Kansas 23 people were shot
but it was NOT a mass shooting, but a “dispute” says police presser
UPDATE: Authorities say that the deadly shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs’ parade was the result of a personal dispute that exploded into violence.
Two juveniles and one adult were arrested in connection with the shooting, which resulted in one person's death and nearly two… pic.twitter.com/OlQPpLHjzX
2018 .. HA HA HA HA ….
The Government department, headed up by Boris Johnson, offered all employees the chance to wear a hijab for part of their day to mark the worldwide event on February 1. In an internal memo, the Foreign Office said that the headscarf is worn by some women who see it as representing “liberation, respect and security”.8 Feb 2018
While you ,BBC , keep mistranslating Donald Trump’s words you haven’t seen the bigger picture. Most NATO countries weren’t abiding by the treaty bit of that organisation.
It’s not Trump’s throwaway remarks that’s important, it’s not his words that matter , it’s the countries that don’t keep their word that matters .
Why do you BBC get het up about other people’s word when you send lying threats to innocent people ?
If you take Donald Trump’s NATO statement the proper way (i.e. not CNN’s or the BBC’s), you could say that he’s pissed off with other member states and countries not paying their way, so why should US soldiers go off and fight on their behalf?
Only nine countries complied with the 2% of defence funding required, the other twenty didn’t make the cut!
Naturally Beeboids will always misinform about former President Trump’s narrative!
Steady Scrob – someone might demand an ‘apology ‘ – god knows what meaning an ‘apology ‘ has these days … and for all I know I might be committing a ‘hate crime “ – Whatever that is ….
The distortion of what president trump said versus bbc interpretation is pretty obvious …
Here is a thought of an awful future being discussed by economists at the present time.
The US and UK national debt is now so large it is not possible to ever repay it. Modern economists (lunatics) suggest that printing money will inflate it away. Inflation is of course an invisible tax levied most heavily on the poor, and the thief of savings.
So here is what the economists are suggesting is going to happen (because there is no alternative) at a point in the future.
Both the US and the UK will default on their debts – this is an inevitability and it wouldn’t be the first time either country had done so.
Times now are different because after a string of pension fund scandals both governments forced pension funds to invest in government bonds. This means every private pension is going to be wiped out, and all of the pension and insurance companies will be bankrupted.
All of the banks in the world will also be bankrupted and with no one to bail them out. What they did last time was reduced depositors assets to zero, but consolidated their debts and enforced them without mercy.
All government spending and public services will come to a halt.
This really will be a hard reset and there probably is no realistic way around it. It’s why the ultra wealthy are buying hard assets like farmland, and precious metals now, they have tip top advice as to what’s coming, we ordinary people can only look on and try to interpret what they are doing and why.
When this default comes, and it’s probably within the next two decades, although some are suggesting a single decade life will never be the same again, and civil conflict along with extreme violence will become normal. The poor will be very poor the rich as rich as they ever were.
In almost every scenario there is a return to a state of near feudalism with very few very rich lords, and the rest peasants, with some slightly higher up manorial lords to provide regional oversight but completely beholden to their overlords.
Yeah yeah -but will eastenders still be on ? Will citeh still win the prem ? Can I have me ‘benefits ‘?
Thoughtful – but even trying to prepare for this event surely ‘small people ‘ ie those with limited assets – eg less than total value of a few million -are still gonna get fried ?
You can only survive by investing in tangible assets such as gold and silver which carry no counterparty liability.
If you cast your mind back to European history we were pretty much fuedal all the way up to the industrial revolution. Even the skilled trades such as stone masons, builders carpenters weren’t paid a great deal more than the peasantry and there wasn’t much of a middle class to speak of. Maybe a few landowners with an income which raised them up above, but few and far between.
When the industrial revolution began the middle class came with it, people who were able to establish enterprises and to make money over and above the norm. As it spread so did the wealth and the stratification of society came with it. The Victorians developed an amazingly formal and heirarchical society which made little sense at times (why was a station master such a hank social rank?)
Middle class is not a formal thing however generally it is those who have more than the average to those who have a lot more than the average.
The middle class in the West is being increasingly squeezed, there’s plenty of narrative about this, and we are, it would appear going back to the fuedal state which has existed for millenia and still does in most parts of the world.
The rich will have everything, the poor nothing. On the new thread I will post a video by someone from a working class background with genius level IQ and a maths prodigy who was a citibank trader who explains what he describes as ‘inequality’, although not the usual left wing version as he is used to a £2 million salary and only regards people with a net worth of £100 Million plus as being rich !
Thoughtful – I assume you have capability of defending yourself because in the world you are describing you will be deaded – as will I ….. but I suppose those who live well away from cities wouid fare best – until the petrol runs out …
If this country is being overtaken by Islam, surely our dog-collared chiefs should be doing something for us all?
As a ‘lapsed’ C of E citizen, both my wife and I still play by the rules, although we both had ‘church’ thrust down our throats as children, but if some crazed and bearded snackbar git gets anywhere near me with a machete, he’ll learn pretty fast that he picked on the wrong bloke…
I admire your faith Fed, and hope your religious beliefs will also be helping us all out before it’s too late!
Thank you Scroblene ( all well ?) …. The RCs have quite a track record taking on the moors . We thought we’d put them back in their box but they are sneaking in … and unless they are stopped within a very few years they’ll be running the show – having copied the method used by Hitler in 1933 and thereafter ….
Any dissenters will suffer from their useful non Muslim helpers …. ( eg 77 brigade and their intelligence community ) Londonistan is currently the working model for things to come elsewhere ….
The BBC are very agitated by the death of maverick politician Navalny, persecuted and subjected to bogus political trials by a corrupt President and Judicial system.
The same could be said of Trump, and yet the BBC aren’t the least bit bothered by that travesty of justice – in fact they’re positively licking their chops over it.
So far, the Democrats haven’t managed to assassinate Trump yet, no doubt because he can afford a robust security team. But there’s still time.
Navalny was a CIA stooge and the greedy corrupt Jews in the Demorat party wanted him in power to break up Russia into its constituent states so they could get their greedy hands on the mineral resources of the country at next to nothing.
Daniel Hanan wrote about this aim in the Daily Mail only last week, and the plan and the players are well known.
Already the horrible Larry Fink (the man behind the Bud Light catastrophe) has been buying up farmland in Ukraine at rock bottom prices taking advantage of the war situation he and his mates engineered.
Yes – the idea of ‘good ‘ and ‘bad ‘ politicians in Russia is a bit of a deluded fantasy – makes a change that they offed him in an untraditional way – and not the 5th floor window…
Think country has a right to see more transparency about postal voting in elections & the future General Election. With postal votes almost half the total in Wellingborough & in Kingswood not even reported. These votes are often cast weeks before. Public needs to see a breakdown.
1:16 PM · Feb 16, 2024
from Portsmouth, England·
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 30145
Electorate 79376
Number of ballot papers issued 30231
Number of ballot papers rejected 75
Number of postal votes sent 14818 Turnout 38%
“When the whistle blew at the end of the 2014 Women’s Rugby World Cup final, Kat Merchant was overcome with emotion for more reasons than one.
Not only had she and her England team-mates just beaten Canada to lift the trophy for a second time, but Merchant knew this would be her last outing in an England shirt.
Wing Merchant was struggling with the impact of a number of concussions – a total “probably in the thirties” – from the ages of 16 to 28.”
The News Quiz tonight Radio 4 6.30pm repeated tomorrow 12.30 pm .
Nothing will be said ( sneered at ) about the Labour party’s Muslim anti Semitism but ten minutes will be about Trump’s NATO remarks and his court appearances.
Sneering IS allowed provided the object of said sneers is white, hetero, male, conservative, Christian. All other sneers are verboten.
Anyone in possession of above qualities will NOT be offered a job at the BBC.
If you wear a face covering for any reason, such as a mask worn for medical reasons or a face veil worn on religious grounds, you will be asked to momentarily remove it so polling station staff can check your photo ID looks like you. Face coverings can be worn for the rest of the voting process.
“I think if you asked Tory Party members right now, they’d vote for me (Nigel Farage) to be leader and not Rishi Sunak and that I (Nigel Farage) have no doubt at all and that’s backed up by polling.”
his article is more than 4 years old Brexit party will not contest 317 Tory-won seats, Farage says
This article is more than 4 years old
Party leader announces election climbdown in effort to avoid splitting leave vote
Nigel Farage backs Tony Blair to lead Britain’s vaccination programme during dig at ‘low grade’ government
Ep. 75 The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. "What I’m describing is military rule," says Mike Benz. "It’s the inversion of democracy." pic.twitter.com/hDTEjAf89T
Lots of people are saying Reform is taking votes from the conservatives.
You could say a similar thing about the conservatives because by moving so far to the left they are taking votes from Labour.
It seems that in the two by-elections, the redlabour votes were about the same, but the bluelabour voters just didn’t come out to vote, so Starmyeyes must be feeling a bit vulnerable if he can’t persuade any other voters to come and join in his lot!
I wish Richard Tice would pull his finger out and get his party on the road; I’ll vote for him if he puts up someone in Tunbridge Wells, and so will Senora O’Blene, – several times…(it’s in her nature)…
You see, I didn’t even know they had someone, yet one of the local councillors, an Alliance member, (independent group which got the Cons in a twist about the lavish and wasteful people’s Palace, and eventually got the whole job chucked out), actually wrote a personal note to us here and thanked us for voting etc!
That’s what hard electioneering is about, not doing as Debs quite rightly says, just shouting at everybody!
I would be pleased if the Polish farmers stop cheap wheat exports out of Ukraine (for personal reasons). Somehow I feel if we dug slightly under the surface we would find Blackrock, Gates and WEF are majorly interfering in world wheat prices.
Luckily, Pug, nobody really takes any notice of her these days, the kidults certainly don’t and normal citizens give her no credit for being anything other than another boring leftie beeboid stooge!
Any wonder folk in the U.K. are losing patience with the politico media establishment.
If you watch anything this weekend watch this brilliant documentary about a modern Russian hero who stood up to Putin. @navalny was persecuted, poisoned, imprisoned & died because he dared to do so.
The knee jerks on stuff elsewhere now are inevitable, but then… things get less clear…
Navalny in this video is asking MI6 Officer James William Thomas Ford for $10-20 Million a year to start a color revolution in Russia.
Just in case you wonder why he was arrested.
One for Verify or is it something the BBC don’t want you to hear?
Misinformation experts are perhaps not quite unbiased
“Experts leaned strongly toward the left of the political spectrum”
Data from Harvard Misinformation Review, survey of 150 misinformation experts, misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu/wp-content/upl…
And now the worlds largest bond trading company Pimco has announced it’s pulling out of the climate cabal.
These are not insignificant players they are the worlds largest bank, worlds largest money managers and now worlds largest bond traders, there’s no one bigger than these people and they are pulling their support, although publicly saying they still support it’s clear they don’t any more.
Well I was wrong about the News Quiz .
They did mention anti Semitism and only six minutes about Donald Trump .
Actually I’m half right about the News Quiz . They didn’t mention the Muslim part of the anti Semetism , they talked as though everyone was anti Semitic.
JohnCMar 15, 07:58 Weekend 15th March 2025 Sluff, I have a laptop in the UK running something called CCProxy and I can use it as my own…
atlas_shruggedMar 15, 07:46 Weekend 15th March 2025 Slovak Government Official Claims DNA in Vaccines Turns People into “GMOs,” {Genetically Modified Organisms] Sparks Global Outrage https://vigilantnews.com/post/slovak-government-official-claims-dna-in-vaccines-turns-people-into-gmos-sparks-global-outrage/ In a…
DeborahMar 15, 07:38 Weekend 15th March 2025 Where are the weekly demonstrations in Whitehall demanding a ceasefire in Syria? Some of things going on are as horrific…
SluffMar 15, 07:36 Weekend 15th March 2025 John C. And indeed all readers. We were in Spain last week and eager to watch the 6 nations rugby.…
SluffMar 15, 07:31 Weekend 15th March 2025 Toady 0730 sports report. Agenda. Agenda. ‘It’s the ‘men’s’ 6 nations rugby today’. See what they did ? Trying to…
Ian RushlowMar 15, 06:14 Weekend 15th March 2025 An article on the BBC states that ‘Iran is using drones and intrusive digital technology to crush dissent, especially among…
tomoMar 15, 03:18 Weekend 15th March 2025 Mann’s lawyers got sanctioned by the court for lying
JohnCMar 15, 01:01 Weekend 15th March 2025 I wonder just how many ‘commercial subsidiaries’ the BBC now have which are exempt from their usual rules for being…
JohnCMar 14, 23:45 Weekend 15th March 2025 BBC speak: ‘We’re replacing BBC Sounds outside the UK and bringing you BBC.com, a seamless way to read, watch, and…
Kansas 23 people were shot
but it was NOT a mass shooting, but a “dispute” says police presser
First our institutions were taken over by the Far Left, and now by muslims.
With enemies without and enemies within, we are so stuffed!
‘Judge Who Did NOT Punish Islamists EXPOSED As Islamist’
2018 .. HA HA HA HA ….
The Government department, headed up by Boris Johnson, offered all employees the chance to wear a hijab for part of their day to mark the worldwide event on February 1. In an internal memo, the Foreign Office said that the headscarf is worn by some women who see it as representing “liberation, respect and security”.8 Feb 2018
It should never be forgotten that the first loyalty of muslims is to Islam, and NOT to King and Country.
Meanwhile …. The Ed davey ( post office scandal ) party lost both deposits in the bi elections … reasons to be cheerful …
true dat
BBC , here’s something you should know;
Actions speak louder than words .
While you ,BBC , keep mistranslating Donald Trump’s words you haven’t seen the bigger picture. Most NATO countries weren’t abiding by the treaty bit of that organisation.
It’s not Trump’s throwaway remarks that’s important, it’s not his words that matter , it’s the countries that don’t keep their word that matters .
Why do you BBC get het up about other people’s word when you send lying threats to innocent people ?
Absolutely, Nibor!
If you take Donald Trump’s NATO statement the proper way (i.e. not CNN’s or the BBC’s), you could say that he’s pissed off with other member states and countries not paying their way, so why should US soldiers go off and fight on their behalf?
Only nine countries complied with the 2% of defence funding required, the other twenty didn’t make the cut!
Naturally Beeboids will always misinform about former President Trump’s narrative!
Steady Scrob – someone might demand an ‘apology ‘ – god knows what meaning an ‘apology ‘ has these days … and for all I know I might be committing a ‘hate crime “ – Whatever that is ….
The distortion of what president trump said versus bbc interpretation is pretty obvious …
This actually came from one of Konstantin’s X posts…
Apols for the link and not the picture, but the reality is that The Donald is spot on with the truth!
Here is a thought of an awful future being discussed by economists at the present time.
The US and UK national debt is now so large it is not possible to ever repay it. Modern economists (lunatics) suggest that printing money will inflate it away. Inflation is of course an invisible tax levied most heavily on the poor, and the thief of savings.
So here is what the economists are suggesting is going to happen (because there is no alternative) at a point in the future.
Both the US and the UK will default on their debts – this is an inevitability and it wouldn’t be the first time either country had done so.
Times now are different because after a string of pension fund scandals both governments forced pension funds to invest in government bonds. This means every private pension is going to be wiped out, and all of the pension and insurance companies will be bankrupted.
All of the banks in the world will also be bankrupted and with no one to bail them out. What they did last time was reduced depositors assets to zero, but consolidated their debts and enforced them without mercy.
All government spending and public services will come to a halt.
This really will be a hard reset and there probably is no realistic way around it. It’s why the ultra wealthy are buying hard assets like farmland, and precious metals now, they have tip top advice as to what’s coming, we ordinary people can only look on and try to interpret what they are doing and why.
When this default comes, and it’s probably within the next two decades, although some are suggesting a single decade life will never be the same again, and civil conflict along with extreme violence will become normal. The poor will be very poor the rich as rich as they ever were.
In almost every scenario there is a return to a state of near feudalism with very few very rich lords, and the rest peasants, with some slightly higher up manorial lords to provide regional oversight but completely beholden to their overlords.
Yeah yeah -but will eastenders still be on ? Will citeh still win the prem ? Can I have me ‘benefits ‘?
Thoughtful – but even trying to prepare for this event surely ‘small people ‘ ie those with limited assets – eg less than total value of a few million -are still gonna get fried ?
You can only survive by investing in tangible assets such as gold and silver which carry no counterparty liability.
If you cast your mind back to European history we were pretty much fuedal all the way up to the industrial revolution. Even the skilled trades such as stone masons, builders carpenters weren’t paid a great deal more than the peasantry and there wasn’t much of a middle class to speak of. Maybe a few landowners with an income which raised them up above, but few and far between.
When the industrial revolution began the middle class came with it, people who were able to establish enterprises and to make money over and above the norm. As it spread so did the wealth and the stratification of society came with it. The Victorians developed an amazingly formal and heirarchical society which made little sense at times (why was a station master such a hank social rank?)
Middle class is not a formal thing however generally it is those who have more than the average to those who have a lot more than the average.
The middle class in the West is being increasingly squeezed, there’s plenty of narrative about this, and we are, it would appear going back to the fuedal state which has existed for millenia and still does in most parts of the world.
The rich will have everything, the poor nothing. On the new thread I will post a video by someone from a working class background with genius level IQ and a maths prodigy who was a citibank trader who explains what he describes as ‘inequality’, although not the usual left wing version as he is used to a £2 million salary and only regards people with a net worth of £100 Million plus as being rich !
Thoughtful – I assume you have capability of defending yourself because in the world you are describing you will be deaded – as will I ….. but I suppose those who live well away from cities wouid fare best – until the petrol runs out …
Where did the clergy fit in the class system?
If this country is being overtaken by Islam, surely our dog-collared chiefs should be doing something for us all?
As a ‘lapsed’ C of E citizen, both my wife and I still play by the rules, although we both had ‘church’ thrust down our throats as children, but if some crazed and bearded snackbar git gets anywhere near me with a machete, he’ll learn pretty fast that he picked on the wrong bloke…
I admire your faith Fed, and hope your religious beliefs will also be helping us all out before it’s too late!
Thank you Scroblene ( all well ?) …. The RCs have quite a track record taking on the moors . We thought we’d put them back in their box but they are sneaking in … and unless they are stopped within a very few years they’ll be running the show – having copied the method used by Hitler in 1933 and thereafter ….
Any dissenters will suffer from their useful non Muslim helpers …. ( eg 77 brigade and their intelligence community ) Londonistan is currently the working model for things to come elsewhere ….
How depressing. Luckily I guess I have lived well most of my life. Probably OK for another 10 years then I suppose I will be off the mortal coil.
Come back Doc, we need you and there’s a spare seat on the badminton club committee next to Miss Rita Chevrolet!
How on Earth did Navalny die, I thought the windows had bars.
I’m sure Obama would do the same to president trump if he could ….
The BBC are very agitated by the death of maverick politician Navalny, persecuted and subjected to bogus political trials by a corrupt President and Judicial system.
The same could be said of Trump, and yet the BBC aren’t the least bit bothered by that travesty of justice – in fact they’re positively licking their chops over it.
So far, the Democrats haven’t managed to assassinate Trump yet, no doubt because he can afford a robust security team. But there’s still time.
Navalny was a CIA stooge and the greedy corrupt Jews in the Demorat party wanted him in power to break up Russia into its constituent states so they could get their greedy hands on the mineral resources of the country at next to nothing.
Daniel Hanan wrote about this aim in the Daily Mail only last week, and the plan and the players are well known.
Already the horrible Larry Fink (the man behind the Bud Light catastrophe) has been buying up farmland in Ukraine at rock bottom prices taking advantage of the war situation he and his mates engineered.
Yes – the idea of ‘good ‘ and ‘bad ‘ politicians in Russia is a bit of a deluded fantasy – makes a change that they offed him in an untraditional way – and not the 5th floor window…
Isn’t that great – Harry Hewitt – Windsor is thinking of trying to be a US citizen – maybe they won’t want him – go Harry go –
Rishi Sunak has a FREE green card – slightly used!
I thought you couldn’t get that if you’ve been using drugs?
Oh ferchrissake, give him the bloody passport, tell him to piss off and never come back, and then we can all get some sleep!
Perhaps BBC Verify can look into this

Think country has a right to see more transparency about postal voting in elections & the future General Election. With postal votes almost half the total in Wellingborough & in Kingswood not even reported. These votes are often cast weeks before. Public needs to see a breakdown.
1:16 PM · Feb 16, 2024
from Portsmouth, England·
Anybody up for FoI at Kingswood and Wellingborough returning council admin?
I wouldn’t rule out ballot stuffing / harvesting at Bristol, dunno about Wellingborough.
% postal votes ?
yep …
overall % postal votes
and “are postal votes tabulated against individual candidates?”
South Gloucestershire
North Northants
South Gloucestershire at whatdotheyknow.com
North Northamptonshire at whatdotheyknow.com
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 30145
Electorate 79376
Number of ballot papers issued 30231
Number of ballot papers rejected 75
Number of postal votes sent 14818
Turnout 38%
Democracy dies … Turnout 38%
well, 14818 / 30231 = nearly 50% postal votes
In my not so humble opinion – that’s an overly high number of postal votes and requires closer inspection.
There was only 1 postal vote, it was just replicated 14817 times. Isn’t that the way it works?
Postal votes on the increase?
Looks like the Post Office Boys are in for a bumper time come Autumn then!
650 constituences, say two votes per envelope, so – er
650×50%x50%x …oh sod it, work it out for yourselves…
Miss, Miss, Me Miss…..is it 4???
No one ever looks at ‘voting irregularities ‘…the electoral commission is a bit like BBCOFCOM and its’ selective blindness …
Ban female sports?
“When the whistle blew at the end of the 2014 Women’s Rugby World Cup final, Kat Merchant was overcome with emotion for more reasons than one.
Not only had she and her England team-mates just beaten Canada to lift the trophy for a second time, but Merchant knew this would be her last outing in an England shirt.
Wing Merchant was struggling with the impact of a number of concussions – a total “probably in the thirties” – from the ages of 16 to 28.”
The News Quiz tonight Radio 4 6.30pm repeated tomorrow 12.30 pm .
Nothing will be said ( sneered at ) about the Labour party’s Muslim anti Semitism but ten minutes will be about Trump’s NATO remarks and his court appearances.
Sneering IS allowed provided the object of said sneers is white, hetero, male, conservative, Christian. All other sneers are verboten.
Anyone in possession of above qualities will NOT be offered a job at the BBC.
If you wear a face covering for any reason, such as a mask worn for medical reasons or a face veil worn on religious grounds, you will be asked to momentarily remove it so polling station staff can check your photo ID looks like you. Face coverings can be worn for the rest of the voting process.
“I think if you asked Tory Party members right now, they’d vote for me (Nigel Farage) to be leader and not Rishi Sunak and that I (Nigel Farage) have no doubt at all and that’s backed up by polling.”
his article is more than 4 years old
Brexit party will not contest 317 Tory-won seats, Farage says
This article is more than 4 years old
Party leader announces election climbdown in effort to avoid splitting leave vote
Nigel Farage backs Tony Blair to lead Britain’s vaccination programme during dig at ‘low grade’ government
Toenails (yawn) and Amol’s little tea for two chats are usually seldom more than them. I’ll check in a sec.
How every seemingly extrospective conversation on the BBC is in fact just a regurgitation of its ideology…
“It’s not us fighting the culture wars, it’s them.”
3 an hour. That’s the audience degraded truth secures, Amol.
Lots of people are saying Reform is taking votes from the conservatives.
You could say a similar thing about the conservatives because by moving so far to the left they are taking votes from Labour.
It seems that in the two by-elections, the redlabour votes were about the same, but the bluelabour voters just didn’t come out to vote, so Starmyeyes must be feeling a bit vulnerable if he can’t persuade any other voters to come and join in his lot!
I wish Richard Tice would pull his finger out and get his party on the road; I’ll vote for him if he puts up someone in Tunbridge Wells, and so will Senora O’Blene, – several times…(it’s in her nature)…
I really don’t like Richard Tice. I find him far too shouty and far too quick to suggest impossible and not real solutions. Where should my vote go?
Scroblene. The Reform candidate for Tunbridge Wells is Toby Stripp.
That’s an anagram right ?
Thanks Yasser!
You see, I didn’t even know they had someone, yet one of the local councillors, an Alliance member, (independent group which got the Cons in a twist about the lavish and wasteful people’s Palace, and eventually got the whole job chucked out), actually wrote a personal note to us here and thanked us for voting etc!
That’s what hard electioneering is about, not doing as Debs quite rightly says, just shouting at everybody!
Polish farmers are going to blockade Ukraine
Nice blurring..
I would be pleased if the Polish farmers stop cheap wheat exports out of Ukraine (for personal reasons). Somehow I feel if we dug slightly under the surface we would find Blackrock, Gates and WEF are majorly interfering in world wheat prices.
Luckily, Pug, nobody really takes any notice of her these days, the kidults certainly don’t and normal citizens give her no credit for being anything other than another boring leftie beeboid stooge!
Any wonder folk in the U.K. are losing patience with the politico media establishment.
If you watch anything this weekend watch this brilliant documentary about a modern Russian hero who stood up to Putin. @navalny was persecuted, poisoned, imprisoned & died because he dared to do so.
Awful awful news. Let’s be clear: Alexei Navalny has been murdered by Putin and the Russian state. There must be consequences.
The knee jerks on stuff elsewhere now are inevitable, but then… things get less clear…
Navalny in this video is asking MI6 Officer James William Thomas Ford for $10-20 Million a year to start a color revolution in Russia.
Just in case you wonder why he was arrested.
One for Verify or is it something the BBC don’t want you to hear?
Misinformation experts are perhaps not quite unbiased
“Experts leaned strongly toward the left of the political spectrum”
Data from Harvard Misinformation Review, survey of 150 misinformation experts, misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu/wp-content/upl…
And now the worlds largest bond trading company Pimco has announced it’s pulling out of the climate cabal.
These are not insignificant players they are the worlds largest bank, worlds largest money managers and now worlds largest bond traders, there’s no one bigger than these people and they are pulling their support, although publicly saying they still support it’s clear they don’t any more.
Are these the first cracks in the dam appearing ?
Well I was wrong about the News Quiz .
They did mention anti Semitism and only six minutes about Donald Trump .
Actually I’m half right about the News Quiz . They didn’t mention the Muslim part of the anti Semetism , they talked as though everyone was anti Semitic.