I would like to ask Kevin Peachey the BBC financial
correspondent on the internet. Why EVERY image
on the main BBC internet page features a black
Getty’s advertising model on cost of living subjects.
Does the diversity department of the BBC insist on this?
Does Getty’s employ any indigenous British models for
this subject. With 5% of the population being black.
Are they the only ones suffering from the cost of living
crisis? Or is it that the BBC’S woke agenda is to push
whities face into the ground!
Having ventured into what is purportedly the “second most visited UK city” – Bath, yesterday – I was struck by the quantity and quality of street sleepers begging…
In some cases it might well be lifestyle choices of the ill or inadequates – but that doesn’t I feel explain what I saw. The smug twerps in our MSM and public sector should have their debit cards removed and be handed tatty old sleeping bags for say a month to live the dream….
Wishi + Smarmer could use a dose too.
The emerging chaos + pathos is being foisted on everyone.
Bit of a double-edged sword here.
Genuine British homeless rough sleepers deserve our sympathy and consideration.
But in a certain town near me which is tourist central, many beggars have homes in the suburbs. They commute in each day and sit in carefully chosen prime locations begging. It’s not a bad living if you can make £30 k.
There’s undoubtedly an element of what you describe. Remember the Cornish beggar who drove a BMW to the outskirts of St. Ives and changed into his work clothes? He was purportedly making more than £30k…
Bath has had a low level of tourist beggars since the late 1980s. They never congregated outside Morrisons and set up camp in defunct shop doorways.
Funny how the British Councils and Government ignore the ‘life-style choice’ of our own people, but bend over backwards to hand out everything to illegal immigrants who admit they come here for a ‘life-style choice’!
By the GE, the money tree will undoubtedly be bare of fruit, leaves, lower branches and most of its woodwork, so Rachel Reeves had better rush off and get some sort of qualification for her new ‘job’ in No 11!
I’d think that an interview with a lightweight-leftie Beeboid like Chris Mason (see earlier), is another of her mistakes, but don’t tell the lad as he doesn’t understand it all either!
Steve Allen, who was kicked out of LBC, presumably to let more idiots like Lammy do rubbishy stuff, used to tell the stories of the people carriers dropping off the beggars in Twickenham, then picking them up each evening!
On UK news — “Deliveroo rider bites off Aldershot customer’s thumb”
After an altercation over a food delivery “Mr Jenkinson’s thumb was severed just above the knuckle. ‘The force with which she must have been biting, she’d clean taken it off,’ he said, adding it was as if he had ‘gone through a chainsaw’”.
All part and parcel of living in Aldershot? The BBC want us to know: “Rocha was in the UK legally and had the right to work here.” Thank goodness she wasn’t a violent foreigner smuggled in by boat, but instead was a violent foreigner with some papers from the Home Office.
” Brazilian born Rocha, who has citizenship in the UK until 2028 ”
“A Deliveroo rider bit off a customer’s thumb during a blazing row after she delivered his £57 Pizza Express order to the wrong address. ‘
Daily mail
GBNews brought up the subject of Deliveroo/whatever transferable accounts some weeks ago.
Not only are most of these nutter scooterists likely uninsured, I bet many are driving on someone else’s provisional licence. God help you if you have an accident with one.
A propos delivery driver accidents, I was on the top deck of a bus in Surbiton a year or so ago and was surprised on hearing a noise and looking down to see a scooter delivery driver sliding along the opposite carriageway, still holding his mobile phone. The bus had been passing a parked car before pulling into a stop and the scooterist tried to pass it at speed. When he realised the bus had been obscuring a traffic island he dropped the scooter rather than drive straight into oncoming traffic. He was in a bad way, couldn’t move his legs at all. Dumb passers by ignored pleas not to move him.
The ambulance arrived…luckily it wasn’t electric.
The Islamic Broadcasting Corporation think we should feel more sorry for Muslims than we do.
So, on the BBC1 10 pm news the main feature is the civil war in Sudan, the ‘forgotten war’ according to the BBC.
Name-checked are Mohammed, Abdallah, and Jamal, who have all dies and are buried in the former town square.
To be fair, it all looks pretty awful, but I didn’t notice an equivalent priority for the recent abduction of Christian women and children by Boko Haram in northern Nigeria. But then again, are any of us surprised?
For some weird reason, BBC Londonistan have been featuring potholes today. Cue a cyclist who was severely injured when he came off his bike. A pro-cycling advocate was filmed saying that potholes are an inconvenience to motorists but dangerous to cyclists.
Yes, even with this story, the BBC focus is on the eco-loon cyclists. The fact that motorists outnumber cyclists at any given time on the road by around 100 to 1 and it’s how we all actually get around outside the Broadcasting House insular bubble is clearly of no importance to the green-obsessed BBC.
I have never been to Mogadishu, but I bet its roads are better than the main arterial road that runs from Henley’s corner on the North Circular to Barnet. If the BBC wanted to do something useful, they could do an investigation on Barnet Council and its inability to mend roads.
Even the Chennai to Madurai main road in India gives most UK roads a good run for their money in terms of road surface and maintenance. We are absolutely pathetic.
The green eco-zealots have totally taken over the civil service, local councils, much of the government. They don’t want to spend ANY money on roads as it might ‘encourage car use’. I once saw that in writing from the council traffic department manager.
Great for warming the planet —meanwhile let’s close our roads ….. I reckon if there is still a Britain in – say – 50 years – they’ll look back at ‘now ‘ and say ‘what the hell were they thinking ?’ On just about every subject …..
Britain – A country on the road to self destruction
Nick Lowles
, LUFC fan, cricket mad and traveller. Tweeting in personal capacity. “Antifascists fight, antifascists do” nick@hopenothate.org.uk
hopenothate.org.ukJoined April 2012
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The BBC and the rest of the MSM trying to brand Richard Tice, Farage and Reform UK as "far right" shows how corrupt coverage of the election will be. You can only trust the independent media. I will have my first dispatch from inside Reform tomorrow at https://t.co/y0jtAuvcYJ
Chakrabati – “The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism. Further, it is
the party that initiated every single United Kingdom race equality law”
Mr Corbyn is suspended from being a Labour MP and sits as an independent following a row over antisemitism. The former Labour leader called it a “shameful attack on party democracy”.28 Mar 2023
………as, let us not forget, is leading mathematician Dianne Abbott, also suspended for allegations of anti-Semitism.
Something the BBC managed not to mention during their prolonged recent furore over alleged hurty words in private meetings five years ago.
Labour suspended Ms Abbott, who now sits as an independent MP, over alleged antisemitic comments. Ms Abbott withdrew her remarks and apologised “for any anguish caused”.3 days ago
She was suspended by Labour in April 2023 having written in the Observer newspaper that Irish, Jewish and Traveller people “undoubtedly experience prejudice”, which she said is “similar to racism”.
“But they are not all their lives subject to racism,” she added.
I see from Twitter that most media thought today’s 2 big apologies not newsworthy
.. the stories getting the big Likes on Twitter were from GBnews
#1 The BBC apologising for labelling Reform as Far Right
#2 Kings Cross Station apologising for using it’s huge message board for Ramadan Hadith messages, when it’s clear that is unfair and disproportionate, as it has no intention of putting up Easter or Lent messages the same way
Another step in the shameful takeover of our country by Islamofascism.
Kings Cross Station displays a daily Hadith (sayings of a medieval caravan robber, torturer and murderer).
I wonder if they’ll get around to the ones about killing Infidels and Jews?
Some comments:
– Imagine going from ruling the world to getting ruled by the 3rd world in such a short time.
– London is dead, Its not an English city anymore, Its something else entirely. They won’t stop until they do the same in every other English city.
– If you abandon your faith, tradition and culture, be prepared for someone to impose theirs on you…
– I am black, and even I wouldn’t go to the UK. It looks like fucking Baghdad now.
So it’s OK to sin as long as you pretend to be sorry for it after.
Which would be in the police station just before you are released with just a warning after doing something racist which would have put a white person in jail.
I wonder how many Muslim countries show Christian ‘lessons’ like that in public. Whoever did it would by lynched by a mob. But we don’t talk about that because it’s racist.
Sometimes (but not often) The Guardian presents the truth far more honestly than the BBC. I think it must be because their staff ‘choose the Guardian’ as opposed to ‘The BBC choose their staff’ and hence they have more of a mix.
‘Republican lawmakers held President Joe Biden responsible for the disastrous exit, while Democrats blamed the Trump administration’s deal with the Taliban.
But the two generals seemed unwilling to back either party’s argument.’
Same as COVID starting in a Chinese lab : the Left will claim black is white just to say the opposite of whatever Trump says because they are driven by hatred.
It’s crystal clear proof that the Left do not care about ‘truth’ whatsoever. For them, it’s whatever their agenda dictates it needs to be. They are the ultimate hypocrites : they will pretend to be anything at all if it suits their agenda. Hence all the virtue signalling for BAME etc.
They always remind me of Robert Duvall in ‘Apocalypse now’ where he is giving water to an injured enemy soldier because nobody else will. But the second he learns ‘Lance the surfer’ is there, he just drops him into the mud and walks off having instantly forgotten him because it was all just an act.
They are ethically barren activist scum who don’t actually care about anything or anyone except themselves and what THEY think.
Oh hell – inflation has fallen ( yeah really ?) but the price of my heroin fix is going up – and even worse they are banning my man made drugs – but at least I’ve got me vapes and fags …
No wonder there’s a survey saying kids are miserable / ‘mentally challenged / special needs . Free drugs for all – NHS to deal …..
Another week free of ‘Today ‘ …
A couple we know moved into a retirement flat last year. They told us they were getting ahead of the game as didn’t want to leave it until it was too late. We had a long chat with them at a concert.
Three weeks later he dropped dead at 72. He had been fit and healthy with no underlying conditions.
I wonder how tricky it is going to be for governments to get populations injected next time – as various inquiries across the world find patterns of premature / unexplained deaths – plus long term effects ?
Will they just distract people – or ignore it ?
I guess the next pandemic will be a real frightener – but I wonder if it will be real ? Bearing in mind it is going to take ages for state finances to be re built ( if ever ) the cost of furlough and fraud and lockdowns may well break economies completely …
But maybe the Chinese / Russians / Americans – won’t hit us with a bug for a few years yet …
I wonder how many kids who haven’t gone to Eton have died suddenly playing sports …?
“Let’s say together — me, you, and thousands of other Londoners — that despite Brexit, London will always be open to the world, proud of our diversity and inclusive to everyone. (except Jews)”
IMHO the guy is a mental case who wouldn’t have got to kill he plotted to, even though he had filmed his bomb making experiments
But key thing is there are more of them out there unless they are all undercover police.
… “On another platform called Telegram, he exchanged messages with others who shared his hatred of government in groups called Earth Militia, Total Earth Liberation and Neo Luddite Action
Graham was the administrator for a number of chatrooms on the encrypted Telegram app, including one called Total Earth Liberation Group, with 150 members, into which he shared his bomb-making manual.
Graham told police he was “left-wing” but “more like an anarchist”, adding: “I don’t like the idea of a central control and I don’t really like the monarchy.”
His ideal government would be the size of “Merseyside or Liverpool”,
he said, adding he supported the Green Party and was an “environmentalist” who did not like the way “corporations act and how they damage the Earth”.
A third of parcels that came into the US last year under a shipping loophole known as the de minimis threshold were from Temu and competitor Shein, according to a report from US Congress.
Many countries – including the UK and USA have a de minimis threshold, designed to help citizens to import goods.
So as Temu’s goods are shipped directly from the factory floors, cutting out the middlemen, they become essentially duty-free. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68563339
“shipping loophole known as the de minimis threshold” = “ship from factory” = “essentially duty-free.”
China wins the economic war without one shot fired!
In between the IBC banging on about their latest Muslim cause, civil war in Sudan, they report that inflation is down to 3.4%. This is unequivocally good news.
But what is the betting the BBC will present it in a ‘yes but’ style.? With voxpop interviews with old biddies (some may even be white) saying ‘everything is still going up, I can’t afford the bills, prices are terrible, I have to snuggle under a blanket with the heating off’ etc etc.
When there is good news, the BBC just have to work a little harder to emphasise the doom and gloom.
See you later.
‘Try telling someone they’re better off under the Tories when they can plainly see the holes in their pockets getting bigger. So big in fact they can see the holes in the toes of their shoes’.
‘My food shop, car insurance, home insurance, council tax, water rates, car tax, petrol at the pump are ALL skyrocketing & are simply becoming unaffordable’.
‘”Overall prices were still higher than they were a year or two years ago”
I’ll say… in some cases nearly 100% higher…’
‘My Council Tax is going up 12% this year – partly blamed on inflation. Now it’s coming down will they reduce it? I think not.’
Perhaps the latter poster might decide to vote accordingly.
Though in many of those areas the population, on benefits or in council houses won’t be affected, so they can keep voting for profligate spending they don’t have to pay for.
…an embarrassing and expensive rebranding (FT) – nope, this doesn’t refer to the Tories ditching their patriotic, socially conservative Red Wall voters and leaving them in the lurch, in exchange for infringing on the Liberal Democrat party’s yellow-tinged preserve, by chasing votes from the left-liberal bleeding heart south – this is instead: Tesco loses logo fight… The supermarket has lost an appeal against a ruling that its Clubcard logo infringed Lidl’s trademark (FT)
If only government managerial mistakes and overspends had some real life consequence as in the private sector: UK’s asylum propsals ‘cost more than hotels’ Sunak’s plans to save public money in tatters after Whitehall watchdog finds they cost £46m more (Guardian); Asylum cost overshoot… the conversion of former military bases and a barge to accommodate asylum seekers has cost £46mn more than hotels (FT) – this from: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak outlines vision to ensure every young person has the maths skills they need to succeed.(Gov.UK)
PE teachers retraining in maths to fill school gaps (BBC)
I’m looking forward to ex-PM Rishi making a guest appearance on the TV quiz show Countdown prior to his sodding off to the States to exercise his now slightly dog-eared Green Card.
Tories narrowly back Sunak to lead party… an opinion poll reveals (Telegraph) – are there really still some potential Tory voters somewhere out there? A survey presumably carried out within the confines of a rather small telephone kiosk. (Telephone kiosk – there’s one for the teenagers)
And as for the only realistic alternative on offer under our two party Blarite orthodoxy: Reeves recalls Brown’s fiscal rule with pledge to borrow only for investment… Economists remain sceptical (FT)
We’re in the era of the intractable problem – observes the globalist FT’s Janan Ganesh adding to the general air of pessimism abroad – while the pink paper is apparently sticking to its corporate left-liberal woke guns: Orwell would recognise anti-ESG doublethink… How to do climate policy in the age of the green backlash. Too many activists fret about a lack of ‘political will’… How many people do you think would be willing to give away 1 per cent of their household income every month to fight global warming? Here’s a clue: it’s not 20 per cent or 40 per cent of the global population. It’s 69 per cent according to a striking study by four European economists that came out last week. (Pilita Clark, FT)
A dubious conclusion to a questionable study if ever I heard one. Our Pilita does make this striking remark: People are less likely to act for the common good if they think everyone else is free-riding. (FT)
I’m getting distinct ‘nudge unit’ type vibes here – convince the population of plebs that everyone loves green policies and green taxes and the population will be nudged toward loving green policies and green taxes. Our George Orwell might have termed this sort of thinking as… triple-think…?
And there was me naively drawing a distiction between our managerial elite in public and private sectors: Diageo names civil service boss as next chairman… Sprits maker Diageo has appointed Sir John Manzoni… The Gordon’s, Smirnoff and Guinness maker said Manzoni was appointed for “his outstanding track record of leadership”… In 2014 Manzoni was appointed as the civil service’s first ever chief executive (Evening Standard)
Five-day work from home deals for pampered mandarins as civil servants make mockery of calls to return to the office: Taxpayer-funded quango staff get 10,000 days WFB (Working From the Beach) (Daily Mail)
Civil servants prefer to work in the office just two days a week (Telegraph)
Gov spends £590k to gauge staff opinions on WFH & office returns …with only 3% of them wanting to return to the office after the pandemic. (a welcome debut hereabouts for HR Grapevine. However that trademark Mr AsI little editorial correction is in order: 3% of them wanting to return to the office after the pandemic Lockdown – Lockdown was of course a policy choice – not an inevitability in either intensity or duration)
Where were we…? Ah yes the revolving door between public and private sectors…
A flurry of recent news stories has raised controversy about ex-ministers and senior civil servants passing through ‘the revolving door’- moving from government service into well-remunerated positions in the private sector. But at least such moves are overseen by the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments whose requirements seem to be taken seriously even though they are not binding. (Gov.UK in rather complacent mood, I think you’ll agree)
Sliding Doors was a 1998 romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Peter Howitt and starring Gwyneth Paltrow (Thank you Wiki)
From the old boys club to the: All boy’s club: Garrick list is revealed… fuelling fresh criticism of its men-only membership policy – snarks the Evening Standard in a mood of feminist high dudgeon; Roll-call of male-only organisation includes many of the legal profession’s most power people – tut-tuts a disapproving Guardian aiming no doubt to name and shame the legal profession into their woke orthodxy
Deal, no deal?
Not that one realistically aspires to the salmon and cucumber striped tie of membership, a la Stephen Fry, Michael Gove, Brian Cox, Mark Knopfler, among many such luminaries – but how about this for a fair trade ladies… you stop trying to batter down the doors to one our few surviving men-only spaces and in return we’ll support you feminists to protect your women-only safe spaces from those predatory weirdo trannies we hear so much about these days?
“ And as for the only realistic alternative on offer under our two party Blarite orthodoxy: Reeves recalls Brown’s fiscal rule with pledge to borrow only for investment… Economists remain sceptical (FT)”
And I recall Blair’s ‘Babes’ (oxymoron there!), (including Mr Yvette Cooper-Bollox) simpering whilst chatting to, not responding to forensic questioning of, Al Beeb’s churnalists and telling us, ie lying to us, that Gument debt was being repaid. Problem was it was being redrawn at a greater extent than repayment.
But we didn’t have Our Marianna of the Rack back then, did we?
“moving from government service into well-remunerated positions in the private sector. But at least such moves are overseen by the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments whose requirements seem to be taken seriously even though they are not binding. (Gov.UK in rather complacent mood, I think you’ll agree)”
. . . . . .
Philip Hammond firm that worked for Saudi declares £600,000 dividend
This article is more than 2 months old
Matrix Partners, which former chancellor set up after leaving office, makes pre-tax profits of £2.5m since 2020
The Lords register shows he earned £274,525 providing advice on fiscal and economic reforms to the government of Bahrain in 2021-22 and made a further £6,250 as a consultant for the investment arm of the state of Ku
” The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; migrants gather at coastal ports in West Africa and South Asia and swarm into Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman; millions of black Africans from around the continent gather at the Limpopo River and invade South Africa; and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants as they overrun Siberia.”
As each day passes I’ve come to a stronger and stronger conclusion that devolution and Mayorships have been a complete disaster. Devolution has driven divisiveness, have you ever seen more open hate for Britain from the Scottish and Welsh? There is also an implicit inequity in there being Welsh and Scottish MP’s in the British Parliament when they have their own Parliaments.
The Scottish and Welsh populations have more money given to them per head than English people, money that’s spent on woke nonsense, vanity projects and corruption. Much the same can be said regarding the various Metropolitan administrations particularly the London one. We are living in an era of money being sucked into Scotland, Wales and the Cities at the cost of rural communities.
In retrospect, the computerised boat in the movie Titanic looked more believable than the one Nicola Sturgeon stood in front of the day she ‘launched’ the Glen Sannox ferry, almost six years ago. With its famously painted on windows and oddly delicate looking bulbous bow – one of many parts subsequently replaced as it was found not to be fit for purpose – we can look back now and wonder who they were trying to kid with their fakery.
I believe it’s a Mayorality and it was an initiative by the Far Left Socialist Workers Party affiliate David Cameron in order to hand control of the Police and other functions to the Labour party in every major city.
Something else he did which is not often talked about was to block a monopolies and mergers investigation into the Mirror groups acquisition of regional newspapers meaning that now almost every local newspaper is Labour supporting instead of independant.
David Cameron said to have made about $10m from Greensill Capital – 2 years old
BBC Panorama says it has obtained documents showing ex-PM received sum partly from cashing in shares
“If he does, these new, remote bodies (Wales and Scotland) will be encouraged to deal direct with Brussels and bypass what remains of the Government in London, which will gradually be drained of all power and authority.”
“Freeports are special areas within the UK’s borders where different economic regulations apply. By delivering investment on specific sites benefitting from tax and customs incentives, Freeports will create thousands of high-quality jobs in some of our most disadvantaged communities.”
A truly horrific and barbaric place to be. It’s hard to believe just what human beings can do to each other. One might expect the compassionate Leftists and extremist misandrist feminists to be absolutely up in arms about what is going on. Where is the UN to stop it ?.
But it’s almost complete silence from the BBC. This revelation comes as a shock considering how bad it is and how much the BBC are sucking empathy articles out of those in Gaza who at least did something to deserve it.
Why could that be ?. Perhaps it’s because Sudan is 90% Muslim and there are no white people to blame.
Not to worry : they will start bleating tragic stories from the refugee women (who will speak perfect English and know exactly the right words to use to match any current agenda) when they arrive on boats. They won’t tell us about the majority who are the fighting age males bringing that same culture to our streets.
It’s what they feel when they warm up the tomato paste cube prior to sticking it up their tookus (yes I’ve seen that on US Twatter messages), rather than freezing it so that it dribbles out as they imagine it occurs for real wimmin.
Two articles about transvestites having to wait ages for “appointments in gender care.”
Some are killing themselves, but that’s gays proclivity anyway .
If these nutters are expecting me and my wife, multiplied by the many thousands of normal couples in the UK, to fund their fantasies, then I’ll start to get really angry!
Tell a cancer patient, desperately waiting for an operation to live a few more years to look after his or her young children, that there’s someone up ahead who has decided he’s going to have his bollocks chopped off so he can pretend to be a woman, and I could see a very, very angry Scrobs walking up to the mentally retarded idiot with a bloody great knife…
The scene with the drunk in casualty being clonked by Delboy when Cassandra aborts would be a cartoon episode if my goat was being seriously ‘got’ with arseholes like that jumping the queue!
No no no ! World ending – IT on macee Dee goes – Tesco delivery – sainsburys …. Now …. Greggs !. That putin really is a monster – I’m panic buying KFC – where’s the remote?
Hunt has ordered HMRC to keep phone lines open . I enjoyed last year spending 90 minutes on hold to get to HMRC / DWP because I needed to top up NICs … maybe this time they ll charge a £ a minute …
Worlds Muslims send Gaza food during Ramadam to end the problem? NO? Why Not? Saudi is Rich! Iran have an army!
UK Muslims to send all food … oh wait .. Christian countries are sending aid – ha ha ha ha h ha hhahh ahhh ah! Allah is great***
** terms and conditions apply. Miracles may go up as well as down. All investments are at risk.
$550 billion
This $550 billion ‘giga-project’ appears to demonstrate Saudi Arabia’s ambitious sustainability goals: Neom will be 100% renewable, zero-carbon, and have no roads or cars.24 Jan 2024
Today is the Vernal equinox, half way between the longest and shortest days. This is when the sun is directly above the equator. The Solstices see the sun above the Tropic of cancer or capricorn.
This year it is a day earlier than normal because of the leap year.
Illegal North African immigrants storm Spanish police with stones and sticks to defend the drug dealing headquarters in Banyoles, Girona. Several officers injured. We need mass deportations.
Import the 3rd world… make sure they are an unbeatable voting bloc asap… like in the U.K.
Frankly disappointed something more significant in reaction to what is clearly coordinated policy is yet to happen.
Military-age men are waiting in the intake room to be processed at the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC. There are no family units or women on site.
Credit: @InfoUncensored
Which it will. And the longer the clampdown and tighter the pressure cooker screw, the worse it will be.
Day 1: Illegally cross the border into the USA.
Day 2: Move into accommodation provided courtesy of the US tax payer.
Day 3: Agent turns up, offering $50 a day work, cash-in-hand, no papers needed, no questions asked.
Day 4: Mini-buses arrive at accommodation to collect the workers and take them to factories where they’ll be working for sub-contractors who make parts for use in aeroplanes.
Few months later… Boeing jets start falling out of the sky.
This is how it plays out, folks. We are entering an era in which things we’ve taken for granted are going to stop working big time.
Remember Ireland is not a true democracy as it is a one party state, with both the main parties in a coalition, you can vote for the representative but not the governing party, a little like most left wing states.
I just watched on Guido, Starmer telling Richi to ‘go home’. Isn’t that a racist comment and shouldn’t there be mass calls by the MSM and the BBC for Starmer’s resignation.
Any claims that it was taken out of context should be countered by Trump’s comments about a bloodbath.
The very tabloid BBC lunchtime programme had a very curious interview .
Ms Montague was talking to one of those Milipede boys, the one who runs International rescue ( from New York , not Tracey Island, who knew) anyway it would seem that neither International Rescue or the BBC have even so much as a schoolboy atlas. All their chatting was about getting supplies into Gaza and how the Israelis are liars and much,much outrage as nothing could get in through the border into Gaza.
But…I shouted at the radio, again if only these two knew ,there is a border with Egypt, which must be open , surely…or maybe not.
Some people, who must be some of those “far-right liars, have even suggested that Egypt is re-inforcing its “border wall”.
If one complaint can get the bell ringing stopped in a village where it’s been happily ringing for 150 years why don’t the villagers get someone to complain that the bells are NOT ringing and get them back to how it was.
They could get two people to complain which by their logic would be enough.
It actually sounds like the whole village want the bells back so how can one person overrule everyone else. Very strange kind of democracy.
*I know there’s been a sort of compromise but we hear so much of this type of barmy carry on.
I know this is not about the BBC. But in a way it is. Because
the now Labour run council in London’s largest
populated borough Barnet with a population of well over
400,000 where I live . Has become as woke as the BBC.
We are going to lose our hard working , brave local MP
Theresa Villiers. I say brave because she was Northern Ireland
secretary . And her life was threatened every day. She will
lose her seat because of the now demographic make up
of the borough.
And the Labour council has now sent us post about
“Your Council Tax” and from Barnet Electoral services
” Don lose your vote” You’ve guessed it, In the imaging white
folk in the borough DONT exist ! ” Money Worries” a black family. “Register for voting” a black couple. ” You now need
photo ID to vote at
a polling station” A black man, a black Muslim women.
. And a women and man with half brown and white faces.
You see its ok to show a black man and women. Bit not
one of Caucasian features. Ok may this is about BBC
imaging , television advertising etc as well. WOKENESS
‘Among the intelligentsia, colour feeling only occurs in the transposed form, that is, as a belief in the innate superiority of the coloured races. This is now increasingly common among English intellectuals, probably resulting more often from masochism and sexual frustration than from contact with the Oriental and Negro nationalist movements. Even among those who do not feel strongly on the colour question, snobbery and imitation have a powerful influence. Almost any English intellectual would be scandalized by the claim that the white races are superior to the coloured, whereas the opposite claim would seem to him unexceptionable even if he disagreed with it. …attachment to the coloured races is usually mixed up with the belief that their sex lives are superior, and there is a large underground mythology about the sexual prowess of Negroes.’
Notes on Nationalism by George Orwell, published 1945, showing that anti-White hatred from the establishment was well established 80 years ago.
No sympathy for Villiers, she and her Marxist parties have been in power for 14 years and she was behind the demographic changes, so she did it to herself no one else did this to her.
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/08/trade-war-china-to-slap-retaliatory-tariffs-on-some-canadian-products.html Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
I’m finding it increasingly difficult to take an interest in what the bbc feel passes for news at the moment.
Anyhow, good evening!
I would like to ask Kevin Peachey the BBC financial
correspondent on the internet. Why EVERY image
on the main BBC internet page features a black
Getty’s advertising model on cost of living subjects.
Does the diversity department of the BBC insist on this?
Does Getty’s employ any indigenous British models for
this subject. With 5% of the population being black.
Are they the only ones suffering from the cost of living
crisis? Or is it that the BBC’S woke agenda is to push
whities face into the ground!
“Getty’s Watch” And on the main page today again 20/3.
Is Labour trusted on the economy?
Listen to Chris Mason’s interview with Rachel Reeves
By whom? Given they have zero track record and a litany of wibble to credulous media on offer.
Barry Gardiner has £500,000 to invest from a chinese spy friend – if we all take bribes we can end poverty.
Given that every Labour government has ended up in economic turmoil, why should they be trusted?
Having ventured into what is purportedly the “second most visited UK city” – Bath, yesterday – I was struck by the quantity and quality of street sleepers begging…
In some cases it might well be lifestyle choices of the ill or inadequates – but that doesn’t I feel explain what I saw. The smug twerps in our MSM and public sector should have their debit cards removed and be handed tatty old sleeping bags for say a month to live the dream….
Wishi + Smarmer could use a dose too.
The emerging chaos + pathos is being foisted on everyone.
Bit of a double-edged sword here.
Genuine British homeless rough sleepers deserve our sympathy and consideration.
But in a certain town near me which is tourist central, many beggars have homes in the suburbs. They commute in each day and sit in carefully chosen prime locations begging. It’s not a bad living if you can make £30 k.
There’s undoubtedly an element of what you describe. Remember the Cornish beggar who drove a BMW to the outskirts of St. Ives and changed into his work clothes? He was purportedly making more than £30k…
Bath has had a low level of tourist beggars since the late 1980s. They never congregated outside Morrisons and set up camp in defunct shop doorways.
Funny how the British Councils and Government ignore the ‘life-style choice’ of our own people, but bend over backwards to hand out everything to illegal immigrants who admit they come here for a ‘life-style choice’!
By the GE, the money tree will undoubtedly be bare of fruit, leaves, lower branches and most of its woodwork, so Rachel Reeves had better rush off and get some sort of qualification for her new ‘job’ in No 11!
I’d think that an interview with a lightweight-leftie Beeboid like Chris Mason (see earlier), is another of her mistakes, but don’t tell the lad as he doesn’t understand it all either!
The beggars in Cranebridge are chauffeured in by mercedes. The big Issue also helps them to stay as they are given self-employed status.
The Roma beegishoo seller at a supermarket near me is always yapping to someone on a mobile the size of a dinner plate.
Wish I had the time and money to do that, but there again, I’m not an illegal immigrant…
Probably on the phone to her builder in Romania.
And the right to benefits…. Including housing.
Steve Allen, who was kicked out of LBC, presumably to let more idiots like Lammy do rubbishy stuff, used to tell the stories of the people carriers dropping off the beggars in Twickenham, then picking them up each evening!
Never was his ‘tated’ so ‘agit’…
On UK news — “Deliveroo rider bites off Aldershot customer’s thumb”
After an altercation over a food delivery “Mr Jenkinson’s thumb was severed just above the knuckle. ‘The force with which she must have been biting, she’d clean taken it off,’ he said, adding it was as if he had ‘gone through a chainsaw’”.
All part and parcel of living in Aldershot? The BBC want us to know: “Rocha was in the UK legally and had the right to work here.” Thank goodness she wasn’t a violent foreigner smuggled in by boat, but instead was a violent foreigner with some papers from the Home Office.
BBC just showing her head, the full image :
” Brazilian born Rocha, who has citizenship in the UK until 2028 ”
“A Deliveroo rider bit off a customer’s thumb during a blazing row after she delivered his £57 Pizza Express order to the wrong address. ‘
Daily mail
Must have been a bloody great moped then…
Not sure I’d pay her for a BJ
What a bloody credit to our country.
Brazilian born, probably arrived in the UK with a forged Portuguese identity card.
Lots did!!
Surely citizenship is permanent??
It’s probably when her work permit expires. But we’ll never be able to get rid of her.
Nope. As several million lucky returnees will get to discover after the revolution 🙂
GBNews brought up the subject of Deliveroo/whatever transferable accounts some weeks ago.
Not only are most of these nutter scooterists likely uninsured, I bet many are driving on someone else’s provisional licence. God help you if you have an accident with one.
A propos delivery driver accidents, I was on the top deck of a bus in Surbiton a year or so ago and was surprised on hearing a noise and looking down to see a scooter delivery driver sliding along the opposite carriageway, still holding his mobile phone. The bus had been passing a parked car before pulling into a stop and the scooterist tried to pass it at speed. When he realised the bus had been obscuring a traffic island he dropped the scooter rather than drive straight into oncoming traffic. He was in a bad way, couldn’t move his legs at all. Dumb passers by ignored pleas not to move him.
The ambulance arrived…luckily it wasn’t electric.
Deliver Roo – making it look like everyone is employed in the UK – all on one account! HA HA H AH HA
Another everyday scene in Lagos-on-Thames.
The Islamic Broadcasting Corporation think we should feel more sorry for Muslims than we do.
So, on the BBC1 10 pm news the main feature is the civil war in Sudan, the ‘forgotten war’ according to the BBC.
Name-checked are Mohammed, Abdallah, and Jamal, who have all dies and are buried in the former town square.
To be fair, it all looks pretty awful, but I didn’t notice an equivalent priority for the recent abduction of Christian women and children by Boko Haram in northern Nigeria. But then again, are any of us surprised?
For some weird reason, BBC Londonistan have been featuring potholes today. Cue a cyclist who was severely injured when he came off his bike. A pro-cycling advocate was filmed saying that potholes are an inconvenience to motorists but dangerous to cyclists.
Yes, even with this story, the BBC focus is on the eco-loon cyclists. The fact that motorists outnumber cyclists at any given time on the road by around 100 to 1 and it’s how we all actually get around outside the Broadcasting House insular bubble is clearly of no importance to the green-obsessed BBC.
I have never been to Mogadishu, but I bet its roads are better than the main arterial road that runs from Henley’s corner on the North Circular to Barnet. If the BBC wanted to do something useful, they could do an investigation on Barnet Council and its inability to mend roads.
Even the Chennai to Madurai main road in India gives most UK roads a good run for their money in terms of road surface and maintenance. We are absolutely pathetic.
The green eco-zealots have totally taken over the civil service, local councils, much of the government. They don’t want to spend ANY money on roads as it might ‘encourage car use’. I once saw that in writing from the council traffic department manager.
We should copy these guys…
Great for warming the planet —meanwhile let’s close our roads ….. I reckon if there is still a Britain in – say – 50 years – they’ll look back at ‘now ‘ and say ‘what the hell were they thinking ?’ On just about every subject …..
Britain – A country on the road to self destruction
Don’t worry Fed, there won’t be.
UK to invade China to steal the roads and import them cheaply!
Hope Not Hate being hatey
“If you challenge our gang, we’ll smear you with giant toxic boo-word labels like FA RIGHT so everyone shuns you”
Lowles and his grubby crew are not often challenged head on – and that is really disappointing.
Nick Lowles
, LUFC fan, cricket mad and traveller. Tweeting in personal capacity. “Antifascists fight, antifascists do” nick@hopenothate.org.uk
hopenothate.org.ukJoined April 2012
3,514 Following
@ByrneBarry 16h ago
Baroness Chakrabati has just described on @BBCr4today the Conservative party as being far right populist.
These people are insane.
Her assertion of course was unchallenged.
Chakrabati – “The Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism. Further, it is
the party that initiated every single United Kingdom race equality law”
Click to access Chakrabarti-Inquiry-Report-30June16.pdf
. . . . . . .
Mr Corbyn is suspended from being a Labour MP and sits as an independent following a row over antisemitism. The former Labour leader called it a “shameful attack on party democracy”.28 Mar 2023
………as, let us not forget, is leading mathematician Dianne Abbott, also suspended for allegations of anti-Semitism.
Something the BBC managed not to mention during their prolonged recent furore over alleged hurty words in private meetings five years ago.
Labour suspended Ms Abbott, who now sits as an independent MP, over alleged antisemitic comments. Ms Abbott withdrew her remarks and apologised “for any anguish caused”.3 days ago
She was suspended by Labour in April 2023 having written in the Observer newspaper that Irish, Jewish and Traveller people “undoubtedly experience prejudice”, which she said is “similar to racism”.
“But they are not all their lives subject to racism,” she added.
I see from Twitter that most media thought today’s 2 big apologies not newsworthy
.. the stories getting the big Likes on Twitter were from GBnews
#1 The BBC apologising for labelling Reform as Far Right
#2 Kings Cross Station apologising for using it’s huge message board for Ramadan Hadith messages, when it’s clear that is unfair and disproportionate, as it has no intention of putting up Easter or Lent messages the same way
Ramma what?
Michael Yon and Shawn Ryan
Another step in the shameful takeover of our country by Islamofascism.
Kings Cross Station displays a daily Hadith (sayings of a medieval caravan robber, torturer and murderer).
I wonder if they’ll get around to the ones about killing Infidels and Jews?
Some comments:
– Imagine going from ruling the world to getting ruled by the 3rd world in such a short time.
– London is dead, Its not an English city anymore, Its something else entirely. They won’t stop until they do the same in every other English city.
– If you abandon your faith, tradition and culture, be prepared for someone to impose theirs on you…
– I am black, and even I wouldn’t go to the UK. It looks like fucking Baghdad now.
So it’s OK to sin as long as you pretend to be sorry for it after.
Which would be in the police station just before you are released with just a warning after doing something racist which would have put a white person in jail.
I wonder how many Muslim countries show Christian ‘lessons’ like that in public. Whoever did it would by lynched by a mob. But we don’t talk about that because it’s racist.
In Mecca they are celebrating Easter? NO? Why not?

Because the muslims are in charge in both places now.
Sometimes (but not often) The Guardian presents the truth far more honestly than the BBC. I think it must be because their staff ‘choose the Guardian’ as opposed to ‘The BBC choose their staff’ and hence they have more of a mix.
Here’s the BBC Version:
Ex-US generals who oversaw Afghan exit describe chaos and challenges of withdrawal
‘Republican lawmakers held President Joe Biden responsible for the disastrous exit, while Democrats blamed the Trump administration’s deal with the Taliban.
But the two generals seemed unwilling to back either party’s argument.’
Here’s the Guardians version:
Biden administration failures drove the fall of Kabul, say top former US generals
Amazing how the BBC could draw such a different conclusion which also happens to be exactly in line with their agenda to protect Biden at all costs.
Another whopping misleading agenda-based lie from the BBC.
Same as COVID starting in a Chinese lab : the Left will claim black is white just to say the opposite of whatever Trump says because they are driven by hatred.
It’s crystal clear proof that the Left do not care about ‘truth’ whatsoever. For them, it’s whatever their agenda dictates it needs to be. They are the ultimate hypocrites : they will pretend to be anything at all if it suits their agenda. Hence all the virtue signalling for BAME etc.
They always remind me of Robert Duvall in ‘Apocalypse now’ where he is giving water to an injured enemy soldier because nobody else will. But the second he learns ‘Lance the surfer’ is there, he just drops him into the mud and walks off having instantly forgotten him because it was all just an act.
They are ethically barren activist scum who don’t actually care about anything or anyone except themselves and what THEY think.
Oh hell – inflation has fallen ( yeah really ?) but the price of my heroin fix is going up – and even worse they are banning my man made drugs – but at least I’ve got me vapes and fags …
No wonder there’s a survey saying kids are miserable / ‘mentally challenged / special needs . Free drugs for all – NHS to deal …..
Another week free of ‘Today ‘ …
“inflation has fallen” – so why have train prices gone up rather than down? HA HA HA HA HA! It’s all just words!
So on the front cover of the Telegraph is a photo of a boy who died while playing sport at Eton.
What the bBC would never report would be if he had the covid vaccine.
In what must be a ‘coincidence’ the same happened to the son of somebody we know.
Our beloved anychess still has not heard about myocarditis according to the search box on their main website. Bash those pots and pans.
A couple we know moved into a retirement flat last year. They told us they were getting ahead of the game as didn’t want to leave it until it was too late. We had a long chat with them at a concert.
Three weeks later he dropped dead at 72. He had been fit and healthy with no underlying conditions.
I wonder how tricky it is going to be for governments to get populations injected next time – as various inquiries across the world find patterns of premature / unexplained deaths – plus long term effects ?
Will they just distract people – or ignore it ?
I guess the next pandemic will be a real frightener – but I wonder if it will be real ? Bearing in mind it is going to take ages for state finances to be re built ( if ever ) the cost of furlough and fraud and lockdowns may well break economies completely …
But maybe the Chinese / Russians / Americans – won’t hit us with a bug for a few years yet …
I wonder how many kids who haven’t gone to Eton have died suddenly playing sports …?
“Will they just distract people – or ignore it ?”
I won’t get fooled again.
We have a national propaganda service.
Lucky us.
What, really?
The @BBC’s take on good news! They simply cannot do good news until Labour are in power can they?
It’s not even true. Absolute prices have been falling since a peak in December and are now lower than at any time since April 2023
@BBCFactCheck must take that up surely?
What, really?
Sadiq Khan “London Is Open**”
** not for Jews or Donald Trump
“Let’s say together — me, you, and thousands of other Londoners — that despite Brexit, London will always be open to the world, proud of our diversity and inclusive to everyone. (except Jews)”
Jacob Graham the Green Party terrorist
: Some leftists often claim there are no leftwing terrorists
Reporting restrictions have been lifted after the trial of the Liverpool guy self describing as “A left-wing anarchist”
IMHO the guy is a mental case who wouldn’t have got to kill he plotted to, even though he had filmed his bomb making experiments
But key thing is there are more of them out there unless they are all undercover police.
… “On another platform called Telegram, he exchanged messages with others who shared his hatred of government in groups called Earth Militia, Total Earth Liberation and Neo Luddite Action
Graham was the administrator for a number of chatrooms on the encrypted Telegram app, including one called Total Earth Liberation Group, with 150 members, into which he shared his bomb-making manual.
Graham told police he was “left-wing” but “more like an anarchist”, adding: “I don’t like the idea of a central control and I don’t really like the monarchy.”
His ideal government would be the size of “Merseyside or Liverpool”,
he said, adding he supported the Green Party and was an “environmentalist” who did not like the way “corporations act and how they damage the Earth”.
A third of parcels that came into the US last year under a shipping loophole known as the de minimis threshold were from Temu and competitor Shein, according to a report from US Congress.
Many countries – including the UK and USA have a de minimis threshold, designed to help citizens to import goods.
So as Temu’s goods are shipped directly from the factory floors, cutting out the middlemen, they become essentially duty-free.
“shipping loophole known as the de minimis threshold” = “ship from factory” = “essentially duty-free.”
China wins the economic war without one shot fired!
In between the IBC banging on about their latest Muslim cause, civil war in Sudan, they report that inflation is down to 3.4%. This is unequivocally good news.
But what is the betting the BBC will present it in a ‘yes but’ style.? With voxpop interviews with old biddies (some may even be white) saying ‘everything is still going up, I can’t afford the bills, prices are terrible, I have to snuggle under a blanket with the heating off’ etc etc.
When there is good news, the BBC just have to work a little harder to emphasise the doom and gloom.
See you later.
Well, that didn’t take long, did it?
Right on cue. Top rated comments on Have Your Say include
‘Try telling someone they’re better off under the Tories when they can plainly see the holes in their pockets getting bigger. So big in fact they can see the holes in the toes of their shoes’.
‘My food shop, car insurance, home insurance, council tax, water rates, car tax, petrol at the pump are ALL skyrocketing & are simply becoming unaffordable’.
‘”Overall prices were still higher than they were a year or two years ago”
I’ll say… in some cases nearly 100% higher…’
‘My Council Tax is going up 12% this year – partly blamed on inflation. Now it’s coming down will they reduce it? I think not.’
Perhaps the latter poster might decide to vote accordingly.
Though in many of those areas the population, on benefits or in council houses won’t be affected, so they can keep voting for profligate spending they don’t have to pay for.
But NY will still vote for Obama Biden …
Fair trade yet economists remain sceptical edition
…an embarrassing and expensive rebranding (FT) – nope, this doesn’t refer to the Tories ditching their patriotic, socially conservative Red Wall voters and leaving them in the lurch, in exchange for infringing on the Liberal Democrat party’s yellow-tinged preserve, by chasing votes from the left-liberal bleeding heart south – this is instead: Tesco loses logo fight… The supermarket has lost an appeal against a ruling that its Clubcard logo infringed Lidl’s trademark (FT)
If only government managerial mistakes and overspends had some real life consequence as in the private sector: UK’s asylum propsals ‘cost more than hotels’ Sunak’s plans to save public money in tatters after Whitehall watchdog finds they cost £46m more (Guardian); Asylum cost overshoot… the conversion of former military bases and a barge to accommodate asylum seekers has cost £46mn more than hotels (FT) – this from: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak outlines vision to ensure every young person has the maths skills they need to succeed.(Gov.UK)
PE teachers retraining in maths to fill school gaps (BBC)
I’m looking forward to ex-PM Rishi making a guest appearance on the TV quiz show Countdown prior to his sodding off to the States to exercise his now slightly dog-eared Green Card.
Tories narrowly back Sunak to lead party… an opinion poll reveals (Telegraph) – are there really still some potential Tory voters somewhere out there? A survey presumably carried out within the confines of a rather small telephone kiosk. (Telephone kiosk – there’s one for the teenagers)
And as for the only realistic alternative on offer under our two party Blarite orthodoxy: Reeves recalls Brown’s fiscal rule with pledge to borrow only for investment… Economists remain sceptical (FT)
We’re in the era of the intractable problem – observes the globalist FT’s Janan Ganesh adding to the general air of pessimism abroad – while the pink paper is apparently sticking to its corporate left-liberal woke guns: Orwell would recognise anti-ESG doublethink… How to do climate policy in the age of the green backlash. Too many activists fret about a lack of ‘political will’… How many people do you think would be willing to give away 1 per cent of their household income every month to fight global warming? Here’s a clue: it’s not 20 per cent or 40 per cent of the global population. It’s 69 per cent according to a striking study by four European economists that came out last week. (Pilita Clark, FT)
A dubious conclusion to a questionable study if ever I heard one. Our Pilita does make this striking remark: People are less likely to act for the common good if they think everyone else is free-riding. (FT)
I’m getting distinct ‘nudge unit’ type vibes here – convince the population of plebs that everyone loves green policies and green taxes and the population will be nudged toward loving green policies and green taxes. Our George Orwell might have termed this sort of thinking as… triple-think…?
And there was me naively drawing a distiction between our managerial elite in public and private sectors: Diageo names civil service boss as next chairman… Sprits maker Diageo has appointed Sir John Manzoni… The Gordon’s, Smirnoff and Guinness maker said Manzoni was appointed for “his outstanding track record of leadership”… In 2014 Manzoni was appointed as the civil service’s first ever chief executive (Evening Standard)
Sometimes these segueways write themselves…
ULTIMATE INSULT! ‘Disgraceful’ HMRC shuts tax helplines for summer break (Daily Express)
Five-day work from home deals for pampered mandarins as civil servants make mockery of calls to return to the office: Taxpayer-funded quango staff get 10,000 days WFB (Working From the Beach) (Daily Mail)
Civil servants prefer to work in the office just two days a week (Telegraph)
Gov spends £590k to gauge staff opinions on WFH & office returns …with only 3% of them wanting to return to the office after the pandemic. (a welcome debut hereabouts for HR Grapevine. However that trademark Mr AsI little editorial correction is in order: 3% of them wanting to return to the office after the
pandemicLockdown – Lockdown was of course a policy choice – not an inevitability in either intensity or duration)Where were we…? Ah yes the revolving door between public and private sectors…
A flurry of recent news stories has raised controversy about ex-ministers and senior civil servants passing through ‘the revolving door’- moving from government service into well-remunerated positions in the private sector. But at least such moves are overseen by the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments whose requirements seem to be taken seriously even though they are not binding. (Gov.UK in rather complacent mood, I think you’ll agree)
Sliding Doors was a 1998 romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Peter Howitt and starring Gwyneth Paltrow (Thank you Wiki)
From the old boys club to the: All boy’s club: Garrick list is revealed… fuelling fresh criticism of its men-only membership policy – snarks the Evening Standard in a mood of feminist high dudgeon; Roll-call of male-only organisation includes many of the legal profession’s most power people – tut-tuts a disapproving Guardian aiming no doubt to name and shame the legal profession into their woke orthodxy
Deal, no deal?
Not that one realistically aspires to the salmon and cucumber striped tie of membership, a la Stephen Fry, Michael Gove, Brian Cox, Mark Knopfler, among many such luminaries – but how about this for a fair trade ladies… you stop trying to batter down the doors to one our few surviving men-only spaces and in return we’ll support you feminists to protect your women-only safe spaces from those predatory weirdo trannies we hear so much about these days?
“Loose Woman” – needs 50% men or trans women?
refers to “Roll-call of male-only organisation includes many of the legal profession’s most power people “
“ And as for the only realistic alternative on offer under our two party Blarite orthodoxy: Reeves recalls Brown’s fiscal rule with pledge to borrow only for investment… Economists remain sceptical (FT)”
And I recall Blair’s ‘Babes’ (oxymoron there!), (including Mr Yvette Cooper-Bollox) simpering whilst chatting to, not responding to forensic questioning of, Al Beeb’s churnalists and telling us, ie lying to us, that Gument debt was being repaid. Problem was it was being redrawn at a greater extent than repayment.
But we didn’t have Our Marianna of the Rack back then, did we?
“moving from government service into well-remunerated positions in the private sector. But at least such moves are overseen by the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments whose requirements seem to be taken seriously even though they are not binding. (Gov.UK in rather complacent mood, I think you’ll agree)”
. . . . . .
Philip Hammond firm that worked for Saudi declares £600,000 dividend
This article is more than 2 months old
Matrix Partners, which former chancellor set up after leaving office, makes pre-tax profits of £2.5m since 2020
The Lords register shows he earned £274,525 providing advice on fiscal and economic reforms to the government of Bahrain in 2021-22 and made a further £6,250 as a consultant for the investment arm of the state of Ku
” The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; migrants gather at coastal ports in West Africa and South Asia and swarm into Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman; millions of black Africans from around the continent gather at the Limpopo River and invade South Africa; and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants as they overrun Siberia.”
Indian arranged marriages! Followed by Acid throwing party and Suttee!
It’s already happened to Prince Harry.
As each day passes I’ve come to a stronger and stronger conclusion that devolution and Mayorships have been a complete disaster. Devolution has driven divisiveness, have you ever seen more open hate for Britain from the Scottish and Welsh? There is also an implicit inequity in there being Welsh and Scottish MP’s in the British Parliament when they have their own Parliaments.
The Scottish and Welsh populations have more money given to them per head than English people, money that’s spent on woke nonsense, vanity projects and corruption. Much the same can be said regarding the various Metropolitan administrations particularly the London one. We are living in an era of money being sucked into Scotland, Wales and the Cities at the cost of rural communities.
Time to scrap the lot.
John FerryJohn Ferry
The SNP ferry fiasco has become even more of a disaster
24 August 2023, 11:21am
In retrospect, the computerised boat in the movie Titanic looked more believable than the one Nicola Sturgeon stood in front of the day she ‘launched’ the Glen Sannox ferry, almost six years ago. With its famously painted on windows and oddly delicate looking bulbous bow – one of many parts subsequently replaced as it was found not to be fit for purpose – we can look back now and wonder who they were trying to kid with their fakery.
I believe it’s a Mayorality and it was an initiative by the Far Left Socialist Workers Party affiliate David Cameron in order to hand control of the Police and other functions to the Labour party in every major city.
Something else he did which is not often talked about was to block a monopolies and mergers investigation into the Mirror groups acquisition of regional newspapers meaning that now almost every local newspaper is Labour supporting instead of independant.
David Cameron said to have made about $10m from Greensill Capital – 2 years old
BBC Panorama says it has obtained documents showing ex-PM received sum partly from cashing in shares
We need 5 new quangos to decide if we can end the Mayor positions!
From that Mail article:
“If he does, these new, remote bodies (Wales and Scotland) will be encouraged to deal direct with Brussels and bypass what remains of the Government in London, which will gradually be drained of all power and authority.”
Exactly what was and still is happening.
It’s certainly time to dump Wales and Scotland and let them do whatever they want, but without English money.
“Freeports are special areas within the UK’s borders where different economic regulations apply. By delivering investment on specific sites benefitting from tax and customs incentives, Freeports will create thousands of high-quality jobs in some of our most disadvantaged communities.”
from order-order.com
And no doubt the Marxist Tories agreed and said that the only news which matters is that printed in the Morning Star.
Famine looms in Sudan as civil war survivors tell of killings and rapes
A truly horrific and barbaric place to be. It’s hard to believe just what human beings can do to each other. One might expect the compassionate Leftists and extremist misandrist feminists to be absolutely up in arms about what is going on. Where is the UN to stop it ?.
But it’s almost complete silence from the BBC. This revelation comes as a shock considering how bad it is and how much the BBC are sucking empathy articles out of those in Gaza who at least did something to deserve it.
Why could that be ?. Perhaps it’s because Sudan is 90% Muslim and there are no white people to blame.
Not to worry : they will start bleating tragic stories from the refugee women (who will speak perfect English and know exactly the right words to use to match any current agenda) when they arrive on boats. They won’t tell us about the majority who are the fighting age males bringing that same culture to our streets.
Saudi to send troops in? China to invade?
Clown world…
Everyone looks at floor and shuffles away!
Didn’t Julie Covington, the original singer of “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” have a follow up single “Only Women Bleed”.
Time for a re-issue.
There’s quite a bit more to it than that, but then when you want clickbait that’s what you do.
Defence: “OK, all the prosecution have to do is prove otherwise”
Ask any trans-gender “woman” if they can describe a period pain, that should stop the conversation in its tracks.
It’s what they feel when they warm up the tomato paste cube prior to sticking it up their tookus (yes I’ve seen that on US Twatter messages), rather than freezing it so that it dribbles out as they imagine it occurs for real wimmin.
Pathetic isn’t it.
“Life on an NHS transgender waiting list”
“Transgender patients could face years-long wait for NHS treatment”
Two articles about transvestites having to wait ages for “appointments in gender care.”
Some are killing themselves, but that’s gays proclivity anyway .
Darwin lives
Gender Care Treatment ?
Tavistock Clinic nutter quacks involved?
Someone needs to have a word.
I do hope that there weren’t any horses to frighten around that.
That’s exactly what really pisses me of, Pug!
If these nutters are expecting me and my wife, multiplied by the many thousands of normal couples in the UK, to fund their fantasies, then I’ll start to get really angry!
Tell a cancer patient, desperately waiting for an operation to live a few more years to look after his or her young children, that there’s someone up ahead who has decided he’s going to have his bollocks chopped off so he can pretend to be a woman, and I could see a very, very angry Scrobs walking up to the mentally retarded idiot with a bloody great knife…
The scene with the drunk in casualty being clonked by Delboy when Cassandra aborts would be a cartoon episode if my goat was being seriously ‘got’ with arseholes like that jumping the queue!
No no no ! World ending – IT on macee Dee goes – Tesco delivery – sainsburys …. Now …. Greggs !. That putin really is a monster – I’m panic buying KFC – where’s the remote?
Hunt has ordered HMRC to keep phone lines open . I enjoyed last year spending 90 minutes on hold to get to HMRC / DWP because I needed to top up NICs … maybe this time they ll charge a £ a minute …
Worlds Muslims send Gaza food during Ramadam to end the problem? NO? Why Not? Saudi is Rich! Iran have an army!
UK Muslims to send all food … oh wait .. Christian countries are sending aid – ha ha ha ha h ha hhahh ahhh ah! Allah is great***
** terms and conditions apply. Miracles may go up as well as down. All investments are at risk.
$550 billion
This $550 billion ‘giga-project’ appears to demonstrate Saudi Arabia’s ambitious sustainability goals: Neom will be 100% renewable, zero-carbon, and have no roads or cars.24 Jan 2024
The tent package with under age hookers, XO on tap and blow…?
Hammurabi’s Code should have wider application.
Stop the boats by letting all the boats in! HA HA HA HAHA!
To be fair, once they reach the shore they stop.
“One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”
― Plato
Today is the Vernal equinox, half way between the longest and shortest days. This is when the sun is directly above the equator. The Solstices see the sun above the Tropic of cancer or capricorn.
This year it is a day earlier than normal because of the leap year.
Day light causes global warming – ban the sun and tax it!
Selected, not elected PM speaks – 650 MPs with a 5% pay increase!
BSL – House of Commons
Wednesday 20 March 2024 Meeting started at 11.33am
HA H AHA Sustainable housing – 104 turn up for free houses on Kent shores every day! HA HA HAHAHA!
Easy to think good riddance to bad rubbish – there’s likely a couple of hundred parasites in Dublin that need to do the same.
Plenty of fuel in his/Nicola’s camper tank?
In other news…
Illegal North African immigrants storm Spanish police with stones and sticks to defend the drug dealing headquarters in Banyoles, Girona. Several officers injured. We need mass deportations.
Import the 3rd world… make sure they are an unbeatable voting bloc asap… like in the U.K.
Frankly disappointed something more significant in reaction to what is clearly coordinated policy is yet to happen.
Military-age men are waiting in the intake room to be processed at the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC. There are no family units or women on site.
Credit: @InfoUncensored
Which it will. And the longer the clampdown and tighter the pressure cooker screw, the worse it will be.
Day 1: Illegally cross the border into the USA.
Day 2: Move into accommodation provided courtesy of the US tax payer.
Day 3: Agent turns up, offering $50 a day work, cash-in-hand, no papers needed, no questions asked.
Day 4: Mini-buses arrive at accommodation to collect the workers and take them to factories where they’ll be working for sub-contractors who make parts for use in aeroplanes.
Few months later… Boeing jets start falling out of the sky.
This is how it plays out, folks. We are entering an era in which things we’ve taken for granted are going to stop working big time.
Would they be any good at engine mountings for French rubber dinghies?
Just asking for a friend…
Eh meeester – wanna buy some peektures…?
So that’s why Obama went to number 10 Mohammed street …..
Last time he came here, we were told that we’d be at ‘the back of the queue’.
Smug bastard.
Remember Ireland is not a true democracy as it is a one party state, with both the main parties in a coalition, you can vote for the representative but not the governing party, a little like most left wing states.
Nothing more pleasing than seeing politicians looking miserable …. So Leo – what story is coming out ?
Brace yourself for a true Dan Wotton-style expose.
Dan wooton is running an online show – says 18000 already signed up …
It’s not bad Fed!
I certainly won’t be paying, so I get the rinsed number of versions, but tonight’s was pretty well presented!
As long as he doesn’t keep asking for money, I’ll listen to him because I like his delivery!
Ha ha ha!
It is better than the news, as you can actually ‘hear’ him saying the words, which is fine by me!
Beeboids don’t give me that feel for their stuff, they just whine and yap!
That’s why I’m voting for neither of them.
Some wag elsewhere said that Sopes was wearing an ‘Irish’ during a recent prog, and he wished he didn’t have to…
Irish Jig…
I just watched on Guido, Starmer telling Richi to ‘go home’. Isn’t that a racist comment and shouldn’t there be mass calls by the MSM and the BBC for Starmer’s resignation.
Any claims that it was taken out of context should be countered by Trump’s comments about a bloodbath.
BBC Radio 2 – stop church bells, not call to prayer as that’s racist! HA HA HA HAHA
Still waiting for abbot to make some statement ….
Ding dong!
The very tabloid BBC lunchtime programme had a very curious interview .
Ms Montague was talking to one of those Milipede boys, the one who runs International rescue ( from New York , not Tracey Island, who knew) anyway it would seem that neither International Rescue or the BBC have even so much as a schoolboy atlas. All their chatting was about getting supplies into Gaza and how the Israelis are liars and much,much outrage as nothing could get in through the border into Gaza.
But…I shouted at the radio, again if only these two knew ,there is a border with Egypt, which must be open , surely…or maybe not.
Some people, who must be some of those “far-right liars, have even suggested that Egypt is re-inforcing its “border wall”.
What a funny world.
If one complaint can get the bell ringing stopped in a village where it’s been happily ringing for 150 years why don’t the villagers get someone to complain that the bells are NOT ringing and get them back to how it was.
They could get two people to complain which by their logic would be enough.
It actually sounds like the whole village want the bells back so how can one person overrule everyone else. Very strange kind of democracy.
*I know there’s been a sort of compromise but we hear so much of this type of barmy carry on.
I know this is not about the BBC. But in a way it is. Because
the now Labour run council in London’s largest
populated borough Barnet with a population of well over
400,000 where I live . Has become as woke as the BBC.
We are going to lose our hard working , brave local MP
Theresa Villiers. I say brave because she was Northern Ireland
secretary . And her life was threatened every day. She will
lose her seat because of the now demographic make up
of the borough.
And the Labour council has now sent us post about
“Your Council Tax” and from Barnet Electoral services
” Don lose your vote” You’ve guessed it, In the imaging white
folk in the borough DONT exist ! ” Money Worries” a black family. “Register for voting” a black couple. ” You now need
photo ID to vote at
a polling station” A black man, a black Muslim women.
. And a women and man with half brown and white faces.
You see its ok to show a black man and women. Bit not
one of Caucasian features. Ok may this is about BBC
imaging , television advertising etc as well. WOKENESS
‘Among the intelligentsia, colour feeling only occurs in the transposed form, that is, as a belief in the innate superiority of the coloured races. This is now increasingly common among English intellectuals, probably resulting more often from masochism and sexual frustration than from contact with the Oriental and Negro nationalist movements. Even among those who do not feel strongly on the colour question, snobbery and imitation have a powerful influence. Almost any English intellectual would be scandalized by the claim that the white races are superior to the coloured, whereas the opposite claim would seem to him unexceptionable even if he disagreed with it. …attachment to the coloured races is usually mixed up with the belief that their sex lives are superior, and there is a large underground mythology about the sexual prowess of Negroes.’
Notes on Nationalism by George Orwell, published 1945, showing that anti-White hatred from the establishment was well established 80 years ago.
No sympathy for Villiers, she and her Marxist parties have been in power for 14 years and she was behind the demographic changes, so she did it to herself no one else did this to her.