“To ask Her Majesty’s Government, in the light of reports by the BBC’s Panorama programme in 2010 that approximately 5,000 pupils in the UK are being taught the Saudi national curriculum, what action has been taken to ensure that school text books originating in Saudi Arabia which propagate hate speech and religious intolerance are not being used in schools, clubs and weekend schools in the UK. ”
“Ofsted have not found any evidence of the text books referred to in the programme being used in schools that they have inspected.” – uk government’s response
{theyworkforyou 05Dec2016} https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?id=2016-11-28.HL3557.h&s=Saudi+Arabia+schools#gHL3557.q0
Activities – how the charity spends its money Relieve poverty and sickness of persons who profess the Islamic religion in the UK, including establishing clinics. Advance the education and training of persons who profess Islamic religion. Promote the Islamic faith in the UK. Provide facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation.
Of course the Grauniad uses a stock photo without a single effnik NHS worker! However who the hell thought it was appropriate to use perhaps the single most corrupt country in the whole of Africa.
Pakistan say hold their beer … “Aviation minister says more than 30 percent of country’s commercial pilots committed fraud to obtain licences. Islamabad, Pakistan – Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has suspended 150 pilots after questions over the authenticity of their licences emerged, a spokesman told Al Jazeera.26 Jun 2020”
‘The military cemetery of the Field of Mars in Lviv is usually a place of whispered prayers and stifled sobs.
But on this winter morning the sound was a full-throated rage.
He was about 100 yards away, a middle-aged man in military camouflage, walking between the lines of graves. He stopped and raised his hands to the sky and shouted out: “Death to the enemy.” ‘
Should be angry at globalist warmongers.
“The city of Lviv was the setting for the greatest refugee crisis in Europe since World War Two.”
I remember that too- they closed most entrances to the train station, to create these dramatic images…
“Stories of atrocities from places like Bucha and Mariupol arrived with every refugee train.”
If you say so..
“A girl of around 10 years of age, Lera Verizon, comes forward. Volodymyr hands her a parcel. She starts to explain what happened when the Russians attacked her school.”
Meantime, immigration from the EU has fallen — a key pledge of the Vote Leave campaign — only to be replaced by a less economically active cohort of non-EU migrants, primarily students, the research said
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
Just googled ‘reality check’ (for some other reason), first link was Merriam-Webster definition, second was BBC Verify (!), third link Cambridge Dictionary.
Funny thing but googling ‘gaslighting’ didn’t provide any links to the BBC. How odd.
I wonder if the very sudden death of Steve Wright may turn out to have been self inflicted ? After all – some one whose life was radio( so they keep saying ) having his main show ended by a nasty BBC management might have had severe consequences …..
If that turns out to be the case perhaps more licence tax payers will think about whether they should carry on paying for the monster …
I apologise for speculating – but the coverage is ongoing – and I’m reading between the lines – and may well be wrong …
Scroblene – funny I’ve just seen the Katie Hopkins piece – the theme is there … if it transpires that mr wright ended himself perhaps some bbc managers will ‘move on’ I doubt it – they are amoral …
All over the bBC website there were tributes and adulations to Steve Wright. The reason this was so sickening was that this was the same bBC that terminated his show on Radio-2.
Stop the pretense bBC you are no longer a media outlet for British people.
Atlas – I do wonder if others will call the bbc out – surely the likes of Ken Bruce – who was also cancelled by the BBC but moved on to better things – could tell us more about how the BBC is operating .
I never had time for mr Bruce – nor really mr Wright – but if lt helps undermine and destroy the BBC – I can but hope ….
One of the saddest things is that many people will feel the sort of loss those monsters in bbc management could never understand ….
.. I also recall the sense of loss some people felt when saville died … but then the truth started to appear ….
I was always sorry that Steve Wright didn’t carry on with another station – he had the huge following, and would have given Beeboids a nasty headache by taking even more of their listeners!
Getting #UnspunWorld ready for showing tonight on BCC Two at 11.15: from left, Richard Tulip, picture editor; Max Horberry, producer; and Ben Watt, executive producer. On the edit screen is Jeremy Bowen, who leads the programme on Gaza. Plus – why is China’s economy going wrong?
That is several hundred grand of BBC meat in repose, and no one bar a racist cares.
Spectator article from this morning
that was before people had proof the biased judge Tanweer Ikram CBE Liked the inflammatory anti-Israel post
from his confirmed LinkedIn page
“That Ikram has handed down prison sentences for private memes makes his leniency towards the paraglider trio more difficult to swallow. Attempting to explain his decision not to punish the defendants for their support of a terror group, Ikram said the offences had taken place at a time of ‘much passion and polarisation’.
‘You crossed the line’, he said, ‘but it would have been fair to say that emotions ran very high on this issue’.
But why should the fact that emotions were running high reduce the severity of the punishment?
No less bizarre was his claim that the defendants’ ‘lesson has been well learned’ – despite them being let off by the court”
I remember when young women were told that it is ok to get extremely inebriated and wearing skirts up to their knickers. They have a right to dress as they like and walk safely down the street late at night. Jews don’t have the same right (no, I don’t mean to wear short skirts and Jews in the main don’t drink much). But Jewish men no longer have the right in the uk to wear a small skullcap openly, they should wear a baseball cap to hide their faith. And in north London it is very obvious when orthodox Jewish women are walking to the synagogue. (Orthodox Jews consider driving to be work on a day of rest and in Barnet avoiding the pot holes on the High Road is extremely hard work). The women are dressed in nice but demure clothes and married ones, if not wearing a wig, used to wear a nice hat. Now women will dress down to be less conspicuous. Kahn’s London where Jews no longer feel safe walking to say prayers.
ITV local news item “The evil Tories won’t pay flood recovery grants to folk on a industrial estate that is uninsurable cos it’s between two rivers in Chesterfield”
The body shop man was crying and they brought on the Pakistani own of the industrial estate, to say the government should pay everybody.
One bloke says the government hasn’t paid anyone.
They said the grant is £2,500
AFAIK everyone local knows it floods there, cos there is culvert nearby that gets clogged with debris and the Environment Agency don’t attempt to keep it clear.
As a young lad in the 50’s our family moved to Singapore to be with my father who was stationed at the navy dockyard there for two years or so.
I remember the monsoons hitting and our house was on 6 foot brick supports yet the water would rise up to the floor level in less than an hour. The locals paid no attention even riding their bikes down the flooded roads up to their chest in water. Within an hour the water would flow away and the scorching sun would return.
I also remember walking through the local ethnic food quarter where blokes with food stalls would be frying eggs on slabs of stone just using the heat of the scorching sun.
Climate change is an absolute bollox fairy story made up to grab political control of the population.
Might give the NHS a days break from salmonella, E.Coli, listeria etc. contracted from those horrible filthy germ laden boxes some very dodgy people carry on their backs on illegal e.bikes and scooters.
Davy still didn’t make me feel safer riding my motor scooter in east londonistan today – 3 attempts on my life by car driving c words who didn’t look ….
But I do wonder if the Uber boys are insured – surely it’s too expensive… ?
Of course it is better when you sign-in. Better for the BBC that is, not you, as the data can then be cross-checked against the TV licensing database. Other information, such as your IP address, unique machine identifier, and browser cookies which show the other websites you have visited can also be collected.
I expect you realise a battalion is between 500 and 1000 troops. Are you really saying that up to 3000 troops have been “wiped out” by one strike? Seriously? You will have to give some backing for that claim.
Did you know that running out of fuel / electricity is an offence? If it puts other road users in danger then it is. This driver ignored that he had 5% battery left for miles before running out on a national road. Driver reported. #Planyourjourney #28770 #23364 pic.twitter.com/x37mgt45PS
I’ve wondered what happens when you run out of steam. You can always wander off for some petrol – can in hand, but electricity??? Can someone enlighten me .
Well, you blame the electricity companies, then the local council, then the supermarkets, then the local garages, then Afghanistan, then Maaare Khan, then President Trump, then Isaac Newton, then everyone else, then, eventually, our pathetic government, which allows all this crap to infest our country!
Humberside policemen we were talking to last summer said they were still not charging (with an offence not the car) people running out of electricity on motorways but they thought it was coming. I think the RAC/AA have a device to give a mini charge to get evs off the motorway, presumably enough to get the driver to a charge point?
Lucy – Cameron must be on some serious ego trip – I fear sunak might ‘recognise ‘ Palestine with his mate Cameron before they head for oblivion …. It’s unfortunate that Cameron will become the bbc ‘go to ‘ for the blue Labour lefty conscience….
Cameron is looking for the same dirty money his mate Boris received out of Ukraine and he knows he only has until November to get that done.
The comment at the end “But do you think Putin’s the good guy in all this” is just so typical of the far Left media types who are so infantile they see only in black and white, and seek to smear rather than to inform.
Yes JohnC you are correct, that’s what he said. The fact that he was obviously useless at it seems not to have sunk in to the Tory establishment. When Sunak brought him out of deserved oblivion it was patently obvious that Sunak is not one jot more capable than any of his recent predecessors.
I am sure Marjorie Taylor Greene could do a better job.
I keep telling you that anyone who is capable would not take on the thankless job for the pittance on offer.
Today in the Mail they are talking about why the Gestapo we used to know as ‘The Police’ are picking on Christians whilst turning a blind eye to Muslim serious crime.
The reason is a simple one. If you won’t pay the going rate there are others who will, and he who pays the piper calls the tune.
‘David Cameron can kiss my a**’: Foreign Secretary sparks Republican fury in the US after comparing efforts to curb Ukraine aid with appeasing Hitler in the 1930s
PUBLISHED: 18:39, 14 February 2024 | UPDATED: 21:02, 14 February 2024
Alistair Heath in the DT on the decline of the former Britain – no mention of the BBC – but its there like an un-peasant smell
STARTS Britain’s decline over the past 25 years has been staggeringly rapid. Almost everything is getting worse, and almost nothing is getting better. Our public and private institutions are broken, presided over by an incompetent, selfish and narcissistic ruling class. Living standards, when adjusted properly for living and property costs, are declining.
Even the simplest things don’t work any longer. Queuing, scarcity and congestion are rife, our infrastructure is embarrassingly poor, and the honest and hardworking face endless bureaucratic battles to obtain what they are due. Free riding, crime, disorder, fraud, littering and generalised rule-bending are rife, and all too often tolerated by apathetic citizens and an indifferent state. Britain’s residual virtues, our individualism, independence of mind, tolerance and openness, uniquely appealing features of our national character, are fading.
Like a frog in boiling water, few saw the full scale of the decline coming until it was too late, and those who did were ridiculed by the bien-pensant. Yet even in 2024, when millions now realise that Britain is on the wrong track, there is no hope of meaningful improvement. The Tories have been abysmal, but Labour will be even worse: Keir Starmer will double down on the social-democratic and culturally nihilistic policies tested to destruction by the Conservatives.
In the 2000s, Britain had a particular idea of itself: a country of post-Thatcherite property-owners which reconciled modernity and tradition, globalisation and national self-determination, low-tax dynamism and fairness, where you didn’t need IDs to vote, where MPs weren’t attacked by screaming mobs, and where, finally, racism was increasingly a thing of the past. We saw ourselves as a socially mobile, law-abiding land of high trust, low corruption, the rule of law, improving race relations and religious toleration: a uniquely open society and a model to the Western world.
Such a vision is now largely obsolete. An Englishman’s home was his castle, making a huge difference to our national psyche, until our deliberate policy of rationing new housing at a time of mass immigration robbed the under-40s of the chance of owning anything of their own. “This is a free country”, we used to maintain when presented with another idiotic proposal to control us, but that too is over, killed off by the woke war on free speech, the jailing of Christian preachers, the sugar tax, the surveillance society and the Covid lockdowns.
In narrow GDP growth terms, we continue to outperform the true laggards on the continent, as Brexiteers correctly predicted, but that should be no consolation. Our manufacturing sector is being priced out of global markets by the rush to net zero, our energy policy is a hideous farce, our misregulated City is in decline, and our tax system an absurd conspiracy against hard work and merit, with marginal tax rates back at 1970s levels for some.
The socialist NHS, despite massive increases in funding, is a horror show, and one of the main reasons not to live in the UK. Some 5.6 million adults are on out-of-work benefits, and yet immigration is running at extraordinary levels. Our Armed Forces have been slashed, and are now being subject to a woke takeover.
Yet while all of these instances of national enfeeblement are tragic, they pale in comparison with the most terrifying regression of them all. We thought that we had progressed decisively as a society, that we had vanquished racism and religious discrimination, that the institutions of our liberal state would prevent a minority from facing persecution, and that our ruling class would never allow any subset of the population to be openly hated and othered again.
How wrong we were. That anti-Semitism, the oldest of hatreds, is back on the streets and screens of Britain, is terrifying enough; but the fact that this explosion of prejudice is being treated in such a cavalier fashion by the authorities and the mainstream broadcast media – and in some cases is even being rationalised and normalised – is a catastrophic development that casts doubt about Britain’s very future.
This is the worst moment for Britain’s Jews since the pogroms that disgraced Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester in the summer of 1947. The double-standards, the never ending “pro-Palestine” marches that are inevitably marred by egregious, open, anti-Semitism and evil slogans, the bullying, the victim blaming, the spreading of fake news, the wilful, blatant lies and denialism of Hamas’s atrocities, the obsessive interest in, and delegitimisation, of Israel, a state that accounts for just 0.25 per cent of the Middle East’s landmass, is its only multi-religious democracy and which is fighting for survival against neighbours that reject its very existence, stink of a replay of the 1930s.
The return of anti-Semitism is not just an existential threat to Britain’s tiny, 292,000-strong Jewish community, but a damning indictment of a Britain that is regressing into darkness. As Lord Sacks put it in 2016, “the hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews … the appearance of anti-Semitism in a culture is the first symptom of a disease, the early warning sign of collective breakdown.”
Already a non-Jewish MP has resigned out of fear for his own safety. Traditional British democratic norms are being upended by far-Left and Islamist extremists. Cranks, conspiracy theorists and racists appear to have entered mainstream politics in significant numbers, and many seem attracted by the Labour Party.
Anti-Semites never just target Jews. They are full-service, equal opportunity bigots who oppress and impoverish and destroy all that they touch, and despise freedom and human flourishing.
Starmer is genuinely committed to fighting anti-Semitism, but he has proved unforgivably slow in his attempts at rooting out prejudice in recent days. He rightly purged the Corbynites, but the rot in his party evidently goes far deeper, having contaminated even “centrist” or “Right-wing” circles. Some in his party are seeking votes among far-Left and Islamist extremists: a morally righteous party would announce that they are not interested in such voters, and terminate all relevant candidates, even if such a stance costs them power.
In the absence of such a step, we face the prospect of many new Labour MPs being, at the very least, soft on anti-Semitism. The Tories have failed, but Labour will be infinitely worse. Britain is hanging on by a thread.ENDS
It’s notable as per all media that they fail to take any responsibility for assisting the Left in all of this. The owners, The Barclay brothers are staunch supporters of the Tory party and they have used the newspaper to further the parties policies.
As such they are typical in being incapable of actually doing something concrete such as taking responsibility !
As a normal British citizen, I just cannot understand why Jewish people are hated so much!
We had a project in Tottenham Hale, right up by the end of the tube line – Fed will know it, (It’s the old car pound site – now redeveloped, but not by me)… several years ago. To get there, we drove though Tottenham and the areas beyond.
Yes, the citizens were dressed differently, drove Volvos, and generally seemed to enjoy their surroundings – and why not for God’s sake – but never, NEVER, did I feel threatened!
In fact, I loved once seeing a young lad with Hasidic ringlets, and a girl on each arm, enjoying the ambience of the place!
I’d deal with one of these people first, and decide later whether I want to to talk to an Arab who will be way down the list of trust.
Scroblene (all well ?) it’s ironic that Stamford Hill is part of the constituency of Diane abbot – who would regard Islamic Hamas as ‘friends ‘ like her boyfriend Corbyn ….waltham Forest – which borders haringey- is a foreign country now ….
Fed, yes, she’s getting stabilised in hospital now, and thank you for asking!
In fact, one of the top guys in Waltham Forest was there for the opportunity, but he was a ‘commercial’ sort, not a public services chap, and we all got on pretty well!
The owners had the Italian restaurant by the canal, and it was one of the best business days I’ve ever had, with true Italian hospitality! Our scheme was buggered up by their agents, but that’s another story…
I can’t remember the days when we went through Tottenham but had it been a Friday, that might have explained a lot, and there again, it was still a peaceful neighbourhood! I didn’t realise that Diane Abbott was somehow part of the scene – perhaps we should have dropped out before-hand!
I did in fact meet some of the ‘commercial’ (sic) people in Hackney but glazed over and made an excuse and left when I realised that they didn’t have a clue about anything beyond their leftie star-gazing.
Broadly off topic and unlikely to get a deluge of up ticks. But…..
Have just read the Postscript of Tony Blair’s biography, ‘A journey’ quite an eye-opener. Written around 2009.
His love of globalisation is painfully clear.
But to my surprise, he champions the market economy, regulated innovation, doesn’t just blame the banks for the 2008 economic crisis, and argues for significant reform of public services. He notes the expansion of the government sector in Western economies and laments it, comparing it unfavourably with the then go-ahead economies of India nd China.
The weird thing is many readers could probably support some of this. Yet it also shows oh how so clearly that in 13 years the Tories have achieved nothing of this agenda. Instead they have carried on a big government, tax and spend, unreformed public sector all this time – more Brown than Blair.
The Tory failure is thus made plain by, of all people, Blair some 15 years ago. A most unexpected observation.
Under BLiar and Brown, by the end of their tenure 25% of the working population was directly employed by the government. I remember at the time the number employed by the state was higher than Marxist East Germany, but under the Tories that number has risen to 33% as they are of course a Marxist party.
BLiar might write one thing, but do you believe him? His record for telling bare faced lies is unparalleled.
You can add the charities and the quangos to that little lot, Thoughtful…
Well done you, Sluffers for tolerating the book, and you’re spot on about Cameron’s and now Sunak’s Tories for sitting on their arses and fat expenses for bugger all results!
At least with Boris, there ‘seemed’ to be the right atmospphere for UK Inc. to prosper, but as usual, they started whining to each other, yapping and screeching, and never grasped the opportunity.
Absolutely right. He squashed the irritating little leftist like a bug. You should never accept any of their “some people say” framing of gotcha type questions. She had nothing, and he showed her up for it.
My phone had told me there was one dead and more than 10 injured in this shooting yet this BBC headline plays the whole thing down. It sounds like some robbery or something in back street nearby.
So I immediately smell another great big BBC rat.
A quick check elsewhere tells me:
‘A Children’s Mercy Hospital Kansas City spokesperson told reporter Caroline Hogan the hospital is treating 12 patients — 11 are kids and nine have gunshot wounds.’
Goodness me – what a whopping great fact that is to omit BBC. If only your cared about them as much as you apparently care about children in Gaza.
As I scan for identification of the murderers, any reference to ‘white’ is missing and I come across these:
‘Shooting does not appear to be terror related – source’
Another BBC ‘source’ saying what the BBC want to hear.
‘KCPD said the incident was not an officer-involved shooting.’
Sounds a LOT like enrichment again and they are covering it up for as long as they can.
Welcome to the racist world of the Left where even children’s lives don’t matter at all unless they can be used against whitey.
This is now the norm. If the killer isn’t named as white in the first report, he’s BAME. And the ‘Western establishment’ of government and MSM will all cover it up as long as possible until the story dies down.
This is all because of BLM. It’s racism and it’s disgusting. I despise the ethics of everyone involved. I am quiet certain the police have been TOLD to do it.
I strongly suspect that this story is true , my only caveat is that would anyone compile such a dossier with all the incriminating evidence!? That bit seems highly unlikely to me.
The suppression of the Russian Hoax story has been on going for six or seven years. I expect that suppression will continue on the MSM but now that Twitter or X is free from most forms of censorship it will be much harder to stop the US public from knowing the truth if that dossier is the real thing.
If it reaches the public domain then Trump will gain millions of votes. A second Trump term will have the deep state elite in wild,panic. They can hear the cell doors slamming shut for years and years. In fact the neo liberal hyperglobalist elites across the world will be very worried , their whole project could be set back years by a second Trump term armed with such an authenticated dossier. Lawfare will not be enough to defeat Trump armed with this bombshell. Other means will have to be used.
They do these dossiers because they are proud of what they’ve done and bragging rights accrue in their tiny minds.
I recall in the “interregnum” between Obama and Trump – I saw Obama officials on CNN and CNBC sofas sneering and bragging about how they’d control Trump as they knew every word spoken and the contents of every text / email and there seemed an inference that that DNC access wouldn’t be impeded by a new POTUS.
Only égalité, fraternité to go and – voila! Madame Guillotine will reappear?
Today a law was passed in France qualifying any opposition to mRNA-LNP injections as a "sectarian aberration". It carries a penalty of up to 3 years' imprisonment and 45,000 euros.
“It will not tolerate any criticism of the therapeutic treatments which will be recommended or… https://t.co/J6tdIx0I9x
This is where complying with tyranny brings you – dystopia. Had people stood up in 2021 and refused the insane injections none of this would have been possible.
I imagine that the purpose of the series will be to demonstrate that the indigenous population of these isles are not the original folk who populated the land after the last ice age. Therefore we have no ‘claim’ on the land , it isn’t ours , and we should accept New waves of migration with open arms because it is how we came to be here.
Just more BBC bollocks. How anyone can watch the rubbish they spew out is beyond me, it makes me ill.
If anyone knows how to create chaos and panic buying the bbc are experts in that
Again another request for comment “The BBC has contacted all the major supermarkets as well as PG Tips, Twinings and Typhoo Tea for comment.. well what was the outcome bbc????
It’s scare quotes galore this morning as our BBC online news press review tucks a copy of The Sun discretely deep down near the very foot of their press pile: The Sun says that radio legend Steve Wright “died of a broken heart” after being “dumped” by the BBC, according to “pals” (BBC)
It’s the jokey blokey regular ‘and finally’ candidate Daily Star that sits at the absolute foot of the BBC list: The joy of socks… Love is.. sniffing your smelly feet… Millions reckon pongy tootsies are adorable
People can be attracted to grubby tootsies, really? Well, it makes a change from hearing about all those peculiar people among us who apparently have love for the Houthis: Pro-Palestinian demonstrators on a march in central London on Saturday chanted support for Iran-backed Houthi rebel attacks on commercial shipping. Some protesters were heard shouting “Yemen, Yemen make us proud, turn another ship around” in apparent celebration of the escalation of the conflict. (Telegraph)
The Star also this morning earning our BBC’s dismissive ire for last place in their print line-up with the concise: Pal: BBC shaby to Steve
Vive la difference!
Expert grammaticians and lexicographers may be able to explain whether or no this sentence contains a gaff by our BBC: But the territory’s difficult experience of mass immigration is pushing President Emmanuel Macron’s government to abandon the sacrosanct Frenchprinciple of equality for all. (BBC) – Frenchprinciple – one word?
It’s usually the Germans who tend to amalgamate their words and phrases into one large portfolio construction – keen Hunnish manufacturers that they are. Have you seen their word for speed limit? Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung – fitting that one onto a roadside signpost together with its Welsh translation might even make our anti-motorcar stormtrooper Mark Drakeford pause for thought.
But we digress.
A speck of France in the Indian Ocean has become the latest battleground over the laws on immigration… the automatic right to French citizenship by virtue of birth on the island is to be rescinded. (BBC)
And changing your laws at the stroke of a pen to curb immigration is as easy as that.
US President Obama used to enjoy the saying: “I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone.” – what he meant was: …the tools a president can use if Congress isn’t giving him what he wants: executive actions and calling people together. (National Public Radio)
Our PM Rishi Sunak, the Tories, the Labour opposition, our establishment, our media… none of them really want to curb immigration
NHS nurses crisis… Recruitment meltdown… will put patients in danger… (Daily Mirror)
Overseas student applications to UK universities rise again… It comes despite tougher government rules to help “slash migration”… Universities and Colleges Admissions Services (Ucas) chief executive Dr Jo Saxton said the rise in international-student applications should “not be a cause of concern for prospective domestic students”… The government has a target of 600,000 international students per year studying in the UK by 2030 (BBC)
Official efforts to stem the flow are performative at best
Influencers will target Albanian migrants… UK pays TikTok stars to stop boats (giveaway Metro)
They do say we live under a patriarchy
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is convinced of it: Sport Football’s sexism problem…
Old boys club?
Not so much – not if the frontpage of the Times is anything to go by: All the world’s a stage… The Queen was surrounded by dames last night (Times); Camilla and the screen queens (Daily Mail)
But what about us chaps? Is it a case of no more heroes anymore?
All the world’s a stage – one isn’t sure that Shakespeare quite had this in mind
‘A new era’ David Harewood is named as first black president of Rada (Guardian)
Hamilton… Lew is Mr Motivated for Mercedes swansong (freebie Metro)
And speaking of German speed limits and motorcars – as we have been: VW imports held in US… Thousands of Porsche, Bentley and Audi cars have been impounded… Chinese component in them that breached labour laws (FT)
And changing your laws at the stroke of a pen to curb imports is as easy as that.
Dickie – from article … “We provide finance, military aid, political support and entangling alliances.”
Nailed at last! For 20 years, hate preacher on benefits laughed at Britain as he spawned terror worldwide…now, after vowing allegiance to ISIS, he faces 10 years behind bars
Islamist preacher has spent nearly two decades praising violent jihadism
He organised ‘poppy-burning’ rallies and associated with terrorists
He was at the centre of an international network of extremists, linked to at least 15 terrorist plots and 300 of his supporters have gone to Syria
After playing cat and mouse with police for 20 years, he slipped up when he signed oath to ISIS – just after it had been banned under UK law
He and his deputy, Mizanur Rahman, now face jail sentences
TOADY Watch #1 – the weather is not warm but cold …..
The Met Office indoctrinated forecaster, Matt Taylor, for the BBC on TOADY tried to claim it was unseasonably warm in the south-east. I live in the south-east and I dispute that. Why? The water out of the hot tap that’s why! Exactly the same amount of gas has been put daily into the water to heat it as a few weeks ago. But it is not as hot as it was a few weeks ago. Therefore the weather must be colder than Matt Taylor claims.
I think it has been quite mild in Kent. It usually is. And often too hot in summer. I can’t say it’s because the globe is boiling. It’s been this way ever since I can remember.
I’m not complaining but it wasn’t cold at all when I went out at 7am today. No hat or heavy coat was needed. The high today is about 57F. That’s very respectable for Feb.
We haven’t turned the climate change machine on for several days. Mr P & myself are very pleased about that because it helps us with the gas bill. 🙂
Lucy, it is mild but not 15/16/17/18°C as one newspaper and Matt Taylor hinted at. Went out to shops and turned down the thermostat [didn’t forget this time! 🙂 ]. I did remember to restart the heating after lunch (feeling a bit chilly), the boiler fired up long before 12.5°C was reached, probably at 10°C. OK a house does retain heat in the walls, and I’m in a modern build, so insulated to the nth degree.
When the Jew haters, including the BBC, the Labour Party and the moslem death cult, have finished, there will be no doubt they will be targeting the Christians next.
Seems to be no mention of the type of people attacking Jews … usually the BBC will default to ‘far right ‘ terminology – but in this case not …. So could it be peaceful hate filled Muslims ….?
The same has also happened with the Kansas shootings where it looks like children were the targets … thr footage show 3 sets of coloured handcuffed hands – so this story might disappear quickly ….
2 bi elections – I wonder what % will be postal votes ? Will there be gripes over the need to show identification ? Will the blue labour rubbish lose their deposits ?
Fed, you ask a question, who could be fuelling this increase in anti-semitism? Answer: who or what organisation is an apologist for Hamas, regularly interviews Palestinians and UN/UNRWA workers and belives everything they say without question or Marianna Springing into action. Now who or what could that be?
Although English people see the HAMAS propaganda regularly put out by the BBC / UN I do wonder that the ‘paki network ‘ bit of the BBC does – far easier for Islam to run ….
Apparently there was considerable internal debate within TfL about the names and it was only at the last minute they were finalised. Other contenders were:
The Acid Line
Just Stop Trains
Hamas Tunnel Line
Perhaps it is part of Khan’s plan to stop the plebs moving about and reduce congestion on public transport. After all, what normal person would willingly travel on a line called Windrush, Suffragette or Lioness?
In 2023 the UK fell into recession, just to add further economic woe to the Marxists in government.
The BBC has this as headline news along with an obligatory photo of a female in a non typical workshop type job.
When you go to the main article they have a group of leftie doctor strikers for more pay.
It’s going to pile on the misery for the utterly useless Sunak who hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing.
He must really think we’re as wealthy as he is to benefit from these tax cuts which his party imposed in the first place, and that with around 6 months to the election it’s going to make a difference!
On top of that most people are going to see it as a bribe and a man trap for the Labour party who are going to have to increase it again. Of course in the highly unlikely event they were elected again they too would have to reverse it!
Given the IMF have warned the Tories not to lower taxation it would also be a gift to anyone with the slightest economic nous to attack them with.
It now transpires that the judge in the case of three Muslim women with highly offensive images of Hamas paragliders on their coats, who refused to punish them is a Muslim called Taweer Ikram, and it further transpires that this judge has himself ‘liked’ a social media post branding Israel a ‘terrorist’.
Not just any social media post though it was on a Linkedin page by a barrister who had previously promoted conspiracy theories claiming that Israel allowed the October 7 attack.
There was an initial investigation but the judge lied that it was a mistake and he was told there would be no further investigation (in typical pro Muslim civil service style).
This is the post he apparantly liked:
As people are saying he should have recused himself knowing the sensitivity of the case and that he had already been investigated over his conduct, but he appears as usual to have put the interests of the Umma before his obligations as a judge and as such he should be censored and barred from hearing future cases involving Muslims.
TOADY Watch #2 – not angling for a Peerage, are you? Question not asked by Nick Robinson.
Esther Ghey was interviewed by Nick Robinson. A deeply troubled woman by all accounts following her divorce with a deeply troubled daughter, Brianna, as a result. And now seeking peace through Bhuddism and wishing to impose it, as well as a mobile phone ban, on schoolchildren. Oh dear.
The interview does not end well for Nick Robinson. He plugs the latest TOADY Podcast by him and Amol Rajan and encourages TOADY listeners to not just listen but access the Podcast via whereever they ‘get their Podcasts from’, which would be via an App on a mobile phone that Esther Ghey would like to ban schoolchildren from having.
Who was the young lady lardberg on the panel playing to the studio cheap seats?
‘Oh my god’ and a snigger and a redirect to not answer a question whose answer is key but not known, is a highly symbolic event of frequency at such events.
I read Watts and Homewood now daily, along with the comments, and beggars credulity who is out there to provide information but who the establishment goes to instead.
The actual question is how much ice is optimum for polar bears? It’s unclear thar maximum, very thick ice is optimum. But the “science” isn’t about answering real questions, it’s about the narrative.
It is a fact of ecology that the animal biomass in a system forms a pyramid so that, as you progress upwards in the “what preys on and eats what” line of dependency, there is a severe reduction in the equilibrium amount at each stage. The niche of “top” predator will always be filled with a few, highly specialised, species with only a few (generally big) individuals in each species. That is the situation with polar bears.*
Top predators go extinct easily and often, exactly because they are specialised with a small breeding population (Tigers and Cheetahs are on their way out, for example). The ecological niche at the top will continue to exist, however, and be filled again in short order. From the point of view (if one may speak thus) of Nature, top predators (including Man) are unimportant “chancers.” Here today, and gone tomorrow.
*Polar bears are thought to have split off from (vegetarian) brown bears quite recently, in evolutionary terms. About 400,000 years ago, variants of certain genes which control fat metabolism in all mammals became more prevalent in brown bears around the Arctic, evolved somewhat, and enabled the “gorge on fat and starve for a while afterwards” carnivorous life style of polar bears. There is nothing abnormal in them starving for a few months. So long as they are only living off stored fat, they are not going to fret or feel pangs of hunger.
They are not modern, settled, humans, who, ever since the Neolithic, have tended to become addicted to carbohydrates, and who often live to eat instead of eating to live.
When talking about the multitudes converting to Christianity so that they can stay in the UK why does nobody mention the ‘takkiya’ (spelling) part where they are allowed to lie in certain circumstances.
Nick Griffin did ten or more years ago, and they tried to put him in prison for it. I think people got the message, which was the point of the exercise.
My usual message to the BBC ……….
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
You would think that they would have learned by now?
The ‘POD’ of ‘podcast’ appears to mean ‘Predominantly Old Doomongers’.
This is the latest from the ex Graun Editor.
What motivates the media world behind the clickbait? What drives broadcast, print and digital media producers and journalists? In this episode, Alan Rusbridger and Lionel Barber answer listeners’ questions on media bias in an election year, the impact of 24-hour news on mental health
Guessing ratings, ideology, mental instability and Vile or O’Brien will not feature?
So NCAP are not crash testing electric cars so much because of the risk of explosion and fires where lithium thermal runaway makes them hard to extinguish at their facilities
I do live in Wales and the Welsh Government is a waste of our hard earned money . Its a glorified talking shop looking for ways to blow our money on silly projects before the ‘Financial Year’ runs out.
The Welsh Government needs bloody ‘Recycling’, end of .
Given the amount of press + broadcasting hyperventilating about deaths from dairy products and peanuts this doesn’t seem an unreasonable juxtaposition ….
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume…. https://twitter.com/truckdriverpleb/status/1899844358599311702
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699 [img]https://i.ibb.co/XxHFRP5W/chrome-lvnbs-Ino-Da.png[/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtS14ZO8Q-E&ab_channel=CBNNews
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
tomoMar 13, 20:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/patcondell/status/1900096045696122976
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 13, 20:16 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Handover” rather than “takeover”?
tomoMar 13, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/bitcloud/status/1899839906123522127
bbc investigation (but dont dig too deep):-
Inquiry into ‘death to Israel’ chants at Islamic centre
Imagine if the bbc as we knew it, actually did a proper investigation into Islam in the UK
“To ask Her Majesty’s Government, in the light of reports by the BBC’s Panorama programme in 2010 that approximately 5,000 pupils in the UK are being taught the Saudi national curriculum, what action has been taken to ensure that school text books originating in Saudi Arabia which propagate hate speech and religious intolerance are not being used in schools, clubs and weekend schools in the UK. ”
“Ofsted have not found any evidence of the text books referred to in the programme being used in schools that they have inspected.” – uk government’s response
{theyworkforyou 05Dec2016}
“In a written response to the findings, the Saudi ambassador to the UK said the teachings were not endorsed by the Saudi embassy.” – Saudi Arabia’s response – {guardian nov2010}
Trustees of the Al-Tawheed (TUCF) Charitable Trust told the Commission they were not in office at the time.
Activities – how the charity spends its money
Relieve poverty and sickness of persons who profess the Islamic religion in the UK, including establishing clinics. Advance the education and training of persons who profess Islamic religion. Promote the Islamic faith in the UK. Provide facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation.
The area the charity can operate in, as set out in its governing document.
NHS nurses being investigated for ‘industrial-scale’ qualifications fraud
Scam involves more than 700 healthcare workers who used proxies to pass test in Nigeria enabling them to work in the UK
Of course the Grauniad uses a stock photo without a single effnik NHS worker! However who the hell thought it was appropriate to use perhaps the single most corrupt country in the whole of Africa.
Pakistan say hold their beer … “Aviation minister says more than 30 percent of country’s commercial pilots committed fraud to obtain licences. Islamabad, Pakistan – Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has suspended 150 pilots after questions over the authenticity of their licences emerged, a spokesman told Al Jazeera.26 Jun 2020”
Debi Evans (SRN, PG Cert Autism) is UK Column’s nursing correspondent. She is a past advisor to the UK Department of Health.
“War-weary Ukrainians endure as Russia’s invasion drags on”
‘The military cemetery of the Field of Mars in Lviv is usually a place of whispered prayers and stifled sobs.
But on this winter morning the sound was a full-throated rage.
He was about 100 yards away, a middle-aged man in military camouflage, walking between the lines of graves. He stopped and raised his hands to the sky and shouted out: “Death to the enemy.” ‘
Should be angry at globalist warmongers.
“The city of Lviv was the setting for the greatest refugee crisis in Europe since World War Two.”
I remember that too- they closed most entrances to the train station, to create these dramatic images…
“Stories of atrocities from places like Bucha and Mariupol arrived with every refugee train.”
If you say so..
“A girl of around 10 years of age, Lera Verizon, comes forward. Volodymyr hands her a parcel. She starts to explain what happened when the Russians attacked her school.”
On and on
That’s his comment.
Those in reply… could be better.
“The Wall Street bank attributed the shortfall to three key factors: reduced trade; weaker business investment; and lower immigration from the EU.”
Meantime, immigration from the EU has fallen — a key pledge of the Vote Leave campaign — only to be replaced by a less economically active cohort of non-EU migrants, primarily students, the research said
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
The New York Post alleged leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.
Facebook and Twitter restricted sharing of the article, before reversing course amid allegations of censorship.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”. NO FINE.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”. NO PRISON.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”. NO CONSEQUENCES.
Zuckerberg said that getting the decision wrong “sucks”. NOT BOTHERED.
Just googled ‘reality check’ (for some other reason), first link was Merriam-Webster definition, second was BBC Verify (!), third link Cambridge Dictionary.
Funny thing but googling ‘gaslighting’ didn’t provide any links to the BBC. How odd.
I wonder if the very sudden death of Steve Wright may turn out to have been self inflicted ? After all – some one whose life was radio( so they keep saying ) having his main show ended by a nasty BBC management might have had severe consequences …..
If that turns out to be the case perhaps more licence tax payers will think about whether they should carry on paying for the monster …
I apologise for speculating – but the coverage is ongoing – and I’m reading between the lines – and may well be wrong …
I guess you will have seen this, Fed…
Katie says what Beeboids should be saying now, and should have considered before he was kicked out.
They are an utter disgrace, and should hang their bloody heads in shame!
Scroblene – funny I’ve just seen the Katie Hopkins piece – the theme is there … if it transpires that mr wright ended himself perhaps some bbc managers will ‘move on’ I doubt it – they are amoral …
Katie is absolutely bang on here.
All over the bBC website there were tributes and adulations to Steve Wright. The reason this was so sickening was that this was the same bBC that terminated his show on Radio-2.
Stop the pretense bBC you are no longer a media outlet for British people.
Atlas – I do wonder if others will call the bbc out – surely the likes of Ken Bruce – who was also cancelled by the BBC but moved on to better things – could tell us more about how the BBC is operating .
I never had time for mr Bruce – nor really mr Wright – but if lt helps undermine and destroy the BBC – I can but hope ….
One of the saddest things is that many people will feel the sort of loss those monsters in bbc management could never understand ….
.. I also recall the sense of loss some people felt when saville died … but then the truth started to appear ….
I was always sorry that Steve Wright didn’t carry on with another station – he had the huge following, and would have given Beeboids a nasty headache by taking even more of their listeners!
Getting #UnspunWorld ready for showing tonight on BCC Two at 11.15: from left, Richard Tulip, picture editor; Max Horberry, producer; and Ben Watt, executive producer. On the edit screen is Jeremy Bowen, who leads the programme on Gaza. Plus – why is China’s economy going wrong?
That is several hundred grand of BBC meat in repose, and no one bar a racist cares.
Or… ‘just Sham being Sham’?
Oh dear – this is not a good look for a judge who has just presided over a terrorism trial.
Very compromised.
Assuming not a spoof. In which case BBC Verify will be all over it.
It’s not compromised at all, it’s just a clear example of what this country has in store in the very near future, or now as I call it.
And Uddin stood as a Tory councillor!!
Fifthcolumnist? Trojan horse?
Spectator article from this morning
that was before people had proof the biased judge Tanweer Ikram CBE Liked the inflammatory anti-Israel post
from his confirmed LinkedIn page
“That Ikram has handed down prison sentences for private memes makes his leniency towards the paraglider trio more difficult to swallow. Attempting to explain his decision not to punish the defendants for their support of a terror group, Ikram said the offences had taken place at a time of ‘much passion and polarisation’.
‘You crossed the line’, he said, ‘but it would have been fair to say that emotions ran very high on this issue’.
But why should the fact that emotions were running high reduce the severity of the punishment?
No less bizarre was his claim that the defendants’ ‘lesson has been well learned’ – despite them being let off by the court”
Stew, I was right and you were wrong about former President Trump’s reply to a question in South Carolina last week. Are you going to apologise?
XR are going after insurers…
It’s about time somebody went after XR (and the billionaires bankrolling them).
Meanwhile Plod is telling Jews to cover up to avoid getting taken out by another bunch of specially exempted ‘protestors’.
Not since Danegeld has a policy of caving to those who avoid the secret ballot in favour of ‘comply or else’ been so utterly shown up as disastrous.
These flat out threats need addressing.
We just need to make anti-semitism and the demands for the introduction of Muslim law an offence against our state resulting in instant deportation.
If they don’t want to be British and live within its values they can bugger off back to the shitholes they abandoned to come here.
I remember when young women were told that it is ok to get extremely inebriated and wearing skirts up to their knickers. They have a right to dress as they like and walk safely down the street late at night. Jews don’t have the same right (no, I don’t mean to wear short skirts and Jews in the main don’t drink much). But Jewish men no longer have the right in the uk to wear a small skullcap openly, they should wear a baseball cap to hide their faith. And in north London it is very obvious when orthodox Jewish women are walking to the synagogue. (Orthodox Jews consider driving to be work on a day of rest and in Barnet avoiding the pot holes on the High Road is extremely hard work). The women are dressed in nice but demure clothes and married ones, if not wearing a wig, used to wear a nice hat. Now women will dress down to be less conspicuous. Kahn’s London where Jews no longer feel safe walking to say prayers.
Isn’t that like the mafia coming round
and saying your business could face trouble, if you don’t do something in their favour ?
#intimidation and #extortion
Stop wearing clothes – they cause climate change!
Wonder what that might be?
Or most likely is.
ITV local news item “The evil Tories won’t pay flood recovery grants to folk on a industrial estate that is uninsurable cos it’s between two rivers in Chesterfield”
The body shop man was crying and they brought on the Pakistani own of the industrial estate, to say the government should pay everybody.
One bloke says the government hasn’t paid anyone.
They said the grant is £2,500
AFAIK everyone local knows it floods there, cos there is culvert nearby that gets clogged with debris and the Environment Agency don’t attempt to keep it clear.
As a young lad in the 50’s our family moved to Singapore to be with my father who was stationed at the navy dockyard there for two years or so.
I remember the monsoons hitting and our house was on 6 foot brick supports yet the water would rise up to the floor level in less than an hour. The locals paid no attention even riding their bikes down the flooded roads up to their chest in water. Within an hour the water would flow away and the scorching sun would return.
I also remember walking through the local ethnic food quarter where blokes with food stalls would be frying eggs on slabs of stone just using the heat of the scorching sun.
Climate change is an absolute bollox fairy story made up to grab political control of the population.
Em 6 inch brick supports
I learnt to carry a plastic bag then when the torrents started I took off my shoes , put them in the bag and walkedbarefoot.
Greta says no!
Good news..
Deliveroo and Uber Eats riders strike on Valentine’s Day
Might give the NHS a days break from salmonella, E.Coli, listeria etc. contracted from those horrible filthy germ laden boxes some very dodgy people carry on their backs on illegal e.bikes and scooters.
Hope they stay out for a very long time…
Davy still didn’t make me feel safer riding my motor scooter in east londonistan today – 3 attempts on my life by car driving c words who didn’t look ….
But I do wonder if the Uber boys are insured – surely it’s too expensive… ?
I also heard that Whiskas and Felix sales were well down yesterday!
3 to 4 Ukranian battalions battalions annihilated… – in one strike.
One wonders why The Daily Mail breathlessly headline an incident from August last year today’s web front page?
and over at cubicle city – they run with

The BBC is better when you sign in…? Tried that, and no, it is not.
Of course it is better when you sign-in. Better for the BBC that is, not you, as the data can then be cross-checked against the TV licensing database. Other information, such as your IP address, unique machine identifier, and browser cookies which show the other websites you have visited can also be collected.
I expect you realise a battalion is between 500 and 1000 troops. Are you really saying that up to 3000 troops have been “wiped out” by one strike? Seriously? You will have to give some backing for that claim.
How to win over the public
I’ve wondered what happens when you run out of steam. You can always wander off for some petrol – can in hand, but electricity??? Can someone enlighten me .
Well, you blame the electricity companies, then the local council, then the supermarkets, then the local garages, then Afghanistan, then Maaare Khan, then President Trump, then Isaac Newton, then everyone else, then, eventually, our pathetic government, which allows all this crap to infest our country!
It would be bad enough if it was just encouraging it but it’s actually forcing it upon us. They want us plebs off the road altogether.
As with insurance hikes
Humberside policemen we were talking to last summer said they were still not charging (with an offence not the car) people running out of electricity on motorways but they thought it was coming. I think the RAC/AA have a device to give a mini charge to get evs off the motorway, presumably enough to get the driver to a charge point?
The Right Dishonourable Lord Cameron behaving like a student-activist.
“Give me money or I’ll call you Nazi !! Whaaa!”
He gets an answer he deserves.
Lucy – Cameron must be on some serious ego trip – I fear sunak might ‘recognise ‘ Palestine with his mate Cameron before they head for oblivion …. It’s unfortunate that Cameron will become the bbc ‘go to ‘ for the blue Labour lefty conscience….
Cameron is looking for the same dirty money his mate Boris received out of Ukraine and he knows he only has until November to get that done.
The comment at the end “But do you think Putin’s the good guy in all this” is just so typical of the far Left media types who are so infantile they see only in black and white, and seek to smear rather than to inform.
Our dear old friend Raedwald, sadly long deceased; sussed Cameron from day one!
He commented on Cameron being a dilletante, probably useless, wealthy and not really up to the job of leading a UK political bunch.
I didn’t believe Raeders on that issue much back then, but I sure do now!
I think Eton just corrupts them … the corrupt ruling class – add VAT at 100% ….
I remember reading that Dave wanted to be PM because ‘He thought he’d be rather good at it’.
Yes JohnC you are correct, that’s what he said. The fact that he was obviously useless at it seems not to have sunk in to the Tory establishment. When Sunak brought him out of deserved oblivion it was patently obvious that Sunak is not one jot more capable than any of his recent predecessors.
I am sure Marjorie Taylor Greene could do a better job.
I keep telling you that anyone who is capable would not take on the thankless job for the pittance on offer.
Today in the Mail they are talking about why the Gestapo we used to know as ‘The Police’ are picking on Christians whilst turning a blind eye to Muslim serious crime.
The reason is a simple one. If you won’t pay the going rate there are others who will, and he who pays the piper calls the tune.
Yes you have mentioned it now and again and again and again. I don’t seem to take a lot of notice.
‘David Cameron can kiss my a**’: Foreign Secretary sparks Republican fury in the US after comparing efforts to curb Ukraine aid with appeasing Hitler in the 1930s
PUBLISHED: 18:39, 14 February 2024 | UPDATED: 21:02, 14 February 2024
UN globalist agendas
Alistair Heath in the DT on the decline of the former Britain – no mention of the BBC – but its there like an un-peasant smell
STARTS Britain’s decline over the past 25 years has been staggeringly rapid. Almost everything is getting worse, and almost nothing is getting better. Our public and private institutions are broken, presided over by an incompetent, selfish and narcissistic ruling class. Living standards, when adjusted properly for living and property costs, are declining.
Even the simplest things don’t work any longer. Queuing, scarcity and congestion are rife, our infrastructure is embarrassingly poor, and the honest and hardworking face endless bureaucratic battles to obtain what they are due. Free riding, crime, disorder, fraud, littering and generalised rule-bending are rife, and all too often tolerated by apathetic citizens and an indifferent state. Britain’s residual virtues, our individualism, independence of mind, tolerance and openness, uniquely appealing features of our national character, are fading.
Like a frog in boiling water, few saw the full scale of the decline coming until it was too late, and those who did were ridiculed by the bien-pensant. Yet even in 2024, when millions now realise that Britain is on the wrong track, there is no hope of meaningful improvement. The Tories have been abysmal, but Labour will be even worse: Keir Starmer will double down on the social-democratic and culturally nihilistic policies tested to destruction by the Conservatives.
In the 2000s, Britain had a particular idea of itself: a country of post-Thatcherite property-owners which reconciled modernity and tradition, globalisation and national self-determination, low-tax dynamism and fairness, where you didn’t need IDs to vote, where MPs weren’t attacked by screaming mobs, and where, finally, racism was increasingly a thing of the past. We saw ourselves as a socially mobile, law-abiding land of high trust, low corruption, the rule of law, improving race relations and religious toleration: a uniquely open society and a model to the Western world.
Such a vision is now largely obsolete. An Englishman’s home was his castle, making a huge difference to our national psyche, until our deliberate policy of rationing new housing at a time of mass immigration robbed the under-40s of the chance of owning anything of their own. “This is a free country”, we used to maintain when presented with another idiotic proposal to control us, but that too is over, killed off by the woke war on free speech, the jailing of Christian preachers, the sugar tax, the surveillance society and the Covid lockdowns.
In narrow GDP growth terms, we continue to outperform the true laggards on the continent, as Brexiteers correctly predicted, but that should be no consolation. Our manufacturing sector is being priced out of global markets by the rush to net zero, our energy policy is a hideous farce, our misregulated City is in decline, and our tax system an absurd conspiracy against hard work and merit, with marginal tax rates back at 1970s levels for some.
The socialist NHS, despite massive increases in funding, is a horror show, and one of the main reasons not to live in the UK. Some 5.6 million adults are on out-of-work benefits, and yet immigration is running at extraordinary levels. Our Armed Forces have been slashed, and are now being subject to a woke takeover.
Yet while all of these instances of national enfeeblement are tragic, they pale in comparison with the most terrifying regression of them all. We thought that we had progressed decisively as a society, that we had vanquished racism and religious discrimination, that the institutions of our liberal state would prevent a minority from facing persecution, and that our ruling class would never allow any subset of the population to be openly hated and othered again.
How wrong we were. That anti-Semitism, the oldest of hatreds, is back on the streets and screens of Britain, is terrifying enough; but the fact that this explosion of prejudice is being treated in such a cavalier fashion by the authorities and the mainstream broadcast media – and in some cases is even being rationalised and normalised – is a catastrophic development that casts doubt about Britain’s very future.
This is the worst moment for Britain’s Jews since the pogroms that disgraced Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester in the summer of 1947. The double-standards, the never ending “pro-Palestine” marches that are inevitably marred by egregious, open, anti-Semitism and evil slogans, the bullying, the victim blaming, the spreading of fake news, the wilful, blatant lies and denialism of Hamas’s atrocities, the obsessive interest in, and delegitimisation, of Israel, a state that accounts for just 0.25 per cent of the Middle East’s landmass, is its only multi-religious democracy and which is fighting for survival against neighbours that reject its very existence, stink of a replay of the 1930s.
The return of anti-Semitism is not just an existential threat to Britain’s tiny, 292,000-strong Jewish community, but a damning indictment of a Britain that is regressing into darkness. As Lord Sacks put it in 2016, “the hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews … the appearance of anti-Semitism in a culture is the first symptom of a disease, the early warning sign of collective breakdown.”
Already a non-Jewish MP has resigned out of fear for his own safety. Traditional British democratic norms are being upended by far-Left and Islamist extremists. Cranks, conspiracy theorists and racists appear to have entered mainstream politics in significant numbers, and many seem attracted by the Labour Party.
Anti-Semites never just target Jews. They are full-service, equal opportunity bigots who oppress and impoverish and destroy all that they touch, and despise freedom and human flourishing.
Starmer is genuinely committed to fighting anti-Semitism, but he has proved unforgivably slow in his attempts at rooting out prejudice in recent days. He rightly purged the Corbynites, but the rot in his party evidently goes far deeper, having contaminated even “centrist” or “Right-wing” circles. Some in his party are seeking votes among far-Left and Islamist extremists: a morally righteous party would announce that they are not interested in such voters, and terminate all relevant candidates, even if such a stance costs them power.
In the absence of such a step, we face the prospect of many new Labour MPs being, at the very least, soft on anti-Semitism. The Tories have failed, but Labour will be infinitely worse. Britain is hanging on by a thread.ENDS
It’s notable as per all media that they fail to take any responsibility for assisting the Left in all of this. The owners, The Barclay brothers are staunch supporters of the Tory party and they have used the newspaper to further the parties policies.
As such they are typical in being incapable of actually doing something concrete such as taking responsibility !
As a normal British citizen, I just cannot understand why Jewish people are hated so much!
We had a project in Tottenham Hale, right up by the end of the tube line – Fed will know it, (It’s the old car pound site – now redeveloped, but not by me)… several years ago. To get there, we drove though Tottenham and the areas beyond.
Yes, the citizens were dressed differently, drove Volvos, and generally seemed to enjoy their surroundings – and why not for God’s sake – but never, NEVER, did I feel threatened!
In fact, I loved once seeing a young lad with Hasidic ringlets, and a girl on each arm, enjoying the ambience of the place!
I’d deal with one of these people first, and decide later whether I want to to talk to an Arab who will be way down the list of trust.
Scroblene (all well ?) it’s ironic that Stamford Hill is part of the constituency of Diane abbot – who would regard Islamic Hamas as ‘friends ‘ like her boyfriend Corbyn ….waltham Forest – which borders haringey- is a foreign country now ….
Fed, yes, she’s getting stabilised in hospital now, and thank you for asking!
In fact, one of the top guys in Waltham Forest was there for the opportunity, but he was a ‘commercial’ sort, not a public services chap, and we all got on pretty well!
The owners had the Italian restaurant by the canal, and it was one of the best business days I’ve ever had, with true Italian hospitality! Our scheme was buggered up by their agents, but that’s another story…
I can’t remember the days when we went through Tottenham but had it been a Friday, that might have explained a lot, and there again, it was still a peaceful neighbourhood! I didn’t realise that Diane Abbott was somehow part of the scene – perhaps we should have dropped out before-hand!
I did in fact meet some of the ‘commercial’ (sic) people in Hackney but glazed over and made an excuse and left when I realised that they didn’t have a clue about anything beyond their leftie star-gazing.
Broadly off topic and unlikely to get a deluge of up ticks. But…..
Have just read the Postscript of Tony Blair’s biography, ‘A journey’ quite an eye-opener. Written around 2009.
His love of globalisation is painfully clear.
But to my surprise, he champions the market economy, regulated innovation, doesn’t just blame the banks for the 2008 economic crisis, and argues for significant reform of public services. He notes the expansion of the government sector in Western economies and laments it, comparing it unfavourably with the then go-ahead economies of India nd China.
The weird thing is many readers could probably support some of this. Yet it also shows oh how so clearly that in 13 years the Tories have achieved nothing of this agenda. Instead they have carried on a big government, tax and spend, unreformed public sector all this time – more Brown than Blair.
The Tory failure is thus made plain by, of all people, Blair some 15 years ago. A most unexpected observation.
Under BLiar and Brown, by the end of their tenure 25% of the working population was directly employed by the government. I remember at the time the number employed by the state was higher than Marxist East Germany, but under the Tories that number has risen to 33% as they are of course a Marxist party.
BLiar might write one thing, but do you believe him? His record for telling bare faced lies is unparalleled.
You can add the charities and the quangos to that little lot, Thoughtful…
Well done you, Sluffers for tolerating the book, and you’re spot on about Cameron’s and now Sunak’s Tories for sitting on their arses and fat expenses for bugger all results!
At least with Boris, there ‘seemed’ to be the right atmospphere for UK Inc. to prosper, but as usual, they started whining to each other, yapping and screeching, and never grasped the opportunity.
It was only while Dominic Cummings was pulling Boris’s strings, once Princess nut nut got control it all went to pot.
Here’s how to treat scumbag lefty reporters, such as the BBC:
By who? By who? By who? By who? By who? By who? Sounds like a smear job…
Some say ….who are the some ?
Absolutely right. He squashed the irritating little leftist like a bug. You should never accept any of their “some people say” framing of gotcha type questions. She had nothing, and he showed her up for it.
One dead in shooting near Kansas City Super Bowl parade
My phone had told me there was one dead and more than 10 injured in this shooting yet this BBC headline plays the whole thing down. It sounds like some robbery or something in back street nearby.
So I immediately smell another great big BBC rat.
A quick check elsewhere tells me:
‘A Children’s Mercy Hospital Kansas City spokesperson told reporter Caroline Hogan the hospital is treating 12 patients — 11 are kids and nine have gunshot wounds.’
Goodness me – what a whopping great fact that is to omit BBC. If only your cared about them as much as you apparently care about children in Gaza.
As I scan for identification of the murderers, any reference to ‘white’ is missing and I come across these:
‘Shooting does not appear to be terror related – source’
Another BBC ‘source’ saying what the BBC want to hear.
‘KCPD said the incident was not an officer-involved shooting.’
Sounds a LOT like enrichment again and they are covering it up for as long as they can.
Welcome to the racist world of the Left where even children’s lives don’t matter at all unless they can be used against whitey.
Well well. Surprise surprise.
You can clearly see his face at 34 seconds.
This is now the norm. If the killer isn’t named as white in the first report, he’s BAME. And the ‘Western establishment’ of government and MSM will all cover it up as long as possible until the story dies down.
This is all because of BLM. It’s racism and it’s disgusting. I despise the ethics of everyone involved. I am quiet certain the police have been TOLD to do it.
Kansas City is a very violent place, and you can guess which “community” the violence takes place in.
Is there a cash reward?
I strongly suspect that this story is true , my only caveat is that would anyone compile such a dossier with all the incriminating evidence!? That bit seems highly unlikely to me.
The suppression of the Russian Hoax story has been on going for six or seven years. I expect that suppression will continue on the MSM but now that Twitter or X is free from most forms of censorship it will be much harder to stop the US public from knowing the truth if that dossier is the real thing.
If it reaches the public domain then Trump will gain millions of votes. A second Trump term will have the deep state elite in wild,panic. They can hear the cell doors slamming shut for years and years. In fact the neo liberal hyperglobalist elites across the world will be very worried , their whole project could be set back years by a second Trump term armed with such an authenticated dossier. Lawfare will not be enough to defeat Trump armed with this bombshell. Other means will have to be used.
They do these dossiers because they are proud of what they’ve done and bragging rights accrue in their tiny minds.
I recall in the “interregnum” between Obama and Trump – I saw Obama officials on CNN and CNBC sofas sneering and bragging about how they’d control Trump as they knew every word spoken and the contents of every text / email and there seemed an inference that that DNC access wouldn’t be impeded by a new POTUS.
Only égalité, fraternité to go and – voila! Madame Guillotine will reappear?
This is where complying with tyranny brings you – dystopia. Had people stood up in 2021 and refused the insane injections none of this would have been possible.
The spirit of Vichy lives on.
bbc thinks this is news:-
Julian Assange: Australian politicians call for release of WikiLeaks founder
bbc so what
The bbc is doing a series on the “Invasions that have shaped Britain”
I wonder if the series will include the current illegal immigrants arriving daily
I imagine that the purpose of the series will be to demonstrate that the indigenous population of these isles are not the original folk who populated the land after the last ice age. Therefore we have no ‘claim’ on the land , it isn’t ours , and we should accept New waves of migration with open arms because it is how we came to be here.
Just more BBC bollocks. How anyone can watch the rubbish they spew out is beyond me, it makes me ill.
Hello Doublethinker, I was thinking the same, some motive between the series
PS I was at a friends the other day, they had bbc news channel on, I said I dont know how you can watch it
Current invasion ?
“Invasion by consent.”
Tetley monitoring its tea supplies on daily basis
If anyone knows how to create chaos and panic buying the bbc are experts in that
Again another request for comment “The BBC has contacted all the major supermarkets as well as PG Tips, Twinings and Typhoo Tea for comment.. well what was the outcome bbc????
Another muslim in local government
Tory councillor Atiqul Hoque expelled for alleged antisemitic comments
1500 mosques in the UK, many in local government, president khan etc, the takeover is clearly complete
It’s scare quotes galore this morning as our BBC online news press review tucks a copy of The Sun discretely deep down near the very foot of their press pile: The Sun says that radio legend Steve Wright “died of a broken heart” after being “dumped” by the BBC, according to “pals” (BBC)
It’s the jokey blokey regular ‘and finally’ candidate Daily Star that sits at the absolute foot of the BBC list: The joy of socks… Love is.. sniffing your smelly feet… Millions reckon pongy tootsies are adorable
People can be attracted to grubby tootsies, really? Well, it makes a change from hearing about all those peculiar people among us who apparently have love for the Houthis: Pro-Palestinian demonstrators on a march in central London on Saturday chanted support for Iran-backed Houthi rebel attacks on commercial shipping. Some protesters were heard shouting “Yemen, Yemen make us proud, turn another ship around” in apparent celebration of the escalation of the conflict. (Telegraph)
The Star also this morning earning our BBC’s dismissive ire for last place in their print line-up with the concise: Pal: BBC shaby to Steve
Vive la difference!
Expert grammaticians and lexicographers may be able to explain whether or no this sentence contains a gaff by our BBC: But the territory’s difficult experience of mass immigration is pushing President Emmanuel Macron’s government to abandon the sacrosanct Frenchprinciple of equality for all. (BBC) – Frenchprinciple – one word?
It’s usually the Germans who tend to amalgamate their words and phrases into one large portfolio construction – keen Hunnish manufacturers that they are. Have you seen their word for speed limit? Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung – fitting that one onto a roadside signpost together with its Welsh translation might even make our anti-motorcar stormtrooper Mark Drakeford pause for thought.
But we digress.
A speck of France in the Indian Ocean has become the latest battleground over the laws on immigration… the automatic right to French citizenship by virtue of birth on the island is to be rescinded. (BBC)
And changing your laws at the stroke of a pen to curb immigration is as easy as that.
US President Obama used to enjoy the saying: “I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone.” – what he meant was: …the tools a president can use if Congress isn’t giving him what he wants: executive actions and calling people together. (National Public Radio)
Our PM Rishi Sunak, the Tories, the Labour opposition, our establishment, our media… none of them really want to curb immigration
NHS nurses crisis… Recruitment meltdown… will put patients in danger… (Daily Mirror)
Overseas student applications to UK universities rise again… It comes despite tougher government rules to help “slash migration”… Universities and Colleges Admissions Services (Ucas) chief executive Dr Jo Saxton said the rise in international-student applications should “not be a cause of concern for prospective domestic students”… The government has a target of 600,000 international students per year studying in the UK by 2030 (BBC)
Official efforts to stem the flow are performative at best
Influencers will target Albanian migrants… UK pays TikTok stars to stop boats (giveaway Metro)
They do say we live under a patriarchy
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is convinced of it: Sport Football’s sexism problem…
Old boys club?
Not so much – not if the frontpage of the Times is anything to go by: All the world’s a stage… The Queen was surrounded by dames last night (Times); Camilla and the screen queens (Daily Mail)
But what about us chaps? Is it a case of no more heroes anymore?
All the world’s a stage – one isn’t sure that Shakespeare quite had this in mind
‘A new era’ David Harewood is named as first black president of Rada (Guardian)
Hamilton… Lew is Mr Motivated for Mercedes swansong (freebie Metro)
And speaking of German speed limits and motorcars – as we have been: VW imports held in US… Thousands of Porsche, Bentley and Audi cars have been impounded… Chinese component in them that breached labour laws (FT)
And changing your laws at the stroke of a pen to curb imports is as easy as that.
“Chinese component in them that breached labour laws” – chinese muslim is in the engine compartment?
Dickie – from article … “We provide finance, military aid, political support and entangling alliances.”
Nailed at last! For 20 years, hate preacher on benefits laughed at Britain as he spawned terror worldwide…now, after vowing allegiance to ISIS, he faces 10 years behind bars
Islamist preacher has spent nearly two decades praising violent jihadism
He organised ‘poppy-burning’ rallies and associated with terrorists
He was at the centre of an international network of extremists, linked to at least 15 terrorist plots and 300 of his supporters have gone to Syria
After playing cat and mouse with police for 20 years, he slipped up when he signed oath to ISIS – just after it had been banned under UK law
He and his deputy, Mizanur Rahman, now face jail sentences
Face, but won’t get.
TOADY Watch #1 – the weather is not warm but cold …..
The Met Office indoctrinated forecaster, Matt Taylor, for the BBC on TOADY tried to claim it was unseasonably warm in the south-east. I live in the south-east and I dispute that. Why? The water out of the hot tap that’s why! Exactly the same amount of gas has been put daily into the water to heat it as a few weeks ago. But it is not as hot as it was a few weeks ago. Therefore the weather must be colder than Matt Taylor claims.
I think it has been quite mild in Kent. It usually is. And often too hot in summer. I can’t say it’s because the globe is boiling. It’s been this way ever since I can remember.
I’m not complaining but it wasn’t cold at all when I went out at 7am today. No hat or heavy coat was needed. The high today is about 57F. That’s very respectable for Feb.
We haven’t turned the climate change machine on for several days. Mr P & myself are very pleased about that because it helps us with the gas bill. 🙂
Lucy, it is mild but not 15/16/17/18°C as one newspaper and Matt Taylor hinted at. Went out to shops and turned down the thermostat [didn’t forget this time! 🙂 ]. I did remember to restart the heating after lunch (feeling a bit chilly), the boiler fired up long before 12.5°C was reached, probably at 10°C. OK a house does retain heat in the walls, and I’m in a modern build, so insulated to the nth degree.
When the Jew haters, including the BBC, the Labour Party and the moslem death cult, have finished, there will be no doubt they will be targeting the Christians next.
Seems to be no mention of the type of people attacking Jews … usually the BBC will default to ‘far right ‘ terminology – but in this case not …. So could it be peaceful hate filled Muslims ….?
The same has also happened with the Kansas shootings where it looks like children were the targets … thr footage show 3 sets of coloured handcuffed hands – so this story might disappear quickly ….
2 bi elections – I wonder what % will be postal votes ? Will there be gripes over the need to show identification ? Will the blue labour rubbish lose their deposits ?
Fed, you ask a question, who could be fuelling this increase in anti-semitism? Answer: who or what organisation is an apologist for Hamas, regularly interviews Palestinians and UN/UNRWA workers and belives everything they say without question or Marianna Springing into action. Now who or what could that be?
Although English people see the HAMAS propaganda regularly put out by the BBC / UN I do wonder that the ‘paki network ‘ bit of the BBC does – far easier for Islam to run ….
Fed, they (BBC R4) do seem to have Palestinian journalists on ‘speed dial’.
I’d be interested in the criteria, BBC or from actual journalism, that qualifies these blue gilet heroes as ‘journalists’.
Because they sure seem to miss a ton of stuff worth reporting.
She should be fired and prosecuted.
Morning! What madness awaits us today …
from order-order.com
“Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad”
Apparently there was considerable internal debate within TfL about the names and it was only at the last minute they were finalised. Other contenders were:
The Acid Line
Just Stop Trains
Hamas Tunnel Line
Perhaps it is part of Khan’s plan to stop the plebs moving about and reduce congestion on public transport. After all, what normal person would willingly travel on a line called Windrush, Suffragette or Lioness?
End of the Line if you are not Khan approved soon.
Kuffars only on cattle class.
Speaking of our favourite ex BBC gob..
The reveal at the end is quite something 😉
Still little from the BBC on why all has screeched to a halt at the border with Egypt, or why screaming ‘it’s a hospital’ no long has the same impact.
And Vile’s head stirrer inspiring doubtless one of many staffers at the front…
In 2023 the UK fell into recession, just to add further economic woe to the Marxists in government.
The BBC has this as headline news along with an obligatory photo of a female in a non typical workshop type job.
When you go to the main article they have a group of leftie doctor strikers for more pay.
It’s going to pile on the misery for the utterly useless Sunak who hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing.
Hunt is making noises about ‘cutting taxes ‘ and ‘reducing public sector spending ‘ again .. they must really think we are dumb ….
He must really think we’re as wealthy as he is to benefit from these tax cuts which his party imposed in the first place, and that with around 6 months to the election it’s going to make a difference!
On top of that most people are going to see it as a bribe and a man trap for the Labour party who are going to have to increase it again. Of course in the highly unlikely event they were elected again they too would have to reverse it!
Given the IMF have warned the Tories not to lower taxation it would also be a gift to anyone with the slightest economic nous to attack them with.
It now transpires that the judge in the case of three Muslim women with highly offensive images of Hamas paragliders on their coats, who refused to punish them is a Muslim called Taweer Ikram, and it further transpires that this judge has himself ‘liked’ a social media post branding Israel a ‘terrorist’.
Not just any social media post though it was on a Linkedin page by a barrister who had previously promoted conspiracy theories claiming that Israel allowed the October 7 attack.
There was an initial investigation but the judge lied that it was a mistake and he was told there would be no further investigation (in typical pro Muslim civil service style).
This is the post he apparantly liked:
As people are saying he should have recused himself knowing the sensitivity of the case and that he had already been investigated over his conduct, but he appears as usual to have put the interests of the Umma before his obligations as a judge and as such he should be censored and barred from hearing future cases involving Muslims.
TOADY Watch #2 – not angling for a Peerage, are you? Question not asked by Nick Robinson.
Esther Ghey was interviewed by Nick Robinson. A deeply troubled woman by all accounts following her divorce with a deeply troubled daughter, Brianna, as a result. And now seeking peace through Bhuddism and wishing to impose it, as well as a mobile phone ban, on schoolchildren. Oh dear.
The interview does not end well for Nick Robinson. He plugs the latest TOADY Podcast by him and Amol Rajan and encourages TOADY listeners to not just listen but access the Podcast via whereever they ‘get their Podcasts from’, which would be via an App on a mobile phone that Esther Ghey would like to ban schoolchildren from having.
Few seem interested anyway. Just a couple of multi hundred k a year Beeboids chatting to each other.
Guest, what the TOADY Podcast? I can understand that.
Who was the young lady lardberg on the panel playing to the studio cheap seats?
‘Oh my god’ and a snigger and a redirect to not answer a question whose answer is key but not known, is a highly symbolic event of frequency at such events.
I read Watts and Homewood now daily, along with the comments, and beggars credulity who is out there to provide information but who the establishment goes to instead.
For example, a post on a Homewood thread inspired by BBC juveniles going full polar bear… again.
The actual question is how much ice is optimum for polar bears? It’s unclear thar maximum, very thick ice is optimum. But the “science” isn’t about answering real questions, it’s about the narrative.
It is a fact of ecology that the animal biomass in a system forms a pyramid so that, as you progress upwards in the “what preys on and eats what” line of dependency, there is a severe reduction in the equilibrium amount at each stage. The niche of “top” predator will always be filled with a few, highly specialised, species with only a few (generally big) individuals in each species. That is the situation with polar bears.*
Top predators go extinct easily and often, exactly because they are specialised with a small breeding population (Tigers and Cheetahs are on their way out, for example). The ecological niche at the top will continue to exist, however, and be filled again in short order. From the point of view (if one may speak thus) of Nature, top predators (including Man) are unimportant “chancers.” Here today, and gone tomorrow.
*Polar bears are thought to have split off from (vegetarian) brown bears quite recently, in evolutionary terms. About 400,000 years ago, variants of certain genes which control fat metabolism in all mammals became more prevalent in brown bears around the Arctic, evolved somewhat, and enabled the “gorge on fat and starve for a while afterwards” carnivorous life style of polar bears. There is nothing abnormal in them starving for a few months. So long as they are only living off stored fat, they are not going to fret or feel pangs of hunger.
They are not modern, settled, humans, who, ever since the Neolithic, have tended to become addicted to carbohydrates, and who often live to eat instead of eating to live.
When talking about the multitudes converting to Christianity so that they can stay in the UK why does nobody mention the ‘takkiya’ (spelling) part where they are allowed to lie in certain circumstances.
Nick Griffin did ten or more years ago, and they tried to put him in prison for it. I think people got the message, which was the point of the exercise.
Surely the hospitals in Gaza must have run out of fuel by now, as the bbc used to tell us daily a few weeks back this would happen
Maybe it was just made up, surely not, we should always believe the crap the bbc tell us as the worlds most trusted
What they seem never to run out of is ammo.
My usual message to the BBC ……….
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
You would think that they would have learned by now?
Do what now?
Our shire local news was killed stone dead in cred terms by BBC Local Democracy ‘support’.
And as is so well known, charities are ruthlessly objective now.
The ‘POD’ of ‘podcast’ appears to mean ‘Predominantly Old Doomongers’.
This is the latest from the ex Graun Editor.
What motivates the media world behind the clickbait? What drives broadcast, print and digital media producers and journalists? In this episode, Alan Rusbridger and Lionel Barber answer listeners’ questions on media bias in an election year, the impact of 24-hour news on mental health
Guessing ratings, ideology, mental instability and Vile or O’Brien will not feature?
EU directive banning car repairs. Sure the UK gubment will follow suit.
Insurance companies will simply make adjustments.
Reminder to our government – We left the EU in 2016.
I don’t live in Wales – but that doesn’t bother the Welsh gubbermint.
They sent me this:
I do live in Wales and the Welsh Government is a waste of our hard earned money . Its a glorified talking shop looking for ways to blow our money on silly projects before the ‘Financial Year’ runs out.
The Welsh Government needs bloody ‘Recycling’, end of .
Given the amount of press + broadcasting hyperventilating about deaths from dairy products and peanuts this doesn’t seem an unreasonable juxtaposition ….
Perhaps papa might buy the BBC?

The Adams Family Meets Loath Island?
I recall Pret a Manger and an assortment of restaurants across the land getting prosecuted for undeclared ingredients …
oops – got some strange thread going there…
If the government can pay TiKTok berks – why can’t they pay boat slashers with mobile phones?
Its a PR stunt – Simples .
“Stop the boats” !
Quit the ECHR and begin deportations .
We are being run by a weak government. Change it to our only hope now – Reform UK ………………