As somebody who is a resident of Chingford – I welcome the announcement that the £7000 of taxpayers ‘money spent a statue of Harry Kane is to displayed -…. It looks like it’s made of chocolate … maybe they can sell it to the Germans ….. I wonder what the statue of another ‘famous ‘ local – Dave Beckham will look like ….?
As a point – surely it would have been better to ‘crowd fund ‘ the statue rather than use my tax money on it ?
Migrants on a stabbing spree before they even land here. Leave ’em to it they might kill each other before they land.
I noticed the photos show an ambulance parked at the quayside I wonder which poor sod is waiting for hours at home for THAT ambulance to arrive. Shameful.
BBC report – Vaughan Gething has made history, becoming the first black man to be elected Welsh Labour leader.
Doesn’t bother me one way or the other, I hope he for the sake of Wales he makes a good job of it but won’t hold my breath. As it was a BBC report I thought I would check it out and low-and-behold his father is white. I guess black ‘trumps’ white in the BBC rule book. I believe Mr Vaughan Gething (the new Welsh labour leader) is married to a white lady, in which case will his son be a quarter black or a half black and so would he be able to play rugby for Wales?
“We see our story in the eyes of the Palestinians, a story of displacement, deprivation, denied national identity, forced migration, discrimination and now starvation.”
The excessive number of employment of Diversity people is due to the way Employment Tribunals operate. Tribunals are part of the legal system and tend to be very woke and will default to finding for employees unless the employer has a rock solid case. Not having a “Diversity” staff will be a black flag for the Tribunal so not having one in the HR department will result in a lost case in the event of alleged discrimination claims. The legal costs for the employer will be very significant and not recoverable, Unions will fund employees cases.
So what we have is a legal fix up. Don’t forget, the Public Sector, like the NHS, Teaching and Civil Service are employers like any other so will need to protect themselves with diversity staff.
There appears to be numerous reports of the sound of monstrous trumpets in the sky from all over the world, of course the MSM doesn’t report anything which might promote Christianity. I have heard video recordings of these trumpets and I have to say that what ever scientists might want to say these sound like enormous brass instruments blown so loudly conversation becomes difficult or impossible.
The first reports of this phenomena come from the Baltics in 2008, so if it’s a new phenomena it could hardly be something natural.
It sounds like the Victoria line between Euston and Warren Street – both may signal ‘ revelations ‘ is kicking in – we surely deserve it … ( must check the house insurance )
Is the Victoria Line one of those renamed by order of Emir Khan? Must have cost millions, never mind that TfL is broke because of his meddling. I expect he’ll expand the ULEZ to pay for it. Despicable little twerp.
Markh – the emir has expanded ULEZ for his entire jurisdiction – the next one is being charged per mile travelled .
I suspect ULEZ will be high on the agenda of the red labour government to hit the whole country – it will be early in the parliament and raise a lot of money to fill the hole in their accounts …
BTW – public sector borrowing was 25% higher than expected last month – 8 billion – which suggests interest rates staying where they are for a while yet hopefully …
I remember in the run up to the alleged death of Diana Windsor – fayad the the media was insane over her every move – there are sad echoes of that with the current princess of wales thing .
I suppose it sells papers and distracts from important stuff like the price of a chicken …
Funny also how it’s fine and dandy to want the hated “Brits” to “bott out” of Ulster and the island of Ireland more generally, but ok to have rule over the Irish people by another lot of outsiders such as the EU, Varadkar, the UN, the WHO etc.
Delasi Zikpi : cab driver from London : Delasi’s dream role is Black Panther,
Rehanna Bernard : 47 From: Bristol – now lives in West London
was part of her Church theatre group
Six years ago started to go blind, has lost the sight in one eye
The white guy “Jordan Skelly grew up in Manchester with their mother and father and it was performance that gave them an avenue to express themselves.
Since leaving school, Jordan has spent the past 10 years working in cafes and bars”
Hang on “THEM” “THEIR”
that strange pronoun indicates some trans thing
Two tweeters compare him to Eddie Izzard
Only yesterday he was in job saying Biden is not doing enough for Palestine
Then today suddenly he’s resigned
Some people suggest a scandal. like he broke an election law.
So save you checking the pictures yourself, these are the men pictured as jailed:
It’s this blatant and race-based reporting from the BBC which is so disgusting. They don’t lie : they just don’t tell us because they don’t want us to know.
And yet another fine treat from the Beeb. They clearly believe their audience loves a travelling chef/cook, whether its a trip up the Ganges for goat curry, cooking up a meal for 8 outside on a bunson burner in France or teaching the Italians to cook Pizza.
Next Wednesday we see (well I wont) the big, black and bald Andi Oliver “coming to the aid of folk across the UK who want to celebrate their communities (oh purleeese) by throwing a party of themed dishes ”
And we’re funding this tripe – which could be on the menu. Who the hell dreams up this dross ? Oh, we’ve got a black woman who does The Great British Menu, she’s on a long contract, what else can we use her for? Oh I know…..
Bit sleepless due to travelling back to sad Blighty …. So watched George Galloway – who has his 24 minutes worth on YouTube yesterday …
Oh George – ok – he has a great voice and doesn’t fluff his lines – or cakkle – but did he go on and on about not having an elected Foreign Secretary – he thinks the role is still important – as though it’s before Suez – empire – which is a bit rich for £comrade£ George .
I made it to 10 minutes – there must have been 6 people in the commons including a couple of lost tourists …. I was hoping George wouid get me back to sleep – but the repetition – repetition did for me …..
STARTS The BBC is still under the influence of Stonewall, John Humphrys has suggested, as he threw his weight behind Justin Webb in a row over Today presenter calling a trans woman “male”.
The former Today presenter said that despite the broadcaster formally cutting ties with the lobby group, he suspected the organisation “still has rather more influence within the BBC than it does in the outside world”.
The veteran journalist was responding to outrage over an internal investigation into Justin Webb for using the phrase on Today last year: “trans women, in other words male”.
The Telegraph has reported how the recent investigation by the BBC Executive Complaints Unit caused an “absolute meltdown” in the newsroom, with senior female presenters writing to director general Tim Davie to express their dismay at Webb’s treatment.
The ECU finding said that, even if unintentionally, Webb had given “the impression of endorsing one viewpoint in a highly controversial area”.
Gender-critical activists who believe that sex is biological have accused the public service broadcaster of falling short in its impartiality obligations.
On Wednesday Mr Davie told MPs he had received only a “handful of emails” on the matter.
He added that controversy over trans issues had been “whipped up… around us in a way that is deeply, deeply damaging”.
However, Mr Humphrys, who presented Today for 32 years until 2019, suggested the corporation was out of step with the public on the issue.
“Justin has an awful lot of support within the BBC, if not in the complaints unit, and I suspect he speaks for an awful lot of people outside the BBC as well,” he told The Telegraph
“I suspect Stonewall still has rather more influence within the BBC than it does in the outside world, even since the management decided to end the formal arrangement.”
He added that Mr Webb, a friend, was a “tough cookie” who would be unlikely to be “losing too much sleep over it”.
Mr Humphrys has previously said that the BBC should be “detached” rather than “immediately sympathetic” in the transgender debate.
He added on Wednesday: “Maybe the most alarming aspect of this is the generation gap within the BBC.
“The older employees will be rather more sympathetic to Justin than the younger ones.”
The ECU decided to investigate the statement, which came in a segment about transgender competitors in a women’s chess tournament, despite Today hastily issuing a correction after the August 22 broadcast.
Speaking before the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, Mr Davie said the approved term was “biological males”, adding that “the guidelines are clear in this area”.
He said: “This is being whipped up… around us in a way that is deeply, deeply damaging to civilised debates about these topics.”
However, the director general added: “Having said that, there are also people who care very deeply on either side of this debate and we need to hear from them.”
The BBC boss also sought to downplay the seriousness of Mr Webb’s transgression. He acknowledged that the presenter had broken the broadcaster’s impartiality rules, but played it down as a “foot fault”.
He said: “It was just a sentence that wasn’t quite right, we all do that. That’s what it was, no more, no less, and to act on that quickly is the right thing.”
Mr Webb has been embroiled in rows over trans issues in the past. In 2022, the journalist was found to be in partial breach of impartiality rules after he suggested that transphobia accusations against university professor Kathleen Stock were “false”.
Mr Davie said he did not believe the BBC suffered from institutional bias on trans issues, but added that it was “an area of controversy”.
He said: “It’s also an area where I think we need to have confidence in our journalists to ask, talk, discuss these issues. We don’t have no-go areas in the BBC.”
The director general added: “We have to be kind and caring in this and listen to people and be nice.”
However, Fiona McAnena, director of campaigns at Sex Matters, a human rights organisation that campaigns for clarity on sex in law, policy and language, claimed that Tim Davie “must know that the job of the BBC is not to be caring, nice or kind, but to be factual and impartial”.
She said: “The truth can be uncomfortable but has to be told in the context of delivering the news, and that is the task of a public broadcaster. Avoiding uncomfortable truths to appease people isn’t being kind; it is evidence of bias.
“The statement from BBC’s head of editorial standards, David Jordan, on the sensitivity of calling men who identify as women ‘male’ was particularly revealing. Shaping editorial standards around this sensitivity above all other considerations really gets to the heart of how the BBC is damaging its reputation and credibility.
“Jordan argued that the correct term is ‘born male’ or ‘biologically male’. Honestly – what does he think male means?”
During the hearing, Mr Davie also defended the BBC’s decision to remove a line in a report that described the political party Reform UK as “far-Right”.
He said: “My personal view is you’ve got to be a bit careful with far-Left, far-Right, with parties that carry quite a lot of support. They are clearly a party on the Right of politics. I just think if you get into far-Left or far-Right descriptors you end up in the wrong territory.”ENds – thank heavens
It’s even worse than that. Because of Global Boiling ™, Easter eggs will no longer be available all year round. Instead, they will only be in the shops in the months leading up to Easter. Future generations of children will never receive Easter eggs for Christmas or when they start the new school year in September. Much the same as they no longer see snow.
‘Britain’s winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives. Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain’s culture, as warmer winters – which scientists are attributing to global climate change – produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries…According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia ,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.’ From The Independent, March 20th 2000.
Today we are to discover how many billions will be fleeced from taxpayers by the actions of WASPI which stands for Women Against State Pension Inequality.
The word inequality has one of the most hypocritical meaning ever. More later.
This was announced on the BBC t7 am news and Amol ‘Mumbler’ Rajan reverentially interviewed the chairwoman of the campaign group who was given a free ride. Naturally. We did however get all the usual emotive guff – wanting not to work but to look after frail elderly parents etc etc. Not once did the BBC reference the elephant in the room. The inequality to men.
Their case is that they were not given enough time to prepare for the equalisation of pension ages. The state pension age of women was to increase from age 60 to age 65, the same as men. Some might call this equality. But not the women.
Despite the measure being brought in in the Pension Act 1995 for effect between 2010 and 2020 they are complaining they did not have enough time to,prepare. So they want to claim the 5 now 6 years of ‘lost ‘ pension between their old pensions age, 60, and new pensions age, 66. Yes. 15-20 years was not enough.
If the report concludes compensation is necessary, it will cost the taxpayer £36 bn. And through this all, not a single mention of the inequality to men that the previous system enshrined. Or the fact that the life expectancy of women exceeds men by some 3 years.
Equality is only equality when it’s in the ‘correct’ direction. Or when a large compensation claim, justified by highly selective memory, is in the offing.
Stuff, I get quite angry at this story. OK I was born in ’48 so crept in under the wire for retiring at 60.
Maybe I was savvy enough in my 20s to pay into a pension to give me extra on retirement but most women decided to pay half stamp, then stopped to have kids, all the while hoping the old man’s pension would see them alright!
I well remember the announcements in 1995 about the pension age increasing, but a lot of women were too thick to take any notice ! Ask any woman today what was on the News an hour ago and they wouldn’t know, because they’re not interested ! Ask what the latest is on any of the soap dramas and they’ll quote verse and chapter.
No its not the government’s fault, but those dopey women who should have taken more care in their own finances instead of being gormless about them
Sort to hear that @LeoVaradkar is leaving as Ireland’s Prime Minister. He was, and is, a fine man who excelled in leadership during Covid, in glaring contrast to the UK’s PM at the time. Respected by his adversaries & lauded by his colleagues, he’ll be missed.
Anti-White movie “The American Society of Magical Negroes” made just $1 million on opening weekend in the entire U.S.
It made a measly $310k on Sunday, a 34% collapse just since Friday.
Can”t wait for the BBC commissioned remake, starring Jeremy Vine.
“Despite losses, the Wakandans defeat the Skrulls. They kill every single one, including K’vvvr, and send their ship back, packed with the bodies. A warning against invading Wakanda is left written on the wall of the ship’s control center.[20]”
Fiscal policy… sexual wellness industry, prok enthusiasm, occupational hazards and willy wagging in this well-packed edition – I trust I have your attention?
We know our UK foreign policy follows a lead as dictated by the US State Department… how about our fiscal policies?
Fed signals cuts to come… US Federal Reserve officials have indicated they still expect to cut interest rates by 75 basis points this year (FT)
Meanwhile, this side of the pond
Mortgage hope as economy turns a corner… at last… FIVE rate cuts possible in 2024… PM: ‘We’re in a new economic moment’ (Daily Mail)
Good old Rishi Sunak – fresh from hosting a surprise visist from the real de facto US President, Barack Obama – he suddenly has us in a new economic moment. Well, it’s an improvement from when he told us he was busy running not Great Britain (our dear ol’ Blighty) but merely an Economic Zone.
Of course both the US Democrat party and our own Tories are more than desperate for a little economic sunshine to shine upon their shared gloomy electoral prospects this year.
The narrative is going to be something along the lines of the title to that old UK TV comedy: Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width
In other words – never mind the story your lying eyes and your depleted pocket book are telling you about rising prices – inflation is falling, honest.
Inflation which govenment itself stoked with their Lockdown money printing and duff Cold War mark two foreign policies
UK on track for summer interest rate cut after inflation falls (‘i’); Sexual wellness industry, occupational hazards and willy wagging in this well-packed edition – I trust I have your attention?
We know our UK foreign policy follows a lead as dictated by the US State Department… how about our fiscal policies?
Fed signals cuts to come… US Federal Reserve officials have indicated they still expect to cut interest rates by 75 basis points this year (FT)
Meanwhile, this side of the pond
Mortgage hope as economy turns a corner… at last… FIVE rate cuts possible in 2024… PM: ‘We’re in a new economic moment’ (Daily Mail)
Good old Rishi Sunak – fresh from hosting a surprise visist from the real de facto US President, Barack Obama – he suddenly has us in a new economic moment. Well, it’s an improvement from when he told us he was busy running not Great Britain (our dear ol’ Blighty) but merely an Economic Zone.
Of course both the US Democrat party and our own Tories are more than desperate for a little economic sunshine to shine upon their shared gloomy electoral prospects this year.
The narrative is going to be something along the lines of the title to that old UK TV comedy: Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width
In other words – never mind the story your lying eyes and your depleted pocket book are telling you about rising prices – inflation is falling, honest.
Inflation which govenment itself stoked with their Lockdown money printing and duff foreign policies
UK on track for summer interest rate cut after inflation falls (‘i’); Inflation fall to two-year low (Daily Mail); Inflation’s fall to 3.4% keeps summer rate cuts on track (FT) – that’ll be a minor reduction in the speed of rising prices – with of course all the prior steep increases to the cost of living now built in.
So official figures say the inflation rate just levelled off a tad?
Consumer price inflation basket of goods and services: 2023…
The “shopping baskets” of items used in compiling the various measures of consumer price inflation are reviewed annually. The items in the baskets change so that the measures are up to date and representative of consumer spending patterns… 26 items have been added to the basket for the Consumer Prices Index… 16 items have been removed (ONS Gov.UK)
Air fryers and vinyl records added to UK inflation basket… and gluten-free bread have been added… with rice cakes, pumpkin seeds… hand sanitiser and sofa beds have been struck out… The decline in the number of butchers led the ONS to stop tracking loose ham prices (FT)
I guess we’ll have to take their word for all that.
ONS now washing its hands of tracking the cost of hand sanitiser – if only there were some official public inquiry that might look into all the ramifications of official Lockdown policies.
The formerly serious Times newspaper provides more than its fair share of our calm down dear features for us and doesn’t disappoint this morning: I’ve been cyberflashed like all my friends As a man is jailed for sending obscene photos, Jane Mulkerrins says she has regularly been a victim… (Times)
Jane Mulkerrins, you ask?
This is an in-house sourced report care of the Times: She spent ten years in New York, from where she reported for The Times and The Sunday Times… She returned to London in 2021 to become associate editor at The Times Magazine where she commissions, edits and writes features and interviews (Times Profile) – and for this feature our Jane commissions, edits and interviews… herself
Writer, reader, talker, traveller, pork enthusiast and punctuation enforcer (X, late: Twitter profile) – we’ll skim over the somewhat suggestive claim of pork enthusiast – ‘Ooh er, Missus!’ as they used to say in the salad days of the Carry On team movies – don’t she know the ONS has stopped tracking loose ham prices – but I seriously digress.
So our Ms Mulkerrins has been cyberflashed on a regular basis. Oddly, my own cell phone receives many a cold call and nuisance scam message, seemingly out of the blue. And yet, happily, not a dicky bird of a naughty pic of lady parts – and thank heaven, n’ary any male member imagery.
Now we’ll have to address our intrepid reporter’s apparent keen research into matters libido: SEX Can a Libido gummy boost Britain’s flagging sex drive? According to experts we’re having half the sex we did 30 years ago. Now the fast-growing sexual wellness industry is turning its attention to supplements (Jane Mulkerrins, Times)
You’d have thought exposure to the odd cyberflash – call it a social media willy wag – might be considered par for the course? – Pop goes the weasil?
I’m oddly reminded of the calssic opening sequence to the TV sitcom Porridge where Ronnie Barker does the voice over impersonating the stentorian tones of the m’lud up on the bench who sent his character Norman Stanley Fletcher down for a long stretch: “…you have pleaded guilty to the charges brought by this court, and it is now my duty to pass sentence. You are an habitual criminal, who accepts arrest as an occupational hazard, and presumably accepts imprisonment in the same casual manner.”
Does our lady journo accept the occupational hazards of her dedicated research into the ‘sexual wellness industry’ in the same casual manner?
Nope, she’s up in arms in a feminist high dudgeon, rabble rousing over nasty chaps doing cyberflashing.
I think we’ve got her number, so to speak. Which reminds me, there’s one more conundrum to solve. Mr AsI only tends to get his nuisance calls from chaps with Indian accents claiming to be from Amazon with only a putative and imaginary package to deliver to him
So how does our lady journo get to receive…?
Jane Mulkerrins says she has regularly been a victim on dating apps (Times) – kinda goes with the territory then – or as Ronnie Barker might have intoned: occupational hazard
“Cocaine, prostitution, and human trafficking are the illicit businesses that helped the Tirana bosses build their empires” – AND POLICE WORRIED ABOUT BEING CALLED RACIST!
. . .. . .. .. . . .
‘Racism’ fear
The report found: “Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”
“If there was hope, it must lie in the proles, because only there, in those swarming disregarded masses, eighty-five percent of the population of Oceania, could the force to destroy the Party ever be generated. The Party could not be overthrown from within. Its enemies, if it had any enemies, had no way of coming together or even of identifying one another. Even if the legendary Brotherhood existed, as just possibly it might, it was inconceivable that its members could ever assemble in larger numbers than twos and threes. Rebellion meant a look in the eyes, an inflection of the voice; at the most, an occasional whispered word. But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They need only to rise up and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to do it.”
― George Orwell, 1984
A propos of nothing, and I may repeat this post in the weeks to come. Not BBC. Yet. But it will be.
In the next few weeks there is sure to be publicity about teachers’ pay for next year. Unions spokespeople. Demos. Strikes maybe. In fact only the other day there was a story about teacher shortages ( implication – put pay up).
So far, fairly normal and expected.
But get this. I have just found out that next year the payment by schools to fund teachers pensions will rise from 23% to 28%!!!!!!!! That is a 5% remuneration rise. It will almost certainly not be fully funded and schools will have to find maybe a 2% shortfall. Money to be spent on the actual education, welfare, and provision for children will presumably decline by the same amount.
Here’s the question. Will the BBC or anybody else, EVER mention this astonishingly generous contribution when teacher salaries are being discussed??????
I think I can safely guess.
If they actually sold the teaching profession as salary plus 28% pension contribution maybe the shortages would diminish even if public anger at the featherbedding grew.
Sluff – I did hear that they were moaning because they can’t work from home . I agree – close schools – sell them off – and put the kids online – everyone’s happy . A career working from home follows …
Yes, but then the socialist bastards would strike because there’s too many of them. Back to the Docks in the 60’s, dinting. 10 dockers turn up, 5 go home on full pay, next day the other 5 go home. Jobs a gud’un.
Last week it was revealed that SNP tourism minister Richard Lochhead spent £11,750 on a three-day jolly in California intended to “tap into the US space economy“. Subsequently delivering one 15 minutes speech about space…
In an article about the Liberal Democrats’ spring conference we wrongly described the political party Reform UK as far-right when referring to polling. This sentence was subsequently removed from the article as it fell short of our usual editorial standards. While the original wording was based on news agency copy, we take full responsibility and apologise for the error.
Nikesh Mistry “continued to force the rider of the motorcycle off the road, up onto the verge, squashing the motorcycle between his vehicle and some metal barrier bridge railing. The rider of the motorcycle was thrown from his bike and was catapulted over the bridge […] Mistry was not in any immediate danger and chose to respond in a manner that was so violent and so disproportionate that he turned road disagreement into a very serious assault.”
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
As somebody who is a resident of Chingford – I welcome the announcement that the £7000 of taxpayers ‘money spent a statue of Harry Kane is to displayed -…. It looks like it’s made of chocolate … maybe they can sell it to the Germans ….. I wonder what the statue of another ‘famous ‘ local – Dave Beckham will look like ….?
As a point – surely it would have been better to ‘crowd fund ‘ the statue rather than use my tax money on it ?
Isn’t there a pub there called ‘The dog-faced stag’, or ‘The cat-faced dog’ or something like that?
I just remember an old chum once, telling me about it, and how it was a great place to eat…
Scroblene- its probably a mosque now
Please tell me you are joking – a Beckham statue ?? If so I trust he’s funded it himself from all his sponsorship millions.
Brissles – i think it will posh and david . But cant take barkingside out of posh though …
More like this then, Brissles!
LOL ! I remember that episode well. I think I’ll have “she toppled over” rather than “fell asleep” 🙂
Migrants on a stabbing spree before they even land here. Leave ’em to it they might kill each other before they land.
I noticed the photos show an ambulance parked at the quayside I wonder which poor sod is waiting for hours at home for THAT ambulance to arrive. Shameful.
Guess he political party of the man Vine pays tribute to ?
… Clue .. he colies Sadiq into the tweet
Not the vaccine
damn typos
Guess the political party of the man Vine pays tribute to ?
… Clue .. he copies Sadiq into the tweet
BBC report – Vaughan Gething has made history, becoming the first black man to be elected Welsh Labour leader.
Doesn’t bother me one way or the other, I hope he for the sake of Wales he makes a good job of it but won’t hold my breath. As it was a BBC report I thought I would check it out and low-and-behold his father is white. I guess black ‘trumps’ white in the BBC rule book. I believe Mr Vaughan Gething (the new Welsh labour leader) is married to a white lady, in which case will his son be a quarter black or a half black and so would he be able to play rugby for Wales?
It could get confusing, will he be a half back, full back or an all black?
Barry drops in on Dishy, as you do. Then…
“We see our story in the eyes of the Palestinians, a story of displacement, deprivation, denied national identity, forced migration, discrimination and now starvation.”
“I am resigning as President and Leader”
20mph: Transport minister accuses Tory of encouraging hate
It has a bbc ‘accuse’, so I can’t be bothered to check, but that post as it stands makes zero sense.
I’d guess that whoever employed her as a bar tender / waitress is glad she got elected … or something.
She is Definately of the Karmela school of special needs … pity he didn’t nail one exact crime instead of listing them
The excessive number of employment of Diversity people is due to the way Employment Tribunals operate. Tribunals are part of the legal system and tend to be very woke and will default to finding for employees unless the employer has a rock solid case. Not having a “Diversity” staff will be a black flag for the Tribunal so not having one in the HR department will result in a lost case in the event of alleged discrimination claims. The legal costs for the employer will be very significant and not recoverable, Unions will fund employees cases.
So what we have is a legal fix up. Don’t forget, the Public Sector, like the NHS, Teaching and Civil Service are employers like any other so will need to protect themselves with diversity staff.
There appears to be numerous reports of the sound of monstrous trumpets in the sky from all over the world, of course the MSM doesn’t report anything which might promote Christianity. I have heard video recordings of these trumpets and I have to say that what ever scientists might want to say these sound like enormous brass instruments blown so loudly conversation becomes difficult or impossible.
The first reports of this phenomena come from the Baltics in 2008, so if it’s a new phenomena it could hardly be something natural.
All over the world, please explain this if you can.
It’s the bloody yarpies with the leftover noisemakers from the world Cup.
Here’s another one from America:
Wind farms
Did Diane Abbott fart?
It sounds like the Victoria line between Euston and Warren Street – both may signal ‘ revelations ‘ is kicking in – we surely deserve it … ( must check the house insurance )
BBC “report” that “some say” it’s divine displeasure at the Donald – hence the Trump-ets? *** SATIRE ***
Is the Victoria Line one of those renamed by order of Emir Khan? Must have cost millions, never mind that TfL is broke because of his meddling. I expect he’ll expand the ULEZ to pay for it. Despicable little twerp.
Markh – the emir has expanded ULEZ for his entire jurisdiction – the next one is being charged per mile travelled .
I suspect ULEZ will be high on the agenda of the red labour government to hit the whole country – it will be early in the parliament and raise a lot of money to fill the hole in their accounts …
BTW – public sector borrowing was 25% higher than expected last month – 8 billion – which suggests interest rates staying where they are for a while yet hopefully …
I remember in the run up to the alleged death of Diana Windsor – fayad the the media was insane over her every move – there are sad echoes of that with the current princess of wales thing .
I suppose it sells papers and distracts from important stuff like the price of a chicken …
Funny also how it’s fine and dandy to want the hated “Brits” to “bott out” of Ulster and the island of Ireland more generally, but ok to have rule over the Irish people by another lot of outsiders such as the EU, Varadkar, the UN, the WHO etc.
BBC2 best actor competition show episode ends
They present us the 3 finalists
Delasi, Jordan and Rehanna
What ethnicities ?
2 black and 1 white
Are the black female and black male both London ?
Dunno but the prog ends with a shot of the London skyline
They have all since secured roles in UK TV shows with Delasi set to appear in an episode of EastEnders, Jordan has been offered a role on BBC’s Waterloo Road, and Rehanna has landed a role for a digital streamer.
Delasi Zikpi : cab driver from London : Delasi’s dream role is Black Panther,
Rehanna Bernard : 47 From: Bristol – now lives in West London
was part of her Church theatre group
Six years ago started to go blind, has lost the sight in one eye
The white guy “Jordan Skelly grew up in Manchester with their mother and father and it was performance that gave them an avenue to express themselves.
Since leaving school, Jordan has spent the past 10 years working in cafes and bars”
Hang on “THEM” “THEIR”
that strange pronoun indicates some trans thing
Two tweeters compare him to Eddie Izzard
Only yesterday he was in job saying Biden is not doing enough for Palestine
Then today suddenly he’s resigned
Some people suggest a scandal. like he broke an election law.
Drug debt murder gang jailed for total of 59 years
Front page BBC UK headline news.

Here they are:
Lordy lordy. They are all white.
Not reported by the BBC (from January):
London drug gang busted: 18 jailed after police uncover vast supply network
So save you checking the pictures yourself, these are the men pictured as jailed:
It’s this blatant and race-based reporting from the BBC which is so disgusting. They don’t lie : they just don’t tell us because they don’t want us to know.
And yet another fine treat from the Beeb. They clearly believe their audience loves a travelling chef/cook, whether its a trip up the Ganges for goat curry, cooking up a meal for 8 outside on a bunson burner in France or teaching the Italians to cook Pizza.
Next Wednesday we see (well I wont) the big, black and bald Andi Oliver “coming to the aid of folk across the UK who want to celebrate their communities (oh purleeese) by throwing a party of themed dishes ”
And we’re funding this tripe – which could be on the menu. Who the hell dreams up this dross ? Oh, we’ve got a black woman who does The Great British Menu, she’s on a long contract, what else can we use her for? Oh I know…..
BBC news making the old tabloids look intellectual..
“We want to keep our Christmas tree up all year”
“Jon and Pat have had their Christmas tree up at their Edinburgh home for the past four months”
Don’t forget to show the typical BBC reporter now being used for this kind of typical BBC ’empathy only’ lightweight story Eddy:
Here she is sharing stories with strangers ‘on the listening bench’ in Edingburgh:

Worth every penny we are forced to pay to fund her doing it.
Not directly BBC
Bit sleepless due to travelling back to sad Blighty …. So watched George Galloway – who has his 24 minutes worth on YouTube yesterday …
Oh George – ok – he has a great voice and doesn’t fluff his lines – or cakkle – but did he go on and on about not having an elected Foreign Secretary – he thinks the role is still important – as though it’s before Suez – empire – which is a bit rich for £comrade£ George .
I made it to 10 minutes – there must have been 6 people in the commons including a couple of lost tourists …. I was hoping George wouid get me back to sleep – but the repetition – repetition did for me …..
Vote Reform
John Humphrey’s – DT – trans – yawn
STARTS The BBC is still under the influence of Stonewall, John Humphrys has suggested, as he threw his weight behind Justin Webb in a row over Today presenter calling a trans woman “male”.
The former Today presenter said that despite the broadcaster formally cutting ties with the lobby group, he suspected the organisation “still has rather more influence within the BBC than it does in the outside world”.
The veteran journalist was responding to outrage over an internal investigation into Justin Webb for using the phrase on Today last year: “trans women, in other words male”.
The Telegraph has reported how the recent investigation by the BBC Executive Complaints Unit caused an “absolute meltdown” in the newsroom, with senior female presenters writing to director general Tim Davie to express their dismay at Webb’s treatment.
The ECU finding said that, even if unintentionally, Webb had given “the impression of endorsing one viewpoint in a highly controversial area”.
Gender-critical activists who believe that sex is biological have accused the public service broadcaster of falling short in its impartiality obligations.
On Wednesday Mr Davie told MPs he had received only a “handful of emails” on the matter.
He added that controversy over trans issues had been “whipped up… around us in a way that is deeply, deeply damaging”.
However, Mr Humphrys, who presented Today for 32 years until 2019, suggested the corporation was out of step with the public on the issue.
“Justin has an awful lot of support within the BBC, if not in the complaints unit, and I suspect he speaks for an awful lot of people outside the BBC as well,” he told The Telegraph
“I suspect Stonewall still has rather more influence within the BBC than it does in the outside world, even since the management decided to end the formal arrangement.”
He added that Mr Webb, a friend, was a “tough cookie” who would be unlikely to be “losing too much sleep over it”.
Mr Humphrys has previously said that the BBC should be “detached” rather than “immediately sympathetic” in the transgender debate.
He added on Wednesday: “Maybe the most alarming aspect of this is the generation gap within the BBC.
“The older employees will be rather more sympathetic to Justin than the younger ones.”
The ECU decided to investigate the statement, which came in a segment about transgender competitors in a women’s chess tournament, despite Today hastily issuing a correction after the August 22 broadcast.
Speaking before the Culture, Media and Sport Committee, Mr Davie said the approved term was “biological males”, adding that “the guidelines are clear in this area”.
He said: “This is being whipped up… around us in a way that is deeply, deeply damaging to civilised debates about these topics.”
However, the director general added: “Having said that, there are also people who care very deeply on either side of this debate and we need to hear from them.”
The BBC boss also sought to downplay the seriousness of Mr Webb’s transgression. He acknowledged that the presenter had broken the broadcaster’s impartiality rules, but played it down as a “foot fault”.
He said: “It was just a sentence that wasn’t quite right, we all do that. That’s what it was, no more, no less, and to act on that quickly is the right thing.”
Mr Webb has been embroiled in rows over trans issues in the past. In 2022, the journalist was found to be in partial breach of impartiality rules after he suggested that transphobia accusations against university professor Kathleen Stock were “false”.
Mr Davie said he did not believe the BBC suffered from institutional bias on trans issues, but added that it was “an area of controversy”.
He said: “It’s also an area where I think we need to have confidence in our journalists to ask, talk, discuss these issues. We don’t have no-go areas in the BBC.”
The director general added: “We have to be kind and caring in this and listen to people and be nice.”
However, Fiona McAnena, director of campaigns at Sex Matters, a human rights organisation that campaigns for clarity on sex in law, policy and language, claimed that Tim Davie “must know that the job of the BBC is not to be caring, nice or kind, but to be factual and impartial”.
She said: “The truth can be uncomfortable but has to be told in the context of delivering the news, and that is the task of a public broadcaster. Avoiding uncomfortable truths to appease people isn’t being kind; it is evidence of bias.
“The statement from BBC’s head of editorial standards, David Jordan, on the sensitivity of calling men who identify as women ‘male’ was particularly revealing. Shaping editorial standards around this sensitivity above all other considerations really gets to the heart of how the BBC is damaging its reputation and credibility.
“Jordan argued that the correct term is ‘born male’ or ‘biologically male’. Honestly – what does he think male means?”
During the hearing, Mr Davie also defended the BBC’s decision to remove a line in a report that described the political party Reform UK as “far-Right”.
He said: “My personal view is you’ve got to be a bit careful with far-Left, far-Right, with parties that carry quite a lot of support. They are clearly a party on the Right of politics. I just think if you get into far-Left or far-Right descriptors you end up in the wrong territory.”ENds – thank heavens
On occasion, televisual poetry is served up.
An astonishing exchange with Rebecca Knox, Chair of Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Authority.
Lee: What unfair advantages do white people have in your force?
Knox: None.
Lee: Then how can it be institutionally racist?
Knox: Um…sorry…I might need to get back to you.
Man can’t save for home despite having two jobs
Probably being ripped off by an Asian landlord with the monthly rent
Are you sitting down? You’ll need to be.
Easter egg prices have shot up. The BBC this morning said this was because of climate change and global warming !!!!!!!
Need I say more?
It’s even worse than that. Because of Global Boiling ™, Easter eggs will no longer be available all year round. Instead, they will only be in the shops in the months leading up to Easter. Future generations of children will never receive Easter eggs for Christmas or when they start the new school year in September. Much the same as they no longer see snow.
‘Britain’s winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives. Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain’s culture, as warmer winters – which scientists are attributing to global climate change – produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries…According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia ,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.’ From The Independent, March 20th 2000.
“Easter egg prices have shot up”
Just stop buying them . Prices will soon drop.
New hope for sisters trapped in their bodies
The comments were not much help.
Today we are to discover how many billions will be fleeced from taxpayers by the actions of WASPI which stands for Women Against State Pension Inequality.
The word inequality has one of the most hypocritical meaning ever. More later.
This was announced on the BBC t7 am news and Amol ‘Mumbler’ Rajan reverentially interviewed the chairwoman of the campaign group who was given a free ride. Naturally. We did however get all the usual emotive guff – wanting not to work but to look after frail elderly parents etc etc. Not once did the BBC reference the elephant in the room. The inequality to men.
Their case is that they were not given enough time to prepare for the equalisation of pension ages. The state pension age of women was to increase from age 60 to age 65, the same as men. Some might call this equality. But not the women.
Despite the measure being brought in in the Pension Act 1995 for effect between 2010 and 2020 they are complaining they did not have enough time to,prepare. So they want to claim the 5 now 6 years of ‘lost ‘ pension between their old pensions age, 60, and new pensions age, 66. Yes. 15-20 years was not enough.
If the report concludes compensation is necessary, it will cost the taxpayer £36 bn. And through this all, not a single mention of the inequality to men that the previous system enshrined. Or the fact that the life expectancy of women exceeds men by some 3 years.
Equality is only equality when it’s in the ‘correct’ direction. Or when a large compensation claim, justified by highly selective memory, is in the offing.
Stuff, I get quite angry at this story. OK I was born in ’48 so crept in under the wire for retiring at 60.
Maybe I was savvy enough in my 20s to pay into a pension to give me extra on retirement but most women decided to pay half stamp, then stopped to have kids, all the while hoping the old man’s pension would see them alright!
I well remember the announcements in 1995 about the pension age increasing, but a lot of women were too thick to take any notice ! Ask any woman today what was on the News an hour ago and they wouldn’t know, because they’re not interested ! Ask what the latest is on any of the soap dramas and they’ll quote verse and chapter.
No its not the government’s fault, but those dopey women who should have taken more care in their own finances instead of being gormless about them
How do you PROVE that you have not heard about something?
Sort to hear that @LeoVaradkar is leaving as Ireland’s Prime Minister. He was, and is, a fine man who excelled in leadership during Covid, in glaring contrast to the UK’s PM at the time. Respected by his adversaries & lauded by his colleagues, he’ll be missed.
Ex BBC, and most TNI partners.
The BBC cannot get enough of Campbell.
We’re in masive debt, well there was a pandemic
no iss the tories innit
Yes Campbell has a big future ….together with chakrabati et al .
Alcohol AddictionIs Alistair Campbell Proof that Alcoholics Can Drink Safely Again?
Yes he’s the mentally challenged amoral thug the BBC turns to when needed . Bit like the alibi coloured one who turns up like a troll ….
Anti-White movie “The American Society of Magical Negroes” made just $1 million on opening weekend in the entire U.S.
It made a measly $310k on Sunday, a 34% collapse just since Friday.
Can”t wait for the BBC commissioned remake, starring Jeremy Vine.
Oh dear,
I thought one could not use the ‘B’ word….
“Despite losses, the Wakandans defeat the Skrulls. They kill every single one, including K’vvvr, and send their ship back, packed with the bodies. A warning against invading Wakanda is left written on the wall of the ship’s control center.[20]”
Fiscal policy… sexual wellness industry, prok enthusiasm, occupational hazards and willy wagging in this well-packed edition – I trust I have your attention?
We know our UK foreign policy follows a lead as dictated by the US State Department… how about our fiscal policies?
Fed signals cuts to come… US Federal Reserve officials have indicated they still expect to cut interest rates by 75 basis points this year (FT)
Meanwhile, this side of the pond
Mortgage hope as economy turns a corner… at last… FIVE rate cuts possible in 2024… PM: ‘We’re in a new economic moment’ (Daily Mail)
Good old Rishi Sunak – fresh from hosting a surprise visist from the real de facto US President, Barack Obama – he suddenly has us in a new economic moment. Well, it’s an improvement from when he told us he was busy running not Great Britain (our dear ol’ Blighty) but merely an Economic Zone.
Of course both the US Democrat party and our own Tories are more than desperate for a little economic sunshine to shine upon their shared gloomy electoral prospects this year.
The narrative is going to be something along the lines of the title to that old UK TV comedy: Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width
In other words – never mind the story your lying eyes and your depleted pocket book are telling you about rising prices – inflation is falling, honest.
Inflation which govenment itself stoked with their Lockdown money printing and duff Cold War mark two foreign policies
UK on track for summer interest rate cut after inflation falls (‘i’); Sexual wellness industry, occupational hazards and willy wagging in this well-packed edition – I trust I have your attention?
We know our UK foreign policy follows a lead as dictated by the US State Department… how about our fiscal policies?
Fed signals cuts to come… US Federal Reserve officials have indicated they still expect to cut interest rates by 75 basis points this year (FT)
Meanwhile, this side of the pond
Mortgage hope as economy turns a corner… at last… FIVE rate cuts possible in 2024… PM: ‘We’re in a new economic moment’ (Daily Mail)
Good old Rishi Sunak – fresh from hosting a surprise visist from the real de facto US President, Barack Obama – he suddenly has us in a new economic moment. Well, it’s an improvement from when he told us he was busy running not Great Britain (our dear ol’ Blighty) but merely an Economic Zone.
Of course both the US Democrat party and our own Tories are more than desperate for a little economic sunshine to shine upon their shared gloomy electoral prospects this year.
The narrative is going to be something along the lines of the title to that old UK TV comedy: Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width
In other words – never mind the story your lying eyes and your depleted pocket book are telling you about rising prices – inflation is falling, honest.
Inflation which govenment itself stoked with their Lockdown money printing and duff foreign policies
UK on track for summer interest rate cut after inflation falls (‘i’); Inflation fall to two-year low (Daily Mail); Inflation’s fall to 3.4% keeps summer rate cuts on track (FT) – that’ll be a minor reduction in the speed of rising prices – with of course all the prior steep increases to the cost of living now built in.
So official figures say the inflation rate just levelled off a tad?
Consumer price inflation basket of goods and services: 2023…
The “shopping baskets” of items used in compiling the various measures of consumer price inflation are reviewed annually. The items in the baskets change so that the measures are up to date and representative of consumer spending patterns… 26 items have been added to the basket for the Consumer Prices Index… 16 items have been removed (ONS Gov.UK)
Air fryers and vinyl records added to UK inflation basket… and gluten-free bread have been added… with rice cakes, pumpkin seeds… hand sanitiser and sofa beds have been struck out… The decline in the number of butchers led the ONS to stop tracking loose ham prices (FT)
I guess we’ll have to take their word for all that.
ONS now washing its hands of tracking the cost of hand sanitiser – if only there were some official public inquiry that might look into all the ramifications of official Lockdown policies.
The formerly serious Times newspaper provides more than its fair share of our calm down dear features for us and doesn’t disappoint this morning: I’ve been cyberflashed like all my friends As a man is jailed for sending obscene photos, Jane Mulkerrins says she has regularly been a victim… (Times)
Jane Mulkerrins, you ask?
This is an in-house sourced report care of the Times: She spent ten years in New York, from where she reported for The Times and The Sunday Times… She returned to London in 2021 to become associate editor at The Times Magazine where she commissions, edits and writes features and interviews (Times Profile) – and for this feature our Jane commissions, edits and interviews… herself
Writer, reader, talker, traveller, pork enthusiast and punctuation enforcer (X, late: Twitter profile) – we’ll skim over the somewhat suggestive claim of pork enthusiast – ‘Ooh er, Missus!’ as they used to say in the salad days of the Carry On team movies – don’t she know the ONS has stopped tracking loose ham prices – but I seriously digress.
So our Ms Mulkerrins has been cyberflashed on a regular basis. Oddly, my own cell phone receives many a cold call and nuisance scam message, seemingly out of the blue. And yet, happily, not a dicky bird of a naughty pic of lady parts – and thank heaven, n’ary any male member imagery.
Now we’ll have to address our intrepid reporter’s apparent keen research into matters libido: SEX Can a Libido gummy boost Britain’s flagging sex drive? According to experts we’re having half the sex we did 30 years ago. Now the fast-growing sexual wellness industry is turning its attention to supplements (Jane Mulkerrins, Times)
You’d have thought exposure to the odd cyberflash – call it a social media willy wag – might be considered par for the course? – Pop goes the weasil?
I’m oddly reminded of the calssic opening sequence to the TV sitcom Porridge where Ronnie Barker does the voice over impersonating the stentorian tones of the m’lud up on the bench who sent his character Norman Stanley Fletcher down for a long stretch: “…you have pleaded guilty to the charges brought by this court, and it is now my duty to pass sentence. You are an habitual criminal, who accepts arrest as an occupational hazard, and presumably accepts imprisonment in the same casual manner.”
Does our lady journo accept the occupational hazards of her dedicated research into the ‘sexual wellness industry’ in the same casual manner?
Nope, she’s up in arms in a feminist high dudgeon, rabble rousing over nasty chaps doing cyberflashing.
I think we’ve got her number, so to speak. Which reminds me, there’s one more conundrum to solve. Mr AsI only tends to get his nuisance calls from chaps with Indian accents claiming to be from Amazon with only a putative and imaginary package to deliver to him
So how does our lady journo get to receive…?
Jane Mulkerrins says she has regularly been a victim on dating apps (Times) – kinda goes with the territory then – or as Ronnie Barker might have intoned: occupational hazard
Apologies for technical issues with the editing that went somewhat awry this morning, making a muddle in parts of this review.
I wonder if the blue labour lot think there is anything they could do to save themselves ?
“Cocaine, prostitution, and human trafficking are the illicit businesses that helped the Tirana bosses build their empires” – AND POLICE WORRIED ABOUT BEING CALLED RACIST!
. . .. . .. .. . . .
‘Racism’ fear
The report found: “Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”
Haiti: Fears of hunger as Haiti turmoil spreads
“But the failed state that Haiti is rapidly becoming has failed its young people most of all” yeah and its a bungle of laughs for the fest
Maybe the young could dance on tiktok and paint rainbows on the ground to end the homophobia and islamophobia and haitiPhobia?
Anthony Mackie: We need more fun on our TVs
Thats why I dont watch the bbc
Easter eggs costs rise as climate change hits crops
Arrh its climate change, I thought we were being ripped off, my mistake
Eat bugs?
Control the language control the thinking.
Lets not forget the Kosovo war, ie the attack on Serbia, was a NATO enterprise.
“ Funny how the killers of the nationalist IRA are never called ‘Far-Right’ by the BBC but if you question mass immigration…….”
Surely the IRA are left wing. That’s why Al Beeb love them.
Reform.Labour.Conservatives.Heritage Party. Reclaim. ….
“If there was hope, it must lie in the proles, because only there, in those swarming disregarded masses, eighty-five percent of the population of Oceania, could the force to destroy the Party ever be generated. The Party could not be overthrown from within. Its enemies, if it had any enemies, had no way of coming together or even of identifying one another. Even if the legendary Brotherhood existed, as just possibly it might, it was inconceivable that its members could ever assemble in larger numbers than twos and threes. Rebellion meant a look in the eyes, an inflection of the voice; at the most, an occasional whispered word. But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They need only to rise up and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to do it.”
― George Orwell, 1984
and then, the next day (sometimes, actually in the same piece ) the Guardian scribbler will bemoan the declining whale population…….
New Short LGBT Bible – “Adam and Evan try for baby. Then End.”
What’s With All the Gay Penguins?
“Got to read this to my lesbian girlfriend in while in Croatia. The gay agenda is working, keeping at it.”
gay agenda?! HA HA HA HA!
A propos of nothing, and I may repeat this post in the weeks to come. Not BBC. Yet. But it will be.
In the next few weeks there is sure to be publicity about teachers’ pay for next year. Unions spokespeople. Demos. Strikes maybe. In fact only the other day there was a story about teacher shortages ( implication – put pay up).
So far, fairly normal and expected.
But get this. I have just found out that next year the payment by schools to fund teachers pensions will rise from 23% to 28%!!!!!!!! That is a 5% remuneration rise. It will almost certainly not be fully funded and schools will have to find maybe a 2% shortfall. Money to be spent on the actual education, welfare, and provision for children will presumably decline by the same amount.
Here’s the question. Will the BBC or anybody else, EVER mention this astonishingly generous contribution when teacher salaries are being discussed??????
I think I can safely guess.
If they actually sold the teaching profession as salary plus 28% pension contribution maybe the shortages would diminish even if public anger at the featherbedding grew.
Marcus Rashford to demand we feed the teachers and the kids and Palestinans
Sluff – I did hear that they were moaning because they can’t work from home . I agree – close schools – sell them off – and put the kids online – everyone’s happy . A career working from home follows …
Yes, but then the socialist bastards would strike because there’s too many of them. Back to the Docks in the 60’s, dinting. 10 dockers turn up, 5 go home on full pay, next day the other 5 go home. Jobs a gud’un.
Australian globalists getting annoyed about this – behind Russian lines – ABC documentary being aired down there.
They only like one view.
“Kangaroo killed in shelling on Russian zoo”,by%20cluster%20fragments%22%20on%20Tuesday.
‘The zoo in Belgorod said the animal, named Grandi, was outside when her enclosure was “damaged by cluster fragments” on Tuesday.
Grandi, a Bennett’s tree-kangaroo, was transferred to Belgorod from St Petersburg in 2019.
“She immediately charmed us with her friendliness, meekness and absolute fearlessness,” the zoo said.
The hopping marsupial happily let herself be petted and “really loved being hand-fed”.’
Ukraine attacking Russian zoo with NATO cluster shells.
Ban Bombing Zoo’s campaign!
Thumbs up!
“Deliveroo rider bites off Aldershot customer’s thumb”
Last week it was revealed that SNP tourism minister Richard Lochhead spent £11,750 on a three-day jolly in California intended to “tap into the US space economy“. Subsequently delivering one 15 minutes speech about space…
Hey come on marky – got to give 10/10 for corruption
11/10 – better than all the best in the world!
You stay home and eat bugs … they travel world eating steak to tell you to stay home and eat bugs.
Chris Mason
fits right in at the ex British broadcaster
Who could give a f*** what this dickhead is up to. It is bad enough he works for the bBBC.
Chris Mason
BBC Political Editor. Watch Listen Read
5mins from where I need to…Joined March 2009
4,957 Following
BBC News online
16 March 2024
In an article about the Liberal Democrats’ spring conference we wrongly described the political party Reform UK as far-right when referring to polling. This sentence was subsequently removed from the article as it fell short of our usual editorial standards. While the original wording was based on news agency copy, we take full responsibility and apologise for the error.
It seems likely Ireland might yet implode?
“Man can’t save for home despite having two jobs” :
And yet another smiler is shown as he struggles to cope. Don’t these people know how to look miserable?
“works in a school in the daytime and at a youth centre three evenings a week”
Police report —
Nikesh Mistry “continued to force the rider of the motorcycle off the road, up onto the verge, squashing the motorcycle between his vehicle and some metal barrier bridge railing. The rider of the motorcycle was thrown from his bike and was catapulted over the bridge […] Mistry was not in any immediate danger and chose to respond in a manner that was so violent and so disproportionate that he turned road disagreement into a very serious assault.”
BBC headline —
Deep Fake?
Well if China does it, it must be a good idea.
Not that he’s a fascist control freak or anything.