The TodayProgramme interviewing theUnited Nations fellow in charge of countering climate change – I’ve forgotten his official title .
A nice interview for the gentleman. He was asked about the UK’s role with our small emissions compared to China’s.
To which he just lumped the UK into the G20 then all of the western world , called us an industrialised nation (? ) and how we ( as in all of us G20 folk ) cause 87 % of the pollutants.
I expect that the BBC are very much in approval of
the England’s team “inclusive” football shirt. Without
the red cross of St George . All that’s missing for the
the sweet FA now. Is to change the patron saint of
England’s name from England’s training ground at
St Georges Park Burton upon Trent. And get
Nike to use Dylan Mulvaney to advertise the shirt.. How about the
BLM stadium with Mulvaney also in a sports bra , with the
knew logo on it !!
“Ten years ago researchers studying the health of more than 30,000 people in Bradford found that about 60% of babies in the Pakistani community had parents who were first or second cousins, but a new follow-up study of mothers in three inner-city wards finds the figure has dropped to 46%.18 Nov 2023″
Well Londonistan is not open to those that believe to have children you need a mother and a father. Such people are believed to have committed a homophobic crime.
“Controls and sanctions
Border Force monitors and controls imports of firearms (including their component parts), ammunition and offensive weapons into the UK across all modes of transport and international mail.
If you fail to meet the relevant legal requirements, the item will be liable to forfeiture and will be seized by Border Force. You may also be arrested and prosecuted for importing the item illegally into the UK and/or possessing the item illegally in the UK. The maximum prison sentence is up to 10 years.”
Is this some kind of joke? A really sick one?
As MarkyMark would comment:
“Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha” ad infinitum……..
What a total joke this country has become. And getting blatantly worse by the day.
They were also able to bring in religious items, including books. Proselytizing by non-Muslims, including the distribution of non-Muslim religious materials such as Bibles, is illegal.
The Home Office is the lead government department for immigration and passports, drugs policy, crime, fire, counter-terrorism and police.
We are responsible for:
working on the problems caused by illegal drug use
shaping the alcohol strategy, policy and licensing conditions
keeping the United Kingdom safe from the threat of terrorism
reducing and preventing crime, and ensuring people feel safe in their homes and communities securing the UK border and controlling immigration
considering applications to enter and stay in the UK
issuing passports and visas
supporting visible, responsible and accountable policing by empowering the public and freeing up the police to fight crime
fire prevention and rescue
Our goals are to:
cut crime and the harm it causes, including cyber-crime and serious and organised crime
manage civil emergencies within the remit of the Home Office
protect vulnerable people and communities
reduce terrorism control migration
provide world-class public services and contribute to prosperity
maximise the benefits of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union
The way Israel should be trying to eliminate Hamas (except for the truth that Netanyahu doesn’t want to).
The population of Gaza are sick and tired of Hamas and they want them gone. Israel could assist them to do this but the objective is not what it appears to be.
“In one clip from the protest in Jabaliya, protesters can be heard calling out against Hamas’ Political Bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh and Sinwar. “Sinwar, Haniyeh, the people are the victims. Down with Hamas! Down with Hamas!” they shouted.
In Rafah, protesters also voiced opposition against Sinwar and Hamas heavyweight Osama Hamdan, who resides in Lebanon. “Listen, listen, Hamdan, go back to Lebanon!” they chanted, along with, “Listen, listen, Haniyeh, the people are the victims. Gaza will be redeemed through spirit and blood.”
IDF Arabic Spokesperson Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee also shared clips from the protests on X and quoted chants from one of the demonstrations, saying, “Sinwar tell Haniyeh that the people are the victims. Go away, Sinwar! Listen, listen, Haniyeh, go back to Turkey. Listen, Listen, Hamdan, go back to Lebanon.”
“Gazans recognize the reason behind the tragedy in the Gaza Strip and the consequences of the destruction and terror wrought by Sinwar and his gang,” Adraee added in the post.
These aren’t the first protests against Hamas in Gaza. In recent weeks, Adraee has been sharing numerous videos depicting similar protests where residents boldly call for the overthrow of Hamas and openly criticize its top officials.”
No netanyahu doesn’t want to do it that way. If he were offered the elimination of Hamas and all the civilian population of Gaza survived and remained there Netanyahu would reject it because his objective is not the elimination of Hamas.
Save as the elimination of ALL the population of Gaza and if you bother to do a little research Lucy instead of sniping and the Left wing woke method of pejoritives and ad hominems you would have realised by now that Netanyahu is set on a very different course to what you appear to understand.
Netanyahu’s objective is the annexation of the Gaza strip and the almost total annihilation of the population there.
Maybe you’re happy with that, but I can tell you the world including many many Israelis and their US supporters are not.
So lets see who will I go with here, some one like you who is clearly not in possesion of the facts, or the US Jewish lobby who do see what is going on and are doing their level best to stop it and preserve the state of Israel?
About that Bridge Lucy I’ve got one for sale if you’d like it??
What ad-hominem? I mocked you for your mad claims. You often post fringe nonsense and make remarks about ‘them greedy Jews’ who control everything. You are irrational on this subject. I’ve told you that before.
You may continue to post rubbish and I will continue to mock you.
Very seriously,
The biggest mistake Israel made concerning Gaza was giving it away for peace with Muslims. The Gaza strip belongs to the Jews who were evicted from it in 2005. Netanyahu is defending 0.1% of the Middle East. We have seen plenty of proof that the fabled “Palestine” cannot be tolerated because they will only kill and destroy. No other nation in the world would be expected to stand down in the face of of such clearly defined aggression.
Arabs calling themselves “Palestinians” have plenty of land. Let the Arabs deal with Arab problems and home their own people.
“mad claims” “Fringe Views” and deliberately mis quoted remarks are all false and ad hominems, because the truth is that 97% of Jews agree with me and not with you.
The Jewish lobby in America doesn’t agree with you, nor does the people of Israel, and now we see Candace Owens sacked by Ben Shapiro, for expressing views similar to mine, you seriously going to try to tell us Candace Owens has been making mad claims and has ‘fringe views’.
Other nations have of course been asked to do exactly what Israel has been asked to do, including Britain over Northern Ireland. Just because they are Jews doesn’t make them somehow more special than everyone else!
The Gaza strip does not belong to Israel, it is part of the occupied territory – shows how much you know, but they are looking to slaughter as many inhabitants as they can and then annexe it as their own, but this is not the people of Israel it is the man who has siezed power and is not supported by his people.
BBC TOP NEWS … This decadent Korean fried chicken burger is made with a lovely spiced coating (with the option of using cornflakes for extra crunch!). Serve with buttery Korean sauce and slaw.
Equipment and preparation: You will need a cooking thermometer for this recipe.
By Philli Armitage-Mattin
From Saturday Kitchen
A finalist on BBC One’s MasterChef: The Professionals 2020, Philli entertained the nation with her take on playful Asian-inspired dishes. She has a passion for using Asian ingredients to create big flavour-filled meals.
After studying her master’s degree in chemistry at Bristol University – Philli joined the University of West London to gain her professional cookery qualifications. She went on to develop her skills for Asian cuisine while working for a Michelin-starred Japanese-inspired restaurant under the Gordon Ramsay Group and traveling around Asia. Her first cookbook, Taste Kitchen: Asia, is an ode to her passion for Asian cuisine.
Scrap the TV Licence .
Why are the people of Great Britain being forced to pay for the rubbish, biased, BBC, although they do not watch it ?
Let it be funded by ‘pay by subscription’ .
If it is as good as it says it is , or thinks it is , it will fund it self .
taffman, all the luvvies who have been enriched by the BBC at some time in their careers could also make a contribution to BBC funds. We could call it a voluntary wealth tax.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak held a US green card – allowing permanent residence in that country – while he was chancellor, his spokeswoman has said. He returned it in October last year, ahead of his first American trip as a UK government minister.8 Apr 2022
Akshata Murty may have avoided up to £20m in tax with non-dom status. Rishi Sunak’s wife has potentially avoided up to £20m in UK tax by being non-domiciled and pays £30,000 a year to keep the status – revelations that come amid growing political pressure on the chancellor.
Lots of people must have signed off on that kit. I see that Head of Diversity at the FA is Yasir Mirza (previous similar posts at the FT, BBC, Channel 4 and The Guardian).
“One of Mirza’s immediate focuses will be to liaise with English football’s key stakeholders to accelerate the long-awaited Online Harms Bill, which will include stringent laws to prevent social media abuse, through Parliament.”
Speaking of diversity in football — head of diversity at BBC Studios is Kevin Yusuf Coleman. A ‘Game For All’… really? Also making sure that the time for Iftar is included on the flyer.
Imagine what the England kit will look like in 20yrs…
The fact they were even considering proven liar Fiyaz Mughal shows this dispreputable bunch of Marxists are completely unfit for government.
Never forget that Burgess Philby and McClean (and company) were all ex public school, and that being wealthy does not exclude you from being Marxist, Mugabe, Xi, Joing Un, and Castro are all mega rich and all of them are Marxists.
Your last paragraph illustrates nicely the dilemma that the UK and the rest of the Western world is facing. When the Socialist billionaires shout “JUMP” our elected representatives whimper “HOW HIGH YOUR MAJESTIES?”
These people are the swamp creatures and they have more political clout than our elected government. For everybody’s sake they need to be reminded that they do NOT represent the views of the majority of the people and of course they have nothing but contempt for those ordinary folk and their views.
Their woke agenda is all that matters to them and almost the entire mass media is under their control so they have an open goal for their propaganda.
I am sure that you have all noticed the systematic denigration and dismantling of our proud heritage and culture by government , media, the BBC and educational establishments .
How about Gove securing a new Anti British-Hatred Tsar ?
Are the Tories patriotic?
They are a shame to all those servicemen that gave their lives fighting for Great Britain .
Kick them out and vote for Reform & UKIP !
“In biology, evolution is not what we (Islamic Teachings) believe”@0:58 { – 09Jun2014 – From the section Education }
Michael Gove on extremism in schools: ‘We have to act’ “It is important that no-one allows concern about these finding to become a pretext for criticism of Islam itself,” he (Gove) added.
– this was in 2014 – have things changed or been forgotten?
That is my intention
All my adult life I considered myself a committed Socialist and voted the Labour ticket. Then came the Blair regime which I enthusiastically endorsed until the WMD fiasco.
From then on I started to think and think some more and as you may have guessed – VOILA- an epiphany- Now I understand.
Thank You Comrade Blair.
TWatO Watch #1 – the Montacutie is away again ‘long weekending’ at her country pile so …
….. left Jonny Dymond, fresh from his TOADY presenting debut in charge of TWatO. Lots of flak for Israel. Former Labour Party (in Norway) politician, Jan Egeland, now Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council was brought on by Jonny to believe absolutely the claim of Hamas that 10,000 children have been killed due to the Israeli Military action against Hamas. And call for a ceasefire. And call for more food aid.
Ehud Olmert, former Israeli Premier (Liberal), was interviewed with the possibility, no doubt the BBC hoped, of him stating that Bibi Netanyahu, current Premier of Israel should go or call an election immediately. Mr Olmert no doubt disappointed the BBC by not calling for Netanyahu to resign and instead was quite patriotic in his comments. To cap it all the US motion for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza was voted down by China and Russia of all nations.
Bigotted snowflake orthodox Jew Ben Shapiro has reached for the levers of cancel culture and fired conservative commentator Candace Owens from the Daily Wire because she dared to criticise Netanyahus bloody campaign of genocide in Gaza.
Shapiro proves what a hyporitical snowflake he by this action. Unable to defend the indefensible instead of accepting he is wrong or even engaging in reasoned debate he does exactly what he accuses the left of doing and seeks to silence his critics and opposition using cancel culture. How can anyone take this bigot seriously ever again?
We can see two side of an argument playing out here on these pades where people like me take the view that Netanyahu and Israel are not the same and that he has gone way to far with the murder of civilians, and the other side who are wrong (that’s a little joke BTW for those who are too wound up to realise),
I don’t think anyone here would ever accuse Candace Owens as being a champion of the centre Right, while Ben Shapiro is a US version of Jacob Rees Mogg, perceived as being centre Right by dint of their religious beliefs.
I don’t beleve Shapiro is conservative centre right any more than I believe Rees Mogg is. He is in my opinion bigotted and I can remember his interview with Andrew Neil in which he embarassed himself calling Neil a Left wing member of the MSM!
The only campaign of genocide in the Middle East is the attempted elimination of the only Hebrew people in that region. Israel is the only Jewish-majority country and the only Jewish state.
The Arab league comprises : Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
You cannot have an attempted genocide when nothing is happening!
Again I offer proof, you offer wild accusations which are clearly false and your arguement has zero validity which I shall now prove.
Both Egypt and Jordan have had peace treaties with Israel for decades they have no intention what so ever of even attacking Israel.
The Abraham accords would have made lasting peace with several of the other nations, but Netanyahu was so opposed to it he decided to destroy that and in process putting the future of Israel in jeopardy (not that he cares if he saves his own skin).
The two places which really do threaten Israel you haven’t mentioned, Turkey and Iran, the latter really does have genocidal intent.
I think Lucy you’re a little like those on the Left with Trump Orange man he bad, or Trump derangement syndrome, reversed for Netanyahu he Good simply because he is the PM of Israel and regardless of the fact he came to that by dint of what amounts to a coup.
As a result of Netanyahu the future of Israel is in serious doubt. If the Jewish lobby in the USA can realise that why is it so hard for you to do so ?
Thoughtful, you profess to be thoughtful so think on this: why do Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen wish to destroy Israel or wipe it from the face of the earth?
Lucy missed out Iran from her list of countries and Fatah and Hezbollah and the PA, along with Muslims who adhere to Islam inside Israel.
Then think on this, why do Palestinians who become Jewish proselytes or Christians do not want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth? Why should this be?
Up2 I put you to strict proof Egypt and Jordan wish to destroy Israel, put up or shut up and forever be known as a blow hard.
I am well aware of those who wish to wipe Israel off the map and as you saw from my post. No one like the Palestinians, no one wants them, but then no one in Europe in the 1930s liked the Jews, by your logic Hitler was right to try to wipe them out as Netanyahu is now doing.
So think on this, because none of you Genocide apologists have explained why it is that the powerful US Jewish Israeli lobby have turned on Netanyahu, perhaps you’d like to call them all anti Semitic ?
“Russia’s defence ministry said the assault on Ukraine’s power grid was part of a series of revenge attacks against Kyiv for its earlier incursions into Russian territory.”
“President Volodymyr Zelensky said the latest wave of attacks showed that Western allies must give more military aid to Ukraine, including additional air defence systems.”
Peace talks or some kind of settlement is never an option.
MORE weapons please.
Europe Is Short of Ammunition at a Bad Time
The EU promised Ukraine a million rounds by March of next year but may not be able to deliver.
By The Editorial Board
Nov. 27, 2023 6:25 pm ET
Ukraine fires some 6,000 to 8,000 shells a day. Its soldiers need large quantities of the 155mm artillery shells that are a NATO standard and can be used in howitzers from the U.S., France, Poland, Germany and Slovakia. Yet foreign-policy chief Josep Borrell said on Nov. 14 that the EU had reached only “30% of the overall objective” for ammo deliveries.
Article in the Daily Mail about an 8 year old boy who has trekked across the Sahara by himself and then got a boat to Europe because he wanted an European education. If this story is to be believed this child must have IQ of a genius. I guess most English boys couldn’t head from home to the nearest port. So we are to believe this child knew which direction Europe was in, how to find water in the Sahara, how to cross the Mediterranean without money. I think this story is pushing things a bit. But who is doing the pushing?
Brissles, I guessed hysterectomy which would fit with Princess Kate’s age but I guess, don’t know for sure, that the biopsy showed a tumerous growth somewhere. I wish the Princess of Wales well (as I am sure others posting here would) and hope the chemo is successful.
After this Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip died. Then King Charles was diagnosed with cancer and now Princess Catherine has announced she is being treated for cancer.
This is clearly a coincidence as is the fact that ALL sports events in NL must now be attended by an ambulance/paramedics.
Surely Putin is to be blame? Clearly he’s been arranging for members of the royal family to take Polonium umbrella shots from his Salisbury-based agents. Wouldn’t surprise me to hear that Trump is involved, too. Where is Hillary Clinton when we need to know the truth about all of this?
The idea that the freedom fighters in Russia wanted to get to Ukraine is a bit of a long shot . Alexa says it is 570 miles as the budgie flies from Moscow to the Ukraine border —— assuming security in Russian is now even higher than usual – how far would they have got ..?
The problem was created by the Royals maintaining military grade secrecy and letting absolutely nothing out. They could have given some small amount of information but they chose not to and that caused the speculation.
I suppose you would have no qualms at all your medical history being splashed all over the world thanks to a corrupt and absolutely shameful MSM who were best portrayed in sptiting image as gross pigs and slavering wolves. It is none of their business and they are boody pathetic. I have no interest in the royals personally.
What a hysterical response! I never said anything about ALL the Medical history being released just a small amount of information which clearly you didn’t understand even though it’s there clear as day!
I am not the putative head of the country either, representing the entire state to the world, this is not necessarily a case of the media knowing and profiting (which they shamefully do) the people of the country have an interest in knowing.
Now people do know the response is incredibly positive and supportive. Maybe they should have said something earlier?
Sadly even giving out the smallest bit of info wouldn’t be enough for social media or press editors, they’d be tearing at it like a dog with a bone. Unless they were in the room listening to the diagnosis by a clinician, they wouldn’t have been happy.
It’s not a case of ‘the public’s right to know…. etc’ it’s just bloody nosiness, nothing less.
When it’s the future head of state it’s a little different and whilst I’m not suggesting they should have told everything, they could have said it was something more serious.
I don’t begrudge the fact they receive a standard of care none of us would ever receive on the hopelessly corrupted NHS but it was the lack of any kind of disclosure which led to the speculation.
I believe that this also led to the press offering enormous financial inducements to staff, to access medical records for a scoop which would inevitably landed them in court, but the process is now so week no one takes the law seriously anyway.
the speculation wont have been helped by the MSM constantly lying to us about anything and everything , nowadays we all presume if they silent about subject are deliberately hiding something
Rumours that the attack on the crocus stadium in Moscow was undertaken by Mossad at the instigation of one Amir Weitmann of the Likud party.
One of the attackers has been captured alive and if this is true no one would be able to defend Israel from what is going to be visitied on it save God.
2 “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of[a] Meshek and Tubal; prophesy against him 3 and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against you, Gog, chief prince of[b] Meshek and Tubal. 4 I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army—your horses, your horsemen fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields, all of them brandishing their swords. 5 Persia, Cush[c] and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets, 6 also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops—the many nations with you.
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (The Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (The State of Israel) mutually destroy one another. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economic exhaustion.
We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism (Wokeism), the origin of savagery and the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer (AI), brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time” Aka the NWO under the UN.
Albert Pike, 33-degree mason and Illuminati, aka swivel-eyed conspiracy nutjob, in a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871.
If anyone thought for a moment that former leader of the Blue Labour Marxist Tories was anything other than tha far left champion, time to put those thoughts aside as he names his journalistic ‘heroes’.
“The Garrick Club! I knew that some of my greatest journalistic heroes were members — giants like Frank Johnson, and John Simpson of the BBC, and, of course, Alan Rusbridger, paragon of liberal virtue, then midway through his marathon stint at the Guardian.”
This is all about the continued asymetrical attack on men by the far Left which Johnson supports.
The Garrick club is an all male establishment, but the wimmin have decided same sex spaces are only for them, aided and abetted by a few deluded men who are easily led by the dick at the mention “trannies”.
Johnson and at least three other manginas have been forced to resign because the club is single sex. So I ask readers, it is fair for men to have their spaces invaded by women, while the same women hysterically shriek that they will not be safe if the same rules are applied to them?
The relentless drip of BBC propaganda continued in “The Archers” this evening (R4 from 19:02) in which lesbian estate manager Stella, prior to a bed session with younger partner Pip Archer, got in a reference to the “climate crisis” just in case we’d all forgotten.
Such a pity that “The Archers” replaced “Dick Barton Special Agent” when I was a child. When Dick Barton came on the wireless at 6.45pm there was not a child to be seen on the village green.
JohnCMar 11, 02:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Hard to disagree more with much of that. It’s my opinion that the globalist EU is at the root of…
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
The TodayProgramme interviewing theUnited Nations fellow in charge of countering climate change – I’ve forgotten his official title .
A nice interview for the gentleman. He was asked about the UK’s role with our small emissions compared to China’s.
To which he just lumped the UK into the G20 then all of the western world , called us an industrialised nation (? ) and how we ( as in all of us G20 folk ) cause 87 % of the pollutants.
And as this was the BBC , he got away with it .
We are all equal! ***
*** China is less equal and more powerful
We are well on the way to being a deindustrialized nation. I am sure we will get lots of thanks from the eco-cranks.
I expect that the BBC are very much in approval of
the England’s team “inclusive” football shirt. Without
the red cross of St George . All that’s missing for the
the sweet FA now. Is to change the patron saint of
England’s name from England’s training ground at
St Georges Park Burton upon Trent. And get
Nike to use Dylan Mulvaney to advertise the shirt.. How about the
BLM stadium with Mulvaney also in a sports bra , with the
knew logo on it !!
I wont be wearing the bumder shirt
check out the away kit notice anything
Not BBC I know, but definitely influenced by them.
In an article in the Mail on first cousin marriages and resulting birth defects, the picture used to illustrate this…?
Queen Victoria and family.
I’m not sure that this is representative of the strain on the NHS these days.
46% HA HA HA HA! And that is diversity in action!
“Ten years ago researchers studying the health of more than 30,000 people in Bradford found that about 60% of babies in the Pakistani community had parents who were first or second cousins, but a new follow-up study of mothers in three inner-city wards finds the figure has dropped to 46%.18 Nov 2023″
#LondonIsOpen – London opens its doors to the world ***
*** except for JEWS and Donald Trump
Well Londonistan is not open to those that believe to have children you need a mother and a father. Such people are believed to have committed a homophobic crime.
This city has fallen – Don’t go there.
Compliments of H.M. Home Office website:
“Controls and sanctions
Border Force monitors and controls imports of firearms (including their component parts), ammunition and offensive weapons into the UK across all modes of transport and international mail.
If you fail to meet the relevant legal requirements, the item will be liable to forfeiture and will be seized by Border Force. You may also be arrested and prosecuted for importing the item illegally into the UK and/or possessing the item illegally in the UK. The maximum prison sentence is up to 10 years.”
Is this some kind of joke? A really sick one?
As MarkyMark would comment:
“Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha” ad infinitum……..
What a total joke this country has become. And getting blatantly worse by the day.
“you may also be arrested”
. . . . . . . . .
They were also able to bring in religious items, including books. Proselytizing by non-Muslims, including the distribution of non-Muslim religious materials such as Bibles, is illegal.
The Home Office is the lead government department for immigration and passports, drugs policy, crime, fire, counter-terrorism and police.
We are responsible for:
working on the problems caused by illegal drug use
shaping the alcohol strategy, policy and licensing conditions
keeping the United Kingdom safe from the threat of terrorism
reducing and preventing crime, and ensuring people feel safe in their homes and communities
securing the UK border and controlling immigration
considering applications to enter and stay in the UK
issuing passports and visas
supporting visible, responsible and accountable policing by empowering the public and freeing up the police to fight crime
fire prevention and rescue
Our goals are to:
cut crime and the harm it causes, including cyber-crime and serious and organised crime
manage civil emergencies within the remit of the Home Office
protect vulnerable people and communities
reduce terrorism
control migration
provide world-class public services and contribute to prosperity
maximise the benefits of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union
The way Israel should be trying to eliminate Hamas (except for the truth that Netanyahu doesn’t want to).
The population of Gaza are sick and tired of Hamas and they want them gone. Israel could assist them to do this but the objective is not what it appears to be.
“In one clip from the protest in Jabaliya, protesters can be heard calling out against Hamas’ Political Bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh and Sinwar. “Sinwar, Haniyeh, the people are the victims. Down with Hamas! Down with Hamas!” they shouted.
In Rafah, protesters also voiced opposition against Sinwar and Hamas heavyweight Osama Hamdan, who resides in Lebanon. “Listen, listen, Hamdan, go back to Lebanon!” they chanted, along with, “Listen, listen, Haniyeh, the people are the victims. Gaza will be redeemed through spirit and blood.”
IDF Arabic Spokesperson Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee also shared clips from the protests on X and quoted chants from one of the demonstrations, saying, “Sinwar tell Haniyeh that the people are the victims. Go away, Sinwar! Listen, listen, Haniyeh, go back to Turkey. Listen, Listen, Hamdan, go back to Lebanon.”
“Gazans recognize the reason behind the tragedy in the Gaza Strip and the consequences of the destruction and terror wrought by Sinwar and his gang,” Adraee added in the post.
These aren’t the first protests against Hamas in Gaza. In recent weeks, Adraee has been sharing numerous videos depicting similar protests where residents boldly call for the overthrow of Hamas and openly criticize its top officials.”
Oh I see, Gazans want to eliminate Hamas but Netanyahu doesn’t.
No netanyahu doesn’t want to do it that way. If he were offered the elimination of Hamas and all the civilian population of Gaza survived and remained there Netanyahu would reject it because his objective is not the elimination of Hamas.
Save as the elimination of ALL the population of Gaza and if you bother to do a little research Lucy instead of sniping and the Left wing woke method of pejoritives and ad hominems you would have realised by now that Netanyahu is set on a very different course to what you appear to understand.
Netanyahu’s objective is the annexation of the Gaza strip and the almost total annihilation of the population there.
Maybe you’re happy with that, but I can tell you the world including many many Israelis and their US supporters are not.
So lets see who will I go with here, some one like you who is clearly not in possesion of the facts, or the US Jewish lobby who do see what is going on and are doing their level best to stop it and preserve the state of Israel?
About that Bridge Lucy I’ve got one for sale if you’d like it??
What ad-hominem? I mocked you for your mad claims. You often post fringe nonsense and make remarks about ‘them greedy Jews’ who control everything. You are irrational on this subject. I’ve told you that before.
You may continue to post rubbish and I will continue to mock you.
Very seriously,
The biggest mistake Israel made concerning Gaza was giving it away for peace with Muslims. The Gaza strip belongs to the Jews who were evicted from it in 2005. Netanyahu is defending 0.1% of the Middle East. We have seen plenty of proof that the fabled “Palestine” cannot be tolerated because they will only kill and destroy. No other nation in the world would be expected to stand down in the face of of such clearly defined aggression.
Arabs calling themselves “Palestinians” have plenty of land. Let the Arabs deal with Arab problems and home their own people.
Saudi Arabia to build 600-mile barrier to defend Kingdom from ISIS | Daily Mail Online
“mad claims” “Fringe Views” and deliberately mis quoted remarks are all false and ad hominems, because the truth is that 97% of Jews agree with me and not with you.
The Jewish lobby in America doesn’t agree with you, nor does the people of Israel, and now we see Candace Owens sacked by Ben Shapiro, for expressing views similar to mine, you seriously going to try to tell us Candace Owens has been making mad claims and has ‘fringe views’.
Other nations have of course been asked to do exactly what Israel has been asked to do, including Britain over Northern Ireland. Just because they are Jews doesn’t make them somehow more special than everyone else!
The Gaza strip does not belong to Israel, it is part of the occupied territory – shows how much you know, but they are looking to slaughter as many inhabitants as they can and then annexe it as their own, but this is not the people of Israel it is the man who has siezed power and is not supported by his people.
BBC TOP NEWS … This decadent Korean fried chicken burger is made with a lovely spiced coating (with the option of using cornflakes for extra crunch!). Serve with buttery Korean sauce and slaw.
Equipment and preparation: You will need a cooking thermometer for this recipe.
By Philli Armitage-Mattin
From Saturday Kitchen
A finalist on BBC One’s MasterChef: The Professionals 2020, Philli entertained the nation with her take on playful Asian-inspired dishes. She has a passion for using Asian ingredients to create big flavour-filled meals.
After studying her master’s degree in chemistry at Bristol University – Philli joined the University of West London to gain her professional cookery qualifications. She went on to develop her skills for Asian cuisine while working for a Michelin-starred Japanese-inspired restaurant under the Gordon Ramsay Group and traveling around Asia. Her first cookbook, Taste Kitchen: Asia, is an ode to her passion for Asian cuisine.
REMEMBER – WE ARE IMPORTING FOOD – NOT THE CULTURE, OH WAIT …. ….. Cousin marriages cited as significant factor in Bradford child deaths
Scrap the TV Licence .
Why are the people of Great Britain being forced to pay for the rubbish, biased, BBC, although they do not watch it ?
Let it be funded by ‘pay by subscription’ .
If it is as good as it says it is , or thinks it is , it will fund it self .
taffman, all the luvvies who have been enriched by the BBC at some time in their careers could also make a contribution to BBC funds. We could call it a voluntary wealth tax.
Sunak says ‘don’t mess’ with flag on England football kit
1 hour ago
Chancellor Rishi Sunak held a US green card – allowing permanent residence in that country – while he was chancellor, his spokeswoman has said. He returned it in October last year, ahead of his first American trip as a UK government minister.8 Apr 2022
Akshata Murty may have avoided up to £20m in tax with non-dom status. Rishi Sunak’s wife has potentially avoided up to £20m in UK tax by being non-domiciled and pays £30,000 a year to keep the status – revelations that come amid growing political pressure on the chancellor.
“Rishi Sunak says he is registered with an NHS GP but has used private healthcare”
Lots of people must have signed off on that kit. I see that Head of Diversity at the FA is Yasir Mirza (previous similar posts at the FT, BBC, Channel 4 and The Guardian).
“One of Mirza’s immediate focuses will be to liaise with English football’s key stakeholders to accelerate the long-awaited Online Harms Bill, which will include stringent laws to prevent social media abuse, through Parliament.”
Speaking of diversity in football — head of diversity at BBC Studios is Kevin Yusuf Coleman. A ‘Game For All’… really? Also making sure that the time for Iftar is included on the flyer.
Imagine what the England kit will look like in 20yrs…
Go woke and go broke.
The fact they were even considering proven liar Fiyaz Mughal shows this dispreputable bunch of Marxists are completely unfit for government.
Never forget that Burgess Philby and McClean (and company) were all ex public school, and that being wealthy does not exclude you from being Marxist, Mugabe, Xi, Joing Un, and Castro are all mega rich and all of them are Marxists.
Your last paragraph illustrates nicely the dilemma that the UK and the rest of the Western world is facing. When the Socialist billionaires shout “JUMP” our elected representatives whimper “HOW HIGH YOUR MAJESTIES?”
These people are the swamp creatures and they have more political clout than our elected government. For everybody’s sake they need to be reminded that they do NOT represent the views of the majority of the people and of course they have nothing but contempt for those ordinary folk and their views.
Their woke agenda is all that matters to them and almost the entire mass media is under their control so they have an open goal for their propaganda.
I am sure that you have all noticed the systematic denigration and dismantling of our proud heritage and culture by government , media, the BBC and educational establishments .
How about Gove securing a new Anti British-Hatred Tsar ?
Are the Tories patriotic?
They are a shame to all those servicemen that gave their lives fighting for Great Britain .
Kick them out and vote for Reform & UKIP !
“In biology, evolution is not what we (Islamic Teachings) believe”@0:58 { – 09Jun2014 – From the section Education }
Michael Gove on extremism in schools: ‘We have to act’
“It is important that no-one allows concern about these finding to become a pretext for criticism of Islam itself,” he (Gove) added.
– this was in 2014 – have things changed or been forgotten?
That is my intention
All my adult life I considered myself a committed Socialist and voted the Labour ticket. Then came the Blair regime which I enthusiastically endorsed until the WMD fiasco.
From then on I started to think and think some more and as you may have guessed – VOILA- an epiphany- Now I understand.
Thank You Comrade Blair.
TWatO Watch #1 – the Montacutie is away again ‘long weekending’ at her country pile so …
….. left Jonny Dymond, fresh from his TOADY presenting debut in charge of TWatO. Lots of flak for Israel. Former Labour Party (in Norway) politician, Jan Egeland, now Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council was brought on by Jonny to believe absolutely the claim of Hamas that 10,000 children have been killed due to the Israeli Military action against Hamas. And call for a ceasefire. And call for more food aid.
Ehud Olmert, former Israeli Premier (Liberal), was interviewed with the possibility, no doubt the BBC hoped, of him stating that Bibi Netanyahu, current Premier of Israel should go or call an election immediately. Mr Olmert no doubt disappointed the BBC by not calling for Netanyahu to resign and instead was quite patriotic in his comments. To cap it all the US motion for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza was voted down by China and Russia of all nations.
Bigotted snowflake orthodox Jew Ben Shapiro has reached for the levers of cancel culture and fired conservative commentator Candace Owens from the Daily Wire because she dared to criticise Netanyahus bloody campaign of genocide in Gaza.
Shapiro proves what a hyporitical snowflake he by this action. Unable to defend the indefensible instead of accepting he is wrong or even engaging in reasoned debate he does exactly what he accuses the left of doing and seeks to silence his critics and opposition using cancel culture. How can anyone take this bigot seriously ever again?
We can see two side of an argument playing out here on these pades where people like me take the view that Netanyahu and Israel are not the same and that he has gone way to far with the murder of civilians, and the other side who are wrong (that’s a little joke BTW for those who are too wound up to realise),
I don’t think anyone here would ever accuse Candace Owens as being a champion of the centre Right, while Ben Shapiro is a US version of Jacob Rees Mogg, perceived as being centre Right by dint of their religious beliefs.
I don’t beleve Shapiro is conservative centre right any more than I believe Rees Mogg is. He is in my opinion bigotted and I can remember his interview with Andrew Neil in which he embarassed himself calling Neil a Left wing member of the MSM!
Here’s a video of what happened.
The only campaign of genocide in the Middle East is the attempted elimination of the only Hebrew people in that region. Israel is the only Jewish-majority country and the only Jewish state.
The Arab league comprises : Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
You cannot have an attempted genocide when nothing is happening!
Again I offer proof, you offer wild accusations which are clearly false and your arguement has zero validity which I shall now prove.
Both Egypt and Jordan have had peace treaties with Israel for decades they have no intention what so ever of even attacking Israel.
The Abraham accords would have made lasting peace with several of the other nations, but Netanyahu was so opposed to it he decided to destroy that and in process putting the future of Israel in jeopardy (not that he cares if he saves his own skin).
The two places which really do threaten Israel you haven’t mentioned, Turkey and Iran, the latter really does have genocidal intent.
I think Lucy you’re a little like those on the Left with Trump Orange man he bad, or Trump derangement syndrome, reversed for Netanyahu he Good simply because he is the PM of Israel and regardless of the fact he came to that by dint of what amounts to a coup.
As a result of Netanyahu the future of Israel is in serious doubt. If the Jewish lobby in the USA can realise that why is it so hard for you to do so ?
Thoughtful, you profess to be thoughtful so think on this: why do Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen wish to destroy Israel or wipe it from the face of the earth?
Lucy missed out Iran from her list of countries and Fatah and Hezbollah and the PA, along with Muslims who adhere to Islam inside Israel.
Then think on this, why do Palestinians who become Jewish proselytes or Christians do not want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth? Why should this be?
Up2 I put you to strict proof Egypt and Jordan wish to destroy Israel, put up or shut up and forever be known as a blow hard.
I am well aware of those who wish to wipe Israel off the map and as you saw from my post. No one like the Palestinians, no one wants them, but then no one in Europe in the 1930s liked the Jews, by your logic Hitler was right to try to wipe them out as Netanyahu is now doing.
So think on this, because none of you Genocide apologists have explained why it is that the powerful US Jewish Israeli lobby have turned on Netanyahu, perhaps you’d like to call them all anti Semitic ?
Diversity in football ? hmmm have a look at what it brings us in Birmingham:
Thug batters rivals with length of wood in terrifying 15-man street brawl in residential area.
Indian and Chinese troops fight with sticks and bricks in video
“Ukraine war: Five dead and a million without power after wave of Russian strikes”
“Russia’s defence ministry said the assault on Ukraine’s power grid was part of a series of revenge attacks against Kyiv for its earlier incursions into Russian territory.”
“President Volodymyr Zelensky said the latest wave of attacks showed that Western allies must give more military aid to Ukraine, including additional air defence systems.”
Peace talks or some kind of settlement is never an option.
MORE weapons please.×900/Ukrainian-President-Volodymyr-Zelensky-nato-summit_1689230701718_1689230710565.jpg
Europe Is Short of Ammunition at a Bad Time
The EU promised Ukraine a million rounds by March of next year but may not be able to deliver.
By The Editorial Board
Nov. 27, 2023 6:25 pm ET
Ukraine fires some 6,000 to 8,000 shells a day. Its soldiers need large quantities of the 155mm artillery shells that are a NATO standard and can be used in howitzers from the U.S., France, Poland, Germany and Slovakia. Yet foreign-policy chief Josep Borrell said on Nov. 14 that the EU had reached only “30% of the overall objective” for ammo deliveries.
Environmentally friendly eco- shells?
Was that an electric bus committing a climate threatening suicide?
Not more weapons, more money, or they will sell the weapons to the highest bidder.
Article in the Daily Mail about an 8 year old boy who has trekked across the Sahara by himself and then got a boat to Europe because he wanted an European education. If this story is to be believed this child must have IQ of a genius. I guess most English boys couldn’t head from home to the nearest port. So we are to believe this child knew which direction Europe was in, how to find water in the Sahara, how to cross the Mediterranean without money. I think this story is pushing things a bit. But who is doing the pushing?
I suppose the name of the boy didn’t happen to be Jesus Christ?
No that’s just what his relatives said when they read the story and thought he was down the playground.
Catherine has cancer and is being treated. Hope all those bloody trolls choke on their tea.
Brissles, I guessed hysterectomy which would fit with Princess Kate’s age but I guess, don’t know for sure, that the biopsy showed a tumerous growth somewhere. I wish the Princess of Wales well (as I am sure others posting here would) and hope the chemo is successful.
The UK has had a mass covid vaccination program.
After this Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip died. Then King Charles was diagnosed with cancer and now Princess Catherine has announced she is being treated for cancer.
This is clearly a coincidence as is the fact that ALL sports events in NL must now be attended by an ambulance/paramedics.
Surely Putin is to be blame? Clearly he’s been arranging for members of the royal family to take Polonium umbrella shots from his Salisbury-based agents. Wouldn’t surprise me to hear that Trump is involved, too. Where is Hillary Clinton when we need to know the truth about all of this?
The idea that the freedom fighters in Russia wanted to get to Ukraine is a bit of a long shot . Alexa says it is 570 miles as the budgie flies from Moscow to the Ukraine border —— assuming security in Russian is now even higher than usual – how far would they have got ..?
The problem was created by the Royals maintaining military grade secrecy and letting absolutely nothing out. They could have given some small amount of information but they chose not to and that caused the speculation.
I suppose you would have no qualms at all your medical history being splashed all over the world thanks to a corrupt and absolutely shameful MSM who were best portrayed in sptiting image as gross pigs and slavering wolves. It is none of their business and they are boody pathetic. I have no interest in the royals personally.
What a hysterical response! I never said anything about ALL the Medical history being released just a small amount of information which clearly you didn’t understand even though it’s there clear as day!
I am not the putative head of the country either, representing the entire state to the world, this is not necessarily a case of the media knowing and profiting (which they shamefully do) the people of the country have an interest in knowing.
Now people do know the response is incredibly positive and supportive. Maybe they should have said something earlier?
Sadly even giving out the smallest bit of info wouldn’t be enough for social media or press editors, they’d be tearing at it like a dog with a bone. Unless they were in the room listening to the diagnosis by a clinician, they wouldn’t have been happy.
It’s not a case of ‘the public’s right to know…. etc’ it’s just bloody nosiness, nothing less.
When it’s the future head of state it’s a little different and whilst I’m not suggesting they should have told everything, they could have said it was something more serious.
I don’t begrudge the fact they receive a standard of care none of us would ever receive on the hopelessly corrupted NHS but it was the lack of any kind of disclosure which led to the speculation.
I believe that this also led to the press offering enormous financial inducements to staff, to access medical records for a scoop which would inevitably landed them in court, but the process is now so week no one takes the law seriously anyway.
the speculation wont have been helped by the MSM constantly lying to us about anything and everything , nowadays we all presume if they silent about subject are deliberately hiding something
Rumours that the attack on the crocus stadium in Moscow was undertaken by Mossad at the instigation of one Amir Weitmann of the Likud party.
One of the attackers has been captured alive and if this is true no one would be able to defend Israel from what is going to be visitied on it save God.
2 “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of[a] Meshek and Tubal; prophesy against him 3 and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against you, Gog, chief prince of[b] Meshek and Tubal. 4 I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army—your horses, your horsemen fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields, all of them brandishing their swords. 5 Persia, Cush[c] and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets, 6 also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops—the many nations with you.
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (The Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (The State of Israel) mutually destroy one another. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economic exhaustion.
We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism (Wokeism), the origin of savagery and the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer (AI), brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time” Aka the NWO under the UN.
Albert Pike, 33-degree mason and Illuminati, aka swivel-eyed conspiracy nutjob, in a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871.
Third world war when there hadn’t even been a first one?
If anyone thought for a moment that former leader of the Blue Labour Marxist Tories was anything other than tha far left champion, time to put those thoughts aside as he names his journalistic ‘heroes’.
“The Garrick Club! I knew that some of my greatest journalistic heroes were members — giants like Frank Johnson, and John Simpson of the BBC, and, of course, Alan Rusbridger, paragon of liberal virtue, then midway through his marathon stint at the Guardian.”
This is all about the continued asymetrical attack on men by the far Left which Johnson supports.
The Garrick club is an all male establishment, but the wimmin have decided same sex spaces are only for them, aided and abetted by a few deluded men who are easily led by the dick at the mention “trannies”.
Johnson and at least three other manginas have been forced to resign because the club is single sex. So I ask readers, it is fair for men to have their spaces invaded by women, while the same women hysterically shriek that they will not be safe if the same rules are applied to them?
Are they all Freemasons as well ?
Good luck Kate.
The relentless drip of BBC propaganda continued in “The Archers” this evening (R4 from 19:02) in which lesbian estate manager Stella, prior to a bed session with younger partner Pip Archer, got in a reference to the “climate crisis” just in case we’d all forgotten.
Such a pity that “The Archers” replaced “Dick Barton Special Agent” when I was a child. When Dick Barton came on the wireless at 6.45pm there was not a child to be seen on the village green.
Time for the Weekend thread – about the bias of the BBC …