15 years ago. During my time in the NHS I was told that the qualifying “pass” needed for doctors to come here from the 3rd world is way below what British born doctors would be expected to gain in their exams here. Encouraging isn’t it.
I envisage a time when I take equity release from my house just to stay alive!!
Brissles – I know I am hard – but I would ration health services as policy – for instance – the introduction of a £10 charge – you use it – you pay for it .
I’ve been lucky so far in having rare exposure to the NHS – although my parents were less fortunate – they killed my dad – age 76 – and cared less about my mum during her journey through dementia ….
I have little regard for the self serving medical mafia – motivated by money and status and self interest – exploiting people at their weakest – are they still on strike ….. ?
Don’t forget to clap …. ( I still can’t believe people really did that)
I heartily agree in paying an appointment fee, and I suspect most of the public too if it guaranteed seeing a doctor, but I fear that we would still be in the same position – lack of doctors despite the fee.
I would also revise the non payment for prescriptions. When queuing for mine in the pharmacy there are barely any payments being made – and this is all age groups !
Fed, I would expand the number of places at Medical School, exempt once qualified medical students from fees but then produce a ‘set of handcuffs’ so that a doctor could not leave the NHS without paying a severe penalty, say a multiple of the fees they were exempt from for training.
I think the medical mafia would find a way of maintaining their monopoly and closed shop to endure there is never enough doctors – thus keeping their wages up …
I worked in Pakistan in the early 1990s – I was told more than once that it was a thing for middle and upper class dunces wanting a soft landing in the UK to pay smart people to sit their medical exams.
High time that, like airline pilots, doctors should have to stay current via a “check ride” competence system and investigate those who vary from some simple outcome statistics.
Personally I’m fed up with failed medics being allowed to call themselves MD.
Might just weed out a Shipman or incompetent slasher hiding in the provinces.
Seems that the outgoing PM turned up on the BBC Sunday morning and was asked about the post office …. he did a blah blah …. And it’s a test of whether blue labour can really Anything …
Meanwhile Eddie Davey – the outgoing leader of the waste of space party – is saying he did nothing to held sub post officers because he was ‘misled ‘ by senior post office managers .
The sub post office manager group wrote to Dave’s x5 but got nowhere so gave up with him . Jo Swindon – remember? The tight sweater lady – is also in the frame .
The question is – will Eddie Davey name names using parliamentary privilege? Or hide behind the police investigation excuse ?
In any event the victims deserve rapid remedies – this obscenity has gone on too long ….
Personally I reckon nothing will happen – the inquiry will grind on – the ex CEO – a vicar now no less – will keep her gong – pension and not face any justice at all …
The victims will get no remedies at all from this government.
One of the worst things Rishi Washee came out with and which you didn’t mention – according to the Daily Mail, is undoubtedly Camerons evil idea is attacking the sick and disabled again in order to provide money for tax cuts for the already wealthy in the run up to the election.
We are currently carrying the burden of hundreds of thousands of bogus asylum seekers which far Left “charity” workers are encouraging to claim disability benefits – none of these people are going to be touched by the hate filled Blue Labour party – only British citizens.
There might be one or two people who don’t qualify for sickness, but I for one don’t begrudge them their pittance, given the appallingly low rates of job seekers which are now internationally recognised as insufficient to be able to live on.
There but for the grace of God etc.
This is why bogus asylum seekers receive a far more generous benefits package than our own benefits claimants many of which have had to work in order to qualify for these penurious amounts and which can be stopped in a heart beat by a capricious civil servant.
If the Tories are so desperate for money they will steal it from thje disabled then there is zero chance of the sub postmasters receiving a penny from them. They will kick the can down the road until the other Labour party takes office by which time they will have effectively bankrupted the country.
Davey has no danger doing / saying whatever he wants to from the floor of the house. Parliament is sovereign – there are NO EXCUSES
Antiques Roadshow tonight from Glasgow
#BiasedBBC #BoxTicking
thus making the UK seem very black
Scotland is 96% white or something
pm the drama series Tourist has a black face in the PR and schedule page
Yet I think almost everyone else in the show is white
Or you can watch BBC2 9pm show
The BBC choose to make black cameraman Vianet Djenguet the focus of the programme
He’s from Congo but went to Leeds Beckett Uni (is that the poly ?)
I often think I must be watching Nigerian TV these days. At least it means I don’t have to waste any time watching the new versions of Agatha Christie or Dr Who.
you’d know if you were watching Nigerian telly!!
Over the weekend a Chinese ‘Shadow’ bank has become insolvent. Banks BTW always go bust on a wweekend to allow government officials to work feverishly to find a solution before markets reopen, giving them a few days grace.
The Banks name is Zhongzhi Enterprise Group which is not going to mean anything to anyone no one including me is likely to have ever heard of it.
However these things have a habit of spreading like ripples from a small pebble thrown in a pond.
One immediate reaction will be that the CCP or central bank will have to bail out other banks with liquidity to prevent them also falling over, and the sums involved might involve them needing to turn on the money printer which will cause inflation.
Debts are estimated at $65.5 Bn and much of this is going to be Evergrande and Country Garden.
This month the liquidation of Evergrande will come back to the courts and the CCP might instruct the courts to allow it to go bust or kick the can down the road.
If I was in charge I would let it go in order to cause a banking collapse in the West just as Biden is in an election year. It’s pretty common knowledge Xi won’t even talk to Biden prefering to talk to Kim Jong Gavin Newson instead, but would probably prefer to see Trump in the White House next time.
It will be interesting to see how markets react on Monday, but it probably won’t make much difference yet because it’s not widely reported – yet.
Thoughful – interesting event – will it hit HSBC I wonder?
As for the Chinese – I bet they can’t stand Obama/ Biden – maybe they can fix the IT for Trump to win …. And I’m sure putin would prefer Trump to return to do deals ….and get back to business once west ukraine has finally been annexed …
For those who engage with londonistan – the tube strike this coming week is OFF .
Fed, for once, some good news although I do not have the means or the time to go to London as I once did.
Cool. So that’s what… 140:1 averted, which in BBC terms is about an even split.
The more I hear about the situation in Ukraine the most my belief that the CIA is the worst “intelligence” agency that has ever existed is re-inforced.
The CIA has a history of spectacular failures, but you are not being told anything about the spectacular failures in the Ukraine Russia war.
These are literally a bunch of idiots who haven’t got a clue what they are doing telling Ukrainian soldiers to do things which is leading to their deaths in the hundreds of thousands.
The Russians have played them for the fools they are building decoy trenches which the Ukrainians have then wasted ammunition shelling when there were no soldiers in them. Or other areas where the CIA told them were sparsely defended the Russians had not only hidden themselves in a forest, but they had set up remote cameras so they knew exactly what kind of force was approacing and how to counter them.
Or the minefields the CIA said weren’t there and told the Ukrainians to just drive round them, only to find the Russians had laid half a milliion mines! Yes that’s right the CIA are so utterly incompetent they couldn’t even detect the laying of 500 000 mines !
It gets worse. A couple of divisions of Russian infantry which had been involved in battle and were weary and eroded in numbers switched battalion IDs with another couple and the dim witted CIA believed they would be weakened as a result, sent the Ukrainians to their deaths at the hands of fresh Russian troops.
You are never going to hear any of this on the Western media, but the CIA has always been the worst performing intelligence organisation on the planet, probably in all its history, but now they have become even worse, probably as a result of woke stupidity affecting everything.
Let’s hope we never ever have a war because we these muppets we don’t stand a chance.
Happy New Year to all, from a consistent lurker and occasional contributor.
BBC news side-bar thing (whatever it’s called) showing typical selective reporting.
“Tories pick Bone’s partner to fight his old seat.”…
” He was elected MP for Wellingborough in 2005 with a small majority of just 687.”
True – but a majority of 18,540 in 2019.
Surely that’s more relevant.
Welcome to our little spot SpinningReith the more of us here to tell the truth the better.
Lies and cover ups are quite a thing arnt they – covid – Biden – – Epstein – contaminated blood – post office – and the stuff they covered up that we ll never know about
Mrs Voter was watching the men’s footy today, Arsenal v Liverpool. Garbage Linacher was absolutely fooked. He couldn’t make his mind up who to support, both teams wear red you see!
Arsenal were in all white, to stop knife crime. That’ll work. The commentator said Liverpool were in purple, but anyone who was not colour blind could see it was a very fetching shade of lilac. Obviously they are in touch with their feminine side.
I thought it was something about cutting down on red wine ..if only arsenal and Liverpool could both lose ..
Sir Keir Starmer has worries over election impact on his children
Good God, the BBC are totally shameless. Is this a taste of what to expect until the election ?. Are we to be exposed to a tirade of articles telling us what a really good man he is ?.
Don’t worry Kier. Nobody will go to your home and intimidate them while you are out. Like your people did to JRM’s children.
Jacob Rees-Mogg brushes off protest outside home
The BBC article revels in repeating the accusations – but what got my attention was they chose to report this:
On Twitter, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said it was a “shameful and disgraceful” episode.
WTF was the ‘Archbishop of Canterbury’ doing getting involved in politics ?. It was indeed a sign of things to come.
The names & faces of the 150 CovIdiot Bilderbergers:
One of the worst things that could possibly happen during a war.
Journalists, who are not required to be there, have been killed.
” International journalists have had very little access. It’s almost impossible to get into Gaza.”
“There is nowhere where it’s safe for journalists to operate”
“Al Jazeera have accused Israel of deliberately targeting the journalists.” – not challenged.
As usual, the BBC talking head making sure we know how evil THEY THINK Israel is.
Not many journalists around for Turkish air strikes ‘oop north?
Lucy, we in the West are so committed to Israel that we can no longer criticise it, nor those who follow its religion without fear of Woke accusation of some ridiculous ism or other.
Here is yet another example of why we should question that blind support.
A man and woman associated with Israeli intelligence running a honeytrap involving minors (i.e. a paedophile sting) in order to gain ‘Kompromat’ for leverage over both them and the countries they run.
You happy with that, because I can’t think of anything worse, save for the fact when the whole rotten story is reported the most important parts are always omitted, that the protagonists were Jews, and were supposed to be our allies. That the father of one one of them was a known Mossad agent, buried with great honour on the mount of olives stole hundreds of millions from his own pensioners fund.
Sorry but I’m no longer sure this country is worth the trouble it’s causing
‘A man and woman associated with Israeli intelligence running a honeytrap involving minors (i.e. a paedophile sting) in order to gain ‘Kompromat’ for leverage over both them and the countries they run.’
Thoughtful, do you think our spies would not do that if it suited us ?.
Or the Americans ?.
Or the Russians ?.
They all would. There are no rules in that game.
I don’t know that many Jews and I don’t know that many Muslims. But I do know right from wrong. It is all a question of degree – but when one side ties children together and deliberately burns them alive in cold blood, I know whose side I am on.
You think the Americans would run a paedophile honeytrap on their own President? Or that the British would in order to entrap a Royal?
Seriously? I can imagine the Russians or the Chinese doing that because they are considered hostile states.
As for Children, the IDF shot a 3 year old dead today. Hamas is unquestionably undeniably wrong – the IDF however are no better. You say you know right from wrong, 8000 dead children say you don’t.
Thoughtful I have to assume that story about Israeli sting is a conspiracy theory someone made up
cos you supplied no links or context
Why would I be happy with it? I’m not sure what you are suggesting.
A paedophile ring? Mmmm, what other nation on earth would tolerate that particular evil eh? Certainly not us. ?? Reports covering up details of said crimes? It couldn’t happen here.
Jews, both worldwide & Israeli are only human and subject to the same propensity to good & evil as the rest of humanity. They have the same right to defend their country and their race as anyone else. They’ve certainly come under enough severe scrutiny over that.
I don’t think we as a nation are committed to Israel. I think we have abandoned her. We didn’t even make a stand at the UN. For a place where one allegedly can’t criticise Israel, we have certainly done our best to allow the now weekly hate-marches calling for the annihilation of that country.
You seem to hold Israel to a higher standard than any other country.
As if any corruption you can dig up disqualifies them.
No Lucy I try to hold Israel to the same standards everyone else is held, and not to give them some kind of free pass.
Epstein and Maxwell weren’t operating a Paedophile ring in the way Saville was, they were running a honey trap to ensnare the rich and powerful and obtain compromising material on them.
It’s the kind of thing we would expect our enemies to do, not our friends.
As for Britain abstaining at the UN, that was only a vote calling for a cease fire, but we are lacking in humanity, and under the thumb of the Americans we failed to do the right thing and abstained in the knowledge Biden would veto it.
Now Biden has forced Netanyahu to a ceasefire twice, because Netanyahu is lying – it suits him better if the hostages are dead. He doesn’t want them back and he was refusing to take them back until his hand was forced by America. No wonder his support in Israel is only at 3%, he knows as soon as this situation calms down he’s toast so he’s going to keep it running as long as he possibly can, and he’s even said as much.
Journalism no longer exists.
It’s just various levels of influence, from advocacy to outright activism.
Gaza seems rammed with folk in blue jackets running around febrile areas of combat. So it is hardly surprising some end up coming off badly.
Their presence could be anything, from sincere intelligence gathering to decoys to outright participants. Or martyrs to the cause. Certainly Western colleagues feel they should be allowed to swan about a firefight like tourists on hills overlooking grandarmees annihilating each other.
It’s daft. And sick. And pointless. Who is convinced of anything? Especially when those on the ground appear related to those on the ground still holding hostages and firing stuff.
All to the exclusion of anything, anywhere else. The profession’s credibility is utterly compromised.
deep fake?
Antiques Roadshow ended with a cocktail demonstration
First the expert had a taste
then Fiona Bruce snatched the glass out of his hand and hand a gulp
.. A glass he’d just had in his mouth
… 5 minutes ago the experts we should stand no closer than 2m apart.. and wear masks
Project Ukraine:
Review of upcoming 2024 US legal hoopla
with Robert Barnes who’s been keeping his powder dry….
more on Rumble
Time for the new thread . Thanks for all the comments
Thanks for the ‘heads up’.
Golden Lion, from Martinique, endured an 8,000-mile round trip only to lose 12-0 to Lille in the French Cup.
8000 miles bbc? Not very green is it
The big interview was Idris who is ‘heading up ‘ the latest nonsense about stopping knife crime . Idris clearly hasn’t got clarity of thought and is troubled when not reading a script …
.. he and the amol one went through the confused tradition of tutting about knife crime – yoof- yoof services – cuts not done by knives ….
But as usual it was the omissions which said more – the following were not mentioned –
1 how do children become feral
2 schools
3 parents – do they exist
4 what is a father ?
5 stop and search
6 third world Gangs of kids
7 tribal wars
8 deterrence – in any form
9 failure to name killer children
10 the failure of past campaigns
It’s quite a while since I was a teenager and I’m not from the 3rd world – so I recognise my ability to get within the ‘mindset ‘ of a feral yoof – a violent animal -stuck in his hierarchy – is extremely limited if not impossible – same with Idris and the rest I reckon …
4a) How many father’s have they got?