It seems the Director General of the BBC is consulting on future financing of the BBC . Consultation traditionally comprises a tick box disregard of unapproved comments or views – so our long war to end the Far Left Anti British BBC is a long long fight .
Midweek 27th March 2024
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Tommorow is Spy Wednesday or Good Wednesday, it is the day Judas Iscariot struck his bargain with the Sanhedrin.
I can’t see any flag at the back of the England kit tonight.
Maybe somebody has playfully removed it (them)
its on the inside of the collar and its even worse
I was looking where it was on the other kit which was on the outside at the back of the collar.
As you’ve shown, they’ve put it on the inside.
I had thought for a minute that they had cut the flag off.
Donald Trump media firm soars in stock market debut
Only read this to look for the BBC negativity and/or sneering. Sure enough:
4th paragraph all of it’s own as if it’s something of major importance:
‘Analysts say that is far more than the firm’s performance warrants.’
What analysts BBC ?. And what has it got to do with the story ?.
‘It says 8.9 million accounts have been created since the platform launched to the general public in 2022 as an alternative to mainstream sites such as Facebook, but it is not clear how many are active.’
‘It says’ phrased to cast doubt and again, the BBC negativity has nothing whatsoever to do with the story.
‘However, Prof Ohlrogge said the current share price is “far, far elevated above what anyone would consider its fundamental value”.’
Why would the BBC go actively chasing New York (= far left) ‘professors’ to get negative quotes ?.
The BBC’s bitter and unpleasant Natalie Sherman demonstrating why she got the job.

Amazing how the BBC will add their own commentry to the basic facts when it suits them. Absolutely pathetic.
Sopes and Strumpet discuss popularity
85 people overnight.
Ha ha ha!
And one’s an ad for a model bike!
And watching those financial wizards and gurus, Sopes and Strumpers, is enough to make Normal citizens just forget these nonentities, and start watching real news on decent channels!
All the more reason to ditch the TV tax, when they’ll have to actually compete with real journalism as well after the Beeboids have imploded!
BBC £159 per person – paid under threat of prosecution.
‘However, Prof Ohlrogge said the current share price is “far, far elevated above what anyone would consider its fundamental value”.’
It has been a dark wet evening in north London and I had to drive around the north circular in 3 lane traffic. Street lights used to light up the carriageway but they have all been replaced by eco-bulbs which leave the tarmac as dark as night. It was impossible to see the road markings indicating the road lanes and was an absolute danger, especially at Hanger Lane. If the BBC wanted to work out the hidden costs of net zero, a good start would be the price of street lights that no longer do what they are supposed to and whether it has caused an increase in accidents.
But this is of course against the BBC woke agenda and I don’t suppose any of the dollies whose photograph has been featured on this site would be interested.
Same on the motorways in 3rd world Britain
It must be far worse than when I used to do that trip Debs!
Nowadays, the ‘new’ approved headlights are a danger to just about everyone who has the misfortune to even glance in the direction of oncoming traffic!
Mind you, I only discivered the other day, that new car automatically dips when it sees headlights coming at me! I think I still yearn for that little button on the floor of my old Mini – you could change gear using it if you were slightly ‘disorientated’…
Scrobs, those automatic dippers are part of the problem in rural areas, as they dip later than a human would choose to do.
Scrobs I noticed that last night, first night time driving in quite a while.
I have a new company car which is petrol, but, everything possible is electric, including the handbrake, which I still don’t trust. You do not yank it, it’s a button…
If I am on a digital hill, maybe I will trust a digital handbrake, otherwise…
It took 2 days of watching youtube to learn how to operate the bloody car and its many features, including finding where the mileage readout was hidden and switching off the murderous “lane correction”.
this is a “safety feature” believe it or not and insisted on by the EU recently that all cars have this, now though, one can switch it off thank God. On earlier models one cannot.
If you change lanes without indicating, for example in an emergency, as one traumatised user posted online when a mattress fell off a lorry in front of them on the motorway at 70 mph, this wonderful safety feature decides that you have fallen asleep and drifted out of your lane and will briskly take over the steering and strongly steer you back into the mattress.
Bloody unbelievably dangerous. It even makes “mistakes” on single track country roads and steers one into the verge according to another traumatised user.
Yet, the one useful safety feature, a gate between reverse and first gear, is missing, and first and reverse gear are side by side…leaving one open to changing into reverse gear whilst driving forward, or when selecting first as I did in a queue but finding reverse gear and sending one into the car behind…..
And. like so many new cars, no “safety” feature such as a spare wheel and tyre, because we will never hit a pot hole and get a puncture, will we ?
Debs and Zeps, you’re right both times!
I’d forgotten whether I should check the lane alteration bit, so that’s on the list now!
I do like the parking assist though, as since I gave up my 36,000 miles a year habit, my parking skills have deteriorated to blunt stupidity…
As for the lights changing though, they seem to be pretty quick to me, but I was fiddling around for ages in the dark, wondering what was happening!
While waiting at some queue, I counted over seventy little lights of all descriptions in the front alone! Our old Fiat 500, c1965, had about three and four if you were lucky…
Well Scroblene – riding a motor bike these days is a bit of a death wish – however good I might be – there are serious attempts to kill me at least once a week – and as for the third world homicidal delivery drivers – their life expectancy must be as low as e bikers ..
Judging by the speeds that some bikers get up to in the 30mph section outside ‘The Turrets’, I’d suggest that a death wish is quite high on the minds of some riders!
I understand that your machine isn’t one of those, and therefore, like I would, you’d prefer that you weren’t going to be cut up, undertaken, obstructed etc., by drivers, but it’ll never improve I’m afraid!
After reading the above, I think I’ll hang on to my 17 year old Toyota Rav with its 104 thou mileage. Having to resort to YouTube tuition to get a car to function is a step too far for my ageing brain.
You’ll be fine with that, Brissles!
I swore I’d drive our Golf into the ground, until the MOT started to get more and more queasy each year, and even as recently as December, I was going to keep it forever, having done a spreadsheet about the size of a small rugby pitch!
Decided to change for the ‘final’ car as it’s higher to get in and out of for Senora O’B, (and me), and should see us out…
Your RAV already is high enough, so you have no need to worry!
And Zeps, I still haven’t finished readiing the manual for newcar, because something happens every day or so, and I have to dip into millions of pages to find the answer!
If the BBC ever did a motoring programme called, say – Top Gear, I’d be an avid watcher, but there’s no such programme like it used to be, and anyway, we never watch the BBC, it’s rubbish…
If you have to navigate the Hanger Lane gyratory, you have my sincere sympathy.
Oooooh noooooooooooo…!
Here’s where ‘The Castle’ pub used to be, and imortalised in a post from years ago…
Hanger Lane is just along the A40 going West, and now I’ve seen the sad demise of such a fabulous pub, I need to lie down in a darkened room and just remember the good old days…
Ofcom’s relentless persecution of GB News continues.
There’s a bit of me which hopes BBCOFCOM does cancel the GBnews licence – just like with RT. It helps to support the view held be me that this is not a ‘free’ country – it’s not democratic – those are just words constantly fired at us proles to make us think we are in a better place .
Ah ah – you might say – the very fact you can express such views disproves your belief – but I say – this site is here for the time being – and 77 brigade can pull the plug whenever it chooses – there is no appeal against being cancelled….
Closing GBnews will be sold as an uptick against ‘hate’ and ‘bias’ …. And I’m sure there will be closer clips to support that .
However – I guess that the most ‘opinionated ‘ presenters on GBNews are now gone – banished to the internet and residue is now the ‘approved’ and commercially acceptable – which was inevitable …
4 years ago … under Jeremy Hunt …. “Russia’s RT and Sputnik barred from UK conference on media freedom
This article is more than 4 years old
Foreign Office says news outlets refused entry over ‘active role in spreading disinformation’”
The international human rights lawyer Amal Clooney will attend in her capacity as Britain’s special envoy on media freedom. She will convene the first meeting of an independent panel of experts to look at how to strengthen national legislation to protect journalists.
The final guest list has yet to be published, but officials said the only countries not invited to the conference were North Korea, Syria and Venezuela.
Morning Fed, I imagine I’m passing on a hint which most on here will already be aware of, but in the interests of :-
A good friend of mine has assured me that it is possible to watch the RT livestream on “Odysee” (Similar to youtube). No signing in; no details need be given.
I may even try it myself one day. I hear that it’s worth watching in order to form a balanced opinion on matters Ukranian.
Mick – thank you – when RT was licenced I used to pop in from time to time to gauge the approved message from the owners . I also secretly admire ‘good’( skilful ) propaganda being fired at me ….
Unfortunately the UK monopoly broadcaster is so obvious that it is beyond propaganda and is now doctrine everywhere – all the time – with no challenge – ever – not even -in my opinion public ‘debates ‘like Question Time – which must be modelled on a Russian /nazi type model …
Strange that this character describes news readers as ‘neutral ‘ – they never are…
I urge everyone who can to watch a Triggernometry debate on ‘ Is immigration good for Britain’.
The two teams are Matt Goodwin and Konstantin Kisin arguing that it isn’t and Aaron Bastini and dear old Polly Toynbee arguing that it is. The debate is chaired by Katy Balls a Spectator regular , a commentator who in my opinion still thinks old style right v left politics. I hope she got an insight into how British politics is changing!
The audience was anti immigration at the start and more so by the end. I think Polly , who has lived in the Guardian BBC bubble for decades, thought she was at a far right rally and had probably never seen so many people gathered together who didn’t agree with her!
The case for immigration relied as usual on all sorts of nonsense like collapse of the NHS , other public services , the immense unquantifiable benefits for our culture , how much more expensive everything would be without low skilled low pay immigrants, how taxes would increase, how universities would collapse, how leaving the ECHR would turn us into a pariah state etc etc
In contrast the case against was highly factual and both Kisin and Goodwin demolished the other side with numbers. Goodwin bluntly told the audience that only by all those opposed to globalisation coming together could it be defeated.
Unfortunately for Polly her normal saviours in BBC debates , a friendly leftist chair or a specially selected audience , weren’t there to save her and she looked exactly what she is a foolish fossil.
Bastini thought he was at the hustings and spent most of his time attacking the Tories for all manner of things. He was astonished when KK told him that everyone in the hall agreed that the Tories were crap. Katy Balls seemed shocked, her little world was wobbling on its axis. The room erupted in applause. Bastini , like Katy and Polly, has not understood that politics in the UK , as elsewhere , is shifting . Left and right are no longer the correct descriptors , it’s the globalists v the nationalists.
The nationalists outnumber the globalists four to one and if they can unite , a big if , and if the democratic process holds, another big if as we see in the USA, they will win hands down. Unfortunately the globalists have all the levers of power and will use them ruthlessly to preserve their elite status. They know democracy is bad for them.
“dear old Polly Toynbee”
Old, yes… but dear?
Is she dead yet ?
Well I was surprised to see her . Not watching the BBC or reading the Guardian it’s a long time since I last came across her. But there she was and she spouted all the same stuff as she did years ago, learnt nothing , forgotten nothing ( allowing for dementia of course) .
She’s no Norwegian Blue, regrettably.
She’s a Tuscany Red.
And not of the drinkable kind either.
Brain dead.
I was being ironic.
Double – I remember that the argument put forward across the years – from the 60s onward – was that ‘this batch of immigrants ‘ is a ‘one off ‘ and nothing will change – and ‘everyone likes a curry ‘…
But then the implicit disapproval of aliens arriving suddenly turned into criticism of any dissent by labelling (us) as racists . I word I no longer care about – but is still used as a weapon – and legally enforced .
The show is now over – the future of white British is done – it’s dressed up as ‘diversity ‘ and ‘multi ethnicity ‘ but we’ve passed the point of control of illegal or legal invasion – and every day the effects are reported without this connection ….
Population at 100 million by 2030 ? Probably – but no one will really know ….( see Eire )
I agree we , the indigenous Brits , as a minimum face a country riven by factionalism with no sense of community . It is questionable if a liberal welfare society can exist in these circumstances. In my view if adversity hits , a prolonged economic depression , society will likely crumble.
However, if immigration continues at the present level and we keep being invaded by Islam the future will be much worse than I have outlined above. There will be a war and it will be many more rivers than the Tiber which flow with much blood.
So getting rid of this looney elite , the old politics, and replacing them with something like Reform or better , a politics which does what the voters want, will reduce the bloodshed and be better than continuing down the path post Blair.
For Blair read ‘the failure of Major’.
Back then, I had a friend in my firm who was a staunch socialist, but we always put ‘politics’ aside as we both wanted to earn a living, and anyway we got on well.
I can remember sitting with him having a beer, and bemoaning that utter stipidity of the Conservatives back then – they were in exactly the same state as they are now, a hopeless case, and we didn’t need the BBC, who were much better to listen to than they are now, to argue for a change, as most Conservatives were of the same opinion!
We all know that Starmer will get into Downing Steet at the end of the year – my 77th year in fact, and I’m resigned to the fact that GB Inc will never be the same from thereon, despite all the efforts of Reform, who I will support.
Hopefully, after a few years, I’ll be too doolally to worry about Fick Ange, Abbott, Strummer and co., totalling the economy and wrecking the aspirations of Normal Indigenous British Citizens.
But if any crazed, ugly Muslim comes around here belching his hatred, I’ll just smash his ugly face in with the home-made hardwood club I have just by the front door!
Feel better already…!
I did not realise we were at war ?
“The English traitors fighting in Ukraine… for PUTIN”
Fighting for Ukraine – GOOD. Minister backs Britons who want to fight for Zelensky.
Fighting for Russia – BAD. Traitors and absolute psychos according to Daily Mail (motto: “The only standards we have are double standards”).
Childcare: Labour will not commit to government’s free childcare plan, says Bridget Phillipson
Save the money, and waste if on illegals you will welcome
If we needed another reason to dislike the little goblin, Greta has just provided it.
Of course it’s Photoshopped; the original sign read Stand with Gaza, but some nice people at X (thank you Elon) have translated it into real-world terms for us.
Just another nut job …
Scientific expert who dictates UK energy policy for free **
** buy her books to save the world
Half of women in music experience discrimination, report finds
Luckily we have the likes of the bbc to keeps finding this cr*p and do a campaign.
Can’t the public just have news from you
Put them all on minimum wages to end the pay gap “”We have long advocated for better pay gap reporting, and hope the census findings will encourage the industry to take action, be more transparent and make change.””
And there’s the Bangladeshi Broadcasting Corporation discriminating against the have and have nots, TV tax payers that is.
Disaster after container ship collision – reports the freebie Metro
President Biden said it appeared to have been a “terrible accident” – insists the Times – Joe then went on to get changed into a nice clean diaper and have his favourite peanut butter and Jell-o sandwich for supper – I jest of course.
In our post-911 world it is of course of paramount importance that we trust our authorities to distinguish for us between unfortunate happenstance and malicious acts of deliberate terrorism: How we blew up Russia’s Kerch bridge, by Ukraine general who led operation… Despite no navy to speak of, Ukraine has chased Putin’s armada from the Black Sea and changed the face of war at sea forever (Telegraph going gung-ho); Ukraine intelligence agency says sea drones carried out Kerch Bridge attack (the latter headline dated August 2023 from our selectively peace-loving Guardian)
Having established that the Baltimore bridge destruction was nothing more than an accident our BBC nevertheless has free rein to promote fear: Fears of disruption to global supply chains after Baltimore bridge crash
There’s a pleasing little juxatapostion of clashing headline reports to bust our comfortable mainstream narratives to be found in this morning’s Financial Times: President Biden said the government would “pay for the entire cost” of reconstructing the bridge (FT) – what… no insurance?
The US faces a Lizz Truss-style market shock if the government ignores the ballooning federal debt… independent fiscal watchdog, has warned (FT)
Some might say the left-liberal globalist FT’s notion of a: Truss-style danger for US – as, meanwhile, the pink paper happily gives geriatic Biden a pass splashing unlimited federal dollars into the Patapsco River, was some form of veiled shot across soon to be reinstated president Donald Trump’s bows – just like the protection racketiers who might warn… nice premiership you have there… it would be a pity if it got all broken… by a finacial market coup…
Before we sail on by the Francis Scott Key Bridge story – to concentrate on matters UK – we should note the giveaway Metro leads our BBC’s online press line-up this morning and it is that corporate ad sheet that clues us into the reason this story barges its way into so many of our tv news headlines and onto so many newspaper frontpages: Search for survivors as crossing collapses ‘like Hollywood movie scene’ (Metro)
The Metro’s screamer headline writers go with a reminder of a Hollywood movie: Heartbreak Bridge
Heartbreak Ridge was a 1986 American war film produced and directed by Clint Eastwood
Mr AsI would have been tempted to go with some pun on the Otis Reading classic
Sittin’ in the mornin’ sun
I’ll be sittin’ when the evenin’ come
Watching the ships roll in
And then I watch ’em roll away again, yeah
I’m sittin’ on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooh, I’m just sittin’ on the dock of the bay
Wastin’ time
There’s an ironic juxtaposition of sorts between individuals referenced in the Daily Express and the Daily Mirror frontpage top stories today.
Whereas the Mirror shrieks: TRAITORS… The Brits fighting for Putin – the Express focuses on: Chemical attacker given asylum despite failing Christianity test
Christianity test…? Is that like a driving test? When I slam my Bible shut I want you to quote firmly and steadily from First Thessalonicans in a safe and controlled manner.
We know some one who failed their emergency stop – but let’s not revert to the Baltimore bridge story.
The Daily Mail takes up the British news story: Judge doubted his account, he failed questions on Christianity and was convicted sex offender. But Afghan was STILL allowed to stay…
I’m reminded of those much quoted words of Donald Trump: “Our country is in serious trouble. We don’t have victories anymore. We used to have victories, but we don’t have them. When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let’s say, China in a trade deal?… The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems… When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best… They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.” (Washington Post)
Guardianistas are presumably good people but sadly the left-brain tells us it isn’t in a good place this morning: ‘Extremely worrying’ Could the climate crisis affect your brain?
Meanwhile the Times frets: Just 1 in 4 say NHS is working
They do say our NHS is Britain’s favourite institution. Not the BBC, the monarchy, parliamentary democracy, or even our judicial system. Nope, it’s the NHS. I suppose that makes us prone to being a nation of hypochondriacs – if only there were an official public Inquiry that could look into that.
Time for a few calm down dears
Women to suffer most from looming AI jobs crunch (‘i’)
The formerly serious Times newspaper would appear to have the antidote to women being squeezed out of the workforce in our looming hi-tech computerised future: I tested £4,000 ironing board
Just 1 in 4 say NHS is working
“Results Obesity prevalence was high across all occupational groups including: among nurses (25.1%, 95% CI 20.9% to 29.4%); other healthcare professionals (14.4%, 95% CI 11.0% to 17.8%); non-health-related occupations (23.5%, 95% CI 22.9% to 24.1%); and unregistered care workers who had the highest prevalence of obesity …”
Interestingly just which sectors of our diverse communities are least dissatisfied with our Anychess?
Any guesses?
Psst. It’s not the group which will likely have contributed to it longest.
The good thing about the NHS is that you don’t have to worry about the costs of being ill. The bad thing is that you might die waiting for the “free” treatment.
Nothing is free in this cruel world. There is always a cost.
Have to say that the NHS hospital in Hastings, ‘The Conquest’, has been in charge of Senora O’Blene twice in the past month for several days, and we couldn’t have asked for better care anywhere!
They’ve been fabulous, especially as the consultants spend ages explaining issues and what they’re up to! I had to drag the Senora away from the Staff Nurse, as he was irresistable to her and incredibly helpful! All the nurses and auxiliaries were just perfect!
You’d never admit that Hastings was the most desirable town by the sea, but this hospital has just won our admiration, again, on all counts – especially as they’ve just rung up to ask how we’re, (she), are coping!
Come on Beeboids, forget your silly Verify and poking mullock at everyone who wants to make a crust, go out and praise a few decent NHS places, you can put it on expenses…
Scrobs, sorry to hear than the Senora hasn’t been well and I hope however lovely the hospital is, that she doesn’t need a return visit.
I think we all hope that when someone is very poorly, we get the best the NHS has to offer. The problems I hear of are the non urgent cases. A friend of mine and a retired senior consultant, once said to me, ‘show me anyone in any profession, who hasn’t made a mistake at work.’ We just don’t want the mistake to happen on us.
Scroblene – sorry to hear the health remains an issue – well done on having a decent hospital – my local one is consistently one of the worst in England …. I dread going to it …
Thank you Debs and Fed!
She’ll be OK as long as I can get to grips with the caring etc., and she’s over the worst thank goodness!
Luckily, she hasn’t spotted the bottle of red I have stashed away, but when she does, I’m sure recovery will surge in leaps and bounds!
On May 7, 2021, Colonial Pipeline, an American oil pipeline system that originates in Houston, Texas, and carries gasoline and jet fuel mainly to the Southeastern United States, suffered a ransomware cyberattack that impacted computerized equipment managing the pipeline.[4][5][6] The Colonial Pipeline Company halted all pipeline operations to contain the attack.[7][8][9][10] Overseen by the FBI, the company paid the amount that was asked by the hacker group (75 bitcoin or $4.4 million USD) within several hours;[11][12] upon receipt of the ransom, an IT tool was provided to the Colonial Pipeline Company by DarkSide to restore the system. However, the tool required a very long processing time to restore the system to a working state.[12]
Yeah yeah but it was great TV right ?
I saw Biden – so drugged up – reminded me of that cartoon head back in the 80s …
BTW – I’m sure I had a premonition of this ‘disaster ‘ when an airfix ship hit my mechano bridge when I was 8 – I needed counselling afterwards … I deserve compensation
Did you ever make ‘The Telpher Span’, Fed?
I did – once…
TOADY Watch #1 – a little discussion of ….
… flying cars on the programme this morning. Just Stop Oil will be enraged, they will be ‘up in the air’ over this technology becoming widespread.
They’ll ban the sky
tax the sky!
They are already taxing the air, the CO2 part of it, at least.
But shurely the downdraught will start the windfarms going won’t it?
Apparently this weekend has the tedious ‘boat race ‘ – you know it’s tedious because sky can’t be bothered buying the rights .
It’s a pity about the timing as it’s two days before a favourite day of the year -April 1 – which is becoming harder to spot the ‘fool’ gags from apparent reality ….
From a news and politics point of view, every day is April 1st.
Groundhog April Fools Day!
Will you be like Marky Mark and be posting that for eternity?
BBC top issues of the moment…
Famous female actress was paid less than men.
Older females are losing money by being made to work as long as men to get pensions.
Southern hemisphere NHS staff (mainly women) are being “colonised” by the UK.
Any one see a common thread?
Now now why could that be?
“Famous female actress was paid less than men.” – why not make everyone on minimum wages including 650 MPs! HA HA H AHA!
“Lost power, a mayday call and the crash that brought down a Baltimore bridge”
“Local media had reported that the six workers were citizens of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
All 22 crew on the ship were Indian ”
“A local pilot onboard the vessel frantically gave orders,,’
I wonder where the non calm pilot was from ?
“Maryland Governor Wes Moore and Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott were at the scene on Tuesday.”
Black cop keeps an eye on the black celebrities, whilst another black cop, over his shoulder, keeps an eye on him.
Never underestimate the ability of the Left to fake grief when there is a camera on them. Hypocrisy is one of their defining traits. The Democrats in particular are experts at it.
Those hearings during the Jan 6th enquiry were something to behold. Everyone must have known how utterly fake it was – but as it suited their anti-Trump narrative, the MSM all went along with it. It was embarassing to watch.
I remember it well because that was when I stopped giving them any benefit of the doubt.
“Baltimore!” . That’s what I shout to the waiters at the local Indian.
BA Pilot ‘incapacitated’ mid-flight:
In other news the PCC of Cranebridgeshire still has not answered my FOI question if covid-19 vaccine driving is safe.
A contact of mine is a pilot of private jets, spends his time flying billionaires and Middle East potentates around the globe. He reports that pilots who have been ‘vaccinated’ (sic) are no longer employable in his line of work…
A response, sent yesterday from West Mercia Police Deputy Chief Constable Richard Cooper, establishes the mistake has been rectified:
“Having sought the advice from the Legal Department and Force Crime and Incident Registrar, it has been determined that the incident did not meet the definition of an ‘incident’ as defined by the National Standard for Incident Recording.
As a result, the ‘hate incident’ and indeed the personal details have now been removed from the West Mercia Police systems.“
All these years later, and the BBC are still doing Brexit bashing whenever they can. Will they EVER stop?…
“UK travellers used to be able to carry up to nine months from an old passport over on to a new one. But post-Brexit, EU countries will not accept passports issued more than 10 years ago.”
However, travellers TO the UK, taking the Dangerous Journey Across The Channel in Small Boats ™, do not need a passport at all. Okay, some do start off with one but they dump everything overboard mid-Channel (other than their smartphones and cigarettes). But the BBC would not want to entertain the proposition that the UK should refuse entry to travellers who do not have passports.
Almost all Channel migrants arrive without passports after being told to shred ID
Only 317 of 16,510 people making crossing had passports when picked up by Border Force, according to Home Office data
Charles Hymas,
eu sponsorship of the bbc:-
bbc says it wasn’t sponsored:-
“BBC public service news programmes are not allowed to take any external funding, including from the EU. BBC World Service is funded by the licence fee and some UK government money. Money is also raised by advertising outside the UK and by commercial activities”
But it did take millions from the eu:-
Right in that BBC reporter’s face
‘We are not you’ BBC ‘and we do not like you.’
Isn’t she lovely ? Didn’t even have him beaten up – or More likely fingers broken to stop his piano noise….
I would still defend our admtttedly broken democracy, or as Churchill (and Plato) sort of said: democracy is the worst form of government except for all others.
But it’s always good to hear someone sticking it to the BBC.
The problem with the NHS is that its now run by women.
Bit like other institutions and companies going down the tube.
Not a problem that it is run by women. Is a problem that many of them are ‘wimmin’…
“Since October 2022, there have been no women among the 24 members of the politburo of the Communist party of China for the first time in 20 years, and no women among the seven members of the standing committee of the politburo.”31 May 2023
. . . . . .
Saudi Arabia launches girls’ council – without any girls
14 March 2017
. . . . . . .
Clown world:
“Banksy: London tree mural covered in plastic and boards”
“The mural was claimed by the street artist on his social media but just days later was strewn with white paint.”
“Islington council said the plastic and boards had been put up by the building’s owner, not the council.”
So what are the boards at the side for? Are they going to charge admission?
Come on Bansky, paint the boards
“Lost IRA film shows planting and detonation of bomb”
Lost? Yeah like it’s valuable heritage that’s been miraculously saved.
Looks like an intern created the flashy web page.
Apparently this film is being put out on bbc 4 on Wednesday night – with that ‘saint’ Martin mcgiunnes showing his true self . Burn in hell Martin …
Making and planting bombs to kill innocent people and children .
And because of third world arrivals Ireland isn’t Ireland any more – all that blood and pain for nothing ….
I’ve often thought why the IRA wouldn’t care about any red lines in pursuit of their objective of a united Ireland, yet have done nothing about the relentless flood of third world immigration?
BBC Technology: “Data centre power use ‘to surge six-fold in 10 years'”
National Grid boss says it’s “becoming ‘constrained’ and ‘bold action’ was needed to create a network able to cope with ‘dramatically’ growing demand […] Some studies have warned that the AI industry alone could consume as much energy as a country the size of the Netherlands by 2027.”
Meanwhile Bill Gates at another climate summit is telling people that the European grid will have to be three times bigger than it is today.
If we got rid of the BBC, Netflix, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon wouldn’t that make everything far more sustainable? Just an idea, because I care for the planet.
BBC Culture: “More living people than dead people were depicted on statues and sculptures in 2023, according to new data seen by BBC News.”
Seems a bit of a niche item, and an odd data project to work on. Is this really about current vs historical VIPs worthy of public tribute? No of course it’s not: “More than a third of all monuments unveiled last year are of black people. But overall, the people depicted in public sculpture remain ‘overwhelmingly white men’, the charity said.”
Relentless social engineering.
Seems that the function of water companies is to pump raw sewage into rivers . I have an idea – why not just let water companies provide clean water and not charge for treating raw sewage – it’s all going= into rivers anyway – water bills could be halfed by not charging for raw sewage treatment …
Blue labour government – fix the problem ? No chance …
Anglian Water: owned by consortium which includes Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and two Australian investment companies.
Northumbrian Water: ultimately owned by CK Infrastructure Holdings of Hong Kong.
Thames Water: owners include Infinity Investments (Abu Dhabi), China Investment Corporation, Queensland Investment Corporation, and British Columbia Investment Management Corporation.
Wessex Water: owned by YTL Corporation (Malaysia)
Affinity Water: Morgan Stanley (USA) is one owner
Sutton and East Surrey Water: owned by Sumitomo Corporation (Japan)
As with energy, trains, ports, the profits go to overseas speculators and shareholders and the British people pay for it and suffer. All key infrastructure needs to be British owned.
And people love “wild” swimming !! Hope they all keep a stock of antibiotics handy ! In my day it was just swimming in the river without the fancy description. Growing up at the seaside very few locals would swim in the sea – we were too used to “floaters” passing by !
Searching Ramadan on the bbc webshte:-
“I am concerned that this gives the impression that the council is going to be Muslim-run and that Islam is given special status
Councillor Stephanie Eaton”
Would the likes of the bbc dare do a report like this nowadays
1400 raped kids cannot be un-raped. BBC verified fact.
Predicting the future like that, she should buy some lottery tickets.
It’s about the only advert on TV where having a 97% BAME (or whatever the hell we’re all supposed to call them nowadays) cast would be realistic.
Wa(N)kanda will arise!
The RNLI won’t be getting a penny from me and I’m a sailor. I think there’s quite a few thinking the same since they became an illegal immigrant taxi service. It might explain the surge in the RNLI begging bowl advertising.
While we’re on giving money to charities, don’t whatever you do leave money as a percentage of your estate to charities in your will. They will give the Executors hell to get every last penny. If you must line their pockets, give them a fixed amount.
£0 sounds good, with some exceptions.
I click on their adverts ,
clicks cost THEM money
I didn’t know about the percentage issue, Flotsam, what are the issues please?
We want to support a local charity which does some pretty good work, but if, as you say, our executors have to go through hoops needlessly, then I’ll have another look at our wills!
For the record, The Red Cross are deluging YouTube with their ads! The RNLI can forget any donations too!
With a percentage of the Estate Charities can get ultra aggressive with family/Executors to maximise their share.
I’ve heard this too. It was the RSPB who were aggressively doing the chasing once they knew there was a substantial windfall up for grabs. I’ll still leave an amount to my chosen animal charity, but it certainly won’t be a percentage.
I’m leaving them some nuts and an old fat ball
Thanks Flotsam.
Brissles – food for thought, and it won’t be peanuts…;0)
Islamic Fundamentalism
World Service
The growing demand for Islamic states across the Muslim world
How President Gaafar Nimeiry tried to save his regime with the sudden imposition of Sharia
13 mins06 Aug 1986
The Islamic Revolution in Iran and how the Shia clergy came to power
13 mins06 Aug 1986
The anti-colonial evolution of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood
13 mins06 Aug 1986
Can the United Development Party stem the growing tide of militancy in Indonesia?
13 mins19 Aug 1986
Latest piece on Al Beeb about Two Council House Discounts Ange, aka Fick Ange, is 5 days old.
Unlike Guido, has Al Beeb given up reporting the news recently?
Or are they just selectively reporting as usual?
Remember – plod is ‘neutral’ … I can imagine ang being told by her £ legal team £ to keep her mouth shut … but plod will put inspector cluseu on the case ..
As a white indigenous Brit, I could not care less if it is offensive to modern readers-who do they see as modern readers? People from Asian lands? Too bad,- these stories where not written for them.
A guide to dating your Down Under
Catherine Murnane
11 August 2022
Strawberry’s Tip
Put it into practice: Use the Pussy Play Masterclass ‘Rise and Sine’ approach to get to know a variety of these areas at once.
Potholes – nature reclaims the roads – Greta SAYS YES!
One more step in the muslim conquest of Britain and Christianity: The Pakistani muslim flag flying over Westminster Abbey. Enough to bring a tear to Jihadis everywhere.
And that, my friends, is why our country is finished.
That is why Brits are abandoning the C of E in their droves; a religion that believes in nothing, stands for nothing, can do nothing but apologise and abase itself under the ‘leadership’ of the supine, obsequious, obscene Archbishop of Cunterbury.
Islam, on the other hand, believes (violently) in itself and offers a virile, vibrant ideal to youngsters, which is why so many disaffected Brits are converting. Purpose and meaning and direction in this life, not to mention an endless supply of doe-eyed, pert-breasted virgins and endless decadence in the next.
Gonna be a bloodbath some day …
A one sided massacre. And we all know who the victims will be.
The invaders won’t even need to fight. Demographics, immigration, birth rates and the indifference of the native population will hand them victory on a plate.
Don’t forget that the police will arrest anybody who even thinks of defending themselves.
@Fedup2 – Is there even enough energy and conviction left for that?
Yes – theyve been groomed conditioned to accept domination.
“China is constructing a new 1,200-megawatt nuclear reactor for Pakistan in a bilateral deal estimated at $3.5-4.8 billion, according to various news reports. It is Pakistan’s fifth and largest civilian nuclear power project.20 Sept 2023”
China’s decision to supply Pakistan with further power reactors has raised concerns
that Beijing is breaching nuclear trade rules. Mark Hibbs examines the deal’s impact
on Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities and the global governance of nuclear technology
Click to access JIR1401%20F3%20ChinaPak.pdf
I prefer the Arch Socialist of Cant as a more polite pseudonym !
Unfortunately it would seem the rotten school at WIndsor has been indoctrinating its alumni with the evils of Marxism for quite some time.
We have long seen of this in people like Burgess Philby and MacClean and should have learned the last people we want in high office is ex public schoolboys, particularly from the rotten school at WIndsor!
As these daft diversity, pc, woke etc departments keep on growing (such as in the nhs) we can expect them to become more and more extreme.
They’ve got all the low hanging fruit such as the Dambuster dog and are working their way through other stories to find a reason to ban them. Markymark has a couple of examples above. Mary Poppins is another.
They have to find these ‘examples’ of racism or whatever to justify their existence otherwise there’s nothing for them to do.
Then they need more staff to root out these offending articles who must look for even more micro grievances.
These types must be the only ones in the nhs that are increasing their output. It’s a sort of loop where they find something, they need more to investigate so they hire more and then they find more perceived offending which needs more people to go through more stuff to find ever more hate (in their minds)
They HAVE to find offence everywhere as a reason for their existence.
It seems to be the only type of job which is booming.
Band 8a
£47,126 to £53,219 a year Per annum
Attendance and advocate for KMPT at Kent-wide meetings including but not exclusively:
Equality and Diversity Steering Group
BME network meeting
LGBT forum meeting
Disability forum
To develop, manage and ensure the effective maintenance of electronic and manual filing and record keeping systems. Streamlining systems and processes as appropriate to allow the free-flow of information.
Planning, organising, maintaining and promoting calendar for Diversity and Inclusion activities.
. . . . .
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
“Record numbers of migrants cross Channel in 2024”
“Stop the boats”
To stop them they must be physically stopped.
And, when they get here…
“Moment Clapham chemical attacker Abdul Ezedi was given a Muslim burial – despite claiming to have converted to Christianity to gain asylum in Britain”
Chuck it back in the Thames or French channel …
Isn’t there enough shit in the Thames?
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Why don’t the French put on free bus services to ship the migrants to the eastern borders of France ?
After all, its where the “invaders” came from isn’t. Are the EU behind it all ?
We have been governed by a weak government for the past fourteen years.
Kick it out !
Really smart work getting at the truth in #Gaza by @SkyNews digital forensic team led by @howardcj and includ
@Chesh and @OliveLineham Worth watching
Or, is it?
Guessing a ‘digital forensic team’ is Sky’s version of Springster’s cubicle cubs?
Digital forensics = we looked on Google maps
Geolocated = we looked on Google maps
We examined claims = we looked on Google maps
Unverified = Google maps wasn’t loading
Sources confirmed = it was on the Guardian or NYT
Russian disinformation = it wasn’t on the Guardian or NYT
Case in point: “BBC Verify has analysed the moment of the collision between the Dali container ship and the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore”
Analysed = we drew a dotted line
The dotted line ends at the bridge pier, I wonder how they worked that out.
6pm news – it seems a boat has knocked down a bridge . I wondered whereabouts in the UK it was . But then they said that 6 dead workers had been filling in potholes . Then I realised it wasn’t the UK at all – it was a foreign country in another continent 5000 miles away – the UK never fills in potholes ….5 minutes on that lead story ,,,
I’m sure that if the bbc put out the video of a coloured hand holding a big knife as he tries to kill a victim on a train – the hand will be white ….
Naturally – no description of the suspect … which always means coloured …
Meanwhile Trevelle Rowland, 33 has been charged with the murder of Fergany Mvuezolo in newhamistan on Sunday ….mr Rolland was arrested at Heathrow on Sunday afternoon – I wonder if he’d bought a single ticket …
A couple of things…This country used to be called England and it was Christian…
Somebody, either the useless FA or Nike thought it would be a clever idea to disrespect the England flag and give it the “rainbow makeover”. The commentariat have told us that this was done “To bring people together.” Blimey, if that was genuinely the case (which I doubt) then it has failed spectacularly.
Meanwhile, I believe in celebration of Ramadan, the appalling Archbishop of Woke, Justin Welby, has made toe curling speeches praising Islam and Westminster Abbey is flying the flag of Pakistan. What in the name of God are they thinking? This constant kowtowing to an aggressive, invasive culture is embarrassing.
It’s Easter this weekend, the most poignant time in the Christian calendar. Do you think someone should remind Welby. He hasn’t said much about Easter…perhaps it slipped his mind…
This weekend, I wonder how many mosques will be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, giving out Easter eggs, hot cross buns and singing hymns. Hmm…
I’m guessing none…
Hi bbc, next time you want a picture of a hand holding a knife, here is a typical one:
“Terrifying moment knifeman armed with huge blade attacks man on the train in front of shocked passengers: Police launch hunt for suspect as victim fights for life in hospital”
“3 per cent of the population, and yet the vast majority of crimes.
Why are we not openly discussing this?
When are we going to face the fact that there’s a problem, a huge problem, with this particular section of society?”
3% long gone.
I live in the largest town in England, right by a school.
70% of the pupils are non caucasian, and of the rest a fair few of Polish, Albanian and Romanian extraction.
With Brits all going homosexual, lesbian, celibate and other whitey is going extinct around here.
“Dancing while my nan’s house was being burgled’: Police face backlash after officers covered in coloured paint bust moves at town’s Holi Festival”
Now, do we not have an army recruitment problem also ?
“Putin rounds up illegal migrants to send to the frontline in Ukraine as Vladimir exploits Moscow massacre anti-migrant backlash to find more cannon fodder”
“🇷🇺 Steven Seagal visited victims of the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall
He thanked the doctors for their work and wished the patients a speedy recovery.”
Community Note – eh?

What determines when they display?
He’s talking sh@t……
Why would anyone imagine that bringing in tens of millions of migrants and not increaseing infrastructure systems would mean they would exceed capacity ?
Truth doesn’t matter .. Campbell’s tweet has 8.6K Likes
even though 1.9K quote tweets and 1000 replies almost all go against him
Labour use bots
but a lot of their supporters clap their team like seals anyway.
Here is a chart the BBC will most definitely not be publishing.
It shows the Violent Crime Conviction Rate in Denmark by Country of Origin.
The first thing that jumps out is that the red chart bars represent countries of the Middle East and North Africa, i.e. muslim.
Orange is other African countries.
The dark blue are mostly European / Western.
Notice a pattern?
I happen to know that Denmark was silly enough to take several Palestinian refugees, and very many committed serious crimes.
I can’t see a catagory for Palestine, so I wonder it they have classified them as Israeli ?
Since you ask: “According to data from the Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration, Denmark received 321 Palestinian refugees in 1992. By 2019, 64% had been convicted of a crime, and 34% of their children also received a conviction.”
Yep, 64% and 34% of their kids.
Correction: red bars represent Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan and Turkey (MENAPT).
Just hearing the Panama canal is opertaing at a much reduced
We all know about the Suez canal and the Red Sea, and now we have the port of Baltimore affected by the destruction of the bridge.
What I’m sure most people don’t know is that adds up to 30% of global shipping being disrupted.
Even then it probably doesn’t means much, but if the only alternative is to sail down to the tip of South America or Africa, and then back up again, it’s a huge distance and takes a lot more time.
It doesn’t just mean goods are going to be delayed, it means they will cost more, containers will cost more to hire, and insurance is going to cost more per trip.
And on the futures markets Cocoa has exploded in price. At the start of the year it was around £4000 a ton, now it’s close to $10 000 a huge uptick, so you can reckon on chocolate products rising in price 2 to 3 times.
Palestinian crisis actors exposed.
… not to mention the completely fake quotes by the BBC which just happen to be demanding the UN do something which is also todays agenda item. And they demand it in perfect English using all the correct keywords.
Gaza is perfect for the BBC because they don’t have to prove anything their journalists (who are also from Gaza and most likely support Hamas) say. Nobody is going to go in to check it.