Zephir, rumour has it that an energy company can cut you off at a whim, especially if you are a ‘dual fuel’ customer. Each of the engineers servicing my gas boiler for the last few years have advised “Don’t go the smart meter route.”
My supplier emailed me every few weeks telling me that my tariff meant I should be on a smart meter. Eventually I got fed up and told them ok. They immediately asked me when I wanted the meter fitted. I told them they’d misunderstood and moved to another provider. F’em. There’s no way I’ll have one until I am forced to by law. My main concern is that my meters are external so I could just come home one day to find they’ve been exchanged, although I gather I can force them into ‘dumb mode’.
OFGEM is ‘consulting ‘ on the cost of electricity according to time of day . I have some experience of this . I think it’s awful .
Invariably it is most expensive between 8pm and 10pm – and I’m sure it will interfere with the way people live even more than the current overpriced power – bought to you by a dumb government …
Spot on Z and very wise.
Years ago I foolishly and unthinkingly got a smart meter believing that all it would do was to stop me having to send meter readings for our electric usage, we don’t have gas.
But it never occurred to me that by having a smart meter , which is uniquely addressable by the supplier , I could be disconnected whilst my neighbours weren’t . No longer any need to send a squad to disconnect you for whatever reason they can do it from the comfort of their office. Obviously they can conduct rolling black outs in the same way if needed.
Social credit punishments will be so easy in future.
I see the Batley Islamic mob report by Ms Khan recommends a 150m exclusion zone outside schools to tackle ‘intimidation’. Yes let’s just set up more geographical restrictions and pretend the same religious violence won’t fester and spring up elsewhere. Another feeble proposal from a government inquiry.
BBC says the teacher “was the victim of what she has termed ‘freedom-restricting harassment’ […] ‘The idea that people should be able to create that kind of environment outside of schools… is just unacceptable…'”
Quite. Freedom-restricting harassment should be exclusively the function of the government and needs to extend far beyond the school gates. They’ve really taken to the role these last few years.
Some msm are clearly misleading us, with misleading so called fact checks :
“An article being shared widely online is falsely claiming that a local council in England will trial climate lockdowns from 2024. It says the move would prevent residents from leaving their neighbourhoods without permission from authorities.”
“The “traffic filters” are license plate recognition cameras, not physical barriers. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., drivers in private cars will be automatically fined if they cross through the filters without a permit. Motorists who live in Oxford will be able to apply for 100 daylong permits to drive through the filters per year.”
Stopping people driving there you go…same thing different words:
Just waiting for Effnick Minority Beard, the Pirate and Long John Affro to appear on the bbc.
You will never likely hear though that many pirate crews employed freed slaves and were run by a democratic vote on many issues.
Except the Barbary Pirates….who were muslim slavers:
The Barbary pirates, Barbary corsairs, or Ottoman corsairs[1] were mainly Muslim pirates and privateers who operated from the Barbary states. This area was known in Europe as the Barbary Coast, in reference to the Berbers.[2] Slaves in Barbary could be of many ethnicities, and of many different religions, such as Christian, Jewish, or Muslim.[3] Their predation extended throughout the Mediterranean, south along West Africa’s Atlantic seaboard and into the North Atlantic as far north as Iceland, but they primarily operated in the western Mediterranean. In addition to seizing merchant ships, they engaged in razzias, raids on European coastal towns and villages, mainly in Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal, but also in the British Isles,[3] the Netherlands, and Iceland.[4]
While such raids began after the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in the 710s, the terms “Barbary pirates” and “Barbary corsairs” are normally applied to the raiders active from the 16th century onwards, when the frequency and range of the slavers’ attacks increased.
I see Faisal Islam has bothered to turn up for work today and has written an article for the BBC web-site: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68634968. Unlike Steffie Flanders who wrote every day, very occasionally twice a day, and there would always be a HYS on every article Steffie wrote. She would even reply to a comment if you pulled her up on an error. Mr Islam tends to be noted for his lack of output and no comments on his articles!
just imagine if the colours were reversed …it would never end on the bb bloody c news
“Sickening moment footballer Cody Fisher is murdered on nightclub dancefloor in act of petty revenge after he accidentally bumped into his one of his killers – and they tried to hunt him down on Snapchat”
‘BBC in major error over politics.’ Shock, Horror! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68658896 It is not possible to resign as an MP. You can only beg leave of the Speaker in the House of Commons to be appointed to the Chiltern Hundreds. It is not the first time the BBC has made this mistake. You would think that with all the BBC’s resources and especially the knowledge accumulated by Nick Robinson and Laura Kuenssberg who have been Political Editors in the recent past that the BBC would be incapable of making that mistake.
— BBC Radio Humberside (@RadioHumberside) March 25, 2024
ITV also chose to use the same white faces pic and also OMITTED the names
Commercial radio .. did have the names
Kryzstof Bom, 38 .. Alvis Obuhovics, 24 .. Liene Obuhovica, 19
Very East European
Obuhovics Facebook page says he’s from Latvia
Since all 3 have addresses in the drug dealer area of town I guess Obuhovica is his sister, Kryzstof is a Polish name
I guess every time of baddies get into drugs
but photos do seem to be disproportionately non white-British with East European, Pak, Albanian gangs too
though of course there are white British gangs
Non seem like white men in in suits
though i suppose they could be the uncaught kingpins
Disgraceful breach of ULEZ regulations in londonistan today – children will die – hospitals will be overwhelmed – tractors attempting a coup – lock them up I say – take their farms away – throw their families in the Poor House …
Zephir – I’ve always thought their hobby is blocking traffic and stressing out drivers …. They are related to those imbecile road workers who don’t work ..
Solomon Grundy , you just made me cry. I have never heard that song, but it is just as we would say in Wales ‘Hiraeth’. It sums up what we are losing in this country (can’t really explain, just that pure Britishness about it).
Also this is why I love this blog, people posting different musical gems like this ( and the political discourse).
A free radio station with also many other genres, classical, rock, country, chill, Americana, blues, celtic etc etc very few adverts and no need for an account or to log in
What’s bothering me now is how the Tories seem totally unconcerned by the upcoming wipeout.
They have one chance : get rid of Sunak and put a real Conservative in there.
But of course any of them who might have the courage to do that have been removed by the BBC and their relentless headline-campaigns.
They’re now applying DEI criteria for selecting pilots and doctors, apparently.
Now, I’m all for DEI in Mickey Mouse jobs like BBC ‘journalist’ where they can’t do much more damage than the morons already working there; or Biden’s Press Secretary who just has to read out the lies written by someone else, possibly that other Diversity Hire, Obama.
If you have facebook vlad, you will learn from all the crap they thrust under your nose that ALL pilots are now women. And all are young, attractive and wearing lots of makeup.
Though I admit it’s a bit odd how they are always standing next to the planes or leaning on the yoke in the cockpit. Never flying them.
The Obama administration forces the Federal Aviation Administration to move away from merit-based hiring criteria.
When a plane starts its final descent, are the passengers more concerned about the competence or about the skin color of the air-traffic controllers on the ground who will help the pilot land safely? The answer may be obvious to readers, if not to the Obama administration.
This @OctopusEnergy customer was freeloading off everyone else. The market value of the generation was near zero, but the CfD, FiT and ROC subsidies will still be paid through our bills for expensive renewables. This is straight up deceit. https://t.co/ACBeCiGZ8A
Excellent news 5live has dumped the England match on Tuesday in favour of wales v Poland . The BBC explained that because woke rovers have stopped taking the knee and not wearing a queer kit they won’t cover them anymore .
C4 tonight is under pressure to cancel the broadcast due to the sheer tedium of watching Englands ‘ finest ruin the game
Of course they did. But they also demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. Why wasn’t that the headline BBC ?. Because that is why Israel are doing what they are doing. If ANYONE pressured the terrorists Hamas to release the hostages, this would all be over a lot quicker.
But the hostages and the terrible conditions and treatment they are getting have been well and truly brushed under the carpet by the UN and all the other organisations infested by this unholy red-green alliance of the Left and Islamic extremists.
You will hear a lot more about demands for a ceasefire on the BBC now. Not so much about the hostages who will remain as an add-on sentence somewhere in the middle of the article.
It was clear before I even read the article that this offering from the ridiculous children at ‘BBC Verify’ was going to do a Panorama style effort to blame Russia where they could and ignore anything which went against that agenda.
Their ‘debunking of all the false claims’ seems to be in fact just 2. Once for an audio clip and one for Putin claiming they were heading for Ukraine.
The audio clip actually verifies nothing. It’s quotations from a Unveristy paid by the BBC to come up with some evidence. It’s all suggestions and ‘maybe but can’t prove’ which is just ridiculous for such an article.
But the best bit is where they do their best to ‘debunk’ Putins claim they were headed for Ukraine. They say:
‘And despite Putin’s claim, the arrests took place a long way from the Ukrainian border.’ along with a pointless video to show where it was when a simple map would be more than enough.
But what these weasels have done is superimpose the video of where one was arrested right over the top of the border with Ukraine so you can’t see it. And it’s a lot closer than the ’90 mile’ line they draw down to the border when you look at google maps.
Just an amazing dirty trick. There is no reason they couldn’t put the video on the other side so the whole border is visible. It’s a sign of just how arrogant and confident the BBC are that they know they can get away with anything now.
If you look at that map and see where they were arrested and where they have come from, it’s very obvious they are headed for Ukraine. The idea they could have been going to Belarus as suggested by that vile far-left washing-board yesterday is complete rubbish.
One of the most compelling arguments is how they even tried to escape at all. The whole point of the ISIS nutcases is to die in the act of murdering the infidels. That way they get virgins to rape in paradise. The LAST thing they want is to be captured and humiliated.
BBC Verify dismiss this with ‘the group’s attackers have escaped before.’.
Most of this article is just regurgitating other news reports, presumably to try and make ‘BBC Verify’ appear to be the experts.
What a complete and total joke they are.
Here’s the Marianna-wannabe who helped write it and does indeed also work for ‘Panorama’:
Olga Robinson. Why do so many BBC staff have non-English sounding names ?.
You do realise there is a war between Ukraine and Russia? How were these brainiacs meant to cross the border, which is swarming with Russian troops? Is it possible they were trying to get out of Russia via Belarus and Poland?
“Fury as two brothers who survived Hamas music festival massacre are ‘detained for HOURS by aggressive anti-Semitic staff at Manchester Airport – just for being Israeli’: Home Office begins probe into ‘demeaning’ treatment of pair.
Footage shows a male Border Force officer speaking in ‘aggressive terms’ to the two men who had travelled to the UK to raise awareness for a not-for-profit organisation they established to help survivors of the terror attacks.
In footage posted on X, the Border Force officer says: ‘Knock the attitude off. We’ve made the decision that you’re coming in, so just let us do the checks we need to do, and keep quiet.
The men – said to be brothers – were allegedly detained for two hours, before the same Border Police officer reportedly said ‘they had to make sure you are not going to do what you are doing in Gaza over here’.
In a letter to Manchester Airport Group, Mr Levy wrote: ‘We unequivocally condemn the fact that Israeli nationals were detained and subjected to abuse by a Border Police Officer.
‘The comment beyond their release proves beyond any doubt that this individual was motivated by antisemitic intent.'”
Campaigned for at the bbc until full vilification, job lost, no apology accepted, and social ostracisation no doubt, unlike other coloured perpetrators where the public will be urged to “move on”.
Whoopie bleeding Goldberg ? Dr “the gob” Shola, ? Diane “abacus” Abbot ?
Don’t believe a word of it! Both of the officers were White British and they reacted in a professional manner towards someone who had clearly irritated them.
It has become clear to me that false accusations of isms of and fauxbias which are in the majority needs to be made a criminal offence in which the victim should receive substantial compensation from the accuser.
As has been said if found in the slightest way guilty then they will lose their jobs, pensions, homes etc. If found not guilty then they receive nothing but a stain on their record and accusers get to walk away Scott free.
These two are the woke Left we call complain about, attending a ‘peace’ festival, before reality came and bit them. These are the awkward squad on the JSO parades and the Free Palestine ones too.
Anyhoo… the BBC has a skip in its step on the Moaning Emole.
“US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hold a meeting in Tel Aviv
Image: Reuters
Biden decides that strong words with Israel are not enough
Despite the passing of the UN Security Council resolution demanding an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza and the release of Israeli hostages, the fighting goes on. The decision by the US not to block the motion has sparked an angry reaction from Israel, which insists the move “gives Hamas hope”. But is it a surprise that it’s come to this? Our international editor Jeremy Bowen says that while US President Joe Biden is deeply attached to Israel, he’s been “losing patience with the way that it’s fighting the war”, with Gaza in ruins and famine looming. Other countries changed how they voted too. The UK abstained in previous votes but this time supported the motion. Jeremy says that if Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ignores the resolution, the US and others will have to respond.”
It is my personal view! I’ve seen the video and I don’t see any evidence of bias. I’m not sure where you see any ‘demand’ in my comment.
Forget Biden in all this, he is only a mouthpiece, the very powerful Jewish / Israeli lobby in Washington control what the US President says and does with regard to Israel, and as I have been saying for weeks now they have lost all confidence in Netanyahu who is putting the country in danger with his bloodthirsty approach.
When Biden says he is “losing patience with the way that it’s fighting the war”, those are the words of another group he is conveying to Netanyahu and Israel.
It’s actually even worse though because on the ground Israel is not winning the war against Hamas, which means it’s failed to achieve its stated objectives, and the world has turned against it.
Jews in America can see this and they can see the protests in Israel against Netanyahu.
They know what is happening, perhaps you should set some store by their opinion rather than the kill every Gazan possible view?
If a personal view that usually would be preceded by ‘I’, hence my question given it was either backed by substantiation or was in fact an instruction borne of remarkable entitlement and a slight history in certain areas of debate here beyond bbc coverage.
No matter the source, especially now, I find opinions, especially those generically assigned to ‘Jews in America’ to be of note, but not for the reasons attempted.
“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
“We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves.” Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.
And I would suggest people read this article which spells out the political situation in Isreal at the present time:
For a start it’s ‘she’ and secondly unlike the detractors I always produce evidence to support my assertions unlike you two who behave like the woke left wing uni students arguing simply by Ad Hominem.
If this were Muslims you’d be all over it, but it would appear for some reason double standards are being applied which makes me sick.
Israelis in my opinion do not have a free pass to commit war crimes, and thankfully that is the opinion of the vast majority of the citizens of Israel.
A few Jews misbehaving does not make up the entirity of the race and religion as you are intimating, some times a few can be criminal in their behaviour and pointing that out is quite reasonable.
Perhaps you two can tell me why 97% of Jews in Israel are wrong and you are the only ones who are right?
Is it perhaps simply because your rank hatred of Muslims is so great no atrocity is too much for you?
If you have 5 minutes and want to see where license payers money is wasted, I recommend you just do a bbc news search for “racist” and “racism” .
The, literally, hundreds of stories, sometimes four or five a week, it is staggering the size of the bbc obsession with this, and many complete non stories…
BUT, regarding the above, Same happens on the tube in London many from the bbc favourite black people against mainly asian Chinese etc, I have seen the complaints.
And complete and utter silence from the bbc about this and its effect on tourism and our countries reputation abroad.
racism stories at the bbc : 29 pages of it today….10 stories a page back to March 2021 , about 100 stories per year. only racism against black / brown people though
While I only get the ‘free’ version, there’s enough for me to relish for several minutes!
One issue I have, is that if he reduced the list to around thirty, and left off a few nobodies who are just minor shrills of no interest, he could ratchet up the numbers of really unpleasant people and give them two slots, and in a couple of cases three! As to be expected, there are several Beeboids mentioned!
Or maybe he could extend the list to a hundred, and really go for the whole hideous bunch, with the main protagonists getting up to five votes!
Anyway Dan, if you’re listening, you’ve done a great piece, so thank you!
“Given our country is set to be taken on a decade-long socialist hellride after a Conservative in name only administration gave into the woke establishment and corrupt mainstream media, there were far too many contenders for this list.
The only rule is that the entrants must be living primarily in the UK today, meaning well-known expats like Prince Harry and Shamima Begum miss out. For now, at least…” more
HORROR IN BALTIMORE: Massive cargo ship slams into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing bridge to collapse. Multiple vehicles plunge into the water below. Rescue teams on scene.
What’s noticeable about that article is the very careful wording to avoid any talk of what happened prior to the ship hitting the bridge. It’s only about what happened afterwards.
That usually means more Muslim terrorism being covered up when the BBC and MSM do that. We’ll find out soon enough : for now they want to keep it out of the news until the story dies down a bit.
No one has judged Flotsam : just pointing out what experience has taught us about events like this and how the MSM cover up the facts when it doesn’t fit the multicultural agenda.
The BBC report has a picture of the ships ‘tracking data’ which to my surprise is very small and you can’t click to see it clearly.
However by squinting and leaning forwards, it looks like the ship steered right off course then headed straight for the bridge support. No sudden course changes or anything like that.
Omissions is the greatest lie! BBC did not show it so it never happened! HA HA HAHAH A HA HAHAHA HA
Farmers storm central London on go-slow tractor protest
Farmers storm central London on go-slow tractor protest
More than 100 tractors have rolled past the Houses of Parliament as farmers protested against what they say is a lack of support for UK food production.
Convoys with horns blaring made their way through central London’s streets to Westminster on Monday evening.
Organisers Save British Farming and Fairness for Farmers of Kent said cheap food imports and unsupportive policies were putting UK food security at risk.
The government said it put farming “at the heart of British trade”.
10 hours ago
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC £3.5bn UK News Service Department,
I noticed on the BBC news (2jul2019) you showed the opening of the EU Parliament and The Brexit Party facing the opposite way (outward looking) to the other MEPs (inward looking) and went on to show the Liberal Demoracts Party wearing bright yellow t-shirts front side only (not yellow vests).
May I point out three bits of omission as it was a former employee of yours that said “Omission was the greatest lie.”.
Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, the Taliban’s Supreme Leader in Afghanistan, says women will soon be stoned to death for adultery. ‘We will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public,’ he said in an audio message broadcast on Afghan state television.
Odd one as colleagues like JezBo are advocating a bit of forgive and forget with the charmers that are Hamas so they can catch a breather to keep up the good work. Especially given Sleepy did such a bang up job hading back Afghanistan
The fighting has nothing to do with the UN BBC. Well, not strictly true : plenty of UN employees are fighting for the terrorists.
And strange how the article does not mention whether Hamas are abiding by the ceasefire. They only mention Israel. Nor are we told if the hostages have been released which was also part of the UN resolution.
The usual totally lopsided BBC tripe served up by another laughable BBC clone:
Sir Thomas More, some time Lord High Chancellor to King Henry VIII, was a keen proponent of a pithy aphorism or two.
Some of his sayings, having survived to come down to us, appear just as valid today as they were six centuries ago.
Anyone who campaigns for public office becomes disqualified for holding any office at all – that commentary on our political class speaks for itself: Former Conservative MP Scott Benton has resigned, setting up a by-election to replace him in his Blackpool South constituency. He was facing a local vote on whether to remove him, following the imposition of a Commons ban in the wake of a lobbying scandal. (BBC)
The change of the word does not alter the matter – there’s a caution and rebuke for our woke institutions, ever keen as they appear these days to rewrite and to police our language: Lloyds Bank has advised staff to avoid using the word “widow” because it might upset some customers. Britain’s biggest lender, which owns insurer Scottish Widows, has an “inclusive language” guide for 57,000 workers to avoid everyday terms in case they cause offence. (Evening Standard)
Nobody owns anything but everyone is rich – for what greater wealth can there be than cheerfulness, peace of mind, and freedom from anxiety? borrowed from More’s Utopia, this observation may have been the very notion that inspired the World Economic Forum’s motto: “you’ll own nothing and be happy”
Our own modern political media lanscape lacks More’s abiding way with words. This morning they’re either mixing their metaphors or attempting to coin dodgy new ones – on the issue of these supposed Chinese cyber hacks: SNP’s Stewart McDonald… faced harassment, failed hacks and impersonations by groups seeking to influence foreign dignitaries… McDonald said the response from the UK was like turning up to a “gun fight with a wooden spoon”… Former Conservative leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith… called for more sanctions against Chinese government actors, describing the deputy prime minister’s statement as “like an elephant giving birth to a mouse”. (BBC)
Suddenly, we discover in this age of globalisation – we’re at war with more than half of it?
Happily, our favourite right-leaning satirical cartoonist Matt in the Telegraph is back at work and on good form. He sketches a chap staggering up his front garden path, heavily laden with shopping bags, who remarks to his neighbour: “I have a Chinese-made car. I park it a few streets away because I don’t want it to know where I live”
China set to be declared a threat to national security (Times)
How’s that globalisation and outsourcing of all our manufacturing working out fo’ yer now?
‘We’re the Muslim Spice Girls!’ (Guardian) – Mr AsI says: challenge accepted…
Well, the islamic world isn’t too keen on ‘girl power‘ however you do have…
Scary Muslim Spice, obviously: The betrayal of Charlie Hebdo The French intelligentsia has reneged on promises of fearless free speech and embraced a pervasive culture of censorship (The Critic); UK Parliament speaker under fire as shambolic ceasefire debate exposes threats to MPs (Times of Israel)
Baby… ‘Bride’ Muslim Spice – no further comment required there.
Posh Muslim Spice… that’ll be some mega rich oil sheikh shopping at Harrods and staying at the pent house suite at Claridges in London.
Sporty Muslim Spice: Gary Lineker opened the BBC’s coverage of the Qatar World Cup to criticise the host country’s record on human rights and treatment of migrant workers (Independent)
Ginger Spice, Geri Halliwell… she of course was the one in the union jack mini dress: Three teenagers arrested ‘after burning Union flag and chanting Free Palestine’… in Twickenham (Telegraph, 24 October 2023)
Juxtaposition of two narrative-busting headine reports are, you ‘ll have noticed, a staple of these reviews – I’m going for a triple here…
Theme parks go dynamic… owner of Legoland and Madame Tussauds, will charge visitors more at peak weekends… as it brings in surge-pricing (FT)
Smart meter users face surge pricing (Telegraph)
Faulty smart meters rise to nearly four million (BBC)
Another go-to perennial staple is the Calm down dear…
‘Nadine, you are a very sexy woman. Call Me’. Why, at 66, men are suddenly telling me I’m so desireable! (Daily Mail)
Like Jennifer, I tried trout sperm on my baggy eyes (The Sun)
Perhaps that trout sperm juxtaposed retort to our Nads was a tad rude?
Sir Thomas More (Saint Thomas to Catholics) can help us out here and raise the tone somewhat: A pretty face may be enough to catch a man, but it takes character and good nature to hold him.
“A number of key net zero recommendations were only based on a single year of climate data. Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith who led the UK Government’s Climate Change Committee (CCC) said they only “looked at a single year” of data showing the number of windy days in a year.23 Jan 2024″
The boat and the bridge story is turning into a BBC farce.
‘BBC Verify’ seem desperate to jump in and report the same things everybody know as if they are the worlds oracle on the truth.
In the latest blurb we get:
‘Around this time, video shows that all lights on the exterior of the ship suddenly turned off and smoke began emanating from the ship’s funnel.’
Could that suggest they turned the lights off to see ahead more clearly and opened the throttles there BBC Verify ?. Or are there other reasons smoke comes out of funnels ?.
BBC Verify are a worthless propaganda tool whose job it is to give their lies more credibility by burying them in other truths.
One missing from that list BBC. And as they say, omission is the greatest lie.
And as someone who has worked a lot on aircraft systems, I find it hard to believe such a vessel has so many single-points of failure which could leave it steaming forwards without any control.
Container ships hit things all the time 🙁 – usually dock cranes with messy consequences…
There should’ve been an experienced local pilot on board…. The deviation to starboard some 600m – 700m before the bridge is odd, the vessel didn’t seem to change speed on its SE heading
you can replay the incident here by clicking on “view on live map”
“Dr Andrew Kelso, a senior doctor for the NHS in Suffolk and Essex, said people should not “overdo it” when enjoying a chocolate treat. He warned many GP surgeries would be closed over the Easter weekend and said hospitals would face more pressure.”
Are the BBC really so ridiculous as to suggest eating a few extra sweets at the weekend will become an acute health crisis? Because Dr Kelso is not saying that at all.
They seem well funded so that they can take out two page advertisements in local papers (Peterborough Telegraph). These say:
Gas is holding Britain Back.
We’re being left behind.
Cities across North America and Europe are phasing out gas, and cutting energy bills.
Britain’s better off without gas.
Warm This Winter.
Seems like pure propaganda to me since at no point do then say where this magic cheap energy is going to come from to replace gas.
Warm This Winter is a new campaign from a coalition of over 40 of the UK’s leading charities. We’re demanding the government acts now to help people struggling with energy bills this winter, and to ensure we all have access to affordable energy in the future.
Our Partners…. e.g. Islamic Relief
38 Degrees
ACRE – Action With Communities in Rural England
CPRE, The Countryside Charity
Centre for Sustainable Energy
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
Chartered Institute of Housing
Citizens UK
Climate Cymru
Debt Justice
Difference NE
Disability Rights UK
End Fuel Poverty Coalition
Fair Energy Campaign
Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Fuel Poverty Action
Global Action Plan
Global Witness
Green Alliance
Green Christian
Greenpeace UK
High Peak Green New Deal
Hope For The Future
Hope Valley Climate Action
Intergenerational Foundation
Islamic Relief
Make My Money Matter
Moorlands Climate Action
New Economics Foundation
Northern Housing Consortium
One Home
Operation Noah
Oxfam GB
Parents for Future UK
Save the Children
Stand As One
The Climate Coalition
The Wildlife Trusts
The Working Class Climate Alliance
We Care Campaign
Women’s Institute
Cancel all this Net Zero crap, get the coal, oil, nuclear and gas going again, and dump all the over-expensive green wind-farm rubbish that taxpayers are having to fork out for, without even being asked!
The BBC’s director general, Timothy Davie, has announced that ‘the corporation will explore licence fee reform’, which will be an onanistic exercise in belly button gazing. Fortunately, I can save people the trouble of waiting for the findings to be released in several months time, as they’ve written the conclusion before starting:
“Having concluded the most extensive exercise yet into the question of funding the BBC, I have reached the conclusion that the current TV licence fee is the fairest and most effective mechanism for doing so and should therefore continue indefinitely. However, we recognise that we do face challenges: how to make the BBC more diverse to reflect modern Britain, the need for greater LGBTQWERTY representation, how to make more programming of relevance to De Youf. Additionally, in an era of growing disinformation and false narratives, the BBC has a responsibility to ensure that airtime is not given to those who would challenge Net Zero, Open Borders or UN-mandated medicines. We would therefore urge the government to ensure in law that the TV license increases each year by 20% more than the rate of inflation.”
Asked why he would not get rid of TV licence fees, Johnson said: “At this stage we are not planning to get rid of all licence fees, though I am certainly looking at it. I’m under pressure not to extemporise policy on the hoof.9 Dec 2019
We had plenty of conspiracy theories after the Evergiven ship which blocked the Suez canal. They all turned out to be false in the end save the amount the Egyptians were looking for in compensation.
The fact is that accidents happen, more likely the lookout was drunk as has happened on several occasions, or currents plus wind drove it off course.
I have to say from the photos it does look as if the ship wouldn’t fit under the bridge anyway.
The pet food bank in my local supermarket goes to the local cat and dog ‘sanctuaries’ who provide unwanted pets with a temporary home and attempt to rehome them.
I don’t mind giving to these charities because they are local volunteers and they don’t get state aid. They do in my opinion good work for the communities and are deserving of support.
You and I are still paying the supermarkets to chuck all their excess stuff in these bins for the feckless.
All they have to do is shorten the ‘use-by’ dates, fiddle around with the yellow labels and charge for the last few hours they’re on a cheapo rate, then lob the whole lot at the foodbanks to make themselves appear charitable!
I’ve seen blokes at Waitrose, (yes I do go there, because I like chicory), walking out with trolley-loads of perfectly saleable veg and fruit, for the local food shed, then seeing the chubby lardarses with pramfaces, poking around in the new arrivals a few minutes later, while they gawp at their £1,000 mobiles, and vape like dragons over the various kids in space-craft-like pushchairs.
But John Lewis have already banked your money, as it’s nice and safe in their grubby little coffers…
As Guido reported a few weeks ago, investigations undertaken by the Standards Commissioner into lockdown partygoers Virginia Crosbie, Eleanor Laing, Bernard Jenkin and Miriam Cates has found that the allegations are not upheld. The report has been released today, just before recess tomorrow…
Despite finding that the WhatsApp “invitation to the event was accurately quoted by the media“, the Commissioner concluded that this was an socially distanced event with “both business and social elements“, and thus the four have been let off.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
tomoMar 10, 15:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Let’s not forget – The Liberals relied on Jagmeet Singh / New Democratic Party (NDP)to stay in in Canada. Not…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Exposure from power lines. Although a study in 1979 pointed to a possible association between living near electric power lines…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 14:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Households near new pylons to get hundreds off energy bills https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clyd49dxyxxo “…get discounts of up to £2,500 over 10 years,…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From order-order.com [img]https://image.vuukle.com/51b5831e-0c34-432c-b96b-b96c0104e65b-c31704d4-72ca-4f47-84f4-ba119b564ab1[/img]
Why I do not want a bleeding smart meter:
I have said this all along, once they know when you use the most energy during the day or night…..
“Energy prices could vary depending on the time of the day
The highly controversial move could give firms the freedom to hike tariffs at peak periods”
Zephir, rumour has it that an energy company can cut you off at a whim, especially if you are a ‘dual fuel’ customer. Each of the engineers servicing my gas boiler for the last few years have advised “Don’t go the smart meter route.”
My supplier emailed me every few weeks telling me that my tariff meant I should be on a smart meter. Eventually I got fed up and told them ok. They immediately asked me when I wanted the meter fitted. I told them they’d misunderstood and moved to another provider. F’em. There’s no way I’ll have one until I am forced to by law. My main concern is that my meters are external so I could just come home one day to find they’ve been exchanged, although I gather I can force them into ‘dumb mode’.
Tell them your wall is full of asbestos, that worked for me for quite a while
OFGEM is ‘consulting ‘ on the cost of electricity according to time of day . I have some experience of this . I think it’s awful .
Invariably it is most expensive between 8pm and 10pm – and I’m sure it will interfere with the way people live even more than the current overpriced power – bought to you by a dumb government …
Spot on Z and very wise.
Years ago I foolishly and unthinkingly got a smart meter believing that all it would do was to stop me having to send meter readings for our electric usage, we don’t have gas.
But it never occurred to me that by having a smart meter , which is uniquely addressable by the supplier , I could be disconnected whilst my neighbours weren’t . No longer any need to send a squad to disconnect you for whatever reason they can do it from the comfort of their office. Obviously they can conduct rolling black outs in the same way if needed.
Social credit punishments will be so easy in future.
I see the Batley Islamic mob report by Ms Khan recommends a 150m exclusion zone outside schools to tackle ‘intimidation’. Yes let’s just set up more geographical restrictions and pretend the same religious violence won’t fester and spring up elsewhere. Another feeble proposal from a government inquiry.
BBC says the teacher “was the victim of what she has termed ‘freedom-restricting harassment’ […] ‘The idea that people should be able to create that kind of environment outside of schools… is just unacceptable…'”
Quite. Freedom-restricting harassment should be exclusively the function of the government and needs to extend far beyond the school gates. They’ve really taken to the role these last few years.
RE Tomo:
The left and weasel words:
Some msm are clearly misleading us, with misleading so called fact checks :
“An article being shared widely online is falsely claiming that a local council in England will trial climate lockdowns from 2024. It says the move would prevent residents from leaving their neighbourhoods without permission from authorities.”
“The “traffic filters” are license plate recognition cameras, not physical barriers. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., drivers in private cars will be automatically fined if they cross through the filters without a permit. Motorists who live in Oxford will be able to apply for 100 daylong permits to drive through the filters per year.”
Stopping people driving there you go…same thing different words:
Just waiting for Effnick Minority Beard, the Pirate and Long John Affro to appear on the bbc.
You will never likely hear though that many pirate crews employed freed slaves and were run by a democratic vote on many issues.
Except the Barbary Pirates….who were muslim slavers:
The Barbary pirates, Barbary corsairs, or Ottoman corsairs[1] were mainly Muslim pirates and privateers who operated from the Barbary states. This area was known in Europe as the Barbary Coast, in reference to the Berbers.[2] Slaves in Barbary could be of many ethnicities, and of many different religions, such as Christian, Jewish, or Muslim.[3] Their predation extended throughout the Mediterranean, south along West Africa’s Atlantic seaboard and into the North Atlantic as far north as Iceland, but they primarily operated in the western Mediterranean. In addition to seizing merchant ships, they engaged in razzias, raids on European coastal towns and villages, mainly in Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal, but also in the British Isles,[3] the Netherlands, and Iceland.[4]
While such raids began after the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in the 710s, the terms “Barbary pirates” and “Barbary corsairs” are normally applied to the raiders active from the 16th century onwards, when the frequency and range of the slavers’ attacks increased.
I see Faisal Islam has bothered to turn up for work today and has written an article for the BBC web-site: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68634968. Unlike Steffie Flanders who wrote every day, very occasionally twice a day, and there would always be a HYS on every article Steffie wrote. She would even reply to a comment if you pulled her up on an error. Mr Islam tends to be noted for his lack of output and no comments on his articles!
More diversity, where will it end..
just imagine if the colours were reversed …it would never end on the bb bloody c news
“Sickening moment footballer Cody Fisher is murdered on nightclub dancefloor in act of petty revenge after he accidentally bumped into his one of his killers – and they tried to hunt him down on Snapchat”
UN screws Israel – keep going IDF …
‘BBC in major error over politics.’ Shock, Horror! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68658896 It is not possible to resign as an MP. You can only beg leave of the Speaker in the House of Commons to be appointed to the Chiltern Hundreds. It is not the first time the BBC has made this mistake. You would think that with all the BBC’s resources and especially the knowledge accumulated by Nick Robinson and Laura Kuenssberg who have been Political Editors in the recent past that the BBC would be incapable of making that mistake.
What’s the omission in “local drug gang arrested” ?
ITV also chose to use the same white faces pic and also OMITTED the names
Commercial radio .. did have the names

Kryzstof Bom, 38 .. Alvis Obuhovics, 24 .. Liene Obuhovica, 19
Very East European
Obuhovics Facebook page says he’s from Latvia
Since all 3 have addresses in the drug dealer area of town I guess Obuhovica is his sister, Kryzstof is a Polish name
local media when they were arrested
The Lincolnite @thelincolnite Aug 15, 2022
Scunthorpe trio charged as officers discover haul of cash, drugs and weapons https://thelincolnite.co.uk/2022/08/scunthorpe-trio-charged-as-officers-discover-haul-of-cash-drugs-and-weapons/
I guess every time of baddies get into drugs
but photos do seem to be disproportionately non white-British with East European, Pak, Albanian gangs too
though of course there are white British gangs
Non seem like white men in in suits
though i suppose they could be the uncaught kingpins
Disgraceful breach of ULEZ regulations in londonistan today – children will die – hospitals will be overwhelmed – tractors attempting a coup – lock them up I say – take their farms away – throw their families in the Poor House …
I would have agreed with you this afternoon stuck behind two tractors on a 10 mile B road with no chance to pass….
Zephir – I’ve always thought their hobby is blocking traffic and stressing out drivers …. They are related to those imbecile road workers who don’t work ..
JCB drivers too …
Solomon Grundy , you just made me cry. I have never heard that song, but it is just as we would say in Wales ‘Hiraeth’. It sums up what we are losing in this country (can’t really explain, just that pure Britishness about it).
Also this is why I love this blog, people posting different musical gems like this ( and the political discourse).
For those fans of jazz (and other music) :
A free radio station with also many other genres, classical, rock, country, chill, Americana, blues, celtic etc etc very few adverts and no need for an account or to log in
Thanks for that. A good find !
Another “Tory” is going…… how many more will have gone by the General Election ?
What’s bothering me now is how the Tories seem totally unconcerned by the upcoming wipeout.
They have one chance : get rid of Sunak and put a real Conservative in there.
But of course any of them who might have the courage to do that have been removed by the BBC and their relentless headline-campaigns.
They’re now applying DEI criteria for selecting pilots and doctors, apparently.
Now, I’m all for DEI in Mickey Mouse jobs like BBC ‘journalist’ where they can’t do much more damage than the morons already working there; or Biden’s Press Secretary who just has to read out the lies written by someone else, possibly that other Diversity Hire, Obama.
But real jobs like pilots? Really?
If you have facebook vlad, you will learn from all the crap they thrust under your nose that ALL pilots are now women. And all are young, attractive and wearing lots of makeup.
Though I admit it’s a bit odd how they are always standing next to the planes or leaning on the yoke in the cockpit. Never flying them.
I expect it’s the same at Getty.
The Obama administration forces the Federal Aviation Administration to move away from merit-based hiring criteria.
When a plane starts its final descent, are the passengers more concerned about the competence or about the skin color of the air-traffic controllers on the ground who will help the pilot land safely? The answer may be obvious to readers, if not to the Obama administration.
Only an honest conversation about the Corbyn era will help us learn from it
This article is more than 3 years oldOwen Jones
Excellent news 5live has dumped the England match on Tuesday in favour of wales v Poland . The BBC explained that because woke rovers have stopped taking the knee and not wearing a queer kit they won’t cover them anymore .
C4 tonight is under pressure to cancel the broadcast due to the sheer tedium of watching Englands ‘ finest ruin the game
Good luck Holland ….….
UN Security Council passes resolution calling for Gaza ceasefire
Of course they did. But they also demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. Why wasn’t that the headline BBC ?. Because that is why Israel are doing what they are doing. If ANYONE pressured the terrorists Hamas to release the hostages, this would all be over a lot quicker.
But the hostages and the terrible conditions and treatment they are getting have been well and truly brushed under the carpet by the UN and all the other organisations infested by this unholy red-green alliance of the Left and Islamic extremists.
You will hear a lot more about demands for a ceasefire on the BBC now. Not so much about the hostages who will remain as an add-on sentence somewhere in the middle of the article.
Moscow attack: Debunking the false claims
It was clear before I even read the article that this offering from the ridiculous children at ‘BBC Verify’ was going to do a Panorama style effort to blame Russia where they could and ignore anything which went against that agenda.
Their ‘debunking of all the false claims’ seems to be in fact just 2. Once for an audio clip and one for Putin claiming they were heading for Ukraine.
The audio clip actually verifies nothing. It’s quotations from a Unveristy paid by the BBC to come up with some evidence. It’s all suggestions and ‘maybe but can’t prove’ which is just ridiculous for such an article.
But the best bit is where they do their best to ‘debunk’ Putins claim they were headed for Ukraine. They say:
‘And despite Putin’s claim, the arrests took place a long way from the Ukrainian border.’ along with a pointless video to show where it was when a simple map would be more than enough.
But what these weasels have done is superimpose the video of where one was arrested right over the top of the border with Ukraine so you can’t see it. And it’s a lot closer than the ’90 mile’ line they draw down to the border when you look at google maps.
Just an amazing dirty trick. There is no reason they couldn’t put the video on the other side so the whole border is visible. It’s a sign of just how arrogant and confident the BBC are that they know they can get away with anything now.
If you look at that map and see where they were arrested and where they have come from, it’s very obvious they are headed for Ukraine. The idea they could have been going to Belarus as suggested by that vile far-left washing-board yesterday is complete rubbish.
One of the most compelling arguments is how they even tried to escape at all. The whole point of the ISIS nutcases is to die in the act of murdering the infidels. That way they get virgins to rape in paradise. The LAST thing they want is to be captured and humiliated.
BBC Verify dismiss this with ‘the group’s attackers have escaped before.’.
Most of this article is just regurgitating other news reports, presumably to try and make ‘BBC Verify’ appear to be the experts.
What a complete and total joke they are.
Here’s the Marianna-wannabe who helped write it and does indeed also work for ‘Panorama’:

Olga Robinson. Why do so many BBC staff have non-English sounding names ?.
BBC must not be defensive, complacent or arrogant, says director general – The Independent <You’ve failed as BBC is defensive, complacent & arrogant.
Impressive on top of not being trusted, transparent or impartial
You do realise there is a war between Ukraine and Russia? How were these brainiacs meant to cross the border, which is swarming with Russian troops? Is it possible they were trying to get out of Russia via Belarus and Poland?
It’s the only way to get a job!
“Fury as two brothers who survived Hamas music festival massacre are ‘detained for HOURS by aggressive anti-Semitic staff at Manchester Airport – just for being Israeli’: Home Office begins probe into ‘demeaning’ treatment of pair.
Footage shows a male Border Force officer speaking in ‘aggressive terms’ to the two men who had travelled to the UK to raise awareness for a not-for-profit organisation they established to help survivors of the terror attacks.
In footage posted on X, the Border Force officer says: ‘Knock the attitude off. We’ve made the decision that you’re coming in, so just let us do the checks we need to do, and keep quiet.
The men – said to be brothers – were allegedly detained for two hours, before the same Border Police officer reportedly said ‘they had to make sure you are not going to do what you are doing in Gaza over here’.
In a letter to Manchester Airport Group, Mr Levy wrote: ‘We unequivocally condemn the fact that Israeli nationals were detained and subjected to abuse by a Border Police Officer.
‘The comment beyond their release proves beyond any doubt that this individual was motivated by antisemitic intent.'”
Instant dismissal for racism if they were white.
And front page for the BBC if they were white doing it to Muslims.
Campaigned for at the bbc until full vilification, job lost, no apology accepted, and social ostracisation no doubt, unlike other coloured perpetrators where the public will be urged to “move on”.
Whoopie bleeding Goldberg ? Dr “the gob” Shola, ? Diane “abacus” Abbot ?
‘Look at me. Are you clear with that? Good. We’re the bosses not you.’
Quite the quote.
Many have acknowledged that had the Germans invaded there were many here already well in place to keep up the good work.
Ah but Hitler made the mistake of not using small boats for the invasion.
Don’t believe a word of it! Both of the officers were White British and they reacted in a professional manner towards someone who had clearly irritated them.
It has become clear to me that false accusations of isms of and fauxbias which are in the majority needs to be made a criminal offence in which the victim should receive substantial compensation from the accuser.
As has been said if found in the slightest way guilty then they will lose their jobs, pensions, homes etc. If found not guilty then they receive nothing but a stain on their record and accusers get to walk away Scott free.
These two are the woke Left we call complain about, attending a ‘peace’ festival, before reality came and bit them. These are the awkward squad on the JSO parades and the Free Palestine ones too.
Is that a personal view or a demand?
Anyhoo… the BBC has a skip in its step on the Moaning Emole.
“US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hold a meeting in Tel Aviv
Image: Reuters
Biden decides that strong words with Israel are not enough
Despite the passing of the UN Security Council resolution demanding an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza and the release of Israeli hostages, the fighting goes on. The decision by the US not to block the motion has sparked an angry reaction from Israel, which insists the move “gives Hamas hope”. But is it a surprise that it’s come to this? Our international editor Jeremy Bowen says that while US President Joe Biden is deeply attached to Israel, he’s been “losing patience with the way that it’s fighting the war”, with Gaza in ruins and famine looming. Other countries changed how they voted too. The UK abstained in previous votes but this time supported the motion. Jeremy says that if Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ignores the resolution, the US and others will have to respond.”
Jeremy says. What if he became ‘irritated’ too?
He’s one of the bosses… not you.
It is my personal view! I’ve seen the video and I don’t see any evidence of bias. I’m not sure where you see any ‘demand’ in my comment.
Forget Biden in all this, he is only a mouthpiece, the very powerful Jewish / Israeli lobby in Washington control what the US President says and does with regard to Israel, and as I have been saying for weeks now they have lost all confidence in Netanyahu who is putting the country in danger with his bloodthirsty approach.
When Biden says he is “losing patience with the way that it’s fighting the war”, those are the words of another group he is conveying to Netanyahu and Israel.
It’s actually even worse though because on the ground Israel is not winning the war against Hamas, which means it’s failed to achieve its stated objectives, and the world has turned against it.
Jews in America can see this and they can see the protests in Israel against Netanyahu.
They know what is happening, perhaps you should set some store by their opinion rather than the kill every Gazan possible view?
To assist in you becoming more sure:
Don’t believe a word of it!
If a personal view that usually would be preceded by ‘I’, hence my question given it was either backed by substantiation or was in fact an instruction borne of remarkable entitlement and a slight history in certain areas of debate here beyond bbc coverage.
No matter the source, especially now, I find opinions, especially those generically assigned to ‘Jews in America’ to be of note, but not for the reasons attempted.
“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
“We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves.” Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.
And I would suggest people read this article which spells out the political situation in Isreal at the present time:
It’s always the bloody Jews isn’t it Thoughtful?
He really is NOT very thoughtful!
For a start it’s ‘she’ and secondly unlike the detractors I always produce evidence to support my assertions unlike you two who behave like the woke left wing uni students arguing simply by Ad Hominem.
If this were Muslims you’d be all over it, but it would appear for some reason double standards are being applied which makes me sick.
Israelis in my opinion do not have a free pass to commit war crimes, and thankfully that is the opinion of the vast majority of the citizens of Israel.
A few Jews misbehaving does not make up the entirity of the race and religion as you are intimating, some times a few can be criminal in their behaviour and pointing that out is quite reasonable.
Perhaps you two can tell me why 97% of Jews in Israel are wrong and you are the only ones who are right?
Is it perhaps simply because your rank hatred of Muslims is so great no atrocity is too much for you?
@ John C
And headlines at the racist bbc for weeks.
If you have 5 minutes and want to see where license payers money is wasted, I recommend you just do a bbc news search for “racist” and “racism” .
The, literally, hundreds of stories, sometimes four or five a week, it is staggering the size of the bbc obsession with this, and many complete non stories…
BUT, regarding the above, Same happens on the tube in London many from the bbc favourite black people against mainly asian Chinese etc, I have seen the complaints.
And complete and utter silence from the bbc about this and its effect on tourism and our countries reputation abroad.
racism stories at the bbc : 29 pages of it today….10 stories a page back to March 2021 , about 100 stories per year. only racism against black / brown people though
racist: another 29 pages 10 stories a page another 100 stories a year, only racism against black / brown people though
With an added dash of Getty.
Road closures: Workers facing knives, machetes and guns.
Those eyelashes could fend off most modern weaponry
BTW, similar with, only derogatory, articles about the alleged “far right”, its endless
Moscow attack: Debunking the false claims
bbc verify, again, and again
Yes bbc, we know its your spin
THE BBC has been blasted after medics quoted in a report alleging abuse by Israeli soldiers turned out to be Hamas supporters.
anyone surprised
Mark Twain once said, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”
The comedic value of bbc news now is not to be underestimated
Scientists help save UK pint from climate change
I actually clicked the link to be treated to a further dash of Getty.
Scientists who are… singing?
I enjoyed reading Dan Wootton’s ‘The Fifty worst people in the UK today…’
While I only get the ‘free’ version, there’s enough for me to relish for several minutes!
One issue I have, is that if he reduced the list to around thirty, and left off a few nobodies who are just minor shrills of no interest, he could ratchet up the numbers of really unpleasant people and give them two slots, and in a couple of cases three! As to be expected, there are several Beeboids mentioned!
Or maybe he could extend the list to a hundred, and really go for the whole hideous bunch, with the main protagonists getting up to five votes!
Anyway Dan, if you’re listening, you’ve done a great piece, so thank you!
“Given our country is set to be taken on a decade-long socialist hellride after a Conservative in name only administration gave into the woke establishment and corrupt mainstream media, there were far too many contenders for this list.
The only rule is that the entrants must be living primarily in the UK today, meaning well-known expats like Prince Harry and Shamima Begum miss out. For now, at least…”
Interesting – story not on main site and no TAGS to identify story.
Farmers storm central London on go-slow tractor protest
The government said it put farming “at the heart of British trade”.
Canada Ends Its Freeze on Hundreds of Accounts Tied to Protests
After a court denied bail to one arrested protest organizer, the government said it was winding up its pursuit of people involved in the unrest.
That is not good.
HORROR IN BALTIMORE: Massive cargo ship slams into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing bridge to collapse. Multiple vehicles plunge into the water below. Rescue teams on scene.
What’s noticeable about that article is the very careful wording to avoid any talk of what happened prior to the ship hitting the bridge. It’s only about what happened afterwards.
That usually means more Muslim terrorism being covered up when the BBC and MSM do that. We’ll find out soon enough : for now they want to keep it out of the news until the story dies down a bit.
Especially as it is hard to grasp the navigational situational awareness and piloting on display here.
Equipment failure is a reasonably common cause of ship accidents before we rush to judgement.
No one has judged Flotsam : just pointing out what experience has taught us about events like this and how the MSM cover up the facts when it doesn’t fit the multicultural agenda.
The BBC report has a picture of the ships ‘tracking data’ which to my surprise is very small and you can’t click to see it clearly.
However by squinting and leaning forwards, it looks like the ship steered right off course then headed straight for the bridge support. No sudden course changes or anything like that.
Smelling a bit fishy to me …
I’ve looked at the ship AIS tracking, the ship appears to have been proceeding normally but suddenly veers off course.
Search for “Farmers” on https://www.bbc.co.uk/news – NET ZERO NEWS! HA HA HA HAH AH HAHA!
Omissions is the greatest lie! BBC did not show it so it never happened! HA HA HAHAH A HA HAHAHA HA
Farmers storm central London on go-slow tractor protest
Farmers storm central London on go-slow tractor protest
More than 100 tractors have rolled past the Houses of Parliament as farmers protested against what they say is a lack of support for UK food production.
Convoys with horns blaring made their way through central London’s streets to Westminster on Monday evening.
Organisers Save British Farming and Fairness for Farmers of Kent said cheap food imports and unsupportive policies were putting UK food security at risk.
The government said it put farming “at the heart of British trade”.
10 hours ago
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC £3.5bn UK News Service Department,
I noticed on the BBC news (2jul2019) you showed the opening of the EU Parliament and The Brexit Party facing the opposite way (outward looking) to the other MEPs (inward looking) and went on to show the Liberal Demoracts Party wearing bright yellow t-shirts front side only (not yellow vests).
May I point out three bits of omission as it was a former employee of yours that said “Omission was the greatest lie.”.
Simpo shares.
Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, the Taliban’s Supreme Leader in Afghanistan, says women will soon be stoned to death for adultery. ‘We will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public,’ he said in an audio message broadcast on Afghan state television.
Odd one as colleagues like JezBo are advocating a bit of forgive and forget with the charmers that are Hamas so they can catch a breather to keep up the good work. Especially given Sleepy did such a bang up job hading back Afghanistan
“women will soon be stoned to death for adultery”
. . . . . . .
Boris Johnson: West can be ‘proud’ of Afghanistan legacy
Labour’s Keir Starmer said Johnson was ‘incapable of international leadership.’
And the award for the most desperate, pathetic and ridiculous agenda-based headline of the day goes to ….
The BBC!.
‘Fighting continues in Gaza despite UN ceasefire vote’
The fighting has nothing to do with the UN BBC. Well, not strictly true : plenty of UN employees are fighting for the terrorists.
And strange how the article does not mention whether Hamas are abiding by the ceasefire. They only mention Israel. Nor are we told if the hostages have been released which was also part of the UN resolution.
The usual totally lopsided BBC tripe served up by another laughable BBC clone:

Sir Thomas More, some time Lord High Chancellor to King Henry VIII, was a keen proponent of a pithy aphorism or two.
Some of his sayings, having survived to come down to us, appear just as valid today as they were six centuries ago.
Anyone who campaigns for public office becomes disqualified for holding any office at all – that commentary on our political class speaks for itself: Former Conservative MP Scott Benton has resigned, setting up a by-election to replace him in his Blackpool South constituency. He was facing a local vote on whether to remove him, following the imposition of a Commons ban in the wake of a lobbying scandal. (BBC)
The change of the word does not alter the matter – there’s a caution and rebuke for our woke institutions, ever keen as they appear these days to rewrite and to police our language: Lloyds Bank has advised staff to avoid using the word “widow” because it might upset some customers. Britain’s biggest lender, which owns insurer Scottish Widows, has an “inclusive language” guide for 57,000 workers to avoid everyday terms in case they cause offence. (Evening Standard)
Nobody owns anything but everyone is rich – for what greater wealth can there be than cheerfulness, peace of mind, and freedom from anxiety? borrowed from More’s Utopia, this observation may have been the very notion that inspired the World Economic Forum’s motto: “you’ll own nothing and be happy”
Our own modern political media lanscape lacks More’s abiding way with words. This morning they’re either mixing their metaphors or attempting to coin dodgy new ones – on the issue of these supposed Chinese cyber hacks: SNP’s Stewart McDonald… faced harassment, failed hacks and impersonations by groups seeking to influence foreign dignitaries… McDonald said the response from the UK was like turning up to a “gun fight with a wooden spoon”… Former Conservative leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith… called for more sanctions against Chinese government actors, describing the deputy prime minister’s statement as “like an elephant giving birth to a mouse”. (BBC)
Suddenly, we discover in this age of globalisation – we’re at war with more than half of it?
Happily, our favourite right-leaning satirical cartoonist Matt in the Telegraph is back at work and on good form. He sketches a chap staggering up his front garden path, heavily laden with shopping bags, who remarks to his neighbour: “I have a Chinese-made car. I park it a few streets away because I don’t want it to know where I live”
China set to be declared a threat to national security (Times)
How’s that globalisation and outsourcing of all our manufacturing working out fo’ yer now?
‘We’re the Muslim Spice Girls!’ (Guardian) – Mr AsI says: challenge accepted…
Well, the islamic world isn’t too keen on ‘girl power‘ however you do have…
Scary Muslim Spice, obviously: The betrayal of Charlie Hebdo The French intelligentsia has reneged on promises of fearless free speech and embraced a pervasive culture of censorship (The Critic); UK Parliament speaker under fire as shambolic ceasefire debate exposes threats to MPs (Times of Israel)
Baby… ‘Bride’ Muslim Spice – no further comment required there.
Posh Muslim Spice… that’ll be some mega rich oil sheikh shopping at Harrods and staying at the pent house suite at Claridges in London.
Sporty Muslim Spice: Gary Lineker opened the BBC’s coverage of the Qatar World Cup to criticise the host country’s record on human rights and treatment of migrant workers (Independent)
Ginger Spice, Geri Halliwell… she of course was the one in the union jack mini dress: Three teenagers arrested ‘after burning Union flag and chanting Free Palestine’… in Twickenham (Telegraph, 24 October 2023)
Juxtaposition of two narrative-busting headine reports are, you ‘ll have noticed, a staple of these reviews – I’m going for a triple here…
Theme parks go dynamic… owner of Legoland and Madame Tussauds, will charge visitors more at peak weekends… as it brings in surge-pricing (FT)
Smart meter users face surge pricing (Telegraph)
Faulty smart meters rise to nearly four million (BBC)
Another go-to perennial staple is the Calm down dear…
‘Nadine, you are a very sexy woman. Call Me’. Why, at 66, men are suddenly telling me I’m so desireable! (Daily Mail)
Like Jennifer, I tried trout sperm on my baggy eyes (The Sun)
Perhaps that trout sperm juxtaposed retort to our Nads was a tad rude?
Sir Thomas More (Saint Thomas to Catholics) can help us out here and raise the tone somewhat: A pretty face may be enough to catch a man, but it takes character and good nature to hold him.
Cannot wait for Vile, Wright, O’Brien, Myska, Femi, YAB, Kaur, Dr. Shola, Lammy, etc to sunk their collective brain cell into this one.
The implications of the image’s removal are surely more offensive? Now rendered hilarious.
Baltimore bridge collapses – Trump to blame sez Obama -Biden – let’s chuck another indictment at Trump
Is it a bridge that Trump ever uses I wonder ? Not that I’m inferring …….
So the UN votes for a ceasefire.
And typical of the BBC to report they DEMAND a ceasefire.
Non binding cease fire . RAF drops supplies to Islamic Hamas …push hard IDF – bigger bombs …
Fighting continues in Gaza despite UN ceasefire
Well done Israel for having some balls
What is it with the “establishment” that want a muslim take over
This is a major scandal, with huge policy implications, and with moral and financial aspects, yet it doesn’t feature on the @bbcnews lead page…
Civil servants are inventing windfarm output figures to make Net Zero look cheaper. This is disgraceful.
Currently overshadowed by…
“Kate Garraway: I have huge debts from husband’s care”
Luckily a full media special backed by all in the studio community will swing behind.
Kate Garraway( who ?) still going on about dead partner ….
It is thought thatGood Morning Britain hosts earn a minimum of £300,000 per annum, but this would vary between presenters.
Guest Who
Civil servants making shit up ?
DECC as was recruited a bunch of eco-NGO loon activists on secondment from WWF, Greenpeace, FotE etcetera – those jerks are still in post.
“A number of key net zero recommendations were only based on a single year of climate data. Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith who led the UK Government’s Climate Change Committee (CCC) said they only “looked at a single year” of data showing the number of windy days in a year.23 Jan 2024″
Bridge collapse cause
1 trump
2 Israel
3 putin
4 green crap
5 none of the above …
6 a boat ( full of illegals )
The Captain addressed the trannie pilot with the wrong pronoun.
Donald Trump’s hush-money trial to begin 15 April
“Mr Trump faces four criminal cases, but this may be the only one to make it to a courtroom before November’s election”
How disappointing for the likes of the bbc, only 1 might make it..
I reckon this is down to covid – the recipes seem like they’re put together by people who’ve lost all sense of taste…
Ordered twice, both times, one slice was enough to decide that the bin was the best place for what was delivered.
Never again

Labour are INSANE
Keir Starmer: It’s wrong to say ‘only women have a cervix’
The boat and the bridge story is turning into a BBC farce.
‘BBC Verify’ seem desperate to jump in and report the same things everybody know as if they are the worlds oracle on the truth.
In the latest blurb we get:
‘Around this time, video shows that all lights on the exterior of the ship suddenly turned off and smoke began emanating from the ship’s funnel.’
Could that suggest they turned the lights off to see ahead more clearly and opened the throttles there BBC Verify ?. Or are there other reasons smoke comes out of funnels ?.
BBC Verify are a worthless propaganda tool whose job it is to give their lies more credibility by burying them in other truths.
… and now they list the possible causes (according to a convenient ‘expert’):
1.Main engine failure
2.Steering failure
3.Generator blackout
4.Possibility of pilot/human error
One missing from that list BBC. And as they say, omission is the greatest lie.
And as someone who has worked a lot on aircraft systems, I find it hard to believe such a vessel has so many single-points of failure which could leave it steaming forwards without any control.
Hello JohnC
5.Palestinian registered vessel
John have they managed to geolocate the ship to the USA yet?
(£169.50 a year)
Container ships hit things all the time 🙁 – usually dock cranes with messy consequences…
There should’ve been an experienced local pilot on board…. The deviation to starboard some 600m – 700m before the bridge is odd, the vessel didn’t seem to change speed on its SE heading
you can replay the incident here by clicking on “view on live map”
Terrorist attack
Easter egg health warning issued by Essex and Suffolk doctor
“Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, which falls on 31 March this year”
Just so the muslims are aware, luckily we have the likes of the ex British broadcaster
“Dr Andrew Kelso, a senior doctor for the NHS in Suffolk and Essex, said people should not “overdo it” when enjoying a chocolate treat. He warned many GP surgeries would be closed over the Easter weekend and said hospitals would face more pressure.”
Are the BBC really so ridiculous as to suggest eating a few extra sweets at the weekend will become an acute health crisis? Because Dr Kelso is not saying that at all.
Hurry up with that mRNA chocolate vaccine.
Time to ban chocolate . Will save the NHS 20 billion – and starve fat nurses into working ..
It would be a treat to see our surgery fully opened and fully staffed !
Here is an organisation that I find rather ‘chilling’:
They seem well funded so that they can take out two page advertisements in local papers (Peterborough Telegraph). These say:
Gas is holding Britain Back.
We’re being left behind.
Cities across North America and Europe are phasing out gas, and cutting energy bills.
Britain’s better off without gas.
Warm This Winter.
Seems like pure propaganda to me since at no point do then say where this magic cheap energy is going to come from to replace gas.
Cui Bono?
Warm This Winter is a new campaign from a coalition of over 40 of the UK’s leading charities. We’re demanding the government acts now to help people struggling with energy bills this winter, and to ensure we all have access to affordable energy in the future.
Our Partners…. e.g. Islamic Relief
38 Degrees
ACRE – Action With Communities in Rural England
CPRE, The Countryside Charity
Centre for Sustainable Energy
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
Chartered Institute of Housing
Citizens UK
Climate Cymru
Debt Justice
Difference NE
Disability Rights UK
End Fuel Poverty Coalition
Fair Energy Campaign
Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Fuel Poverty Action
Global Action Plan
Global Witness
Green Alliance
Green Christian
Greenpeace UK
High Peak Green New Deal
Hope For The Future
Hope Valley Climate Action
Intergenerational Foundation
Islamic Relief
Make My Money Matter
Moorlands Climate Action
New Economics Foundation
Northern Housing Consortium
One Home
Operation Noah
Oxfam GB
Parents for Future UK
Save the Children
Stand As One
The Climate Coalition
The Wildlife Trusts
The Working Class Climate Alliance
We Care Campaign
Women’s Institute
indicative of the their struggle against reality !
Money trumps reality – see Mark Zuckerberg and Tony Blair for more details.
Cancel all this Net Zero crap, get the coal, oil, nuclear and gas going again, and dump all the over-expensive green wind-farm rubbish that taxpayers are having to fork out for, without even being asked!
The BBC’s director general, Timothy Davie, has announced that ‘the corporation will explore licence fee reform’, which will be an onanistic exercise in belly button gazing. Fortunately, I can save people the trouble of waiting for the findings to be released in several months time, as they’ve written the conclusion before starting:
“Having concluded the most extensive exercise yet into the question of funding the BBC, I have reached the conclusion that the current TV licence fee is the fairest and most effective mechanism for doing so and should therefore continue indefinitely. However, we recognise that we do face challenges: how to make the BBC more diverse to reflect modern Britain, the need for greater LGBTQWERTY representation, how to make more programming of relevance to De Youf. Additionally, in an era of growing disinformation and false narratives, the BBC has a responsibility to ensure that airtime is not given to those who would challenge Net Zero, Open Borders or UN-mandated medicines. We would therefore urge the government to ensure in law that the TV license increases each year by 20% more than the rate of inflation.”
Asked why he would not get rid of TV licence fees, Johnson said: “At this stage we are not planning to get rid of all licence fees, though I am certainly looking at it. I’m under pressure not to extemporise policy on the hoof.9 Dec 2019
Given what terms the BBC operates under on most things, unlike anyone else, that is actually frightening.
Makes you wonder what other bridges around the world are suspectable to such collisions.
Intentional or not.
We had plenty of conspiracy theories after the Evergiven ship which blocked the Suez canal. They all turned out to be false in the end save the amount the Egyptians were looking for in compensation.
The fact is that accidents happen, more likely the lookout was drunk as has happened on several occasions, or currents plus wind drove it off course.
I have to say from the photos it does look as if the ship wouldn’t fit under the bridge anyway.
Baltimore port arrivals and departures are controlled by Chesapeake pilots.
A vessel going under that bridge seems to be on the home page….
What I want to know, is how many thick Yanks are around who want to buy the bridge?
I hear O’Biden has put in a bid, and Kamilla has just trumped him in the auction…
Manchester police force ‘racist’ for mock Islamist terror attack
11 May 2016
Not bbc – been to a supermarket . There is a ‘pet food bank ‘©️
My whole way of thinking and seeing the world has been changed …
The pet food bank in my local supermarket goes to the local cat and dog ‘sanctuaries’ who provide unwanted pets with a temporary home and attempt to rehome them.
I don’t mind giving to these charities because they are local volunteers and they don’t get state aid. They do in my opinion good work for the communities and are deserving of support.
It was good to see that some of the pedigree chum was halal ..
The only ones I’ve seen pitch up at our local bank wouldn’t be able to determine whether it’s animal or human food in a can.
You and I are still paying the supermarkets to chuck all their excess stuff in these bins for the feckless.
All they have to do is shorten the ‘use-by’ dates, fiddle around with the yellow labels and charge for the last few hours they’re on a cheapo rate, then lob the whole lot at the foodbanks to make themselves appear charitable!
I’ve seen blokes at Waitrose, (yes I do go there, because I like chicory), walking out with trolley-loads of perfectly saleable veg and fruit, for the local food shed, then seeing the chubby lardarses with pramfaces, poking around in the new arrivals a few minutes later, while they gawp at their £1,000 mobiles, and vape like dragons over the various kids in space-craft-like pushchairs.
But John Lewis have already banked your money, as it’s nice and safe in their grubby little coffers…
This pet food bank, is it for Koreans and other ethnics?
Pangolin on a stick, ninepence…
As Guido reported a few weeks ago, investigations undertaken by the Standards Commissioner into lockdown partygoers Virginia Crosbie, Eleanor Laing, Bernard Jenkin and Miriam Cates has found that the allegations are not upheld. The report has been released today, just before recess tomorrow…
Despite finding that the WhatsApp “invitation to the event was accurately quoted by the media“, the Commissioner concluded that this was an socially distanced event with “both business and social elements“, and thus the four have been let off.
NHS propagandists are among the worse examples of humanity.
Approved by the UK GOV?! HA HA HA!