520 Responses to Midweek 21st February 2024

  1. digg says:

    Re the turmoil in the HOC…. I note that the Muslim leader of the SNP is taking the parliamentary process in the UK to the level of carnage and forced bickering we see all the time from governments in Asia.

    Throwing shoes across the house probably coming next.


    • G says:

      The Speaker – was his decision demanded of him?

      Echoes, echoes ………

      Surkeer just: ‘I can categorically state that I did not have sex with that woman’………………


  2. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Here is the gobby feminazi activist and professional racist who says she will steal Trump’s property if he doesn’t pay the outrageous fine.

    NYC Attorney General Letitia James in 2017


  3. Doublethinker says:

    Well it has happened sooner than I expected , the Islamic terrorists have started calling the shots in the House of Commons and hence the law of this country.
    Lindsay Hoyle has basically said that he was intimidated yesterday by information he received which brought into question the safety of our MPs and so he took the path of least resistance and the path which would cause least upset to the Muslims in this country.

    The Speaker of the House of Commons has been intimated .

    Let that sink in . It is surely the most frightening thing that has happened in this country since the Second World War.

    We have in our midst a force so malign, so dangerous that our elected representatives are scared of it. So all our suspicions that Muslims have been allowed to get away with things, with murder in fact , by the law and the police because the authorities are frightened to apply the law to them , have been confirmed.

    No wonder the Prince of Wales is trying to appease them, they in effect rule our country by threatening violence. God Help Us All.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”
      Revelation 13:4

      Deliberately importing this specific danger into a nation that was previously safe from it is an enormous crime. Will anyone ever be held accountable?


      • Doublethinker says:

        Mass immigration , much of it Muslim , has been the policy of successive governments since 1997. It is a policy with which all of the neo liberal elite agree and support. So even if they wake up and see that the long held concerns of the public on immigration are fully justified and have been confirmed by events , they will not hold themselves accountable and , at least at present , there is no one else from outside the elite who has the power to hold anyone accountable.
        I’m getting more certain by the day that democracy cannot resolve this . But revolutions usually fail and even if they succeed often bring foul regimes to power.
        We are in a hell of a mess.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Double. How many times has it been written over the years that we have been sleep walking into an Islamic take over. Its here, now. Their birth rate has won.


      • Doublethinker says:

        Brissels right now it their readiness to threaten and commit violence that has won. It is their birth rate which will secure that victory in the coming decades.
        I hope that all those neo liberals , who have so readily squealed racist at anyone who questioned the wisdom of importing millions of Muslims, are now recognising the horror of what they have done. They would have to be incredibly thick not to but I don’t expect them to admit it. Instead they will issue the usual platitudes, try to deflect us and continue to bury their heads in the sand. God help young people who will have to live here in ten , twenty or thirty years.


  4. Philip_2 says:

    Only on BBC Radio and TV across the nation: Met Office Fails to Retract False Claim of “More Intense” Storms Due to Climate Change…

    The Met Office is refusing to retract a claim made by a senior meteorologist on BBC Radio 5 Live that storms in the U.K. are becoming “more intense” due to climate change. This is despite admitting in Freedom of Information (FOI) documents that it had no evidence to back up the claim.

    Why is the Met Office struggling to come up with any evidence to back up its claim that bad weather is caused by climate change? Because there is precious little of it. “People are going absolutely nuts these days about extreme weather,” writes the distinguished academic and science writer Roger Pielke Jr. “Every event, anywhere, is now readily associated with climate change and a portent of a climate out of control, apocalyptic even…”


    But the BBC only too willing to subscribe to apocalypse now!, (no questions asked or evidence required!).
    Government agencies are all preaching from the same song sheet. And then the BBC is happy to oblige (gushing even) as its ‘ the world’s favorite broadcaster’ (quote by the BBC on the BBC). A state broadcaster with zero evidence of either.


  5. StewGreen says:

    R4 trailer comes on it’s for their new anti-Trump prog
    It’s not even a radio show
    It’s an antiTtump podcast
    One promo tweet has 6 whole Likes another 7, others zero …pitiful


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      The “shocking consequences” seem to be that Rump built what is acknowledged to be a fine golf course. He is not a politician, he is a man who builds things and grows businesses. No wonder they hate him.


  6. StewGreen says:

    Michelle Dewberry planning on leaving mainstream media ?
    She just publicly mentioned the devil’s name

    Kisin’s tweet is quite long .. https://twitter.com/KonstantinKisin/status/1760597807201706168


    • StewGreen says:

      TR himself


      • MarkyMark says:

        “We have slept walked into this.”


        1989 … Satanic Verses causes Iran to create fatwa for death of Salman Rushdie.

        . . . 4 years later and they mention it . . .

        1993 … Satanic Verses mentioned by United Nations.

        . . . .10 Years of the UN doing nothing . . .

        1999 … Iran say they will not hunt for the head of Salman Rushdie.
        {meforum jun1999}

        . . . 27 years later and the UN have been laughed at . . .

        2016 … Fatwa on Salman Rushdie renewed by Iran.
        {independent feb2016}

        . . . 29 years after Satanic Verses.. maybe the UN could have more serious words with Iran . . . .

        2018 …. Iran release state emojis that show ‘death to America’ and ‘death to Israel’.
        {bbc.co.uk 25apr2018}


  7. Mart says:

    Last night on BBC News they are talking about Stop & Search being biased toward coloured people so what did the the BBC do? They grabbed sound bites from 5 coloured school girls aged about 13 before moving on to a coloured shop keeper and a white Policeman. Conclusion? there will be no trust in the community until Stop & Search is evenly applied around the two? colours.


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      I’m sure I’ve said before, but back when I was in my late teens/early 20s, in the late 80s/early 90s I used to regularly get stopped by two lardy constables of the local plod, my car searched with a torch, and I sometimes got patted down too.

      I’m sure it didn’t really, but it felt like it happened nearly every Friday/Saturday evening on the way back from a night out, much to the incredulity of girlfriends, mates, and my parents – and I’m not ‘black’, and I live in the countryside (where everyone is racist), and I have no criminal record, and I’ve never taken (or dealt in) drugs.

      I strongly suspect the local plod had nothing better to do than stopping and searching young men with long hair (as I had back then), in the vain hope they might be carrying some weed about their person? Maybe they didn’t like my face? Or maybe I just drove the same car (a crappy old Peugeot 205?!), or looked a bit like some local drug dealer (or like one on Miami Vice)? Maybe they were looking for something more… and liked patting down young lads in dark country lanes? I have no idea, it was all a bit crazy really, but went on for a good 2-3 years, it was stressful, then annoying, then a running joke. It only ended when I finished uni, left home, and got a haircut and a job.

      The fact my parents lived just up the country lane from the layby where the police always parked at night might have been relevant too… I guess.

      I DEMAND compensation for all the stress that VICTIMISATION caused me… and I DEMAND LOTS OF IT, AND I DEMAND a black youth (the same one) is harassed for every time I was, just to make things “equal”.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Yep, I can identify with what you say. When “courting” my late husband in the early 70s – he would see me home, then walk 5 miles in the early hours back to his home, and yes without fail he would get stopped – he was early 20s, white and wearing a suit ! Unheard of now – wearing a suit for a night out at weekends, I mean.


  8. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #3 – Oh dear, how sad, never mind #3

    Some lawyers must be short of cash because HMG has not got any, so they want to sue employers, big firms, on behalf of menopausal wimmin. The Equality and Human Rights Commission want ‘bosses’ to cut 10% of women who have had to leave their jobs because they are menopausal to cut them some slack instead, such as wearing non-uniform clothes that are cool, provide rest areas or flexible hours or even allow female menopausal wimmin to work from home away from air conditioned offices. Quite contradictory that last one but the BBC could not spot it because wimmin’s rights are one of the BBC’s favoured causes. Unfortunately, the BBC have had a female spokesperson who has rubbished this ‘advice’ from the E&HRC and countered the BBC view that women are ‘special’ and said on air on TOADY that all women go through the menopause, its tough but part of being female.

    The BBC will not like that.


  9. StewGreen says:



  10. Fedup2 says:

    Having not been in much contact with the news – apart from the Islamic parliament – I wondered if the Berkow had popped up to mouth off yet ….. for a fee of course ,….. still no peerage – but I bet he gets one from Starmer ….


  11. tomo says:

    Meanwhile at Google:


    • MarkyMark says:

      DO NO EVIL…..

      The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]

      In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]



  12. G.W.F. says:


  13. StewGreen says:

    Byline Times deliberately flaunted sub judice rules

    EXCLUSIVE: Wootton’s Lawyers Send Letter Before Action to Byline Times https://order-order.com/2024/02/22/exclusive-woottons-lawyers-send-letter-before-action-to-byline-times


  14. MarkyMark says:

    Live from Parliament 2024 ….



  15. Zephir says:

    And this is 2021:

    “Gay men will be crushed to death by pushing a WALL onto them as part of nationwide return to Sharia law in Afghanistan under the Taliban, one of the Islamist group’s judges reveals

    Gul Rahim, 38, Taliban judge, has given a glimpse of life under the Islamist group
    Spoke matter-of-factly about chopping off the hands and legs of thieves
    Said gays should be stoned to death or killed by having a wall toppled on them
    Women can leave the house, he insisted, though have to get a permit first ”



  16. MarkyMark says:

    The Government has been accused of shutting down the main forum for Muslim-Jewish dialogue in the UK at an “extraordinarily stupid” time.

    The Inter Faith Network, founded in 1987 with the aim of helping to promote good relations between people of different faiths across the UK, said it would confirm on Thursday whether the charity will close.

    The Government had previously said that, because a member of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) was appointed to the charity’s “core governance structure” last year, it had decided to withdraw the offer of new funding for the organisation.





  17. Flotsam says:

    Speaker Hoyle. Was he promised a knighthood by Smarmer? Or possibly no Knighthood? Perhaps a conspiracy too far?

    What I do know is the disgusting maggot Smarmer has ‘persuaded’ Hoyle to give him a big break.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Flotsam – speakers usually get a peerage – which is why Berkow was so peed off by being bounced by nut nut ….. I’ve only seen a bit of the insanity but I would have thought Hoyle would have the honour to to since he spouts about ‘behaviour ‘ – and the running off leaving the deputy to deal with it was beyond the pale ….


    • StewGreen says:

      @Flotsam Hole was knighted 8 years ago
      “Hoyle was elected Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons and Chairman of Ways and Means on 8 June 2010
      Hoyle was appointed a Knight Bachelor in the 2018 New Year Honours for parliamentary and political services”


      • Up2snuff says:

        Stew, not sure about your maths there!

        And I was right about what Trump said about NATO countries and you were wrong.

        Are you going to apologise?


    • vlad says:

      He was threatened by Starmer, according to his own people.


  18. MarkyMark says:

    2017 … “London attack: Theresa May declares ‘enough is enough’ and promises new era in fight against terrorism”

    2024 … Parliament scared of Hamas terrorists! !!!!!!!


  19. MarkyMark says:



  20. Eddy Booth says:

    “Constance Marten and Mark Gordon trial: Defendant had £48k paid into her Metro bank account”


    “Ms Marten was receiving monthly payments from the Sturt Family Trust which were being paid to her by the private bank Hoares into her Metro bank account.
    These were initially £2,500 a month, but went up to £3,400 a month in December 2022.”

    Exactly what bearing has this on the case?
    I don’t remember any other trial where similar is mentioned, as it’s clearly not illegally obtained.


    • StewGreen says:

      Basically saying a rich couple spent £30K in 5 months in including 2 months the were dark and on the run, doesn’t tell you much
      There is some hidden info, like were they buying drugs or preparing a terrorist attack etc. ?


  21. MarkyMark says:

    The Saudi’s Jewish community run into Mecca and display the Jewish Star of David on the Mecca wall?


  22. Thoughtful says:

    Here is an important 30 minutes of geo political and global economic overview which you might have had to pay quite a bit of money for.

    Some of it is reasonable for the future, much of it is not, but forewarned is forearmed as they say.

    US debt at $40 Tn by 2025? US interest rates as high as 15% again ?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “At the end of January 2024, China’s official gold reserves (as reported to the IMF) stood at 2,191.53 tonnes. China has seen significant growth in its reported gold reserves in recent years, adding 243.22 tonnes alone since summer 2022.”


    • MarkyMark says:

      So as Gamesa executives see it, they made the right bet by coming to China. And they insist that they have no regrets about having trained more than 500 Chinese machinery companies as a cost of playing by Beijing’s rules — even if those rules have sometimes flouted international trade law. It is simply the table stakes of playing in the biggest game going.

      “If we would not have done it, someone else would have done it,” said Jorge Calvet, Gamesa’s chairman and chief executive.



  23. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Wath #1 – Oh dear, how sad, never mind all over again!

    Sarah was travelling (*never mind the CO2) to the NATO HQ and asked the current Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, to hinder former President Trump’s re-election chances in November 2024. Mr Stoltenberg was very diplomatic, as you would expect, and refused to play the BBC’s game. Sarah pressed him over Trump’s recent comments in South Carolina but Mr Stoltenberg merely observed that when Donald Trump was President from 2016 to 2020 he had made exactly the same comments in 2017 about NATO members paying their full share of contribution to mutual defence of 2% of their GDP.

    (Currently there are 13 defaulters among the 31 NATO members.)

    Then Sarah tried again to upset former President Trump’s chances against Joe Biden or whoever the US Democrats pick to run, with a leader of Latvia. Sorry cannot remember whether it was the President or the PM. Once again, the Montacutie received a diplomatic answer, and then was brushed off again when she persisted!

    The BBC will not like that.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Robert Mueller’s Russia probe cost nearly $32 million in total, Justice Department says
      PUBLISHED FRI, AUG 2 20193:43 PM EDTUPDATED FRI, AUG 2 20196:30 PM EDT
      Kevin Breuninger


      In his deposition for the Jones lawsuit, Clinton denied having sexual relations with Lewinsky. Based on the evidence—a blue dress with Clinton’s semen that Lewinsky provided—Starr concluded that the president’s sworn testimony was false and perjurious.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I reckon those likely to vote for President Trump in the coming fixed election have high regard for ‘the BBC’ just another lefty European outfit …. Infiltrated by what is a weird mix of lefties / queers and Muslims …


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, I think US voters will look at the two candidates (if it is Trump v. Biden) and look at their records when both were in power and their policies for the future and make their minds up on that basis. It is what I would do.


  24. Althepalerp says:

    Me thinks it has to get worse before it can get better.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Relax – pull up a prayer mat – read this book (no other books are required) and enjoy your 8 wives.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I normally get the ‘timeline ‘ of predictions wrong and stuff happens sooner than I think – certainly now that we are at the stage where members of Parliament feel threatened by Islam – and it’s affecting their work – the civil war might be closer than thought ( 77 brigade to note …)


  25. MarkyMark says:


    Current national threat level
    The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.

    What the threat levels mean
    Threat levels are designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack.

    LOW means an attack is highly unlikely
    MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
    SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is likely
    SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
    CRITICAL means an attack is highly likely in the near future



  26. Philip_2 says:

    No debate in parliament on what then next pandemic will look like.

    Along with many others I lobbied for a parliamentary debate on WHO being able to dictate the next COVID plan. The next pandemic will remove your right to protest over vaccination. You will have heard those fore and against. Many who took it were unaware of the risks and have since died. Many of them children. Under WHO plans, You will be forced to have it, which means ID cards by another means and our own government would be ‘powerless’ to change anything at all but ‘enforce’ it whoever gets into power.


    I am reminded to post this on Biased BBC as we all know how the BBC were involved and employed to create a state of fear. Even this web site could have been closed down as vocal opposition at the time of COVID. The BBC were the only voice heard it seems. People ridiculed for not taking the Pfizer medicine, or out walking the dog talking to another person with a dog, talking to people without a face mask, and moving about (in parks) without Police approval. New Zealand agreed to be the most obliging. The UK could have been worse than it was, Boris knew it was all false, but he was powerless, it was all a puppet show. Labour called for an all-out total lockdown, probably forever, if they could achieve a new socialist regime. We would have less rights than Russia by now.

    A Daily Telegraph reader writes TODAY: ” Not just over Net Zero. They are completely asleep over the dangers presented by the WHO Pandemic Accord and amendments to International Health Regulations which Sunak and his Cabinet seem determined to push through with very little opportunity for Parliamentary scrutiny, debate or reform. A petition to Parliament has just been denied a debate. There is no public record of ANY Select Committee examining the impact of the WHO Accord. Journalists and MPs should be raising the roof. Tumbleweed blows”.

    Indeed its serious. Nobody at the helm. This is the petition to parliament. It means effectively that the UK is going to be fully signed up WHOEVER gets into the next government. And the BBC will be at full volume, telling you what you can and cannot eat, and when you should be NEXT vaccinated to avoid a visit by the Police.

    If you refuse, the WHO treaty demands you are arrested and banned from all public spaces and all public employment which would also require an (digital) ID card. Compulsory Vaccinations (no limits) until you die of heart complications…. at an early age. The BBC was already being paid by globalist (Gates and SOROS) promoting the cause of mass vaccinations, promoting (synthetic) food shortages and wide global travel restrictions, clearly linked to both net-zero AND public health. Its also Labour party policy, no debate.

    No debate means its going to happen. And nobody will know either, until the NEXT government is formed.

    The Petitions Committee decided not to debate the petition you signed – “End the UK’s membership of the World Health Organization”

    The Petitions Committee has decided not to schedule a debate on this petition.

    The Committee recognised the support that this petition has received. However, the issues raised by this petition have recently been discussed by MPs in other debates, including:

    A debate on e-petition 614335, “Do not sign any WHO Pandemic Treaty unless it is approved via public referendum”, which took place on 17 April 2023. You can read a transcript of this debate here: https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2023-04-17/debates/12BE683F-A25C-46E5-9FE9-B9C12CCDA9B7/PandemicPreventionPreparednessAndResponseInternationalAgreement

    A debate on e-petition 635904, “Hold a parliamentary vote on whether to reject amendments to the IHR 2005”, which took place on 18 December 2023. You can read a transcript of this debate here: https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2023-12-18/debates/945EBBB4-D052-4CF7-8109-B39FF7FF919D/InternationalHealthRegulations2005

    The petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/648609

    The Petitions team | UK Government and Parliament

    Therefore I have no hope of the next government. I will vote for REFORM out of desperation. But Like BREXIT, we shall see little progress as many of the existing laws and treaties are all linked to the UN and hence Agenda 21, which is the net zero agenda linked to global population control. It can only get worse across Europe with two wars at the fringe. We are slowly heading for World War III if and when China decides it can take Taiwan whilst we cannot form an Army due to diversity targets and unachievable net zero targets. None of us will be able to afford to drive or travel far.
    All whilst the UN claims we are all saving the planet. You know what happens next. I read it a dystopian novel called ‘1984’. How accurate that was.


    • Thoughtful says:

      Agenda 2030 now, do keep up !


    • Fedup2 says:

      Phillip – I’m going to be uncharacteristically optimistic – although the population of the UK has been ‘groomed ‘( love that ) into State compliance – I reckon there will be others more bloody minded and challenging of the evil UN … but there again – I’ve been expecting a 1918 type flu virus which really filled the body bags …


  27. Scroblene says:

    From the Beebolic Bunker…

    “Several schools have closed in Herefordshire and Worcestershire due to rising flood levels and “treacherous road conditions”, councils said.

    A yellow weather warning for wind in East Anglia, central, southern and south-east England has also been issued with gusts up to 60 or 70mph expected.

    More rain is falling on ground which is already water-logged, with another 10 to 20mm likely to fall through Thursday.

    Drivers are being warned of hazardous conditions as large puddles and spray affect roads. The RAC has urged drivers to slow down and increase stopping distances.”

    What on earth do these people think when they write such twaddle?

    Forget the blasted schools, what about the hospitals, the builders’ yards and sites, the garages and the places where capital is created to pay for the bloated public services which are funded by the self- employed, the hard-working white-van man – even the pensioners now that the triple lock takes back most of the increase with ridiculous ‘net-zero’ policies which nobody voted for!

    And how some idiot thinks that ‘driving in rain’ needs to be shrieked about yet again, is beyond me, but there again, a degree in politics does wonders for wire-rimmed twonks in W1AA…


    • Thoughtful says:

      On one of the motorways in Greater Manchester a lack of mainanance led to a large puddle / flood which in the dark wasn’t easily visible to fast moving traffic. A car at motorway speed hit this puddle, aquaplaned and then spun, flipped killing one of the occupants.

      Time was when the grids would be routinely cleaned, but those days are long past and now you really do need to be careful.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Lot to be said for that middle lane … I’ve done that 110 mph hitting the big puddle and would not advise it … but if lucky we learn and live …


        • Scroblene says:

          I found myself driving at between 30 and 40mph the other day, but there again, I wasn’t in any hurry, and it was hissing down!

          Even my garage man says that his journeys are plagued by potholes which are indistinguishable when full of water, as he would benefit from smashed up wheels turning up at his workshop!

          But why do Beeboidicles always chant the same mantra every time we get some rain? It’s a given, like night follows day that one should drive within one’s capabilities when the wipers are on double speed!

          Aaah, it’s keeping ‘climate scam’ in the picture at every opportunity…


  28. Eddy Booth says:

    “Alexei Navalny: Putin critic’s mother says she has been shown his body”

    I like Putin, as he generally seems to look after the Russians, unlike ours..
    Here, I was thinking Putin’s bad side was in evidence, but as the BBC, who invariably back the wrong cause, are all over Navalny, I’m having second thoughts.


    • Thoughtful says:

      If you watch the video I posted above, Alasdair says he feels the return of Navalny to Russia was more that co-incidental, it was a party of a hubristic plan of the US corrupt Demorats to use the Ukraine as a lever to get Russia to go to war and either lose or be so weakened that they were able to depose Putin, and get their greedy hands on Russias mineral wealth.

      It hasn’t gone to plan as we all know, and the idiots in the US should have realised. Both Hitler and Napoleon failed to beat Russia, and it was a crazy idea to think Ukraine supported by NATO could. Now they have lost and their little puppet president is dead.

      Biden or perhaps the Demonrats have destroyed America although the revisionists and propagandists will perhaps paint a different picture.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      My thoughts on who killed Alexei Navaln. Was this another “False Flag” murder by Britain’s DCBRNC using a Ukrainian trained SIS officer? The spokesman for all of Britains false flag operations is a thug called Hamish de Bretton-Gordon.

      Sabotage is being carried out deep inside Russia by British trained Ukrainians. They are all native Russian speakers. This comes a month before the Russian presidential elections, just as happened six years ago with the Skripal poisonings.

      My official guess is that the Salisbury incident was an MI6 false flag operation under cover of a military excises called Toxic Dagger. The operation started in Salisbury and Porton Down on 20 February 2018 and was the largest chemical weapons exercises of its kind in the UK. D-Notices covered the mainstream news, but MI6 was worried about the fact that the D-Notice failed to stop a report in an Edinburgh newspaper and a local piano tuner and amateur journalist from reporting that a local doctor, Dr Davies, had found that the Skripals had only experienced Organophosphate poisoning. I think that MI6 had to dispose of the Skripals’s because they feared that they wanted to return to Russia and talk about the Steele Dossier. The CIA sent someone to kill the Skripals’s, but Pablo Miller made a deal with the British government to save them, if they agree to ‘disappear for good’ by going on holiday. I would guess they are on holiday in Cyprus or have been murdered by the CIA.




  29. tomo says:


  30. tomo says:


  31. tomo says:

    Now then … let’s see if Khant follows Adams’ lead and the BBC go all in…

    Click the link to see Democrat largess (and commissions to their mates) in action.


  32. tomo says:


  33. tomo says:


    • Philip_2 says:

      Made in China? Hard to believe even if they are controlled via Bluetooth (which is a non secure broadcast). I am reminded of the sky high cost of owning a Range Rover due to thefts of those vehicles. It is blamed on poor (leaky) car security keys which transmitted a coded message to the car which can be easily intercepted if your a crook with the right scanner. The same scanners made in China. Only a matter of time when all EV;s will be locked or can be unlocked in China.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Apple to add new Operating System to cars – iSLAM – slight bug that it runs into people without warning.

      2014 ….

      On 22 December 2014, Sébastien Sarron ran over ten pedestrians in his white van at the Christmas market of the French city of Nantes, before attempting suicide by stabbing himself. Ten people, including the suspect, suffered non-fatal injuries. One man, Virgile Porcher, was pronounced clinically dead the following day.[1]

      The attack came a day after a similar automotive attack on pedestrians in Dijon, as well as two days after a stabbing attack inside a police station in Joué-lès-Tours. Although the three attacks were treated as unrelated, the Government of France deployed 300 soldiers onto the nation’s streets to heighten security afterwards.[2][3]


  34. tomo says:


    “Turn up for 40 hours a week or we’ll say you resigned”
    Civil servants are demanding a four-day week for the same pay, it has emerged.

    The Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union, the biggest union representing public sector workers, has asked for a “significant shortening” of hours with no change to their salary.


  35. vlad says:

    The mob of Leftists and Islamofascists threaten Parliament from without, while Labour threaten the Speaker from within.

    Mahyar Tousi discusses the situation with a lawyer.


  36. tomo says:


  37. Lucy Pevensey says:



  38. Doughboy says:


    Funny how the BBC always seems to not be able to read the room


    • Guest Who says:

      Sharp increase in anti-Muslim hatred in UK, particularly against women | ITV News

      Itv is, of course, home to Pesto, that ‘almost real’ doco drama and Love Island.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Zero Christian attacks in Saudi – Zero Christians.

      “Christianity. Estimates of the number of Christians in Saudi Arabia range from 1,500,000 to 2,100,000. As converting from Islam is illegal, the official government position is that all Christians in the Kingdom are foreign workers. Christians have complained of religious persecution by authorities.”


  39. digg says:

    BBC Newscast questions…

    1, Why do the presenters including the Scottish bloke and the gurner wear bloody stupid gaming earphones in the studio when we all know they don’t need them.

    2, why do they have have massive 1950 style microphones when we all know they can use mini mikes these days.

    3, what the hell do all those shady blokes behind the glass wall in the background do as they scratch their balls and look disinterested. Are they bouncers in case something cracks off?

    The whole shit show comes across as an insult to the intelligence of viewers, bin it BBC.

    How to spend your license fee to great effect hey?


  40. Nibor says:

    BBC and other silly media ;

    ‘ Trump is a friend of Putin ‘
    But ;

    ‘Trump makes NATO members fulfil their obligations and pay up to counter Putin ‘

    With friends like these ….


  41. vlad says:

    Anyone remember the Great Replacement theory, according to which whites are being replaced by darker races?

    “It’s just a conspiracy theory”, squealed the BBC, “put about by the Far Right”, bla bla.

    Well, Google’s AI model called Gemini was literally deleting all whites from its searches.

    Paul Joseph Watson exposes Google’s reverse racism and takes a passing shot at the BBC’s obsession with blackness.

    It all sounds like silly nonsense but it’s deadly serious. Google can swing elections and its AI programmes are being used to indoctrinate children.


  42. Zephir says:

    Elections, muslim style:

    “Reform candidate Simon Danczuk is turned away from Rochdale by-election hustings ‘by George Galloway supporters'”

    Simon Danczuk arrived at the hustings at Wardleworth Community Centre to answer questions and debate policies with his fellow candidates ahead of next week’s vote.

    However, upon his arrival Mr Danczuk was told by a member of staff that they had space for him to attend the event but he couldn’t speak.”



  43. Zephir says:



  44. Zephir says:



  45. AsISeeIt says:

    Medals all round chaps, two years in and we’re definately winning the propaganda war

    Ukraine’s two years of defiance: Picture pullout (Daily Mail)

    Ukraine war: Dozens of Russian troops ‘die in air strike’ (BBC)

    Then there comes one of those awkward little juxtapositions of the day’s headlines that put a lie to the narrative: ‘I have the Russian soldiers in my sights, but no shells to fire at them’ (Telegraph) – our BBC likes that headline from the mildly conservative broadsheet to top its online press review

    Whatever happened to give peace a chance?

    Sir Lindsay gave MPs a vote on a Labour amendment calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war… (BBC)

    Who recalls that classic comic sketch by Mitchell and Webb where the pair are dressed as German soldiers in World War Two? David Mitchell in reflective mood remarks “Hans, are we the baddies?”

    Nato shift on Kyiv targets… Secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg has said Kyiv has the right to strike “Russian miliarty targets outside Ukraine”… a point of contention among allies (FT) – I don’t suppose the Russians will be overly chuffed about it either

    That’s Life

    Esther takes a day off: ‘If you’re reading this, I’m dead’… author’s plea for assisted dying… Legalise assisted dying so others don’t have to end their lives in the way I’ve had to: Author Wendy Mitchell’s plea from beyond the grave (Daily Mail)

    Assisted dying? Isn’t the collective west already doing that to itself?

    Islamists are now in control, says Braverman amid speaker row (Telegraph); Just why didn’t police stop antisemitic slur beamed on Big Ben? (Daily Express); Sadiq Khan puts ‘anti-UK propaganda’ on a pedestal in Trafalgar Square… Mayor of London announces multicultural shortlist of sculptures for landmark’s fourth plinth (Telegraph); Historian SLAMMED for saying he would like late Queen to have ‘rightful place’ in Trafalgar Square (GB News)

    George Orwell warned us how the totalitarian state would insist we believe 2 + 2 = 5

    ONS made lockdown appear more deadly – bravo to the Telegraph for correctly naming that period in our recent history, rather than the typical media resort to the tropes covid or pandemic – no need for the usual little editorial correction from Mr AsI

    Is Diane Abbott doing freelance maths work for the Office for National Statistics, we wonder?

    UK’s job figures ‘deeply flawed’, warn analysts… Data published on Tuesday by the Office for National Statistics showed that the unemployment rate rose to 4.2 per cent… But the agency warned these estimates should be treated as “experimental” (FT)


    • MarkyMark says:

      ‘estimates should be treated as “experimental”’ 100% effective – 50% effective – take the jab or granny dies.


  46. Lucy Pevensey says:


  47. Fedup2 says:

    Wasn’t gonna bother but I wondered how the BBC would handle the arising supremecy of Islam over parliament – they had that cleverly dimwit who apparently is the Home Secretary ….but who cares ? Politicians have done it to us and deserve a taste of what they’ve done…..
    ..and the infiltrates plod are Islamic … and queer … and woke ….


    • MarkyMark says:

      Should I follow advice from the Qur’an? Q4:34
      “But those (wives) from whom you fear arrogance – (first) advise them; (then if they persist), forsake them in bed; and (finally), strike them. But if they obey you (once more), seek no means against them.”

      Sign says – “Muslims Only (green) | Makkah (Mecca) | For Non-Muslims (red)”.


      • Fedup2 says:

        The politicians and journos and lawyers have played a blinder destroying Britain in the last 20 years – the coming election may be the last ‘fair ‘ one before the whole state is overwhelmed by this strange mix of far left – Islam and queers – who sooner or later will have to ‘deal ‘ with each other ….

        … once politicians are directly affected by Islam – eg targeting their homes and families -they might realise what they have done – but few would be brave enough to confront the imports
        Keep going IDF


      • Lunchtime Loather says:

        I wonder, how do they check?


  48. Zephir says:



    • Guest Who says:

      Here’s Jess.

      Level of islamophobia people are displaying currently is sickening. My constituents, family & friends are not Islamists, they do not hate any of these things. They are not a mob, they are just people. No one bullied me (any more than on any issue) I vote out of analysis not fear

      Jess countered a fellow female MP’s concerns on safety by saying post cluster-FUBAR she felt fine on the tube chatting to a group of fellow middle aged leftie activists she agreed with.

      Jess is set soon to be in power, based on faith based voting in marginals. Maybe a bit of intimidation.


  49. MarkyMark says:

    Ukraine war: ‘Not possible’ to stay in UK, say family
    2 hours ago
    War in Ukraine

    On the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a mother and daughter living with sponsors near Hull, explain why they are preparing to risk their lives and return to their homeland. They say they are unable to afford to live independently in the UK, despite being in one of the least expensive areas of the country.
