A homesickness tinged with grief and sadness, a longing, nostalgia, a pull on the heart that conveys a distinct feeling of missing something irretrievably lost. And for a place that might not even exist.
Taffman perhaps you can help with this? It’s the best definition I can find.
And the closest single word I can find for how I feel now
I feel homesick without having left home. My country has been removed from me but not me -spatially, from my country. Can I ever return home from this strange place?
I wrote this note some time ago as part of a collection I may one day publish. Hope it makes sense
‘We’ll keep a welcome’, is a familiar Welsh song. In the second verse is the line ‘we’ll kiss away each hour of hiraeth when you return again to Wales’. What is hiraeth(pronounced [hiraɪ̯θ]?
It is a Welsh word that is difficult to describe in English as there is no single word that expresses all that it does. The online Welsh–English dictionary of the University of Wales, Lampeter, likens it to homesickness tinged with grief or sadness over the lost or departed. It is a mix of longing, yearning, nostalgia, wistfulness, or an earnest desire for the Wales of the past.
Yet there is more depth to hiraeth than in any of those words on their own. It is a multi-layered word, which includes a different variety of homesickness. This kind of homesickness is like a combination of the homesickness, longing, nostalgia, and yearning, for a home that you cannot return to, no longer exists, or maybe never was. It can also include grief or sadness for whom or what you have lost, losses which make your “home” not the same as the one you remember.
One attempt to describe hiraeth in English says that it is “a longing to be where your spirit lives.” This may be a physical location that you can return to at any time, or it may be more nostalgic of a home, not attached to a place, but a time from the past that you can only return to by revisiting old memories. Hiraeth is homesickness for somewhere you cannot return to, the nostalgia and the grief for the lost places of your past, or places that never were; a link with a long-forgotten past, an expression of the language of the soul. Half forgotten, only a fraction remembered.
The people of Wales were long ago separated from their culture and lived as foreigners in their own land. For the Saxons the Welsh, who were the original inhabitants of Briton, were seen as foreigners. The word ‘Wales’ actually means ‘Place of the others.’. Welsh people may prefer to call themselves Cymry, and to call their country Cymru. Hiraeth is a longing for one’s homeland, but it’s not mere homesickness. It is also an expression of the bond one feels with one’s home country when one is away from it. In this respect hiraeth is linked to national pride, not the pride so maligned today as ‘nationalism’ but a pride in where one came from. The landscape is one aspect of Wales, or Cymru, that can fill some of its people with national pride for their home. Something the progressive oikophobes in Europe may one day understand
I can understand that, Lucy. I feel rootless now, although I miss London deeply. But this world is not my home, heaven is. I had a wonderful dream last year, at least I think it was last year.
Jesus said: “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2 KJV
In my dream I walked down a hill and came to a fence or gate, beyond which was the most beautiful valley in wonderful light. I then turned and walked back up the hill and on my right, in beautiful sunshine were these mansion blocks, the sort that you may find in somewhat ‘posh’ parts of London, for example around Sloane Square. Does that make any sense?
Lucy, that is very similar to a word used in Portugal and Brazil, saudade. My Brazilian wife used it a lot . It is a longing and feeling that you might never see a thing or place again.
Gertrude Stein said America is my country but Paris is my hometown. At the moment the UK might be my country, but I’d be willing to move anywhere I could see a doctor and could walk into a local bank, and I would call call it my hometown.
As we see the country that we grew up in disappearing increasingly rapidly in the rear view mirror those lines of Housman become ever more poignant. Almost bring a lump to your throat and a bottom lip tremble.
What is irretrievably lost is an illusion. You lose nothing. You discover truth through adversity. A part of this is shedding the illusion of belonging. The truth is beyond culture and tradition as it permeates every facet of existence. Clinging to a past that never existed will lead to your self-destruction. Strength comes through the ability to adapt and understand the nature of reality.
kp, not so. I was in a conversation with someone yesterday, a bit younger than me as still working. They agreed that ‘modern life’ was difficult and that ‘we had had it good’ forty or fifty years ago. Then there are the statistics that would indicate that is indeed the case: increase in drug taking, increase in broken families, increase in mental health problems in children although the media must take a share of responsibility for that as they, especially the BBC, promote new fears and anxieties.
I think you are living in an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ state: get real!
Some further thoughts, kp; in the 1960s we had the prospect of nuclear war between the superpowers: USA and Russia. In addition to that we had the possibility of war for the UK over UDI in Rhodesia.
1970s: we had inflation at 25%. There was no minimum wage and pay was low, really low. Then there were power cuts (due to the miners), constant other strikes or go slows.
1980s: more industrial conflicts, more inflation (although nowhere near 25%) and more unemployment.
1990s: we had roads in a state of disrepair (cones hotline); John Major’s obsession with the EU and ERM, more recession, negative equity, more inflation.
Then along came Blair and Brown and made everything worse!
We, who are in our 70s and 80s, have survived through all of that and you accuse us of living in an illusory world? We are the great survivors. At least, we had good music in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s; maybe even in the 1990s.
Kp sounds like they haven’t been mugged yet – I can assure you you will undergo a ‘reality check ‘ …
There is also a term used ‘clinging to the past ‘ – well 1. Learn from the past – 2 do not cancel the past 3 mark the sacrifices made by those in the past who allowed us ‘to be ‘ – in what ever craphole the `UK is and will become too soon ….
“You discover truth through adversity. “ – we are also letting go of things that bound us and made us happy.
Internet – vast information to inform – instead vast manipulated.
Brexit – sovereign nation – yet borders open more than ever.
MP selected not voted in and had Green Card for different country.
Bradford City of Culture – Britain’s future, 46% cousin marriages.
BBC – telling you what you should be, not what you are.
Could you help me by explaining how we stop the Islamification of our country? Advise me what I can do stop it, what action can I take. Because from where I am sitting there seems nothing that I can do and even if there were a million like me I don’t see what we could do.
I have been moaning about the gradual loss of our home for at least twenty years , not payed the LF and tried to persuade others not to as well, voted leave , voted for the Brexit Party , never voted Labour , going to vote Reform, written to my Tory MP about Brexit and immigration , but nothing changes, the destruction of my country gathers pace. Despair and contempt is all I have left!
Hiraeth. Interesting, thank you Lucy, GWF, and Snuff. If I understand the meaning of the term right, is a feeling I know well.
Sometimes it hits you like a punch in the stomach, others it is a gentler, kinder type of sadness.
The Cymri, like their cousins the Cornish (Kernew), were indeed the Britons who lingered longest in this part of the world, the Bretons were their kin who fled across the sea. It is why the Welsh, the Cornish, and the Bretons all claim King Arthur as their own, even though his stories mostly feature places in Somerset.
History does repeat itself, only this time it’s not Danes, or Saxons, but another wave of “barbarians” invading, and where is left to flee to?
Snuffy, I’m not religious at all, but I have a recurring dream, more frequent in recent years which is somewhat similar to yours – not in detail, but in character, perhaps? In it, I am walking home, down a familiar, but steep and rocky path, and through old orchards on an autumn evening. The air is chill, but I am warm and relaxed, and can smell a hint of woodsmoke and cooking. I am literally “coming home”, to my grandparent’s home as it was when I was a child, and as I enter the gate, I can see my grandmother (long, long gone) serving dinner through the window, and two young friends (both taken far too young), are sat at the table, waiting for me.
It is a strange dream, everything seems so real, and just “as it was”, or as I recall them, anyway, “memory” can play tricks. The cottage and surrounding orchards are long gone now, swept away along with the lane and so much else, to make way for houses and a road some 30 years ago. But, in the dream there is no sadness, just warmth, and love, and aching nostalgia – Hiraeth? A glimpse of what never was, but might have been, or of my mortality and some hereafter? My wife thinks it’s maudlin, but it’s not, I fall asleep most nights hoping to have that dream, and if one day I don’t wake up, that’s where I’d like to be.
Back in 1961, a very young Scrobs alighted the Red Dragon train at Newport, to start a new few years at school some miles North.
I can easily remember sitting in the coach, staring at a small, white house half-way up the first Welsh hill I’d ever seen, and wondering if the mountains got any steeper – and they did!
Even today, I can achieve a sudden nano-second of recollection of the magnitude of those new moments, which were safely assured by the lovely people I met in Wales from then on. My homesickness was off the Richter Scale!
The other day, I was writing to the Archivist of the school, and suddenly, I could actually TASTE the bacon we used to have for breakfast! It was so uncanny and weird that I actually told her about it – the reality was just astounding!
That bridge and that railway tunnel across The Severn has a lot to answer for…
Something you wont see on the media partners of
Hamas , the BBC. It’s SINWAR the leader of Hamas .
His wife and children protecting themselves in the
tunnels under Gaza. Whilst 2 million Palestinian s
he considers as cannon fodder, can be used to protect
him. You can watch the video on I24. Somebody copy it. I am computer illiterate.
Something the BBC never mention when telling us they got killed by the IDF. They just tell us ‘Israel claim …’ as if it is just an excuse.
Hamas WANT them to die so the like of the BBC can jump on it to use as ’empathy blackmail’ against Israel. I am quite certain there is a degree of excitement in the BBC offices when they get news of the deaths – especially if they can get a cute picture of one of the victims. I’m quite certain there are many ambulance-chasing photographers roaming Gaza looking to make money from the BBC (via Getty) from pictures of the suffering.
I remember reading how the BBC were getting in the way of rescue services in Ukraine as they trawled the streets looking for ‘victims’ under the concrete who could speak English.
The Left are massive hypocrites. Their fake compassion disgusts me. They only care about their agenda.
Keep going IDF – ignore Obama / Cameron / the other dregs …
It’s a major failing of the Israelis to allow these structures to be built ….i hope they make sure it can’t happen again …
Funny that this briefing doesn’t get mentioned on the BBC – yet alone – shown …..
As mentioned in the previous thread
a huge claim a UK Hamas supporter on trial
is in Britain as a refugee, cos she claims she is fleeing Hamas
Heba Alhayek, 29, Taking the P
Court lawyers revealed one woman is actually an asylum seeker who fled to the UK because she was 'being persecuted by Hamas' and is now 'concerned for her refugee status'.
Three women who wore images of paragliders have been convicted of 'supporting a terrorist organisation'. pic.twitter.com/P7MKgIG9sj
Now the establishment chose a judge
who after the jury found then guilty decided to let them off with a conditional discharge
Tanweer ikram is a Paistani muslim Judge
“Same judge who recently gave suspended prison sentence to long retired police officers for what he deemed offensive in a PRIVATE WhatsApp group to which they pleaded guilty now conditionally discharges 3 individuals for terrorism offence they never admitted”
“Two female protesters accused of ‘celebrating’ Hamas told police paraglider images were Sellotaped to their backs by strangers before admitting they attached them themselves, court hears
Stew, oh dear, more on the news (TOADY) that I was right and you were wrong that Trump didn’t say what he said at the weekend in South Carolina. Apparently, 13 NATO member countries are in default over their contributions to shared defence.
Are you going to apologise or are you maxi in disguise?
@Up2Snuff will you quit with repeatedly posting I owe you an apology
I don’t I have replied in detail before, but have just posted further down this page at 1:53pm
@Up2Snuff what you even talking about ?
by “Trump didn’t say what he said at the weekend in South Carolina. ”
On Sunday I actually already posted the transcript of that part of Trump’s speech.
Then on Monday you turned up with some false narrative you heard on the BBC and are insisting, that is the truth
FFS I’d already posted the actual transcript.
Quite unbelievable. Heba AlHayek, one of the three women convicted of terrorism offences for displaying images of paragliders, celebrating the Hamas tactics.
Heba sought asylum in the UK from Gaza for fear of persecution from Hamas.
Who will be sacked for letting her in and not checking her?
. . . . . .
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
… and here we have the BBC re-running exactly the same anti-Trump story on the world-news front page.
This is one of their main tactics : keeping a single agenda story current by continually refreshing it under some other pretext or small development.
It has been used against many right-wing politicians now and it removed several conservative politicians they didn’t like – including two Prime Ministers.
It’s almost painful to watch just how pathetic and desperate they are. But what makes me angry is how they have been allowed to get away with it by the disgraceful OFCOM whose job it is to keep them impartial.
I’m presuming by the way she is looking down at her notes and started answering immediately, the only questions allowed are pre-approved and the answers pre-written by someone else.
This racist woman (and she is : research her) is just a token black woman for the cameras.
A complete sham by fascists who just shut down anyone who doesn’t fit.
My favourite is the fake whitehouse set they use for Biden so they can fit the huge teleprompter screen in for him. What I like best is how ultra-left Reuters ‘debunked’ it in January 2021:
Fact check: Debunking claims that Biden’s Oval Office is a fake movie set https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN29V2IJ/
Then it was mainstream knowledge in October the same year:
‘Truman Show presidency’: Biden mocked for using fake White House set across street from real White House https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-fake-white-house-truman-show-b1934279.html
Of course non of it reported by the BBC because it’s true. They only report this kind of thing if they can show it’s fake.
‘False claims of ‘deepfake’ President Biden go viral’
‘Uganda election: False claims about Joe Biden and others’
‘Fake Biden robocall tells voters to skip New Hampshire …’
‘White House says impeachment inquiry ‘based on lies”
Their bias is crystal clear as is the culpability of OFCOM for allowing it.
Nothing is real with these people, it’s all smoke and mirrors. But we’re supposed to entrust them with all of our personal health decisions? pic.twitter.com/9N5FPYm7pI
Karine Jean-Pierre: diversity hire. You get what you pay for.
Oh, and if crime stats really are down (which I doubt) it’s because many crimes are no longer reported, or registered, or investigated.
The public, the police and the courts have all given up.
Thank you, Soros. Thank you, Democrats. Thank you, BLM.
I simply don’t get the play. Unless the only thing you care about is power.
You can have all the money in the world, live in a lovely apartment in a compound, be driven in an armoured Range Rover… but what else in life is there to enjoy?
Your kids are at risk in concerts. Your wife from various personal intrusions from a grope in the tube to an acid attack… no going to a pub… popping to Bali for a holiday. The best R&R is looking out from Qatar in a billionaire mate’s gaff on the 100th floor at the carnage below.
All to get a five minute blow job in the studio from Toenails (yawn) or O’Brien.
Good God, just look at the poor quality of the video in this article. It’s like schoolchildren have made it.
Starring the BBC’s Frances Mao and made by the BBC’s Isabelle Rodd.
This is what the BBC is now.
What the BBC won’t tell you about is that Indonesia – as one of the more tolerant Islamic nations – didn’t like a Christian leader in Jakarta and a video of him speaking was edited to make what he said sound blasphemous and they put him in jail. Thousands turned out to protest.
The Lefties multicultural experiment of course thinks that if we keep giving them everything and ignore what they do in return, one day they will change and be just like us. Hasn’t made any difference in 50 years – but they keep on trying.
It’s not just the UK that’s getting enriched.
California is getting royally enriched, too.
No-one tried to stop the thief in this vid, and I bet no-one even called the police – that would be racist.
And if they had, the police wouldn’t have done anything.
And if they had, the Soros-funded DAs wouldn’t have done anything.
One of my relatives lives in California, he moved there in the 1960s when it was the coolest and most exciting place on the planet, and Ronald Reagan was the governor.
The Democrats realised that mass immigration was the way forward for them. They captured the state and have ruined it. Things are so bad that my relative is even thinking of returning to Britain!
It must have been a fabulous state then, Rob! We have rels over there too!
I guess that your relative might well want to avoid the UK for a few years though, as when Starryeyemer and Crayons finish off our country for good in the Autumn, there won’t be much to come back for!
(Can anyone tell me what it’s like in Monaco, or Liechtenstein, or – well – anywhere but here…)?
As so often happens these days, I am much more interested in what it tells me about the politics than the specifics.
And this one reflects something I’ve been noticing for some time now:
‘The vote was largely divided along party lines, with 210 Democrats voting against the impeachment, along with three Republican representatives’
I keep seeing every single Democrat voting along party lines and it’s just republicans who vote according to their conscience.
It reminds of the extremly corrupt government of Thailand before the last coup. They put a bill out to excuse every Thai politician of every crime of corruption since 2006. It’s purpose was basically to get the jail sentence of their leader Thaksin dropped so he could return to Thailand from self-imposed exile (where he was controlling the government via skype).
It was a disgusting piece of legislation and the opposition walked out before the vote. Bute every single Pheu-Thai MP voted to approve it. Not a single decent person with a conscience among them voted against it.
And I’m 100% sure every single Democrat would have done the same.
Incidentally, Pheu-Thai are the ones the grubby BBC correspondent Jonathan Head supported – using phrases like ‘Anti-government protests which turned violent’ for the subsequent street protests (which led to the coup). What that actually meant was that Pheu-Thai used mercenaries to fire M79 grenades into the crowds of protestors (murdering many) to try and scare them home. But he didn’t want to tell us that so he hid it.
This is the Left. Their own agenda is all that matters. They don’t care one bit about people. It’s all a lie.
Similar to a comment I made yesterday “Mr Jones has been contacted for comment” – but bbc what was the outcome, or you just contacted someone again, likes yesterdays “report”
The day before yesterday Labour party election posters boldly promoted their candidate Azhar Ali as “The Change Britain Needs”
Draw your own conclusions there, folks.
This morning our BBC online news, shunts that story to one side and leads with the rather in-house report: Steve Wright: BBC Radio 2 presenter dies aged 69… Paying tribute to Wright on Radio 2 after his death was announced, an emotional Sara Cox said: “Steve was an extraordinary broadcaster, a really kind person, he was witty, he was warm, and he was a huge, huge part of the Radio 2 family, and I know my fellow DJs will all be absolutely shattered too.” (BBC)
It takes the jokey blokey Daily Star to call out the brass-necked two-facedness of our national broadcaster: Bosses’ gushing tribute to iconic star they axed after 40 years at the Beeb… BBC bosses rushing to pay tribute to the legendary radio star they ditched suddenly
That old saying – Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me – may just possibly be on the mind of Sir Keir Starmer this morning
Our BBC relates, rather moderately: Labour suspends second parliamentary candidate after recording emerges
The Guardian however is far more forthright: Labour in turmoil as party ditches second candidate over Israel views
And the junior pound shop Guardian which is the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is candid about the candidate: after recording emerges of an election candidate saying ‘f***ing Israel’
Up the rebels and to hell with Burgundy, eh?
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner… passing a residential housing block, from the main road, one spots twin flags hanging from fourth floor windows yesterday. They looked matched in size and origin, and brand new to boot – someone must have gone to the trouble of purchasing them recently. Palestine beside Ukraine.
Someone attempting to create a panic-buying run on tea bags? So as to brew up and stir up public sentiment behind yet another for ever war? They’re straining this reviewer’s patience.
Our formerly serious newspaper of record The Times: Shoppers face tea shortages amid Houthi ship attacks
The not so serious red top: Red Sea cuppa crisis… Tea is up the spout (Daily Star)
Among male rock musicians, Beatles fans in particular and music fans in general, there exists a term for a band member’s annoying new girlfriend who intervenes, disrupting friendships between the boys and eventually breaks up the band – a Yoko
Naturally the Guardian celebrates: ‘Playful and poetic’ Yoko Ono: Music of the Mind
The mildly conservative Telegraph observes sensibly: Inspired but also idiotic Alastair Sooke reviews Yoko Ono at the Tate
Our favourite cartoonist, Matt in the Telegraph, has been shooting bang on target lately. Yesterday he drew some British soldiers down in the trenches: “If it hadn’t been for this manual on diversity, the bullet would have gone straight through my heart”
Appropriately enough on Valentines Day Matt sketches a couple contemplating a gift box of assorted chocolates: “They’re like Labour candidates. As soon as you’ve picked one you realise you’ve made a terrible mistake”
We’ll build more homes in the right places, vows PM… Sunak says he’ll ‘put rocket boosters’ under construction industry but won’t bulldoze local opposition (Times) – and as voters attempt to parse that inherent non sequitur…
Ministers snap up 16,000 rentals for asylum seekers despite housing woes (Telegraph)
They spent months proudly United with the people of Ukraine – but that was soooo last year – now today the regime toady Daily Express asks: What on earth is Britain coming to?
They do say that the answer to any question in a headline is always “No” – but I’m not sure how that might apply here.
This is of course: When a ‘bullying’ pro-Palestinian mob can frighten MP Tobias Ellwood’s family by besieging his home and accusing the senior Tory of being a ‘war criminal’ – WITH the police present… (Daily Express) – so tell us, Tobias, who exactly is it who has been running the country, our police, our immigration policy, foreign policy… and has led us to this sorry state?
“Head of BBC Radio 2, Helen Thomas, said Wright ‘understood the connection and companionship that radio engenders better than anyone, and we all loved him for it.
‘He was a consummate professional whose attention to detail was always second to none, and he made his guests laugh, he was fair, and he wanted to showcase them and their work in the best possible light, bringing brilliant stories to our listeners’, she added.”
So the stupid sods in W1AA got rid of him! Those leftie anti-semitic ‘schedulers’ – who haven’t been sacked that is – have a lot to answer for; management wouldn’t have a clue.
That Helen Thomas talks complete and utter meaningless management bullshit – especially in response to the news they lost another million listeners. But she’s got the right bits for the quotas so she’s in.
I personally couldn’t stand Steve’s show which was basically sh1t for idiots and his ‘posse’ of arrogant tagnuts who thought they were great drove me up the wall. The only time I recall laughing was for ‘ask Elvis’.
Not that means I’m glad he’s dead of course. He was clearly not a bad person in the mould of Vile or all the other BBC activist hacks. His style was just not for me.
Just seen the most horrific pictures of the aftermath of the Israeli drone strike on two more Al Jazeera journalists in #Gaza The network has urged the int community and media orgs to help protect #Gaza journos and ‘hold the Israeli army accountable’
‘Seen’ = ‘been sent’. By one of those famous ‘journalists’.
Maybe western media should not deploy Care4Calais wimmin out there?
No mention of what they were doing or why they were targeted then …
They would almost certainly be with or near someone from Hamas.
I wonder if she has seen the pictures of the children who were tied together and burned alive. Or the women who were raped and shot multiple times in the face.
According to the Daily Fail article re Steve Wright – he died not suddenly, not very suddenly but very, very suddenly. Wonder what the cause of his demise was.
700 Nigerian nurses and healthcare workers are under investigation for fake qualifications, 48 still working in rNHS. The GMB union has asked they not be deported if they pass new exams, despite the obvious trust issues. First, do no harm.https://t.co/zl6nClCxxN
There are many other examples of fake AI audio which the BBC should report on. I have heard at least six outrageous examples in recent years:
1. Rishi Sunak saying he is going to stop the boats
2. Boris Johnson saying the Covid vaccines are safe
3. Keir Starmer saying that men can have a cervix
4. Joe Biden saying he is the president of the USA
5. Hilary Clinton saying that Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election to get Donald Trump elected (I have heard this one 42,368 times, most recently last week)
6. The BBC claiming to be ‘the World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster’
Sadiq’s office promoted the BBC clip 33 mins ago
zero Likes so far
In an interview with @BBCRadio4, @MayorofLondon explains the impact of the deepfake audio clip which was shared on social media ahead of Remembrance Weekend and the need for more action to tackle AI fakes.
“We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres (London), … We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres (London 2015). We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres (London 2015). Elect me (Sadiq Khan) to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out. {metro.co.uk aug2015}”
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking from 3000 years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
Shocking 50% increase in violence & abuse against shopworkers. Labour will put 13,000 more neighbourhood police & PCSOs on streets + new law against shopworker assaults to bring security back to our town centres. Shameful that Tories keep voting against it
It’s the system, pixie Brane… no amount of extra civil servants will make a blind bit of difference.
Channel migrant arrivals hit 100,000 since 2018
Around 600 people in at least 11 boats believed to have arrived on Thursday as people smugglers take advantage of calmer seas
Charles Hymas,
10 August 2023 • 1:59pm
Thus they have a legitimate need to impregnate western women!
. . . . . .
2017 … With friends like these … Left-wing extremist group DEFENDS halal boss’ claims Australian women need Muslim men to fertilise them – calling critics ‘racist’
Muslim businessman Mohamed Elmouelhy says white race to die out in 40 years
He also suggests that Muslim men have a duty to ‘fertilise’ Australian women
Left-wing extremist group Antifa described his critics as ‘bigots’ and ‘racists’
This is despite Sydney halal businessman calling on ‘bigots’ to commit suicide
PUBLISHED: 07:26, 31 July 2017 | UPDATED: 07:39, 7 August 2017
Here is a video from a source I’ve posted before, but this time she goes into the ways the Left wing media try to manipulate the news.
It is impossible to deny the statistics produced yesterday in the US over CPI and core CPI which both showed an unexpected large increase.
Because in this instance we can all see the facts, the data and that is unarguable, we can see easily the manipulation the MSM undertakes to fool the sheeple, and it really is straight out of the old Soviet Union Pravda playbook.
“really is straight out of the old Soviet Union Pravda playbook.”
That’s some irony
cos when the video starts ..the woman has a very heavy Russian accent
“So I place for you an example of evidence of how the MSM are manipulating factual stories, and the only thing you can pick up on is the womans accent?”
No I gave 3 pieces of evidence that she is a Putin stooge, but you chose to strawman by saying that I only spoke of 1, the accent
and saying “seriously ” is an attempt to intimidate people from challenging stooge videos.
Are readers looking forward to the Rochdale bi-election result?
It should be a hoot.
A moderate antisemitic candidate against a hard antisemitic candidate.
And an electorate of Muslims voting on religious lines between them. Real racism in action.
The ultimate nail in the coffin for the left activist woke agenda of open door mass immigration and the multiculturalism they have hammered into indigenous Britons for all these years. A proof readers will be able to use for the ages.
The BBC will have nowhere to hide but what fun to watch them squirm to avoid the elephants in the room.
I can’t wait.
We hear a lot about “election integrity” or lack thereof, particularly around the issues of counting the vote and the ballot box. But the truth is that elections are more likely to be stolen via search engine manipulation effects (SEME).
What is SEME?
SEME is an abbreviation for the search engine manipulation effect. In a series of randomized controlled experiments, it has been shown that more than 20% of undecided voters can be manipulated into voting one way or the other, by simply manipulating the rankings of search engine results.
WIKI ….. “According to Epstein, search engine companies both massively manipulate consumer and vote sentiment, and furthermore do so to ensure their favored candidates win. Epstein’s research shows that such manipulations can shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more, and up to 80 percent in some demographics, and can change the outcomes in over 25% of national elections.[1][2][3]”
Marky – but it makes the assumption that large numbers of people spend all their time on the internet – and can be bothered to Google some political crap – …. I would suggest in the inner city case ‘people ‘ vote for them in the postal votes and they have no clue about elections at all – as long as the welfare keeps turning up in the dodgy bank accounts …
The CONservatives deserve to be decimated at the next election. They have betrayed their supporters and the country.
Unfortunately the other parties are no different. As I have mentioned before Labour are the opposite cheek on the same arse and the Libs and Greens are the orrifice in the middle
Funny you should mention that, Sluffers, because only an hour ago, as I was emptying the ashes from the fire and bringing in some dead wood, for some unaccountable reason, I asked myself, “What does a Lib Dem stand for”?
Now why should a simple chore like that conjure up a query like that?
MAKE TALIBAN GREAT AGAIN……”The U.S. military retreated from Afghanistan two years ago, leaving behind weapons that are now turning up in far-flung trouble spots where terrorists are fighting and killing America’s allies. In markets that have sprung up across the southern and eastern badlands, where the hottest fighting of the war took place, merchants with Taliban permits are offering U.S.-made automatic assault rifles and handguns for sale alongside hardware from Russia, Pakistan, China, Turkey, and Austria. Business, like terrorism, is thriving.” https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/07/05/taliban-afghanistan-arms-dealers-weapons-sales-terrorism/
“The latest news brings us confirmation from both sides that Russian forces have in fact broken through to the ‘Industrial Avenue’ and beyond, which has entirely severed the city into two parts, cutting the supply route”
Avdeevka … represents a crowning offensive achievement of the war because it has been fought for continuously the longest, and as a consequence, was the most fortified of any town
#4 He has had previous major mind problems
“Carried out a 5 year campaign of terror on two women. Physical, mental abuse. Anger issues. This was before any Covid jab”
Wholesale gas prices have fallen again. At these levels, a new gas-fired power station running flat out can deliver electricity at around half the cost of an onshore wind turbine and around a third of the cost of an offshore one. #CostOfNetZero#ItsAReligionpic.twitter.com/raOsktxsYD
More Or Less started with
“Oh Evan Davis got a gotcha against the Evil Tories Laura Trott .. let’s play the clip”
Yet by the end of the item they had explained that there are two ways of calculating debt trends and for policy the government does NOT use the one Evan Davis talked about.. so he was wrong
I went through tweets to Radio4 there were zero tweets from listeners to them about the show
There were a handful direct to @bbcMoreOrLess
The BBC is still on about the death of one of its ex employees – a DJ they sacked last year for being too old … but they seem not to mention the sacking … and presumably they kept him quiet by offering some inducement ….
‘Around the Christmas Dinner turkey in Broadcasting House are fifteen of Britains best-known DJs: Dave Lee Travis, Jimmy Savile, Simon Bates, Paul Burnett, Andy Peebles, Peter Powell, Mike Read, John Peel, Anne Nightingale, Tommy Vance, Paul Gambaccini, Steve Wright, Adrian Love, Adrian Juste, and Richard Skinner.”
On the BBC webshite.
They are running a Have Your Say about the confusion over processed food labelling.
But they still haven’t had a Have Your Say about Rochdale and Labour Party anti-semitism.
I wonder why not? I just can’t work it out.
“Bedford photos that captured Covid lockdown to go on show”
“Chiara Mac Call, from Bedford, took the images as part of her permitted daily exercise and helped her cope with her own anxiety.”
I note how everyone looks happy and relaxed as they’re photographed through French windows at the state-approved social distance. From elsewhere: “Chiara is a documentary photographer and socially engaged practitioner who works with individuals and communities on themes of identity, self-representation, social justice and trauma recovery.” Funny how Chiara couldn’t find anyone being euthanized in care homes or business owners facing ruin and turning to drink despite her interest in trauma.
In the sickly sweet airbrushed BBCland — unless you’re an approved special interest group — everyone’s expected to react to adversity with cheer and goodwill.
1. Feel-good message … “Then a picture of the couple emerges, smiling and applauding.”
2. The office of…”There is an ex-presidential vibe ”
3. Royal links – or lack of them …. “There is no mention of any other royals in their biographies”
4. 4. Meghan as feminist .. “It mentions Grenfell but not Buckingham Palace.”
5. Don’t forget the titles … ” use their children’s titles”
More social engineering from the Guardian — “My daughter was stabbed to death by her ex-boyfriend – but I won’t let anger destroy me”
“Somehow, Gazzard has not been eaten up by anger towards either him or the police. ‘Anger is an emotion that damages you. I don’t want to waste time being angry,’ he says […] He believes Maslin was let down, too. ‘He was known to police and social services. Surely as a society, we’ve got to deal with these people and try to change them and get them off that path.’”
Guardianland editorial also demands the native population are shown overflowing with forgiveness and a desire for social reform, no matter how foul the crime. Anger, resentment and vengeance are emotions only allowed for minorities facing microaggressions, like having your hairstyle criticised.
Lots of pics of dad and daughter but Guardian don’t show any of the killer, so here he is.
Naturally I skimmed a couple of lines to yawn at their awful far-left crap TM, as you’ve taken the trouble to let us know, and then right at the end, after a long, long scroll, their ‘comment’ on 2023, and still they print their pathetic begging letter at the end of their drivel!
No wonder Beeboids just love the trash they print, and then cut and paste into their own dross!
Yes ‘Jews’ are White. Jewish people are an ethnicity not a monolith of one race. There are White, Black & Brown Jewish people in the world. Like the rest of us, each of them is part of a different race regardless of their shared ethnicity. Judaism isn’t a race, it’s a religion.
Can someone explain why our news is focused more on Rochdale than Rafah right now?
Which is more important:
🔴 One potential MP accuses Israel of stuff they haven’t done.
🔴 400 actual MPs support Israel’s ACTUAL massacre of 30,000 people ?
Femi Oluwole
🇬🇧Law grad ”Do-Gooder”
Writer for Independent.
Media enquiries: By Direct Message
JournalistSolihull, Englandpatreon.com/femi_sorryJoined January 2011
2,949 Following
Al – steady I get told for even lightly criticising the Royal Navy … surely there must be someone ready to buy a couple of aircraft carriers …. ? Meanwhile the border is not defended …
No Fed, because the countries which need carriers are building their own, India, China for example.
You may be aware that HMS Prince of Wales sailed one day late. She had been on 30 days’ notice to sail, and sailed in only 8 days. A great achievement from her crew, but please feel free to sneer.
Thanks Rob – maybe we could gift them to the Ukrainians in instalments to boost the overseas tax money give away – or the Irish who have been living off nato defence since 1945…
The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism. Further, it is
the party that initiated every single United Kingdom race equality law.
However, as with wider society,
there is too much clear evidence (going back some years) of minority hateful or ignorant attitudes and
behaviours festering within a sometimes bitter incivility of discourse. This has no place in a modern
democratic socialist party that puts equality, inclusion and human rights at its heart. Moreover, I have
heard too many Jewish voices express concern that antisemitism has not been taken seriously enough
in the Labour Party and broader Left for some years.
Loneliness minister: “It’s more important than ever to take action”
This Loneliness Awareness Week, the Loneliness Minister Baroness Barran has warned we are still in a ‘critical stage’ of tackling loneliness.
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, Office for Civil Society, and Baroness Barran MBE
17 June 2021
Ministry of Lockdowns: “Our Strategy sets out a powerful vision to raise awareness of lockdowns and hinder people from building connections to lead safe and remote lives”
I realise this report by the Heartland Institute will come as a surprise to practically no one on this site, but you may know someone who remains in blissful ignorance you can pass it on to or even some poor individual chronically addicted to Kool-Aid and in desperate need.
Square – very interesting – method to be widely used in the coming bi elections and the General Election to exploit the ignorant and feckless and ‘the community’….
.. I reckon the Islamic supporting labour candidate has already won if the postal votes have been sent out….
Jonnie D really didn’t like someone from Israel telling us how it is with the HamasUN organisation . If the UN is helping Hamas – either directly or indirectly it needs to be dealt with …. Where does the aid money really go ? Who exactly works for the UN in Palestine ? BBC really didn’t like that … keep going IDF ….
Builders were in again so subjected to R2 and relentless homages to the colleagues they fired.
Plus the risible ‘news’.
Very excited about Gaza of course. Something happened in Lebanon where it was coyly conceded that the instigator was a bunch of rockets that killed an Israeli, mostly peacefully no doubt. And by some six year olds as no male combat participants appear to exist anywhere, least of all in the field of vision of JezBo’s cadre of ‘BBC’ ‘reporters’.
At the other end was Rafah, where kicking off is due. By unnamed folk, but inferences abound. What was interesting was the dark muttering tacked on about how the poor devils are not allowed to cross the border.
Now, which border would that be? They were oddly unclear.
But Cairo has kept tight restrictions on movement through the Rafah crossing for many years – to such an extent that many Palestinians have essentially accused Egypt of bolstering Israel’s blockade of Gaza, which has been in place since Hamas took full power there in 2007.
So Muslim countries are as prepared to sacrifice the people of Gaza as much as Hamas, and the BBC is avoiding what it knows already to paint an inaccurate picture to serve the narrative.
Certainly the BBC and others have managed some hefty mind tricks to simply ignore the parallels between those ‘fleeing’ other countries through all of Europe to get to the safety of a country with which they have zero in common, where it is demanded the population accepts all this entails, whilst a direct Muslim neighbour at the point of origin has razor wire up and nary a peep… in fact in the BBC’s case outrageous deliberate swerving to avoid the fact.
@Up2Snuff will you quit with repeatedly posting I owe you an apology
This comes across as bullying.
On Sunday lots of us posted about Trump’s speech
I checked the BBC’s false narrative that said Trump was speaking about the future, by going to the original 3 hour video
I posted the link to the video and a transcript
that shows was relaying an old story from the past , showing he’d got countries to pay more into NATO
Then on Monday you turned up with a false narrative that Trump’s words came from a question he’d been asked by a journalist something you said you’d seen in a BBC report. You gave a link to the Express, which did not back this claim.
I explained you were wrong ..and I gave a link to a long tweet by Konstantin Kisin, which explained the context.
You apparently didn’t even bother to read that tweet
but instead persist with your false narrative
If it’s ok I’d like to apologise to someone for something – may be if I apologise upfront I can use it as a ‘credit ‘… I do notice that the BBC is often fixated about some politician being required to ‘apologise ‘ for something . I thin think to myself ‘ what difference does an ‘apology ‘ make to anything ?’ ….
I’ve just thought of something I can apologise for – it’s my typing / spelling because my head travels faster than my typing …. There ….
Maybe up2 should apologise for asking for apologies so often ……😵💫
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/ace/standard/976/cpsprodpb/ac6e/live/c2564f90-ff8e-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpg.webp[/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy5ng663d1wo “The…
Hiraeth: An untranslatable Welsh word.
A homesickness tinged with grief and sadness, a longing, nostalgia, a pull on the heart that conveys a distinct feeling of missing something irretrievably lost. And for a place that might not even exist.
Taffman perhaps you can help with this? It’s the best definition I can find.
And the closest single word I can find for how I feel now
I feel homesick without having left home. My country has been removed from me but not me -spatially, from my country. Can I ever return home from this strange place?
I wrote this note some time ago as part of a collection I may one day publish. Hope it makes sense
‘We’ll keep a welcome’, is a familiar Welsh song. In the second verse is the line ‘we’ll kiss away each hour of hiraeth when you return again to Wales’. What is hiraeth(pronounced [hiraɪ̯θ]?
It is a Welsh word that is difficult to describe in English as there is no single word that expresses all that it does. The online Welsh–English dictionary of the University of Wales, Lampeter, likens it to homesickness tinged with grief or sadness over the lost or departed. It is a mix of longing, yearning, nostalgia, wistfulness, or an earnest desire for the Wales of the past.
Yet there is more depth to hiraeth than in any of those words on their own. It is a multi-layered word, which includes a different variety of homesickness. This kind of homesickness is like a combination of the homesickness, longing, nostalgia, and yearning, for a home that you cannot return to, no longer exists, or maybe never was. It can also include grief or sadness for whom or what you have lost, losses which make your “home” not the same as the one you remember.
One attempt to describe hiraeth in English says that it is “a longing to be where your spirit lives.” This may be a physical location that you can return to at any time, or it may be more nostalgic of a home, not attached to a place, but a time from the past that you can only return to by revisiting old memories. Hiraeth is homesickness for somewhere you cannot return to, the nostalgia and the grief for the lost places of your past, or places that never were; a link with a long-forgotten past, an expression of the language of the soul. Half forgotten, only a fraction remembered.
The people of Wales were long ago separated from their culture and lived as foreigners in their own land. For the Saxons the Welsh, who were the original inhabitants of Briton, were seen as foreigners. The word ‘Wales’ actually means ‘Place of the others.’. Welsh people may prefer to call themselves Cymry, and to call their country Cymru. Hiraeth is a longing for one’s homeland, but it’s not mere homesickness. It is also an expression of the bond one feels with one’s home country when one is away from it. In this respect hiraeth is linked to national pride, not the pride so maligned today as ‘nationalism’ but a pride in where one came from. The landscape is one aspect of Wales, or Cymru, that can fill some of its people with national pride for their home. Something the progressive oikophobes in Europe may one day understand
I can understand that, Lucy. I feel rootless now, although I miss London deeply. But this world is not my home, heaven is. I had a wonderful dream last year, at least I think it was last year.
Jesus said: “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2 KJV
In my dream I walked down a hill and came to a fence or gate, beyond which was the most beautiful valley in wonderful light. I then turned and walked back up the hill and on my right, in beautiful sunshine were these mansion blocks, the sort that you may find in somewhat ‘posh’ parts of London, for example around Sloane Square. Does that make any sense?
Snuffy, Yes. Thank you for your encourgement.
We have a home on high.
Lucy, that is very similar to a word used in Portugal and Brazil, saudade. My Brazilian wife used it a lot . It is a longing and feeling that you might never see a thing or place again.
Gertrude Stein said America is my country but Paris is my hometown. At the moment the UK might be my country, but I’d be willing to move anywhere I could see a doctor and could walk into a local bank, and I would call call it my hometown.
Do you think AE Housman was feeling a bit of Hiraeth?
Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.
As we see the country that we grew up in disappearing increasingly rapidly in the rear view mirror those lines of Housman become ever more poignant. Almost bring a lump to your throat and a bottom lip tremble.
What is irretrievably lost is an illusion. You lose nothing. You discover truth through adversity. A part of this is shedding the illusion of belonging. The truth is beyond culture and tradition as it permeates every facet of existence. Clinging to a past that never existed will lead to your self-destruction. Strength comes through the ability to adapt and understand the nature of reality.
kp, not so. I was in a conversation with someone yesterday, a bit younger than me as still working. They agreed that ‘modern life’ was difficult and that ‘we had had it good’ forty or fifty years ago. Then there are the statistics that would indicate that is indeed the case: increase in drug taking, increase in broken families, increase in mental health problems in children although the media must take a share of responsibility for that as they, especially the BBC, promote new fears and anxieties.
I think you are living in an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ state: get real!
Some further thoughts, kp; in the 1960s we had the prospect of nuclear war between the superpowers: USA and Russia. In addition to that we had the possibility of war for the UK over UDI in Rhodesia.
1970s: we had inflation at 25%. There was no minimum wage and pay was low, really low. Then there were power cuts (due to the miners), constant other strikes or go slows.
1980s: more industrial conflicts, more inflation (although nowhere near 25%) and more unemployment.
1990s: we had roads in a state of disrepair (cones hotline); John Major’s obsession with the EU and ERM, more recession, negative equity, more inflation.
Then along came Blair and Brown and made everything worse!
We, who are in our 70s and 80s, have survived through all of that and you accuse us of living in an illusory world? We are the great survivors. At least, we had good music in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s; maybe even in the 1990s.
Get real!
Kp sounds like they haven’t been mugged yet – I can assure you you will undergo a ‘reality check ‘ …
There is also a term used ‘clinging to the past ‘ – well 1. Learn from the past – 2 do not cancel the past 3 mark the sacrifices made by those in the past who allowed us ‘to be ‘ – in what ever craphole the `UK is and will become too soon ….
“You discover truth through adversity. “ – we are also letting go of things that bound us and made us happy.
Internet – vast information to inform – instead vast manipulated.
Brexit – sovereign nation – yet borders open more than ever.
MP selected not voted in and had Green Card for different country.
Bradford City of Culture – Britain’s future, 46% cousin marriages.
BBC – telling you what you should be, not what you are.
Could you help me by explaining how we stop the Islamification of our country? Advise me what I can do stop it, what action can I take. Because from where I am sitting there seems nothing that I can do and even if there were a million like me I don’t see what we could do.
I have been moaning about the gradual loss of our home for at least twenty years , not payed the LF and tried to persuade others not to as well, voted leave , voted for the Brexit Party , never voted Labour , going to vote Reform, written to my Tory MP about Brexit and immigration , but nothing changes, the destruction of my country gathers pace. Despair and contempt is all I have left!
brick by brick
“how we stop the Islamification of our country”
How Saudi Arabia bought the world
From magazine issue: 17 June 2023
Abu Dhabi-backed fund says it will take control of Telegraph and Spectator
Saudi Arabia’s wealth fund takes 10% stake in Heathrow airport
Five Whitehall buildings held by wealthy businessmen now operating under Sharia rules (including a ban on alcohol)
Cameron admits Saudi Arabia funds extremist schools – so why are they still our allies? {express jan2016}
Thank you GWF, you’ve fleshed that out nicely. 🙂
Very beautiful.
Hiraeth. Interesting, thank you Lucy, GWF, and Snuff. If I understand the meaning of the term right, is a feeling I know well.
Sometimes it hits you like a punch in the stomach, others it is a gentler, kinder type of sadness.
The Cymri, like their cousins the Cornish (Kernew), were indeed the Britons who lingered longest in this part of the world, the Bretons were their kin who fled across the sea. It is why the Welsh, the Cornish, and the Bretons all claim King Arthur as their own, even though his stories mostly feature places in Somerset.
History does repeat itself, only this time it’s not Danes, or Saxons, but another wave of “barbarians” invading, and where is left to flee to?
Snuffy, I’m not religious at all, but I have a recurring dream, more frequent in recent years which is somewhat similar to yours – not in detail, but in character, perhaps? In it, I am walking home, down a familiar, but steep and rocky path, and through old orchards on an autumn evening. The air is chill, but I am warm and relaxed, and can smell a hint of woodsmoke and cooking. I am literally “coming home”, to my grandparent’s home as it was when I was a child, and as I enter the gate, I can see my grandmother (long, long gone) serving dinner through the window, and two young friends (both taken far too young), are sat at the table, waiting for me.
It is a strange dream, everything seems so real, and just “as it was”, or as I recall them, anyway, “memory” can play tricks. The cottage and surrounding orchards are long gone now, swept away along with the lane and so much else, to make way for houses and a road some 30 years ago. But, in the dream there is no sadness, just warmth, and love, and aching nostalgia – Hiraeth? A glimpse of what never was, but might have been, or of my mortality and some hereafter? My wife thinks it’s maudlin, but it’s not, I fall asleep most nights hoping to have that dream, and if one day I don’t wake up, that’s where I’d like to be.
Here’s some Hiraeth in reverse…
Back in 1961, a very young Scrobs alighted the Red Dragon train at Newport, to start a new few years at school some miles North.
I can easily remember sitting in the coach, staring at a small, white house half-way up the first Welsh hill I’d ever seen, and wondering if the mountains got any steeper – and they did!
Even today, I can achieve a sudden nano-second of recollection of the magnitude of those new moments, which were safely assured by the lovely people I met in Wales from then on. My homesickness was off the Richter Scale!
The other day, I was writing to the Archivist of the school, and suddenly, I could actually TASTE the bacon we used to have for breakfast! It was so uncanny and weird that I actually told her about it – the reality was just astounding!
That bridge and that railway tunnel across The Severn has a lot to answer for…
Feeling a certain Deja Vu.
Polar bears face starvation threat as ice melts, say scientists
2016’s Fish eat plastic like teens eat fast food, researchers say where the researchers were forced to retract the paper because they’d comprehensively lied (for ideological purpose) is indicative of McGrath’s work…
– still on the BBC web site with no correction.
A propagandist who doesn’t give a fig about veracity.
What a shame it is that Matt’s career hasn’t done the same as the researcher Oona Lonnstedt’s – but then, we know that the BBC is fine with its staff lying and will even defend them… if it’s in the service of the cause.
Something you wont see on the media partners of
Hamas , the BBC. It’s SINWAR the leader of Hamas .
His wife and children protecting themselves in the
tunnels under Gaza. Whilst 2 million Palestinian s
he considers as cannon fodder, can be used to protect
him. You can watch the video on I24. Somebody copy it. I am computer illiterate.
Hamas use citizens as human shields
Something the BBC never mention when telling us they got killed by the IDF. They just tell us ‘Israel claim …’ as if it is just an excuse.
Hamas WANT them to die so the like of the BBC can jump on it to use as ’empathy blackmail’ against Israel. I am quite certain there is a degree of excitement in the BBC offices when they get news of the deaths – especially if they can get a cute picture of one of the victims. I’m quite certain there are many ambulance-chasing photographers roaming Gaza looking to make money from the BBC (via Getty) from pictures of the suffering.
I remember reading how the BBC were getting in the way of rescue services in Ukraine as they trawled the streets looking for ‘victims’ under the concrete who could speak English.
The Left are massive hypocrites. Their fake compassion disgusts me. They only care about their agenda.
Foscari, this one was from 5hrs ago
Keep going IDF – ignore Obama / Cameron / the other dregs …
It’s a major failing of the Israelis to allow these structures to be built ….i hope they make sure it can’t happen again …
Funny that this briefing doesn’t get mentioned on the BBC – yet alone – shown …..
As mentioned in the previous thread
a huge claim a UK Hamas supporter on trial
is in Britain as a refugee, cos she claims she is fleeing Hamas
Heba Alhayek, 29, Taking the P
Now the establishment chose a judge
who after the jury found then guilty decided to let them off with a conditional discharge
Tanweer ikram is a Paistani muslim Judge
“Same judge who recently gave suspended prison sentence to long retired police officers for what he deemed offensive in a PRIVATE WhatsApp group to which they pleaded guilty now conditionally discharges 3 individuals for terrorism offence they never admitted”
“Two female protesters accused of ‘celebrating’ Hamas told police paraglider images were Sellotaped to their backs by strangers before admitting they attached them themselves, court hears
Stew, oh dear, more on the news (TOADY) that I was right and you were wrong that Trump didn’t say what he said at the weekend in South Carolina. Apparently, 13 NATO member countries are in default over their contributions to shared defence.
Are you going to apologise or are you maxi in disguise?
@Up2Snuff will you quit with repeatedly posting I owe you an apology
I don’t I have replied in detail before, but have just posted further down this page at 1:53pm
@Up2Snuff what you even talking about ?
by “Trump didn’t say what he said at the weekend in South Carolina. ”
On Sunday I actually already posted the transcript of that part of Trump’s speech.
Then on Monday you turned up with some false narrative you heard on the BBC and are insisting, that is the truth
FFS I’d already posted the actual transcript.
Who will be sacked for letting her in and not checking her?
. . . . . .
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
Biden slams Trump criticism of Nato as ‘shameful’
… and here we have the BBC re-running exactly the same anti-Trump story on the world-news front page.
This is one of their main tactics : keeping a single agenda story current by continually refreshing it under some other pretext or small development.
It has been used against many right-wing politicians now and it removed several conservative politicians they didn’t like – including two Prime Ministers.
It’s almost painful to watch just how pathetic and desperate they are. But what makes me angry is how they have been allowed to get away with it by the disgraceful OFCOM whose job it is to keep them impartial.
Bent, grasping ex solicitor seeks to gag critics
BBC gives him a platform and a megaphone.
Background on the judge
When your credibility is so low that people treat you as a joke.
I’m presuming by the way she is looking down at her notes and started answering immediately, the only questions allowed are pre-approved and the answers pre-written by someone else.
This racist woman (and she is : research her) is just a token black woman for the cameras.
A complete sham by fascists who just shut down anyone who doesn’t fit.
My favourite is the fake whitehouse set they use for Biden so they can fit the huge teleprompter screen in for him. What I like best is how ultra-left Reuters ‘debunked’ it in January 2021:
Fact check: Debunking claims that Biden’s Oval Office is a fake movie set
Then it was mainstream knowledge in October the same year:
‘Truman Show presidency’: Biden mocked for using fake White House set across street from real White House
Of course non of it reported by the BBC because it’s true. They only report this kind of thing if they can show it’s fake.
‘False claims of ‘deepfake’ President Biden go viral’
‘Uganda election: False claims about Joe Biden and others’
‘Fake Biden robocall tells voters to skip New Hampshire …’
‘White House says impeachment inquiry ‘based on lies”
Their bias is crystal clear as is the culpability of OFCOM for allowing it.
Ah South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building
The set means dozens of TV cameras can film
.. https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/10/biden2.jpg?quality=90&strip=all
Karine Jean-Pierre: diversity hire. You get what you pay for.
Oh, and if crime stats really are down (which I doubt) it’s because many crimes are no longer reported, or registered, or investigated.
The public, the police and the courts have all given up.
Thank you, Soros. Thank you, Democrats. Thank you, BLM.
Germany unveils measures to tackle far-right surge
As we have all witnessed on the BBC recently, there is only ‘Far-Right’ now. Everyone on the right is the enemy.
When I read this headline, I can’t help thinking of this old favourite:
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
Anyone who objects to the rise of the globalist fascist left are now classed as ‘far-right’. This is how the modern Nazis are doing it.
Hello JohnC
The “report” mentions FAR RIGHT atleast 5 times, before I switched off
Far Right
Far Right etc etc etc, so we dont forget
I simply don’t get the play. Unless the only thing you care about is power.
You can have all the money in the world, live in a lovely apartment in a compound, be driven in an armoured Range Rover… but what else in life is there to enjoy?
Your kids are at risk in concerts. Your wife from various personal intrusions from a grope in the tube to an acid attack… no going to a pub… popping to Bali for a holiday. The best R&R is looking out from Qatar in a billionaire mate’s gaff on the 100th floor at the carnage below.
All to get a five minute blow job in the studio from Toenails (yawn) or O’Brien.
Now that… is ‘analysis’.
Indonesia election: What the maps don’t show about this Asian nation
Good God, just look at the poor quality of the video in this article. It’s like schoolchildren have made it.
Starring the BBC’s Frances Mao and made by the BBC’s Isabelle Rodd.

This is what the BBC is now.
What the BBC won’t tell you about is that Indonesia – as one of the more tolerant Islamic nations – didn’t like a Christian leader in Jakarta and a video of him speaking was edited to make what he said sound blasphemous and they put him in jail. Thousands turned out to protest.
The Lefties multicultural experiment of course thinks that if we keep giving them everything and ignore what they do in return, one day they will change and be just like us. Hasn’t made any difference in 50 years – but they keep on trying.
Let’s not forget that Obama’s mum was naround Indonesia for the tail end of:
It’s not just the UK that’s getting enriched.
California is getting royally enriched, too.
No-one tried to stop the thief in this vid, and I bet no-one even called the police – that would be racist.
And if they had, the police wouldn’t have done anything.
And if they had, the Soros-funded DAs wouldn’t have done anything.
Hello Vlad
Incredible how many iphones he can hold in his pants lol
Nothing will change, society breeds these people and the left protect them
Apple to give BLM free iphones to end the crime wave!
One of my relatives lives in California, he moved there in the 1960s when it was the coolest and most exciting place on the planet, and Ronald Reagan was the governor.
The Democrats realised that mass immigration was the way forward for them. They captured the state and have ruined it. Things are so bad that my relative is even thinking of returning to Britain!
It must have been a fabulous state then, Rob! We have rels over there too!
I guess that your relative might well want to avoid the UK for a few years though, as when Starryeyemer and Crayons finish off our country for good in the Autumn, there won’t be much to come back for!
(Can anyone tell me what it’s like in Monaco, or Liechtenstein, or – well – anywhere but here…)?
Alejandro Mayorkas: House votes to impeach homeland security secretary
As so often happens these days, I am much more interested in what it tells me about the politics than the specifics.
And this one reflects something I’ve been noticing for some time now:
‘The vote was largely divided along party lines, with 210 Democrats voting against the impeachment, along with three Republican representatives’
I keep seeing every single Democrat voting along party lines and it’s just republicans who vote according to their conscience.
It reminds of the extremly corrupt government of Thailand before the last coup. They put a bill out to excuse every Thai politician of every crime of corruption since 2006. It’s purpose was basically to get the jail sentence of their leader Thaksin dropped so he could return to Thailand from self-imposed exile (where he was controlling the government via skype).
It was a disgusting piece of legislation and the opposition walked out before the vote. Bute every single Pheu-Thai MP voted to approve it. Not a single decent person with a conscience among them voted against it.
And I’m 100% sure every single Democrat would have done the same.
Incidentally, Pheu-Thai are the ones the grubby BBC correspondent Jonathan Head supported – using phrases like ‘Anti-government protests which turned violent’ for the subsequent street protests (which led to the coup). What that actually meant was that Pheu-Thai used mercenaries to fire M79 grenades into the crowds of protestors (murdering many) to try and scare them home. But he didn’t want to tell us that so he hid it.
This is the Left. Their own agenda is all that matters. They don’t care one bit about people. It’s all a lie.
Mayorakis is an absolute swine who imho deserves to get hard time in prison – won’t happen.
American politics hasn’t moved on much…
Labour suspends second parliamentary candidate after recording emerges
Similar to a comment I made yesterday “Mr Jones has been contacted for comment” – but bbc what was the outcome, or you just contacted someone again, likes yesterdays “report”
Muslim party to be formed?
The day before yesterday edition
The day before yesterday Labour party election posters boldly promoted their candidate Azhar Ali as “The Change Britain Needs”
Draw your own conclusions there, folks.
This morning our BBC online news, shunts that story to one side and leads with the rather in-house report: Steve Wright: BBC Radio 2 presenter dies aged 69… Paying tribute to Wright on Radio 2 after his death was announced, an emotional Sara Cox said: “Steve was an extraordinary broadcaster, a really kind person, he was witty, he was warm, and he was a huge, huge part of the Radio 2 family, and I know my fellow DJs will all be absolutely shattered too.” (BBC)
It takes the jokey blokey Daily Star to call out the brass-necked two-facedness of our national broadcaster: Bosses’ gushing tribute to iconic star they axed after 40 years at the Beeb… BBC bosses rushing to pay tribute to the legendary radio star they ditched suddenly
That old saying – Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me – may just possibly be on the mind of Sir Keir Starmer this morning
Our BBC relates, rather moderately: Labour suspends second parliamentary candidate after recording emerges
The Guardian however is far more forthright: Labour in turmoil as party ditches second candidate over Israel views
And the junior pound shop Guardian which is the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is candid about the candidate: after recording emerges of an election candidate saying ‘f***ing Israel’
Up the rebels and to hell with Burgundy, eh?
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner… passing a residential housing block, from the main road, one spots twin flags hanging from fourth floor windows yesterday. They looked matched in size and origin, and brand new to boot – someone must have gone to the trouble of purchasing them recently. Palestine beside Ukraine.
Someone attempting to create a panic-buying run on tea bags? So as to brew up and stir up public sentiment behind yet another for ever war? They’re straining this reviewer’s patience.
Our formerly serious newspaper of record The Times: Shoppers face tea shortages amid Houthi ship attacks
The not so serious red top: Red Sea cuppa crisis… Tea is up the spout (Daily Star)
Among male rock musicians, Beatles fans in particular and music fans in general, there exists a term for a band member’s annoying new girlfriend who intervenes, disrupting friendships between the boys and eventually breaks up the band – a Yoko
Naturally the Guardian celebrates: ‘Playful and poetic’ Yoko Ono: Music of the Mind
The mildly conservative Telegraph observes sensibly: Inspired but also idiotic Alastair Sooke reviews Yoko Ono at the Tate
Our favourite cartoonist, Matt in the Telegraph, has been shooting bang on target lately. Yesterday he drew some British soldiers down in the trenches: “If it hadn’t been for this manual on diversity, the bullet would have gone straight through my heart”
Appropriately enough on Valentines Day Matt sketches a couple contemplating a gift box of assorted chocolates: “They’re like Labour candidates. As soon as you’ve picked one you realise you’ve made a terrible mistake”
We’ll build more homes in the right places, vows PM… Sunak says he’ll ‘put rocket boosters’ under construction industry but won’t bulldoze local opposition (Times) – and as voters attempt to parse that inherent non sequitur…
Ministers snap up 16,000 rentals for asylum seekers despite housing woes (Telegraph)
They spent months proudly United with the people of Ukraine – but that was soooo last year – now today the regime toady Daily Express asks: What on earth is Britain coming to?
They do say that the answer to any question in a headline is always “No” – but I’m not sure how that might apply here.
This is of course: When a ‘bullying’ pro-Palestinian mob can frighten MP Tobias Ellwood’s family by besieging his home and accusing the senior Tory of being a ‘war criminal’ – WITH the police present… (Daily Express) – so tell us, Tobias, who exactly is it who has been running the country, our police, our immigration policy, foreign policy… and has led us to this sorry state?
Asiseeit – why is there no headline like ‘trouble brewing in tea industry ‘ …. ? Or ‘supermarkets milking tea shortage ‘…. Trouble between S and U ….
Beeboidicle bluster…
“Head of BBC Radio 2, Helen Thomas, said Wright ‘understood the connection and companionship that radio engenders better than anyone, and we all loved him for it.
‘He was a consummate professional whose attention to detail was always second to none, and he made his guests laugh, he was fair, and he wanted to showcase them and their work in the best possible light, bringing brilliant stories to our listeners’, she added.”
So the stupid sods in W1AA got rid of him! Those leftie anti-semitic ‘schedulers’ – who haven’t been sacked that is – have a lot to answer for; management wouldn’t have a clue.
That Helen Thomas talks complete and utter meaningless management bullshit – especially in response to the news they lost another million listeners. But she’s got the right bits for the quotas so she’s in.
I personally couldn’t stand Steve’s show which was basically sh1t for idiots and his ‘posse’ of arrogant tagnuts who thought they were great drove me up the wall. The only time I recall laughing was for ‘ask Elvis’.
Not that means I’m glad he’s dead of course. He was clearly not a bad person in the mould of Vile or all the other BBC activist hacks. His style was just not for me.
Agree 100%. If I ever needed to be transported back to the 1980s then 10 minutes of his show would do that perfectly.
Coming up… There was always something coming up.
No sympathy for Ellwood. He’s a Ukraine/Israel hack.
Just seen the most horrific pictures of the aftermath of the Israeli drone strike on two more Al Jazeera journalists in #Gaza The network has urged the int community and media orgs to help protect #Gaza journos and ‘hold the Israeli army accountable’
‘Seen’ = ‘been sent’. By one of those famous ‘journalists’.
Maybe western media should not deploy Care4Calais wimmin out there?
No Ukraine 24 coverage?
No mention of what they were doing or why they were targeted then …
They would almost certainly be with or near someone from Hamas.
I wonder if she has seen the pictures of the children who were tied together and burned alive. Or the women who were raped and shot multiple times in the face.
According to the Daily Fail article re Steve Wright – he died not suddenly, not very suddenly but very, very suddenly. Wonder what the cause of his demise was.
From purported recent photos of Mr. Wright- he didn’t look very healthy – at all.
Too much money for him to spend from the BBC? Caused nervous sudden panic attacK?
Now do Pakistani doctors…
‘Voodoo’ nurse Josephine Iyamu jailed for sex trafficking
A London-based nurse has been jailed for trafficking Nigerian women into Germany to work as prostitutes after subjecting them to “voodoo” rituals.
Josephine Iyamu forced the five women to swear oaths to hand over money to her during “juju” ceremonies.
Sadiq Khan says fake AI audio of him nearly led to serious disorder
bbc “report” on protecting President Khan
bbc how about doing a report on khan’s cousin the terrorist
There are many other examples of fake AI audio which the BBC should report on. I have heard at least six outrageous examples in recent years:
1. Rishi Sunak saying he is going to stop the boats
2. Boris Johnson saying the Covid vaccines are safe
3. Keir Starmer saying that men can have a cervix
4. Joe Biden saying he is the president of the USA
5. Hilary Clinton saying that Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential Election to get Donald Trump elected (I have heard this one 42,368 times, most recently last week)
6. The BBC claiming to be ‘the World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster’
Sadiq’s office promoted the BBC clip 33 mins ago
zero Likes so far
“We’ve got too many chicken shops in our town centres (London), … We’ve got too many pawn brokers in our town centres (London 2015). We’ve got too many gambling shops in our town centres (London 2015). Elect me (Sadiq Khan) to be the London Mayor and we’ll sort all those three things out. {metro.co.uk aug2015}”
…. compare Mr. Khan with a man speaking from 3000 years ago, in the desert ….
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination…” – Qur’an 5v90
Labour has moved on. With the bbc in tow.
Shocking 50% increase in violence & abuse against shopworkers. Labour will put 13,000 more neighbourhood police & PCSOs on streets + new law against shopworker assaults to bring security back to our town centres. Shameful that Tories keep voting against it
It’s the system, pixie Brane… no amount of extra civil servants will make a blind bit of difference.
Ban shopping! Make it all online!
WTAF – BBC front page.
What utter stinking filth the BBC’s identity politics obsessed web crew are…
NHS is saved …. more recruits ….
Channel migrant arrivals hit 100,000 since 2018
Around 600 people in at least 11 boats believed to have arrived on Thursday as people smugglers take advantage of calmer seas
Charles Hymas,
10 August 2023 • 1:59pm
The conclusion is clear.
There are no women or children living in Africa, Asia, or Albania.
Thus they have a legitimate need to impregnate western women!
. . . . . .
2017 … With friends like these … Left-wing extremist group DEFENDS halal boss’ claims Australian women need Muslim men to fertilise them – calling critics ‘racist’
Muslim businessman Mohamed Elmouelhy says white race to die out in 40 years
He also suggests that Muslim men have a duty to ‘fertilise’ Australian women
Left-wing extremist group Antifa described his critics as ‘bigots’ and ‘racists’
This is despite Sydney halal businessman calling on ‘bigots’ to commit suicide
PUBLISHED: 07:26, 31 July 2017 | UPDATED: 07:39, 7 August 2017
Maybe it is only kids firing rockets and shooting at IDF troops, and all the Hamas Dads are over here already?
JezBo’s server farm ringers could confirm.
Here is a video from a source I’ve posted before, but this time she goes into the ways the Left wing media try to manipulate the news.
It is impossible to deny the statistics produced yesterday in the US over CPI and core CPI which both showed an unexpected large increase.
Because in this instance we can all see the facts, the data and that is unarguable, we can see easily the manipulation the MSM undertakes to fool the sheeple, and it really is straight out of the old Soviet Union Pravda playbook.
“really is straight out of the old Soviet Union Pravda playbook.”
That’s some irony
cos when the video starts ..the woman has a very heavy Russian accent
OK that doesn’t prove anything but does make me suspicious
She criticises Ukraine
but never Russia/Putin
Her Twitter header is the Moscow skyline
So I place for you an example of evidence of how the MSM are manipulating factual stories, and the only thing you can pick up on is the womans accent?
Seriously ?
“So I place for you an example of evidence of how the MSM are manipulating factual stories, and the only thing you can pick up on is the womans accent?”
No I gave 3 pieces of evidence that she is a Putin stooge, but you chose to strawman by saying that I only spoke of 1, the accent
and saying “seriously ” is an attempt to intimidate people from challenging stooge videos.
Are readers looking forward to the Rochdale bi-election result?
It should be a hoot.
A moderate antisemitic candidate against a hard antisemitic candidate.
And an electorate of Muslims voting on religious lines between them. Real racism in action.
The ultimate nail in the coffin for the left activist woke agenda of open door mass immigration and the multiculturalism they have hammered into indigenous Britons for all these years. A proof readers will be able to use for the ages.
The BBC will have nowhere to hide but what fun to watch them squirm to avoid the elephants in the room.
I can’t wait.
“The BBC will have nowhere to hide” – they will just keep reporting Steve Wright died for 2 years!
Suppression of uncomfortable “news”
in the 3 day outage I saw here on Microsoft products a few days ago:
Windows logins failed where authentication was online MS account. (domains worked)
Outlook user ID / email logins were failing, returning “no such user” errors to incoming emails
VPNs disconnected
According to the video — Microsoft company internal email 100% compromised.
IT media and MSM crickets….
I wonder if the perps accumulated enough data or tinkered with admin stuff to allow later access or placed logic bombs that can be triggered later….
Easy to imagine how far this went and the squeaky bum, hair on fire stuff that was triggered.
Meanwhile Google are no doubt shifting a lot of effort into electioneering see HERE
Will the Information Commissioner fine Microsoft?
We hear a lot about “election integrity” or lack thereof, particularly around the issues of counting the vote and the ballot box. But the truth is that elections are more likely to be stolen via search engine manipulation effects (SEME).
What is SEME?
SEME is an abbreviation for the search engine manipulation effect. In a series of randomized controlled experiments, it has been shown that more than 20% of undecided voters can be manipulated into voting one way or the other, by simply manipulating the rankings of search engine results.
WIKI ….. “According to Epstein, search engine companies both massively manipulate consumer and vote sentiment, and furthermore do so to ensure their favored candidates win. Epstein’s research shows that such manipulations can shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more, and up to 80 percent in some demographics, and can change the outcomes in over 25% of national elections.[1][2][3]”
20% HA HA HA HA!
Marky – but it makes the assumption that large numbers of people spend all their time on the internet – and can be bothered to Google some political crap – …. I would suggest in the inner city case ‘people ‘ vote for them in the postal votes and they have no clue about elections at all – as long as the welfare keeps turning up in the dodgy bank accounts …
The CONservatives deserve to be decimated at the next election. They have betrayed their supporters and the country.
Unfortunately the other parties are no different. As I have mentioned before Labour are the opposite cheek on the same arse and the Libs and Greens are the orrifice in the middle
I have to disagree Dickie.
The Lib Dems are what comes OUT of the orifice in the middle.
Funny you should mention that, Sluffers, because only an hour ago, as I was emptying the ashes from the fire and bringing in some dead wood, for some unaccountable reason, I asked myself, “What does a Lib Dem stand for”?
Now why should a simple chore like that conjure up a query like that?
MAKE TALIBAN GREAT AGAIN……”The U.S. military retreated from Afghanistan two years ago, leaving behind weapons that are now turning up in far-flung trouble spots where terrorists are fighting and killing America’s allies. In markets that have sprung up across the southern and eastern badlands, where the hottest fighting of the war took place, merchants with Taliban permits are offering U.S.-made automatic assault rifles and handguns for sale alongside hardware from Russia, Pakistan, China, Turkey, and Austria. Business, like terrorism, is thriving.”
“The latest news brings us confirmation from both sides that Russian forces have in fact broken through to the ‘Industrial Avenue’ and beyond, which has entirely severed the city into two parts, cutting the supply route”
Avdeevka … represents a crowning offensive achievement of the war because it has been fought for continuously the longest, and as a consequence, was the most fortified of any town
Twists and turns in the Sunak GBnews vs vaccine injured man
#1 Kevin McGuire on the Vine show dismissing him as a vaccine denier
#2 People put up video of John Watt talking about his medical history BEFORE he had a vaccine .
That he’d already had a heart attack and PTSD and had already had Covid
.. https://twitter.com/StuyvesantAnna/status/1757514261725651036
#3 He’d already done a slot on GB news last year
.. https://twitter.com/HighPlainOutlaw/status/1757144285512700005
#4 He has had previous major mind problems
“Carried out a 5 year campaign of terror on two women. Physical, mental abuse. Anger issues. This was before any Covid jab”
More crap from the Telegraph and MOD. Greta Thunberg to be made Admiral😂
More Or Less started with
“Oh Evan Davis got a gotcha against the Evil Tories Laura Trott .. let’s play the clip”
Yet by the end of the item they had explained that there are two ways of calculating debt trends and for policy the government does NOT use the one Evan Davis talked about.. so he was wrong
I went through tweets to Radio4 there were zero tweets from listeners to them about the show
There were a handful direct to @bbcMoreOrLess
The BBC is still on about the death of one of its ex employees – a DJ they sacked last year for being too old … but they seem not to mention the sacking … and presumably they kept him quiet by offering some inducement ….
The whole gang
‘Around the Christmas Dinner turkey in Broadcasting House are fifteen of Britains best-known DJs: Dave Lee Travis, Jimmy Savile, Simon Bates, Paul Burnett, Andy Peebles, Peter Powell, Mike Read, John Peel, Anne Nightingale, Tommy Vance, Paul Gambaccini, Steve Wright, Adrian Love, Adrian Juste, and Richard Skinner.”
On the BBC webshite.
They are running a Have Your Say about the confusion over processed food labelling.
But they still haven’t had a Have Your Say about Rochdale and Labour Party anti-semitism.
I wonder why not? I just can’t work it out.
You are free to comment on what the BBC say is free speech!
They probably won’t say anything about Wellingborough too!
“Bedford photos that captured Covid lockdown to go on show”
“Chiara Mac Call, from Bedford, took the images as part of her permitted daily exercise and helped her cope with her own anxiety.”
I note how everyone looks happy and relaxed as they’re photographed through French windows at the state-approved social distance. From elsewhere: “Chiara is a documentary photographer and socially engaged practitioner who works with individuals and communities on themes of identity, self-representation, social justice and trauma recovery.” Funny how Chiara couldn’t find anyone being euthanized in care homes or business owners facing ruin and turning to drink despite her interest in trauma.
In the sickly sweet airbrushed BBCland — unless you’re an approved special interest group — everyone’s expected to react to adversity with cheer and goodwill.
Nice curtains…
In other news …. “Five things about Harry and Meghan’s brand revamp Published 21 hours ago”
Five things about? Why not 10000000 things?
1. Feel-good message … “Then a picture of the couple emerges, smiling and applauding.”
2. The office of…”There is an ex-presidential vibe ”
3. Royal links – or lack of them …. “There is no mention of any other royals in their biographies”
4. 4. Meghan as feminist .. “It mentions Grenfell but not Buckingham Palace.”
5. Don’t forget the titles … ” use their children’s titles”
More social engineering from the Guardian — “My daughter was stabbed to death by her ex-boyfriend – but I won’t let anger destroy me”
“Somehow, Gazzard has not been eaten up by anger towards either him or the police. ‘Anger is an emotion that damages you. I don’t want to waste time being angry,’ he says […] He believes Maslin was let down, too. ‘He was known to police and social services. Surely as a society, we’ve got to deal with these people and try to change them and get them off that path.’”
Guardianland editorial also demands the native population are shown overflowing with forgiveness and a desire for social reform, no matter how foul the crime. Anger, resentment and vengeance are emotions only allowed for minorities facing microaggressions, like having your hairstyle criticised.
Lots of pics of dad and daughter but Guardian don’t show any of the killer, so here he is.
Long and very boring stuff – to be expected!
Naturally I skimmed a couple of lines to yawn at their awful far-left crap TM, as you’ve taken the trouble to let us know, and then right at the end, after a long, long scroll, their ‘comment’ on 2023, and still they print their pathetic begging letter at the end of their drivel!
No wonder Beeboids just love the trash they print, and then cut and paste into their own dross!
Make your bed ….
But I don’t understand. I thought bi-racial relationships were all rainbows and laughter like on every single advert on TV.
The Carbon footprint of the Royal Navy must be admired.
Going from hundreds of ships all over the world to a few ships that don`t go anywhere.
I was thinking along the same lines the other day. But surely we must have the biggest dinghy flotilla in the world?
Vile’s ratings nutter kicks off a golden one.
Yes ‘Jews’ are White. Jewish people are an ethnicity not a monolith of one race. There are White, Black & Brown Jewish people in the world. Like the rest of us, each of them is part of a different race regardless of their shared ethnicity. Judaism isn’t a race, it’s a religion.
And his other genius.
Can someone explain why our news is focused more on Rochdale than Rafah right now?
Femi and Shola taking a break from their groundbreaking work on phenotypes to post some drivel I see.
Can someone explain why our news is focused more on Rochdale than Rafah right now?
Which is more important:
🔴 One potential MP accuses Israel of stuff they haven’t done.
🔴 400 actual MPs support Israel’s ACTUAL massacre of 30,000 people ?
Femi Oluwole
🇬🇧Law grad ”Do-Gooder”
Writer for Independent.
Media enquiries: By Direct Message
JournalistSolihull, Englandpatreon.com/femi_sorryJoined January 2011
2,949 Following
Sorry if you can’t open this:-
Al – steady I get told for even lightly criticising the Royal Navy … surely there must be someone ready to buy a couple of aircraft carriers …. ? Meanwhile the border is not defended …
Ukraine border – send money.
UK Border – leave open.
No Fed, because the countries which need carriers are building their own, India, China for example.
You may be aware that HMS Prince of Wales sailed one day late. She had been on 30 days’ notice to sail, and sailed in only 8 days. A great achievement from her crew, but please feel free to sneer.
Thanks Rob – maybe we could gift them to the Ukrainians in instalments to boost the overseas tax money give away – or the Irish who have been living off nato defence since 1945…
Good to see the BBC’s old Anger and Protests stirrer out and about, self aware as ever.
The purpose of Useful Idiots is to trigger cognitive disarray and make us weary. Don’t let them succeed 👇🏽
It looks like red labour is gonna need another ‘independent inquiry ‘ into antisemitism within …. Shabi chackrabti has been seen in Wickes©️buying whitewash again ….
* White Wash*
Click to access Chakrabarti-Inquiry-Report-30June16.pdf
The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism. Further, it is
the party that initiated every single United Kingdom race equality law.
However, as with wider society,
there is too much clear evidence (going back some years) of minority hateful or ignorant attitudes and
behaviours festering within a sometimes bitter incivility of discourse. This has no place in a modern
democratic socialist party that puts equality, inclusion and human rights at its heart. Moreover, I have
heard too many Jewish voices express concern that antisemitism has not been taken seriously enough
in the Labour Party and broader Left for some years.
NY Mayor “Bring the hostages home”
Works for the bbc:-
Tweets by RaphaelSheridan
Employed as a “Cost of living producer” – whatever that is
Minister of Loneliness
That’s not real is it ? Please …
Loneliness minister: “It’s more important than ever to take action”
This Loneliness Awareness Week, the Loneliness Minister Baroness Barran has warned we are still in a ‘critical stage’ of tackling loneliness.
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, Office for Civil Society, and Baroness Barran MBE
17 June 2021
Charities across the country to get £2 million boost to tackle loneliness in communities
Connection Coalition and Jo Cox Foundation partner with WhatsApp to launch chatbot
No More Loneliness? Meta is launching AI-powered chatbots for people to ‘befriend’, chat with on Facebook
A socialist government throwing 2 million quid of borrowed money on ‘loneliness’ .. please make it stop
Ministry of Lockdowns: “Our Strategy sets out a powerful vision to raise awareness of lockdowns and hinder people from building connections to lead safe and remote lives”
I realise this report by the Heartland Institute will come as a surprise to practically no one on this site, but you may know someone who remains in blissful ignorance you can pass it on to or even some poor individual chronically addicted to Kool-Aid and in desperate need.
Click to access Feb-24-2020-Election-Analysis-vWeb_Final.pdf
Square – very interesting – method to be widely used in the coming bi elections and the General Election to exploit the ignorant and feckless and ‘the community’….
.. I reckon the Islamic supporting labour candidate has already won if the postal votes have been sent out….
World at one
Jonnie D really didn’t like someone from Israel telling us how it is with the HamasUN organisation . If the UN is helping Hamas – either directly or indirectly it needs to be dealt with …. Where does the aid money really go ? Who exactly works for the UN in Palestine ? BBC really didn’t like that … keep going IDF ….
Builders were in again so subjected to R2 and relentless homages to the colleagues they fired.
Plus the risible ‘news’.
Very excited about Gaza of course. Something happened in Lebanon where it was coyly conceded that the instigator was a bunch of rockets that killed an Israeli, mostly peacefully no doubt. And by some six year olds as no male combat participants appear to exist anywhere, least of all in the field of vision of JezBo’s cadre of ‘BBC’ ‘reporters’.
At the other end was Rafah, where kicking off is due. By unnamed folk, but inferences abound. What was interesting was the dark muttering tacked on about how the poor devils are not allowed to cross the border.
Now, which border would that be? They were oddly unclear.
Had a quick surf. Nothing new but…
But Cairo has kept tight restrictions on movement through the Rafah crossing for many years – to such an extent that many Palestinians have essentially accused Egypt of bolstering Israel’s blockade of Gaza, which has been in place since Hamas took full power there in 2007.
So Muslim countries are as prepared to sacrifice the people of Gaza as much as Hamas, and the BBC is avoiding what it knows already to paint an inaccurate picture to serve the narrative.
Egypt has a border!
UK has no border! HA HA HA HA!
Certainly the BBC and others have managed some hefty mind tricks to simply ignore the parallels between those ‘fleeing’ other countries through all of Europe to get to the safety of a country with which they have zero in common, where it is demanded the population accepts all this entails, whilst a direct Muslim neighbour at the point of origin has razor wire up and nary a peep… in fact in the BBC’s case outrageous deliberate swerving to avoid the fact.
Never forget….
Labour MP Naz Shah backed plan to ‘relocate Israelis to America’
@Up2Snuff will you quit with repeatedly posting I owe you an apology
This comes across as bullying.
On Sunday lots of us posted about Trump’s speech
I checked the BBC’s false narrative that said Trump was speaking about the future, by going to the original 3 hour video
I posted the link to the video and a transcript
that shows was relaying an old story from the past , showing he’d got countries to pay more into NATO
Then on Monday you turned up with a false narrative that Trump’s words came from a question he’d been asked by a journalist something you said you’d seen in a BBC report. You gave a link to the Express, which did not back this claim.
I explained you were wrong ..and I gave a link to a long tweet by Konstantin Kisin, which explained the context.
You apparently didn’t even bother to read that tweet
but instead persist with your false narrative
If it’s ok I’d like to apologise to someone for something – may be if I apologise upfront I can use it as a ‘credit ‘… I do notice that the BBC is often fixated about some politician being required to ‘apologise ‘ for something . I thin think to myself ‘ what difference does an ‘apology ‘ make to anything ?’ ….
I’ve just thought of something I can apologise for – it’s my typing / spelling because my head travels faster than my typing …. There ….
Maybe up2 should apologise for asking for apologies so often ……😵💫
BBC iPlayer to end programme downloads for PCs and Macs
“The changes were “due to the low number of people using it and the cost required to keep it going” the BBC said”
Or in other words, not popular?
The BBC is not in it to be popular. Hence using market rates.
Worth popping back to see how many people engaged with the Khan/BBC combo post earlier this morning?