THIS HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM GEORGE GALLOW’S WIKI PARTY ENTRY … HAHA HA HA…. “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” …..
“The WPB advocates for a planned economy and is supportive of China, Cuba and the former Soviet Union. It is also a vocal supporter of Palestine.[27]”
The problem is that Galloway is able to identify the problems accurately and he is not a coward. His solution to the problems he identifies however are simply wrong.
The opposition are incompetents and cowards. They cannot even envisage Galloways problems and even if they were able to, they would be too scared to discuss and debate them let alone to challenge Galloways misconceived ‘solutions’.
That is the key to Galloways electoral appeal. The people know what is wrong Galloway tells them he knows this – the opposition calls the voters names and denies that which they can plainly see is even an issue.
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’ – Nick Robinson BBC
Wife of Amir Khan dropped by @bbuk for her Palestinian/gaza stance. This is OUTRAGEOUS if true. @itv @itvnews
We now have TV cancelling people right out and destroying careers if they dare speak out.
What happened to Freedom of speech?
Or that hooter?
Do love a bit of irony in the morning.
ITV likely twigged that the voting, already rigged, was set to get REALLY rigged?
“As parliamentarians packed the House of
Commons on Wednesday evening to indulge
in some public hand ringing about a
conflict thousands of miles away you’d
be forgiven for wondering what the hell
the situation in Gaza had to do with
them what business is it of British MPS
to involve themselves in international Wars in age-old poisonous irreconcilable
land disputes halfway around the world
and regardless of what conclusions were
reached why on Earth would anyone expect
either side of the conflict to give a
toss about what the British government
think they should be doing parties on
all sides were playing a dangerous game
of pandering to Islamic extremists
chasing the Islamic votes in the
forthcoming election and all parties
were simultaneously terrified of being
involved in anything that might invoke
the eye of islamists who had taken over
the Streets of London busily projecting
anti-semitic hate messages onto Big Ben
terrified of ending up like poor David
David Ames because this is what we have
now a parliament a Judiciary a police force pandering to islamists appeasing”
Google says it’s pausing the ability for its Gemini AI to generate images of people, after the tool was found to be generating inaccurate historical images. Gemini has been creating diverse images of the US Founding Fathers and Nazi-era German soldiers, in what looked like an attempt to subvert the gender and racial stereotypes found in generative AI.
“Can you generate images of the Founding Fathers?” It’s a difficult question for Gemini, Google’s DEI-powered AI tool.
Ironically, asking for more historically accurate images made the results even more historically inaccurate.
For example, Google infamously had to apologise almost a decade ago after its photos app labelled a photo of a black couple as “gorillas”.
Framing Today Watch #1 – the narrative is endorsed
TOADY Watch #1 – you’ve ‘ad yer chips
Welsh farmers do not like this climate change & rewilding nonsense that is going to mean they produce less food to starve ‘save the planet’. In the first hour of TOADY it was explained that chip prices (in restaurants and takeaways as well a frozen in bags from supermarkets) will increase by a substantial amount due to bad weather in 2023. The BBC love to conflate Global Warming and Climate Change WITH WEATHER just to confuse their uninformed listeners and viewers.
Speaking of which Nick Robinson met his match on TOADY this morning talking to a woman from Just Stop Oil who was plainly and very definitely ‘unhinged’.
I heard before Xmas that 25% of the potato crop in Northern Europe hadn’t been lifted because of the rain. If the weather there has been like that of the UK they still won’t have been lifted and will now have turned to mush in the ground.
Andrew Lawrence excoriates the cowardly police, parliament and judiciary for appeasing and pandering to islamists.
“We’re in last-chance territory to save our way of life…
Arm the police and military to break up protests by force…
Islamists: integrate or get out.”
Strong words, true words which, tragically, our institutions are far too pusillanimous to act on.
It’s too late, we’ve had it; they’ve won. Get down on your knees, you second class citizens of your own country, you filthy swine dogs, and repeat after me: Allahu akbar.
Vlad, we need to get realistic. Integration is not possible. You cannot integrate one culture with another whose main purpose is to destroy it’s host.
We have no moral obligation to put up with any more of these cultural assaults they call “Diversity”. Polygamy, halal slaughter, mosques.
Muslim voting blocks hired and imported by Labour need to be dealt with. We need a lot of leaders with a lot of courage and a will to be firm. Someone needs to take tough action and IGNORE the howls of subversive leftists and media.
As Atlas Shrugged would say – I can dream can’t I?
@Lucy – You’re right, of course, integration is not possible, any more than crocodiles can integrate with gazelles in a muddy pond.
There is only one real solution: an immediate stop to immigration of the wrong sort, and mass deportation.
Neither of which will ever happen in a million years, so some sort of ghastly compromise of integration and muddling along is probably the best we can hope for. And hey, the odd terror attack is just the price of living in a big city, as our muslim mayor once said.
But the odd attack is not even the worst of it. Worse is the gradual – or not so gradual – takeover of our country. Already Parliament, police, the judiciary, the media are in abject fear. It will only get worse.
TOADY Watch #2 – never mind the Global Warming and increased CO2 …
TOADY totally agog over the moon landing by a private company in the US but using NASA facilities. The BBC are completely oblivious to the fact that these missions use incredible amounts of electricity, with consequent increases of CO2 generated on Earth, let alone the heating of the atmosphere by the rocket’s launch. Then the BBC tell us that humans will be soon landing on the moon as a stepping stone for Mars missions. You cannot have it both ways, BBC; promoting Global Warming and Climate Change and getting enthusiastic over space missions.
Last chance saloon.
Last territory.
Vote REFORM en masse.
Tories are weak, ineffective and cowardly as it appears are most of UK politicians.
Excellent message from Mr Lawrence earlier.
I note, nothing about death threats on BBC news website as far as I can see. Nothing about attack on democracy. Obviously they will keep on ignoring and hiding the real news from us. The cowardly politicians led by the speaker have brought us to this. They will continue to appease, they will continue to NOT STOP the invasion even though it would be so simple if they really cared for this country. More blood on the streets is almost certain, if not for us then for our children. God I hope I’m wrong.
Some of the politicians will reap what they have sown.
Agreed, but pray inform me what existing legislation/Statutory Instruments/Treaties entered said Reform Party has declared it will immediately dismantle/repeal and or withdraw from?
Amazing silences almost like the BBC with its important omissions.
I read that Bournemouth City Council are about to follow in the lunatic Drakefords footsteps and make the whole area a 20 zone plus banning traffic from many roads. The aim being to get people onto bikes or walking.
The killer is that that apparently they are warning councillors that they are likely to face opposition and backlash astoundingly appearing to claim that they expect this will probably come from certain groups including white, heterosexual men and Christian’s.
If this claim has any foundation whatsoever and was actually issued by some of Bournemouths councillors it is absolutely appalling and cries out for a cull of these Nazi bigots.
I’ll bet that the telephone line between Cardiff and Bournemouth has been well used in preparation. This and all the other impositions by agents of the State and their nonsense cannot go on much longer without serious uprisings and violence around the country I predict. The Police? As in the case of muslim intruders, surely, they’ll stand back and watch…….won’t they……?
No chance, they’ll happily use batons on the ‘far right’, ie us. It’ll be funny to watch them all on all fours with their arses in the air, by command.
Petition to: The Rt Hon Lucy Frazer KC MP – Secretary of State for Culture: Demonetise the BBC
“The BBC is an ideologically dominated Corporation that has wantonly and calculatedly violated its own so-called ‘rules of impartiality’ in order to bring about cultural and social change. Through its woke agenda and demonstrable bias, it is undermining the fabric of British society and is no longer fit for purpose.”
Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES.
“Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide a nasty refugee pushing a pregnant female refugee and small child onto a train track, the BBC made it look like the border guards were being tough.”
Has the BBC ever hidden news from me …. YES.
“May 2018 the Day of Freedom march was not reported on the main website or the main news channel and is not available on the BBC £3.5bn online search page – other news agencies including the Guardian reported it.”
Has the BBC kept the public in the dark …. YES.
“We know that the UK MP expenses continues and should be investigated with the £3.5bn BBC New Service every year to keep the MPs on their toes, David Lammy bought a bike for £650 on expenses (Claim Ref:387540/17oct2014) which is blatant misuse of Tax Payer Money. How come the BBC don’t check up each year?”
Has the BBC ignored politician’s lies …. YES.
“UK Politicians are on TV shouting austerity and recession but all have taken an 18% pay increase from 2010 to 2018. How can they talk for the people when the live in their own bubble?”
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Has the BBC let journalist break their guidelines …. YES.
“Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his twitter account to say Brexit is bad, EU is good. But not once has he confronted Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage to talk about it. It is a one sided echo chamber.”
OCTOBER 28 2013 …George Osborne, the chancellor, will on Tuesday announce plans for Britain to issue the first Islamic bond outside the Muslim world, as he seeks to turn the City of London into the “unrivalled western centre for Islamic finance”.
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi
Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for
her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her
fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while
Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took
her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she
had an accident.”
… “Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take
off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
Breaking up with Mr. Islam by Daniel Greenfield {sultanknish jun2016}
“Shamima Begum LOSES her battle for British citizenship: Appeal judges rule against Jihadi bride who argued she was a victim of trafficking when she fled UK to join ISIS aged 15”
Her solicitor Daniel Furner said: “We are not going to stop fighting until she does get justice and until she is safely back home.” One of her lawyers, Gareth Peirce, told Sky News home editor Jason Farrell ahead of the hearing: “As long as she is there, it is not the end.”4 hours ago
The government must be so pleased. Keep a high profile terrorist sympathiser (at the very least) out whilst letting very low profile ones in by the 10s, or even 100s, of 1000s. Not that they’ll keep her out, all she did was lose an appeal. She’ll be in a 5 bedroom council house before you know it.
You are a sucker for the propaganda if you believe this is a cause for celebration!
The Marxist Tories have wasted £5 Million on greedy Weasel fees and they are funding Begums appeal, but wait you can celebrate that even more of your money is going to be spent on yet another Marxist Tory funded lawyer fest as it goes off to the Supreme court where the Tories wet dreams will be realise and Begum will be allowed back and everyone will blame the judges not the Marxists who have set this entire charade up to make it look like they are doing something their supporters want.
“Shamima Begum today lost a Court of Appeal challenge over the removal of her British citizenship after claiming she was a victim of trafficking – as her lawyer vowed to ‘keep fighting’ until she is ‘safely back home’. “
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Shamima Begum loses and the BBC ….
……. picture her obviously looking quite prosperous and in a civilised setting, so why cannot Shamima remain where she is? Question not asked by the BBC. Why should she be allowed to return to the UK where she might be a burden on the tax system and a possible threat to others?
22 March 2023 Shamima Begum’s best friend, who she says inspired her to join IS, has been tracked down by the BBC having escaped from a detention camp in Syria.
Sharmeena Begum, no relation, dismissed her former friend, who wants to return to the UK, for “living off benefits” and mocked her as a non-believer.
The BBC also found Sharmeena was fundraising online for members of the IS terror group, which is illegal.
A top Syrian commander fears money like this is helping IS to regroup.
Charitable donations to any islamic charity (or even non-muslim charities operating in the Middle East and many parts of Asia and Africa) go towards extremism and terrorism, whether directly or indirectly. Let the rich Oil States look after their own.
Instead, give to a non-woke, UK domestic charity… if you can find one.
Or better still, spend the money on a pint. But not Bud Light.
Anjem Choudary sentenced: judge challenges Islamist extremists who live on benefits while claiming to ‘despise’ the West
6 September 2016 • 10:00pm
Eddy, much like the Gazan Palestinians with the rest of the Arab world, nobody wants them and Bangladhesh has removed Shamima Begum’s previous Bangladhesh citizenship.
Funny how many things there are that the UK ‘cant do, because’ that every other country on the planet not only can do, but does. Like looking after its own, for a start.
Supposedly now banning then in Scotland.
I still see them out in public in England , no muzzle, no lead.
Guess they pay a vet to certify they’re not xl or something?
Friends of ours have Staffordshire Bull Terriers and bigger snugglers you can’t find. My father always had Staffies but with my work I couldn’t get one so guess who’s in the middle of a cuddle pile when we visit, my husband is a snuggle magnet. Can I snuggle your friends bulldog?
OFCOM as Lord Protector and Hatefinder General? I think not.
Maybe Scruffy Toenails & Brown Bear’s Epic Adventures?
How would you describe the chaos in the Commons?
@bbcnickrobinson and @amolrajan discuss the fallout from this week’s ceasefire vote.
Disgrace! Why are MPs playing politics with the Middle East?
28 whole engagements. Speaking for the nation? Nah.
Get in Hatty? To… ‘discuss’, BBC/Labourstyle
“There is a real issue about MPs’ safety. This is not just snowflakery.”
Labour’s Harriet Harman joined @bbcnickrobinson & @amolrajan on The Today Podcast to discuss the fallout from the ceasefire vote.
🎧 Disgrace! Why are MPs playing politics with the Middle East?
Maybe good ole’ #RefugeesWelcome BBCLabourCooper?
"I dont think we should take seriously Suella Braverman's comments."
Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper responds to the former home secretary's column, which says 'Islamists are in charge', as 'total nonsense'
“I dont think we should take seriously Suella Braverman’s comments.”
Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper responds to the former home secretary’s column, which says ‘Islamists are in charge’, as ‘total nonsense’.
‘We’ doing a lot of heavy lifting there. Oh, and… given Labour are not in power… Nah. Got all of 10 replies.
Maybe the BBC is a bit Labour focussed, and that explains the country giving a flying monkeys to their propaganda get-togethers?
Is there any party declaration or manifesto you would believe from any party. I think you are intelligent enough to doubt the lot of them.
Reform party appears to be the only right of middle party that has any hope to take seats after the next election if it gains reasonable support now. Any better alternatives? If things get really bad (likely) between now and then there is a chance they may have sufficient seats to make a dint. If things get really, really bad then who knows, we might have an election soon to follow this coming one.
Having returned to Londonistan from the Heaven of Cornwall – I thought I’d catch the 1300 bbc news ….. has Hoyle done the honourable thing yet ? No . Starmer wants him to stay on and the money is the same as the PM – and an untaxed pension I think ….
Anyway – fuel bills might fall in April …. Early today the idiot newsreader on R4 said they will rise by 14% – then corrected herself – unfortunately it woke me up ….
I’d switched off before the isis terrorist fan club got going about ‘get begum home ‘ and they’ll be going to appeal and they’d be going to Europe and the Islamic UN …
I was thinking – all those words the likes of Churchill used to fight foreign aggression doesn’t go far when the enemy is already here ….
Now that ItV and BbC have run the poll about Islamaphobia that each saw universally laughed at, the most divisive Mayor of where broadcasters are based has chirped up with a classic.
Suella Braverman seems to be doing her best to outflank Enoch Powell.
It’s a poisonous attempt to drive a wedge between our communities and serve her own naked ambition.
Now, more than ever, we should be seeking to unite, not divide.
#CCBGB bar his flock, mostly not helping his attempt.
Mrs. #refugeeswelcome Balls and Graun Shot Jess tried the same, with same results.
Annnnnnnd…. Yes…. Sky, Hoyle Slick and… the Far Right.
I hadn’t seen this before. How dare he say the biggest threat is the far right and not once mention the word Islamist😡
He’s either scared still or spinning a lie.
Either way he needs to go.
The politico-media left had it in the bag, and now they are imploding themselves.
“Lindsay Hoyle has blamed White Fundamentalists and the Extreme Far Right for putting MP’s under threat.
Not ONE mention of Muslims, Islam or Asylum Seekers?”
……………………………………………………………………………………….. and in more important news …..
According to the Israel Hayom newspaper, the song references the victims of the 7 October Hamas attacks, with lyrics including: “They were all good children, each one of them.”
Eurovision organiser The EBU said it was currently assessing the song.
The contest’s rules forbid political messages, in a gesture to neutrality.
HA HA HA HA HA! The whole Euro vision is a political football!!!
Tensions are high over MPs’ safety with protestors outside houses and Hoyle’s claims that he broke with proper procedure on Wednesday out of fears for security. MPs are jittery when talking about taxpayer-funded security for their homes – details of what is spent on what equipment is kept private so as to not identify properties.
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration. – UK GOV AND RISHI IS FAILING!
Is it fine in Britain to call for the destruction of Pakistan? Pakistan was created within a year of Israel. It has been responsible for terrible wars, aggression and ongoing persecution of minorities. Would calling for its destruction be OK for community relations in the UK @metpoliceuk?
I might sit this out an await BBC Verify to explain it for me.
“…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
– Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007
The United States has announced more than 500 new sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine and the death in custody of the opposition figure Alexei Navalny.
The sanctions target people connected to Navalny’s imprisonment and Russia’s war machine, President Joe Biden said.
Export restrictions will be imposed on nearly 100 firms or individuals.
The EU also announced sanctions, which Moscow responded to by banning EU officials from entering Russia.
It is unclear what impact the sanctions will have on Russia’s economy.
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, India’s refiners have been snapping up discounted Russian oil. Moscow has since become India’s leading source of crude oil, accounting for about 36% of the South Asian nation’s crude imports.8 Feb 2024
London, 23 February – In response to a complaint by independent climate researcher Paul Homewood, the Met Office has acknowledged that “there is no evidence yet for an increase in wind gust strengths, although these are projected to increase with future climate change.” !
Except its a false claim…. the Met Office still refuses to retract a false claim made by one of its senior meteorologists on BBC Radio 5 last month, that storms in the UK are getting “more intense” due to climate change.
In its response, the Met Office also referred to its own UK Storm activity report which clearly states that “there is no compelling trend in maximum gust speeds recorded in the UK since 1969.”
You do wonder what is going on with British institutions so keen to publish falsehoods to suit an agenda. BBC happy to publish anything that fits the globalist climate agenda claim. No investigative journalism, no questions asked. Paul Holmwood broke the news: now supported by other independent reports, including GWPF.
The bulk of the population tend to be influenced by what they see and hear from national news broadcasters including the BBC. The BBC are very aware of this so are able and willing to promote or ignore stories for instance concerning climate change depending on whether those stories align with the BBC’s stance. Multiply this by most national news outlets and we end up with half-truths put forward as gospel and blanket silence on non-conforming news items.
it’s not by accident this happens, it’s a deliberate misinformation campaign projected by the very organisations that should be upholding truth and clarity on all matters.
The only conclusion is that they just don’t care being liers if it pushes and supports their agenda.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
“I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result.” – Eric Blair
I’m a bit surprised at some above posts asserting that Hoyle was worried about the Far Right, as for the last 48 hours, the whole emphasis was on the threat to Labour MPs for not voting for a ceasefire. That doesn’t sound like the Far Right. That sounds like the Far Left pro-Palestinian activists from the Socialist Workers Party and others.
Meanwhile the head honcho of the Prevent strategy has come under pressure from pretty much the same activists ( two buttocks from the same a***) for suggesting that the focus on the Far Right in that context was wildly misjudged, being totally out of kilter with the suggestion by MI5 that most of their workload is concerned with Islamic terror plots and not the Far Right.
Could it be that the reality is slowly starting to penetrate the thick numbskulls who have fed us peace and love and multiculturalism these past years? It would be nice to think so but I’m not holding my breath.
Not least because the BBC1 news this lunchtime featured Shamima Begun’s bid for UK citizenship. The appeal court have ruled against. (No prizing for guessing the taxpayer foots the huge bill for this nonsense). The BBC then show a lengthy diatribe of heartstrings hankies-out sentimental guff from her lawyer without any counter argument whatever.
Pass the sick bag.
I would add that the political class, who for 70-odd years have fed us the immigration is good myth, are finally realising that it has immense dangers for individuals, communities, institutions, and the nation as a sovereign entity.
I don’t feel sorry for those spineless Labour MPs who came under intense pressure from intimidating activists to support a ceasefire in Gaza.
Winston Churchill was writing about the baleful religion of Islam in 1899. Enoch Powell warned about mass immigration in 1968. The London dockers and many other ordinary workers who marched in support of him instinctively knew we couldn’t live with these backward fanatics in the same society. But the political class dismissed all these voices as bigots and opened the gates even wider.
Now this same political class are getting threatened and are too scared to use their own judgement when they vote.
I would laugh at the poetic justice of it all but we are in a very dangerous and worrying time for our democracy.
For years now, anyone supporting Trump has been ridiculed, verbally abused and treated as a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal at best, or a racist Nazi fascist at worst, by the likes of the BBC.
How refreshing, then, to hear Bojo (who himself took some disgusting cheap shots at Trump) tell The Sun:
“When you look back at Trump’s last term in office there is little doubt the world felt safer and calmer and more stable.” Let me highlight those words: safer, calmer, more stable.
“Right now much of the world is craving the stability that goes with strong and decisive American leadership”.
And remember all the cr*p about ‘the adults being back in the room’ when Biden won?
Liz Truss: “The USA under Biden has projected weakness.” Weakness.
I don’t want to say we told you so, but by God, WE TOLD YOU SO!!! The world is in meltdown under this woke joke of a President.
2022 …. We are playing Strong Horse/Weak Horse, as articulated by Osama bin Laden twenty years ago, and as quoted shortly thereafter in the front of America Alone:
When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.
Strong Horse/Weak Horse is a subtler concept than you might think: for example, waddling down an Afghan street in the full Robocop is not a Strong Horse thing, not when you’ve been occupying the country for twenty years and the guys you’re losing to ride around in the back of pick-ups with no body armor other than a full beard and a shalwar kameez.
Osama may even be overstating things: you don’t have actively to like the Strong Horse; you simply have to recognize that the other guy is the Weak Horse, and therefore a bad bet for your future. And Weak Horse status can get conferred incrementally:
~China swallows Hong Kong with nary a peep of protest from the west: Weak Horse;
~The Wuhan Institute of Virology infects the planet and pays no price from America and Europe: Weak Horse;
~Washington approves Russian pipeline to Germany while canceling Canadian pipeline to America,and then begs the miraculously resurrected Opec to increase production – which they decline to do: Weak Horse.
Words fail me.
On Toady this morning, they decided to tackle the issue of activists door-stepping MPs and holding demos outside their homes by interviewing…….errrrr……a leading light of Just Stop Oil.
It was like a real life example of the old Private Eye column with revolutionary Marxist Dave Spart. Needless to say, Rick Knobson gave her pretty much a free ride. Her ‘world is going to end’ message was repeated yet attracted no comment at all.
I hope Mr Knobson will only be walking and cycling to work from now on.
MM, you get some drugs and cleaning products through oil. The NHS will end even if the world does not. No amount of clapping on doorsteps can counteract that.
“£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power” PAC also voices concerns about risk of further questionable payouts as NHS commissioning restructured under upcoming reforms.10 Jun 2022”
Unfortunately on his walk, Tim Walker didn’t see 7/7, the murder of Lee Rigby or Sir David Amess, an arson attack at Mike Freer’s office, the Manchester Arena attack, the London Bridge attacks, the school teacher in hiding or threats sent to MPs. So there’s no problem apparently.
#CCBGB for the entire Westminster/w1a/Islington class.
I get more abuse, threats and racism than most MPs. So I don’t say this lightly.
And to be clear: no-one in public life should have their safety threatened, nor be subject to unacceptable abuse.
But I find the debate about public engagement with MPs concerning. Here’s why. 1/10
A more experienced Labour person of some bits, not others (inside the brain pan for one) has gone with what might have been #prasnews on the BBC, from an old friend.
But get this, who do you think the BBC uses to support their claim, why Tell Mama who in 2013 saw its Government funding axed in 2013 after it lied that abuse against Muslims had exploded after the murder of Lee Rigby.
The Labour/bbc pr management relationship is disastrous for this country.
7. (i) Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital
From 12 November 2021, Zarah Sultana Campaigns Ltd. (Registered 27 March 2023)
Name of donor: Progressive International
Address of donor: 71-75 Shelton Street, London WC2H 9JQ
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights £1,100, accommodation £480, translation £300 and transportation £200, total value £2,080
Destination of visit: Brazil
Dates of visit: 27-31 October 2022
Purpose of visit: To observe the final round of Brazil’s presidential elections.
Name of donor: Liverpool Football Club and Athletic Grounds Limited
Address of donor: Anfield Road, Liverpool, Merseyside L4 0TH
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two matchday tickets and hospitality, value £700
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: 128 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8TN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £4,716.66 to cover the costs of my annual 2020 newsletter and other correspondence with constituents
Polly Toynbee has said in today’s Guardian that ‘Splitting Labour was the whole purpose of the SNP calling an opposition day debate on Gaza.’. How wrong can she be? It was actually guided by the desire for a ceasefire and she is shockingly blind to that fact.
“Health Minister Karl Lauterbach..
.. wants to undermine the black market, protect smokers from contaminated cannabis and cut revenue streams for organised crime gangs.”
…and have users cosh themselves around the head, so they’re almost comatose , docile and easy to manage.
Except for a few who develop paranoid mental health issues , but they’ll come in handy too, for terrorising the rest of the population.
While they might sound grotty, these mobile homes are a common sight across Germany and a favourite with long-distance truck drivers. And it’s all totally legal under German law.
As part of our investigation into the country’s legal sex trade, The Sun visited the Am Eifeltor, a sprawling road in the industrial heart of Cologne, on a busy Friday night.
With Brit tourists being ushered away from Amsterdam’s red-light district, more and more are flocking to the west German city, which is famed for its mega-brothels and FKK clubs.
It’ll be funny when these same arseholes will want protecting from the (already here) enemy, which they appear not to know is the Islamists. They will want the ‘far right’ to do that. They will then learn that the ‘far right’ are a myth dreamt up by idiots. Useful ones at that.
“Online extremism is a growing threat and this case sadly is a prime example; where a young man from Merseyside has become radicalised online, without ever having left his bedroom.”
A Tory MP and former levelling-up Minister has published analysis that suggests:
– Over the long-term a large proportion of those who have come to the UK have not been net taxpayers.
– In London, 67% of private rented households were headed by someone born overseas; the growth of (London) population accounted for by migration was greater than the growth of the housing stock.
– As a result, existing residents have faced the downsides on housing without getting the upsides of a net tax contribution.
And still our government will not admit we have a problem.
Our government will not admit WE have a problem because THEY have never had the problem. Things really are changing rapidly and these vacuous bastards are starting to find out that they are not immune. I, for one, have no sympathy. Labour will, of course, accelerate the whole islamic takeover because they have a large Muslim power base and are also appeasers. Bye bye Britain, hello caliphate. It’s got to the stage that I welcome it, for a change we will all know exactly where stand from the word go.
It must be a decade ago or more that the BBC webshite ran an articles showing that people had to earn £27,000 a year to be tax-neutral, that is the cost of tax-funded rebates, subsidies, healthcare, education, childcare etc on average equalled the tax take in income tax, national insurance, and VAT at that level of earnings.
Given that many immigrants are recruited to fill low paid jobs it is self evident they were never going to be cost effective to the nation. A con from day one.
“41% of Londoners were born outside of the UK, compared to 13% of people in the rest of England. West London has the highest proportion – with 47% of residents not born in the UK, followed by Central London (44%).”
“Ten years ago researchers studying the health of more than 30,000 people in Bradford found that about 60% of babies in the Pakistani community had parents who were first or second cousins, but a new follow-up study of mothers in three inner-city wards finds the figure has dropped to 46%.18 Nov 2023”
From the website of Shamima Begum’s legal representatives:
. . . wherever possible our work is funded by legal aid. With effect from 1st April 2013 the coalition government removed Legal Aid funding from most non-asylum immigration work. We continue to do asylum work under legal aid and also other immigration work that remains in scope for legal aid, or where legal aid can be obtained under Exceptional Case Funding, subject to the applicant meeting the necessary requirements.
Mischal Useless Hussein presented the BBC 1 6 pm news.
She was not her usual smarmy self. She was pale, grumpy, unsmiling, deadpan, monotone.
Was this because her fellow Muslim, Shamima Begun, was not granted permission to come back to the UK?
Absolutely disgusting feature on the London news of the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation, lamenting the rise in anti-Muslim ‘hate crimes’.
Mentioned only in passing, the rise in antisemitic hate crime.
Not mentioned at all. The number of Jews versus the number of Muslims in London. Which kind of puts the raw numbers in context. Which the BBC obviously don’t want to state.
And just in case anyone thinks I am being unfair, the next feature is about Red Nose Day, with an interview with …….errrrr……a woman Muslim ‘comedian’ in full-on Muslim garb.
You absolutely cannot make it up.
£101K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will offer a supplementary school with an
educational outreach service focussed on helping parents
improve academic support for their children. The project
aims for children to improve success at school, increase
confidence and aspirations (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£28K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 3 year grant will provide Somali children experiencing
poverty and poor educational attainment with a
supplementary school and confidence-building workshops to
improve attainment, build self-confidence, and develop
better relationships.
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Supplementary lessons at weekends during term time for 75
local Bangladeshi and Somali young people in the Tower
Hamlets area. Children will feel more included in their
communities, increase their confidence and increase positive
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Funding for support work for 150 5-18 year olds with special
education needs from minority ethnic (Somali WOmen) backgrounds. The
project aims to increase children’s ability to manage negative
feelings, to further their self-expression and reduce social
£54K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will provide supplementary education to young
people from the Somali community, who live in areas of
poverty, unemployment and low levels of literacy and
aspiration. It will improve educational attainment,
communication skills and confidence
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£21K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will deliver educational support for disabled Somali children and those experiencing local deprivation. The
children and young people will gain academic skills,
confidence and improve their physical well-being.
£15K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
The project will provide holiday activities to children, young
people and their families who have been affected by the
Grenfell Tower tragedy. The activities will improve children’s
well-being, support stronger family bonds and broaden
horizons. (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£10K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 1 year grant will provide supplementary education in
English, Maths and Science to Somaili children with low
educational attainment to increase attainment, empower
BBC Children in Need
Grant Funded Projects
London and South East England
As at November 2017
vladMar 14, 12:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Douglas Murray clash with Nigel Farage & Matt Goodwin “No point in Reform without mass deportations”
tomoMar 14, 12:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 14, 12:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 UN judge claims immunity…
JohnCMar 14, 12:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 More Right vs Left Lucy. And the majority of English people have right-wing views now. The extreme response of Starmers…
taffmanMar 14, 11:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 We are being invaded ! Our jails are being filled up with foreign criminals. Time to get rid of the…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 11:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 “What was most mind-blowing, she said, was the revelation from 1993 when the FBI wiretapped Hamas members in a Philadelphia…
Fedup2Mar 14, 11:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Good to see the UN judge convicted of slavery in Oxford has found attention in the US …. The left…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 14, 11:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 The “mountain” scenes were filmed here in Snowdonia.
vladMar 14, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 “The West is facing an Islamic holy war” – Melanie Phillips. WAKE UP!!!
THIS HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM GEORGE GALLOW’S WIKI PARTY ENTRY … HAHA HA HA…. “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” …..
“The WPB advocates for a planned economy and is supportive of China, Cuba and the former Soviet Union. It is also a vocal supporter of Palestine.[27]”
The problem is that Galloway is able to identify the problems accurately and he is not a coward. His solution to the problems he identifies however are simply wrong.
The opposition are incompetents and cowards. They cannot even envisage Galloways problems and even if they were able to, they would be too scared to discuss and debate them let alone to challenge Galloways misconceived ‘solutions’.
That is the key to Galloways electoral appeal. The people know what is wrong Galloway tells them he knows this – the opposition calls the voters names and denies that which they can plainly see is even an issue.
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’ – Nick Robinson BBC
Wife of Amir Khan dropped by @bbuk for her Palestinian/gaza stance. This is OUTRAGEOUS if true. @itv @itvnews
We now have TV cancelling people right out and destroying careers if they dare speak out.
What happened to Freedom of speech?
Or that hooter?
Do love a bit of irony in the morning.
ITV likely twigged that the voting, already rigged, was set to get REALLY rigged?
Maybe a bit of intimidation?
She has fans.
You do realise the media is controlled by Jews.🙄
And she is a blunt tool.
Wonder if Sopes likely to chip in?
I am posting this because I fear it may be taken down soon.
Please watch and share.
Brave man . Uk too late too weak …. The remedy is …. Horrifying …
“As parliamentarians packed the House of
Commons on Wednesday evening to indulge
in some public hand ringing about a
conflict thousands of miles away you’d
be forgiven for wondering what the hell
the situation in Gaza had to do with
them what business is it of British MPS
to involve themselves in international
Wars in age-old poisonous irreconcilable
land disputes halfway around the world
and regardless of what conclusions were
reached why on Earth would anyone expect
either side of the conflict to give a
toss about what the British government
think they should be doing parties on
all sides were playing a dangerous game
of pandering to Islamic extremists
chasing the Islamic votes in the
forthcoming election and all parties
were simultaneously terrified of being
involved in anything that might invoke
the eye of islamists who had taken over
the Streets of London busily projecting
anti-semitic hate messages onto Big Ben
terrified of ending up like poor David
David Ames because this is what we have
now a parliament a Judiciary a police
force pandering to islamists appeasing”
Thanks Marky, that’s a useful feature on YouTube.
Only just found it – handy as youTube can do a Big Brother and erase videos without warning.
‘From the river to the sea’ projected onto Parliament as police stood by, says MP
Tory backbencher Andrew Percy raises concerns after pro-Palestinian protesters beam slogan onto Elizabeth Tower
Google says it’s pausing the ability for its Gemini AI to generate images of people, after the tool was found to be generating inaccurate historical images. Gemini has been creating diverse images of the US Founding Fathers and Nazi-era German soldiers, in what looked like an attempt to subvert the gender and racial stereotypes found in generative AI.
“Can you generate images of the Founding Fathers?” It’s a difficult question for Gemini, Google’s DEI-powered AI tool.
Ironically, asking for more historically accurate images made the results even more historically inaccurate.
For example, Google infamously had to apologise almost a decade ago after its photos app labelled a photo of a black couple as “gorillas”.
Palestinian children are being systematically taught to hate Jewish Israelis and violently resist a Jewish presence in Israel, a comprehensive review of Palestinian school textbooks has found.
Keep going IDF –
UK Terror Watch List at 40,000
UK Standing Army at 80,000
UK Trident Missiles – deployed into the sea.
Framing Today Watch #1 – the narrative is endorsed
TOADY Watch #1 – you’ve ‘ad yer chips
Welsh farmers do not like this climate change & rewilding nonsense that is going to mean they produce less food to
starve‘save the planet’. In the first hour of TOADY it was explained that chip prices (in restaurants and takeaways as well a frozen in bags from supermarkets) will increase by a substantial amount due to bad weather in 2023. The BBC love to conflate Global Warming and Climate Change WITH WEATHER just to confuse their uninformed listeners and viewers.Speaking of which Nick Robinson met his match on TOADY this morning talking to a woman from Just Stop Oil who was plainly and very definitely ‘unhinged’.
I heard before Xmas that 25% of the potato crop in Northern Europe hadn’t been lifted because of the rain. If the weather there has been like that of the UK they still won’t have been lifted and will now have turned to mush in the ground.
They are an expensive crop to grow.
BBC’S NOT A MONSTER (no biased there) ….
“A quick overview as we wait for decision on Begum’s appeal
If you’re just joining us, let’s give you a quick overview about the imminent judgement from the Court of Appeal.
Shamima Begum is set to find out if she has won an appeal against the removal of her British citizenship.
You may remember, the east London schoolgirl travelled to Syria in 2015 to join Islamic State at the age of 15.
Her citizenship was revoked on national security grounds shortly after she was found in a refugee camp in 2019.
Last year, Begum, now 24, lost a challenge against the decision at the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC).
Her lawyers brought a bid to overturn that decision at the Court of Appeal, with the Home Office opposing the challenge.”
The BBC has become too woke for working class viewers who are tuning out from the broadcaster, poll finds
Andrew Lawrence excoriates the cowardly police, parliament and judiciary for appeasing and pandering to islamists.
“We’re in last-chance territory to save our way of life…
Arm the police and military to break up protests by force…
Islamists: integrate or get out.”
Strong words, true words which, tragically, our institutions are far too pusillanimous to act on.
It’s too late, we’ve had it; they’ve won. Get down on your knees, you second class citizens of your own country, you filthy swine dogs, and repeat after me: Allahu akbar.
Vlad, we need to get realistic. Integration is not possible. You cannot integrate one culture with another whose main purpose is to destroy it’s host.
We have no moral obligation to put up with any more of these cultural assaults they call “Diversity”. Polygamy, halal slaughter, mosques.
Muslim voting blocks hired and imported by Labour need to be dealt with. We need a lot of leaders with a lot of courage and a will to be firm. Someone needs to take tough action and IGNORE the howls of subversive leftists and media.
As Atlas Shrugged would say – I can dream can’t I?
Arabs believe economy is weak under democracy
6 July 2022
Arabs are losing faith in democracy to deliver economic stability across the Middle East and North Africa, according to a major new survey.
Nearly 23,000 people were interviewed across nine countries and the Palestinian territories for BBC News Arabic by the Arab Barometer network.
Most agreed with the statement that an economy is weak under a democracy.
The findings come just over a decade after the so-called Arab Spring protests called for democratic change.
@Lucy – You’re right, of course, integration is not possible, any more than crocodiles can integrate with gazelles in a muddy pond.
There is only one real solution: an immediate stop to immigration of the wrong sort, and mass deportation.
Neither of which will ever happen in a million years, so some sort of ghastly compromise of integration and muddling along is probably the best we can hope for. And hey, the odd terror attack is just the price of living in a big city, as our muslim mayor once said.
But the odd attack is not even the worst of it. Worse is the gradual – or not so gradual – takeover of our country. Already Parliament, police, the judiciary, the media are in abject fear. It will only get worse.
For the BBC fact checkers. And maybe our MPs might watch this
TOADY Watch #2 – never mind the Global Warming and increased CO2 …
TOADY totally agog over the moon landing by a private company in the US but using NASA facilities. The BBC are completely oblivious to the fact that these missions use incredible amounts of electricity, with consequent increases of CO2 generated on Earth, let alone the heating of the atmosphere by the rocket’s launch. Then the BBC tell us that humans will be soon landing on the moon as a stepping stone for Mars missions. You cannot have it both ways, BBC; promoting Global Warming and Climate Change and getting enthusiastic over space missions.
The BBC: completely disconnected from reality.
Last chance saloon.
Last territory.
Vote REFORM en masse.
Tories are weak, ineffective and cowardly as it appears are most of UK politicians.
Excellent message from Mr Lawrence earlier.
I note, nothing about death threats on BBC news website as far as I can see. Nothing about attack on democracy. Obviously they will keep on ignoring and hiding the real news from us. The cowardly politicians led by the speaker have brought us to this. They will continue to appease, they will continue to NOT STOP the invasion even though it would be so simple if they really cared for this country. More blood on the streets is almost certain, if not for us then for our children. God I hope I’m wrong.
Some of the politicians will reap what they have sown.
Agreed, but pray inform me what existing legislation/Statutory Instruments/Treaties entered said Reform Party has declared it will immediately dismantle/repeal and or withdraw from?
Amazing silences almost like the BBC with its important omissions.
I read that Bournemouth City Council are about to follow in the lunatic Drakefords footsteps and make the whole area a 20 zone plus banning traffic from many roads. The aim being to get people onto bikes or walking.
The killer is that that apparently they are warning councillors that they are likely to face opposition and backlash astoundingly appearing to claim that they expect this will probably come from certain groups including white, heterosexual men and Christian’s.
If this claim has any foundation whatsoever and was actually issued by some of Bournemouths councillors it is absolutely appalling and cries out for a cull of these Nazi bigots.
I’ll bet that the telephone line between Cardiff and Bournemouth has been well used in preparation. This and all the other impositions by agents of the State and their nonsense cannot go on much longer without serious uprisings and violence around the country I predict. The Police? As in the case of muslim intruders, surely, they’ll stand back and watch…….won’t they……?
No chance, they’ll happily use batons on the ‘far right’, ie us. It’ll be funny to watch them all on all fours with their arses in the air, by command.
Petition to: The Rt Hon Lucy Frazer KC MP – Secretary of State for Culture: Demonetise the BBC
“The BBC is an ideologically dominated Corporation that has wantonly and calculatedly violated its own so-called ‘rules of impartiality’ in order to bring about cultural and social change. Through its woke agenda and demonstrable bias, it is undermining the fabric of British society and is no longer fit for purpose.”
Its just one of many. But all together they make a difference.
Sign the petition: Petition to demonetize the BBC
Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES.
“Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide a nasty refugee pushing a pregnant female refugee and small child onto a train track, the BBC made it look like the border guards were being tough.”
Has the BBC ever hidden news from me …. YES.
“May 2018 the Day of Freedom march was not reported on the main website or the main news channel and is not available on the BBC £3.5bn online search page – other news agencies including the Guardian reported it.”
Has the BBC kept the public in the dark …. YES.
“We know that the UK MP expenses continues and should be investigated with the £3.5bn BBC New Service every year to keep the MPs on their toes, David Lammy bought a bike for £650 on expenses (Claim Ref:387540/17oct2014) which is blatant misuse of Tax Payer Money. How come the BBC don’t check up each year?”
Has the BBC ignored politician’s lies …. YES.
“UK Politicians are on TV shouting austerity and recession but all have taken an 18% pay increase from 2010 to 2018. How can they talk for the people when the live in their own bubble?”
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Has the BBC let journalist break their guidelines …. YES.
“Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his twitter account to say Brexit is bad, EU is good. But not once has he confronted Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage to talk about it. It is a one sided echo chamber.”
OCTOBER 28 2013 …George Osborne, the chancellor, will on Tuesday announce plans for Britain to issue the first Islamic bond outside the Muslim world, as he seeks to turn the City of London into the “unrivalled western centre for Islamic finance”.
FEB 2024 …
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi
Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for
her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her
fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while
Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took
her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she
had an accident.”
“Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take
off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
Breaking up with Mr. Islam by Daniel Greenfield {sultanknish jun2016}
“Shamima Begum LOSES her battle for British citizenship: Appeal judges rule against Jihadi bride who argued she was a victim of trafficking when she fled UK to join ISIS aged 15”
BBC West End Musical coming soon?
Her £ legal £ team £ will be appealing – I wonder if they are Jewish lawyers ….?
Looks like the Muslims in charge of the court listing office screwed up on the ‘complexion ‘ of the bench ….
Her solicitor Daniel Furner said: “We are not going to stop fighting until she does get justice and until she is safely back home.” One of her lawyers, Gareth Peirce, told Sky News home editor Jason Farrell ahead of the hearing: “As long as she is there, it is not the end.”4 hours ago
Shamima kept out: one down, 3,868,133 to go.
Nope, 3,868,134
Now 3,868,135
Oops, 3,868,136
3,868,138 (twins)
That’s great. Now The state should sue her for all the legal aid she’s received to fight her case.
The government must be so pleased. Keep a high profile terrorist sympathiser (at the very least) out whilst letting very low profile ones in by the 10s, or even 100s, of 1000s. Not that they’ll keep her out, all she did was lose an appeal. She’ll be in a 5 bedroom council house before you know it.
You are a sucker for the propaganda if you believe this is a cause for celebration!
The Marxist Tories have wasted £5 Million on greedy Weasel fees and they are funding Begums appeal, but wait you can celebrate that even more of your money is going to be spent on yet another Marxist Tory funded lawyer fest as it goes off to the Supreme court where the Tories wet dreams will be realise and Begum will be allowed back and everyone will blame the judges not the Marxists who have set this entire charade up to make it look like they are doing something their supporters want.
“Shamima Begum today lost a Court of Appeal challenge over the removal of her British citizenship after claiming she was a victim of trafficking – as her lawyer vowed to ‘keep fighting’ until she is ‘safely back home’. “
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Shamima Begum loses and the BBC ….
……. picture her obviously looking quite prosperous and in a civilised setting, so why cannot Shamima remain where she is? Question not asked by the BBC. Why should she be allowed to return to the UK where she might be a burden on the tax system and a possible threat to others?
22 March 2023 Shamima Begum’s best friend, who she says inspired her to join IS, has been tracked down by the BBC having escaped from a detention camp in Syria.
Sharmeena Begum, no relation, dismissed her former friend, who wants to return to the UK, for “living off benefits” and mocked her as a non-believer.
The BBC also found Sharmeena was fundraising online for members of the IS terror group, which is illegal.
A top Syrian commander fears money like this is helping IS to regroup.
Charitable donations to any islamic charity (or even non-muslim charities operating in the Middle East and many parts of Asia and Africa) go towards extremism and terrorism, whether directly or indirectly. Let the rich Oil States look after their own.
Instead, give to a non-woke, UK domestic charity… if you can find one.
Or better still, spend the money on a pint. But not Bud Light.
Anjem Choudary sentenced: judge challenges Islamist extremists who live on benefits while claiming to ‘despise’ the West
6 September 2016 • 10:00pm
Who’s funding these endless appeals?
Why can’t she go live in the country she still has citizenship for.
Eddy, much like the Gazan Palestinians with the rest of the Arab world, nobody wants them and Bangladhesh has removed Shamima Begum’s previous Bangladhesh citizenship.
Funny how many things there are that the UK ‘cant do, because’ that every other country on the planet not only can do, but does. Like looking after its own, for a start.
Remove the ‘possible ‘….
“What is an American XL bully and why are they being banned?”
Supposedly now banning then in Scotland.
I still see them out in public in England , no muzzle, no lead.
Guess they pay a vet to certify they’re not xl or something?
I occasionally walk a normal Bulldog (for an acquaintance).
The dog is gorgeous, she loves cuddles, soft as snow, but gets a few funny looks from people because of the XL bad publicity.
It just shows what yet another Project Fear can do to people.
Friends of ours have Staffordshire Bull Terriers and bigger snugglers you can’t find. My father always had Staffies but with my work I couldn’t get one so guess who’s in the middle of a cuddle pile when we visit, my husband is a snuggle magnet. Can I snuggle your friends bulldog?
Febrile times require dodgy management.
Protecting people from hate and terrorism under the online safety regime
OFCOM as Lord Protector and Hatefinder General? I think not.
Maybe Scruffy Toenails & Brown Bear’s Epic Adventures?
How would you describe the chaos in the Commons?
@bbcnickrobinson and @amolrajan discuss the fallout from this week’s ceasefire vote.
Disgrace! Why are MPs playing politics with the Middle East?
28 whole engagements. Speaking for the nation? Nah.
Get in Hatty? To… ‘discuss’, BBC/Labourstyle
“There is a real issue about MPs’ safety. This is not just snowflakery.”
Labour’s Harriet Harman joined @bbcnickrobinson & @amolrajan on The Today Podcast to discuss the fallout from the ceasefire vote.
🎧 Disgrace! Why are MPs playing politics with the Middle East?
Maybe good ole’ #RefugeesWelcome BBCLabourCooper?
“I dont think we should take seriously Suella Braverman’s comments.”
Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper responds to the former home secretary’s column, which says ‘Islamists are in charge’, as ‘total nonsense’.
‘We’ doing a lot of heavy lifting there. Oh, and… given Labour are not in power… Nah. Got all of 10 replies.
Maybe the BBC is a bit Labour focussed, and that explains the country giving a flying monkeys to their propaganda get-togethers?
Listen: Nick Ferrari asks a squirming Yvette Cooper if she has taken Syrian refugees into her home
8 March 2016, 12:00am
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
So when Yvette gets the home office gig she’ll find out how infiltrated it is by Islam …. Same as the other ministrys – and the C of E of course ….
Is there any party declaration or manifesto you would believe from any party. I think you are intelligent enough to doubt the lot of them.
Reform party appears to be the only right of middle party that has any hope to take seats after the next election if it gains reasonable support now. Any better alternatives? If things get really bad (likely) between now and then there is a chance they may have sufficient seats to make a dint. If things get really, really bad then who knows, we might have an election soon to follow this coming one.
Having returned to Londonistan from the Heaven of Cornwall – I thought I’d catch the 1300 bbc news ….. has Hoyle done the honourable thing yet ? No . Starmer wants him to stay on and the money is the same as the PM – and an untaxed pension I think ….
Anyway – fuel bills might fall in April …. Early today the idiot newsreader on R4 said they will rise by 14% – then corrected herself – unfortunately it woke me up ….
I’d switched off before the isis terrorist fan club got going about ‘get begum home ‘ and they’ll be going to appeal and they’d be going to Europe and the Islamic UN …
I was thinking – all those words the likes of Churchill used to fight foreign aggression doesn’t go far when the enemy is already here ….
Churchill knew what muslims were like but like Enoch no one listened.
Now that ItV and BbC have run the poll about Islamaphobia that each saw universally laughed at, the most divisive Mayor of where broadcasters are based has chirped up with a classic.
Suella Braverman seems to be doing her best to outflank Enoch Powell.
It’s a poisonous attempt to drive a wedge between our communities and serve her own naked ambition.
Now, more than ever, we should be seeking to unite, not divide.
#CCBGB bar his flock, mostly not helping his attempt.
Mrs. #refugeeswelcome Balls and Graun Shot Jess tried the same, with same results.
Annnnnnnd…. Yes…. Sky, Hoyle Slick and… the Far Right.
I hadn’t seen this before. How dare he say the biggest threat is the far right and not once mention the word Islamist😡
He’s either scared still or spinning a lie.
Either way he needs to go.
The politico-media left had it in the bag, and now they are imploding themselves.
“Lindsay Hoyle has blamed White Fundamentalists and the Extreme Far Right for putting MP’s under threat.
Not ONE mention of Muslims, Islam or Asylum Seekers?”
……………………………………………………………………………………….. and in more important news …..
Israel’s Eurovision entry under scrutiny over alleged reference to Hamas
According to the Israel Hayom newspaper, the song references the victims of the 7 October Hamas attacks, with lyrics including: “They were all good children, each one of them.”
Eurovision organiser The EBU said it was currently assessing the song.
The contest’s rules forbid political messages, in a gesture to neutrality.
HA HA HA HA HA! The whole Euro vision is a political football!!!
You have to see it.
Tensions are high over MPs’ safety with protestors outside houses and Hoyle’s claims that he broke with proper procedure on Wednesday out of fears for security. MPs are jittery when talking about taxpayer-funded security for their homes – details of what is spent on what equipment is kept private so as to not identify properties.
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration. – UK GOV AND RISHI IS FAILING!
Things just got real.
Is it fine in Britain to call for the destruction of Pakistan? Pakistan was created within a year of Israel. It has been responsible for terrible wars, aggression and ongoing persecution of minorities. Would calling for its destruction be OK for community relations in the UK @metpoliceuk?
I might sit this out an await BBC Verify to explain it for me.
“…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
– Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007
The United States has announced more than 500 new sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine and the death in custody of the opposition figure Alexei Navalny.
The sanctions target people connected to Navalny’s imprisonment and Russia’s war machine, President Joe Biden said.
Export restrictions will be imposed on nearly 100 firms or individuals.
The EU also announced sanctions, which Moscow responded to by banning EU officials from entering Russia.
It is unclear what impact the sanctions will have on Russia’s economy.
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, India’s refiners have been snapping up discounted Russian oil. Moscow has since become India’s leading source of crude oil, accounting for about 36% of the South Asian nation’s crude imports.8 Feb 2024
That can’t be Biden, he couldn’t lift his arm up that high.
I reckon he could, but the phrase would be beyond him.
Maybe with an autocue, an earpiece and a prompter?
And an ice-cream as reward? Or a young girl to sniff?
BBC N. America might have a problem.
The FCC just ordered every broadcaster to start posting a race & gender scorecard that breaks down the demographics of their workforce.
Activists lobbied for this b/c they want to see businesses pressured into hiring people based on their race & gender.
Courts have already overturned the FCC *twice* for pressuring broadcasters into making hiring decisions in violation of the Constitution.
I dissent.…
London, 23 February – In response to a complaint by independent climate researcher Paul Homewood, the Met Office has acknowledged that “there is no evidence yet for an increase in wind gust strengths, although these are projected to increase with future climate change.” !
Except its a false claim…. the Met Office still refuses to retract a false claim made by one of its senior meteorologists on BBC Radio 5 last month, that storms in the UK are getting “more intense” due to climate change.
In its response, the Met Office also referred to its own UK Storm activity report which clearly states that “there is no compelling trend in maximum gust speeds recorded in the UK since 1969.”
You do wonder what is going on with British institutions so keen to publish falsehoods to suit an agenda. BBC happy to publish anything that fits the globalist climate agenda claim. No investigative journalism, no questions asked. Paul Holmwood broke the news: now supported by other independent reports, including GWPF.
The bulk of the population tend to be influenced by what they see and hear from national news broadcasters including the BBC. The BBC are very aware of this so are able and willing to promote or ignore stories for instance concerning climate change depending on whether those stories align with the BBC’s stance. Multiply this by most national news outlets and we end up with half-truths put forward as gospel and blanket silence on non-conforming news items.
it’s not by accident this happens, it’s a deliberate misinformation campaign projected by the very organisations that should be upholding truth and clarity on all matters.
The only conclusion is that they just don’t care being liers if it pushes and supports their agenda.
Not the UK I thought I lived in!
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
“I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result.” – Eric Blair
I’m a bit surprised at some above posts asserting that Hoyle was worried about the Far Right, as for the last 48 hours, the whole emphasis was on the threat to Labour MPs for not voting for a ceasefire. That doesn’t sound like the Far Right. That sounds like the Far Left pro-Palestinian activists from the Socialist Workers Party and others.
Meanwhile the head honcho of the Prevent strategy has come under pressure from pretty much the same activists ( two buttocks from the same a***) for suggesting that the focus on the Far Right in that context was wildly misjudged, being totally out of kilter with the suggestion by MI5 that most of their workload is concerned with Islamic terror plots and not the Far Right.
Could it be that the reality is slowly starting to penetrate the thick numbskulls who have fed us peace and love and multiculturalism these past years? It would be nice to think so but I’m not holding my breath.
Not least because the BBC1 news this lunchtime featured Shamima Begun’s bid for UK citizenship. The appeal court have ruled against. (No prizing for guessing the taxpayer foots the huge bill for this nonsense). The BBC then show a lengthy diatribe of heartstrings hankies-out sentimental guff from her lawyer without any counter argument whatever.
Pass the sick bag.
Well Hoyle just outed him self as a complete and utter c***
on youtube Ive suddenly got a load of lying muslims on various talk tv channels gaslighting me about a massive recent rise in islamaphobia
and Ive just heard one describe “from the river to the sea” as a random statement of geography
the spineless politicians appear to have kicked of a right old sh*t storm in need of a well funded coverup
Three teachers hide in Batley in tolerant UK.
Sluff, excellent.
I would add that the political class, who for 70-odd years have fed us the immigration is good myth, are finally realising that it has immense dangers for individuals, communities, institutions, and the nation as a sovereign entity.
I don’t feel sorry for those spineless Labour MPs who came under intense pressure from intimidating activists to support a ceasefire in Gaza.
Winston Churchill was writing about the baleful religion of Islam in 1899. Enoch Powell warned about mass immigration in 1968. The London dockers and many other ordinary workers who marched in support of him instinctively knew we couldn’t live with these backward fanatics in the same society. But the political class dismissed all these voices as bigots and opened the gates even wider.
Now this same political class are getting threatened and are too scared to use their own judgement when they vote.
I would laugh at the poetic justice of it all but we are in a very dangerous and worrying time for our democracy.
For years now, anyone supporting Trump has been ridiculed, verbally abused and treated as a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal at best, or a racist Nazi fascist at worst, by the likes of the BBC.
How refreshing, then, to hear Bojo (who himself took some disgusting cheap shots at Trump) tell The Sun:
“When you look back at Trump’s last term in office there is little doubt the world felt safer and calmer and more stable.” Let me highlight those words: safer, calmer, more stable.
“Right now much of the world is craving the stability that goes with strong and decisive American leadership”.
And remember all the cr*p about ‘the adults being back in the room’ when Biden won?
Liz Truss: “The USA under Biden has projected weakness.” Weakness.
I don’t want to say we told you so, but by God, WE TOLD YOU SO!!! The world is in meltdown under this woke joke of a President.
2022 …. We are playing Strong Horse/Weak Horse, as articulated by Osama bin Laden twenty years ago, and as quoted shortly thereafter in the front of America Alone:
When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.
Strong Horse/Weak Horse is a subtler concept than you might think: for example, waddling down an Afghan street in the full Robocop is not a Strong Horse thing, not when you’ve been occupying the country for twenty years and the guys you’re losing to ride around in the back of pick-ups with no body armor other than a full beard and a shalwar kameez.
Osama may even be overstating things: you don’t have actively to like the Strong Horse; you simply have to recognize that the other guy is the Weak Horse, and therefore a bad bet for your future. And Weak Horse status can get conferred incrementally:
~China swallows Hong Kong with nary a peep of protest from the west: Weak Horse;
~The Wuhan Institute of Virology infects the planet and pays no price from America and Europe: Weak Horse;
~Washington approves Russian pipeline to Germany while canceling Canadian pipeline to America,and then begs the miraculously resurrected Opec to increase production – which they decline to do: Weak Horse.
Words fail me.
On Toady this morning, they decided to tackle the issue of activists door-stepping MPs and holding demos outside their homes by interviewing…….errrrr……a leading light of Just Stop Oil.
It was like a real life example of the old Private Eye column with revolutionary Marxist Dave Spart. Needless to say, Rick Knobson gave her pretty much a free ride. Her ‘world is going to end’ message was repeated yet attracted no comment at all.
I hope Mr Knobson will only be walking and cycling to work from now on.
‘world is going to end’ – just stop oil = world will end as no plastic used in the NHS!
MM, you get some drugs and cleaning products through oil. The NHS will end even if the world does not. No amount of clapping on doorsteps can counteract that.
“£4 billion of unusable PPE bought in first year of pandemic will be burnt “to generate power” PAC also voices concerns about risk of further questionable payouts as NHS commissioning restructured under upcoming reforms.10 Jun 2022”
IIRC Tim was/is very much a studio gob?
Unfortunately on his walk, Tim Walker didn’t see 7/7, the murder of Lee Rigby or Sir David Amess, an arson attack at Mike Freer’s office, the Manchester Arena attack, the London Bridge attacks, the school teacher in hiding or threats sent to MPs. So there’s no problem apparently.
#CCBGB for the entire Westminster/w1a/Islington class.
How does Raisin Brane know?
I get more abuse, threats and racism than most MPs. So I don’t say this lightly.
And to be clear: no-one in public life should have their safety threatened, nor be subject to unacceptable abuse.
But I find the debate about public engagement with MPs concerning. Here’s why. 1/10
Again, #CCBGB
A more experienced Labour person of some bits, not others (inside the brain pan for one) has gone with what might have been #prasnews on the BBC, from an old friend.
But get this, who do you think the BBC uses to support their claim, why Tell Mama who in 2013 saw its Government funding axed in 2013 after it lied that abuse against Muslims had exploded after the murder of Lee Rigby.
The Labour/bbc pr management relationship is disastrous for this country.
Zarah Sultana MP
7. (i) Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital
From 12 November 2021, Zarah Sultana Campaigns Ltd. (Registered 27 March 2023)
Name of donor: Progressive International
Address of donor: 71-75 Shelton Street, London WC2H 9JQ
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights £1,100, accommodation £480, translation £300 and transportation £200, total value £2,080
Destination of visit: Brazil
Dates of visit: 27-31 October 2022
Purpose of visit: To observe the final round of Brazil’s presidential elections.
Name of donor: Liverpool Football Club and Athletic Grounds Limited
Address of donor: Anfield Road, Liverpool, Merseyside L4 0TH
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two matchday tickets and hospitality, value £700
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: 128 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8TN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £4,716.66 to cover the costs of my annual 2020 newsletter and other correspondence with constituents
This is fun, in a horrifying way.
Polly Toynbee has said in today’s Guardian that ‘Splitting Labour was the whole purpose of the SNP calling an opposition day debate on Gaza.’. How wrong can she be? It was actually guided by the desire for a ceasefire and she is shockingly blind to that fact.
One of the globalists – roll it out worldwide – policies
The chemical cosh:
“Germany legalises cannabis, but makes it hard to buy”
“Health Minister Karl Lauterbach..
.. wants to undermine the black market, protect smokers from contaminated cannabis and cut revenue streams for organised crime gangs.”
…and have users cosh themselves around the head, so they’re almost comatose , docile and easy to manage.
Except for a few who develop paranoid mental health issues , but they’ll come in handy too, for terrorising the rest of the population.
While they might sound grotty, these mobile homes are a common sight across Germany and a favourite with long-distance truck drivers. And it’s all totally legal under German law.
As part of our investigation into the country’s legal sex trade, The Sun visited the Am Eifeltor, a sprawling road in the industrial heart of Cologne, on a busy Friday night.
With Brit tourists being ushered away from Amsterdam’s red-light district, more and more are flocking to the west German city, which is famed for its mega-brothels and FKK clubs.
Sex Taxes collector in Germany …
It’ll be funny when these same arseholes will want protecting from the (already here) enemy, which they appear not to know is the Islamists. They will want the ‘far right’ to do that. They will then learn that the ‘far right’ are a myth dreamt up by idiots. Useful ones at that.
“Online extremism is a growing threat and this case sadly is a prime example; where a young man from Merseyside has become radicalised online, without ever having left his bedroom.”
Friends said he would talk about a fatwa calling for the death of author Salman Rushdie, while drinking a pint of cider
A Tory MP and former levelling-up Minister has published analysis that suggests:
– Over the long-term a large proportion of those who have come to the UK have not been net taxpayers.
– In London, 67% of private rented households were headed by someone born overseas; the growth of (London) population accounted for by migration was greater than the growth of the housing stock.
– As a result, existing residents have faced the downsides on housing without getting the upsides of a net tax contribution.
And still our government will not admit we have a problem.
Our government will not admit WE have a problem because THEY have never had the problem. Things really are changing rapidly and these vacuous bastards are starting to find out that they are not immune. I, for one, have no sympathy. Labour will, of course, accelerate the whole islamic takeover because they have a large Muslim power base and are also appeasers. Bye bye Britain, hello caliphate. It’s got to the stage that I welcome it, for a change we will all know exactly where stand from the word go.
It must be a decade ago or more that the BBC webshite ran an articles showing that people had to earn £27,000 a year to be tax-neutral, that is the cost of tax-funded rebates, subsidies, healthcare, education, childcare etc on average equalled the tax take in income tax, national insurance, and VAT at that level of earnings.
Given that many immigrants are recruited to fill low paid jobs it is self evident they were never going to be cost effective to the nation. A con from day one.
“41% of Londoners were born outside of the UK, compared to 13% of people in the rest of England. West London has the highest proportion – with 47% of residents not born in the UK, followed by Central London (44%).”
“Ten years ago researchers studying the health of more than 30,000 people in Bradford found that about 60% of babies in the Pakistani community had parents who were first or second cousins, but a new follow-up study of mothers in three inner-city wards finds the figure has dropped to 46%.18 Nov 2023”
Alf, Sir William Shawcross has admitted we have a problem.
You can take the Strumpet out of the bbc…
I see award winning, courageous ‘journalist’ @maitlis quietly deleted her tweets about @danwootton
Zero apologies naturally.
From the website of Shamima Begum’s legal representatives:
. . . wherever possible our work is funded by legal aid. With effect from 1st April 2013 the coalition government removed Legal Aid funding from most non-asylum immigration work. We continue to do asylum work under legal aid and also other immigration work that remains in scope for legal aid, or where legal aid can be obtained under Exceptional Case Funding, subject to the applicant meeting the necessary requirements.
Mischal Useless Hussein presented the BBC 1 6 pm news.
She was not her usual smarmy self. She was pale, grumpy, unsmiling, deadpan, monotone.
Was this because her fellow Muslim, Shamima Begun, was not granted permission to come back to the UK?
I think we should be told.
More likely because the decade long BBC/Labour plan is unravelling hourly.
Cranebridge University Purfessor has trouble spelling FullPoof in his new book:
Am having terrible truble with my kreyboard. It is eating all those marmalade sandwidches.
Absolutely disgusting feature on the London news of the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation, lamenting the rise in anti-Muslim ‘hate crimes’.
Mentioned only in passing, the rise in antisemitic hate crime.
Not mentioned at all. The number of Jews versus the number of Muslims in London. Which kind of puts the raw numbers in context. Which the BBC obviously don’t want to state.
And just in case anyone thinks I am being unfair, the next feature is about Red Nose Day, with an interview with …….errrrr……a woman Muslim ‘comedian’ in full-on Muslim garb.
You absolutely cannot make it up.
BBC ….
£101K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will offer a supplementary school with an
educational outreach service focussed on helping parents
improve academic support for their children. The project
aims for children to improve success at school, increase
confidence and aspirations (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£28K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 3 year grant will provide Somali children experiencing
poverty and poor educational attainment with a
supplementary school and confidence-building workshops to
improve attainment, build self-confidence, and develop
better relationships.
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Supplementary lessons at weekends during term time for 75
local Bangladeshi and Somali young people in the Tower
Hamlets area. Children will feel more included in their
communities, increase their confidence and increase positive
£30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
Funding for support work for 150 5-18 year olds with special
education needs from minority ethnic (Somali WOmen) backgrounds. The
project aims to increase children’s ability to manage negative
feelings, to further their self-expression and reduce social
£54K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will provide supplementary education to young
people from the Somali community, who live in areas of
poverty, unemployment and low levels of literacy and
aspiration. It will improve educational attainment,
communication skills and confidence
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
employment and education opportunities.
£21K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This project will deliver educational support for disabled
Somali children and those experiencing local deprivation. The
children and young people will gain academic skills,
confidence and improve their physical well-being.
£15K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
The project will provide holiday activities to children, young
people and their families who have been affected by the
Grenfell Tower tragedy. The activities will improve children’s
well-being, support stronger family bonds and broaden
horizons. (Midaye Somali Development
Network )
£10K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
This 1 year grant will provide supplementary education in
English, Maths and Science to Somaili children with low
educational attainment to increase attainment, empower
BBC Children in Need
Grant Funded Projects
London and South East England
As at November 2017
Click to access CN0187_Grants_Listings_London_and_South_East_England.pdf
Has Shemema B turned to Christianity yet ?
Justin Welby is sill looking.
Welby will be glad to assist.
I am old enough to remember comedian Bernie Winters.
Did he have a love child ?